#not httyd 3 salt
limesandcoconuts · 1 year
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Trust me when I say i totally understand where people are coming from and i would totally agree!...if not for 2 things:
1) the animation changed. Httyd 2 had a very gritty tone to it and that reflected in the characters. Httyd 3 has a softer tone, also reflected in the characters.
2) like I said, i would agree with what people are saying for aging down Valka when she's supposed to be like 40 something...except everyone in Httyd 3 got a glow up (mostly because of the animation style. I also think yknow, it's the finale. They want to go out looking great. Nothing really wrong with that.) Like if it was just Valka, I could see where the problem is but because it's everyone, it doesn't feel like they "de-aged" Valka bc middle ages mother's are "ugly", it feels more like something that was done as a whole - if that makes any sense. If everyone gets a glow up in Httyd 3, obviously they wanted everyone to look their best, nothing to do with beauty standards honestly.
Like I said, trust me I can totally see where ppl are coming from and I'd probably understand if you disagree, I mean I've had my fair share of problems with beauty standards don't you worry. But i feel like people are looking into this specifically a little too far. Same thing with Astrid in Httyd 3. Hiccup can have a glow up but she can't?
And i know Hollywood is brutal towards any woman over 38 (have you seen who they cast as mothers nowadays?? Fucking ridiculous!) So like I said, i can easily see how this would hurt some people. I just think in this case, there is a genuine reason for it - the biggest being animation bc that's a technical thing, not an ageist thing.
Also in Httyd 2 Valka had been fending for herself, living with dragons in an ice cave for 20 years, when she moves into a viking village again I'm sure her self-care/health went up a bit. Though this is a pretty weak argument but I just thought I would mention it.
To be fair tho they could've at least given her some wrinkles in Httyd 3 🫤
Feel free to disagree - politely 🤨
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thecosmicmap · 2 months
“Night Furies can’t fly long distances without rest.”
— Grimmel the Grisly.
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The “Night Fury killer” everyone.
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howtodrawyourdragon · 8 months
I'm gonna say it; Hiccup did nothing wrong. We're treating him as the biggest problem of THW when literally his worst crime in is somehow losing his freckles and that's not even something he has control over. Oh and that kind of incredibly stupid plan of literally moving an entire people by going "let's just fly straight until we hit something :) even though I, Hiccup Haddock, somehow don't believe the world is round."
The entire rest of the movie is everyone else around him being horrible and out of character.
Berk is a mess in the beginning of the movie, yes. But it was also just a year ago that his father was horribly murdered in front of him because Draco Bloodyfist-Or-Whatever decided to sent his mind controled best friend after him. Everybody expects Hiccup to be put together and solve all problems immediately and remain a Dragon Rider when he should be buying a therapist a mansion and a yacht with all those billed sessions.
Then there is being told more than once that he's putting Astrid second when he literally isn't. And told he should meet her standard.s
There is all that stuff about how he's been a horrible pet owner to Toothless when he had legitimate and real fears about Toothless not making it out in wild and about the Light Fury turning on him and about him not coming back. (Like... he's a disabled dragon, for Gods' sake??? Toothless will literally NOT make it without human intervention)
He's called out for not embracing change when his name was literally synonymous with change before THW and every bit of change he proposes in the movie is met with backlash unless Astrid, their not-chief, says it's okay.
His mother, who abandoned him for 20 and came home with him after the traumatic loss of his father spends most of the movie not being the mother she promised him to be in the second movie and even advocated for the Riders to be less dependent on dragons when she was with dragons for the entirety of those 20 years.
And then there is all the bullying. Making fun of his voice, telling him- a disabled person- to LOSE THE LIMP, telling him he's not worthy of Astrid the warrior goddess (completely forgetting how Hiccup is both parts warrior and diplomat in at least the previous two movies, let alone the movies and the shows) and these three things are all said by Tuffnut! "Forgets he has a sister in THW" Tuffnut!
And let's not forget Snotlout's "who died and made you chief?!" when Snotlout was literally crying at Stoick's funeral. And then proceeds to hit on the dead man's wife and his best friend's mother while also putting said best friend down!
Like... none of the things said to him in the first movie were as bad as some of the things said in THW.
The entire movie is also basically Hiccup being pulled from one direction to the other.
It's "You're a bad chief because you're not changing anything" yet it's also "how dare you make this change!"
It's "you should step up as chief" yet it's also "we will only listen if Astrid says it's good."
It's "you were literally keeping Toothless captive for 6 years :/" yet it's also "Uuuhhh, time to cut the umbilical cord, don't you think? 🙄"
It's "you let Toothless go free, what did you expect?" yet also "uh, you let him go???"
It's "you are literally nothing without Toothless, sorry :/" yet it's also "Toothless only showed you what was already inside."
It's "you should put Astrid first for once" yet it's also "I, Hiccup, will literally listen to every single word you, Astrid, says even if it's hurtful."
It's "I, Astrid, will suggest to you, Hiccup, that we go find Toothless in the hidden world" yet it's also "I, Astrid, will blame you, Hiccup, for deciding to go to the Hidden World, making the Light Fury, who you have no control over, to follow us back home"
It's "hey man, can you help me with this dragon tail? :(" yet it's also "I will literally not listen to you when I'm about to break this branch that I and the dragon tail are on."
I mean, my God! I'd sent the dragons away if I had to listen to that for the past year after I watched my father die a gruesome death.
And that's not even the worst part. The worst part is Toothless abandoning Hiccup for the most shallow reason there is; chasing dragon tail that doesn't even want anything to do with him unless he does something that impresses her when he's the king of the dragons.
So yeah, probably an unpopular opinion, but besides one bad plan, Hiccup did nothing wrong besides listen to what all the people around him were saying, no matter how much they contradict themselves.
Really, what he needs is a hug. A Real one. :(
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toothbrushfingers · 1 year
personally i like this more than what we got in httyd 3
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what could have been 😔
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Idk if anyone else shares this opinion but what they did to toothless’s personality (let alone how they changed his design…) in the third movie was just… so dumb.
He acts like a stupid, horny dog for a majority of the movie, and in ninety percent of the scenes the light fury is in. He doesn’t have the natural, catlike personality he had in the first two movies; and the writers of the third movie’s reasoning for it is because he’s been “domesticated”… like all domesticated animals all act like… overgrown dogs. When none of the other dragons that the Vikings have act anything like toothless.
Why the fuck would an animal that is supposed to be known for its INTELLIGENCE act anything like THIS
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Simply because it has been around humans???
And before you yell at me about dogs being like that; modern dog breeds are a far shot from their ancestors. In some cases, dogs like toy breeds have been bred over generations to be nothing but PETS. They do not serve a logistical function, and as such they are very dumb in comparison to other animals.
And even then, I know from experience- an animal like toothless- who shows a wild, more feral and catlike personality is not going to randomly start displaying traits where it acts like a completely different animal because they’ve been “domesticated”. Which they haven’t. Domestication takes years upon years of selective breeding. Toothless has been living in human captivity because for the longest time, he had a disability- and he STILL DOES- that would cause him to be unable to be rereleased into the wild because he is unable to fend for his goddamn self. (Once his prosthetic tail fin breaks HE IS DEAD.)
Wildlife rehabilitation doesn’t work the way httyd3 is trying to portray it does. Realistically, toothless would never have been rereleased back into the wild simply because the person felt that dragons needed to hide. Toothless would eventually die because he did not have someone to care for his tail fin.
I’m sorry this went on for so long… but httyd 3 did literally every single character so damn dirty.
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nightfury-2001 · 6 months
Trying to track down as many interviews/behind the scenes things for THW that I can so I can easily check or link to things and MAN. I forgot how upsetting some of these quotes are.
Like I sure do love to see Dean call Toothless "corrupted" in like four different interviews. Love to see him constantly misuse terms like "domesticated". Love to read how that for the Light Fury, this supposed wild pure untainted fierce powerful feral call of the wild wild animal, the sound designers had to "suggest she was female" and so leaned on stereotypes. Love to read that Toothless "kinda forgot" about his former life after only ten years. Love to read that Astrid is meant to be Hiccup's "true support and future". Love to read basically anything regarding the Light Fury and see the filmmakers talk about how she's a female and needs to look like a female and move like a female and act like a female and sound like a female. Love to read how she couldn't look too reptilian despite literally being a dragon and that she couldn't have leopard markings because they looked a little too close to scars. Love to read how she "promises a family and the propagation of Toothless' species" when she's not even actually a Night Fury. Love to read how it was intended that Toothless' "animal instincts"/attraction to the Light Fury become more important to him than his friendship with Hiccup. Love to read how they purposefully changed Valka's design to make her "more appealing". Love to read how one of the functions the Light Fury is supposed to serve is to be "a clarion reminder that wild dragons will attack a human when they see them" like that makes any sense at all to anyone who has seen literally any other piece of HTTYD media. Love to read how the other function she's supposed to serve is to show "that when you find love, that's where you belong" like Hiccup's platonic/brotherly love for Toothless meant nothing when on the official website they're referred to as soulmates. Love to read that the reunion scene is meant to be a "last joyride" and "not an indication that they see each other again".
I hate this movie.
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one-httyd-a-day · 4 months
Hi😛 my daughter happens to be obsessed with dreamworks How To Train Your Dragon and specifically the “bone knapper” dragon. I’ve noticed your beautiful art, and If it isn’t too much trouble we would both appreciate if you could draw that one😊🥰❤️
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Let me just say, your daughter has excellent taste 👌 Thank you for sending a request! I hope you all like this one as much as I do :D
Dragon #30 - Boneknapper
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(Dragon #30 is here! We're almost at the one month mark! What the heck!! /pos)
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blue-flare-arts · 6 months
The Light Fury’s design obviously has a lot of flaws, but there is one issue in particular that I haven’t seen enough people talk about and it’s something that really bothers me about the Light Fury. The fact that the writers never thought about the species as a whole. Light Furies were never meant to be a new species that were exciting to learn more about. The writers only focused on one specific individual and making her “feel like a female”. Her entire species lacks any real world building. They never considered how these dragons would fit into the world of HTTYD. There’s no in-universe explanation for why they’re smooth and have fins instead of spikes, we don’t know what their life style is like or how they’re different than Night Furies (besides their appearance). There’s almost no real information on them, not in the art book, not in the movie, not in an interview. The only thing you’ll find is how the Light Fury had to be a pretty and feminine love interest. No wonder the Light Fury, and by extension her entire species, are so bland and uninteresting.
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weaponizedducks · 3 months
the thing that pisses me off about httyd thw is that its trying way too hard to hit the bittersweet book ending. the dragons leaving makes sense in the books- its slow and gradual and it's built up to instead of them all just leaving. it works. in the movies this is not the case (and this is OK in the first two movies because it's doing it's own thing and that's cool). the dragons leaving is not the right ending for the movie!! it's a very random choice and incredibly ooc for all the characters. also i feel like thw toothless was much more book toothless than movie toothless (again works in the books bc thats how toothless is but even book toothless wouldn't just abandon hiccup for a girl). also thw completely destroyed all their characters- toothless, hiccup, astrid, snotlout, ruff and tuff, fishlegs, all of them. they're trying too hard to do the book ending without any of the book plot that led up to it. the books had a whole ass war of humans vs dragons vs alvin with millions of humans and dragons dead and an incredibly impactful ending that made sense. that ending doesn't make sense for the movie canon. god
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frosti-moon · 7 months
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I present to you: Barbie and the Light Fury
Because you cannot tell me this dragon belongs anywhere except for in a 3D animated Barbie movie
sequel to my silly edit here
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autistic-ben-tennyson · 5 months
Disappointed in Httyd
Back in 2019, I really wanted to go see THW in theaters as I had seen Httyd 2 in theaters before. I never got to watch it in theaters as everyone else wanted to go see Endgame (I don’t like the MCU). I was later able to watch it via streaming. At the time I liked it, but something felt off. Even when I liked it, it felt like everything had been dumbed down and made more kiddy compared to the second movie. I would rewatch it again and more of its flaws started coming out. I then rewatched the first two films and started watching video essays critiquing the third movie and my opinions shifted. I then began to explore the Httyd fandom online and felt like I agreed with a lot of the takes. They really massacred the characters especially Toothless and it spat on the themes of the first two films like “we are stronger together” or “some may never change, but we’ll never stop fighting”. How could an openly gay man, Dean Deblois, make a movie telling kids to give up on their ambitions because it may not be easy and settle down to have a traditional nuclear family?
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000marie198 · 1 year
There's something absolutely ridiculous that happened in THW that I can't stop comparing with RTTE
Hiccup just decided on a whim they will leave their home island and move to another island because they encountered a foe who really seemed more boastful than he was dangerous or smart. Like, canonically, the gang has fought against enemies far more strategic and far more dangerous than that guy I keep forgetting the name of. Anyways, to not derail, Mister Best Chief Berk Has Ever Seen made the most nonsensical and ridiculous decisions, one of them including leaving Berk. For absolutely no reason that made sense in regards to the events that took place throughout the franchise. And just randomly went one direction with a whole tribe carrying everything and just traveling till they came across a random island.
This is so so SO STUPID! In RTTE, they had to scout out MULTIPLE islands to find one which was safe, fitting and optimal for living and even the one they ended up choosing had a couple of dragon species they had never seen and had to adjust to living with. Why did everyone become so so moronic in that movie to make the most ridiculous decisions with zero build-up?
Like, even fireworm dragons send ahead scouts to check if their immigration route and destination is safe for travel and stay. What in the world was Hiccup, who is supposed to be a genius here mind you, thinking just ordering the entire village to pack up and pick up everything and moving out without a destination or route in mind? What if you hit a storm halfway ? What if you don't find a safe island to inhabit an entire tribe? What if the travel becomes too long for the poor dragons laden with massive luggage? Fanfic writers do more planning and research and readjustments to make sure their story's plot and events make sense and keeps the characters in-character. But this? It doesn't even compare to a fanfic.
It's just, laughably stupid. What was this kid thinking? Was he thinking? Who knows!
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thecosmicmap · 4 months
In HTTYD2 and THW respectively there’s dragons that are doing things because others are forcing them to. In THW it’s the Deathgrippers and in HTTYD2 it’s the Bewilderbeast.
Both groups are being forced to do these things to our protagonists, Hiccup and Toothless. Yet instead of punishing the humans responsible for this, they punish the dragons.
But let’s take a step back, get some context.
In HTTYD2 we meet two Bewilderbeast; Valka’s and Drago’s. One is kind and free to do whatever he wants, the other has chains, scars and is being abused by Drago.
In HTTYD3 we get another new species; Deathgrippers. They have a venom that kinda does what it wants when the plot demands it but one thing has always been consistent is the fact that Grimmel controls the Deathgrippers with this venom. He even says “They’re dragon killers. Drugged into obedience with their own venom. Not even your precious Alpha could control them.”
So now that we’ve established that, let’s return to the big picture; humans controlling dragons to do bad things, yet humans get no blame for this.
In HTTYD2 and 3, when it’s time to take out the big bad it’s always the abused/mind controlled dragons taking the fall and gravity taking out the villain who orchestrated this mess.
Toothless and the other dragons literally maim the Bewilderbeast (and he wasn’t even fighting back) until he leaves.
Toothless and Hiccup kill the Deathgrippers, two due to inaction (letting them drown while being connected to Grimmel’s quad copter) and four more when Toothless electrocuted them.
You could say they didn’t have the time, but Hiccup and Toothless aren’t our only characters. Let Valka and Eret do it, since they got so little focus in this movie.
Even with the Bewilderbeast, Hiccup or Toothless could’ve snapped Drago’s stick and killed him. Instead of maiming the Bewilderbeast.
Tl;dr: Dean is a terrible storyteller.
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howtodrawyourdragon · 8 months
When I think of what's wrong with THW, this one scene with Astrid can basically sum up a lot of stuff. The one in which she tells HICCUP of all people "look at you! Embracing change!" As if the first two movies aren't all about Hiccup changing things and as if Hiccup's changes in the third film aren't met with constant backlash. Like what do you meeeaaaan he's finally embracing change??? He's trying to change several things in just this movie alone! Her statement makes no sense!
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toothbrushfingers · 1 year
i’m sorry but it has to be said:
this feral dragon lady is Valka Haddock
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this is an imposter
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rosiethedragongeek · 2 years
No bc RTTE Snotlout would hate THW Snotlout
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