#not my usual stuff but you know what? whateverrr
caprart1 · 29 days
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Hiii guys guess what? I made a Sephiroth x Reader reeeheeheehee don't we love that
Sane Sephiroth (idc idc I need it)
Kissing hee hee!!
A LITTLE bit of angst?
Cuddling, because I just want to hold him tbh
This is also on ao3 but idk how to hyperlink so it's also here under the cut 👇 ok goodnight
Human (Sephiroth x GN Reader)
Sephiroth was strong, there was no question about that. The world revered him as the legendary warrior he was, a title he had rightfully earned as his name became synonymous with power. He was cold and merciless in nature, and swift and accurate in combat. Talk of him among SOLDIER often consisted of speculation that he was not even human, but rather an indestructible weapon specially created for war. At least, that was what the lower class SOLDIERs claimed; the ones who looked up to him and watched in awe as he trained day in and day out. As his close friend, however, you recognized him as a human, and humans are not indestructible.
It was normal for Sephiroth to spend most of his days training alone or with others, or hidden away when Shinra demanded his time. Still, he rarely appeared worn out. He always maintained his polished image and calculated persona. As a SOLDIER you found yourself impressed with him, admiring his consistent strength and elegance. Yet, with the privilege of your friendship, you were more aware than others of the slightest changes in his appearance and behaviors. Those keen observations had made you aware lately of how dark circles had begun to slowly appear under Sephiroth's piercing eyes.
Today you were with him to help him spar, per his request. He bested you each round, as you expected, but you had been at an even greater disadvantage since you were focused on those subtle dark circles. You knew how well Sephiroth cared for himself, so it was jarring to notice this imperfection. It was unlike him.
"You look... damn... a bit tired lately," you huffed out when you became winded after a while of sparring. Sephiroth sighed as he lowered his sword.
"I have been facing trouble sleeping at my usual hours, but I am fine nonetheless. Do you need a moment?"
"Yeah, just... just a minute."
The two of you put up your weapons and took a seat at one of the benches there. You spent a few moments catching your breath while Sephiroth sat beside you, arms crossed over his broad chest and leg crossed over the other as he waited. Your eyes squinted as you looked over him for a drop of sweat. It was slightly annoying how he never seemed even the tiniest bit exhausted after fighting, you always thought to yourself.
"So, has there been anything that is keeping you from sleeping?"
Sephiroth shook his head and clicked his tongue. "You're still focused on that? I am fine, truly. Worry about yourself. Perhaps if you spent more time on that, you would be a better SOLDIER."
"You're good enough for the both of us," you grumbled at his teasing. "Is there something coming up? It just seems like you've been training harder than usual recently."
"In three weeks, I will be leading a mission to Nibelheim to inspect a Mako reactor. It will be the first big mission for one of our newest First-Class SOLDIERs, so I must be prepared for anything that could go wrong."
"Nibelheim... that's a long journey. Aren't you worried you won't function well if you're not getting enough rest?"
Sephiroth paused before responding. "I'm more than capable of functioning under less-than-adequate circumstances. You shouldn't worry yourself over my being."
Sephiroth continued his vigorous training over the next few weeks, leaving little time for anything else aside when the Shinra scientists called for him. You could swear that his dark circles were growing more prominent by the day. At times, there were odd hours of the night that you strolled down the halls of Shinra, and for many of those you saw Sephiroth back in the training room. His energy seemed different during these nights; the way he moved was more ferocious, as if his body was overflowing with anger. Intimidated chills would run through your spine just watching as he sliced through simulated targets. It made you wonder what kinds of thoughts went through his mind, and why he was not sleeping as he normally would at that hour. You never lingered around long enough to express your concern to him however, finding it best to leave him alone.
The concern eventually grew into worry when one day Sephiroth had met with you for another sparring session. As collected as he always presented himself to be, today his mind seemed to be lost somewhere beyond consciousness. His words were short and he broke eye contact uncharistically early. Even his movements dragged a bit as he prepared himself to train with you, lacking his typical sophistication. You also did not fail to notice how his blinks had become slow and drawn out, like his eyelids had to fight to open.
There was something else upon further inspection. Was that puffiness around his eyes?
"Are you ready now?" You were broken out of your study of him when Sephiroth spoke to you, Masamune in hand.
"Hold on, I need to put on my armor."
He nodded as he set aside his weapon and turned away, finding a seat and crossing his arms over his chest. You shook your worry out of your head and attempted to shift your attention to equipping your gear. However, you kept looking back at Sephiroth and observing him quietly sitting, head looking down. Something about how quiet he was struck you as odd though. It was not until a minute had passed of him being still that you decided to walk over and check on him. Perhaps he was just being patient and enjoying the moment of relaxation, you thought.
You soon realized that was not the case, however, as Sephiroth made no sign of acknowledgement the closer you came towards him. He was always acutely aware of his surroundings, even off the battlefield. As you stepped in front of him, eyes on his slightly hung head, you noticed his shut eyes and lips that were parted just enough to release delicate breaths. His whole body, miraculously upright, swayed steadily in time with his breathing. You hesitated in place, unsure of what to do. Your gaze fixated on how sweetly his long eyelashes rested on his cheeks, begging you not to disturb him. Even relentless warriors were not impervious; Sephiroth, too, was a human who needed his rest. But the logic in you argued the consequences of leaving him, and so with bated breath you reached out and softly touched his shoulder.
"Sephiroth?" you said in a hushed voice, too quiet for untrained ears. You watched Sephiroth's body jolt in surprise, but as quick as he awoke he had composed himself as if to play off that he dozed at all.
"Have you prepared?" he asked as he rose from his seat, wasting no moment to address his dozing, and walked past you. You turned back and watched him, your eyebrows furrowed with concern.
As he reached out to retrieve his weapon, you stopped him with a hand over his arm.
Sephiroth stood in place, stilled by the rare shortening of his name, unmoving his arm from your grasp and eyes trailing away to an unknown plane. You studied his face for any signs of opposition to your interjection, and upon finding none you gently began to pull him.
To your amazement and relief, Sephiroth made no attempt to resist and allowed you to pull him out of the training room. The way was silent as you lead him through corridors and to his quarters, passing by the occasional SOLDIER. As soon as you entered and shut the door, you saw Sephiroth begin to remove his coat and shoulder armor like he had been waiting to. Your face flushed watching his upper body go bare and you averted your eyes out of decency. Although you both have seen each other on several particular nights, it was difficult to not feel sheepish looking at his nude figure when it looked as good as it did.
You heard the tumble of his boots against the floor and the rustling of bed sheets, and when you looked back to Sephiroth he had already crawled into his bedding. He sighed heavily as his head sank into his pillow, bringing one hand up to rub his weary eyes.
Feeling satisfied that he settled down, you readied to leave his room until your eyes landed on the lit lamp atop the nightstand beside his bed. Sparing him from turning it off himself, you walked over and reached to switch it off with a click. Glancing back at him one last time, you then again turned away to leave him to his deserved rest. At least, you attempted to leave.
You were stopped when Sephiroth murmured your name, and within an instant he had grabbed your wrist and pulled you down. The sudden action made you yelp as you lost balance and fell on top of him. With his other hand going to your lower back, you were pulled even lower until Sephiroth connected your lips together. It had transpired so quickly you could only stay shocked in place, but as your hand rested against his chest and his vibrant eyes fluttered shut you too melted into the moment. Soft lips moved languidly against yours and, pressing closer to deepen the kiss, you forgot why you had brought Sephiroth back to his room. You tilt your head and let his tongue greet yours enthusiastically, feeling his fingers dig into your back while you tangled one hand into his silky hair. Even while on edge of sleep, the arrogant bastard still found the energy to reel you in.
After a minute you broke away to catch your breath and gaze at Sephiroth. Despite your mouth now being free, you felt breathless looking down at him. His pale skin had become painted with the faintest shade of blush and his endless silver hair gathered around his head. If angels roamed the Planet, he would be living proof of it. At this close proximity, your skin ached to tenderly feel him and worship his being. You resisted, favoring to await for his next move.
Sephiroth's chest rose and fell slowly beneath you, unaffected by your weight over him. He moved his hand up to kindly touch your cheek, thumb gliding over the skin as you leaned into his palm.
"Stay," Sephiroth muttered. A soft command.
You eyes darted across his face in a daze as one half of your brain, now fogged with thoughts of Sephiroth, fought against the other half that brought him to his room in the first place. "Don't you need to sleep?"
He chuckled. "Don't get too excited. I will. I haven't been able to properly rest for some time now, but I believe having a comforting presence beside me might help change that."
Your heart raced at Sephiroth's request. This was the most vulnerable he was offering himself to be with you, and it made your soul grow warm in a way that paled any passionate moment you two had shared together. You nodded slowly and moved to slide under the blankets and join him. His arms opened, inviting you in, and you nestled yourself into his embrace comfortably. Your cheek pressed against his pectorals as his arms closed around you, securing you against his large frame. Sephiroth relaxed, releasing a sigh, and pressed his face into the top of your head, soft breathes tickling you. You wondered if you might overheat from the combined warmth of the blankets and Sephiroth's body against your clothed flesh. You did not dare move an inch, though.
Exhaustion dragged Sephiroth quickly into a deep slumber, but you remained awake in his arms. The steady beat of his heart in your ears, a reminder of the powerfully graceful man, was too loud for you to even think of drifting away. So you laid there, watching and letting him hold you close, as if you would ward off unseen evils. Funny that Sephiroth would need any protection. Sephiroth: the relentless First-Class who has never bled on the battlefield. He who could be mistaken as something other than human; a personal toy soldier for Shinra to use in their grand game. But he was human. After all...
Those silent tears that graced his sleeping face were the loudest expression of pain you had ever seen.
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vcidgalpin · 4 years
Heart Monitor Pt 1
Stiles Stilinski x Reader (Eventually)
Season 1 Masterlist
Word Count: 2819
A/N: Forgiveness n whateverrr, please can you comment if you are enjoying so know to continue.
Warnings: None?
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  Scott slips into his seat behind me and Stiles, leaning forwards over his desk,
“You're still not talking to me?” Stiles ignores Scott, fiddling with a pen between his fingers. “Can you at least tell me if your Dad is okay? It was just a bruise, right? Soft tissue damage?” Wait, his dad got hurt? I left before the mountain lion attack that everyone has been talking about nonstop since last night, “You know I feel really bad about it?” Stiles still doesn’t say anything. “Okay, what if I told you that I’m trying to figure this out? And that I went to Derek for help.” Without turning around Stiles finally replies,
“If I was talking to you, I’d tell you that you’re an idiot for trusting him. But obviously I’m not talking to you,”
“Y/N? Are you ignoring me too?”
“No. Not you,” I hear Stiles scoff and Scott squints his eyes, looking between me and his best friend curiously. The classroom settles down for the start of the lesson, and Stiles nervously clicks his pen a bunch of times. I can feel anger start to bubble in my stomach from the clicking noise, and I whip around to Scott to distract myself.
“What did he say? Derek,” From the corner of my eye, I can see Stiles’ ear turn to our conversation, listening in, but trying to be subtle about it.
“He wants you to tap into your animal side and get angry? Correct me if I’m wrong, but every time you do that you try to kill someone. That someone usually being me,” Stiles complains as we all walk through the school hallway,
“That’s what he means when he says he doesn’t know if he can teach me. I have to be able to control it,”
“Scott, I can help you with that, okay? You don’t have to listen to everything Derek says all the time. Just because he is older than me, and maybe knows certain things that I don’t know… Whatever- This is something we can do, the two of us,”
“Three,” Stiles buts in, clearly feeling left out of the conversation again. “What’s the plan?”
“For right now? We’re having lunch,” The boys look at me, confused. “What? I’m hungry.”
  We find a table, and I go to sit down with the pair when a voice calls out my name from across the room.
“Y/N! Come sit with us? I feel like we haven’t seen you in forever,” Lydia waves her hand for me to come over, and I oblige. I sit by Allison, putting my lunch on the table, and looking curiously at the book she has out.
“Anyway, so- your ancestors killed a big wolf. So what?” Lydia prompts Allison, a bored tone to her voice. I start to feel a weird pit form in my stomach, and my mind flashes to the other day with Jackson. Jackson - Lydia’s boyfriend. Oh God, I let my best friend’s boyfriend cheat on her, with me. I am the worst person on the planet.
“-Not just a big wolf. Look at this picture. What’s it look like to you?” She turns the book so the redhead can get a better look, and I tilt my head to see too. My eyes go wide at the image, and I hear Lydia’s heartbeat start to race. The Alpha. She remembers. “Lydia?”
“It looks. Like a big. Wolf. See you in history,”
“Wha- Lydia I just got here- and she’s already gone,” My nerves slightly ease, but I still feel sick to my stomach at what I did.
“Hey, are you okay Y/N?” Allison’s voice breaks up my thoughts, and I look to her, to see her big doe eyes watching me carefully.
“Yeah- I. I guess not really?”
“You wanna talk about it?” Her voice is warm, filled with care. “It’s about Stiles isn’t it?” I let out a breathy laugh, sort of relieved that she had no clue about my secret that was literally eating me from the inside-out. “Sorry, it’s just, Scott said you two were arguing again. I thought you two had sorted things out?”
“How did he even tell you that, you haven’t seen each other all day,” Allison waves her phone at me. Of course, they probably text one another about every little thing they see. I look over the room to see Scott looking at Allison over a book, and Stiles laughing at his awful attempt at being subtle.
“You like him, don’t you?” I whip my head around to Allison and quickly back at the boys. Scott is listening to this. I focus on controlling my heartbeat as I speak to Allison.
“We have things in common, he’s a good friend. But he does get under my skin, sometimes I can’t deal with him,” Allison just laughs at me rambling on.
“So you like him,”
“Allison! No- not like that, okay?” Shit. I heard the jump in my heart as clear as day. I look at Scott, and see him smirking at me. I swear to God-
  The bell rings loudly, and I shove my things into my bag, running to catch up with Scott when I hear Allison call out his name. Scott, pretending not to hear, leaves through the doors and starts moving quicker, leaving me and Stiles still at the table. Allison walks past us, after her boyfriend, and I give her a shrug as she looks at me.
“I get under your skin, huh?” I’m gonna kill Scott.
“You know you do, you literally do it on purpose Stiles. Don’t play innocent with me,” He laughs loudly, and my body becomes less tense at the sound. Things are starting to feel normal again. “Stiles?”
“Why were you so upset last night? You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to it’s just-”
“-No, it’s fine. I just- I guess you were right. I’ve liked Lydia for years, and I guess my expectations were… unrealistic,” A small smile creeps onto my lips, “What?”
“Nothing. I just like hearing you say I’m right,” He rolls his eyes and pushes my side with his arm playfully.
“Whatever. So, what’s the plan?” I grab his sleeve and pull him out of the cafeteria, leading him to the locker rooms, stopping outside the door.
“Text Scott to meet you here, get changed and get your lacrosse gear. I am going to go find Coach,” Stiles still looks confused, but I run off before he can get another word in, “Just do what I say, okay?”
“Put this on,” I throw the black heart rate monitor towards Scott, who catches it easily.
“Isn’t this one of the heart rate monitors for the track team?”
“Yeah. I talked to Coach about joining,”
“Really?” Stiles suddenly speaks, sounding overjoyed. I nod, a shy grin on my face.
“Coach uses on to monitor his heart rate with his phone while he jogs, so you are going to wear it for the rest of the day,”
“Is that coach’s phone?” I look down,
“Yeah… Well I didn’t know how to set a new one up so while he showed me where they were, I just… Took his phone and a monitor. Look, it was a necessary evil,”
“Why did you need to steal a heart rate monitor in the first place?”
“Well. Your heart rate goes up when you wolf out. Like when you play lacrosse, when you’re with Allison, when you get angry… So, maybe for you, learning to control your heart rate will help you stay human,”
“Like the Incredible Hulk?” Stiles asks.
“I guess-”
“I’m like the Incredible Hulk,” He smiles, losing focus in his own self-esteem.
“Well done Stiles, you’ve only gone and inflated his ego. Scott, shut up and put the strap on,”
  Moments later, Scott is standing with his hands bound behind his back with duct tape.
“This is not how I planned to spend my free period,” Stiles and I pick up a lacrosse stick each, and Stiles puts the phone down so that we can see the heart monitor.
“Ready Scott?”
“Remember. Don’t get angry,” Stiles drops a couple lacrosse balls down and picks one up with his stick,
“I’m starting to think this is a really bad-” Before he can finish, a ball flies through the air, straight into Scott’s leg. He whines in pain, and Stiles sadistically smiles, picking up another ball, nailing Scott in the shoulder. “Okay, that one hurt,”
“Shush. You should be concentrating on keeping your heart rate steady. Stay calm. Y/N, you try one,” I scoop a ball up in my net and lob it towards Scott, hitting him directly in the stomach. He doubles over, trying to catch his breath. “Nice shot,”
“She is a hell of a lot stronger than you Stiles, this is hardly fair,”
“Oh quit whining, Scott,” I say as I throw another, hitting him in the neck. Yikes, that can’t have been good. He stumbles, falling to his knees with his hands still behind his back. Stiles moves to get another shot in, but I stop him, pointing at the phone. Fast beeping rings out from the phone, the numbers climbing rapidly. A gravelly growl comes from the boy, and the duct tape rips with a swift tug of his wrists. “Scott? Calm down,” I slowly approach him, ready to defend myself if he changes. He looks up at me, forehead drenched in sweat.
“The angrier I got, the stronger I felt. Is that normal?”
“Yeah. The trick is remembering to not let that need for strength overpower you,”
“I can’t be around Allison,” He slumps down on the grass, “She makes me weak,”
  For my second free period, I go and sit by my locker in the empty hallway. The library was ironically too loud to get any work done in, so this was a fair enough place to go. Engulfed in my book, I don’t even notice a figure stood next to me until they speak,
“What are you reading?” I glance up in surprise, and see Jackson towering over me.
“Oh, um. Jane Eyre,” I show him the cover of the book before looking down to continue reading. Jackson drops his bag and sits down; very close to me, might I add.
“You have a free period too?”
“No. I just don’t feel like sitting through Chem,”
“Sure. Um… Did you want something?” I look at him. He looks pale, nearly dead. The bags under his eyes showing through. Usually his skin looks airbrushed, annoyingly perfect, but now it looks decrepit and washed out.
“Actually, I wanted to talk. I know- I know that things happened between us, and that I just ran away, and have tried to avoid you ever since but, I just can’t. And it would be wrong of me to not say something, so I guess I just really had to get some stuff off of my chest. I’ve been a jerk to you, your other friend, and especially to Scott. I just wanted to say I’m sorry. I’m serious,” Wow that was actually kind of mature of him, except for the fact that he didn’t really make much effort to remember Stiles’ name but, it’s a start. Maybe he really is dying.
“Are you okay?” I ask, not able to hold my tongue any longer. “You look kind of pale, and- I don’t know, you don’t seem yourself,”
“I’m fine. I just-” He trails off,
“You never told me what happened with Derek, or at the store,”
“I got a cut, on the back of my neck, and I guess something got into it or whatever, because since then, I’ve felt so sick. But I can’t go to the doctors, because not only will they ask questions, they might not let me play,”
“Can I see it? The cut.” He squints his eyes, scanning me, clearly confused. He shrugs after a moment, and turns his back to me so I can have a look. 3 wounds that haven’t properly healed yet trail down the nape of his neck. A werewolf did this. But they hadn’t healed, so that means he isn’t a werewolf, which I guess is a good thing. His body seems to be rejecting it though, so maybe he did get cut deep enough. But that would mean that he really is dying.
“Ouch,” I finally say, trying to break the silence. “That looks serious, I wish I knew how to help,” He turns back to me again and we stay in an awkward quiet state for a moment before he speaks again,
“You totally hate me, don’t you?”
“No. I hate myself. For what I did to Lydia. She’s my best friend, and I can’t bring myself to tell her what I did. What we did,”
“Please don't tell her. I know this kind of goes against my whole, ‘I’m a changed person’ thing, but I just… We got caught up in a moment, and we’re only human,” His emphasis on the last word makes my heart skip a beat. He couldn’t know, that wouldn’t make sense. How could he? “Please. It’s just- It’s been a long time since anyone has really seemed to… Care. I just lost myself, so please, don’t tell Lydia, okay? If it makes you feel better, it wasn’t your fault, alright?” He really does seem to care about his relationship with Lydia, even if he doesn’t show it openly a lot. My stomach still churns with guilt, but I nod to him, and start reading ‘Jane Eyre’ again. He leans forward to grab his bag, as if he is planning to leave. But before he gets up, he says,
“I just want to be friends. With you and Scott. I like you. Both of you. And I want you to like me. I want to get to know you two better,” He gets up, smiling at me, before leaving.
“One of you two, sit behind me,” Scott says to Stiles and I as we walk into Economics. The classroom is almost full by the time we get there, and Scott sits down first. I go to sit behind him, but Allison beats me there,
“You don’t mind, do you?” She asks sweetly, and I look between her and Scott’s pleading eyes before shaking my head, and sitting behind Stiles, in the next seat over.  “Hey, I haven’t seen you all day,” She says to Scott, who is fiddling with his bag, trying to look busy,
“Oh. Sorry? I’ve just had a lot to do. I texted you earlier though,”
“Still, I feel totally disconnected from you… Anyway, I switched lab partners,”
“To who?”
“To you, dummy. Stiles can work with Y/N, and I can work with you. This way, I get an excuse to bring you home to study,”
“Oh…” He trails off, “I just… I don’t want to bring your grade down.”
“Maybe I can bring your grade up. Come to my place tonight. 8:30?”
“8:30.” All of a sudden Coach slams a thick book down on his desk at the front of the room.
“All right, settle down. Let’s start with a quick summary of last night’s reading. Greenberg, put your hand down. Everybody knows you did the reading. How about... McCall?” I looked at him, knowing he probably didn’t do the reading. Putting my hand up to get the attention off of him, I get a stare from Coach. “Y/N, I asked McCall,”
“Last night’s reading?” Scott says, dumbly, and I sink into my seat, embarrassed for him.
“No, the reading of the Gettysburg Address,”
“That was sarcasm, McCall. Familiar with the concept?” The boy glances to Stiles, who smiles proudly.
“Did you do the reading or not?”
“I think I forgot,”
“Okay, then. Nice work. Because it’s not like you’re averaging a D in this class. You do know I can’t keep you on the team with a D, McCall?” I hear a faint beeping noise. The heart rate monitor. “How about you summarize the previous night’s reading? No? How about the night before? How about you summarize anything you’ve ever read? In your entire life,” Scott starts to get flustered, and the beeping gets quicker. “Anything at all. A blog? The back of a cereal box? The adults only warning on your favourite website,” Laughs can be heard from around the room, and Scott just stares blankly at Coach. “Thank you, McCall. Thank you for extinguishing every last flicker of hope I have for your generation. Next practice you start with suicide runs,” He sinks into his seat, and Stiles looks between Scott and the phone. Much to his surprise, he notices the BPM going down, and I glance down to see Allison’s fingers intertwining with Scott’s under the desk.
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vsquadgoals · 4 years
Golf Club (G.D) Part 2
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Part 1 
Over the course of that week Y/n saw Grayson almost every single day if he wasn’t picking her up from work to bring her home he was sitting with her on her lunch break and talking until he boss was glaring at her across the room. Nothing else had happened between them since that night, they would have dinner together at her apartment, talk or watch a movie, make out for what felt like an hour and then Grayson would go home. She honestly loved every second over it. It was Saturday again, and the boys were back at the Club with their stuff as promised. Y/n smiled wide when she saw Grayson following Ethan out of the club door and over to her cart, her stomach full of butterflies. Ethan smiled at her and pulled her into a hug. “Hey Y/n/n.” She hugged him back and smirked at Grayson over his shoulder. “Hi E. I’m glad you boys keep your word.” Ethan chuckled once they separated. “Oh, we’re not here for you, we’re here just to golf.” He teases making her roll her eyes. Grayson pulled her into a hug and smirked at his brother. “Speak for yourself.” Grayson teased making Ethan roll his eyes, Y/n looked up at Grayson confused and he waved her off. As far as she knew no one knew about her and Grayson except for Lisa, but she just had a small hunch there was no confirmation, they actually had talked about telling his family tonight that they had officially started dating. Y/n was leaning against the golf cart zoned out remembering when he had officially asked her.  
Y/n is sitting on her couch her legs tucked under her body while Grayson handed her a glass of wine before sitting next to her, she cuddled into his side pulling a blanket over her legs, he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “What do you wanna watch?” He asks grabbing the remote from the coffee table before settling into the couch. Y/n sipped her wine and closed her eyes snuggling into him more. “Whatever you want.” She mumbles, Grayson looked down at her and chuckled, “Tired?” Y/n frowned and shook her head. “No, I just like listening to your heartbeat.” She whispers before blushing realizing what she said, she sipped her wine again trying to hide the pink tint on her face. Grayson smirked and tickled her sides enough to make her squirm but not enough to make her spill her glass. “Is that so?” He teases, she squirms away from him and sat on the other side of the couch her feet against his leg. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, you must be hearing things.” Grayson sat his drink on the coffee table and propped himself between her legs putting his chin on her belly looking at her. “You’re a dirty liar.” Y/n bites her lip and looks down at Grayson who is smirking wide at her. Y/n ran her fingers through his long hair and shrugged. “Maybe I am, what's it to ya?” She teased back, Grayson leaned into her touch and closed his eyes sighing happily. “I just am happy when I’m with you.” She whispers watching him closely while running her fingers through his hair. Grayson looks at her and smiles moving up her body and kissing her lips softly. “Me too, I don’t wanna think about where I would be if I didn’t have you during all of these last few months.” He admits nuzzling his face into her chest. “Me too.” She whispers chewing her lip nervously.” Grayson looked at her and kissed her a few more times. “I need you to be mine.” He tells her making her blush. “Please let me call you mine.” Y/n smiles wide and grabs Grayson’s face kissing him. “I thought you’d never ask.”  
“Penny for your thoughts?” Grayson whispered to her as he nudged her with his elbow. Y/n was pulled out of her thoughts and smiled at him. “Just a special night is all.” She says blushing a little. “Y/n! You’re coming again tonight?” Ethan asks walking over to them. Y/n smirks at him. “Your mother would kill me if I didn’t come. She made me promise to come every week.” She told him giggling. Ethan chuckled and shook his head. “I should’ve known.” Y/n hands Grayson his club so he could take his turn while she handed Ethan his water. “You know you don’t have to do stuff like this with us right?” Ethan asks and she shrugs. “I am working E.” He rolls his eyes. “Not with us, my dad would kill us.” Y/n nudges him and nods. “Okay, okay. Only for him though.” She teases making him shake his head and smile. Once they were finishing up y/n was driving the cart back to the club, “Are you guys gonna stay for lunch?” Ethan frowned. “I can’t I have some work to do.” He tells her. “I’m gonna stay.” Grayson says making her smile to herself. “Okay. How's the company doing by the way?” She asks parking the cart with the rest of them to get cleaned out and charged. Grayson and Ethan both smiled happily. “It’s going great, everything is going nice and smooth.” Ethan tells her making her smile. “Good I’m really glad.” Once they said goodbye to Ethan, Grayson made his way to the dining room like he usually did when he came to have lunch with her and ordered her favorite. Grayson watched her talk to her coworker, her back turned to him, he couldn’t help himself, his eyes scanning up and down her legs landing on her ass, the way it looked in that tiny skirt they made her wear at work drove him crazy. Y/n parted from her coworker and made her way over to Grayson smiling at him before sitting in her seat. Grayson grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it. “I need you to stop wearing these damn things.” He says his voice low as his fingertips brush lightly over the bottom hem of her skirt. A small gasp leaves her lips at the unexpected contact and she looks at Grayson. “It’s kinda my uniform Gray.” he rolls his eyes and shakes his head. “You just look so damn good; I can only imagine what the guys around here think cause I know what I’m thinking.” He winks at her before sitting back in his chair as the waiter comes over bringing them their food. “Thank you, Dylan.” Y/n says as the waiter places her plate and drink in front of her.  
“So, are we telling them tonight?” she asks as she takes a bite of her salad. Grayson nods sipping his water. “I thought so, it’s getting really hard trying to hide where I am all the time.” Y/n smiles and nods. “Do you have a plan?” She asks getting nervous. Grayson looked at her and chuckled. “It’s not a big deal Y/n, they love you so much they’re gonna be over the moon for us.” She frowns and nods. “I guess you’re right. I just wanna get it over with so I’m not nervous about it all night.” he nods and chews his mouth full of food before answering her. “Okay, so we’ll talk to my mom while she finishes dinner and then E and Cameron separately. We’ll just bang it out before dinner.” She smiles wide and nods in agreement. “I think your mom already knows.” “Why do you think that?” He asks his eyebrows knitting together. “She made a comment about the way you look at me last weekend.” Grayson smirked and shook his head. “Well isn’t she just a know it all.”  
Y/n’s uber pulled up in front of the Dolan house the same time it did last weekend this time it was different, she was at her boyfriend’s house to tell his family that they’re dating. This time Y/n wore a pair of leggings and a nice oversized thin sweater that was off the shoulder, the sweater was long enough to cover her butt. She ran her fingers through her hair before taking a deep breath and knocking on the front door, she was grateful that it was Grayson to answer, he smiled wide at her before pulling her into a tight hug and kissing her head. “Ready?” He whispers and she just nods before following him into the house and then the kitchen where Lisa was. “Hi Lisa, it smells great in here.” Y/n says once they enter the room where Lisa is almost finished with dinner. “Hi honey.” She pulls her into a hug and smiles looking over her outfit. “You always look so beautiful when you come over here. Doesn’t she Grayson?” Lisa says turning to Grayson when she addresses him, Y/n’s face turns pink as she blushes. Grayson smiles and nods. “Of course, she does Ma.” Lisa nods happy with his answer before she turns back to the meal. “Hey ma... we wanted to talk to you about something.” Grayson says leaning against the kitchen counter next to his mom. “What’s up baby?” Y/n chews her lip nervously and nods at Grayson who is looking at her for approval before he continues. “Y/n and I are dating. She’s my girlfriends.” Lisa smiles to herself and shakes her head before looking at Grayson a playful smirk on her lips. “Grayson Bailey, you really think I don’t know my children, don’t you? I knew this already.” Y/n giggles and shakes her head. “I told you.” Lisa pulls Y/n into another hug and kisses her head. “Your dad even knew you two would end up together.” Lisa tells Grayson making him smile and kiss his mom's cheek. “I love you mom” She waves him off smiling. “I love you more, not go tell Cam and Ethan that dinner is almost ready.” Y/n nudges Grayson with her hip and giggles once they leave the kitchen going down the basement to talk to Ethan. “I told you she knew.” Grayson rolled his eyes. “Whateverrr.”  
Grayson knocked on his twin's bedroom door. “Hey E?” than calls for him to come in. Y/n smiles and hugs Ethan once they’re in the room. “Hey what’s up guys?” Ethan says when Grayson sits on the bed next to Y/n. Grayson looks at his brother and smirks a little. “Y/n and I are dating.” He says making Ethan throw his hands in the air dramatically. “Finally! Holy shit I thought this would never happen.” Grayson chuckles and shakes his head. “What do you mean?” Y/n asks confused. Ethan rolls his eyes and looks at her. “Seriously? All you guys do is flirt with each other, since you guys met.” it’s her turn to roll her eyes as she stands from his bed. “Whatever. Your mom says dinner is almost ready to come up.” She teases pushing him playfully. Grayson pats Ethan's back and they go upstairs. Once they’re in the dining room Ethan looks at Cameron and smirks. “Did you hear the lovebirds are finally together?” Ethan asks her and Y/n groans. “Ethan! We didn’t get to tell her yet.” Ethan chuckles and rolls his eyes. “Whatever she already knew I'm sure, we all did. We’re just happy you guys finally figured it out, it was getting exhausting.” Cameron smirked at her and nodded. “He’s not wrong.” Grayson put his hand on her thigh under the table and smirked at her shrugging.  
The rest of dinner was great, Lisa continued to tell them how happy she is that they’re together and happy. It’s been hard for Lisa since Sean passed away, not only losing her husband but her children losing their father, the boys struggled a little more than Cameron did, but they were so close with their father and were together almost constantly it wasn’t a surprise. So, seeing Grayson so happy whenever Y/n was around and knowing that she helped him when he needed someone the most really made her happy and gave her some relief, Ethan and Cameron were also so happy when Y/n was around, her smile and bubbly personality always brought the family’s mood up. Lisa loved watching them interact, the way Grayson could say the silliest thing and she was dying laughing almost in tears, or the way Grayson wrapped his arms around her waist and nuzzled his face into her neck the biggest smile on his face. Once they were finished with dinner Y/n went into the bathroom to freshen up and Grayson helped his mom clean up the dishes and bring them to the kitchen, Cameron had plans with friends so she had left and Ethan went to pick up sundaes for them all. Lisa wrapped her arms around Grayson and hugged him tight tears prickling in her eyes. “It’s nice to see you smiling again.” She mumbles into his chest, at this point Grayson and Ethan tower over her small frame. Grayson hugged his mom tight and chuckled. “Thanks mom.” He didn’t know she was teary eyed until she pulled away and cupped his face making him frown. “What’s wrong ma?” He asks wiping tears off of her cheeks. “It’s just been really hard watching you kids struggle and not being able to help. But when you all are around Y/n everyone's so happy and it really just warms my heart, especially you. When she’s around you don’t stop smiling Grayson.” Y/n is standing on the other side of the wall of the kitchen tears streaming down her face listening to Lisa. Grayson pulled his mom into another tight hug after wiping tears from her cheeks. “I love you.” He mumbles holding his mom close. Y/n wipes the tears from her cheeks trying to compose herself before she walked back into the kitchen, she wishes that they could all know how much their family means to her, even without her and Grayson dating, they mean the world to her and have helped her get through so many things in her life and have been so supportive of her no matter what she does.  
Y/n walked into the kitchen and Lisa and Grayson pulled apart and before they could explain themselves Y/n pulled Lisa into a tight hug before a small sob leaves her lips. “I wasn’t eaves dropping I promise.” She mumbles against Lisa’s shoulder. Lisa chuckles a little and rubs y/n’s back. “It’s okay, its all stuff you should know.” Y/n pulls away and frowns looking at Lisa. “I just need you to know how much you guys mean to me, Grayson and I’s relationship aside. I wouldn’t be where I was if it wasn’t for you guys, you’ve been the most supportive family I could ever ask for.” Lisa hugs Y/n again and kissed her head. “We love you so much don’t ever forget that.” Y/n nods and chuckles wiping her face. “Sorry for the tears.” She says clearing her throat, Grayson wraps his around her waist pulling her into his side and kissing her head. “Ma, can we watch some home videos tonight instead of a movie? I think it’ll be nice.” Lisa frowns and nods. “I’ll go dig them out, Ethan should be back soon.” Once Lisa left the room Grayson pulled Y/n into a tight hug and peppered kisses on her face. “You’re so amazing.” He mumbled against her cheeks. Y/n smiled and turned her head pecking his lips. “No, you.” Ethan came into the kitchen bags in hands. “Oh no, so it begins.” he teases making Y/n giggle.  
They all sat on the couch in the living room cuddled under blankets, Y/n was cuddled into Grayson’s side while she ate her ice cream. Once Lisa set up the video, she sits back on the couch next to Ethan getting under the blanket and getting her sundae off of the table. They watched the videos for hours, laughing and crying, Y/n loved seeing the twins when they were babies, so cute and chunky. Y/n soon removed herself from Grayson and moved closer to Lisa leaning against her and snuggling into her, watching the videos was really hard for Lisa, she wasn’t able to watch them yet but knowing Grayson wanted to watch them pushed her to watch them finally. However hearing his voice for the first time since he passed way really hard for all of them, especially Lisa hearing him address her when he was filming her and the boys made sobs slip past her lips, Y/n wrapped her arms around Lisa and held her close trying to comfort her. Lisa appreciated the comfort from Y/n it helped more than she probably knew. Soon Lisa was standing from the couch and hugging the boys before letting them know she was gonna head to bed. Ethan left shortly after that, Y/n and Grayson turned off the videos putting them away neatly.
Grayson wrapped his arms around her waist and slowly began trailing kisses down her neck to her collar bone. “Stay?” He mumbles sucking softly on her sweet spot making her bite her lip. “I don’t have any clothes.” She whispers and he rolls his eyes. “Good, I can’t wait to see you wearing my clothes.... Or nothing at all.” He says before picking her up and bringing her downstairs as she giggles. Grayson tosses her onto the bed making her giggle more and look up him as he pulled his shirt off over his head after closing his bedroom door and locking it, she was grateful Ethan’s bedroom was on the other side of the basement. Instead of climbing on top of her like she thought he was going to he went into his drawer and pulled out a t shirt before putting it on the bed next to her feet, she leaned up on her elbows and watched him while biting her lip as he stripped his clothes leaving him just in his boxers. He raised his eyebrow looking at her while her eyes traced up and down his body while biting her lip, it was the first time she was properly seeing his body and she was already obsessed, he’s so beautiful she couldn’t handle it, it was making her squirm now under his gaze. “What’s the matter Angel?” He asks smirking at her. “How is it possible for you to look so fucking good?” She asks her tongue running over her bottom lip. Grayson chuckled and shook his head. “Have you looked in the mirror lately?” He climbed on top of her finally and attached their lips. Y/n wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him deeper into the kiss and running her tongue over his bottom lip which he gladly parted his lips for tangling their tongues together immediately. His hands slowly slipped under her sweater breaking the kiss only to pull it over her head and tossing it behind him onto the floor, he reached around and unhooked her bra tossing it in the same direction as her sweater. Grayson sat back on his heals and looked down at her admiring her body while running his fingertips down her sides slowly making her squirm underneath him.  
He just stared at her like that for what felt like forever, finally she whimpered underneath him. “Please Gray.” She groaned arching her back trying to get him to touch her more. Grayson smirked and hooked his fingers into the waist band of her leggings and panties pulling them both down at the same time and she was finally naked under him. Grayson leaned back against admiring the beautiful girl underneath him, “You’re so beautiful Y/n.” he said while his fingers ran down her torso lightly making her whimper and blush. He leaned down attaching their lips again before pulling away and kissing down her neck slowly while nibbling and sucking until he got to her nipples, he took one into his mouth sucking the sensitive nub while his hand worked the other. Y/n threw her head back moaning softly her hands going to his hair tangling her fingers in it. Once he was satisfied with his work on one, he moved to the other, Y/n was a moaning mess, she was sure that she could cum from this alone if he continued at the rate he was going. “Grayson.” She whimpered making Grayson smirk and pull away looking at her. “What baby?” He says as innocently as possible making her bite her lip. “I need you to fuck me.” She moans pulling at the waistband of his boxers, he bites his lip and nods before stripping his boxers revealing his hard, throbbing cock, Y/n looks at it and bites her lip clearly intimidated by the size. The look on her face makes him smirk and almost chuckle, he leans down attaching their lips aggressively while his fingers slowly slip between her folds making him groan against her lips once he feels how wet she is. “So wet for me aren’t you baby?” He mumbles against her lips and she simply nods trying to hold back her moans, his fingers circle her clit a few times before he takes away his fingers and pumps himself in his hands a few times before lining himself up with her soaking entrance. “Ready Angel?” He asks peppering kisses on her neck, she bit her lip and nodded. “Yes.” before she knew it, he was thrusting into her, she slapped her hand over her own mouth trying to muffle her moans, the last thing she wanted was for anyone to hear them. Grayson smirked and grabbed her wrists pinning them to the bed over her head. “No, no Angel. I wanna hear you.” He teased holding her wrists tight with one hand while the other was on her hip helping to keep him balanced as he thrusted into her harder and faster. Y/n was a moaning mess under him, her back arched as she grew closer to her release tightening around his cock only making him go faster. Grayson moaned and let go of her wrists moving his hand in between them and rubbing her clit making her moan his name louder. “You’re gonna cum aren’t you Y/n? I can feel you’re close.” Y/n looked up at Grayson and nodded her head moaning. “Yes, Grayson. I’m so close.” He smirked and leaned down sucking lightly on her collar bone. “Me too baby, cum for me!” he moaned against her skin his thrusts getting sloppy. Soon they were both cumming together moaning loudly, Y/n ran her nails down Grayson’s back will she did.  
Once they boy were able to catch their breath and cleaned up Grayson laid down next to Y/n and wrapped his arms around her pulling her close, they stayed up for a little while just talking about how glad they were that today went so well with his family. Soon the two of them were fast asleep in each other's arms and it was probably the best sleep either of them as gotten in weeks. The next morning Y/n rolled over nuzzling her face into Grayson’s chest stretching her legs as she did. Grayson smirked holding her close and kissing her head. “Good morning Angel.” he mumbled his voice deep from sleep, Y/n smiled against his skin. “Good morning.” She whispered still trying to wake up. They laid there for a minute or two trying to wake up. “Wanna go upstairs for breakfast?” he asked kissing her head. Y/n bit her lip and buried her face into his neck. “Nooo.” She groaned making him chuckle. “Why not baby?” Her cheeks flushed remember the night before. “Cause I can’t face them every again after last night, they all heard us.” Grayson was laughing now and looking down at his girlfriend. “Baby, we’re both very much adults, it’ll be fine, come on.” He got out of bed and gave her a pair of his basketball shorts and another t shirt for her to wear to breakfast. She frowned and changed before following him upstairs. This was going to be an interesting breakfast. 
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@dolan-bliss​ @dominatedolans​
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mclloryisms · 5 years
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hey guys !! my name is taylor & i’m super pumped to join y’all !! so this is mallory a.k.a jace’s little sister.  i’ve got her pinterest here, a few wanted connections ideas here but i'm literally down for anything and more info on her under the read more! if you want to plot a thing?? just like this and i’ll come to ya!
.・゜゜・ is that [MALLORY BOOKER] ? most people say they look exactly like [PERRIE EDWARDS]’s doppelganger . the [TWENTY TWO ] year old is a perfect applicant for the show because they're [PERSONABLE], yet [STUBBORN]. the top three things [SHE] want(s) to do before they die is [GO SKYDIVING, FALL IN LOVE, LEAVE A PHYSICAL MARK ON EVERY CITY SHE GOES TO]. hopefully buried life will help them accomplish it ! (taylor, twenty, she/her, cst)
so how she ended up adopted.. she honestly wished she didn’t remember what her birth parents were like. they were horrible people and there was nothing they could do to change that. both of her parents were too caught up in there own toxic relationship to even begin to give mallory any of the love she deserved.  
she was constantly emotionally tortured by her parents in the process of them trying to tear each other apart. she was told she wouldn’t be good enough for them so stop bothering, that her personality was too much for them and it hurt. even still she carries those words with her.
nothing really started getting better for her until she turned six and both of her parents were arrested for illegal drug possession and a few more lovely things. i feel as though mal was pretty numb to the whole thing mostly trying to block it out because her parents never cared for her so why should she care for them/?? but she still kinda did care alot it’s kind of her thing.
she got moved to her now parents foster home not too long after and to be honest she was pretty scared about being put into someone else’s care and was probably reticent for a long while until her now dads were able to get through to her and get her to trust them.
after that she started being herself more and that wasn’t always liked by the kids at school or in the home sometimes but that was okay because she had her own tribe of her now adopted parents and siblings that were there for her.
despite seeming fine she was still going through stuff and she wasn’t ever sure she’d fully be okay but she was learning that it was okay to not know.
she was pretty good at school since she had nothing else to do other than dance ( she picked up ballet and has been in love with it ever since)
she ended up getting a scholarship to go to uni for dance and minored in business 
personality wise
she really tries to be that outgoing and loving person for everyone all the time. it’s not like she isn’t that person at all she’s just feels like her problems usually aren’t as big as everyone elses so she just like keeps them to herself.
mal is starting to become one of those do no harm but take no shit type of people. as she has grown up she’s come to realize that confrontation really isn’t that bad and that you’ve got to learn to stand up for yourself sometimes.
she’s a pretty loyal gal like if you are her friend she’s pretty much in it for life unless you know things happen for one reason or another
she’s a very big rambler. it’s not on purpose but sometimes she just feels like she has a lot to say and sometimes she just has trouble getting the words out like she would want them too. 
she knows a lot of random things people usually skim over. she’s not too sure why she’s become a collector of all these random fact but she learned to love all the weird little tid bits she knows.
she’s a super bad overthinker of things. she doesn’t really know why tho
wanted connections !!
despite the few i tagged i also think that these would be cool to have!
good / bad influence  : she the resident good influence for someone always trying to make sure they are okay and what not and whether not they appreciate it or not is up to you and they are one trying to get mallory out of her comfort zone whether it be well meaning or not.
flirtation-ship : someone that makes her flustered and she just gets all awkward around and so on.. like there could be no reason why they flirt back in forth other than fun or there could be some other unknown reason
past flings 
childhood bff: she didn’t really have many friends back then but the ones she did have she treasured the most
just give me all the angst, fluff, friendship i’m literally down for whateverrr
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