#not gonna tag anyone else or the ship names cuz this is just a joke lol
alst-roe · 2 months
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This came to me in a dream wasn't gonna leave my head till I made it but I cannot figure out who to put in the last slot. Send ideas pls and I'll add someone when I wake up tomorrow morning
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nodesiretogrowup · 4 years
ok, I think I’m ready for my in depth recap/analyse/review of today’s episodes, one by one
hopefully this shows up in the tag because my last few posts haven’t for some reason
Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks!:
Frank-This season is about legacy. The first word we hear-LEGACY
The graduation ceremony took me back to my Girl Scout days. And is pretty accurate to the graduation ceremonies I did in scouts, though they had more levels. And the names of their ranks made more sense than the Girl Scout ones. Not sure how the Boy Scout ones work.
Poor Donald. Though from what we see in this episode, it might be better to not be a Woodchuck. They’re a bit...intense.
Launchpad’s notes were great. He totally wrote them, hence the grape jelly stain
The title is a lie. They’re trying to become Senior Woodchucks. And the challenge itself was called the Junior Woodchuck Wilderness Challenge
Poor Huey, that’s always awkward
Lena cheering Violet on was ADORABLE
The “I’m with Dad” shirts...chef’s kisses. I now want them to make NEVERENDING DAD JOKES
Vi’s little blush DAAAWWW
Why would Huey have seen her at scout events? I thought Violet had just moved to Duckburg, though I might be remembering wrong. Even then, Duckburg is a fairly large city she might have gone to events closer to where she lived
That fold out sash is DOPE
“DEWEY’S BROTHER!” Ouch, Launchpad.
Huey’s little wave
DELLA’S IN THE THEME SONG! We all knew it would happen, but still. I NEED more Della/Launchpad interactions. They look like they’ll have a fun dynamic
He probably isn’t, but I’m gonna pretend that little asian scout is Russel from Up
Webby is a good friend
When Launchpad took Huey’s guidebook it reminded me a lot of whenever someone took the Journals away from Dipper. Complete with self doubt
Dewey is a horrible pep-talker
“Show the other nerds that you are king nerd.” Louie is actually a pretty good pep-talker. He could be a motivational speaker
I like Violet’s quirk of calling the others by their full name (ie Webbigail, Huebert)
Lena takes her new big sister role SERIOUSLY
I really like that the person Scrooge looks up to is a woman. And him sharing a room with his parents was a nice touch
“Story about Scrooge as a kid in 3..2..” Louie knows the formula (probably why he just accepted the sitcom lol)
The bee one made me laugh because alliteration...and bees
How did that map/painting work? It looked like she was actually holding it but the picture still looks fine after Scrooge peels the map off
“OOO, TWIST” I love you Della
I love the Tittertwill and its song and dance. I want it as my ringtone. And I want plushies. STAT
“I’m speechifying” I’m gonna use that next time someone interrupts me
I hope someone gets a good screencap of that post. I want to see what all is on there
Violet trash-talking is ADORABLE. She wants to fit in
When they tried handshaking...too cute! I don’t really like shipping the kids because of how young they are and that they haven’t had much experience in the crush/romance department...but Huey and Violet are adorable and I think they both have crushes on each other
I kind of wonder what Launchpad was doing while everything was going on. Also he looks SO HOT in that uniform
I didn’t notice it the first time, but all three groups took a different path. Neat
I got upset when Huey used his water bottle to make a compass. Now that lid is dirty and the rest of your water will spill
Violet dots her i’s with a Mickey. The note also made me think of the halfway there joke in an episode of Spongebob
“Do you feel appropriately razzed?” This girl is too sweet
Huey going back to pick up the note so he doesn’t litter
The little growls Donald was doing while swatting at the mosquito were cute. Also FUCK MOSQUITOS
Dewey INSTANTLY forming a connection with the bird is great
“Aw, they’re both cute” My thoughts exactly
“It’s JUST a mosquito, you should give it some of your blood”
I like that over the episode we see Huey continue to forgo the rules to try and boost his chance of winning while Violet follows them
In Huey’s panic he forgets what he knows. I feel like that’s gonna come back
“That was the smack-talking” Vi is extra adorable in this episode
Webby’s disappointment in the lack of actual giants, cute
Donald and Della should start a slapstick comedy duo
I love when Huey sings
Huey needs to see a therapist cuz that shit ain’t normal
I like him giving the guidebook a soothing, southern voice. Did anyone else think of Ratatouille when the book showed up? Like how Remy imagined Chef Gusto
“Well that’s a pickle of a different color” Oh southerns and your weird expressions
My sister kept saying that the bear looked like it was mixed with a hyena and I can totally see it. Maybe he’s a lost Wuzzle lol
“I’m the food"
Even though I knew it would happen, I was still very disappointed in Huey for not helping Violet. That’s a dick move
God, poor Donald
I love how blunt Louie is
“EVERYONE FOLLOW THAT BIRD” *Blue Bird of Happiness flashbacks*
“Where you go I cannot follow” I love JW
“I DON’T KNOW, I’M GONNA THROW THIS ROCK” That’s how I solve my problems
“I’m so mad I can’t even aliterrate”
“I’m cold and terrified, sounds like an adventure to me”
“Poppycock, whoever told you that?” “YOU”
“So let’s rewrite history” That was last season, Dewey
Scrooge doing the song and dance was great
“WHAT IS HAPPENING?!” “I DON’T KNOW, WHY ARE YOU IMAGINING THIS?!” That’s some fucked up shit right there
“Wait, there’s a failure badge?” I would like one
I’m glad they clarified that the challenge isn’t a one time only thing because I was confused
I like that this show included the lesson that it’s ok to fail. I still struggle with that to this day
Violet opening up to Huey is sweet. And offering to share the win. She’s a good noodle
“I thought this would be more climatic” BITCH YOU IN THE MIDDLE OF AN ACTIVE VOLCANO! WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT?
“I RESPOND TO AUTHORITY” And she just pats him on the head
“YEAH, CUZ YOUR A...” “Lena, please”
Launchpad giving Huey one of his failure badges is kind of adorable. Though I thought you could only earn one of each badge. Then again they have a failure badge so normal scout rules probably don’t apply here
Dude, that DEATH GLARE Della gives Launchpad. Something tells me this isn’t over yet. I hope this means Della is gonna see Launchpad as her Sitcom Nemesis while he’s completely unaware of it. Like DW and Gizmoduck
JW returning as a ghost. I’m not sure if that’s funny or dark
I feel like the Duck family finding the journal is...unfair in a way. Like Violet got to become the Senior Woodchuck but Huey and his family are gonna find tons of treasure/get rich and famous
I think we’ve got some future episode titles in there
I thought Goldie said she found the fountain of youth, why was it in the journal
OMG FOWL!!! I think it’s funny that Phantom Blot is still wearing his FunZone mascot costume
And now we know what this season’s goal is
Seeing Della with her family was great. Like everyone has said, it feels like she was meant to be there the whole time. Her and Donald were great. It was nice to see them being all sibling-y. I heard that this wasn’t intended to be the season opener but you could of fooled me. This sets up everything so nicely for the season. Huey is going to question who he is and what defines him. We have a list of treasures to be discovered. And we see the FOWL are after those treasures too. This was a solid season opener that has me excited for the journey ahead.
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21 Questions Ask Meme
Ahhh thank u for tagging me @some-new-disaster!! 🥺🥺
Rules: “Answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you would like to get to know better”
Nickname: People who know me online have called me by Bvd in the past or Exile currently! Close friends call me Kark/ Karl & IRL buds tend to call me KK.
Real Name: Karlyn
Zodiac: Aquarius
Favorite Musicians or Groups: I have a huge, varied music taste but I have managed to keep some fav bands that are around my central taste. I have a top 5 in order ahh!
Rare Americans
Twenty One Pilots
Everything Everything
Mother Mother
Favorite Sports Team: Not a sports person lmfao!
Other Blogs: @your-new-girlfriend and @spins-ter are my (dead atm) Spinel self shipping centered blogs (I haven’t had the interest to do anything on them and I don’t wanna force it :( ) and @for-the-exiled (previously @/and-i-have-n0-plan or smthn) Is where I dump Portal shipping stuff.
Do I Get Asks: I’ve gotten a few SU+Portal ones in the past but not rlly anything else - PLEASE send me asks if u wanna I’m not scary and love the interaction.
How Many Blogs Do I Follow: 273.
Tumblr Crushes: None.
Lucky Numbers: 5 or any multiple of it! Idk it’s just my number.
What Am I Wearing: Just some black sweatpants and a Saint Patrick’s day T-Shirt.
Dream Vacation: Nothing extravagant ig I’m not much for going out. Dream would p be a tie between just going somewhere relaxing with a future s/o or meeting up with my close buds IRL and doing shit cuz I love them.
Dream Car: Idk I’m not a car person. Anything that works???
Favorite Food: UugHGHhdj Idk I love a shit ton of food. Burgers or potatoes ig.
Drink of Choice: Vanilla almond milk or Pepsi! Both are my favs afhfhgn. Tho I do tend to just drink water most the time.
Instruments: The clarinet! Been playing it in band since we were given the option of joining in 5th. I can also barely play the guitar, gonna take a class next year to learn more and hopefully I can pick it up just like I have with playing my clarinet.
Languages: Really just English atm. I know bare basics of Spanish tho and am going to take more classes in the future. I also know the bare basics of German and hopefully I can regain interest in learning that.
Celebrity Crushes: None currently, I’m not a person interested in celebrities ig. In the past tho I did have minor crushes on Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez if those count.
Random Facts:
I have two gray marks on my body from accidentally stabbing myself with a pencil, twice. I was in Kindergarten and that’s one of the few memories I have from then hjdg. One’s close to the middle on my left of my chest and the others in my right eyebrow.
Ughhgnnj I’m not fully sure about my heritage cuz all I have to go off of is off-hand comments from adults but apparently I have German, Irish, and Swedish heritage. Where I live, a ton of people have Swedish heritage so that’s not surprising.
I ADORE the chihuahua breed. I grew up with 2 chis and currently my family has 3 chis. My current baby, Bonkers, helped me get through a terrible mental state after we lost our old dogs. I can and will beat up anyone who has the nerve to call the breed evil or call them rats to my face. (Jokes are fine but I’ve heard them so often I’m just sick of it all.)
I get DEEP into interests. Like rn all I can think about is Portal lmaO. In the past it was Steven Universe. Before that it was BNHA, and so on. That’s just how I get interested in things. So like I said rn my thing is Portal for sure! I have ~45 hours on Portal 2 alone and over all Portal content (og game, 2, and mods) I have ~78 hours.
I Tag: @firekitty59, @enby-reia, @drawinggalaxy, @boxedfruits, @xkittyleafx, @chedisbread, @chaotic-spinel, @knifebean. Definitely not 21 but I worry about bothering people. If ur tagged you don’t gotta do it aaa. Also if anyone sees this and wants to do it, go ahead! I tag you too!
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Lola Thomas
Will she friend us on Facebook yet? Lola has been accepted! Send in your blog and faceclaim!
out of character info
Name/Alias: lexi (yeah im gonna try this again because looks like the negativity is GONE. BLESS.)
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 18
Join Our Discord: Yeaaaah
Timezone: central
Activity: 7 ( i do work so activity will prolly bump before 2pm and after 8pm lmao )
Triggers: nada
Password: jimmy can fast pass my ass ;))
Character that you’re applying for: Lola Thomas
Favourite ships for your character: going in this with a clean slate so try and give me a favorite ship? ’,:)
in character info
Full name: Lola Diane Thomas
Birthday: May 20th.
Sexuality, gender, pronouns: pansexual, female, she/her
Age and grade: 16 (almost 17) && senior.
Faceclaim: Taylor Hill
Head: Lola is what you call a tall glass of water. She’s refreshingly attractive. Her eyes are neither blue or green but a weird combination of the two colors, making them pop against her naturally darkened complexion. Her hair is soft and wavy and like to tangle near the ends by the time Lola is out of school and on the way to work. It’s color likes to change with the rare sunlight, meaning if she is outside in the sun all day every day natural highlights will appear in her honey chestnut tresses. Her nose is like a little button that deserves to be booped constantly. Her lips are full and plump- to that she owes genetics. Lola believes it is her only good trait.
Body: A natural looker. She stands at about 5'8, so be prepared if you’re tiny. She will tower you with her legs for DAYS.  She doesn’t have particularly large assets but they are there. And it’s a nice handful on either side of the equator. You just gotta look for them behind her non-stop barrage of sweaters. She likes to say she has a white girl booty- its cute && snooty. Her shoulders and cheeks are very, very, lightly dusted in freckles you can only see in the winter. Despiter her tall figure, Lola is NOT a bean pole, she’s slim thicccc weighing about 145 pounds and it’s not in her face.
Style: Lola dresses like she lives in Goodwill, trendy and thrifty. She would kill for knee socks and button up blouses. She aims to look like ‘The classic look of a teenager in the 90’s’. Her shoes will never don a heel for she believes she is 'too tall’ for them. She likes to keep a mellow color scheme for all her clothing items. Tan, green, white. Sometimes she looks like the first instagram post you see tagged * v i n t a g e. *
First off let’s get this straight, with Lola it’s not a personality but more of how she adopts a personality to fit each social clique she is suckered into that day. If you dig deeep deeeeeep down pass the meme references and pop culture shout outs- she’s awfully shy and hates making the first move in ANY kind of situation. She is sympathetic to most of the problems she hears- other than relationship ones. What’s a feeling for someone else other than your cat? She doesn’t get it. Skittish doesn’t even cover how much of a fraidy cat she is.. One little boo when she’s not expecting it is enough to get Lola to shriek and jump three feet into the air. She does have a nuturing instinct, finding it rather difficult to see anyone lonely or upset.
Once you get to know Lola, she is a sweetheart with a soul of gold. She would freeze in the frigid temperatures to keep her friend warm. She’s the girl who will sneak you into her house so you dont have to go home if you’re scared too or can’t. She is quite snarky however- as if a dam broke and every witty thought ever spun in her head rushes out. Once you get her talking about something she is personally interested in, good luck shutting her up. Lola is also a very superstitious person. Never one too step on a crack or split a pole. Her biggest quirk would have to be her need for reassurance that her jokes are funny. She thinks of herself as a comedian but is already sure everyone thinks she is trying too hard. She is a rather dull girl on the outside, moody and solemn. But if you can crack into her cold shell there’s an ooey gooey sweetness inside. Lola is often easily upset- movies to road kill make her tear up. Anytime she even gets mad the salry reminders if her lameness well up in her eyes. And that only pisses her off more.
Despite having a cool exterior she can and will snap- just push the right buttons. 
Lola wouldnt deem herself an outcast yet she would always feel that way. Whether she was cheering with the girls or writing lists with Jenny, her feelings were uncontrollable. Her anxiety makes it impossible to determine if someone is being nice to her or if they have a plot to harm her. In middle school, Lola secretly dreamt of becoming a goth kid- going as far as painting her nails black for two years. But her fears never made her set out to do it. Plus everyone was a little then so isn’t that technically confirming? Her school work was the only thing Lola was ever certain in. Work was easy, you couldn’t fuck it up by being a complete oddball. It was practically memorization. After starting high school, Lola was practically a wallflower. Hell she was the wall and the flower all wrapped in one. She dropped every friendship and dedicated herself to her studies and her pets. After she got a job she was allowed to have them finally and her fur babies were the only things she cared about truly and deeply. For they could never hate their mother.
Things were always tough for Lola, socially or economically, but that didn’t mean her childhood sucked. It just meant instead of a Barbie dreamhouse for Christmas she got the summer edition Barbie. Not a house. Just the doll. Jealousy is an emotion often clouding her anxieties and judgement on people. It caused her to lose her best friend since.. Well, as long as she could remember. Lola grew jealous and almost possessive over Jenny. She probably didn’t mean too but when she saw Jenny getting along with people when she couldnt caused a burning rage to settle in her chest. It got so bad Lola didnt even speak to anyone for a week before blowing up and ruining her only real friendship.
Just because she looks innocent doesn’t mean the brunette is. There are probably a few flat tires and keyed cars residing in South Park that are Lola’s own doing. Not to mention she is a total bystander. You wanna skip school? Cool, yeah I’ll watch for a teacher. You wanna smoke pot in the bathroom? It’s all good as long as she gets a hit. These are all childish 'bad behaviors’ but as Lola sees it, there’s no point in trying that hard to be bad. After all the one time she tried it, the poor thing almost died from hypothermia after blindly listening to a slumber party dare.
You aren’t supposed to sneak out in slumber parties. Or streak in Wal-Mart. Or jump of a bridge into negative temp waters. But these are all things Lola did too prove she was cool. And it ended up with her grounded, being hospitalised for pneumonia, and gaining a large fear of heights. And a hatred for party games.
Sample paragraph:
Of course, it was another cold blustery day. Chestnut tresses fluttered in front of her sight along the whole way home, it didn’t matter how many times she forcefully blew the bangs out of her face- they always flopped back down. Numbing fingers clutched tighter to the soft cloth lining of her jacket pockets. The index fingers and thumbs of both hands pinching at the materiel. Gosh- why is it always freezing? Dull orbs flittered around the blank scenery of the all too familiar path from her house to the school. The only sounds Lola could hear were the crunching of her flats against the snow and the wind whipping furiously around her. Boring. It was all white and boring. Lola was tired of being bored. She imagined that would be the only feeling she could muster for the rest of her life and it made the corners of her glossed lips tug down.
She shook her head as if to clear the thoughts instantly, humming a tune to distract herself as she continued on her trek.
One step, two step, three step…
…Sixteenth step-
Lola really needed a friend. A small sigh lifted her chest and as it billowed past her mouth she noticed movement in her peripherals. Was she really looking down this whole time like an idiot? How embarrassing! She clenched her hands into fists, further rumpling the jacket from its own pockets. Avoiding any kind of eye contact she swayed over to the side near the street and hurried her steps along. Too fast to count now. She passed the figure and her hands slowly unfurled. The blood rushing to her digits made them quite warm and her face flushed as well. God she was awkard.
Just as she thought she was in the clear, Lola felt a tap on her shoulder and her heart stuttered in its cavity as she stumbled to a stop. Fuck.
🌟 owns a bike but rarely rides it.
🌟 has one cat- a black kitten named sparrow.
🌟 also two rats- yin and yang which are little chocolate colored sisters.
🌟 3.8 GPA
🌟 wants to learn french
🌟 owns a polaroid camera kinda girl
🌟 gardens in her free time
Anything else:
Im really insecure so if it takes me time to reply its cuz im demeaning myself and my baby and my words. 
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I watched Joe’s live stream so you don’t have to (play by play reactions)
- announcement is a 24 hour livestream on ThatcherJoeVlogs on Friday starting at 6:00pm UK time (1:00pm EST) ft guests and Joe signing a lot of Username:Uprising
- I wish I had friends I could have a sleepover with and watch the livestream dude that would be so fun
- throwback to #1Dday I couldn’t even last seven hours with One Direction how the hell am I gonna do 24 hours with YouTubers
- just kidding I’m about to be dedicated as fuck
- Jack and Joe from 12:00-3:00 am
- #unpopularopinion I like Joe’s mustache
- my poor baby and his infected gums he was so ill he almost passed out whenever he ate cuz the pain as so bad fuck I want to hug him
- Joe speaking foreign languages is my aesthetic (and it reminds me that I really need to brush up on my spanish)
- “I’m trying to set up other things for the future cuz, you know, you never know how long this whole YouTube thing is gonna last before I’m back on the ol’ roof”
- “it’s getting to the point where I really do want a girlfriend”
- well I’ve always been at the point where I want to be your girlfriend so I don’t understand why this is such a predicament for you when I’m always available so quit complaining and hit me up
- no but really I want him to be happy and I think he would be so happy in a relationship so he’s just gotta get someone awesome
- (like I wasn’t mad when Caspar got with Maddie cuz she’s great so Joe needs someone great)
- main channel might become a lower priority in the future
- “And I’ll see you in the future with a Sugg Sunday Special. Who knows when it’ll be. I don’t wanna say that there’s gonna be an end to Sugg Sunday but... I don’t know. I’m not as fussed about that channel as much, which is a shame cuz that’s my main channel. I don’t know it’s been so nice to have a week [...] where I haven’t thought about that kind of stuff”
- obviously the idea of irregular Sugg Sunday Specials is sad but the idea of Joe putting out things because he feels obligated to and not because he enjoys them is even more sad
- “Wow that was deep whoa I went off! That’s what happens when Harry Styles starts playing music I start talking about proper stuff that I don’t normally speak about”
- yes, Harry Styles’ album was playing in the background throughout the entire livestream
- Kiwi is his favorite song (I shit you not that’s my favorite too it’s such a bop)
- serious Joe makes my heart feel warm
- he wants to raise a family in the countryside omg raising kids in the countryside he’s a country boy at heart
- “No iPads, no YouTube, no YouTube until you’re 12″
- “The dream is be able to have a lake and my dad can live in a little cave in the garden and look after the lake”
- honestly I love Joe wow
- “We started it as like a little internal thing that we called ourselves and it spread and people call us the buttercream squad and I’m just like ugh it makes me like cringe out a bit whenever I hear it even though it’s what we call ourselves I guess. I don’t really call it that anymore”
- he starts the story of how they started to call themselves that at 28:38 of the video I’m not even going to try and summarize it ya’ll should just watch that bit
- okay but him, Conor, Caspar, and Mikey were the original four and that is so fucking random to me
- for some reason I just got really bummed out that he doesn’t like that name like okay Joe I literally have a blog dedicated to it so what the fuck am I supposed to do now
- he said none of them expected anyone else to start calling it that
- literally you’re all Internet sensations you should’ve known it was gonna get blown up when you gave yourself a name so honestly you brought this upon yourself lmao
- also Byron is a member of their squad and literally none of us even talk about him/know him
- (side not Byron is hot as hell)
- I’m dead at how we all cling to whatever they say like the SECOND they tagged #buttercream on a photo we all went off
- I’m have an existential crisis wow
- “I just miss Jaspoli. That was my favorite, back in those days”
- he wants a pet pig ??
- he’s gonna hang out with Brit soon !
- I ship him and Brit I have since the Jaspoli Coachella days (#unpopularopinion ??)
- literally the second I typed that he made a comment about it oh sorry sorry didn’t know that was a touchy subject
- reminder once again that I am single and available
- okay but they FaceTime every week for hours and that’s goals ???
- my jaw dropped at this bit he said he wants to stop going on nights out and start going to dinner parties and such, that he’s done with the night scene
- I thought he was joking but he was dead ass serious oh my god he’s growing up that felt weird to hear him say that
- “when the time’s right and it’s the right person” he’s a romantic person
- 52:58 through 53:05 is a joy
- “I’m a giver, not a receiver, take that as you will”
- he keeps getting shaky and he thinks it’s because he hasn’t eaten all day and it really worries me
- he’d like to live with both Oli and Josh (separately) and says that they’re both very mature
- his favorite YouTubers are the Sidemen and Caspar
- someone told him to collab with Kian and JC and he completely ignored it lmao
- “I feel like I’ve watched him grow from like a little baby seed to like an oak tree. To see him do so well for himself now and he’s in a position where he’s just loving it and I’m so proud of him. I feel like a proud older brother and he’s said he sees me as like an older brother. We’ve had a lot of heart to hearts and stuff and he’s so good for advice. Even though he’s like my younger brother I go to him for advice a lot of the time cuz he’s been doing YouTube longer than I have and he’s just very knowledgeable about everything and he’s very sincere he cares about people a lot he puts others before him a lot of the time and he’s a genuine friend for life”
- it takes him a long time to open up to people, he’s usually quite shy when he meets people for the first time unless there’s that instant “chemical spark”
- he talked about being nice to people and compared life to climbing up a tree and how you should be nice to everyone you pass on your way up because if you’re not and then you start to drop, the people you pass won’t be there to grab your hand and stop you from falling
- in girls he looks for someone who doesn’t take themselves too seriously, not too obsessed about themselves
- obviously first attraction is important but ultimately it’s about the personality (said every guy ever tbh) and then mentioned how if looks are that important to you it means you probably care more about how other people perceive you and your girlfriend than how you feel about your girlfriend herself
- “I want to find someone who can only add something to my life. Someone who improves my life and makes me a happier person. At the moment I’m a really happy person so anyone who has that affect to make it better is the one for me”
- reminder once again that I am single
- like I’m not drop dead gorgeous but I’ve got some stuff to offer I have nice eyes and good hair and my personality is great aside from the occasional down periods due to mental illness but you know we all have our flaws
- he talked seriously quite a bit in the stream and I’m really digging it I like serious Joe
- someone asked for advice on having a crush on your ex and he talked about moving on because it’s probably not good for you but then he said “unless you think they were the one”
- one of the best relationships he’s ever been in has been with someone older than him
- “Maybe I need to go for a cougar. Any 40 year old ladies?”
- *awkward laugh* “I’ve just admitted to a live stream that I’m after a mum. No I’m only joking. Imagine that I could end up being your dad”
- Poop Scoop with Brit on Friday
- he’s in no rush to have children
- “I’m fortunate enough to act like an immature child and get away with it a lot of the time”
- he doesn’t really want to settle down/get married anytime soon because he meets new people everyday and the idea of getting really settled down scares him because he never knows who he’s going to meet the next day
- “that’s why I’ve never- well not that you know of- had any public relationships”
- what the hell does that mean Joseph
- “I’m very good at keeping it all under wraps”
- he’s literally so hungry he’s shaking Josh hurry up he needs food
- “I hope Caspar’s there cuz I haven’t seen him in bloody ages and I miss the ol’ boy. I miss the bloody weirdo”
- he loves livestreams because it’s the closest we can get to all sitting in a room together and “having a good ol’ standard chit chat”
- reminder of the 24 hour live stream on ThatcherJoeVlogs starting at 6:00pm UK time (1:00pm EST)
- “New vlog soon. New gaming video soon. I’m back. Don’t worry I’m not going anywhere. I’m still loving life. And more importantly, you’re all bloody legends.”
that was a lot there you go (or you could just watch the live stream idk)
also I wish I knew people who lived near me 😭 I would so fucking love to have a sleepover and make good friends and watch Joe
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generalanarchy · 5 years
Name, Rice
Age, 25
Height, 5'5
Location, Canada
Sexual orientation, a Megatron dickholder that morphs to fit your pussy just right
Sexuality, into females of any type however they present themselves to be that suits my likings
Status, single
Generally likes straightforward/honest people, cheesy stupid jokes, art, music, autos, and adventure... MOBA action/adventure/historical/comedy/romantic shows or movies.... Can't stand horror, I find it stupid.... can't stand thriller, I find the storytelling to be even stupider as it overstates the facts with dramatic music.... games, sleep, long drives, b-ball but no so much lately..
About, wildcard personality; depending on whoever I meet and however close I am to them. I roll off bad energy with humour, even if it means making a fool out of myself. However, don't confuse that persona remains the same once crossed/wronged. When I fight, I fight for survival, so bones will break either yours or mine, or his or whoevers. Cops will be involved. Shit will be crazy. 🙏
When I get into a relationship, I am completely for that person's well-being, and thus remain monogamous. But lately, I'm beginning to realize monogamy isn't ideal unless it leads to tying the knot. Therefore with this theory...the term open relationship is suitable for me.
I often reflect on how my actions affect others. I don't judge based on rumours, impress me in person and you'll have your verdict.
I have tons of baggage ranging between lust, and love, and honesty. I'm quite observant. If you know you're doing something you shouldn't be, and you know it'll be a problem once I found out, chances are, I *already fucking know*... If I ask about it, be honest, because chances are, I *am waiting to see if you're a lying pos*.
I am as sweet as can be, but like all things, it's balanced with a strong sense of justice once wronged. I am forgiving, however I will not forget. If you did me wrong, there are only two outcomes: either I cut you off from my life, or we're fucking constantly and if you're female well we're gonna be having tons of hate-fucks.
I used to have no problems showing affection, but as I am carrying a heavy baggage, the weight is wearing me down and I act cold. Once I'm comfortable enough, you'll see all of my tags come into play. I like roughing up my woman, gagging her, blindfolding her, tying her, locking her up, making her crawl on the floor towards me like a slave, whipping her ass til it's red for pissing me off or when I'm stressed out, degrading her into worthless pos, pulling her hair, forcing her into sex though she constantly rejects it, fucking her in public places such as on the side of the road, by the lake, in a ship, in a dressing room stall, in the washrooms at the mall, at work, on my boss' office, in my car, in her car, at the parking lot, in a back alley, in a public park, on the balcony, by the windows with her face pressed up against the glass, on the backyard, in the shed, on her mom's bed, living room, stairs, elevator, her friends washroom, especially at parties we both disappear one by one so we could fuck and come back normal, or fuck with the door open at a family gathering and act normal when we hear someone passing by. Bathroom, toilet seat, sink, bathroom floor, bathtub...
I like ripping off her underwear (not new ones cuz that's expensive and I'm not paying for a replacement), making holes on her pants, cutting off her shirt or bra because I can't be bothered taking it off slowly, I like slapping her face and making her choke on the dick... to tell me how much of a slut she really is, and how she wants to be fucked really badly only for me to stop and not do anything until she's driven into madness and takes control.
I also want to see her getting fucked by someone else, but someone that I am aware of that I know because not knowing isn't as exciting as being aware... I want her to be used up as I watch and observe from a distance, out of their sight... Seeing how much of a slut she really is to want someone else's dick that badly. Want her to moan and beg for more... Slap her and make her call me Daddy and tell me she's a fucking slut who wants dick.
But I also want her to be responsible, pay her bills and not be broke, have plans for her future, can take care of herself, and is an angel in the streets.
I want her to be honest about everything, and anything. No matter what the fuck it is, we will figure it out...either we find a solution together, or Remove the problem.
I used to be into ERP, but I haven't done that in more than 6-7 years.
I haven't been in a relationship since my longest and seriously fucked up but real was on 2015-2018 (dates vary on/off relationship).
I'm all about Jesus, but I'm only human. 🙏👑
I don't just do these things to anyone I spend the nights with... It'll have to be something real if you want to be treated like my cumdump property... Daddy's gotta keep quality service in check, afterall.
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