#not sure if the thing will be finding rbs (or just searching thru tags) but it feels hopeless either way cuz i just have so much shit
criminal-sen · 7 months
I hate ai art and I hate this new shit with tumblr and midjourney.. but in deciding all my future arts will be thumbnails and links (probably to cohost) to avoid them getting Assimilated, I've had a kind of.. poetic sentiment. Yes all my old shit is at risk of being added to their.. learning pool? Whatever it's called? But the fact that they will only have this Past Tense version of me, and can only copy what I will evolve beyond, is some high tier brain food lol
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supermaks · 1 year
Yes pookie I do write f1c yes I have clowned on self insert and will continue to do so but Im not about to imply these 'y/n' social media authors are perpetuating a ‘cesspool of misogyny’ without acknowledging my own reproductions of capitalist, heteronormative, white supremacist and yes, particularly, homophobic and transphobic models. CRAZY how the thing about op's type of surface level literacy is that it’s literally just somebody’s own sense of superiority wrapped around framework that exists in a vacuum. Talking about girls/women being their ‘own voyeurs’ wid a lil Atwood quote and then going back to cope posting about millionaire men having gay drama without a lil bit of pause or reflection on how these 2 might intersect bro I can’t stand it its so empty it's nothing. Theres no purpose to that but posturing. And the tags of other rb's echo that. Like 'no my voyeurism is different than theirs because my characters are ‘fictional’, and these 15 year olds want to 'perform' as if the intention behind creating the ‘y/n’ fantasy thru social media doesn’t come from the same place as using celebrities to play queer roles wid each other that u as an author find satisfying by completely erasing the gender orders and logics of possession inherent to the spaces where they exist as real people. Especially in a space like f1 lmfao. It’s ALL escapism that’s the whole fucking point. It’s fantasy it’s delusion it’s not real but it justifies itself thru the author's own perception of what an 'ideal' reality is, and yes, that reality is always dominated by men. So why are we all of a sudden talking down to self insert as if the same power structures arent present in most fan work, as if the 'fictional approval' of y/n and the celebs peers isnt as important as the search for 'content' that institutionalizes real person f1c and its own levels of performance-based accuracy. Why isn't that present in this analysis or is its purpose just to clown on young girls wid capcut accounts because u don't find their reproductions worth the price of admission. There’s no ethical consumption of real person fanfiction lmfao SORRY my gay little maxiel is not more feminist than ig edit of sharl leclercs quirky model gf receiving fictional meme approval on twt just because mine has manifested itself thru a projected queer identity that I want to perform thru them by making them fuck and theirs is performing thru aesthetics by going on pinterest. We're all 'performing' for men because we're all responding to billions dollars worth of marketing driven by an industry that wants to keep marginalized bodies at the margin trying to buy their way in. Fans respond to that by faking their own status either wid gay f1c or self insert or both or whatvr. The parasocial nature of how celebs move today and the type of access u have wid social media means fans are more likely to turn to that medium to fantasize about how it wud be if they were perceived like that and they got the likes and the comments and the fans. So I agree wid op that its not actually 'y/n' , but like, not sure how 'wild' that is compared to most f1c considering literally, the whole point of fanfiction is that u play wid already familiar and existing structures until they reflect something that is more recognizable to u. I do that by turning these guys into multifaceted queer versions of themselves, somebody else might do that by editing an ig post, somebody might try both. So I dont agree wid any feminist analysis of f1c or self insert that isn't the very least intersectional and that is willing to make assumptions about how 'y/n' authors perform the male fantasy without mentioning how the same happens in every type of f1c. Im suspicious of its intention and I find it lacking
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bees-b · 2 years
Pinned post tiem
I’m Amber or Bee, she/they, nb lesbian
this is my main blog! I rb things I like, find funny, or things I don’t enjoy but probably find important, you can check my about for more info on that
p much everything is tagged, so genuinely feel free to go thru my tags at your leisure, browsing my archive is cool and u can spam reblog I don’t mind I prommy (if u spam reblog my art I’ll blow u a kiss, even)
Here’s my art blog and if u follow it u are my beloved
If you’re new to tumbies, here’s a few posts to getcha started (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
My own personal tumblr tips below
Getting weird asks? Turn of anonymous asks, people won’t send you near as much weird stuff if they can’t hide (anon hate is a thing here, it happens mainly with blogs with a lot of followers, and that stops mainly when anon is off)
On the other side, hey! Don’t send weird asks! Be nice to people, please!
Neil Gaiman has had an account here forever, he answers his inbox, he’s quite nice to people, be nice to him, don’t be weird.
April fools is really fun here, log in on April 1st! It’s different every year
Don’t buy a blog theme, look up one you like, plenty of sites have them. Some tumblr blogs have them! Googling “tumblr theme” gets you where you wanna go
In your blog customization settings, it lets you add pages and links! On mobile, though, you can’t see these, so linking them in your bio as well helps more people see the links
The post limit is 200 or 250 a day, usually I never reach it but the site doesn’t really tell you, just doesn’t let you post after that
Queue is your friend!! You can schedule posts, schedule what time you want your posts to happen (i.e. posting 3 times a day at prime time or 50 posts a day all day, etc) and it lets you batch upload art without spamming or it getting lost in a sea of your own posts, xkit has an extension that lets you auto tag your queued posts, some people have cutesy pun ones, mine is just the letter #q
Readmore is good! The text limit is Not Twitter, you can post fics here if you want without adding screenshots! You can add a setting wheres you can have long posts shortened (other people have to have this enabled for it to shorten your post), but it’s common courtesy to put fics in readmores after, like, a paragraph or so, or a description
Please use tags! And filtering! Under Settings > general > content you see, you can block key words and tags. Tags have to be Exact! Keywords should filter any post with that word or phrase, so when tagging your own content warnings, please don’t use // at the end, it makes it harder for people to filter!
Ex: #tw: blood// #blood/// #blood tw// #bl0od/
Ex: #blood / #tw blood / #blood tw
And if you don’t want to see certain content, varying what you put in filtering helps. Because some people just tag the tw and some people add tw before or after, helps to add variation so nothing slips through!
First 5 tags are what show up in the search, feel free to talk in the tags! But have the first few tags what u actually want people to look up to find your post!
AN IMPORTANT NOTE: unless this changed and I wasn’t aware, I’m pretty sure if you have a link AT ALL in your post, it gets hidden from the tag search. Still shows up on your blog but the audience is not as wide— you can reblog your own post again and add links after the original post, or ask in the post to check the notes for the link. Shadowbanning accounts isn’t a thing here but posts can get shadowbanned kinda
Also adding “mutual aid” or “donations” to a help post shadow bans it, please don’t do that when making or reblogging a help post
You can go through tags! So you can make tags for your art, comics, characters, etc and sort them that way on your own blog, it’s super helpful! No like, idk, twitter collection needed
My talking tags are #amber talks for examples and my art is #my art, I can go through all of these whenever I want!
Give yourself an icon, and post like, something, anything. A lot of people (myself included) scope out new followers to make sure they’re not bots, and if I see an empty blog and no icon, I usually block, on the other side, if YOU see this, probably block
Block porn bots. They follow you to make their accounts seem more legitimate; following real users makes their accounts not look as botty, and might attract other bots to your blog as well, and speaking of them, don’t click their links lol, they’re either viruses, scams, or phishing scams, in general be careful of links, especially if it has an offer or it’s from someone you don’t know asking you to “test out their game”. You can get hacked and then your post will spit out spam for a while and possibly deleted from staff. Even if it’s from someone you know, check to make sure their account wasn’t hacked, especially if it’s an offer or deal or Raycon Sunglasses
Lots of people have main blogs and art blogs, but some people post art on main, or you can have an art blog and always reblog your art to your art blog/main blog; double dipping isn’t discouraged
You can reblog something as many times as you want, there’s no “you’ve tweeted this before” alert, old posts make the rounds again and you can reblog your art for morning or afternoon crowds so more of your followers see it, self reblogs are common!
Adding more tips as I think of them!
0 notes
guccifloralsuits · 4 years
Hello, I’m a new harrie here. I left twitter because it was toxic and I love him but I can’t do it anymore but I want start up here but I feel I’m over my head and am not sure where to start or how to start meeting people and right now it feels like I’m just talking to a wall. do you have any advice to help make mutuals or get followers or to help with feeling more a part of things? Idk you seem like you’d know also I’m a little intimidated by you but feel free to not answer if this is annoying
It’s not annoying at all omg!! (Also y do ppl think I’m scary I promise I’m not mean 😭). But welcome & we are excited to have u!!
For advice I think I made a post forev ago but I can’t find it so here’s the general version. w/starting up & growing ur blog I could give u the ✨just do u and that’s enough✨schtick but tbh here’s the real tea:
ur blog icon & url do play a factor in whether I click on ur blog to check it out after u follow. A good icon & url like “grammyharry” might get me 👀 whereas one like “1136799xlxsharrie” prob isn’t gunna grab my attention. w/this: make sure ur url & icon is a reflection of ur blog as a whole
make & tag original posts w/ the category/subjects so those w/similar interests can find u thru general tumblr searches. This is 110% what I used to do & it got my posts a lot more seen when I was just starting out. w/this: limit the categories to around 5 tags max (otherwise it starts to get excessive). This is also how I found some fun peeps to become friends w/in the CM fandom despite not knowing anyone in it b4 lol
Make sure your blog is findable via search & that you allow tumblr to rec you in “blogs you might like” to others. Do this by going to: Settings > Visibility > turn off both options.
Interact a lot w/blogs you like who you’d want to have an eventual mutual with. If you consistently interact w/my blog, I WILL eventually notice & check out yours. Send asks, like or reply to posts, rb w/some thoughts in the tags, ect. Be active!
If possible, make ur main-blog for the content you most want to find mutuals/fandom community in. You can absolutely do it through a side-blog too, but it’s a lil easier/less work to get noticed via long-term interacts w/others when your likes/asks/replies are from ur main.
Be yourself!!! Let ur personality & interests shine through posts & reblogs. I promise you’ll eventually attract wonderful ppl who share the same outlooks & interests. It takes time to find community/curate your best experience on here, but it’s SO worth it in the long haul when you do.
Hope this helps - good luck & I believe in you!!!!!! ILY
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