#not in public. not online. not to strangers. not to your friends and family. ESPECIALLY not to the disabled person.
gender-euphowrya · 1 year
OH so there's like the opposite of abled parents who base their entire personality around having disabled kids, in the form of abled kids who base their entire personality around having disabled parents
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russellsppttemplates · 10 months
I never knew anybody 'til I knew you (Lando Norris)
Your new job is allowing you to have new experiences, and your heart is not too mad about it either
Note: english is not my first language. After a long time in the books, I'm finally writing for Lando! This is my first long piece and I hope I did well enough!
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Tw: curse words, mentions alcohol consumption
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog
"I'm just saying, it's closer that way. We can go and get the packages ourselves and sort out any issues with them straight away", Lando reasoned, opening his text message app so he could continue what he wanted to do. "Okay, fine by me. He's got a point, Y/N", Max raised his hands in surrender, looking at you for your opinion.
Working for Quadrant hadn't been a goal you had set out to accomplish in the strict sense of it. You didn't see yourself working for a massive company where people were stuffed in offices where the only way they could know their colleagues' names was when they had online meetings that took far too long and discussed the baseline of the issues. So, when you saw the job offer for someone in the Graphic Design area of work, you looked up the company name and saw their work, fascinated with how the guys had grown this business from streaming online gaming. Later, as you progressed in the recruitment process, you came to learn that Lando and Max also had a more public presence than you had initially figured out, despite all of your friends' insistence that "you can't be that clueless, Y/N, how did you not know that Quadrant was Lando Norris'? I thought you applied because of that", they would say as you shrugged your shoulders, "in this economy, do you think I am that picky about a job? I have my preferences, sure, but I know what I'm worth and I saw the offer was actually quite okay!", you defended yourself.
You ended up getting the spot and, so far, you couldn't complain. Most of the time you worked with Callum, Max and Tara, since your work overlapped with theirs, and every now and again, like right now, Lando would also meet up with you.
"Are you sure it's fine if I go? Your parents know Max, but they haven't met me before. Are you sure they won't find it weird?", you spoke directly to Lando, thinking that his idea, as lovely and kind as it was, didn't account for the facts you were stating.
"Max is coming because he's from the team, and you're from the team, too, so you're coming with us as well", Lando said simply, not seeing the problem.
"But he's been your friend for so long now, I'm a Quadrant Team member", you attempted again, "they don't have to provide for and give a roof to a stranger, I'll find an hotel to spend the night", you offered, wanting to be clear about it.
"You're part of the team, too! Don't worry about that, okay?", Lando said, "besides, mum loves having a full house, she's definitely the host of the family", he smiled, checking the item on his list nd carrying on the meeting.
"When we're there, we'll be able to get our hands on the embroidered Originals collection", Max began, "hopefully they're perfect and we can start working on the website", he gestured as you turned your laptop so they both could see, "this is the concept I've come up with, since this isn't as flashy or as colourful as past collections", you showed them the mood board, looking for disapproval signs but being met with looks of surprise instead, "I know it's not usually what you go for, so I also have another idea here, if you just let m-", you were about to change when Lando slapped your hand away from the mouse and holding it in his, "I really like this one, especially these posts here, I think the ideas are great!", he noted as he set your hand down on the table, "okay, then I can keep working on this", you said, closing the other tab, "do you have something better than this?", Max asked, "seems as good to me!", he offered.
"This is just a draft, I'll invest more time in this and I'll have it ready for the end of the week. That way we can have it ready when the clothes arrive. I'll text Tara to ler her know", you smiled, grabbing your phone as the boys flickered through the ideas, pointing out the different details they liked and wanted to keep.
"I'm way too young for my life to be just this, so please drive safely, Max", you said, buckling your seatbelt and exaggerating your hold on the door handle, "if you weren't such a crucial part of this team, I'd make you reconsider your jokes", he teased back, reversing out of the parking space and initiating the trip.
Lando was already at his parents' house since they had a family gathering the day before, so you and Max were driving up to meet him, "they're really nice people, really chilled as well", Max began, "Adam and Cisca, that is. I can hear you thinking and I'm assuming that is what's going on in your head", he stated.
"I don't want to step on anyone's toes, and I don't want to embarrass anyone or myself even. Can you imagine Lando's parents finding out their son's company has questionable employees? They'll mark me off as some sort of strategy fool or think that I want to take this company down, and I don't!", you uttered out, sharing more than you meant to.
Impostor's Syndrome was a bitch, and it often showed up the moment things got progressively harder, and while you knew you were able to deal with it, the little voice still nagged you.
"Y/N, you're one of the most valuable people we have on the team, and I don't say that lightly. This is Lando's baby, and yes, he's the face of it and that counts for most of it, but the work behind it is just as important and with the numbers we're having, it all comes down to you. Since you joined us the designing aspect of it, - obviously, you wouldn't be the one responsible for accounting, duh -, the compliments have been non stop, it has improved the interactions, too!", he said honestly, "you have nothing to worry about, truly", he comforted, "it's this exit here", he mumbled, checking the GPS and turning on the blinker, slowing down the car as they entered the city.
You didn't have to wait long before he pulled up to a big house, the gravel sound quieting down until it came to a halt when Max stopped the car, "Lando said he'd meet us at the door, I really don't fancy being mistaken by a burglar", he joked, getting out of the car as you did the same, stretching your legs and taking in the sight.
"Max, Y/N! Did you have a good trip?", Lando made himself be heard and seen, walking up to you and grabbing the bags his friend was taking out of the car boot, "I'll take these", he offered, picking up your luggage as you pulled on your backpack, "thanks", you smiled, following him as he led the way into his parents' house.
"My parents are in the kitchen", the Formula One driver said, ushering you to the roomy space after he and Max dropped the bags by the stairs, "Max, dear! We haven't seen you in so long, how are you?", a beautiful woman said. Her hair was brown and her skin was tanned as she hugged Max and Lando, "this is Y/N, she is our graphic designer", he presented you, the older man hugging you and his wife doing the same, "I'm Adam, it's so nice to finally meet you", he smiled warmly, "likewise", you smiled back.
"You can call me Cisca, darling. We've heard so much about you, it's nice to finally put a face to the name", she winked at you as you didn't miss Lando elbowing his mother as he closed his eyes, sighing at her, "thank you for having me over, I hope it's not too much trouble", you thanked again, feeling more at ease at their genuine welcoming greetings.
Lando quickly scrambled an answer, seemingly not wanting his parents to talk, "of course it's fine, no trouble here! Let's get your things upstairs so we can settle in and work!", he clapped his hands, walking to the corridor and up the stairs with Max as you excused yourself.
"This is your room, you have the bathroom on the next door", he pointed on the corridor after he placed your bag and backpack down in the small sofa, "Max is in the office, it's just across the hall and I'm at the end of the hall, if you need anything", Lando offered.
"Thanks, again. Do you guys want to begin now? I just need to put on some fluffy socks and I'm good to go", you said, "yes! Is the dining room okay with your parents? The table is big enough to layout everyhting", Max chirped in, whistling at your room as he looked around, "she got an upgrade, good move!", he tapped his friend's back.
After Lando cleared it with his parents, he was quick to remove the table runner and flower vase from the dining room table, extending it to its biggest size so you had all the space you needed, "you can sit here, Y/N, it's usually where the room heats up faster", he pointed out the radiator, pulling up the chair next to your and typing on his iPad.
"So this is the video idea? I like it, we just need to find some background music for it", Max asserted, grabbing his phone to check the time, "we should get going to pick up the order", he uttered.
"Do you need all of us to go?", you asked, saying the changes in your laptop as you did,
"You can pull your the backseats of your car down, can't you, Max? That way we can bring more boxes, and you and me go", Lando reasoned, looking over at you, "do you mind staying here while we go get them?", he asked, not wanting you to feel uncomfortable.
"I'll be fine, you go", you smiled, opening your notebook and writing down some notes.
"Oh, darling, you could've turned the lights on. Soon enough you'll be like me and need glasses", Cisca said as she stood on by the door, flickering the lights on as your eyes got used to the brightness, "I already wear them, or I should more often anyway", you blushed, suddenly getting caught with your hand in the cookie jar, grabbing your case from your backpack and putting them on.
When Lando and Max left, you decided to work on the website graphics, checking how the campaign would work with the current layout, that you lost track of time.
"May I see what you're working on?", she asked, "it's okay if I may not, I don't want to intrude", she smiled as you pulled up the chair next to you, "I don't know much about these things, but I always get quite fascinated with this part", she said, sitting down and looking at the screen.
Already driving back home, Lando and Max talked about the plans once they arrived, "and that way Y/N can also finish the social media stuff, and maybe you'll have more time to actually make a move on her", he teased.
Lando scoffed, "I'm not trying to make a move on her", he defended himself, "I'm glad to know, because if those moves were what you had, it wouldn't surprise it that it didn't go very far", Max yelped as his friend took the opportunity of the straight road ahead to hit his thigh, "so that's what you talk about? Here I am thinking about business and you're meddling in my love life?".
"I never said it was love life, but since you've admitted it, it's saving me time. So, what are you planning? I could help since this seems to be stalled", Max tried again, holding his hands in protection of his body in case Lando hit him again.
"I wouldn't know where to begin, I mean, it will make things awkward if this goes south, right? I'd never be able to look at her again, much less work with her", Lando admitted, "She's very kept to herself as well, I highly doubt that she'll want to be involved with me in that way. Whoever I date or interact with has to deal with enormous amount of public eye and I wouldn't spring that up on her", Lando mumbled, taking the road exit on his left.
"So you've given this some thought, too. Here we are thinking you're coming to the meetings to help and now you're just blushing when we talk about Y/N", Max joked back as Lando shook his head.
"We're back!", Lando announced, walking inside the dining room while pushing the boxes with Max, "don't worry, mum, we're not scratching the floors", he said, sweetly kissing the side of her head, "are you planning to work for us?", he noticed she was sitting next to you, notebooks of the projects open and sheets and fabrics all over the table in front of you.
"Y/N was kindly showing me the project you're working on, for the launch, and it looks really nice!", she complimented, placing a hand on your shoulder and the other on your arm, "she's been showing me everything, I've probably stolen some valuable time from you, darling, I'm sorry", she slumped her shoulders slightly, "not at all, it's all under way, don't worry", you smiled, easing her worries, "I'll leave you guys to it, how about I make some tea?", she suggest as the three of you nodded.
"We have the boxes here, they're sorted by colours", Lando opened the first box, "these are only for the Originals collection, right?", you checked over, peaking at the blue hoodie he pulled out.
"The sizing is right, right?", Max wondered as Lando stretched it out, "Y/N, can you try these, please? We need to check if the model is good for guys and girls".
Getting up from your spot, you grabbed the vibrant blue piece, feeling its soft texture against your fingertips, "I have wider hips that average, I'm not sure I'm the greatest test model for that", you shrugged your shoulders, "keep that in mind". Taking off your sweater so your torso was covered in a strappy top, you pulled the new garment on, adjusting the strings around the neck so you could pull it all the way down, "Oh, it's so soft", you noticed, "and warm, too. And feels quite good actually, it's not too tight", fumbling with the ribbed material on the bottom as you checked yourself out on the windows now that it was dark outside.
Lando gulped as you did so. Oh, had Lando noticed your hips. To anyone else, it would be another feature of your body, but he was enamoured by them. Your body's curvy outline enticed him and he would be lying if he said that it wasn't the first thing he noticed at first glance when you arrived for you last interview, especially with the tapered pants you had been wearing.
"Looks nice. What do you think, mate?", Max turned to Lando, hoping to get an answer but finding him looking at you, "is there something wrong? I told you I'm not the best mo-".
"It's gorgeous, looks gorgeous", he breathed out just as his mother walked inside carrying a tray with tea and some biscuits, "Here's the tea, guys", she said, setting it on the table, "wow, that's a very nice piece!", she complimented.
"It is, isn't it, Cisca?", Max said, covering up her son as he kept looking at you as you tested the front pocket, not noticing his gaze on you.
"You also have a very beautiful model, you can't ignore that factor in the equation", she complimented you while you grabbed a mug, taking a sip of the warm liquid and hoping it hid your pink cheeks, "thank you", you whispered.
While Lando helped his father with dinner, Max convinced his mother to show you both family albums, and once you had the delicious food they prepared, you excused yourself so you could use the shower, wanting to wash the day of travelling away. Max and Cisca stayed in the living room while Lando helped his father prepare dessert, checking on the apple crumble in the oven so it could get golden brown and not burnt, "so, any life updates recently?", the older man asked.
Lando wasn't around as much as they both would've liked, so often times his visits also came along with news and updates, "not much, racing has been good, it's nice to have a break now, even if it's just two weeks", he offered, looking at the oven.
"And nothing else? I mean, no one special? Your mother is usually the blunt one, but I'm going to try it myself: Y/N is just a Quadrant Team Member?", Adam questioned, noticing his son's cheeks become redder.
"Is it that noticeable? I just hope she doesn't see it as much as you do", Lando groaned, rubbing his cheeks, "maybe you should hope she notices, you know? Maybe she'll admit she likes you, too. You never know", Adam patted his son's back, grabbing the gloves so he could take the tray out of the oven, "she seems like a really nice girl, kind, good work ethic, intelligent, and she's beautiful", he finished as his son sighed, grabbing the vanilla ice cream from the freezer, "she's all of that and so much more".
"Kygo is doing a set tonight", you heard Max say as you walked inside the living room, taking the spot on the sofa next to Lando since his mother had taken your previous spot when you went to use the bathroom, "I've been meaning to ask you guys if you wanted to go, actually. He texted me saying to tell him if we were planning on going", Lando stated.
"Go and enjoy being young, life is not all about work if you can't enjoy yourself", Cisca shared, "dad and I won't complain if you make noise when you get back", she winked.
"Would you like to go, Y/N? You can say no, that's fine, too", Lando turned to you. He knew Max would be down on a heartbeat, but he didn't want you to feel pressured to do something you didn't want to because you were at his parents' place as a guest.
"I'm good, I like his music, too. I've been wanting to see him live for a bit, actually", you smiled, thinking about how lucky you were to be able to have these experiences because of your job and friends.
Later that night, you're getting ready in your room, sitting on the carpeted floor and applying your make-up for the occasion. The dressier outfit you had brought with you consisted of a burnt red top and some pants as it had become the outfit you had felt the most comfortable and confident in to go out. The top complimented your chest and your midsection as your pants looked really good around your hips and butt, your legs elongated by the small heeled shoes you had spent years looking for. They were comfortable, pretty and functional, ticking all the boxes for what you needed for tonight.
"Y/N, can I come in?", your heard Lando knock on the door, welcoming himself when you said he could, "we are leaving in about ten minutes, if that's okay", he said, taking a good look at you as you fiddled with your earring, "yes, fine by me", you smiled looking back in the mirror propped on the bedside table and finally clasping it, looking back at him.
You took his breath away. It was as simple as that. Your hair had your natural curls he loved so much, your makeup complimented your naturally soft beautiful features and your outfit made you look incredible.
"You guys ready?", Max patted the door, propping himself on it as you grabbed your shoes, "I'll put them on downstairs", you said, carrying them in your right hand as you had your small purse on the left.
While you did the small, dainty tie on your shoes, Lando's eyes went straight for your chest, the slightly bent down position granting him an agonisingly teasing angle as he tried his best to look away, "you might want to be less obvious, you don't need to creep her out to get her to be yours", Max whispered in Lando's ear.
As soon as you arrived, Lando and Max walked with you to the VIP area, asking you what you wanted to drink before they went up to get it.
Lando looked great on his white shirt, the light coloured shirt looking great against his tanned skin as the relaxed fit complimented his back, prompting you to make sure you weren't drooling in public. You worked for his company, it would never be a good idea to get romantically involved with him, no matter how many times your heart leaped.
"A very weak Gin and Tonic for you, as requested", Max said as he pushed the cup towards you, carrying nother drink for himself, Lando sitting next to you on the booth and empty handed, "you're not drinking?", you asked, "I'm driving us all home today, I'm want to do it safely", he stated, tapping his hands on the table when he saw Kygo, signalling him to approach you.
"Hey Lando, Max", he smiled, "I'm Y/N, I work for Quadrant", you smiled, greeting him with a half hug as he introduced himself too, "my set is in a few minutes, you got here just in time. If you want to see it up close, Y/N, let me know and I'll make it happen", he winked at you.
The wink was not missed by Lando or Max. While Max wanted to laugh at his friend's jealous expression, threatening to send the norwegian DJ to a place that was less than nice and sunny, Lando couldn't believe his eyes. Yes, it was only fair that others, too, saw your beauty and noticed you, but to put themselves out like that, that was a different story. You didn't seem to bothered by all of it, sipping on your drink as you spoke to Max, pointing out different people you remember from Silverstone earlier that year.
"Kygo's starting, I want to dance!", you said, getting up and gesturing for the boys to join you. While you were used to having a lot less space to dance in, the welcomed freedom was appreciated as you playfully placed your pointer finger on Max's head, making him do a little spin, "now, no need to be jealous, Lando, you can twirl, too!", you yelled over the music blasting from the speakers, doing the same and sinking your finger on Lando's curls.
"I'm going to get another drink, want anything?", Max asked, excusing himself when you shook your head, "you know you can drink, I'm the designated driver", Lando offered, "I know, thank you for that. I just don't want to drink more", you smiled, recognising the next song, feeling brave and pulling Lando by his hand so he could dance with you.
I never knew anybody 'til I knew you
I never knew anybody 'til I knew you
And I know when it rains, oh, it pours
And I know I was born to be yours
Lando twirled you would face him, chest flush against his as his colourful eyes looked into yours intensely, "I know this is very forward, and very unlike me to be fair, but I need to get it out", he gulped as he spoke loudly in your ear, looking for any sign of discomfort from you, "I really like you, like, a lot. And I would like to know if you feel the same. Because Max and my parents seem to think you do, but all I know they're just saying so that I shut up about how much I love you and how much it would mean to me", he spoke loudly against your ear as the song played.
You were struck by his confession, not expecting it to ever happen, much less like this and in these circumstances.
"If you consider this a hostile work environment, I didn't want that, but I had to be honest with you", he gulped, "just say you don't feel the same and I'll drop the subject, okay? I might have to pretend to go somewhere else so I can be away from you a bit until things are not awkward, but don't worry, I won't drink because I'm driving and-", Lando belted out before you interrupted him, moving your face closer to his neck this time and speaking into his ear, "It's not hostile if it's consensual, right?", you smiled, a glint in your eye as his own widened, chuckling as he sang the the words in your ear, taking the opportunity to kiss your cheek near your earlobe.
"Took you two fucking long enough!", Max yelled as he approached you, tapping Lando's back in congratulations, "you know what this means, Y/N? I won't have to listen to him mope about how he thinks he was made for you and you were made for him, and that the universe would have to be playing a very bad joke of you two didn't end up together!".
"What makes you think I'll stop that? I just got the girl of my dreams, now I'll have the confirmations of all I've said! You'll just hear how amazing all of it is!", Lando smiled, hugging you close to him and kissing the top of your head.
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redsongcat · 1 year
If you are a Hoyoverse / HSR / Fate fan, please read this regarding Veeveey2k/Xinyismuu/blkneuvilette
TW: racism, mentions of grooming, harassment/doxxing, catfishing, sexual harassment, etc.
We would like to bring your attention to Merlin/Asa/Vee, an individual who was known in the Fate fandom, who is still racefaking, catfishing, and harassing minors under a false identity.
You may know her by the user VeeVeey2k, neuvibao, or Xinyismuu in the Honkai star rail community, which she has joined earlier this year pretending to be a blasian. Her Tumblr user at this very moment is @/blkneuvilette
It is crucial that we document down this person's online activities, as we have also included new evidence of catfishing by directly contacting various victims for confirmation of details. In addition to linking the document, we will also be providing a condensed version of the contents below "Read more", but we strongly urge you all to read the document for full context.
Reblogs are strongly appreciated, stay safe.
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Firstly, we strongly recommend you to read through user @happyartisanreview's post regarding her comprehensive history of inappropriate conduct with minors. They also regularly update on the current users of Merlin/Vee.
We also recommend going through the last thread by user blusongbird001 on twitter, as they have also linked down other relevant threads on the site regarding her previous identities.
It has come to our attention, after being reached out to, and having reached out to multiple people ourselves, that Merlin (who is pretending to be a blasian called “Xinran”, nicknamed Vee), along with her friends/bf are holding NSFW conversations in her server full of minors, as well as harassing/threatening to doxx various victims in the fandom.
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I cannot stress this enough. It is so incredibly inappropriate for someone of such a history to continue to purposefully put herself (and her boyfriend) within the same space as minors and subject them to NSFW conversations.
Especially when she herself has promised to not make any more servers with minors in the past. Yet she and her bf Mika/Mio (@/zxmikah on twitter) who has admitted to believe there were “links between merlin and Vee”, proceeds to have nsfw conversations about his bathroom habits in their server with minors as young as 13. This should not be happening at all.
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Merlin and her friends have also in the past few months, harassed several minors aged between 13-15, threatened to dox them, allowed NSFW comments/harassment to be made by her friends towards these minors All with absolutely zero attempts to even stop or regulate her server either.
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And as Merlin/Vee’s boyfriend was an active participant in harassing the victims mentioned, we were also requested to include this thread that was made last month regarding his islamaphobia in the Genshin community.
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Merlin/Vee has also found the address of the underaged victims, referred to as “C” in the doc, and claimed in her own public server that she can “just decide one day to drop her house address”. For context, Merlin currently racefakes as a Chinese nicknamed “Xinyi”
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Needless to say it is incredibly inappropriate and weird of Merlin/Vee to keep track of a 13 year old minor (who has already blocked her at this point), and claim that the minors’ family circumstances were a result of Merlin practicing Juju..?
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Merlin/Vee has also CATFISHED complete strangers on her previous AND current alt, claiming these individuals to be her sister and parents, all the whilst fabricating their family history, race, occupations, and even claiming emotional abuse while using their faces.
We were fortunately able to reach out to two of the catfished individuals, and discovered that the “father” and “sister” merlin/Vee claimed were hers were in fact FROM THE SAME FAMILY. They both have NOTHING to do with Merlin, Vee, Xinyi, Tiana or any other names she goes by.
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We were given full permission by Luisa to post the screenshots above. Luisa and her whole family are aware of what has transpired and that their photos were used without their consent. We have also handed over every relevant information and lies Merlin has spread all the way from last year on her alt up to this month on her current account that may possibly endanger or defame Luisa’s family in any way.
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Merlin claiming her father works in the Big 4 of Ireland, using Luisa's father's photos. Luisa has already confirmed that this is a lie.
We also want to point out that Merlin has catfished this family as her own on her PAST ALT with no regards to real life consequences at all.
There is absolutely zero reason and justifications for any of the things said and done by Merlin/Vee towards her dozens of victims, past and present. Especially when she is committing acts of harassment towards minors under a false identity and defaming someone else’s family.
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more examples of her trying to pass off random strangers as her relatives.
Regarding her racefaking- This is a topic that many of us have already gone over again and again. I, along with many other fellow Asian contributors are deeply exhausted at this point to even have to fight on what has already been proven.
No matter how much she tries to convince people that she is related to Ramses II, that shes Chinese Hokkien and attends “marriage tea parties” arranged by her great aunt, that she’s related to the families she catfished- She has never been any of these and never will be.
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Keep in mind that Merlin (who claims to be Chinese) has a TikTok account dedicated to posting translations for HSR. If she is indeed Chinese and a mandarin speaker, how did she manage to mess up such a simple phrase this badly? Did your DeepL hit the usage limit that day?
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And as per her old habits of finding new nationalities to collect every week, she has also recently started identifying as part Filipino, East Asian, as well as Indian again. All the whilst claiming that Hokkien and Vietnamese are alike. (They are nothing of the sort).
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She also has a long history of pretending to be a muslim all the whilst saying things like this.
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Threatening to call people by racial slurs when she's racefaking.
Merlin/Vee has repeatedly built up the inconsistencies towards her own identity, race, culture, nationality and religion while exhibiting discriminatory behaviour towards the multiple communities and other religious groups that she is not a part of.
Going so far as to catfish people she has mutual friends with and use their family’s photos to spread lies about their father simply shows Merlin’s delusions regarding the “lack” of consequences of her own actions.
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Merlin seems to have forgotten that she posted her own BIRTHDAY information on her previous alt, which we have already proven to be her account. The birth year shows 2004, not 2001.
How convenient is it that “Xinyi” shares the same birthday, surname, location, catfish victims, IRL social circle and even face and injuries when she has claimed she knew nothing about Merlin?
As Merlin:
As Vee (active):
Instagram: @/veeveey2k
Tumblr: @/blkneuvilette
Tiktok: @xinyismuu
Twitter: formerly @veeveey2k, @muutxt
People involved in the harassments:
Mika/Mio (Merlin/Vee's boyfriend): @/zxmikah
Zaf: @/skyfonz on tiktok
London (Merlin/Vee's "cousin"): @/zawgawaw
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cagenewman · 3 months
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at what age did your character start using social media? Growing up, Cage wasn't super into social media. If anything, he got it to stay in touch with family and friends after high school when he hit the road.
did their parents monitor their use, if they were young? No. He doubts that his dad even checked his social media, unless one of his siblings ratted him out.
has your character ever had fake identities or accounts online? Nope, thought never crossed his mind.
no shame: do they remember myspace? did they use it? He remembers MySpace, but he didn't really use it. He had an account and set it up and sometimes he'd check in, but... to use it? Not regularly, no.
who would be in their top eight today? Cordelia, Colton, Kellan, Elliot, Ashley, Lucie, Elise, Chase.
what social media platforms do they use today? Instagram and Facebook.
do they have public profiles, or go private? Private. Cage shares a lot of photos of his kids and doesn't want to put their faces out there a lot to strangers, especially Rosalyn, and wanting to be careful with her having a scumbag bio dad out there somewhere.
how about their following? are they pretty lowkey, or do they have a decent following? Despite the private accounts, he has a decent amount of followers, just because he's the kind of guy who knows everyone, and everyone knows him.
do they tend to pick obvious usernames, ones with sentimental value, funny things? how do they decide? It's literally always just 'cagenewman' across all the platforms that he uses. One, it's easy to find him, and two, it's easy for him to remember.
profile pictures: the same across all platforms? Yes, and it very rarely ends up getting changed.
and just what profile pictures do they use? Sometimes a selfie, sometimes a photo with his wife and kids. Right now, it's a shot of Cage and Cordelia in Kennebunkport after they got married.
what kind of bio writer are they? silly, cute, sweet, or just basic? Dumb, normally, something like. "Wood-worker, dad, part-time moose." He always sounds like a father would sound writing a bio on social media.
how much time per day would you say that your character spends on social media? Not a whole lot of time, he'll browse casually in the morning, during a lunch break, probably at night on and off.
is there one platform that they visit more than others? Instagram.
if they have kids, do they use social media? how do they feel about that? if not, and they want kids, will they let them use it someday? It terrifies the hell out of him, but Colton has an Instagram and Facebook account. There are very strict rules, though -- Cage has to be able to follow him on all accounts, and he is allowed to ask him to look at his messages at any point in time to make sure that he isn't doing something he shouldn't be. (He's never had to.)
be honest: have they ever created an account for something else, like a hobby, or… to try to make their cat internet famous? No, he can barely keep up with the ones he has.
do they run any professional or business accounts? Technically. Creekside has an Instagram and Facebook page for business. Cage and one of his workers has access to it, so he helps run it when he remembers to.
have they ever left a social media platform (or more than one) for any specific reason? He's left a lot of social media platforms, since normally he has FOMO and tries them and then remembers that he's not big on social media... and leaves. He did delete X recently, though, when he felt Elon tanked it.
do they plan on using social media into their older ages? Probably, someone has to make sure the kids are behaving.
have they ever made any long-lasting friendships through social media? He wouldn't necessarily say that he has made long-lasting friendships, but he has sustained friendships through social media. He's still friends with guys that he worked with years and years ago, when he first started out in construction.
or on the flip side, gotten into any big social media beef? This is primarily the reason why Cage doesn't get involved, he doesn't want there to be beef. He's argued with people about politics on Facebook, though.
have they ever felt negatively impacted by social media as a user? Not really, no.
who is their favorite person / account to follow on social media? Willie Nelson.
would they say that social media has had an overall more positive or negative impact on the world? Somewhere in the middle. It's hard to deny that social media has done some really great things for the world, but he wonders if they would have found a way to do those things without it, too, and does miss when things were simpler.
and finally: a/s/l? (and do they know what that means?) 38/M/ME. He knows what it is, embarrassingly enough. Not necessarily from social media, but it was still a thing when dating and hook-up apps started to become a big thing.
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thelesbianpoirot · 10 months
can you share some of those social anxiety strategies some tips&tricks perhaps
People's memory aren't that great. They can hardly recall the face of a perpetrator of a crime when it is vitally important, very few people will recall, what you look or sound like. So if you did something super embarrassing in front of a stranger/customer, you will just be anonymous woman to them, not Jessica Jones, age 22, from 21st street New York.
Practice what you are going to say. For my job, I got put on phones, I literally wrote down a script of most asked questions, and read it off, and then eventually I could adlib the rest. This works for most phone convos, like ordering things online or reporting a problem to the light/water company.
Be nice and polite to people, and they will be nice to you, especially if you fuck up, they will forgive the mistakes of a person who was kind to them, then someone who was standoffish. Social anxiety can be view as standoffish/rude, so try to always greet people, acknowledge people, say their names, even when you feel like you're bothering them, or you're trembling.
Go to places, theatre, restaurant, bar, ALONE, anxious people often like to rely on friends or family to interact with the world, just using people as a crutch, and start being people okay with yourself exist. Start by putting in headphones, but work your way up to eating a meal in silence, by yourself, in public.
Force yourself to interact with people in a controlled environment at first before branching out. Volunteer, join a club, go to event, something you are interested in. PICK a single place. One day a week you do to a book club or old folks home, or a bar, and strike up a conversation with ONE person on the bus. Just a minimum of one. That last three minutes or more. Throw up afterwards if you have to, but GRIT AND BEAR IT!
Admit to people you're anxious, "I never do stuff like this, i'm anxious, if I say something wrong please tell me."
STOP FOCUSING ON YOURSELF, anxiety is often the result of self absorption, it sounds mean, but for me, when I am feeling most anxious, I am worried about how I look, how I sound, and making myself an exception from others in my head, "Damn I sound stupider than everyone else." Humans are very predictable, you're more alike people than you are different, if you are scared, chances are the person you are interacting with might be too. You're two terrified mammals in an interaction trying to come out alive, you are not alone.
Dress comfortably and practically, if you are wearing anything that makes you feel physically uncomfortable and self conscious, it will cause anxiety in everything you do, if you're at work, don't overdo it with the accessories, you're there to collect a checque, not wow people. Create a uniform if you must, a generic comfortable things that are WORK CLOTHES, check your appearance once before you leave the house, and never again until you are home. Stop looking at yourself and just be.
You have to become methodical of interaction before it is natural. In my head, I had a step by step plan for approaching a stranger. 1. GREETING. (hey) 2. Asking how they are? (if someone I see frequently/coworker) 3. Compliment (That is a really nice watch/earring/anything non-physical) (italicized is option but nice) 4. The objective. ( Are you busy? I don't know how to work the fax machine, can you please show me). (Do you know where I can get lunch?) (I didn't understand that instruction) (Is that your blue honda in that parking spot, It's my spot, and I don't want to get in trouble by parking in someone else's). 5. Closer. (Thanks for all your help) (do you have any suggestions for me?) (I hope that is okay) (sorry for the trouble,) (I have to go, I have to (insert tasks) bye!) Soon or later you'll find yourself sounding more natural, but you must push through the cringe of robotic rehearsed conversations.
Ask yourself: Why am I scared? Why am I anxious when talking to my coworkers? Reason it out: - I am afraid of saying the wrong thing. - I am afraid they will laugh at me - I am afraid they will dislike me. Find the root of anxiety about various tasks. And tackle things at the root. I hated being laughed at because of bullying at school, and at home, I had to become okay with that. I didn't care if people didn't like me, but I did not want to be a joke, which made me realize I was taken myself too serious.
CBT - I am not a big fan of therapy, but I believe in CBT for anxiety, it is practical, and stuff you can do at home. You will find a lot of resources online. CBT anxiety worksheets, toolkit, self aids key words. https://psychcentral.com/anxiety/cbt-for-anxiety#cbt-worksheets
SELF HELP BOOKS: I also hate bullshit self help books, but I will admit, I read this book cover to cover:
How to Win Friends & Influence People (Dale Carnegie Books) Paperback – October 1, 1998
(it's an old book so you can find PDFs online) https://www.pdfdrive.com/
Set various missions with goals.
I have more advice in me, but I just got off a long shift and I am exhausted.
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colormepurplex2 · 1 year
ColorMePurplex2's Min Yoongi Masterlist
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RATING: (regardless, this space is not for minors) G - general audience | PG - strong, suggestive language | PG-13 - frequent use of strong language, grittier subject matter | R - large amounts of vulgar language and adult references | MA - strictly for adults 18+ WARNINGS: please do not take these lightly, if it’s listed that means you can expect to encounter it DISCLAIMER: I do not claim to own any part of BTS. All members of BTS are faces and name claims for these stories. Every post is entirely a work of fiction and by no means is meant to be a projection, judgement, or representation of real-life people. Any scenarios or representations of the people and places mentioned in my works are not representative of real-life scenarios.
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▻ Work Hard, Play Harder ↳ Pairing: x f.Reader ┉ AU/Trope(s): Strangers to Lovers, College AU ⤜ Genre(s): angst, smut ⤜ Rating: MA Chapters: [2/2] WC: 9,265 Summary: With your graduation in jeopardy over a failing grade, Min Yoongi gets thrust into your world as a potential beacon of redemption. However, he delights in playing games, and you just so happen to be the next court he aims to conquer. ⚠️ Mentions of drug use, angst, sex in public, blowjob, spit kink, cum eating, Yoongi is cocky af Please check the beginning of each chapter for specific warnings.
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▻ Till Death Do Us Part ↳ Pairing: x f.Reader ┉ AU/Trope(s): Mafia, Arranged Marriage, Enemies to Lovers ⤜ Genre(s): heavy angst, smut, surprising fluff ⤜ Rating: MA Chapters: [4/4] WC: 41,132 Summary: Marital bliss isn’t always a guarantee, especially when you find yourself marrying into the family responsible for your own family’s demise. Sometimes, marriage is just a game of kill or be killed. Even when there is love involved, bullets still hurt. ⚠️ This story contains violence, death, dub-con & non-con elements, heavy degradation, blood, and mild gore descriptions. Smut: breeding kink, knifeplay, sub/dom, restraints, biting/marking, oral. Virginity loss. Please check the beginning of each chapter for specific warnings.
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▻  Blood Bride ↳ Pairing: x f.Reader ┉ AU/Trope(s): Vampire, Accidental Marriage, Strangers to Lovers ⤜ Genre(s): angst, smut ⤜ Rating: MA Chapters: [2/2]  WC: 9,756 Summary: When a single drop of blood changes your entire reality, you have no one to blame but your best friend, Jimin, and your apparent inability to say no to a dare—especially when rumors of vampires are involved OR you accidentally give Yoongi your blood and become his blood mate ⚠️ Talk of the occult/blood rituals/cults, foul language, crass humor, blood (drinking, spilling, mild play), hyper sexual advances/blood makes you SUPER horny, teasing, kissing, unprotected sex, voyeurism/exhibitionism, creampie. Yoongi has big fangs and an even bigger ego. Please check the beginning of each chapter for specific warnings.
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▻ Bump In The Night ↳ Pairing: x f.Reader ┉ AU/Trope(s): Monster Under The Bed, Horror/Thriller, Nyctophobia ⤜ Genre(s): angst, smut ⤜ Rating: MA Chapters: [1/1]  WC: 12,395 Summary: The dark can be scary; full of strange, unseen things. Just when you think you’ve got a handle on your fear, the lights go out, and you face the reality that you were always right—you should fear the dark and especially what’s waiting in it. ⚠️Crass language, fear, inciting fright, playing on emotions, teasing, kissing, fingering, biting/marking, dom tones, begging, choking, panic, unprotected v. sex, feeding on fear, dark thoughts, revealed dark intentions, predator/prey tones, chasing, claiming, serpentine tongue, oral f.receiving, monster cock/sex, metamorphosis
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▻ Falling In Love At A Coffee Shop ↳ Pairing: x f.Reader ┉ AU/Trope(s): Strangers to Lovers, Art/Coffee Shop AU ⤜ Genre(s): fluff, smut ⤜ Rating: MA Chapters: [1/1] WC: 8,028 Summary: It’s like clockwork; you receive the same online order every weekday morning at eight o’clock: large decaf iced Americano, picked up promptly shortly after. His face has become familiar, as a part of your routine as the hiss of the espresso machine. Until, one day, that routine takes an unexpected turn, and you find yourself getting familiar with more than just his face. ⚠️ Very mild language, panic over student/teacher potential date (reader is a student, but she’s the same age as Yoongi, just taking classes later in life than most), oral m receiving, fingering, kissing, mild dirty talk, cum swallowing, confessions of the heart
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WIPS: Stuck Between The Devil & The Deep Blue Sea - fantasy, steampunk, demons On Blades of Amythest & Echoes - Dragon Rider, high fantasy Quietus - Thanatos & Macaria retelling
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Check out my other Masterlists: OT7 x Reader/OT7 Kim Namjoon Kim Seokjin Min Yoongi Jung Hoseok Park Jimin Kim Taehyung Jeon Jungkook Multi-Member x Reader/OCMember x Member
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©️      2021-23    ColorMePurplex2
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literaticat · 2 months
What would be a good pre-order number for a traditionally published picture book?
"Good" in terms of what?
IF you got a few thousand, you might have a chance of getting on the NYT list, depending on what time of year your book is published -- but that feels extremely unlikely, and also, outside of your control, so I certainly wouldn't count on it.
What feels more likely is... maybe 40 pre-orders? 50? Even 100? Well, that's nice and all -- but it wouldn't have much of an impact in the long-term, and it would be perfectly fine if those came the week AFTER the book is published, or at any time.
Real talk: I don't think pre-orders matter as much as authors think they do. And I don't think they are even thought of as a "thing" in the picture book realm.
I never (or so rarely that I can't remember!) see publishers working to push a PB pre-order campaign. In fact, across the board, publishers are suggesting pre-order campaigns much less often than they used to, and those generally for things like YA novels where the person has a big social media presence.
OK, so should authors do it themselves? Well, I recently saw a great newsletter by MG and YA author Jason June about "pre-order fatigue" and how they are pulling back on doing cool swag, as it doesn't really move the needle on sales but can be quite expensive / a pain for the author. So if that's something you love to do and can afford to do, go for it -- but don't count on a huge jump in sales because of it.
Let's be realistic -- your reach is, what? Your friends and family? A small-ish group of social media people you are tight with? Beyond that, you've got strangers. Even if there are a fair number of them: THEY ARE STRANGERS.
For the majority of people, when they see something like book promo online from a stranger, they either ignore it, or if it looks especially enticing, they file it away in their mind as something they will "look into later" -- and if they see it MULTIPLE times from a variety of places, they MIGHT click the link, or make an effort to actually go to a store and look at the book. But most people don't want to spend $20 on a picture book by a person they don't know when they haven't had a chance to look at it -- they are MUCH more likely to actually buy it once it is available in stores and they can actually see how glorious it is in person, or once there are a bunch of reviews and such that sway them.
For reference, I have 50k+ twitter followers, and several thousand subscribers to my Podcast -- I have maybe a couple dozen people who actually put in a dollar for the Patreon, and about 3 people that have ever bought a book off one of the book recommendation links. If I "promote a book" online or on the pod, and it theoretically hits 50k+ eyeballs or however many thousands of listeners, how many of those people actually click to buy it? A COUPLE? MAYBE?
(I'm NOT saying it's not worth promoting the books - it IS worth it. But those tweets, podcasts, links, etc are all contributing to long-term visibility and potential word of mouth, not contributing to actual immediate sales.)
Should you talk about your book pre-publication? YES, sure. Should you share links to pre-order? YES, absolutely. Should you stress about it? NO!
I wouldn't get too caught up in worrying about numbers, or go out of pocket to do some elaborate above-and-beyond campaign. Pre-orders are simply NOT going to make or break your book.
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smalltownfae · 7 months
Fun asks ahoy ✨
1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11:D
Thank you for the asks. I will do like you and put it under read more since this definitely will end up being too long.
what are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are?
Preschool: There were so many creative activities in preschool and because it made me try so many things it made me discover my love for art and writing, especially. When I started the first year of school I got a library card which also made me discover a love for reading. Attending preschool also gave me the tools needed to tolerate others and learn to cooperate even with someone I don't like. It also gave me a little trauma, but that is not something for the public...
Cosplay Events: My teenage years were definitely the most awful years of my life until I was 16. At that age things got a little better because I finally met someone that made me aware that other people that liked anime and manga existed and there were even events where they dressed up as the characters and made art about it and everything. It seems odd nowadays because it seems to be a popular thing now, but there were very few events in my country and most of them were free at the time. It was just a way for all the nerds to get together and have fun and that's what I did too. People think they want to be unique, but I don't think anyone that was actually outside of the norm at one point wishes for that. I was lucky enough to have had one friend that shared my tastes since primary school, but being considered weird was still extremelly lonely. Not that I wished to be like everyone else around me, but I wanted to be liked. Living in a small town full of people with retrogade ideas while growing up was hell. Being able to go to the capital city often and making friends saved me from growing up bitter. I was so happy to find out that people like me existed. They just happened to be in a different city. Another thing we all seemed to have in common was the bullying we suffered in our schools so going to cosplay events and meetups was our safe space. At this time I was also on DeviantArt participating in manga events and meeting other artists. Knowing that I wasn't alone in my weirdness gave me hope for the future.
My first trip outside my country: In your answer you said you wanted the perspective of someone that never moved places so I can tell you that it made me very careful and fearful of many things. I am not the kind to take many risks (unless I am on a weird day because I swear that sometimes I am possessed by something that would rather die than be bored) and I need some sense of security and that can be provided by a place or a person. On my first trip outside my country I was so nervous because I had never gotten into an airplane and I went alone. I went to stay with a friend that moved to London and we were supposed to hang out all the time when I got there. However, I spent most of my visit alone since my friend didn't got the vacation for those days. I would like to thank my best friend google maps and the amazing transportation of London. Portugal wishes it had transports that efficient. I had to get by on my own and even though I felt lonely at times I was still happy to explore a new place and I even talked briefly with a few strangers. I still got to hang out with my friend when she got out of work at the end of every day. This made me a little more independent and also gave me a love for travel even though I found London a bit disappointing (my expectations were too high). It also showed me that when left alone I didn't know how to feed myself. Now, I plan those things much better because let me tell you that my stomach on that trip wasn't happy about the crap I was eating at lunch everyday.
4. what’s an inside joke you have with your family or friends?
I am sure we have some, but I remember nothing at the moment, sorry. It's usually some portuguese meme that we parrot around.
6. what’s the best and worst part of being online/a creator?
As a creator that seldom creates, this is really hard to answer. I guess the best part is finding other creators that love something as much as I do and also to find people that appreciate what I do. The worst part would be negative comments and harassment, but I don't usually get those so... oh, having no reaction to what I post can hurt sometimes too, but I create mostly for myself and I am aware that the things I love aren't that popular in the great scheme of things to begin with.
8. any reacquiring dreams?
No. I seldom dream. When I remember my dreams they are usually weird and nightmarish like the fans on the floor that were cutting everyone's legs. I think I dreamed that I was falling from the sky at least twice in my entire life though because I remember once actually falling from the bed and another time when I woke up breathing heavily and grabing the corners of my bed.
9. tell a story about your childhood
One of the childhood moments I remeber the best is when I went to the beach with my parents and some of my family when I was really young. I don't remember my exact age, but I wasn't in school yet so probably 4 or something. One of my older cousins told me to go fetch water so we could build a sand castle and sent me on my way with my little bucket and nothing else because it was supposed to be a short trip. Turns out my sense of orientation has sucked since birth so I got to the water and filled my bucket, but somehow failed to find the way back to the towels where everyone was. I remember walking for what it felt like hours without a hat or shoes and at one point the sand started to burn because it does that around midday, when it's too hot in the summer. I remember that at one point I just splashed the water from my little bucket on my feet because I was in pain, but I never stopped walking even though I was crying and who knows where I was going. A nice couple found me and I remember the man held me in his arms and that's when my feet felt some sort of relief. Then they went looking for my parents and they found them eventually since my parents and the rest of my family were also looking for me. My mom has at least one more story of me getting lost as a kid, but this is the one I remember and the one I was lost for a long time.
11. what do you consider to be romance?
Damn, I just posted a quote from the Buried Giant about something similar hahaha Romantic love is very hard for me to define. When I was a teenager I thought I had it figured out because that was what most people seem to consider romantic love. The first person I ever liked wasn't only physically attractive, but was also my friend. That is what I would consider the whole package haha I would talk to them everyday and wonder what they were doing all the time and I would feel jealous if they liked someone or got with someone. Looking back it looks more like an obsession than love. I once had a friend that was in love with me and told me I had never been in love. It could be the butthurt of rejection talking, but maybe he was right. I honestly have no idea if I have ever been in love because I can't really define it. Right now I am in a weird situation. I am not really dating, but I have something (let's call it that). I don't feel jealous of other people that hang out with this person nor do I feel the need to talk to them or see them all the time, but it still feels nice when we are together.
Honestly, there are a billion definitions of romance and different people would provide different answers. All of this to say that I have no idea of what my own definition is and maybe I will never know. I decided to let things happen since I have bigger troubles than romance at the moment. That is another thing. What people usually call romance is also associated to stressful things to me. It's probably because of the examples I have had growing up. People are always afraid of being cheated on or jealous if their partner hangs out with others and such. Honestly, it looks way too troublesome for me to deal with so I do not want it to be like that and I also want to mantain some of my freedom.
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maisonaime · 8 months
TW: discussion of trauma, mentions of a school shooting, me expressing my opinion loudly and unapologetically per usual
*sighs loudly*
*steps up on my (nonexistent) soapbox*
The way some of y’all talk about and invoke trauma so casually while arguing with strangers online is horrific. None of us is exempt from experiencing trauma in our life, so when you invoke trauma in an argument (other than to mention a warning/tag that should be added) what you’re actually doing is revealing yourself as a huge ass.
“Well how could you like [insert character here] they did [insert awful thing] to [insert another character here], you’re so ignorant to trauma”
No, you are. Would those words ever leave your mouth talking to someone in person? Then why do you feel so emboldened to say them online? Have you ever stopped to consider that someone else may see your words and feel deeply wounded or invalidated by what you said?
“Well [character]’s trauma isn’t that important compared to [other character]’s trauma”
Apples to oranges, trauma is not comparative and it is certainly not a competition.
“Well [character a] is awful because they treated [character b] this way, it doesn’t matter that they were traumatized.
Yeah absolutely that was awful and that character’s trauma does not serve as an excuse for their actions, no one’s trauma gives them license to treat others cruelly… that doesn’t stop it from happening frequently in stories and in real life. While I think it can toe a dangerous line of allowing people to excuse their actions as symptomatic of mental illness, I think it’s equally dangerous to label someone as entirely bad because that also gives them license to act according to that label.
Trauma is not a singular thing and the way people respond to trauma is entirely individual. Many many times peoples responses to trauma are not what they want them to be and it causes deep shame (speaking from personal experience), which certainly doesn’t help in the healing process. When people act from a place of pain they will sometimes pass that pain onto others, it is an awful and unavoidable consequence of being a person. Having that shame reinforced when you get online to go to a space of comfort and catharsis is unthinkable.
Part of my therapy modality (Acceptance & Committment or ACT therapy) is learning how to stop defining feelings/thoughts/actions/myself as good or bad because all those things are infinitely more multi-dimensional. Characters, people, actions are infinitely more complicated than one moment, one action, one season of their life.
When you label someone/something as bad and refuse to see the complexities of what formed and informed it, then you put a stopper on what it can become. When you do so in a public forum that others can see, and when you do it in a targeted, critical way, you’re probably unintentionally causing hurt. More than anything you’re demonstrating a commitment to misunderstanding people who have experienced trauma or struggled with mental health in a way that couldn’t be neatly tied up with a bow and packed away, as society loves to do with the traumatized and mentally ill. Especially when their symptoms are not considered socially acceptable.
And before anyone tries to come for me: if I can find a way to feel compassion for the person who shot up my university last year — despite the amount of pain and trauma they caused in a community that I love and hold dearly; despite the anguish and immense fear my friends, my family, my peers & I felt — then you can find a way to give some of these characters you hate so much a second glance before dismissing them so quickly.
TLDR: there’s no purpose in being an anti, go forth with kindness, and remember that when you’re talking about fictional characters on this app they will never read what you say about them, but real people are the ones reading and perceiving your words. When we can hold space for the multitude of experiences and traumas we have all had, we can heal from them. You’re never obligated to read a work that you don’t agree with, but you also don’t have to comment on it.
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homenecromancer · 2 years
sometimes im like “maybe i am depressed because my brain is just doing the thing it does every now and then”, sometimes im like “maybe i feel all fucked up because every time i check the news there’s a new item about the guys who make laws in my country actively plotting against people like me”
like! my father’s parents are closer to 90 than 80, and i have loved them very much (even though they are politically much, much more right-wing than i), and i want to visit them sooner rather than later... but they live in a southern US state that keeps popping up in the news for transphobic legislation.
and i would have to travel alone -- and the alone part of that isn’t so bad... but i just dread having to go through airport security. which is a guaranteed feel-up by TSA, because my post-surgery body always sets their scanner off. i haven’t legally changed my name/gender marker, either -- at least the picture on my ID looks like me, but that picture does not look like a [birthname], and that means anxiety for me and funny looks any time i have to show ID.
and then there’s the extra paranoia of just existing while trans -- i look like an average, kinda short dude, and don’t generally worry about passing in public in my home state. but it’s like this:
i imagine myself writing an email and saying what i’m thinking -- “i want to come visit, i miss you, but i look at the news and wonder if, by the time i get there, it will be legal for me to use a public bathroom in your state”. or to wear men’s clothing. or to use my own name. or, or, or
i want to have hope. i do. but part of my brain is still saying “i’m so thankful i managed to get my hysterectomy scheduled, because what if the next law makes it harder for trans adults to have surgery?”. like i’m fleeing from a burning city. even though my state is relatively “safe” in this regard. the fear gets its claws into me.
there’s a family get-together this summer, in a different southern state, and i have many of the same worries. i’m not flying, so don’t have to get felt up by the TSA, but so many of the same worries still hold -- if i get ID’d somewhere, will the person asking for it believe me that it’s mine? when i was younger i used to worry constantly that random strangers would see me and just know, somehow, that i was trans.
in many ways i have been extremely lucky as a trans person. unfathomably so. i was able to start wearing “men’s clothes” before i ever came out even to myself (without, say, my high school massaging their uniform code to make it against the rules). my nuclear family have supported me from day one. i was able to get on HRT when i felt i was ready to. (and my health insurance companies over the years, though they have sometimes complained, have paid for it!) my college let me change the name on my diploma, and my professors supported me using a different name/pronouns in class. my first day at work, someone i’ve never seen again fiddled with the computer system so that my name (and not my birthname) would be on my ID card and on the lists of employees supervisors receive. i was able to get top surgery when i decided i was ready, and the paperwork has been the worst part about seeking a hysterectomy. i have trans friends both online and in person, and my friend group supports me.
but it still weighs really heavy on the heart to see an endless stream of transphobic legislation oozing into the laws of various states. like, it hurts both in a selfish way, and i hurt for my trans siblings who have to put up with that bullshit. especially the kids!! coming to grips with being a trans person is hard enough (in terms of like... self-development and learning to be a human being) without having a target painted on you by right-wing dipshits before you’re even old enough to vote. it is the old adolescent fear of “they all hate me, specifically”, but being written into law by a bunch of guys without even the creativity to whine out anything more than “ooh, we’re protecting the children” when what they’re protecting the kids from is “receiving vital medical care”.
it’s all so tiring.
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andnowwedance · 2 years
We have nothing but bread crumbs. If you eliminate everything that was gathered by fans stalking their friend/family/real estate listing we only have the people statement and blurry pics from a park.//
Nope, a few people who work behind the scenes have stated this is PR.
Omg I don’t want to dive back into this catastrophe but I just want to state actual facts. There are no “blurry” park pics. Chris and Alba did a cringe PR walk in the park and as soon as the pic was taken by the hired photographer they dropped hands…how do we know that because a random stranger caught them on video not even a minute later with Chris’ hand in his pocket and Alba seeing the camera and trying to grab his hand that was previously holding hers before he placed it in his pocket, so ….these two couldn’t hold hands for the duration of the song playing in the background at the park, but they are so “in love and serious” 🙄
Things would’ve been fine if the pap pics were the only thing released but they got caught by a random stranger on video, not a fan.
Her and her friends racist, fatphobic, nazi posts were discovered.
His own mother likes a comment stating “why are people defending a racist”…..referring to Alba.
they haven’t been spotted together since the second failed PR attempt at Disney World, but who knows that might change depending on if the contract is officially over or not.
One of her friends had a public like that called Chris a “dollar store Leo DiCaprio with half the talent” and when that was discovered her friend deleted the like and it’s been proven that the same friend named Justin has been trolling his fans since day one.
Yes, his fans have done the absolute most, but this definitely isn’t one sided. This is not solely on the fans, these clout chasing fools, trolled and got the attention they oh so wanted, but by all means if you honestly believe her and Chris are in a serious relationship and they are trying to keep things private now…..after her show got canceled and her and her friends evil posts were exposed that she desperately decided to leak her own nudes….for whatever reason….can’t blame fans on that, she did that herself, no she’s wasn’t “hacked”.
If her and Chris wanted to be private they could’ve done that, but they’d actually have to be in a relationship. They went “public” the day the third season of her show aired, and ironically his team has been working to clean up online the past week.
It’s a contract, but I’ll just be labeled as “crazy” and maybe I am but remember a crazy person is known to be right once in a while. 😉🤭
…I’ll humor you….. *takes off “crazy” hat*
but hey who knows what’s going on, but one thing we aren’t going to act like this is the typical “omg the fans are jealous and ruining his “relationship”. This mess has been exposed more times than I can count but people want substantial proof ….so I guess when a break up article happens everyone who believes they are legit will go “it’s the fans fault” for their break up yet it’ll be listed as “the long distance” was hard for the two to make the “relationship” work.
Have a great weekend and know things are never fully as they seem. 😉 These two botched their own PR contract. What you originally typed is what the general population knows, a few folks who are in the industry behind the scenes have also stated this is PR but again, time will reveal all. Feel free to believe whatever you want. Have a great weekend!
Who exactly are these behind the scene people? What have they stated exactly?
Look theres so much nonsense in here im not gonna waist the few hours i have before i go to bed breaking it all down. Especially considering that you fully acknowledge it makes you look crazy. There is a lot of stuff in here that can essentially be boiled down to “we bully her because she is making us” and that is not only a dumb thing to suggest, it is a dangerous mind set to have in your life. You are bullying them because you want to, maybe it makes you feel better about your self idk. But remember you can’t control other people actions, only your own. You can simply stop following alba and her friends and stop taking the bait if that truly what you believe they are doing
However i will address this part. Alba did not leak her owe nudes, i will simply never believe this because it is a ridiculous thing for a person in her position to do.
And ill leave you with this
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rainbowdaisy13 · 2 years
I think the issue isn't whether Kariann has the right to express her feelings, which she 100% does, but whether it was appropriate to express them *in public* especially because they were directed *against her immediate family*. The problem most kaylors have with Kariann has less to do with the virtue of her message, and more with the people involved and the way she delivered it. It's family and you don't shit on your family like that even if you technically have every right to.
Taylor is not part of Kariann/Karlie's family. Show a little respect for Taylor and respect her choice. If was friends with Kariann, Kariann would have contacted her, but she's not. Kariann deleted her account. She only needed to delete the post. Taylor is, has and will always have two or three meanings to every song. She's the anti-hero and isn't giving anyone what they want.
This is the last Anon I’m reading on this. You all are missing the point. Kariann doesn’t need to delete shit, it’s how she feels. We ALL have friends and relatives that have shared things on social media that hurt us, seem directed at us, or are very blatantly a call out. That’s part of living much of our lives online. It’s none of our business how they interact on a personal level and how they deal with this moving forward because 🚨WE ARENT REAL LIFE FRIENDS WITH TAYLOR YOU GUYS🚨Kariann or anyone vaguely in Taylor’s sphere of existence should be able to post whatever they want without fear of a bunch of strangers—that are deluded into believing Taylor loves when they are assholes to people in her honor—bullying them offline. It’s embarrassing AF and is one of the reasons many in the GP don’t take Taylor seriously—because of her immature rabid online fans
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duracabsservices · 10 days
Why Choosing a One Way Cab from Delhi to Jaipur is the Best Travel Decision
When planning a trip from Delhi to Jaipur, the journey is just as important as the destination. Imagine cruising down smooth highways, soaking in picturesque views without a care in the world. Opting for a one way cab transforms this travel experience into something special. No cramped buses or crowded trains—just you and your companions enjoying every moment of the ride. If you're considering your options, choosing a Delhi to Jaipur one way cab might be the best decision you ever make! Let's explore why this choice stands out among others and how it can enhance your travel experience significantly.
Comfort and Convenience of Travelling in a One Way Cab
Traveling in a one way cab from Delhi to Jaipur offers unmatched comfort. You can sit back and relax in spacious seating, unlike the cramped conditions of public transport. Enjoy plush interiors that make long drives feel effortless. With a one way cab, flexibility reigns supreme. No fixed schedules mean you decide when to leave. Whether it's early morning or late afternoon, your journey begins at your convenience. Personalized experiences are another perk. Choose music that suits your mood or enjoy conversations with friends without interruptions from strangers. The scenic route adds an extra layer of enjoyment as you pass through charming landscapes and historical sites along the way. Stopping for breaks is easy; grab a snack or take photos whenever inspiration strikes. This blend of luxury and freedom makes choosing a one way cab not just practical but truly enjoyable.
Safety and Security on One Way Cab Journeys
Safety and security are paramount when traveling, especially on long journeys like a Delhi to Jaipur one way cab ride. Choosing a reputable cab service ensures that you have well-trained drivers who prioritize your well-being. Modern cabs often come equipped with GPS tracking systems. This feature allows both the driver and passengers to stay aware of their route in real-time. You can easily share your ride details with friends or family for added peace of mind. Additionally, many providers offer an emergency contact feature within their apps. This means help is just a tap away if you ever feel uncomfortable during your journey. The vehicles themselves undergo regular maintenance checks, ensuring they are in top condition before hitting the road. With these precautions in place, travelers can focus more on enjoying the scenic beauty between Delhi and Jaipur rather than worrying about safety concerns.
How to Book a One Way Cab from Delhi to Jaipur
Booking a one way cab from Delhi to Jaipur is a straightforward process that can be done in just a few minutes. Start by searching for reliable cab service providers online. Look for companies that specialize in intercity travel and have good customer reviews. Once you find a service you like, visit their website or download their app if available. Enter your pick-up location, destination, and the date of travel. The system will typically show you various options based on vehicle type and pricing. After selecting your preferred ride, you'll need to fill out some basic information such as contact details and payment methods. Make sure to check if there are any hidden charges before confirming your booking. It’s also wise to read cancellation policies so you're aware of any fees should your plans change unexpectedly. Once everything is confirmed, you'll receive an email or message with all the trip details including driver information. This easy booking process ensures that you can secure your ride without stress, allowing you to focus more on enjoying the journey ahead from Delhi to Jaipur.
For More Informattion:
One Way Taxi from Delhi to Jaipur
Taxi from Noida to Agra
Taxi Service from Noida to Agra
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ogonns · 19 days
Exploring the Benefits of Self Drive Car on Rent in Pune
Pune, known for its educational institutions, burgeoning IT industry, and vibrant culture, is a city where personal mobility can greatly enhance your experience. Whether you're a resident or a visitor, the convenience of a self-drive car on rent in Pune can make your travels smoother and more enjoyable. This blog delves into the advantages of opting for a self-drive car rental and how it compares to other transportation options in the city.
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Why Choose a Self-Drive Car on Rent in Pune?
Flexibility and Freedom
One of the primary benefits of choosing a self-drive car on rent in Pune is the freedom it offers. Unlike taxis or ride-sharing services, you have complete control over your schedule and route. You can explore Pune at your own pace, whether you want to visit local attractions, attend business meetings, or simply enjoy a leisurely drive through the city's scenic spots.
Cost-Effective Solution
When compared to hiring a taxi or using ride-sharing apps for multiple trips, renting a car can be more economical, especially if you plan to travel frequently within the city. The cost of a self-drive car on rent in Pune is generally lower than the cumulative cost of multiple taxi rides or app-based rides. This makes it an attractive option for both short-term and long-term needs.
Privacy and Comfort
A self-drive car on rent in Pune ensures that you have a private space to yourself, which can be particularly valuable if you're traveling with family or a group of friends. Unlike public transportation or shared rides, you won't have to deal with the discomfort of crowded spaces or share your journey with strangers. You can enjoy the comfort of a car tailored to your preferences, with the added convenience of adjusting the air conditioning, music, and seating to suit your needs.
Choosing the Right Car for Your Needs
Types of Cars Available
When considering a self-drive car on rent in Pune, you'll find a wide range of vehicles available, from compact cars and sedans to SUVs and luxury vehicles. The choice of car depends on your specific requirements. For instance, if you're traveling alone or with a small group, a compact car might be sufficient. However, if you have a larger group or need extra space, an SUV or a larger sedan might be more appropriate.
Duration and Rental Plans
Rental companies in Pune offer flexible plans to suit different needs. Whether you need a car for a few hours, a day, a week, or even longer, you can find options that match your requirements. Long-term rentals can often come with discounted rates, making it a viable option for extended stays or frequent use.
How to Rent a Self-Drive Car in Pune
Finding the Right Rental Service
Several companies in Pune offer self-drive car rentals, each with its own set of features and pricing structures. Research and compare different rental services to find one that meets your needs. Look for reviews and ratings to ensure the company has a good reputation for customer service and vehicle maintenance.
Booking Process
The booking process for a self-drive car on rent in Pune is generally straightforward. Most rental services offer online booking options, allowing you to choose your vehicle, rental period, and any additional services you might need. Make sure to read the terms and conditions carefully, especially regarding insurance coverage, fuel policies, and any additional fees.
Advantages Over Other Transportation Options
A self-drive car on rent in Pune offers unmatched convenience compared to public transport or ride-sharing services. You don’t have to wait for a cab or deal with the unpredictability of public transportation schedules. Instead, you have a reliable vehicle at your disposal whenever you need it.
Exploration Opportunities
Pune and its surrounding areas offer numerous attractions, including hill stations, historical sites, and natural beauty spots. With a self-drive car, you can easily venture out of the city and explore these destinations at your own pace. Popular nearby spots include Lonavala, Khandala, and the scenic Mulshi Lake.
Final Thoughts
Opting for a self-drive car on rent in Pune is a practical choice for those seeking flexibility, comfort, and cost-effectiveness in their travel plans. Whether you're in Pune for business, leisure, or a mix of both, having your own vehicle enhances your ability to navigate the city and its surroundings effortlessly. By choosing the right rental service and vehicle, you can enjoy all that Pune has to offer without the constraints of other transportation methods.
For anyone planning a trip to Pune or looking for a more convenient way to get around, consider the advantages of a self-drive car rental. It’s a choice that combines independence with the practicality of modern transportation, making your stay in Pune more enjoyable and stress-free.
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southgatetravels · 28 days
Exploring Trivandrum with Self-Drive Cars
Trivandrum, officially known as Thiruvananthapuram, is the vibrant capital of Kerala, offering a unique blend of rich cultural heritage, natural beauty, and modern urban life. Whether you're a tourist exploring the temples and beaches or a local on a weekend getaway, having the freedom to move around at your own pace makes a significant difference in your travel experience. One of the best ways to achieve this freedom is by opting for Self Drive Cars in Trivandrum..
Self-drive car rentals have gained popularity in recent years for their convenience, privacy, and flexibility. They offer a great alternative to public transportation and traditional taxi services, allowing you to explore Trivandrum and its surroundings on your own terms. In this blog, we'll explore the benefits of using self-drive cars in Trivandrum, tips for renting a car, and some must-visit destinations you can explore with your rental.
Why Choose Self-Drive Cars in Trivandrum?
Flexibility and Freedom: With a self-drive car, you have the liberty to explore Trivandrum at your own pace. You can plan your itinerary, take detours, and make impromptu stops without worrying about time constraints or public transportation schedules.
Privacy: Self-drive cars provide a private mode of transportation, allowing you to travel comfortably without sharing your space with strangers. This is especially beneficial for families, groups of friends, and couples who want to enjoy a personal travel experience.
Cost-Effective: Renting a self-drive car can be more economical than hiring taxis or using ride-hailing services, especially if you plan to visit multiple places or take day trips. With a rental car, you pay a fixed rate and have control over fuel expenses, helping you manage your travel budget effectively.
Wide Range of Vehicle Options: Self-drive car rental services in Trivandrum offer a wide range of vehicles to suit different needs and preferences. Whether you need a compact car for city driving, a sedan for a comfortable journey, or an SUV for a road trip, you can find a vehicle that meets your requirements.
Ideal for Road Trips: Trivandrum is a gateway to many scenic destinations in Kerala and Tamil Nadu. With a self-drive car, you can easily embark on road trips to places like Ponmudi, Varkala, Kanyakumari, and more, without the hassle of coordinating with tour operators or drivers.
How to Rent a Self-Drive Car in Trivandrum
Renting a self-drive car in Trivandrum is a straightforward process. Here are the steps to follow:
Research Rental Companies: Start by researching car rental companies in Trivandrum that offer self-drive options. Some popular providers include Zoomcar, Revv, Myles, and local companies like IndusGo and Drivezy. Check their websites or mobile apps to view available vehicles, rental rates, and terms and conditions.
Compare Prices and Services: Compare prices and services offered by different rental companies to find the best deal. Look for discounts, promotions, and special offers, especially if you're booking in advance or planning a long-term rental.
Choose the Right Vehicle: Select a vehicle that suits your needs and preferences. Consider factors like the number of passengers, luggage capacity, and the type of terrain you'll be driving on. For city driving, a compact car or sedan may be ideal, while an SUV or larger vehicle is better suited for road trips and off-road adventures.
Make a Reservation: Once you've chosen a rental company and vehicle, make a reservation online or through the rental company's app. Provide the required information, such as your driver's license details, identification proof, and payment method. Some companies may also require a security deposit, which is refundable upon returning the vehicle in good condition.
Pick Up Your Car: On the day of your reservation, head to the rental company's pick-up location in Trivandrum. Present your booking confirmation, driver's license, and any other required documents to complete the rental process. Before driving off, inspect the car for any existing damages or issues and report them to the rental company.
Understand the Rental Agreement: Read the rental agreement carefully and understand the terms and conditions, including mileage limits, fuel policy, insurance coverage, and any additional charges. Make sure to clarify any doubts with the rental company to avoid any surprises later.
Tips for a Smooth Self-Drive Car Rental Experience
To ensure a hassle-free experience when renting a self-drive car in Trivandrum, keep the following tips in mind:
Check for Hidden Fees: Some rental companies may charge additional fees for services like late returns, extra mileage, or cleaning. Make sure to check for any hidden fees or surcharges in the rental agreement and factor them into your budget.
Carry Essential Documents: Ensure you have all the necessary documents, including a valid driver's license, identification proof (passport, Aadhaar card, etc.), and a credit card for the security deposit. International travelers may also need an international driving permit.
Familiarize Yourself with Local Traffic Rules: Driving in Trivandrum can be different from what you're used to, especially if you're visiting from another country. Familiarize yourself with local traffic rules, road signs, and driving etiquette to ensure a safe and comfortable journey.
Use Navigation Apps: Use a reliable GPS or navigation app to help you navigate Trivandrum's roads and avoid getting lost. Apps like Google Maps and Waze provide real-time traffic updates and can help you find the best routes to your destination.
Refuel Before Returning: Most rental companies require you to return the car with a full tank of fuel. Refuel the car before returning it to avoid extra charges for fuel and refueling services.
Plan for Drop-Off: Allow enough time for returning the car, especially if you have a flight to catch or other commitments. Car rental drop-off areas can be busy, and you may need to wait for a final inspection of the vehicle.
Top Destinations to Explore with a Self-Drive Car in Trivandrum
With your self-drive car ready, here are some must-visit destinations in and around Trivandrum:
Padmanabhaswamy Temple: This iconic temple is dedicated to Lord Vishnu and is renowned for its stunning architecture and spiritual significance. It’s a must-visit for anyone interested in history and culture.
Kovalam Beach: A popular beach destination, Kovalam is just a short drive from the city center. Known for its crescent-shaped coastline and clear blue waters, it’s perfect for sunbathing, swimming, and water sports.
Varkala Cliff and Beach: Located about an hour's drive from Trivandrum, Varkala is famous for its red cliffs, natural springs, and serene beaches. It’s an ideal spot for a day trip or an overnight stay.
Ponmudi Hill Station: Situated around 55 kilometers from Trivandrum, Ponmudi is a beautiful hill station known for its lush green landscapes and cool climate. It’s a great destination for nature lovers and trekking enthusiasts.
Neyyar Wildlife Sanctuary: This wildlife sanctuary is home to a variety of flora and fauna, including elephants, tigers, and a range of bird species. It’s a fantastic place for nature walks, wildlife spotting, and boat rides.
Shanghumugham Beach: Located close to the city center, Shanghumugham Beach is perfect for an evening stroll or a relaxing day by the sea. The beach is famous for its picturesque sunset views and delicious street food.
Opting for a self-drive car in Trivandrum is an excellent way to explore the city and its beautiful surroundings on your own terms. With the freedom to create your own itinerary, make spontaneous stops, and enjoy a private travel experience, self-drive car rentals provide unparalleled convenience and flexibility.
By following the tips mentioned above and choosing a reliable rental company, you can ensure a smooth and enjoyable self-drive car rental experience in Trivandrum. So, the next time you're in this vibrant city, consider renting a self-drive car and embark on an unforgettable journey through Kerala’s enchanting landscapes!
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quizboxing · 2 months
Quiz Copenhagen: Your Ultimate Guide to a Fun Experience
Are you ready to challenge your knowledge and have a blast at the same time? Quiz Copenhagen is the perfect destination for you. Nestled in the heart of Copenhagen, Quiz Copenhagen offers a unique and engaging way to test your trivia skills. Whether you are a local or a tourist, this experience is a must-try. Let’s dive into what makes Quiz Copenhagen a standout attraction.
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What is Quiz Copenhagen?
Quiz Copenhagen is an interactive trivia game experience that brings friends, families, and even strangers together in a fun and competitive environment. The quiz covers a wide range of topics, from history and science to pop culture and sports. Each session is designed to test your general knowledge while providing an entertaining evening.
Why Visit Quiz Copenhagen?
Visiting Quiz Copenhagen is not just about answering questions; it's about the experience. Here are a few reasons why you should visit:
Interactive Fun: The quizzes are designed to be interactive, ensuring that everyone participates and has fun.
Diverse Topics: The wide range of quiz topics means there’s something for everyone, regardless of their interests.
Perfect for Groups: Whether you’re planning a team-building event, a birthday party, or just a night out with friends, Quiz Copenhagen is an ideal choice.
Friendly Competition: Enjoy some healthy competition as you vie for the top spot on the leaderboard.
Location and Contact Information
Quiz Copenhagen is conveniently located at Gothersgade 101 C, 1123 Copenhagen K. This central location makes it easily accessible whether you are traveling by car, bike, or public transport.
Address: Gothersgade 101 C, 1123 Copenhagen K
Phone: +45 91565691
Opening Hours: 12.00 - 21.00, Monday – Sunday
For more information or to get in touch with the team, you can visit their Tripadvisor page or follow them on social media: Twitter, YouTube, Instagram.
How to Book Your Experience
Booking your quiz experience at Quiz Copenhagen is simple and straightforward. You can book online through their website under the 'Booking' section. Here are the steps:
Visit the Quiz Copenhagen Booking Page.
Select your preferred date and time.
Enter your details and confirm your booking.
Receive a confirmation email with all the details.
Make sure to book in advance, especially if you are planning to visit during the weekends or holidays, as slots fill up quickly.
Tips for a Great Quiz Night
To make the most out of your Quiz Copenhagen experience, consider these tips:
Form a Diverse Team: Gather friends with different interests and knowledge areas to cover more topics.
Stay Relaxed: It’s all about having fun, so don’t stress too much about getting every question right.
Listen Carefully: Pay attention to the quizmaster’s instructions and questions.
Stay Hydrated and Nourished: There’s usually a bar or café nearby, so keep your energy levels up.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Do I need to have a team to participate? A: No, you can join as an individual, and you’ll be paired with others to form a team.
Q: Is there a minimum age requirement? A: Participants should be at least 18 years old.
Q: Can we book a private event? A: Yes, Quiz Copenhagen offers private bookings for corporate events, bachelor parties, and other special occasions.
Q: What is the cost of participation? A: The cost varies depending on the event and time, so it’s best to check the latest prices on the booking page.
Q: How long does a quiz session last? A: Each quiz session typically lasts around two hours.Quiz Copenhagen is a fantastic way to spend your evening, combining knowledge, fun, and social interaction. Whether you’re a trivia buff or just looking for a good time, make sure to add Quiz Copenhagen to your list of things to do in the city.
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