#winteam fanfiction
jgyapologism · 2 months
Win has never been one for tradition. He likes that he and Team have what some might call a nebulous beginning. Their relationship has never followed linear rules, which is just another facet of their relationship that Win tends to cherish. The fact that all their firsts tend to fall out of order is part of what makes their story that much more interesting.
Hey hey! I’ve never posted for WinTeam before but I found this in my drafts from ages ago and it was so close to done I just had to finish.
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to-be-spared · 1 year
Surviving is an ugly thing.
Surviving is about crawling and bloodied fingers. It’s about guilt and mistakes and nightmares. It’s the howling and the violence it takes to rip you away from the very thing you’re trying to survive – but you’re clumsy, and in an attempt at ripping yourself away you end up ripping yourself apart.
Surviving is nothing if not the aftermath of a wreckage, and a wasteland is no place for tenderness.
So when you put yourself back together it’s with an unkind touch – rough, bloody fingers over the raw edges of the pieces of someone you’ll never be again.
It hurts but it’s the only way you know, and pain can so easily feel like a reward.
When you finally look at yourself, it’s like a butcher has stitched you back together.
Because surviving is an ugly thing, so here’s how it goes: the softness, the tenderness, the innocence that made you forgivable and the light that made you lovable – the best of you. It can’t survive with you.
And so it’s no wonder that when he looks at you and says, “I want to keep you.” your answer is, voice consumed by all the screaming you did trying not to want to drown, “Why?”
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consentkingwin · 1 year
after one long season of wanting (i'm breaking open).
win/team, 5k words
Team’s journey with attraction; or, how Team goes from being a ‘late bloomer’ to thirsting over every little thing his boyfriend ever does.
This is getting ridiculous.  Team is pretty sure he’s lost his mind, but he has no idea how to find it again.  Has anyone else in the world ever felt like this?  He can’t imagine so, or half the population would be walking around getting turned on at every stiff breeze.  Everyone would be so lightheaded they crashed their cars twice a week and so desperate for relief there wouldn’t even be such a thing as a  hot shower. No, this can’t be normal, finding someone this ridiculously, ravenously, painfully hot when all they’re doing is the most mundane of tasks.   Team’s convinced — he must be some kind of freak.
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chibipandaao3 · 1 year
Is Fate Cruel?
6k words | hurt/comfort, established relationship, friendship, found family, medical inaccuracies, near drowning,
Another near-drowning experience was not what Team had expected when he went to practice that day... Thankfully, circumstances have changed in the last several years and both he and Win have some great friends.
"He wasn’t worried about Team so much as he was worried about how Win was handling the whole situation. Team was resilient, stubborn, sometimes a bit oblivious, but mostly fiercely loyal and determined – this would do little to stop him from jumping in the pool tomorrow if he was allowed. Drowning was not a new or unexplored fear for Team, as awful as that was to comprehend.
Win was also stubborn and resilient; Dean had seen enough over the last couple of decades to know that few things could really get under Win’s skin. But Win was also soft-hearted and more empathetic than he’d ever willingly admit, and Team was his life – it was something Dean had seen bloom throughout his last years as the swim club president and had watched flourish since. Win loved things with passion – his brothers and Dean among them – but with Team it was different, more vibrant, more encompassing."
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printedgardencreative · 3 months
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Author: Nejinee (AO3)
406 pages / 126,811+ words
Title Fonts: Genesiss & Abolition | Body Font: Garamond
The first of who knows how many volumes, I put this collection of fanfiction together for my first ever attempt at paperback thermal binding. I'd say it was a success. I'm happy that my favorite fanfictions from the lovely Nejinee finally has a place on my physical shelf. This project was a challenge. From figuring out how to correctly typeset paperback margins to measuring literally fifty times for the covers, it's been an adventure. I'm pleased that my guillotine didn't eat this book!
I'm also proud of myself for designing the cover based on the YouTube title screens from the special episodes. <3 And of course, like any good Asian-drama, can't forget the OBVIOUS product placement right?
For my personal use only. NOT FOR SALE. Keep fanfiction free!
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skyfish7 · 3 months
Writing Pattern Tag Game
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 posted fics and see if there's a pattern. (Got tagged by my dear friend @29daffodils, thank you, this looks interesting! If you're interested in any of those fics, please click the title and it will guide you to the fic on AO3.) More Beautiful than the Moon [ How would you like to continue your romance storyline? A. Stay with Luo Binghe. B. Try to seduce Liu Qingge. This might or might not be reversible, so choose wisely…/ ] ship/fandom: Liu Qingge/Shen Yuan|Shen Qingqiu, The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System (I'm already cheating in the first one but I think the first sentence only isn't enough to convey anything so please excuse XD)
------------------------------------ Safe With You Cold. Wet. Dark. The boy's eyes can't see through the blurriness, his ears can hear only muffled noises of struggling. ship/fandom: WinTeam, Between Us|Hemp Rope, canon-divergent (Technically three sentences, I know but words alone don't make much sense right?) -----------------------------------
Convince me Otherwise It's the first day at uni for Team and things are supposed to go well, but in fact, Team's morning has already been quite eventful. ship/fandom: WinTeam, Between Us|Hemp Rope, musician AU -----------------------------------
Come Home With Me It's one of those days, Win spends working from home. ship/fandom: WinTeam, Between U|Hemp Rope, post-canon -----------------------------------
With You through the Seasons It happens in early spring, in the middle of the day, in the middle of the road, in the middle of town without any prior warning – Xie Lian's car dies. ship/fandom: HuaLian, Heaven Official's Blessing, Modern AU ----------------------------------- We'll still be Us It was one of those nights when Megumi was lying wide awake, staring up at the ceiling of his bedroom into the endless, merciless darkness. ship/fandom: GoFushi, Jujutsu Kaisen, Yakuza AU (OK those last four definitely followed a pattern and I don't really know what to think about that XD) -----------------------------------
Dragonfly “Hey, Akihiko,” Haruki starts when he can't stand the atmosphere anymore. ship/fandom: AkiHaru, Given ----------------------------------- My Boyfriend might suck at Games but he holds the High Score in my Heart Exam season sucks. ship/fandom: RitsuMafu, Given -----------------------------------
Waking up with You "Rise and shine, Sunshine, it's a beautiful day and we have plans today," Nao's whisper tickles Natsuya's ear as he bends down to wake his lover. ship/fandom: NatsuNao, Free! -----------------------------------
With You by my Side Once a year, sometime in April, without any fail, the former swim team of Iwatobi High makes an effort to meet up in their home town to catch up with each other and wallow in the nostalgia of their beginnings. ship/fandom: MakoHaru, ReiGisa, AsaKisu, HiyoIku, NatsuNao, SouRin, SeijuuGou, MomoAi, Free! ----------------------------------- So, do I see a pattern? A few of them start similarly, like the four that I pointed out. Then there are two starting with direct speech and a few starting with very short or only one-word sentences. Honestly, I don't really think too much about how to start a story because that's usually the easiest thing for me to do - to write the beginning. I just go with whatever pops up in my head when I start writing. I hope it's interesting enough to keep people reading but that's not for me to judge, so you tell me! :) Another thought that just crossed my mind is, why do most of my titles sound so lame? ;_; (It's truly one of the most difficult things when writing, if I don't know the title from the beginning, it's a struggle until the very end when I put the fic on AO3) Tagging some of my writer friends (no pressure to do this but I'd love to see it!) @tehalex3-blog, @radiodread, @berrynthewood and... I think my other writer friends aren't on here or I forgot their handles, sorry. Whoever comes across this and wants to play along, please feel free to do so!
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sunshinechay · 1 year
Team didn’t think heartbreak could hurt this badly. After all this time, he finally, finally found the courage to ask a question. Maybe not the THE question, but a question that has been burning up inside of him for weeks:
Are they both still benefitting from this? Does Win still want to be with him? Want to be his boyfriend?
Team is already so confused. He is confused about what to do, what to say, how to act. How should he move forward having finally admitted to himself (and Pharm and Manaow) that he loves Hia Win?
He doesn’t know, so do he does the only thing he can do. Answers no when Dean asks if he has a boyfriend. Doesn’t try to trap Hia Win into a situation he can’t get out of by answering in the affirmative. Dean knows they’re having sex and by saying he has a boyfriend, that’s causing trouble for Hia Win that he did not ask for and doesn’t want.
Don’t put yourself in a place where you aren’t sure you belong. Don’t assume that just because we’re “having fun together” that it means something to him when you don’t know it does. Remember the conversation Hia had with his friends that you overheard? He likes the way things are now. Well that was weeks ago, maybe things have changed? Morely likely they haven’t. Hia doesn’t love you, Team, stop trying to put words in his mouth and feelings in his heart that aren’t there and that you have no right to believe are there.
But if Hia Win doesn’t love him, why ask Team not to be afraid of his feelings for him? Is Hia Win admitting that while he doesn’t feel nothing, he doesn’t feel love? That Team has nothing to worry about because Hia Win isn’t going to develop feelings for him? If that’s true, can Team keep going with this strange relationship they have? Knowing that if it hurts to be with him now, it’ll probably get a whole lot worse in the future when Hia Win eventually does want to end it with him. Because that is definitely going to happen right? Eventually Hia Win is going to going to be the one to get bored and break up with Team right? And Team knows he won’t survive that, at least not with his everything in tacked.
Team can’t bring himself to think about the other option, the one everyone else already knows to be true. That Hia Win is so gone for Team that he’ll do anything for him. Because why would he? Team is nothing. Team is just a boy who killed his best friend because he was young and stupid. He just a boy who has no experience in love or affection or dating. He’s just a boy who doesn’t deserve those things anyway so why put in the effort to have them? Hia Win has to have realized this already and if he hasn’t, he’s going to realize it one day. Team isn’t going survive it, but at least if he asks now, he’ll have the answer, maybe he can prepare himself for that day, even if that day is today.
Then Hia Win hesitates. He hesitates because he is a good person, who doesn’t want to hurt Team no matter what. Hia Win cares about him enough to want to let him down easy. Cares about him enough to want to do things for him that Team keeps confusing for love.
Does that really count for anything Team? He’s a good enough person that he’d do this for any one he’s having fun with and doesn’t want to hurt when it’s coming to an end. He doesn’t have to feel anything romantic for you to not want to hurt you. All it does it prove what you already know. He’s a good man, and he doesn’t want to hurt you anymore than he has too so you’ll realize that you’re overstepping. That you’re asking for too much.
That hesitating is enough for Team. It’s enough to confirm the worst for him. That Hia Win doesn’t care for him that way. That he never will and he is trying to reassure Team that it won’t happen. They are just having fun and that Team was right to say he doesn’t have a boyfriend because he doesn’t. He has a sex friend and that is not the same. It’ll never be the same and Team needs to grow up and understand that quickly or he’s going to end up more hurt and more crushed and more alone than he is right now.
Team knows that he doesn’t deserve love, but to have Hia Win put it on stark display for him is too much. Hia Win knows exactly what is happening too and he is crying because he knows he has to be the one to do this. To hurt Team even though he has gone out of his way to try and prevent that from happening. Hia Win has shown him every step of the way that he is not in love with Team and yet Team still blew past all of the warnings, all of the signs and signals Hia Win has put out.
No, stop, don’t go any further. Don’t fall in love. That isn’t what this is, turn back now. Team I’m being serious, that’s not what this is. I’m just having fun. I just want to be a good friend and mentor to you outside of our physical relationship. Romantic love isn’t what I’m asking for and it’s not what I want. I don’t feel the same way. You’re only going to hurt yourself if you keep doing this.
Team has to get out, he has to go somewhere where Hia isn’t. Needs to think, needs to grow up and get his head on straight so he can come back and apologize for his words and actions. Apologize for making things awkward and tell him that he doesn’t know why he asked. It just felt important at the time, but don’t worry Hia. Team can deal with his own feelings and he isn’t going to burden Hia any further by dumping this on him. Hia doesn’t deserve that, he doesn’t deserve to have to deal with Team’s traumas or his feelings and can they go back to what they were doing before please? Can they please forget that ever happened?
Team won’t survive the day that Hia realizes that he can’t stand the sight of Team anymore, but Team isn’t ready for that day to come yet. Maybe he can fool himself for a little while longer? Maybe he can’t make Hia love him, but at least he can have him for a little while longer. Maybe Team will get lucky and Hia will want to stay with him, for now at least. Maybe he’ll get lucky and Hia will want to be with him, at least until he finds someone he can love. Team will prove what a good person he is by helping Hia when that happens, make sure Hia knows that Team supports him and wants what’s best for him. All Team can hope for now is that Hia will stay, for a little while longer.
Team knows that day will come, but he hopes (prays), it will take its time coming. He wants to have Hia for as long as he can have him. Maybe he’ll even get his own little miracle, and Hia will realize that he loves him, at least enough to want to stay forever, maybe.
No he won’t Team, don’t kid yourself.
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theyellowhue · 1 year
This is not the point of the episode, but Phawin definitely got them a couple suite.
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or maybe thats just how hotels in Thailand present their rooms, idk but those flowers? looks like a "him❤️ her" type of thing
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davincsoo · 2 years
Pure Ecstacy
Rating: Mature Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Category: M/M Fandoms: เชือกป่าน | Between Us (Thailand TV) ด้ายแดงซีรีส์ | Until We Meet Again The Series (TV) Relationship: Team Teerayu Siriyothin/Win Phawin Wanichakarnjonkul Characters: Win Phawin Wanichakarnjonkul, Team Teerayu Siriyothin Additional Tags: swim club shower blow job, choking and gagging sounds, smut(obvously), vulgarity, over use of cock and fuck, hair-pulling, come swallowing, idk wtf else to tag lmao idk Language: English Words: 2140 Read it here.
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myshipshipsitself · 2 years
Between Us Fanfic: Brother Knows Best
Title: Brother Knows Best Ship(s): WinTeam, pre-relationship GamerBoys (Waan x Tul) Character(s): Waan, Win, Tul, Team POV: Waan Word County: 3203 Summary:  Waan finds out who T-rex is, Win is in his Feels after saving Team from drowning, and neither of them want to talk about it.
Ao3 Link
Heavy footsteps fell in a steady beat across the floor. Back and forth. Back and forth.
Who did his father think he was anyway? Waan meant it when he said he wished the entire company would go bankrupt. It would make his life a hell of a lot easier.
What do you think pays for your food? The roof over your head? You lazy, worthless, ungrateful—
Waan would happily share a shitty apartment with his brothers and eat cheap noodles for every meal if it meant being done with this. If it meant having their father back the way he was before. He wasn’t even sure if Wiew remembered what he was like back then. He’d barely been two years old when Waan first saw him starting to change. To become obsessive and angry.
The plastic pen holder on his desk flew across the room, pens flying in every direction before Waan even realized he’d picked it up.
He cursed under his breath, and started to pick up his phone. He hesitated, finger hovering over opening his game, before he threw the phone onto the bed. T-rex had known the last time they played that something was wrong just from his voice. No way in hell he could hide how pissed he was at the moment, and as much as he knew T-rex would let him vent, or provide ample distractions, Waan still couldn’t make himself pick his phone back up.
It was comfortable, talking to T-rex. In a way he hadn’t anticipated. In a way that felt vulnerable and scary, despite them not even knowing each other in real life. He might live halfway around the world for all Waan knew.
Realistically, he knew that was unlikely. T-rex lived at least somewhere in the same time zone, he knew that much from various conversations.
Tomorrow. Tomorrow he would pick up the game again, and rant at T-rex until he felt better. The stranger on the other end always did have a way of making him feel better, even when they weren’t talking about anything of consequence. But not tonight. Waan was too on edge at the moment.
He flopped onto the bed, rolling over and staring at the opposite wall for as long as it took for him to drift off to sleep, the sun barely set outside his window.
Lunch off campus and away from their family was Win’s idea. One that Waan was endlessly grateful for.
“Are you going to tell me what the fight was about this time?” Win asked. Waan knew the question was coming, but he just sat across from his brother, stabbing at his ramen without answering. Win sighed, and when Waan looked up, his brother wasn’t eating, just staring at his food with a distant look.
“What about you?” Waan asked. “You look more miserable than usual too.”
Win’s eyes flicked up, a familiar unimpressed, annoyed stare leveled at him. “Don’t worry about me,” Win answered, instead of snapping at him, which was concerning in itself.
“I’m your big brother,” Waan reminded him.
“Are you?” Win asked, eyes widening in feigned surprise. Waan flipped his chopsticks around in his hand and reached over to swat Win’s head with them.
“Don’t be an ass,” Waan said. “It’s my job to worry. So what’s bothering you?”
“Tul,” Win said, and Waan’s lips pressed together as he racked his brain.
“Tul,” Waan said slowly. “Your friend I met last week on campus? Why’s he bothering you?”
“No,” Win said. The smile on his face was a relief, and when he pointed over Waan’s shoulder, he understood.
“Oh,” Waan said. “Hi again.”
“Win, P’Waan,” Tul said, a bright smile on his face as he came over. “Mind if I join you?” He sat beside Win without waiting for an answer. “What’s going on?”
“I was just trying to figure out why my little brother looks like he swallowed a lemon,” Waan volunteered. Cue the return of Win’s annoyed glare back at his brother.
“Good luck, he won’t tell any of us,” Tul said. He paused, and Waan could swear he saw an actual lightbulb appear over his head as he turned to smile at Win. “Actually, now that I think about it. You only look that grumpy these days when you’re not with—“ Win swatted the back of Tul’s head.
“Hey!” Waan and Tul snapped at him at the same time. Waan didn’t spare a glance for Tul, but could feel the boy’s eyes on him.
“Don’t hit your friend,” Waan said. “So who is it that’s making my brother not so grumpy these days, and why are they not here now?”
“It’s a boy from the club,” Tul said, drawing Waan’s eyes back to him. Win made another move to swat at him, but Waan kicked him under the table, and Win just glared across the table at him instead. “Dean said he’s been avoiding you at practice. What did you do?”
“If you want to sit with us, go get your food. I’m not waiting for you if you’re not done eating when we leave,” Win said.
“How sweet of you to be concerned about my wellbeing,” Tul teased. Win didn’t look amused, but Waan couldn’t help smiling at the easy way Tul teased. “But I already ate. I simply came over here because I thought you could use some good company.” At that, he turned and caught Waan’s eye, and—winked. Waan just stared at him for a long moment, only tearing his gaze away when he could feel his face flushing under the scrutiny.
“Great, let me know when you find some,” Win said, and Tul made a wounded sound. And just like that, Waan was certain the moment had all been in his head. “Hia Waan,” Win’s voice made him look up again, steadfastly avoiding Tul’s gaze. “You weren’t answering my calls last night. What were you doing?” Waan wished he’d choose a different change of topic.
“Playing video games,” Waan answered automatically.
“No you weren’t,” Tul said. Win and Waan both turned to look at him with confused stares.
“What are you talking about?” Waan asked. “How do you know if I was playing video games?”
A look of sheer panic took over Tul’s features, and Waan could see him trying to backtrack.
“No, I didn’t. I just, um—I thought I saw you, out somewhere. So I figured you, I mean, that you weren’t—um—“
“Tul. T,” Waan said slowly, eyes narrowing for a moment, then— “T-rex,” he said quietly. No. No, no, no. Tul’s face fell, shattered in guilt, and Waan could only see red. “It’s you.”
“I’m sorry,” Tul said quickly. “I tried to—“
“You lied to me,” Waan said. He didn’t realize how loud his voice was until he felt Win’s hand on his arm, but he shook it off and stood, stumbling back from the table. “You—How long have you known?”
“Just since we met last week,” Tul said. He stood as well, walking around the table towards him, but Waan took two steps back for every step he took forward.
“You’ve been lying to me for a week?” Waan asked. The room was spinning, and Tul was still walking towards him, and now Win was as well— No, Win was walking towards Tul. Grabbing his arm, pulling him back.
“I didn’t mean to,” Tul said. “I’m sorry, I tried to tell you.”
Waan’s eyes dropped to the tight grip Win had on Tul’s arm, and he turned without another thought. He had to get as far away as possible. From Tul, from Win—fuck, what was Win thinking now? Did he know everything Waan had told Tul?
The sight of Tul’s face when they first met in person came flooding back to him. The smirk, the knowing smile. How he looked like he knew something no one else did, and was immeasurably proud of himself for it. And joining them at lunch. The knowing smiles, the wink—God, Waan was such an idiot. Tul had known who he was, knew who his brother was.
He had no reason not to tell Win everything Waan had said. Tul had clearly known Win longer. His loyalty wasn’t to Waan. He was Win’s friend.
Why couldn’t Waan have one person in his life that wasn’t somehow tied up in his family’s bullshit?
“P’Waan!” The voice made him speed up, but the steps behind him were faster, and then there was a hand on his arm, burning his skin between tight fingers. Waan wrenched his arm away, spinning around to face Tul.
“What?” Waan spat at him.
“I’m sorry,” Tul said. For a second, Waan wanted to believe him.
“Bullshit,” Waan said. “You should’ve told me as soon as you figured out who I was.”
“I know,” Tul said. He pushed a hand roughly through his hair, looking pained as he spoke again. “I tried to. I swear I meant to tell you.”
“Then why didn’t you?” Waan snapped at him. He only felt a little bit bad when Tul flinched.
Tul shifted his weight from one foot to the other, dropped his gaze for a moment, and licked his lips nervously before looking back up. Some part of Waan wanted to feel bad for making him uncomfortable. T-rex had been nothing but supportive and friendly towards him. It was weird to think that the man standing in front of him was the same person.
“You remember I asked why you didn’t talk to your brother?” Tul asked. Waan remembered asking T-rex how he knew Waan had a brother, and Tul had said that he’d told him. He hadn’t. Waan only nodded. “You said you couldn’t talk to him, or anyone in your life. I was afraid if you knew who I was, you wouldn’t want to talk to me either.”
Waan hated that Tul was right. He wouldn’t have kept talking to Tul the way he had before. Not if he’d known who he was. Known that he was Win’s friend. The anonymity was safe. Being behind a screen and not believing he had any chance of ever meeting T-rex in person was safe.
“You should’ve let me decide that,” Waan said.
When he turned to leave, Tul didn’t try to stop him again. Waan was not going to dwell on how much that hurt.
The remainder of the day was lost in a hopeless, blurry sea of sidewalks and colors outside the car window.
Waan walked until his legs felt sore, then drove until he didn’t know where he was, then let his GPS guide him back to familiar streets.
Win texted him at some point.
Winnie: I don’t know what’s going on, but for whatever it’s worth. Tul is an idiot, but he means well
Waan didn’t respond.
Some few hours later, he found himself parked outside Win’s dorm again. It was late, probably close to midnight. He shouldn’t bother Win so late, but he didn’t want to go home.
“Hmmm?” Win’s tired groan answered the phone on the third ring.
“Did I wake you up?” Waan asked. Silence was the only answer he got. “Can I stay at your dorm again tonight?”
“Why?” Win asked.
“Sorry, forget it. You probably have someone there. Don’t worry about it,” Waan said quickly. He pulled the phone away from his ear and started to hang up when Win’s voice stopped him.
“Wait,” Win said. “I didn’t say no. I said why.”
Waan hesitantly put the phone back up to his ear. “I just don’t want to go home and face dad right now.”
Win sighed heavily. “Yeah, come on over.”
“Great, I’m outside. I’ll just be a minute.” He hung up before Win could question anything further.
What he did not expect to see as he walked down the hall towards his brother’s room was a small figure huddled up, his back against Win’s door. A long pillow laid beside him on the ground, another pillow hugged tight to his chest. His eyes were shut, but he was fidgeting and breathing heavily.
“Hey,” Waan said gently, crouching down in front of the boy. Once he got closer, Waan could see the boy was sweating, mouth moving silently, and face scrunched in pain. “Hey, wake up. Are you alright?” Waan shook the boy’s shoulder, and a second later was shoved back, landing heavily on the floor. He rubbed at the place on his chest where the boy had either punched or shoved him—he wasn’t entirely sure which, but it hurt.
“Shit,” a voice said. Waan adjusted his glasses that had slipped sideways and looked up to see the boy, now wide away and leaning towards him. “I’m sorry. Are you alright?”
“Are you?” Waan asked. “Why’re you having a nightmare on the floor outside of Win’s door?”
The boy didn’t get a chance to answer before the door behind him opened. Win didn’t even glance at Waan, his eyes instead drawn immediately to the boy.
“Team,” he said. His voice was laced with pain, concern, and something Waan couldn’t put a finger on. “Why are you still here?”
“Hia, I couldn’t sleep,” the boy—Team, apparently— said quietly. Hia— It wasn’t necessarily a wrong term for team to call Win, but…Well, Waan had never known any juniors that Win allowed to call him that. He’d only ever heard Wiew call him Hia. Waan could see Win’s jaw clench, his fingers flexing against the door.
“Go back to your room,” Win said. He finally looked across the hall at Waan, still sitting on the floor where Team had accidentally shoved him. “Waan, come on in.”
Waan was certain he didn’t imagine the way Team’s face dropped, nor the way his eyes glistened. And he definitely didn’t misunderstand the look of hurt and betrayal on his face when he looked from Win to Waan.
“It’s Team, right?” Waan asked. Team nodded as Waan stood, holding a hand out to the boy. Team hesitated a moment, then accepted the offered hand and let Waan pull him to his feet. “Don’t go anywhere, okay? Give me just a minute to talk to my brother.” If he intentionally used the familial term instead of calling Win by name, it wasn’t anything either of them would call him out on. And when he noticed how Team visibly relaxed at the clarification, he also wouldn’t say anything about it.
Win’s glare was something Waan was used to, so he didn’t pause when he turned back around, shoving at Win’s chest to make him step back into the room, and shutting the door behind them.
“Why is there a freshman sleeping in the hallway outside your room?” Waan asked.
“Because he’s stubborn and won’t go back to his room,” Win snapped. “I’ll make him leave. Just go to sleep.” He waved his hand towards the bed and started to move past Waan to the door, but Waan grabbed his arm to stop him.
“If he leaves, will you tell me what’s going on?” Waan asked.
“No,” Win answered.
“Then let him stay,” Waan said. “I don’t mind. I’ll sleep on the couch.”
“He’s not staying,” Win said.
“Why not?” Waan asked. “Is that the boy from the club your friend was talking about?”
“My friend?” Win asked, only coldness left in his tone. “Why don’t you tell me what the hell is going on with you and Tul?”
“So we’re decided then,” Waan said, putting on a fake cheery tone. “I’m not going to talk to you about Tul, and you’re not going to talk to me about Team. So why can’t he stay?”
“Because it’s my room, not yours,” Win answered. There was a hurt in his voice, in his body language that Waan didn’t recognize. A hurt like he hadn’t seen in his brother. The middle brother that always acted like the eldest, who had everything together and knew what was he was doing. The best of them, really. Hurting and unwilling to talk about it. “Besides, you’re my brother. You’re supposed to be on my side, not his.”
“Ok, ok,” Waan said. “I get you don’t want to talk, but I don’t think he’s leaving. So answer me two questions.”
“Why should I?” Win asked like the petulant child he hadn’t been since before Wiew was born. Waan found himself smiling a little despite the situation.
“Because I’m the big brother, and you should trust me,” Waan said. Win sighed, but didn’t argue anymore. “Ok, did either you cheat on the other?”
“What? No!” Win snapped, eyes wide and staring at Waan as if he was crazy. “We’re not really together anyway.” The way he said it, the way he shifted and avoided Waan’s eyes told him there was more to that statement, but he didn’t push. Win wouldn’t answer anyway.
“Ok, second question,” Waan said instead. “Did either of you hit or injure the other?”
“No! What kind of questions are these?” Win sounded so genuinely offended at Waan’s questions that he couldn’t help smiling a little. He sounded as if he would sooner murder Waan than even consider something like that.
“Ok then, let him stay,” Waan said. Win opened his mouth to argue, but Waan cut him off. “You don’t want to tell me what’s going on, and that’s fine. But pretty much anything other than those two can be talked through and worked out. So let him stay, and figure it out later.” Win looked like he still wanted to argue, and Waan was certain he could if he really wanted to. But instead he just shoved Waan towards the couch and went to the door.
Waan smiled, more than a little proud of himself as Win opened the door. Team had his back turned, shoulders hunched forward. Waan couldn’t see his face very well when he turned around until Win stood back and let him in the room. Team’s gaze was downcast as he walked in, pillows hugged tight against his chest like a shield.
Team paused and looked up, finally catching Waan’s gaze. Waan smiled and waved at him. Team relaxed a little, returning the smile, though it looked a little forced.
“Hia Waan, there’s blankets in the top of the closet,” Win said, pointing to the wardrobe. Waan nodded and got up to fetch a blanket.
When he turned back around, he noticed Team walking around to what Waan had thought was Win’s side of the bed. Team crawled into the side of the bed Win had slept on when Waan stayed with him before, and Win climbed in on the side he’d told Waan to sleep on. It was obvious that Team had slept there before. Frequently enough that he didn’t question where to sleep, or which switch turned the light beside the bed off.
Win caught Waan’s eye, and the warning in his gaze was palpable.
Waan smiled a little to himself and stretched out on the couch, turned away from the pair. He would get answers from his brother soon enough. He just had to figure out a way to get Win to talk without his brother forcing him to talk as well.
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For anyone who is struggling with Between Us withdrawals between two Sundays (and especially between episodes 10 and 11) i humbly recommend this masterpiece:
It has absolutely floored me.
I have no idea if the author has a Tumblr, so if anyone finds out, feel free let me know so that I can tag them where as well.
P.S. i wouldn't, however, recommend reading it at work because rating is there for a reason.
nevermind I found them!! @oopsimafannow
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roguebirbbb · 1 year
First 2 Chapters out!
With War Comes Love
A fanfic we’ve been plotting, writing, and just overall making for UWMA for months now… I’ve finally been able to get the second chapter done and uploaded!
Join @femitalian @findthebluesky and I in our insanity between this and our fic Fated!
This fic is kind of spontaneous in its upload pattern, as I take a lot longer to write it (Fantasy is hard lol) and the chapters are longer.
Summary: Two Kingdoms at war, Princes Pharm and Dean are tasked with marrying one another to keep their kingdoms from falling apart. At first it's just for an alliance and protecting their people; then it becomes something greater than that. Allied with Pharm, Team has a target on his head, set by Dean's parents [unbenonst to them], Win is tasked with taking out the Prince before there are any more problems. Instead, Win takes a different path and might cause more harm than good.
Manaow lives almost freely, unofficially allied with Pharm, but her parents want her to marry rich instead of the loyal knight she fell for years ago.
The three friends, and many others, have to figure out what's best for themselves... Instead of just thinking about what's best for everyone
~ 🤍🤍
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chibipandaao3 · 1 year
Silent Adoration and Fortitude
2k words | Established Relationship, Friendship, Found Family, Fluff, Piercings, Surprises
WinTeam Week 2023 -- Day 6 (2 of 7) -- Piercings, queerness, & "Show me"
Team enlists his friends' help as he embarks on a surprise for his Hia.
~~The seven fics I have for WinTeamWeek are all set in the same universe, but out of sequence (this is 2 out of 7). However, they can be read as stand-alone fics too~~
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Untitled. KinnPorsche AU where Kinn has a badass old OC sister (younger than Tankhun) and a scheming asshole for a father. OC kicks some ass and makes some things right. She also kills anyone who hurts her brothers.
Name: Dinner with the parents: Mission Impossible
Bad Buddy fic. In which there is too much fluff. Nothing but fluff and maybe hints of smut. We don't like Ming here and there are a few snapshots of how bad his and Pat's relationship is and why it became like that. Dissaya is more accepting.
Not Me AU. Black and White own a business together (I know I know) which they use to cover up their more illegal activities. Established relationships (i just wanted to write fluff). And here we have Gram × Black × good!Todd and bisexual!Eugene × lesbian!Namo.
Cutiepie AU. NuKuea and Hia Lian both have female OC twins. Who are engaged together because of course. There is some deviation from canon (because I stan healthy relationships with proper communication).
Between Us fic. 4 times Win finds Team Hot™ and the 1 time he Does Something About It.
At the moment, this is my heart and soul. It's an original work with hints of Thai Actors RPF. 3 sisters, with focus on the youngest, who is a rising actress. Has a series (with KP vibes because why not) that I created, that's 100% Sapphic (with two GL couples). Our girl is in the main role with Film (who I have a crush on from Dirty Laundry btw).
I have thought of a LOT of scenes already but written very little. Only so far as the trailer of the series (which is actually part of the story.)
Starring: food, late night cooking, YouTube vlogs, cool sisters, friends to lovers, pining lesbians, speaking in English, sarees (you heard me right) and of course GMMTV (hot) boys.
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I'm looking for a fic. Can anyone help me?
I'm pretty darn sure it was Team/Win from Until We Meet Again.
It's a hanahaki disease fic where Team gets the disease and then goes through with getting the surgery to remove it.
He forgets about Win until something about a broken vase of flowers (roses??) and he might cut his hand on the broken vase or something bc there's something about the flower smell and the blood smell that triggers his memories (and his love) coming back to him.
Does anyone know the fic I'm talking about? I can't find it on AO3. Not in my bookmarks or by searching for team/win and the hanahaki disease tag. Was it maybe taken off the site?
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sunshinechay · 1 year
I was tagged by @majestictortoise to do this a few days ago. Sorry that it took a minute, life + adhd = a very forgetful Cap lol
3 ships: I have SeanWhite, PrapaiSky and LeoFiat listed as my three ships that I’m not normal about but I’m gonna challenge myself to do 3 different ships that have been creeping up on me and are completely stuck in my head. So I’m going to go with…KimChay (seriously these two and their adorable mess of emotions and open ending…well mostly open ending, thank you concert series XD), WaanTul (I love WinTeam and I rarely get second lead syndrome but damn if these boys don’t live in my head rent free) and KingUea (the shows not even over yet and I’m completely sold on them)
First ship: honestly I think my first ship was Sesshomaru and Kagome from Inuyasha (along with Inuyasha and Kagome hahaha) but my first serious ship was a tie between Merthur and ArthurGwen (because Arthur has two hands). I had smaller ships along the way but BBC’s Merlin was the first time I really had like a ship™️ (also yes I’m aging myself because I watched it while it was airing…when I was in high school)
Last song: Dum Dum - Jeff Satur. This song has me in a chokehold I swear. But it’s also on a playlist for my novel so I’ve been listening to that while I’m in the research stage instead of writing the many fanfic ideas I have haha
Last Movie: I rewatched Long Time No See last weekend. Still as good as the first time and every time I’m impressed by the Tak Woo Suk’s performance as Chi Soo. He does such a good job! Yeon Seung Ho also does a really good job and I really enjoy the movie.
Currently Reading: mostly fanfiction. I even recently started reading a The Eclipse fic despite never having seen the show (I know I know, it’s in my list but my executive function hasn’t switched off of the “nope can’t do it not today” mode for it yet) For actually books, I’m reading the 6th Bridgerton book because I am a romantic at heart lol and slowly making my way through One Last Stop
Currently watching: Bed Friend, Love Syndrome III, A Boss and A Babe and Tin Tem Jai are the ones I’m actively watching week to week. I’m watching Love Mechanics for the first time as I’ve never seen it, only the En of Love version which I only kind of liked so it’s going to be an experience haha. I’m also starting my rewatch of Between Us and since the 1 year anniversary or KinnPorsche is this week (today!) I’m going to be doing a rewatch for that soon, hopefully within the next week or so (might do a liveblog of my rewatch because why not lol)
Current Craving: Spaghetti with meat sauce? Also chocolate because I never don’t want chocolate haha XD
I’m going to tag: @talistheintrovert @negrowhat @petesbubblebutt @captain-effy and anyone else who wants to do it :)
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