#i forgot to say this but yea what hits is how it shows u what it feels like for the person affected
letters2won · 5 months
03; Bewitched
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Your legs bounces up and down as the realization hits you.
You’re not a regretful person. You don’t regret accidentally taking a raccoon home instead of your beloved dog or how you showed a Jacob Elordi edit in front of your English class when you meant to present your presentation on “The Outsiders”.
But fake dating? not your smartest idea…
You have to be crazy for suggesting it. You have to be even crazier to agree to it. But what do you expect from a down bad admirer and a girl who wishes to move on?
The adored cat-like boy sitting across from you, felt his hands get sweaty. He knows you’re here to lay out some ground rules, but this was basically a date in his eyes!
You two sat in awkward silence, unsure on how to start the conversation. “Can’t believe your ex hates my guts… I'm just a silly little guy!” he joked out and you let a giggle slip out.
After that small joke he made, you guys were able to relax and have a smooth conversation. Jungwon even managed to started a debate on how cats were better than dogs.
“You’re literally betraying your own dog right now!” you said through fits of giggles. He was laughing alongside you as he ate the shared cake you guys got.
Soon after you two were full off of sweets and had calmed down, deciding it was best to start the rules as you see the sun setting.
“How should we go about this..?” he began, trying to hide his excitement.
You pondered for a minute before responding, “Rule number one! Don’t fall in love!”
Jungwon's smile falters a little before he proceeds to roll his eyes, “Seriously? Am I not your type?” he teased.
“Maybe if you were Choso..” you seriously considered and he glared at you.
“Of course you’re a Jujutsu Kaisen fan.. it all makes sense now.”
You huffed and then continued, “Oh another one! Rule number two, we hold hands and give each cheek kisses to make it believable!”
Jungwon's eyes widened. He only ever imagined giving you small pecks of kisses, he can’t believe his manifestations are coming true right now. You on the other hand can’t believe you really came up with that. Feeling embarrassed, you moved on rather quickly.
“Oh! I got one! Rule number three, only our close friends will know the truth.”
“Do we have to let them in on our plans..” he mumbled.
“Well yea! I suck at lying, I even got a whole medal at home for being the worst liar in school!” which you stated a little too proudly. He should’ve questioned that but he didn’t, instead he gave you a love sick smile and sighed dreamily, “You’re so talented…”
“Rule number four, We go on dates every friday or saturday!”
Jungwon added on, “We should also always go to each events..” and you weighed the pros and cons of that. For a second, you almost forgot that this was your student council president that was going along with everything that you were saying.
He plays such an important role for the school yet here you are dragging him into your little petty revenge plan on your ex without an incentive.
“Jungwon, what do you want to benefit from this? I feel kind of selfish for only thinking about my side of the plan..”
He let out a hum before giving you his famous dimpled smile which has you bewitched. “I want to spend more time with you in all of this.”
There it is again, that funny feeling. Something about Jungwon is making your heart do somersaults and cartwheels. You’re still confused about what's happening and tried to push it aside. You never felt like this with your ex so why now?
You cleared your throat after realizing you were staring at him with a dumbfounded look for a good moment, “O-oh okay! Easy peasy!”
He let out a breathy laugh as you tried acting nonchalant, shifting in your seat feeling your face get hot. “Moving on! For the last rule…hm.” You two started thinking hard, almost felt like your thinking caps were going to explode any second now.
You gasped and gave him a wide smile, “ Rule number five, every Thursday you watch the new Jujutsu Kaisen episode with me.” He gave you a deadpanned look.
“I’m not watching Jujutsu Kaisen with you.”
“Please! None of my friends wants to watch or hear my thoughts and since you’re my soon to be boyfriend you have to tune in to my rant sessions about them!” you rambled on, giving him those expecting wide eyes.
Jungwon was gone. He had officially lost it. Soon to be boyfriend? Yeah, he’s agreeing with everything you're saying from now on.
“I’ll do anything you ask me from now on queen!”
Oh boy… he is down bad.
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╰┈➤ this feels kind of rushed… i hope you guys enjoyed </3
SYNOPSIS in which you’re DEFINITELY not upset that your ex moved on really easily (spoiler alert: you are!). Yang Jungwon, the student council president is glad your ex moved on because it’s time for him to shoot his shot (just not in the way he wanted.. a win is a win in his book!)
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TAGLIST < open > @firstclassjaylee @sincerelyrki @w0nslvr @poollabug @mrchweeee @nanuer @jwonistic @nyfwyeonjun @jiamini
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xhanelia · 3 months
What i feel about you based on your main agent (bad edition)
I will write the requests but i am in my writerblock era so hoping this will cure it. Love u all <33
Please stop smoking our entrance when we are the attackers please i beg you.
You never speak nor listen. We all know your mic and the whole team is either muted or you are basically deaf.
I have never seen a child play him so you are old. I mean old old. Like a dad or smth
The chamber nerfs are a delusion you suck either way
Stop spending your whole 800 credit to a pistol that you will forgot for the rest of the game.
"I was in my prime before chamber nerfs guyss!!🤓🤓" Yea yea we get it.
Can you stop saying "I kNoW eXAcLY wHErE U ArE" for five seconds?
You cannot aim so you place a setup that is unbreakable to attackers and letting your traps do all the work for you. How smart. (Thats me)
Cannot do shit when the last one left. You get one or two kills with your trap and u die middle of the round.
Stop placing sensors to our back, trying to hold the backsite but enemy can slow walk and bypass you u know? Then you be raging "I PuT a SeNSoR ThErE"
Istg if i get tangled down by your c one more time im gonna ragequit.
Your ult never gets anyone yet there is the whole five of the enemy team.
Your prowler shows no one, girl. Stop throwing it at the start of the round.
Stop trying to control your c you are losing so much time and its gonna get no one.
Ult when your team is near PLEASE. Its no effective if you are by yourself and scream "FACE YOUR FEAR" bcs you are the one that will be facing it.
No one mains iso.
Stop smurfing. Its no fun.
Go back to your own league. You coward.
You are a little child screaming into mic bcs you dashed forward to enemy and died.
Stop sitting onto the keyboard and actually aim maybe you'll get a kill.
Play with the team once. (I hate you with my whole heart)
You either never use your flashes or you blind just your teammates.
Your ult doesnt makes you undying you know? Stop running towards to the enemy like its new paradise.
The most avarage player. Middle fragging the whole game.
Just gives the info, maybe gets one or two kills because of the stupid dasher enemy jett and dies.
That turret be doing no damage if its on your team but be dealing 50+ if its on the enemy team.
Dont just sit there and wait FUCKING ROTATEEEE
Omen (my main)
Stop using c and teleport mid fight. Its no chamber tp or yoru tp. It takes time to teleport and takes time to handle the gun. You are going to die.
That blind hit no one. Stop being delusional and do not push. You are going to die.
If you do not know how to put a smoke when you close the 'astra' mode, do not. Place it slowly if requires. And again, if you dont do it fast enough, you are going to die.
That flash will hit you. It doesnt matter if the phoenix is on the enemy team or on your team. Or worse, both.
You are not that bad, you just need some humanity.
I hate you if you are an egirl that instalocks sage just to be a pocket sage to your eboy that plays reyna like reyna cannot heal herself. Stop. Also stop talking. Your voice irritates me.
Her voicelines are so unnecessary. Especially the ones at the start of the round.
We all know you are on top of your wall that closes mid. Dont peak. Also, stop throwing slows to OUR entrance.
Nobody is going to do anything about your arrow that you throw at the start of the round and showed three or four people. The team will still push. Stop trying to learn freaky arrows and waste your time.
Shock dart kill? What is that?
This agent is not friendly for beginners. Stop making your friends that just started the game play sova. They will show no information for you. Even being a pocket sage is better than a new-starter sova.
Its ok if you do not have linups. But if you do, then we all know that you havent touch the grass for a looong time and you probably smell like her ult. Please shower.
She be no mommy to you. She is kind of woman that rejects chamber, what made you think that she will even let you look at her way?
"Last player standing"
Like kay/o. That flash is here only to blind you. Not the enemy.
Taking the spike and going to another site, saying you'll be back to us then will die and make it drop at the farest site possible. Either stop taking the spike or dont do this shit.
You either bottom frag or top frag. There is no in between. And you are probably 12-13 years old.
I have never seen someone mains, even plays astra.
So i have nothing to say. Im so sorry :(
Your smokes looks pretty tho. Keep it up!
You are a man that cannot stand woman. If a woman says anything bad about you, you will blind them, hit them with all of your abilities and do whatever it takes to make them unable to play the game. (Totaly not single-handed experience)
I hate your abilities. Very much.
I do not have any good experience about someone that plays this agent. Not a single one. I will dodge the game if someone picks breach no joke.
Your molly is useless. I have seen once maybe twice that it kills somebody.
You have so much potential with wingman when you are the last one standing but wingman is the last thing that comes to your mind. Use it.
Why tf that trash is pickable and usable more than once??? Why?? (You are a nice person tho. Cannot move on without saying it.)
Players that plays harbor are no joking. They are not here to learn the agent. They MAIN main him. But that doesnt makes a difference because this agent is close to useless.
Tbh he could have been my main if his abilities were a bit more versatile. Its just smoke and smoke. All about closing the sight of enemy. So fucking boring.
I bet if harbor was a girl, there will be so much people that would play him. Either way, he is boring.
Stop running and jumping around like an autistic.
You will never be able to nail those neon edits that you saw on tiktok. You look like an idiot while running towards enemy and dying first.
I hate her ult.
You are a child. A problematic one indeed.
Probably siblings with jett mains.
I bet even i could do better satcheling than you. (i have never played raze)
I have no words.
Stop instalocking her. You are no useful.
Either top frag and smurf or bottom frag because your friends said that she is strong and you should play her. (0/11 powerspike. Yasuo of valorant.)
Just like kay/o and yoru. But that flash will hit the whole 10 that plays the game.
Deserved nerfs tbh.
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cinnamilkekouhai · 1 year
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Toman! Mikey Confessed to Komi! Reader!!
Reader has overcomed her communication disorder
Song suggested:Night Changes by One Direction
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Everybody knows that Mikey is obsessed with u, i mean, who doesnt like u? U r beautiful, intelligent, talented and kind, he's always the first and eager one to participate in any activities u came up with, he doesnt care if the idea was dumb or not, he just likes to be with u. He will often watch u from afar, seeing u walking to school, seeing u paying attention to classes with that lovesick expression that made draken go 'wtf'.
He also gets jealousy very easily when somebody hit up on u, one time his entire mood was spoiled and the atmosphere is just so creepy when he destroyed every punching bag in his grandpa's dojo out of anger just because he saw a guy talking to u, he wanted to beat the shit out of that person but he had to tell himself to hold back because he doesnt wanna scare u. He clenched his fist in anger, he kept his eye on u until emma and hinata walked u home, then he followed u along with draken who was being dragged along-
When it comes to u, mikey was surprisingly very detailed, what r your likes and dislikes, fav food, fav place, fav store and even how many cat friends u've made, he always find a chance to get closer to u, so everytime he will invite u to hang out and maybe join the toman meeting, eventually his hardwork paid off, u now considered him as a bestfriend.
Even tho hes not the first friend u've made (emma and the girls r the first) but hes your closest male friend. U told him about this once when u guys were hanging out, and oh god mikey exe. stop working. He then showed off this news to his bestfriends, he texted them while kicking his legs like a highschool girl in excitement and his face is hella red.
[Drak🥚]:Mikey i can hear u screaming from miles away
[BestbroMitsu]:Congrates Mikey!
[ImSoSmart]:Oi mikey, r u gonna tell her or what, and chifuyu, wtf r u doing
[I♥PekeJ]:Baji san, im just feeding PekeJ
[My-🔑]:Idk if i should tell her, If i confessed to her and she rejects me, i will be putting this friendship in danger.
[Takemichi]:But u continue to be love in silent isnt an option either! What if someone else confessed to her first, did u even see her locker?? All filled with love letters.
[My-🔑]:I just have to get rid of them all! Y/n chan didnt even need to read those stupid letters.
[Drak🥚]:Bro-, just go confess, seeing u like this kinda hurts me
[My-🔑]:Aww! Ken-chin r u worry about me??
[Drak🥚]:I DO NOT!
[BestbroMitsu]:But takemichi has a point tho, u cant just go on killing that person who confessed to her because u were afraid to ruin this relationship.
[I♥PekeJ]:I mean, look at y/n chan, shes so happy when she is talking to mikey. Maybe we should ask her if she like someone.
[ImSoSmart]:I almost forgot, where r the twins?
[Takemichi]:Souya and Nahoya? They say they r helping with the ramen thing if i remember.
The boys continue to chat while mikey is just lying down staring into the ceiling. He has a crush on u for 8 months but he wanted to go further to be more than just bestfriends, he have been trying so hard to make it not obvious that he likes u but your presence alone just drives him crazy, the way u talk and the way u look. He wanted to ask emma if u have someone in mind but afraid that this question will be soon heard into your ears, and then u will know about his crush on u and bro couldn't expect the worst.
'should i confessed? What if she rejects me? Then im putting this friendship in danger, i dont want that, i wanna stay close to her.. But takemitchy may be right.'
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On the other hand, u were texting and chatting with the girls on the phone, u guys were talking about types of guys yall like and etc, then they suddenly turned to u.
[Emma♡]:Y/n Chan! Do u have someone in mind??
[Hina🌻]:Yea! Im curious too, i wonder what type of guys does a goddess like u take interest in!
[Senju🐑]:Oo i wanna know too
[Yuzuha🌸]:Spill the tea!
Tbh, u actually DO have someone in mind, its none other than your male BFF, mikey.
[Y/n Chan]:Yes..i actually liked someone, hes always been so close to me, he is considered the strongest, he is also caring, full of energy and a funny perso-
[All]:It's mikey isnt it?
[Y/n Chan]:EHH????? How did u guys know!?
[Emma♡]:Besides us, who is your most closest male friend? Yep its Mikey
[Hina🌻]:And y/n chan u r always smiling so happily when u r with him^^
[Yuzuha🌸]:And number one, who the hell can be considered the strongest other than mikey
[Senju🐑]:And number two, hes the first person in my mind when u said 'full of energy'
[Y/n Chan]:U-uhh im gonna go bed! Bye!
_Y/n Chan has logged off_
U cupped your cheeks in embarrassment, now the girls know u liked mikey and they r very excited, Especially emma, she knows her cute brother have been obsessed u and have been wanting to confess but hes afraid u will reject him, but the answer turn out to be better! U like him too, now mikey finally have the chance.
Emma Sprints to mikey's room, she opens the door to find mikey looking at your photo while mumbling 'should i confess' emma have seen this alot of times so who cares! She then showed mikey the text and told him u liked him too. Mikey was speechless, he couldn't process what happen, u really liked him too? Is this a dream? If this is a dream, dont wake him up, after asking emma a 100th times if this was an edited text, he then looked at your photo, picked up the phone and talked to his bestfriends about this, so now, the girls and boys r coming together to give u something special..
The next day, the sano sibling and draken showed up at your house as usual to walk to school together with u, on the way, u noticed a guy who is need of help for finding something. U look down at your feet and found a phone.
U picked it up and hand it to that person, the guy held your hand out of gratitude for finding his phone and u were startled by it, this action alone already made mikey's face darkened, but what the guy said later is what really getting on mikey's nerves.
"U look so pretty! Ive never seen someone so beautiful, Do u have a boyfriend? Do u wanna be mine? May i have your phone number and name?"
"Uhh sorry to interupt, but y/n chan we gotta go"
Emma dragged u away in disgust because number 1 that person held your hand without your consents, and number 2 she know her bff is pretty and aint no freaking way shes letting that creep ruining her brother's love life.
Both girls quickly headed their way to school, and back to mikey, shit he is really triggered- he went forward and straight up punched the guy right in face that sents him flying-
The guy looked up and was in face to face with mikey's full on killer face. Without hesitation, mikey step on the guys's face hard that caused him to fall again, he continuously stomped on it while giving him a dead warning.
"Dont u ever show up your face again infront of MY Future Wife, If it isnt for her i might have killed u on the spot. U dont wanna know what im capable of and what im gonna do to u if u ever breath in the same air as her again."
If draken werent there to stop him, mikey might have actually kill that person on 'accident', the guy scurried away while being deeply traumatized, even tho mikey is just a teenager, his atmosphere and strength itself already made a full grown adult break into cold sweat.
-School Lunchtime
U meet up with mikey behind the school to eat your lunch together, even a dummy could see how happy mikey is to be able to eat with u, and eat the bento U made for him. He only wants to feed u, cause this is what lovers do right? His cheeky smile just made your heart skip a beat for a few seconds, its pretty much the same day for u, but the things is, your other friends r no where to be found. U asked mikey where r the boys and he just shrugged his shoulder, u thought that they r probably busy with their school work.
It was evening when your school work was done and u headed down the path, u were expecting mikey to be there but u were instead greeted by your fav girl friends at the gate, and mikey and the boys was still not there, instead of hugging u like they usually do, emma put a blindfold on u, hinata and senju held each of your hand to make sure u dont fall, yuzuha carried your bag for u and emma lead the way to a certain place.
U r just so confuse at this point because u were totally not expecting this, u wanna know what happen and whats with the blindfold thingy.
"huh?? Where r we going? Whats this?"
"hehe, just follow us y/n chan! Dont trip"
Lmao the girls were giggling so hard that made u extra confuse but u still follow them, after 10 mins of walking, u have arrived and it what it feels like a field to u since the amount of grass u felt below your feet as u walk, emma sat u down a bench and by the time u realized it, it was already a little dark outside, infront of u was a small clif in an angle of the city down there, u were fascinated by the view and wanted to get up but yuzuha just pressed your shoulder down to let u stay on the bench.
Just when u thought the girl's intention where just to bring u here to see the view, emma suddenly said "shes here u can come out now" then a voice and multiple footsteps can be heard behind, u turned around and was facing a whole lot bushes of wild red roses and firefiles, toman was just standing there creating a large circle and mikey seems to be standing in the middle, holding what seems to be like a red rose. U stood up and walk towards him, wanting to know about the situation
Before u can even react, he was already near u and Kneeled on One knee?? U r flustered and turned your head to the right, facing the girls, who were all giggling so hard like a little child, u then turned you head to the left, looking at toman who were all happy and worked up, then u heard mikey whisper to u softly.
"hey y/n, pay attention to me.."
U turned your head back to mikey and had a face-to-face contact with his soft look, u then notice that he has his gang jacket hanging on his shoulder while he just had a simple bandage wrap around his stomach on his body. U held up one of your head to cover your mouth cause u r blushing so hard, which mikey finds it cute. He held on one of your hand started to speak loud and clear to everybody about his confession to u.
"U know, when i first met u, i thought it was blessing, from your appearance and personality, to the day i know u r the right one for me, i swear to all my life i will make u the most happiest girl ever, i promise to protect u and adore u. I've never knelt down before, you were my first. So y/n, will u be my girlfriend?"
With that saying, he hand u the rose while looking all lovesick at u, just then, toman suddenly started roaring cheering and clapping 'Get Togther! Get Together!', u lowered your head while holding onto the rose. Just as mikey thought u r gonna reject him, u said out the ans that its a dream for him to ever hear that, Especially from u.
"I'd love to be your girlfriend.."
Mikey could not believe his ears, he grabbed onto u and spin u around in circles, i dont think hes gonna stop until u told him to because u r getting a bit dizzy, everyone was cheering for the new couple and the girl friends were all just giving 'my child has grew up' vibe. Mikey hugged u tight and buried his face into your neck while whispering something into your ears.
"do u know how many times ive been dreaming of this? My dear y/n u made me so happy that u finally belong to me.."
With that aside, he placed a soft kiss on you, and man that was your first kiss! U r now covering your face with your palm, face and ears red, with mikey holding u in his arm not wanting to let go and toman's cheering kept roaring, making this night extremely memorable in your life.
This is truely a special surprise..
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peterpandiedtoday · 2 years
yk what, just insert a gxd is real at the beginning of anything cats related i post because wowie hello lord. went in hopes of seeing the new girl (tanto today!) and because i was curious what they called rs back for (they didn’t even cut anyone? was weird) and it was niceee. was obvs mostly focussed on tanto hehe
#personal Davy#i liked her she was a nice tanto very playful and she got flattered when carbucketty was a lil cheeky hehe#it did seem like she was always looking to cori (gender switched again yeeeees) and mimicking so she was a lil behind? but idc#one of my fav bits was gus (on purpose? who knows) standing on the last misto explosion and he jumped and yelled ahoo#little old man shot into the air like one of those pressure rockets lmao#it has somehow become a thing that tugger tries to slap mungo's butt when everone is in the jumpy line for skimble?#and today deme joined and they fought over who got to slap the butt and just kept hitting towards the line#also demebomba was cuuute today 🥺 lil cuddles and lying on the floor together#mungorumple kept speed crawling through munk's legs on the tire during tugger and he just gave up. then held his hands before their eyes#gotta protect the childreennnn from this wretched cat who keeps confusing me with his mane swaggles but shh#lmaooo  alonzo got dressed for the cockroaches but forgot his hat and just went to the front to show everyone how great he is at cleaning#himself and cass noticed and was trying to get his attention jumping around him and waving her own hat around but he didn't notice#cass gave up when she had to go but started laughing. when he finally turned around and saw everyone with the hat he Sprinted to pick up his#ouh yea tugger grinned at munk and did the chin pointy thing at him during the romantic line in growltiger. thank u mr h#what did mungo say the first mungojerrie so seductively for tho 😆
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peachyysugaa · 3 years
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― dancer youtubers!lee heeseung x gn!dance major!reader
sparks fly when the top two dancers on youtube collab!
genre: slow-burn fluff, s2l
wc: 3.9k (omg i'm sorry) + 2 twitter pics
warnings: probably some wrong dance terminology, slightly suggestive (the dance is just 😳), short timeskip, it's cheesy please bear with me
part of my youtuber enhypen series, the fifth upload! feel free to read on its own~ ♞──────────────────────────♞
you finish off your last move with your arms wide open, your chest heaving up and down from lack of breath. smiling nevertheless, you know you absolutely love the feeling of getting your breath taken away after dancing because you know it meant you did your best. you walk towards the camera lens and peek at the comments through your open laptop.
"did you all enjoy that?" you ask breathlessly grinning. the flooding comments are filled with compliments from your cover of nct u's boss. however, one comment, in particular, caught your eye as others seemed to reply to it.
heeseung ✔ 2s ago wow that was amazing do you wanna do a collab sometime? 😊
line break insurance you've failed me 5x already
your eyes widen as you let out a gasp. "is that the lee heeseung?" you accidentally say out loud. you wince at the realization of your mistake. the comments are both praising you for your success in getting noticed by the other top dancer on youtuber and relating to your remark.
heeseung ✔ 3s ago haha yes it's me dm me if you want to hear more about it 🤍
"oh wow... this is really cool..." you state before blinking to get you out of your stupor. "well everyone, that's going to be all for y/n's motion of dance today! thank you so much for tuning in, love you!"
you wave goodbye for a few more moments and then shut off the broadcast, closing your laptop as soon as you do. you blink twice and suddenly let out a scream.
you stop with a gasp and cover your mouth with your hands because you cannot believe you forgot that your dance studio isn't the most soundproof of places. "sorry, other dance students..." you whisper to them but more for yourself.
taking a look around your escape, your passion, you can't believe you've made it to where you are, being praised as one of the top dancers on such a vast social media platform like youtube. if anything, you guess it runs in your family, after all, you are related to choi yeonjun, who is considered 4th gen's it boy.
though people were skeptical of you at first when you came on the youtube scene as a dancer after your older brother started taking more to modeling and acting, you quickly proved them wrong by showing them your talent and bloomed from then on. of course, you can't forget to mention the person who skyrocketed just around the same time as you.
and that was the aforementioned lee heeseung. you sigh as you finish packing up your clothes and things to head back to your dorm, glancing out the window to see the sun beginning to set. it seems today was a rare early finish for you.
"i could go for a coffee... i need to finish my classics essay anyway," you mumble to yourself, throwing your bag over your shoulder before hitting the showers and changing into a more casual set of clothes. the finishing touch is a baseball cap that sits snug on your head. tightening the strap on the back and grabbing your backpack and dance bag, you finally take your leave of your beloved dance studio and return the key on the way out. fresh air meets your face, allowing you to take a whiff of the cherry blossoms that have been blooming for a month or so as you make your way to the campus café.
ding ding, the coffee shop's calm doorbell welcomes you as your nose is hit by the sweet smells of freshly ground coffee beans. "welcome!" one of the servers calls at the counter, smiling at your figure that walks closer to order. "what can i get you?"
"hi, may i have..." you scan the menu quickly for a familiar drink. "a honey cinnamon iced latte please?"
"of course, name please?"
"choi y/n," you reply.
if they recognize you, they don't make any notion of it, simply scribbling your name on the plastic cup as you make your payment. you're grateful for the normal interaction and the peacefulness of the café, especially after a surprising stream. "i'll call you when your order's ready, choi y/n-ssi," they inform you with a warm grin.
"thank you," you smile back before going to find a seat. spotting a relatively private area close by with only a pair of boys sitting at the booth, you decide to take the booth two spaces away from them. one boy, you notice, sits taller than the other, but his face is covered by a baseball cap. the other looks like a freshman, his cheeks accentuated by a pair of deep dimples.
as you take your seat, you can't help but think the boy with dimples looks rather familiar but can't seem to place your finger on it. shrugging, you simply begin preparing to write your essay by taking out your laptop and notes from your classics ge. the moment you finish is when you hear your name being called.
"choi y/n-ssi, your honey cinnamon iced latte," the server's voice calls. on your way to receive your awaiting drink, you can finally hear the voices of the two boys sitting two booths down from you.
"did your crush just say choi y/n?" the one with the hat says.
'yes, that's me,' you think to yourself nonchalantly.
"weren't you just watching their stream, heeseung hyung?" another voice says as you pick up your latte and thank the server.
wait, heeseung? as in lee heeseung? it's when you turn around with your drink in hand that you notice the two males looking straight at you. now you're able to make out the features of the boy with the cap, and there's no mistaking it.
"lee heeseung?" you mutter out loud at the same time he speaks out yours.
well, maybe that wasn't what you were expecting today, but hey, life is full of surprises, even if they are one after the other for you. after that unexpected encounter, you and heeseung acquainted yourselves, he invited you to sit with them, and now you're sitting at their table, awkwardly sipping on your latte.
"right, so should i leave?" the other boy, who you found out is studytuber and vlogger yang jungwon (which is why he looked familiar to you), blurts out. you chuckle as heeseung shakes his shoulder lightly. "what? you two clearly have to talk about something, i need to study."
"yea, yea, lover boy. make sure you say bye to your crush on the way out," the male dancer teases, causing the younger one to turn bright red.
"don't call me that, hyung," he mutters before picking up his bag and leaving the booth. sure enough, you watch as jungwon passes by the counter and erupts into a nervous mess the moment the server beams at him.
"ah... so he likes them?" you think out loud.
"yup, it's been almost four months now. i'm the reason he even knows this cafe and that server exists," heeseung mentions, making you nod courteously. he turns his attention back to you with his hand placed under his chin. "but their relationship is besides the point. let's talk about us."
"d-did you have to put it that way?" the forwardness catches you off-guard, and you suddenly have a harder time swallowing a sip of your coffee.
"sorry," he says with a teasing smile. "i just think the collab i mentioned would be good for both of us, and it'll be really fun too."
"i agree, people who like you will come to me and vice versa," you nod. "but do you know what we would be dancing to?"
"so does that mean you're in?" he asks, smile starting to grow on his face. wordlessly, you roll your eyes and hold out your hand for him to shake. that's when his full smile comes out, causing your cheeks to heat up as you think about how much more handsome it makes him look. taking your hand, heeseung shakes it with his vigorously. "alright, dance partner, we have a deal."
after much deliberation and research, the two of you finally agree on troublemaker by the duo hyuna and hyunseung. heeseung suggested this song, stating that he always wanted to do the choreo with somebody and that it's destiny that both males have a name that starts with h and ends with seung. quite frankly, it's not like you could find much anyway, besides some cool music bank mc stages, it is cool that troublemaker was originally an opposite-gender duo in the korean entertainment industry.
the choreography however is an entirely different story. at many points, hyuna's body is touched by hyunseung and vice versa, but if they can do it and stay professional, then you believe you can too. besides, dancing will always be just dancing. heeseung also assures you that if you want, the two of you can just have your hands hovering, which makes you feel relieved to have an understanding partner.
hours pass by, and you and heeseung decide to meet at your usual dance studio daily after all your classes, which wasn't hard because he also frequented the same one.
"i still can't believe we attend the same university," you say aloud as the both of you pack up your laptops and supplies.
"i know right, you would think one of us would recognize the dance studio we go to 24/7, right?" he laughs. "although, i've seen you use a different one sometimes."
"do you really watch my covers and streams often?" you ask baffled. he and you wave the workers goodbye and make your way to the brisk evening air waiting outside as the staff sends you off.
"i do, is that so hard to believe?"
"a little," you reply sheepishly.
"well, let me walk you to your dorm and prove to you how much of a choi y/n stan i am," he boasts, and you let yourself laugh freely as you walk beside him to your destination.
it's strange, knowing a famous youtuber you watched also knew and followed you, but then again, you're not exactly nobody either. when heeseung drops you off, he admits that he actually lives a few floors above you and that you two can walk home together after each rehearsal. it's even stranger, knowing a famous youtuber literally has been on your campus, in the same dorm building as you, and this whole time, the two of you have both been clueless as to the other's existence as an ordinary college student.
speaking of which, he can't be a dance major, right? otherwise, you would've already seen him! these thoughts keep you tossing and turning to the point you don't register when you fell asleep. when you wake up, you feel as if you didn't get any sleep at all, but get up and ready nevertheless, going through another regular day as a dance major.
by the time your classes are over, you walk out of the studio yawning about to stop by your dorm to freshen up and maybe fit in a nap. you're holding a hand over your mouth mid-yawn when a voice starts talking to you.
"good thing i stopped by to get coffee." you open your eyes and close your mouth to see lee heeseung holding two cups of coffee. he's dressed in an oversized white shirt and grey sweatpants, a common dance practice outfit, so why is your heart skipping so many beats. "yo, choi y/n."
"heeseung," you say, still shocked. he hands you the coffee, which is actually the same flavor you got yesterday. "thanks."
"no problem," he replies coolly. "maybe we should take a break before we get to it?"
"i'll be fine, how about we can start watching the choreo?"
"they're always ready to dance," he nods with an impressed smile. "as expected of a dance major."
the two of you walk inside and book a studio for a few hours as you raise an eyebrow at him. "wait, what major are you?"
"music production."
"that makes so much sense!" you say relieved, stepping into the studio room for the umpteenth time. "i was racking my brains wondering what major you were."
"so the famous choi y/n is curious about me?" he smirks. you groan and facepalm in response. "i'm kidding, i'm kidding. let's watch the video on my tablet?"
nodding, the two of you watch carefully, eyes glued to the screen at your respective roles. you hold your breath at some touchy parts but also notice that both idols were able to shine in their solos.
"a few tweaks here and there, and it'll be perfect," heeseung comments once the video is over. "but let's go over some boundaries, yeah? let me know what you're comfortable with and what you're not."
"right," you agree, once again relieved to have such a safe and understanding partner like him. "well, i think i'm okay with you touching my arms, shoulders, and hips like hyunseung did to hyuna. i just need some time to get used to it."
"alright, that sounds good," he says nodding with a hand under his chin. "then for today, i'll just hover my hands over the places they need to be."
"what a gentleman," you tease.
he rolls his eyes playfully at you. "let's start marking."
and so that's what the two of you start on. with the video on the tablet, you go through the motions with the speed lowered, eventually picking up more moves until you're able to follow at the normal speed. as expected of the top two dancers on youtube, the two of you are quick on observing and learning the dance and get done with basic marking within 20 minutes or so.
after marking, you take a quick water break to watch the video again in full detail, officially beginning your first real practice. as promised, throughout the entirety of marking, heeseung has kept his hands to himself, but you've become comfortable enough to have him do a little more.
before you start practicing for real, you decide to speak with him. "hee," you call him as he puts down his water bottle.
"hm?" he confirms that you have his attention, looking up with his large doe-like eyes while wiping his mouth off from some excess water.
"uhm.." you fidget with your top a little before mustering up some courage. "you can do light touches now for the choreo."
"really? are you sure?" you nod at his question, causing him to come up to you and ruffle your hair lightly. you bat his hands away with a pout, smoothing out the mess he made as he laughs at you. "that's great, y/n," he says with a bright smile, unknowingly making your heart beat a little faster as you nod again. in your head, you rush to cover up the physical reaction with an excuse that it's just from the amount of exercise you've done.
the two of you stand in front of the mirror, ready to go. before the music starts, heeseung turns to you and says, "just let me know if i make you uncomfortable at all."
"i'll be fine," you reassure him with a small smile. that's when the song begins, and the sparks start to fly. every move flowed like water, yet every touch between the two of you was like electricity as if the two elements were working together instead of fighting. even though the touches are light, they still put chills up your spine, in a way that you can only describe with the phrase "meant to happen."
was fate moving its course to put this match together, or were you imagining it? you're not sure, but you grin while catching your breath once the first practice is over. falling to the floor softly, you sit with your hands splayed behind you and let out a relieved sigh. "ahh... dancing is so... great!"
heeseung chuckles at your reaction and offers a hand to get you up. "i'm glad you think that because we got a lot more practice ahead of us, partner."
"yup!" you say with a widening smile. the moment you took his hand, you felt an electric jolt that almost made you let go. getting up, you shake it off and barely catch the expression on your dance partner's face. "is something the matter?"
he blinks a bit before he's shaking his head with that charming smirk of his. "nope! let's practice!"
practice, practice, practice. that's how the next few hours go. and just like the day before, heeseung walks you to your dorm building, this time the conversation about how excited the two of you are for the recording.
that's basically how the next four or so days go, now that heeseung came into your life. your daily routine of wake up, eat, class, dance, repeat was shaken by him, because now he was a part of it. it's an indescribable feeling, hanging out with him. the best word, or phrase actually, is the same one you used while dancing with him: meant to be.
so when you finally get to the day of recording, you almost don't want it to end. at least, that's what you're telling your best friend and makeup artist, kim sunoo.
"friend, you're telling me that you and this guy have been following along to..." he tells you to look up as he curls your eyelashes. "a dance like that for four days and you've been getting shocks this whole time?"
"i mean, yeah?"
"y/n, i love you, but you're missing a little something, aren't you?"
"pucker up, sweetie, we're making your lips look kissable," sunoo commands. you do an eye-roll but do as he says. "if you don't ask him out or do something by the end of this, you can at least kiss your best shot at a boyfriend goodbye with luscious lips."
he finishes applying the color and asks you to rub your lips together and make that pop sound. "perfect," your best friend compliments. "go out there and get your mans."
"thank you, sunoo!" you say, gazing at your reflection in the mirror and loving the way he accentuated your features. "by the way, you're all talk. you should ask your celebrity crush out when they appear on your channel."
"i'll get there when i get there!" he whines and starts pushing you out of his dorm room. "just go get 'em, tiger."
with that, you make your way to the dance studio where heeseung is waiting for you, dressed in hyunseung's iconic suit with the leopard-patterned blazer. your heart quickens, seeing how much more handsome he looks dressed up, hair slicked back and some makeup done. he looks up upon hearing the door open and his mouth slightly hangs open as well.
the both of you are silent as you approach him, in your equally bedazzling outfit, sheer to mimic hyuna's stage dress. "you look amazing," the two of you say at the same time. stunned at the simultaneous sentence, you two immediately start guffawing at how this was unlike your usual interactions.
"that was so awkward!" you blurt out, unable to contain your laughter.
"yea, not like us at all," he admits while he wipes a stray tear from laughing too hard away. smiling at each other, you admire the way his eyes reflect your image and sparkle. "you ready to get this show on the road."
"ready as i'll ever be." the two of you get into your positions on the opposite ends of the room, and heeseung starts the camera and the music soon after. you take each step slowly to meet him in the middle as he takes your hand and brings it up to his lips to give it a kiss while smirking. you keep your face professional as the two of you take a few steps forward, the back of his fingers curled over the front of yours.
starting back-to-back, you walk forward a bit before the beat drops and heeseung's part begins. you're on autopilot as you dance your fingers from his chest to his shoulders, and then the chorus comes. hips swaying, you're able to feel his hands' light taps on your body as the two of you lose yourself to the music you've danced to hundreds of times this week.
then, it's your killing part as you lipsync hyuna's rap and take bold steps around heeseung's body, ending up behind him to bring your hands over his shoulders and make a scratching movement across his chest. you step towards his side, do your thing, and walk away as if playing hard to get.
you wait for his part during the bridge and make a side glance towards him before moving towards him and performing the hip-heavy part of the chorus together. your partner moves his face up along your arm, taking it in like you're a statue. you then act like you brush him away when heeseung gets close enough. after this second chorus, you're leaving him to do his big solo, watching carefully as he makes his every move precise and crisp yet flow well.
it's the last chorus now, and this time, you can't take your eyes off each other as you finally face one another. you stay drowning in his shades of brown without a single misstep until you have to walk away from him. you wait for him to come towards you, back slightly turned away as he jaunts forward, making his way to be captured by your hand behind his neck.
the last breath of the song is the one where you're supposed to turn your head away as his own chases yours, but this time, you brave forward and lean in close. the music fades away, but all you hear is his breathing, feeling it against your own.
you stay like this, ensnared in each other's arms, forgetting about everything except the person wrapped close to you as you feel his every breath against your lips and every inhale and exhale under your hand. he searches your eyes, looking for some kind of sign. "do you mind if i—"
that was all you needed before you're pressing your lips against his. it only takes seconds for him to kiss you back, moving his hands from their previous position on your hips to hold your face. becoming breathless from dancing was one thing, becoming breathless from kissing heeseung was another thing entirely, it was in a league of its own you note as you pull away and rest your forehead on his.
"we'll have to edit that out," you say after what seemed like ages of taking each other in while chuckling.
"i have a better idea than editing."
"oh, and what's that, handsome?"
"look at you getting all bold, troublemaker," heeseung replies with that smile of his. he shakes his head, moving away from you and taking your hand in his. "how about we go on our first official date as youtube's top dancer couple?"
"that does sound like a better idea," you agree, your own smile widening.
"then let's make it happen, sweetheart."
bonus! - click for full images
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taglist: @cha-raena @imjustme-things @misoiishi @rikitaiyaki send an ask to join the taglist! :3c permanent taglist: @fiantomartell
a/n: wow this was a long one!! i'm not sure if i detailed all the movements well, but i hope you all enjoyed it nevertheless <3
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imjusttpeachy · 3 years
she's a rae of sunshine (c.h.)
okay so this was a request but i completely read it wrong so i’m gonna write it again but i finished this one anyway so here take it
so sorry to the anon who requested it bc u were so fuckin sweet i’ll have it up asap i promise
ralph castelli - morning sex
crumb - bones
jorja smith - teenage fantasy
summary: balancing college life and wanting to support your best friends online endeavors was difficult, but reader regrets trying a little harder when she finally meets one of her newer stream-mates
word count: 2, 828
WARNINGS: she/her pronouns used, coarse language, lowkey OOC Corpse, that needs its own warning i’m sorry,
“Look you knew I had to stream before I said you could come over ya fuckin idiot.”
“Yea I knowwwww, I just wanted to spend more time with my super-hot best friend forever.”
Being the best friend of an online personality had its perks— the amazing trips you got to hitch a ride on, the adoring fans that seemed to latch on to you as well, the sponsorships that would always send you something along with the original PR package, and especially the way she was able to choose their own work hours.
Well... mostly.
As much as you adored spending time together during the day, whether it be shopping or going out for brunch, those late nights that always seemed to hold the most memories you held so dear were few and far between. Of course, you couldn’t blame her; responsibilities were responsibilities, and fuck if you’d let your selfish wants override the way she chooses to get her work done. You really couldn’t be one to judge either-- having to call off dates because you’d underestimated the time you needed to complete a school paper, or when a last-minute lab was called in and you’d have to leave her sitting alone in those cafes with your half-finished mocha and a promise to Venmo her the money to cover it later. What left you feeling the most guilty, though, was the fact that you weren’t able to watch her content as much as you’d like to. Sure, you’d catch a few minutes of a stream here and there but any time you spent apart was usually spent with your head buried in a book, mind bleary with countless espresso shots trying to keep your tired eyes focused on the seemingly unending work in front of you.
But, a distraction every now and then couldn’t hurt. Right?
Having had enough of your current assignment, any coherent thought was long gone, you’d decided to pay your favourite person a little visit. You knew she’d probably be busy as she hadn’t replied to your previous text for a few hours, but knowing her presence alone and any passing comments would lift the heaviness that had found its home in your head and chest, you shot her a message to let her know that her office couch would be occupied by you for the next few hours. Normally, you’d just show up so you knew she wouldn’t have a problem with it; so when that fateful message popped up on your phone giving you the go-ahead you completely ignored the warning of her work schedule and drove right over.
So now here you were, sprawled haphazardly on her couch clad in sweats and a sports bra scrolling through your phone as you watched her finish her final touches so she could start her stream.
“You’re gonna be in the background of my face cam if you wanna sit there y’know.” Groaning in response to her warning not wanting to move from the comfy spot you just found, you looked over at her with the best puppy eyes you could muster. She chuckled softly, raising her hands in surrender as she turned back to her setup. “Hey I really don’t care, just warning ya bug. The thirst comments and screenshots are outta my hands.”
Scoffing under your breath at her comment, you turned your head back to your phone as a Twitter notification popped up at the top of your screen.
Corpse Husband: streaming among us in a few mins, join in on youtube
Heartbeat picking up slightly, you scrambled for the purse you’d thrown at the base of the couch for your headphones. Ever since you’d found this handsome-voiced stranger’s channel on your late night horror binges, you had fallen completely in love. While you weren’t typically the type to watch video game commentary outside of Rae, his voice got you completely hooked and you couldn’t get enough of it. Yeah, maybe you were a bit of a simp, but that sweet and genuine personality that hid behind that gravelly tone had you melting completely into his clutches. You tried to convince yourself to get over it, you didn’t even know what he looked like. But, y’know, a little crush wouldn’t hurt anybody right?
“Going live in T-minus 30 seconds babe.” Jumping slightly as Rae’s voice knocked you out of dreamland, you mumbled out a small “got it” as you once again got focused on getting your headphones connected to your phone. You’d never been able to watch one of his lives before, his horror commentary videos usually playing as background noise as you did schoolwork or while you were falling asleep. Practically shaking with excitement, you opened your YouTube app seeing the live at the very top and tapping on it immediately only to be met with that sweet laugh ringing through your headphones like music to your ears. You grinned to yourself, grabbing the throw pillow you had previously tossed to the floor and hugging it to your chest while your eyes remained glued to your phone screen, completely forgetting what was happening around you as you zeroed in on the gravelly tone you’d fallen oh-so in love with.
“Hey (Y/N) wave hi.” You startled slightly as the faint voice of your friend sounded from across the room. Glancing up from your phone, you pulled an earbud from your ear and furrowed your brows at her before slowly processing what she said, lifting a hand in greeting to her watchers. She laughed at your confusing antics, turning slightly in her chair to look over at you. “What the hell are you so smiley about?”
“…Nothing..” You grinned widely as her laugh once again resounded around the room, shaking her head at you before turning back to her screen with a scoff, muttering something under her breath so only her watchers could hear. Smile still plastered across your lips, you settled back down into the comfiness of the couch and popped your earbud back in, zeroing in again on the screen in front of you. Watching as Corpse moved his character around the lobby as he waited for his friends to join, a small giggle escaped from under your breath; trying your best to be mindful of Rae’s stream but not being able to hold back the flustered feeling welling up in your chest, mind giddy with the thought of finally being able to see one of his famous live streams, well, live. It had only been a few seconds later when you heard Rae’s voice once again, only this time, not as muffled as before.
“What’s up motherfuckers.” Brows furrowing in confusion, you lifted your hand to your earbud and pulled it from your ear once again, hearing her voice from across the room but from your other earbud as well. No, there was no fucking way. All your questions were answered, though, as you glanced back down at your phone screen seeing a red character move around the game lobby along with Corpse’s, the gamer tag ‘Valkyrae’ floating just above it. Blinking hard at your screen trying to convince yourself that your eyes were lying to you, you slowly pulled your hand to cover your mouth in shock. How… How could you possibly not know they knew each other? With the way they spoke to each other in sarcastic comments, poking fun at the other it sounded like they were close too. Body finally catching up with your thoughts, you scrambled at your phone, shaky hands moving as quickly as they could to pull up your texts with Rae. Your fingers tapped furiously at the screen, anxious to get back to the live stream to listen in more but also needing to know what the fuck was going on.
TO my rae of sunshine: care to explain what the fuck is going on??! how the fuck do you know corpse husband?????!??!
“Oops sorry guys, guess I forgot to turn off my phone ringer-“ Staring up at the back of her head helplessly, you watched as she picked up her phone seeming to read out the text before bursting into a peal of laughter. Tossing a look at you over her shoulder, you looked back down at your phone bashfully, seeing the three loading dots in your message thread indicating that she was messaging you back.
my rae of sunshine: lol what about it? you gotta crush on him or something?
TO my rae of sunshine: …no
Hitting send you rushed back to the stream, anxious to see what Corpse was saying in response to Rae’s absence, not thinking anything about your brief conversation and thinking you would discuss it after she had logged off for the night. Though, as you heard her phone chime again from across the room followed by another bark of laughter, you knew you weren’t getting off that easy.
“What are you laughing about?” Corpse’s honeyed voice sounded from your earbud, hearing Rae’s giggles from what you presumed to be their discord voice chat. Glancing anxiously between his stream and the reflection of Rae’s face cam in one of her monitors, your heart began to sink as you watched that familiar mischievous grin tugging at the edge of her lips.
“Oh just my friend (Y/n) sent me a funny meme”
“Wait, is she the one in some of your Instagram posts?” You swear your heart stopped beating at that moment, eyes glued to the screen in front of you as you tried helplessly to process the conversation happening right in front of you. He knew who you were? You thought you’d always be lost among the hundreds of thousands of his new adoring fans, left in the anonymity of your Twitter tag in his subtweets, or just another subscriber that fawned over him silently behind a keyboard. Knowing that he’d actually seen your face you could feel your own beginning to heat at that moment; you brought your hands your mouth again, unknowingly curling your body tighter around the pillow in your lap as you tried to hide your face behind it as you become more and more flustered from the words nonchalantly escaping his mouth.
“Yea that’s her, pretty thing isn’t she? She’s my absolute favourite.”
That’s it, you were gonna fucking kill her.
“I mean, yeah... I guess..” The timid words followed by a soft awkward chuckle had your breath hitching in your throat. There was no fucking way this was happening. This had to be a dream, that was the only possible explanation. You were just about to pinch yourself when Rae’s voice startled you from your thoughts.
“She’s actually over right now. She insisted on getting wine drunk later tonight because her professor’s been on her ass lately. I’ll get her to come say hi.” Rae had barely turned around in her chair when she was met with your wide-eyed gaze, panic painted across your features as you shook your head wildly. You were in no state to be talking to your long-time internet crush in such a casual setting. But with the look Rae shot you from her chair as she started to plug another headset into her PC, you knew you had no choice and begrudgingly pulled yourself from the couch almost tripping over your own feet as you shakily walked over to Rae. Shooting her another pleading look, she only shoved the headset in your direction in return as she grinned up at you. Finally biting the bullet, you pulled on the headset and leaned down toward the mic.
“Hi, how’s it going?” Cursing at yourself for how quiet and shaky your words came out, you barely had any time to think it over before a chorus of greetings sounded through the headset. A small giggle escaped your lips as you watched the different Discord icons appear and disappear from the top of the screen. You knew most of these people already which made you even more confused as to how you managed to miss that voice from all the discord chats and voice calls. Well, knowing them was a bit of an overstatement anyway; you knew /of/ them, and they knew /of/ you in the other times you popped up in the background or in passing conversation during Rae’s streams. They did know you well enough, though, to know this was not the way you usually spoke around them.
“No way, that can’t be the (Y/N) I know!” The voice you recognize as Sean echoes through your headset, another chorus of knowing laughter following quickly after. Taking a deep breath you managed to force out a few words that would get them off your case.
“…Shut the fuck up”
“There she is!!” As the group erupted in laughter yet again, all you could focus on was the faint deep chuckle that resounded through your headset. Feeling your face start to heat up, you covered your wide grin with your hand as butterflies burst through your stomach; you could listen to that laugh all day. Before you were able to speak again, though, that heavenly voice piped up and wiped all train of thought from your mind.
“Nice to meet you (Y/N).”
“It’s nice to meet you too Corpse. I gotta be honest ‘n say I’m a pretty big fan of your no-sleep work.” And... there’s the word vomit. Fuck, you could feel your cheeks starting to heat up with the ongoing realization of who you were talking to.
“Aha thank you, I uh really appreciate that. I’m sure you just heard, but I guess you could say I’m a fan of yours also.”
No, there’s no fucking way.
Is he...
Flirting with you?
Before you could even think about what to reply to that with, the rest of the group beat you to it.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, what is happening.”
“Is- Is Corpse really shooting his shot right now?”
You didn’t realize you were frozen in place until you felt Rae’s hand on your elbow, snapping you out of your bewildered trance as you tried to comprehend what was happening yourself. As your thoughts finally caught up to the present, you could feel your cheeks start to burn; pulling your hand up to cover your face you stepped out of the view of the face cam. Rae’s laughter filled the room as she watched your flustered antics, shooting you a sly grin as she started scanning the monitor displaying her live chat.
“Wait, wait, chats telling me (y/n)’s blushing right now?” Sean’s voice echoed through the discord chat, only making you flush further as you tried desperately to find a way out of this.
“Okay, okay, leave her alone.” Corpse’s voice finally piped up amid all of the chaos causing everyone to immediately pipe down. God, you didn’t even want to begin to think of the mess this has already made, you just needed to get out of there before you caused any more damage.
“Yeah, I uh- see- see that the lobby’s full so I’ll just uh- leave you guys to it.” Quietly thanking the stars that Corpse finally got you out of this mess, you went to pull the headset off your ears when that fateful voice piped up again.
“Wait, don’t let these nerds make you leave. You should stay- I mean, only to help Rae y'know? She needs it.”
“I do not!”
“I- I mean yea sure, as long as I’m not intruding,” Cursing yourself again for stuttering before forcing yourself to swallow the knot in your throat, “I mean, she really does need the help.”
“Okay just because you want to flirt some more doesn’t mean you can bully me-“
“Okay, I’m starting the round!” The booming accented voice cut off everyone else in the call as you all stared as the screen began to count down to the game, and before anyone had the chance to say anything else a chorus of laughs resounded, and then the lobby fell into silence.
And it went on like that, the not-so-subtle flirting followed by relentless jabs from the group immediately after. The game was almost forgotten with how much of each lobby was taken up by teasing words and endless laughter, but every audience was just eating it up. You didn’t even want to think about the mess social media was going to be after this stream but right now you were having fun with your friends and that’s all that mattered. The grin was practically plastered on your face as you laughed along with Rae the chat during the gameplay portions and you knew everything from this moment on was gonna be different, but you couldn’t find a single thing within you to care.
Especially when you logged onto Twitter right after the stream and saw that little message right at the top of your requests.
@.corpsehusband: wanna hear some of that no sleep work in person?
beep bop here u go,
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hoarsedevours · 2 years
wowwww this shit's insane. i can't believe I have so many emotions for this drama. i want to run and bounce. I want to swim in the sea. I want to do a pirouette. I want to text all my loved ones that i love them. i want to resume journaling. i want to hit all the gongs that exist on planet earth. i want to scream and shout then roll in the fields!!!! aufgshfdhgsf 2521 is a masterpiece!!! mannn....
i know that was going to happen! heedo's mom is very....maybe she doesn't have a backbone....maybe she is very "i am just doing my job"...oh my god the parallelism between heedo and her coach and how ms. shin hurt them in tha name of "journalism"🤡 (missmaam u can just abstain ig like the judges who wouldn't judge if someone they're close to has a case) all i know is that not all mothers should be mothers....
god and the way how people who are not blood-related to heedo are the ones supporting her. her mom doesn't have an excuse, really. when we have a similar reporter yi jin sleeping overnight in a hotel lobby waiting for the referee to pass and when that didn't work out he chased the ref and does an extra shit just to have a statement of clarification.... and then we have random old men cheering her up, saying things that completely resonated with her soul............i know that feeling of being seen by strangers. a sort of catharsis that someone does understand
i love how the writers showed the 2 sides after the competition. because i've always been curious about the losing party. how did they cope? what are their thoughts and feelings. i feel for heedo but at the same, i also feel for yurim? does that make sense? yurim's a very what i like to call a very "asian woman" almost all of the things she does are for her family. family is everything. she's been doing it for as long as she can remember that she now forgot what are the things she does because she herself loves it and what is for her family....they get it (girl probably bcs they're asian as well?) her father comforting her.....oh my god......i haveeee.....
i shed tears again. every damn episode. i swear. first time for a kdrama and i've been watching kdrama for years. like princess hours era long? well if u count meteor garden taiwanese version as kdrama then also that? (lol) or maybe u can also say that i haven't watched as many dramas as i can in those years. but like personally, this drama touches my feels in so many wayssss....ugh
and of course...not to forget the thing that got me giggling is the possibility that yijin is heedo's husband and min chae's father. he was just fucking quarantined that's why ms. shin told heedo that she "saw him last month" and ofc heedo misses her husband. gorl duh. man i love this possible reality. because...i know...i know...first loves not ending up with each other is a normal occurrence (according to my research lol) i've seen it happen in the people i know personally and read and hear in media....but 2521 is a story of hope...u know....among other things...but like hope is the main theme and believing in each other. of hopes and dreams and wishes and believing. like sis please give it to us alreadyyy 😭sis i'm begging u... i didn't watch this drama for angst...i mean shitttt fuck i actually watched this for angst💀 (hello at the gifset that have yijin saying "you have to be in love for a break up to be sad, you idiot" but i have the assumption that it's an "angst with happy ending" goddddd😭😭😭
ok i actually replayed episode 5 an unhealthy amount of times to analyze the interaction between heedo's mom and min chae. and min chae's giving me the vibes of knowing something but refusing to say it for some reason. her expression when she said "tell me about baek yijin" looks like fishing for something that she already knows 👀i meannnn her eyes are avoiding and assessing her grandma's👀 yeas but i am very biased so of course, none of this theory is with valid support
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babymilkawa · 3 years
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ILL TAKE IT// but yea I didn’t rly put a limit cos ppl are decent enuf to not request like 10 at a time right?? 😅 here ya go swaglorddd
sick s/o headcanons with:
sugawara koushi, hinata shoyo, sawamura daichi, kenma kozume
gn!reader :)
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sugawara koushi
if you show up to his practice wrapped in layers of clothing and a red nose, he’ll excuse himself immediately and force you to sit down on the bench while he goes to coach ukai’s store to get some meds for you
when he comes back, both his hands are carrying two plastic bags
one of them has your stuff, warm food that isn’t greasy and cough drops too
the others are cold drinks for his teammates aww karasuno’s mom
you are forBiddEn to have the drinks too except for the warm water he put in your water bottle
rly wished you’d go home first instead of waiting for his practice to end but it doesn’t seem like you want to
he’ll look to the benches every few minutes to see your sleeping form
during break, he’ll gently move your head onto his lap so you don’t have to lay on the hard bench
as soon as they’re dismissed he’s giving you his jacket cos “it gets cold in the night time” and warms up ur hands
if you try to keep ur distance so he doesn’t get sick too, he’ll joke that you prolly already got the whole team sick
making you pout and him pinching ur cheeks 😖
once you reach your place, he’ll linger outside of your door,,,unwilling to let go of your hands SOB
“I’ll come back tomorrow morning ok? I’ll also bring porridge but you still need to eat something else and don’t forget to drink hot wat-”
“yes, yes I know koushi...now go home so you don’t catch a cold too”
but even when you’re standing by your window, you’ll see him looking around your house, tryna figure out which window belongs to your bedroom
and as promised, he comes back the next day with hot porridge and makes sure that your water bottle is full with warm water
and that your backpack has extra cough drops
he’ll still hold your hand and kiss ur forehead
maybe part of him wants to get sick so u can take care of him djhfjdhf
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hinata shoyo
he’ll pout a little once he finds out your sick but he’ll still stay by your side!
he’s still overflowing with energy but doesn’t wanna tire you out too much
you’ll hear him stop by your house in the mornings with a volleyball in his hands and maybe kageyama behind him, eating
he’ll bring random snacks from coach ukai’s store and place them at ur door
you’ll sit by ur window and he’ll sit outside of it, telling you about his day, what he did, how practice was
“y/n no one clapped for me T-T”
cos ur usually clapping for him after every successful hit
“kageyama was just yelling at me saying how my spike wasn’t even that great but I know you would’ve said it was good :((“
“aww shoyo, I’m sure it was! Don’t listen to him, ur trying ur best:))”
pet his hair
yes ur the one who’s sick but he misses u
will stop by ur house everyday
I mean he already does that
u usually help him with hw but he doesn’t think he shud ask u when u sleep
all his energy will just go p o o f when he sees u sleeping
he’ll prolly hear windchimes or smthing hahahah
but he’ll be able to sit quietly until you wake up
kageyama’s like HaaH???
but hinata’s tryna figure out his hw without u helping ok
once ur better, he’ll give you the bIGGGEST hug and sway you side to side AWW I MISS THOSE HUGS
and catch you up on evthing that’s happened
meaning everything that’s happened in the last 5 mins cos he already tells u everything 🙄
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sawamura daichi
he’ll make sure you have everything for school
brings you your hw, explains to you the concepts
will call u during lunch or smthing cos it’s boring w/o you
dating him means ur automatically good friends with asahi and sugawara so they’ll check up on you too
and sugawara will tell you how daichi won’t stop talking abt how he can’t wait till u get better dhhdjfjdjs
sometimes you’ll catch him having tea with your mom on your front porch and she’s tryna embarrass you hahhsjdf
Ok but that scenario is just,,, so,,, hubby material yk
like he prolly came by to drop some food and ur moms making him stay and gushing abt how handsome he is
“so you’re the one making my y/n all happy”
rare occasions that daichi blushes #1
he’ll softly knock on ur door and u quickly pretend to be asleep
places sthing on ur desk then just leaves the s o f t e s t kiss on ur forehead and whispers sweet dreams GAHSJFOEJ
when he’s gone you look at what’s on ur desk and it’s a flower crown from ur first date 🥺
keep him ok
will prolly do sthing like throw paper airplanes at ur window
and then when he sees you open ur window he’ll hide behind a tree and watch as u go outside to pick them up
inside he’s written little notes like “get better!” Or “i miss you!” or “WHAT ARE U DOING AWAKE GO BACK TO SLEEP”
like sir u woke me up with all that tapping 🙄🤚🏻
once ur better, you walk into the vb gym first and u can hear him yelling at Tanaka and noya then when he sees u walk in he’s all “oh, y/n” 😌
in the first couple of days you’re back he’ll still keep an eye on you and have his arm around your shoulder
occasionally putting his hand on your forehead and sneaking a kith 😚
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kenma kozume
u didn’t tell him at first that u were sick but he still found out 🙄
“ur sick, aren’t you”
“huh?? No I’m not :((“
will look at u like this -_-
and yk if u stay home from school, he’ll find excuses to hang out in ur room
kuroo will be calling like “is freaking kenma there?!”
yea he’s spooning u
since ur sick, hE’ll be the one to pet ur hair
if it helps u fall asleep
won’t play games in ur room like he usually does cos he doesn’t want the sound and light to distract u
he’ll most likely bring u take out bc he can’t cook and will prolly burn down ur kitchen cos he got distrayced by the tv or smthing ahHa
will check ur temp like every 5 min I swear
“no- ko i rly don’t think my temp is gonna change every 5 min”
“but just in case-“
he’s smart ok so he’ll tutor you with late hw if u need it
will sit next to you and wiggle his toes by ur feet :3
once ur better, y’all go back to ur usual gaming and eat the hell out of junk food 🤪
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a/n: rly hope u liked it 🥺💕 daichi’s was my fav hehe and TY @ilauvcoldpizza FOR HELPING ME W KENMA <3
haikyu!! masterlist
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lacharcutiere · 3 years
before they year ends, anyone wanna admit they have a crush on me ?
characters: oikawa tōru, miya atsumu, bokuto kōtarō, kuroo tetsurō, terushima yūji
requested by @howlpendragonsupremacist (kt it’s ok real men suck that’s why we have our baby boys)
anyway yeah,, it’s those things people post on their snap/insta stories that are like, “before 2020 is over does anyone wanna admit they like me?” yeah. and they boys post and u swipe up, here’s what would happen.
oh my god this is so so late lmfao but oh well, bc i also didn’t get the rq until after new year’s anyway oops
this ended up crackier than i meant it to be but,, enjoy 🤪🤪
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general masterlist // haikyū!! masterlist
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oikawa tōru
※ ok honestly,, he probably said he was posting it ironically, but deep down it was a liiiitle bit unironic. just a little.
※ this is how it went:
you *probably* had to have one of your friends convince you to just say “fuck it” & hit send. probably.
he didn’t respond immediately; the boy has lots to do !!! go easy on him
but when he did finally get a chance to check his phone & he saw your message, he definitely didn’t wanna leave you hanging any longer
so you probably got a response back after like,,, a few hours ? but he definitely responded on the same day
unless you messaged him while he was asleep—in which case you either woke up to a response or didn’t have to wait long after you woke up to get one
this is the one he posted on his story:
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※ (you KNOW he likes to keep it classy or at least that’s what he SAYS)
※ and this was your conversation:
uhhh me 😳 seen
👀👀 Oh???
i said what i said seen
you’re not the first🥰 KIDDING KIDDING
nevermind seen
cocky bitch😡 someone needs to humble u gOd seen
😔😔 if i take you out will that make up for it
yes please i would like to no longer be alive🥰 seen
NOOO like a date???? or something ...ahahah
oikawa i stg but i’ll THINK abt it seen
please say yes
miya atsumu
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this is the one he posted:
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※ it was definitely not ironic and the way he tried so hard to make it seem ironic honestly just,, made it sm worse LMFAO
※ how’d it go ??? well.
so you slid up like “🙋🏻‍♀️”
and uhh u didn’t get a response back for like,, a MINUTE
like maybe a couple hours ?? probably not more than like 2 or 3 tho
※ AND your conversation,,
ahahaa *a whole minute later*
wait like actually
uhh yeah haha seen
ohooo say less XD
dork seen
i thought u said u liked me :(
yea um,,, wanna go out for coffee sometime? seen
OH HELL YEAH oh btw i think your cute 😌
※ yes i am calling it rn i hc that he gets your/you’re mixed up sometimes
bokuto kōtarō
※ my big baby boy forgot what year it was for a hot minute and unfortunately that minute occurred when he was posting
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※ so he ended up posting this one
※ okok one of two things happened
EITHER nobody had the heart to tell him it wasn’t the end of the decade LMAO he’s baby
ORRR maybe like one or two people told him and he *meant* to take it down but then he forgot
※ and again w how it went, it coulda been two things
unless he was busy, he responded IMMEDIATELY because he was EXCITE oh my god such pretty lil human showing interest in him ???? absolutely passed out from excitement
he got scared. he got scared and then he left you on delivered for probably wayyy too long. and eventually he probably texted akaashi panicking, begging for advice, and akaashi told him he better get back to you if he didn’t want you to give up on it. and then he got even more scared. but he did text you back.
※ i’m thinking the convo went like
it’s not the end of the decade dummy but i might 👉🏽👈🏽 seen
🥺🥺 really
hehe yes seen
:))))) sent
*he leaves u on delivered for like, 10 minutes* can i take yuo on a date ***you
that sounds nice 🥰🥰 seen
so yes???
dummy ofc bo seen
※ oh my god he’s baby
kuroo tetsurō
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why does this specific pic of sonic give off literally the exact same vibe he does
※ ok tbh LMAO he’d be kinda awkward about it but like,, he wouldn’t notice
※ you, on the other hand, do notice but it’s sort of cute so do you care ?? no.
※ so,,,, he’s one of the ones that probably didn’t get back to you as soon as you’d have liked but he was actually super nice about it so yk, it’s fineee
※ and the reason he didn’t get back to you super quickly was because the boy’s got THINGS to do, like come on, he’s got his shit together (or he tries to, at least)
※ it went like this:
ahaha me 🤡 sent
*after being left on delivered for like 4 hours* hello i am so sorry i just checked my phone now but wassup babeyyy
hello seen
hello you we’re serious right? **were autocorrect
hahaha yes seen
i’m flattered 😁
ur welcome:) sent
*probably 5 minutes later* sorry um did you wanna maybe hang out some time?
nooo it’s totally fine if you don’t want to !! seen
NO I WANT TO i’m sorry i was just uh SCREAMING bc holy woah u like me back
wait HUH seen
ahahaha u bet i do babeyy
ok look ur hot but pls stop trying to talk like that it’s weird seen
don’t make me sad like that
terushima yūji
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※ cursèd
※ okok SO he either
got back to you almost immediately, and you were about to go to sleep when he did—it was probably around midnight or something?? and then you ended up staying up late talking because does this boy have a functional sleep schedule? probably not
left you on delivered for a while. but,, not on accident. no. he did it so that he could gloat about bEiNG tOo bUSy tExTiNg baCK EveRYonE ELsE WhO SLiD uP
i mean,, ok look, one or two other people probably did. but definitely not nearly as many as he’d like you to think.
cocky little bitch, even after fessing up for himself, he definitely went on about how “on god can u IMAGINE how jealous everyone’s gonna be of u”
※ the conversation proceeded as follows:
what the fuck teru you just awakened a memory i didn’t know i had  also,, me 🤮 seen
👀 u don’t have to be shy ab it i alr knew;)
👁👄👁 no u did NOT seen
mayyybe but i figured yk wit all the other people who also hit me up i’m not surprised;)
wowowow people like u??? who woulda thought seen
u apparently
can u like shut the fuck up for a minute  seen
but what if i told u its mutual😏
yeah shut the fuck UP i am screaming seen
and here’s an honorable mention that tbh i could see probably any of them posting
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general masterlist // haikyū!! masterlist
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Nightwing 83 Review
guess who isn't weeks late this time. my opinion of the series is going up a little bit. it's still not great, but i'm not actively put off by it anymore the way i was after 81. not going to tag as spoilers, but be warned that they are under the cut
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i’m sure you all are well aware of this but now, but dear god i love bruno redondo’s art. like, an unhealthy amount. the pink and blue is getting to be a theme with either him or just this run, but i am definitely enjoying it. the movement in this cover is clearly obvious, but well done. you recoznize right off the bat that the cover was drawn to drag your eyes down the page until you get to the bottom, but you enjoy the whole ride there. 
also, redondo’s way of drawing a character in stages of action so we can see just how much they’re doing in a split second of movement is quickly becoming something i like to see drawn with dick, and any other character that has that sort of ease of movement and body sense, like cass or sin or maybe a super. 
and he’s in action the entire time! there’s shot drawn just to show off a shirtless comic book character, the way nightwing is so often subjected to. he’s shirtless because he’s changing his clothes, and that’s all we see, no more and no less. very practical, very well done. i like it.
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he looks so cute right here oh my god. the little squint, the hair curls. it’s adorable.
but also like. unless melinda has specifically outfitted the door spyhole so that the person on the other side can’t see dick looking through it (and in all honesty she might have) then everyone on the other side can see dick looking through that door. 
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bringing your attention back to the “i can’t see melinda’s fbi file oh no!! it’s redacted!! whatever can we do!!” stupidity. redacted files are child’s play for oracle, and definitely doable for both dick and bruce. so that’s bullshit.
now, melinda apparently grew up with the maroni family, then took down part of the family from the inside. the maroni family is a large and notable presence in gotham, one that bruce pays a respectable amount of attention to. he definitely would have grown suspicious when two members of the maroni family were taken down, and with some investigation, he would have discovered melinda’s plan. and it should go without saying that the majority of things you see batman doing? dick can do it too.
it’s not so much that i don’t like how clever the villains/antiheroes are getting. i don’t like how dc heroes are increasingly written as less intelligent. they seem to be relying on pure fighting skills or luck, which may be the case for a couple heroes, but has never been the case for most of dc’s big name heroes, the bat family included. it’s irritating to me to see this sort of stuff pop up as a major plot point when i know that, if dick or bruce had been written with the amount of skill and power that they canonically possess, this entire mess would have been sorted out years ago.
unrelated but dick and melinda have the same hair
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this may just be me, but i was always under the impression that dick doesn’t really have a “double life???”
yes, he’s talented enough to create enough differences between robin/nightwing and dick grayson’s mannerisms, way of movement, voices, and speech patterns so that it’s very difficult to put the two together.
but nightwing has never been separate from dick grayson, not the way bruce and batman is. he’s always leaned more towards clark in that aspect: his hero persona is an exaggerated, stately, larger-than-life version of who he really is. there’s no second persona, no real “dick grayson identity” and “nightwing identity.” they’re the same person with the same goals, ideas, and skills. one just pretends to abide by the law, and one gives up pretense of that.
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oh good thank god. if he’d trusted her right off the bat (hehe. bat.) i would have slapped him upside the head. at least he’s still got instincts.
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gosh the colouring on this is cool. the red has enough purple and pink tones to it that it doesn’t abruptly ruin the tone of the artwork. but it’s definitely glaring enough to take the reader outside of this personal moment they had slipped into between dick and melinda, to put them back in the present where they’re reminded that oh yea there are people hunting dick down. 
the next panel keeps this up too, in a less severe way. melinda’s bodyguard shows up (i forgot her name sorry :[ ) and subtly places us in the middle of an action scene rather than a private, personal scene.
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laughing so fucking hard have our little vigilantes grown so accustomed to breaking into places that it doesn’t even register as a crime anymore??? tim coming in through the fire escape to pick bernard up for their date and being very much confused as to why bernard is freaking out.
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i really like melinda’s shirt and now despite all the work i have to do and the fucking conference i have to host on monday i want to spend hours scrolling through clothing shops online trying to find this shirt. the mock neck/neckline is so cool i want it
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so roland just assumes that a very dangerous vigilante who is highly talented in combat and a very dangerous bodyguard who is also highly talented in combat had a fight that ended with this very dangerous bodyguard being tied up and she looks completely fine? roland just assumes that her having no visible wounds or bruises means that they got into a fight and she lost that easily? uh. aight then
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dick what are you doing. legitimately what the fuck are you doing. why are you posing oh my god. you are injured and tired and in absolutely no position to go hand to hand with one of main enemies. jesus christ run away or head to lower ground or something. don’t just stand around letting the floodlights show exactly where you are.
i don’t understand what he’s trying to do here??? blockbuster fully bought the story that dick fought them both, won, tried to get info out of them and failed, then hightailed it out of there. he didn’t have to draw roland out for a fight.
but it does look cool. the way the light just highlights his silhouette and the blue parts of his costume does look badass. he does get style points in my book for this.
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w h a t  d i d  i  f u c k i n g  t e l l  y o u ,  d i c k ?
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very classic superhero line and it does sound like something dick would say in a fit of righteous rage but also it makes me laugh so hard because all vigilantes think they’re so powerful that the law doesn’t apply to them. dick vigilantism is illegal. you’re acting above the law and pretending it doesn’t apply to you. hypocritical much?
it happens so often in superhero movies, tv shows, comics, whatever and it makes me giggle every damn time.
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pretty decent comeback but before i start seeing people writing blockbuster as a thug i’m going to remind you that he made a deal with a demon for genius level intellect. if this turns into another bane situation i’m going to be a little miffed. he’s a smart man, which makes him a dangerous and infinitely more interesting enemy for nightwing.
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this is so horribly in character i want to scream. (or. at least. it lines up with one of the versions of nightwing i have in my head.) he’s running right towards the bullets, miraculously doesn’t get shot, while making a sort-of pun. i hate this so much. i love him.
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this is cool. this art is really really cool.
he leaped from a building right towards a helicopter that’s actively shooting at him, but none of the bullets are touching him. none of the corruption of the city can touch him no matter how hard it tries, because he’s too good to be corrupted. Comic Book Logic Can Be Good Sometimes Actually.
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batman’s belt what??? swiss army knife who?? sorry, i only know nightwing’s bright blue escrima.
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this is one of my favourite things about heroes with exceptional abilities, even more so if the hero is human. the things they can do are so far beyond the realm of normal human abilities that it’s equal parts terrifying and awe-inspiring every time they act.
he just used modified grappling wires to hook to the door of a moving helicopter, swung around the helicopter safely without hitting the blades, gained exactly the right momentum to swing upward again right through the opening of helicopter, then fought and tied up the men before they had any idea what was happening. that’s near impossible to do.
it’s stuff like this where i just sort of sigh in contentment. no matter how many times they leave out dick’s detective skills or conveniently forget that he’s actually a master planner and team leader and make him out to be this forgetful dude who makes everything up on the fly because of his “circus roots,” at least they won’t ever take away dick’s sheer physical ability honed to perfection. 
the art, too! in a few panels, dick’s drawn a little lightened or blurred. he’s moving so quickly and fighting so efficiently that he can barely be seen by the enemy. he’s got perfect form all the way through.
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and THIS!
there was a helicopter that had five men shooting at him with what looks like machine guns. most people would be dead. some would run away, and be nimble enough to survive without fatal hits. there are very few people, even in fucking comic books, who can look at that hopeless situation and turn it around so quickly and thoroughly that he benefits from it instead.
i just. love nightwing.
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it was funny the first time as a comic reader aware of the meme. it’s really not anymore. why the hell would you, in universe, be wearing a shirt that has a picture of your boyfriend being hit in the face by his father. 
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okay that was funny. 
look at lil bitewing, so concerned for her human!!! love her sm. 
also a question as to the timeline of things. is nightwing happening before or after urban legends? 
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i was so distracted by dick wearing a robe and briefs and nothing else that i didn’t register the second part until later. he slept for two days?? babs, baby, he recently had a very traumatic brain injury. why do you sound so nonchalant?
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ngl i totally forgot about that dude oops
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this comic is giving so many reaction pictures. you know how you always use the worst possible picture of your friend for your friend’s contact picture? i’m just getting so many of these.
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leslie!!! the titans!!! lucius!!! dick going to go see old friends!!!! the titans!!! this part made me so irrationally happy it really did. gar being the one to just. offer dick solutions with open arms. this was the best
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i wish i could just copy and paste this entire scene, but that would take up way too much space, so i’m just going to talk about it instead. 
you gave me my name, nightwing, and you gave me some of the best advice i’ve received in my life: beautiful little throwback to nightwing’s origin. you’d be surprised at the amount of people who don’t know where the name came from, or who don’t know how much clark means to dick. and the fact that dick still looks up to clark as a hero, recognizes that clark isn’t always perfect and yet continues to hold him in such high esteem, and still looks back on advice that clark gave him fondly just warmed my heart so much.
for a man who has fearlessly stood up to darkseid, bruce will do a lot to avoid a conversation: “grrr. i’m the BATMAN. i’m so DARK and MYSTERIOUS. nobody knows the true me. no one ever will. i will be LONELY for the rest of my CURSED LIFE. such is the price of a hero. ignore my farmer himbo husband in the background”
but i don’t think there’s anything heroic about being a billionaire: another nod to how much dick follows clark’s example rather than bruce. yes, this was a very poignant and important criticism, and i think it’s wonderful that this was published in a pretty popular comic book. but the thing is, there is a way to be a heroic billionaire, but only in fictional universes. the way bruce, ollie, t’challa only ever use their wealth to help people. they donate massive amounts of money to charities that they themselves create so they know exactly how the money is being used. they hire people who aren’t likely to get jobs anywhere else and pay them much more than what a base living wage is. they use their power to help push progressive laws and social change. they are helping. 
dick doesn’t fully see it that way. he spent more than half his childhood the son of a billionaire, but still believes that one could be more heroic when one doesn’t have obscene amounts of wealth. whose example do you think he followed to come to that conclusion?
superman looked up to alfred pennyworth?: i mean yea alfred may have been a wildly irresponsible guardian and one hell of an enabler but goddamn if he didn’t love his kid.
you don’t need my input. you’ve thought it all through: ooooooh this line made me grin. for so long, dick’s treated clark as a mentor and a guiding figure. he’s still seen as a kid, an up and coming, snot-nosed titan with dreams of a better world. clark still thinks of him as a kid, despite watching him grow up. but this little line was something i think dick needed sorely to hear. he doesn’t need anyone’s guiding hand on his shoulder, he doesn’t need to ask for permission. he doesn’t need clark to support him the way he did when he was a teenager. he’s all grown up now, and he doesn’t need clark’s help. i imagine it was a bit of a surprise for dick to hear that. 
honestly, i couldn’t think of a better role model: ohhh but it doesn’t stop there. clark just straight up turns the tables on dick. imagine you’re dick, and you’ve looked up to this one hero your entire life, and then one day he turns to you and says that he thinks you’re so kind and smart and worthy of a person that he wants you to mentor his son!? goes to show just how much clark trusts dick.
i swear to god dick probably cries every time he hears clark compliment him because bruce is so rare and sparing with his praise that clark giving him the slightest hint of approval is just a dopamine rush.
also, now deathstroke and superman have both asked nightwing to mentor their kids. the juxtaposition is fuckin hysterical. imagine either of their reactions when they realize what kind of company they’re with
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lets talk colours for a second, because i absolutely adore how classic colour tropes have been subverted in this comic, and in this general run really.
warm tones have usually (usually, not always) been associated with light and comfort and friendship and,,,,,well,,,warmth. whereas cool tones are usually used to unsettle, or make a scene seem colder and put the reader on edge. this varies if a comic only uses cool tones, or only uses warm tones, but if a comic uses both, this is generally well-used.
that isn’t the case in this run.
dark red, orange, and other warm tones have been used to symbolize danger, action, attacks. hot pink isn’t usually included in this colour group, but it’s definitely part of it in this case. in contrast, scenes that have cool colours give us the impression of slipping into a comfortable, calm scene with babs, tim, the titans, and other allies. even the beginning scene with superman has this blue, but then it transitions into something more golden coloured. dawn broke over dick, as his new idea came to light, and that was reflected in the art (and the sunrise setting.)
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have there ever been times when dick’s longed for the comfort of his mask because he didn’t feel confident as dick grayson? i can’t think of any. i may be wrong, but this struck me as pretty ooc.
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am i just??? gay and reading this all wrong??
cause i was under the impression that when someone says they are grateful for your friendship you don’t immediately kiss them. 
or is this like. normal straight mating rituals.
i mean he’s smiling afterward but still babs aren’t you supposed to at least make sure it’s okay first? you guys broke up a while back after you said something along the lines of “i want to be coworkers with you and nothing more because i don’t trust you or feel comfortable around you as a civilian anymore.” like lmao after you say something like that to someone i would assume that you don’t have the permission to just kiss them whenever you want.
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show of hands who else got real sad when they realized dick was talking about himself in this.
sure, he could be referencing the things he’s seen blockbuster pull, and the children on the streets. but “i’ve seen money used for enforcement,” sounds a little too close to dick’s entire life being destroyed by one man threatening the circus to pay protection money for me to completely ignore. and “i’ve seen the poorest and most vulnerable blamed and punished rather than assisted” becomes a lot worse when you remember dick was thrown in juvie for a couple months until bruce was able to obtain legal guardianship, and in there, not a authority figure believed him when he told them his parents were murdered.
he’s lived this before.
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a. mother. fucking. typo.
fucking why
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i mean i’ve stated my distaste for the batfamily groupchat before but like. this is reaching new levels of ridiculousness. jason sounds like he was written by a fanfic writer. tim sounds like he was written by a fanfic writer. steph sounds like she was written by someone who doesn’t know the first thing about steph and wanted to include her for “family points!!!!!” damian’s supposed to be completely off the grid, and everyone’s searching for him. i do love the way cass texts tho.
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well god fuck now i’m crying
dick got a phone call, a sorry, and a thank you out of bruce. i feel so much secondhand happiness for him, if that’s a thing. we’ll just ignore the way bruce looks ugly af and focus on the good parts okay?
and again with the colour symbolism here!
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i’m either going to love this or hate this. who knows, we’ll see.
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something something hearts something something pink is an evil colour something something. i need to know more about this guy but there’s definitely symbolism there. 
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is it just me or does this dude look like the backstabbing traitorous absolutely motherfucking piece of shit villain that killed tadashi hamada in big hero 6?
taggggg list: @woahjaybird @birdy-bat-writes @anothertimdrakestan  @subtleappreciation @screennamealreadyused @bikoncon @pricetagofficial @catxsnow @maplumebleue-blog-blog @sundownridge @thatsthewhump @xatanna-troy @red-hood-redemption​ @capricorn-stark​ @batshit-birds​ @comics-observer @buticaaba​ 
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silveanna · 3 years
In The Next Lifetime
Non-idol!Jaehyun x Fem!reader
Summary: your bestfriend Jaehyun is dating someone for 5 years now you should be happy for them right? A big NO, he’s your soulmate and he’s supposed to end up with you in this generation. And clearly it’s too late for that to happen.
Genre: Slight angst, Reincarnation!au, Soulmate!au,
Note: Agatha is your great great grandmother:)
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Even though time has changed you’re still the one I will choose in the next life
“In the past few days, I keep dreaming about you” your best friend Jaehyun said, you two were at his rooftop laying down while looking up in the night sky.
“Yea, you were wearing a historical gown and it seems like we’re still super close in those dreams” he explains, the image of you in his dream flashes in his mind again.
“Well I dreamed about you too, and as far as I can remember, you’re a son of a farmer”
You change your position and faced him “do you think it means something, Jae?”
“Hm... maybe”
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It was weekend again, you and your family visited your grandma and stayed in her house for the night. It was 8pm when your grandma knocks on your door, you quickly opened it and greeted her with a sweet smile “Yes nana?”
“I want to show you something, come follow me” she smiled and gestured you to follow her, confused, you put your phone in your pocket and followed her.
She lead you into a unfamiliar place of the house, it’s also a bit dark and dusty. At the end of the hall it was a dead end, and there’s large bookshelf there.
You were wondering if she wants to give you a bunch of books to read not until she pulls out one book and suddenly, a tunnel opened. You and your grandma immediately went inside, it was completely dark so you turned on the flashlight in your phone.
In the end of the tunnel, there was a small room filled with very old stuffs. Your grandma finally found the switch and turns on the light, it wasn’t bright enough to lightened up the room though.
What are all these stuffs? “Is this what you wanted to show me nana?” You looked at her, she smiled and shook her head. She went to a large object that looks like a painting and removed the cloth covering it. “This”
What the-
You silently gasp and hold your head, seeing the painting suddenly made your head ache.
It was a woman wearing a historical gown, her hair was long and curly, and she looks exactly like You “Are you alright?” Your grandma ask you.
“Yes..uh, is that me?”
“No, She’s your great great grandmother. Agatha. She looks exactly like you right?, Beautiful” she runs her fingers softly to the dusty painting. “This is the only painting of hers that she passed through the generations, why? the love of her life is the one who painted this”
“What’s his name?”
“Jaehyun, the eldest son of the farmer who works for Agatha’s family”
Year 1894
“What? Why?”
“Well isn’t it obvious? He’s noble, respectful, handsome and can cook. Agatha, He’s the right guy for you” her father explains, suddenly she loses her appetite to eat.
“But I love someone else..” she whispered.
“What?” the tone of her fathers voice suddenly changes, he hardly even heard her but he’s sure she said something that’s against his plan.“N-nothing, I’m full thank you for the food” she forced a smile and immediately went upstairs to her room.
Her father arranges a marriage for her with a man she has no idea who is, Agatha wanted to protest and tell him she loves someone else but she’s too scared.
It was midnight and everyone was peacefully sleeping, Agatha took this chance to sneak out and meet up with someone. She uses a match to light up the small lamp and took it with her. She immediately went to the garden where there’s a small house located, it took few knocks before someone opened the door. “Jae..” Agatha whispered and hugged him tightly.
“Darling what’s wrong?”
“It’s Father,he arranged a marriage for me with someone else, I don’t want it Jae. I want to be with you” she hugged him even tighter, Jaehyun sighed and stroked her hair.
He didn’t know what to do, the man your marrying must be rich and he can’t compete with him since he’s just a son of a farmer. You’re in a era where the rich are powerful.
Jaehyun closed his eyes took a deep breath, him and Agatha really love each other and there’s no other choice but to “let’s runaway, let’s find a house very far from here, build a family after a few years and live happy together.
“Absolutely not”
“Father please I’m begging you” Jaehyun’s father is utterly against the plan, he didn’t want to let go of his boy,still hesitating. “But it really looks like you two love each other, well then i will escort both of you on the way out..”
“Really? Thank you Father! I promise once we get there, i’ll write you a letter” Jaehyun hugged him, his Father patted his back while forcing a smile trying to hold back his tears. “I’ll visit you two on holidays”
Agatha was also weren’t quite happy about the running away plan, she has a lot of responsibilities at home but she also don’t want to be stuck with a man her family forced her to love.
all of them finally went out, but before the couple leaves Jaehyun’s Father hugged him again for the last time. It didn’t last long, Agatha’s Father came marching with a bunch of guards, his face filled with anger. “Traitors!”
“Father I-“
“Silence! And you rascals! I treated your family very well and this is how you will repay me?! Abducting my daughter?!” The way Agatha’s Father just casually calls Jaehyun and his father rascals angered her. She wanted to protest but the guards are holding her back.
“I’m vanishing you to this town and never to be seen ever again! If you dared to come back I will not hesitate to kill you!”
“No!” Agatha screamed, the guards took her back to her room and there she cried for hour and hours until she no longer feels anything. Completely numb and lonely. She stood up and searched for something, a painting of hers precisely.
While staring on the portrait, happy memories of her and Jaehyun started to flash in her head “Stay still! This may turn out badly if you keep moving!”
As expected, the next day, Jaehyun and his family is no longer around and has completely disappeared in town. And in that day, Agatha started to receive letters from him and she would always write back. But the letters stopped coming and Agatha eventually got married and had a family.
Back to Present time
“The end”
“Wow, that’s so sad.. did they get to see each other again nana?”You ask sounding like a little kid.
“Sadly, no, but the last letter that Agatha received from him says that Jaehyun will be searching for her in their next life” your grandma explains, you suddenly remembered the dreams you and jaehyun were talking about the other night. Maybe it does means something, it wasn’t you who Jaehyun saw it was Agatha!
And both of you are the Reincarnation of Agatha and Jaehyun in the past life!
It didn’t work in the past but the universe gave them/you another chance to try again.
“Argh!” You heard a piercing sound and your head started to hurt again, “Sweetie are you alright? Come let’s go back to your room so you can rest.” Your nana helps you on the way out.
After hearing Agatha’s story, you’ve been spacing out the whole weekend, you wanted to call Your bestfriend but maybe it’s the best to tell him everything in person.
You were packing your things in Your room when your grandma came knocking in. “Yes nana? Do you need something?”
“No, it’s just that.. I wanted to give you this” she handed you an old notebook it says ‘Diary’ on the front cover, “that’s Agatha’s Diary, something is telling me that I should give it to you because it might be a help” she explains. You nodded and hugged her.
“And you can keep it” she added.
You furrowed your eyebrows in disbelief “I don’t think— but since something is telling you to, then sure I’ll keep it”
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It was already 4am but you couldn’t sleep, something is bugging the hell out of you. Maybe it’s the Diary? You look at your study table where Agatha’s Diary sits.
You turned on your lamp and read the first few pages, it was quite entertaining. The untold stories lies in her Diary. You read further and come to a small portrait of Jaehyun. He’s wearing the same attire you saw in your dreams. You flipped the pages again and a paper slipped out, you quickly picked it up and read what’s written in it.
‘I Promise to look for you in the next life’
“That’s it?” You said, quite disappointed and looking on the other side of the small parchment. But that’s all it says. You sighed and put it all back. Going back to your bed and forced your self to sleep since you still have school later.
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“Hey Y/N!” Your bestfriend Jaehyun greeted you. But your too busy spacing out so he flicked your forehead “Ouch! What was that for?” You glared at him and rubbed your forehead.
“You’ve been spacing a lot lately Y/N is something wrong? What happened at your Nana’s?” He ask.
you didn’t know where to begin, Jaehyun has the right to know but what’s holding you back?
“Hi Jae!” A girl pops out of nowhere and pecked Jaehyun’s lips.
Your eyes widened, “who the hell is she?” You pointed at her. It confuses you more when he puts his arm around her shoulder. “My Girlfriend, Remember? We’ve been dating for 5 years now. Y/N did you hit your head on something?”
You’ve been pretty busy minding Agatha’s story and her Diary that you forgot Jaehyun in fact has a Girlfriend. You softly shook your head and look at the girl, “u-uh what’s your name again?”
Confused, she replies “Lily, Seung Liliy”
But Jaehyun is supposed to be with you right? what the hell did you do in the past years that made him fell in love with someone else?
“Anyways, my friend is throwing a party at her house if you’re free then we can come together?” Lily changes the topic.
“Sure, how about you? wanna come with us Y/N?” Jaehyun and Lily both looks at you waiting for your response.
“Yea yea sure, why not” you shrugged.
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The music was very loud you barely even hear your own voice, so you decided to stay outside for a while. It was a bit chilly, quiet and you were lonely but it’s fine. It’s better if you’re alone.
“What are you doing here?”an unfamiliar voice spoke behind. You turned around and saw it was Johnny Suh.Your classmate.
“It’s loud inside... and, I can’t find my friends” you looked down avoiding eye contact, you felt a bit akward since this is the first time Johnny talks to you. He nodded, “same”
“What would you do if your soulmate is in love with someone else?” You ask randomly, you weren’t that close to ask him about things like that. But he’s the only person who showed up and it seems like you can trust him. “Well if they’re really in love and happy with that someone then so be it, i don’t want to ruin the relationship. Not all soulmates end up with each other” he answered.
You nodded your head and looked down, “I was given a chance but it’s too late when I found out” Johnny has no idea what are you talking about so he just stayed silent. But after that, you changed the topic. The conversation last long until it’s time to go home, “see you at school” you smiled and waved goodbye at Johnny. He did the same.
Jaehyun droves you home and when both of you are finally in your doorstep you stopped and faced him, “Jae, Do you love Lily?”
“What made you ask that? Of course I love her”he replied.
“Like Love LOVE?” You ask him again.
“Yes I Love LOVE her truly, I could see my whole life with her without cringing”
“Ok then... see you tomorrow”before going inside your apartment, you smiled at him and after that you shut the door. You leaned back on the door and took a deep breath while running a hand thru your hair.
I’m sorry Agatha.
Year 2105
Lunch time, but it was too crowded in the cafeteria so Y/N decided to eat at the rooftop instead.
Her eyebrows furrowed when she saw a boy standing near the edge of the building, he was about to jump but luckily Y/N immediately pulled him down and he ended up falling on top of her.
“What the hell” the boy said and got up.
“I’m the one who’s supposed to say that, WHAT THE HELL What are you doing?!”
“Well isn’t obvious? I’m committing suicide!” The boy shouts back.
“Stop screaming! and if you really died the doctors gonna see you naked, do you really want that?”
They both paused and looked at each other, the boy scratched his head “well that changed my mind”
“Also, you dropped your diary” he pointed behind her.
Y/N picked it up and removes all the dirt in it, “it’s not mine, it looks really really old and I’m not the type of person who writes in a stupid Diary”
“And who still writes in a Diary? It’s 2105” she added.
“Just keep it, there’s no way you’d find the owner anyways”
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everyothermouse · 3 years
Hmhm I love you I love the au u made I need the p l o t but I don’t want to bother you uhhh was yea ok <:)
ok!!! Basically there are 2 plots that converge, a silly lil camp in the woods and a fae love story! Let’s go under the cut for this cus I’m gonna be explaining them for a hot minute lol
I’m gonna make a breakdown of all the individual characters in a minute but for now here’s a chart I just finished so u know whos where in all this
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(Eros not on here but he’s a forest folk) So I’ll give u an expo on both of the plots (feel free to come ask questions as ur reading or after ur done, I would Love to talk abt this au as much as possible)
The fae side: Eliana here’s from two of her townsfolk (the twins) that there are fae in the woods. All her fellow townspeople say they’re just being pranksters again (the amount of times they’ve tried to convince the town there’s totally a werewolf just outside of town is too many for them to be a trustworthy source- and as aspiring nightwalker hunters of course they’re trying to spot fae in every leaf and under every rock), but Eliana, curious, decides to sneak off one night to investigate. After all if there’s a fae out there, it’s her responsibility to ward it off from her town! what she finds though is not a silly lie from the twins or a terrifying manipulative monster- in A flower patch she sees her, the most beautiful charming looking fairy she’s every seen, all alone weaving a flower crown in the woods. He spots her, and although she’s scared at first and wards them with her axe, she can’t bear to attack him. they hit it off really quickly, and Shirley shows her the beauty of the hidden parts of the forest, lit up by the magic of the moon, as opposed to the normal sunlit forest Eliana is used to. She returns home at dawn with promises to come back the next day. Meanwhile Shirley goes home to his ghost husband like ‘omg I just met the prettiest lady evr, she’s coming back tomorrow can we keep her’ and Thomas is like ‘bro we already have jr‘ and Shirley is like ‘no but I want to kiss her 🥺 and hold hands 🥺🥺🥺 and trap her in the fae lands forever with me 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺’ and Thomas is obviously slightly jealous but he’s like ‘yeah whatever’ bcus he knows if Shirley does try and make out with some daywalker he’s prolly gonna kill her by accident anyways jdgfufndkc. so Eliana starts going out every night with the excuse that she’s choppin down wood, (ninas suspicious of this excuse but Michael tells her eliana wouldn’t lie,) and Shirley keeps trying to get her to stay forever and eat all their food and introduces her to Thomas and jr and stuff, and it’s nice and all but shirleys making her stay for longer and longer, and he can’t handle letting her go for even a second. Eliana doesn’t mind tho, she’s totally blind with love, and eventually she’s tells the town abt Shirley but that he’s totally not like other fae and definitely cool and there’s mixed feelings, some ‘awwww Eliana finally found a girlfriend, so sweet 🥰’s and some ‘they’re not different ur just being manipulated, we should go kill him’s and even some ‘huh, wasn’t that the name of the guy Harley was crying abt not being able to remember, lol crazy coincidence, Emerson let’s go bully harley’s.
yeah but Shirley has fucking crazy attachment issues and horrible death magic, so eventually one morning he does get REALLY upset abt his girlfriend leaving, like the whole tree (Thomas and Shirley live in a treehouse) is dying around him and Thomas is holding jr begging him to calm down, and Elianas finally like ‘hmm. Maybe this was a bad idea’ and that’s about where we are rn with that whole thing.
CAMP TIME: so as shown from chart above, there’s some ppl living in a lil forest camp together :) emi and graci moved there because they wanna learn how to hunt nightwalkers >:) there was a reason for it a couple years ago but they kind of forgot what it was (cough Shirley disappearing cough) but they’re still dead set on it! And lucky dink, as they’re moving to camp big Harley comes home to visit his brothers and ends up joining the camp for a bit since all 3 of his brothers are there! Camp Side of the story doesn’t have a ton of plot, mostly Harley low key having a crisis abt how busy his life at his actual home is and how everything feels so horribly off here even though hypothetically things haven’t changed much since he left and the twins fucking around and causing trouble around camp. Hallow thinks it’s funny that the stupid kids wanna hunt night walkers cus he is one, so he gives them the tip that theres a vampire in camp and they become dead set on it being Jane. All the kids like playing with Ben like he’s a whole ass jungle gym, he thinks it’s cute. kibi gets dragged around by emi and graci while they try to find the werewoof at the edge of town (sadly they only find Andy, darn, but he plays them some songs so not a total waste. also yes Andy is obviously the werewolf the twins are just stupid GDSHDSJD.) charlotte sits around crying and the other kids and counselors like to play a game where they all take turns trying to make her laugh (the first time the twins came to camp Emerson made her giggle, belle and Ben were so happy they were just sitting there sobbing bcus their girl finally smiled again, so Charlie quietly suggested they make it a new daily game because he hadn’t seen Ben and belle that hopeful in years :,) ). jr and Maria go around biting peoples ankles and collecting sticks. After hearing emi and graci talk abt town, Jane decided she wants to go visit town, Danny‘s super hesitant but the other 3 camp counselors all agree that since she’s 16 now she’s definitely old enough to go where she wants. While shes there she goes to a festival and meets Andy (17) and it’s nice :) also hallow has ero Boyf who visits sometimes and Danny’s got husb Sébastien who he and Jane visit a lot.
ya that’s pretty much all the plot stuff for now! there’s some more backstory stuff abt thomas dying with Charlotte watching and Shirley going missing and what not but yea that’s pretty much it :D
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bound-writings · 4 years
Teru x female reader who's bad at her studies headcannons! Teru has secret crush on her
Teru Helping His Crush Study HCS
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As we all know, Teru, quite frankly, is smart as hell. Good at English, bad with nothing. A ranking of #1 out of #231. A true perfect student. He’s never had too much trouble studying, so when you go up to him wailing about your studies, he’s a bit surprised (and also in awe at how cute you look.)
You quickly opened the door to the student council, slamming the door against the wall, your hand placed on your chest as you furiously looked around the room, looking for a specific cheese head which you secretly adored. You must have looked like a crazy person but you didn’t care right now. 
You whipped your head over to the direction of the voice. Teru was standing over his desk, his head tilted slightly to the side curiously, paperwork scattered about.
Cute, you thought.
You shook your head, trying to get rid of that kind of thought.
“(Name)? Are you ok? You look very frazzled-”
You ran up to him, your feet skidding to a halt as you clutched his shirt. 
“T-Teru… it’s the worst possible situation ever!”
Teru looked down at you. Big puppy eyes and your lip jutting out, small fingers locked onto his shirt and one hand even on his tie, you looked adorable. Your hair was ruffled and pieces were sticking out, some bags under your eye, and your chest was heaving up and down as if you were running for quite a while. The tips of his ears went red as you were so close to him, your warmth was a comfort to him.
“What’s the matter, (Name)?”
You buried his head into his chest, a small whine escaping you. 
“Finals, Teru. FINALS!”
Teru raised his eyebrows as he brought his fingers to his chin.
“Finals, huh…”
“Yes, finals! How and why do you sound so calm about it?!”
“Oh yea.. I almost forgot. You’re the undefeated top-scoring student, amazing at everything…” you sulked, fingers dragging down his chest. You turned your back to him as you crossed your arms, pouting.
“Now, (Name)… why are you so scared about it in the first place? You’re quite capable and smart.”
You whipped around, grabbing his shoulders as you pursed your lips. “That’s not even true! But the worst part is…”
“Is..?” Teru was amused at your antics. You were very entertaining, one of the reasons he loved you.
“Is that I’m absolutely lost when studying!”
Teru blinked his eyes at you, while you stared straight into his own with the most serious expression he’s ever seen on you before he broke out in a chuckle and covered his mouth to try to muffle his laughs. You furrowed your eyebrows at his reaction.
“Teru, this is not a laughing matter! I’m being 100% serious right now!”
Teru smiled at you as he gently removed your hands from his shirt and set them at your side, his heart slightly pounding against his chest as he savored the softness of your hands in his.
“(Name), I’m sure you’re exaggerating-”
“I’m not, Teru! Every time I tried to study, I always got distracted, or I don’t understand the material, and just- grr!” you scowled, running your hands through your hair. “And imagine what everyone will think when they see a member of the student council fail their exams! They’ll call me the dumbest person in the school!”
Then, your shoulders perked up, as you nervously glanced up at him. “T-That’s why I came to ask you to help me.”
“Y-yea!” You glided over to Teru once again and clasped your hands together. “Please, Teru! Help me study!”
“Sure, (Name.)”
“Please, this is a once in a lifetime reque- eh?” You hastily looked up, eyes shining with hope. “You will?!”
Teru smiled as he smoothed your ruffled hair. “Of course, (Name.) Anything for you,” he said, twirling a lock of hair around his fingers.
You blushed as you bowed. “Thank you so much, Teru! Oh, I’ll help you finish all your paperwork and-”
“Oh God, there’s a but?! Teru, please don’t make me do something crazy-”
“Don’t look so scared, I didn’t even say anything yet (Name)!” he smiled, sparkles floating around him.
You squinted your eyes at his suspiciously. Even though you had a secret infatuation with the boy, you knew how he would, well, treat Akane. Teru leaned forward, whispering into your ear.
“You have to listen to one command from me, no matter what it is.” His breath tickled your ear and you were sure you were going to combust.
“If you’re fine with that, come see me after school, (Name).”
The sly mf already knew you were going to say yes. This boy knows how to work his magic to get you to come to him. Not just he means any harm, he’s just itching to spend some alone time with you (even if he appears to be neutral on the surface.) So he’s not surprised when you’re there waiting for him, hands on your hips, cheeks slightly flushed. (All according to plan!)
“I agree to your condition, Teru! But it better not be anything weird!”
He just smiles at you but inside he’s giddy with joy. Some alone time? With you? The most beautiful person he knows, loves, and adores? HELL YES! He doesn’t miss the opportunity to invite you to his house, despite the amount of paperwork he has left to do. (He’ll just dump it on Akane.) When you two arrive at his house, you’re probably marveling at how big it is and he’s just smiling at you all happy because he’s so glad he just snatched you up for some alone time. When Kou and Tiara saw you they got all excited because they love you too!! The two youngest siblings were giving each other looks because the only time their big brother brings anyone home is when he really likes them so they’re like ;) you go get them, tiger!!
Of course, y’all actually have to study, unfortunately. Teru has everything organized already (he prepared just for you!) You would start with the easiest stuff first because he didn’t want you to get overwhelmed too early on. Sometimes it’s hard for both of you to focus. When you’re trying to figure out a question, Teru points and shows you how to do it and his fingers brush ever so gently against yours. Both of you are flustered, but neither of you pull away, because, well, both of you like the feeling. Teru tends to stare at you a lot, whether it’s intentional or not, you don’t know. You are just chewing your pencil, glaring at the question while Teru just stares at you patiently with literal sparkles around him, and when you looked up you are blinded by how precious he looks. Similarly, whenever you get a question right, you always send Teru a closed eye smile, one hand against your cheek and the other making a peace sign. Cue Teru trying not to blush. He just wants to hold your hand and squeeze it every time you got something right and to maybe give you some cheek and forehead kisses every time you did something adorable (which is like 24/7 according to Teru’s logic.) It is actually quite a productive studying session, much to your delight, and Teru is also satisfied because he got to spend time with his beloved and also him you!
Much like a few days ago, you busted open the door to the student council, hopping in while you waved your hands around delightedly. You squealed with glee at the sight of Teru, rushing over to him with a piece of paper in your hand.
“Teru, Teru! Look!” you giggled as shoved the slip of paper that had the grades for your final exams.
“I actually did good!” you twirled around, humming, slightly hoping Teru would praise you.
Teru smiled at you, his face going soft at your adorableness. “I told you that you were going to do fine. You didn’t even need my help.”
“Hey! That’s not true! Without you, I would have failed! So I guess I’m in your debt now!” you grinned, shyly scratching your cheek.
“Of course you are, (Name). Don’t you remember the condition?”
“The condition? What- oh.. that conditon..” your face fell as a nervous grin replaced your previous one. “W-well, Teru, it was nice seeing you but I think I have to go now!” you started backing up towards the door but it was pushed in and your back hit the wall. When did that happen? There was no time to think or escape as Teru was quicker than your tiny little legs.
A hand gently hit the wall next to your face, as you nearly jumped at the sound as you glanced at it. When you glanced back to speak up, Teru’s face was already alarmingly close to yours. His beautiful blue eyes stared at you, and you could see his features close up. He was handsome already… but damn, you could feel your whole body heating up.
“You know, (Name), it’s not good to go back on your word.”
You couldn’t conjure any words to respond. 
“You don’t have to worry though. My request is a very simple one.”
You merely nodded as you averted eye contact, you could barely even stand as your legs turned to jelly.
“Close your eyes for me, (Name).”
You furrowed your eyebrows at his particularly strange request but did as he asked, squeezing your eyes shut as you swallowed in anticipation of something bad to happen.
A hand caressed your cheek, causing you to stiffen in surprise. A finger traced your lips and lifted your chin up. Then another pair of lips brushed against yours, and then smashed onto yours leaving you in complete and utter shock. Teru’s hand gently combed through your locks, and it all sank in.
Teru was kissing you.
He pulled away almost too fast, his hands leaving your body and returning to his side, leaving you in a flurry of emotions and also wanting more of those sweet, delectable, kisses.
“That wasn’t too bad of a condition, was it, (Name)?” he asked playfully, enjoying the sight of your flustered face and messy hair displayed before him.
There was one thing you knew for sure.
If this was the condition for studying with Teru, you’d be very interested in studying with him a lot more often.
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awesometeen · 3 years
PJM x reader smut |
~Soulmate of the celebrity ~ part 1
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Today was the day you would find your soulmate . The name of your soulmate would show up on your wrist when you lock eyes with him . There were a few letters of his name on your wrist but not enough to figure out what the name was. Your mother used to tell you that when the complete name shows up on your wrist it will painfully sting for a second and you'll realise you found him . You were thinking all of this when your bestie barged in your room jumping up and down with excitement . " God misa ! You scared me ! Why are you here anyways ? " You said. She gave you a angry and disappointed look. " Don't tell me you forgot about the BTS concert because you are too worried about your soulmate." She said angrily . And the it hit me . I forgot about THE BTS FREAKING CONCERT !!!!!!!!!! . " No I remember " I lied but she bought it . I quickly wore an seductive dress for the concert that didn't reveal too much 👇
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" GURLL U LOOK HOT !!!!" misa said looking at me. "This is for your soulmate finding isn't it " " yea...but it's suitable for the concert and the fan meet as well " I replied . " Hmm you're not wrong " she said giggling .
We were enjoying the concert when it hit me . I still had to find my soulmate . I needed to look for him . But all I could see was a crowd of girls surrounding me and fangirling over the boys on the stage . " I guess I'll need to find him later " I said to myself .
We headed over to the fan meet and I tried to find him anywhere I could see . But no one's eyes locked with me . Misa dragged me to the stage where the boys were sitting . "Misa I need to find him!" "Find him later it's our turn !!!" Misa said to me whilst dragging me to the stage . I also wanted to meet my idols as badly as I wanted to find my soulmate so I didn't argue any further. My bias was Jimin . I had been to a lot of fan meets so he knew who I was so did all the others they recognised me when I went to their fan meet for the third time . They all knew me . But back then I was 18 . Will the recognise me now I'm now 24 and I'm grown up enough to find my soulmate .
I walked over to RM who immediately recognised me . " Oh you're Y/N , you came to a lot of our fan meets , how come I didn't see you in a while ?" He said . " I got busy with my job and also it's a honour that you remember me " I said while he was signing the album I brought .
All the boys recognized me easily only Yoongi had trouble figuring out who I was .
I went over to the last boy there . Jimin .
"Hi, Jimin" I said " Hi how are you ?" He asked without looking up while signing the album "I'm fine , do you remeber me" I asked . It caught his attention and he looked up at me . And our eyes locked . I got lost in his beautiful brown eyes . Suddenly both of us winced from the sting in our wrists . "Ow!"both of you said it unison loud enough for Hoseok and Jin to hear us . "Are you ok ?" "What happened?"jin and Hoseok asked both of us in surprise but neither of us paid attention . I brought my wrist up to Jimin and his eyes immediately turned to it . I looked at my wrist along with him and my eyes widened in shock . "Park Jimin" I said while staring into his eyes . He put his wrist up to me and said "Y/N L/N" while looking at it . The other boys got curious on what was happening and came up to his seat only to find his name in my wrist and mine on his . Their jaws dropped looking at us. " Um Y/N, can you please back stage" Jin said with a concerned expression. I nodded and went backstage without hesitation . Later a guard came to me with my bestie and left leaving me and her alone. " Y/N WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED !?!!?" She started. "Did you slap Park Jimin or something " "no I didn't" I replied still half emerged in my trance . "Then what happened " her angry expression turned into a concerned one . I show her my wrist which is red due to the sting but with jimin's name engraved on it. Her eyes widened and she pretended like she was struggling to breathe . "Your SOULMATE IS FREAKING PARK JIMIN !?!!??" She whisper shouted at me . I nodded . "Miss we have to go now your friend will have to go with the boys " said a bodyguard from behind us . She didn't protest but looked at me and said "stay safe " .
Soon after, the boys came up to you . "I'm sorry to say this but you have to come and live with us right now "RM said clearly understanding that it was hard for both me and Jimin . " What!?, I can't live with you my mom will kill me !" I said . "Your mom has been informed " Jimin said giving me a reassuring smile and put a hand on my shoulder. " And she agreed ?" I asked nervously. "She did since she said she could do nothing about the soulmate topic and said it was fate " Jimin said and the boys nodded. I didn't argue since I now knew that she was okay with it .
I got into the car with the boys I sat next to Jimin since it was a small traveller bus for the seven boys with tinted glasses and there were only two seats in each row
Jimin intertwined his hand yours grabbing your attention . You look up at him and he gives you a 'its ok I'm gonna be here with you' look . I smile back at him . The rest of the ride was quite. We reached there extremely large mansion and they took me to the living room . We all sat down in the biggest fucking living room I've ever seen on a big ass couch . " Listen Y/N we have to tell you something and you have do what we say for your and jimin's safety so please co-operate" RM said. I nodded knowing it's useless to argue and that what he was saying was true . " So the thing is that you will have to live with all of us for the time being and your mother has agreed as we told you earlier , but the thing is you cannot tell anyone about this um.. incident except you best friend Misa who is already aware of this and she has agreed to keep it a secret . You and Jimin can be in a relationship if you want to, we have no problem with that since you and Jimin know each other enough through the many fan meets . So is that okay with you? " I nodded . " But if I move in with you guys here where will I sleep since I've been told that there are only 7 rooms, one for each of you but then, where do I go?" Jin looked me with a shy look on his face after I said that . RM sighed and answered " with Jimin . You will be living with him in his room" . My eyes grew wide and I looked at Jimin he just looked at the floor . He was scared like me ." Your stuff has been brought here so you can go to bed if you want . Goodnight everyone . " RM said as went up to his room and so did the others only me and Jimin were left there . " Come on " he said and I followed .
We both sat on his bed as we chat. We already knew a lot about each other as we realised ." What do you like about me the most " I asked . "Your eyes . And what bout you ?" He asked ." I love all of you ." I said with a smile . Suddenly I felt a soft a soft pair of lips on mine . Jimin kissed me. He moved away and looked me in the eye as if asking for permission to steal another kiss. I put my hands around his neck and pulled him into another passionate kiss . He licked my bottom lips causing me to gasp and he took the chance to slide his tongue in my mouth exploring it giving me a sensation I've never felt before . I was getting wetter by the second . He took off his white shirt he was wearing and threw it somewhere in the room He started leaving wet kisses from my collarbone to my neck . He stopped and pulled off my seductive black dress only to find me in a lacy black bra and panties . He licked his lips in the most sexiest way possible . By now I was dripping . He crawled over me making me lie flat on my back . The way his eyes looked into mine had been sending chills down my spine. He tucked some stray hairs on my face behind my ears and said " have I ever told you beautiful?" I shook my head . He smiled and kissed me again . His hands reached down to my panties pulling them down and throwing it across the room wher ethe other pieces of clothing were . He pushed two fingers into me without a warning causing me to moan . He smirked as he stared at my eyes that were looking back at him . He started thrusting his fingers at a slow pace while rubbing circles on my clit with his thumb . "F-faster j-jim-i-n" he obeyed and sped up. After a few thrust I came and as I got down from my high went to him to return the pleasure but he stopped me " today was about you y/n " he laid me down and we both went to sleep in each other's arms .
A/N: tell me how it was and also part two coming soon 😜💜
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damonsexywifey · 3 years
helo today i am going to be talking about daddy papi sexy icon Damon Salvatore. I know im fucking obsessed but this man makes my ovaries explode so i need some way to let it all out so here i go
first things first his mf looks
his eyes omfg his eyes he could stare at me and i would melt his bright blue eyes i already am quite a fan of pretty eyes but his eyes ive been obsessed for a very long time like wtf his eyes are so seductive and for what why do you do this to me huh damon why oh why HIS eyes omg when he looks at elena is with such care and love, id PAY for him to look at me like that HE COULD STOMP ON ME AND ID SAY SORRY AND THANK YOU ok now his little smirk oml when he did something bad he'd do his little smirk and i know it'd be very sociopathic of me to actually enjoy that but why the fuck did i get turned on by that why is he such a sex icon big dick energy is radiating I COULD LITERALLY BE WATCHING A SCENE OF HIM AND ELENA FLIRTING CASUALLY AND I'D BE SWEATING THAT WOULD FILL A WHOLE OCEAN I'D NEED TO PAUSE AND TAKE A BREATHER BECAUSE THAT MAN IS TOO MUCH FOR ME.
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OK NOW IVE DONE A LOOKS ASSESSMENT. IT IS OFF TO DO A PERSONALITY ANALYSIS BECAUSE HE COULDVE BEEN REALLY HOT AND HAD A DEAD PERSONALITY like matt (sorry matt ps i still love you) but no damon has not let me down with his personality so lemme talk about that
the fucking humour:
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OK THIS IS JUST mf fragments to his smart ass humour but omg this guy is carrying the show with its humour, i find humour extremely attractive so him just being a little devilish sociopathic smart ass bastard boy is all i ask for and it was received, stefan is great lemme tell u that but one of the reasons its damon>stefan for me its maybe because i prefer playful characters who can quit the intensity and actually have fun so yea personal preferences come into this
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my boy is very emotional, hes a vampire yada yada but he hasnt flicked the switch off of his humanity hes still a ball of fluff who tries to cover it up with spikes so he seems tough but some sad scenes you can see right through him like some above. The first one is him letting things pile up over and over again and its killing him in the inside hes such a cinnamon roll and all he needs is a hug and someone to tell him hes gonna be alright...can i plz volunteer to do that ✋
the second one was a scene that made go waaaaaaa and tear up because that was the scene when he was opening up about how he wants and loves elena but shes not hers, shes stefans around then. The fact hes showed as some type of dickhead but he could be rlly douchy and literally just steal her away from stefan but he doesnt because shes "brothers girl" aaa hes caring and it hurts how much he does and his sad scenes hurt, hes not bad hes just very broken inside.
Unapologetically Honest
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one of the reasons i love about him is that hes just so mf honest which is ironic because around s2 its just elena calling him a liar anyways hes honest with a lack of apology which i feel like would be extremely necessary when theres a flock of bad guys always at your doorstep, sugar covered words aren't needed tbh thats where his honesty comes in
hes aware of himself and knows that he can be dickhead some way or another so its funny when hes aware kinda gives definition to his character being a self proclaimed dickhead
i stan alarics and damons friendship theres so mf honest with eachother, alaric could be getting emotional about his relationships and this man could just go "but they're dead.. *sips tea* " hes so unbothered theres something attractive about it
umm so i kinda forgot the post only allows 10 pics so you lot are lucky enough that u get a video
anyways im extremely attracted to intense romance rather than cutesy lovey dovey, this guy ticks the box for intense hes so mf sexy with like one touch can u explain this science to me BECAUSE THIS GUY SCREAMS SEX WTF AND I HAVE NO IDEA HOW ELENA CONTROLS HER SEXUAL DESIRES BECAUSE BITCH U SURE DO KNOW I'D DO ANYTHING THIS BASTARD WOULD TELL ME TO DO ANYWAYS THERE WAS THIS SCENE WHERE ELENA WAS WORKING OUT AND THIS GUY WAS TOUCHING HER RIBCAGE OR SOMETHING AND THE HEAVY BREATHING I'D PROBABLY FAINT IN HIS ARMS BUT THIS WOMAN HELD IT TOGETHER CAN HE PLZ TAKE ME ADOPT ME ILL LIVE IN UR HOME I'LL LIVE IN THE TINIEST PLACE IN UR HOUSE I DONT MIND ME I JUST NEED TO BE GRACED BY UR LOOKS the intensity is legit like fire to the skin, i blush and scream for elena im a literal pterodactyl screeching when he comes on screen with him naked and one towel covering his big dick i would write the director a mf big ass letter to persuade him to let damon walk in with no towel pls i beg cmon u can do it i know u want too
anyways overall damon salvatore is my husband papi daddy and i do admit i simp for him and hes hit me like a wrecking ball im on s3 for vampire diaries ill keep u lot updated if anything happens in my shift of simp but for now im kind of addicted to this bootylicious babe actually now i think about it what if i actually ever meet him or something id probably weep and faint yes that'd happen ill probably just stare and i dont blame him if he kicks me out for being a creep anyways uh this was my essay hope u lot enjoy because i sure as heck enjoyed screaming my burning passionate love for Damon Salvatore if someone was selling a damon salvatore in store id be the first one to purchase and i feel like i speak for the nation of damon simps ily babes because i totally understand this lust you have for him
anywho bye bye xoxoxo
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rendezvousrenjun · 5 years
idk u.
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✰ pairing: jeno x reader (strangers ➝ lovers)  ✰ genre: angst + fluff ✰ word count: 2.6k ✰ warnings: slight cursing, mentions of cheating 
✰ synopsis : you just needed somewhere to sit in the morning. never thought it would end up with crying over a dumb boy and riding on the back of his motorcycle. 
procrastination. You were extremely familiar to it and the overwhelming stress that came with waking up at 3 am and realizing you haven’t started your work yet. 
This meant rushing to complete that workload almost everyday on the way to your morning classes. Which, you still question yourself, why you made your schedule play out like that instead of registering for afternoon ones?
Anyways,,, today you were ultra struggling because there was not one available table in sight to plop yourself down at and finish this one tedious assignment right before entering class
Sure, you could’ve gone to the school’s library, or maybe a cafe---but they were both so far from class and why would you when there were a couple of tables right here!! Around the main hall!! Yet they were unavailable
You had two options. Option one was to just say screw it and not complete the work. Option two was to gather strength and just sit across from one of the individuals who preoccupied the tables. 
Much to your confusion, apart from being a procrastinator you are also a perfectionist. Those two traits were never meant to clash,,, but here you are now making your way to the closest table perpendicular to your classroom which happened to be taken by a boy who seemed like he wasn’t doing any work at all. 
What a waste of a table
You hastily blurt out “hi im y/n sorry for the abrupt greetings but can i sit with you?”
The boy takes out one airpod and looks up at you, eyes almost rolling back, nods his head in a very slow and dragged out manner before averting his gaze back down at his phone.
“Great thank you so much” you immediately fling your bag and belongings onto the table, breaking out your pencil pouch and pens to get back to writing-- constantly checking the time as if you were on the game-show minute to win it
You’re so consumed by your highlighting that you fail to notice the boy across from you peeking up and subtly smiling to himself at how determined and tense you look to finish
“Shoot shoot shoot” you scold yourself under your breath as you check the time once more before shoving everything into your bag, and getting up to see your other classmates making their way inside 
You’re about to go inside before you realize that the boy across from you hasn’t moved
“Hey aren’t you coming?”
“I’m not in that class” his voice more soothing than you had expected it to sound
“Oh,,,,, then why are yo- actually nevermind” you just need to BLAST
Thanks to that mysterious edgy boy you were able to turn in the assignment and receive a passing grade.
The next morning you thought you would’ve learned your lesson, but yet again you are rushing against the clock.
And again you see that boy.
“Hello good sir uh can i sit here again??? Sorry…” you apologize but you are already sitting down and pulling out materials. “I forgot to ask about your name by the way,,how rude of-” 
“Jeno” this is the first time he makes eye contact with you for this long. Neither of you break it, and when he talks again your eyes trace back to his lips, “shouldn’t you keep working?”
“Oh right, right” you snap back into reality. This goes on for a couple days, or maybe even a couple weeks.
There’s curiosity gnawing at you; wait what department is he from? How does he get to school so early? Is he actually listening to music? What’s he doing on his phone?
You don’t realize you’ve let his name slip a couple times with your friends (more like one friend let’s be real here) until they bring it up.
“And then this morning he was like ‘you’re late’ which means he anticipates me to sit with him right??? But i said ‘maybe you’re just early, ever thought about that lee jeno’ and he was all like ‘my bad’ like dang okay…” you stretch over to grab the coffee jaemin bought that day. It was extremely bitter. 
“Wait who again??” jaemin looks up at you from the floor, almost snapping his neck at the name.
“Lee jeno” you repeat slowly, a bit surprised by his reaction.
“Do you have a picture?” “ uh no” “mMMmMMMMMMMMMmmm I might know him”
“whAT, how??? Yo lowkey give me so fill me in with information I’ve been trying to talk to him about…stuff,,,,”
Jaemin gets up from the floor and joins you on the bed, the both of you cross-legged and facing each other. “Okay so you remember the best friend I told you about the first time we met at study group?”
“no way that was jeno?”
“Yea.. basically he changed a lot once we got to senior year high school. I think it had something to do with his family and like his ex-girlfriend at the time, but it really upset me. He didn’t let anyone get close to him; it was as if he became some type of dry wall i guess?” You nod your head as you listen intently to what jaemin had to say. There were a couple things you found out about jeno which you weren’t too sure you were even allowed to know. As if you violated his privacy.
For example, Lee jeno has really bad trust issues. Jaemin thinks it’s due to the fact his girlfriend of four years cheated him at the same time Jeno found out his dad had another family in Singapore.
Lee jeno started riding a motorcycle senior year. Jaemin said it was a way to rebel and stop riding in his dad’s car. 
And lastly, that lee jeno likes, as in loves cats. 
“But hey, don’t think of catching feelings for him anytime soon okay? I feel like you’ll regret it.”
“Oh please…. Me? Liking lee jeno??? Pshhhhhh never!” you push jaemin off the bed. But really you were already scared. You were already fond of your table-mate.
The next day you honestly could not see jeno the same. 
“Good morning sir”
Today was one of those rare days you actually had nothing to work on. I guess you could call that a miracle.
“You have nothing to do today? That’s crazy” jeno puts his phone down to make eye contact with you. You found that as time went on, he did that more often. 
“I would be offended but I’m honestly genuinely surprised myself”
You are caught off guard by Jeno’s laugh. Maybe this is the first time you’ve heard it in the past two months you’ve known him. You notice the way his eyes smile along with him and maybe it was the lack of caffeine, or the chaotic side of you that jumped out because you don’t remember saying “cute”.
Jeno’s smile immediately begins to dissipate. 
Oh fuck he heard you,,, YOU DIDN’T EVEN HEAR YOURSELF WTF hiufegkhglh;orehqo ihwelk 
Jeno just gets up and begins to leave. 
“Where are you going?”
“None of your business.”
You want to deny that you felt this way. That you felt like you’ve been rejected. Despite it being a casual compliment, you should’ve thought twice,, no ONCE before blurting it out considering jeno’s background. 
For the next couple days you did not see jeno at the table. It upset you. But then again, did jeno ever consider you his friend the same way you did? With all the mini relaxed conversations between you two, at least an acquaintance right? Were you being too attached? 
You didn’t mean for lee jeno to hit like this.
The day you realize you caught feelings was when you saw jeno in the main hall carrying his motorcycle helmet and heading over to the vending machines. You could tell he was making small talk with someone from his department. Maybe it was a good time to greet him again?
When you walk up to him you did not expect him to still be upset with you. “Hi Jeno” you timidly say, an awkward hand coming up to wave.
The look he gives you makes you feel disgusting, like a piece of dog shit that he accidentally stepped on. It makes you feel small. 
“Do you know her jeno?”
He immediately leaves. You’re left standing there. Did that just happen?Maybe you were being a big sensitive baby who got affected by the littlest things but the next thing you know you were bawling in the main hall. Gosh dARN It jUST suck IT Upppp what are you??????? Some type of ??? idk SHOoot another tear
Jaemin finds you sitting at that dumb table after class and he tries to pat your head, trying to comfort you with his baby shushing sounds. He catches sight of Jeno who begins to pass by to get to the parking lot.
“HEY LEE JENO!” Jeno freezes dead in his tracks. It’s been awhile since he’s heard that voice. He doesn’t have enough time to turn around because Jaemin’s hand is already making him. “Apologize.”
“Get your hand off me.”
“Not to me, but to y/n. I don’t know what you did, but do it. Apologize.”
“I don’t know her though.”
“It’s fine Jaemin, don’t make a scene.” both of them look over to see you walking towards them. jeno shakes off jaemin’s grip and makes his way outside. 
“It was a dumb thing to get upset over anyways.” You quietly mumble to yourself.
The next day you realize you shouldn’t even regret calling jeno cute. It was so harmless! It was literally just a tiny compliment! But your thoughts recall the past and how tiny compliments might’ve been triggering. It’s fine though. You don’t have time to think about this because at least now you have the table all to yourself to do work at.
Which is what you were doing until someone sits across from you.
A hand extends out palm face up, in it a piece of paper folded into an origami cat.
“Who are you again?” you say looking up to see jeno. The eye contact is stronger than ever today.
“Please take my apologetic cat”
“Are you just going to ignore me again?”
“I’m sorry. You probably didn’t mean any harm, I just was taken aback and remembered a couple of things. It didn’t give me an excuse to act like that though. I’m sorry.” he takes the cat between his thumb and index finger and bounces it, little meows leaving his lips from time to time to try to show his sincerity
.A grin blossoms on your lips and you accept his apology cat.
“Open it when you have time.” he gets up to leave again.“Where are you going?” 
“You’re going to be late, I didn’t want to distract you any longer.”
Damn that was kind of sweet, maybe jaemin really did knock some sense into him. 
You ended up opening the folded paper in class towards the end of the lecture. “Hey y/n… i was really dumb sorry. I acted really immature and got mad, real dick move, real SMALL BRAIN move right there… it’s a long story on why I turned out like this, and maybe I can tell you sometime? You know…. When you aren’t trying to finish assignments five minutes before they’re due?? Or not.. Haha that’s dumb..unless…. Um yea anyways I owe you!! This apology cat can be exchanged for one favor so feel free to ask. Again i was dumb. - lee ‘small brain’ jeno”
You try not to laugh in class, your hand covering your face in an attempt to keep the giggles from spilling out. “Btw turn the paper over” you check the back and there lies jeno’s phone number
You felt bad not telling jaemin that you and jeno had started hanging out pretty frequently after you guys exchanged numbers.
It was scary how things escalated so quickly. How you were able to reach jeno over his wall still was a question even you could not answer. 
One day jeno invited you over to his dorm, which you weren’t too sure was a good idea at first, but jeno insisted that he wanted you two to do work right away so you guys could just talk comfortably at the table instead of being stressed first thing in the morning.
“It’s for the sake of our bonding experiences y/n, just trust me.”
“Wow kinda weird how we switched roles huh? See how hard it was for me to approach you and get you to be acquainted with me?”
“B O N D I N G  E X P E R I E N C E”
You ended up going over to his dorm. Jeno already knew you were most likely going to say yes, so he prepared another helmet for you.
“Oh hell nah, I’m not riding your motorcycle dude.”
“I promise I drive safe.”
“I’ll just walk alongside you”
“You can hold onto me, don’t worry.”
Holding onto jeno you could feel how warm his body was, especially with this new found adrenaline with you by his side. 
“You play the guitar?” you point over to the case laying in the corner while you two worked on his bed, backs against the wall.
“Yea, it really helped during that one dark time in my life I told you about.”
“Can you play a song for me?”
“Is this the favor?”
“Mmm i guess so, I have the cat in my wallet let me give it to you.”
“No, it’s okay you can keep it.” He removes his laptop from his lap and climbs over to the bed. He stops two steps in and turns to look at you. “Just grant me a favor in return.”
“Okay, sure.” The expression on his face seemed as if he already knew what it was. He picks up the guitar an starts strumming to the tune of butterflies by queen naija, humming along to the song.
There’s a warm feeling that grows as you begin to adorn his features. The way his fingers delicately place themselves on the strings, or his concentrated expression, or the way his body holds the guitar against it. It’s warm. Really warm.
“Hey jeno? I think I need to go.” you say, realizing it was going to be a terrible idea to keep feeling this way. Jaemin’s warning suddenly being brought back to you. I can’t feel this attached again.
“y/n. Wait.”
“Mm?” you turn back to look at him standing close to you, your hand leaving the handle of his front door. He puts his guitar down, and looks at you again.
He was looking at you with almost concern, as if he wanted to make sure this moment remained a memory for a long time. Was he going to say something bad?
“I’m afraid too.”
You’re breathing quickens, as if you’ve been holding it in for the past hour and now is the only time you’ve exhaled. “You’re afraid?”
“C-can I ask you my favor now?” you give him a nod.
“Please take care of me.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m asking you to date me.”
“are you trying to make fun of me right now? Because this isn’t funny jeno.”
“No, I seriously like you. A lot. And it scares me because I don’t want you to leave.” jeno begins to tear up and you feel like you’ve misplaced your foot again, misplaced your words and intentions. 
Your hands make their way around jeno’s neck and you pull him into a hug tighter than when you were holding him on his motorcycle. 
“Jeno” your voice is soft spoken against his ear, “I’m afraid you’ll break my heart just as much.” You feel him embrace you even harder as a way to tell you no. As a way to give you reassurance. 
It’s weird. To trust somebody like this. But just like how you don’t know when the next time you’ll finish your assignments earlier, or like how jeno doesn’t know the next time someone will leave him, you two don’t know what will happen if you don’t give falling in love a try. 
a/n: so i totally accidentally deleted this... but yes tell me if you guys want a part two or these type of bulleted lists more! <3
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