#not sm0sh
smoshers-comment · 11 months
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sillyscemoboy · 11 months
I C4N’T W41T 2 G3T H0M3 & W4TCH T3H N3W SM0SH V1D30 ^_^
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khadoodojaasblog · 5 years
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smoshers-comment · 4 years
Don't. Click.
I'm seeing a lot of people posting this ad about Rayban sunglasses. DO NOT CLICK ANY LINK. Not the user mentions, and absolutely not the link to the shop. Do not type in the website. You will get hacked, or have your information stolen:
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If you don't find suspicious that people are suddenly/unusually posting the same advertisement, then the the promotion itself, aka panic/limited buying and impossible sale, is more than fishy.
Please signal these posts, and if possible, reach to the person to let them know their account have been hacked.
Stay safe! :)
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smoshers-comment · 4 years
you guys i'm gonna have the cutest valentine this year
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smoshers-comment · 4 years
So someone got tested positive at my job... Not sure who and when they got it, and I've been working from home for a week, so guess who's not leaving the house at all next week guys! 💪
Wash your hands and take care peeps!
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smoshers-comment · 4 years
dear youtube mobile,
totally didn't need the extra work to remove that « Comments » banner that's everywhere now
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fuck offsincerely,
-a tired nerd
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smoshers-comment · 5 years
YouTube's COPPA solution doesn't make sense to me???
Am I the only one?
Now I don't know the intricacies of running a YouTube creator account and what statistics about their audience the creators themselves have access to, but... Why should their channels be punished (potentially fined??) for having ACCESS to data? They don't seem in control of how the data is collected, they don't even seem to be the ones collecting it: YouTube is. So why should the creators be liable for YouTube's business model?
When I heard about all this a couple of days ago, I went: "Oh okay, they'll require everyone to log in now or something, like they currently do to watch mature content." But no, apparently they're gonna hold creators accountable for how they themselves collect data. ...What? What they needed to do, as stated by COPPA, was to stop collecting data on minors under 13. So what they should do... is identify these users and change the service when used by this specific demographic. Not... identify the videos that may pose the risk of attracting that demographic and alter the service for everyone... wtf?
« [...] we will treat data from anyone watching children’s content on YouTube as coming from a child, regardless of the age of the user. »
What even is this? This doesn't solve the problem at all. How they determine content for children is not only unclear (no examples, may, probably, pinned comment is generic FAQ), but highly inefficient. The problem is the user, not the video. Again, the goal is to stop collecting data on kids. If a couple of 10 year-olds watch a National Geographic documentary, which is not per say children's content (but that children can still watch), data is collected on those kids and YouTube is back to breaking the law. What they're trying to do instead is damage control; quickly fix the most prominent and problematic cases so to lower their chances of getting fined again (with the decision now in the creator's hands, who's gonna be fined now hm?) So what, are all Fortnite videos gonna get tagged because most players are children? What about Minecraft, a game played by everyone but that a lot of children also happen to like? And Cartoons? Unboxing, crafting?
How could YouTube even identify 13 year-olds anyway? Everyone using their service would either:
need to log in through an account; or
confirm their age when starting a new session on their platform
Under 13? Bam, less features, done. This is the solution that makes the most sense to my programmer self, and I'm sure machine-learning enthusiast YouTube considered it already and looked the other way for $ome reason.
Here are some of the features that will be removed from Made for Kids videos:
No personalized ads
No comments
No info cards
No end screens
(First two probably to prevent private info sharing, last two probs to prevent promoting stuff to children.)
And some features removed from Made for Kids channels (those I can't understand):
No notifications
No Save to Watch Later / Playlist
This data collection problem is recurring amongst most websites and services on the Internet that both collect data and allow guests to use their service, so I'm kind of surprised they went for one specific company. I just wish YouTube would handle this better and wouldn't throw creators in such a loophole that restrict their content and threaten their livelihoods.
Big rant for big mess. Good job as always YouTube...
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smoshers-comment · 5 years
It's 17°C outside, it's warm and sunny, so how the fUCK IS THERE A HAIL AND BOOMING ASS THUNDER
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smoshers-comment · 5 years
Bonne Saint-Jean-Baptiste!! ⚜ ⚜ ⚜
No Québécois would be caught dead speaking English during this particular holiday, however I think it's the perfect occasion to introduce all of you to the culture! And what better way than to watch a fun movie!
Bon Cop, Bad Cop (2006) is a comedy cop thriller that showcases the differences between French and English Canadian cultures, which usually clash at the Québec-Ontario border. The movie is bilingual, in a way that people speak both English and French interchangeably throughout the movie, with added subtitles for the language you want. This is actually what I like most about this movie! You get to see (and hear!) from both perspectives, it's not just one making fun of the other like A LOT of other movies do. And it's really well done!
Yes, you can still find all the Canadian stereotypes you've ever heard of (it's a movie after all), but there's some truth behind all of those nitpicks. And I laughed, so why not.
So here's the trailer!
So if I still need to convince you to watch it:
It's a comedy! Lots of fun!
Colm Feore is in this, Netflix The Umbrella Academy's very own Sir Reginald Hargreeves!
Canadian French with subtitles!
Lots of insights into Québec culture!
Québécois swear words explained!
You don't need to know about or even like hockey at all (like me!) to enjoy this movie!
I was told it was on Netflix in a couple of countries (maybe under Foreign or something, idk I don't have Netflix). If not you can very easily find a stream online! Have fun!
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smoshers-comment · 5 years
People: Pornography and hate speech really are a problem on the platform, and users are losing more and more functionalities until Tumblr comes up with an effective solution.
Tumblr: Introducing filters!
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smoshers-comment · 5 years
Not Smosh, but I've been laughing for the past 4 hours thinking about this
I should know by now always to read English labels before their French translation, but I didn't and my mind went blank for two whole minutes while I stood absolutely baffled in the middle of the store staring at this Strainer of Sink:
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English: Standard size: fits your kitchen sink
French: Dimension standarde: attaque d'apoplexie votre cuisine coule
French, actually: Standard size: apoplexy attack, your kitchen leaks
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smoshers-comment · 5 years
It's two degrees outside :)
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smoshers-comment · 5 years
Legend has it
That if you manage to get past my 128 filters with your Endgame spoilers bullshit, you're just an evil mastermind coming from one of the 14 000 604 bad endings, and it won't take me 3 hours and a single minute to block you
With love, A sad nerd begging for full cinema immersion
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smoshers-comment · 5 years
I fucking hate Tumblr, and here's why
Getting rid of porn bots? Then why aren't half of my followers gone?
Mobile app displays my Following page instead of my Likes page
Mobile app removed HTML support, which is what I use because:
WYSIWYG interface produces shit HTML
Inconsistent display when using WYSIWYG, like photos, spacing and titles
Mobile app doesn't display any content after HTML line breaks, even though it displays just fine on the full website
Mobile app doesn't save half of my drafts
Mobile app doesn't show me all of my saved drafts
Mobile app doesn't allow more than 100 lines of text or so in a post, even though there's no limit on the website (some long posts I can't even edit on mobile)
Can't log out of account when using full website version on mobile, because the link is displayed for half a fucking second
Can't add tags when responding to an ask, have to edit the post once it's posted
Can't edit an existing tag (except on the full website using mobile, full desktop website doesn't even allow it); you have to delete it and create a new one at the end of the tag list
Mobile app doesn't allow to order tags
Custom theme code doesn't accept http links anymore, only https, as if reliable images and scripts come from https sources only
Posts are flagged as mature for no reason
Some tags can't be found using the search engine
Mobile app doesn't send phone notifications, even with all permissions granted
Mobile app doesn't remove notification count after viewing the notifications page
Mobile app doesn't display the date on posts, so I don't know if I'm looking at a dead blog
And I'm sure there's more.
I've never seen something get under my skin like that–a fucking app at that. I think what pisses me off most is that most of these problems weren't even there a couple of years ago, and could be easily solved. They don't correct bugs, they remove functionalities, and add shitty restrictions. The only reason I'm still on this site is for you guys. So if you don't see me posting every two days as it should be, there's a 20/80 chance I'm either busy, or fucking pissed as Hell 'cause I can't publish my post.
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smoshers-comment · 5 years
Yes I'm still alive
You know, I've been out there, just trying to get a good tan in a mere -34°C temperature, really digging the 30+ centimeters of pearly white snow, just feeling the unwavering support from the wind and endless legions of beautiful snowflakes while they caressed my face and complimented my perfect replica of a Michelin Man cosplay. Man, can't say I stood frozen in place. I stayed for hours, and even went back out there when my favorite snow plower offered me more.
What a day.
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