#not sure about having the guts to do majoras mask yet
luna-loveboop · 4 months
Hello!! What's your favorite Zelda game?
- hero-of-the-wolf
Skyward sword :)
I uhh am kind of nervous to share but you asked so ima rant about my life and why I love skyward sword :))
I was the youngest child, which leads to some problems with being included- but with video games I was actually ok with that. I was always a coward- if a character so much as had red eyes I would have nightmares and not be able to sleep for uhhh a bit. So movies and video games gave me wayyyy too much anxiety. Jump scares and being surrounded were terrifying to me- I also felt I wasn't good at video games with the controls. But I did like spending time with my siblings!
Anyways my mom (love her) was one of the adults as a kid who thought video games were evil- she didn't necessarily buy the theory of it rotting our brains, but she did want us to get outside a lot. But one Christmas we did get a wii... and skyward sword :DDD
We played games together- I did the gaming sometimes, but it was mainly my siblings. I always had thoughts/suggestions on the dungeons lol. However we didn't really have enough attention spans as kids to finish it. It was funny because it became a kind of pattern- my siblings would decide to play skyward sword! :D and we would start the game and make it to like the first dungeon and stop XD. We still all remember and have the entirety of skyloft and the opening to first temple + ghirahim boss memorized, but us actually beating the game was a no. The furthest we got on a run was getting the water dragons scale, at which point we enjoyed swimming drowning link until we ran out of steam again.
But I was still so scared of playing video games myself- there was umm. A lot of screaming and panic whenever I was attacked, which was mildly annoying to my family. (Child me was chaotic but we love her <3)
Cut forward years and we ended up stuck in a house together during Covid... at which point my mom threw away all previous ideas of video games being bad and bought us a bunch XD. Then there came a point as (college) adults that we all wanted and bought Switches- my brother says he started the Nintendo "switch revolution" in our family since he was the first
My sister helped me a lot. She was the one who showed me animal crossing as a chill video game, and how I could calmly catch the scorpions and tarantulas in that game (eeeeeeeh). I watched her play botw on wii u and she helped me beat (eiffjjdfkjfkf scary) thunderblight ganon without panicking. After that I decided to have they were fun! Fights still give me anxiety sometimes, but overall I'm actually good at it- which I hadn't expected lol
And then I got skyward sword hd on switch. And this was like. The moment for me I started really loving video games. I played through like me and my siblings used to do (nostalgia man). And I fully finished a video game. And obviously sobbed over sksw Zelink. Then I helped my dad through it- we also played games with him (and he is not the best at it), so me and my dad played through sksw in a summer.
I love all Zelda games are so so good- I've played a lot like the og legend of Zelda, botw, totk, twilight princess- and I just got wind waker and am excited to play it :D
So I love skyward sword as my favourite video or Zelda game ever because of nostalgia- it was my first Zelda game and has a lot memories for me from when we were kids :)
I hope I made sense idk if all of my words were understandable. And also thank you so much for asking I love you forever and might melt whenever asked about myself fifdigjdockng sorry for ranting so long
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mrneighbourlove · 6 years
Kindled Passion: Ch 5. Hatred to Suffering
As soon as Kahli was in the cell and restrained properly, Ralnor dragged over a chair on the outside of the bars and sat down with his legs crossed. There were several guards in the dungeon, eyes everywhere. Sipping on a glass of wine, the younger prince thought it was highly amusing that Kahli threatened Covarog. Not everyone had the balls to do such a thing.
"You were either brave or stupid according to my guards, but probably both."
"I'm realistic. As well as having no tolerance for ignorance."
Kahli had his belongings laid out on a table behind him. A knife, a locket, and strange ruby held by gold bands.
The Waku did his best to not look interested by the items.
"You know full well of Hyrule's history with the Hasai." Ralnor noticed that Kahli was trying his best to put on a stoic expression. His body language, however, was a dead giveaway of tension, ready to spring into action. The prince wondered if the Hasai would listen to Zizi and remain docile or if he would react. "I was surprised when you had the gall to cross our border and even more so when you made friends with the queen's younger sister. We all believe you have some ulterior motive... except for the queen, but seeing that she's not here at the moment," Those cruel eyes flicked upward at Kahli. "That means I have you all to myself."
"I'm not into whatever games you want." Kahli growled a low thum. "You honestly think you can keep me for long?"
"I think I'll be able to keep you long enough, Hasai." Ralnor had been instructed to use whatever means necessary to obtain a confession from Kahli. Covarog was sure that the man had an ill intent. He was not going to let his family get hurt a second time. "Tell me, Hasai... why are you here?"
"To leave my enemies behind."
"So your own people are your enemies? That is hard to believe." Ralnor stood from his chair and ran his fingers over the items on the table. He stopped at the ruby and selected it. "This whole idea of genocide could be a lie to simply get everyone to let their guard down, to gain the sympathy of Zizi..."
"My tribe was wiped out. Legend says we strived to use the power of Dragons. Other say it was Demons. Some believe the Emperor was just angry our tribe could produce potentially equally powerful blood." His orange and black eyes burn at him. "I thought the Gerudo would understand that."
"The Gerudo can sympathize easily with those who have lost their tribe, their family, their friends, however, you made the mistake of making an enemy of us." Ralnor tossed the pendant to one of his guards, who had a rather large sledgehammer. He would start small, then use more drastic measures. "The Gerudo tribe was at war with Hyrule until my mother sought for peace. The Hasai refused to entertain such a notion, therefore we are still wary... now, tell me truthfully..." Ralnor held up his hand to signal the destruction of the ruby if he did not like the answer. "Why are you here? Did you deliberately target Zizi?"
Kahli was grateful he choose the ruby. The jewel would not shatter. But someone like Ralnor did not need to know that. It would only bring new questions Kahli wanted to avoid.
"My tribe didn't take part in the war because we were already nearly extinct. I came here because I heard Hyrule was fortified, that it had Dragons. Zizi was a random coincidence....but not unwelcome."
So he really was looking for a safe place from those assassins. Ralnor decided that answer satisfied him for now. However, there was still the lingering idea that Kahli could secretly be a spy. Maybe the assassins were an added touch to make it believable. There was the fact of Kahli becoming too close to Zizi. Covarog mentioned how the Hasai held her closer, and was displaying very strong signs of protectiveness. Hasai guarded their mates closely, and hated to be apart from them. His brother intended to keep the two of them away from each other before something happened.
"Are you spying for the Empress?"
"No. And that is the only answer you will get."
"Why stay?" Ralnor decided to press further. "You must know of the dangers here. Why not leave? Why stay in a nation that is seen as your enemy?"
"Because I'm trapped here now. And I like it."
"Trapped? You had the chance to run after Zizi attended to you." Ralnor's spies had reported every single detail. “No one likes a cage. Why are you really staying?"
"You aren't going to get an answer that will give you the clearance to hurt me."
"Who says I need clearance to hurt you? You threatened my brother, the king of Hyrule... that is treason." Ralnor put the ruby down and then selected the locket. "Normally, it calls for immediate death. Though Covarog was nice enough to waiver your death until I received answers."
Kahli furled his brow. "Your brother threw me racist remarks, wanted me taken by blunter hunters to be slaughter later. He insulted me multiple times."
"An insult is nothing compared to what your people did to my poor little sister." Ralnor was not interested in opening the locket. "I'll ask you again. Why are you staying?"
Kahli felt his angry rise. "I told you! What do you want me to say?!"
"You and I both know there is another reason. I'm beginning to believe your intention is to get close to the queen's sister." Ralnor frowned darkly, dangling the locket over a fire, heating up weapons of torture. "Why are you staying?"
"Stop that." Kahli rustled his chains.
"Last chance." Ralnor let the locket slip a little further down his fingers. "Why are you staying?"
Kahli growled. "To gain secrets I need to protect myself. Stop!"
"Stop it and I'll tell you!"
"It doesn't work that way, Hasai. I'm the one in control here. Whether or not you die is of no concern to me." Ralnor had the piece of jewelry dangling by one finger now. "What secrets?"
"Don't. My mother...." Kahli just watches the locket dangle, the last of piece of evidence he had connecting him to family. As trained as he was in discipline for most scenarios, he was still young, and torture was only shattering his concentration. "I'm not an enemy to Hyrule!"
"And how would we know this for sure? It could all be a ploy. What I think is this," Ralnor knew he had the upper hand since the locket obviously was a treasure of Kahli's. "You knew who Zizi was, you're simply using her kindness to get close to her, therefore get close to her sister, get the queen close, and harm her to get to the king."
"NO!!! I am not! I'm not a psychopath like you, like your brother! I like Zizi because she is a good person. I don't know anything about the Kikai Empire that's of use! Let me go!"
One of Ralnors assistants let him silently know the fiery marking poker was ready.
"Psychopath? Oh, I'll take that as a compliment." Ralnor had a demented grin on his face. "I don't think I could ever compare to those who hurt my innocent little sister. And unfortunately for you, I don't believe your words. If you were truly not an enemy of Hyrule and simply wanted to leave behind your enemies as said, then there was always the option of seeking asylum. Or even running to a different kingdom than this, one you knew would hate you for your actions in the past. I say... you burned us once, blindsided us with goodwill nature and then got us to drop our guard." He then dropped the locket into the flames. "And now, we have you exactly where we want you."
"NOOOOOO!!!!!" Kahli screams with pure rage. Once was done his voice grew more deep with wrath. "I'll kill you.  I'll gut you like rat and watch you burn."
"Oh? And what would your precious Zizi think of that?" Ralnor extended his arms in a dramatic flair. "You must think me ignorant. My men have told me how you fancy her. Hasai males are extremely protective of their mates. You think I haven't noticed the small touches and constant desire of yours to be near her?" He gestured to the guard with the hot poker. "Again... what secrets?"
"Once I burn your flesh, your soul can burn in Hell." Kahli spat on the prince’s face.
"Ah, Hell is too afraid to take my soul." Ralnor chuckled as he simply wiped away the spit. "You'll talk after a bit of pain."
With that, the guard shoved the hot poker against Kahli's back.
Kahli grounded his teeth together, incredible moans of pain vibrating his mouth.
"It seems like we have a stubborn one, men." To Ralnor, this was nothing new. He had assassins and mercenaries, spies and traitors, all men in the past that refused to talk. Yet, all of them broke after a bit of pain. "Again, what secrets? You have the power to make this pain last or have it cease at any time."
Kahli said nothing in return.
"Very well, have it your way." Ralnor waited for the guard to select the next weapon. With a whip in hand, the guard twirled the cat-o-nine tails and slashed it across the Hasai's back.
Kahli groans in agonizing pain. Huffing and puffing as each lash drew blood. "I-....won't confess."
"Oh, you won't? Maybe I'm going about this the wrong way." Ralnor did not cease talk as the guard continued his creal administrations with the whip. "Perhaps I should bring Zizi down here."
"Kill you."
Another guard let Ralnor know the magic electric spears had been charged for use.
"Hmm... it seems you need a touch of reconditioning." Ralnor returned to the chair in the middle of the dungeon, taking a seat. "Go ahead and have your fun." The prince said to the guard. "He'll talk sooner or later."
The guard nodded, and with a wag of his reptilian tail, shocked Kahli.
The Waku screamed at the top of his lungs.
Meanwhile, in the blink of an eye, and scaring the shit out of Zarazu, Skull Kid appeared suddenly in front of her as she was making her way slowly back to Hyrule. He wore Majora's Mask to amplify his powers; as while it held no demon, it still had dark magic that could be of use. Zizi came to him, worried out of her mind. She begged him to try and find Zarazu as fast as he could to bring her back to Zizi.
"Come with me. Now."
Grabbing her hand forcibly, he teleports her back through darkness to reach Zizi in the blink of an eye.
Zarazu was in the middle of reading while riding in a carriage through a town on the outskirts of Danjur. Business took a little longer than usual. The lord and lady of Danjur were having trouble trying to find new trade routes ever since a giant earthquake had shifted the tectonic plates.
As soon as Skull Kid appeared in front of her, the queen nearly jumped out of her skin. She was ready to call for Ba'puu who was flying nearby when she realized it was just Skull Kid. Before she could even ask what was going on, he teleported her to one of Zizi's greenhouses. The queen of Hyrule was looking a little pale in the face from the sudden magic, her stomach flip flopping terribly.
"...? I..." Zarazu bleched from feeling nauseous and tried to will away the feeling of sickness. "I assume... something is important?"
"Zizi. I found her." Skull Kid left to take the mask off. It was a useful tool, but it brought him great paranoia, as if he were to wear it for too long, he'd snap back to his wicked ways.
"Oh, thank the spirits!" Zizi rushed over to her sister, having been pacing back and forth the entire time. "You have to do something, please! Ralnor took Kahli to the dungeons!"
"...?! What?" Zarazu figured there would be any possible excuse to throw Kahli to the curb, but to put him in the dungeon was highly unlikely. The man wanted to stay here and live in peace. There was no way he would try to jeopardize this possibility. "Why?! What happened?!"
"He and Covarog were arguing and he threatened Covarog and they just dragged him away---"
"Okay, okay, calm down, calm down..."
Skull Kid tilted his head right before taking his mask off. He listened for a moment, his senses having been tuned up to unnatural levels. Turning to them, with those burning orange eyes on the Purple Heart, his next words held a terror for Zizi. "He's being tortured right now."
"He didn't do anything!" Zizi felt her heart sinking, knowing that Kahli was innocent. "Zarazu, I swear, I'm not trying to make you pick sides and I'm not trying to make you challenge your husband, just please, please believe me when I tell you this!"
"Zizi, I believe you, I believe you, just give me some time to sort this out." Zarazu assured her sister, putting her hands on Zizi's shoulders. "I doubt anyone even knows I'm back here yet. I'll put a stop to this, I promise, all right?"
Skull Kid leaned back in his chair. "You better hurry."
Kahli was crying, spitting up blood, and moaning in pure suffering. His hatred had been stamped out from all the pain. "S-stop. I beg you."
Covarog and Zarazu exchanged heated words. He was sure the Hasai was up to no good. She wanted peace between the two, not hatred. Arguing of her people forgiving Ganondorf, Covarog insisted this was different and Zarazu demanded the reasoning of why. Revenge was revenge, plain and simple in Zarazu's book. Covarog wanted to see the Hasai wiped off the face of the earth for what they did to Kanisa. Zarazu countered that she felt the same way about Ganondorf and his kin before she met him. The two were debating for nearly an hour before Covarog finally relented, letting Zarazu go into the dungeon. The king followed behind his queen, and Zarazu felt her stomach lurch at the sight of Kahli. The queen was not going to let her sister into such a vile place, seeing her heart was pure with good intentions. This was a place of darkness, not for the faint of heart.
"Ralnor," Covarog's voice rang through the dungeon. "The queen demands an audience."
"Does the queen not see that I am working to get answers for the safety of our kingdom?" Ralnor jested. "She doesn't want to dirty her hands with this one, brother."
"I want an audience with Kahli. Now." Zarazu was leaving no room for argument. "This has gone far enough."
Kahli took a few briefs to try and catch his breath. Barely lifting his head up, his orange eyes burned with primal feelings. Fear, pain, hatred. "Help me."
"You honestly don't think I'm going to leave you alone with this filth?"
"I'm not asking, I'm ordering you as your queen." Zarazu's expression promised a stern lecture later, perhaps even a punishment. Pointing to the exit, she commanded. "Take your guards and leave. I'm not asking again or lest you'll be the one behind those bars."
"Hm... testy today, is she not, Covarog?" Ralnor walked to the door with his hands behind his back, clasped together. "Do let me know if you need anymore of my famous interrogation techniques."
Saying nothing, Covarog trailed behind his brother, the two of them heading to a conference room to talk. As soon as the men were gone, Zarazu yanked open the cell doors and started to undo the chains with the keys. Kahli was struggling to breath and needed serious medical attention.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I had no idea they would do this." Zarazu apologized softly as she carefully undid one arm and then the other. "I'm so sorry..."
As soon as his magic sealing bonds were off, he grabbed her weakly by the collar, flames burning out his mouth and cartelizing his lashings. Fire burned up the chamber in small sparks. He looked her deeply in the eyes, contemplating what he should do. "You let them do this to me. I just wanted to be left alone."
As soon as Kahli's fingers touched her, Zarazu's instincts were in overdrive. Before she thought, ice covered the entire dungeon and nipped at the Hasai's hand. She should have expected a reaction like this. He was hurt, scared, and felt alone in this kingdom. Trying to keep her cool was not easy.
"I stopped them from hurting you further. Do you think I would simply 'let' them do this? Do you truly think I am that kind of queen?" Zarazu questioned him with a stoic expression. "I argued on your behalf, for your sake and my sister's. Do you believe I want you to suffer for a past indiscretion that I know little of?"
Kahli's face burned fury at her. However, tears feel from his face. "He took the last piece of family I had left and destroyed it. My mothers locket Zarazu. You let me suffer by not taking action over your husband. I-" He slinks to his knees, his wounds overbearing him. "I want to have peace, but instead you only fuel my hatred more."
"... do you think I can control what he does, Kahli? If you do, you're sorely mistaken." Zarazu did not let the emotion she felt get the best of her. "Covarog has many faults, but he is my husband. I have to stand by him, but I do not have to agree with him. We argue and squabble like any other couple, however, the one thing I cannot do is control him." As Kahli slumped to the floor, the queen took a slow breath. "... if you only feel hatred it will eventually consume you. I hated Ganondorf and the Gerudos for what they did to my old home. Yet, if I had acted on that hatred, then I would not be where I am today." Slowly, Zarazu bent down onto her knees beside of the man. "I am sorry that Ralnor did this to you and that Covarog turned a blind eye... if you are truly so unhappy and so full of nothing but spite, I will arrange for you to leave Hyrule and live elsewhere with us far behind you."
"Then I will act not out of hatred, but self preservation." Standing up, every step burned as he took a step, melting the ice underneath so he would not slip. Grabbing his ruby and his dagger, he started walking away. "I'm going to see your sister. If I see your brother in law within 15 feet of me, I will kill him. If anyone ever again tries to hurt me due to my race, I will kill them. If you let your husband torture me again, I will kill everyone. Now leave me alone." With that he limps his way back to the plantations.
"I understand how you feel, Kahli.. Yet as a queen, I have an obligation to protect my family," Zarazu reminded him quietly as he started to exit the dungeons. "My friends, and my kingdom... I urge you not to act upon those feelings. I don't want to hurt you and I don't want to see my sister sad, however, I will do what I must."
“As…will I.”
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fearofaherobrine · 7 years
Roleplay Server Log #203
"The Bad Trainer, The Mammoth Ride, Arden and Splender”
-The figure gets clearer and it's obviously a pokemon trainer, he has a garbage bag tied to his waist-
[Doc] What? Can't I play my part as a dragon to the hilt now and again? I have a fair and naked maiden and a baby to defend.
[Sweet Alex] Oh, it's someone helpful. Good job.
[gem] -swims over to her pokemon and start petting them and giving them berries-
-The trainer scowls at the group before noticing the vulpix in Lie's arms in his arms-
[Trainer] - Where did you get that vulpix?
[Herabrine] Why is it any of your business?
[Trainer] - Because that's my Vulpix...  Give it back!
[AVulpix] Growls-
[gem] if it's your then how did she catch it
[Doc] Cranes hir head over near the human. - Nope. Push off. I remember you.
[trainer] Takes a step closer- Give me my pokemon!
[AVulpix] Opens their mouth and blasts off a burst of ice which creates a sheet between it and the trainer-
[Doc] Uses the tip of hir snout to give him a shove - Get lost.
[Trainer] Throws a punch at Doc-
[Doc] Is punched but doesn't move. - That's all you've got? I think you're out of your league buddy.
[Herabrine] That's a gentle puff of air compared to Cp I'm sure
[gem] -growls- if she was able to catch it that mean you let it go which mean it's not yours anymore now get lost before you do something you will regret
[Lie] - Leave, this pokemon was taken from you because you abandoned it!
[Sky] Can I eat him? -Bored tone of voice-
[gem] that's my job
[Alexsezia] You can do the huge mouth thing like the normal Enders Sky? That's kinda terrifying.
[Sky] If I want to, definitely. Feels a bit weird but probably looks weirder. Kinda like unhinging your jaw, but.. Excessively.
[gem] and I have a jaw that can break though any bones try me trainer or should I say former trainer
[Doc] I don't know how this game would handle someone actually dying....
[Alexis] - Go away kid, adults are having relaxing time
[Doc] But I'm still pissed at you for trying to cook your poor Feebus.
[Trainer] - It was a worthless fish!
[Doc] You're the one that's worthless.
[gem] no pokemon is useless
[Alexis] - My boyfriend rather likes it
[Sweet Alex] And he actually takes care of his pets. You're a meanie head.
[Herabrine] Rolls her eyes- you tell em Alex...
[Deer] - Leave or we'll call Officer Jenny
[Sky] Or I'll eat you, if she's not fast enough. -grin-
[gem] sky that's my job
[Sky] You're not the only one who eats people, Gem
[Alexsezia] Look kid, we're nobody you want to tangle with. Just walk away.
[Trainer] Growls but turns around and storms off-
[gem] true
[Doc] Jerk. Fuck people who are mean to animals, honestly.
[Lie] Gently cradles the vulpix-
[gem] I am more confused how he was so chill with a dragon in his face
[Sky] Probably dragon like animals here?
[Deer] - Well considering all the different types of creatures here...
[Doc] But they usually don't talk...
[Lie] - Who cares, at least he's gone now
[Sky] True, true.
[gem] exactly that and my looks well I have never seen any Pokémon that even closely looks like me
[Alexsezia] How is Feebas anyway Alexis? Learned any moves yet?
[Alexis] - It usually just swims around in it's little pond, sometimes it splashes
[Herabrine] Maybe they get visitors from other games rather frequently here? We're not the only digital entities in the multiverse.
[Doc] I thought the splash was a move? Or is it flail? Silver told me about a weird type of orange fish pokemon that evolves into a gigantic sea serpent. Just go's to show you never know what experince can turn someone into.
[Alexis] - True
[AVulpix] Is sliding around on the ice before it melts-
[gem] doc your thinking of magikarp
[Doc] That's it! I saw a picture online, it looks so silly. I would never have guessed.
[Deer] Sinks lower into the water again-
[Yaunfen] Yawns-
[Sweet Alex] So how are our creepypasta pokemon trainers faring?
[Doc] Honestly I think Deerheart talks to them more then I do. Since she's home more often. Aww, you getting itred little one?
[gem] they are hard to train and is mostly a mockery because they only know splash which does nothing but I have seen someone beat the whole game with just one
[Sweet Alex] That's really inspiring Gem!
[Deer] - They seem to be okay, but I still can't really get through to Strangled...
[Sweet Alex] Maybe I should hug him too?
[Doc] You're such a perfect cinnamon roll, never change. - Xe pats Alex's head lightly with one paw.
[gem] this is why I said no pokemon is useless if the battle is failing it's because of the trainer
[Doc] I agree absolutlely. They just need love and attention and tons of exercise.
[Herabrine] Is that why you're up at the asscrack of dawn jogging with yours lately?
[Doc] It's mostly the Goomy. Keeps it from trying to fight everything and everyone.
[Lie] - Sits back down with a sigh- Good Vulpix's
[Serperior] -gets closer to the regular vulpix-
[Doc] I don't know what to do with Strangled. But at least he isn't destroying the house. He just hates my guts.
[Herabrine] He hates the rest of you too.
[Doc] Gee, thanks.
[RVulpix] Hides away in Lie's arms-
[Serperior] -tries to nuzzle regular vulpix-
[RVulpix] Whines, it's very skittish and scared-
[Doc] Gem, I think the little fox is scared of your giant snake...
[gem] come here Serperior -serperior comes over and she pets them-
[Doc] Silver was having a similar problem, his Zweilus and his Sylveon don't get along at all.
[Lie] - I don't think that's the case, I think it's just scared of everything, especially after everything it's been through
[Doc] No I mean, it might be type difference too? Do grass types get along with fire types?
[Lie] - I don't know
[Doc] Lifts Yaunfen easily in hir paws and sits back on hir haunches to cradle them - This game is so complicated. I keep meaning to read up on this but never get more then one or two articles in.
[Glitchy] -Actually happens to be passing by, Shiny pokemon in tow.- Fire types have a type advantage, but if the pokemon in particular know eachother they can get along, but the grass type might be wary. -softly.-
[Deer] - Glitchy?  What are you doing here?
[Doc] Hey Glitchy! Come to replenish some PP?
[Glitchy] Just passing through? This kind of is part of my series... No, not today Doc. Just looking for a gift, is all.
[Lie] - A gift?  For who?
[Glitchy] One for Strangled, another for Purin. I already picked one up for Silver. -scuffs heel a bit- I was thinking of picking up a few eevees for shits and giggles too.
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[Lie] - Purin?
[Doc] How many Eevee types are there Glitchy?
[aven] speaking of pokemon aven was looking to catch one
[Alexsezia] What was she wanting to catch?
[Herabrine] Something that isn't a water type!
[aven] bagon
[Glitchy] Another pokepasta. -pause- ... Not sure if she actually still counts, honestly....
[Glitchy] Well, currently there's about 8. Of course if you count glitched, you could have a lot more. I have a full set but really keep Flareon most.
[Glitchy] Why?
[Doc] Why would they not count as a pokepasta?
[Glitchy] Well she ended up taking the place of someone in the next generation and stopped their shit, I liked her. She was pretty cool. Gave me a Lopunny.
[Doc] Oh, so she's an NPC in one of the games?
[Glitchy] Takes the place of one, yeah.
[Glitchy] Hard to explain, really. But yeah. -Waves hand a bit- I'm here to hunt down gifts. Probably going to hop to a different gen after this.
[gem] like which one?
[Yaunfen] Tries to climb farther up on Doc
[Glitchy] Gen 4. Or, I could do any of the games just after this one like Emerald, Fire red or Leaf green...
[Doc] Yeah, I feel you... - Xe clambers out of the water and lays across a large stone. Xe puts Yaunfen up a bit so they can crawl all over their parent to their hearts content.
[Yaunfen] Crawls up into Doc's mane to settle down-
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[Yaunfen] Flops closer-
[Glitchy] Been meaning to check out the Ranger games too...
[Sneasel] -Walks over to Doc to look at hir, head tilted-
[Alexsisezia] What's Ranger?
[gem] I use to have the first pokemon ranger game
[Doc] Looks back at the pokemon - You're an odd little one.
[Glitchy] A different version of the games but with different mechanics. No pokeballs, but there's this little device that lets you temporarily befriend a pokemon. Sounds very inefficient, honestly.
[Sneasel] Snee. -Pats Doc's face-
[Doc] Good pokemon. Anybody got a berry?
[Sweet Alex] I like befriending critters, sounds like fun
[gem] I do -holds one out for doc to take-
[Doc] Thanks- Xe slides a paw over to pinch it in hir claws and offers it to the sneasel, which has much smaller, but much sharper claws of it's own.
[Sneasel] -Scrutinizes the berry a bit before taking it and popping it into it's mouth- -Approving nod, turns and returns to Glitchy-
[Glitchy] If you want to try it, I could probably hunt down a catridge and a system. I like using those first so I don't find a messed up game.. -Shudders-
[Sweet Alex] Messed up?
[Herabrine] You mean like BEN's haunted copy of Majora's Mask, don't you?
[BEN] Shudders a little as he's feeding Hyrule-
[Glitchy] In a way, yeah. My game was pretty fucked up too. Really badly damaged games make me.. very sick. My own game was really glitchy. Really, really glitchy.
[Doc] A little bad code is fine, too much is nauseating, I agree. I once made the mistake of taking pixels from a deteriorated game. I was really sick. Scared the fuck out of me. I was homeless and friendless at the time.
[gem] -sink to the bottem on the spring and lays there before starting to make planet necklaces again while below the water-
[Glitchy] Honestly, considering the state of my game, I'm lucky I'm solid and wasn't any worse off than my eyes...
[Doc] Aww. I would have fixed it for you. You know I live to mend broken pieces.
[Deer] Notices that Yaunfen is fast asleep and giggles a little-
[gem] -the first one she makes looks to small to be worn but looks like its made of stars- hmm -puts it on her head like a flower crown it fits perfectly-
[Doc] Has been fanning hir tail tip to dry the hair and puts the warm fluff over hir baby. There's a bit of a rumble as xe purrs softly.
[Lie] - Do you think the guys are okay?
[gem] -starts to make crowns and make a one that looks the planets look like flowers and come up quickly to put it on lies head before going back down-
[Lie] Is surprised by the sudden weight on her head-
[gem] -is making more at the bottom of the spring-
[Herabrine] We'll come back to them all worn out from drinking and fighting and sprawled all over the damn spawn.
[Lie] - Hopefully CP doesn't try anything
[Alexsezia] I'd be just as concerned with Mb....
[Lie] - Good point
[gem] -makes another that looks like fish and water drops and puts it on hera's head  quickly before going back-
[Sweet Alex] Thankfully Gk is usually too busy playing with Endrea's babies to make mischef...
[Herabrine] What the Nether?
[Deer] - He certainly does love them
[Doc] Who knew he'd make such a fantastic uncle?
[Herabrine] Snorts- Unclebrine
[Glitchy] well, if that's all you've got to ask I should be going now..
[Lie] - Oh come on Hera, I bet if they could swim you'd play with them just as much
[gem] -makes one that looks like a bow and arrows and puts it on alexsezia's head-
[Doc] Glitchy? What do you do when your pokemon get burned? Is there something special?
[Alexsezia] That's weird... um, thank you Gem.
[Glitchy] A brn heal should work. Do you need one? I keep some on hand because flareon likes to burn everything .
[Doc] Yes please. In fact, if you can get me examples of the different healing medicines I'll trade or make you whatever you want for them.
[gem] your welcome -makes one that looks like it's made leaves and vines and put's it on deer's head-
[Deer] Giggles a little-
[gem] -makes one that looks like cookies and hearts and put's it on sweet alex-
[Glitchy] I couldn't accept anything, strangled would probably lose it. I'm already a filthy packrat as is. The bags are bigger on the inside so you can put shit like bikes in here. -starts taking out different potions, status healing things, and revives, handing one of each over while saying what they are for-
[gem] -makes one that looks like lighting and doctor crosses and puts it on doc-
[Doc] Thank you Gem. And if you're sure Glitchy. I can just make copies so I'm not leaving you poor for the giving. - starts clicking around-
[Glitchy] If I think of anything i could need I'll be sure to ask.
[gem] your welcome -makes a candy base one and put's it on yaunfen-
[BEN] Is rocking Hyrule- There, all fed and changed
[hyrule] dada wa-er baff
[BEN] - No, how about a horsie ride?
[hyrule] wa-er baff
[BEN] - How about the horsies?- Starts heading outside
[hyrule] baff
[BEN] - Horsies- He heads for the horse pen, the sight of the animals making his heart ache a little for Epona
[hyrule] baff
-A horse trots over to them and sniffs at Hyrule-
[BEN] - See?  Look, a horsie
[hyrule] baff
[Nia] Comes out- BEN, it has been a couple days...  And babies really should be bathed every day...
[BEN] Groans- Nia, I'm not giving him a bath
[hyrule] baff
[BEN] - No Hyrule, come on, let's get on the horsie- He enters the pen and carefully climbs onto the horse so as not to jostle his child
[hyrule] dada baff
[BEN] - Shhhh, no, now come on, I know you like to go fast- He urges the horse into a gentle trot
[hyrule] -is pulling at bens shirt- baff
[BEN] - Hyrule, no- They end up riding out past Lie's house and towards the village
[hyrule] baff
-There's a bit of a commotion as a giantic mammoth charges past BEN, there's someone clinging desperately onto it's back-
[BEN] Moves quickly to keep the horse under control- The fuck!?
- The mammoth turns and gives a light buck, kicking up it's giant feet as nimbly as a pony-
[BEN] Looks to see who's on it's back-
[Steve] Looks elated and determined with a clump of hair in each fist-
-The mammoth stops suddenly and turns to BEN, it's eyes are bright as stars under the hair-
[BEN] - Don't you fucking dare I will not hesitate to drown you, you overgrown ball of fur!
[Steve] No! It's okay! He doesn't mean any harm!
[BEN] - Normally I'd be laughing my ass off over this, but you ALMOST RAN INTO US!
[hyrule] dada baff
[Steve] Sorry. We were just playing.
[Mammoth] Pats BEN's head with it's trunk tip-
[BEN] Growls at it-
[Steve] Just laughs - You want a turn?
[hyrule] -trys to reach up ad grab the trunk-
[BEN] - NO! I'm trying to take Hyrules mind off of things
[hyrule] baff
[Mammoth] Lets Hyrule play with the tip of it's trunk.
[Steve] Oh, is he stinky again?
[BEN] - No, he's not!
[Mammoth] Snuffles and draws back with a pained expression. - Chuff!
[hyrule] -takes the trunk and wiggles it back and forth-
[Mammoth] Eyes watering-
[BEN] - Come on Hyrule, let's keep riding
[Steve] Yeah.... that's stinky-
[hyrule] -lets go of the trunk- wa-er baff
[Mammoth] You really need to get used to the idea of bathing him...
[Steve] Agreed.
[BEN] Almost falls off of the horse- THE FUCK!?
[Mammoth] Big grin with huge square teeth. - Looks like I haven't lost my touch... Your face was priceless.
[BEN] - Fuck off
[Steve] You're just mad cause he suprised you.
[BEN] Glares-
[hyrule] dada
[BEN] Attention immediately on his son as he speaks more quietly- Yeah?
[hyrule] baff
[Steve] Okay.... we'll go. We just needed to blow off some steam. I'd stay out of the village for now.
[BEN] - What did you do?
[Mammoth] They need some space...
[BEN] - And no, Hyrule
[hyrule] baff baff
[Steve] We told them about what happened to our NOTCH, and that meant telling them about Markus...
[BEN] - And I wouldn't want to see this, why?
[Steve] There's not much to see. They kinda split up into quiet groups to discuss their feelings. It's pretty subdued.
[BEN] Grumbles- No fun there
[Mammoth] We're you expecting a full scale rebellion or something?
[BEN] - Something
[hyrule] -sees the pond aqua is in and points to it- wa-er
[Mammoth] They do trust me and Steve you know.
[BEN] - No Hyrule
[hyrule] wa-er
[BEN] - How about we try Lightning again?
[hyrule] -points again- wa-er
[Flicker] Wanders up, She has three tiny creepers in her arms- Lord? Father?
[BEN] - Light-ning
[hyrule] baff
[Mammoth] Oh... sure, hang on. - The mammoth curls down and reforms into TLOT with a bit of fog fading around his boots.
[Steve] Gets gingerly down from his shoulders.
[BEN] Watches with interest as he rocks Hyrule a little-
[Flicker] I can't speak for the others, but I'd like to meet this... Markus. And I could use a bit of a hand...
[Creepers] making lots of unhappy fizzing sounds.
[TLOT] Of course Flicker. On both counts. What's wrong with them?
[Flicker] Upset tummies. I think they snacked on something they shouldn't have but I don't know what it was.
[BEN] - Don't they only eat dirt?
[hyrule] baff
[Steve] I have one of Doc's basic healing potions... - Fumbles a bit for the bottle-
[TLOT] Well fertilizer... and dirt...
[BEN] Groans- Hyrule....  No.
[Steve] Helps Flicker tip a bit of the liquid into each of their tiny frowning faces.
[hyrule] baff
[Creepers] tis tis tis
[BEN] - Come on, let's keep riding Hyrule
[hyrule] baff baff
[BEN] - What can I give you that would make you stop saying that?
[hyrule] baff
[BEN] Facepalms-
[hyrule] wa-er baff dada
[BEN] - How about no?
[hyrule] baff baff
[Arden] Is pacing around the spawn with a small phone - Why are you telling me this now?! When I'm.... Out of town! And I can't do anything about it?
[Splender] Is taking Pinwheel on a walk and notices Arden and tilts his head at Arden-
[Arden] Yes I know, I'm sorry we haven't talked much apart from chat... my webcam has been.. broken.
[Splender] Steps closer quietly, keeping pinwheel out of striking distance of Arden-
[Arden] What do you mean I can't tell anyone... this is amazing! Yes, I'm aware you almost got killed....
[Arden] Oh... yeah, I guess that would be bad, but... okay... okay... dammit... You're killing me here Ever... No, I don't know when I'll be back.
[Splender] From behind Arden- Who are you talking to?
[Arden] Hang on... I'll... call you back... I need to think about this anyway... fucking hell... - clicks the phone shut and runs his fingers through his messy red hair. - Splender... he's just a friend. Someone I met online a few years ago...
[Splender] - What was he telling you?  You're not as happy as usual...
[Arden] His.. girlfriend is into some really weird shit... fuck it, it can't hurt for you to know. She made some kind of monster and it burned their house down.
[Splender] - Oh dear, we should go help them then!
[Arden] There's nothing to help, they ran from it and left it in the dust. They're safely away but still... it's pretty horrible. Even though I know it was dangerous as hell... I almost wish I could have seen it...
[Splender] - Well...  Would you like to see your friend?
[Arden] No, it's okay... we've never actually met in person. And I don't want to just pop out nearby. Somehow I don't think his girlfriend should know about all.. this... Especially if she's preforming exorcisims on herself.
[Pinwheel] Bites Splender's tendril-
[Splender] - Are you sure?  It wouldn't be difficult at all...
[Arden] I think I'd be guilted into bringing them back here, and that would be bad...
[Splender] - Alright...  You said one of them was performing exorcisms?
[Arden] Yeah... she had some kind of inhabiting spirits. She's been making shells and filling them with the unwanted visitors in her mind. I thought it was just a psychosis but.... Ever seemed so genuinely scared, and after everything I've seen....
[Splender] - What do these shells look like?
[Arden] Different things. Birds, human shapes, one's kind of like Lapras without the shell. They're like animal shaped bags.
[Splender] - Interesting...  Can they talk?
[Arden] No. I think that was intentional...
[Splender] - Hmmm, oh well, either way, be happy.  Sour emotions don't taste very good.
[Arden] I'm happy they're safe. Fuck, I'm happy I'm safe.
[Splender] Laughs a little- Zeke is always really happy when you're around, his happiness is thick and rich
[Arden] He is a really good friend. He's shown me such amazing things.
[Splender] - Stick with him and he could probably show you more, just, don't ever run from him,, promise?
[Arden] Run from him? Oh-okay...
[Splender] - Promise me Arden
[Arden] Is rather intimidated by Splenders earnestness - I-I promise...
[Splender] Gives off a burst of happy energy- Good!  Now a promise is a promise so don't you dare go breaking it!
[Arden] Has a inadverdent flash of what Splender could do to him and swallows, - I wouldn't dare. Hey... um... I read something about your big brother and.. do you mind if I ask you a question about him?
[Splender] - Go right ahead!
[Arden] That old story about Slenderman taking peoples organs out and bagging them individually and then hanging the bags high in trees....? Was that actually him, or just a serial killer? And if it was him, why? Does Insanity get to him too sometimes?
[Splender] - Yes he does do that, either to scare any remaining victims or to act as a warning.  You can only do the same thing for so long before you start trying to figure out ways to spice it up a bit.  He doesn't do it as often anymore since he usually gives the organs to EJ now.  Plus it made the humans super wary of the woods, wondering just what could do that
[Arden] Shivers- no shit... I thought it was partly to show how tall he is by putting something super out of reach without leaving ladder or tree climbing marks or broken branches.
[Splender] - What else would you like to know?
[Arden] Do I even want to know who Ej is and why he would want human organs?
[Splender] - EJ was originally human like you, he was a med student who was, as far as he can remember, sacrificed to some sort of cannibalistic god
[Arden] Oh... I have experience with paranormal stuff, not so much with creepypastas. What do you guys normally do when you encounter monsters? Is it just a live and let live thing?
[Splender] - Most will leave my brothers and I alone, and others learn that the other pasta's are under our protection and so will not mess with them, this includes the proxies as well
[Arden] Did you already know about the manwolves that attacked my group?
[Splender] - I believe Offender mentioned them, tore them apart and made sure none escaped...  And then did his thing to them
[Arden] His thing...? Oh... No! I don't want to know! -shivers-
[Splender] - That's alright, I understand- He pats Arden on the head with a belled tendril
[Pinwheel] Bites at Slender twice in rapid succession-
[Pinwheel] Hisses at Arden-
[Splender] - Pinwheel no!
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