#not nylocke though
the-silver-sparrow · 11 months
Thinkinmg...of a TOME au
My friend kept quoting the "Yas queen, slay! Slay! SLAY YOUR ENEMIES" video while in call and it just made me think of Nylocke but like.. evil So TOME swap au where the evil are good and the good are evil We get an entire protag group of just BADDIES And I wanna draw that so bad
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violetvulpini · 2 years
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I've been doodling these guys a lot and I was like, haha what if I tried to blend each characters' designs together using my favorite elements. And then uh. I did all of them.
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browa123 · 2 years
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Here’s some post-Episode 10 Scenes where Alpha drags Zetto back to the Lavendera Caves so Kizuna can help fix up the hole Nylocke left in his stomach. This is also when Kizuna learns what Zetto’s been trying to tell her all this time: The residents of the Terrain are sentient and not just his toys.
And of course, the Forbidden Power got yeeted somewhere in the direction of Sanctuary, so Zetto and Kizuna have to start from square one again. Though the idea that someone else could find it and repeat the cycle a third time has Alpha jumping aboard to help.
Zetto is against Alpha putting himself in harm’s way again at first, but Alpha is very, very stubborn about it. When he states that he feels responsible for the forbidden power now, Kizuna adds that it sounds like the same thing Zetto said before they started this mission.
So, since further argument would be pointless, since Alpha would probably get involved even if Zetto kicks him out, it would be safer for both of them to work together instead of against each other.
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Welcome to the Dark Side, Alpha. They’ve got cookies.
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butchpeabody · 1 year
Zetto and/or Kizuna for the character ask?
once again for this...i shall take more if anyone wants to send
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under the a cut once again!
favorite thing about them: when i was a kid the kirb/zetto twist did genuinely make me insane. in a good way. i think hes a really fascinating character in his like...Mentality Switches between personas yk. guy whos a jerk in a funny way vs guy who just actually sucks
least favorite thing about them: honestly i wish it was just made more clear during like episode zero or smth what his stance in sofdti as like....a living thang was? not that it would matter much in the grand scheme of his development but idk kizuna said some SHIT yk
favorite line: id probably say like...a lot of stuff from the nylocke battle in the gemini tournament. absolute lowest point of that guy its really interesting. (obligatory MY ARM AAAAAGHHHHH mention purely because holy shit he was screaming)
brotp: HIM AND GAMESOFT oh my godd them together. aughh. the only two guys who Know the guys who can talk abt shit and he can be sad. solace in understanding and so on
otp: i know its basic but like....alphazet mannn. everything abt the two of them was PAINFULLY gay and its honestly kind of funny kirb (the guy not the character) didnt notice. runner up is him and nylocke becahse i just think they are silly and funny
notp: i dont really have anyone with him that i actively LOATHE but i think its probbably him and kizuna. putting my personal gay zetto hc aside i think theyd both be wayy too codependent unless they got like. therapy. i know a lot of what ive been saying so far makes it sound like i hate kizuna but i dont i PROMISE
random headcanon: i feel like postseries hed find a way to set gs up with a virtual machine desktop of her own so her knowledge of the world can extend beyond what she knows in tome. they spend time bonding over computer science n junk :)
unpopular opinion: im honestly never good at this part but as an adult with better drawing skills now...i actually like drawing his hair
song i associate with them: zetto was never someone i had much of a playlist for back in the day so i had to scrounge a bit but i think i found something satisfactory
favorite picture of them:
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favorite thing about them: REALLY underrated secondary antagonist, interesting moral code, she has insane girlie guilt over her actions that doesnt get explored enough.....and shes a kitty cat :)
least favorite thing about them: her arc in the original series was like...a little inconclusive? i wish she couldve come to terms with sofdtis sentience and whatnot. the trajectory of a2z is changing her in a way im really liking so far though! im excited to see where she goes
favorite line: that whole rant at the tail end of the series where shes just like. a bunch of people she cared about almost died and she was freaking the fuck out. it hurts....i love her she needs THERAPYY
brotp: she doesnt get to interact with too many characters during the series but in my perfect world i think shed be chill with demonking. dont question my madness i know im right
otp: re the previous answer she doesnt interact with a lot of characters, on this note Especially im hesitant to give a definitive answer but i think if her parallels with flamey were more explored...in my perfect world.........theyd work so spicily
notp: same as zetto but also tacking gs onto this. less out of kizunas ability to see her as a person currently and more that in the future if/when she does end up coming around i do feel like gs would still be hurt by it. theyd be buddies tho:)
random headcanon: with the rpg version of tigerlily i sometimes wish that series kizuna had like...a secret lil roleplay presence. not necessarily on tome itself but she has to cool of SOMEHOW right. she made an anime catgirl avatar i KNOW she has thoughts about that shit
unpopular opinion about them: kizuna is probably the most divisive character ive done for this so far...all i can really say is like...i joke about supporting womens wrongs and stuff but i think introspectively she does have a lot of potential as a character that we dont see a lot of because most of the scenes with her are from zettos perspective. AGAIN tho im reallly liking where a2z is taking her so far i hope i get more scraps
song i associate with them: much like zetto she wasnt someone i had playlists for back in the day however unlike zetto i have the PERFECT one for her. nonexistent meet-cute (idlyam) by vylet pony.... feeling it
favorite picture of them:
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Curvier - a short essay-type thing
Okay, it's been 11 years, I have to share a theory. I'm fully aware that basically no one who currently follows me and/or pays attention to the things I post about will understand anything I'm about to say, but tbh I've put way too much into this to really care.
Anyway, you guys ever heard of TOME? :D
If not, it's this neat little 15-episode (technically 16 if you count /FILE:ZERO, 25 if you also count the Season 1 shorts, and 26 if you count all of those plus AvZ, the 5-year anniversary short) animated web series about two teenagers, an imp, a dragon-man, and a [REDACTED] who get together and fight criminals in VRchat.
Jokes aside, it's really good and you can watch it here. Seriously, go do that. It's so damn good. Today's the 11th anniversary, you literally have no excuse. At least watch episode one, otherwise the rest of this post will make absolutely no sense beyond the most surface-level of details.
Okay, done? You've watched Episode 1? Good, good. So...
In the first episode, specifically around 3:06, Nylocke pronounces Kirb's username wrong, to which he replies "It's Kirbopher. It's like Christopher except curvier." But... it isn't, though, is it? Merriam-Webster Dictionary (the most official dictionary, as we all know) defines a curve as "to have or take a turn, change, or deviation from a straight line or plane surface without sharp breaks or angularity", its synonyms including bend, curvature, arc, bow, and crook. Basically, any circle, half-circle, quarter-circle, oval, etc.
To be fair, assuming the onscreen textboxes are actually a "thing" in TOME itself, as opposed to a visual effect only used to tell the story, one could claim that the font Kirb's player uses is rather curvy itself (and they'd be right), but is it curvier?
After checking Google, I quickly found a list of every font used in the show, gathered in this here Google Doc by one unicornfoal (their username didn't pop up in the menu thing when I tried to @ them so idk if they still go by that), which tells us that the font Kirb uses is "Spicy Sushi Roll".
With the font determined, we can compare the curviness of the names. To do this, I typed each of them out in a word document, took a screenshot, and pasted it into my photo-editing software of choice. There, I created this handy diagram detailing every curve in the letters, in addition to offering brief definitions of my terminology and method for determining what counts as a curve.
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Also, as an aside, I'm really proud of how this turned out, especially with the lines and colors and the grid in the background. Like... man. Not to suck myself off or anything, but holy hell am I good at this.
Anyway, as you can see, the name "Kirbopher" has 7 inner (convex) curves and 8 outer (concave) curves, adding up to a total of 15 curves, which, assuming I'm correct about all this, had to be intentional. "Christopher", on the other hand, has 10 inner curves and 11 outer curves, which adds up to 21 total curves. Therefore, "Kirbopher" is not only not "like Christopher except curvier", but is in fact less curvy. This revelation, while shocking, isn't my final point. No, no. Because this rabbit hole goes deeper, dear reader. First, though, we must talk about parallel universes a long-defunct 2000s internet forum.
Long before TOME was a 15-episode web series, its world and characters were conceptualized in a 70-something long series of sprite animations on Newgrounds, known as TvTome Adventures, or TTA for short. Based on the forums of the TvTome website, which now redirects to tv.com, the series featured characters based largely on the forum's users, including one white sword-wielding marshmallow-thing by the name of Kirbopher15, pictured below.
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Yeah. That's... more or less Kirby in a hat. Somewhat Kirby-like. Kirbyish? Though, to be fair, it could probably be... kirbyer?
And that's where my theory kicks in. Buckle your fuckle because this is gonna blow your damn mind.
What if, and hear me out here, the original line wasn't "curvier", but instead "kirbyer", as in "more Kirby"? It'd certainly make more sense, seeing as, one, the character was originally just a Kirby recolor in a hat, and two, the name Kirbopher is literally just "Christopher" but with "Chris" replaced with "Kirby", minus the y.
Why was it changed, then? Seeing as it's so early on in the show, which has been stated to have had somewhat of a rough production, almost not making it past four episodes, it could be out of concern over copyrights, trademarks, or other legal issues possibly arising, were the show to be, say, picked up by a TV network or something. Even though Kirby is an actual name that real people have, when you factor in the character's previous incarnation, it could definitely be taken to mean the Nintendo character, instead of a regular person's name.
Oh, and one more thing. Tumblr, being very art-driven by design, is home to tons and tons of artists, writers, voice actors, etc., both amateur and professional. Plus, because Tumblr lets you @ blogs you know the names of, someone with an insane theory about a single throwaway line of dialogue in an episode of a somewhat niche web animation could, say... @ the creator of said animation, assuming they're on tumblr in the first place, and ask if they're correct in their long-winded assertions, or are simply talking out of their ass. So, with that in mind...
@kirbopher How'd I do?
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shepscapades · 5 years
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scribblehooves · 7 years
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The one guy who yells a lot but is really nice
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javid-shamash · 4 years
actually not gonna wait for people to ask because this fandom is so small i will simply Type
Alpha is, of course, the Fool arcana, the wildcard, the protagonist. he awakens to his persona after first stumbling through the door into the Forbidden Power’s chamber, where it does Something and awakes him to the power of persona, giving him his initial persona: Heracles! Heracles is a sort of humanoid lion/peacock mix, referencing the control Hera has over the hero named after her. Heracles was chosen due to his nasty habit of getting compelled by various deities n people to murder his wives n children!
Flamegirl is the Strength arcana, due to her being the most functional person in the whole show. she knows who she is, is smart as hell, and is not gonna let anybody pull any shit on her. her persona is Catherine, the first wife of Henry the 8th. while he tried to divorce her, she was constantly viewed as the true queen of england and even went to war and murdered a man while pregnant, mailing her husband the general’s bloody coat to prove her victory. queen! looks like a woman decked with the more biblical description of throne angels, referencing Catherine being a devout Christian and Flamegirl’s flames
Kirbopher is the Hanged Man arcana, due to him being caught between two worlds, his friends and his work. plus hes making himself suffer so much. his persona is Winstom from 1984, a man in a blue jumpsuit in a fetal position with a red book in his lap, television wires wrapped around his legs and his head replaced by a rat cage. winston was chosen due to his secrets, his fear, and his eventual succumbing to that fear
Nylocke is the Star arcana, due to his relentless positive nature and sheer force of personality and hope. his persona is Don Quixote, for fairly obvious reasons. a man consumed by his ideals of chivalry he hurts others around him.... yeah. Don Quixote looks like a man fused to a horse, except he and the horse are made entirely of a mix of stained glass and carved glass. hes fragile underneath it all, yknow?
Gamesoft is the High Priestess arcana, due to her knowledge of the world of TOME and deep secrets and mystery. her persona is Morgaine, aka Morgan la Fey. mysterious woman with power over magic, hidden from others and her allegiances never quite obvious, though a good person in the end (with her being the one to row arthur to his healing place after his battle with mordred). Morgaine looks like a woman in a long purple dress pinned with butterfly pins in mid-air, like a pinned butterfly. redundant word choice, i know, but idk the proper words
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tthirdmember · 4 years
uhh for that character ask thing you rbed, kirbopher?
im goin with webseries kirb bc that's my fav kirb
favorite thing about them
for me it's the fucking character depth.... i Will think about him as a character for 80 hours on end because Holy Shit there's so much to get into
least favorite thing about them
i can't rlly think of much for this but if i Had to choose something......... i think i'd really like to see his relationships with the other netkings fleshed out more (rubirules is the exception. FUCK rubirules)
favorite line
DUDE THERES SO MANY..... i think one of my absolute fav series of lines of his would be during the beginning of episode 9 when he's waiting with GC/GS for alpha to show up; it's like a fun peak into how he's thinking + feeling and i think it's rlly interesting in some kinda way
NYLOCKE!!! absolute fuckin nylocke!!! especially like. after All The Bullshit™ i think it'd be so like... weirdly cathartic to see them getting along legitimately
yall already know it's kirbalpha :notlikethis:
fucking kizuna. why do people still ship them after ep15??? hello???? Hello????
random headcanon
I HAVE SO MANY.... i think one that might be considered weird is that like... i imagine after everything kirbzet and rockoon would end up hanging out at some point, or at least like.. touching base after everything, even if they were just business partners; the shit they dealt with was fairly fucked up anyway jcbfmfn
unpopular opinion
on god i think that kizuna + kirbzet as a romantic thing would end up being really fucked up and unhealthly considering their canon relationship
song i associate with them
a fuckton of songs but one of the most Prominent ones is a vocaloid song that's just called Carnival
favorite picture of them
there's too many to chose from me for me bcnfjfjjf... my fav design, though, is his S2 iteration....... it just Looks Right imo
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ravenwolfie97 · 7 years
guys i am a huge multi-shipper and no one is gonna stop me
#terrain of magical expertise#tome#even though i'm a traditionalist for the most part and rely on actual canon for reasons to ship peeps together#there are so many ships i approve of in tome#like obvs alpha & flamey bc they're legitimately canonically together in the show#and more obvs alpha & kirb/zetto bc Gay and also they've had the best and most realistic chemistry in the show#also speaking of great canon chemistry nylocke & gamecrazed#so good#also also check it out i ship zetto & kizuna bc they are the purest ship#i never show it since it's buried underneath all the zetalpha but i honestly love their canon relationship it's so good#again Much Better than in TTA lol#not the biggest supporter of nye & kirb/zet since there's not a lot of actual good vibes between em#specially for zet#like their only real interaction was zetto screaming at nye for being fucking annoying#idk not my personal thing but i still like it#also flamey & kizuna is eh since they literally never interacted#in an alternate canon where kizuna actually did something other than sit in the moon all the time then yeah they'd be cool#but otherwise it's meh#still cute tho and i like seeing it#oh also i totally ship saturndiva & whyti like hardcore like i've had dreams with them being cute together so you know it's legit#also also also im pretty cool with ot3 alpha & flamey & kirb/zet#yeh#there's one ship i've seen someone do that baffles me - Zetto & Whyti?????#like... what?#how... how do you come up with that#like i won't bash it since they're good together but... they've... literally never interacted at all... not even kirb and whyti have#that one makes no sense whatsoever to me#ANYWAY#i multiship a loooot#not just in tome either it's for a few other shows too but mostly tome
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kudotsurugi · 6 years
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As promised, I’m going to share some pieces I made for the Terrain of Magical Expertise Fan Artbook, curated by Adam Tilford as a present for @kirbopher.
To start, I’ll be sharing both pics and story of a ‘What If Season 3′  story I contributed to the book, starting off with its prologue and Part 1. Consider the whole story a pilot of sorts for this what-if scenario.
Links to Parts 1-11:(You are here) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
With that said here’s our beginning to this story:
It has been about 4 months since Alpha, Nylocke, FlamegirI and Zetto met in California as their prize for completing the ‘Challenge of the Netkings’. Since then, anything regarding malicious hacker activity had grinded to a halt, thanks to the erasure of a deadly virus capable of translating code into physical pain. For a little while, it was uncertain whether TOME would still be around after only recently just celebrating its 1st Year Anniversary. But thankfully for many fans, and to Alpha’s relief, it seemed that TOME wasn’t going anywhere. He was just about to login when he noticed a PM signed off with a familiar ‘Z’. AIpha opened it up and it read:
Meet me in ;Lavendera at 1:30 pm.
We’re celebrating a birthday, and I’ve got a surprise I think you’ll like.
See you when you get here,
A birthday, huh, Alpha thought, that’ll be fun, but whose? It wasn’t his, and he couldn’t think of anyone else who had a birthday out of his friends in TOME. ‘Well, no time like the present to find out’. With his curiosity piqued, Alpha logged onto TOME and was soon flying his way to the purple caves of Lavendera.
Nearly as soon as Alpha touched ground in Lavendera, he saw the battlegrid start to form and heard a familiar voice yell from behind “Well, it’s About TIME!!” He turned around to face his opponent, expecting to see Zetto, but came face to face with… Kirbopher??! “
KIRB?!” Alpha gasped in delight, “Oh my God, You’re ALIVE!!” Kirbopher, who was another identity for Zetto, whose face was beaming with excitement to fight, grimaced to a deadpan look. “Dude… seriously? Come on, you know I’m not dead! How do l even respond to that??” he grumbled in annoyance. 
“Okay, I’m sorry”, Alpha chuckled, “You certainly surprised me though. I thought you said you were retiring the character”. “Well, that’s a surprise for later with Zetto”, Kirb smiled with a sly grin, “but for now, we gonna finish this fight or what?” With a grin on his face and his fists at the ready, Alpha had only one response: “You know it, Let’s GO!”
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tritonalloysinc · 5 years
What are Fasteners and its Types?
Fasteners are a category of mechanical components that are commonly used for attachment. Fasteners are available in many various forms. We collected the following information as a manual to find out what each fastener is called to create it simple for you. Fastener is a hardware unit that is used as a non-permanent bond or usually maintains products together. Yes, joints may be non-permanent or continuous; joints can be divided readily without destroying the joint in a previous and damages the joint or, in the event of a subsequent joint, decrease its power. Scroll down to know all kinds of screws, bolts, and nuts. Bolts are attachments that involve the installation of a nut or a pre-taped socket. Screws use threads to supply their own retaining capacity. The conditions in the sector are usually blended so that you can sometimes see something called a screw or a bolt. Example: Lag Bolts are the same item as Lag Screws. In their real concept, we broke it down.
Select a class below to look at an image and data on it kind of fastener.
Bolt                        Nut                      Washer
Stud                       Socket                 Refractory Anchors
Application of Fasteners:
Certain types are also called normal fasteners or simply standard components with current domestic norms. Fasteners are the foremost wide used mechanical foundation. What if one fastener gets loose or poor down? This will certainly have an impact on the whole scheme or adverse effects. The strength, durability, and rigidity, therefore, depend on the type of material we use, or what should be the coating on it, or what the dimensions of it should be, because choosing the correct fasteners reduces fatigue stress concentration. There are different fasteners available in the market each for a specific reason that may be ferrous, unferrous, or nonferrous.
Types of Fastener:
1. Bolts: Bolt, Mechanical attachment that is normally used in two or more components with a muts. Bolts or screw fittings are therefore more widely used than any other form of the mechanical fastener and play a significant role when developing mass papers and steel constructions. The snaps or screw fasteners are therefore easily disassembled and assembled. Hexagon Head Bolts, Heavy Hex Bolt, T-Head Bolts, Collar Bolts, Mushroom Head Square Bolts, Wing Screw, U-Bolt, Tap Bolt, Square Bolt are all available. There are many different kinds of bolts.
2. Nuts : Nut, in technology, attachment unit composed of a hexagonal or rectangular frame, generally made of metal with an inner loop or woman notch, that matches the male threads of a member. Finished Hex Nut, Heavy Hex Nut, Finished Hex Jam nut, Heavy Hex Jam Nut, Lock Nut, Hex Coupling Nut, Nylock Nut are of many kinds. There are many different kinds of nuts.
 3. Washer : Machine unit washer used with a bolt and a nuts fastener, which generally helps to either maintain the lock from being loosened or to spread the mass from the nuts or bolt head over the bigger region. Thin plain chains of smooth steel are common for load distribution. There are many types Commercial Flat Washer, Special Washer, USS & SAE Washer, Spring Lock Washer, Plain Big OD Washer, Plain Small OD Washer, Spring Washer Heavy Duty, Tab Washer
 4. Stud: A kind of attachment without a top, with threads at both sides. If the part is attached to one end, the inner hole must be screwed into the part, the other end is crossed with the hole and the nut will be scrubbed, even though the two parts are attached together in one piece. This sort of attachment is also known as a stud attachment and can be removed. Full Thread Stud, Double End Stud, Threaded Rod, Tap End Stud are all available. There are many different kinds of stud.
5. Screw:  A sort of attachment consisting also of the cap and the screw, two components. The machine screws, setting screws and special purpose screws can be split into 3 classifications for the application. Mostly for a narrow threaded portion and a close bond to one piece with a through loop, the tool thread is used.  There are many types Socket Head Cap Screw, Flat Socket Cap Screw, Button Socket Cap Screw, Socket Set Screw  
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janethepegasus · 5 years
The Story of Yara’s Crossover World development
So, it all started back in 2014, where Yara posted a pic of her and a bunch of characters by her side (Like Kirbopher and Nylocke from TOME, Kratt Bros, etc) and a story about an idea called "Yara-Chan's Crossover World", where she's the main star of it and saves this multi-dimensional place called "Crossworld", where everyone's ideas come to life, from these shadow monsters. She teams up with some characters and fight alongside her, and she made a couple of posts about it. I became very interested in this idea, so i decided to step in and say "Hey, maybe I could be in this!" and made my own team, and Yara added that into the story. So a couple of  posts and art trades came by and expanded on the story, like a third mark holder with a secret identity and such.
But then one day, in 2016, Yara made a post on DA where she talked about doing a redo of it but with Cartoon Network Characters, i stepped in and said that I'LL continue the old version (and Yara never really did expand on the redo at all :/ ). So i continued the old version of YCW, rather i "soft rebooted" it, cause i think my vision of it was WAY different than what Yara had imagined. And the first case that it was different from her vision, was an inclusion of a power hungry demon possessing Yara. You see, in the original vision, Yara collected other mark powers from different worlds, and they would give her different powers when she uses it, however, in this new revision, i added a plot point where this whole time, her mark collecting attracted a demon and was slowly possessing her. Sure, Yara was a BIT surprised that i took this route with this revision, she even stated some things about her old vision of the series (which in a nutshell is just making Yara OP with  god-like magic) but i assured her that it WON'T happen.
So my pursued my revision of Yara's Crossover World (i removed "chan" in the title); giving it three seasons and a spin-off (just for Jane, my self insert), making the first season getting a tone shift by the end, making it dark, expanding on the lore, so much angst and feels, making the main villain's backstory having deep symbolisms for religion and atheists, and the list goes on and on. I had a whole story planned out for it, which made it even darker, like the moral lesson of the WHOLE thing being that no matter what, reality will always find a way to drag you in, and Yara finding out that her dad is DEAD, and one of her companions (being a plush bat, who can transform into a human) DIES in front of them, and basically i made it 1000% angst with a side of fluff here and there. But i didn't get the motivation to write it all down, the closest i got to that was the first episode of the spin-off and an incomplete second episode of the spin-off. But eventually i just left it there, with occasional thoughts and ideas every one in a while (like a movie and an OVA).
A few years after that, Deltarune comes out and i'm one of many that were interested on this Undertale related game (is it a sequel? Is it an AU? Only Toby knows) and one day, out of the blue, while listening to Deltarune's music, i thought of an idea; if Deltarune is like a alternate story/retelling? of Undertale.....can i do the same for Yara's Crossover World? And so, the idea of a redo/reboot of Yara's Crossover World came to my mind, and i came up with it's story and main characters, though the same as Yara's Crossover World, are different in their backstories, and i changed the name to "Yara: Journey Through Crossworld". And ever since then, i've been developing ideas and concepts for Yara: Journey Through Crossworld, from different worlds to companions our main heroes would team up with to the Shadow Beasts designs (which, heads up, look FAR more intimidating than they used to be in YCW).
So yeah, that's the WHOLE story of the development of Yara's Crossover World; from a simple self-insert idea to edge and angst central to a reboot.
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browa123 · 1 year
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Here they all are! Including the 00 Designs for Zetto and Kizuna! Individual Drawings and Fantasy Rambles are under the cut ^^
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I took design elements from every incarnation of Webby I could find for this one, and I’m really proud of how they turned out. Webmaster in this AU is non-binary, because pronouns are of no concern to the head deity, call them what you like, but they prefer they/them if you were to actually ask them.
I wanted all the Netkings to incorporate a three-pointed crown into their designs one way or another, with Webby’s in particular being the closest to the proper Netking Software logo from the canon series.
I wanted to give Webmaster a robed look while still retaining the look of a piece on a chess board, and then used the robe’s sleeves to cover where their hands would be, were they not floating freely behind them.
Webmaster is the King of Light - his ability in TOME is of course Heavenly Light, so he’s the one who brings light to the Terrain. They control the rotation of the sun and moon, and is the most powerful of the Netkings. All the others respect their power and authority, and do their best not to cross them.
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The netking that gave the land its shape and introduced plant life to the terrain using his powers. Bitopio split the land in five pieces after its creation to see how different plants would thrive in different environments. Although the other netkings would rather watch the savage artificial lifeforms fight.
Bitopio‘s design is kind of a mix of the webseries and RPG. It has the brighter and more playful colors and bodyshape of the webseries with the design elements like the cape and crown from the RPG.
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Kindar is next! Again, she’s a mix of both the RPG and Webseries. I wanted her to be a mix of both an angel and a ghost, since she also manages the Balancenter and the Moderators that live there. She’s also the one that sets up the tournaments and battle arenas for the artificial life forms.
She’s the netking who’s also the most attached to Softy / Gaia. She knows that her daughter is sleeping below the earth to protect it, but misses her dearly. She’s also the netking still in HOME most opposed to [REDACTED DRAGON BUG LORE], but she eventually caves and agrees that it has to be done. They can always start over, after all.
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Master of all things glittery and beautiful on the Terrain. Rubi grows crystals and expensive gemstones deep in the Terrain’s earth, and then fashions them into prizes and trophies as motivation to participate in the annual tournaments held for the enjoyment of the netkings.
Rubi is probably the furthest removed netking from the original designs, but I wanted to play into his role in creating Nylocke for a specific purpose, so giving them some shared traits like taste in armour and the tail were used to achieve this. (Rubi is not Nylocke’s father though, Rubi couldn’t care less. It’s like growing a rat in a lab with genetic engineering to him)
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Execk of course gets to keep his more robotic and cold look from both the RPG and the Webseries. He’s not much of a talker, creating the terrain took a lot out of him, and now he needs a mechanical body to sustain himself since his magic levels are far removed from everyone else.
Doesn’t mean he’s not tough. He created the battle web from scratch, and maintaining it takes a lot out of him, but fighting him inside his own creation is a death wish, since he can twist it any way he wants in retaliation to anyone thinking they can beat him.
I wanted Execk’s dark and usually shaded eyes to turn into a visor with digital eyes, with his one real eye resting on his crown as he pilots his cybernetic body. Execk is actually Zetto’s mentor, back when they all lived when nothing else existed. Zetto takes a lot of inspiration from him, and based his prostetic limb of Execk’s metal body later down the line.
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00 Zetto is a mix between Episode 0 Zetto (duh) and RPG Zetto. He’s the youngest of the netkings, but is arguably the best fighter out of all of them. His magic is based on pure energy alone. He can manipulate it in any way he likes, to float and fly or gather destructive blasts that tear anything in his way apart. His impulsiveness is the only thing that keeps him from actually beating any of the other netkings, as they usually outsmart him.
Webmaster usually kicks his ass with one attack should Zetto try and bug him.
After he looses his arm, it becomes increasingly more difficult to control the energy he commands, so he usually has to let it out in large bursts to keep himself in check, hence where his Breaker Beam comes from. (Or Ki-blade if he’s in disguise. In that case he lets it out using his dual swords as vents for the energy.)
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Probably the most bored looking and nonchalant magical cat girl you’ll ever meet (like an actual cat lol), Kizuna’s the netking that makes sure the delicate balance of magic on the Terrain doesn’t go out of whack and tear the land apart. She can grant or sap power from any magical object, including living beings on the Terrain. She uses this ability to grant “dark magic” to her hacker troops after she follows Zetto down to the surface to try and stop the “problem” they didn’t account for.
Because her magic is what usually propels the hackers when they do her bidding, its in turn associated with misfortune and bad luck. Altering the balance of the Terrain is what hackers do best after all, trying to lure out the virus pieces with powerful energies in order to make them reveal themselves.
She swaps to a gun over a staff when she sees how effective they are by comparison.
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butchpeabody · 1 year
for the character ask thang can you do...nylocke maybe even 👉👈
sure thing stranger i definitely dont know!
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favorite thing about them: theres like....sooo much i could say. i think above all his dedication to the roleplayer bit is really fun and endearing and seeing him break it on occasion warms my heart
least favorite thing about them: nylocke is without sin and flaw. the only thing i could consider a least favorite thing is like, i wish everyone else showed more concern about him when they put him in the goddamn dragon head. what was happening there. was he just doing the O_O face comoletely still in real life the whole time????
favorite line: similarly to rockoon, everything that comes out of his mouth is gold. if i HAAAD to pick something though itd either be just...the whole park scene in dragon drama, or everything he said during the final match of the gemini tournament. the former is sweet and the latter is so funny because you can tell he is trying so hard not to just tear zetto asunder because thats not what he needs to hear rn
brotp: nylocke is a friend and buddy to all. hes the most likable character in the show. everyone loves him. once again if i HAD to pick itd probably be him and kirb even though i also like them romantically. their dynamic works either way. ALSO DEMONKING AND WHYTI THEYRE SO SILLY TOGETHAR
otp: do you even have to ask......gamelocke........the meowmeows ever owners of my heart. my POOKIES
notp: closest thing ive got is serpentine because even though they have divorced energy serpentine is like. REALLY weird and vindictive at least in the series
random headcanon: i cant stop thinking about kirb saying he could be a vtuber earlier on stream...thats true but its not mine. what *I* think is that after the whole fuckin...serpentine origin story reveal he generally makes a better effort to see past his character and be kinder to younger players, i feel like getting caught up in his character sometimes makes it hard for him to notice others feelings and he starts recognizing that bit by bit over the series
unpopular opinion: is there even an unpopular opinion to be had? its nylocke dude what do you want me to say
song that reminds me of them: nylocke is the main blorbo of a good friend of mine so i never made playlists for him PERSONALLY....i think his theme is the number one song though. i know its cheap but like...cmon. nylocke. the dragon of destiny....be you ally or threat on this you can bet this day is for you and me...
favorite picture of them:
these two from the kickstarter requests jumped out in my head immediately
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wildhybrid · 6 years
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So that “draw this in your style” hashtag on Twitter...
Chris Niosi put up the TOME RPG version of Nylocke and I was feelin’ up to doing some quick, messy sketching that night, so this happened. Pretty pleased overall with how he turned out (even though I left out the designs on his sword and forgot the chain mail over his upper arms, oops).
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