#not had the health to keep friends though:)
AITA for confessing to a friend?
I (20sF) got a big intense crush on a friend (20sM) while going through a rough patch with my boyfriend (20sM) - it's a long distance relationship and he had been too busy with work to text me much. in my loneliness I latched onto my friend H, as we were talking a lot everyday about very deep and personal topics, and I felt a real connection that eventually developed into a crush.
however the crush also made me feel very guilty, not only for my boyfriend but also for my friend as I didn't want to jeopardize our friendship. so it was a couple of really shitty months as I tried to deal with the mess my emotions had become, made worse by how I couldn't talk about it with either my bf nor H nor other friends (as they weren't that close and or were also friends with H).
eventually the crush faded, which was a relief, and after a couple of weeks I decided to tell H about it - to unburden myself of this secret that had weighed on me for so long, and also to just vent and talk with a friend (since we both often talked about similar topics and issues, and offered each other support and suggestions).
in the confession I made it clear that the crush had already faded and that only friendship remained (and I hoped would remain after my confession), but (unbeknownst to me at the time since he acted like he believed me) H thought that I was being manipulative and sneaky, and still had a crush on him and was saying I didn't just to give myself an out if he didn't reciprocate. (I learned of this because he talked about it with mutual friends, telling them all about my confession and his views of it). it ended up becoming a shitstorm tho it's not relevant for this.
but regardless, maybe on some level I was being manipulative, though not the way he thought - I had wanted comfort from a friend and I had wanted to unburden myself from a secret that had been very painful to keep, but I hadn't thought about H's mental health or confusion at the whole situation. (H's mental health is not great in general, and he's had bad experiences with relationships and friendships, which is probably why he saw hidden meanings and manipulative intentions where there weren't. I hadnt even considered that my words could be interpreted in any way but literally, but maybe I should have? I know I'm bad with hidden meanings, so bad that I don't realize others might expect them!)
in short, I confessed for selfish reasons to a vulnerable person. so maybe I was the asshole?
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bekolxeram · 12 hours
I've seen takes claiming S7!Buck is OOC for the lack of trauma response to being called "Evan" by Tommy or flying into a thunderstorm. While PTSD is very real and deserves recognition and representation outside of a military setting, I also see the beauty in reclaiming your memories.
Tommy calling him Evan affectionately actually makes him feel seen, unlike his parents calling him by his birth name because they didn't bother getting to know who he is right now at all. Flying into that hurricane feels safe with Tommy in control, in contrast to being struck by lightning on that ladder, because Buck trusts Tommy's ability to get them there safe. Slowly, specific traumatic moments don't automatically trigger your trauma anymore, you think of the newer, happier memories.
Personal stuff underneath, feel free to ignore if that's not your thing. TW: abusive relationship
My bestie was in an abusive relationship, in all definitions of the word, for about 6 months. It was a rebound and she was at the lowest point of her life when this LARPing edgelord who couldn't refer to any foreigner without using a slur came into her life. My closest all-female friend group had been drama free for over 10 years, and he immediately started trying to stir shit up not even a month after starting a relationship with my bestie.
She ended up in the hospital, and she dumped him as soon as her physical health improved. He stalked her, and all of us close to her, for 4 years afterwards. Her family blamed her for that, like any other toxic Asian family, and she started keeping stuff to herself, she changed the spelling of her name and she avoided things she used to enjoy or places she used to go because they reminded her of him. Until one day she kind of disappeared.
Turns out, she was in a relationship with a new guy she met at work. She never got around to tell us about it because they were taking it painstakingly slow. They hadn't slept together and they hadn't met each other's family after a whole year of dating, but what they had been doing was trying to dive back into my bestie's hobbies before the abusive relationship.
It wasn't always successful, sometimes she needed a minute to process, other times she outright had to leave the environment. But eventually, she started playing the piano again, she started looking into astrology again even though her ex said it was a proof that women were dumb, she started celebrating her birthday without worrying about being stalked.
I just think It's beautiful. You can't change the past, you can only make newer, better memories to convince yourself it's not always gonna be that bad.
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COD OCs that I ship with each of the 141 boys part 1
Name: Amelia Price / Amelia Ò Carra
Relationship status: Ex Wife (it’s complicated)
Ethnicity: Irish and Italian
Nationality: Irish
Appearance: Light brown skin with warm undertones, curly (3B) chestnut hair, scattered moles across her face, a wide hooked nose, and hazel eyes.
Occupation: History Professor
They got married when John was a fresh face in the military and Amelia was still in college. While out at a bar, his military buddies caught him staring at her from across the room, and after a fair dose of making fun of him, one guy went over to her and started talking to her, her mom, and her sister, who were out celebrating her birthday. When the guy found out she was studying to teach history, the guy got all excited and was like, “you should come hang out at my table for a bit! My mate John loves history!” She was hesitant, as it was obvious the guy was trying to set her up with his friend, but her mom and sister all but shoved her out of the seat in their insistence she go.
Their meeting was awkward as hell, but by the grace of God, John left the bar with her phone number and an invitation to a local museum.
John was helplessly in love with Amelia. They were together for two years before getting married, and throughout their ten years of marriage, through thick and thin, sickness and in health, they were disgustingly in love.
But love doesn’t negate insecurity, fear, and paranoia. Over the years, John would become anxious that he wasn’t a good husband. He was away so often and couldn’t always keep his work and personal lives separate. Long absences, depressive episodes, nightmares… did she deserve to put up with all that?
And as time went on, and the missions he was sent on became more and more dangerous with higher and higher stakes, he started to fear that he wasn’t just neglecting her, but that being with him was actively putting her in danger. He knew intimately that the people he was fighting against wouldn’t hesitate to kill or torture her to get to him.
And it’s not like he could just retire. Millions of lives were at stake. It became a vicious cycle of feeling guilty for putting the fate of the world over his wife, then feeling guilty for feeling guilty for putting the fate of the world over his wife, so on and so on…
Amelia tried to put him at ease. She understood what he did when she married him, she wasn’t going to change her mind now. But her efforts were in vain. John became more and more distant, until he finally said that it would be best if they divorced.
Amelia was furious, even if some part of her knew it was coming. She made it very clear that she absolutely did not want a divorce and disagreed with every justification John threw at her. She eventually agreed to sign the stupid papers, but angrily told John not to think for a second that this was, “for her own good.” He wanted this, not her.
They didn’t speak for a while after the divorce. Partly because John was shipped out pretty soon after. They only spoke again months later, after John came back. He doesn’t know exactly why he called her, but he just felt like he had to. He had to let her know he was home and safe. It was a short, very awkward conversation.
He wasn’t home for long though, he was sent back out shortly after, and again when he got home months later, he had to talk to her again. He missed her desperately. When he was deployed he could distract himself, bury his emotions and focus solely on the mission, but that’s a luxury he didn’t have at home.
He regretted getting divorced before he even signed the damn papers, but he told himself over and over that it was the right thing to do, that he didn’t have a choice. But he was selfish. He didn’t care if it was the right thing to do, he missed her. Every cell of his body wanted her back, even if he knew he couldn’t have her.
Just talking to her wasn’t enough, he had to see her, even if it was only for a second. He made up some excuse about paperwork that he honestly couldn’t care less about and met her at their old shared home.
It was, again, awkward. Neither really knew what to say to the other, and Amelia clearly still felt betrayed, but despite all the tension, the longing was palpable. Neither wanted to say goodbye, but once they ran out of appropriate excuses to keep the awkward interaction from ending, they didn’t really have a choice. Despite both of them trying to keep their distance, the brief meeting ended with a hug that lingered too long, and a whispered, “I miss you,” “I miss you too.”
This became a pattern.
Whenever John would come home, he would call Amelia. Most of their interactions were brief, just checking in on one another, but sometimes their emotions got the better of them. Against their better judgment, they’d meet. They’d get dinner, or grab a drink. Sometimes she would invite him home for a drink, which almost always lead to desperate drunken kisses and hookups, which only made the pain of saying goodbye a thousand times worse.
Every time she allowed him in her home, in her bed, she wondered why she’d do this to herself, why John would do this to her. She couldn’t move on. She’d been on exactly one date since the divorce, that lasted all of two hours. She couldn’t help it, the thought of being with anybody else felt wrong, it made her ill. She knew she had to move on, that things with John wouldn’t work, no matter how badly she wanted them to, but every time he reached out to her, she didn’t have the strength to refuse him.
It was very tempting to put all the blame on John, he was the one who wanted the damn divorce in the first place, and now he’s making it impossible for her to heal and move on, but she knew she wasn’t blameless. At the end of the night, she was the one who brought him home, who laid beneath him, wrapped her arms and legs around his body and buried her face into his neck, begging him to hold her, kiss her, stay with her… she felt pathetic… weak… she knew that these nights always ended the same, he would leave and she would be alone again, choking back sobs as she promised herself it wouldn’t happen again. She knew she needed to put a stop to it, but she just couldn’t.
Kate was one of the few people who knew about John and Amelia’s complicated relationship. And she’s told him flat out, “you’re being a dick.” She told him that he can’t keep going back and forth, “you’re either with her or you’re not. You can’t have it both ways.” She’s urged him to just get back together with her already. It’s obvious that they’re still in love with each other and they clearly suck at being divorced. He needs to make up his mind and do it quick because Amelia’s not gonna put up with this whole shitty situation forever.
John knows Kate is right. She’s always right.
He wants to be with her, wants to get back together. He decides that if he makes it home again, he’ll tell her. Tell her that he’s done with goodbyes, that he wants to be hers again… if she’ll have him…
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okkennymay · 3 months
Hi Kenny, how's 2024 treating you?
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I feel a little bit like i'm running down an incredibly steep hill but I'm managing somehow 💖
I got to briefly join my sisters hens/bucks party weekend getaway for a few hours near the start of the year, it was an amazing experience and to have gotten to join in on the fun with family and friends and celebrate my sister and her fiance's marriage-to-be was an experience I never thought could happen! ♪(^∇^*) I mean sure I spent most of it hidden away, in the lil cabin my parents were renting a bit further away from all the party people, resting between moments of interaction but it was AWESOME!
and then I lost my 'no major episode' streak (almost 5 months!! A frickEN MiRAcle!!) a week later and have spent most of the time recovering 9w9" ahh all that recovery torn away and damage redone ;w; But i have been quietly working on commissions in the shadows with those who have popped up in my Instant messages- yah boi got bills to pay and a DSP don't quite cut it, so I got some nice art to post when i can get out of my own head for a minute to do so wOOOO ╰(*°▽°*)╯ my clients are my hero's honestly, it's one of the reasons why I pour so much love into my work
Sorry if that was a bit more of answer than yah wanted Anon <3 I feel a lil bit like all the people responding to Elmo's "how's everyone doing" but I tried to keep things lighthearted 💖
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That awkward feeling when a PIMI childhood friend sends you an invite to a party in the summer; but you know you’re going to be out of the cult and shunned by then.
What do I even say? Do I lie and say I’ll be there? Do I just not respond?
#exjw#ex jw#I’m not worried about this friend so much; I’m worried about the other friend#because the other friend has awful mental health and not many close friends other than me and maybe one or two other people#This childhood friend is acting very differently than how she did when we were close which could be completely normal#But she seems “spaced out” and very formal whenever I’ve spoken to her (though that could be the allergy meds doing that)#or maybe she knows through her parents through my parents that I wrote about her playlist of “inappropriate” music in my diary#and maybe she got grilled for it#It’s important to note that neither the playlist nor the YT channel were taken down. I can still find them#So maybe she’s not as “in it” as I think she is. But then again she did introduce me to her Bible study so… idk#Maybe it’s a situation of “I’ll take the husband; mom will take the wife; and you’ll take the daughter” but idk#I never had any Bible studies. I went on studies. I got a study shoved off on me when I was eighteen because no one liked her#for being “too much” and “needy” and “not following Jehovah’s guidance and using nicotine patches so she won’t die of a heart attack”#That was a barrel of fucking laughs#(I got reprimanded by the actual sister studying with her#for reading “what happens to your body when you quit smoking” articles to her and encouraging this woman to follow her DOCTOR’S advice)#But I’ve never started a study; nor has anyone passed off a study to me to keep#ex cult
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early-october-skies · 1 month
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Me when we don't speak anymore by bears in trees
#lizzierants#had a sudden unplanned job interview today. i wanted to cry the whole time but managed to keep it together and now the anxiety has suddenly#caught up to me and it feels BAD the sudden thought of that what if my friends just dont actually like me and they like me purely because#theyre worried for what would become of me if they stopped being friends with me when purely of course id be fine eventually but i worry#that cause im on antidepressants people just think im automatically suicidal when something bad goes wrong which is not the case im doing#good i dont want to die but what if all my friends hate me what if this whole time i have loved them so so much and they just tolerate me#someday my friends will die and i had that i hate that someday we wont be friends even if its decades in the future i love all of them with#my heart that sometimes i feel it is overfilling i love them i love them and what am i without them i am everything i have ever loved i am#overthinking however i cannot stop this what if my own best friend is avoiding me? why am i thinking this? what evidence do i have to back#this up? nothing only for the fact my own brain feels as though i love people too much and they are uncomfortable with it i feel awful wtf#i have learned to keep my emotions from people because i dont want them to worry. i dont want people to do something or not do something bec#ause they think it will upset me i want people do do as they please i want to be open for my friends to share their issues i want to help#and im sitting here wirrying if they hate me so i turn here to shout in the void because the only person i know irl who follows me on here#most likely doesnt read these tags and if you are please ingore this i misjudged your terrible attention span also i love you very much#anyway a few weeks ago i realised my worst fear is no longer death. but the death of my friendship with my beloved friend. and thats fucking#terrifying prospect however if they were to be like yo i dont like you anymore id respect that decision and id be okay because their happine#is the most important thing to me and thats okay but i couldnt bare with the fact that they feel like they had to be ffiends with me because#they have to. i hate the prospect of them feeling trapped in a friendship theh dont want to be in. all the while i feel i cannot communicate#this to anyone because how would i go about it im very anxious i am shaking i am having a bad time very bad time actually im going to start#crying but its okay <3 crying is good for stress and health and its been a while since ive cried so maybe this will help me feel better <3#i will heal and ill be okay <3
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kohakhearts · 6 months
cons of going to a “good schoolTM”: insane workload, unbearable classmates, next to no support when you have any kind of extenuating circumstances Including literal hospitalization, etc
pros of going to a “good schoolTM”: the 9-5 lifestyle is genuinely a major improvement
#taylor.txt#the extenuating circumstances point was not me btw. i know someone who had his degree delayed an entire year because of two weeks in psych#we’re in a co-op program or else maybe it wouldve just been one semester but. lol#i hate it here…i hate it#but hey…at least i have the world’s shittiest health insurance!#some of my classmates say they dont feel like working full-time is easier than going to school full-time but it so is#for me. anyway. even when i fumbled my time management bad on the field and make no mistake i was incredibly busy plus i chose a field#notorious for Unpaid Overtime and Taking Your Work Home. even then. it was still easier than this#i would never do undergrad again. i loved everything i learned. i took interesting and awesome classes#but i would never ever do it again. miserable overworked spent most of it friendless until i got on the field#i have a friend who keeps being like idk how you did 4 physics classes this sem and im like girl we are education students…thats an average#semester for a physics major. how must THEY feel#also i have to say just you know. generally. ive worked full-time while living with my parents#AND while living alone. and 50 hours a week was incredibly manageable in the former arrangement. i even wrote and edited an entire novel#in the beginning stages of a pandemic while working 50 hours a week of retail and fast food hell. 40 hours full-time with weekends off#while living alone though? thats hard. i still managed to go to the gym almost every day#currently? i cant get out of bed in the morning. i am putting in 12 hour days and then goinng to bed unable to sleep because im so stressed#i have dreams about school. tangentially theres a really good marxist poem i read last year about this phenomenon in workers#ANYWAY. i have just 8 more days 4 exams 1 research paper and video project#i think i can pass and then thats it. my next semester is hell but just because scheduling the actual classes will be easy#and then i get to go back on the field and actually want to wake up every day. lol#and 8 days from now i will have my christmas shopping done and my apartment will be clean and i will be a fanfic writing machine#also my friends and i booked a demolition room so im sure that will be beneficial kfldjfldndks
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hella1975 · 2 years
#not the childhood best friend popping up it’s as if he knows my mental health is fucked when I’m home#he said yes now is a great time to reach out actually#and he’s right too! i know damn well I’m gonna respond!#basically <- typed that word and burst out laughing bc idk how to even START explaining this mf to you guys#basicallyyyy me and him were in the same form at secondary so EVERY DAY we saw each other and in year 8 we dated#for a good while actually but tbh my mental health was FUCKED all caps FUCKED in year 8 like there was nothing special about it#it's just i reckon it was the first proper depressive episode i had and being so young i didnt know yet how to handle it#so i just spiralled and i did some really awful things and my home life really suffered for it and being me no one at school had a CLUE#so he was just like 'yes we are in love!' and i knew i didn't like him romantcially but i strung him along anyway#bc he genuinely was one of the few things keeping me above water at the time#which looking back i now know was a bad thing to do and i should have called it off sooner but like#his friendship was EVERYTHING to me at the time bc he was like really. adoring? he was really really infatuated with me#and at a time when i was convinced i was a monster it was just. i cannot explain how much he kept me sane#though he was obvs OBLIVIOUS to all that and when i finally got Mentally Healthy again i obvs broke up with him bc it was the right#thing to do and he was DEVASTATED like this man was vaguing about me on sc and refused to talk to me for MONTHS#but eventually we became friends again and at a time when i was changing friendship groups every YEAR if that he was just#a really consistant point in my life and i loved him a lot. BUT he always went for really batshit girlfriends and they always HATED me#no matter how nice i was to them and he'd always break up with them and crawl back to me and we argued like cat and dog like#he's the only friend ive ever had where we argued ALL THE TIME and he still liked me enough to come back#i genuinely thought the world of him despite everything we just have sooo much history#AND NOW HE'S MESSAGING ME???? god im not your strongest soldier
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alphalesbian · 2 years
#.................................................................................................................................#so another update on my skin i guess . . .#about a week in and its basically everywhere on my chest and terribly on my back and legs and butt : - ( worst its gotten so far is itchy as#all hell on my side but thankfully so far thats really it....... ive maybe been tired n had a sore ish throat like when i first felt it but#not really anymore.... now its just my skin looking. awful lol everywhere#but....... i found out about this skin thing that looks Exactly The Same As Mine Looks Right Now and that ! was a major relief considering !#its not a serious skin thing and my symptoms almost entirely align with the process so far ! ! !#as much as i am still skeptical im just. i dont know that helped a lot i guess. everything else id found n been thinking it could be were#oretty serious things for the most part which honestly raqcking my brain about that for the past week uh#probably wasnt the best mental health decision to make OTL...............#still gonna go up the mountain for some cheap blood work tommorow..... then back to urgent care on wed/thurs to really make sure its nothing#serious which will also immediately improve my headspace regardless so. thats good too#and the help from my best friend . . . . . . . . . i am so so lucky to have him he is literally so special. i was right at the bottom and he#didnt even hesistate . crazy how that can feel so nice and hurt so much at the same time#hurt really from just honestly how immensely empty i was and how much i really needed that support#still though absolutely heated from. the initial situation and how my main support just kinda fucked off in response lmao! but#all that greif and sadness and ugly crying aside today has been a mostly good day in comparison. let alone finding out something it could#absolutely very well be and its Not Super Serious Necessarily and Pretty Common all things considered#is a big plus. . . . a lot to think about and a lot to do as always just really really gotta keep my head on my shoulders . . . . . . . . .#okay and honestly all that aside ladies it looks. so crazy. i really actually maybe am gonna take pictures of this to really document it nd#even if its a serious thing its like. so crazy looking#feels pretty ridiculous dont get me wrong it literally feels like my skin is fucked up where its raised n swollen but the pattern is#idk medically fascinating to me i guess is the best way to say it lol#how would that be for my first selfie in like 4 years teehee 😌 anyways enough of my ranting but in case anyones interested here ya go . . .
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😭 i will never learn
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arolesbianism · 5 months
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It is my new life purpose to add the most questionable song choices to the Jackie section of my oni playlist. Hey at least one of them is a rabbit universe Jackie song so I have sort of an excuse, but spoilers it's not keep your head up so uhhhhh lol
#rat rambles#oni posting#baby days is the rabbit universe one to be clear#oh and the other two are indeed abt canon jackie but in my typical 5d chess sorta way where it's from an incredibly biased pov#smth smth jackie constantly self sabotaging and being oh so shocked when it causes her mental health to spiral and trying to justify it to#herself while also trying to burry it under even more work and isolation that just makes everything even worse#also shes divorced and sad abt it even though shes the one who has been pushing olivia away even pre divorce#and she has absolutely no plans on stopping she is both holding onto hopes of olivia turning around while also actively pushing her away#also kinda unrelated but I keep thinking back to scrapped jackie and olivia#and how fascinating it is that good ol jodi was honestly kind of shitty#well ok olivia is also shitty in many ways but the original divorce™ scene was soooo much worse of a look than the current one#long story short the two started a business immediately after jodi graduated that jackie especially was super excited abt#jackie was also anxious abt it though since she was struggling to get her phd and felt she had to rely on jodi to be taken seriously#but they quickly ran into money issues which eventually lead to jodi leaving after she was given an offer to join a large project#which youd think its like ah I see a conflict between friendship and dreams#which isnt wrong per say but oh my god did jodi fuck up her wording so bad like holy shit#she was all like I think this project would be a better use of my phd than continuing to do this#which Im not saying that feeling that way is bad per say but when your like best friend who you know has issues with personal worth and has#been putting a lot of effort and presumably money into this business that you suggested founding its maybe not the best idea to say#straight to her face that you think this is a waste of your time and abilities even if you probably think youre putting it nicely#thats whats so fascinating to me abt old jackie is that to me shes borderline genuinely sympathetic#which is why I love the idea of her having similar character traits still but in a less justified environment#like I am still in shock that so many of my jackie headcanons actually held water like even my ppl didn't take jackie's ideas seriously#and that being a bonding factor for olivia and jackie was smth that actually existed in the original concepts for the two#again Im glad they were scrapped for a multitude of reasons but its so vindicating that I was actually onto smth#Ive talked abt how I think its good they got scrapped because of the importance of oni's narrative being patchy and vague#but also I am so glad they scrapped pretty much all of jackie's actively sympathetic elements even if I still like sympathising with her#I know I complain abt us not seeing enough of jackie's perspective of things outside of her immediate research but thats mostly on the#grounds that it makes olivia and jackie's old friendship feel too trapped in the implied realm#I want jackie to feel like theres more to her life but I dont want said things to feel like a part of the plot if that makes sense
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bignutspatrol · 7 months
is it okay to wallow a little bit in self pity just for one day? i dont... know what i can do right now. mental breakdown in tags you know how it isssss
#personnel files#it feels like everytime i try to take a step forward the chance is yanked out beneath me#i dont know if its a personality flaw. i know sometimes ive made some mistakes but i dont think it was this bad#in an ideal world i could do nothing but create with no worries#i wish that were the case. but i want a stable life more then anything else#...god.#i dont think ive made enough enemies to deserve this#most people arent even aware of me... it makes no sense for something like that to be the cause#but i really cant see how this keeps happening#is my luck just that bad?#or is my personality just that flawed? no one tells me anything.#ill be fine in a bit. or at least in the morning.#maybe i should take a page from that one mangaka and commit myself completely to art and if i fail to make it in a year i kill myself#i dont think even that would motivate me though to be honest#its funny but suicide feels so mundane at this point#would making my hobby my job even make me happy? would that help my health at all?#i was so happy when i was drawing daily. i wish i could go back to that. i miss the friendships i had.#i mean.. saying i was that happy is also wrong. thats nostalgia or rose tinted glasses or whatever. but htat wasnt my friends fault.#man... i just wish i had a purpose.#even if it was impossible at least i could toss myself at it wholeheartedly knowing that its the correct choice for myself#god im like this over one fucking potential employer ghosting me after saying that they would get back to me with their schedule for a#fucking interview#there are other jobs. i am aware. i am so aware.#..okay thats enough of this im going to watch some yuri and think if its fine to send another message to them in a day or two#frankly the best thing for my health is probably to just stay as i am now but that wont help my mental health at all....#although this house isnt good for my physical or mental health.#god.
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hyperlexichypatia · 5 months
As I keep shouting into the void, pathologizers love shifting discussion about material conditions into discussion about emotional states.
I rant approximately once a week about how the brain maturity myth transmuted “Young adults are too poor to move out of their parents’ homes or have children of their own” into “Young adults are too emotionally and neurologically immature to move out of their parents’ homes or have children of their own.”
I’ve also talked about the misuse of “enabling” and “trauma” and “dopamine” .
And this is a pattern – people coin terms and concepts to describe material problems, and pathologization culture shifts them to be about problems in the brain or psyche of the person experiencing them. Now we’re talking about neurochemicals, frontal lobes, and self-esteem instead of talking about wages, wealth distribution, and civil rights. Now we can say that poor, oppressed, and exploited people are suffering from a neurological/emotional defect that makes them not know what’s best for themselves, so they don’t need or deserve rights or money.
Here are some terms that have been so horribly misused by mental health culture that we’ve almost entirely forgotten that they were originally materialist critiques.
Codependency What it originally referred to: A non-addicted person being overly “helpful” to an addicted partner or relative, often out of financial desperation. For example: Making sure your alcoholic husband gets to work in the morning (even though he’s an adult who should be responsible for himself) because if he loses his job, you’ll lose your home. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/08/opinion/codependency-addiction-recovery.html What it’s been distorted into: Being “clingy,” being “too emotionally needy,” wanting things like affection and quality time from a partner. A way of pathologizing people, especially young women, for wanting things like love and commitment in a romantic relationship.
Compulsory Heterosexuality What it originally referred to: In the 1980 in essay "Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence," https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/493756 Adrienne Rich described compulsory heterosexuality as a set of social conditions that coerce women into heterosexual relationships and prioritize those relationships over relationships between women (both romantic and platonic). She also defines “lesbian” much more broadly than current discourse does, encompassing a wide variety of romantic and platonic relationships between women. While she does suggest that women who identify as heterosexual might be doing so out of unquestioned social norms, this is not the primary point she’s making. What it’s been distorted into: The patronizing, biphobic idea that lesbians somehow falsely believe themselves to be attracted to men. Part of the overall “Women don’t really know what they want or what’s good for them” theme of contemporary discourse.
Emotional Labor What it originally referred to: The implicit or explicit requirement that workers (especially women workers, especially workers in female-dominated “pink collar” jobs, especially tipped workers) perform emotional intimacy with customers, coworkers, and bosses above and beyond the actual job being done. Having to smile, be “friendly,” flirt, give the impression of genuine caring, politely accept harassment, etc. https://weld.la.psu.edu/what-is-emotional-labor/ What it’s been distorted into: Everything under the sun. Everything from housework (which we already had a term for), to tolerating the existence of disabled people, to just caring about friends the way friends do. The original intent of the concept was “It’s unreasonable to expect your waitress to care about your problems, because she’s not really your friend,” not “It’s unreasonable to expect your actual friends to care about your problems unless you pay them, because that’s emotional labor,” and certainly not “Disabled people shouldn’t be allowed to be visibly disabled in public, because witnessing a disabled person is emotional labor.” Anything that causes a person emotional distress, even if that emotional distress is rooted in the distress-haver’s bigotry (Many nominally progressive people who would rightfully reject the bigoted logic of “Seeing gay or interracial couples upsets me, which is emotional labor, so they shouldn’t be allowed to exist in public” fully accept the bigoted logic of “Seeing disabled or poor people upsets me, which is emotional labor, so they shouldn’t be allowed to exist in public”).
Battered Wife Syndrome What it originally referred to: The all-encompassing trauma and fear of escalating violence experienced by people suffering ongoing domestic abuse, sometimes resulting in the abuse victim using necessary violence in self-defense. Because domestic abuse often escalates, often to murder, this fear is entirely rational and justified. This is the reasonable, justified belief that someone who beats you, stalks you, and threatens to kill you may actually kill you.
What it’s been distorted into: Like so many of these other items, the idea that women (in this case, women who are victims of domestic violence) don’t know what’s best for themselves. I debated including this one, because “syndrome” was a wrongful framing from the beginning – a justified and rational fear of escalating violence in a situation in which escalating violence is occurring is not a “syndrome.” But the original meaning at least partially acknowledged the material conditions of escalating violence.
I’m not saying the original meanings of these terms are ones I necessarily agree with – as a cognitive liberty absolutist, I’m unsurprisingly not that enamored of either second-wave feminism or 1970s addiction discourse. And as much as I dislike what “emotional labor” has become, I accept that “Women are unfairly expected to care about other people’s feelings more than men are” is a true statement.
What I am saying is that all of these terms originally, at least partly, took material conditions into account in their usage. Subsequent usage has entirely stripped the materialist critique and fully replaced it with emotional pathologization, specifically of women. Acknowledgement that women have their choices constrained by poverty, violence, and oppression has been replaced with the idea that women don’t know what’s best for themselves and need to be coercively “helped” for their own good. Acknowledgement that working-class women experience a gender-and-class-specific form of economic exploitation has been rebranded as yet another variation of “Disabled people are burdensome for wanting to exist.”
Over and over, materialist critiques are reframed as emotional or cognitive defects of marginalized people. The next time you hear a superficially sympathetic (but actually pathologizing) argument for “Marginalized people make bad choices because…” consider stopping and asking: “Wait, who are we to assume that this person’s choices are ‘bad’? And if they are, is there something about their material conditions that constrains their options or makes the ‘bad’ choice the best available option?”
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linumlena · 11 months
Sometimes the only thing keeping you going is your cat, huh
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oranberrie · 11 months
At least I know my cat will be okay if I get bad again
#idk been taking care of myself differently#i don’t necessarily want to live but I don’t necessarily want to die. at the same time though I do want both of those things.#it’s contradictory and weird and I’m constantly in a state of limbo#but I drink strawberry kefir with flax chia and hemp seeds and blueberries and maple syrup and granola first thing in the morning#and I take ashwaganda to help my cortisol levels and anxiety#and I go to parks as often as I can#and I pet my cat#and I’m learning Spanish and ever so slowly writing two essays#and doing tattoos both on myself and others#and I brush my teeth every other day now instead of once every two weeks when I remember to#and I’m using a new face wash that I really really like#and I have athletes foot which isn’t fun or good but forces a routine on me to take care of it#and I drink peppermint tea with a pinch of salt and lots of honey before I go to bed#and also do word searches#idk things are. life is. uh#can’t say I don’t want to die but can’t say I don’t enjoy living atm#oh but yeah my friend and I had an awk convo about our mutual friends mental health and staging an intervention and the topic came up of#my mental health in - not comparison but in regards to it? idk offhand comment that turned into a whole side convo#but yeah basically she promised to take care of my cat and keep him safe should I ever try and succeed before he dies#so like that’ll fuck with me once I’m in a bad headspace again which is inevitable#seeing as my cat is literally my only reason for living during those times#but oh well
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starcurtain · 2 months
2.1 Penacony Spoilers!
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I know the scene after Ratio's "betrayal" can be read a lot of ways but I am shocked I haven't seen more people interpret it as Ratio being so worried about Aventurine that he couldn't stay away even though he was supposed to.
We know:
1) Ratio absolutely knew Aventurine's plan from start to finish, both his gamble to create "death" in the dream and with the three cornerstones. (Wish people would stop underselling Ratio in their analyses; "Three chips are enough" is a direct enough clue that, genius as he is, Ratio would never miss.)
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2) In his own words, Ratio was acting according to Aventurine's instructions while in Dewlight Pavilion and with Sunday and felt that he did a good job not giving them away.
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I think most people are on the same page up to there, but then I've seen a lot of people interpreting this scene after Aventurine leaves Sunday's mansion as Aventurine being genuinely angry at Ratio (possibly after having gaslit himself into thinking Ratio was actually betraying him).
But this doesn't make much sense to me because:
1) Ratio actually has nothing to gain by selling Aventurine out to Sunday. They're on the same side in this mission. Information about a Stelleron on Penacony wouldn't be news anyone with a brain like Ratio's and why would he need someone else's research on Stellerons when he already has ties to the Genius Society through Screwllum and Herta, as well as the Astral Express where the Trailblazer is actively housing a Stelleron?
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2) One of Aventurine's most notable lines of dialogue is how it's perfectly fine and expected for "friends" to use each other and backstab. This is his default understanding of partners--why would he suddenly be mad about something he expected from the start?
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3) If the betrayal wasn't already planned and was just a possibility based on Aventurine's understanding of Ratio, why would he ever have revealed there were "three chips" (aka three cornerstones) in play? If even the betrayal over Topaz's stone wasn't planned, just assumed, why would Aventurine reveal the existence of the third stone? He would gain nothing from doing so.
Instead, I think it makes a lot more sense to interpret Aventurine's frustration with Ratio in this later scene as annoyance over Ratio taking an "unnecessary" risk:
1) As far as Sunday knows, Ratio had just very seriously betrayed Aventurine, completely selling him out and essentially sending him to his execution.
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2) In the scene afterward, Aventurine is out in public in the middle of Penacony where The Family's eyes are always watching, yet Ratio walks right up to him to check on him. Why would someone who just sold you out come up to you immediately afterward to check on your health?!
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3) It's only natural that Aventurine would pump the brakes and go "Wow, didn't think you'd show yourself after you just betrayed me, remember?" Because that's the act they are supposed to be keeping up! They're still being monitored; it's not safe to break character!
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But Ratio is a genius, right, so why would he break character here? From the standpoint of the ploy itself, revealing to the Family that he and Aventurine were still on the same side would only jeopardize the plan, not help it.
The logical explanation, then, is that Ratio went to Aventurine here because he felt like he had to.
He had to check in and make sure the situation was still under Aventurine's control.
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(In fact, the entire exchange through the middle of this scene is Aventurine and Ratio confirming the rest of their plot in a veiled manner: Ratio brings up the plan and mentions what's concealed in the gift money bag, Aventurine confirms the cornerstone is good to go; Ratio asks what his next step will be; Aventurine says he's going to do the insane thing of handing out cash while looking pathetic [aka fishing for Sparkle]. Ratio essentially asks if he's crazy enough to take the final gamble with his own life, which Aventurine confirms, and then Ratio sets them up for the finale by gifting him the doctor's note.)
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Ratio was willing to risk ruining their entire plan--something Aventurine does seem to be frustrated about at first--just to ensure Aventurine still felt all right about the situation.
He needed to deliver his note demanding Aventurine stay alive.
He needed to tell Aventurine to come to him if the situation got too painful to bear.
In short, Ratio was worried enough that he could not stay away even though, for the sake of their plot, it would have made significantly more sense for him not to appear. The gain of breaking character was worth more to him than the risk of being caught.
You honestly don't even have to take this in a shipping context. The real point here is that Ratio is an incredibly good person who wasn't okay with Aventurine's self-sacrificial plan and who felt morally compelled to check on a person in pain. He's a healer through and through, and ignoring Aventurine in this condition--ignoring someone who was taking so much risk on themselves--simply wasn't possible for him, no matter the danger it posed to the plan.
But for those who do ship Ratio and Aventurine... I hope more people will come to see this scene as another example of Ratio's genuine concern for his mission partner! He did not have to appear here at all; it would have made much more sense for him to leave Aventurine to his own devices to uphold the illusion of their "betrayal." He showed up in this scene--very likely against Aventurine's expectations--because he was concerned for Aventurine's situation and wanted to ensure Aventurine knew he could fall back on Ratio's support at any time if the plan went awry.
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tl;dr: I wish people would stop interpreting this scene as the aftermath of a betrayal. Aventurine wasn't ticked off with Ratio in this scene because he felt like he'd genuinely been backstabbed; he was ticked off because Ratio was literally breaking their pre-established "betrayer" character just to be fussy over Aventurine's safety and well-being. (Okay, and to double check on the plan, but let's be real, the first part was definitely more important. 👌)
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