#his friendship was EVERYTHING to me at the time bc he was like really. adoring? he was really really infatuated with me
hella1975 · 2 years
#not the childhood best friend popping up it’s as if he knows my mental health is fucked when I’m home#he said yes now is a great time to reach out actually#and he’s right too! i know damn well I’m gonna respond!#basically <- typed that word and burst out laughing bc idk how to even START explaining this mf to you guys#basicallyyyy me and him were in the same form at secondary so EVERY DAY we saw each other and in year 8 we dated#for a good while actually but tbh my mental health was FUCKED all caps FUCKED in year 8 like there was nothing special about it#it's just i reckon it was the first proper depressive episode i had and being so young i didnt know yet how to handle it#so i just spiralled and i did some really awful things and my home life really suffered for it and being me no one at school had a CLUE#so he was just like 'yes we are in love!' and i knew i didn't like him romantcially but i strung him along anyway#bc he genuinely was one of the few things keeping me above water at the time#which looking back i now know was a bad thing to do and i should have called it off sooner but like#his friendship was EVERYTHING to me at the time bc he was like really. adoring? he was really really infatuated with me#and at a time when i was convinced i was a monster it was just. i cannot explain how much he kept me sane#though he was obvs OBLIVIOUS to all that and when i finally got Mentally Healthy again i obvs broke up with him bc it was the right#thing to do and he was DEVASTATED like this man was vaguing about me on sc and refused to talk to me for MONTHS#but eventually we became friends again and at a time when i was changing friendship groups every YEAR if that he was just#a really consistant point in my life and i loved him a lot. BUT he always went for really batshit girlfriends and they always HATED me#no matter how nice i was to them and he'd always break up with them and crawl back to me and we argued like cat and dog like#he's the only friend ive ever had where we argued ALL THE TIME and he still liked me enough to come back#i genuinely thought the world of him despite everything we just have sooo much history#AND NOW HE'S MESSAGING ME???? god im not your strongest soldier
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jemmo · 2 years
takara-kun to amagi-kun is an actual work of comedy genius
#and at the same time is so fluffy and cute#but also at the same time is one of the best portrayals of young love esp in this high school setting#everything about their relationship feels new like it really is a first#but also in a very specific gay way like the keeping things lowkey the distance they have to maintain with their separate friendship groups#the longing stares and the innocent smiles and waved and takara looking away so that he doesn’t ruin his cool guy image by getting blushy#the simplicity but absolute pure joy of walking home together holding hands and sharing hugs#that kind of contact that you very specifically you only get from a romantic partner and they’re slowly exploring it#takara being just the best in respect of not wanting amagi to be uncomfortable and always being there to comfort and reassure him#amagi very rightly voicing how he feels about progressing to doing stuff and how he needs time but to also take things slowly#and takara’s very fitting and realistic isolation and boredom he feels around his friends and how that’s erased when he’s with amagi and he#can he himself like him taking ballet and not liking it as a kid just fits so well bc he probably was that shy precious kid that wanted to#do something different even if he ended up not liking it#and the comedy omg the way takara walked away when amagi’s friend was asking about him then doubled back#that is comedy gold but still doesn’t beat last ep and amagi’s reveal wearing takara’s clothes#that shit gets me every time#fuck I just adore this show it’s wholesome in a way that doesn’t feel watered down or softened at the edges#it’s like the purity and fluffiness of it is real it properly conveys that want to be close to someone in an environment where it feels#weird but you try to go after it anyway but with the absolute purest heart and best intentions#bc you’re always terrified of fucking it up at any point#agh it’s just so how that young late teen love feels I can’t even with words anymore it’s just fantatsic#takara kun to amagi kun
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muertawrites · 2 years
I Know What Those Stains Are (Eddie Munson x Reader)
Summary: i feel like robin’s face explains it all, really
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: PG-13 references to s*x and dr*gs, Robin being the best worst friend (ilhsm), pure shenanigans, harsh language in the author’s note bc i’m a motherfucking lady and you bitches can’t do shit about it
Author’s Note: this ended up longer than i thought it would but it was worth it tbh. i stg dissociating with eddie munson-colored glasses on is the only thing keeping me sane right now. i’m so fucking depressed. pray for me to finish my masters dissertation and immediately fuck right out of the shithole i’m stuck in to the life i fucking deserve ✌🏻
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"Eddie has these... weird stains on his sheets."
Robin stares at you pointedly from the other side of your kitchen island, her lips curled into a tiny, knowing smirk.
Damn her and her privileged security clearance.
Being best friends ("We're soulmates," Robin always insists) means you have a pact - top secret information is kept closely between you, nothing held back or excluded. She'd come out to you before she even came out to her parents because she knew you wouldn't be weird about it. Your relationship is one of pure, unadulterated, platonic adoration, which means everything is safe.
And is exactly why she's pried about your "friendship" (as she refers to it, always with air quotes) with Eddie Munson since the two of you started hanging out a little over a year ago. He fixed your car at a steep discount when it needed emergency service; when you ran into him at one of his shows the following week, you bought him a drink to thank him, and the rest is history.
"I've never been in his room so I wouldn't know," you lie.
Robin laughs.
"You call me from his place once a week," she retorts. "It's a suspicious amount of time to spend with the local pot dealer for someone who freaks out with even the slightest contact high."
"I told you, he's just nice," you groan. "What's so bad about me hanging out with a nice guy? You've seen the guys I usually get caught up with, and you have to admit, Eddie's a huge improvement."
Robin snaps her attention back to you, eyes wide and smile wider as she freezes over the popcorn she's watching on the stove.
"So you admit it," she says. "He's... a guy... and he’s... huge..."
She waggles her eyebrows. You grab a marshmallow from the open pack on the counter and lob it at her, smacking her right between the eyes.
"He's a boy that I'm friends with," you correct her. "That doesn't make him my boyfriend."
"Does this friendship come with a benefits package?"
She gives you bedroom eyes over her shoulder, taunting you. You stare back at her, expressionless.
"You went into an alternate dimension," you comment, "and all you can think to talk to me about are Eddie Munson’s sheets. Unbelievable."
"You also went into that dimension," Robin reminds you. "There's nothing I can say that you haven't already seen. You guys have just gotten a lot closer since we all saved the world together, and I was just... wondering."
She shrugs like it means nothing as she transfers the popcorn from its pan into a bowl, but her cheeky gaze through her lashes at you tells you otherwise.
She totally knows. She's just waiting for you to admit it.
The rumble of an engine outside cuts your conversation short, the familiar clunk of a door slamming shut making your heart leap into your throat. Robin notices the tiny change in your expression, how your eyes light up the moment the van rolls into your driveway, and her smirk grows all the more sinister.
"Prince Charming has arrived," she teases.
You aggressively ignore her as Eddie's heavy footsteps ring down the hall, the man himself appearing moments later. You're thankful when he refrains from kissing you on the cheek, as he usually does the second he’s close enough. 
"Hey!" he greets you both, slapping a large hand on your shoulder in an entirely friendly, totally unromantic display of affection. Robin isn't immune to the way his hand stays there, migrating to the back of your neck, his thumb tenderly stroking at your skin.
"What brings you over, party crasher?" she wonders.
"Oh, just dropping off a mixtape."
He slips the cassette smoothly into your hand, which you cover up with the sleeve of your sweatshirt before Robin has a chance to glimpse what's on the label.
"Mind if I grab a beer?" Eddie asks. "Partake in some popcorn?"
"You're gonna do it anyway, so go crazy," you reply.
He grins sweetly at you, giving your bum an appreciative squeeze below the counter where Robin can't see it.
"Too late!"
He bounds out of the room, disappearing into the living room with a Bud Lite and a fistful of popcorn in his hand. Your “girls only” movie night has just become a “girls only plus Eddie” one. 
The air in the room grows tense. You stand perfectly still, both you and Robin staring each other down, waiting to see who’ll speak first. Her gaze is smoldering, burning into yours with ruthless intention. 
“Didn’t know you guys had an open doors policy,” she finally notes. “It’s all very... interesting.” 
She slowly starts to stalk around the corner of the island, trailing her hand nonchalantly (or what she thinks is nonchalantly) across the countertop. You back up, taking one step for each of hers, knowing exactly what she’s about to do. 
That still doesn’t stop you from shrieking as she jumps you, her hands snatching at the cassette tape now tucked inside your sweatshirt sleeve. 
“Robin, you’re acting totally feral!” you yell, trying in vain to keep her out of your shirt. 
She cackles as she wrestles the little rectangle of plastic from your grasp, shoving her hand into your face to keep you back as you claw at her. Her eyes widen and jaw drops as she reads the label, an incredulous laugh escaping her throat. 
“Songs We’re Gonna Bone To?!” she howls, reading the title aloud. “Oh my god, you guys made a mixtape to have sex to?! I knew it!” 
You cross your arms, pressing your lips harshly together as you glare at her, wishing you could make her head explode. 
“See, this is why I didn’t say anything,” you quip. “... And Eddie made it, not me.” 
Robin’s neck audibly cracks, she turns around so fast. She looks like a seven year old kid who’s just woken up on Christmas morning. 
“What’s on it?” she whispers. 
She’s out the door before you can answer, sprinting down the hall into your bedroom and smacking the tape inside your player so fast she’s little more than a blur. Queen’s Fat Bottomed Girls starts blaring from the speakers, causing a fierce blush to erupt across your cheeks. She slaps the skip button, moving on to KISS’s I Was Made For Lovin’ You, followed by Def Leppard’s Pour Some Sugar On Me. You bury your face in your hand, entirely unable to meet her gaze as she savors your embarrassment. 
“What a massive cheese ball,” she chuckles. “Is the sex good, though? Like, he’s given you at least one orgasm, right?” 
You’re laying face down on your bed, craving the sweet release of death when Eddie appears in the doorway.
“Why the hell’s everyone screaming?” he questions, frantic. “Did another portal open up? Baby, are you okay?” 
“Aaaaaahhhh he calls you BABY!” Robin shrieks. She doubles over, collapsing to the floor in hysterical laughter.
You sit up, taking one of the pillows off your mattress and chucking it at Eddie. He catches it, just barely, stumbling backward in shock and confusion. 
“Change your fucking sheets, Munson!” 
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🌹💀 get your eddie fix 💀🌹
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thebearchives · 2 years
ma moitié | CL16
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PAIRING: charles leclerc x fem!reader
REQUESTED: [X] yes [] no
SYNOPSIS: no time better to confess than after a near-death experience, am i right?
WARNINGS: hurt/comfort, angst?, descriptions of a car crash, literally every dialogue is french so LOTS of translations (looking back now, i could have just been like “italics = french” but it’s too late), probably really inaccurate descriptions of a race bc idk logistics of races oops
as always, don’t be a ghost reader!
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“je me sens vraiment bien pour aujourd'hui, c'est mauvais?” i feel really good about today, is that bad?
your eyes dragged up from the egg you had just cracked into the hot pan and onto your phone, poorly propped up against a loaf of bread. said phone’s screen displayed the view up charles’ nose, his eyelashes peeking over the apples of his cheek. no doubt, he had been holding up his phone mic against his lips, making sure you could hear him over the bustling of the garage.
a giggle caused him to bring the phone back down, full face now in frame. his eyes were furrowed as he questioned, “tu te moques de moi? c'est mauvais, je le savais.” you're laughing at me? it's bad, i knew it.
you cut him off before he could get inside his head and stress himself out, “non, non, char, ce n'est pas mal du tout. vos résultats ont été bons tout le week-end, bien meilleurs que lors de vos dernières courses.” it's not bad at all. your results have been good all weekend, much better than any of your last races.
you turned the heat down of your egg, “il n'est pas faux de penser qu'aujourd'hui sera bon aussi.” it's not wrong to think today will be good too.
“alors pourquoi avez-vous ri?” then why did you laugh?
the pout on his face was adorable. adorable and absolutely horrible for your heart, which ached lightly. you wanted nothing more than to be in his arms, arms around his neck and lips on his, kissing that pout away.
“allô?” charles’ voice brought you out of your thoughts, he scoffed playfully, “regarde-toi tu essaies de trouver une excuse.” hello?...look at you trying to come up with an excuse.
you reluctantly pulled your eyes away from his lips. at least there was one good thing about him travelling a lot for his job; whenever he called you, you could stare at his lips for as long as you wanted and he’d never know. 
“je n'ai pas besoin d'excuse, mais si tu veux savoir, ta voix s'est coupée et je n'ai pas tout compris.” i don't need an excuse, but if you must know, your voice cut out and I didn't catch everything.
you lied. of course, you would. why wouldn’t you? it’s not like you could tell him ‘hey, yeah, sorry i was staring at your lips because i want to kiss them.’ years of hiding it straight down the drain, along with his friendship too.
“mon dieu, encore ça? je viens littéralement de mettre à jour le plan que nous avons,” charles sighed, “peut-être que vous avez juste besoin d'un nouveau téléphone.” my god, that again? i literally just upgraded our plan…maybe you just need a new phone.
you waved him off, flipping your egg over. oops, slightly burnt. 
“ouais, ouais, le meilleur fournisseur de wifi de tout monaco, ça ne pourrait jamais être leur faute. pourquoi es-tu si cat��gorique sur le fait que c'est mon téléphone?” yeah, yeah, best wifi provider in all of monaco, could never be their fault. why are you so adamant it's my phone?
“parce qu'il l'est! il fonctionne parfaitement sur tous les appareils de la maison, sauf le téléphone.” because it is! it runs perfectly on every device in our house except your phone. 
charles brought the phone closer to his lips again, this time, however, it was angled sideways so you could see just outside his open driver room. he spoke again, “je vais payer même pour ton nouveau téléphone si tu le veux.” i'll even pay for your new phone if you want it.
“peu importe,” you rolled your eyes, “ne devrais-tu pas être littéralement dans ta voiture en ce moment?” whatever…shouldn’t you literally be in your car right now?
before charles could reply to you, his name was called out from somewhere outside the frame. his eyes met yours through the screen, a look of understanding shared between the two of you.
he had to go.
“tu peux le faire, char,” you smiled at him, “prends ce sentiment et fais-en une réalité.” you’ve got this, char. take that feeling and make it a reality.
“je t’aime, ma moitié.” i love you, my other half.
and then he was gone, taking your heart along with him.
moitié. you hated it when he called you those pet names. in all your years of knowing charles, rarely ever did he use your name. it was always ma moitié, mon ange, petite chou, anything and everything but your name. 
you hated the way it made you feel like you were more than just a friend to him. you hated the way it made you feel like maybe, just maybe, he returned your feelings too. you hated the butterflies, the clammy hands, the way your brain would just stop. you hated how easily you were like putty in his hands.
after charles had ended the call, you rushed to plate your egg before it burned to a crisp. with your coffee in one hand and plate in the other, you made yourself comfy on the couch, legs snug under a throw blanket, unmuting the tv which was already streaming the grand prix.
as you chewed on your breakfast, you couldn’t help but think back to charles’ words. he had every right to feel good about this race. this weekend had gone beautifully, with charles topping the times in every round of the qualifying. he was sitting in pole position, with carlos lined up right behind him in p3. you could only hope that the strategists at ferrari would help him succeed.
your lips involuntarily curled into a smile the second you saw charles’ car on the screen. that smile widened when his voice entered your ears, god, the way he spoke english was so perfect.
you wished you could have been there, in the garage wearing those red headphones. but sadly, you had taken too many sick days already and were saving your vacation days for the actual summer break and any grand prix that was especially significant to charles.
you watched the lights turn on one by one with great amazement. you had never known how it felt to be behind the wheel at that specific moment, not personally really. anytime you asked, charles would describe it as exhilarating, nerves just simply disappearing along with the lights. he’d also go on to say “you’d know if you karted with me instead of making me cry.”
and he was right. the two of you met way back when charles had only just started karting, at a karting race that your dad had been working as a commentator for. your mom, ever the outgoing person, quickly made friends with charles’ mom, and unlike charles on the circuit, you found yourself sitting next to a very small arthur, too young to kart alongside his brother.
when the race had finished, you and arthur were sat across from one another, a pile of ripped-up grass and flower petals between the two of you. the youngest leclerc’s toy car sat at the bottom of the pile, and at the sound of your mother saying ‘go’, the two of you dove your hands into the pile, fingernails scratching against the other’s hands, just to be the first to reach the car and pull it out. 
when you felt like you had finally grasped the small car, you pulled it towards yourself, unknowingly pulling the young boy along with you. as arthur lurched forward, the car slipped out of both of your hands and flew straight into charles’ head, helmet having just been taken off. 
safe to say, you had made charles cry the very first time you met him, which he never failed to bring up. 
you couldn’t help but wonder, eyes following charles’ red car along the track, if you’d be where you were in life had you not made him cry. or if 8-year-old pierre gasly hadn’t seen his friend get hit in the face with a toy car or tease him for crying like a little baby in his mother’s arms, every single time he saw you at a karting event. 
would you two be friends? would you even be living in this place, sharing a flat with charles leclerc, if it hasn’t been for that stupid ferrari toy car? 
the very toy car that arthur had gifted you and charles as a housewarming present, which now sat on the tv trolley, between two framed pictures of you two. one at your eighth birthday, months after you two had met, and one from when you were both 19, celebrating charles’ formula 2 championship title. 
the broadcast shifted to the camera in charles’ car, and you listened as he gave the team his update on his tires, and listened to them give him information in return. things were looking up for him, well-deserved after the last few shitty races.
it wasn’t until halfway into the race, right when charles had pitted for a new pair of tires, that things started to go downhill. although called in for the pit stop by the team, the mechanics had seemed unprepared for charles to pit, which caused charles to have to wait for an extra 10 seconds before exiting the pits. the lead he had built for himself slowly crumbling away, neck in neck with max’s car.
your hands gripped your empty coffee mug tightly, unmoving. you had taken your last sip just seconds before charles’ pitstop but had been too focused on the shitshow in front of you to place it down. 
you flinched as charles’ angry voice came through the radio, “he’s going to get ahead of me.”
you watched as his words became reality, joining the racing line milliseconds behind the redbull car. charles tried to maneuver his car around the sides to get ahead along the straight, but max had always been good at defending, charles had told you before that it was something he had both respected and hated about the dutch driver. 
the two cars drove nearly tire to tire as they drove through the chicane. your heart felt like it was in your throat, praying that the two cars didn’t touch. 
you felt like someone had thrown you into an ice bath when you heard charles’ radio again, his voice was filled with anger and frustration, “something isn’t right.”
his race engineer’s voice followed shortly, “everything looks good, charles. what is wrong?”
“i don’t know, the steering is acting weird. it’s getting hard to keep it under control,” you couldn’t tear your eyes from the red car, “there’s too much oversteer. more than normal.”
charles’ car fell behind max’s slightly going into the next turn. it was clear now that charles had pointed it out, the back of his car coming out far too much for it to be normal. 
“okay, charles, we will look into that and tell you what to do. keep your head down and elbows out. the pace is looking good right now, you should be able to retake your place soon.”
what was mere seconds had felt like hours of charles trailing closely behind max’s car. it was the last turn of the lap when it happened.
charles had taken to the outer side of max’s car, still struggling to correct the oversteer, when max’s wheels locked up going into the turn. it had happened so fast. one moment, charles’ car had pulled up slightly ahead of max’s. the next, his car was spinning out, speeding straight towards the wall. 
your eyes stung with tears, the mug in your hand slipping and rolling off the blanket, shattering into tiny pieces on the ground. you barely registered the sound, barely being able to hear anything over the sound of your heart racing.
your breath hitched in your throat as they replayed the crash from charles’ perspective. the deafening silence after charles’ engineer asked if he was okay made you want to throw up.
get up, charles, please, the tears felt salty in your mouth. please, please, please.
you bunched up the blanket in your hands, watching as the screen zoomed in on the car. the halo looked to still be intact, but you could barely see charles from behind the cloud of smoke.
dread clouded over you, your mind both rushing with thoughts, yet silent all at the same time. where were the fucking medics? why was no one helping him out?
after what felt like years, you saw charles helmet emerge from within the cloud of smoke. his red racesuit next. your heart continued to race, calming slightly knowing that he was conscious. 
the medics reached charles’ car just as he had began moving, hands rushing to pull him up and out of his seat carefully. you watched with a bated breath as they supported him away from the red mess of a car. 
but charles was stubborn, you knew this, and so you watched as he pushed away from the medics slightly, trying to walk on his own. they had backed off a bit, trailing alongside him just in case his body decided to give out on him. 
and it did. on his fifth independent step, his knees buckled, the medics catching him before he hit the ground. the way charles’ head titled forward was a clear sign that he had lost consciousness.
you felt numb, watching them take him into the back of the medical car. the camera switched as soon as the car drove off, showing the reactions of the rest of the grid drivers, before panning onto the damaged redbull car, which had also been taken out of the race in the collision, albeit much less destroyed than the ferrari. not far from it, you could see max also being taken care of by another set of medics.
you felt sick. 
you don’t know how long you sat there, wet eyes staring blankly into the tv, seeing but not registering. it wasn’t until a notification sounded loudly in the kitchen, recognizing the tone as the one you had reserved for members of the leclerc family, that you snapped out of it. 
you rushed off of the couch, forgetting about the broken ceramic on the floor as you raced to the kitchen. it was a text from lorenzo.
ils l'emmènent à l'hôpital. they’re taking him to the hospital.
the hospital. charles was going to the hospital. 
you felt all of your emotions hit you at once, the weight of it all causing you to physically hunch over the counter.
a sharp pain shot up your leg and you gasped, eyes flitting down to notice the trail of blood that you had left in your haste to reach your phone. you had been numb when it happened, but as your foot screamed out in pain, you realized you had stepped in a glass shard.
you momentarily ignored the rush of pain and nausea that was climbing up your body, hastily sending lorenzo a reply.
est-ce mauvais? is it bad?
todt a dit qu'il a repris connaissance dans la voiture, mais ils veulent encore l'emmener pour s'assurer que tout va bien. todt said he gained consciousness in the car, but they still want to take him to make sure nothing is wrong.
you felt like you could breathe again, charles was awake. 
tenez-moi au courant s'il vous plaît. please keep me updated. 
il va s'en sortir, ma petite. he's going to be okay, kiddo.
although he knew he couldn’t quell how you were feeling, lorenzo still tried his best. and his best was good enough for you to finally stop hyperventilating. charles would be okay. he had to be.
you rested your head against your arms, taking a deep breath to reset your brain. after a couple seconds, you raised your head, turning around to look at the small trail of red that you had dragged along with you. 
your foot was still bleeding, and you decided to wrap it up before you cleaned the floor. it’d do you no good to just sit here and waste away, waiting for an update from lorenzo, or a call from charles himself. 
you winced as you took a step, hand gripping the counter tightly for some support. with the lack of adrenaline coursing through your body, you were able to really feel how badly you had cut your foot. 
you grabbed a towel paper and placed it against the heel of your foot, half-hopping to charles’ bathroom, where you knew he kept his first-aid kit. you had one too, but yours had consisted of only bandaids and alcohol wipes. charles had splurged on the good stuff, saying something along the lines of “all the athletes carry one.”
you weren’t sure if he was right as you had only had the pleasure of meeting fellow racecar drivers, arthur leclerc and pierre gasly, both of which had received the same kit from charles as an “it was on sale so i bought it for you” gift.
by the time you had finished cleaning out your wound and wrapping it, you felt exhausted and mentally drained. your earlier panic had left you feeling extremely cold, and you couldn’t help but catch sight of the hoodie thrown over charles’ desk chair. the same one he had been wearing the night before he left.
you pulled yourself up from the ground, throwing away the bloodied alcohol wipes and gauze packaging before hobbling over to the chair and picking up the hoodie.
you willed yourself to not tear up as you brought the hoodie up towards your nose. it still smelled like him. you couldn’t help but wish that charles was in the hoodie still, wrapping his arms around your neck and squeezing until you would cough and slap his back. it was his favourite thing to do, up there with blowing air in your ear while you were cooking and poking your skin whenever it peeked out from under your shirt. 
“c'est une vengeance pour les dommages émotionnels que tu as causés quand on avait six ans." he had said once, after you yanked his ear in retaliation and demanded why he was so insistent on annoying you. it’s payback for the emotional damage you caused when we were six.
god, when you’d see him again, you were going to get your own payback for the emotional damage he caused today. 
you slipped the hoodie on, the warmth of it instantly blocking out the cold you felt. you made your way back to the kitchen, wetting a towel paper and wiping at the trail of blood from the kitchen to the living room. 
thank god for tiled flooring, huh? but also, fuck tile flooring because if there was a carpet in your living room, maybe your cup would have never shattered in the first place.
when you entered the living room, you found yourself faltering, eyes catching sight of the tv that was still on, now showing the repeat of charles’ crash. you looked away when the car slammed into the wall, opting to turn the tv off altogether and began picking up the pieces of what had been your favourite mug. 
back in the kitchen, you stared at your phone, willing it to ring with a message or a text from charles, or anyone from his family really.
after realizing how much of an idiot you were being, you grabbed the phone yourself and started to draft a message to charles, explaining how you worried you had been and how you hoped he was okay.
one message quickly turned into several as you poured your worries out to him over text. you went from freaking out, to scolding him, to finally settling on how you couldn’t wait to see him and that you weren’t going to let him out of your sight the entire time he would be at home.
just as you had finally put the phone down, it rang. you rushed to pick it up, “hello?”
“ah, y/n? bonjour, ma petite fleur.” my little flower. pascale’s voice was so soft, like she knew exactly how you were feeling. she probably did. 
the emotions you had tried so hard to suppress all came flooding out at the sound of charles’ mother. 
you sniffled, “maman,”
at the sound of your voice, pascale felt her heart clench. over the last (nearly) two decades, you had become like the daughter that she had never had, and with pascale being able to see through both you and her son, she knew one day, you would become her daughter for real. she had been the one to convince you to call her ‘maman’, calling you her ‘belle fille’.
“oh, ma belle fille. tout va bien, ange.” oh, my beautiful girl. everything is okay, angel.
“comment le savez-vous?” you rubbed your eye, “vous lui avez parlé?” how do you know? have you talked to him?
“la mère sait toujours ce qui est le mieux, non?” she chuckled lightly, though you could tell she was also choked up, “son manager a dit qu'il va bien, qu'il se repose pour le moment.” mother knows best, no?...his manager said that he is fine, that he is resting for the moment.
you hummed, too choked up to say anything.
pascale cooed out your name, “mon ange, pourquoi tu ne viens pas?” why don’t you come over?
you shook your head before remembering she couldn't see you, “non, c'est bon. ça ira. je suis sûr que vous êtes plus secoué par ce qui s'est passé. je ne veux pas me mettre en travers.” no, it’s okay. i’ll be fine. i'm sure you're more shaken up by what happened. i don't want to get in the way.
pascale tsked, “petite idiote, tu ne pourrais jamais te mettre en travers du chemin. tu es de la famille, je sais que tu souffres aussi.” silly girl, you could never get in the way. you are family, i know you're hurting too.
you couldn’t help but laugh pitifully at the way she called you an idiot, “j'ai été vraiment stupide, non? j'avais tellement peur que charles parte et je ne lui aurais jamais dit ce que je ressentais.” i've been really stupid, no? i was so scared that charles would leave and i would have never told him how i felt.
pascale had been the only one to know how you truly felt about charles, having caught you crying one christmas night when charles had brought his girlfriend to join the family dinner. she had comforted you all night, and spent the whole dinner staring charles’ new girlfriend down, though you–and charles–had no idea.
“il aurait été tout aussi stupide,” pascale hummed, “je ne peux qu'espérer que ce jour l'amène à admettre ses sentiments également.” he would be stupid too…i can only hope that today causes him to admit his feelings as well.
“je te le répète, il ne ressent pas la même chose.” i keep telling you, he doesn’t feel the same.
“ouais, ouais, et je continue à te dire qu'il l'est. Je connais mon garçon, et il est amoureux de toi. Il ne s'en rend juste pas compte.” and i keep telling you, he does. i know my boy, and he's in love with you. just doesn't realize it.
the two of you chatted for a bit more, with pascale giving you live updates every so often. lorenzo and arthur both joined the conversation, commanding you take care of yourself or else they would come and bring you home.
the conversation had only just died down when pascale gasped, “oh, mon dieu! c’est charles! y/n, je vous téléphonerai après, d'accord?” it’s charles, i’ll call you after, okay?
your breath hitched in your throat, “bien sûr.” of course.
it felt like forever, waiting for her to call back, or for charles to reach out to you on his own. yet nothing happened. 
sometime later, your phone buzzed with a text from lorenzo.
il va bien. Il rentre pour finir son travail avec les médias, mais il prend l'avion ce soir. he's okay. he's going back to finish his media duties, but he'll fly back tonight.
c'est un soulagement. that’s a relief.
viens. je vais chercher charles et le ramener à la maison. il voudra te voir. come over. i'll be picking up charles and bringing him home. he will want to see you.
non, c'est bon. je le verrai quand il reviendra à l'appartement. no, it's fine. i'll see him when he comes back to the apartment.
y penser? think about it?
you left him on read. as much as you wanted to see him, you weren’t sure you wanted to in front of his entire family as well. who knew how you would react?
not long after, you found yourself in front of the tv again, much like you had been earlier in the morning, only this time charles was no longer in a smoking car, but rather in front of a bunch of mics and cameras.
you watched as he answered questions about the car, the oversteer, and how he had felt in the moment. your heart ached as you stared at his face, he looked so tired. he’d grimace every time he moved, so lightly that no one would notice. but you did, you’d learned to identify any subtle expression changes early on in your friendship with charles. he was a stubborn man, but you were nothing if not just as stubborn. 
you didn’t know when you fell asleep, eyes getting heavier and heavier as you watched charles answer the same questions again and again. you also didn’t know how long you slept for, the stress and tension of the day had left you exhausted. 
you barely stirred when the lock of your house opened, or when the keys chimed loudly as charles placed them in the key bowl near the door. when he was picked up by lorenzo, he had told him to take him to your shared apartment immediately. lorenzo, who knew what was coming, didn’t question a thing, just gave his brother a smile and a quick “it’s about time” before driving. 
the driver turned around, leaving his luggage near the entrance. the sound of the tv was quiet, but charles could hear it. his eyebrows furrowed, it was late. were you waiting for him to come home? he walked towards the living room, stopping when he caught sight of you on the couch, asleep.
he quietly walked forward, hand blindly grabbing at the tv remote and turning it off. his eyes followed down your figure, lingering on the hoodie you had been wearing before moving down to the bright white gauze you had wrapped around your foot earlier.
he kneeled down next to you, hand lightly grazing the rough wrapping, “oh, mon dieu, ce qui vous est arrivé, ange?” oh, my god, what happened to you, angel?
at the sound of his voice, you stirred. charles cursed himself for being loud, although his words had been whispered so quietly. charles retracted his hand, shushing you lightly as you groaned.
“rendors-toi, amour.” he lightly pressed a hand against your fluttering eyes, blocking out the light from above. go back to sleep, love.
“charles?” you pushed your head up, cheek nuzzling into his palm, “c'est toi? tu es vraiment là?” is that you? are you really here?
charles could feel his heart break inside his chest. how many times had you woken up tonight, expecting to see him but then be wrong? how many times had you dreamt of him coming back home?
charles rubbed his thumb against your cheek, “oui, c’est moi. je suis là.” yes, it’s me. i’m here.
you blinked twice, vision clearing enough to see the man you had been waiting for, sitting right in front of you. your eyes instantly pooled with tears, “charles?”
he rushed to soothe you, “ne pleure pas, mon amour. je suis là, je vais bien.” don't cry, my love. i'm right here, i'm okay. 
you reached up and grabbed the hand that had been resting on your cheek, “tu ne comprends pas. j'ai eu si peur pour toi.” you don't understand. i was so scared for you.
you sat up and charles moved to grab your other hand in his as well.
he squeezed them softly, “je suis désolé, mon ange, tellement, tellement désolé. je ne voulais pas te faire peur aujourd'hui.” i’m so sorry, my angel, so, so, sorry. i didn’t mean to scare you today.
you lurched forward, hands escaping his and instead wrapping around his neck. charles’ own hands found themselves in new places as well, one wrapped around your back while the other flew behind him to keep the two of you from toppling over.
his heart tightened, feeling his neck get wet with your tears as you sniffled loudly. his other hand found itself wrapping around you as well, pulling you closer to his body. 
charles moved the two of you into a more comfortable position, stretching his legs out so that you were essentially sitting in his lap, straddling him, “je suis désolé, y/n,” he apologized again.
at the sound of your name slipping through his lips, you couldn’t help the sobs that escaped your own. charles’ grip around you tightened, “hey, what’s wrong? qu'est-ce qu'il y a?” what’s the matter?
you shook your head, “tu es si méchante, charles. je n'ai même pas pu te dire que je t'aimais quand tu as raccroché ce matin.” you are so mean, charles. i didn't even get to tell you i loved you when you hung up this morning.
he lightly coerced you to pull your head back, “oh, mon coeur, je suis désolé.” he felt like a broken record, apologizing again and again, but in the moment, nothing was coming to his head.
you leaned back, puffy eyes connecting with his own, which were tinged red, a sign that he had been crying as well, “ce n'est pas ta faute. c'est la mienne. je ne t'ai jamais dit ce que je ressentais, et je m'en voulais tellement de ne pas l'avoir admis plus tôt. quand tu n'es pas sorti de la voiture tout de suite, j'ai eu tellement peur de t'avoir perdu. perdu avant d'avoir pu te dire que je t'aimais.” it's not your fault. it's my fault. i never told you how i felt, and i was so angry at myself for not admitting it sooner. when you didn't get out of the car right away, i was so afraid that i had lost you. lost before i could tell you that i loved you.
charles’ tears spilled out of his eyes, “c'est ma faute aussi.” his words were the same as pascale’s, “j'ai toujours eu trop peur de te dire ce que je ressentais parce que j'étais trop égoïste. je ne voulais pas te perdre, alors je ne t'ai jamais dit ce que je ressentais.” it's my fault, too. i was always too scared to tell you how i felt because i was too selfish. i didn't want to lose you, so i never told you how i felt.
“tu m'aimes?” your voice was so soft, as if scared to be wrong. you love me?
charles placed his forehead against yours, “tellement. je t'adore plus que tout ce que j'ai jamais aimé.” so much. i adore you more than anything i've ever loved.
the tears slipped out as you relished in his revelation, “je t'aime. mon dieu, je t'ai aimé aussi longtemps que je me souvienne.” i love you. my god, i've loved you for as long as i can remember.
charles leaned up, kissing your tears away, “je te promets qu'à partir d'aujourd'hui, tu ne pleureras plus jamais à cause de moi.” i promise, from today forward, you will never cry because of me ever again.
your eyes fluttered shut at the feeling of his lips against your skin. he couldn’t help it, placing soft kisses against your eyelids. 
his hands followed down your spine, resting at the base of your waist, “on va te mettre au lit, mon ange.” let's get you to bed, angel.
“je peux m'allonger avec toi?” can i lay with you?
“toujours, à partir de maintenant et pour toujours.” charles smiled lightly, “je suis tout à toi, ma moitié.” always, from now on and forever…i am all yours, my other half.
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sweet-villain · 2 years
Now or Never~ Joseph Quinn 
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Requested : yes
Request :
Anonymous asked:
Hi!! I was wondering if u could do a Joseph Quinn x reader where they’re roommates and there flat has kind of become like the chill spot for the cast so they’re all very good friends so ofcourse they all go out together (she also smokes), she’s seen in pictures with them or just like pics of her and Joseph grocery shopping/hanging out and she gets a ton of hate bc the fans think that she’s his girlfriend (she isnt, but they also have unspoken feelings for each other so you can play with that too :) ) so one day she just breaks down in front of him bc its getting too much for her to handle… and you can decide how you end it :)) thank you in advance!!
" Good morning sunshine" Joseph greets you as you make your way into the kitchen, grumbling under your breathe " good morning" making him chuckle. His chuckle makes your stomach flow with butterflies. He had this huge smile on his face watching you rub your eyes but his gaze drops watching the skin of your stomach show a little as you stretched. His breathe hitched in throat wanting nothing more than to run his fingers over the skin. He bets your skin is so soft.
You reach for some eggs in the fridge bending over a bit making Joseph swallow the lump in his throat as he watches your backside traveling his gaze to your ass in those short shorts you wore to bed. He looked away feeling his cheeks and ears becoming red.
You were beautiful. The two of you shared a flat, being roommates and best friends. You turn around to face Joseph wanting to ask if he had breakfast already but he is looking away. This makes you frown as his attention isn't on you as it usually is.
" Would you like something to eat?" you ask him, your voice is soft as a whisper bringing his attention back to you. He shakes his head.
" No thank you, sweetheart. I already had something" He softly smiles before taking a pack of cigarets from his pocket. " I"m going to have a smoke." He brushes past you in a hurry in seems. It's not that he didn't want to be near you, he wanted to be near you more than anything but he was nervous and his hands were shaking. He needed to calm down.
You shrugged it off preparing breakfast before shouting. " We need to go to grocery store! We are running out on a few things. You know I love to cook, will you come with me?"
There is silence for a bit as you cook breakfast but hear Joseph reply, " Yeah, sure lovely."
The damn nicknames always gets to you. It made you blush and nervous. He doesn't really use those nicknames anyone but you, you find it strange. But whenever Jamie stops by he always nudges you and wiggles his eyebrows as if he knows something. Jamie has grown really close to you since he and Joseph had.
Even the whole Stranger Things cast did, they all loved you and considered as if their own sister. They always awed about you and Joseph having moments together.
" We are just friends" you would always says.
" Yeah sure" they would reply back, not believing you. But you can't tell Joseph how you feel. You didn't want to ruin the friendship you both had and you shared the flat with him after all. If things went south, where would you go?
He was one of the best things that happened in your life. He entered it making everything better, you never told him how you felt though. You didn't want to lose him.
But he had been single for as long as you remembered. You never asked him why he didn't bring a girl home, ever. You just let it be. But always wondered. On the other hand Joseph always admired you, adored you from afar, loved hearing you talk and listen about your day if both of you didn't see each other. You had his heart and he was scared to give it to you. You were one of many that stepped into his life for the better.
When he was casted as Eddie in Stranger Things, you were his number one supporter. Helping him with his lines if he needed, he brought you to set a few times to meet the cast who are your best friends now and meeting the directors too, they all loved you there.
They all said the same thing that you and Joseph were meant to be together. That you were his already. They saw it. You didn't.
He was a friend as much as it hurts to say it.
As you finished eating breakfast and putting away the dishes, Joseph walked into the kitchen seeing you had cleaned up already.
" Oh sweetheart, I could of done that" he said mentioning to the dishes. You shook your head, " It's okay, I got it."
Gently smiling at him with a touch on his arm causing him to shiver in delight. He glances down at his feet before looking back at you as you look at him with a soft smile.
" Something wrong?" you ask. He shook his head, " No, go get ready and we will go get the things you need for your cooking."
You nod leaving him standing there in a blushing nervous state. He was still in shock feeling the touch from your hand on his arm. He felt it. The sparks were there.
As you entered the shops with Joseph, you had not noticing that the paparazzi were snapping pictures of the two of you. It became unnoticed. You were more focused on preparing dinner tonight as the cast would be coming over meaning Jamie, Joe, Sadie, Millie and the rest would be coming over to hang out. You wanted to impress them with your cooking as they never had it.
Joseph had talked to them that they were all missing out how fantastic of a chef you were. But you were far from it, you learned to cook from your mother who was gladly sharing her recipes with you.
" You don't have to do this if you don't want to" Joseph stands next to you by the cart dropping the items you told him to get. You shook your head.
" I know, but I want to do it. I know you love my cooking, but I want to hear from our friends. Plus Jamie told me how you babbled your mouth about my skills."
He giggled. What a beautiful sound.
" It's true! You are amazing chef" you playfully rolled your eyes and grabbed one more item from the self.
" I just learned from my mom" he nodded. " When is she coming to visit again?"
" Next month I believe, she said something along the lines " I need to see you honey soon but that boy Joseph too."
He laughed shrugging, your mom absolutely loved Joseph and his personality. He greeted her with hugs and smiles, he was polite and your mom always told you he would be a great catch for you.
Everyone kept telling you this but you were just friends. Even if it hurts to say it every time.
Joseph helped you carry the groceries to the flat refusing for you to bring anything. " Joseph, give me at least one bag" he grumbled something due to the bag in his mouth he was carrying. You sighed following him, opening the door as he steps inside.
He sets everything in the kitchen.
" Not a chance. You aren't bringing these bags in, I adore you, but there is no need when I am around" he was really sweet.
" Awe, aren't you cute!" you blurred out, your heart racing not believing the words that let your mouth right now. Joseph paused as he processed your words, his cheeks becoming red as rubs the back of his neck.
" I do try, sweetheart"
After that he helps you put away the groceries before looking at the time.
" Oh!" you hadn't even noticed the time, they would be here soon and you haven't even started. Joseph watches as you took pans out and started to cook. He was in awe of you, every day and even now as you hurried to prepare the meal.
" Don't rush, they will love it anyways because you took the time and effort to do this for them" He says coming up behind you grabbing your shoulders, squeezing them as he looks down at you. Your cheeks are red feeling him so close to you.
" I know, thank you" looking at him over the shoulder he shot you a smile that made your heart race. It was one of those smiles he did but only for you.
An hour has passed and you need a smoke. Heading to the window, opening it letting the breeze out. It touched your cheeks as you took out a cigarette bringing a lighter to it. As you took a puff out not even noticing Joseph had walked in, changed and looking really nice.
He cleared his throat to catch your attention. As you turned around to face him, the cigarette from your mouth dropped on the carpet, your mouth a jar as you stare at him. He looked really good right now.
" Y/N!"he shouted bringing you out of your thoughts and pointed down on the ground. You looked down wide eyed hurrying to take the cigarette away to not ruin the carpet as you flicked it out the window.
" Shit!" you mumbled kneeling on the ground rubbing on the carpet to get the ashes out of it. Joseph shook his head as he walked over squatting down as he took your hands in his.
" Stop, don't worry about it" he says. But your gaze is on his hand in yours. Your eyes locked with his but he breaks the contact as he clears his throat again standing up.
You follow him and really look at him. He looks so good tonight, he always does but about tonight, he took extra to make himself good. For you.
"I need to get back in the kitchen" he nods but as you slip past him, your hand touches his and there is that spark again. You reach the kitchen doors placing both your hands on either side trying to grasp your breathing.
You two just had a moment. This has been happening all day today so far.
A knock comes to the door and Joseph answers it. You hear Jamie's voice, along with the others. They all came together it seems.
" it smells so good" someone says, you noticed the voice of Millie.
" Hey there, darling" you hear Jamie as he stand next to you. You glance up to shoot him a smile, but he sees the worry in your face and the look in your eyes.
" What's the matter?" He ask, you shook your head but before you answer him Millie walks into the kitchen with Joe, Finn, Caleb, Sadie, Gaten, Natalie and Charlie.
" Hi guys!" you greet each of them as they hug you tight.
Joseph stands in the back watching as everyone greets with his own smile on his face. He loves the happiness in your eyes as you greet everyone. He loves it when you happy because he is happy too.
Jamie watches him from where he is standing as he makes his way over.
" When are you planning to tell her?" He asks nudging his side. Joseph blinks as he notices Jamie has asked him something. " Huh?"
Jamie laughs and repeats himself. " I can't"
" yes you can, she looks at you the same way you look at her. She loves you"
Joseph didn't want to believe what Jamie was saying. He was scared.
You finished making dinner and everyone sat around the table to talk, when in the middle it Sadie brings your attention.
" Y/N? Have you seen this?" she asks bringing her phone up for you to see. You can't really see what it says but you noticed the picture. It was your hoodie that you were wearing today with Joseph by your side.
" what does it say?" Millie asks. Sadie looks at everyone not knowing if she should say or not when she locks eyes with you.
" It's a post about you and Joseph from today I'm guessing, there are a few more pictures. But the comments.." you take her phone from her hands reading through them.
They all mention how he shouldn't be with someone like her. How he deserved someone much prettier than her. It just kept going and going. These were his fans and they all hated you and assumed you and Joseph were dating. Your eyes were glossy reading the comments. The table was silent.
" Y/N.." someone said your name but the comments were was you just focused on. You excused yourself from the table running to your room locking the door collapsing on your knees.
Your back was to the door as you sobbed. You never imaged people be this cruel. To you. You did nothing wrong but words hurt and they were hurting you now.
A knock came to the door, " Sweetheart? It's Joseph. Open the door"
" Go away" you told him through your tears.
Joseph already saw the comments and the pictures. It hurt him to see you run out in tears. He couldn't believe his fans would treat you like this. He was anger at them.
" Please" he begged. " I want to help" he says. He waits a few moments before hearing the door unlock and he enters. His heart cracks seeing you sitting on the bed, shoulder shaking hearing you cry.
He never wanted to be the reason why you cried.
" Oh sweetheart" he kneels before you cupping your face with his one hand while the other is resting on your thigh rubbing circles as to sooth you.
His heart sinks seeing your running nose, your red teary beautiful eyes. He cups your face with both his hands, his thumb catching the tears that keep falling down your cheeks.
" I'm sorry.." you mumble. He is confused on why your sorry, he should be the sorry one for having fans that don't seem to understand what you are to him.
" Don't be. It's not you, it's them. Don't listen to what they say. Words do hurt, but they don't get you the way I do. They don't know how special you are to me, sweetheart. You make my whole world shine. You make me feel things that I never felt way before..." he says.
You watch him as his eyes become teary too, glassing over with a tear escaping his eye. It hurts your own heart seeing him like this.
" Joseph" you say his name in whisper, so gentle.
" Let me finish"
You nod
" My fans can say whatever they want to say but that shouldn't matter. What matters is right here, you and I. You are so special Y/N, you had no idea. You make my heart melt with just the sound of your voice. You are the first person I want to hear and see when I wake up and the last person I want to hear and see before I go to bed. You have been my biggest supporter with everything, even in my bad days, you make it brighter"
He licks his lips feeling his heart racing.
" What I am trying to say, sweetheart. I have been crazy in love with you for so long and I don't plan on stopping any time soon. You make me better every day, and I want to be the reason for that pretty smile"
He reaches with his index finger poking your nose making you giggle.
" Especially that giggle"
Your mouth is wide open at his confession, he is waiting for your answer and he is scared that after everything he said, he was going to lose you.
" Joseph..." you start to say, he gulps feeling like this wasn't what he wanted to hear after all this time. He was ready.
" I love you too" He gasps at your words, his hand coming in the back of your neck pulling you into him. Your lips danced against his wrapping your arms around his neck, kissing him back.
Both of you smiling against each other lips.
" Awe! Finally!"' you hear from the door. Both of you pulled away to see your friends gushing and smiling at you two. Joseph and your cheeks turn red and look at each other with smiles.
Everything was going to be okay
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the-song-of-avernus · 12 days
I have a fic idea for my cambion tav Furiella that still lives rent free in my head and it's kind of terrible and def angsty as the hells but hear me out.
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She romanced Wyll (at first it was just to spite Mizora but she was clearly changing as a person, and they both caught real feelings as she helped Wyll get out of his contract)...even got engaged to him. But when the moment of truth arrives on the dock and Wyll wants to go to Avernus with Karlach...Tav develops cold feet, absolutely does not want to go back never ever (even less than Karlach) bc she hates who she was there, then...so Wyll goes with Karlach alone, while Tav makes a new life for herself on the surface. She just can't do it. She loves Karlach like a sister, she adores Wyll with everything halfway decent inside her...but she knows especially once freed of the tadpole, if she goes back to Avernus, it will destroy every good thing about her. And with time and distance, Wyll realizes he was mistaking gratitude, friendship, and a little attraction for love, while Furiella realises that she really needed more than "spiting Mizora" and a single adventure to discover herself and eventually find a more honest and less storybook love. And what does it mean to be mortal anyway. One of her parents was (she could use the guidance rn tbh). Most of the people around her are. People. She's a person. What's that realization like.
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Six months later they reunite. (Is Tav with someone new? HOW DOES THAT GO? Does she give back that damned acorn? Is this a timeline where she gets to know, say, Rolan a little better and they wind up adopting?) Does she wind up finding someone new in the intervening months that she's growing sweet on? (perhaps a certain tiefling wizard newly the master of a tower?) Or, removed of both tadpole and friends, does she run the risk of regressing to her old ways and becoming that child of the hells once more anyway (the very fate she was so afraid of with Wyll and Karlach) Inspired by: I played through several endings with her trying to find which one felt right, and as fun as "all three of them go on a rampage through the hells" is, and as precious as "Wyll becomes Grand Duke and they adopt a daughter" mostly is...there's something about "she's just not self-sacrificing enough to go back there. Not yet, anyway." that just feels...true.
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if-you-feel-lonely · 2 years
hi love! i am a fellow jack manifold enjoyer and there's like no content for him (😭) is there any way you could write friends to lovers hcs for him? like about the friendship and how cc!jack fell for reader and all that (im a sucker for friends to lovers and also for jack manifold). maybe they stream together sometimes and all that?
there really isn't a lot of content for our beloved bald man </3 but on the up side, today I've been stressing myself out a lot and this is helping me calm down :D
TW: Swearing
I got a bit excited :,D
Friends To Lovers with Jack Manifold
You met when you both started streaming, becoming friends due to you both being small content creators
You guys just... clicked. like when you meet a new person that you can talk to like you've known each other for years
When he blew up, you started doing quite well, too
It became an unspoken thing between you guys to shamelessly promote each other's channels
Chat loves it, your friendship is superior
It took a while for him to come to terms with his feelings
For a while he told himself "no, they're just a really good friend" "no, we're just close"
Bullshit :D
He hated that he had these feelings. He loved your friendship and couldn't stand the thought of messing that up
After he realised, things became different
If you lived nearby, you guys would probably go on walks together, bc going on walks with the homies hits different
Before, it was quiet, but comfortable quiet
But now? It was awkward, like you were strangers
After a while, you started picking up on it, so you confronted him.
"Right, if there's something wrong, just say it. I'm not going to sit here and look at you moping all the time. If you don't want to spend this much time together, just come out and say it."
It kind of unravelled from there...
He told you everything about how he didn't want to mess up your friendship or make you uncomfortable
Poor man went :0 when you told him you feel the same way
"*insert shocked pikachu face*"
Not many people notice the difference in your relationship, you both act just as you did before
Tommy goes 🤨📸 when he sees you kiss
"OH MY GOD IT'S LIKE YOU GUYS ARE DATING." "we are." "... what? 😰"
What a fool
Niki thinks your relationship is adorable
Tommy is absolutely disgusted by the very prospect of two of his best friends dating
Wilbur is obviously happy for you both, but makes jokes about Jack paying you to date him
Whilst in vc with Phil, Jack constantly says things like "Phil, me and Y/N are like you and your wife, but better because we're not old"
Definitely involved in Quackity's couple's therapy
By the end of that, you two could hear each other through the walls in the house
... Yeah.
MCC is always a thrill
If you're against each other, it's ridiculously competitive
In Dodgebolt, if he kills you, all you can hear on his stream is "JACK, I WANT TO BREAK UP."
MCC on the same team is even worse, though.
"Oh my god, you're so fucking incompetent." "No more than you, I've seen you trying to cook, dickhead."
If you're on the Dream SMP, things are deep
You both fought for L'manberg but went unrecognised
From there, your relationship became a canon part of the lore
It also became lore that it's not a good relationship - your characters fight and shout at each other a lot
It's made explicitly clear that this isn't a reflection of your real relationship - you shout at each other, but it's from across the house asking what you want for dinner or if you feel like going to the park
The majority of the lore between the two of you is angsty as FUCK
Chat rlly says "how dare you, i love it"
On stream, he tries not to be too touchy or affectionate
He thinks people will be invasive or intrusive into your relationship, so he keeps it all off camera
Off stream though? Perfect man.
You two sit on the living room floor with blankets and cushions all over the room, chilling and watching whatever's on TV
At Christmas, you watch all the shit-but-good christmas films
Occasionally, when Josh or Tommy come round, they take pictures of you two, usually captioned something like "disgusting." or "guys they're making me uncomfortable with their love"
All in all, bald man is boyfriend material
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stranger-nightmare · 2 years
Dating Jonathan Byers Headcanons
Pairing: Jonathan Byers x GN! / AFAB! Reader
Warnings: sfw and nsfw, minors DNI
A/N: here we are, the last, but certainly not least, in my series of dating headcanons!! I hope you guys like it <3
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This is for people 18+ only. Minors do not read on. By clicking ‘keep reading’ you are hereby agreeing that you are 18 or older.
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Jonathan screams friends to lovers to me
I feel like you guys grow up living close to each other but you never really spoke until middle school and then you just clicked and were instant best friends
but in high school you both get a bit awkward around each other for some reason
well that reason is ofc bc you’ve both, unbeknownst to the other, started to develop feelings for each other
you’re still friends but there’s just this weird underlying tension, your stares lingering on each other’s faces longer than needed, palpable silences, looking at each other’s lips, etc.
it’s one of those funny things where literally everyone else can see it but you two
Argyle is always on Jonathan about just telling you, meanwhile Nancy and Robin are on your case about the same thing
so it finally happens when a big group of you are hanging out, like you, Jonathan, Robin, Nancy, Argyle, Steve and Eddie, but they’ve secretly planned to bail out and leave you and Jonathan locked alone together
the two of you sit in awkward silence for a while before Jonathan eventually launches into a fast ramble about how he’s really sorry for how awkward everything is and he’s sorry your friendship has gone a bit weird and he just rambles on and on about how much he actually likes you but he just keeps apologising at the same time
so eventually you just have to shut him up by kissing him
now the two of you have admitted your feelings for each other things are still a little bit awkward to begin with and it takes a while for the two of you to settle properly into your relationship
your relationship starts off very slow, and he’s reluctant to take things too far too quickly bc he cares about you so much
but once you guys are in deep he’s so devoted and loving, like Jonathan's the type to frequently remind you how he feels about you and is always saying ‘I love you’
you’d be his muse and his model for his photography
going on lil road trips together to find cool and interesting places for him to photograph
and again you get to model at all these cool and unique places that the two of you find
Jonathan is the absolute best gift-giver when it comes to your birthdays or anniversaries, he always gives you a photo-album but he makes them all different, like themed albums basically
so for your birthday one year you get an album that’s dedicated to you and Jonathan and the places you’ve travelled together, and the whole album is like a map of your journeys together
but your anniversary one is pictures he’s taken as your relationship has progressed, so it starts with pictures of the two of you hanging out as friends, the rest of the group there in the pictures too, then there’s the first picture he ever took of you alone, the first picture he took of you once you became a couple, the first of one of just the two of you together, your first date, your second date, etc., and this album just reads like a map of your relationship together and it’s just the cutest thing
even the pictures that he doesn’t give to you as a gift he still keeps them neatly organised in albums of his own
like Eddie has a collection of Polaroids of his lover but they’re all messily strewn about in a box under his bed (see my dating Eddie headcanons here)
but Jonathan keeps all of his pictures organised, so when he has the urge to look up a certain picture of you or a certain moment, he knows exactly where to find it
Joyce absolutely adores you and she basically becomes like another mother / bestie to you, like you’ll hang out just with Joyce even if Jonathan’s not even there
Jonathan and the Byers in general become like a safe-haven to you for when things are shitty at home and you need to get away
being friends with Will, basically like another sibling to him, and almost becoming like a safe space for him to turn to
he’ll always give you his coat even if it’s freezing outside, your comfort is always this boy’s no.1 priority
Jonathan is a very loving and sweet boyfriend, like he’s always doting on you, and sometimes it can get a bit intense / annoying but you know it’s just of how much he loves you
pet-names: (for you) my love, my angel, sweetheart, darling, dove
pet-names: (for him) J, babe, babyboy, my love
Jonathan is a mostly a service sub and I won’t be told otherwise
he lives to pleasure you, looking up at you with those puppy-dog eyes
and since he loves to be a giver you just know he’s so good at it, like this boy knows exactly how to make you cum with his fingers and his tongue, he’s just very in tune with your body
has a praise kink and needs reassurance, likes to be told he’s doing a good job / is making you feel good
he’s constantly checking in with you during sex to make sure you’re still doing okay and are comfortable etc.
you honestly have to coax his dom side out of him when you want it bc it’s a rare occasion
usually his dom side comes out when you’ve had some kind of argument and he just kinda snaps all of a sudden and then uses you to fuck out his frustrations
sometimes you can coax him into dom mode without actually having to piss him off, but in this case then he’s a very soft dom
you have to really urge him to be a bit more rough with you if that’s what you want, like he’s terrified of hurting of you and it takes a lot of persuasion for him to get the idea that it’s okay bc you like it
like he’ll almost have a melt down the first time he sees a bruise on your body from where he’s touched you
but you just think it’s so hot that you jump him and fuck him right there and then to prove it
Jonathan’s favourite positions are any where he gets to see your face bc he likes gauging your reaction to make sure you’re feeling good
also he likes to kiss you a lot whilst you fuck as well
he’s not massively into using toys but will if you want to bc this boy will literally do anything for you
he loves it when you tie him up and tease the hell out of him, like the whines that leave this boy’s mouth? you didn’t think he was capable of making such sounds
and that’s only bc I think Jonathan is usually very quiet during sex, until you take over and then yeah he’s a whining mess
he likes to take pictures of you of course, but they’re always really tasteful and beautiful, they’re not dirty and filthy the way Eddie takes pictures of his lover
Jonathan provides the most amazing aftercare! he’ll pretty much wait on you hand and foot and won’t rest until he’s completely satisfied that you’ve been properly taken care of
he’ll run you a bath, put some bath salts in, even give you a lil massage if the session was quite intense, fetch you food, maybe some tea, whatever you wanted really
he is the best snuggler, he will spoon you and rest his head on your back, just between your shoulder blades, placing soft kisses to your skin until the two of you fall asleep
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Author’s Note / Disclaimer: please remember that these are headcanons, i.e. this is how I personally view the character. you may disagree and that is completely fine, I just ask that you don’t leave any disrespectful or rude comments about it. thank you in advance.
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zuzuhasablog · 10 months
♡ hueningkai things
(brainrot headcanons & regular fanfic)
♡ content : random things with hyuka, inexperienced!virgin!gender neutral reader, includes sum sexual themed stuff, so MDNI get your horny ahh outta here, lowercase intended, not proofread, sooo much brainrot, both hyuka and reader are versatile
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been obsessed w him lately... so much, in all ways. he's just so best boy yk???
and now he's my ideal type and standard for a few months
let's start with traits... he's cute, adorable, super sweet, funny, outgoing, yet sooo understanding, not the type to argue but to maturely talk about problems, plus he's cool and slick at the same time??
physically... my man is 6 feet tall.. gentle giant much?? and I love his physique, AND hes so angelic !!! his dancing is just 😵 🤯 you get me???? and his voice PLEAAAAASEEEEEEE
headcanons (falling in love)
okayyy so like,,,, falling in love w u?? it's obvious... like, he's trying to be subtle but it's not working, everybody knows
idk if u are oblivious like me or you can also tell he likes u, but if someone liked me i still wouldn't be able to tell 💀💀💀 it's happened like 3 times n when they confessed i was like 🤯🤯
okay so he doesn't try to flirt or do anything about it, i don't think he even knows he likes you lmaoo
in his mind he just thinks you're someone a little more special to him than everyone else and he doesn't process why or anything
until at some point of course like everyone else when they fall in love with someone, hyuka starts to think of you sensually
grabbing your ass when you bend over to grab something, everytime he glances at your lips and they're plump, sometimes wet with saliva and he imagines himself making out with you, or sometimes when your stretching or eating something really good or someone tickles you and the slightest moan comes out he gets really turned on
and then he's like...he's never thought of anyone that way before so like “huh??? uhm... ohhhh... wait? oh... wow. huh?” he's just sooo dumbfounded he doesn't even know when it started or anything at all and he's like wondering if it's just physical or if he really likes you
but when he comes to terms with his feelings, everytime he sees you, he starts to observe you more and now he's falling in love faster than ever
every. little. thing. you do — he's obsessed.
you like drawing ?? draw with him! you like sports? play with him!! cooking? baking? writing? literally anything I haven't mentioned he wants to share your interests with you!
he loves you so much he's just so obsessed with you, he starts to feel a little possessive?? like ur out in a club or a bar and some rando starts flirting with you maybe and he just gets sooo jealous and then he starts wondering if he should even feel jealous bc you're not even his then he gets really sad and overthinks everything
he never really wondered if you liked him back because he was so content with just watching you and imagining a whole life with you.. masturbating in his bedroom whenever you unknowingly turn him on, moaning your name while biting onto his shirt or maybe a small plushie..
he was never concerned about the whole “ruining your friendship” thing but now he is because his feelings are so strong he feels that he can't be content with silently admiring you anymore.
but he doesn't want to confess just yet... so he tries something he's never done— subtle courting...
the next morning, soob and junnie are so happy he's finally doing something about his feelings when they witness him sliding a small cute heart note into your bag while you're not looking
gift giving wasn't really hyuka's main thing, he's more of a physical touch/words of affirmation guy with gift giving coming in third, but he didn't want to be too forward with you...but he always wanted to be there for you, even as a friend.
he doesn't even realize you like him back and u were just waitint for him to do the first move so when u see the note in your bag that said “you're so adorable every day ... stay hydrated !!!” you're so excited until you realize not to get ahead of yourself because it could be from literally anyone else
sooo when u enter a room and soob, yeonjun and beomgyu are there playing video games ur like “sooo” and you lift the note, the three of them glance over like “???” and all look back at their game, simultaneously mumbling something like “yeah, that's hyuka's” “deffo” “hueningka's”
you nod to yourself and leave the room. now you have the feeling to do something in return—so the next time you're at their place you slip a note under his door that said “YOU'RE so adorable everyday! idk how i keep my hands off you, it's a little ballsy but you didn't regret it one bit. but you were definitely nervous at his reaction and he was soo flustered like...????
it continues on— he gives you a flower, you give him a flower. he gives you an innocent cute admiration letter, you give him a more ballsy admiration letter...
okay so lets skip the while fluffy fluffy...
headcanons (dating transition)
okayyy so with the whole gift giving thing you had going on... you never really talked abt anything... cuz tbh you guys rarely see each other so these gift giving moments felt kind of empty to you, like long distance or online dating
but one time you enter the living room and hyuka is there... and it's only the two of you, it's like 11 pm and he's making some late night milkshake and ur like... just standing there, you I completely forgot what you entered this room for
he glances at you like “??” he's so nonchalant you kinda feel like everything was just a dream... but as soon as you walk up to him really slowly and awkwardly it's like... “so..” you mumble and stand next to him as he pours the shake from the blender into a glass
“i like you. you know that?” he says casually and you almost choke on your saliva... i mean, you knew, you both knew. you just never heard it... and it felt so... unreal. that's the word.
“i do... of course i do.” you slightly chuckle. awkwardly.
hueningkai is abt to leave w his shake and your like “???” offended, but before he enters his room he's like “a lot. for a long time.” and just shuts the door behind him.
you didn't want to be so rude as to interrupt whatever tf he's doing with his shake at 11 at night but you knock on his door. it takes a few moments for him to open, but he does it eventually n he just looks down at u like “yesss?”
“I've liked you since the moment we met.” you say... and his expression remains the same, albeit a little softer.
“...really?” he asks ever so softly and you just nod.
“wanna come in?” he asks and you nod once more.
you're not even sure what you're gonna do in there but you go in anyways, as soon as the door shuts, hyuka pins you against it
so cliche but tbh your heart is pumping so hard and so fast ur almost sweating and trembling (literally i would die if this happened to me)
“...can I kiss you please?”
you crash your lips onto his first.
sure, you fell for him first but he fell so much harder. he's been imagining this moment so much for so long and it's finally happening and he's so hungry for you— your lips, your saliva, your scent— everything he's been fantasizing is real and he's so overwhelmed he MOANS.
your just like NOOO BABYYYY but you just mumble “...that was so... sexy...” you let out a small chuckle, and you go on your tiptoes, stare at his lips then his eyes. “I'd love to hear you moan like that again” you whisper.
he can't hide his smile and he just giggles and kind of pushes your shoulder, and you giggle back and kiss his nose. “You're so adorable... everyday.”
fanfiction (sexual themes MDNI)
you wipe the side of his lip that has a bit of your saliva and you suck your finger, and begin to push him towards his bed and he's like “oh this is progressing...” as he walks backward and his ass slams down on the matress, his hands instinctively reaching up to your waist as you climb over his lap and continue to make out with him. when he attempts to slip his tongue in your mouth, it's kind of awkward since it's your first time but you let him in and he explores you—it's so new and different from what he imagines.
your hands find their way to his hair and you start playing with it as he sucks on your bottom lip before biting it and he starts to go down on your neck and you slightly pull his hair and he lets out another soft moan against your skin. it turns you on sooo much when he does that you begin to think of how many times he'll moan and whimper like that if you give him head.
not that you've ever given head before...
but you can literally feel him hard rn bc you're literally on his lap and it turns you on so much. it's not at all as awkward as you imagined. desperate to hear his moans again, you grind against him and he moans so softly against your neck and he pulls back to look at you like “?? girl you can't even french kiss and your grinding on me” like ur so confident and for what 😭😭
he gives you a cheeky innocent smile, like... just imagining everything he could do to you rn... you're all his atm, everything he's imagined could happen tonight — all he needs is your consent.
he carries by your thighs you and slams you onto your back on the matress and you yelp which he captures with his lips. then he remembers how in love he is with you and he starts to get obsessed and hungry for you all over again. even though he's already here, he wants more. so much more of you. he moans at the thought and whimpers on your lips. “i want more..y/n....” he whines as he grabs you—any part of you that he can get, so, so desperate to get more.
you love his desperation so much you whimper back and hold his nape, giving him a peck on the lips, another peck, then you kiss his collarbone and flip him over so you're sitting on his stomach and you rub your hands all over his chest until you reach the hem of his shirt and take it off of him, as you admire his bare body, he reaches for the hem of your shirt as well to make it fair — but you willingly remove it before he can and he flips you over once more.
the battle for dominance is real but this time you felt like being topped, so you let him suck on your collarbone, his hands admiring your stomach. “how far are we going tonight?” he asks, and ur like... you've never done it with anyone before, and you've always imagined your first time with him but you're not ready tonight. “i can give you a... b-blowjob...” you mumble. and he's like... a little flustered, but he shakes his head.
“I can finger you first.” he whispers and you're like... shy about it. you blush and look away with a small smile and he just finds it so cute. “can i do that?” he gently asks and you nod eagerly, a little nervous. he begins to take off your shorts with ease, and he admires your bare self for a little too long you begin to feel insecure and you close your legs, but he forcibly opens them and your squirming in his grasp.
“hyu...”you mumble, super shy about your body, but the way you say his name distracts him so much — his fingers begin play at your entrance and when you whimper for more he sticks one finger in and YOU ARE SO TIGHT he's genuinely shocked as he attempts to fit a second finger.
“have you ever fingered yourself before?” he asks so casually as he tries to fit a second finger in, and you squirm a little telling him to stop and let you adjust first because it hurts.
“I've tried...” you whined. “But i was never comfortable enough...”
hyuka finds it so cute, but he thinks for a moment... “are you sure you want to do this?”
“anything... if it's with you... but i want our first... time together to be special.” you reply. hyuka moves up to give you another kiss on the lips as he begins to bend his long fingers inside of you... it feels so... weird. you don't know if you're enjoying it because it still kind of stings but soon enough you adjust to the feeling and you start to feel the pleasure of all of it. “want... you” you mumble against your forearm that's covering your mouth and he pulls it away from you.
“don't cover...” he mumbles and he begins to move his fingers faster. “what do you want, y/n?” he whispers.
“more.” you whine. “your tongue.” you let out a breathy moan as he hits your g-spot, again, and again, and again. and he leans down to suck on your stomach, then your thighs, leaving marks everywhere, then he licks and prods at your hole, his pace unrelenting so you don't lose your high. your moans go higher and higher and he goes faster and faster and.... wow.
your breathing is heavy... you never thought you'd cum to hueningkai fingering you so intensely... it feels so...— he covers your entrance with his mouth, he moans against you as he finally tastes you and he just got so hard in his pants he could cum right then and there. you're just so overwhelmed with everything you need a few moments to calm down before you can do your part. “you're... so good at that.” you say, out of breath. and hyuka smiles up at you, he climbs over you and holds the back of your head, giving you a long and passionate kiss.
“...i like you. so..so much...”
y'all tell me if u want a part 2 of blowing him...
peace out
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teachugger69 · 3 months
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y’all i worked so hard on that shitty ass graphic design so you better read this
summary: relationships have important times that stand out (like firsts and special days!!) soo i’m bored and figured i could write what i think spencer reid would be like in some scenarios 😈😈 MUHEHEHEHE please don’t cancel or doxx me because you disagree with one of my ideas!! but i would like to hear more abt it 🙏🏽🙏🏽😏
(reader is afab for a small portion but mostly gn. also, please do not interact with if you’re a minor.)
when spencer first saw you he thought you were so incredibly beautiful (AND THEN WHEN HE SPOKE TO YOU HE ALMOST PASSED AWAY) his 187 IQ going poof in an instant just from hearing you speak, voice incredibly velvety to his ears. being up close to you made him able to take in your facial features. his eyes would travel down your face as you spoke with him, taking into consideration each and every detail as if he was analyzing a sculpture in a lavish museum. (he has a staring problem.) spencer seriously considered shaking your hand… like that’s how much he was drawn to you #what?? #zing
getting to know you personally/pals??
actually giggling bc this guy loveddd to ask you all sorts of questions. like he wanted to figure you out because he thought you were fascinating and you would be like?? spencer literally take a look at you? YOU’RE the special one… tf? every single time he could he made sure he learned more about you- almost as if he was studying you up bc there was a huge exam the next morning abt u!! he’d be so desperate bro like actual little kindergarten kid behavior on his behalf. im talking asking about all sorts of things from your favorite color or food or author. (also at some point definitely had matching bracelets or a “book club” between just the two of you.) of course, he was aware he sounded kinda silly, it was worth it. growing up he didn’t ever have a close friendship like y’all’s where he didn’t care what he did and was able to just have fun. thus, he rambled more often than usual because you allowed him to express himself freely- he found himself being able to show who he really was (rather than just masking.) he adored talking to his best friend, cherishing the conversations and always awaited the next one impatiently. (you would let him talk about like genghis khan and he would let you talk about like bagels) knowing you was a cure he didn’t know he needed.
realizing he is genuinely failing in love with you
this boy legit is a genius but cannot understand his emotions AT ALL. he may know why he feels a certain way from a textbook point of view, but he can’t really understand them all too well (maybe that’s just a me thing...) BUT one thing he did know… was that he loved you. he knew for sure that he platonically loved you, yes- but nah that man was falling head over heels before he could even realize. he noticed how he felt bored without you- even when he’s alone at his apartment which is literally his haven. he noticed how the smallest and most minuscule things made him think about you (he always found a way to tie anything back to you, duh.) also he writes about you SO much in his letters to his mom, bruh. it gets to the point where writing about anything else seemed like a chore. to him, the best part was being able to fawn over you in these letters. it felt so nice to let some feeling off of his chest. the longest part in the letters are totally about you and he writes in disgustingly prolific detail. diana literally feels like she knows everything about you- both your appearance (down to tiniest marks on your pretty skin that he described for her) and your personality that he loved oh so much (she loves you. like legit KNOWS YALL ARE PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER. ik she definitely knew spencer was in luv before he himself knew. simply because mothers always know.) he felt safe and comfortable around you #securityblanket jeezzz BRO NEEDED YOU. but for some reason he felt guilty for falling in love with you?? extremely self doubtful, of course, he settles for not telling you cause like?? you’re only friends? he feels so bad for seeing you that way and he feels sad like omg they will never love me :((
first date/kiss??
ideally, i daydream about it being impromptu. like i’m just imagining it being very intimate like maybe at his apartment and your playing chess or baking or watching movies or simply just hanging out for the comfort of each other. (it’s totally meant to only be platonic tho…)but y’all get a little closer and snuggle up?? you’re like… “spencer… i like you.”h in a little petrified whisper bc it’s scary to admit and he’s definitely like WHAT THE FUCK internally but on the outside he’s just starting into your soul with his own widened puppy dog eyes and is STUNNED. 😧 it gets so bad bro almost seems like he’s going nonverbal or having a shut down and you’re like FRICK UHHHH and you just kiss him 😜🥺 (need to have my y/n moment.) this literally ruins him like bro he’s mush atp and RED. and you’re like “OMG IM SO SORRY- i shouldn’t have done that i’m so sorry if i made you uncomfortable spe-“ and BRO CUTS YOU OFF BY WHISPERING WITH THAT ONE SWEET VOICE WE ALL KNOW N LOVE GOING LIKE “shh it’s okay, i feel the same way.” (or a sassy but caring “shut up”) he softly cups your face and KISSESSSS YOU like it’s so desperate and makes both of y’all’s lips swell and flush. it definitely isn’t rough or long but it is passionate and kinda messy. (bro was WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT he was NOT gonna miss out)
sex 🤡 *afab!reader sorry :( im not assigned male at birth so i would have written something super dumb and anatomically wrong . this is for your own good. i didn’t go much into detail, though.*
first time is after a makeout session which have become a habit. but this time y’all were READY. after an awkward little ask to make sure y’all both wanted to move onto this point in your relationship, it was off to the bedroom! you unbuttoned his shirt agonizingly slow as he felt himself growing harder and harder by the second. once you’re both undressed, he gulps like the loser nerd he is because he’s going insane by just looking at you. first person to make a move is you, gently guiding his hands to touch you. “you’re beautiful.” he whispered nervously as his slender fingers traced your skin. you would realize that he is very much loser virgin nerd so you’re like let me guide you baby. N HE’S LIKE UHH OKAY!!(you ride him let’s be fr that man isn’t gonna be able to top) def finishes early because he’s super fucking sensitive but you assure him it’s okay and he helps you finish soon after aswell. (in my head this is baby version of spencer and he’s very careful because he prioritizes your safety so i imagine he makes sure to use a condom at least for a while early on until he wants to try it without.) oh and the aftercare is amazing like he tells you facts to make sure you’re safe and he’s like clinging onto you thanking you like a million times every minute.
first time saying he loves you
for a decent amount of time BUT NAH. he knows he loves you, so why wouldn’t he tell you? it’s very early on, and he does it super nonchalant but he planned it and was working up the courage for so long like he was freaking out hit you smile and and time you love him back and he’s like… oh yeah. also addicted to telling you after the first time seriously cannot go a day without reminding you.
okayyy that’s all im gonna write because im already bored #snooze 😴 i wanna write fics but i feel like i write stupid as fuck so this is just me dipping my toes in the water 😳😈
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namimikan · 3 months
finished cursed princess club!!!! SO wholesome!!!
-imo, i still really like all the arranged marriage ships, so my headcanon is that even if the engagements are broken, they get back together at a later date anyway, once blaine resolves his issues and maybe visits a certain monastary. i do think lorena/lance/suzie happens.
-i still don't really like leopold/jamie as a ship? i really tried, and i just... don't see it working out, even if i like jamie falling for leopold! i still can't figure out why i don't like leopold returning those feelings??? all of princesses' romances had such fun manic energy to them, but that was also them finding common ground... whereas jamie's fun manic energy kind of just... worked negatively on leopold, so from leopold's perspective, yeah, i can see him loving jamie as a friend, but more than that, i'm just... not convinced.
-i'm still v. surprised that leland didn't declare his unrequited love for jackie tbh??? to me, he's been in love with jackie for such a long time, marrying isolde only because jackie/lilyth were going to get married too. whatever, i'm still v. charmed by them, and i think they could work it out after some relationship councilling or whatever, what's a couple of revenge schemes among friends and potential incest implications with the whole plaid/pastel marriages happenings.
-i imagine prez/whitney get back together. he may not be rich, but she bears him four children anyway, and they're beautiful together.
-not sold on aurelia/cronis. i liked aurelia's redemption storyline, and her reading the diary when prez told her not to. but... didn't care about her dating life. i do kind of wish she had more panels with her bestie tho.
-monika/orson cute as hell!
-thought i was going to get some syrah/saffron declarations of love, and well... so sad that didn't happen!!!!! oh well, at least i get them both admitting that they had crushes on each other at different points of the story!
-loved the witch having a friendship with lilyth!!!!! so cute!!!!!
-lobsters are eternal in their love for each other!!!!! super adorable that he went and got himself cursed too bc he missed her so much!!!!
-i do love that gwen is gwen's true love. she broke the curse. she learned to love herself whole again. and sure, she has days that she struggles, but... she is surrounded by people she loves.
-i'm so glad bozart did nothing wrong in his life, ever. and went on to live happily ever after with his clown posse.
-i love how intricately plotted everything came to be!!! it was so well done!!!
-i'm gonna miss the chaos. it got so chaotic and so fun so quickly!!!
-truer words have never been said with live, laugh, love, laverne.
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alisblackgf · 2 years
hello there! if you wouldn’t mind could i get either kaitlyn or dylan with a crush who enjoys doodling on their arms to relax and one day doodles out a little confession on their arm before claiming they’ve got some camp errands to do and running off before character sees it, and when character is ranting to their friend about how much of a crush they have on reader their friend points out the confession written out on their arm. shenanigans ensue :)
YES. yes. i like doodles
pairing: dylan lenivy x gn!reader (reader has anxiety)
and NO i didnt pick dylan bc of favoritism i spun a wheel and I HAVE PROOF if any of you want to see it
trigger warnings: mentions of anxiety attacks (pure fluff tho yay!)
summary: dylan would let you doodle random things on his arms to help you relax; one day, you decide to let him know how you truly feel, running off before he notices. he rants to kaitlyn about his undying love for you, completely oblivious to the surprise you’d left him.
taglist: @closedaccountss @sweet-daisies @tywrites @walkingus @yawagucci @fallingwings26 @rainbows-dreams @dylanlenievy @aspendvd  @bloodverz @laracrof7s @aaetherr69 @zomworlds @jjkk1m
(to apply, click here!)
(also again if your @ isn’t there it means it wasn’t working IM SORRY)
my official apology for the angst fic
“what’s that one?” dylan asked.
“a ufo...kidnapping a dog.” 
“it looks like a cow.” he rolled his eyes playfully. you aggressively scribbled on his arm in response. he looked down at it with wide eyes.
“aww, is that me?” dylan expressed with an insufferable sarcastic tone.
“getting kidnapped by a ufo.” you deadpanned.
“not even the aliens could resist me.” he responded, which made you look at him. you stared him directly in the eye, and he did the same. 
“whatever, nerdbrain. and also, maybe the dog wants to look like a cow.” you laughed, looking back down to continue your drawings. dylan didn’t stop looking at you, though.
when you first arrived at hackett’s quarry, you often had anxiety attacks. you were in a new area and felt like everything was out of your control, which caused you so much stress.
you worried excessively and were often lost in your own cruel thoughts, but ever since dylan allowed you to doodle on him, the anxiety would still peek its head, but ultimately died down.
dylan loved the fact that you came to him when stressed, and that he (or at least his arms) could make you feel better. it also gave him time to admire you from up-close. jacob and nick would always tease him about it, but he didn’t care. you were just too adorable.
“y’know, for someone so kind to kids, you really are mean.” he speaks up, not averting his gaze from you. he smiled to himself when he felt you scribbling aggressively again. 
this time you looked at him with an annoyed smile, which made him look at his arm. you drew a middle finger. he gasped dramatically.
“(y/n)! what will the kids think?” 
“if you pay them they won’t snitch,” you smiled at him and he felt his heart melt. he loved looking at you, and if he continued he was sure he’d melt as a whole. but maybe he was fine with that.
you look around, debating whether or not you should take your chance now and write how you truly felt about him on his arm. you shrugged, confident that even if he didn’t reciprocate your feelings, your friendship wouldn’t falter. you quickly wrote i like you dylan, romantically -(y/n) on his arm and quickly thinking of an excuse.
“your arms are completely tattooed, you’re welcome, and as much as i would love to do your face next, mr. h actually has some work for me to do right about now.” you smiled at him before getting up to leave. he sighed at your fading figure and looked at your doodles, somehow completely missing the confession. he then called kaitlyn over, who rolled her eyes at him, coming over to sit next to him. when she sat down, she knew exactly what would happen.
“before you even say anything, is this about (y/n)?”
“no! ...maybe. okay, yeah, it is.” he admitted. kaitlyn groaned while he ranted on and on about how you’d never like him back.
kaitlyn, who’s not listening to any of it since she’s heard it all before, looks at his arm, and sees the confession.
“i don’t think you have to worry anymore.” she smirks.
“what are you talking about?”
“look at your arm, doofus.” she points at the confession note you wrote.
he looks at the spot where she’s pointing and his eyes widened.
“literally how did i miss that?” dylan whispered to himself.
“maybe because you’re an idiot,” she remarked, getting up and leaving.
dylan looked around and saw abi walking by.
“hey, wait, abi? have you seen (y/n)?”
“uh, yeah, actually. they’re hiding behind that tree over there,” she pointed. “when i asked why, they told me they did something that was possibly really stupid.” abi shrugged. dylan thanked her and she nodded in response, carrying on with what she was doing.
dylan practically ran to the tree to see you hiding behind it, head in your knees.
“(y/n)? it’s dylan.”
“hi...dylan.” you spoke, voice muffled. you were prepared for the worst. even though you had confidence in your friendship, getting rejected would be too embarrassing and would break your heart.
“i saw your confession. i, uh- well..i like you back.” he sat down next to you, rubbing your back. you lift your head upon hearing his words.
you smiled at him and rested your head on his shoulder. he responded to the action by resting his head on yours, while reaching for your hand.
“...does this mean you’ll kidnap me instead of the aliens?” he smiled, happy to be close to you.
“don’t give me any ideas,” you playfully warn.
yay a happy ending!!
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Lys, what's the deal with frat boy Eren and feminist Mikasa's past? I know they met at least in high school and are neighbors, that their friendship took a turn for the worse. Did Eren take Mikasa's virginity in high school or college?
omgomg, okay this is getting added to my drabble doc lol, so don't be alarmed if I copy and paste this and ur ask appears again on another post lol!!! But honestly I think I have to figure them out, I really like them being like chilhood friends first, like it jsut adds a fun extra layer to their dynamic! Bc they can drive back home from school together and u have their moms conspiring to get them together and Mikasa is like I HATE HIM!! And u know they do Christmas Eve together and shit lmfaoooo and it causes MUCH chaos !!! BUT i think i wrote a drabble that sort of explains it already, don't know where it went tho lmfao.
But basically, at some point in high school, Mikasa goes Feminist Ultra TM and it becomes part of her personality, and Eren is all for it at first. AND THEN, it begins bc men are awful and Eren is like hOW AM I SUPPOSED TO COMPETE WITH THIS!?!?!? Bc all of Mikasa's friends start getting boyfriends and as occurs in high school relationships, drama ensues and jealousy and it all just poisons Mikasa against men further. And there is Eren, her best friend, 'only man she trusts' AND HE'S BASICALLY BEEN COCK BLOCKED MY FEMINISM!!! She's like I'm never dating, ew men. And Eren is sitting there like 😦😧🧍🏻 I AM A MAN??? I found the drabble tho i'll paste it at the bottom and u can sort of see what I'm going for? Idk if it makes sense tho lol!! Essentially tho, Eren is kind of hopeless bc Mikasa is always hating on men, and he's like a little kid, any attention is good attention, even if it's bad. And so he become MENINIST EREN !! Just bc it gets a rise out of her, and at the very least, she's looking at him now as more than just her wholesome best friend who doesn't count as a man lmfao.
As for the virginity part, as much as I'd love for it to be in high school and have them like have a more solid history, I think it happens in college purely bc that's just where their relationship really sparks ! But idk i gotta get my thoughts together before I write a HARDCORE drabble for them, this was just me spitballing i think
It’s not that Eren hates women. He doesn’t, he really doesn’t, he actually loves women, adores them. 
Mikasa, his childhood best friend turned enemy, well she just brings it out in him. 
He loves watching her get riled up, the fire in those beautiful silvery eyes of hers, it was intoxicating. Fighting became foreplay, and before he knew it, he was a glorified meninist, whatever the fuck that is. 
He can still remember the day it started, the tenth grade probably, Mikasa merrily stomping into class, armed with new knowledge: the wage gap, benevolent sexism, implicit gender bias. And Eren had watched, with horrified eyes as his tender spark of romance with the world’s most beautiful girl, the love of his life was crushed, lit aflame right in front of him… by fucking feminism of all things. Because how was he supposed to compete with a concept, even attempt a relationship when there were limitless facts about how awful men were? How was he supposed to compete with the faults of mankind? Thus, Mikasa didn’t date, she was waiting for a boy so perfect, that he could combat sexism itself, a feminist ally she said. 
Newsflash, they didn’t really exist, at least not in Eren’s experience, and thus, Eren became the very antithesis of everything she represented. And well, here they are. 
He’d been intrigued the first time it happened, an accident at a frat party when she was too drunk to remember much of anything at all. They’d made out a little before snuggling in his bed and Eren had slept contently for the first time in years.
He’d woken up the following morning to a scowl on her face and a hand on his dick, demanding he teach her what all the fuss was about. They’ve been enemies with benefits ever since. 
And Eren finds that despite their rabid dislike of one another, that he quite enjoys their new dynamic.
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earlgreytea68 · 9 months
Since we’re all kind obsessed with that excerpt from joes book (and for good reason it’s gold) I’m adding my thoughts:
1) I know we’re focusing on the peterick of it all bc it’s great but something gets to me about joe latching on to Patrick and his voice, like listening to the demos, showing them to pete, insisting they get him to sing even though pete didn’t like the recordings (which is hilarious but speaking of eowyg era I can see why, Patrick was SO young). Like this teenage joe got into a debate with some random kid and listened to a shitty demo, but something in there made him go yeah, that’s it, that’s our secret weapon, and I’m not letting Pete leave until he hears it too. Their friendship…..
2) and okay now the peterick and the rest. I think it is a combination of everything you and others have mentioned, where Patrick is just a little magic in person when performing, there’s Something that even early on without as good a handle on his voice must have been there. And Pete was Gone from moment one when he opened that door like there’s a reason that memory is burned into his head so hearing him in person after that he didn’t stand a chance
3) my theory on what was different about Patrick singing is two-fold: iirc, the demos were songs hed written, and he’s said before that early on he sometimes wrote songs out of his vocal range bc he didn’t know what his range was and he wasn’t focused on the singing at all it was about the Music, so maybe he either just didn’t do much impressive or interesting with vocals bc that wasn’t the focus, or he wrote something that didn’t suit his voice. He also had different musical influences than the others so his songs just might not have been to their taste. But when he’s singing songs they know and love? V different situation, they get to hear him sing the style of music he would be for the band.
The second part of the theory is Patrick has also said that early performances bc he was nervous he started out more imitating how other artists sang and that confidence over time was partially learning how to sing like Himself. So for the audition if he were singing songs by someone else it might have been easier for him to perform if he was trying to match someone else’s tone and and delivery, and might have forced him to show off range and vocal agility and little more than songs he wrote for himself.
This got really long but combo of a lot of factors with a heavy dose of Patrick being adorable and endearing and clearly knowing his stuff with music if he can just pull out these songs on request
I love that Joe immediately thought Patrick seemed cool and he wanted to hang out with him more, like, he definitely recognized a kindred hopeless music nerd who he could keep debating with endlessly. And he was like, "So let's find something for him to do" lol
THE FACT THAT THAT MEMORY IS BURNED INTO HIS HEAD. Sorry, I will just never get over how vividly Pete talks about the first time he saw Patrick.
This is SUCH a good point, you're so right. Patrick doesn't think he's a singer. He never has and he definitely didn't back then. He didn't give his singing any effort at all, and you're right, he wrote songs out of his own range, he didn't know how to show his voice off and he wasn't comfortable doing it anyway. But yeah, he can totally imitate somebody else, why not, absolutely. That's not him performing, that's a persona, and that he can nail. And I'm sure that would held him come alive a little bit.
(I still, btw, think that Patrick doesn't consider himself to be singing. It's Pete who's singing. Patrick considers himself to be up there doing his best Pete impression, being Pete's voice because Pete doesn't sing for himself. That's what we're getting up there. We are the beneficiary of all the love and affection that Patrick showers upon Pete when he stands up there and delivers his words to us.)
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fereldanwench · 5 months
i finished my rewatch (well, rewatch of s1-s5 + first watch of s6 bc i hadn't seen it before) of lucifer last night so some thoughts
spoilers under the cut
the relationships--platonic, romantic, sexual, parent-to-child, all of them--is the absolute best thing about this show and what keeps me here even when shit gets dumb. the friendship between all the ladies is my fave, but i was extra fond of dan this run and his friendships with amenadiel and chloe were just 10/10. i always liked that he and chloe didn't fall into the hostile ex tropes and were good friends who could co-parent
s3 remains my least favorite and the biggest slog to get through imo, but i still get a kick out of the episode with the undercover sting that has lucifer and pierce pretending to be a couple
s4 also remains my favorite--i feel like it just best encapsulates everything that drew me into the show in the first place
perhaps an unpopular opinion, but i was never a big fan of deckerstar being a fully realized thing. it's obvious that was always gonna be the endgame, but i just like the dynamic between chloe and lucifer a lot more as platonic partners with a little sexual tension and a lot of good-natured ribbing
s6 has some individually good moments, like eve and maze getting hitched--although i saw some people say that came out of nowhere and i respectfully disagree. they're both incredibly impulsive, i think it was very fitting and adorable, and I'm getting teary-eyed again thinking about maze realizing she is capable of loving and deserving of being loved
but anyway the A plot is built off a premise i hate so much: time travel. i loathe time-traveling shit in stories like this, where could it be explained as plausible (and they try, with chloe, i think, pointing out like 'well your brother can freeze time, is this really that much different?' yes, writers-via-chloe, it is, because you used the time-freezing in interesting moments and time travel is all around stupid) but it otherwise comes out of nowhere. and with a fuckin' future kid driving that plot? gross, no thanks
i mean, rory was mostly inoffensive, minus her telling lucifer she wasn't going to the suit fitting and then getting mad when he wasn't there, like girl, you did that one yourself. but if you're gonna introduce a main character in the last season of a show, that character had better be fuckin amazing, and she was not
i suspected i was probably never gonna be wild about how deckerstar wrapped up just because that was like the only relationship i was never super into, but again, the time travel shit is just dumb. I'm just really annoyed at the time travel loop thing being essential to lucifer finding his true calling or whatever and it was nice to see that chloe was always surrounded by friends even after he was gone, but omg what a fucking sacrifice on her part for real. i think it was meant to be a mostly happy ending with their reunion and it just did not hit that way for me. chloe deserved better
but ranting aside, i do still think it's a really fun show and there are so many prime comfort-food-watching moments that were perfect for a little casual holiday viewing <33
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kerubimcrepin · 5 months
Episode 12 - The Great Glucid, Part 2
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I don't know why, but this episode is very cute to me.
Kerubim being a baker is also just a bit emotionally charged to me, in a good way, — even if it is just a silly little episode.
It feels nice, that he engaged in a hobby that one wouldn't expect of him. This isn't exactly manly, monster-slaying adventurer stuff. And that's good! He should do things that make him happy and proud more!
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It's also nice that he spent time with his mentor's grandchildren, considering Kerubim seems to adore kids. (Perhaps, that's one of the reasons he wants Joris to call him a grampy-cat, instead of a father? Because that was his first real experience with a functional family, as an orphan and a demigod?)
Very succulent and healthy energies all around, compared to his usual tales of violence and divorce and toxic friendships.
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And, perhaps, at least in part, it's also nice because it's his cultural and familial heritage, as a person who grew up in Amakna?
It feels like we're exploring a part of Kerubim's identity that isn't something like "gambler, cheater, warrior, ORPHAN WITH A DEAD FAMILY who's only brother left HATES him, god's plaything, divorcee," and instead something more gentle, kinder, like "guy who likes babysitting," or "an Amaknean man in his natural environment (making baked goods)"
Like yes. He should be baking. Yugo, his fellow countryman, should also be baking. From both of their shows, we can see that Amaknean men are at their happiest when they're in the kitchen. So, chop-chop!
...We will see that despite trying really hard to hate one another, Atcham and Kerubim are... quite passionate about their family history and heritage. No wonder he became a baker.
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*Wakfu: One More Gate is an unreliable source due to its plot being a dream, however, if it is based off things that really happened to Oropo during his youth, and considering the fact that, to my knowledge, the game's plot was changed into the dream thing during development, it would imply that the Crepin family has been selling things, especially weapons, for generations.
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Yessss another dice moment.
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Me @ fictional men I like.
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He switches between holding two different weapons. BOOO tomato tomato tomato, how dare they have an animation error in their children's cartoon. (I'm joking.)
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To reiterate, I really think we should talk more about Kerubim being good at baking and being really proud of it. (To the point of being a show-off, as he is with everything else he's good at.)
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My headcanons of the day:
Kerubim is definitely the one who made the food in the beginning of the Julith movie.
I think Kerubim would learn how to make macarons without any machines involved, and give himself carpal tunnel and actual hand damage over it. Because he'd like the idea of being A Guy Who Can Make Macarons that much.
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People in this house LOVE standing on tables and counters. Micromen. Manlets. Tinyguys.
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On one hand,
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On the other hand, he looks genuinely sad about what happened.
I suppose, considering this whole thinly-veiled-symbolism-for-addiction-played-for-funnies thing happened after this story, this might have been one of the last times Kerubim spent with his mentor while he was healthy.
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And while it is only in my head, bc we here on this blog take this show way too fuckin' seriously: This guy might have been the first normal familial figure in his life, considering the whole Demigod/Orphan thing.
Aaand I just made myself sad.
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