#not everything i do has to do with that fuckstain
why is it so fucking hard to just let people be happy with who they are and what they do with their lives to keep themselves happy?
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Hello ! I have a request for you so I hope you can do it ! 🩷 (no rush obviously, take your time ☺️💓)
I wanted to request for Verosika mayday and (she's my favorite gal) with a cute idol reader (they're in a relationship)
example for idol reader: (basically They're cute as hell)
Can be any gender you want
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Verosika Mayday With A Cute Idol S/O
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Now, I'll start this off with the obvious: before you start dating, she sees you as competition. I mean, how dare you come onto her turf and steal her fans?!
However, it doesn't take long for her to meet you with intent of threatening you away, only for her to begin swooning over you soon after.
You're just?? So sweet??? Like??
She's enamored with you, but she thinks it's suspicious. Soon after, though, she learns that it's not an act, that you really ARE that sweet and that cute.
It isn't long until you two start dating, and she makes it VERY clear to her posse that you're off-limits because you're HER sweet little S/O.
She'll also actually refrain from fucking people, either on earth or in hell, as long as she has you. She adores you beyond belief, viewing you as just too sweet to do that to.
Now, she's got that pop star money. So anytime she sees anything that even SLIGHTLY reminds her of you, congratulations, you've got twelve.
You two would bond over music, definitely. No matter what kind of music you sing (I assume pop based on the term 'idol'), and she'll even suggest karaoke dates for the both of you.
Plus, she'll integrate herself into your professional life, too, with collabs! Interchanging, switching vocals, with one of you singing your part of the main chorus and the other doing the backing vocals, and vice versa.
Another thing: she'll have you help with writing songs and everything! It's nice dating another musician, because you both know how to support each other endlessly.
If you're a succubus and you're interested in seducing humans together, perfect, she'll do that with you! But if not, that's okay, she only needs you.
Because you're so sweet and cute, though, it'd be a long time before she opened up about her psst relationship with Blitzø and how he broke her heart.
That said, she'll write a diss track about him with lines along the lines of "fuck you, got my new boo". She's petty, even if you aren't, and unless you say you're uncomfortable, she isn't gonna stop putting you in her pettiness anytime soon.
She'll help you with outfit coordination and ask for the same in turn, figuring that if you're both coordinated, it's a sly way to show everyone that you're hers.
PDA is a must, but it'll be lower than if you weren't an idol, because she doesn't want to risk you being made upset if it's in the tabloids. Anything that can be construed as 'friendly', she'll do in public. The kissing and stuff is saved for later. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
That said, if anyone ever flirts with you in public, she has no shame in making out with you or grabbing your ass right there in public, just to show that person that you're hers and only hers.
And likewise, if anyone ever flirts with her, she'll grab your hand and offer a cruel smirk while she turns them down.
"Yeeeeeah, no. I already have a fucking amazing S/O, who's most definitely better in bed than a lame fuckstain like you ever would be."
She'll try harder to get through rehab entirely for you. She wants to see that sweet, adorable smile on your face when she tells you that she's done with the Beelzejuice...
Basically, contrary to what you'd think, your sweetness an innocence inspires her to be better.
There's always a small part of her that wants to corrupt you more than anything else.
"Aww, S/O, you look almost good enough to eat~."
"Are you saying I'm sweet? :D"
She would never do that of course, but the thought is kind of just... there. But she loves you too much to ever try to do that to you.
All in all, Verosika is a good girlfriend to you, and both your professional and personal lives are filled with love and laughter together.
And she'll be damned if she lets anyone keep you apart...
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Jack Burroughs
December 27th, 2014
Havekost, CA
“Joint.” Jesus says behind me, slightly below the music blaring from Jake’s speakers. I am uncertain if this is actually what he said, so I turn down the radio and yell “What?!”
“I said ‘Light up the fucking joint.’ Don’t you have a couple in your cigarette pack?” 
“Uh..-” I check my breast shirt pocket and pull out my near empty cigarette pack, the contents inside include three cigarettes, two joints and gram of wax in my cigarette cellophane. “Oh yeah, here.” I light up one and hand it to Jesus, and Jake puts up a fit,”Hey, Shouldn’t that’ve been passed to me? I’m the goddamned captain of this vessel! ”
Jesus hits the joints and passes it to Jake, “Dude, chill. Here.”
“Why do you care?” I say as Jesus hands him the joint and Jake inhales and says to me, “I’m pilot, I drive the big metal death machine. You are co-pilot, you handle knobs and or drive for me if I’m too drunk. Jesus, is the passenger. His opinion of anything doesn’t matter until we’re at the concert.”
Jesus says,”It’s because I’m mexican huh?”
“What? No.” Jake says horrified, “You didn’t call shotgun.”
“Oh shut up. That’s retarded. Fucking white people.”
The joint ends up in my hand again and I bogart it for a bit before handing to it Jesus. “Well I’m happy we finally got a night out for ourselves boys, tonight will comprise of alcohol and fun.” I say with confidence.
“Who’re we seeing again?” Jake asks, “Some shitty local bands, I think.” I say.
“We gotta support our local music scene maaan.” Jesus says sarcastically, he then adds, “Also, Jack’s girlfriend’s band’s playing there.” Way to blow my cover,comrade. Et Tu, Brute?
I say quietly, “Please don’t call her that. I’m seeing her and-”
Before I can plea my case, Jesus speaks up, “Man, leave him alone, he didn't know til this morning. She didn’t even tell him and I already knew since I jammed with them once. They are pretty good, especially the chick guitarist. Oh man, I’d eat her out for days. No bathroom breaks.”
Jake, dumbfounded, “I just imagined some blond girl with a mohawk, chained to your bed, covered in her own waste. You sure can paint a picture, can’t you? Wait, who has the joint?”
Jesus and I both, “You do.” 
Jake looks down at the half smoked joint in his hand and says meekly to no one in particular,“Oh...sorry. Here, Iago, light this.” He shoves it in my general direction and I try to re-light it. “That doesn’t even make sense, Iago didn’t betray Othello with his arch enemy’s sister.” I say, succeeding at my joint’s reignition, “Do you ever pay attention during Mr. Cruickspice’s drama class?”
“No, why would I, drama girls are the worst. If you’re looking for damaged, there’s the place to go. Also,  you admit your betrayal Jack? Eh, whatever, we’ll still make a night of it won’t we boys?” Jake smiles and I have a sick feeling in my stomach as we exit off the freeway, I can’t imagine whatever he’s planning. 
’m on the highway, a miles sign tells me “HAVEKOST 5 MILES, CENTRAL CITY 8 MILES,  ST. FRANCIS 18 MILES,DRESDEN FALLS 23 MILES”
How the fuck did I make it out here? I can at least be thankful that home is the closest as I walk down the highway, my shirt back on completely. I check my pack to see if I have a cigarette. I do, but notice that I now have a tiny car instead of the wax in the cellophane. That must have happened back with the homeless/furry thing. I light my last cigarette and a sign tells me that a diner is down the road a half a mile and I scream ‘thank god’ to the vastness that are the stars, I’m kind of still tripping.
 I make it to the diner and inside there is just a few waitresses and a few random people. No cops, all that matters. 
I sit down at the counter and ask for coffee. I check my wallet and luckily I still have everything. The Waitress says to me “You look like shit, hard night?”
“Ma’am I was in the middle of a furry orgy after getting split from my friends. I have seen the end of days and it isn’t soon enough.” She gets another waitress to cover me. I get my coffee and somebody decides to turn on the tv. The news plays. 
A older white male, with perfect almost square teeth says” Good Morning Havoc City! I’m Tom Thompson. Top Story: an Orgy in Black Justice Park was stopped by local police a few hours ago. Apparently a group of people dressed up in animal costumes were having a decadent display on public property. Excuse me as we switch to to Debra Hunn for more. Viewer Discretion is Advised “
Oh shit.
“Hello, Tom! I’m at Black Justice Park where hours ago, hedonists were having sex in this very public setting. We have video of them. Here’s one where they are doing the act of fornication.”
Yep, on the tv there is blurred mountain of people in animal suits fucking. I’m speechless. 
“Here is another video of them running from the scene, where we also found a...ahh..a random bystander in the mayhem urinating!” The video follows a group of them, one being the Dalmation, However I had caught the eye of the Camera Man , who turns, to see me, half of my shirt on and the other over my shoulder and I have a huge smile and I can make out myself saying “Would you like some tea, helicopter?”  And with my other hand, my dick, surprisingly uncensored peeing. Oh my god. I’m ruined.
Everyone in the Diner looks at me. One of them laughs, the others just ignore me. I ask the room if I can use a charger so I can use my phone for a ride. No one answers but a younger but still worn out waitress let me use her’s.
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