#not gonna be descriptive but even tho my case wasnt just as bad it still hit me
basofy · 2 years
uhmmm lisa
#im gonna vent in tags i like doing that#but i was thinking a lot abt lisa the first#and how ive seen people say that its bad how honest it is about how bad lisa's life is#like the gross symbolisms and shit#and its ok if its not for everybody#not everyone wants a reminder#but its always been special to me just like it is#i wouldnt have had this game help me so much if it wasnt as ugly as it is#and it is without being fetishizing or ridiculizing which i appreciate even more#its written sensitively#i honestly wouldnt have related if it was explained merely through 1 line of dialogue#because at the time i was denying something bad happened to me#i wouldve probably felt pity for lisa thinking i didnt get it#not gonna be descriptive but even tho my case wasnt just as bad it still hit me#shit like the town that is full of bile or the goddamn spiders with creepy music#made me start to consider things#and playing painful and joyful helped me think about other things#i owe so much to the lisa games lol#ohhh and another one 'you cant run from something that already happened' my god#the first game hits so hard#its so bad that its so underappreciated just cuz it isnt just like the other 2#despite it going for something different#i think it accomplished what it was going for#i have a lot of respect towards the first game#also the way lisa sees marty's face everywhere damn#not gonna tag as lisa#tw: abuse#just in case#i could say more about the game cuz i think about it so often#i forgot to say this but yea what hits is how it shows u what it feels like for the person affected
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groundramon · 7 years
Hey so yknow how I said I had a lot of feelings about the origins episode?  I’m gonna talk about them now bc i dont want to go to bed yet
I should mention by “feelings” I actually mean thoughts, some good and some bad.  If I wanted to gush about something I’d gush about the Season 4 finale (god i love Raven), but the season 2 finale broke me so bad that I think I’m physically incapable of being concerned for any of the characters anymore.  No fault of the show itself, I just... //sobs// and its not that i cant enjoy it, i just cant express any emotions anymore.  I feel them but.  How do I express them.
So anyways, over analytical time it is.
God I would really love if we spent more time looking at how the Titans came to be??  I’m not really complaining and I mean I’m not done with the fifth season yet (and the show never had a proper ending so who knows, maybe they wouldve elaborated on it later) but the dynamic that the original Teen Titans had is...extremely different than they have in the regular show, at least once the show finds its footing.  And besides edgy Cyborg (who...was the reason i disliked episode 1 and 3 so much and im having war flashbacks [and it wasnt Cyborg himself, he just got along like shit with the others and that made me sad]) I actually find their original personalities to be extremely interesting.  Young Beast Boy is adorable and I want to hug him (and I dont even like BB normally), Raven’s different personality was just...interesting, and dark Starfire?  HELL yes.  *Grabby hands* gimme more Starfire angst and development.  Also I realized after I watched the episode that Starfire has had racial slurs directed against her and was nearly sold into slavery and *sips cup of tea nervously* there was also an episode description I read once for an episode where she was forced into an arranged marriage and I was like “ah okay, we’re doing this plot” (the recording ended up not being Teen Titans tho so i didnt see it) but remembering that Starfire and her race deals with all that while keeping this plotline in mind is *sips tea nervously and quicker* this show scares me sometimes.  They’re fucking bold and I’d be scared but fascinated to see what would happen if the same writers were writing for, like, Adult Swim.  Also I dont like tea
But while I find their initial dynamic to be slightly more interesting because I’ve always found their roles in the show to be generally pretty stereotypical, I’m actually more interested in how they developed into the characters that they are today.  In fact, to make a fully well-rounded story, you kind of NEED to show that, and it’ll be a gaping plot hole if the show doesnt surprise me and make an Origins Episode pt 2 or something.
We need to know how Starfire became the adorable, kind gal we know today.  I can kind of guess based on context clues and her changed demeanor at the end of the episode, but it would be far more impactful if we saw that development.  Since Teen Titans is an action show I havent seen the characters go through much outward personality change, and like I said its an action show so that makes sense, BUT if you did a series of flashbacks, that’d actually be a really interesting way to include serious and personality-altering character development in a show that wouldn’t otherwise demand too much of it.  But I still need to know how she became like that.
I need to know why Raven is MORE emo after hanging out with these people for a while than less.  And I guess it’d be interesting to see Beast Boy change but I think we can chalk that up to puberty and possibly Cyborg being a bad influence.  Also Cyborg doesnt change that much but it would be funny to see him gradually adopt “Booyeah” as a catchphrase.  And it’d be cool to see Robin gradually adopt his role as leader and learn to work with the others.
But about Raven, while the others I can guess and approximate how their personalities changed, I have no earthly clue why Raven acts different.  Was she just younger so she was less edgy??  Was she on her best behavior??  Was she just in a good mood that day??  Was she gay for Starfire bc that seems likely.  They’re all lesbians sorry i dont make the rules.  But anyways, seriously, what changed her?  SHE SAID SHE THOUGHT BEAST BOY WAS FUNNY.  It also kind of contradicts what Beast Boy said to Terra in the second season but...sure w/e....just ignore your own canon...I guess Beast Boy was making a joke but it seems unlike that he would make that joke if Raven wasnt at least hostile towards him since the start, or if he wasn’t one of the more recent additions to the team.
I do wonder if there were potential plans to have more flashback episodes in season 6.  Since each season revolved around a Titan and Starfire didn’t have a season dedicated to her (she had the movie dedicated to her and wh...thats not fair, starfire deserves better) I guess its possible.  Not saying it was for-sure the case but it’s possible.  That’s what I’d do if I was writing for the show anyways, but then again there are a lot of things I would do differently if I was writing for the show (and im not talking about saving Terra, I love her but i think ive come to grips with her death, altho some of my changes would involve fixing some of her arc’s problems bc she deserved better before you killed her off for The Emotions(tm) >:U)
I dunno.  I’m just confused.  Also I feel really bad for Starfire and damn I wish she had her own season.  I want to learn more about her.
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