#not me naming the thread young forever because ivy will stay young forever
lukef · 4 years
〄☾— young forever
⌖ @kadeuxhyeonju​
the sun was starting to set when luke left work and begun his way home through the hearts territory. half of the sun was already hidden behind the horizon, but only the most residual trails of light peaked through the roofs and houses. it seemed to become a night full of stars. some patches of grey clouds covered the sky here and there, hiding the orangey and slightly violett tones - but he knew the faction would provide the light nature would keep for herself later that day through bars, clubs and the likes. even though the day would soon come to an end, the streets weren’t quiet at all. the contrary was happening, all movements seemed to concentrate outside of the buildings, not even pulling a line between those who were running errands and those who party. and between all those people, bars and clubs, one particular shop seemed to pull his interest. 
the vega gem, he had often passed the jewelry but never entered, not due to the lack of money, but rather because of the faction the shop was located in. luke stopped his bay dun, moucha, on the sidewalk and got off her back, before tying her cord at the intended ferrule on the wall of a house. “i’ll be right back.” he said, as if the horse could understand what he was saying. he crossed the street, removed a bit of dust from his work uniform and checked out the display windows for a few seconds. when he finally entered the jewelry, he was greeted by both silence and an elegant interior, something you would expect from the jewelry owned by a highranker, probably a facecard. the owner was nowhere to be seen, so he simply spent some time in front of the showcases, inspecting the jewelry displayed inside. a few of the things sparked his interest. fully lost in thought, the elementalist didn’t hear the approaching footsteps of the owner, only looking up when he sensed his figure in the corner of his eye.
he felt as if a wall made out of fire hit him, a wall of fire that sent sparks down his whole body. the sparks didn’t stop until they reached his toes - and they brought immediate nervousness over him. luke stopped right in his tracks. the face he looked into was a face he hadn’t seen in a few years, or rather decades. a face he could never forget - and it belonged to lee hyeonju. memories flooded his brain for a few seconds, memories of ivy and juju, sitting on a bench, laughing about a way younger luke. a way younger luke who was not so much in control of his powers, a younger luke who often burned down things and later on burned down plants, and someday ivy which wrapped around lanterns, ( he still heard ivy say ”not that you burn me down one day, lukey! be careful with those hot hands of yours!” ) before he finally burned down friendships. the second wave of memories hit him right after. and most of them were not happy at all. they contained shocked faces of parents, students; they contained tears and pain. and even though he had coped through the years, a wound was ripped open the second he opened his mouth.
“hyeonju. how have you been?”
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exodusmc · 5 years
Fairy tale
Genre: Fantasy au, slight soulmate au, fluff, angst(if you squint from a mile away)
Words: 3595
Paring: King Junmyeon/neighbour Junmyeon x  reader
Warning!: -
a/n: I really like his new drama! It’s so cute! :)
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Gif is not mine
A huff escaped through your lips, hands carrying a heavy box. The elevator had be broken since forever according to the old lady on the first floor, which meant you had to move your stuff using the stairs. 
“Shit..”a book fell out from the box, opening to a page with an illustration of  what looked to be a man, eyes golden and hair of bronze.
Picking up the book, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. You had never seen it before, it wasn't yours, but you were alone in the hallway, on one else could have thrown it at you. Studying the image closer, you saw some symbols you didn't understand in the bottom of the page. The man smiled and you couldn't help but to think he looked like a prince from a fairy tale, wondering more about his story. It didn't matter that you were standing in the middle of a hallway, you decided to read anyways. You were met with words you understood as you turned to the next page, words that promised another land.
“The sun shone bright in the sky, the last stars leaving for the time. Butterflies sailed the wind, twirled around. He stood to watch the world he knew, as another pair of eyes gazed from the outside…”
The text suddenly started to glow in a yellow tone, igniting the whole page until more words appeared, uncovered for your eyes to read.
“...But two worlds collided, hearts soared, and a new world opened for the spectator.”
Your sight blurred, the book burning in your hands as you felt every bone break in your trembling body. There was black and nothing else, until white sparked and colored the whole world, not your own, but a different world so bright, you had to squint. 
Your breath was taken away, eyes staring at the wide open land of greens and blues. You were standing under the same sky as the man had been, gazing at the same butterflies. Trees swayed to your right, spaced with enough distance to see through the forest. Your mouth felt dry and your head hurt, everything being too much. How did this happen? What even is this place? It was first when you tried taking a step when you realized that your clothes were different. The blue jeans and shirt you had been wearing was now a light blue dress, simple but with a beauty of spring. You grabbed at the fabric, lifting it as your eyes widened. Were you dead? Was this the after life? So many questions turned in your head, fast and crushing against your skull in a pounding feeling. Your knees hit the soft grass, pupils blown wide at the headache forming, fingers threading through your hair. It was getting so bad, you never heard the soft steppes of another human, before a hand formed in your field of view. Glancing up, your mouth fell open. Ther the man was standing, perfect eyebrows pinched together in worry at you state.
“Young lady..How are you and why are you here, by the moon's home?” his voice was smooth in your ears, hair shining in the sun.”Young lady?”
Your lips pressed together, brain fighting to get an answer out, only to be met with a harsher pounding at your skull. His gloved hands found purchase on your shoulders as your body sagged. 
“How are you, young lady?! Please tell me!”he felt further away, like he wasn't touching you, words sounding like you were under water. The blackness came back, drew stars for your closing eyes, until sleep held you close but not as close as him.”Young lady!”
“Call for the healer!”every head was turned in his direction, servants scrambling away, listening to their king.”Fast!”
Junmyeon ran with you in his arms, glancing down every now and then to make sure you were still  breathing. His steps echoed through light teal and green walls, ivy cling through the windows and bring pink flower buds.
“My king, what’s the matter? What’s the rush?”Yixing, his healer, had a worried look on his face, dark orbs staring down into Junmyeon’s embrace.”Who is this lady sleeping in your arms?”
“I do not know, my healer, but her health is declining. We need to save her!”your body was placed in Yixing’s working room, bottles and books coloring the high walls, mixing with warm sunlight. 
“Do not worry, my king, I’ll heal her back to health”there was an uneasiness in Junmyeon’s eyes, orbs following Yixing as he prepared different herbs.”I promise my king, come back when she is merely sleeping..”
The king left, glancing back one last time to see your sleeping face and soft eyelashes. He wondered who you were but was scared that your wouldn't open your eyes once again. His healer was skilled but death was a trickster. A sigh escaped his lips, Yixing’s heavy door finally closing, leaving Junmyeon standing in a quiet hallway. His kingdom was wide and deep but you still held more mystery than it. He was intrigued by you and wanted nothing more than to hear your speak. 
Warmth held your body close, made your stir from your sleep. There was still a dull beating at your temple but it was far from the ache you felt before...Before you fainted in his arms. Your eyes flew open, resulting in a blur to your view, but the room cleared, showing stacks of paper and books, potions and what nots. No technology could be seen anywhere and outside the window was thriving natur instead of high grey buildings. You were gaping at it all, slowly feeling like screaming, when the door opened. Another man, taller than the one who held you, gazed right back at you. His face held angles, his eyes were darker than the night, but he seemed warm, the light tanning his skin. 
“Oh, the young lady has woken from her slumber”the way he spoke made your shoulders relax slightly.”How is she?”
“I-I’m fine..”he nodded, smiling wide, and proceed to step into the room. 
“Well that is good young lady. My name is Yixing and I’m the healer under this roof. It’s nice to meet you.”you stared at his dimple, forgetting to answer until his eyes found your again, slightly confused.”Young lady?”
“I’m Y/n..it’s nice to meet you too..”there was unsureness in your words, eyes flickering around, and it made Yixing smile. Your name didn't sound like anything he had heard before and there was something foreign about you, he just couldn't put a finger on what.
“Y/n..well I want to make sure you’re okay…” you knew what he  hinted at, so you nodded in a timid way, blushing. It made him chuckle, moving as if you were a bird, close to flying away.” Fear not young lady I mean no harm.”
Yixing check you, deciding that you seemed fine but that he wanted you to rest and drink one of his brews. You, however, was a little suspicious at the greenish liquid, like you should be, because the healer was a stranger to you, this whole place was strange to you.
“It’s a potion I made for pain and the soul. It’s only herbs grown by the land, nothing dangerous, I promise young lady..”it tasted like matcha and something sweet, something close to raspberries.”See, nothing dangerous.”
“I guess...Thanks Yixing..”he smiled, leaning back to watch you for a moment. The orbs in his eyes were dark, following you, searching through you.
“Lady Y/n..You're not from this land, are you?”once again were you nodding, stress slipping up your spine. You couldn't tell him where you were from, it would make you sound crazy.”Well in our land, the land of the seas and moons, everyone is welcomed!”
Yixing bowed, brown hair staying in place as he stood up. His head was held high and you couldn't help but marvel at his handsomeness. He smiled one last time before he left you alone in the room filled with books, grander than your own little library at home...Home, it felt weird to think about home and your world, like it wasn't real but where you were now was not real, you just didn't know what it was.
“My king, let her rest some more now that her health is stable..”Junmyeon’s eyes were wide, his breathing coming out as pants. He had ran to the healer’s room when he got the news of the young lady’s rising but straightened his back.
“If you suggest it to be the best, I’ll listen.” Yixing smiled, walking by the king’s side. Their goal was the garden where many herbs grew, where flowers bloomed. It was a magical place, sprinkled with butterflies.”How is she, my dear friend?”
“The young lady is fine, her body steady..”Yixing turned to look at Junmyeon, standing on grass filled with blue flowers.”But she isn’t from our land..Maybe her birth place is far from us or close but she wasn't born here..”
“I know..”Junmyeon glanced to the side, staring at the window which hid your sleeping body.”The moons told me about someone which I should hold dear to my heart..”
“Oh my king, don't get your heart crushed by the aging moons..”the healer placed a hand on Junmyeon’s shoulder, staring at him with saddening  eyes.”She is a fair one but her life may be on a different path.”
“I know, I know, but why would I feel my heart’s place is in her soft hands?”
Your fingers slipped through the soft grass, knees bent as you sat feeling the calm wind. Yixing was to your right, working and scribbling down words, creating a nice sound. You wanted to ask him about the other man but felt embarrassed about it. 
“The young lady is thinking hard..What’s on her mind?”the healer smiled, his question making your cheeks burn. You had been awake for a couple hours now but had been outside for just a short while, watching the brown haired one work. 
“I-I..it’s nothing..”he opened his mouth to answer, eyes warm as the sun over your head, but his words were cut of by a melody. 
Your hair rose at the beauty of the voice singing about souls. He sounded like a rolling river, tones held nicely and perfect. Yixing could see the wonder in your gaze, which was searching for the source of the song. His hand grabbed yours, lead you through the lively garden. 
“Where are you taking me?”you heard him chuckle, turning the corner of a rose wall, just to stop before a towering part of the light castle, where the man was standing. He sang so loud and his words almost had tears slipping from your bottom lashes.
“That’s the lands king, my king, a young lad by the name Junmyeon..”Yixing sat down, urging you to do the same. 
“Junmyeon..”it wasn't a question but the healer still nodded to you, hair bouncing.”..But why is he sing of such sad things?”
“Oh my king has a sorrow song, a melody begging for a hand to his heart and his mouth to kiss lips..A hopeless romantic he is..”Yixing smiled down at you, who couldn't stop staring up at the sining Junmyeon. His voice was clean, flying in the sky on wings of longing.”Maybe a young lady will come and fall in his embrace?”
Time went on, the days growing a little more warm. Yixing had been teaching you different things about the land and potion making. He smiled every time your eyes would wided at his statements, but you wondered about the king, where he was or how he was. It seemed like this Junmyeon had disappeared but Yixing knew what was really happening. The healer walked through the arched doorway to the private library of his king, soft daylight falling in through the many windows. 
“Good afternoon my king..”Yixing greated Junmyeon with a smile, eyes following the writing hand.”The young lady has been asking and wondering about your whereabouts..”
A sigh escaped Junmyeon’s lips, pen landing softly on dark wood. He felt his heart jump at the thought of you thinking of him but he was unsure what he should do. The moons had told him about the one he was a part of, about the rightness that was her, but he didn't know what to do, what they wanted him to do. His lands prayed to the moons and the sun, he believed in their words, so he had to ask once more for advice.  
“I’m delighted to hear that but I’m afraid that I can't met her just yet..I need to consult the moons one last time..”Yixing nodded, knowing the reason for his king’s hiding. The moons would be full this night, like they had before the night your soul walked through pages. 
“I see but if I may lay out my opinion, please be careful about lady Y/n away. We don't know how long she stays in our land..”
The healer walked out, leaving Junmyeon to stare out at the scenery which was his kingdom. He had been the ruler for over 20 years but his age had been forgotten and the number was no more than 23, the number when he had been on the throne for ten passing years, and never had something like this happened. The moons had glown yellow, something they never did, and as his eyes stared at them as they formed one sphere. The sun had soon walked over the sky and at the top of the hill had you been, falling into his arms with the moons heart behind your eyes. 
“I’m sorry for my hiding young lady but what can I do when the moons seems to be you?”
   He stared up at the night sky which was blessed with blue hues of the full moons. They shone bright on the hill where he had watched butterflies, where he found you. Junmyeon had questions on his tongue and he would ask them all. 
“Dear moons, you told me once about the young lady and how she would appear under your touch but what am I supposed to do, when my heart speeds with the mere sight of her?”the wind started to sing around him, spoke about how you were from far away but was his just like he was yours. They became louder and louder, until they grabbed at his hair as they told him about his ending sorrow. 
And just like that, in the span of one second, had they stilled. The winds were soft, so soft he could hear the grass being pushed down. Junmyeon glanced over his shoulder, seeing your make your way through the field to where he was standing, the whole time bathing in the moons light. 
“Yixing told me I could find you here…”there was shyness in your voice, there was warmth on your cheeks.”..he said I should come see you.”
Junmyeon smiled, feeling his own body heat up. Of course his healer would do something like that, having wanted his friend to be happy for years. You stared at his eyes, watching them become gold. Soulmates was a thing in stories and fiction, they weren't real, but gazing at him was making you unsure because he felt like he belonged to you and you to him. 
“I see young lady…”you hadn't heard him ever since he caught you but as he spoke now, your realized that you loved his voice and Junmyeon was happy to hear you speak, the tones of your words.”..i must apologies for not welcoming you like I should. I’m sorry my lady.”
“It’s okay..I don't blame you”a star fell over your head, mirrored in your orbs, and it was like the final puzzle piece falling into place in Junmyeon’s world.
“Oh, but I do insist on making it up to you, young lady. Will you follow me to the dazzling tops?”his hand felt smooth as he took it, leading your through knee high grass with the two moons over your heads. 
Your gaze found their way up to the dark sky and unlike your world, did it have two blue moons in its hands. You marveled at them but ultimately forgot when Junmyeon threaded his fingers with yours. The world became a blur and all you could focus on was his bouncing hair.
“Here we are lady Y/n, where the sky meets the ground..”he sounded breathless and you understood because before you laid hills with flowers or something which shimmered like the stars. 
You stood to his right, just staring at everything, the differences from your grey and dead world. Junmyeon, however, was watching your face shine with happiness, making his lips point upwards. You were so beautiful in his eyes and he wondered how he managed to keep away from your soft touch. He suddenly took both your hands and twirled you to the sound of a world from fairy tales, swept you around with his gaze lock on yours. Your heart soared and flew with his across the breaking point of the sky, let you dance on the ground with lightness. 
“If you agree, I would like to know you and your soul. I would like to hold your fingers until the end brings us home…”he stopped with one hand in your and the other on your waist, orbs searching through your.”...Can I ask all that of you my lady?”
“..Yes..”it didn't matter that this was just a dream in your head, that this wasn't real, because it felt right with his hand on you and the promise of time.”I would like that..”
“Junmyeon!”your shriek made Yixing run down from the upper garden, eyes wide and a puff leaving him when he finally got to you. But you were giggling on Junmyeon’s lap, his fingers tickling your sides as his lips smiled. You were in no danger, you were happy. 
After the night you danced with Junmyeon hadn't he been able to keep away from you, always holding you with his hands or eyes. It was like you were in your own little fairytale, love and a vibrant world surrounding you, but an end would come. 
The time went fast and soon had you been by Junmyeon’s side for over a year, dressed with flowers and a ring of silver. He would hold your hand under the moons and the sun, he would kiss you every time he could, he made you breathless. Shortly were you walking down an aisle of white, meeting him at the end. He kissed you once again after your promises had left your tongues, dragged you away from the castle and into the forest. Junmyeon took you dancing again but this time as his wife with his heart. In a blink of an eye were you no longer a young twenty year old living in a small apartment but a forty year old running through halls dripping in light, your hand either holding Junmyeon’s or your child’s soft one. You had a family now, blessed with their laughs. Your husband smiled down at your sleeping face, stroking over your cheek when he saw the moons glow yellow, like they had all those years ago, but now was he scared. He felt dread fill his whole being, eyes glossing over. His soul knew, so he kissed your cheek one last time, whispering a heartbreaking I love you and let his tears run free. In the morning would you no longer be in his arms but where you came from. Junmyeon would love you for eternity, just like you would, even when your universe called you back, away from his warm embrace.
You fell against the wall, a wall which was greyish yellow, old. There was a buzz from a world you hadn't been in so long but as your gaze became clear and you glanced around, did you realize you were back and not a day over 20, like no time had passed. The book felt heavy as you held it, your story with Junmyeon written on all the pages, the story which weren't real. Tears slipped down your cheeks, a feeling of emptiness filling your broken soul. You were happy there but was ripped away, forced from him and your little child. Low sobbs echoed through the hallway, your fingers shaking. This was not how it was supposed to end, you were supposed to be with him until you died, not thrown back to this dull life. Just when you were sure of a ripped page in your fairy tale was the door of apartment 5 opened by none other than Junmyeon. Your orbs found his, those golden worlds, but his hair was black now. 
“Are you okay?”he didn't speak like your Junmyeon but he sounded the same, his fingers felt the same as he dried your tears.
“Y-yes..T-thank you..”the lie burnt your mouth and made him smile exactly like your king from the pages.
“I don't believe you..”he sat by you and smelled like Junmyeon, he was Junmyeon but not the fairy tale one, no, he was the real life one, your Junmyeon.”..So I’ll stay because two moons shine brighter, right?”
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flyswhumpcenter · 5 years
For You, I Will Give Up My Wings [Whumptober 2019 - Day 17: “Stay With Me”]
Summary: Once upon a time were an angel and a mortal who wished nothing but to stay together despite the forbidden nature of their relationship.
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V (mythology/angel AU) Ship: Moonblossom (Serena/Ruri)
Wordcount: 2.271 words
Content Warnings: Light religious theming (blasphemy, sin, angels, albeit not used in a Christian context). Secondary character death.
Notes: Another mythology-esque AU for this prompt, this time with Moonblossom and angels. I may not look like it because my Arc-V OTP is Peregrine, but I'm a sucker for Moonblossom's aesthetic, and I felt dirty writing a fic inspired by "Alluring Secret ~ Black Vow" (and its companion song White Vow) for an F/M ship. Again, this isn't whump and more like a story with some whumpy elements, but at this point who cares. Also, my apologies for the abrupt ending to it, I really wanted to finish it by tonight.
Oh, also: an important character in the show dies in this story. I haven't put the "Major Charcter Death" alert on "This Is Gonna Hurt" for this because they're a minor, nameless character in this, but in case you don't wanna read that... Here's your chance to look away. 
Event hosted by @whumptober2019
AO3 version available here.
Would an angel sell their soul to the devil in the name of love?
This was a question as old as time, she realized, as she stared at her own white wings full of feathers. She had heard of fallen angels before, of former comrades that had betrayed their kind’s guidelines to live with a mortal or, in the worst rumours, a demon. They had various names: the black-winged, the banished, the betrayers, the traitors, the fallen, the forgotten. All in all, they all had a common point: they were angels whose identity had been erased by the term, punished for their crimes by getting lost in the sands of times and fading memories.
For a long time, the Angel of the Moon, Selena assumed she was over asking herself that question. She was an exemplary angel amongst her peers, only doing what was right and what was allowed. She used her powers for the greater good and nothing else, defending the right, condemning the wrong, never stepping out of her zone. She had been promoted as an archangel as the result of her hard work, presented as an example for all other angels to follow. Her footsteps had been blessed by the gods, her halo shone brighter than most, a statue had been erected in her name in the place she assured the peace of minds and hearts of, Cordelia.
However, things changed on one fateful day.
 The Moon was lighting the territory of Cordelia in its cold, benevolent light. Not a word was to be heard in the peaceful streets of the city, the inhabitants either already asleep or taking care of the last tasks of the day: ends of dinners, children’s bedtime stories, the last words of a letter. The windows shut down one after the other, the walls losing colours, dark blues winning over yellows and whites.
In the dark of the night was Selena, Archangel of the Moon, flying around, ensuring the tranquillity of the city. This was a mere duty to her: she had never had to enforce anything before, merely making sure nobody was stepping out of line. Crime was absent from the streets, even when the sun had set down, because her watchful eyes were always there. She was but a well-meaning agent of peace and order, an agent sent by the gods to ensure serenity in the mortal minds they had given life to thousands and thousands of years before.
 However, and despite her best judgement, there were citizens she preferred watching over than others. One of them was a young girl trying to live by with her older brother. Her flower shop was one of the places Selena liked the most watching over during daytime, amazed by her talent at growing flowers and her crystalline voice who sang like the most beautiful of birds. She spent more time there than anywhere else, charmed by her kindness and dark locks of luscious hair falling to her hips.
Unbeknownst to her, one of her feathers once fell on the floor of the shop during the day. The girl picked it up as soon as she noticed it, intrigued by its pure white, and looked up. Unable to flee, back round against a corner of the shop’s roof, the angel’s eyes met hers as her smile melted her surprise away.
I see you, benevolent angel, she said, putting the feather in her hair and against her ear. Thank you for watching over my shop.
Selena was unable to reply, surprised that she could be seen, forbidden to talking to mortals no matter what; so she nodded along, her thoughts swirling around. This was nothing but wrong, she knew it with an undefeatable certainty; yet this felt right, too right, and her wings shivered as she flew away from the shop, leaving another feather behind her. Even in her panic, she wished for the girl to pick it up and wondered if she
 However, during a harsh winter that almost froze all of the city’s cultures, the brother of the girl eventually fell sick. Despite his condition and his sister’s pleas for him not to, he continued working to afford them to continue living as they always had. Ruri tried everything in her power to convince him not to, promising she’d go as far as selling the shop or finding a rich husband if it meant he’d rest. Alas, her brother valued her dreams above everything else on this earth and ended up refusing all of her offers, leaving her broken-hearted.
For a time, watching over the shop hurt Selena. As soon as he had collapsed from his illness, the girl spent most of her time at her brother’s side, her hand in his, as she told him stories to less his pain; only to tearfully beg him, in silence and when he’d be asleep, to stay with her. She’d try brewing healing concoctions with her knowledge of plants, to very little effect, until she had spared enough money to pay for a doctor. The verdict was decisive, falling upon the little family like a sword, as the boy was doomed to die soon; and poor Ruri was left even more heartbroken than she had been before.
For the first time, Selena wondered if she shouldn’t have made a deal with a mysterious force for the boy’s life to be spared, as the pain of her citizens pained her to witness. Alas, she was no healing force: her light did nothing to his ill, as the gods had decided for this mortal and no angel could go against the goddesses of life and death. His thread would soon get cut by a steady hand. There would be no benevolence or malevolence in her fingers and scissors as they’d execute their decision, only their mission to make sure the cycle was running properly.
On the day the boy died, the angel was watching over their house, mourning with the girl. His last words were of care and attention, asking her not to cry and not let herself get consumed with grief, for she needed to outlive him now that he’d be gone. He begged her in a voice breaking under its own weight to take care of herself and her dreams, now that he wouldn’t be there for her, promising he’d still keep an eye on her from wherever his soul would go next. Yet, even with his warm words and the smile she was forcing herself to give him, the girl broke down crying as soon as his hand went limp and his heart went cold.
Please, watch over my sister, his soul begged of the angel as soon as it left the body, eyes shining.
I promise, she replied. Now, you can join the skies above and reunite with all those that you have lost, you who spent his life caring for his dearest.
 From then on, Cordelia mourned the loss of one of its youngest inhabitants. People gave the grieving sister their condolences, bringing gifts with them, buying her flowers as support. The plants almost died because her tears prevented her from properly caring for them, leaving them to dry and wither away like her brother had in front of her eyes. Would no action be taken, desolation was soon to fall onto the small flower shop, life leaving it day after day, ivy growing and covering the façade.
As such, to honour her promise, Selena spent most of her time in the city taking care of the shop for the girl, feathers meddling with the roots. Her fingers gave their life back to the plants, slowly but surely, petals getting their colours back and the agreeable scent she had always known returned. Things were finally looking better, the light and warmth of the sun coming back: this wasn’t time of dying for the little shop and its owner.
She’d often get spotted by the girl, who’d then tell her some stories or, simply, talk to her about her day. Selena couldn’t answer her questions with words, but she could nod along, and that was more than enough for them. They’d spend a morning, an afternoon, an evening or even an entire day conversing like this. Before long, the mortal girl had earned her smile back, making her promise to her brother a reality. By all means, her mission was a success; but she didn’t leave, continued taking care of a mortal’s plants with her, and loved every second of it.
 On one day, the gods told the angel she had been assigned a new task. From then on, her status as an archangel would fully come into play: she’d be supervising other angels and never go back to the mortal’s soil. The news that should have warmed her spirit and gratified her instead made her feel nothing but resentment and hatred: she didn’t want this. She wanted to spend her days with the girl from the flower shop, the mortal that made more sense in her life than so many of the duties she owed to the gods.
She had but a few days to engrave images of Cordelia into her mind before leaving forever. Even if it wasn’t forever, who could promise her that Ruri would still be there by the time she’d come back? Her only wish was to remain with this mortal until the end of her life, nothing else; and yet, she gulped her pleas when faced by the goddess she depended of, for she could not go against the gods. Keeping her feelings concealed, she instead let herself weep in the night streets of Cordelia, finding over and over the words of departure she’d give to her dearest, her soulmate.
Their adieux went horribly wrong. She tried conveying the idea through moves, but it didn’t work, and the girl didn’t understand her. Eventually, the conscientious angel was obligated to explain with the words she had forbidden herself to ever use. Her tongue burned and her throat knotted, the sin puncturing her ribcage. Nevertheless, nothing could have prepared her for Ruri’s reaction to it, full of another wave of grief, anger and confusion all the same. Would have angels had a heart, she’d have broken Selena’s.
 Stay with me, she then pleaded with her mortal eyes and her mortal voice, hands tied in a prayer, her legs folding into a kneeling position.
The angel wavered in her certitudes and convictions, a foreign temptation invading her thoughts like poison flowing in its victim’s bloodstream.
I cannot, for I have a duty to serve, Selena replied. I am an angel, you are a mortal; this is not meant to be. I am so deeply sorry for it.
Please, stay with me! Ruri cried, youthful eyes filling with sorrow and misery. I don’t want to see you go, I can’t be without you!
Her halo’s light dimmed with each word she told the mortal, her wings twitching, urging her to stop the blasphemy and go back to her former idealistic self. The dilemma was eating away at her very soul, feathers falling from an anxiety foreign to her kind. That was when this sentence came back to her, the question she used never to wonder about.
Would an angel sell their soul to the devil in the name of love?
 Her mind repeated it over and over again, weighing pros and cons, meticulous and obedient spirit leaving place for a burning chest devoured by a very human passion. Her feelings were, for the very first time, sent into a turmoil unknown to her species, the one the gods would go through whenever they were faced by their own faults, and she realized how hypocritical the people commending her had been all along. Would angels have been able to cry, tears would have stained her porcelain face, rotting her luminous skin with the darkness and dirt of the pain she was currently experiencing.
That was, until the girl, whom until then had been nothing but an untouched paragon of pureness, committed the ultimate sin. She ran to an angel, grabbed her shoulders and kissed her with a furious passion, the kind no being could ignore no matter their kind or nature, and the angel found herself giving it back, purposely corrupting her own lips with the saliva of a mortal. On that, her wings turned black as the night, feathers falling and spreading far and wide, the excruciating pain almost locking her into an eternal agony.
To her surprise, and despite the forbidden nature of her acts, her wings didn’t fall; and, right as they turned black, she saw white feathers blossom in the back of the person she had just gladly given her angel righteousness to, her eyes watered for the first time. With a tearful smile, Selena embraced her nature, her feelings and her dearest person.
If the devil was the holder of her happiness, and that of her beloved, then she’d sell her angelic soul to Them; and there was no regret to be had there. There was no shame in being part of the Forgotten if she couldn’t enjoy her immortality with someone else and, as she embraced corruption herself, she gladly let go of her burden.
 Would an angel sell their soul to the devil in the name of love?
No, as there was no devil to sell angelhood to; instead, they’d give it to the goddess of love and make someone into an angel to her service. That was the answer that she had not been looking after enough until it had been almost too late.
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