#not posting to be seen and dunk on takes in a tag i dont go in.
istherewifiinhell · 5 months
Seeing dumesh abt aut lau and its like guys i dunno i think this dude as a mental fortitude to which most of us only dream of.
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painonthebrain · 6 months
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Ayo I’m gonna say this right now guys I’m a TRANNY so get ur terf asses outta my posts ok. I legit dont care if your a terf finding your “community” you dont need to share that with me.
If you’re a terf don’t get in my comments trying to say some cute shit. I’m not here for it. The whole reason I wrote “te.rf” was for terfs not to find my post but okay next time I mention the word terf I guess should just make it “+3rf” or something illegible. I’m not gonna do it now because what’s the point? Really, what is it. What’s the goddamn point.
Like, I don’t care if you’re a terf, just keep that shit away from me. There was no other reason to comment other than a “gotcha!” Moment and really it’s… kind of immature. I’m 17 and I’m not afraid to say it. That was pretty immature. Feel good about your dunk or whatever, I guess. I’m not actively seeking out posts made by terfs and trying to upset them.
..What irks me though, again… is that I spaced the word out. I only mentioned whump in passing and the word terf has a period in the middle. So unless you’re searching for posts that specifically do that (which I did specifically NOT to attract terfs, as it was a passing complaint meant for my casual followers, who are either also queer or support the queer community) then you shouldn’t really be able to see it, should you? But whatever. A period squarely in the middle of a four-letter word isn’t the most unique combination. There’s only so many ways to split up the acronym terf like that.
It just rubs me the wrong way, I guess. I’m just existing, complaining about a user in passing, and this stranger, someone I’ve never met or known ever, has this urge to commentate. To tell me they actively seek out people who, I’m not afraid to say it, hate people like me. I’ve seen the comments terfs make on trans people. Implying or outright saying we’re grotesque or subhuman or stupid. (Or that we’re making bad choices, or that we’re going against biology, or that trans women are mockeries of girlhood and womanhood and every other transphobic take I’ve seen in a 1000-mile radius) I’ve seen terfs tear each other and their “fellow women” apart over it too. It’s kinda freaky.
Goddamn this post started off so frustrated and now I’m just introspective. Like I’m looking in on myself. Did I cause this? Maybe. It’s not my fault for feeling frustrated about terfs in the whump tag and it’s not my fault for saying something solely intended for my followers attracting attention otherwise. I guess I’m just mad because what would drive a person to comment this other than hatred and pettiness? I mean, I’ve been overtaken by pettiness before, but really, there’s just something foul about this. About a stranger dropping by to remind me that they don’t understand people like me and they’re making an active choice to continue engaging in their “exclusion.”
Anyway tl;dr if you’re a terf, go the hell away! Don’t interact with people you hate who are things you hate!! Basic internet etiquette!!!
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More Divaz confos
Mod: Round two of these, previously: link. There’s some interesting customer reviews in this batch (5 and 8) which may be useful to readers.
1.Vic3mage "the secret bjdivaz vip group is just pictures of boxes coming in and going out". Yeah, between the bitching about d0llshe, asking people to post on doa for them, dunking on ex-customers, posting pics of random doll parts that they can't identify which doll they're supposed to go with, whining about how little money they make, whining when ppl e-mail them, whining. Yeah, other than that it's just boxes, and alpacas u can buy off amazon anyway lol.
2.The butthurt users crying and guilttripping under every Divaz confession who have never been seen before elsewhere on this blog are extremely unsuspicious and unproblematic and definitely unconnected to Divaz and unbiased in every possible way
3.idk shit abt bjd1vas but v1cemage i can absolutely tell you the shit about ch0o is 100% accurate, fucker's got a long, long history of being an awful little man that stretches well beyond his involvement in the doll community. between the two i'd still trust bjd1vas over ch00 ch00 the fool any day!
4.The Z3st and Div4s thing is really silly and both entities were being shady but did they really have to take the DZ waiting room down with them? :( He had even made a separate thread about it......
5. RE: BJD Divaz
I’ve been a customer of BJD Divaz since they first started, when it was only run by Chart3rline. I even contacted other BJD companies trying to persuade them to work with Divaz as their US representative. Most declined because they didnt like D's commission fee, but I was able to persuade a few of them.
I asked them to purchase a doll off DOA because I couldnt afford the asking price, and while they did, I found out later that instead of agreeing to purchase the seller's price, they negotiated the price to be lower. This significantly cheaper price was not passed down to me. I paid the full price +the commission fee based on that full price. I am disappointed I was not told this. This is when I stopped viewing them as a "friend" and instead, as a business. I dont hold this against them, it’s context to what Im going to say later.
I’ve stopped purchasing from D after my recent order from them. This company usually takes 3 or less months to make a doll. I’ve ordered the doll from D and it took 11 months. They let me know it arrived to them in March and that it will be shipped soon, except it only shipped on July, and only after I sent them several "reminder" emails. Before people in the comments try to put the blame on me for not sending a reminder soon, please keep in mind that I acknowledged the email in March and confirmed everything and they keep stressing to not send them emails because they are busy, I’ve emailed once every month since. I’ve since switched to ACBJD and Ive been happy with communication and the dolls ordered. I imagine ACBJD gets the same amount of emails, but they dont berate their customers if they email more than once.
I regret when people wanted a D0llshe, but not deal with him, I always recommended D. I would warn people of ordering directly and instead go through D. They assured buyers they would be handling communication and all the efforts so they wouldnt worry, except they didn’t. A person that I’ve recommended D to, who surpassed 2 years, keeps messaging me for help because D wouldnt reply to their emails. She is respectful, sweet and a timid person, not a Karen. This person, emailed D without a reply so would email a week later, only to be told that their email would be pushed down to the bottom if emailed again. No response, so she goes to FB and IG, who both tell her to email because they arent the person running orders. Finally got a response that they would get their refund, after D0llshe sends D's payment, but minus the PP fees. 3 months later and theres no refund, only a promise of them getting it later. Why is the customer missing out on fees when they have no doll? Customer emails d0llshe and he says he cant offer refund, because they didn’t order through them, which is understandable, but when all options are out for a customer, do you blame them for chargebacks?
If anyone files a chargeback, D will be blacklisting them from every company they rep, as in blacklisting you from buying direct from those companies. I urge everyone who has negative experiences with D to email the companies they rep instead of venting on confession blogs, and writing your experiences on social media. Make it count and send letters to the companies they represent, and please provide proof because they will try to make you out to be a liar.
Speaking of, they made vague posts on cl0ver singing for charging paypal fees, and that they offer guarantees as an official dealer, except when offering refunds, to non delivered products I might add, they are keeping the fees, and offered no help with d0llshe, even before they ended their dealership with them. Someone on DOA was told to not email them unless the wait time surpassed 1.5 years. They are even so petty that they post screenshots with the full name and address (dox) of the customer on purpose and then delete it out a day later as if they just realized their "mistake".
Before you try to make excuses for them about the fires, keep in mind, I am dealing with a business. The lower price negotiation with the DOA sale, I am in no way obligated to give them a pass or treat them as a friend when they made it clear that our relationship is strictly business. Their issues, are not my issues. D0lk got dragged for not shipping in time, others, including artisans, got dragged for being so late with communication and sending back refunds for cancelled orders. Why does D get to be exempt?
The supporters are the worst part of this, because of instead of being honest so D can improve, they support them for being "real". For example, look how micemage words it, to make it seem like this criticism is from one person, when there are people on addicts who didn’t have good experience. Check the bjd dealers tag here, you will see the supporters in the comments going off on any and all criticism of D. Some have sane comments, but the majority are cult like and try to identify the person venting as if it’s one person. Addicts deletes threads with criticism asking people to instead direct it to their feedback group; which lets be honest, no one is going to do because its "not that bad", and most dont want to join a new group, which is mostly dead.
This is my first and last confession on D, I’ve emailed each company they rep and told them my experience as well as contacting the 3 month wait company, with screenshots of my order, how they handled it, and the excuse they used to put blame on the company for being so late (package arrived march to D, 4 months to be shipped is on D, not the company). I’m not using company or order details because I know they are petty enough to try to identify me and publicly shame me like they have to others. This and the threat of suing is why not many people like to go public with their experience. They just keep feedback neutral, move on and never deal with again.
6. Listen, I can't take you seriously in regards to BJD!vas because you're posting on a confession blog. If you were serious, you would have posted in buyer beware groups, DoA reviews or the board to get things resolved, or you would have made a complaint to the BBB. And your language makes you come off more as someone with an agenda rather than someone who is trying to warn people. If shipping is the issue, stop buying with standard shipping and pay the extra price for express shipping. I saw one of you complain that it sat with them for 20 days; that's probably because you're not the only one and they more than likely have a queue to check and then ship out. Do mistakes happen? Yes, because we're human. I've been in this hobby for a few years now and it seems like most people know you're going to have to wait, sometimes even outside the expected wait time. And shipping something as big as a doll is a timely endeavor. I shouldn't have to say that.
My point is simply to stop complaining on an confession board and either take it to the places previously mentioned. Posting here behind the anonymous mask makes you sound like a petulant child who didn't get their way right away.
7.My only issue with BJD Divaz is how I never get any updates. Every email, they tell me to join their facebook page for status updates. I dont have a FB and I dont want to create one. I bought my doll through their website, updates should be posted on their website, or they could send me an email. That isnt asking much.
8. Since there seems to be a lot of either "completely negative everything sucks" or "everything was sunshine and rainbows" confessions about bjd!vaz I thought I'd chime in with a neutral review.
-They were always polite and professional in their emails, and gave me very detailed answers to my questions.
-I got exactly what I ordered, so no mix ups or missing parts or anything like that.
-I think them being forthcoming about personal issues (only one person on staff, illness, the flooding isue etc.) on social media is good, since it keeps customers updated as to why there might be delays.
-If you live in the US their shipping is very reasonable.
-Reply times were varied. Sometimes it could take over a week, sometimes a couple hours.
-My order took about 10mo which, when comparing to other people who ordered through the same company around the same time, was about 3x as long as if I bought it direct and 2x as long if I had gone through a different dealer. I get some of the waiting time is out of their control, but it was kind of ridiculous.
-They dont necessarily ship the same day they send you a tracking number. I wish they said something like, "Here's your tracking number, our pickup is Xday so it should start moving after that" just so I could be aware.
All in all no major complaints. I got my doll and all that. Their lone employee is clearly overwhelmed. I hope they hire another person, if only to give the one a break.
Truthfully, I most likely won't buy through them again. I'd rather pay the international shipping and go direct, than deal with the extensive wait time. I'd still recommend them to someone looking for a very long layaway, though. I paid in full, but if I had a 12mo layaway I would've never known they weren't ready to ship my doll until month 10.
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sshoujo-ais · 6 years
tagged by @holy-heck-i-love-my-fo​ thanks :D
Nickname: in a strange set of circumstances my nickname just kind of morphed into my actual name which is Tai, but that’s the folly of nb/trans people ig
Birthday: April 3rd
Height: 5’11
Last movie I saw: Alita: Battle Angel. it was really good. the critics dunking on it just don’t understand how anime works. and after decades of whitewashed, hollywood-ified live action adaptations i can’t exactly blame them, but this one is an actually good and faithful adaptation of if not the source material (though i’ve heard that it is, i just haven’t read the original manga or seen the OVA though), then it at least captures the spirit of what anime is like. anyway thanks for reading this impromptu review of alita lmao back to the tag meme thing. also she says fuck
Last Googled: google search history (because im a dumbass and dont know how to get to it manually)
Favorite musician: Reol
Song stuck in my head: the gacha menu theme from dream girlfriend
Other blogs: my main is @nonbinarist​ and i also have a fallout sideblog at @fourfallouts​ that i occasionally reblog posts to, and then a bunch of other sideblogs that aren’t active at all so i won’t mention them here.
Do I get asks: i do sometimes, wouldn’t mind getting more tho 👀
Amount of sleep: Bad
Lucky number: 11, the floor i live on
What I’m wearing: a shirt with a skull on it and boxer briefs
Dream job: webcomics artist/author, currently. i used to want to make video games but then i went to college for it and realized i’d have to learn a bunch of math. i still wanna make at least one video game in the future (pertaining to one of my webcomic series) but it’d be a visual novel.
Dream trip: take me to new york, i’d love to see LA honestly i wanna go to japan to see Reol perform live
Favorite food: spaghebby
Languages: Slovak, Czech which is incredibly similar, English, i understand some German but can’t really speak it fluently like the other two
Favorite songs: the entire jijitsujo album by reol i have too many
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: ive been on tumblr for like 6 years and i still dont know what aesthetic even fuckin means so im just gonna skip this
oh its the end ok
i taggggg.... @darlingselfshipper @threshprince @jocelynships @meteoras-hubby @goldenworldsabound annnnnnnnd..... @robotarmjokes
but none of you HAVE to do it if you don’t want to :3
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cryptideye · 3 years
sighs ok i promised myself i wouldnt talk about this on main but its super disheartening to see and it just keeps happening so im gonna do it
accidentally stumbling on old ac3 discourse posts from 2016 - 2018 is absolutely wild dude, i forgot just how bad this shit was. every other time i find someones blog whos been on here a while my night is ruined from these Bonkers posts about ace people
like sometimes ill be scrolling through someones blog for a while because they make funny posts or have cool art or whatever, but when i get to a certain point BAM theres a post stuck in there about how as3xuality actually isnt even real and the ac3 community just made it up to make people feel bad about their trauma and so they can force them to ignore it and uphold The Patriarchy and also every single ac3 person is inherently homophobic and transphobic (the evidence for which is almost always a troll post by someone trying to dunk on ac3 people OR a dumbass teenager being stupid online) so we need to defend our community from them, they hate sex and theyre just as bad as any cishet, or just like. taking a post where someone talks about headcanons and acting like them including ac3 and ar0 but not gay means theyre homophobic and not just that they... headcanoned a character as as3xual but not gay. like just taking the littlest thing and using it against ac3 people. it was fucking all encompassing back then
and these posts are almost always sprinkled in with other posts about how “real” lgbt ac3s are valid, or posts like “if ur gay and ac3 or trans and ac3 ur valid but i just dont think cishet ac3s are lgbt :/// i respect ac3s i just dont think they belong in the lgbt community :)”. this is why i donttt really trust anyone whos still an exclus now or who refuses to “take a side” because like. if you make these absolute ghoulish posts about as3xuality, YOU ARE MAKING THEM ABOUT EVERY AC3 PERSON. posts about how as3xuality supports rape culture, Actually (????????????????????????) or how its dangerous for kids to learn about as3xuality applies to EVERY ac3 person, even the gay and trans ones! you cannot make posts dunking on as3xuality as a concept but then backpedal and go “wait btu if your homoromantic thats valid :)” because you clearly dont think we’re valid!
i just. inherently do not trust any “ac3 positive exclusionist” because you CANNOT make or support posts trashing on us as a whole but then weasel your way out of it! and i have never seen a single “ac3 positive” exclusionist who DIDNT make or support these kinds of posts. it was every single fucking one and they didnt even seem to realize how contradictory their posts were to their supposed ideology!
like i get that most of these posts are from a while ago so i should just ignore it bc most people who were heavy into ac3 discourse have calmed down a bit by now and dont feel the same way anymore but holy shit nothing like accidentally scrolling too far and seeing someone being just. absolutely awful?  i love the reminders that im not safe to express myself even around other lgbt people despite being a lesbian!
(pls dont tag as discourse, i am not interested in arguing about this. just wanted to get my thoughts down)
#or posts saying that headcanoning a gay-coded character as ace was bad because youre erasing their sexuality even tho#half the fucking characters entioned werent even confirmed gay#or saying that headcanoning minor characters as ace was bad bc your sexualizing children#hey by the way this shit is why i would not allow myself to id as ace until i was literally 18 myself#it did me no favors and actually caused a lot of repression similar to how repressing other lgbt identities until adulthood does#or just flat out implying that headcanonig someone as ace is implying that you think every allo is a dirty sinner or whatever#like an ace person could not BREATHE on this website without people pouncing on them to call them homophobic even when they literally were#nt doing anything bad#or posts being like 'i used to id as aroace because i was in denial about being gay therefore all ace people contribute to internalized hom#ophobia so we should discourage people from identifying that way'#like ok cool people sometimes identify as bi because they dont wanna come to terms with being gay or vice versa. but yet its only aseuxalit#y that was targetted#like god man i saw the worst fucking post today#ruined my night tbh#it was about how like#the ace community hurts people because they dont question why ppl identify as ace which can like lead to people iding as such when theyre#just traumatized#and that being ace isnt the same as having any other sexuality#because being asexual#works differently than being gay or bi or whatever?#which like#uhhhh#so many posts abt the ace community being against self exploration#when i knew ZERO ace people like this#and trust me i ran a discourse blog. i talked to a LOT of fucking ace people#and interacting with a LOT of opinion posts#it was literally all strawmanning#or scapegoating#or just taking totally innocent posts and TWISTING them into something vile so they could villainize ace people#fucking disgusting
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