#not jimin himself
bts-trans · 3 months
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240615 RM’s Instagram Post
잊어버리면 안돼요
Must not forget
Trans cr; Aditi & Rinne @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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always-is-always · 2 months
He just couldn’t not do it.
At this point a “why?” is mute….. ya know?
Now the hive is all ramped up again.
We have our energetic Work cut out for us, now….
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keeperoftinyarmy · 3 months
Unpopular opinion (apparently):
My bias is not a victim and is in control of his career.
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jmdbjk · 3 months
The Drama. It's Jimin.
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We don't know yet how Jimin will tie together that sheet of music La Lettra (The Letter), containing the music of The Truth Untold and the Legend of the Smeraldo flower in this album but he's named the album MUSE.
The Truth Untold lyrics
You know that I can’t Show you ME Give you ME I can’t show you my miserable self, so, yet again, I wear a mask and go to meet you But I still want you
A flower that looks like you bloomed in the garden of loneliness I wanted to give it to you after taking off this silly mask But I know that I can’t never ever do so
And the story it is based on, The legend of 'Smeraldo' about a flower created just for the girl the man couldn't reveal himself to.
Here is an excerpt from this link:
The man wanted to help the girl. He wanted to teach her every method of growing flowers he knew, he wanted to teach her how to grow beautiful flowers. But he couldn’t come forward to the girl. She would be scared of him, she wouldn’t love his grotesque appearance. In the end, the only thing he could do was to grow and take care of the flowers so she could keep coming to his garden.
The vibe of The Truth Untold is yearning, desperation, unfulfilled and unrequited love due to one's own inner turmoil holding them back.
The gist of the Legend of the Smeraldo is that you cannot remain withdrawn if you are to achieve the thing you desire most. If you wait too long it will be too late. You must overcome the negative perceptions of yourself in order to reach for the thing you desire.
"Muse" can mean what Jimin is to others and what Army is to Jimin, but Jimin's muse is most likely an element of his inner persona that he keeps to himself, that he draws on for his creativity.
It could also be the stage, the desire to visually express his creativity. I have heard music artists claim their muse or mistress is the stage, they cannot stay away from it, their passion, their obsession, their life's blood and breath to the point everything else is secondary.
The definition for the word muse is:
a person or personified force who is the source of inspiration for a creative artist.
Muse is also related to Greek mythology. From wikipedia:
The Muses are the inspirational goddesses of literature, science, and the arts. They were considered the source of the knowledge embodied in the poetry, lyric songs, and myths that were related orally for centuries in ancient Greek culture.
Where have we seen this inspiration before in Jimin's creativity? I wrote about his Artemis/Apollo concept for his photo folio here.
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I know too often Jimin is reduced down to his visuals and his singing...he is a walking melody-maker after all. But he's much deeper than that. He is well-read, he excels at math and science, he understands the human condition better than anyone else around him.
Perhaps in this project, he will explore something that expresses these concepts more deeply.
Motifs he's using in the album's concepts:
Blooming: ME
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Serenade: US
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A field of flowers, not just any flower, a simple small white flower. Thousands of them. Do the flowers represent us?
I wonder what the blurred out center image of the album covers will reveal.
In his Sept. 1 live last year, among the things he spoke about (besides his Jungkookie's birthday) Jimin told us he was doing things differently, like starting from scratch.
During this live, commenters kept asking about his beat up knuckles and he said just wait and we will find out. He also showed us his workout room in his house.
He also showed us his solar system mood light casting images across the ceiling of his bedroom. He says he falls asleep with it on.
Yet he's an expert at talking to us for a great length of time without really telling us anything. Masterful in fact. He rarely reveals anything personal. We were astonished when he walked through his own home and showed us various rooms in it.
But he wasn't always like this. Whatever circumstances, whether it be outside forces or his own inner growth and maturity, he's changed over the years. He's an expert at hiding parts of himself and his life from us.
How difficult is it for any of us to be our REAL selves in front of anyone? How many of us hide the fact we are Army from our friends, family and co-workers? How many of us behave a certain way in certain situations in order to hide what we perceive are our weaknesses? How many of us are reluctant to speak out, even about frivolous things or dress a certain way or avoid wearing certain colors because what people might think or perceive about us?
Now imagine that you make your living by putting yourself on stage and in front of cameras for millions of prying eyes.
I do think Jimin loves the drama of it all, the mystique. I believe Jimin loves sensuality and provocation. And I think he loves creating visual expressions of all of it.
Many of us share the same inner muse but few of us possess the tools like Jimin does to express these inner musings outwardly. But if we did too, could we? Do we have the fortitude to put ourselves out there? Sure, it's easy to say "if I had a body like Jimin's I would walk around naked all the time." Would you really? Would you really invite the eyes to look and pry and critique? Would you welcome the amount of judgement that would take place? Because it never stops at just one thing. Offering yourself up invites judgement about everything, even things you don't have any control over, from the shape of your fingers to the tone of your voice.
Over the years, Jimin has shown how self-critical he is, constantly wanting to improve himself, always seeming determined to take it to the next level. Determined to show us another side of himself. Brave enough to keep revealing what he draws from his own muse.
MusE... blooming... ME
mUSe... serenade... US
Jimin's blooming and in this record, he will serenade us with his love. He really didn't want to leave us. Perhaps he felt he was just hitting his stride. I felt it.
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minieggukie · 5 months
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today im thinking about how jimin likes the pretty ribbons when he was decorating his photocard
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bangtannism · 2 months
trying to focus on the words coming out of jimin's mouth sometimes is so hard when my brain just keeps going "wow he is so pretty, he looks so soft here, pretty pretty pretty"
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jimpagne · 2 months
What I find funny is that Jimin was clearly sick but Jungkook still shared utensils and plates and a bed with him 😭 waking him up with some medicine… ah so sweet. Also the fact that Jungkook wasn’t feeling good either :(( hope they have a better time physically in Jeju and Sapporo!
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taechnological · 2 years
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ok let's not lie yoongi
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Jimin when he posted the photo
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The kindergarden teacher is also a little devil. We forget that sometimes cause he acts all cute lately and he's mostly absent from social media. Until he decides to come back with a banger, knowing no one can upstage him.
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mariajmajesty · 8 months
Jimin's dad always gives him flowers and shows him how proud he is of him in any occasion...😭❤️ always.
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black-swan-slaps · 1 year
Just my two cents: after all this time I have been more than inclined to believe that jikook are together (but obviously I am aware there are multiple possibilities and my personal happiness is in no way affected by their relationahip status). This year has been really telling, mostly by what Jungkook lets us in on (that boy is WHIPPED), and yesterday's live revealed, at the very least, how close they still are (if the nyc trip wasn't proof enough). If you've been in any kind of relationship, especially a longer term one, you can recognize the clear flirting and the persuading to spend time together when it's not the best time (i too have been asked over by a partner when i would rather go to bed lol).
As for them living together, it's my opinion (along with others) that when promotions are more intense they sleep are their own places. Jungkook's sleep schedule is completely fucked and Jimin has seemed like he's trying to take more control of his, so it makes sense. We also don't know where the hell their apartments are in relation to one another (and we don't need to). They also spent the last decade working together 24/7 with zero free time while managing whatever their relationship developed into, so it's very reasonable and healthy to create space for alone time and time with other people. But I'm also pretty convinced that they see each other very often. We've barely heard anything from Jimin this year about what he's doing, but it's clear in the way Jungkook talks to him that his late night buddy is still a constant presence.
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cookiesuga55 · 8 months
Roommate Routine <3
Chubby Jungkook does a self care routine on Sunday afternoons and slathers body butter over his belly, hips, and thighs. He rubs it into his stretched, sensitive skin and admires his silky soft shape. All of his curves have become much more supple once he started using skin oils and lotions to ease the uncomfortable tightness that accompanied his delicious growth.
Jungkook pads out of the steaming bathroom thirty minutes later all buttered up and smelling like a cupcake, with a sheet mask on his round face and a towel wrapped around his tubby waist, belly plump and on display.
It makes Jimin's mouth water every damn time.
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jmdbjk · 1 year
I want to talk about this photo again.
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Their postures, caught in the moment, are so THEM.
Jimin probably standing on tip toe, making himself look bigger.
JK sort of leaning down.
I will bet money that Jimin was giggling and JK's smile was his big bright bunny smile.
Those are fishing boats.
The light is diffused, its an overcast day.
That's a Jeep Wrangler parked next to them.
As much as we (me, it's totally me) find it adorable that Jimin has compared himself to an "anchovy" just look at that deltoid muscle on the arm draped over Kookie. And honestly, that arm is not much different in girth than Kookie's arm. It's just the width of their bodies that is starkly different.
I have questions...
Who took the photo? I guess we all assume it was staff. We all still strongly suspect some of this is for future content...
I wonder how many other shutter clicks of this moment exist and who has them.
And was Kookie caught in the moment of just taking off his shirt? and if so, was it a spur of the moment thing or did the photographer suggest it? Or was he in the process of putting the shirt back on?
We may never know.
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solarwynd · 8 months
Military service is proving to these ao3 lovers that he isn't what you created for him. I just want our man to realize whole in the service that he is worth it stop minimizing himself for people that don't care about him be selfish for once.
I feel like some of you want jimin to be exactly what y’all call some of the other members out for and that’s just not him. There’s no minimizing going on that he’s doing. He’s never been the type to hold himself back so others can shine. Even other members have had to get on him about doing the exact opposite. He’s never once been like “I’ll never be as good as “x” or spoken lowly of himself because jimin knows his worth. He doesn’t need to become arrogant to get that point across. Jimin could’ve flat out said in that letter that he did poorer on purpose because he didn’t want jk to feel bad about ranking behind, but no. He did his best, got 1st then said jk was still doing well instead. Jimin’s confident in his abilities without having to oversell it and he uplifts other people because he genuinely wants to, not out of obligation or to make them out like they’re superior to him. And I don’t think that’s something he needs to change.
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makingmylifebetter · 1 month
Uuufffff yeah I knew from other people in the fandom that watching past Jimin be into past JK while the brat dodges him left and right is gonna be tough and man was I right😬
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jimpagne · 11 days
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Hot on Cold
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