#not tagging Elia Sansa Helaena and Alicent because their stans would attack me
Being a male character in ASOIAF is the EASIEST SHIT EVER. You may be a sex pest, you may be an utter fool who never had a good idea in his life, you may lose to a teenager on a dragon the size of a horse, you may be pathetically poisoned by your own men, but you will still be showered with praise and admiration. But if you’re a woman or teenage girl who makes a single mistake, tho ? You’re gonna be crucified.
There is a lot of misogyny in the asoiaf fandom. Many in the fandom seem to hate active women (Arya, Dany, Lyanna, Rhaenyra) and prefer passive women instead (Sansa, Elia, Helaena and Alicent) and while I've seen many saying that they would cheer for Alicent if she poisoned her husband and put her son on the throne these same people hate Cersei and Lysa for doing just that.
They have some weird Madonna-Whore Complex and they should be studied.
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