#not our first goat rodeo
frogndtoad · 1 year
hi everyone there was a second goat rodeo album released in 2020 and no one even told me about it ever what the hell
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of-canes-and-manes · 9 months
001: Back in the Saddle Again
After years of severe chronic illness, last week I got back on a horse for the first time in over a decade. I found riding to be more doable than I was expecting; it wasn’t easy by any meaning of the word, but it also wasn’t impossible, and even though those seven minutes in the saddle pushed my body to the limit, I would have been able to ride more later in the day if I had had a long enough break.
A brief history of my health before I get too ahead of myself:
I’ve been chronically ill since late 2016, when I started working and began needing to sleep upwards of 16 to 18 hours a day to feel rested at all. Over the years I progressively got worse, until summer of 2019 when I had to call out of work more than I could go in and I was either in bed, in the bathroom, or at work. When covid hit in 2020, I went from being able to leave bed for work to only being able to leave bed for the bathroom and the occasional doctor’s appointment, but due to the pandemic, even my appointments stopped before I had any sort of diagnosis besides fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue.
In November 2020 I had a near-death experience that resulted in getting my first ever blood transfusion; then I moved back home to my parents’ farm at the beginning of 2021. At the time it was an admission of defeat, but with the help of my parents, my health has slowly improved over the last two and a half years that I’ve spent on the farm, to the point where not only am I spending all day almost every day anywhere but my bed, I’ve able to leave the house upwards of three times a week and drive myself the majority of those times to boot.
As I’ve improved, I’ve experimented with doing more activity both physical and mental. For the first two years, physical activity was next to impossible and mental activity was all I could handle on a regular basis. Then I was blessed enough to get the first of two gender-affirming surgeries in December 2022, and since then I’ve been finding that while I’m now more physically capable, my mental energy has become unreliable.
While it’s of course a bit of a pain to be unable to read or write consistently, I’ve enjoyed the increased ability to bake, do canning, and get back to playing a musical instrument. This past spring I even planted a garden of pumpkins while learning to find adaptations for the various activities I have an interest in, and next year I’m hoping to plant more than just pumpkins!
I’ve spent the last eight months slowly but surely building up my physical activity to the point where when I had my second surgery in June, I was able to get back to my life with relative ease by mid-July. At this point in time, as long as I’m sitting down I can do whatever I’d like to, within reason, and if I need to walk somewhere, as long as I have my cane and take breaks every five to ten minutes, I can get where I need to go.
And how does this all come back to getting back in the saddle?
I had grown up going to a local stable with my siblings while our mom took lessons and cleaned stalls. My sisters and I were always more into riding than my brothers were, and once I hit puberty I stopped riding altogether as it, like most of my childhood passions, was too much for my dysphoria. Eventually, my sisters also stopped riding, though my mom continued on for years until she and my dad could afford to build a barn behind our house and bring her horses home. Since then, she’s slowly stopped riding as often as my dad’s health declined and our farm grew to include chickens, goats, and geese, but the horses have stayed a part of the daily chores all the while.
After stumbling across the International Gay Rodeo Association (a story for another time), and after realising that I am significantly more physically capable if I just have the right accommodations, I decided it was time to try riding again, just to see if I could do it. My mom was game to help me saddle up, so all we had to do was wait for the weather to cooperate.
I was able to borrow my mom’s tack and her old helmet, and with the help of an overturned bucket, I was up on top of the gentle giant Tiny Tim, a half-draft who gets along with everyone and everything. It’s been a while since he was last ridden; as such he was just as out of shape as I was, and I managed to last longer in our ride than he did!
We walked around the edge of the arena, first in one direction, then the other. My mom made a point to ask who was leading, me or Tim, and unfortunately my answer was a resounding “Tim is!” Then she asked us to do a serpentine across the arena, and I had such difficulty with that that she had to come out to walk with us. By then Tim was ready to be done and I was ready for a break, so I dismounted and led him back to the barn.
All in all, those seven minutes were some of the most wonderful I’ve had in a long time. Going forward, I hope to ride at least once a week for however long I can, and my only goal is to be able to go on trail rides in the future, no matter how long it takes.
May you have a peaceful day.
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theworldoffostering · 2 years
I’m going to give a detailed account of our trip. If you’re not interested in reading about our five week tent excursion, please feel free to skip.
Days 1 & 2:
We started with a tour of Winona State University in Minnesota, and then camped two nights at Whitewater State Park. My college roommate/best friend lives in the Twin Cities, and some of her kids also did the college tour, and they camped with us the first night which was a great way to kick off our adventure.
Days 3 & 4:
We camped at Palisades State Park in eastern South Dakota. That park is so beautiful. We went to a ranger talk about fireflies which was given by a college student and well done. We also did a Charlie Brown movie night sponsored by the park where we indulged in $.25 popsicles and popcorn.
Days 5-7:
We drove to Custer State Park. We did the obligatory stops at the Corn Palace and Wall Drug along the way. At Custer we hiked Sylvan Lake and Cathedral Spires. We also drove the wildlife loop and saw bison, big horned sheep, and lots of prairie dogs.
Days 8 & 9:
We stayed at the KOA in Cody, WY. It’s not very impressive for tent campers. There is ZERO shelter, and we nearly lost our tent in a storm. Thankfully, it stayed intact, but we spent a couple of hours bailing out water. However, it does have a pool which was a hit with the kids. They also offer a free pancake breakfast which was a nice reprieve from cooking.
While in Cody we went to the rodeo (kids loved it), ate really good pizza at a local place, and it is where Ms. 6 took a fall and hurt her knee to the point that she will need an MRI in the next week or two.
Days 10 & 11:
We drove into Yellowstone National Park via the west entrance. The drive from Cody was phenomenal! We saw bison and had lunch next to Yellowstone Lake. Last year we didn’t see the lake at all except for driving by it. I really wanted to spend some time on it this year. Lunch was perfect!
The next day we went back to the lake and did a short hike. Then we went to Old Faithful. I took Ms. 6 to the clinic there to have her knee looked at. We watched Old Faithful erupt, and we got to see the visitor center there and see the Old Faithful Inn which is beautiful. I had not been to either of those spots before despite watching Old Faithful erupt before. We also saw elk on our drive back to our campsite.
We stayed at Grant Campground.
Days 12-17:
We drove out of the west entrance of Yellowstone and headed north to Glacier National Park. We camped at Apgar there. On the drive, we saw several moose and my first bear! I was thrilled!
Apgar Campground is basically located on Lake McDonald which was cold! Every body of water at Glacier was cold! It was a long drive to get there so that first night we basically set up camp, ate dinner, and went to bed.
We hiked Rocky Point Trail, Trail of the Cedars, and Avalanche Lake. We also went to Polebridge and ate the most amazing huckleberry bear claws at The Mercantile. We drove to Bowman Lake and hiked a meadow trail at Polebridge.
The Going to the Sun Road opened while we were there (it was mid-July), and I’m so glad we got to experience driving it. The day we drove it, it was cold and rainy so a good day for it as we would not have been hiking. The views were incredible. We saw our first and only mountain goat on the trip, and two bears! They still had snow in areas, and although it took us the bulk of the day, we still had fun (kids were done though).
Two cousins of mine (siblings but they live in different states from each other and us) were in the park at the same time along with my uncle, and we happened upon them while they were eating dinner one night which was super fun because we did not have cell service to make a connection while there.
Our last night in the area we stayed at the KOA in West Glacier. That KOA is pretty nice, but the day was cold and rainy so we couldn’t take advantage of the pool. We mostly did laundry. I ended up getting a UTI. Ugh. So grateful we had some antibiotics on hand.
Day 18:
We drove to Spokane, WA and stayed in a hotel. The Hampton Inn has never felt so luxurious! Showers and beds for everyone! They had a pool too and we loved spending some time in there before bed.
Day 19:
We drove to Olympia, WA and celebrated DD’s birthday. We did Starbucks, the three older kids saw a movie, and then we went to Chipotle for lunch before heading to Olympic National Park.
Days 20-25:
Olympic National Park. I’m convinced I’d never survive in the PNW. It was 59-61 degrees every day and socked in with clouds most of the time we were there. I knew it would be cold, but didn’t expect it to be that cold (weather app said it would be about ten degrees warmer for the week). The wildlife was amazing, but we actually left one day early because we just couldn’t handle being cold, wet, and without sunshine.
Day 26:
Drove to Cannon Beach! That was one of my favorite afternoons! 70, sunny, tide was going out. I wish we would have caught the sunset. We had seafood for dinner along the shore before driving into Portland for the night. I got to see Mt Hood from a distance.
Day 27:
Portland! We went to the original Voodoo Doughnuts! Then we met up with my cousin who lives there, his wife, and my aunt and uncle who were visiting from NY. We ended up going to the Washington County Fair. My uncle treated all the kids to wristbands for the rides and an epic afternoon was had.
Day 28:
We drove to Sisters, OR. We pitched our tent in the backyard of a longtime friend of DH’s who graciously fed all of us too.
Day 29:
We drove to Idaho Falls, ID and camped at the KOA which backs up to a farm field. We really just needed a place to sleep. This fit the bill.
Days 30-37:
We drove to Grand Tetons National Park. We camped at Colter Bay. I really like it there because they have showers and laundry and that’s nice when you have kids and just need to clean up.
Colter Bay is on Jackson Lake which is part of the charm, but I was super disappointed to see that the lake is very low due to Idaho’s water needs. The marina at the campground wasn’t open due to such low water levels.
Grand Tetons was one of my favorite parts of the trip because we did some excellent hiking and saw so much wildlife which I was not expecting. We hiked Moose Pond, Phelps Lake (and DH did the cliff dive after hiking out to it), Taggart Lake, Bradley Lake, and Jackson Lake. We also did the scenic drive to Signal Mountain.
Days 38 & 39:
Allllll of the driving home.
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jww-archive · 2 years
IF YOU GIVE A COWBOY A KISS / self para where / Bluegrass Pro Rodeo when / august 12 - 13, 2022 featuring @vannrichmond & friends
“Swear to God, you’re always wearing something embarrassing,” Karli said with a light laugh. June moved to give her a hug. No doubt that Trace was watching the event with Vann, which was fine. June always stayed behind so that Vann could do his thing. As for the style for the night, June was wearing a white velvet dress with a rhinestone fringe. It had rhinestone straps, the side panels were some sort of chain. She completed it with a silver concho belt, a white Resistol, and a pair of rhinestone heeled ankle high booties. 
There was no dodging who they were tonight. Everyone knew Vann, and everyone knew June. Karli and Trace had traveled in just for the first rodeo that Vann was actually allowing people to come see him at. It was his fourth, technically. Three done somewhat privately to make sure they weren’t flukes, despite June knowing they weren’t.
Beau’s collar matched June. He followed her around like the Prince of the Stocks. The matching was something done purely to get Vann’s goat. It was a whole look, and June shrugged at her friend with a grin, “Return of the Buckle Bunny.” June frowned. “That one wasn’t any good, Queen Buckle Bunny Comeback Tour.” Damn, she was really flatlining the jokes tonight. 
“Who’d he draw?”
“Ironhide 1187.” 
June smiled, “Yeah.” She wasn’t worried. He was a hard ride, the horse had a reputation. But no one ever remembered 80 point rides, at least that’s what Vann said all the time. He had a habit of drawing the rank ones and making a show out of it.
“How you doing? Actually planning this wedding?” Karli snorted, and June shook her head. She could make that joke here, behind the stocks, where no one was really paying attention.
“I think I want to just elope, you know?” June said and crinkled her nose. She wasn’t about planning a wedding the first time around, and she wasn’t now. Plus, Vann and her were on the same page about the privacy. They had been enjoying their engagement being private. She didn’t even have a ring. “I been bitching so much that my assistant... well, I can’t tell if she’s tired of listening to me bitch, or if it’s a joke, or if she mistook me as serious, but she even got us the license. It’s been making me laugh so much, that I been carrying it around just for the giggle.”
“You know, Trace has his officiate paperwork all done.”
“…who’s been letting him minister?”
“Bud Light Gods, and our no-teeth friends.” Karli deadpanned.
June started to laugh. At that time, Vann came around the corner. It was time to go. “I’ll see y’all out there.” June always went with Vann to the backroom. They had routines, they were a well oiled machine at one point, and she slipped back into old habits. 
Vann glanced to her as she slipped under his arm. “Bold choice, Peach.” He meant the outfit. She always was a little much when it came to outfits. She didn’t care though. She was June Watson and he was Vann Richmond, and to hell with what anyone else thought. 
“Feels like a night to make bold choices,” June said and kissed the back of his hand that was around her. He was one of the sooner riders. Which meant that he was already in his game mode. In the backroom, the routine began. Karli had Beau, which meant that June was already into glancing over his chaps. Warm ups, stretches, spurs. Chest protector. Vann reached for his chaps and began to buckle them. June always zipped up his chaps, and she squatted carefully to get the clasp right, the zipper pulling up easily. They fit good, and her fingers ghosted over his lower back as he glanced back at her. “You’re set, baby.”
“Thanks, Peach.” Vann stuck out his hand, and she reached to clasp his gloved his hand as they walked back to the chutes. Out the backroom and to the arena dirt, her heels clicking on the pavement before sinking into the dirt. This was where they parted. As was customary, her hand was in neck hole of his chest protector and she said the words she usually did but with a new flare. “Ten feet tall and bulletproof. Go win and come home.” Vann grinned at her and leaned down to meet her in the kiss before they went their separate ways.
She was aware of all the phones and the clicks of the PRCA photographer as they parted ways, the eyes on her as she walked to her place. Trace was down by the railing, the privilege of being the west coast circuit pick up man was that everyone knew him. June’s eyes watched Vann. There was no fear in her chest, just silence. The crowd was loud, but it melted away as she watched him drop into the chute. What seemed like minutes, was really seconds and the chute slammed open.
Ironhide 1187 launched from the gate. It was all vertical, and June watched in what felt like slow motion — spur, slam back. To this day, she had no idea how his neck wasn’t permanently fucked, but she barely had time to process before the horn sounded and the pick up men were there and he was landing the dirt like it was nothing at all. “That was a good ride,” Karli whistled lowly. Vann knew it too, because he threw his hat, and June rolled her eyes. June heard the announcer call out 91.5. The laugh came out her lips and her eyes caught Vann and she blew him a kiss. He was grinning, and she wiped her face. Damn good ride.
Karli looked at June. “91.5 is a good way to start a marriage.” June looked back to Karli and nodded.
Both of the girls made their way back to the back of the arena. Karli was the first there, grabbing Trace. June was already into Vann’s arms, her hands on the side of his face to kiss him. 
Karli said to Trace, “It’s happening, what we talked about.”
“Oh shit, okay.” Trace paused and when June let Vann go he looked to Vann. “Vann, you got a ring for the girl? Otherwise, there is a vendor table that’s selling rings, go buy her one. June, I got an o-ring from some of my older equipment. I’ll bend it for him.”
Karli looked to June and then Trace, “I’m gonna run and grab that spare PRCA photographer they have. I’ll be right back.”
Vann looked a little lost and he looked to her, “Uh? Peach? Wanna clue me in?”
“91.5 feels like a good way to start a marriage, what do you think baby?” He paused a beat, “Uh, okay then.”
“Trace is kinda close to Elvis,” June shrugged.
Vann let out a laugh, “Not even close.” He shook his head. “June. You sure?”
“Yes. You?”
“Making sure you are. I’m good. Let’s do it.” He leaned down and kissed her again before him and Trace walked off. Standing there alone for a second, June laughed. This might’ve been the dumbest thing they ever did, but June jogged back to the truck to the get the license.
Meeting back in the same place they left, Karli had the photographer basically by the collar. “These photos go right to June Watson. These get leaked and I swear I will hunt you down and kill you, you understand?” The photographer looked a little pale. He glanced around. “The lighting here kinda sucks, can y’all stand over there? Trace, off to the side. They ain’t want your heavy ass in their photos.”
Karli choked and shook her head. “Wait. Uh, Something old, Vann’s o-ring. New…” Karli paused. “Well, something June wearing probably new.”
“Wow, rude, but yeah my belt is new.” 
“Classic. Uh, missing something borrowed and blue…” Karli paused and then she lifted off her turquoise and silver authentic western necklace and then clasped it around June’s neck. “I want this back.” 
Trace’s head went to the standings. The pool was small tonight. They were running out of time. “I’m gonna make this fast. Karli and I known you both for a long, like an insufferable amount of time. Can’t explain it other than both of y’all’s shades of crazy match really well.”
June snorted a laugh. 
“There’s usually some boilerplate shit about realizing the gravity about what you’re about to do. But, she just saw your crazy ass do a 91.5 ride, so she knows what she’s getting into. Vann, we’ve seen some of her stadium shows, I’ll pray for you, buddy.” Trace sucked in a breath, he was smiling. “Vann, do you take this woman to be your wife? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her? Through the good rides and the bad ones, till the end?”
“I do,” Vann said with a sly smile.
“June, do you take this idiot to be your husband?” Trace laughed as Karli punched him. “I mean, take this man? You promise to love him, comfort him, honor him and keep him, through the good rides and bad rides for as long as you shall live?”
“I do,” June said with a nod.
“Exchange the rings.” 
June’s hands weren’t shaking as she tried to shove the o-ring that Trace bent onto Vann’s finger. She was glad the rodeo was over, she’d need to get him the rings that snapped, the idea of a metal on his finger and getting caught made her sick. The ring that Vann got her slipped on much easier. 
“I now pronounce you husband and wife, you can kiss that cowboy.” June barely had him to react before Vann’s hand was behind her neck and dipping her into a kiss. “C’mon, c’mon they’re about to announce the winners like we ain’t know,” Trace said and June kissed Vann another time before she trotted after him to the chutes where she wasn’t supposed to be, but she never listened to the rules away.
His arm went over her shoulder as they stood there, listening to the scores rattled off. It wasn’t a surprise to anyone when the winning score was Vann’s and they all made their way down to the reception area for photos and to receive the check and buckle. Big check and buckle, Vann handed her the buckle while they snapped the winners photos. June looked Vann, “You know this buckle is mine now, too.”
He chuckled. “Had a feeling.”
“Taking that last name also,” June hummed.
“No, you’ll use it for evil.”
June started to laugh, and she elbowed him. “You been using it for evil for all your life, don’t be mad because I’ll be better at it than you.”
“Why you gotta take everything that’s mine?”
“What’s yours is mine, right? Ain’t that how it work?”
“I never said that,” Vann said and glanced to her, the cameras finally done clicking. He glanced to the check. Twenty thousand dollars. Not a bad payout but far from the best he’s ever had.
“I’m taking it,” June said with a shrug. “Can’t stop me.” With the big check he reached out and smacked her in the top of the head with it. With a screech of laughter, she reached out to him, launching herself at him and clinging to him like a killer koala. He glanced at her and heaved a sigh, shuffling her higher on him and pausing to yank down the dress some, as it was dangerously close to flashing someone.
“Goddamned pest,” Vann grunted. 
“No backsies, now baby,” June said and kissed the spot under his ear. 
“Wouldn’t have it any other way.” With a drop of his shoulder, June whipped to the front of him and he grinned at her. Most people had already filtered out of the arena and the lights were powering down, leaving the place lit in an orange glow of dimming lights. With her forearms on his shoulders, her legs wrapped around him, his hands on her thighs, she gently raked her fingers through his hair. His cool blue eyes kept her in his gaze as he shifted her and pressed her back into the side of the chute, and a half a second before her lips where against his for the second half of the 90 point ride celebrations.
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dcaiv072793 · 5 months
no one
50 euphemisms from “doing it” to “squat thrusts in the cucumber patch”.
“Sex” carries considerable meaning for a one-syllable word. But for the endless breadth of verbs that fall under the umbrella of “intercourse,” it comes as no surprise that we’ve also masterminded an impressive roster of euphemisms over the past few centuries. 
Think about it: Sex has been around for time immemorial—and for just a long, we’ve been giving it clever, pithy nicknames. In fact, the first recorded use of “F*ck” as a stand-in for intercourse occurred in the year 1508—and plenty of the other outlandish word-combinations we toss around were formulated at a similar time when public sex talk was deemed far from inappropriate. They were code words if you will. So, whether you prefer, “bone,” “bumping uglies,” or “amorous congress,” the fun, alt-sex terms within your standard lexicon come from a great, long tradition. 
That said, if you’re looking to expand your traditional limits in the realm of sex synonyms, boy do we have some vocabulary words for you. With the aid of friends, colleagues, the occasional historical novel, and the World Wide Web, we’ve culled together a list of our absolute favorite sex-adjacent terms, divided into classics, one-word-wonders, food-related phrasings, and “WTF,” Use it wisely. 
Classics 1. Doing it 2. Getting laid 3. Funny business 4. Making love 5. Hanky panky 6. Tapping ass 7. Shaking sheets 8. Amorous congress 9. Jumping bones 10. Knocking boots
One-Word-Wonders 11. Shagging 12. Screwing 13. Nailing 14. Boning 15. Banging 16. Doddling 17. Boinking 18. Porking 19. Yentzing 20. Tromboning 21. Shtupping
Food-Related Phrasings 22. Baking the potato 23. Buttering a biscuit 24. Putting the bread in the oven 25. Getting one’s kettle mended 26. Horizontal refreshment 27. Bam-bam in the ham 28. Planting the parsnip 29. Sending out for sushi 30. Tossing a hot dog down the hallway 31. Having your corn ground 32. Groping for trout in a peculiar river 33. Bringing an al dente noodle to the spaghetti house 34. Doing squat thrusts in the cucumber patch
WTF 35. Bedroom rodeo 36. Basket-making 37. Doing the Devil’s dance 38. Hot yoga 39. Parallel parking 40. Rolling in the hay 41. Wetting the willy 42. Matrimonial polka 43. Bumping uglies 44. Chesterfield rugby 45. Dancing the goat’s jig 46. Two-person pushups 47. Going heels-to-Jesus 48. Putting the wand in the chamber of secrets 49. Seeing a man about a dog 50. Taking old one eye to the optometrist 
can you make sex last longer?Only A Matter Of Time. 
how to use a warming lubricant.Heating Things Up.
what could pleasure-positive sex ed look like?Sex Education 2.0
what is aftercare?Before, During, And, Especially, After. 
when foreplay is better than sex.It’s All About The Prologue.
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thetoxicgamer · 1 year
The Sims 4 Horse Ranch confirms release date, and I’m shouting yee-haw
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Now that The Sims 4's next expansion pack has been made public, I'm eager to explore the new paths it will take me. Although EA won't be using horses in The Sims for the first time, Horse Ranch appears to be the best one yet. The Sims 4 is delivering a variety of new western-themed features with the next expansion, from equestrian sports to entirely new farm animals. Horse Ranch is jam-packed with often asked-for content. The first and most obvious addition coming with Horse Ranch is, well… horses. Not only are we getting horses though, but we are getting a variety of equestrian events like dressage and jumping for our Sims to partake in. Considering the strong cowboy vibes shown in the trailer, rodeos are also likely to come with Horse Ranch. Aside from riding-related sports, Sims will be able to breed and care for their horses, raise their foals, and watch the magical beasts interact with other animals. You read that right, other animals are also coming with the expansion. Goats and sheep are making their way to your Sims’ farms, adding more life to the already existing animals from the Cottage Living pack. Horses, goats, and sheep have all been highly requested by Simmers since the aforementioned expansion’s release, especially due to other animals like chickens and cows having been included. Horse Ranch’s reveal trailer showed the new animals off in every mood, from adorably angry baby sheep stomping their hooves to wild horses rejecting Sims’ training efforts. It feels like a cowboy-inspired Wild West pack through and through, as all the Sims shown in the teaser are wearing the iconic western hats and boots. I also spotted Sims crushing berries for wine with their feet in giant barrels, which means that more organic activities may be coming to accompany knitting and painting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaUZ5ph7qD4 You can grab The Sims 4 Horse Ranch on Thursday, July 20 for $39.99 / £34.99 here on EA’s website.. If you purchase the expansion pack early, you will receive a few in-game bonus items. The ’63 Twilight Notes Resonator Guitar, Softly Spoke n’ Petals, and Rocking Star furniture pieces are included in the Rockin’ Rancher digital pre-order bonus bundle. The baby goats are seriously the cutest things I have ever seen. I’m not sure I can wait a whole month to let my inner horse girl out if I’m completely honest. I suppose if I have had to wait years already since playing with horses in The Sims 3, I can survive a little longer. We can only hope for cars and fairies now, EA may just listen after giving us horses. If you too are a certified Sims stan, then you should have a look through some of our other favorite life games to get your love for digital dollhouses thriving. You can also browse through a few of the best sandbox games if you want to get your creativity flowing. For more Sims-specific content, be sure to check out the greatest Sims 4 mods to spice up your gameplay for free. Read the full article
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loudterri · 2 years
Cactus ropes
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#Cactus ropes professional
If you have registered with Warriors and Rodeo and would like to know more about this program, email for more information. is thankful to partner with Cactus Ropes, Gear, and Saddlery to provide a discount program to our registered military and first responders. Trevor’s Relentless attention to detail coupled with the team rope design team at Cactus resulted in not only the creation the best selling Relentless line of team ropes and calf ropes, but a positive effect on the quality of all Cactus products, from ropes and sports boots to horse blankets.įor more information on Cactus Ropes, Gear, and Saddlery, explore the following links! Order from them today and tell them thank you for supporting Warriors and Rodeo and all who serve. For the last decade Trevor Brazile, the King of the Cowboys, has been working with Cactus Ropes to design the best feeling head and heel team ropes on the market. One of the greatest opportunities for the Cactus crew was the partnership with the GOAT (Greatest of All Time).
#Cactus ropes professional
Clay O’Brien Cooper, Jake Long, Chad Masters, Riley Minor, Matt Sherwood, Nick Sartain, Lari Dee Guy, Hope Thompson, Stran Smith along with many other team ropers, breakaway roper, and tie-down ropers have lent their professional expertise time and time again to help the master rope makers at Cactus hone their craft. Whether team roping, tie-down, breakaway, on the ranch, or just for fun, Cactus has the perfect rope to fit your personal style and level or roping.Ĭactus has had many great individuals influence the team rope making process over the years starting with Cactus Jack, Jacky and Rob Stephenson, Joe Mathews, Barry Berg, and Mike Piland. Cactus Ropes is a leader in the team roping and rodeo world. Created through new manufacturing practices and uses new. Cactus Ropes has pioneered the rope-making industry for more than 25 years, creating specialized products for ropers of all kinds. This rope has been through a whole year of testing and development with Trevor Brazile. Cactus Ropes Profile and History Cactus Ropes produces top-quality ropes used by ropers around the world and is endorsed by top PRCA professional cowboys participating in national rodeo events. We are proud to partner with Cactus Ropes, Gear, and Saddlery. Lay: Required Super Soft Extra Soft Soft Super Super Soft Extra Extra Soft Medium Soft.
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Took the Going to the Sun Road through Glacier National Park on our way to Canada. The views did not disappoint and we all enjoyed the goats that hung around the viewing platform near the visitor center. We thought we would take a hike in Waterton and see the Canadian side of Glacier National Park but the weather was not our friend so we continued on to Calgary. Has been a fun two nights here. Calgary seems to be a nice clean city with lots of bike paths which has made it easy for us to get around on our e-bikes. Our first night we had tickets to the evening show at the Calgary Stampede which was very entertaining. Charlie especially loved all the different dance performances. The next day we returned for the rodeo. Our first rodeo in Mandan, ND still remains our favorite and I think I have now reached my limit for rodeos for quite some time. Enjoyed a lovely dinner out last night at the #deanehouse which we were able to walk to. Love staying in the city! It’s back to the tent today though for 4 nights camping in Banff/Lake Louise, followed by 3 nights in Jasper.
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somedayistoday · 2 years
day 35 : the castle
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Today was our test. I was pretty anxious about it because I didn’t feel that my notes were good enough. I had written down exactly what my professor had said but I didn’t feel like I understood everything well enough. It took me three times to read chapter three and I still didn’t feel like I was reading it right.
I got up a bit later than I intended 11:30, but, in my defense, I was up late and very tired. Plus who doesn’t love sleeping in? I decided to tag along with my friend because they had laundry to do and I thought a quiet space to do my exam would be nice. It was a pretty cool space for laundry. It had everything you could need plus couches so that was nice. I got a good start but didn’t finish before everything was clean.
After doing some more on my exam, a group of us decided we wanted to spend our last day hiking to the castle. Half of the group didn’t even feel well but we were determined.
It was a bit of a run around. There wasn’t any clear directions for how to get there at first but once we found it, we realized it was worth it. I also got a melon smoothie and that was really filling and nice but I wasn’t feeling great. Walking up to the castle felt like some dream even Disney can’t capture. The sun was hot and I was sweating and in pain but it was all worth it.
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It turns out that oldest part of the castle is the bell tower and there was a cool story about how it predicted the flood that happened. I don’t remember all of it now but trust that it was an interesting story.
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After that, we decided to try and get a few more souvenirs before we left. Something that I though was really cool was just how popular absinthe is. It tastes horrible but it looks so cool.
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I had gotten what I needed for everyone else but not for myself. I wasn’t finding much if anything I couldn’t live without but there was a hoodie I wanted. I didn’t even do the conversion, I just bought it and I love it so much. The streets were beautiful to walk at sunset and I wish that I could have made it last longer. But I was getting tired.
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The hardest part of the whole thing was that it felt like the end and there wasn’t anything anyone could do to stop it. One of our best nights as a group was our picnic at the Eiffel Tower so I thought we should end the trip with a picnic as well.
I took a quick shower which was a sweet relief from the grime I was covered in. I felt grotesque. Then I tried to get everyone together to go to a picnic. It was like a goat rodeo. Plans kept changing left and right and I still hadn’t finished my essay and I was stressed and it was a lot.
I grabbed a sandwich from the kebab place because all I had was a smoothie on the walk to the castle. I had also been on a secret hunt for a strawberry chocolate when I was in Prague but hadn’t been able to find it. My friend said that he would look on his way back from dinner for me which was nice but I wasn’t expecting him to find anything. The closest thing he could find was a cherry chocolate which turned out to be the best chocolate I have ever had.
It was a fun picnic with a few of us scrambling to finish our essays, sharing snacks and drinks and taking and laughing and playing music. I wish I had done more of my exam before then so I could have enjoyed it more but I got it done with some time to spare.
I had to make a quick run to pee but instead of hiking all the way back to the hostel, we snuck into a beer garden place and used their bathroom because it was open. In the moment, it was the funniest thing I’ve ever done. It just worked so well that we were able to slip in and out and no one ever knew.
After a bit, people had to head back and pack and say goodbye to everyone else. It was hard to leave the park where we could watch the stars but it’s ok. Then we headed back and I packed a bit before going to bed which turned out to not be necessary because I had more than enough time to pack in the morning. I went to bed after a few teary goodbyes and it was hard to sleep and not want to stay present. But I was so tired I just passed out.
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digbydog10 · 3 years
Old Fellas New Music
Old Fellas New Music
our new logo – lots to talk about here! This week, music from Honest Heart Collective – North American DreamElwins – Take Me all the WayValley –There’s Still a Light in the HouseBorn Ruffians – WaylaidUS Girls – And Yet It Moves / Y Se Mueve Not Our First Goat Rodeo – Yo Yo Ma, Stuart Duncan, Edgar Meyer, Chris Thile Future Islands, Plastic Beach July Talk – The News What do two old fellas…
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krispyweiss · 4 years
Goat Rodeo - aka Yo-Yo Ma, Stuart Duncan, Edgar Meyer, Chris Thile and Aoife O’Donovan - Play Tiny Desk (Home) Concert
Chris Thile would like to be on a huge desk, aka a stage. Hell, he’d settle for NPR’s Tiny Desk.
Because both of those things are an impossibility, Thile and his occasional band, Goat Rodeo, with cellist Yo-Yo Ma, violinist Stuart Duncan, bassist Edgar Meyer and vocalist Aoife O’Donovan, instead played the COVID-unfriendly Tiny Desk (Home) Concert, showcasing the first three tracks from Not Our First Goat Rodeo, which meets the high bar artists of this stature set.
Thile is the gregarious and hilarious host, popping up between songs to explain the inspirations for the instrumentals “Your Coffee is a Disaster” and “Waltz Whitman” and “The Trappings,” featuring O’Donovan, Thile and Duncan on vocals.
Though Thile doesn’t say so, “Coffee” is clearly a nod to “Within You, Without You.” Thile says “Waltz,” which is a waltz, doesn’t match title to music. As such, his explanation about “The Trappings” is automatically suspect.
But the music is the thing. And the thing - despite the distance between the players - is virtuosic and stupendous.
Grade card: Goat Rodeo, Tiny Desk (Home) Concert - A
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noseburn · 4 years
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mxdwn · 4 years
Album Review: Yo-Yo Ma, Stuart Duncan, Edgar Meyer & Chris Thile - Not Our First Goat Rodeo
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imusicin · 4 years
Not Our First Goat Rodeo - Yo-Yo Ma, Stuart Duncan, Edgar Meyer & Chris Thile
Not Our First Goat Rodeo – Yo-Yo Ma, Stuart Duncan, Edgar Meyer & Chris Thile
Not Our First Goat Rodeo
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mego42 · 3 years
tagged by @anistonjen (💖) actual ages ago to share 5 albums i can’t live without, a game i thought about a super normal amount
ani difranco - canon
sublime - sublime
yo yo ma, stuart duncan, edgar meyer, and chris thile - not our first goat rodeo
explosions in the sky - the earth is not a cold, dead place
whitney houston - whitney houston
tagging @nickmillerscaulk @sothischickshe @riosnecktattoo @tedbecca @foxmagpie @pynkhues
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First lines
I was tagged by @creativefiend19 and @magicienetreveur
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favourite authors!
(all Raven Cycle/Dreamer Trilogy except the ones that say otherwise)
Holiday traditions, for a certain definition of "tradition": “Parrish. Parrish. Parrish.”
Here in the dark where you can’t see the stars (Scorpio Races): For a moment, I think Sean actually has left the beach.
felt your hurt, drank your fear: “Can I take the BMW?”
Our hearts know deeper seasons than our memories (Scorpio Races): October announces itself dramatically, sending gusts of wind howling through the stable.
Keeping you with me: Declan’s phone buzzed, again.
There are easier ways: Adam frowned at the sound from the bathroom.
Bulletproof (Umbrella Academy): Klaus was no longer looking at a startled Hazel.
Stop yourself: “We’ll expect--” Carmen hung up on Ramsay.
Unforgettable: Adam’s head was pounding and his neck was stiff and there was a searing light on the other side of his eyelids.
You’re an original: Declan checked his watch.
Ag iarraidh forais i bhfodhomhain: Adam pushed the hood of his rain jacket back to let the drizzle fall on his face; hopefully, the damp chill would keep him alert enough for standing upright and walking.
Leave what’s heavy: Adam got to lunch early enough to find a small, empty table in one corner of the cafeteria.
To be nobody but yourself: His mother’s name lit up the caller ID on Gansey’s phone.
I would follow him right down the roughest road I know: Adam found the rodeo coordinator almost hidden behind the banner that proclaimed National Reno Gay Rodeo 1978.
Where the trees can see you: Lindenmere was agitated about something today.
The world is your canvas: “We’ve filled the baker position already, I’m afraid,” the owner - Persephone - said without preamble.
Washed down the river to the sea: The long shadows growing from the stones scattered across the beach told Ronan it was time to be heading home.
The goats are in charge now: It starts innocently, or at least as innocent as baby goats can be, which in hindsight is not very.
Inconceivable: Ronan was at the train station early, because his disdain for speed limits remained strong as ever.
Hmm I’m not sure about patterns, except that there are a surprising number of phones here. 18 is my favorite.
I think this has pretty much made the rounds already, but if you haven’t done it consider yourself tagged!
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