#not rn not here not worth it for this loll i always get way too bored before i get to that level of detail
kurishiri · 20 days
Thanks for your reply!! Btw I'm just counting, but isn't it cheaper to just get 13 story tickets for 1300 and using them during the 2x time instead of going for the silver bundle, or any other bundle? Since you get 200 (400) for each chapter, plus an additional 500 (1000) for 5 chapters, so you get 13x 400 = 5200 and plus 2x 1k =7200 hearts, which equals to 72 heart sends vs 52 from the silver bundle? Since you get 4 coctails (2000 hearts during 2x), + 5 story tickets = 2000+1000, +200 hearts so it should give you 5200 hearts. So overall, it seems to me just purchasing story tickets seems way cheaper always. Gold set coctail: 10*80*5=4k, story ticket 8*400+1k=4.2k +500 = 8700 hearts vs 23 tickets = 10k+4k =14k hearts. So 87 vs 140 sends. So it's way cheaper to just buy story tickets and use them during 2x (or 3x) instead of going for the value sets, as I didn't calculate the later bundles, but since even the gold set is almost 40% less sends, I think it's the best to just buy tickets directly, or ticket bundles, right? :) By the way, do you have a translation or any vidoes of jude's card? I'm super curious if it's actually worth it to spend 20eur or more to get him or not :D
hii! i'll put the stuff about the bundles and all that under the cut again, but to answer your question about the jude card .. i mean, i think this story will have diehard jude fans screaming loll im not sure like where you at on the jude fan scale, but even though the story itself isn't like super romantic, as in kate and jude are not in an established relationship here, its got the tension lmao and lets just say, i think some lines in there can definitely be taken out of context 👌✨ im not sure if there's a video out there rn or if someone had tled it (you could check out @.archiveikemen, though i think they mentioned sorta stopping tling jude centric stories at one pt and idk if that pt was before or after that jude card came out on jp. or @.judesmoonbeauty as ik shes a jude fan!) but i hope my description can sort of help you get an idea what to expect without dropping too much spoilers and all.
each story ticket expended effectively equates to 🩷100 without lucky time, but they only give you 🩷500 only after you complete all 5 scenes in the chapter. during 2x lucky time for stories, you would receive 🩷200 per scene (ticket spent), i.e. 🩷1,000 for every chapter. so assuming you start at chapter 1, 13 story tickets would be enough for you to get 🩷2,000 plus another 🩷400 for the intimacy check, totaling to 🩷2,400 = 24 times sent, as 13 tickets will only be enough to read 2 chapters in its entirety; you don't receive 🩷200 for each ticket you spend, but rather 🩷1,000 every 5 tickets spent.
and for escorts, you can get 🩷40 normally without any lucky time applied, per escort (20 AP). so 5 escorts, i.e. expending all 100 AP, or 1 cocktail, will get you 🩷200. during lucky time, we double the amount of hearts per escort to 🩷80, which will make doing 5 escorts 🩷400.
so, if you buy 23 tickets, which is 💎2,300 and enough to get you through 4 full parts with 3 tickets overflow, as 23 % 5 = 3... assuming you start at chapter 1 of a route, that would place you at:
no lucky time: (4 × 🩷500) + (2 × 🩷200) = 🩷2,400 = 24 times sent
2x lucky time: (4 × 🩷1,000) + (2 × 🩷400) = 🩷4,800 = 48 times sent
3x lucky time i realized there was also a time frame where they had 3x story lucky time, but i didn't account for that in the previous ask because.. jp didnt have any lmao: (4 × 🩷1,500) + (2 × 🩷600) = 🩷7,200 = 72 times sent
if you buy the gold set for 💎200 more at 💎2,500... first to calculate story tickets... like the 23 ticket option, you will have 8 % 5 = 3 tickets overflow with enough to read 1 chapter in its entirety. again, assuming you start at chapter 1, here are the stats,
no lucky time: 🩷500 = 5 times sent
2x lucky time: 🩷1,000 = 10 times sent
3x lucky time: 🩷1,500 = 15 times sent
and then you have 10 cocktails, so that will give you
no lucky time: 10 × 🩷200 = 🩷2,000 = 20 times sent
2x lucky time: 10 × 🩷400 = 🩷4,000 = 40 times sent
3x lucky time: 10 × 🩷600 = 🩷6,000 = 60 times sent
on top of that, you get 🩷500 = 5 times sent.
so even in the worst case where you use the set items during no lucky time, you get 5 + 20 + 5 = 30 times sent. and in the best case, you can snag 15 + 60 + 5 = 80 times sent. if you use both the tickets and the cocktails during 2x lucky time for the story and escorts respectively, you have 10 + 40 + 5 = 55 times sent. and plus, you get 3 closets, which i mean, it's good to always take closets where you can.
so, if you ask me, personally i wouldn't say it's way cheaper to just buy a bunch of story tickets, per se. i feel like if you're going to just buy story tickets, you may as well just get the 30 tickets and 🩷600 during the story lucky time for 💎3,000. you would essentially be getting a little more than an entire chapter's worth of hearts gifted for free (without lucky time), so you would be saving yourself 💎500, effectively. during 2x lucky time, you would be getting 🩷6,000 + 🩷800 + 🩷600 = 🩷7,400 = 74 times sent. again, assuming you start from chapter 1.
i hope this helps a bit figure out what you want to do!
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haeroniel-doliet · 2 years
.....colouring is so boring!!! Or maybe its me being tired and mid having a very sluggish brain week and forcing myself to make any progress at all on the drawings. But like, not knowing what im doing and just being really bored w it means everything ends up sloppy!! Like its sort of ok if you squint or look from far away but its sooo messy.... Levels of messy where its like did i waste a few hours making this worse? (I've saved a different file of just the lines and one of just the flat colours lol just in case i really hate the shading etc i do) Bleh.
Maybe ill go sleep rn and sort some other life things then uhhhhh either do the backgrounds or try fix the face next time which should be more interesting because itll be hard and annoying.
Man rn i really wish sketches did well!! I know they dont and ill be happier w it anyway once its all coloured in but man this process is just not that enjoyable to me tonight!!
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lonewhumper · 2 years
contains: human trafficking, an auction, implied future pet whump & noncon, dehumanizing language. no underage characters despite Whumpee being referred to as "boy", he's just younger and smaller than the Whumper(s).
Hayes despises this side of town.
Even as much as he makes now, with that promised promotion (surely...) on the horizon, he still finds the people too uppity, the goods too expensive for what's never that much better than what he can find across town.
But it's different, he guesses. Usually, he's purchasing for his boss, who never settles for less than the best for his business. Hayes finds a pretty pet for whatever budget he's given that day in different places about town, and then tosses them to be dealt with there. They're not his problem.
Tonight, he's looking for himself. And it just so happens that tonight he finds that, even for an auction on this side of town, the pets for show are especially pretty.
He walks his way past them, one by one, until he comes across one in particular, and this one...
There's something about this one.
He's drugged, no doubt. Wrists that have been rubbed raw with attempts to escape, streaked with dried blood, are limp in their metal cuffs now. A head that must have been raised defiant enough to earn the beating blooming bruises all over his body is lolled down against his chest, which heaves with a desperate breath every few seconds through the thick cloth gag tied in his mouth.
A lot of them are gagged, because they look good gagged—and this one does too, maybe especially—but this one seems to be gagged for more than aesthetics. He looks a little like he might try to bite, if the cloth and the sedative weren't preventing it, and Hayes feels a tingle up his spine at the thought.
He's always liked it rough. He's always liked the way smaller bodies bend and writhe and submit beneath him, eventually, and he starts thinking, even after all of the options he passed, about this body alone in particular.
Maybe giving Hayes a reason to be a little more rough would be worth the price.
"He gave you trouble?" Hayes asks, and then gestures to the price tag. "He's less than the others."
The handler behind him laughs, pushing himself up off the wall and rounding the merchandise. "Fuck, you should've seen the little bitch. Busted one of my guys' noses, scratched the hell out of some faces. Needs a muzzle, I reckon, but a little K did the trick, too. We grabbed him off the street, so—"
"He's untrained," Hayes says.
"Well," the handler crosses his arms, "we had a few hours with him."
"I can see that." He strokes a finger over bruised skin, and the boy blinks hard in what might be a wince, might be him trying to stay conscious. It's cute, whatever it is. He's cute.
"Hey, we like variety here! Could be fun, if you're in the market for it. Some folks are. Otherwise we got ones we trained for a few weeks a little further down."
"Yeah," Hayes murmurs, but doesn't look away. "Somethin' about him, though."
"It's the eyes," the handler tells him, grabbing the boy's chin and pulling it up, squeezing his cheeks hard enough to get those pretty blues open again. "Might have left him alone if it weren't for those. Well, and these hips...goddamn, this whole body. Look at it. In its prime."
He runs his hands down the boy's sides, grabbing at those perfect hips underneath the navy blue lingerie, and Hayes feels his hands clench into fists.
Feels possessive, suddenly. Like he wants to rip that man away.
"They wanted fresh, I gave them fresh."
"Anyone been inside?"
"Probably half the town, with that face...but not since we got him here, nah. We're not animals...not before the showings, anyway. Nothing that doesn't need to be done. Cleaned up and dressed up."
He smiles, pinching the boy's nose shut and watching him try in vain to breathe. "Shouldn't have been walking alone so late at night, baby, huh? A bad choice for someone so pretty, didn't you know?"
"He looks like he knows now," Hayes says, and the handler lets him go, lightly cups the boy's neck while it works as he swallows and gags, slowly catching his breath.
"Yeah. He does. And I'm sure with the right man for the job, he'll know a lot more soon. Hell, he'll make the prettiest little pet, won't he? Yeah. Just need someone to train you right, and you'll be a damn good boy." He glances up at Hayes, smirking. "Can't keep my hands off. If he ain't sold by the end of the night, I don't know who's gonna have their way with him first. Everyone, maybe."
Hayes could kill him. He has the idea right there, slicing the man's throat and watching him bleed.
But then the handler stands, approaching Hayes, and asks, "So? You want a pup that doesn't bite, or are you up for the challenge of this one?"
The boy twitches. He kicks a foot out, grunting softly, and mumbles something incoherent.
He's adorable. Tiny. Doesn't look like he took very good care of himself. Doesn't look like he'll last very long, if Hayes does everything to him he's thinking of right now.
What he does look, though, is fun. He looks like Hayes wants to call him mine.
No. Already his, maybe the second he laid eyes on him.
"This one," he says. He looks into the suddenly fright-filled eyes of the darling little thing, and smiles as he hands over the payment in full. "I want him."
[series masterlist/picrews]
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onyourzeus · 4 years
11:48 am | pjh
title: 11:48am pairing: park jaehyung (of day6) & you genre: fluff, bullet style words: 2.1k
author’s note: mmm i’m kind of meh about this but i jus really needed to write so i don’t lose motivation, but this is just a short fic requested by this anon asking for a lazy day scenario with jae. hope it’s still an okay read.
any requests? check my pinned post if i’m accepting any at the moment, thanks!
once you receive a specific text from jae on a regular day
“whatchu doinnnn” 
you know he’s wondering if you’re not busy, and if you come hang out at his place
which, for the majority of the time, you always tell him “not much. y?”
even though you’re 99% sure of what he wants out of you
you have already made your way to a coffee shop before he had replied 
“same. wanna do nothing together? :)”
so u get two coffees: one americano and one vanilla latte (as much as you want to cut down calories here, there is no way you can drink just water and espresso by itself
you decide on getting two sandwiches as well, it’s close to noon and there’s a high probability that jae just woke up and he hasn’t even moved from the bed
you’re lowkey happy that jae texts you first (assumingly) during days like this because, honestly you miss the 6 foot lanky nerdy soft boy a lot
jae has a habit of keeping to himself during his downtime, especially now 
but with him streaming and having new friends through the platform has helped him socialize and feel a sense of normalcy from the world, which you are really glad for 
he’s mentioned how much he misses doing band activities but doesn’t really elaborate on them
he think he talks about it too much and that you wouldn’t want to hear his repetitive whining
you don’t have the needed bravery in your heart (yet) to tell him you will never get bored or feel burdened by his thoughts, no matter what they entail
so for now, when he asks of your presence in his lovely abode— you make time for him. always. 
even if it’s just a lazy day of doing nothing
you knock on his door and text him at the same time. you look around his neighborhood and enjoy the peace and quiet outside. you wonder if jae’s soundproof walls work well enough for his next door neighbors this time. you had told him multiple times that sungjin wouldn’t appreciate the noise too much, and he if he wanted to play he can do so at your place 
however you never suggested that last thought. it swam in the sea of your thoughts one too many times but it never came to shore. you thought too much about the implications of that idea
besides, what good came out of reminding him of his streamer noises is that he finally has an apartment of his own
and you don’t feel as shy or out of place whenever you came over to the one he shared with the boys 
“oh hey, wasn’t expecting you,” jae had opened the door and you snap out of your wondering
he greets you with drowsy eyes, a full yawn and long strands of hair sticking out everywhere 
you huff out a breath and show the goods in your hands. “you’re definitely gonna need this.”
his eyes light up as he recognizes the contents of the paper bag
“whaaaat you shouldn’t have, i was about to order for delivery,” he tries for an innocent tone but the goofy smile on his face makes that extra trip to the cafe worth it
“you’re welcome, jae.”
lazy days with jae come in two ways
number one: absolutely the title. you crash on the bed, he scolds you for it but then you feel his crushing weight on top of you for revenge or
you hog the couch, splay your legs until jae does the same thing and entangles all your limbs together it becomes a semi wrestling match
number two: he’d end up wanting to do something all this time, either jam on his guitar or play WoW with you in the background, just watching
commenting on things you have 0 knowledge about, and him dismissing every words you say with a random scream from his end
“you’re so bad at this lmao”
“is the riff supposed to sound like that? ew” 
“you want your face to meet my guitar? :)” 
yeah, banter between you can be brutal like this which is why it gets a little embarrassing to be your true self with him when the others are involved 
today, jae seems to just enjoy sipping on his iced coffee while tippy tapping on the floor to sit next to you on the couch
??? how can a grown man do something puppies so effortlessly pull out… just as cute if not even better??? 
usually, silence isn’t how the two of you spend lazy days together. once he’s thought of a topic to talk about, however out of this world or mundane it could be— the conversations you share are what you cherish the most bonding with jae
“you ever think about the first piece of a roll of sliced bread?”
“you mean the weird looking pieces no one ever chooses first and leaves it there until there’s none of the good slices left?”
“the very one” “what about it?”
“you’re that slice of bread”
“well yeah? jokes on you, you’re the OTHER piece. there’s two in a pack dumbass” 
one would mistake this as insulting, but this is how jae shows his affection to you, and you wouldn’t want it any other way
there’s a certain comfort in just.. not deliberating whether you’d overstep a line or say something that would be misconstrued. with jae, you appreciate the candid friendship you mutually benefit from
his sarcastic personality can be a pain at times when not needed, of course, but when you’ve missed him so much it just feels right
“jae your legs are too long for the couch get a new one.” he had taken over the other end of the couch with his legs over yours, and you’re trying your best to make the position comfortable
but being inches close to his socks and noticing that he’s intentionally moving his feet about just to annoy you
“you get me a new couch so we both fit here”
“bro do you know how empty my wallet is rn” 
“as empty as your love life?”
“oh we’re talking about ourselves right now? ok cool”
he scoffs at your comeback, but he remains speechless and gives you room to breathe. you panic for a second thinking maybe, this is the unexplained boundary he has to draw a line on? love? 
but he puts down his already finished americano, and looks back at you a deadpan expression
you sit up as well, nerves creeping up on your arm. you didn’t want to take it too far and in your defense, this isn’t the first time you teased each other about your, well, non-existent romantic endeavors
“jae, i—”
“oh my god did you see your face?? i was kidding chilllll” he starts to burst into a fit of laughter, the kind where he loses air and lolls his head back 
this time you pout, reaching over to flick him on the forehead. his 6th sense had improved a lot overtime being with you as he blocks your hand away from his face, and sticks a tongue out
“you think i wasn’t prepared for that anymore?” he taunt, locking his grip around your wrist
“now you’re just making fun of me” >:(
“you get really puffy cheeks and look adorable when you’re mad” 
eventually he lets you go, pats your head then proceeds to just ruffle it as messy as his, and in an instant your mood changes again
you shouldn’t lie to yourself anymore, you love jae’s company and it would kill you if he’d one day decide he’s too old or too “mature” for moments like this
you get winded up with denial of having a crush on your best friend, and you’re so sure he knows at this point
because he reels you back into the present and challenges you to a game os super smash bros
and when he loses, he does it again. and you win again, and this time he says it was just a warm-up and he shouldn’t go easy on you anymore
and then you win again, and you’re the one cackling in the air at his look of defeat as well as the 6 losses he had endured during the matches
“man you’re getting rusty”
“am not! i’ve just been playing WoW too much i’m not used to switch controls anymore…”
“sure buddy”
“HEY, 1v1 me in league right now, i dare you”
“you only have one desktop, stupid. i didn’t bring my laptop”
“oh so by default I win :D”
nothing can ever get away with jae, he always needs to have the last laugh with you and at times it’s frustrating, but his carefree charisma has grown on you so much that you anticipate what else he has in store to give you a hard time 
jokes on him, you fall for jae just an inch deeper the more he treats you comfortably this way 
it’s only been an hour or two, but jae had decided that he’s done enough productive stuff for the day (read: losing too many times) and invited you over to chill on his bed
it’s not an uncommon sight for the both of you to lie next to each other, taking turns with queueing up music on spotify. songs you and jae love together, and those that are new to your ears 
sometimes, you’d talk over the playlist— it becomes more of background noise as jae asks you about your day, the days before that, and what you’re planning on doing in the future
he doesn’t ask for specific answers, he likes to hear how you’ve been feeling, emotionally so
jae has always been intrigued by other people’s perception of themselves, of the things around them, and of what they think of the universe in the back of their minds
it was a little too much to handle, those questions of his, when you first were just getting to know each other
but he eased into it naturally, confessing about his love for the moon— its beauty in appearance, and the beauty of its purpose
which made you think… you’re in love with the moon too, not just what you see in the sky
but what you see right next to you right now
jae had given you enough time before to open up about your own thoughts, struggles, and share secrets with him. it didn’t take long until you found the trust between you and held onto it for dear life
lazy days with jae can be just that— lazy, loafing around the house, stealing a chip or two from each other’s bag, falling asleep to the sound of lofi music on the speaker
but it can go this way too: with jae explaining how good this one song can be, the metaphors every verse carries with the melody. “you’ve always heard of chocolate eyes or whatever, but blueberry? and to describe the setting sun as strawberry skies? amazing, GENIUS” 
and you laugh, and listen to the same song over and over as per jae’s request until he overpowers the original vocals— and you don’t complain, there’s not a sound you love to hear on a lazy afternoon than his low register, the kind of singing he does just for the heck of it. he’s not exerting too much range, too much work on the words he sings— he’s just doing so to comfort him, to bring life to the room, to dwell on each poetic verse’s meaning
i’m so lost in your blueberry eyes
he finishes singing, and the playlist shuffles to an instrumental lofi track with an upbeat, charming rhythm to it
jae keeps his eyes closed, smiling to himself probably proud for his faux performance
“you done gloating in your head yet, jae?”
“shut up i’m feeling the moment”
you poke his shoulder with yours, and you’re suddenly hyper aware at how close the two of you are.. physically, right now
he turns his head towards you, eyes fluttering, lips slightly open. he catches you staring, and it’s too sudden for you to look away and pretend it’s not awkward at all
“what are you doing?” he asks, a lilt of teasing on his voice but his eyes never leave yours 
“sh..shut up,” you quip in a small voice, looking down on your laying bodies before turning away, cheeks warm
“wait what? what i was asking a genuine question—”
“i was.. feeling the moment, okay? god jae you’re annoying” you mutter under your breath, a lousy response to cover up the pounding in your chest
“this moment feels really nice, doesn’t it?” he says next to you, quiet but gentle
you pause for a second, taking in his words and letting go of the smile you’re trying to hold off on
your heart is still racing, but there wasn’t a need to worry about stumbling with your feelings
if jae himself is enjoying your own company right now 
“it is. if it’s with you, it really is.”
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