#not me posting this at 2:30am 💀
quiet-nocturne · 6 months
Thank you to @memesmadefullmetal for the tag!
are you named after anyone? not my first name - but my middle name comes from the name of a children's hospital that kept me alive when I was born, even though I was super premature. It makes sense as a name though, trust me. My mother was not insane haha.
when was the last time you cried? hmmm, a couple weeks ago? I also full-on bawled for like 20 minutes while reading the end of a novel about a month back lmao, which has never happened before.
do you have kids? nope, only three fur babies. 🐈
do you use sarcasm a lot? definitely.
what sports do you play? none. I like sitting, comfy clothes and video games. 💀 if I do any fitness, it's walking, ring fit adventure or just dance lol.
what’s the first thing you notice about people? just the general aura they put off - usually I'm right about a first impression. I can tell if I'll get along with someone pretty quickly.
what’s your eye color? brown
scary movies or happy endings? depends on my mood (I can go for a good scary movie), but probably a happy ending overall. I'm a sap lol.
any special talents? uhhh I can play a lot of instruments, and sometimes I type and whole stories with pretty cool prose comes out. đŸ€·â€â™€ïž
where were you born? canada! 🇹🇩
what are your hobbies? listening to music, video games, writing, reading, textiles or sewing of any kind, watercolor painting, tv shows/movies, obsessing over fma, petting a cat, etc.
do you have any pets? yep, 3 cats!
how tall are you? 5"2 ahaha. 🙃 i can reach things on the BOTTOM shelf. ✹đŸ’Ș
favorite subject in school? Music. I have 2 degrees in it, and now I no longer work in it. oops haha.
dream job? honestly, to own/run a cat rescue. that would be so sweet. unfortunately currently I work in retail.
tagging (no pressure!): @rizaposting, @lewdybooty, @aicasey 💖
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fushiglow · 5 months
i have 8.5k completed words sitting in front of me... but it's 2:30am and posting to ao3 is its own thing.... i let you down..... i let myself down...... i am just so 💀💀💀
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princekoo · 2 years
Pairing: Jeon Jeongguk x reader
Genre: smut
Trope: city girl x farm boy
Warnings: bondage, name calling, bad writing
Word count: ~4.4k
A/N: yeah I have no words this came to me randomly while I was listening to country (something I never do) so here’s my first smut piece lol I haven’t written anything in MONTHS, so here is my baby I wrote in like 2 hours (also something I’ve never done before)💀 this is badly written bc it’s 2:30am and I cannot be bothered to proofread sorry
What does a woman running late for her job with less than a quarter gallon of gas and a horse have in common? Well, eventually they both run out of gas. Or was that just you? Probably. Here you were on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere trying to contact your job, your friends, anyone really. So much for a support system since your cries for help went unanswered before you completely lost battery. Yeah, you forgot to charge your phone after a night out with your friends, go figure.
You let out a resigned sigh as you sit in your car with the door open as the beautifully unpleasant waft of cow dung and freshly cut grass assaulted your senses. Fully giving up, you reach for the coffee you made 2 hours ago, grimacing at the relevation that it was now more like a nice cold coffee. Looking at the scenery, you tried to make yourself feel better. Hey, at least the cows are cute right? They’re staring at you with their beady little eyes, nothing behind them as they chewed away at some of the grass you strongly smelled. Just then, a cow came up close and you almost considered touching it like you would your cat Oreo, the sweet little thing. You refrained, of course, as you hadn’t hit a complete mental rock bottom at that point yet.
Just then, the cow took a huge dump right then to you, the smell from before intensifying due to obvious reasons.
You cursed the damned cow and fled the scene locking your car. That was definitely the motivation you needed to look for help nearby. Cows meant farms, right? And farms meant people. People that could help you get home. To Oreo. Or your dead end job. As you walked along the worn down fence separating you from the not-so-cute cows, you really took in your scenery. This was always a busy road as cars would often zoom by due to the scarcity of police officers in such a rural area as well as the naturally high speed limit of 60.
Nobody wants to get stuck here.
Literally no one.
It may be in the middle of nowhere, but it was quite nice. There was this thing called nature all around you if you ignored the 6 lanes that were present to your left, the 6 lanes you were speeding through only minutes before. The most of nature you usually get is the trees planted between pavement in front of your apartment building and your little cacti named Kiwi. This was kind of a nice change of pace, even if you hated to admit it.
Walking through dirt in heels is not ideal, but it had to do as you couldn’t stand the thought of dirt clinging to your feet, unknowing when you’d next take a shower. Even though you walked for an eternity, you could see no sign of life other than the few animals scattered throughout, which definitely didn’t calm your nerves.
You stopped for a second and leaned against the fence post, ignoring the possible germs it could bring with it, and blew raspberries as entertainment. You were really teaching your whits end. You may ask yourself, why don’t you flag down a car? Well, no. That’s why. We don’t do that around here.
Moving on, you continued your trek and went on for a bit more, thanking your decision to get comfortable heels. In the faint distance, you could see some sort of house structure. You squinted to better make it out and you realized it was a farm! It was quite a stellar incentive to increase the pace of your steps and you got to the entrance in only a few minutes.
You groaned in discomfort at the unusual amount of physical exercise you had to do this early in the morning and fixed up your appearance. Bun, redone. Skirt, straightened out. Shirt, saved from wrinkling. Sweat, gone. You marched up to the front door and knocked on the door only to be met with silence. You waited a few minutes until you knocked again. Met with the same reaction, you walked away and noticed an open gate. You walked towards it and sank into mud. Internally crying you marched on and looked out to see different farm animals. Horses, cows, sheep, pigs, anything you can think of was there. Whoever was running this shit meant business, you thought.
You struggled through the viscous mud and rounded a corner only to your greatest joy to find a person! Finally! With renewed vigor, you splashed until you could get in earshot of him.
“Hey! Hi! Uhm I broke down down the road and I was
” you trailed off as he turned around and you caught a glimpse of your possible savior. You were so consumed in your will to go home you never even surveyed who you were approaching. He had long, fluffy black hair that spilled over his forehead in curtain bangs and gorgeous silver dangling from his ears, nose, mouth, and eyebrow. A beautifully strong neck with a gorgeously buff body peeking out from the loosely hanging overalls he had on. His Timberlands were covered in mud and possibly fences but that didn’t deter you from appreciating the beauty of this specimen you found while you should’ve been at work. You almost were glad you broke down, if the consequences weren’t as bad as they are with your job. Almost. A goth cowboy farmer boy? You were signed up since the moment he turned around. His beautiful doe almond eyes shone as they looked at you in seemingly both surprise and concern.
iss? Miss? Are you okay?” You blinked a few times and willed yourself to snap out of it. You weren’t a teenager for goodness’ sake! You smiled bashfully and apologized, then explained your situation to the best of your ability. He nodded along and gasped at the right parts and you didn’t forget to include how your coffee had gone cold untouched. Offering his deepest condolences, he offered to make you coffee while you were tracking a bead of sweat running down his hairline onto his chest bones.
“Miss? Is everything alright? I think you’d better come inside, the heat could be getting to you.” You considered declining for a good few seconds before deciding, fuck it. You might as well. You took him up on his offer and he took you into his home. It was nicely decorated in almost a modern barn house way, but instead of white, the most common color was black. From the front door a loveseat was poised in front of a old-looking TV with an equally antique radio which emitted something you remembered from your ballet dance recitals you used to do. You nearly cringed, but kept scanning your eyes around. Next to you, on the opposite side of the living room area, was the dining room. Dark oak wooden chairs paired with a beautifully crafted table. What caught your attention was the fact that each table leg and every chair had intricately carved details, stories you remember you’d read as a child. You lightly grazed the nearest chair, admiring the craftsmanship before the man turned around after taking off his shoes and saw you halfway through his home.
“You like ‘em, miss?” You turned around a blushes slightly, caught in your act. You nodded, “yes, it’s gorgeous. Ive never seen something like this. Who made it?” You looked at him expecting a designer’s name or something like a neighbor gifted it to him but instead was met with, “oh I did, miss. My pride and joy. Spent a few months and then some on each piece.” Your eyes grew in size as your shock increased. You weren’t expecting it, but it also wasn’t too surprising. There’s not a single soul for miles around, after all. He chucked at your reaction.
“These are absolutely beautiful, uhm
” you looked at him in question. He lit up remembering he never told you his name, a shining smile crossing his face.
“Ah, name’s Jungkook, miss! Jeon Jeongguk. Sorry for not introducing myself sooner. And you are
?” You told him your name and smiled back, albeit a little more reserved than he was. He offered to make you some food and some coffee to replace the one you couldn’t drink, something which you pretended to ponder accepting before you gave him a resound yes. You’d take anything he gave you. Poison, food, a place to stay, his bed, his cock. Woah. Okay. Take a step back partner. You rounded the wall which separated the living room from the kitchen and surveyed the area once more. To your left there was a fairly new-looking kitchen with a table and two chairs. It definitely seemed like it had more worn and tear compared to the beautiful craftsmanship you’d had the opportunity to touch. The dark theme continued even with the fridge being a darker steel, the other appliances following. It all seemed pretty high tech, so it got you curious.
“Hey, do you have good electricity here?” He looked over at you from where he was whisking up something for you to eat and smiled, looking back down.
“Well, kinda
? Nothin’ like what ya get at the city I’ll tell you that, missy. Still works well enough, anyway.” You wondered how he got so much metal on him if he seems to speak like he’s never gone to the city, so it prompts you to ask, “how’d you get so many piercings this far out? If you don’t mind me asking of course.” He lets out a chuckle and turns his attention fully to you.
“Well, I have city friends. They come every once in a while. I been a country boy since I was kickin’, if ya wanted to know.” He humorously smiled and went back to his task. You sat down at the table, feeling everything shift slightly under your weight. You took out your phone and tried to see if by some miracle it started working, but to no avail. Looking up and seeing you, he remembered something he was going to tell you, eyebrows rising.
“Ah, missy! I forgot to tell ya! I got a land phone with connection you can use! It slipped my mind. And yeah, no, I don’t got any chargers. Sorry.” He answered quickly before you could even think to ask, but you were grateful for at least having a method of communication. You took him up on his offer and searched your brain for a possible phone number you could call. He took you to the antique method of communication and you dislodged it from its rightful place. The phone beeped as you punched in the numbers into the number pad. At least it isn’t a rotary phone. It rang for a few seconds before the other person picked up.
“Hello? Who’s this?”
“Hey mom, it’s me,” you informed.
“Oh my goodness, my darling! Ive been trying to reach you!”she exclaimed, worry evident in her voice.
“I know, I ran out of battery. A nice guy lent me his phone and I was able to call.”
“A nice guy, you say?” Her voice took a suggestive turn, a stark contrast to her earlier one.
“Mom, please. Im stranded like forty minutes away from the city.” You begged, hoping you could reason with her. Yeah, you were 25, but you didn’t need to settle down at that age! If only your mom didn’t think otherwise.
“Right. Well, I can go get you if you tell me where it is possibly uhhh
tomorrow? Tomorrow mornin—no! Afternoon! Sorry, work. Yeah.” You could hear her nervously scrambling to correct herself, knowing this was just some ploy to get you to know the guy.
“I know what you’re trying to do.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about! Now hang tight and make a friend! Loveyoubye!” “Mo—!”before you could get another word in, she hung up. The line went dead and you hung it back up, leaning against the wall. You grimaced for the second time that day. She was really doing this to you. Well, the more you thought about it, the less bad it seemed. You were stranded in a farm with a hot goth boy who carved as a hobby and seemed to know how to cook. What’s better? Good in bed? God, how you wanted to find out.
Walking back towards the kitchen, you caught a glimpse of what you could only guess was his bedroom. His bed was dressed in black silk sheets which reflected the afternoon light and the rest of the room followed the dark theme. Before you took too long, you willed yourself towards the kitchen and sat down with a huff.
“What’d they say?”
“My mom said she can’t pick me up until tomorrow afternoon,” you groaned. He awwed at the statement and finished the preparations to his “simple meal”. He brought 2 plates and a cup in front of you, which you thanked him for before you surveyed the plates. The first bigger plate contained some what looked like chicken and a salad while the smaller plate contained a prettily plated apple pie. The cup, beautifully enough, contained some steaming coffee. Your eyes almost watered as you thanked him and began eating.
“Sorry I cant offer you anything better, miss. If i had know a pretty little thing like you would break down and need my help I would’ve been better prepared.” You blushed at his statement and commented on how good the meat and veggies were.
“Raised the meat and got the veggies from my garden myself! All pretty fresh, since I only killed the poor thing a day ago.” He exclaimed proudly, a sad quality to his voice after the second part. He cheered up pretty fast and said,” and I baked the apple pie a few hours ago actually! I hope you like it, too.” He finished. He was almost bashful. You complimented his food and he informed you he still had some stuff to do out in the farm.
“Ah! If you need any fresh clothes you can look through my stuff and find something,” he finished with a smile. You thanked him and continued eating as he walked out the house and went on with his day. The house was now silent save for the occasional animal noise and the movement of grass with breeze. Finishing your last bite of apple pie, you got up with the coffee and headed towards the assumed bedroom. He didn’t mention where it was, but you doubted he cared whether you looked through his stuff or not. Not like he was here anyway. You set the cup down on one of his dressers and rummaged for something to wear. The uniform was getting pretty stuffy in the heat of the house, so a nice shirt and some pants would do the trick. You took off all your clothes and considered taking off your underwear too. What if something ends up happening? You want to sleep with him so bad. Ultimately, you took everything off. Naked, you took his most see-through-looking white shirt and a pair of his boxers, the only bottom part that fit after tying it a bit. You ran your hands between your thighs to quell your excitement at not having any undergarments and lowly squealed. You hoped your pressing didn’t show how wet you were. You went out to find him with his shoes on, even if they didn’t fit. Hey, they felt like you were wearing your dad’s shoes, but it got the job done. You found him feeding the horses at the stable before what seemed like bath time, soap and a hose ready to go.
“Hey!” You exclaimed. He looked your way and immediately almost choked in surprise, his face turning red.
“I see you
 got comfortable, miss.” He choked out. You internally grinned and nodded,” yeah these fit best and they’re quite nice. Is it okay?”you feigned innocence, pretending like you didn’t elaborately search for both of these pieces with a goal in mind. He shook his head and informed you he was doing exactly what you thought, bathing the horses. It seemed like he was doing that before you got here as he was on the last horse. You asked if you could help and he accepted, smiling humorously. At what, you don’t know. He let the hose run over the horse for a bit before he shut it off, something that gave you an idea. You were going to make it as messy as you could and try to get yourself completely wet, making the already almost see through shirt stick to your body. The perfect plan, if anyone asked you. It would make him want you, you were sure. At the very least start wanting you. What you didn’t know, is that he was restraining himself to the highest degree from pouncing on you right now. You were beautiful from the moment he saw you and he could tell you found him attractive. This act of dressing up in these kinds of clothes just further confirmed it. You lathered the horse in its special soap and made sure to stick to it accidentally, dampening your shirt. Your nipples poked from the cold and wetness and you could even see the pink of them. Jeongguk turned on the hose and you “accidentally” didn’t move out the way. You exclaimed in pretend shock and he immediately shut off the water and ran over to you. You were completely soaked and you feigned sadness over being all wet. He knew what you were getting at. He knew it wasn’t a mistake. He was onto you.
“Oh no miss! You didn’t move out the way! Sorry.” He feigned as well. You sulked a little and went to go back to giving the horse a second coat of soap when he caught you by your waist. He pushed your body against his and got close to your face, so much so you could count the freckles on his cheeks. You only squealed lightly from shock.
“I know what you’re trying to do, miss. You know, trying to be innocent doesn’t work on me,” he breathed out, voice husky. You blushed, not thinking you’d be found out so quickly.
“Let’s say we skip this part and get straight to business. What do you say?” He inquires, a raises brow making his piercing shine in the light. You nod and he presses harder.
“Yes. Or. No,” he presses. You breathe out a “yes” and he immediately smacks your mouth against his. His tongue makes his way into your mouth and both of your tongues dance together. He pats the horse and it starts to trot away, almost as if understanding it was a moment not for its eyes. He walks you back, still making out, until you reach what you think might be hay and he breaks the kiss only to press you down against it. Breathing heavily, he goes back for another kiss and begins moving his hands over your body. He touches your tits and squeezes them both, arousing a surprised moan from you. He breaks the kiss and begins flicking your hard nipples through the fabric.
“This is what you wanted, right? Right, little miss?” You moan in response and he spanks your tits.
“Give me and answer, missy.” You flush answer, “yes, this is exactly what I wanted please don’t stop.” He lowers his head onto your nipples and begins sucking them and moving them around, playing with them like they’re joysticks. You don’t think you’ve ever been this turned on. You can physically feel your juices dripping down your thighs. You moan feverishly, almost like you’ve never been touched by a man. He then, bites your nipple and stretches out before letting it go. Without warning, he presses against your center and you let out a choked moan.
“Look at you. I can feel how wet you are, baby. You haven’t had anyone as good as me, now have you?” He asks and you answer with a resound no. No man has ever been able to make you into a pool of goo and have you waterfall from your pussy like he has. He returns his assault on your clothed boobs while keeping pressure on your cunt and you cant take it anymore. You begin rubbing against his leg and he stops his manouvers completely. He stares at you as you rub against his leg like a bitch in heat, leaving a noticeable dark spot on his denim overall pants. He chuckles darkly and removes his thigh causing you to whine. He urges you to open your eyes, something you didn’t even know you had done, and held your face firmly to look straight at him.
“Did i say you could use me to get off? Hmm? You were rubbing against me like a fucking whore. Are you that desperate, huh? You wanna get fucked that badly?” He spoke so disrespectfully to you, but god. You fucking loved it. It was only a few seconds before you started to beg. “Yes, I’m your whore. I want your cock so badly, please.” He hummed at your answer and left you altogether. You protested only to be told to shut up. You did so, and was incredibly turned on in the process. He came back with what looked like restraints.
“I usually use these with the horses, but who would’ve thought I’d have to use them on some pretty little slut who stumbled across me today,” he smirked. You whined and playfully fought against his restraints, only to have his seat at your ass. The spank caused you to let out a long, lustful moan and it only made his Cheshire grin bigger.
“Oh? My sweet little bitch likes to be spanked too? Fucking look at you.” He finished restraining you, leaving your arms and legs unable to move.
“This is what you get for using me to get off without permission, missy. You left me no choice.” You whined and moves your pelvis up and down, trying to show him where you wanted him. He smirked and walked away again. You groaned in frustration again and he answered back,
“I’m gonna wash my hands, pretty. Im sure you don’t want any infections.” You simmered down and waited for his return, one that was swift. He smiled and looked at you only for a frown to overcome his face. You inquired him what was wrong and he said, “you’re wearing too many clothes.” Immediately after, he ripped his shirt apart and the boxers, both ruined garments falling limply besides you. He licked his lips looking at your body and surveyed your pussy, finding it dripping. He chucked and spanked your clit, something that made you jolt and moan.
“You’re dripping, baby. I’ve barely even done anything, too
 hmm, well you’ve taken your consequences quite well, so why doesn’t little missy get a reward, eh?” You nodded enthusiastically and he smiled, ruffling your hair. Immediately he plugged up your begging hole with two thick fingers, causing you to howl in pain. Its been a while since you had anything in there. Soon enough, though, the whimpers of pain turned into moans of pleasure as he fingered you at a fast and hard pace while rubbing your clit. He was repeatedly hitting your g spot and you felt like you had to pee. Afraid to pee on him, you urged him to stop.
hey J—Jeongg
. I think I’m gonna
 pee!” By the end of your sentence you were screaming as you watched clear juices spill out of you. That was new. “What we’re you saying?” He inquired with a smirk. As you panted, he lowered himself and began licking at your pussy. He ate you out with vigor you never knew in your life from past partners until he made you cum with just his tongue, without needing the aid of anything else. As you came down from your orgasm, he came up and kissed you as your juices ran down his chin. He looked you in the eyes and asked almost shyly, a stark change in demeanor, “you think I can fuck you?” You breathlessly chuckled and answered, “fuck yeah.”
He took off his overalls as soon as you said that, grinning madly. The lowering of the overalls showed his beautifully sculpted abs and pecs clearly and the lower he went the more you realized he wasn’t wearing any underwear. His dick sprung to life leaking precum from its pink tip. He took his hand and jerked himself a little before he lined up at your entrance and looked at you questioningly. You nodded and he went in slowly. Your juices made the ability for friction disappear and soon he started pounding into your weeping pussy. He reached down and choked you lightly as he began stimulating your clit again and you screamed in overstimulation. He didn’t give up and eventually you began feeling pleasure and his cock rammed into you relentlessly. He panted as he fucked into your cunt and your pussy squeezed his dick. You moaned in pleasure, despite your restricted air flow and he groaned from the feel of his dick fucking your pussy. Soon enough, you came to your end squeezing his dick like a python and he pulled it out. He jerked off and came over your stomach and tits covering them entirely.
“Fuck, if I had a phone I would’ve definitely taken a picture of this. You look beautiful like this, miss.” He panted and you chuckled breathlessly. You both stared at each other attempting to catch your breaths in silence. He was the first who broke it.
 wanna take a shower?”
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dumplingsjinson · 7 months
Okay so a lot happened this date lmfao, but lemme just summarise:
1. Met some of his friends. Initially was supposed to be 6pm-10pm, but we ended up drinking the night away. They were all dudes and I was initially uncomfy until I got them drinks in. Ended up at one of his friend’s house until 6am, drunk as fuck, drinking more and trauma bonding, and got back to his (cat guy’s) house at 7:30am. Basically pulled an all nighter for the first time and not even for a fucking assignment lmfao. Added 3/4 of them on Instagram because one of them left too early for me to be drunk enough to have the courage to ask for their instas LMFAO. Also ended up peeing in a bush (they all encouraged me then walked away lmfao) because I couldn’t wait till we got to his friend’s house and I think some passer by MIGHT have seen me skdksks. Also didn’t end up ice skating because my fuckass foot hurts. I ended up skipping my first day of uni because of the fucking all nighter I pulled due to the drinks and stayed at his house for the rest of the day 💀
2. His friend kept calling me a “secret” and saying cat guy was hiding me LMAO. Turns out cat guy never name dropped me and only told them he was dating someone, so I don’t think they knew who I was exactly until very recently (probably as recently as just two days before). There is only one friend who he’s talked to about me in a more extensive manner.
3. Found out he might be moving to another state in one or two years for a contractor job. Most likely for 6 months, and most likely not a permanent position, and might be coming back to our state anyway, so it’s probably temporary from the sounds of things. Nothing’s confirmed or offical, but I’m a bit worried as he can’t seem to do long distance but maybe that will change in the future lol, but we should probably focus on whether we’ll even make it for another 1-2 years LMAO. But yeah. I did think “What if I get hurt and we break up when that happens? That means all the time I’ve invested would have gone to waste. Maybe I should end things now and cut my losses?” BUT HEAR ME OUT, I also realise that would be very premature and a little stupid to do as again, nothing is set in stone yet and plans could very well change. At first when I asked him if we’d be okay if that happens, he didn’t really have an answer, but we talked a bit more about it and ended up agreeing we could probably work something out in order for us to manage if it ever happens. It could work, so I wouldn’t want to break things off early for no reason. So yeAH. We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.
4. Hopped on a Discord call with his friends for like 10 minutes then hopped off. He’s currently gaming right now as we speak lolol, I’m here laying in his bed on my phone typing this post skikdkd
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hiraya-rawr · 2 years
when you posted "it's 3:30am" yesterday i stared at the clock like, "but it's 2:30pm????" and it took me a moment to realize other timezones exist 💀💀
that being said, it's probably early for you so i hope you sleep well!!!
hello! it's 3:27am right now in my time zone~ i get what you mean, tumblr made me more familiar of other people in their time zones 😅 good early morning and you oughta sleep as well <3
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stranger-nightmare · 3 years
𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐍𝐱𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐳𝐯𝐹𝐼𝐬
Pairing: Dympna Devers x (female) Reader
Summary: just another a late night hookup with Dympna in the back of his car
Warnings: bit of fluff, mostly smut, fingering, penetrative sex (m+f), creampie, cockwarming, minors DNI
A/N: look at me go with another idea coming to me whilst I fall asleep and quickly scrambling a note on my phone at like 2:30am💀 anyway I of course can’t post this without tagging @siempre-bucky and @mothdruid, enjoy my fellow Dympna whores😈😌
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This is for people 18+ only. Minors do not read on. If you click ‘keep reading’ you are hereby agreeing that you are 18 or older.
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Another day, another late night rendezvous with Dymphna in the back of his car.
Your stomach had fluttered the way it always does when you get that all too familiar text from him.
Pick you up at 11.
So now here you were, parked in some abandoned car park on the outskirts of town, sat in the back seat with Dympna's lips on yours, his one hand underneath your skirt. His other hand was draped around your shoulders as he held you against his side where you were sat next to him. You were leaning back against the seat whilst he towered over you. You feel him smirk against your lips as he reaches the apex of your thighs, his fingers skimming your folds.
“No panties?” He whispers huskily against your lips.
You let out a soft giggle before recapturing his lips with yours, delving your tongue into his mouth. You barely hear the small moan that leaves your throat when his fingers push into your folds, lightly brushing your clit.
“Fuck, you’re so wet already” he groans into your mouth as his fingers run through your slit, gathering your slick.
“I’ve been thinking about you all night since you texted me” you bite his bottom lip, relishing in the sound he makes.
He then pulls back slightly to look at you, a small smirk curving the edge of his mouth.
“Oh yeah? Thinkin’ ‘bout what exactly darlin’?”
His eyes darken with a kind of smug lust when you gasp as he pushes a finger inside you. You bite your own lip now as you try and stop the almost embarrassing string of moans that threaten to leave you as he starts to pump his finger in and out of you slowly.
“You been thinking about this, hmm? ‘Bout all the things I’m gonna do t'ya in the back of my car?” He hums darkly.
All you can do is nod and bite your lip even harder as he slips another finger inside you.
“Hmm, y' like that don’t ya?” He smirks again as he watches you writhe under his touch.
You nod and let out a pathetic whimpered “yes” as he works his fingers even deeper inside you.
His pace is slow and languid as it usually is. He cherished these stolen moments with you and never wanted to rush things. He liked to take his time when he could. He pumps you slow but deep, his fingers curling to hit that sweet spot inside you with every thrust of his hand. You rock your hips in time with his hand, working towards a slow burn climax, a fire building in the pit of your stomach.
After a while he adds his thumb to the mix, rubbing it against your clit. You gasp and shudder at the new sensation, the fire in your stomach reaching an apex.
“Ah, D, I’m close” you whine, looking at him with pleading eyes, silently begging him to let you cum.
“I know love” he smiles down at you, a softness in his expression. “Go on, cum f'me baby,” he whispers fervently as he rubs his nose against yours.
His words finally tip you over the edge, your orgasm ripping through you, radiating through every inch of your body. You keep your eyes on him as you fall apart on his fingers, knowing how much he loves to watch the pleasure stretch across your face.
“Atta girl” he praises as you start to come down from your high.
He smiles softly at you once more before he reattaches his lips to yours. He pulls his fingers out of you, swallowing the small squeak that sounds from you. Both of his hands find their way to your hips and he pulls you over to straddle him, spreading his legs out on the backseat. He groans into your mouth as you almost immediately begin to grind against his already hard cock where it strained against his acid-wash jeans. You whine lightly when his hands leave you but you’re quickly reassured when you hear the sound of Dympna’s belt buckle being undone. You then quickly hear the sound of his zipper going down and his soft moan as he pulls his aching and leaking cock free.
His kiss becomes sloppy and unfocused as he angles his cock to run the head through your wetness. You shudder as he runs it over your sensitive clit, your hips instinctively bucking forward, your body begging to have him inside you.
It doesn’t take long for him to relent and finally push his tip inside your waiting entrance. As soon he’s part way inside you his hands move right back to your hips, guiding you down onto his cock.
“Fuck” he groans as you finally sink down onto his cock, taking him to the hilt. “I’ll tell ya, I been thinkin’ 'bout this all day, thinkin’ about you all day.”
“Yeah?” You cock your head to the side and smirk at him.
“Mmm, yeah” he hums leaning back up into your mouth.
He pushes his lips roughly against yours one last time before he leans back on the seat, letting his head fall back so he could watch you as you start to slowly fuck yourself on his cock.
Dympna sighs as he throws his head back, his fingers digging roughly into your hips as he starts to guide you on his cock. You moan as you feel the head of his cock reach that sweet spot inside you. You lean forwards to take advantage of his thrown back head, assaulting his neck with kisses and bites, savouring the taste of him whilst you could. He groans quietly and squeezes his eyes shut for a second as he takes in the sensations of your hot mouth on his skin, your warm cunt around his cock, squeezing him so good as you always did.
You work in sync together, creating a lazy and languid pace. You both just relished how good you felt together, you were in no rush to reach your climaxes. You simply wanted to enjoy the physical closeness of getting lost in each other, getting lost in the pleasure. You both watch each other’s face as they twist in pleasure, your mouths hanging open, your eyebrows knitted together. The only sounds in the quiet night are your breathy moans, Dympna’s quiet groans, and the wet sound of his cock disappearing inside you repeatedly.
Your moans start to get louder and Dympna’s grip on your hip tightens as you both start to climb closer to your climaxes. You slide your hands up his chest, moving them behind his neck, pulling on the hair at the nape of his neck. You arch forwards over him as he slumps even further into the seat, pushing his hips up into you.
“Fuck, ya always feel s’good baby” he pants, rolling his hips beneath you.
He curses under his breath, his eyes squeezing shut again, his fingers digging into you with a bruising force.
“Shit” he breathes as his hips jerk under you, his cock pulsating inside you as he cums.
You moan into his skin and kiss at his neck again as you ride him through his climax, your continued up and down motion on his cock pushing his cum out of you, letting it leak into his lap. One of his hands comes between you to find your clit, circling it as you continue to fuck yourself on him.
You chant his name into the crook of his neck as you finally feel the burn in your stomach reach a precipice, your climax only moments away. And Dympna could tell.
He pinches your hips to get your attention, pushing you back slightly.
“Let me look at ya, baby. Let me watch ya cum” he pleads with you.
You obey him quickly, sitting up and locking your eyes with his. His mouth hangs open to mimic yours as moans fall freely from you, your body one the verge of tipping over into pure pleasure.
“Atta girl, that’s it. Cum again for me darlin’” he whispers as he quickens his circles on your clit; his words and increased speed being the final push you needed to fall over the edge.
You whine his name, your voice cracking, as you cum around him, your pussy clenching over his slowly softening cock. A lazy smirk lands on his face as he rubs you through your climax, happily watching the pleasure ripple across your face.
“Good girl” he murmurs as you slowly stop your grinding movements, coming down from your high.
Both of his hands reach up to cup your face, bringing you down to kiss him again. You both moan quietly into the kiss, your lips moving together like a dance only the two of you knew.
You don’t know how long you stay like that. Minutes, hours, even days could’ve gone by but you didn’t care. You just revelled in his lips on yours, his softened cock still sat inside you, his warm chest pressed against yours.
After a while you finally decide to move and get cleaned up. Dympna helps clean you and him with the wet wipes he keeps in the car for this exact reason. Once you’re cleaned up and dressed again he leans back against one of the back doors, his legs stretching out across the back seat. He lets you climb into his lap, wrapping his arms around your torso and pulling your back tightly against his chest. He places a quick kiss to your cheek before he tucks his head into the crook of your neck, his chin resting on your shoulder. The two of you sit in comfortable silence for a while, just watching as the light of the morning sun slowly starts to bleed into the horizon.
“I missed ya” Dympna murmurs into the warmth of your skin.
You can’t help the butterflies that spread in your stomach and the smile that plasters your face.
“You saw me like two days ago, ya know?” You laugh softly.
“Still missed ya,” you feel him shrug behind you.
You twist around to face him, placing a soft kiss to his nose.
“I missed you too.”
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A/N: okay this ended up being a lot softer than I intended, but I actually really love it, soft!Dympna is taking a large portion of my heart rnđŸ„șđŸ„Ž hope you guys liked this!!đŸ„°đŸ–€đŸ’«
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