#not getting offended by a teenagers poor attempt at an insult
ozfi · 2 months
mabel and stanley are very entrenched in reality. they have no choice. mabel uses her imagination and stanley straight up lies to people. and this is how mabel copes with the bad parts of reality "shes 12" AND YET PEOPLE ARE MEAN TO HER FOR THIS. and this is how stanley has lived her whole life since she was abandoned by her family. stanford and dipper have been bullied for being "weird" openly, as in having Physical Differences, and in this they turn away from reality and look to cryptozoology and other occult things to look away from the humans they dont feel comfortable with. and dipper wants to be cool with the older teens and people not his own age, stanford believes hes meant for Better at nerd college, and in their own ways mabel trying to live a normal life as a 12 yr old girl and have fun in the real life with her brother and twin (didnt have normal friends before grenda and candy, but now does!), stanley wanting to spend time with her brother (who was her only friend at school because she was a problem child), and both of them just wanting to be with their family/friend/twin cause rifts in dipper and stanfords desires to go Beyond to see More to be Better Than This because of how isolated they feel from the people around them (those meant to be their "Equals"). dipper never gets a friend his own age but ends up being actually friends w wendy, fiddleford abandoned stanford when things got dangerous because he didnt want to be involved with the end of the world.
theres the instance of stanley saying dipper reminds him of herself in the earlier mind episodes which is a red herring because shes projecting in a trans way . which im getting into. the happiest character in this show is consistently mabel. and shes very entrenched in reality. shes imagination. shes real. she finds a way to be happy no matter what. and she is happy despite being a pre/teenage girl. that takes POWER. but you contrast that with stanley whose entire sense of masculinity is a facade and uses it to scam and manipulate people, and has been doing that the majority of his life as a defense mechanism and to survive, but ... in comparison to dipper, who she does say some pretty charged stuff to, and dipper, who uses almost the majority of the first season getting offended about his masculinity being insulted and then making that everyones problem and ruining everyones day. dippers masculinity is a cage, his thoughts of being better than others are #coping, his "more feminine" traits are what make him happy, the name Dipper was not his choice but a cruel nickname used by his bullies about his birthmark (his difference, his weirdness). which - thats what stan is relating to dipper about! "people think hes a good for nothing and that he'll never go anywhere" while dipper is chopping wood . Physical Strength. where dipper is trying to be cool. and masculine. i could put this better but i was saying it the whole time. dippers attempts at hypermasculinity hurt him. stans hypermasculinity hurts her. neither of them are happy like that. they are both Transfem as fuck
and also let me talk about the antisemitism cuz HOO-EE this is the reversal of good christians going to a small town and being accosted by the occult and ambiguous jews and weird pagans. this is a show about a jewish family in a small conservative town that treats them very oddly and theres the inherent distrust of them even outside the huckster shack (and stan being a conman is important to ME OKAY). all open human enemies are christian as fuck like gideon (+his dad. his poor mom needs to get out of there i really hope she does) is the reason bill gets out at all, and the general unease and overall malaise of the town with a background church that is never used or addressed reminds me of, say, the small-town hometown deltarune analysis, where Christianity is never mentioned but everyone acts like socially conservative christians who harass people for being different. and the pines ARE different! each and every one of them. dipper and stanford are physically so, mabel is a glowing star that also lets grenda and candy feel comfortable, and stan is a CONMAN!!! WHICH MATTERS TO ME!!! shes weird and odd and strange and people dont like her very much but shes an irreplacable part of the community that keeps people dreaming and looking forward and having a place for abnormality even in a town that was looking away from that weirdness for so long (soos in weirdmageddon III points this out of course) and also symbolises how shes alienated from the world around her. nobody accepts her nobody has ever liked her shes always been half of a duo and nothing more so she lied her way in and presents a false front because people dont like her for who she really is.. .. its an interesting spin on Jewish Shyster where the jew has no choice but is sympathetic for this and with everything that goes into it. she would be dead without lies. but she could LIVE with her family. when she finally gets to be with them. fuck theres this shot in weirdmageddon II where bill is graffitied on a cop car and the other triangle is drawn underneath and it looks like a magen david and thats when i thought for sure on some level it was absolutely intentional that this town is christians who consciously and unconsciously shun their local jews and treats them poorly, something that could absolutely be taken as a really questionable symbol just feels natural for people used to demonising the jews in their lives... there were lots of little things that spoke to me. maybe some of it was S&P not letting alex use certain things, but little phrases and actions that made the pines feel like secular jews living a secularly jewish life in a small christian town where neither of those words are allowed to be uttered. but this is a town where the abnormal is shunned and kept away from the public eye by force, where weirdness and difference is consciously and subconsciously denied and rallied against. and that narrative alone being the entire main plot of the show is, to me, the most important part.
theres so much i said out loud ill not be able to remember without fully rewatching the show and i resent that but this is a big dump of words from someone who just finished the show like an hour or so ago and now wants to think about it forever and the stan twins reuniting and getting to forgive each other for their mistakes and finally having their first friend back and being able to live a life that makes them both happy and can have a positive impact and dipper and mabel having a fun future together and getting through high school together and talking through arguments and getting to live their own lives but always having each other and not repeating the mistakes of their grunkles (who they do love so much)
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charliedawn · 4 years
Imagine being in a hate love relationship with Peter Hale
Warning : attempt of rape
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You were on Peter duty..Again. Since Peter Hale was the man that everybody feared, it had been decided that you would be the one keeping an eye on the overly fool-of-himself werewolf with the power of your mighty patience. Scott and Stiles stop in front of Derek's loft and he jogs out to meet you.
" Thanks Y/N. I owe you one !"
He says with a grateful smile and you smile back.
" Big time. But come on, you three go hunt whatever creature you have to hunt and I'll stay to take care of Mr Smarty-pants up there !"
You say enthusiastically and they all smile apologetically at you, knowing how the two of you were not exactly on friendly terms.
" Be careful, okay ? And tell him that if he touches you, I'll kick his ass !"
Stiles says confidently, which makes you laugh.
" Don't worry, Stiles. If there is any problem, I'll call you guys immediately and plus, I have a way to take care of moody children.."
You tell him with a mysterious smile and Stiles nods understandingly.
" I know..Just, stay safe."
And with that last warning, they are all out of here. As soon as they are out of your sight, your smile leaves your face and you sigh loudly before turning towards the building and whisper to yourself.
" Welp..Here we go.."
As soon as you enter, you smell something burning and see the stove on fire. You run towards it and take a glass from the cupboard to fill it with water in order to stop the fire. When you're done, you are panting because of the effort and look murderously at Peter that is sitting calmly on the couch, as if nothing had happened.
You glare at him while he doesn't even raise his eyes from his book.
" Let me guess..You couldn't smell the smoke ?"
You ask annoyed and only then does he look up at you with a small mischievous smile.
" Aren't you supposed to be the one keeping me out of harm's way ? You are here to keep me from doing anything stupid, not the other way around..I create chaos and you're here to stop me. Do your job and stop whining."
You grit your teeths in anger before sitting on the couch, as far away from Peter as possible. You can't believe the nerve of this man that was ready to burn the entire flat only to prove a point !
" I don't know why you're so eager to unnerve me. Does it entertain you ? Would it kill you to be nice and helpful from time to time ?"
You ask while taking a nearby book and starting reading yourself, not really interested in his answer that you knew would not be anything but upsetting.
" I'm the spark that lits your fire, sweetheart..Try to let go sometimes, you would actually enjoy it. Why don't you try to be less of a killjoy ?"
You raise an eyebrow at that before returning to your book and replying nonchalantly.
" Have you ever considered, even for only a moment, that I simply don't like you ?"
He fakes being offended by putting his hand above his heart and widening his eyes dramatically at you.
" Oh darling ! Me who thought that you were about to ask my hand in marriage ?! How disappointing ?!"
You snort.
" Hard pass."
He sighs in false disappointment before taking his coat and walking towards the exit.
" And where do you think you're going ?"
You ask with an eyebrow arked in curiosity.
" Out."
He answers simply before opening the door. You sigh before taking your coat and running after him.
" Didn't Derek warn you that I am allowed to use silver bullets if you disobey me ?"
He scoffs before shrugging, not bothering waiting for you.
" I'm going to get a beer, not kill a bunch of innocent virgins.."
He winks at you cheekily before stepping inside the bar that was the nearest to the apartment. You role your eyes at his comment before entering the bar after him.
You look around and are amazed to see that the place wasn't as bad as you had previously thought. It had good background music and not a lot of customers, besides a couple of drunk friends who were talking in whispers at their table. However, Peter isn't visible and you sigh again before walking towards the counter to ask the bartender if he had any idea of where your irresponsible dog had run off to. You sit down and attract the attention of the bartender by raising your hand. He walks towards you and leans in to listen to your order.
" A soda, please."
He arks an eyebrow at you, nearly amused, before turning around and getting out what you asked.
" Are you sure you don't want anything else ? Anything stronger ?"
He says while eyeing your bottle of soda warily, as if it was an insult to his establishment for you to order such a drink. You smile, tempted beyond reason, but then remember that you had a werewolf to find.
" Sorry. Can't. I'm on the job. By the way, have you seen a man ? Sarcastic. Arrogant. Energic. Tall. Very annoying. Awfully blond. Seen him anywhere ?"
He looks suspiciously at you before asking in a slightly worried and even threatening voice.
" You're a cop ?"
You can't help but laugh bitterly at the question before replying.
" You could say that. But I am only responsible of one criminal, and the only crime he committed is to not have messed up my night, yet.."
He smirks when he understands the irony in your tone and was about to answer when someone puts his hand on your shoulder. You turn around to see a very smug Peter with a huge grin.
" Oh ! Look at that ! The overly confident puppy is finally back ! What ? Got lost on the way ?"
You ask sarcastically and he only humphs in response before sitting next to you, the grin not leaving his face.
" Why ? Missed me ?"
You scoff before taking a sip of your drink.
" As much as a needle in my heel..But, if Derek was to find out that I've let you out of your cage, he would have my head.."
He wraps his arm around your shoulders and makes you spill your drink a little over yourself.
" Aww..You do care ! My cold heart warms at the thought of the packs brat worrying about me !"
You groan in annoyance before biting his hand off. He hisses in pain before retrieving his hand and massaging it while glaring at you from the corner of his eyes. Just at that moment, the bartender comes back to get Peter's order and eyes Peter suspiciously before looking back at you with an inquisitive glance, asking discreetly if you needed an escape. You could have laughed if it wasn't so sad. Peter was such a nuisance that people were now wondering if he was the one bothering you, when in fact it was the opposite. However Peter, that had not missed the silent conversation, growls when the bartender gives him a warning side glance. But, not intimidated the nearest, Peter smirks a toothy grin at the bartender before showing his bitten hand.
" Careful. The brat bites. I've seen what it is capable of, first hand..literally. Don't worry, if you should be worried about anyone around here, it's everyone else besides her."
He cautioned and the bartenders eyes widen at the mark that would certainly have left a scar if he was a normal human being while you snicker in your corner. The bartender quickly runs towards his other customers at the far end of the bar, leaving you two in your sudden awkward solitude.
" Well..Isn't he a gentleman ? Thinking you need saving from me. Not even considering that I could be the abused one in this relationship ? How rude !"
You try to stifle a laugh. Unfortunately, he hears you and smirks proudly at his small victory.
" I'm not the psychopath that tried to murder a bunch of teenagers just because I wanted to become the big bad alpha.."
You taunt while giving him an amused side glance. He groans in annoyance as you make him remember his past and he gulps down his whiskey, an attempt to make him forget faster.
" Aren't you a delight ?! Playing unfair by spreading out the touchy subjects like that..No wonder Stiles rejected you. You would have chomped his lips off !"
You glare at him as he talks about Stiles before replying harshly.
" Says the man whose only date was Scott's mom, and that was to trap him ! You're so terrible that nobody could stand being with you more than 5 minutes without hating you ! I would tell you to go to hell, but it would be unfair on Satan !"
He chuckles at that last part and you take your drink in order to take a sip and calm your nerves, but grimace at the awful taste. You had asked for a soda, but it tasted more like salt with water..He cackles at your expression before whispering mockingly in your ear with false concern.
" Oh ! What ? Ain't sweet enough for you, sweetheart ?"
You only raise a very distinctive finger at him, warning him that one more word from him would result in extreme pain and look around the room to distract yourself from his presence..and from the fact that you were his entitled babysitter. Your eyes wander and finally settle on the nice bartender that winks at you when you meet his gaze. You blush slightly before smiling back at him. He wasn't bad-looking and everything would be better than bantering with the overly sarcastic and confident werewolf that couldn't seem to leave you be. You were about to stand up and walk towards the cute bartender when suddenly, a hand raises to lay on your shoulder and pin you down to your seat. You were about to complain and even yell at Peter when you hear him growl from deep withing him while he shoots a dirty glare at the poor young man. You frown in incomprehension and grit your teeths in annoyance, thinking it was one of his attention seeking gesture. You then take his hand and force him to let go of you to walk towards the exit. Here you go again, you couldn't even enjoy your night without having to take care of the sulky werewolf. You soon hear his footsteps behind you and when he is about to grab your arm, you turn around abruptly and glare at him with such seriousness that it freezes him on the spot.
" How about you and your insanity stay the heck away from me ?! I'm so tired of your bullshit, Peter ! Why can't you just leave me alone ?!"
At your harsh words, Peter's gaze hardens and he retracts his hand to only smirk at you and tilt his head a little bit to the side, as if he didn't understand the question.
" Oh darling..I would love to ! But, you see, it seems that me and my insanity are often required to solve your friend's little problems !"
Suddenly, unnerved beyond belief and having had more than enough of him, you feel tears threatening to spill from your eyes and yell at him, so loud that it surprises the werewolf himself.
" Leave me alone ! Why am I the only one who always has to handle you?! Why do you always ask Derek for me to keep you, even though you don't even like me ?! If I'm such a bother, why not just get rid of me ?!"
He doesn't seem to be able to find an answer and you don't even let him reply. You start running until you reach a small and dark alley. When you're sure you are far enough for the werewolf not to hear you cry, you crouch down and start sobbing. When you've spilt all of your frustration and sadness out, you wipe your face with your sleeve and stand up to get back home. However, when you are about to leave the alley-way, you see someone else blocking the exit. You first think that it's Peter, but the more you approach the individual, the more you have to admit that it doesn't look like Peter. You try to walk past him, but he brusquely grabs your arm and throws you to the ground. You want to get your phone out of your purse, but the man stomps on your hand and you scream in pain. The man takes you by the jaw and forces you to look up at him. His disgusting breath hitting your face, smelling of alcool and his evil smirk making you want to puke even more.
" Aren't ya a sweat ass ? Tell me, what does a young lady like yourself doing here by herself in the middle of the night, hmm ?"
You want to scream for help again, but another individual behind you puts his hand against your mouth to muffle your screams and you feel the familiar shape of a knife against your throat. When you know that there is nothing else you can do, you close your eyes and try to stop the new tears from leaving your eyes..You didn't want to cry for those men, they didn't deserve your tears..
" Now..You're going to be a good girl and let us take care of you, okay ?"
The one posted behind you whispers in your ear and you clench your jaw, your last thought going to Peter. You had been awful to him, even though you knew he wasn't a bad person..You had let out your frustration on him and you were now regretting it bitterly. You should have sticked to your job and stay with him. If you had, maybe you wouldn't be in your current situation. Reality hits you hard when you feel one of the men starting to open your blouse. When you thought that that was it, that you were going to be raped in that dirty alley-way and probably killed, you hear the hurried footsteps of someone running towards your location. You want to scream again, but the knife is raised once again against your throat.
" One peep and nobody will even find your body.."
You whimper and nod in understanding. The footsteps stop and you hold your breath.
" Sweetheart ? Are you there ?"
You hear the familiar voice of Peter and feel relieved to know that he is near. However, the man whispers instructions in your ear and you can't help but nod in agreement, knowing that he wouldn't hesitate to slice your throat if you were to disobey.
" You're going to tell him to go away, that you don't want him to come any closer..I know what he is and the knife is made of silver and has been dipped in wolfsbane for a while..Don't play smart or you'll lose more than your life.."
He uncovers your mouth and you respond in a shaky voice.
" G..Go away, Peter..I don't want you near me ! I hate you !"
You bit to your inner cheek, wondering if he would insist or know that something is wrong. You know that even if he was to guess that something is wrong, you couldn't afford to lose him as well..However, you hear him take a step towards you and sniff the air. He suddenly growls animalistically and his eyes light up in the dark.
" I can smell the stench of two putrid little humans that shouldn't be touching what isn't theirs.."
You start panicking, knowing that he could die if he was to step any closer and yell in a last attempt to protect him.
" Don't, Peter ! They've got wolfsbane ! Run !"
One of the men muzzles you again, but Peter doesn't step back. He gets his claws out and snarls.
" Alright boys. Let's rumble."
The two men stand up and face Peter that doesn't seem scared. He doesn't keep his eyes off them while they circle him. The man with the knife tries to attack him first, but Peter grabs his arm and tears it off from the rest of his body. The man screams in agony, but Peter slashes his throat before turning towards the other man that is shaking with terror.
" What ?! You are brave enough to attack a defenseless woman, but not enough to fight a werewolf ?!"
He roars and the man suddenly gets out a gun that he points at Peter. Before he could react, the man shoots and the bullet goes through his abdomen. Peter falls on his knees and the man runs away, leaving you and him behind. You force yourself to get up and crouch down in front him to see that the wound is not closing itself.
" Wolfsbane bullet.."
He affirms what you already suspected and you have to take deep breathes in order not to panic. You know what to do, you had seen Derek do it a thousand time already. You need to cauterize the wound. You close your eyes and try to calm yourself before trying to carry him back home. When you finally enter the building after a few grunts and moans of pain from the both of you, you lay Peter down on the couch and look around for something hot enough to burn the poison. Suddenly, your eyes fall on a blowtorch and when Peter understands what you were thinking about, he looks pitifully up at you.
" I have a very bad tolerance to pain."
He warns you, a warning that sounds more like a desperate plea for you to reconsider your plan..But you know that you don't have much time and address him a silent apology with your eyes before taking the handle of your purse and make him bite down on it.
" This is gonna hurt. Bad. But, I'm going to try to be as fast as I can, okay ?"
His nostrils flare in fear for the pain to come, but he nods in agreement and you take a big shaky breath before using the blowtorch. As soon as the fire gets in contact with his skin, Peter visibly whitens, his eyes flash blue and you can see his claws digging in the soft material of the couch. You don't know what to do to attenuate the pain, so you do the first thing that comes to mind to distract him..You kiss him. His eyes widen perceptibly at your action, but he doesn't hesitate before burying his hands in your hair and reciprocating the kiss, even though the handle of your purse forms some kind of barrier between you and him. When you take a step back, he seems more relax and you glance down at his wound before switching off the blowtorch. You are relieved when you see the wound closing and smile widely at him. But, before you could truly process what was happening, Peter had gotten rid of your purse and had bounced on top of you to pin you to the floor and kiss you passionately again.
" Stiles doesn't deserve you..Nobody does..Nobody needs you like I do..Nobody can handle me the way you do..I don't want them to take you away from me..Stay with me..If you leave, I'll lose my fucking mind.."
He mutters between each breath he takes while kissing you and you blush vividly at his words. He looks up at you with his bright blue eyes and you can't help but smile up at him before kissing him back yourself and petting the top of his head appreciatively.
" You damn nut job, if you wanted me that bad, why didn't you tell me ? Instead of making me lose my mind.."
He grins before nuzzling your neck and wrapping his arms around your waist.
" Because I like when you get mad.."
You chuckle before returning his embrace.
" Bad pup.."
" Stiles lover"
You ark an eyebrow at the odd insult before replying teasing.
" Does that mean I won't be able to go back to his place and sleep on his couch ? Do I have to remind you that I live with him ?"
He tightens his hold on you and grumbles tiredly against your ribcage.
" Over my dead body. The only thing you will be allowed to sleep on from now on is me, got it ?"
You seem dumbfounded for a second and Peter picks on your uneasiness before laughing and looking up at you with a sly smile.
" Not what I meant, you pervert."
You blush a deep red and hit him on the back of the head playfully.
" Hey ! You're the one always insinuating things !"
He genuinely smiles at you before lowering his chin on your belly and tilting his head to look at you with fake innocence.
" I'm not the one who kissed me.."
You sigh, it was becoming a competition, like many things with him. You sit back up and make him fall at the same time.
" Yeah ?! Well, you were badly injured..and you reciprocated !"
You don't know why you wanted to defend yourself, you just know that you can't allow yourself to succomb for the man that had nearly killed all of your friends. Plus, you had just been attacked and were too weak to make any decisions. He seems to notice your worry and takes a step back immediately to get up and extend his hand towards you.
" I'm sorry. You helped me and I was being an idiot. You need to get some rest. Come on."
You look at his hand for a few seconds before slipping your hand in his. He yanks you upwards and proceeds to carry you back to your room where he lays you down on your bed. He leaves the room promptly afterwards, mumbling a small goodnight before walking out. When you're sure he is truly gone, you curl up into a ball and try to muffle your sobs. You couldn't sleep, every time you would close your eyes, their hands were there, touching you and making you feel as if you were weak..So weak..You whimper and cry as silently as you can until someone opens the door suddenly and blinding light surrounds the room. You turn around to see Peter standing there, his eyes glowing with such an intense color that it shocks you, you then notice the slight rise of his shoulders at each of his heavy breathing and finally, his lips curled and teeths grinding in rage.
" I should have killed them both..I should have never left you.."
You open your eyes wide at the realization, he had probably heard you and was reacting to your emotions. He approaches slowly and tenderly strokes your cheek, placing his forehead against yours.
" I'm so sorry, darling.."
You feel as if he's been crying too and step back. He seems to be hurt by your sudden distance, but you quickly indicate the spot next to you.
" Come on, I need a bed warmer."
His eyes light up like a happy puppy and he crawls next to you in order to cuddle you, making sure that you are comfortable every step of the way. You sigh in contempt before feeling sleep slowly taking over your tired body. Just before you fall asleep however, you mumble sleepily at Peter.
" You were right..I won't be able to sleep when you're not there anymore..You're too good of a bed warmer.."
You feel him chuckle behind you and smile as you realize that being best bud with Peter wouldn't be so bad..and maybe with time, a bit more.
The next day :
Derek finds the both of you on the sofa: you reading a book out loud, and Peter with his arms wrapped around you, listening attentively.
" So, I guess the babysitting went better than our stake out last night ?"
He asks, amused by your sudden friendliness towards each other. You look up at him with a small smile while Peter chuckles against your ear, the sound alone making you feel things you shouldn't be.
" Best of friends, aren't we, sweetheart ?"
Instead of answering his question, you try to change the subject.
" What happened to the stake out then ? I thought you were supposed to catch a couple of bounty hunters ?"
Derek shakes his head before shrugging his shoulders.
" I know, but when we got there, there was only one of them, and he was screaming that his friend had been murdered by another werewolf in town..I wonder if there are any others like us that we've not yet been in contact with ?"
At his explanation, you feel a lump forming in your throat, but when you were about to tell him what happened last night, Peter beats you to it.
" Funny, your description of the scene exactly matches what happened to me last night.."
Derek frowns before looking up at Peter with his jaw clenched.
" I thought I was pretty clear when I said stay put ?"
He glares at Peter, but then his eyes shift to you.
" And you, where were y..?"
But before he could finish his sentence, Peter cuts him again.
" Asleep. I waited for her to fall asleep before going out. Poor humans, can't manage a night without craving sleep.."
You look up at him with your mouth wide open, ready to deny everything he just said when you see him wink at you..He wasn't trying to make you look bad at your job, he was trying to save you the embarrassment. You close your mouth as fast as you had opened it and turn around towards Derek that was looking at you with an eyebrow raised, waiting for your confirmation. You nod and he sighs.
" Maybe it was a bad idea to leave you alone with him, you're still young and he's had plenty of experience when it comes to get what he wants..I'll ask Scott or Stiles next time."
You feel the lump in your throat slowly making its way to your stomach and your expression twists into one of pain and regret.
" No !"
To the surprise of everyone in the room, including yourself, you're the one who just shouted your disagreement. Derek frowns again before crossing his arms and waiting impatiently for an explanation while Peter only tightens his grip around you, a silent warning as to what you are about to say. You take a big breath before glancing up at Derek and saying in a calm and unfaltering voice.
" This is my job. I'm part of the pack. It's bad enough that I'm completely useless when it comes to working on the field, I can't let my only participation in all this go to someone else. I made a mistake, it won't happen again."
Derek seems to believe you, even though he shakes his head in hesitation.
" I don't know, Y/N..I was allowing this to continue since it seemed to work..But, Peter succeeded in complicating things, again."
He emphasizes on the last word while staring at Peter accusatively. Peter flashes an innocent grin at him before agreeing with you.
" I promise to behave from now on. Please, dad ? Can I please keep my plaything ? It gets lonely around here when you're all running around, chasing your own tails over and over.."
You elbow him as a warning, but Derek is already shooting daggers in his direction, on the verge of growling in annoyance. Fortunately, Derek succeeds in keeping his cool and only sighs in defeat before walking away.
" Fine. But, I warn you, one more mistake and I'll personally kick you out.."
" Can't do that, chief. It's my house !"
Peter answers with a big shit-eating grin, but Derek frowns at him before looking straight at you.
" I was talking to you, Y/N..I can't allow you to become a weakness, we've got already too many and Peter is the master of manipulation, dont fall for his tricks. It's a warning, let it be not a premonition."
And with those last words, he is gone. You both stay still for a moment until you decide to stand up and make yourself a cup of coffee. The words of Derek are swirling around in your mind and you glance at Peter when you think he's not looking..Were you really just another pawn in his mastermind plan to bring down the pack ? He seems to feel your stare and points it out.
" If I didn't know you the way I do, I'd say that you actually believe this idiot.."
" Why did you protect me ?"
You ask him abruptly, still not sure about what to make of last night's rescue. He seems to thinks about it for a while before answering you with such honesty that it surprises you.
" Because there was no reason for me to talk about it..Unlike what you all think of me, I'm not such a monster. I feel no satisfaction in a young girl's life being ruined by such macabre events. I care about you more than any of the other dumb teenagers of your group, even my own cousin. You're nice, kind, smart and you don't judge. You never told me that what I did was despicable or that I didn't deserve to live. You did what you had to do and tried the best you could to help. I agree that we have had our disagreements, but it was always playful and never really serious. Why would I ever want anything bad like this to happen to you when you're the only person who ever believed that I could become an ally ? Tell me, how many people do you think ever read to me or felt safe in my arms ? Not even my own family ever believed I could change..So, yes. I protected you, because you would have done the same thing for me. Your strength remains in your humanity, Y/N. Stiles may be the voice of reason, but you're the voice of mercy.."
You are awestruck by the words that seem to be tumbling out of his lips and surround you like the warmest of blankets. You would be happy to listen to him all day. You genuinely smile at him and, before you could stop yourself, you kiss him. He relaxes under your touch and wraps his arms around you to close the gap between the both of you. He finally breaks the kiss and laughs softly before adding.
" You also have very nice lips.."
You playfully punch his torso before laying down on top of him, finding the rhythm of his heartbeat oddly soothing.
" You're a jerk..But you're still a good person.."
You whisper while closing your eyes and you can hear him snicker above you.
" Congratulations, you just qualified me with two opposites. Jerk and good normally don't go together."
You don't answer, already snoring softly on his torso. He smiles sweetly at the sight before kissing the top of your head.
" Sweet dreams, darling.."
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kelieah · 4 years
my neighborhood (peter parker x vigilante!reader) [1]
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request: @annamckayla : HELLO! Omg i love ur writing so much ahhhh! I was hoping I could request for a peter x reader, where they are both heroes (or reader is bad idm up to you) and they are fighting ppl / each other but they are super flirty! AHH OK ILY BYEEE ;)))))))))
warnings: sarcasm, insulting, flirting, fighting. reader is a vigilante, goes to midtown high and is semi close friends with peter. kinda like a hate love relationship. alsooo reader’s powers is speed and eletricity so basically the flash idkdkdk sorry
edited: i’m working on a new series based off of this request! masterlist for it is here
a/n: my first request! so happy hehe ilyt!! also im so sorry if this doesnt make sense, im not great with super powers lol
pov: first, y/n
I have to admit. He’s cute, but he’s so irritating. Is it the fact that he’s so undeniably cute? Yes. No, yes but Peter is such a know it all, or at least I think so.
For some reason, it didn’t stop me from hanging out with him and his friends for the past couple of months. After picking up some school lunch, I grab a seat in front of Peter and Ned.
“Hey Y/n,” Ned smiles. “Hi Ned! Hi Peter,” I greet back, looking over at Peter. He didn’t seem to notice, his eyes too focused on Liz. 
“Why do you even hang out with them Y/n, they’re losers,” I hear MJ pipe up. Ned, Peter and I all turn our heads to her.
“True-” I stifle a laugh.
“Then why are you sitting here with us?” Peter retorts.
“Because she’s cool, and doesn’t drool over seniors like, someone,” I cough, smirking at him. He rolls his eyes and glares at me.
“She’s not wrong,” Ned murmurs.
“Dude!” Peter huffs, making me giggle. He smiles slightly and slumps on the palm of his hand, looking away.
“Pete, could you come over after school? I need help with chem, and I know you need help with English,” I poke him with a fork causing him to swat me away.
“Yeah whatever, I think that’s just an excuse to get me to come over,” he teases.
“Shut up!” I groan. Ned and MJ share a suspicious glance. “What?” I ask cluelessly.
“Nothing,” they both say quietly.
After a long dreadful day of school, Peter and I met up at the front of the school, by the gates.
“Hey Penis Parker,” I smirk, holding onto my backpack straps.
He lets out a long sigh, “Not you too, Y/n. C’mon,” he huffs.
“I’m just messing with you Pete,” I bump into him, beginning to walk ahead.
He follows, catching up easily, “Right. Anyways, have you heard about the new vigilante in town?”
I tense at the subject, “Uhm yeah, that speedy girl?”
“Yup. What do you think about her?”
“Uh, I don’t know. All I know is that she’s probably better than Spider-Man.”
He looks at me offended, “Who’s to say? Spider-Man is like, super-human, he has a bunch of powers-”
“Don’t get your panties all in a twist, I’m just saying,” I laugh, “Sheesh didn’t think you were such a big fan of Spider-Man.”
“U-uh why wouldn’t I be, he’s s-super cool.” “Said every teenager ever, I like this new girl. She’s kind of refreshing y’know?”
“Meh,” Peter shrugs, and I scoff shoving him aside.
We eventually head to my apartment and study together. I messed around while Peter tried to help me with homework, but he ended up getting distracted anyways.
I let out a long groan, “Shut up! You’ve been talking about chemistry for the past 30 minutes and I didn’t understand one thing that came out of your mouth.”
Peter’s mouth drops. He throws one of my pillows at me, “You asked me to come over!”
“I know, because I’m lonely.”
“You’re right, I just needed you to do my homework.”
“I hate you.”
“I love you too,” I flash him a cheeky smile, causing him to roll his eyes. I glance over at the clock, “Hey uh, I think you should head out soon. My dad’s coming back from work soon and you know how he is with boys.”
“Yeah yeah, don’t miss me too much,” he gets up, gathering his things.
“Reverse card!” “See you,” he chuckles and walks off.
“Bye Penis Parker!” I yell, making sure he left. As soon as he closed the front door, I rush into my closet to get out my suit.
After putting it on and tidying up room, I head out my window and jump out to the fire escape.
I decide to scan the city, running and jumping from building to building. It seemed quiet so I sat down on the ledge of some random building.
I hear a quiet thud next to me. I glance over at the figure, who I made out to be Spider-Man. “Ah, well if it isn’t the infamous Spider-Man.”
“Thought I’d check out who the new girl in town is,” he chuckles. His voice seemed higher than I expected it to be, it almost sounds familiar. Weird. Could it be? No way, that’s impossible.
“You care about me? I’m touched,” I place a hand on my heart. I hear him stifle a laugh and shake his head.
He went quiet for a second and stood up from his crouching position, “There’s something going on by 5th street in some warehouse,” he says.
“Guess we should head over-”
“We? I don’t know about that new girl, this is my neighborhood,” he jumps off the ledge, swinging from building to building.
The fuck, who does this guy think he is!?
I rush downstairs and speed off to 5th street, managing to get there before he did. “Yes, we,” I cross my arms looking up at Spider-Man who arrived shortly after me.
He scoffs, “So you’re fast. Hopefully you can catch up, sweetheart,” he swings up to the roof of a warehouse.
I quickly follow, managing to find a way inside and on to the rooftop. I run over to where Spider-Man is crouched down behind a large air vent. I poke my head out to see a poor lady tied to a chair, with a bunch of men surronding her.
“Some kind of intense hostage situation,” he whispers.
“You’re an intense hostage situation,” I murmur.
“What? Shut up!” he whispers. “Oh my god, I think that’s the mayor.”
He jumps up from the vent, placing his hands on his hips. “Hey uh, guys I don’t think you should be treating a lady- especially our mayor like that,” he says, changing the pitch of his voice. I scrunch up my nose at his awkwardness.
“What the fuck, who called him-!” I hear a rough voice yell out, followed by a series of gunshots and screaming.
Spider-Man yelps and manages to fling some guns aside, causing two men to gang up on him, “Hey, new girl a little help!” he yells out. There another two men next to the mayor, with large guns in their hands.
“On it!” I call back, rushing over to the two men circling them. “Hi there,” I grin, place my hands on their guns surging a large amount of eletricity to them, knocking them out.
I help the mayor out, making sure she wasn’t injured or anything. “Karen, call the police and give them our location,” I hear Spider-Man mumble quickly, grunting as he knocks out the two men he was dealing with.
The mayor who was still in complete shock began to ramble, “T-thank you Spider-Man. T-thank you?” she looks over at me.
“Uhm, Velocity?” I rub my arm as Spider-Man watches in amusement.
“Thank you both really-” she sniffs. Suddenly, the roof top door slams open and a bunch of big bulky men come out with these weird looking weapons.
“Heads up, Spidey!” I yell, as one of the men shoot their weird looking gun that emitted some type of green energy.
I grab the Mayor and speed down to the front of the building, where a bunch of police cars pulled up.
Shocked from the momentum, she falls to her knees. “I’m so sorry, but I had to get you out of there. Stay safe!” I rush back to the rooftop.
I notice Spider-Man struggling to get this one guy off of him, “Pretty boy, to your right!” I yell. I run over to one of the weapons and toss it to him.
He quickly webs it and slings it against the guy, knocking him out, “Pretty boy?” he scoffs.
“Yeah, that’s what you sound like!” I grunt, punching a guy who was coming to my left with a surge of electricity.
“So you’d be an annoying girl?” he smirks, also fighting off someone who rushed towards him.
“I’d be honored,” I scoff. “Holy shit!” I let out a yelp as I felt myself being lifted in the air by one of the weapons.
I hear a quick thwip and suddenly I was back on my feet, with Spider-Man’s arm around my waist, “My hero-” I gasp dramatically.
“Cute,” he rolls his eyes. He pushes me towards another guy who was trying to get their weird gun to work.
I frown instantly, and circle around him grabbing the gun before he could do anything. I fling it against him, and press my hand harshly on the gun, causing eletricity to rush all over him.
He knocks out, and I turn around, seeing Spider-Man fling against the air vent. I inhale sharply and rush towards the guy, knocking him off his feet causing him to let go of the weapon.
I kick it away, the guy gets back up and attempts to punch at me. I easily dodge his attacks and punch him with eletricity.
“Oh my god, I did it- I mean we did it! We-” I look over at Spidey who was slump on the ground. “Shit,” I speed over to his side, propping his head up onto my lap. “Pretty boy, you still there?”
I notice his mask was slightly cut open, blood seeping out from the side of his head. I knew that he had the mask on for a reason, but he could be dying. It’s not like I would out him to anyone. I understand why he would keep his identity a secret, it’s what I do as well.
I inhale deeply, pulling off his mask. I let out a gasp, “Peter!?” 
part two
@rcmxnoff​ @annamckayla​ @elsie512​ @bubblesbts
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theclaudehuggins · 5 years
Important for Hugginsverse audience
It’s been a long time since I’ve done anything with this blog, really. I’m sure most of my followers have gone away and a bunch of folks straight up think I abandoned Hugginsverse completely (I haven’t), but I feel it’s important to put some stuff out there.
This isn’t a vent, callout, sob story, or anything like that. I just want to say a few things that are very important to me, and if you enjoy Hugginsverse, they might be important to you, too.
When I was 15, I dabbled in RPG Maker and made a game called ?????. It got a major facelift when I was contacted by potential assistants and this remake was called UNKNOWN. I had no idea it would become what it did.
I’ll be 23 in less than a week, and no longer live in the house I grew up in. When I look at UNKNOWN, and the games that followed in its trail, I simultaneously see the happiest point of my life and the cringy doodle in the middle school sketchbook (but in a loving way!...mostly). I hold nothing but appreciation and love for both the stories I had created and the people I had in my audience.
However, I’d like to take a moment to look back on this series through the eyes of an adult, and point out a few things that are going to change now that I’m a bit older and my life experiences have shifted. There will be Cool New Hugginsverse News, too.
The first thing I want to put in here is an apology. I know, I said this wouldn’t be vent, but this is important. I’ll try to make it quick. There will be fun stuff later on, I promise.
The first big change is that in UNKNOWN, the entirety of Zone 2 is hereby removed from canon entirely. No UNKNOWN-related material (I’ve been questioning remakes for a while) I ever release in the future will contain any part of Zone 2 for any reason. I have more than one reason for this, and it leads into my apology.
The main reason for Zone 2′s removal is that it contains a scene depicting assault that was handled in a very insensitive way. In the interest of keeping my promise of not telling sob stories or doing callouts, I will keep it short and say that Zone 2 was not written by me, and this scene was put into the game without my full consent. (If the full story is really needed, feel free to message me on Discord at  The largest bee you've ever seen#9642, as this is where I’m most active.)
However, this does not mean I’m not responsible for the scene being in the version of the game that was released to the public. Beyond all else, UNKNOWN was my own project, and everyone on the team was aware of this. At any moment I could have made the choice to remove this scene from my game. I feel insulted that such a scene used a character of mine that I love so dearly, that my favorite OC I’ve ever made is depicted committing such an action, but I had every power in the world to prevent it. I did not do so because I was worried the assistant involved would drop their support -- even though the game was pretty much complete at this point and their refusal to continue would not have mattered.
I want to apologize to anyone who may have been insulted, offended, or triggered by this scene. There was no excuse for it being left in the game. It should be considered non-canon, and will never appear again.
I also want to apologize for an ableist slur used in FastForward. This was used in an attempt to emphasize a character being unforgivable levels of mean, but looking back, it is now clear that my usage of the word at all was in incredibly poor taste and horrifically irresponsible. Any FastFoward related materials I release in the future will have this line removed entirely.
Ok, that was the most serious part, I swear. Let’s do these in ascending order so we keep getting happier.
The second retcon I’d like to introduce is actually a spoiler for 365, so if you haven’t played it, and intend to do so, please do that before clicking this link. I’d also like to warn anyone who is sensitive to animal harm before reading, although it’s non-descriptive. This one is short because it involves a traumatic event from my own life, and I don’t want to upset myself or anyone who reads this.
Third, I’d like to announce a few characters that are no longer canon in the Hugginsverse universe. These include CHARLOTTE THE OBSERVER, BANDIT THE ELSEN, LOUIS THE ELSEN. These characters are no longer included in the universe because permission to use them has been revoked by the owner. I am a bit sad, as I have seen many of these are popular characters in the fandom, but I would like to respect the original creator’s wishes.
Okay! Time for more fun stuff.
An announcement I’d like to make is that I’m working on another game. It will not be an OFF fangame, as I no longer have interest in building off that world, but it is still included in the Hugginsverse canon and features Seneca and the Puppeteer as protagonists. I intend on divorcing the franchise from OFF from hereon out by instead focusing on Seneca and the world he comes from.
I do not know a release date. Hell, I’ve been making, scrapping, remaking, rescrapping this thing for a few years now, as is made obvious by scrolling even just a little on my blog. (The images and news provided there are, unfortunately, outdated and no longer represent the game.) Do not scroll down my blog. I’ve been informed my Tumblr was taken over by sex-related spam bots in my absence. Please message me on Discord using either the server in the link below or my ID above if you wish to contact me or see what I’m up to. Perhaps posting every now and again will motivate me to create the best product I can. I’ve learned a lot since my last Hugginsverse adventure, both from a game design side and technical side, and I want my growth to show as best as it can.
One more thing... I have a Discord server where I post information about games (uncommon) and the world Seneca originated in (common). If you would like to hang out there and discuss Hugginsverse, as I am no longer in the OFF or spinOFF servers, or simply learn a bit more about Seneca’s species and the world he comes from, this server would be a lovely place to do so. I spend most of my time online nowadays on Discord, so anything sent to me there will be seen quite quickly.
Thank you for bearing with me through this very very long text post, and most of all for enjoying the series I put all my little teenage heart into. All of you are wonderful, and I am blessed to have had the experience of making something people loved and were inspired by. I can only hope, and try my best, so my future projects can achieve the same.
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takenbythebliss · 4 years
“ for a second you shook my faith. ” - chosenpredator
she should have known better than to go to that house party. linny had known from the moment wheaty's message had popped up on her phone that it was a bad idea - they had taken the ranch from john. then to add insult to injury, he'd organised a party there; had he been too far gone for saving all this time and linny had just been too blind to see it? the way his eyes had widened when he'd seen the tattoo ... swallowing back against the lump in her throat, linny battled to hang on to her composure all over again. she'd already cried enough. she'd cried about them before, when he'd begged her to stop going to the sermons - but this? this was more final.
they were really over this time.
that was the resounding thought she kept coming back to - no more late night texts, no more stupid memes back and forth at ungodly hours, no more bickering about whose turn it was to pay at the pizza bar. no more stealing his hat or getting caught joyriding on a borrowed atv. no more stupid jokes. no more grinning like an idiot as she watched his band play ... they were no more. 
and that realisation stung so deep it had tears threatening to spill all over again. wiping at her eyes, picked up a stack of bibles and headed to where the others were setting up for a sermon by the river's edge; enough crying. 
there were more important things in the world than a teenagers broken heart - she needed to apologise to aaron about that though. oh god, she really did. he'd probably thought she'd had an argument with mark again or something stupid like that, and he'd do his part and bring her back to where it was safe with the project ... poor guy hadn't bartered for rowing teenagers and a relationship that was going down in flames when he'd rolled up with his truck. stopping when some of the bibles toppled from the bundle she'd grabbed, linny made a half-assed attempted to catch one with her foot, but another decided to dive off the top to join its friend.perfect.
absolutely fucking perfect.
letting go of the books, she let them all crash to the floor with their buddy. letting out a huff that screamed teenage drama, she barely managed to stop herself from kicking out at the closest offending one with its ruffled pages . wouldn't look so good. probably would to wheaty ... there she went again. another groan and linny dragged a hand over her face before kneeling down to start gathering up the bibles.
— for a second, you shook my faith.
jumping at his voice, linny scrambled to catch the book she'd nearly let loose again ... had he seen her draw back and threaten to let fly at the father's books? fuuuuuuck, her day was just getting better and better, wasn't it? smoothing out the dog-eared page, linny bit her bottom lip, hazel eyes flitting to the grass as she gathered up a few more books  and stacked them on top of each other.
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' m'sorry, my head's in a weird place right now, guess you knew that already, huh? i'm sorry about the other night aaron - i didn't think wheaty would react like that. guess i was still hoping i could make him change his mind ... shows what a fool i was. '
@whitetail-wheaty & @chosenwolf
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archivepolarisornah · 5 years
Let’s have some fun | Tina
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Tina had been at the Callahan party for a decent amount of time, and she had a reasonable amount to drink in that time. She wasn’t “drunk”, per se. More tipsy than anything. But she was drunk enough for the mischievous part of her brain to completely over-ride the sensible part when she caught a glimpse of one James Hook on the other side of the street. (Not that it was particularly hard to do that anyway. She just had to be around Peter for three seconds for the same effect.)
The sprite of a girl had been perched on a wall at the front of the house. It was humid inside, due to the sizeable crowd, and she desperately needed some fresh air. The red cup in her hand was filled with half-melted ice cubes and a lemon wedge that she had stolen from the fridge when no one was looking. Those ice cubes subsequently spilled across the pavement when she sprung from her perch and bounded in James’ direction. She didn’t know why nor did she have a plan for when she got there, but one thing was certain - Tina was totally going to push all of Hook’s buttons.
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The drinking in the new bar had been a bit disappointing to him, perhaps that was why he wasn’t even wasted as he had wanted to be. He’d hope the new bar would attract quite a few of his fellow adults but alas nothing he could do about it. He did have a drink with Jack but their conversation was brief and certainly not enough to stay there. He was about to get home when a very familiar person came walking (well he wondered if he could call this walking) towards him with an all too familiar cup in her hand.
“Tina?” His voice dripped in surprise, and part of him worried as the contents of the drink splashed on the ground as she walked over. Was she already better? Normally one who has been sick wouldn’t risk themselves by getting drunk, but he too made a few poor choices when he was a teen. Eventually, you make different decisions later in life because of the reckless things you did as a child and a teenager.
“Is something wrong?” He was surprised she even came up to him, it was after hours so technically he wasn’t her boss right now.
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“Heeey,” Tina sang, skipping to James’ side. She had absolutely no plan for the conversation, but the sparkle in her eye suggested she was well on her way toward mischief. Peter was inside somewhere which could only lead to the kind of chaos she was craving and surely he would be pleased with her if she could find a way to totally mortify Hook in front of a room full of young adults.
In her tipsy state, Tina had all but forgotten why she had been given time off. Or the implications of talking to your boss while drunk. His question was deliberately ignored.
“What’ya doin’?” Tina asked in the same sickly-sweet, sing-song voice she used when she had to butter up Mr. Smee.
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Heeey. Yes Tina was obviously drunk after all she never seemed this happy around him. He took note of that mischievous smile of hers. “Alright what are you up to little troublemaker.” He raised his eyebrow and offered her a smile of his own. Part of him already wondered what she was up to, but he was a patient man and quite curious to find out what was happening. He already took notice of her decision to be drunk after being granted a sick leave so this was bound to be a fun night.
“I just came from the bar, but it lacked people. Guess the adults don’t see the appeal of the new bar just yet.” He shrugged. “What are you up to Tina?” He asked her, simply playing along with what her drunk mindset was telling her to do. As an adult, it was better that he’d take an eye out so she’ll return home safely. Or she had a place to stay for the night.
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“Troublemaker? Ugh, I am offended sir. Honestly!” Tina let out a small giggle, as if this would somehow help with the buttering-up plan than was forming in her head. So far it went as follows: Get Hook inside of the Callahan House. Ply him with drink, and if he doesn’t take the drink, make it totally clear that he is an old man and that he’s ruining the mood. If he does take it, then find every way possible to embarrass him for showing up to a college party and getting wasted. Then find Peter and let him finish the game! Tina and Peter triumph, Hook is defeated, they all live happily ever after!
She wasn’t really listening when he replied and was taken a back - she wasn’t really expecting an answer.
“Oh, that sounds really boring.” For a brief moment her smile dropped and she sounded like stone-cold sober Tina. But it didn’t last long. She was back to batting her eyelashes and swaying on her heels in the time it took her take a sip of melted ice from her cup.
“I am at a party and just totally minding my own business.” She had switched back to that same sparkly voice for a moment prior. And then she feigned a bright idea, linking her arm with James’. “Oh my god, you should totally come to the party!”
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“You do realize you don’t have to call me sir outside working hours. I’m not your boss at the moment.” James pointed out though a small smile carried on his lips as she told him she was offended. It was as if part of him already guessed that there was someplace giving alcohol to these college brats, but he just needed to figure out where. And more than that it seemed like she was quite interested in chatting with him. Which probably meant one thing, she needed something.
“Oh it was, very,” James admitted, arms crossed at the sudden change of tone but it was quickly back to her drunk chatter. “I honestly think you are drinking water at this point with all you spilt.”
When she invited him to the party his smile grew. “You don’t say-” He wondered if she was thinking straight inviting an adult to a party. She probably just begged to be disappointed. “Well, I cannot say you have any bad ideas. You know what, sure. I’ll join you.”
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Tina quirked an eyebrow and she might have smirked a little. The plan was already going far too well. She could already feel the triumph. Peter would be so proud! “Okay, whatever you say, James,” Tina drolled. It felt horribly unnatural to call him anything but ‘Sir’ or ‘Mr. Hook’.
“Wha– Aren’t you proud of me?” She gave the cup a shake, so that whatever was left of the ice rattled against the plastic. “I’m totally being responsible. Imagine that!” (Maybe the cool night air had hit Tina and she was actually little bit drunker than she initially thought.)
Tina giggled gleefully when he took her up on the invitation. She even pulled his arm closer. “It’s gonna be great!”
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He couldn’t resist the small shake of the head when he took notice of that smirk. She really must think she was a clever girl right now, certainly up to no good. “Exactly, Tina.” Well, he wouldn’t allow her to call him James during working hours, but off the clock, he truly didn’t mind.
“Oh, very.” He clapped his hands to stroke her ego even more. “Yes, I’d never would have guessed. Such a big girl.” He also wouldn’t have guessed he’d end up babysitting her after-hours ended. He was used of it when it came to Peter. Who considering Tina was at this party, he would put some money on it Peter wasn’t far off either.
“Lead the way princess.” Though the nickname slipped, he could always blame it on the whiskey he drank rather than a simple playful gesture.
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Tina was feeling mighty proud of herself by this point. In a more sober state this would have been embarrassing as hell. Usually her manipulation attempts with Hook were very different. Shameless flirting only worked on Smee, and she wouldn’t ever think about trying it with James within a ten mile radius. But she was unabashedly shameless when drunk, apparently. Drunk Tina’s brain was telling her that it was the flirting that was totally working in her favour, and that was why James was going along with her plan, unaware of the consequences she had planned for doing so. Blissfully unaware that he probably felt sorry for her and could turn him in to her babysitter at any moment.
Tina beamed proudly, sticking her nose in the air in accomplishment. (Her ears might have flushed a light pink when he called her Princess; she was not above taking a endearment from anyone.) The arm she had firmly planted around James’ arm now slipped and she took hold of his wrist, pulling him triumphantly toward Nancy Callahan’s bustling house. “You know, James…” Still felt weird. “I don’t even know who’s party this is.”
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There were a lot of things running through his head with that last line she gave him, but he settled with one he felt was more important. Thank god, I’m not the parent that will receive a heart attack when coming home to the mess these kids have created. Or even more: Thank god I’m not the child who started the party. Neither roles sounded appealing, he’d be the man who was going to check the damage and perhaps if he was in a good enough mood, he’ll even send Peter to clean up part of the mess.
Though he was well aware Peter never would. He had hoped Peter would mature a bit under his care but Peter had proven that he had a strong will, and wasn’t one to take directions. Even if he gave him shelter and food there was no hair on that kid’s body that trusted him. Which at days was a bit of a stinging pain. James would never tell.
“Well, does it matter whose party it is?” He asked her. Back in the day, a party was a party. It could belong to the biggest geek there was if there was booze people would show up. Did that already change with the next generation?
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“Not really! I just thought – seeing as you’re an old man and all that – that it would be an important thing you’d have to know. Or something. To be, like, polite or whatever. Y’know, send them a thank you card or whatever it is your kind do these days.” It seemed that in the short time it took them to walk to the door, Tina had decided that her flirting had worked, and now she could say absolutely anything she liked. She hoped it would sound endearing, but her penchant for insulting, unfiltered chatter was swiftly taking over.
Tina let go of James’ wrist when they made it to the door, though she stayed close enough that she could guide him toward the most potential for damage. The kitchen, maybe, or the liqueur cabinet she had spotted earlier that was filled with drinks that could easily knock her out with half a glass. The people around them were already so intoxicated that an adult - a real adult - walking through the crowds barely caused a stir, much to Tina’s disappointment. At the very least it would have been amusing to see some of the kids panicking that they would be caught out past curfew or doing questionable things with total strangers.
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“Old man, I’m only 35 years old.” She made it sound like he was ready for retirement. He was still young, but his demeanour and the way he spoke might have aged him more than he was. It was simply an act to look more professional, he’s been in a fair share of trouble before. He was no saint, though he tried his hardest now to have his conscious clean. “Thank you card? I feel like you watch too many movies and picture me as a tv dad or something.”
Who in their right mind sends a thank you card? Maybe for a wedding or something but for an invitation to a party? That would be beer, wouldn’t it? Tina really could be strange at times but her drunken self truly was something. “Tina, I do hope you are aware that adults are quite capable of having fun, and aren’t ‘polite’ all the time.” He let her guide him to the kitchen, his eyes fell on how empty the, what he assumed the liquor cabinet to be. That’s a lot of drunken teens.
At least the place wasn’t on fire.
“So this is the party-” He wouldn’t say he pictured it grander, but it was exactly that. “Guess I’m more into pool parties.” He mumbled more to himself. There were just a bunch of teens drunk, wobbling and laughing. These kids are way too nice.
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Maybe it was just because he was her boss, and a very present authority figure in her life (of which she had next to none) but James seemed significantly older to Tina than he actually was. Peter’s attitude toward him didn’t help the matter. Anyone who wasn’t young and reckless was automatically old and boring. Referencing TV dad’s didn’t help much either. Tina grimaced slightly, as if this was some realization that she hadn’t anticipated and hoped that she would forget about when she was significantly more sober. “To be fair,” she replied through a wash of existential dread. “A TV dad is the closest thing I have as a reference point, so, like, can you blame me?”
Without much thought, Tina replaced the red cup in her hand with a new one sitting on top the counter, and lifted a nearby, almost empty bottle of… something… from it’s precarious position on top of a chair.  “I have yet to be proven otherwise on that ‘Grown-Ups are fun’ thing, but, like, feel free!” Her smile returned when she spoke again. Her ears pricked up, and Hooks comment didn’t go unnoticed.
She stood on tip-toes and moved closer as if telling a secret. “They do have a pool…”
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“Well, it’s not like it’s much different to me.” If he was realistic the closest a father figure came to him was this male nurse who took care of him in the orphanage. “I’ve been an orphan ever since birth, I had a nurse, If I were to base a father on someone it’ll be that guy I suppose.” It never had bothered him, after all, he ended up a successful businessman, though by foul deeds. In the end, it didn’t matter, his business was thriving and existed. “I know I’m far from a father figure, and I have a life after hours. It’s a bit silly to think an adults life is just work and no play Tina.”
He chuckled as he took the red cup out of her hand. “You already got quite a bit of a drink, and I had none. Why don’t you leave the drinking to someone who can actually hold his liquor.” When she revealed that there was a pool the man’s eyes began to shine and his smile widened. “You don’t say.” He scooped her up into his arms and smiled. “Guess you won’t mind a swim then?”
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“That sounds, like… super tragic, man,” Tina nodded, feigning sympathy. Really, she didn’t think people needed father figures. Hadn’t she turned out perfectly fine without one? By now she was giving the bottle in her hand a shake, trying to read the sticker through bleary eyes, and pouring what was left in to the cup. When empty, she set the bottle back on the counter. “Y’know, you could totally prove me wrong and let us have fun at work…”
James took the cup from her hand and she blinked in confusion before a flustered huff escaped her nose. “Heeey, that’s not fair,” Tina whined, reaching for the cup and stomping her foot on the ground. A pout formed on her lips. How rude! Tina could, like, totally hold her liquor, and she was holding it fine had James’ not just taken it from her hands. “I can tot-Oh!”
Tina suddenly felt considerably too far away from the floor. (She was small, so any height was too far off the floor.) Her attention had previously been on reaching the red cup, and she now found herself gaping in horror in James’ arms. She came to the realisation that her taunting and flirting had backfired just as quickly as James’ had lifted her off the ground. “Wh– No! You wouldn’t! Please don’t…”
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“Is it though?” James shrugged. “Think about it, we humans are capable of taking care of ourselves when being placed in the right learning environment. And that can be everything, even the streets.” You learn how to live, to survive. He chuckled. “But Tina, there is a rule created that being you separate work and pleasure.” Which meant, even if he was the stern and boring boss on the work floor, he was one that could enjoy a bottle or two after hours. “It’s all about keeping a face in our business. What about I’ll allow you some fun when I close up?”
“Neither is life.” James teased. As his arms eased up around her. Well, maybe he shouldn’t have drunk a bottle of whiskey alone. Yet she went out to bother and probably get him into trouble. Foolish. He was quite capable of that himself. Yet he couldn’t blame her, she only knew the facade he wore for business.
“I would. And I will.” James smiled carrying her near the pool. “Ready to become a mermaid princess?”
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“I… I guess…” It felt, weirdly, as if Tina had walked out of a fun, exciting party and straight in to the office of her course Councillor, who liked to lecture Tina repeatedly about the path she was choosing in life. And those lectures always sounded just like those Charlie Brown cartoons, where the teachers only spoke in a series of ‘blahs’. How much had he actually drank at the bar before he got here? Tina had heard that gin makes you cry, and that whisky probably turned you in to a sap. James certainly seemed the latter. Absolutely not what Tina experienced at work. “I don’t know that your idea of pleasure and fun is the same as mine,” she replied, increasingly worried about the prospect of being dunked in the nearby pool.
“Mermaid? No! I’m– I’m more like a, uh, a gremlin! Don’t feed me after midnight, and don’t get me wet! Please, it’s better for us all if this doesn’t happen!”
As they neared the pool, Tina found herself grasping at James’ shirt for dear life. She really, really, did not want to go swimming right now! Maybe if she held on tight enough he couldn’t get the momentum to throw her in to the pool. Maybe she would look totally desperate (she did) and he would feel awful about and change his mind.
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James hummed as he earned an agreement of her. It’s what experience does in life. He was never well-treated. Yet he still had a steady business and worked hard to make up for all he lacked throughout life. He held no shame in being abandoned if anything he wore it as a medal of honour. He had not relied on his parents to achieve anything in his life, he didn’t even know who they were. And even if he would eventually find out he had no desire to know them any longer.
“Little Gremlin Tina?” He was a bit surprised. “Guess the princess fits you more.” He did wonder why she shouldn’t be fed at midnight, yet then again this might just be women being worried about their body figure. Or she had a weak stomach, yet seeing what she was drinking before he doubted that. “Oh truly?”
She certainly didn’t know him is she truly believed guilt would stop him from getting her in the pool. But he had the nature to worry, so he decided she wouldn’t be the only one that would get wet. He could use a sober up as well.
Instead of just throwing her in, he tightened his hold around her and smiled, before jumping in himself. Perhaps it was due to his height, or the pool simply not being too deep, he found the ground at ease, and managed to easily hold Tina in a princess carry despite being completely soaked. “All is well if anything you can get some spare clothing at my place.” He teased. “The water is quite nice don’t you think, not as cold as I thought it would be. I suppose it’s a heated one.”
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“No, no, no. Definitely a Gremlin! Like… the one with the lips…” Tina insisted. To begin, she made a point of not swimming. She just wasn’t a strong swimmer. And any pranks that the Lost Boys may have tried that involved water ended with Tina going absolutely ballistic. There was nothing that would be considered Princess-like when Tina was soaking wet and on the war path. “Really, truly, honestly, this is bringing me no pleasure whatsoever.”
Now she was rambling away in an attempt to distract from James’ plan. Why wasn’t it working? It should totally be working! Why are still going right toward the pool?!
A horrified squeal broke through the music of the party, followed by the splash. Tina’s arms had flown from her vice-like grip on his shirt, to an equally tight hold around his neck.
It took her a minute but she finally stopped holding her breath. Her death grip around James showed no sign of giving up, however. “I’m going to murder you in your sleep,” Tina stated, barely above a whisper, into James’ shoulder. And then she shook her head harshly, glaring up through already-smudged eyes. If her face burned any hotter, the water would have boiled them alive. “This is not fucking nice, I want out. Now!!” Eyes of party goers were turned toward them now, and she was utterly mortified.
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“HmmHmm, No I don’t see it,” James said. She was petite like a fairy rather than a gremlin. James could swim well, be it in the sea or in a pool. And she was held quite strongly so she wouldn’t get hurt. He wasn’t too worried about it if she couldn’t swim, with how the pool looked he could probably reach it with his feet to keep her afloat. All is fine. “Well bringing you pleasure is never my purpose now is it, Tina? I’m your boss, I should give you agony instead.”
The walk continued and though he had noticed her distress, yet that really prevented for what happened next.
He laughed as she holds onto him. “Isn’t it refreshing?” James teased her, knowing well aware in the next couple of seconds she would go from startled to complete rage.
“That would mean you will have to come to my bedroom, and princess I’m very sure you won’t do that.” The smirk on his lips betrayed his amusement, and her thread went in no man’s ears. “My aren’t you turning into a red one.” He laughed. “But Tina, you told me yourself - I? I am not Nice.” He twirled her around in the pool a final time before bringing her back to the edge. “Now, seems like you got quite some eyes on you. And I should get some dry clothes at my place. Tata Tina.
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headcanonsandmore · 6 years
‘In the spur of the moment’
Read on FFN. 
Read on AO3.
What's a good way to hint to your crush that you fancy them? Well, snogging them after you both get your O.W.L results might do the trick! Romione AU fanfiction, set at the start of 'Half-Blood Prince' at the Burrow. Rated T just to be safe (and for Ron's occasional bad language).
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‘It’s pathetic!’
Hermione inwardly groaned. She had spoken without thinking again, and insulted Ron. She could see the look of hurt and embarrassment on Ron’s face as she swept over to the corner of the room.
It wasn’t Ron’s fault that he couldn’t help himself in front of Fleur. She was a Veela, after all; she unintentionally had that effect on every man she met. Ron clearly hated the way that he responded whenever Fleur was around, and yet Hermione still couldn’t contain her jealousy and anger. She had complained about Ron having the emotional range of a teaspoon, but she could hardly hold the moral high ground in that department.
Until she somehow started dating Ron (which, as dubious as that prospect seemed to her, Hermione couldn’t help but hope), she could hardly get angry at him for looking at other women. They weren’t dating; she was just his friend with a hidden attraction to him. She had no right to get jealous. And yet, every time it happened, she would inadvertently end up insulting and belittling Ron. Why couldn’t she just keep her mouth shut? Why was it that the only times her feelings reached the surface were when she was spitting with rage?
Of course, she had tried to change things between herself and the boy she…loved? Yes, she supposed she did love him. It couldn’t be passed off as just teenage hormones or a crush.
She’d been terrified that she would blow her cover too soon, and possibly get her heart broken in the process, but she had tried. She had, over the course of the past year-or-so, been dropping subtle hints about her feelings. Although none of them had really done the job.
She had casually mentioned, during a prefect patrol, that she had heard Lavender and Parvati discussing boys in her dormitory. Of course, she had said, she was offended that Ron wasn’t mentioned. Ron had looked downcast and said ‘of course I bloody wasn’t; what girl would fancy me?’. Hermione had spent the rest of the patrol feeling immensely guilty, and blabbering about their Charms essay to fill the silence.
She had tried, during an evening spent playing wizard-chess in the common-room, to flirt with Ron. She had tried smiling more at him (Ron had avoided eye-contact and kept his eyes focused on the chess pieces), flicking her hair alluringly behind her ear (the resulting mess took several embarrassing minutes to rectify), and complimenting Ron on his chess skills (this proved pointless, as Ron correctly observed ‘how would you know if you don’t play Wizard Chess?’). She had eventually given up on trying, and eventually just settled for laughing at Ron’s jokes. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Ron smiling at her laughing face, his grin so warm and comforting. But that was surely just the fire next to them reflecting off his face.  
She had softly moved her leg against Ron’s under the table as they studied in the library. Ron had responded by muttering ‘sorry, my legs really are too long to be allowed, aren’t they,’ and moving his legs in the opposite direction. It must have been Hermione’s imagination, then, when she briefly saw the tips of Ron’s ears flush and his eyes widen as her leg brushed against his trouser-leg…
And then: her coup de gras. In an attempt to support Ron before his first Quidditch match, she’d kissed him on the cheek. Hermione’s face pinked at the memory. Ron’s skin had felt smooth and tender on her lips, and her stomach had turned over. It had been almost in the spur of the moment, but she had managed it. Somehow, her face hadn’t reddened like a tomato until she was out of Ron’s sight.
And yet, none of her efforts seemed to have had any effect; she and Ron were still just-friends. They were stuck at an impasse; she couldn’t move anything forward until she actually overcame her fears of being rejected, and she could hardly dare to hope that Ron saw her in the same way. And even if he did (by some wonderfully impossible possibility), she suspected that Ron’s insecurities and self-doubts would prevent him from making a move. The poor boy really was his own worst enemy at times. He honestly thought he was the least of everyone; that the people around him wouldn’t notice if he was gone, that everyone could do without him.
But she couldn’t.
Despite how little Ron thought of himself, Hermione couldn’t imagine a world without Ronald Bilius Weasley. She loved every inch of him, inside and out. She loved his kindness, his bravery, his loyalty and his refusal to take the easy way out. She loved the way he made her feel; that she wasn’t just some bookworm who was only good for revision notes, that she was funny, witty, kind and beautiful. Ron gave her a deep, warm feeling whenever she was around him. She loved his gorgeous red hair, his bright sparkling blue eyes, the way his mouth stretched into a lopsided grin as he looked at her, and the way his ears turned red whenever he was embarrassed or flustered. It was all so… Ron.
She didn’t know when things had changed between them; when she had stopped seeing him as just her best friend. Maybe she had always felt this way, but she just hadn’t known how to process it. She had certainly never seen Ron in the same way she saw Harry; who had always been like a brother to her. But Ron had always felt… different.
So, here she was. Hopelessly in love with her best friend, a boy who didn’t (and probably never would) realise how much she yearned for him. A boy so utterly brilliant, and insufferable, and oblivious, and irritating, and yet so utterly wonderful that it made her heart ache to be with him.
She was stuck. Her type was, and had always been, Ron Weasley. No-one would ever match up.
And therein was the problem. Because Ron would never see Hermione in the same way.
Hermione had been so focused on her thoughts that she didn’t even notice what she was holding; a telescope, of which a large boxing glove appeared out of.
The punching telescope had at least given her something else to think about that didn’t remind her of her own romantic issues, or the growing power of Voldemort.
She hadn’t meant to grab Ron and Harry under the elbows. She heard Harry yelp in pain and struggle out of her grasp, but Ron remained still. Although most of her attention was on the approaching owls, Hermione couldn’t help noticing that his ears had reddened slightly, and (Hermione’s heart seemed to beat quicker) had he moved slightly closer to her?
Whatever it was, she didn’t have any time to consider it, because what felt like nano-seconds later, she was reading her O.W.L results.
Her brain seemed to judder to a halt as she read the crisply-printed writing.
She hadn’t failed…she had passed everything…she wasn’t going to get expelled…
As if from a distance, Ginny’s tentative voice reached her.
‘Hermione, how did you do?’
‘I- not bad,’ she stammered, her voice cracking slightly.
‘Oh, come off it,’ Ron said, striding over to her and snatching Hermione’s letter out of her hands. ‘Yep, nine “outstandings” and one “exceeds expectations” in Defence Against the Dark Arts.’
Hermione looked into the bright blue eyes of the youngest Weasley boy, and his mouth morphed into the usual lop-sided grin that always made her stomach flip over.
‘You’re actually disappointed, aren’t you?’
Harry laughed in the background, but Hermione’s eyes were still fixed on the redheaded boy in front of her; smiling down at her from his great height and looking half-exasperated and half-amused, with so much warmth and tenderness in his expression that he took her breath away.
Hermione felt her heart flutter against her chest.
Oh, to hell with subtle hints…
Before she knew what she was doing, Hermione threw her arms around Ron’s neck and kissed him full on the mouth. His lips were soft, and she could feel a few short hairs tickling her on the cheek.
She felt Ron startle, and stagger slightly as she clung to him. He felt so strong… so safe… so alive… so Ron Weasley that the feeling of his torso against hers was sending intense shivers down her spine. And she was kissing him, and…was he kissing her back? She couldn’t be sure, but she prayed he was.
Hermione snapped her eyes open, and let go, stepping away from Ron, who was staring at her in deep shock, the tips of his ears turning the tell-tale red.
Her face turning a boiling scarlet, Hermione broke eye-contact with Ron. She looked down at her feet, and her eyes flicked awkwardly from side-to-side, terrified that she’d completely lost her sanity.
‘I…I have to clean my room.’ Ron stammered, turning on his heel and marching out of the room. ‘See you all later.’
The door closed shut behind him, and Hermione heard the creak of the steps as he climbed hurriedly up the staircase to his room.
Hermione’s vision took in the surprised looks on Harry and Mrs Weasley’s faces, the barely-contained giggling from Ginny, and the warm smile on Fleur’s lips.
‘Well,’ Harry said, apparently at a loss for words. ‘That was one way to celebrate getting your exam results.’
Ginny clapped Hermione on the back, grinning widely.
‘Well done!’ she exclaimed, still chuckling. ‘You finally kissed him! You should have seen the look on his face!’
‘W—what?’ Hermione stammered, blood ringing in her eyes. ‘What look? Is he upset with me?’
Ginny’s eyes flicked quickly to Harry.
‘Er,’ Harry said, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. ‘I don’t think so. More surprised than anything.’
‘Surprised?’ Hermione squealed; her stomach feeling like it had dropped several feet. ‘Did he… not realise how I feel about him?’
Harry and Ginny exchanged worried looks.
‘I’m…I’m sure that’s not it, Hermione,’ Harry said, not sounding like he believed his own words.
Ginny made a wincing noise.
Hermione covered her face with her hands. What had she done?
The rest of the day passed at an agonising-slow pace.
Hermione didn’t see Ron at all, but Harry did; although (despite her raven-haired friend’s urging) Hermione didn’t think she had much to hope for.
‘Well, he doesn’t seem… angry.’ Harry had said, as the two of them peeled potatoes in the Burrow’s kitchen.  Perhaps sensing the awkwardness between the two of them, Mrs Weasley had sent Ron out with Ginny to feed the chickens. ‘I think you just shocked him a little.’
‘He’s been avoiding me all day, Harry!’ Hermione had exclaimed, blinking fast in an attempt to prevent the tears that were already threatening to spill from her eyes. ‘He obviously doesn’t feel the same way. And now… I’ve made him hate me!’
‘Don’t be daft!’ Harry slammed the potato peeler down on the counter, his voice rising. ‘You really think Ron would start hating you just because you kissed him? That’s a flimsy answer, and you know it!’
Hermione felt slightly taken-aback.
‘Well,’ she snivelled, wiping her eyes with her handkerchief. ‘How do you explain why he hasn’t made any effort to talk to me since then?’
‘Knowing my brother, he’s probably still trying to process what actually happened.’
Ginny had joined them, leaving her wellies scattered messily near the door.
‘How do you—’
‘I know I can be harsh on him,’ Ginny explained, earnestly grabbing Hermione by the shoulder. ‘But Ron’s a good bloke. He’d never do anything to hurt you. He’s probably just avoiding talking to you until he can understand it all. Since it concerns you, he probably doesn’t want to say the wrong thing.’
‘What do you mean; “concerning me”?’ Hermione asked, completely at sea. ‘Why would that affect anything?’
Ginny shared a long-suffering look with Harry.
‘Remember the last big argument about romance he had with you?’ Harry said to Hermione, as if he were explaining to a temperamental child that two plus two equalled four. The irony was not lost on Hermione. ‘At the Yule Ball?’
‘I’d rather like to forget it, to be honest.’
‘Well, Ron certainly didn’t forget.’ Ginny elaborated. ‘He said a lot of things that he regretted, and he’s been trying to get better ever since.’
‘Didn’t you think there was a reason why he didn’t rise to you always making sure to write those long letters to Viktor Krum in front of him?’ Harry asked.
Hermione’s mouth dropped open. She had never even noticed that Ron had been changing his behaviour. And for her?
Hermione’s heart gave a nervous little flutter.
‘Was… was it really that obvious?’ She asked, her stomach shrivelling with embarrassment and guilt. ‘That I was trying to get a response from him?’
Harry and Ginny both nodded in unison.
‘Then….’ Hermione mumbled, brain practically whirring with confusion. ‘…Why didn’t he say anything?’
‘Well, that would be precipitated by Ron actually knowing you fancied him at the time.’ Ginny elaborated. ‘To be fair, you haven’t exactly been trying to break down the platonic barrier between the two of you, have you?’
‘What?’ Hermione exclaimed; feeling stung. ‘I have been trying!’
‘Let me guess,’ Harry sighed, rolling his eyes. ‘Those “subtle hints” you kept giving him?’
‘I—well, yes!’ Hermione stuttered, ‘I didn’t want to make things too obvious, just in case he—’
‘Didn’t fancy you?’ Harry finished. ‘You do realise that blokes need strong signals before they try anything, right? Subtle hints don’t work.’
‘Are you serious?’ Hermione felt her stomach gurgle unpleasantly. ‘All of those hints, and he didn’t catch on.’
‘Like I said, blokes need clear signals. Like…er…’
‘Snogging the bloke in question after you get your exam results?’ Ginny offered, giggling. ‘That should have done the trick.’
Hermione’s face burned.
‘I didn’t snog him!’
‘Looked like a pretty full-on snog to me.’ Harry chuckled. ‘I was surprised you didn’t knock him flat.’
‘Shut up, Harry! I didn’t… I mean, I wasn’t trying to—’
‘Er, I finished feeding the chickens. No thanks to you, Ginny.’
Hermione’s eyes swept towards the door, her heart seeming to beat in her ears.
Ron had just entered through the door, and was ungainly removing his wellington boots. The tops of his ears were a delicate red colour, as he stared over at the three standing near the counter. No; scratch that. He was staring at Hermione.
Outside of Hermione’s vision, she saw Ginny open her mouth to respond, no doubt with a joke, but Hermione was paying so little attention that she couldn’t even hear what Ginny said.
All of Hermione’s senses were locked on Ron; how the sweat seemed to gleam in the sunshine, how the smell of his hair seemed to fill her nostrils, how the sound of his voice seemed to echo through her mind, and how she could almost taste his warm, spicy scent on her tongue.
As her own brown eyes met the bright blue of Ron’s, Hermione felt a shiver go down her spine. But, before she could compose herself to say something, Ron’s eyes darted back down to his feet.
‘I’ve gotta get on with cleaning the bath.’ He muttered, his chest heaving slightly (or was it Hermione’s imagination?). ‘See you lot later.’
And with that, he strode past them, keeping his eyes to the floor; without so much as another look in Hermione’s direction. A few seconds later, they could hear his large footsteps as he climbed the staircase.
Hermione put her hands onto the counter to steady herself; her knees feeling like they could buckle at any moment. Her stomach seemed to be full of lead, and her heart ached against her chest.
Ginny and Harry put comforting hands on her shoulders, but they couldn’t do anything to ease the escalating fear within her heart.
He hates me… he really hates me….
 That night, Hermione lay awake for hours, her mind unable to rest.
Ron had spent the entire evening playing wizard chess with Harry, his head bent down low over the chess board. A few times, he raised his head to look at Hermione, who was sat nearby reading “Arithmancy: NEWT level studying for swottish students” on the sofa. However, Hermione couldn’t bear to meet his eyes; her heart aching beneath her t-shirt, and her eyes blinking quickly to prevent the tears from developing.
Eventually, she decided that she had to get some water from the kitchen. She moved quietly, making sure not to wake Ginny as she left their shared room.
Hermione moved through the sleeping house. She could hear the soft breathing of people as she made her way past various bedroom doors.
Eventually, she climbed off the bottom step of the staircase. Hermione rubbed her eyes blearily as she entered the kitchen, only to stop dead in her tracks as she registered the sight before her.
Ron was sat at the table, his mouth full of the biscuits he was eating off a plate. Crumbs littered his cheeks, and his hair was sticking up in all directions. Hermione couldn’t help but notice that he was only wearing a t-shirt and pyjama shorts.
‘I’m… I’m so sorry,’ Hermione mumbled, feeling her face burn. She turned to leave. ‘I didn’t know you were…I’ll come back later…goodnight—’
‘Wait!’ Ron exclaimed, somehow managing to talk through the biscuits. ‘Hermione, please don’t go!’
Like she could ever say no to spending time with Ron, even in this situation…
Hermione sat down on the seat opposite Ron, not quite managing to look him in the eye. She was suddenly very aware that her hair probably looked a mess, and that she was only wearing a thin vest-top and shorts.
Ron swallowed his mouthful of biscuits, and his eyes lingering for a split second on the witch sat in front of him. A slight blush appeared on his cheeks, and he blinked repeatedly.
‘Er,’ Ron started, as Hermione crossed her arms over her chest. He looked a little lost-for-words. ‘Would you like something to eat?’
Hermione shook her head.
‘Just a drink of water, please.’
Ron got up, taking a glass from a cupboard nearby, and filling it at the sink. As he turned his back to her, Hermione found herself staring at his broad shoulders and the several inches of visible skin exposed on his neck.
‘Thank you,’ she said, taking the glass.
‘No problem, what are friends for, after all?’ Ron said. Then his cheeks flushed, and he looked down at his feet. ‘Although, I wouldn’t think that most friends do…well, what you did after we got our results.’
Hermione felt her face heat up.
‘Ron, I’m… I’m so sorry!’ she exclaimed, her eyes beginning to tear up slightly. ‘That wasn’t right of me to do that!’
There was a long pause. Hermione could feel her heart turning to lead, and her stomach seemed to have dissolved into her legs.
Ron swallowed loudly, and spoke again.
‘Did you… did you not mean to kiss me?’
Hermione wiped her eyes, feeling very confused.
‘Did I not mean to—’
‘I mean…’ Ron continued, his face turning a deep maroon. ‘I can understand why you’d regret kissing a prat like me…’
Hermione’s breath caught in her throat. This couldn’t be happening, surely?
‘I just wanted you to know that I…’ Ron swallowed, as if steeling his nerves. ‘…Well, I don’t regret you doing it.’
Did that mean what Hermione thought it meant? No, it couldn’t be possible…
Ron nodded.
‘It’s one of the happiest moments of my life.’ He said, earnestly. ‘Please… please don’t be sorry about it.’
Hermione felt like her heart had leapt into her mouth. She couldn’t quite believe what she was hearing. Did Ron really not mind at all? Did he… no, that was impossible.
‘B-but…why?’ Hermione asked, blood pounding in her ears. ‘Why would you be so happy about that?’
Ron bent down, cupped her face softly with his hand, and brought his lips to hers.
In an instant, Hermione’s brain seemed to short-circuit.
All she could think about was the way Ron’s lips tasted like strawberries, and the softness of his skin against hers; which keep sending shivers down her spine.
‘Did that explain it?’
Hermione nodded, feeling strangely weightless. However, a synapse fired in her brain, and a thought occurred to her.
‘B—but…’ she stammered, looking into the freckled face that she loved. ‘Why did you avoid me all day?’
Ron’s face creased with embarrassment, as if he had been caught in wrongdoing.
‘Sorry about that.’ He said, his eyes crinkling in nervousness. ‘You see… after you kissed me, whenever I saw you… I wanted to kiss you so much. But everyone—else was always around… this house is so busy with all the people… I didn’t think you’d want everyone—else to see that, not after how embarrassed you looked after you kissed me. I was kind-of hoping to catch you alone, but I never got the chance… until now that is.’
Hermione’s brain rattled and her heart seemed once-again to be beating hard in her ears. He had wanted to kiss her that much? And he’d held off just in case she got embarrassed?
‘I’m… I’m sorry,’ Ron said, taking Hermione’s hand in his. ‘I was worried you’d start thinking that I hated you.’
‘Apology accepted.  And you know me too well.’
‘Of course I do. I’ve been in love with you since I was thirteen.’ Ron said, and Hermione felt like her heart had risen up into her mouth. ‘And, just for the record, I could never hate you, Hermione.’
‘The feeling is mutual.’ Hermione smiled, warm tingles going up and down her spine. ‘And I’ve loved you since I was thirteen too, Ron.’
Ron grinned, his gorgeous blue eyes twinkling. He wrapped his eyes round Hermione, and brought his face closer to hers, making their noses bop against each-other.
‘Bloody hell, ‘Mione.’ —Hermione’s stomach exploded with butterflies at the nickname— ‘I wish you’d kissed me a lot earlier.’
Hermione smiled again, her heart beating triumphantly in her ears.
‘Well, better late than never, I suppose,’ she said, as Ron began to gently kiss her neck, making her giggle. ‘And it was in the spur of the moment.’
‘Please do that more often.’ Ron murmured, as his lips gently traced her ear. Hermione felt more excited shivers going down her spine.
‘Oh, definitely…’ Hermione grinned, as she brought her lips to Ron’s for the second time that day. But it certainly wouldn’t be the last.  
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thedeevirus · 6 years
Can you do some more with Martin as a young adult? Legacy is one of my favorite fics in this fandom. (It doesn’t have to be an extension of that one necessarily. Just anything with an aged-up Martin.)
Hope you enjoy this little titbit with Martin as a rebellious teenager who wants to join the family business :)
For @summerofgotham Week 3: Future AU
Also added to Nygmobblepot Ficlet Collection on AO3
Edshook his head as he heard the door to his hideout slam and a distinctive,halting tread descending the stairs. He noted the barely audible grumbling emanatingfrom the stairwell as well as its correlation to the speed and weight of thefootsteps. Oswald was not in a good mood.
Edturned to Martin.The teenager was still sitting on the stool. He had been experimentally touching hisbandaged wrist, wincing as he tried to rotate it but his eyes had grown wide ashe also identified the interloper into Ed’s lair. He hastily jammed the popsiclehe had been enjoying into his mouth, breathing heavily to battle the brainfreeze as he chewed and swallowed frantically. Once he had overcome thediscomfort, he reached for the writing pad resting on the desk beside him and wrotea single word. He held it up for Ed to see, even though his expression told Edhe already knew the answer. It flummoxed Ed how like a child Martin could still appear with those large,innocent looking eyes and boyish curls despite the fact he had grown nearly astall as he was.
Edtook the pen from Martin and underlined the word in answer just as Oswaldwalked in.
‘HelloOswald’, Ed said brightly, holding up his own popsicle in greeting, ‘Would youlike a pop-?’
‘Whathappened?‘ Oswald demanded, glaring at Martin’s wrist.
AsOswald advanced on them, Martin scribbled quickly and leapt in front of Ed,showing Oswald the pad.
It’s not his fault!
Oswaldreached down and with care despite his obvious fury, took hold of Martin’swrist. His pale eyes flashed savagely, reflecting the various computer screensand neon lights of Ed’s hideout.
‘What.Happened?’ Oswald asked in a dangerously neutral tone.
‘It’sjust a small sprain’, Ed said placatingly, ‘Nothing to worry about’.
Martineagerly flashed a thumbs up with his good hand but was dismayed to see he andEd’s overtly chipper pantomiming was doing little to dampen his adoptedfather’s short fuse.
‘Whodid it?’ Oswald asked.
Martin,visibly deflated, drew a symbol and showed Oswald the page. A black bat outlineon a white page. He was about to explain further but Oswald tapped his caneloudly on the floor. A signal that he wasn’t interested in more details.
‘Oswald,just breathe’, Ed said, ‘You’re a penguin, not a Mother Hen’.
‘Howcould you do this to me?’ Oswald demanded, fingers clenching on the cane’shandle as if it was some poor unfortunate’s throat, ‘You promised this wouldn’thappen again! That if he came to you looking for more ‘lessons’ you’d call meimmediately!’
How did you find me?
‘Doyou think a leaf falls in this city without me knowing about it?!’ Oswald said,obviously insulted, ‘You are officially on thin ice young man’.
‘Penguinsknow all about that right?’ Ed joked, attempting to draw Oswald’s attention.
Itworked and Ed instantly felt like a rodeo clown facing down a particularlynasty bull as Oswald’s baleful gaze was redirected at him.
‘Andas for you, Riddler’, Oswald spat Ed’s alias as if it were a curse, ‘When I tellhim ‘no’, it means ‘no’. Not ‘go ask Ed if it’s alright’! It’s the oldest,basest loophole abuse in the book!‘
‘Hewanted to learn’, Ed said shrugging, deliberately keeping his tone and bodylanguage subdued so as not to enrage Oswald further, ‘He needs to learn how this city works if you want him running it oneday’.
‘Heneeds to learn how to be a better liar!’ Oswald snapped before rounding onMartin again, ‘Did you honestly think the school wouldn’t call me to see howyou were feeling?! Truant for three days!’
‘Yousaid you were on vacation’, Ed said to Martin disapprovingly, obviously againstthe idea of Martin skipping school.
Martinrolled his eyes and groaned, annoyed at being outnumbered and held up the pad.
I’m not missing anything important!
‘Howdo you know?’ Oswald asked but Martin had already finished the answer.
Heheld up the pad with a flourish and the slightest hint of a smug smile.
Because I stole the teacher’s lesson plan and did all thisweek’s work in advance.
‘Well,in that case-‘ Ed began, softening but Oswald held up an arresting finger.
‘Don’tyou dare act like that changes anything!’ Oswald growled, irked that Ed hadreverted to an opponent instead of a potential ally.
Dad! I’m fine. It doesn’t even hurt!
‘Weare going home and you are going back to school. End of discussion’.
You just don’t think I can handle it! I’m not a kid! I’m nothelpless!
Martinwas in the middle of another furious sentence when Oswald snatched the pagefrom the pad. Martin’s lip tightened as Oswald scrunched it into a ball insidehis whitened knuckles.
‘Isaid: ‘End of discussion’’, Oswald finished.
Martinthrew down his pad and ran for the stairway. Oswald made to go after Martin butEd laid a hand on his shoulder. Oswald shook Ed off and spun on his heel, coattails whipping like a scorpion’s barb.
‘Don’tworry, he’s tripped the security system. He’s not going anywhere’, Ed said andpointed his half-eaten popsicle at Oswald, ‘And neither are you until we’ve hada chat’.
‘You’dbetter make it good Ed because right now I’m really tempted to stick that popsicleup your-‘
Ed thrusthis arm forward and jammed the popsicle into Oswald’s open mouth. Oswald,caught off guard, pulled the stick free and was forced to chew the freezingcold lime flavoured chunks as the disintegrated in his mouth. Just as Ed hadplanned.
‘Ibrought Martin along on recon for a museum job I have planned and the Bat cameby on patrol’, Ed enunciated carefully, ensuring Oswald was listening, ‘He wasten minutes earlier than expected. I saw him coming, grabbed Martin and we ran.Martin caught his wrist on a fire escape and twisted it. We came back here, Ipatched him up, unlocked the door because I knew you’d come here looking for him,popsicles. The End’.
Edtook the popsicle stick from Oswald and flicked it into a nearby wastebasket asa visual full stop just as Oswald finally managed to swallow.
Ed’ssuccinct explanation as well as the fact that the violent vigilante did notseem directly responsible for Martin’s injury seemed to have mollified Oswaldsomewhat. In that he seemed content to just scowl at Ed instead of activelytrying to retaliate against the citrus flavoured assault he had just endured.
‘You’resure he didn’t see you?’ Oswald pressed.
‘Ithink we would both be a lot worse for wear if he had, don’t you? By the way,is it true?’
‘Iswhat true?’
‘Thatyou’re working with the Bat’.
Oswaldadjusted his shoulders and sniffed dismissively: confirmation to Ed, who wasintimately familiar with Oswald’s body language, that it was indeed true.
‘I’mnot working with him’, Oswald said pointedly, ‘I’m just not getting in hisway’.
‘Seemshe’s not the only one’, Oswald said sourly, eyeing Ed.
‘Whathappens if he does come for Martin one day?’ Ed asked, allowing a trace ofdisapproval to creep into his voice, ‘Will you get in his way then?’
‘Thatwon’t happen if Martin does as I say!’ Oswald snapped, ‘Why do you keepundermining my authority?!’
‘BecauseI’m trying to keep him safe too! When I found Martin had snuck in here again, Ithought it was better for me to keep an eye on him, so, I told him he couldcome with me to check out the museum. The more you try and tell him not to dosomething, the more he’ll want to do it. You can’t keep him on a leash so whynot make sure he’s safe and knows what he’s doing? Ignorance isn’t safety!’
Ed couldsee Oswald could see his point of view. Ed could also see that Oswald hated thathe could see Ed’s point of view.
‘Iblame you for this’, Oswald groused.
‘Forwhat? The well documented hormonal tyranny and rebellion of the adolescent?’
‘You’rethe only other person that drives me this crazy!’ Oswald said, slamming a handonto the desk.
Acrinkling noise made him realise he was still holding the piece of paper he hadtorn from Martin’s pad. He opened it and read:-
Why are you trying to hide who you are
Oswaldsighed heavily and folded the paper carefully in half, ruefully smoothing outthe wrinkles.
‘Youtold me you weren’t much older than Martin when you started your ‘career’’, Edsaid.
‘Thatwas different’.
‘How?’Ed asked, baffled.
‘Becauseback then there weren’t lunatics running around in costumes!’
Ed gesturedto his vibrant green suit with an offended expression and Oswald made adisgruntled noise.
‘Youknow what I mean!’
‘Is Martinright?’ Ed asked, sitting beside Oswald, ‘Do you really think he can’t handleit?’‘He shouldn’t have to handle anything!’ Oswald said exasperated, ‘I want him tobe better than I was, Ed. To live a proper life without looking over hisshoulder all the time. Maybe even find someone special someday’.
‘Likeyou did?’ Ed asked, placing a hand over Oswald’s.
He beganto trace swirling patterns on the back of his lover’s hand: a soothing movementhe knew Oswald enjoyed.
‘Preferablywithout the bumps in the road we’ve had’, Oswald said, one raised eyebrow aclear indicator that he knew what Ed was doing, ‘But, yes’.
‘Oswald,you and I only met because you were part of Gotham’s underworld and I wanted tojoin it. Just like Martin does. Have you considered that maybe Martin couldthrive there? Like I have?’
‘Thatwas different’.
‘There’sthat phrase again’, Ed said teasingly, ‘It was different only because I was lessprepared than Martin was. Until you helped me become who I was meant to be. Youcan help him too’.
‘Iknow. I just don’t want him to get hurt’.
Oswaldremoved his hand from Ed’s touch distractedly as it strayed to his leg. Ed felta pang of sympathy: Oswald was correct in that his error in naïve over reaching,had cost him dearly.
‘Justone mistake and…and I could lose him’, Oswald continued, ‘I want him to beworried about finding a date for prom or not getting picked for the footballteam, not practicing how to escape from handcuffs or deliberately pickingfights with bigger boys to toughen himself up!’
‘Allfledglings have to learn to fly sometime’, Ed said philosophically, ‘They’rethe ones who know when it’s time to jump out of the nest’.
‘Penguinfledglings don’t fly’, Oswald deadpanned earning a laugh from Ed.
‘Maybenot Mr Pedantic’, he conceded, ‘But they do have to navigate and feel at home invery dark waters. As a smart man once said: It’s better to walk with a friendin the darkness than-‘
‘-walkalone in the light’, Oswald finished, shoulders finally slumping in defeat.
Edrubbed Oswald’s back consolingly and kissed his cheek. Oswald leant his headinto Ed’s shoulder and sighed wistfully.
‘Ijust didn’t expect him to be diving so deep so soon’, he said.
Martinglowered from his seat on one of the stairs as they both approached and bangeda palm on the glass partition irritably. On his way up the stairs, motion detectorshad kicked in and sealed him between two glass partitions that had slid fromthe walls. Even if he had been able to talk, shouting wouldn’t have helped. Theglass walls dampened sound. It was why Ed had decided to talk to Oswald whenMartin was incapable of overhearing.
‘Stumpedya this time huh?’ Ed joked, clicking a hidden panel on the wall.
The partitionsslid back into the walls and Martin, newly liberated, stood up, crossing hisarms carefully but resentfully. Oswald approached and held something out toMartin with a sincere apology.Martin saw it was an origami penguin, folded from the words Oswald had takenfrom him. He looked at his father questioningly and saw he was smilingcontritely.
‘Youdon’t go off on your own, always be back in time for dinner and absolutely nocostumes’, Oswald pronounced, ‘Agreed?’
Martinlooked at Ed with sheer disbelief who flashed him a thumbs up. Martin smiledfrom ear to ear and hugged Oswald close, the paper penguin held tightly yet cautiouslyin his hand.
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kaepop-trash · 7 years
Association Ch-2
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Rated: Smut
Pairing: YutaxReader
Summary: She really hated the guy, his stupid smirk, and flirty attitude was an annoyance at work. Outside of work though, matters were different.
(Y/N): So many of you wanted this Jesus Christ. I don’t really question why but I mean it definitely got me thinking of possibilities with this one. So I guess I’m back to quench your thirsts. I hope you enjoy!
Chapter 1| Chapter 2| Chapter 3| Chapter 4
“This is going to be a lot of fun.” Yuta announced brightly, sitting back on the chair. She turned to him confused.
“An old client of our’s has been arrested in a foreign land. Which is the fun part here?”
“We’ll need what, two days to work out his mess? The rest of the week is ours.” He leaned in and winked.
“Do you think ensuring someone doesn’t end up in a foreign prison is easy? He’s been accused of insulting a prostitute, I didn’t know he could get any worse than he already was.” She huffed out in annoyance. The old man was a sleazy pervert and she wasn’t enjoying the idea of bailing him out from anywhere.
“We’ll just pay them.” He said while cutting into his food.
“That’s offensive to everyone involved.” She laughed incredulously. He just shrugged at put a shrimp in his mouth.
“I don’t care, I want my vacation. He’s rich and guilty, at least the poor girl will make some money off this,” He raised his glass waiting for her to do the same, when she didn’t he only shrugged again and took a sip. “And so will we. We can bill him for the whole week.” He said causing her to choke on her drink.
“That’s a lot.” She said a little surprised.
“Consider it the price for your conscience.” He finished his drink as their flight was called.
After the flight finally took off, she got busy with reading the relevant laws of the country they were currently off to to find a solution. When Yuta realised this he sighed.
“Don’t bother, laws for prostitutes are very strict in this country, paying her to drop the case is the only way. Tourism is one of their largest income, if this story goes public a lot of people might be scared off for a while, putting a large dent in their economy.” Even with her disapproval of his methods, she was mildly impressed at his research.
“If it goes public?” She raised her brow and he grinned. She sighed at sat back.
“Fine whatever, as long as we are done with this as soon as possible.” She sipped on the wine they gave as a welcome drink.
“I don’t get the appeal of wine.” Yuta announced as she turned to him with an offended expression before it subsided into one of bemusement.
“It’s not for everyone.” She said simply, taking another sip.
“What I mean is, it costs hundreds of dollars and for some imaginary flavours. What even is a tanin?” He laughed shamelessly at his own sad attempt of a joke.
“I’ve seen you spend half your wallet on a glass of scotch.” She said with a sigh.
“That’s not the same thing,” He said with a patronising tone. “Scotch has something to show for it’s price, It’s much smoother.
“Wine prices depend on where it’s from, a good province gives wine with very complex flavours.” She explained.
“All I taste is booze.” He shrugged.
“That’s because you’re about as cultured as a herring.” She deadpanned making him laugh at the very random comparison.
After a meal, and a joint decision to make each other like the other’s choice of alcohol, they were both sufficiently drunk and tired, neither more accepting of the other’s preferences than when they started.
She faced away from him, curling up to sleep through the rest of the flight. Yuta turned to her and pouted to himself, he wasn’t tired.
“Hey.” He whispered in her ear and she only hummed in response, “Are you sleeping?” He asked stupidly.
“What does it look like Nakamoto?” Her voice was a sleepy groan. He chuckled so close to her ears that she shivered.
“But I’m bored.” He whined and she just sighed and ignored him. After sitting back for a few more minutes he got restless again and turned back, whining her name in her ears, only partially enjoying how she shivered again.
“I know you’re awake come on.” He whined.
“What do you want?” She spat out annoyed of being deprived of sleep, he smirked at her, and it left her both confused and curious. He slipped his hand into his blanket and then into hers making her eyes shoot open.
“Yuta!” She whispered urgently, “What are you doing?”
“What? You’re so cold so I’m just keeping you warm.” His hand landed on her thigh. When she tried to push it away he only gripped on tighter.
“You are such a nuisance.” She chastised but his smirk only grew as he pushed his hand higher, her protests getting weaker.
His hand reached the band of her tights, as he got slower with his persecution. She shifted in an almost unconscious attempt to give him access but it only made him grow more smug. He slowly slipped his hand into her tights, relishing the idea of her growing impatient but being unable to show it amongst all the other sleeping people. He traced circles inside her thigh, keeping up his maddening rhythm for so long that she let out a whine before she could stop herself, slapping her hand over her mouth and thanking the seat distance business class provided. He sniggered to himself, knowing she would be too proud to say anything but seeing how far he could take it. He watched as she raised her blanket to cover her face, he stopped and drew his hand out. She pulled her blanket down and stared at him while she took shallow breaths, confused.
“It’s no fun if I can’t see your face.” He shrugged, her features turned rigid.
“I hate you.” She whispered with pure betrayal in her voice and turned away. He smiled, finally tired enough to sleep.
They were woken up for breakfast by a flight attendant and the next few hours were spend watching Yuta flirt with the flight attendant incessantly. She decided to just do some work to have something better to do than watch his terrible misadventures. She reached into her bag and took out a file. Yuta turned to her after finishing what was his third conversation with the same attendant and sighed.
“Can you not stop working for a few hours? You know addiction to your work is also a real problem.” He put a hand on hers with mock sympathy. She pushed it away a little too harshly.
“Then what do you suggest I do with all this free time?” She raised her brow at him.
“I don’t know. Don’t you have any hobbies like most people?” She stared at him like he was speaking in ancient greek.
“In a flight? I’m sorry but my hobbies don’t include chatting up flight attendants.” She knew how it sounded the moment she said it and groaned when the expected smirk tugged at his lips.
“Are you jealous?” His eyes danced and she threw her pillow at him.
“Yes,” He looked shocked at her unexpected words. “Of all the people who don’t have to endure your terrible method of flirting.” His face fell before he smirked soon after.
“So it definitely isn’t my flirting that gets you so hot.” He said next to her ear, “I’d say it’s my fingers, but we couldn’t get to that part could we?” She really wanted to kick herself for how much his voice affected her right then, but she was damn well not going to show it. She turned to him, ignoring the proximity of his face to hers. This isn’t the first time he’s that close, don’t act like a teenager.
“When I ride you till I can’t feel my legs and,” She looked from his lips and straight into his eyes, as he sucked in a breathe, smiling, “when you don’t open that irritating mouth of yours.” She smirked this time, “That really gets me going.” She scoffed and sat back.
“Now, I’m not disrupting your rudimentary play time so leave me be.” She went back to her file while Yuta sat back, suddenly in need of a breath, or maybe a cold shower.
As Yuta had predicted, it took two days to sort everything. Once everything was settled, their client made a gracious offer to take them to dinner at an extremely exclusive restaurant.
“Yuta this is going to be too much. I mean I didn’t even bring something to wear to such an opulent place.” She said looking up from her laptop as he emerged from the shower.
“We could go shopping, we have the whole day.” He looked up at her while drying his hair with a towel, repressing a smirk when he noticed her stare at his exposed chest.
“Or we could stay in and you can just wear jeans to a michelin star restaurant.” He bend down and put his arms beside her, caging her in. She looked up at and gulped which didn’t help his dwindling resolve.
“I-uh.” She used all her will to look away from his face and how good it looked with wet hair, “I’ll go shower, I’ll met you outside my room in an hour.” She coughed and slinked off the bed somehow.
“Whatever pleases you.” She heard him say as she walked to the door.
This is the opposite of that.
To say she looked good in the green dress she got would be an understatement, saying she looked absolutely ravishing wouldn’t quite cut it either.
To put it simply, Yuta really loved the dress and he also loved the idea of slipping her out of it even more, which was a sudden but not necessarily unwelcome thought.
He stood outside her door, staring at her, already wishing for the dinner to be over
“Here.” She said handing him something, he looked down at her hand confused staring at the small silk cloth in her hand the same colour as her dress.
“It’s a pocket square, it was displayed beside the dress and I really liked it.” She mumbled, Yuta looked up unable to process this. Instead he took the small gift from her hand. The article, unlike her monochromatic dress, was intricately designed with white flowers and hummingbirds. He traced the patterns with his thumb.
“It’s beautiful.” He pulled out the small material already present in his breast pocket and throw it inside her room.
“Why are you throwing that around? It’s expensive.” She stared at his wide eyed. He just smiled, deciding not to say what was on this mind.
It wasn’t a sliver as meaningful as this one.
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soundrenaissance · 7 years
The Dickies Trigger A Bunch Of Whiney Emo Kids At The Warped Tour
When I typically think of the Warped Tour, the first thing that comes to mind is a crowd of middle-class teenagers with dyed hair safely moshing about to the crying “whooos” and “ooohs” of their favorite emo-metal hybrid bands. Let’s face it, the Warped Tour today isn’t the same Warped Tour that I remember from the 90’s. I remember how lame it was back then, but at least the factor of tears still wasn’t a thing. All we had to deal with were obnoxious Korn kids disrupting the circle pit with their dank bounce mosh.
Now enter punk rock legends, The Dickies. And if there could be an annual Grammy award given for punk rock, these vets deserve it. This past weekend, they took to the Hard Rock Stage at the Warped Tour in Denver, CO. Now if you’re a veteran of the punk scene, their stage antics shouldn’t offend you the slightest. But then again, the majority of the people who attend The Warped Tour aren’t exactly punk rock buffs to say the least. That’s why a group of emo kids became triggered during The Dickies’ set. Let’s face it, they’re a bunch of crusty old men playing actual punk rock. They’re not a tattooed screamo band trying to look cute on stage so they can impress a fan-base of 15 year olds.
And because their singer, Leonard Graves, made a joke about going down on showgoers, a triggered girl in the crowd accused him of being a predator. The group accompanying the girl continued to heckle the band and even attempted to assault them with a sign that read “Punks Not Predatory.” Graves unleashed the almighty “c*nt,” which raised the factor of tears so high that The Dickies got booted off The Warped Tour. If anything, the girl was probably looking for an opportunity to appear heroic and righteous and the poor Dickies happened to be on the receiving end of her idiocy. The ironic part about calling The Dickies a bunch of old predators, is that while they tend to joke about it, they’re not actually following through with it. The same can’t be said about all these emo/screamo bands comprising of grown men being worshipped by 13 year old girls. I mean, just take a look at every emo kid’s hero, Ian Watkins.
The bottom line; you can’t call yourself punk rock, and at the same time, be triggered by a band like The Dickies. Most of these kids who continue to cry about this band and insult them on social media would have never survived a punk show in the 80’s or even 90’s (when I got into it). They would cry so hard, they’re heads would explode. And if you’re one of these kids, then check out the song I left for you below. It’s actually pretty good, and since it’s about crying, I’m sure you can relate to it. It might even expand your taste in music. Also check out the statement given by The Dickies:
  ch_client = "[email protected]"; ch_width = 300; ch_height = 150; ch_type = "mpu"; ch_sid = "Chitika Default"; ch_color_site_link = "#164675"; ch_backfill = 1;ch_color_title = "#164675"; ch_color_border = "#B0C9EB"; ch_color_text = "#333333"; ch_color_bg = "#FFFFFF";
It has come to my attention that a snippet from a recent incident during the Van’s Warped Tour is floating around the internet, indeed here in every comment section on The Dickies page.
This is the context: While doing our show a handful of people took it upon themselves to express their ire with my routine–a routine that includes apish antics, a penis puppet, and often ends with me saying, “You’re a great looking bunch of kids. We’d love to go down on each and every one of you but we just don’t have the time.”
Apparently this group thought I meant it literally as they were holding a sign on the side of the stage (which was then thrown at me) that read:
“Our teenage girls don’t need to be subjected to derogatory jokes by a disgusting old man” “Punk isn’t predatory”
It appears the audience and myself were to be lectured about common decency as well as the very raison d’être of Punk Rock by this woman and her friends during the entire set.
I finally let my anger get the better of me. I let her know what I thought of her ageist, nasty, Leonard-hating behavior. I used very rude language. I understand the word “cunt” is inflammatory and that many women have been abused by this word. I should have called her an “asshole.”
It wasn’t my proudest moment … but neither was the time I urinated on the audience. I wasn’t there to “prey” on anyone’s child. In all honesty, as fine as most of my audiences are, I’ll pass on having oral sex with each and every one of them. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to affix my groovy new “I *heart* Beaver” magnet (that I picked up in Beaver, Colorado) to the refrigerator and listen to “Beat On The Brat” by The Ramones. If some of you kids haven’t heard of them yet, check ’em out! They’re pretty cool.
Leonard Graves Phillips
ch_client = "[email protected]"; ch_width = 300; ch_height = 150; ch_type = "mpu"; ch_sid = "Chitika Default"; ch_color_site_link = "#164675"; ch_backfill = 1;ch_color_title = "#164675"; ch_color_border = "#B0C9EB"; ch_color_text = "#333333"; ch_color_bg = "#FFFFFF";
The Dickies Trigger A Bunch Of Whiney Emo Kids At The Warped Tour was originally published on Sound Renaissance
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