#not tagging anyone bc this scene has already been giffed by everyone i just wanted to try making big gifs
hanjiwoos · 2 years
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“Shut up, Shortstop”. “I’m not following your order, Big Foot.”
THE ECLIPSE episode 9
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katherine-mcnamara · 2 years
i've been wanting to say something for a while now but i didn't want to be a killjoy bc i know everyone on this site wants to be witty and whatnot but as someone working in the industry as a colorist, everytime i see yall making jokes about how shitty the color grading is on a show/movie you're giffing it just shows me and others in my field how little we're appreciated/how much our hard work is overlooked in favor of the pretty actors on the screen, like clients aren't already giving us hell everyday for post-production work. i appreciate it's sometimes difficult to "color correct" a scene for giffing purposes but ig i'd just like to remind people that at the end of the day, gifmaking is still transformative work, as in, there's an entire team of artists who spent blood sweat and tears shooting, editing, color grading, etc the content some of ya'll profit off of (tho making money out of gifs is an entirely different convo i won't be bringing up here lol) only to be insulted "jokingly" about it. you wouldn't make edits of an illustrator's original work and say "the colors they used are shit" or "the art style sucks? doesn't suit the character at all". i'm not singling you out dev, but since you're the one i often see in the tags making these comments (esp recently), i just felt like i had to say something.
I apologise for hurting anyone's feelings. Truly I do. I would never degrade anyones work. But given half the scenes I've giffed recently have been pure sepia where there is 0 colour except yellow, dark as hell or blue. any insults, even the joking ones, of which ive made like 2 or 3, are directed right at hollywood in general since afaik you don’t get to decide the tones or themes, thats the people above you and as i’ve said if colourists were just left alone to do their job they are experienced in we would have amazing shit. but hollywood  seems to recently lean into the the darker and more yellow the better. Which has been increasing since game of thrones and the last season where you couldnt even see the last battle it was that dark.
Also colouring is just personal taste? someone might like overly blue gifs, or sepia ones idk. I don't actually know what to say to this so I'll just....... go back to not talking on dash because every time I do someone yells at me specifically even if its about other people.
I've never said anyone's work is shit tho. and i reblog and praise packs that don't even put colouring on them so idk. I've called the executives and hollywood bosses shit i think but thats more to do with how they treat their employees/people in general.
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kerie-prince · 4 years
We're Worlds Apart (7)
Draco Malfoy x American No-Maj!reader
series m.list | general m.list | previous chp
warnings: none (other than blaise being jealous)
summary: Draco Malfoy is a pureblood wizard. Magic runs through his veins and has been since his birth. You're a Wiccan No-Maj; a non-magical being with ordinary blood through your veins, but practices what you call magick. And this very practice upsets your neighbor.
a/n: my workplace is under construction and i'm stressed bc i have to work around all the rubbish and it makes me stay longer when i wanna come home and write 😭 anyways, this is unedited so i'll come back to it after i clock off tonight
(gif cred)
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Being friends with you was kind of weird. Draco couldn't really tell you about his day because it consisted of magic nearly the entire time. He’s also at work for almost the entire week, so he wasn't really at home much.
Except for now. Draco finally had twelve days off to spend with his best mates. He had been so caught up with the chaos that surrounded him at work that he wasn't able to plan any sightseeing activities to do with them, so he just let them pick whatever it was they wanted to do.
“I could always ask Y/N what to do,” Blaise suggested. Yes, Draco hadn't forgotten the small fling between you and his best mate. Blaise would go over to your house at least three nights a week while Draco stayed overnight at Santa Marie's. Theo didn't mind being by himself and was grateful that the guest bedroom was farthest from your bedroom window. Draco was also grateful that he chose to go on nights he wasn't home; he didn't need to hear you two throughout the night.
Now that a hatchet was somewhat buried, Draco thought that asking you was a good idea. He nodded his head and headed for the door. Blaise also got up, but the both of them stopped when their hands nearly collided on the door knob. “Oh, did you want to ask her?” Blaise questioned.
“Uh… no you go. She's your…” Draco paused, “You go ahead.” Blaise gave him a weird look before walking out the door and headed to your house. Theo watched the whole thing and waited to start laughing at Draco. He glared at Nott and spat out, “What are you laughing at?”
“What was that?” Theo held his stomach as he caught his breath. “Did you want to talk to her?” Draco didn't appreciate whatever his friend was trying to say. It's just a bloody question. He sat down on the couch and picked up the Daily Prophet from Theo’s hands. He wasn't surprised to find Harry Potter in it, a column about his recent marriage with Weasley’s sister. He was surprised that they hadn't gotten married sooner.
“Do you think it's weird that Blaise is dating a muggle?” Theo asked. His face was neutral, but his tone was suggestive. Draco internalized the question. On one hand, it didn't really disturb him all that much. He was confused as to whether or not you were his girlfriend, but Blaise doesn't really talk about you too much. On another hand, he knew Blaise and even though you annoyed him – or did you? – he always took pity on any girl that mixed with Blaise. Draco didn't know what Blaise would do, but it was enough to get anyone on their knees for him in more ways than one.
“I don’t care who or what he dates,” Draco stated. Theo went to minding his business, until something caught his attention from outside. “Oh Salazar, what is he doing?” Theo’s voice was filled with amusement. Draco turned from his sitting position and saw what was happening.
Blaise was fully making out with you right on your porch. Out where anyone could watch. One of his hands were tangled in your hair while the other one was resting gently on your waist. Your hands rested shyly on his shoulders and it looked as if you were on your toes just to reach up to his height. The kiss was slow and sensual.
It was exactly what Draco needed to see. Because from that, he felt nothing at all. Just a gross feeling that he was potentially invading someone's privacy. Sure, they were outside but it still felt weird. Draco wasn't one to enjoy public displays of affection.
“Wow, he’s really milking it out. You reckon he asked her about sight-seeing?” Theo kept observing them from the window. Draco hit his head with the newspaper rolled up. Theo laughed and turned to look at the blond man next to him. “How come you’re not with anyone?”
“With where I work, do you honestly think I have time to find someone?” Draco sassed as he continued reading. Dating was the last thing on his mind. He was too focused on work to even flirt with another woman. Pansy was the last person Draco had ever dated. He was meant to be betrothed to Astoria Greengrass, but Draco declined and started his path to becoming a healer. He also didn't want to be in a marriage knowing he couldn't genuinely love her.
Moving to America, he never found anyone interesting. Ashley was nice but not only was she already married, she was married to a woman. Other women in the department, or hospital as a whole, took an initial liking to Draco, but he figured it was solely due to the fact that he’s a foreign British man with an accent. After a month of women flirting with him, it died down almost completely and everyone treated him as normal which pretty much confirmed it to him. Would Draco like to date someone? Absolutely. But right now, he was perfectly happy being by himself.
Theo knew Draco enough to know when he was fibbing and this wasn't one of those times. He was glad to see Draco be okay with himself after all this time. He remembers the constant need of validation during their days at Hogwarts. And it was because of a certain wizard who Draco was always competing with. Now as for Theo, he had been out of the dating scene for a while and he was nearly desperate to get laid.
He dropped the topic and got up to take a short nap in the guest room. A few moments later, Blaise was knocking on the door. Draco got up to open it and was caught by surprise to see you standing behind Blaise. You looked like you weren't really sure what you were doing there either. “Mate,” Blaise started off, “what if we brought her along with us?”
You blinked at the tall man standing in front of you and then looked at Draco who had the same facial expression. “Who else better to show us around than someone who actually lives here?” Blaise suggested. It made sense; you would know your way around and Draco could save himself the trouble of not only Blaise and Theo being lost, but also Draco also getting lost. He still had a hard time with some of the streets. One-way streets, round-a-bouts, and bike lanes were still new to him. And you once mentioned how Manhattan was worse than the streets here in Buffalo, so how would he deal with that?
You stood unusually quiet. Blaise had only just asked you to tag along with them and before you could even process the question, you were being dragged to Draco’s house. “I don’t know, I don't want to intrude on–”
“Nonsense, you’d be our guide. I highly doubt Draco knows where he’s going,” Blaise assured. He got a stern ‘Hey’ from the blond but ignored it. “What do you say? Come with us?” You looked back and forth from the both of them and settled on Draco, your eyes asking him if he would even want you there. He shrugged his shoulders, leaving it up to you.
“Uh, sure. I’d just have to fix my schedule and–” you started before Blaise cut you off, “Great! We leave tomorrow at seven in the morning.” He kissed your forehead and walked inside. Draco stood at the door and was still confused as to what just happened. You started to walk away before Draco asked you, “Should we take my car?” You turned around and thought about it. “If you want.”
Draco preferred it, so he just agreed to it. “I’ll see you tomorrow, then.” You smiled sheepishly and raised your hand to say 'bye’. Tomorrow was surely going to be… something.
You were hoping to be able to rest your head on Blaise’s shoulder for the ride to the airport. But here you were, in Draco’s car with the largest cup of coffee that was barely keeping you awake as you drove there. You were glad that Draco had common sense to book two flight tickets for everyone to go there because there was so way in hell you were going to drive six hours to Manhattan and another six back.
Theo, however, was resting his head on Blaise’s shoulder as he snored away during the short ride. Blaise tried to shove him off, but it turned out that the sleepy friend was heavier than he looked. It was funny, really. Draco sat in the passenger seat next to you on his phone trying to read out directions. You insisted you didn't need them, but he said they were more for himself when they come back home.
Once on the plane, you finally got some shut eye. You stayed up all night thinking about what to do for the day. Where to go, what to eat, what to see. And other things kept you up, but that's besides the point. During the security check, you had to hold your laughter. It was hilarious to watch the three men be so confused as to what was going on. They acted like it was their first time in an airport.
The seats you had were nice and surely expensive. Draco insisted that you didn't have to pay him back. Must be nice being rich you thought. Blaise looked at you and poked your nose, “Is someone sleepy?” You glared at him before laying back into your seat, “Maybe if you didn't keep me up all night, I wouldn't be tired.” You didn't know how the man could have this much energy in the morning.
The hour went by quick and you were in Manhattan by ten in the morning. You suggested a local diner that was near the airport which they all agreed to since they didn't know their way around. At the diner, Blaise and Theo had made a dash for the restroom. You laughed at the view of Theo pushing Blaise behind him and Blaise glaring at him as he smacked the back of his head.
“I swear, they’re still childish gits,” Draco groaned. “26 years old and they still don't grow up.” You nudged his arm from across the table. “Leave them be. They’re still young, and so are you. Let loose, we’re in New York City after all. Can’t be brooding the whole time.” Draco rolled his eyes and looked at the menu that was under the glass on the table.
A waitress came up to your table with a small clipboard and notepad. “Are you two ready to order?” she asked sweetly. “Not yet, we’re waiting on two people to come back,” you answered. “Oh that’s cute, is this a double date?”
Without hesitation, you and Draco stated at the same time, “We’re not together.” The waitress looked between the two of you and just nodded. “I’ll be back, then.” The both of you hadn’t said a word when she left and patiently waited for his friends to come back. Shortly after, they did. Blaise took the spot in the booth next to you and Theo next to Draco.
“Alright, what do you suggest I get?” Blaise asked you. He had his body slightly facing yours and an arm over the top of the seat around you. He hadn't bothered to look on the menu and just focused on your features. “Depends, what do you like?”
“Anything,” he lowered his voice and was close to your ear. The breath tickled your ear which made you giggle. “Okay, we get it. You two are cute. Now keep it down, I’d like to be able to digest this food,” Theo’s nose crinkled as he complained. You still didn't know Theo all that much. This morning, he walked like a zombie and he probably just became fully awake, so to see his best friend making kissy faces at you before his first meal wasn't an ideal way to start the day. Draco chuckled in his seat as he was still figuring out what to order.
“I have to make a quick call,” you announced before pulling out your phone and called one of your employees, “Were you able to open fine on your own? Okay, call me if anything happens. Okay, bye.” The waitress came back and took down the order after she set a pot of coffee for the four of you.
Theo was the first to say something, “So, Y/N is it?” You nodded in response as you took a sip from your mug. “What is it that you do in your free time? Other than Blaise, of course.” He had a smug smile watching as you blushed. Two seconds later, the table shook and Theo groaned in pain. Unbeknownst to you, both Blaise and Draco had kicked Theo in his shins.
“Stupid git,” Draco said under his breath. Theo glared at his friends as he rubbed his legs. You cleared your throat and started to speak before Blaise stopped you, “You don’t have to answer that.”
“It’s okay, he was just joking,” you defended. “No he wasn't,” Draco added. You ignored him and looked at Theo, “What do you want to know?”
He had your full attention and ignored the looks from his friends, “What do you do for a living? What’s your work like?”
“Well, I uhh,” you started, “I own a store downtown. I’m there almost everyday.”
“What kind of store is it?” Theo asked as he leaned over the table closer to you. “What do you sell?”
“Candles,” for the second time that day, you and Draco synchronized. “Yeah, I sell candles and little… knick knacks,” you still hadn't opened up to Draco or Blaise for that matter about your Wiccan activities. So to say that you sold sage bundles, specially made oils and healing crystals would raise questions you weren't ready to answer now.
“Draco, have you ever been to the place? What is it called, by the way?” Theo kept on. Blaise was certainly not kidding when he said that Theo loved to talk. “No, I haven't,” Draco answered. “It’s called Soul Beads, wasn't it?”
“Yeah, that’s the name.” The food was brought on a large tray. Blaise handed your plate to you and you grabbed your fork to dig in. He was eating slowly, looking as if he was thinking about something. “Hey, you okay?” you whispered to him, Draco and Theo having their own conversation. “Oh, uh, yeah. I’m fine, love,” Blaise continued eating at a faster pace now. You looked around the men that surrounded you and smiled. Today’s gonna be fun.
The day went… weird. Blaise tried to have as much fun as possible but something was bothering him. Was it Theo talking his head off the entire time? No, I’m used to that. Was it his legs tired after walking almost all day? No, not that. Was it how even though you held his hands the whole time and gave him occasional kisses on his cheek or lips, you had gone the entire day talking to Draco and shared a couple laughs with him? Absolutely.
Jealousy was always an ugly emotion to Blaise. It annoyed him during his time at Hogwarts, and it annoys him now. The way girls would ask him if he was messing around with other girls and he’d always say the same thing. “How could I when you’re the most beautiful girl in these halls?” They’d all swoon over it. And by the looks of it, you swooned over his every word as well. But the looks you gave him were different from the ones you gave Draco.
From all the letters he had gotten from Draco, Blaise knew how much he hated you. No, loathed. But after the two of you decided to make nice, it was like you had been friends since day one. Draco may have even looked comfortable talking to you. And it bothered Blaise. His time with you may have been short, but today made him realize something.
Blaise is nowhere near being in love, he knew that much. But he knew that he didn't want to be messing around anymore. He wants to have an actual relationship, and right now, he wanted it with you. Blaise was confused by it all. He should be happy that his best friend and a girl he likes gets along. It would make it all that much easier.
But something about the two of you was odd today.
Maybe there was a look that lasted too long. Or a tone that came out differently. Or maybe… no. Blaise knew what it was. He just wants to have that same friendship with you. Blaise still didn't know that much about you. He didn't even know you had your own store until that morning. And to hear that his friend who supposedly hates you even knows not only the name of the store, but what you sell, hit something in him.
So, he was going to change that. Because for the most part, you were pretty interesting. He knew you were a Wiccan and as much as he doesn't really care to know what it was all about – considering he can just do any magic with a flick of a wand – he’d at least know you a little better.
Momentarily, as he was deep in thought, Theo’s annoying voice popped in his head. Hey, at least you know her in a way Malfoy won’t. He mentally cringed at it for a second before he thought Wait. I do. It was a start, not one that someone usually prefers, but it was better than nothing.
You sat beside him on the ride back home and had a smile on your lips while you rested on him. Draco was driving and Theo wanted to raise the volume of the music but his hand was slapped away. “She’s sleeping, idiot.” Draco scolded.
“Merlin, look at this,” Theo looked at Blaise as he pointed to Draco’s face. “Malfoy caring for a muggle? I’ve seen everything now.”
“M-muggle?” You rubbed your eyes and yawned. The three Slytherin’s had wide eyes, Blaise cursing Theo with his eyes. “I've heard,” you let out another yawn, “Draco say that before.”
Merlin, how many times have these actually talked? Blaise thought. “I-it’s just slang from London,” he tried to cover up. You nodded your head and gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek before going back to sleep.
Once everyone was home, Blaise walked you to your door. “I had fun today, did you?” Blaise gave his most convincing smile, “Yeah, I did.”
You said ‘Good night’ and almost closed the door when he stopped you. “Is it alright that I stay with you tonight?”
“I'm kind of tired, maybe tomorrow–”
“No, not for that,” Blaise chuckled at your insinuation. You looked slightly surprised. And it made sense considering that's almost all he came over for. Nonetheless, you let him into your home. Blaise stayed true to his words and just laid beside you in bed until the two went to sleep.
In his own bedroom, Draco smiled as he thought about the fun day he had. Maybe being friends with you wasn't so bad. He went to his kitchen to grab a drink when he noticed there was one person missing. “Where's Blaise?”
“I think he's staying at Y/N’s,” Theo stated. Inside, Draco felt an unusual pang in his chest. He let it go and went to bed. Hopelessly trying to get out of his head whatever you two were up to.
next chp
(っ◔◡◔)っ taglist: @beiahadid @malfoy-styles-wife @fivenightslaughter @juneballoon999 @leydileyla @fangirlanotherjust @originalsoulcollector @opiomancy @lipstickandloveletters @ninacotte @daedric-sorceress @frecklesandfirecrackers @hahee154hq @disartrous @oh-those-barricade-boys @lunalovecroft @bornforfangirling @c4th3r1ne
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pamouche · 4 years
Thanks a lot for tagging me @phascinationphases @borborai and @onzeziggy it's sweet of you, have a great day🌼🌼
fav wtfock s3 things Soundtracks , Robbe, Sander, Sobbe's kisses, THEY ARE THE DEFINITION OF CHEMISTRY AND LOVE ,Teasing, Croques and traditions, Casa Milan and Zoënne, Jens who was there for Robbe, the end with everyone together to celebrate Christmas and "dat we nu leven" I would say in conclusion everything, this is the best remake that has been done this season (it's my opinion) The acting of the 2 Willems was impeccable, the emotions were strong. They deserve great oscars
fav clip Everything in fact ahahaha. More seriously I would say the clip at the hotel (= Vrijdag 22:21 / 22:52), the shower scene=masterpiece and when Sander talks about his future project of marriage, their look for each other, their smile, their kiss, their hug... It was just them and nobody else. "Nowhere as happy as we are" and it's true (here's another iconic line that makes me emo as fuck) plus there is literally my favorite kiss, it's the one after Sander said "take it or leave it", I am obsessed with this kiss ahaha. It's so perfect, happy young in love and so well together
fav scene I love the scene of the Vrijdag 22:53 clip (the beginning, not the end you know why) they are boyfriends and bestfriends and I love this relationship. Robbe and his magic trick, Sander and his little tap on Robbe's cheek because he doesn't believe in this trick, their big smile and the look game and then the moment of the hands, on the hair, near Sander's mouth... Sander whispering sweet things in Robbe's ear and when they leave the bar, happy and in love, Robbe getting on Sander's back and then when he answers Sander "bij je" and Sander's little snort after that and their looong kiss<3 Their first date went so well until ....
fav shot I would say the shots of their eyes before they kiss. I could look at their loving looks all day long because you can tell they love each other so much and just want to never leave each other. Their eyes really shine before they kiss, just at the sight of the other, and then their smile before kissing omgg , I think in particular of the clip of Woensdag 16:36 where these shots are abundant
fav kiss that Robbe initiates I think it's in the Dinsdag 07:27 clip when Robbe tells Sander he's going to school because he has an exam. Sofffft morning kiss, I can't stop watching the gifs on it, it's so beautiful. The way Robbe is caring while doing this and Sander asleep but receptive because how can you not...They were really taking every minute, nothing was in a hurry it was just the two of them in their world and the music in the background was really nice. I love this clip.
fav kiss that Sander initiates I think directly to the kiss of this clip(= Zaterdag 09:41) It was my end, the way Sander touched his nose on Robbe's (while Robbe was smiling) before kissing him and then rocking him on the bed is for me ahaha. Even the continuation is perfect with Sander's sentences so sincere and too many emotions when I hear them... and between these sentences the kisses, a little teasing but so beautiful and soft to see. Anyway I loved "from now on it's just the two of us" qarrggg I'm going to cry again
fav Sander dialogue We won't lie, Sander has the most iconic lines. I'm going to select two that really stood out to me: "Gij en ik, honderd procent voor altijd, in elk universum" and "Het maanlicht scheen op je en ik wist direct he is the one" Can you also hear his voice while reading? I think I'm going crazy ahaha I miss him and his boyfriend
fav Robbe dialogue At first instinct I would say "altijd" after Sander asks him if he's going to come back, but I think it's short so I would then say THE phrase "You touched me and I've never felt that before.. Ik hou van je" It's the most sincere sentence he ever said, and I actually had chills while I was crying when I listened to it because Robbe means it and Sander doesn't destroy everything he touches on the contrary...
fav hug I have 2 because I can't choose. The first one is of course the one of Dinsdag 07:27, Robbe caressing Sander's hand while Sander is sleeping and sticking to Robbe, impossible to go closer because he wants to feel Robbe's warmth, Robbe's body.. just Robbe. And the second one is the one of Woensdag 17:21 sooo perfect with the kisses super affectionate, cute, soft and Robbe who rests his head on Sander's hair while this one hums of satisfaction bc he has found his home, it is Robbe. Real soulmates aren't they?
fav 21:21 I am leaning towards Vrijdag 21:21. Woensdag 21:21 is just as good, it's the beginning of their story. But the Vrijdag 21:21 is a big step towards their eternal love story, no more turning back, it's the reunion, it's two soulmates in symbiosis who promise each other their love, it will always triumph because it's the most beautiful one humanity could have known. No more Britt, no more confusion, it's now that everything starts to take shape, it's always been them since the beginning... and then this scene is beautiful, it's clearly art. Also when Sander intertwines fingers with Robbe's it's definitely too much for me. I was so not expecting it and when I saw that I understood that these are really sincere lovers. It's such a true act that gives off incredible emotions, full of love and comfort. Sander seems to say that he is there and that he will always be there for Robbe, it is them welded like the fingers of the hand, no but just think about it one second, I don't have the words... Sander means everything he said before, it's them 100% voor altijd in elk universum. Excuse me I'm crying while writing this...
fav Sobbe instagram pic Idk if it is because we are in the context of the crisis with the virus but I like this picture very much. It's so original, so them, in b&w aka the best filter for them aka love at first sight for me but moreover this pic is so meaningful... It looks like I was waiting to see Sander wearing Robbe in this way ahahah. No but they are the most iconic couple I've ever seen, you don't change a winning team as they say. And then the quote "different supermarket, same love" to make us all emotional :') I'd like to say a lot more but I have to stop, I feel like I'm writing a novel with each answer
fav scene x song pair Here I can talk about Woensdag 21:21, absolutely perfect, Sobbe cycling, their tunnel, they were already in love, their teasing, "nee, better" , the swimming pool, their KISSS and the most important, their song : Wildfire <3 I won't say more, you understood
fav message between Sander & Robbe The messages during wtfockdown are the best!! I selected these ones from the clip Vrijdag 18:37 (Sander does his walk in their tunnel)
Sander: Ik zie u graag, Robin
Robbe: Ik u ook. Niet normaal hard!
In fact they are simple but so passionate and when I look at them I have a big smile because I know they meant it more than anyone else and it's mutual and my heart melted every time they say it, I can't help it
fav banter on instagram Everything!!!
Sterkerdanijzer : Happyiest year of my life😊❤️
Earthlingoddity : Only 99 more to go ❤️
Sterkerdanijzer : 💯
I also really like these ones: s o b b e
I tag in my turn my cutie @hereforsobbe and @happilyinsane @foxsake5 @jackfrostsander @maade-of-stardust @pepethehobbit @robbesdriesen @vataraxia @remy3010 @sandersdemaury @sanderxrobbee @in-elk-universe-voor-altijd @undcrthesun @annonymannonym @justalina @skam-wtfock-sobbe @gele-gordijnen @debussyatmidnight @artisticsander and ofc the others who would like to do it ! I really enjoy reading you ahaha also feel free to ignore
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puppy-phum · 4 years
2020 – a (content creator) year in review
I decided to make this into a mix of these two games I was (kinda?) tagged into so thank you for @leonzhng and @tiesanjiao ♥ I hope you don’t mind me doing it like this ^^ all the questions were just so interesting that I wanted to try!
(bc of the amount of questions, I’m placing them under a cut so that I don’t flood anyone’s dash) 
(this is the 2020 year in review that hanyi tagged me to ♥ sorry am so late!)
Top 5 Movies you saw this year
wow tbh I didn’t watch many movies this year as I realized yesterday when I was thinking about this for certain reasons. Or at least I feel like I didn’t watch that many? Nothing really stuck with me it seems.
Because of this, I will only mention two: Parasite and The Old Guard. Those were both wonderful in their own ways and I’m very happy I got to watch them both ^^
Top 5 TV shows you watched this year
this one is difficult bc I watched so many (and forgot even more?) but:
The Lost Tomb Reboot (my introduction to DMBJ. this drama stole my heart and helped me through the tough autumn semester!) 
Joy of Life (it’s nuts that this happened during 2020? it feels like it was ages ago)
Kingdom (such a positive surprise and I really hope we get more of this :o I really recommend!)
Detective L (easy, nice aesthetics, amazing costumes. Bai Yu was a delight as Luo Fei)
Sand Sea (I am still baffled by how much I loved this bc I had so many doubts? am happy I did tho)
Bonus: Guardian (bc it has come to stay and the rewatch has been so emotional but so rewarding)
Top 5 songs of 2020
this is a tough one too bc I’ve heard so much new music during 2020 but I will try to put it simply:
Black Swan by BTS (I absolutely adore this song. I listened to it on repeat when it came out at the beginning of the year, I have cried for it a ton, I enjoy every stage I see for it and it’s just a masterpiece. it has also helped a bit with my writing struggles that I’ve felt creeping up on me lately)
Always by By The Coast (an amazing song that always leaves me in my feels. inspires me a lot all the time)
Love me or Leave me by DAY6 (this whole album was a masterpiece and I listened to it on loop for like. two weeks? this was my favorite song on it even if I adored the rest too, especially Zombie)
all of my life by Park Won (listened to this a lot in relation to my xicheng and the wedding I finally got to write for them ;; that’s one good thing that came out of this year tbh)
雨人 by 刘畅 (Liu Chang) (with the Reboot’s ending song, this one is my favorite on that ost. I love Liu Chang’s voice, I loved Liu Sang as a character and as I said, I loved Reboot as a drama. I get super emotional about this ost so I think it defined this year a lot for me)
Top 5 books you read in 2020  
All For The Game -trilogy (listened to these as audiobooks but that counts right?)
The Song of Achilles (as an audiobook too and really adored the reader’s voice)
The Smoke Thieves -series (I really just binge read the two first books in this series and am so excited for the next one!)
Call Down The Hawk (love love love)
Guardian novel (am not very into these novels usually but I was positively surprised this time? it was so cool to finally get the original story and compare it with the drama version)
5 positive things that happened in 2020
joined mdzsnet and met all the amazing ppl there and got to become part of this loving community and :’) I’m so thankful, it’s been a joy
learned more about editing? or started doing it regularly. I still can’t do shit but am having fun learning more all the time and I really hope that maybe the upcoming year I can switch to PS and try out giffing?
went to Halsey’s concert! it was in february so a bit before all the hassle with covid happened over here ;; it was super cool and so nice and I just. I love Halsey
fell into the DMBJ hellhole which am very much enjoying. it’s a great universe and the story is so good and the dramas have been so fun to watch and. it feels like a good continuation to The Untamed somehow haha (also brought me a new friend! you’re amazing ashen!! ♥)
started therapy and it’s been... a journey. but towards something better I think? it’s something I would’ve needed ages ago but it’s better late than never I suppose
My Creations
(this is the other part where ali was being super sweet and mentioned me ♥ thank you for being so awesome!)
1. first creation and most recent creation of 2020: wow it’s been a while since I’ve looked at this horrible creation but here ya go jkdhgk [x]. I’ve come a long way from this (and my xicheng has come a long way from this too). most recent one is this xiaoge edit that I absolutely adore [x]. 
2. one of your favorite creations from 2020: this wwx edit that was part of my agust d2 edit series [x]. I loved to give him blue instead of his typical red. 
3. a new style you tried this year and a gifset edit that uses it: this [x] wwx edit which I don’t know if I like or not but I was playing around with the font and all the effects instead of just normal screenshots + coloring. also I just adore the quote. 
4. a creation to be proud of: I could mention that xiaoge here but in addition, I will also say this wu xie edit for reboot [x]. I managed to capture my vision so well, I was surprised. for cql, this songxiao edit [x]. I loved how it turned out in the end. 
5. a creation that took forever: this wangxian edit [x]. like I’ve said several times, I lost sleep bc of it. I just kept struggling with the third pic and how to place the text there D: 
6. your creation from 2020 that received the most notes: this lwj/wangxian edit [x]. I had many ideas for this edit when I first started making it and I never managed to capture my vision in the way I first intended... the pictures I was supposed to use just never fit quite right sigh. I dunno why it was this one that gained all the notes in the end bc I personally think I have better ones too but am still thankful :’D 
7. a creation you think deserved more notes: as said, dmbj fandom on tumblr is very small so I really want to say the two already mentioned ones (wu xie and xiaoge) and then my pingxie edits [x] [x]. also these wwx edits which I personally am very happy about [x] [x]. and from my agust d2 series, this yun bros one [x].
8. a new fandom you joined and a creation you made for it: really just dmbj this year and I’ve already linked all of my creations for that :’D tho I have plans for another pingxie edit and a liu sang edit! oh and maybe I could mention guardian here with this shen wei [x]. I had so much fun while making it (also the quote just haunted me relentlessly until I gave it a moment). 
9. a creation you made that breaks your heart: this must be my easter islanders (lwj and jc) edit [x] that just. awoke many thoughts in me? I’m going to put a link to the version where you can read my ramblings underneath :’D 
10. a ‘simple’ creation that you really love: my creation for the creator (gif?) challenge that was going around! [x] it was simple and nice to do and I loved the result. also, it was nice to work with jl for a change :’) 
11. a favorite creation created by someone else: oh wow ok so this is going to be rough bc I have so many favorites ;; you can look at this post here [x] to see more! 
but to love my two taggers am going to say these [x / x] [x] [x] [x] [x] by hanyi (I always love your edits, the colors you choose, the thoughts you put into them (and your humor too!). there are so many cool things you’ve done that I just stay in awe of! I adore all of it ;; ♥) and these [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] by ali (I love all of your gifsets so much, they have such pretty colors and such good scenes, and I am thankful every day that you make all the amazing dmbj content, pls never stop ;; I should go through all of your creations properly one day! I noticed you have sand sea stuff too and let me scream?) ^^ ♥
12. your favorite content creators and blogs that you appreciate: this is going to be a huge list and I’ve already made my love heard for some but no hurt in doing it again so @i-am-just-a-kiddo @ashenwren @tiesanjiao @kholran @lzswy @englishbunnyrocks @leonzhng @aheartfullofjolllly @yibobibo @inkblue-black @cross-d-a @bloody-bee-tea @fytheuntamed @mdzsnet @lifegoesmon @creeds-eagle @underaswift-sunrise @sarawatsaraleo @lan-xichens @mylastbraincql @wangxianbunnydoodles @manhasetardis @distantsnows @ohsehuns @minmoyu @linglynz @highwarlockkareena @yiqiie @aowyn @alienwlw @wangxiians @kingbadcat @sassyassassy @tytangfei @lanzhannnn @skzmxtp @leoyunxi @yoonqiful @softjeon @rapbabenamjoon @ronan-adam @miyakuli @pavusdorian @arsuf @brolinskeep @gawincaskeyy and so many others! (sorry for all the random ppl on this list that I’ve never even talked to ^^’ just know that you make my dash a wonderful place! ♥) 
I won’t tag anyone separately here but everyone who’s already been tagged or sees this is free to do this (or link me posts if you’ve done these already!) ♥ have a nice day everyone! 
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in-tua-deep · 4 years
tua s1 rewatch with my roommate
episode one (I forgot for the first episode oops):
I have been treated to pictures of a lovely cosplay of Klaus who won a cosplay contest my roommate was in !!
Klaus putting his arm in front of Five during the funeral fight is good shit
“I have heard like nothing about Vanya” “yeah that’s pretty much how she’s treated in show as well”
“I can see why he’s the fandom favorite” - about Klaus
“Istanbul is in the firST EPISODE?”
I forGOT about the “rapists can climb” line when he breaks into Vanya’s apartment omg but also like,, his dumb arm wound
Episode two:
Aww baby fives first time travel his little smile. Baby. Baby boy. And the dawning horror in the apocalypse baby nO
Five: you got anything stronger
Also five: takes one sip and then fills up more, takes another sip, and then immediately puts it down ?????
The motel dude for hazel and cha cha just looks at them like “yeah these are serial killers” and just rolls with it
Also actually why tf doesn’t the commission spring for better stuff?? Why would they cut costs?? They time travel? They could game the stock market so hard ?????? Give the assassins their own rooms omg
Also why didn’t five like. Crush his tracker. Why did he just leave it whole and intact outside of the Griddys.
Forgot how much I love Agnes
(Oh man it is storming bad here it just BOOMED)
Also idk if Diego actually deserved that taser hmmmmm but also like,, communication lads five was literally right there killing people and Diego is like “hmm something is up here” like. Yeah Diego ur big brother “I can get my sibling in trouble for something” senses are tingling
Wow I really did repress all these Allison and Luther scenes huh. Also it’s still super cute that Allison read Claire moon books
Allison: dads heart gave out, which wasn’t how I was expecting to find out dad had a heart but it tracks
“SHUT YOUR PIEHOLE BEN... said with love 😘”
Did five actually sleep at Vanyas?? The sofa looks undisturbed but he had to wait for work hours to interrogate the meritech people,, five,, please sleep. The whole “IF YOU CALL ME YOUNG MAN ONE MORE TIME” interaction makes more sense with five on. Zero sleep.
I didn’t remember that Patch straight up knows about the umbrella academy oops. Like she clocks Diego as overcompensating for his childhood. Queen
Is that an umbrella adademy Diego cross stitch on Diego’s wall?? Did he buy that? Make it?? Did grace make it?
Vanya, walking into the academy: five??? five? pspspspspsps
Also like. Who was Vanyas therapist??? Clearly they did not help her
Aww the tow truck driver :(
I know the show wants me to dislike Patrick I KNOW,, and I think her fathers funeral is extenuating circumstance?? But still Patrick is valid for not giving an inch regarding his ex who mind controlled his child. Vanya didn’t really deserve Allison snapping at her but like. She had some good points. Allison arguably would have had to deal with vanyas book more than anyone else
Five smiling proudly at Klaus’s drama at meritech bless but also KLAUS DONT BREAK GLASS ON YOURSELF
Me, spotting Leonard: BASTARD
Love how everyone greets Diego in the gym and don’t question all his knives or anything like “yeah that’s Diego he lives here and loves knives :)”
Why could Leonard have not been like. A normal ass guy. Vanya needs friends who sympathize with her holy shit get this person some socialization
Pogo really did have to lead these kids by hand to the recording rooms because literally no one was super invested in reginalds ~murder mystery~
ahafahJAGSJWGAI MY ROOMMATE JUST SAID POGO IS THE BEST CHARACTER SO FAR,,,, I will probably never include pogo in my fics because I do Not Care About Him lmaoooo
Aww five does to see Dolores and being like “it’s been a rough couple of days :(“,,,,, baby,,,, but also tag yourself I’m hazel going “elastic wrist splint yesssssss”
Five I am begging you PLEASE get some sleep
Episode 3:
my roommate is super faceblind which is an issue bc she identifies people mainly by hairstyle so seeing the s2 stuff on tumblr is tripping her over bc she keeps seeing diego and going ??? who is that again? bc she’s seen his longer hair
okay there is no way that the eggs that grace put in that pan are the ones that ended up on the smiley face breakfast plate,,, but also grace that whole scene was a mood honestly i would be like “okay maybe mom killed dad BUT he deserved it sooooo”
“what the FUCK” - my roommate about cha-cha’s shitty wound care where she holds a curling iron against her arm
i didn’t remember that five got shOT AT THE DEPARTMENT STORE did i just erase that from my memory?? i mean yeah it’s a graze but he stitches it up and then slaps a bandaid on it so he has a wound that needed stitches on his shoulder for the entire show ??????? is he okay???? that would make moving your arm,,, painful,,,,,
a bandaid just slapped over it i’m actively yelling
“Sometimes when I see a million gifs of a show before I watch I get really surprised when they talk but he is exactly what I expected” - my roommate, about five
“I noticed they’ve only really showed diego in really badly lit scenes so far” - my roommate defending her lack of ability to recognize diego
i’m still laughing about pogo literally having to point out the murder tapes and now allison and luther are investigating and just. allison is lowkey defending grace and i’m laughing
“why is he saying woodwork is embarrassing that’s like one of the most middle of the wood hobbies to have. you’re respectable to grandpas who used to carve wooden ducks AND twenty-year-olds who can’t make anything to save their lives” - my roommate on leonard peabody
“i think he’s already crossing some lines he’s met this lady ONCE” - roommate on leonard/vanya
five having flashbacks in the car :(
did allison and luther draw straws for who went to fetch which sibling?? allison was like “dibs on vanya” and luther was just like “aww :(”
five luther and klaus in the van - BOYS NIGHT BOYS NIGHT let’s go pick up diego
“the coat he’s wearing does have a nice swish to it” - roommate about klaus’s coat
luther being like “you’re just as messed up as the rest of us and we’re all you have” like luther,,, baby,,,,, you literally ARE all he has,,,,,, his family is the only thing he’s really cared about since he was thirteen and maybe before then :(
“I can’t tell if those are supposed to be cake or yeast donuts... i think extruded donuts are cake donuts but she said she lets them rise so maybe they’re yeast?” - my roommate focusing on all the things that i do not
sometimes i forget that hazel and cha-cha pretended to be private detectives trying to find a lost child in a potentially dangerous situation,,, five would be disgusted
“she shouldn’t get a vote” “i was gonna say i agree with you” “she should get a vote!!” this is peak sibling energy honestly i think i’ve had that exact interaction with my siblings voting for a movie or something
“hashtag android rights” 
“I want to be the tailor who gets a call one day that says ‘i want you to make clothes for a chimpanzee”
is it telling that only luther in the flashback didn’t really talk to grace at all,, i mean five didn’t either but i think he was gone by that point in the flashback ???? 
wait diego tells grace that she worked for him for thirty years,,, the kids are 29 and later it’s implied she was built bc vanya kept killing nannies when they were like four but maybe s2 clarifies that some more?? or diego just is rounding up
“that’s an interesting fabric to her skirt” - my roommate about grace’s outfit
forgot that hazel and cha cha broke the door to the manor busting in,, do they ever fix that?? we’re only at episode three do they spend the rest of the season with their door open to anyone on the streets
okay that bathtub is WAY too small to allow for klaus to be moving his elbows about like that underwater smh
“how is HE useful on mission??” my roommate about klaus
where is the SECURITY SYSTEM??? luther LITERALLY said that reggie was more paranoid and yet some assassin can just bust down the door and have unrestricted access????? he built a whole ROBOT but no security system????????
“maybe it was like,, practice for the kids? someone breaks in and they take care of it? wait no that doesn’t explain the thirteen years they’ve been gone?”
“why WAS he on the moon?” - about luther
“I want to see what she’s embroidering!!” about grace during the gunfight in the living room she’s absolutely ignoring diego getting shot at
what is a rope-a-dope,,,, diego yells “EVER HEARD OF A ROPE-A-DOPE???” at luther but like. no i haven’t. what does that MEAN diego
aww i forgot they played sinnerman, love that song
“what are you doing dude, rumor has it you’re not shooting at me that’s all you need to do” i mean. the roommate is not wrong. allison could just end the fight with a yell. i understand she’s pissed off and has rumor trauma but like cha cha is actively trying to murder them
how is luther not winning he literally has super strength. does hazel have super strength? just punch the man and knock him out jesus y’all suck at this smh
why is there such intense music we all been knew about luther’s strength - oH HIS BODY
forgot about that
is it allison’s fault that klaus got kidnapped because she didn’t literally just rumor them to give up?? like she literally has that power. she could have been like “i heard a rumor you left and forgot about us” it didn’t even need to be violent?? i understand she has rumor trauma but this i feel is allowable circumstances
diego showing his worry about vanya by getting angry which honestly i think all the siblings do that rip none of these idiots have even heard of healthy communication in their LIVES
you know,, i don’t think vanya can drive. she takes the bus. she took a taxi to leonard’s house. we see her walking a lot. does she know how to drive?? i imagine that the umbrella academy were taught bc of mission related stuff but,,, vanya wasn’t?? that’s just depressing tbh
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raviposting · 4 years
Tumblr media
I was looking through my blog and came across a follower celebration that I was supposed to do and definitely never did for some reason and uh. That’s definitely not happening now but I did want to just do something, so I thought - I follow a lot of great content creators, so why not highlight them?
A lot of people do multiple things even if I only put them in one category so check out their tags and their work. <3  
Glorious Gifmakers:
@olisgifs makes such fantastic gifs (and she did this lovely header)! Her gifs are so thoughtful of the characters and who they are as people, and you can tell that she really loves all the characters. || Favorite set || Favorite series ||
@anya-chalotra has some of the most amazing gifs I’ve seen on this site. She experiments with such a cool style and every gifset I’ve seen of hers has absolutely taken my breath away, they’re amazing! || Favorite set ||
@tuafives honestly the fact that she believes in Hufflepuff Five already makes them a fantastic blog, but her gifs in general are just fantastic! The coloring is always so pretty and I’m obsessed with them. || Favorite set ||
@charmingqueenie I’m always hit with a blast from the past from her gifs in the best possible way. Some of the best Charmed gifs I’ve seen honestly, and her LNC series has my whole ass heart. || Favorite set || Favorite series ||
@inappropriateexplosions Experiments with such different styles and I love it! [meme voice] She has the range, dahling! I love seeing what different style she’s going to do next and it’s always absolutely lovely. || Favorite series ||
@challengerblue Her gifsets need more love and it is a crime, because LOOK at her edit tag!!! These are all such beautiful gifsets and I am obsessed with each and every one! The coloring! The scenes chosen! The talent! || Favorite set ||
@captain-flint Every time I see one of their sets: “Oh the talent jumped out huh?” Has so many lovely Buddie sets and Eddie sets in general and I love them all!!! || Favorite set || Another Favorite ||
@joel-miller honestly I’m getting repetitive here but I can’t help that every single gif-maker is just so so talented. Has fantastic sets and probably my only mutual who also gifs TLOU which??? I love!!! || Favorite set ||
@chloedoeslucifer has such lovely sets!! I’m a particular fan of her parallel sets because she picks up on SO many parallels that I didn’t even notice and it’s amazing. || Favorite set ||
@i-am-irondad Libby’s sets make me so emotional??? Such great Iron Dad/Iron Fam content in particular and it feeds my soul, I just love these sets and the found families that she gifs. <3 || Favorite series || Favorite set ||
@stevenrogered I think the one good thing about the “since you’ve been gone”/”in your orbit” feature is that I got to see their awesome gifs for SO many fandoms that I’m in (and also made me think I was following them for a very long time and I was so sad when I realized I wasn’t lmao). Just fantastic gifs all around! || Favorite set || 
@diegohargreves I love love love the coloring used in these gifsets! The yellow in particular is always fantastic and I rarely see it used in gifsets, so I appreciate seeing it - they’re always so vibrant and lovely sets! || Favorite set ||
@felicityollies has gifsets that I admire from afar now that I don’t watch Arrow anymore lmaooo but there’s always going to be a part of me that still ships Olicity and that part of me dies with how good her gifs are! Genuinely just *chef’s kiss* || Favorite set ||
@vaughnsgreenwood I also look at Dannii’s sets from afar because we don’t share many fandoms but her skills are just FANTASTIC. Also, even though I’m not going to watch the new Charmed her gifsets make me ship Harry and Macy so thanks for that lol. || Favorite set || 
@marcomardon graciously lets me call her Canada since I had very little reading comprehension when I read her blog, and also makes great sets! I love her stuff, especially when it comes to the rogues!! || Favorite set || 
Amazing Artists(/Graphic Makers):
@undead--hotmess has such lovely art! I’m so in awe of the talent, their paintings I’ve seen I’d say would look like real photographs like...it’s amazing || Favorite piece ||
@superbandnerd99 Okay real talk idk if she has more works on tumblr but I just need to share this one because it’s beautiful and everyone should see it and I’m 1000% updating it when she has the final piece out!!
@the-maidofmischief like some of THE best icons I’ve seen??? I love them all so much??? They’re so vibrant and colorful and absolutely beautiful and I’ve made it a mission to have basically all of her icons on my different social media accounts lmao || Favorite piece ||
@fengshuismirke her art is just. SO good. I was so blown away by a Martin piece that I’m tagging in here but I’m just in awe of her work!!! Check out her “my stuff” tag because she also writes! || Favorite piece || 
Wonderful Writers:
@ginnxtonic Ho boy. Ginny’s fics.....her writing is so good that I am now invested in the lives of AU children of Theon/Sansa in Game of Thrones. That’s how invested her fics will get you. They’re so wonderfully in character and she puts real heart and work into her fics and it shows. || Favorite work || Favorite series ||
@aprilthegayqueen has such wonderful fics! The ones I’ve read have been slice-of-life and character studies and I absolutely love them. They’re also in fandoms I haven’t been in for a while and they make me want to immediately rewatch. :’) || Favorite work ||
@zaritomaz hnnnng Mina has written some of my FAVORITE works of all time. She has such a talent for writing and it’s always just so beautiful, poetic, and lovely. || Favorite work ||
@nightskywriter has such lovely fics!! I personally have read through all her TUA fics and they’re *chef’s kiss* fantastic. She has a very fun style of writing and it really shines through! || Favorite work ||
@incendiaglacies Has such a long and varied history of writing and it’s awesome! I sadly don’t share many fandoms with her anymore but I’ve seen her Dream Movie challenge and I’m reading through her book and she’s just such a talented author with such cool ideas! || Favorite work || Check this out! ||
@hedgiwithapen the ANGST hedgi writes oh my goodness. I’m pretty sure a common tag on multiple people’s blogs for Hedgi’s fics is “dammit hedgi” lmao! Amazing stuff (even if they fill me with pain). || Favorite work ||
@deadtedkord Meg’s writing....it is just......so so good. They’re pieces upon pieces of just fantastic writing and literally any compliment I give here would not measure up to how awesome her fics are. || Favorite work ||
I’m sorry if I missed anyone, know that even if you’re not on here it’s bc I have no brain cells and that your work is awesome (and please send me your stuff, I love to see it)! Be sure to give these folks some love, tags, and comments. Thanks to all the content creators out there, you guys are awesome. <3
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myriadimagines · 4 years
End Of The Year Faves 2020!
Rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 8 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome work!
i was tagged by the lovely @lxncelot & @musicallisto !!!
i’ve only written 10 one shots this year since i stopped taking requests rip. i only ended up picking 5 of them bc i didnt like the rest. also i love talking about the behind the scenes of writing like its just so fun. i literally went through my revision history in my google docs to see how i wrote these akjsdhasjd so literally........... if anyone wants to talk to me about a piece........... just shoot me an ask bc i will gladly tell u all about it
1. Lifetimes (Sebastien le Livre) 
this might be my number one bc it’s the most recent and i havent decided i hate it yet but wrote this as an alternative to therapy lmfaooooooo and it’s been a month but um. it still hurts. but anyway, i started off with the below paragraph:
And Booker has centuries of pain under his belt. Endless years of trauma that he cannot even begin to unpack. But you don’t have centuries. You don’t have lifetimes to reconcile with all the cruelty in the world  —  you just have one, and Booker knows he of all people should know just how much hurt one lifetime can contain.
and just worked around it, bc i was just really obsessed with the concept of having multiple lifetimes and all that, and just the fact that life has so much pain and hurt and it just sucks. i edited the first sentence for the final but otherwise it’s the same. i think i came up with some pretty good lines in this if i do say so myself, and i mentioned it in the a/n, but i intended for it to be longer but didn’t want to push it after i feel like i had written all i wanted to. i just wanted someone to hold me and comfort me clearly. 
2. Cursed Blood (Renfri)
i am obsessed with renfri as a character and her whole story, and the whole concept of her being cursed just felt like something that i really wanted to explore and write about. these were the first lines i wrote for the piece:
But every time you kiss her, you swear that it’s impossible her lips could be poison. Or perhaps you grew so used it, that the poison tasted sweet. 
i ended up editing this a lot for the final version, but a trend in my writing seems to be i always come up with how to end a piece and just work around it. i really enjoyed going into depth into renfri’s character and it kinda felt more like a character study than a reader insert? but eventually i found a way to work the reader in there and i liked where the story went, bc renfri deserves happiness and someone to be there for her.
3. Roadside (Robin Buckley)
still in shock at how many notes this one got and i am forever grateful to everyone who reblogged/left comments!!! this was for lacey’s ( @moonlit-imagines ) writing challenge, and idk why when i saw the prompt i immediately decided to use robin. for this one, i actually started with the beginning, which was the prompt, “Let’s take a walk. Just you and me.”
i mentioned this in the a/n, but i planned it to be a lot more angsty and wasn’t even planning on ending it on a happy note askjdhaksd the original plot i had in mind was that robin and the reader were into each other but were dancing around each other’s feelings. so one night, the reader drunkenly kisses steve at a party to try and make robin jealous, but it ends up just causing a rift between robin and the reader even after they confess their feelings. here is a part i wrote for the original plot before i decided to scrap it and go with the final plot.
“Look, I don’t even care if you and Steve get together.” Robin waves her hand, and you’re not used to seeing such disappointment on your best friend’s face as she lets out a shaky breath. She looks as if she’s struggling to collect herself before she asks, “I just… why did you lie to me?”
“I didn’t.” you desperately blurt, and Robin’s eyebrows furrow. Shaking your head, you take a step towards her as you explain, “I didn’t lie, Robin, I swear. I don’t like Steve. What happened at the party meant nothing—”
Robin scoffs. “Then why—”
“—because I wanted you to see.” you finally confess, and Robin stares at you. You’re shaking, tears welling in your eyes as you continue, “Because I thought I could make you jealous, because I was just too afraid to make a move and wanted you too. And I know that’s silly of me, and I never meant to hurt your feelings—”
i changed the plot because i didn’t think i could pull it off, and i didn’t know how to fully end it. i liked where it ended up going anyway after the change of direction so all good!!
4. Games (Michael Gray)
so this was inspired by a gif imagine request that @fangirlsarah16 sent me, which you can find here!! you can literally see me already plotting for the piece in the tags aksjdha i just loved how angsty the situation was, and i love michael, so i decided to just run with it. i put what i had already written into a document and just pieced everything in around it. this is definitely one of my more dramatic pieces, but i just loved how the story came together and how all the other characters were included. 
i already planned to write a part 2 while i was still writing this piece, but obviously that hasnt happened yet. also i got discouraged bc i thought it would do better in terms of notes but oh well. i wrote around 300 words of where i wanted part 2 to go, and i still have it saved, but i dont want to share it in case i end up writing it. also, i have 2 plots in mind for where i want part 2 to go, and haven’t decided which one i want to go with. we’ll have to wait and see i guess >:)
5. Off Limits (Cassian Andor)
ah yes, the first in my rewrite project that is going along very slowly. basically, im planning on rewriting my super old one shots in hopes that i’ll like them. i swear i’ve got the next one shot in my drafts but i just havent had the time to finish it yet. anyway, the original piece, which i wrote 4 years ago (!!!!), was the piece that really got my blog started and helped me get activity/attention, and it has around 500 notes, which kinda makes the new version look depressing bc it only has 97 and it’s definitely a lot better in my opinion. 
i don’t really have a detailed process for this one, seeing as i was just improving upon an old piece, but one of the main things i did want to change was cassian’s characterisation. i felt like i just made him too mean in my old piece, and i wanted to loosen him up a bit. i managed to bang this one in one day and i just think it’s some cute content and i miss the rogue one squad!!
i’m tagging @moonlit-imagines @emcon-imagines @lotsoffandomimagines @dannyboy-writes @murswrites @randomfandomimagine @sonsofeorl @spxder-mxns & all other content creators that see this!! i’m definitely missing a lot but everyone should share their favorite pieces from this year :’)
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This post is somewhat of a response to this conversation discussing Danielle Terroris and Hitler imagery through Nuremberg / Triumph des Willens at the Mereen pyramid. While I’m not an expert in any of the subjects mentioned (architecture, film making, history), I was exposed to WW2 while growing up (my father was a part-time historian) as well as through a parallel interest (aviation).
I want to make this very clear, my objective isn’t to offend anyone. However, since this post will discuss Hitler (and his cohorts) as well as Nazi Germany, it will upset people in general as that’s the nature of tackling such a beast. I tried to censor the imagery posted, so more sensible people can actually finish this without a meltdown, but there’s so much it can be done.
I tried to be neutral and succinct, but I have a tendency to rant and tangent, as well as to soapbox, so this got lengthy. I also warn everyone that english isn’t my first language and I’m often misunderstood for using words that have negative connotations unintentionally (the last time it happened was with “abortion”). Again, I don’t intend offend anyone. If you feel offended, I’m sorry.
This is the first of a series of posts about such a subject, as this isn’t the first time nor is it the last time that ASOIAF / GoT stuff which is related to Danielle / House Terroris was lifted almost in its entirety from Hitler / Nazi stuff. This isn’t about the Mereen pyramid, because I lost that post (unfortunately the lights went out and I have to redo it), which is just as bad as this one (or worse, IDK - I’m not very good at gauging that kind of thing).
ETA: 04/01/2019: I’ve rewritten this, hoping to be clearer.
S06E06 - Blood of my Blood
This is the episode where Bran has his second prophetic vision, divided into three sections. The first seems like a “summary” of some sort. The second is mostly a “detailed” flashback to Robert’s Rebellion endgame (FIRE) regarding Aerys (pyromancers decanting wildfire, Aerys screaming “burn them all”, Jaime killing Aerys and the pyromancers (and sitting on the throne), Ned at the Tower of Joy asking for Lyanna and then his bloody hands while being with her proper. The third is mostly about the Night King / Others - White Walkers / Wights (ICE).
In the very first section, there is a segment of two images which is repeated four times: a dragon flying through the sky and a dragon flying over King’s Landing (hereby called B). It’s worth noting that the second segment, of a dragon flying over King’s Landing, had already been repeated in Bran’s first vision and that D&D have commented that this is one of the most important images of the whole show.
These (B) segments are always followed by someone from House Terroris (affiliated with dragons), either Aerys screaming “burn them all” (hereby called C1) or Danielle with Drogon on her shoulder (hereby called C2). By presenting (B+C) together, this “three dragon segments” visually associates Aerys and Danielle as “more of the same”, but they also share similar themes: “threat by fire power” + “loyalty / obedience subjugation. (C1) Aerys is demanding his pyromancers to burn everyone with wildfire, while (C2) is Danielle birthing the dragons (deadly and violent fire affiliated animals) while her khalasar kneel in the background.
Moreover, ( C) is always followed by a specific Night King segment, (C1) Aerys is followed by Night King giving a “shrug” upwards and an Other - White Walker / Wight (hereby called D1), while (C2) Danielle is followed by Night King converting Craster’s son into an Other - White Walker (hereby called D2). Once again, by presenting (BC+D) together, this visually associates them as “more of the same” as well as portray those affiliated with fire and ice as “more of the same”, but they also share similar themes as above: “threat by [fire / ice] power” + “loyalty / obedience subjugation”. (C1) the pyromancers follow Aerys and (C2) Dothraki / Dragons follow Danielle, while (D1-D2) Others - White Walkers / Wights all follow the Night King). This invokes the name of the (book) series as well as the destructive elemental forces of ice and fire: The Song of Ice and Fire (a poem about the end of the world being delivered by either).
A similar argument can be made for the segment that preceds (B), as (BC1D1) Aerys is preceded by (A1) the pyromancers and the wildfire and (BC2D2) Danielle is preceded by (A2) Cat at the Red Wedding (screaming after losing her child Robb). Once again, the very nature of presenting (A+BC+D) together, visually associates them as “more of the same”, but they also share similar imagery and themes as above: (A) “madness” of (BC) leading to (D) “death / blood sacrifice”, because “only death can pay for life”. (A1) Aerys was obsessed with wildfire and the pinnacle of his madness was his wish to burn King’s Landing; (D1) is the (ice) embodiment of “death” + “blood sacrifice” - that being the natural (fire counterpart) conclusion if the wildfire had gone off > King’s Landing as a wasteland. (A2) Danielle was obsessed with the dragon eggs and the pinnacle of her “madness” is when she loses her son and the wish to hatch the eggs in Drogo’s funeral pyre (in the words, the word madness is specifically used for this moment); (D2) is the (ice) embodiment of death as well as blood sacrifice (conversion of Craster’s son into Other / White Walker) - that being the (fire counterpart) conclusion of Danielle birthing the dragons (death of Rhaego / Drogo / Mirri Maz Duur to pay for the life of each dragon).
Below is a decomposition frame by frame of this first section from a good quality video on youtube (there is at least one frame missing, but that’s youtube encoding’s fault, and I’m sure the point comes across obvious, regardless). I’ve added tags and rewrote the section above, in what I wish is a more comprehensible way (probably not).
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The (BC2D2) Danielle segment is also repeated in the second section twice, though (A2) Red Wedding does not preced it and as such, it doesn’t follow the A2BC2D2 pattern. The Red Wedding does show up twice, but the scene is different since it’s Robb proper dying instead (the Red Wedding is important in these trippy visions about the struggle between Ice and Fire, because in the books Danielle sees it in her House of Undying visions, even though that has nothing to do with her whatsoever). Again, this is a subject for another post, so let’s ignore that and the rest of the “unrelated” stuff. However, (BC2D2) Danielle segment is further associated with both Aerys and "fire threat” (specifically with wildfire).
The first (BC2D2) Danielle segment is preceded first by “passage of time” and followed by a long “flashback” Robert’s Rebellion endgame, most of it about the Aerys and Jaime, as well as the thwarted Wildfire Plot. It begins with pyromancers decanting wildfire, mad king Aerys screaming “burn them all”, wildfire catching (which never happened in the past), the pyromancers putting the wildfire in the shelves, Jaime drawing his sword, Ned at the Tower of Joy, Jaime killing Aerys, Robb at the Red Wedding, Jaime killing Aerys some more (how I understand him). There’s a succession of “unrelated” segments, then we have Jaime sitting on the Iron Throne, wildfire catching once again (further than before), followed by the second (BC2D2) Danielle segment, Jaime killing the pyromancers, two more “unrelated” segments, Jaime drawing his sword against Aerys again, and wildfire catching again (even further than before).
This may seem like I’m rambling, but it’s not. In (very long) summary, these are the main things to keep in mind: the imagery of a dragon flying through the air and casting it’s shadow over King’s Landing (B - i enclose a shitty gif of it), Aerys / Danielle having “threat by fire power” + “loyalty / obedience subjugation” (C1 // C2), the “madness” of Aerys / Danielle leading to “death / blood sacrifice” (A+BC+D). There are a few secondary things to keep in mind for (C2) Danielle birthing the dragons in specific: Danielle with the black dragon over her shoulder as well as the colour composition of the scene (white / red / black), the name of this episode which is “Blood of my Blood” and Danielle with a powerful symbol over her shoulder juxtaposed with Dothraki’s submission towards her (both because of the power of this symbol as well as because she’s seen as a special one due to having birthed the dragons).
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This is also the same episode where Danielle gives a speech to the Dothraki to rally them up to invade Westeros. This episode (as well as the former) was directed by Jack Bender, a reputed director who has done several heavy symbolical shows such as the Sopranos, Alias, Lost (he has... *ehem*... background in this type of stuff). He also commented on this scene in specific, likening Danielle to Hitler at Nuremberg. "At the end of the scene, you should be somewhat roused by her and a little horrified. She's not Hitler at Nuremberg, but she's got the power." The video of this scene can be seen here.
Danielle is riding with Daario and her newly acquired khalasar of 100,000, discussing the logistics of hauling their arses to Westeros. At the end of the conversation, Daario asks what they’ll do after arriving in Westeros and Danielle says that she takes what is hers, but Daario is sceptical and tells her that she wasn’t born to sit on the iron chair but to be a conqueror. Danielle ponders this, rides off in her silver and then rides on Drogon, to rally her khalasar to invade Westeros. She models her speech to match a “conqueror” more than a “leader”, as she presents her plans in a way that is fitting with the Dothraki style of life: pillaging and plundering, as well as destruction and violence. She’s met with the Dothraki’s approval.
I’ve attached the imagery used on this first portion below, as well as some observations, and made a gif about the dragon’s shadow (which I link instead of display here because of how big it is). The soundtrack for this segment, is the theme of House Terroris (or a variation of it, I can’t tell because I don’t hear that wretched thing), a theme which is both aggressive and powerful.
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Danielle riding a dragon and then making her speech on top of it, is both a powerful firepower symbol, since the dragons are the “nuclear deterrent” capable of unfathomable destruction (this is the power that Bender refers to), as well as a representation of her being a messianic figure, since she (and others) believe that she is a special one due to hatching the dragons (notice that these are the same themes as (C2) Danielle with a dragon over her shoulder - it has come full circle, it’s now Danielle over the dragon’s shoulder). The contents of Danielle’s speech are rather disturbing as well and come in tandem with the themes before. She’s appealing to destruction and violence while on top of a powerful firepower symbol, based on the divine birth-right of being the pretender to the Iron Throne as the last member of House Terroris as well as the Stallion that Mounts the World from Dothraki prophecy (which she indirectly panders to when she mentions Drogo’s promise, she switches Rhaego with herself as she believes she’s the Stallion that Mounts the World). Her speech is framed by all sorts of crazy faces and screaming, which while “normal” in war rally speeches to instil aggression and raise morale, it’s also evocative of her father’s madness (notice that these are the same themes of (C1) Aerys in his madness demanding the pyromancers to burn everyone).
Furthermore, Danielle begins by declaring that all the Dothraki as her blood riders, which is a specific dothraki that has pledged their life in the service of their khal. The episode title, “Blood of my Blood” is the dothraki saying that illustrates this, as the blood rider’s blood is considered to be the khal’s own blood. She proceeds by telling the Dothraki that she won’t ask of them more than any other khal has asked their blood riders before (making the distinction between leader and subordinates clear), then explains that she wants to reclaim Westeros and asks if they will support her on this. In other words, Danielle is asking for the Dothraki to swear to her their unquestionable loyalty and total obedience from that point forward. In summary, this is Danielle appealing for unity, loyalty and obedience under her rule through their conjoined blood, FOREVER. When she’s finished, the khalasar roar their approval and raise their hands in salute towards her.
I’ve attached the imagery used on this second portion below, as well as some observations. The shooting angles that are used for this scene are meant to highlight the dothraki as an endless united yet faceless group (none of them are named characters - this is true for the Dothraki in general, especially as the plot advances) and Danielle as their undisputable leader (she’s focused alone or bigger / higher than them).
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Triumph of the Will
Triumph of the Will is a nazi propaganda film directed by Leni Riefenstahl, documenting the 1934 nazi party congress that took place in Nuremberg and lasted for four days. It was neither the first political propaganda film, as those had been rolling since the previous century (an infamous example), nor was it particularly ground-breaking, as the filmmaking techniques used for it were not new either. However, Riefenstahl had talent in evocative imagery and the budget for this movie was HUGE (as it was sponsored by the government), which meant that everything was “cranked up to eleven”.
Such Riefenstahl could use her talent for symbolism as well as all the cinematic tricks of the time, all to push the Nazi political agenda and portray it exactly the way they wanted to. She did so in such an effective way, that it gained several movie awards (even in the United States). it’s considered the most effective propaganda piece ever made, not only because it has influenced many (mostly fictional) works afterwards but also because everyone today still thinks that this movie portrays Hitler / Nazi Germany accurately (think about it, a propaganda movie made by the Nazi, with the objective of passing off their ideal image of who they are, is accepted to accurately portray who they were... to this day).
As one original poster said, every single filmmaker in existence as well as every historian has seen this movie and has studied it, so they know everything that goes onto it, techniques used and themes explored. There’s actually much more than the things I’ll talk about (and I don’t even know them all), but they are useless for a framing in this context (for example, it contains stuff of identification, religion proper, prosperity, etc). If you’d like to watch this movie, there’s a link on wikipedia (just checked).
Triumph of the Will opens with a prologue, the only commentary of the film (besides a few name cards at some point), as the rest is framed through real footage alone (albeit artistically done) and sometimes some music (used in a revolutionary way in this movie, especially to draw and pander to nationalism). It then begins with flying through the clouds, until it finally reveals the bucolic city of Nuremberg. The cruciform shadow of Hitler's plane is visible as it passes over the buildings and those below. Upon arriving at the Nuremberg airport, Hitler and other Nazi leaders emerge from his plane to thunderous applause and a cheering crowd.
The objective of this airplane segment is to portray Hitler as a messiah sent by the gods, descending on the German people to grace them with salvation. Moreover, the focus on aircraft technology (propeller spinning and flight instruments, etc) as well as endless military parades, have the objective of framing the regime with powerful firepower symbolism. As a side-note, the nazi party hymn plays through this airplane segment. This hymn was composed with the intention of instilling aggression as well as raising morale and it’s about a man who was killed during the bad times (they were really bad times) before the nazi came to power, such it was meant as a musical representation of some sort of religious sacrificial myth.
I’ve attached the imagery used on this second portion below, as well as some observations. I believe the similarities of these will speak for themselves, in comparison to it’s equivalent above.
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SIDE NOTE: I also enclose a gif with the airplane + shadow part because of how bizarre the similarity is (remember this and this, I wish I knew how to put them side by side) as well as the theatrical posters for this movie and it’s spiritual ancestor, Victory of Faith (also filmed by Riefenstahl, directed practically the same way but without as much detail and with more technical errors). To contextualise why I’m putting these three theatrical posters (remember this).
The colour triad red / white / black were the official colours of Nazi Germany, which they used for their propaganda posters and general imagery (they also added gold in the earlier days, for the sake of inclusion and unification for the whole population). The black eagle is the coat-of-arms of Germany (for centuries) and was portrayed in Nazi iconography as well as propaganda as an allegory for the country proper, representing their ideals and their powe and it usually showed up on top of an image to symbolise authority. Just for this movie alone (since we’re talking about it), the black eagle shows up in all of them and it two of them, it shows up over the shoulder.
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The third day starts with a Hitler Youth rally, where Hitler makes a speech, describing unity in militaristic terms how the youth must become one people and that everything they do represents one nation, appealing for their unquestionable loyalty and total obedience. He proceeds to say they must harden themselves and prepare for sacrifice, because when the time comes, they will all march together for the sake of their country. I spare most of the details (he does make an appeal to a classless society as well, which will be important for another part), but at some point he says: “I know that it cannot be any other way as we bind ourselves together, for you are flesh of our flesh and blood from our blood."
The fourth day has a World War I memorial ceremony, some more military parades with the SA / SS which showcase the powerful firepower of the nazi party (the paramilitary branch of the party, not even the country’s army proper), and then Hitler makes a speech about the political purge that happened some months before. Afterwards, there’s a (religious-like) consecration ceremony where new flags touch an old bloody flag (the same cloth flag that was said to have been stained by blood of comrades that had sacrificed themselves for the cause, similar to opening song in it’s religious-like symbolism, though not the same event).
Either way, both speeches are intermingled with segments of the people acknowledging and approving of Hitler’s message, some more solemn while others very happy (the kids on the first are especially smiley), cheering him on at the end with their... special salute (obviously). Both speeches (and what comes before or after, the endless military parades and the semi-religious ceremonies) are also examples of the major themes of this movie in general: “religion / messiah” (in quotation marks, so I don’t have to discuss it properly as it’s not straight-forward), power (there are 700,000 people at this rally, with 150,000 people for the SA / SS alone) and unity (drilled over-and-over again > they had just come from a major backstabbing after all).
These speeches are visually shot with unquestionable “leader” and “faceless follower” framings. This is so delibarate that the first one is done with much less pandering to authority (the “leader” is shown with close-ups of his face), since the intent with the youth is for them to identify with the leader / party / country, so the less separation shown between them (while keeping the hierarchy clear), the better for the indocrination process. However, the SA / SS speech is the standard for any Hitler speech (and some of his cronies) in any visual media (any visual media, even in photos), which is why I used it for the illustration for the next section (it’s the only other speech done in daylight, the others are made during the night or indoors, and will illustrate other posts I’ll make).
I’ve attached the imagery used on this second portion below, as well as some observations. I will spare us all screenshots of Hitler doing his crazy faces as well as samples of his screaming voice (and I found a perfectly censored salute screenshot). as most have an idea of that is like anyway. I believe the similarities of these will speak for themselves as well, in comparison to it’s equivalent above.
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As you can tell, GoT directors inspired themselves in Triumph of the Will for this scene where Danielle rallies up the Dothraki (and most likely, Bran’s vision as well, which makes that one just as sinister as this speech). The dragon entrance segment is mirrored by the airplane segment (to the point even small details were transposed, like the shadow’s trajectory or the flying rolling), while the speech itself is thematically similar to the Hitler Youth speech and visually framed like the SA / SS speech (or any other nazi media piece as they all use the same tricks). They also emulate the same major themes: “religion // messiah”, power and unity.
Even Danielle’s crazy face and screaming voice is as much of a parallel to her crazy father, as is to the unbeloved Leader public façade that nobody likes being compared to (but that Jack Bender did so, explicitly). Obviously, “Danielle is no Hitler at Nuremberg”, then again nobody in fiction is. The scale of Hitler / Nazi is still unmatched (and I believe that will remain so, fortunately) as the scope of that was immense, but that was true even for Lord of the Rings or Star Wars when they did their own... tribute.
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