#not really lol but i added that for filtering purposes
estelofrivendell · 1 year
If you’re still taking prompts/requests, would you consider writing something with Aragorn and a fem reader where they are trying for a baby and then pregnant (with maybe some breeding kink)?
I feel like Aragorn has waited so long to be able to start a family and have children, and he’s eager to do so with his partner. But he’s also conscious of the fact it is his duty to provide an heir for the kingdom of Gondor and ensure the continuation of his line. And I feel as though he and his partner would acknowledge both of these reasons.
I can imagine the courtiers and servants in Minas Tirith being surprised by how attentive and hands on Aragorn is with his partners pregnancy. The King of Gondor rescheduling meetings to attend medical check ups! Using his knowledge and healing skills to help with morning sickness or other discomforts. Being present in the birthing room and helping during delivery instead of waiting somewhere for news of the baby’s arrival.
Thank you for keeping this fandom alive! ❤️
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Aragorn x Female Reader
A/N: Gotta tell you, anon, breeding kink is not my thing. Yet I can kind of see Aragorn having one. This is really a cute request however and I can see him do everything you stated, he would not let his wife alone and in pain :)
WARNINGS: Pregnancy, mentions of childbirth and death, breeding kink and smutty themes.
It is a king’s duty to produce heirs and raise them to be the most honorable of men. Issues of the king are supposed to be proud, courageous and valiant leaders just like their forefathers, keep their country and their people safe to ensure lasting power.
So what does a king and his queen that seem to struggle with making a child say about them? Three years after taking you as his wife there is no heir, at this rate they would be happy to have a daughter if not a son. Everyone in the king’s vicinity started to worry; had Aragorn doomed himself and Gondor by marrying a barren woman?
He will gently shut down any negative remarks anyone in his circle makes and he felt sorry for the immense pressure you were currently under and the anguish you were feeling, but he had to admit that he too wanted to start a family as soon as possible. He was certain about two things in his life: become king and having you as the mother of his children.
Perhaps this desperation was why he was starting to feel rather animalistic behind closed doors that it disturbed him. Each time he came inside you, releasing his seed, he can only imagine you with a swollen belly, carrying his child, and the thought of that aroused him more than he would like to admit. He started to fantasise about taking you roughly when you are far along.
Eventually, both your wishes came true. After experiencing morning sickness and missed periods, a healer informed you you were pregnant. The council was so delighted with the news that they held a celebration for it. He would inform you of his newfound urges and felt relieved when you told him you did not see anything wrong with it. You were willing to indulge in his fantasies as he is for your own and if anything became extreme for either of you then it all comes to an end instantly.
Aragorn proved to be a devoted and loving husband (not that you weren’t already aware of that) by accompanying you at every check up the healer scheduled. The healer accepted his presence since he is essentially a healer as well. The return of the king healed the Rohirrim in the Houses of Healing, calling them back to life and away from the Black Breath, and nobody was going to forget that anytime soon. The most unexpected of all was the king staying by his queen’s side during childbirth, his hand in pain from your deathly grip. Kings and lords were often absent whenever their wives were giving birth and he did not want to be an example of that.
Minas Tirith had many open secrets but the king’s love for his wife and newborn son was no secret at all. Even the common folk heard about how present he was in his family’s life. He grew up never really knowing his own father and his mother lived in despair for the rest of her life, grieving his loss.
He did not want you and your son to go through the same thing and he will make sure of it.
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lovintasteslike · 1 year
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Tiktok Live
One where Tiktok betrays Niall, the millenial.
a/n: This is my first time writing fanfiction (idk if I'll ever do it again lol). I saw a tiktok of him fighting the filters and found it funny.
"How do I turn this shit off"
You walk into the room seeing Niall squinting at his screen, a disapproving look on his face. Unbeknownst to his situation, you pout your lips and lean against the door frame, examining his frustrated demeanor.
He shakes his head, "This is ridiculous."
You furrow your eyebrows and tilt your head in question as he looks up from the screen. Niall lets out a puff of breath, making eye contact with you and immediately mouthing a, help me. You bite your lip to hold back your laughter as you realize he's live on tiktok for Meltdown promo.
"Pleeease, come onnn guys" He shakes his head in a disapproving way, begging the fans to cut him a break, only increasing the volume of the gifts, and thus filters.
You roll your eyes, smiling, as you head out of the room, taking a glance back at him. A small frown is set on his face as he plays with the ends of his hair. Trying to read the comments, a flower crown appears on him, once again adding to his frustration.
You hear Niall sigh, remorse flowing through his veins of even thinking about doing a tiktok live (and you know his publicist, Jen, will 100% be making him do more). In an attempt to ignore the filters, or perhaps to show the fans his supposed "carelessness," he starts talking about Meltdown, putting himself back on track towards the purpose of the live.
"Yeah the idea of the song came from- look at this fucking thing!" He exclaims, once again distracted by a filter, this time a cowboy hat. Exasperated by his fan's antics, you see him actually tilting the phone away from his face, hiding, from the filters while he attempts to act nonchalant talking about the song. You clasp a hand over your mouth to hide your amusement, taking quite the piss out of his frustration, but your body shakes in laughter.
"Are you lau- Stop laughing at me" You act shocked at his confrontation and turn away from him, bending over your knees as you try to catch your breath, now audibly giggling. Niall's eyes fall to the comments as the fans realize the humorous exchange between him and his girlfriend.
"See her being no help at all." Sarcastically he lets out a sigh, "So mean she is, really." Rolling his eyes, he too finally gives in and indulges in the fun of it, snickering at himself.
"Yeh take your pictures, have your fun." He says, framing his face with his free hand.
After posing for a few seconds, Niall decides they've seen enough. "Alright I'm out, thank you for all the love and support on the new single, save it, stream it, tell all your mates. Umm I'll be in touch, thanks for everything. See you soon." He blows a kiss to the screen, "love you lovers," then takes a moment to end the live.
You push yourself back up, walking towards him.
The phone falls from his grasp onto the surface of the table, his head dropping into his hands as he lets out a deep breath.
"God almighty, I'm never doing that again.."
"Really? Personally, I think the 'grandpa from Up' glasses suit you very well" You say with a smirk, only half-joking, while he glares at you, clearly unimpressed.
"Hmmph." He brushes past you, retreating into yours and Niall's bedroom.
You pout. "Oh come on, I was only joking....don't have a meltdown over this."
A load groan comes from the bedroom, making you burst out in laughter again.
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sushiwriterhere · 1 year
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summary: "Perhaps most tantalizing of all were his glasses–their lenses were lightly fogged, but you could still almost see his wide eyes behind them."  rating: explicit (18+ mdni) pairing: bob floyd x f!reader word count: ~2.9k warnings: idiots pining, car sex (lol), hangman being hangman, no use of y/n.  notes: Inspired by me thinking about Bob's glasses getting all fogged up. y'all i wish i could apologize for this but all i can think abt is this man and how someone once said they wanna chew on him like a polly pocket.. anyways please let me know what you think ! no beta we die like men tagging: @sebsxphia @theharddeck - tagging ppl either by request or whom i feel like luv bob soooo pls let me know if you'd like to be added/removed
You were usually far more behaved than this, really. You paid attention in your classes, did your work, showed up on time to your job–kept it all together. But there was something about him, about Bob, that just made that tiny part of you want to be reckless. And he had no idea. 
There he was, along with the rest of the group like every Friday, sitting and watching them play pool. They’d hoot and holler, order drink after drink, and he’d sit and laugh along with his peanuts and his Shirley Temples or lemonades. And it made you want to jump his bones.
It was a smidge ironic that as a bartender his non-alcoholic drink choices were part of what got you going, but what could you say? A man of multitudes and contradictions was appealing, and Bob was just that. Best weapons system operator around, shy as all hell, and damn smart. He always tipped generously, never put his phone on the bar, and had interrupted more than one creep on a mission to try and ruin your Friday night (flirting is for tips, not for keeps!). 
But any time you tried to move it past your brief interactions, he always slipped away. You figured it wasn’t necessarily on purpose— he seemed to be friendly otherwise, just probably not interested. So you resigned yourself to the occasional small chat when making drinks or he came in while the Hard Deck was a bit less noisy—and ever so often, finishing while imagining just what it would feel like to have his body pressed up against yours. 
And this Friday began like every other. You came in right as lunch ended, and busied yourself with prepping more limes than you ever wanted to see again in your life. There were glasses to be stacked, napkins and straws to be refilled, and liquors to be restocked. Patrons would start trickling in around 5 or 6, with the majority starting to filter in around 8, clearly coming from dinner or work. By 9, the Hard Deck would be packed to the brim with fighter pilots and other people from the nearby base. 
Your favorite fighter pilots would make it in at 8:45 pm every Friday, like clockwork. They’d take over the pool table with a direct eyeline to the bar, and stay till the early hours of the morning, sometimes till closing. Rooster usually bought the first round if the weather was nice, Hangman would when the weather was shit. More than once you’d tried to discern a pattern beyond that, but they seemed to have some sort of system. 
Bob would always buy his own drinks. 
He’d make his way to the bar, smiling gently at you and waiting patiently while you fielded other customers. Then he’d place his drink order and ask for a refill on his cup of peanuts, and stand there humming something to himself while you poured him a drink. Tips came in cash, straight into your palms and always paired with a soft smile that made your knees weak and your pulse hammer.
Tonight was no different. He ordered his lemonade and handed you cash with a warm smile before returning to what appeared to be an increasingly hostile and heated game of pool. Sitting on the sidelines, he seemed to just be content observing the madness. 
When Hangman approached the bar during a momentary lull, you expected it to be for another round. Except he leaned over the counter conspiratorially, and crooked a finger at you to beckon you closer. 
“I have a secret to tell you, only it’s not really a secret.” He had a coy smile on his face like he was about to tell you he’d taken a cookie from the cookie jar. 
You really wanted to roll your eyes at him, but you had to admit sometimes Hangman was entertaining and you figured your shift would at least be somewhat more lively with his antics. So you just shifted closer to him while maintaining an eye on the bar in case someone needed anything. 
“Do tell.”
He pointed a finger back towards the game of pool just as Rooster sunk a shot and Phoenix high-fived him, “You see Bob over there?”
You narrowed your eyes. You definitely didn’t like where this was going. While Hangman was all huge ego on the outside, you knew he wasn’t really like that on the inside, so it made you suspicious that he was deciding to pick on Bob. Usually it was all in good fun, but you had a soft spot for Bob and you really didn’t want to be caught up in any hurtful gossip.
“Play nice in my bar, Bagman.” You said, scrubbing a bit more aggressively at the countertop than you meant to.
“Hey! I’ll have you know I’m playing very nice, I’m being a wingman instead of Hangman tonight.” Wingman? “Bob over there, has a very big and bad crush on a certain someone.” 
You hoped this was some sort of prank, because Hangman had one perfectly manicured finger pointing at you. You felt your face go bright red. 
“That’s not playing nice.” God, why was this happening? 
It was one thing to harbor your little crush on Bob, to let yourself check him out while you were sure he wasn’t looking, it was another to have Hangman mock you by telling you that Bob liked you back. 
“He really thinks he’s being subtle,” Hangman continued as if he hadn’t heard you speak, “But he refuses to let us buy his drinks whenever we’re buying a round just so he can talk to you. I swear he spends more time up here or staring at you than he does hanging out with us.”
Saved by a customer, you let your attention drift away from Hangman and what he’d said to you. Even though he lingered, leaning on the bar, you tried not to focus on him. 
What did he mean Bob had a crush on you? That couldn’t be possible. A few weeks prior you had almost asked Bob out to dinner after not charging him for his drink, hoping that that would be enough to start a bit of flirting. 
Instead the WSO had placed enough cash to cover his drink and a very generous tip on the bar and stammered out something about needing to get back to the game of pool him and Rooster were losing. So you took that as your hint. 
Ever a patient asshole, Hangman was still there after you finished making drinks. Clearly being decently drunk wasn’t enough to keep him from being a pain. He just kept looking between you and Bob and not saying anything. 
“You’re scaring other customers.” You wanted this to end, the observation, you wanted to get out from under his knowing gaze.
He flicked a cherry stem at you, and without flinching proceeded to make you feel like you were officially the world’s least subtle person, “It’s not hard to see that you and Bob wanna jump each other’s bones, I think once you get it out of your system you’ll be perfect for each other. Just have to get over that first hurdle.”
And with that, Hangman walked himself back over to the rest of the group. You stood there in stunned silence trying to process exactly what just happened.
Like you said before, you were usually far more behaved than this. But nevertheless, you now found yourself pressed up against your car in the corner of the Hard Deck’s parking lot, Bob’s lips on yours and his hands on your waist. 
Anyone could see. Hangman or Rooster could step out for a breath of fresh air, maybe even a drunk cigarette (no one was allowed to tell Mav), and see you pulling Bob’s shirt out of his standard-issue khakis and running your hands over his stomach. You had always known he was hiding some serious muscle under his uniform. Someone could see you, weak in the knees for the quiet, but beautiful, Bob. 
“Jesus Christ,” he said quietly against your lips as you scratched at his back and trembled in his arms. “We shouldn’t–shouldn’t be doing this out in the open. You deserve better.”
Was it wrong that him being so respectful made you want him to ruin you all that more? What you wouldn’t give to be in your, or his, apartment right now, protected by four walls and free to strip and see all of him. But for now, you’d have to take the cards you were dealt. 
Grasping behind yourself, you yanked the back door handle against yourself, feeling the door give against you and open slightly. You pushed Bob off you gently, just enough to pull the door open and grab his collar to pull him into the car with you. He made a choked off sound, and you honestly weren’t sure if it was because of you grabbing his shirt or if he was surprised. 
“Wait,” He managed, and you froze, “I... Will you sit in my lap?”
You were going to die, here and now, with him almost hovering over you, his eyes wide and pleading. For a moment, time seemed to turn into something syrupy as he slid fully into the car, shut the door, and pulled you into his lap. 
You both sat there for just a moment, panting and staring at each other. Maybe you owed Hangman an apology for doubting his wingman skills, but you weren’t sure you wanted to inflate his ego more than it already was. 
However, he did deserve some credit. After he had dropped that bomb on you, Bob had come over and asked if you were alright, claiming he’d give Hangman a talking-to about whatever he said that had clearly upset you. You just stood there staring at him, until he started to squirm slightly under your gaze. 
It was in that moment you had blurted out, “I have a crush on you.”
He had stared at you for a split second before he whispered, so quietly you weren’t even sure you were supposed to hear it, “Oh my god, I want to kiss you so badly.” 
It had taken everything in you not to drag him across the bar and press your lips into his. Instead, you managed to tell him that you had your thirty minute break in five minutes, and to meet you in the parking lot by your car. It was probably the most reckless thing you had ever done.
So that was how you ended up in the backseat of your car, Bob’s tongue running along the seam of your lips, whining slightly when you opened your mouth to feel his tongue glide over your teeth. You could tell he had his feet firmly planted on the floor by the steady rhythm of his hips against yours. That part of his actions seemed so confident, so assured in comparison to the slight tremor in his hands against your hips, but you wanted him to let loose a little, show you just how much he wanted you. 
The car rocked gently with your movements. He was panting as his forehead leaned against yours, and he let out a particularly high pitched whine as you grabbed him by the back of the neck to force your lips together again.
“Been thinking about this, about you,” he ground out as you both pulled away again to catch your breaths, “See you every Friday and Hangman, ah, Hangman makes fun of me.” 
You groaned at his confession and twisted your hands into his neatly combed hair. Honestly, you couldn’t judge his hesitancy, for god’s sake you thought he barely liked you as a friend. Plus, you’d firmly asked more than one patron to leave when they tried to be too forward. Bob was never too forward. 
“Been, fuck! Been, trying to be a gentleman.”
You didn’t want him to be a gentleman, you wanted him to ruin you. Grabbing his wrists, you shoved them under your shirt and sighed as he got the message, rubbing your nipples over your bra. 
“F-Fuck,” you gasped, rolling your hips against his more firmly. 
“You’re so beautiful,” He whispered as his lips marked a path down your neck, mouthing at your collarbone as he tugged the collar of your shirt to the side.
“Bob...” You could feel the heat in your stomach building, the familiar tingle in your fingers.
“I know, sweetheart, I know,” With one hand on your stomach rubbing soothing circles, and the other dipping into your bra, the flood of physical sensations was almost too much. 
You moaned into his mouth and shuddered against his grip, raking your hands through his hair and feeling just how much he liked the sensation of your nails scraping against his scalp when the rhythm of his hips stuttered.  
When you came it felt like a star bursting in your chest, everything went fuzzy around the edges as he rocked you in his lap and you rode out your orgasm. It felt like Christmas morning, your birthday, and every party all rolled into one. You shuddered as he kept your hips moving against his, clearly close. 
But you would have none of that.
Still trembling from your own release you unbuttoned his khakis with shaking hands and reached in to grasp him. He stared down at your through lightly fogged up glasses, clearly shocked. 
“Fuck, wait, are you sure—!” Was all he managed to get out before you were on your knees, doing your damndest to swallow him down.
He came with a choked shout, one hand on the back of your head and the other clawing at the worn leather of your seats, grasping for something, anything to keep him tethered. For a moment you stayed on your knees, reveling in the feeling of what had just happened. 
He was a fucking vision from this angle. His usually perfectly done haired was wild from you running your hands through it, his khakis were haphazardly open and his softening cock was laying against his stomach where you had rucked his shirt up. Breathing wild, his chest rose and fell quickly, and his fingers resting on the seat twitched in a matching rhythm to the ones in your hair.
Perhaps most tantalizing of all were his glasses–their lenses were fogged up, but you could still almost see his wide eyes behind them. 
You wished you had a camera to capture the moment. 
The moment was broken when Bob reached down to pull you back into his lap and move his lips softly against yours. It took you a moment to register that he was whispering sweet nothings to you–a combination of thank you, and all sorts of compliments that made your chest ache. 
A sudden alarm sound made both of you turn in opposite directions at the same time, smacking your foreheads together. Suddenly any sexual tension had completely dissipated, replaced by both of you melting into laughter. Leave it to you and Bob to top off humping in your car like teenagers by giving each other concussions. 
“I need to get back to work.” You whispered as he inspected your forehead for any lasting injuries, “That was my alarm.”
He pressed his lips to yours softly, as if he was savoring your final moments together. “Can I take you out to dinner tomorrow? Do this part right?”
“I’d love that.”
You almost made it to closing without anyone noticing that you and Bob had both conveniently been gone for most of your meal break. But the crew crowding the pool table was far too observant for their own good. To his credit, Bob got himself almost fully back to his normal appearance, and you slipped into the bathroom to make sure you were presentable again. 
“You should say thank you to people who do nice things for you,” Hangman was back, toothpick hanging loosely from his mouth as he turned a sly grin in your direction, “I’ll take a beer in compensation, though.”
Pretending not to know what he could possibly mean, you continued to clean up. “Making sure all your cups are on the bar by closing is not exactly free beer material.”
He scoffed and stole another garnish, “You might think you’re slick but Bob’s been staring at you uninterrupted since you got back from your little break.”
“According to you he stares at me regardless.” Sorry, Bob.
“Yeah, but now he stares at you all mopey, which means you must’ve gotten the other stuff out of your system–”
You threw a piece of ice, the universe granting you with perfect aim for once, and watched as it hit his collarbone and slid down his shirt. He jerked backwards with a hiss. 
“Okay! Just take your beer and shut up.” Why did he have to be like this?
“Why thank you sweetheart, consider your debt settled.” With a wink, he was gone.
If you were honest with yourself, you probably would give Hangman a thousand free beers just to see Bob in the backseat, glasses foggy, and staring at you like you hung the moon. But he didn’t have to know that.
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queenimmadolla · 3 months
ooh, we are social this week, which i’m digging! please note this isn’t an attack on anyone, this is just me adding to the conversation. so on the status of the fandom being dead. it is. (and this is a lot, cause i can’t shut up when i get going)
we can like sugar coat it all we want and say people don’t venture out to read or maybe they’ve lost interest in writing, but fandoms usually go dead—and this term doesn’t necessarily mean like absolutely NO FICS—it just means it wasn’t as hype as it was when the last season dropped, and that’s a literal fact. it’s been two years lol. summer of ‘22, i could refresh the eddie munson x reader tag and like 16 new fics and blurbs and posts would load every time, there was just so much fucking content—it was glorious and positive because there was so many people, way too many for people to start whatever bullshit ended up happening (that occurred during the first phase of people losing interest).
now if i refresh when i dare venture out to the tags (and we’ll get to that next), it’s not as frequent. plain and simple. it’ll pick back up when the next season drops, it’ll be all hype, and then it’ll die down again as the years go by. hell, even the supernatural fandom isn’t as wild as it used to be, and they were around for YEARS.
this is coming from someone who’s been here and read (and when i was just a reader, i lived in those tags) a specific steve fic for like 5 years because there wasn’t a ton of stuff being produced, yes some, but not even to the amount that’s coming out now. and that’s again because of the YEARS long gap. and the proof of that is in stonathan. we all know the gay ships are some of the most popular amongst fandoms, and while stonathan was replaced with steddie essentially, it’s been a hot minute since stonathan owned the stranger things fandom because again, it died down. people moved onto other ships from other shows or outgrew fanfiction for the fandom. that ship was like the stranger things equivalent to destiel at one point and now it’s a literal ghost, proof that this fandom does die down and that’s fine. it’ll pick back up one last time, it’s not the end of the world.
now onto the tags, a lot of people here—i’ve noticed more so sexually explicit writers (and i love your work, thank you for your service) just think people are like lazy or something. but really? it’s because a lot of people don’t tag their fics correctly.
some people have dark kinks, some people have more niche kinks, more innocent, etc., that’s inevitable, people have their own tastes. but they won’t tag it. and that’s when people get vocal about kinks and not letting people post what they want and stuff. do you, just make sure you do your due diligence, because when you intentionally don’t, people are gonna speak up. you and i know very well all tumblr users have opinions.
and when they do tag their work, it’s usually after it’s caused a stir or several hours after its been up (this is a tactic for engagement purposes, it’s not tagged for a couple of hours and then magically it appears hours after people have seen it and spread it and it happens pretty routinely). this is also applies to REBLOGS. i’m not sure if people think that because the original was tagged, it’ll be the same when they reblog, but it’s not! in fact, a lot of people just slap the eddie x reader tag on it and send it out again.
i get it, whatever it is may be your thing, my thing, but that’s just irresponsible and it sucks the joy out of whatever moment people were in when they went into the general tag. i don’t think it may have triggered them to the point of a mental breakdown, though i guess that could happen, but it definitely could put them in a man, fuck this shit i’m gonna go do something else or read something else from some other fandom, blah blah blah, and that’s valid, too. running into something you filtered out through the tags because someone didn’t want to tag their work so they could get more engagement kills vibes.
it’s happened a ton of times with me and so now i don’t go searching, because i’ve encountered waaaaaaaay too many dead doves with no proper tags other than “smut”.
i don’t ever really leave the three tab thingies on tumblr mobile home screen, so now i just get whatever i see my mutuals reblog, or something with a tag i follow (another neat feature to utilize), but again, because some people dont care to tag their stuff appropriately, it’s not always something i can read or something i feel mentally safe reading.
i doubt, like i seriously doubt, people only want to read their mutuals’ stuff. like me, i will support my mutuals and i appreciate them dearly but like….its not enough lol, i LOVE to read and i’m not tryna use them to farm a bunch of writing i can read for myself, that’s just fucked so i’m always looking (as best as i can while trying to avoid other people’s hidden landmines so to speak, because if i happen to like someone’s fic to read, i go back and check to see the blog is now just ‘???’ for me 💀) for new stuff from new writers, writers i don’t know, etc. that fits what i want to read (please, no more white character sibling!reader recs for me, i think you guys are so sweet for tryna plug me with something you think i’ll like but that immediately takes me out of the reader insert, like i can’t imagine myself or someone that looks like me)
yes, you can say there are cliques here who only support each other, and we haven’t been blind to drama and whatever, but people can say the same about you and your group of friends here. it’s all viewpoint. everyone is a part of a clique or group unless they literally don’t talk to anyone.
that aside, i dont know how many times ive gotten on here and like begged for recs and have been desperate enough to jump back into the general x reader tag to search for something to read only to encounter those dead doves. i hate not being able to venture out of my little cave, but it’s what i have to limit myself to. after this last dead dove with no warning, its gonna be a hot damn minute til i try again but i guess the whole point of this is
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synthaphone · 9 days
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firefox HATES my enormous laggy pokemon spreadsheet (pictured: me trying to switch to the tab that has my in-progress list of every pokemon i own in it. ignore the insaniquarium window in steam idk why that popped up lol)
while part of me wants to keep stubbornly forging ahead, another (wiser?) part of me is thinking that i should Perhaps split it into two spreadsheets, divided into pre-switch and post-switch games
pros of splitting it into two (or maybe even three... if i isolated the 3DS era of games...) Sheets:
it would help reduce the ridiculous loading times
i'd only need to move Pokemon over to the Switch sheet as necessary when i transfer Pokemon, since you can't send shit backwards
the earlier games' sheets could have less columns for ribbons and marks (marks didn't even exist in those games), and cut out the 'tera type' column. maybe i'd replace it with a pokerus column...
i'm only like, 1/3 through adding just the gen 5 pokemon i have in HOME, and its already struggling to load... Ruh Roh!
maybe i'd actually be able to 'sort by' different parameters instead of just filtering columns- i've been scared of what might happen if i try to reorder everything on a spreadsheet this big
i don't usually need older game's boxed pokemon info at the same time as i need switch-era pokemon info
if i wait any longer before i decide to do this, it'll only get more difficult to do
cons of doing this:
it'll be a pain in the ass
it'll be an even BIGGER pain in the ass to change my mind once i've started doing it
the best way i can think of to do it is to duplicate the one i already have and delete all the switch game and HOME entries from the copy
splitting the sheet defeats the purpose of being able to sort all of my pokemon's data and view it in different ways- for instance, a lot of my favorite pokemon i imported are clones of my pokemon from earlier games, because i didn't want to leave those games barren. being able to compare (and keep track of) their different iterations can be useful
what if the big sheet with all of my pokemon in it really COULD work. i'll never know if i split the sheet off now...
if i DO change up what columns exist between different sheets (like getting rid of Tera Type or adding Pokerus), it'll make importing pokemon a lot more annoying to update the spreadsheet with, because i'll have to reenter data instead of just copypasting it. but if i don't, then i'll have a bunch of extra pointless columns bogging down those spreadsheets. so i think i'd have to do it
anyway. i think. i'm going to split it off. i think it'll probably be worth it for reduced lag. augh. ough. maybe. i'll save a copy of the whole spreadsheet file as it is now as backup, just in case i start doing this and realize i hate it
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pdouwes · 9 months
Hi, I'm a big fan of your blog and your gifs in general! I was wondering if you had any tutorial on how you color? Particularly your Wicked and Hadestown gifs look incredibly gorgeous and the colors really pop, and I'm so curious as to how you achieve those effects. Amazing work overall :D
hiii, oh my god thank you so much!! 🥺❤️
i'm happy to show you how i color my gifs but pls note that i basically have no idea what i'm doing, everything i know i taught myself via trial and error and this is just something i found works for me.
that being said, here's a quick (and very messy) bootleg coloring tutorial under the cut!
okay so, when it comes to making gifs and coloring in general, good source material is key. bright and clear videos make the coloring process SO much easier.
i picked an old 2010 wicked oberhausen boot for this tutorial. it doesn't have the highest resolution but the colors translate nicely and the lighting is pretty good as well.
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now, this is our base gif cropped and sharpened. i usually want my gifs to look as natural and as close to their base version as possible with just colors and contrast enhanced slightly. baby steps are important here!
first thing i do is add a brightness/contrast layer. these are my settings for this gif:
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i rarely ever go above 20 with either brightness or contrast. adding too much early on will make your gif look grainy in the end. our gif now looks like this:
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not much has changed but a little goes a long way, trust me. next up is a curves layer. i click the little arrow to open the drop down menu and select increase contrast (rgb). afterwards i reduce the opacity. for this gif i set it to 52%.
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this will darken the gif again but it also gets rid of these white spots on elphaba's dress which is great.
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next, we start playing around with colors. i usually use 3 color fill and one or two selective color layers. this really is just playing around until you find the settings that you think look good. for this gif i wanted to enhance the green and neutralise some of the yellow, so i went with two color fill layers first.
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green to slightly enhance the green of elphie's skin and blue to neutralise the yellow in glinda's hair.
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next we're going with a selective color layer. think of the colors you want to pop. for this gif the obvious choices are elphie's skin and glinda's dress.
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i added a second layer to further adjust the greens
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and ended up with this gif
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i then added another color fill layer, set it to multiply and reduced the opacity to 12
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followed by a color balance layer
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the purpose of these layers is to slightly "cool down" the gif, meaning they decrease orange/yellow undertones while enhancing the blue and purple ones.
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next up is a levels layer to add a tiny bit more brightness
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followed by a vibrance layer to make existing colors pop
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and another curves layer for more brightness/contrast with the opacity set to 50%
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our gif now looks like this:
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almost done! we're finishing up with a black and white gradient map layer for some more depth
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and a cooling filter to further reduce the yellow/orange tones of glinda's face and hair
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and that's it!
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so, here you go. this is my coloring process most of the time. sometimes i add more layers (on top or in between), other times i use less, it all depends on the specific scene and the mood i'm in lol.
now, could you leave out some of these steps? yeah, definitely. some layers probably don't even make that much of a difference but i like adding them anyway.
you can download the psd here. feel free to play around with my settings and add or delete layers as you see fit. hope this was at least somewhat helpful!
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houseofbrat · 7 days
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From Reddit...
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I'm waiting for Sarah McLachlan to start singing In the Arms of the Angel.
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They used the millennial rustic wedding video filter.
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Reads a little Marie Antoinette frolicking at the Petit Trianon to me.
Times are really hard- the uk has had serious unrest and you and William have been Mia at best shady at worst and now this hyper produced video? Call me when you have a sit down interview.
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If she was truly walking side by side and hand in hand with other Cancer patients why hasn't she made ONE SINGLE visit to a Cancer treatment center? Support in words only, zero action. This video is such a farce, a joke. A slap in the face of all those who truly do have Cancer. Also, you are not Cancer free or considered in remission after completing chemo. EVERYONE KNOWS THIS. Takes years to be in remission.
Ugh, this woman.
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Ok, her video announcing she had cancer made sense, since everyone was speculating on her whereabouts.
But this was so unnecessary. And kind of cringy? Her walking in the field alone, for what?
Whose idea was this?
literally, the narration + aesthetic shots made it look like a weird ad.
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William and Kate have such terrible PR that it must be on purpose. They could have turned this situation into such great sympathy for her and instead they do an irrelevant and out of touch glamorous photo shoot. They must be trolling the public whom clearly they feel are beneath them. She could be out there empathizing with how cancer impacts families because she’s a mom of three young kids. Or drawing attention to the financial burden of cancer or anything but this slap in the face to the common man!
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Looks like a propaganda video from the cult I used to belong to, lol.. 😂
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That video was some of the most self-indulgent nonsense I've seen in ages. That was awkward to watch.
the W&K laughing/cuddling shots r so forced
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Where was all this love and snuggling/hand holding when she announced to the world she had cancer 🧐
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This is the strangest and most awkward video. Why so cheesy? 9 months for preventive chemo? She looks like she walked miles through fields, woods and beach for this video so surely she’s well enough to work.
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Notice she says “As the summer comes to an end, I cannot tell you what a relief it is to have finally completed my chemotherapy treatment.” A casual reading suggests she’s completed it circa end of summer but actually those two clauses are not linked, she’s just commenting on the time of year she’s making the announcement and saying it’s a relief to have completed chemo. Without specifying when she completed chemo.
A direct wording of “as of this August, I have completed…” would have made more sense but
I’m in the camp of she had cancer several years ago which is why all of her statements use weird tense like “the doctors said cancer had been present” and she’s basically using a disease she’s in remission for as a cover for general health issues bc it’s a sympathetic cover and after all the consequences still do effect her health.
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They must have a new PR team and trying to do damage control. This video is way too over produced and cringe. They are trying to get people to believe the cancer is over with and they are more in love than ever. However I don’t believe anything they say anymore. I still think they are covering something up.
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Can this possibly get any more... Saccharine? I'm not sure that's the right word. The violin at the end? How can we tug at the heartstrings even more? The video feels like an inspirational video made by someone who has never really had a hardship, and only a vague idea of what real problems are. It just feels WRONG somehow.
When the children were climbing in the stacked wood, only thing I could think was "there might be snakes in there!" (I'm in Eastern US, a mid-Atlantic state, we have lots of snakes around in the woods.)
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I don't believe she ever had cancer or chemo.
Neither do I. This is to shut up the divorce rumors. Charles and her at the same time? Nope, I don’t believe it either, it was just a convenient excuse they think nobody would question.
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Ok. On having given this some thought. If Kate can do EVERYTHING in that video, surely she could have done more than just attended TOTC and Wimbledon. Plus. She added that she will NOT be working (maybe just from home?) I’m very confused
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Such schmaltz I would have felt totally different if she had made a short statement about her chemo finishing, and then footage of her visiting cancer patients or a cancer support group. Sitting and talking with them. Actually doing some good. But being filmed in a beautiful part of the country in a video that must've taken hours and hours of filming does not mean to me, she is standing 'side by side with cancer victims'.
I wonder how long it took to get that white butterfly onto her hand and then to fly away....
Exactly this. If she had visited people on a cancer or chemo ward she genuinely could have helped people - maybe brought some good news jnto their day or helped raise funds and awareness. She could have made a film about many cancer survivors. But this video? It’s all me me me
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Lots of red flags. Last 9 months would be early December and include the alleged incident on 28 December. I am not sure why they are announcing the end of treatment when she has no intention of going back to work.
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“Doing what I can to stay cancer free is my priority” as if people do something to deserve cancer? Disgusting
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My husband works producing music videos and he says with all the outfit changes, scene set ups and changes it would have taken at least 30 hours of filming. Why do all that instead of sending out a press release if you are recovering from cancer? 
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I wonder when this video was filmed. William was just in public a few days ago sporting a faux beard and he had even more facial hair in their Olympics video but he’s clean shaven here. So this shoot can’t be that recent which makes me question the statement, just like their behavior since January makes me question the diagnosis.
And since she’s been off sick, Catherine has been able to film 2 videos and do a separate photo shoot but she’s not been able to do so much as a video call with a cancer charity?
Reading between the lines on her statement it sounds like she’s going to cherry pick the fun events like she did with Trooping and Wimbledon and shirk any serious work engagements for “health reasons”. It’s crazy that the media and general public aren’t questioning this because it just doesn’t add up. And if her only focus is going to be preventing her “cancer” reoccurring (what a luxury the little people could only dream of), can the media at least stop parroting that she’s devoted to serving her country because she really isn’t…hasn’t ever been.
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Now they can no longer use the cancer excuse I wonder what the next steps are?
she emphasised that nothing is confirmed, “a few public engagements, if i can”. Still dragging on the story for some sympathy🙄 I think she’ll only show up for remembrance day + christmas service. D.I.V.O.R.C.E. They are both so useless, just quit the charade. If they can't quit the charade, for the love of god quit making these cheesy fucking videos.
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Like so many here, I used to be very pro-Catherine but the past 10 months changed that. I didn't hear she wasn't going to work because I couldn't watch more than about half of this. It seemed so arty and self-conscious. Someone mentioned like a pharmaceutical ad which was spot on - dappled sunshine, flowing dress, waving grass! The whole situation was and is bizarre - I wonder if we will ever know the truth?
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digitalgate02 · 1 year
Daisuke Week 2023 • Day 2
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[old doodle from Daily Daisuke Doodle project from 2021]
Day 2- Blue Lightning, Lighdramon (episode 11)
sub prompt a) Making friends is hard, but Daisuke and V-mon formed strong bonds through their road. Let’s talk about some of them!
Friendships are important for children, and I love how 02 work in a non-traditional way: Its development is through relationships instead. Which means, a character’s development in 02 is shown by how they interact with the other characters through the story.
With this, Daisuke’s changes come from how he stopped being wary around those kids… And how he became friends with them in the end, to the point in Kizuna he’s going to pick Iori at school with Takeru so they can discuss about his idea of going on a trip with everyone to study ramen (which we know he could’ve done that alone with V-mon, but nope, he wanted to invite EVERYONE if possible!)
First things first, I’m sorry to disagree with Kiuchi Reiko (who voiced Daisuke in 02 and post media until Kizuna) and say the first person Daisuke considered his equal was Inoue Miyako. If you watch 02-or-even-Kizuna carefully you can see how both Daisuke and Miyako get along! He’s fine teasing her, having ridiculous siblings-like fights… But he also seems to respect her as well, and even care about her opinion when she’s gushing about Ken or Michael in front of him. And Miyako on her end, tends to care about what he thinks of her as well, and never tries to treat him differently – remember, she’s a year older than him! And if either of them call by something different, like Daisuke adding the ‘-san’ honorific at the end of her name, or her calling him by ‘Daichan’ (or, in the BR dub: “Dai querido” → “Dai darling”), they will definitely find it suspicious or odd. Their M.O. is just teasing the heck out of each other! Like… In Kizuna:
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The first thing Daisuke says to Miyako once they meet in New York is not “Hello” or “How are you” – he straight teases her telling her and Hawkmon. And of course, she teases him back, because that’s how their relationship had been for years!!
Daisuke likes to tease her, as much she also likes to tease him – To be quite fair, everyone in Daisuke’s friend circle likes to tease him. They all love him to the bits. Even V-mon teases the heckie out of him too!! Though in V-mon’s case… V-mon is blunt and honest just like Daisuke, to the point he has no filter when he says things. Which could lead to Daisuke getting embarrassed in front of the others. But okay, Daisuke loves them all, V-mon and Miyako and everyone, so much he’s thankful for their support and being there in his life:
Let’s bring everyone along with me, today, too Really, always, thank you, Thank you so much • RUNNING MAN lyrics TL by Kazari
The Kizuna drama CD also has this funny cute moments of Daisuke getting excited for every suggestion given by his friends, and only at the end of the story he reminds them what was the purpose of this group trip. Not only that! He also credits everyone for helping him with valuable advice (which some of them said to not remember of it being legit advice lol) – which only shows how Daisuke values and treasures all of the five and the digimon.
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peapod20001 · 10 months
Taking a moment out of my study time to share some ways to help u feel more comfortable an confident when drawing characters :>
1. Try drawing characters from memory: no one wants to draw a character wrong, but sometimes you gotta see what parts of their design really stick with you and which ones kinda fade away. When u always check a reference you may subconsciously just redo the same thing over and over, and that can make every drawing just seem like a copy paste of the original. I promise no one is going to kill you for forgetting a detail or 10 lol so just wing it every once in a while
2. Try drawing at a different size than what you normally do: something I found can help is drawing either bigger or smaller than your normal drawing size. Having to compress or enlarge proportions can actually be very enlightening as to how you draw specific things (when I draw smaller I tend to make facial features bigger, and I do the opposite when I draw bigger). You may even find that you actually LIKE drawing at a different size, so it’s good to try at least once lol
3. Purposely make characters with traits or body types you need practice drawing: speaking from experience here when I say that nothing makes you wanna better yourself more than a guy you love but can’t draw lmfao. This also goes for things you don’t even necessarily LIKE drawing. Give characters what some deem as “ugly” features, it’s actually the best thing ever and I love it and I will fight someone over it (crooked teeth and overbites and big ears and fat all over and body hair and fucked up hairlines I am kissing it all with my mouth)
4. Draw existing characters/others characters: am I telling you to make fanart? Yes. Draw that character from your childhood cartoon, draw the dude from the comic you like, draw that pretty handsome lady oc you saw cross your dash. Even if you end up not sharing it, the practice with drawing something NOT from your own brain actually helps quite a lot with figuring things out that ARE in your brain
5. Just get fucky with it: ok so pretty much, just go ham. Draw fast and loose, draw rigid and dark. Try different line weights, make em scratchy, make em clean. Just try every possible thing you can (maybe not all at once, or do. That’s fun too LMAO) and hold nothing back. Try something you have NO practice in at all just to see how it goes. Try to add shading, try making everything flat, try adding color, try adding different filters. Worst case scenario you don’t like how it looks, best case scenario you LOVE it. I know this point is kinda vague or whatever, but really doing just whatever without rules is so fun! I didn’t like making digital color things until I fucked around and did smth I liked, and now I color things a lot more. Really truly, just try things!!
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corruptimles · 1 year
I've got bad news for you
I wish you worded this a bit less ominously lol (link is to Twitter TOS stuff)
I'd like to first note that, and I might be missing any new developments so correct me if this is incorrect, that type of TOS has already existed for several other image hosting sites like DA and even Tumblr because of resizing, embedding, and in-site edits/cropping/filters that can be made. Another post from a different section of the TOS was also circulating but it was from the section about personalization and ads, aka algorithm feed stuff. So this could be fearmongering but also I understand wanting to play it safe just in case as technobabble and purposely vague fine print could be dodging a subject. And I really wouldn't put it past Muskrat to try.
BUT. and thank you for the concern but, I really don't know if I'm in a good position to cut off a large amount of my reach. I get a decent amount of commission inquiries from my twt audience and my financial situation is as stable as a card house. I am trying to see what other sites I can use but bsky is still invite-only and I don't know enough about alternatives atm
All in all, I still will be looking into things like Glaze as some measure, but that's the most I can do I think...
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shinakazami1 · 10 months
aaaaaaa I didn't think there would be more sexyman bucket, let alone for me as well...you're too kind 0~0
that and another theory poll. you know who to call when you want more shina theories guys :] (the bucket stays winning, I see...)
it's so pretty! the texture in the background looks so scratch-able hhhhh it would feel so good on the nails, I imagine...
and the metal colour reflections on the bucket's surface...woah.. how did you do that? I can smell the metal from here... (hello Stanley! are you feeling the sheer radiating reassurance of the bucket?)
(the third bucket drawing reminds me of the trade offer meme, lol)
(fourth bucket drawing...it's having thoughts. big thoughts. thinking long and hard in style. hmmmmm)
question, if one grab the bucket('s head)'s handle and swing it around, given one is strong enough to do that, would the entire body follow the head? or would the bucket head be detached right away? asking for scientific purposes :]]
dream any pronouns bucket of my life...we're going to make up so many pronouns for each other...yes I'm asking for permission to court your bucket person. would you let me shina. would you (/j...unless?)
I wondered why you reblogged your jester drawing right after the original post, only to realise just yesterday that you were trying to tell me something in the tags. silly me.
Thank you for your positive responses! It was a delight to read your reactions and seeing that you drew something for me...I'm flattered, really. (I smiled so hard and couldn't contain my excitement, goodness...)
Good luck with your tests!
- 307, again.
YO 307 ANON HI HI HI HELLO HELLO!!! ough glad to see you around to see the Bucket art,!
It is winning but after this ask, I'll post first a small theory thing that I didn't mention before :] stay tuned!
For the Bucket - I used filters! I think it was contour (layer set on overlay 23%) and stereo in infinite painter. They added a lot!
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(THE DESCRIPTION FOR THIRD ONE IS KILLING ME he reminds me now of that one white dude in grassy place looking at u and I think people corelate it with 'I had to do it to them'. The fourth one is the Bucket walking with adventure line on the desert. Plot related thing >:) I hope I'll get motivation to talk about their plot like I did with Jester's overall Parable)
You'd yoink the full body around but if you try hard enough, you can yonk the Bucket off from it. For a moment, the body still will look normal and even the Bucket will be able to control it but then, the clothes would fall down on the ground.
*looks at this buckets story* I'd advise you kot to court it. Buuuuuut know it would like you courtering it. It's used to it, as the Reasurrance Bucket <3
It was both for that but also - I've been reblogging my art in diff times during the day so more followers are able to see it :0 saw mutual do it and started doing it, too
Thank YOU for such positive response, and for writing the previous asks and this one :] they always bring me sm joy!!
Passed it hehe :3 Thank you!
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informaltorching · 7 months
8 and 17 for the OC creation ask for Vesper!!
8. What (if anything) do you relate to within their character/story? 
I don't actually relate to him all that much. I made another VTM OC that was more relatable and found them hard to write and draw because it made me too emotional. I'm still not sure if I want to scrap them or not yet. I originally thought about making Vesper trans to put a bit of myself into him on purpose, but I elected to make him cis so I wouldn't accidentally give him some of the same traumas I've had. I'm not sure if that makes sense? The most Vesper and I have in common are quirks that more so come from my personal mannerisms that I don't care to filter out when playing him. He says fuck a lot, because I do.
I did however, purposely inspire one thing about him off of myself. I wear my emotions on my face very badly. I like to think he is similar. He cannot hide it when he is annoyed or angry at all. I cannot either.
17. Is there some element you regret adding to your OC or their story? 
Vesper's backstory was unfortunately more tailored for a chronicle that fell through. When we found our current ST, we were sort of in a situation where I ended up just editing some things and re-sending it to fit a new setting and so forth. We were all eager to get the game going lol. I am super baby to VTM. This is my first game. My ST is super well versed and a lovable nerd. I feel like if I had his guidance to write my first draft of Vesper's backstory more properly, I could have really fleshed it out. I am making slow edits to do this, with his help, however! I also hate his fucking hair. I cannot decide on it for the life of me. It is a different length every art piece I make and commission. I have this idea of what I want it to look like and I can't seem to achieve it, find a proper reference, or describe it correctly? I actually think Kelsey's drawing does his hair the best justice. I'm stubborn, though. He is keeping this stupid haircut, even if he is doomed to having 2000 different lengths.
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adastrafanfic · 1 year
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Ad Astra News - 7/2 - 7/8
State of the Archive
Okay, so listen up. This is important.A lot of people coming to Ad Astra have never been a part of the Ad Astra community back when we were still running on eFiction. They're new authors from AO3, especially, who are used to a certain kind of culture and looking for alternatives to AO3; that culture is often far more passive in its consumption and less interactive in general. While AO3 is an incredible resource, it's not really a fan community. That's not meant as a disparagement; AO3 serves its intended purpose (maybe even too well) of being a place where everyone can safely archive stories. It is not, though, a social platform, nor was it meant to be.
Ad Astra is, by contrast, a community. When you're over here archiving your stories frantically, distressed by what's happening with OTW, you're stepping foot into a place with a very long history that has been kept alive by a relatively small number of people who love it. Who have paid for its survival for years, even when we were broke and literally scraping change together from the core community to keep afloat. Even when we were quiet. Even when we lost two of our own to death by illness. And even when it felt hopeless. We have been, for almost fifteen years, a circle of people -- sometimes larger, sometimes smaller, sometimes just a few die-hards -- telling each other stories and celebrating each others stories around a campfire. This is what you're coming into. So I need you, the new people, to understand that you aren't owed this space. We invite you (general you) into it, and we will gladly -- joyfully -- fold you into our community, but you aren't entitled to this. If you want it to survive, if you want the efforts of those of us who have poured incredible hours of time and money and effort into this just so we could offer it to you for free to continue, then do your part to keep it alive. Celebrate your fellow authors. Write comments. Write recs. Talk on the forums, join a rewatch, host a rewatch. Join the weekly challenge. Get involved. (And, you know, follow my tagging rules and stop trying to sneak around them. LOL! I see you. If it's not useful for universal search filtering, it doesn't belong on the archive and I will cull it with glee. XD) Any fan community starts and ends with its people, not with its platform. I know you like the platform. Now come and celebrate the people, and let us celebrate you, too. Thanks.
Weekly Challenge #10
For this challenge, you get to take a look at a 'turn right' AU. Or left. Or backwards. Pick a canon moment or a moment in the lives of a character, one of your OCs or even just in the universe and explore, in 100 to 700 words, what might have happened if it played out differently. If a different person stepped in front of the disruptor fire. Or if someone had a nightmare and backed out of that assignment. The sky's the limit; interpret however liberally or strictly as you like!
If you post it to the archive, add it to the Weekly Challenges collection with the tag Weekly Challenge: One Reality Over and post a link here in this thread so we can go see!
Challenge ends at 11:59PM Eastern on Friday, July 14th!
Also, a special shout-out to Beatrice_Otter, who was a total MVP this week by compiling about 90% of our Stories Archived section for me while I kept settling in to my new job. For real, she was amazing and thank you so, so much for the help, Beatrice.
Stories Archived
Star Trek: Discovery
by lah_mrh A Light in the Darkness - T - Michael Burnham, Saru, Philippa Georgiou Know You Better Now - T - Ash Tyler/Christopher Pike Yours If You Want It - T - Ash Tyler | Voq/Christopher Pike
by nonelvis It's All We Know Now to Never Go Back - Explicit - Gabriel Lorca/River Song The Winter Festival - G - Gabriel Lorca/Katrina Cornwell War Games - T - Gabriel Lorca/Ash Tyler A Quiet Empire - T - Gabriel Lorca/Michael Burnham
by Pixie Fear of Falling - M - Gabriel Lorca/Katrina Cornwell Soldier or Musician - G - Hugh Culber/Paul Stamets, Sylvia Tilly I can feel the flames on my skin - T - Gabriel Lorca/Katrina Cornwell Dracarys - G - Katrina Cornwell/Phillipa Georgiou
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds
by lah_mrh Waiting It Out - G - Christopher Pike & Una Chin-Riley | Number One by StarryEyes2000 Extra Scenes, Codas, and Other Stuff (SNW Season 2) - T - Ensemble Cast Captain Honorary Dad - T - Christopher Pike, Ensemble Cast
Star Trek: The Original Series
by IDICdreads What If We Could - G - Spock/Christine Chapel There is no pain. - T - Spock, James T. Kirk, Leonard "Bones" McCoy Oh, the places you'll boldly go! - G - Ensemble Cast
by jamaharon Please - Explicit - Spock/James T. Kirk Mating Season (So to Speak) - T - Spock/James T. Kirk Hot Springs - T - Spock/James T. Kirk Care - G - Spock/James T. Kirk Leaving the Table - G - James T. Kirk/Leonard "Bones" McCoy
by lah_mrh Tea and Sympathy - G - James T. Kirk & Spock
by SLWalker Cinderella in a Party Dress - Teen - Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Montgomery "Scotty" Scott Echoes, Silence, Patience and Grace - M - Montgomery Scott (Mirror)
Star Trek: Alternate Original Series
by daraoakwise If Only In My Dreams - T - Leonard "Bones" McCoy (AOS)/Montgomery "Scotty" Scott (AOS)
by StarryEyes2000 Dating Advice - T - Leonard "Bones" McCoy (AOS), James T. Kirk (AOS), Spock (AOS)
Star Trek: The Next Generation
by baktag To Boldly Go - T - Data & Guinan
by intothisshadow [Graphics] Star Trek TNG Wallpapers - G - Beverly Crusher, Deanna Troi
by jamaharon Earl Grey, Hot - G - Jean-Luc Picard/William Riker Death Letter Blues - G - Jean-Luc Picard/William Riker Wild, Wild Young Men - T - Worf/William Riker Odysseus to Telemachus - M - Thomas Riker & Kyle Riker Cat Puberty - G - Data, Geordi La Forge, William Riker Mood Indigo - G - Deanna Troi/William Riker Conjoined - T - Deanna Troi/William Riker, Thomas Riker/Worf Parallels - G - Guinan, Ro Laren Live - M - Deanna Troi/William Riker Phantom Pain - T - Deanna Troi/William Riker A Bridge of Brass - T - Thomas Riker & William Riker Haptics - G - Data/Geordi La Forge Changes - M - William Riker/Data Starlines - E - Jean-Luc Picard/William Riker Noli Me Tangere // Touch Me Not - M - Deanna Troi/William Riker The Enterprise Gets a Sex Change - T - Ensemble Worf's Warlike Battle of the Arms - T - William Riker/Worf Five Times Riker Staked His Claim + One Time Worf Staked His Instead - Unrated - Deanna Troi/William Riker/Worf Five Times Riker Didn't Want to Have Sex + One Time He Didn't Have To - E - Deanna Troi/William Riker Absent in the Spring - T - Jean-Luc Picard/William Riker
by kimaracretak the tidings from our fading sun made me wiser - T - Deanna Troi/Ro Laren
by Pixie Lefler's Law 17 - T - Robin Lefler/Sito Jaxa
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
by jamaharon Just Doing His Job - G - Elim Garak/Julian Bashir
by kimaracretak the sky stirred - T - Winn Adami
by LordRobertBruceScott Star Beagle Adventures Episode 1: The Eye of the Beholder - Teen - Pel, original characters
by Pixie Meet Cute - G - Elim Garak/Morn
By sixbeforelunch Soldiers Were Children Once - T - Quark
Star Trek: Voyager
by nostalgia Where No One Can Hear You Scream - Mature - Kathryn Janeway/Chakotay
by Pixie Morale - G - Tuvok, Tom Paris Kindred - G - Kathryn Janeway & Tuvok, Kathryn Janeway/Tuvok,
Star Trek: Picard
by jamaharon The Drowned Girl - G - Deanna Troi/William Riker Head Like a Haunted House - T - Jack Crusher/Borg Queen Safe and Sound - G - Geordi La Forge, William Riker Nothing Heavier - T - Jean-Luc Picard/William Riker/Deanna Troi Boys Don't Cry - G - Deanna Troi/William Riker
Star Trek: Prodigy
by Pixie Limitless - G - Kathryn Janeway, Tuvok, Gwyndala, Jack Crusher
Expanded Universes
by DavidFalkayn Bellerophon: Into the Unknown - Mature - Ensemble Cast Opening Moves - Mature - Multiple Relationships The Big Dance - M - Ensemble Cast
by Gibraltar The Plebe - NR - Liana Ramirez
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narastories · 10 months
So, I kind of finished my random Hellraiser movie-watching madness, and here is my personal list of ordering the Hellraiser films from best to worst:
1. Hellraiser (1987)
2. Hellbound: Hellraiser ||
3. Hellraiser (2022)
4. Hellraiser: Hellseeker (VI)
5. Hellraiser |||: Hell on Earth
6. Hellraiser: Bloodline (IV)
7. Hellraiser: Deader (VII)
8. Hellraiser: Judgement (X)
9. Hellraiser: Hellworld (VIII)
10. Hellraiser: Inferno (V)
11. Hellraiser: Revelations (IX)
I know everyone has REALLY different opinions on these lol This is just mine. Ramblings below.
1. Hellraiser (1987)
If you're not rating this at the top, what even are you doing? OG. Classic. Great. Yes, they have visibly worked with different tech regarding the make-up, fake blood, etc. It just adds to the charm. Also: Kirsty <3
2. Hellbound: Hellraiser ||
This goes hand-in-hand with the first one. It also has that part with Kirsty getting the Cenobites to protect them, which is great. 10/10 no notes.
3. Hellraiser (2022)
Sorry, not sorry for putting it this high. It's just so pretty. And the cast is great. Overall eye-candy. I mean, I have a soft spot for Goran Višnjić in this (liar) in general. And Jamie Clayton just really made the role of the Priestess her own. I think with some of the Pinhead re-casts the issue was that they just put another guy in there, but with her, she really owned the role. The references back to the OG are subtle, and overall I think it did the original film justice.
4. Hellraiser: Hellseeker (VI)
I would be lying if I said the Pinhead & Kirsty scene didn't influence me to rate it this high. But also, I feel like this is the film that Inferno was trying (and failing) to be. You have the plotline with the police, and the cheating husband, but you actually care about what happens to the characters because it's Kirsty and his husband not just random people with no backstory. I'm going to say it again: I personally enjoyed Trevor's suffering and Kirsty getting blood on her hands. There is also something to be said about the early-2000's anxiety about surveillance.
5. Hellraiser |||: Hell on Earth
This still has a very similar vibe to I & II, which is a plus. I get that people think Pinhead is OOC here. Personally, I think his behavior could be explained by what happened to him. To me, it was hilarious that he basically let the human part of him die to save someone else, got stuck in a statue and his brain-to-mouth filter just disappeared. And then the human part kept haunting people. You also have Terri and Joey whom I love dearly.
6. Hellraiser: Bloodline (IV)
I appreciated the backstory, and I appreciated Angelique. Also, as I've said before the space-station setting didn't feel overly gratuitous. Imo it served a purpose and added to the narrative saying "we are so far in the future and these angels/demons are still here". At this point in the movies, it felt really good to get a little history lesson too about where the box was coming from.
7. Hellraiser: Deader (VII)
I would not call this (or the rest on this list for that matter) a good film. There was something personally relatable and therefore terrifying to me about this movie. It leans strongly on the idea that the ones you should be afraid of the most are human and I like that. The subway car scenes are also fun, but I'm taking minus points for the Hungarian name in the address that the guy pronounced like it was an Italian city. Oh yeah, and if you are claustrophobic... good luck?
8. Hellraiser: Judgement (X)
Very bizarre, but not half that bad? The scenes followed a plot that made sense and were enjoyably done. Pinhead wasn't OOC despite it not being Doug Bradley, of course. The guy with the glasses was also fun. Bonus points, because Kirsty can make deals, but Carter can't :P At the same time, this film is nowhere near as good as some of the older ones.
9. Hellraiser: Hellworld (VIII)
Just. No? I mean, part of me appreciates the geeky "fandom" setting and the 2005 technology. But. No. It's like Teen Wolf meets Hellraiser, and that is not a compliment (although I like both but... no) I just have an incoherent "this tasted bad" feeling about this movie lol If I had to articulate it, I would say that the plot felt very unfinished.
10. Hellraiser: Inferno (V)
So boring. I wasn't opposed to the concept because I think the question: "What does the police have to say about all of this?" is a good and valid one. But man, the execution sucked. I had zero sympathy for the main guy, but I also didn't feel gleefully malicious as I did with Trevor. Yeah, I can't recommend this one.
11. Hellraiser: Revelations (IX)
Ugh. First of all, the protagonists are two spoiled brats, whose troubles offer nothing interesting. Like, okay, you had a temper-tantrum and opened the box, congratulations I guess? Kirsty was more mature than this in the first movie. Second, and I'm sorry to say but this is the worst Pinhead recast out of them. He looked like a boy in his father's shoes. Tbh the cenobites all look worse. The plot also moves too fast and the references back to the old stuff are really clumsy. I'm sorry but I hated it.
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sungtaro · 10 months
hello! i really love your gifs!!!! im still learning how to do some effects and i wanted to ask if you could make a tutorial on how you did the blending for this post? https://www.tumblr.com/jikyu/733643818578198528/baby-dont-stop-2018-nct-u-for-berryjaellie?source=share i understand if you dont wanna hehe thank you so much for sharing your work <33
hi, thank you so much ! i'm not like amazing at tutorials but i'd be happy to share with you my layers & process for this particular set (she saved a psd for once ... everyone cheered!) and give some general advice + i'm going to direct you to this tutorial by @woozis who i think does a great job of explaining things and has more experience with gif blending specifically (this was my first set using 2 gifs in this way; normally i use blending for static gfx or using overlays that aren't 2 gifs from the same source content, which are both great ways to practice) . i highly recommend utilizing multiple resources to get a feel for how different creators do the thing you want to learn, but at the end of the day i basically just start throwing stuff into photoshop and watch it come together in real time with anything gfx related lol . anyways, with that big intro out of the way, let's talk about how we made this set using this gif as the example:
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so step one for me working with this content aka music video was just picking out the clips i liked and knew i wanted to use in the set . when it comes to gif blending the 2 gifs you're using need to be the same exact amount of frames or you need to be able to get them there, so basically after i had just pulled as many gifs out of the mv as i roughly thought wanted to use, i imported all of them into ps to see the frame rates and started mix-and-matching the ones that were around the same length to see what would look the best layered over each other. this is very personal preference based but in this case i liked that they were executing similar choreography from different angles and in different outfits and settings. for this gif, i ended up with these 2 separate ones:
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these are sharpened but no coloring added yet - as you can see one of the clips is black and white so that can be a great option for blending because you can add whatever color you want over it. of course, if the original content isn't b&w you can just put a b&w filter on it and do the same thing - i recommend this if you want to put gifs together that aren't already color compatible. anyway, once you have your gifs you convert them both to timeline and just drag and drop one over the other. it's usually not going to matter which one you put on top, but that's the one you're going to use the blending effect on, so i went with the black and white gif over the color.
to blend the gifs, i set the blending mode to 'screen' on the top gif. for this one i kept the opacity at 100% but on other gifs in this set i brought it down to around 85% depending on how it looked. then i added my coloring to the base gif + i deepened the blacks on the top gif (note that you need a clipping mask for anything you want to do to the top gif without doing it to both). this is where you'll want to start messing around as you go, screen is my most used option for these purposes but sometimes overlay or multiply looks cooler, and you can mess with whatever opacity you think looks best. here's what my layers look like at this point with that top gif selected + what the gif looks like blended before and after coloring:
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already pretty cool! but i wanted to add color to the black and white to really bring the effect home. i used the eyedrop tool to grab the blue from the lighting in the bottom gif (for the other color overlays in this set, i used the red from taeyong's hair) and added that into a solid color layer over the b&w gif with a clipping mask, and set the blending for that solid color layer to 'overlay' (again, you can try different ones for the look you like best)
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this is my finished blended gif, from there i just added the text! the actual process of making the gif isn't what is so time consuming imo it's more just about finding the clips that will work together and testing out what you like the look of. this one is probably my favorite blending result from the set and there are plenty of things that i feel like don't look perfect, but ultimately i'm happy with the result and i think the set looks cool anyways -- so i encourage you to just give it a try and chances are it's going to turn out looking nice!
hopefully this was helpful, happy giffing (and feel free to tag me in your works if you try this out) !!
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ultrastupid · 1 year
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My pinned post: Hello, my name is Echo! I come in relative peace. My dysgraphia will leave me making all sorts of typos, so be ready for that lol.
If you're curious about things like my queer labels, pronouns, names, and just what I have that makes me disabled and mentally ill, you can click here.
I have been on tumblr since 2011 originally, and have been using a secret account to follow and like and reblog posts that has no connection to me lmao, since about 2015. I guess I got tired of doing that and now I am here as myself.
Main fandoms are: No Straight Roads, Hellaverse (Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss), Welcome Home, Cult of the Lamb, and Steven Universe right now.
I am sir-swears-a-lot, just warning in case you don't like a lot of swearing! Also, sometimes I spam reblog from my mutuals or people I follow, just a warning!
Click/tap the read more for boundaries, my main tags (plus tags you can use for filtering if you have triggers, squicks, phobias, or just don't want to see me post about certain things!), and misc info!
I have a queue set up to post 12 posts per day, and I shuffle it 3 times after I get done adding more to it. The blog pretty much runs on it now. For my queue, I've started to focus on lining up non-political, non-discourse posts for a gentle stream.
LAST UPDATED: August 20th, 2024 (08/20/24)
I hate DNIs because they don't really work like at all. So instead, I will give you a rundown of things that I am, that I support, and that I don't support, and YOU, the VIEWER, can decide if you want to interact with me or not. Taken from my carrd, includes alt-text.
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System-related stuff: Click here for more detailed info about my system! Below are tags that my alters use:
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My main Ao3 is indeed my tumblr username. The real "social media" place that I use most is a mastodon instance, you can find that in my linktree on Ao3 if you're brave enough (and 18 years or older) lol. I am completely unfiltered on there, so be careful and stay safe!
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Tags for reblogs (and maybe posts) in case you need to filter (not all tags are listed her btw):
#Q = Queued posts, aka what this blog runs on
#discourse tw = Most forms of discourse
#shipcourse tw = Ship discourse specifically
#ableism tw = Discourse, but ableism focused
#queerphobia tw = Discourse, but queerphobia/exclusionist focused
#racism tw = Discourse, but racism focused
#sexism tw = Discourse, but sexism focused
#current events tw = For (mostly USA) politics, wars, genocides
#traumacore tw = Traumacore/ventcore related things
#mental health tw = Mostly dark humor relating to mental health
#abuse tw = Mentions of abuse (relationships, child, etc)
#drugs tw = Drugs and drug mentions (regardless of use purpose)
#rapid switching images tw = Rapid switching images (for epilepsy)
#flashing lights tw = Flashing lights (for epilepsy)
#shaking images tw = Rapidly shaking images (for epilepsy)
#eyestrain tw = Bright colors, optical illusions
#loud sound tw = Loud audio, typically sudden
#ai tw = AI-generated images/video/whatever else
#insect tw = Any bug or bug-like thing, so spiders included
#sea creature tw = Fish, sea creatures (seaslugs, octopus, etc)
#rodent tw = Rodents (rats, mice, squirrels, etc)
#bird tw = Avians, flying or otherwise
#bat tw = Real/realistic bats
#reptile tw = Reptiles (snakes, lizards, etc)
#amphibian tw = Amphibians (Frogs, salamanders, etc)
#dog tw = Canines in general, so yes wolves are included
#horror tw = General horror tag (body, psychological, etc)
#trypophobia tw = Clusters of holes
#scopophobia tw = Eyes that are staring
#dead dove tw = The "typical" problematic themes
#gore tw = Gore, guro, etc, lots of blood here
#nsft tw = "Not safe for tumblr", aka nsfw or suggestive stuff
#PSA = For important stuff. Tends to have other TW tags on it too!
#mutual aid = Mutual aid reblogs, self-explanatory
#polls = Polls, both ones still going or done
#the dream = An eclectic tag that can mean many things tbh
#reblog bait tw = Stuff that can be considered "reblog bait"
#AOE = Psychic AOE damage (aka cursed, usually NSFT posts)
#resources = Resources for things, usually fandom or helpful
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Specific fandom tags I use because I am too scared of getting dogpiled while using main fandom tags:
#En Es Ar = NSR (No Straight Roads) #Double U Aitch = WH (Welcome Home) #Aitch Aitch = HH (Hazbin Hotel) #Aitch Bee = HB (Helluva Boss) #Sea Oh Tee El = COTL (Cult of the Lamb)
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Tags for my own purpose, typically text posts I make.
#burntembers.txt is my tag for text posts or general rambles and general stuff. Will use this a lot when making text posts!
#warmembers.txt is for nsfw rambles/talk, maybe some links to Ao3 stories if I'm feeling brave haha.
#sparkingembers.txt is for ranting/rambling about disabilities, mental illnesses/disorders, and general neurodivergent shit.
#moltenembers.txt is for fandom related talk/content. Typically me blabbing about headcanons and general deranged shit lmao.
#snuffedembers.txt is for ranting/rambling, discourse related things, and general venting. Because why not, why not?
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