#not like in a racial way I just dislike the concept of a japanese nation state
Grim Tidings for International Communism: F1nnster Fuckery
I have long since come to the conclusion that my ass will not live to see the fruits of class struggle, this generation of proletariats is cooked. If the supposed "leftists" of this generation fall into the sheer liberalism and cracker barrel ass takes because someone who they thought was a man (and later turned out to be a part of the very group they accused them of exploiting because these stupid fucking social democrats have the situational awareness of deaf dog) did gender wrong and presented too femme without being part of the right type of class (gender is enforced as a class and exists therefore as a construct perpetuated by the capitalist class to retain the power of capital over the proletariat, if you deny this you are either a Maoist, or even worse a Dengist) to do so is fucking crazy. This is the shit that crooked ass Social Democrats like Mussolini and Chairman Gonzalo would be doing if they were bitchless crypto redditors in the year of our lord 20 24. Lenin himself would not be able to redeem your anarcracker asses.
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cafeleningrad · 7 years
Where do you stand on the Europeans are sometimes dismissive of how Americans think about race debate?
I think you refer to refer to the “race as daily term: US vs Europe” discourse at @janiedean’s blog, right?What do you mean exactly with “dismissive”? So far I do think that there is a one sided lack of understanding, what the issues about the casual usage of “race” is elsewhere highly negative.
So personally, I think that the usage of “race” in the anglophone area is used way to carefree without understanding what the actual word means.(not an uncommon contemporary phenomena with the activism on this website.)
I already adressed to this issue when social activism in US- and pop terms started on tumblr.I am can not subscribe to the casual usage of the term “race”.Let me elaborate: So far, in Europe the term is heavily connotated in a negative way since facist, and the Nazis used, and still use, the term to segregate humans. Within the beginning Nazis speaking of “the German race” was bollocks, since “Germany” actually in a nation sweeping different tribes with different traditions and partly different languages (by example Swabian culture and manner of speaking is vastly different). (And Austrians are likely descendants from the Goths, not the Teutons).
The word “race” served as purpose to classify certain people as “superior” or “inferior” (the “inferiror” ones were labeled “unworthy of living”…).The social darwinism of degrading humans escalated in claiming that people of a certain race are inherently good or bad by character.By example the “German race” was claimed to be maybe not so slyly as Jewish people yet more brave and kind minded. And so on.The worst was, people really believed in this concept…
All in all, using “race” in Europe provoques instant associations with facist mindset.
Another problem I would like to adress is the way people handle the term of “race” between humans like they talk about dogs races. Dogs are breed by intention to hunt, guard, with intention so their feautures are clearly distinctive. But this is not the case with humans! Yes, there are physical differences, like melanin absorbation by skin, ability to process certain ingredients (milk) but nothing that would nothing that would classify humans biologically as so different that some would be part of “another race”!The topic of physical distinction is biologically and anthropologically more complicated than just distinction by skin colour, and even further away from simplified classification.
So, the US does maybe use the word with another connotation yet using this word to distinguish skin colours seems scientifically as well in historic hindsight inapropriate.Further I have the impression that US-Americans too often fail to aknowledge that skin colour alone is not a criteria for one mentality, language, life style, culture etc. By example “Asian culture” is confusing as there isn’t one “Asian” culture but Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese, Laos, Thai, Chinese, and many various other cultures which are not the same culture at all!Also, the common “white people do this”, “typical Black people” “only Latinx people” trend is ignorant to the fact that culture isn’t a thing you are born with but a thing you learn and adapt to while growing up. This includes learnt language, logic, eating culture, approaches etc.In the way, the US environment uses this word as constant term to refer to skincolour is bound to the misguided belief of segregated camps - a quiet racist mentality.
EDIT To that I want to interject one last bit: US-Americans appear to think just because non-anglophone Europeans dislike to use the Term “race” unless they’re part of an openly farright group, don’t think they could be prone to racist behavior too. That’s actually not the case, since racism and policies enforcing it are well active, affecting people with dark skin - the thing is that racialized xenophobia of other Europeans isn’t uncommon either. The most common and still active example would be the dismissal of immigrants from former communist countries fro Middle-, Sothern-, and Eastern-Europe being stereotyped as thugs, thieves, and overall backwards. (That’s not too speak how the EU’s financial politicies are tellingly dismissive of Sourthern European countries, but I don’t want to get too deep into it.) You could also point out how in Germany many Turkish families are second to third generation immigrant families who’s ancestors came on the call of the German government to rebuild the countries in the 60s but until this day are barely recognized for their contribution in German history or met with valuable integration politics. Yet most Turkih people in Germany do not have a dark complexion that Europeans would count as PoC. Or Southern Europeans have darker complexions yet are recogniced as European from Span, Portugal, Italy, Croatia, Greece and so on and so on.
The point is that racism based on skin colour bias is a thing existing and sadly acted on across Europe yet xeohobia and racism are taking other forms like the clear cut divide of different ethnical grouping in the US. To say, cultures in the US are seen as homogenous based on skin colour whereas in Europe skin colour based oppression can be a thing but is not the decisive point of oppression - it can be well  based on cultural difference. So in certain ways US based ideas how oppression operates but also terms used in this kind of discourse do not apply in compartative siuations.
To draw a conclusion: my position is that Europeans do frown on the US-usage of the word “race” for a good reason. Already the cultures in Europe are vastly different yet this is something many Europeans agree on that “race” in social terms is typical facist.in the US “race” is not even a harmless term, since the racism carried on in the US of putting labels on people just for their skin colour does only enforces the fronts instead of opening them up.
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