#the last two gifs look terrible but oh well. i couldnt leave out the kiss
hanjiwoos · 2 years
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“Shut up, Shortstop”. “I’m not following your order, Big Foot.”
THE ECLIPSE episode 9
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blueyhuesposts · 2 years
Kevin Barr x reader
Your twin brother Eddy finding out
Warnings: Making out, Implied innuendos, Yelling, Physical altercation, Cursing
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─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Your brother was going to find out one way or another. You just really didn't expect or wanted it to be this way. This could have all been prevented but your carelessness(horniness) got in the way of you guys being careful.
You guys laid in your bed, the comfort of Kevin's want body laying on top of you as you read a book for your English too distracting. Reading the page the fourth time around it didn't help that Kevin was kissing your bare stomach, your shirt scrunched up.
"Kevin stop. I really need to focus on this chapter. Can't we ever just hang out with it having to turn out like...well you know." You couldnt finish the words too embarrassed by it. He looked up at your face and smirked slightly. "Turn out with you screaming my name and telling me you can't get enough of me?"
You cheeks flamed up and you covered you face. "Why would you say that?! Your so mean!" You said slightly slapping his shoulder. He laughed in your stomach, the vibration tickling you and making yourself laugh as well. You sighed and picked up the book returning to reread the chapter once more.
You finally got half way through it before you felt Kevin bite you softly above your belly button. You put down the book, giving up at this point before sighing softly "Kevin..." He kissed up your belly before licking a long stripe up the bottom of your bra. You bit your bottom lip, in order to conceal your sighs and soft moans.
He raised up and pulled you up slightly by your hips to level you out. You couldn't help but run his cheeks softly with your hands before bringing him down to place the softest kiss. The kiss turned from one peck to two before his tongue rubbed against your lips. Given him permission you opened your mouth slightly inviting his tongue.
He relished in the way you gasped, loving the feels of your hands behind his head. You sucked on his tongue and he groaned, grinding the slightest but onto you. You moaned silently, enjoying the feeling of everything. Though it didn't last long. Too busy with each other you guys couldnt hear the loud mouth of your brothers and your guys two best friends... surprisingly.
You two jumped up when you hear your door slam open, the wall behind it surely cracked. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO MY SISTER?" Eddy yelled at the top of his lungs. You couldn't comprehend the situation, scuffling to get your shirt down while Kevin sat up on your bed trying to ease his breathing. "Oh my! We are so terribly sorry Kevin and Y/n! My apologies we're leaving!" Double d said frantically hiding his eyes and blushing face.
"THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL IM LEAVING THIS PERVERT HERE WITH Y/N!" Your face turning red with anger. "DONT CALL HIM A PERVERT EDDY! CANT YOU EVER KNOCK!?" His face turned into the shade of a tomato, grinding his teeth. He was about to open his mouth again before kevin stepped in. "Hey man, chill. Look we've been meaning to te.." Kevin couldn't even finish his sentence before Eddy pushed him back off your bed.
"I DONT WANT TO HEAR ANYTHING FROM YOU SHOVEL FACE! TELL ME WHY I SHOULD BEAT THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF YOU?!" Kevins face turning sour before he got up fists clenched to his side ready. "Fine then you wanna fight let's go!" Eddy tackled him by his stomach before both boys fell on the ground scuffling.
"ED DO SOMETHING!" Double d yelled panicking trying to grab Eddy. Ed finally grabbed Eddy and I pushed Kevin far enough from my brother "ENOUGH! BOTH OF YOU! Kevin you need to go alright." Kevins face exasperated. "YOUR GOING TO TAKE THIS DORKS SIDE?" "THIS DORK IS MY BROTHER! And I would watch what you say next time about him." Looking deathly in his eyes. Tears glossing up your vision.
He looked at me before his expression fell, picking up his hat and leaving dodging Eddy's frantic kicking and hands. "YEA THATS RIGHT YOU HEARD HER DONT COME BACK HERE!" Rage filled your entire body as you wtaches you brother smile as if he won the fight. "AND YOU! HOW COULD YOU?" He looked at me as if I was crazy.
"HOW COULD I, AS IF I JUST DIDNT CATCH MY SISTER SUCKING FACE WITH SHOVEL HEAD OVER THERE!" Double d chimed in. "Eddy please be reasonable we violated your sisters privacy, though it wasn't right she didn't tell you it doesn't make it right.."
Tears sliding down your cheeks you wiped them roughly with your sleeve. "GET OUT! ALL OF YOU I DONT WANT TO SEE ANY OF YOU!" Screaming at the loudest volume as your twin they all stopped bickering. Ed dropped Eddy who slowly crep away from your room, double d apologizing profusely once more before running out the door. The only one left is Ed who watched with a sad face.
He hugged you tightly lifting you off the ground "It's alright little one. Things will get better!" Dropping you down from the bone crushing hug he ran out the door to follow his friends. You slammed your door and couldn't help sliding down it. Your chin in between your knees, you couldn't help the choked up sob coming. Once you let that out you finally let it all go.
Everything wasn't going right, you lost your brothers trust, he embarrassed you, and you probably lost the best boyfriend you ever had. You felt royally screwed. Sobs and silent screams past your lips before you went on your bed to just cry even more.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Though your brother will never admit it, he felt terrible. Watching you close up from him and give him the strongest death stares ever imaginable chipped at his heart. Your his sister, his twin in fact. He sighed his ego feeling like a deleted balloon standing at the doorstep of someone he surely can't stand.
Ringing the doorbell, he waited for a couple of second till the door opened. There Kevin stood shocked covered his face before it changed to a hatred look. "What do you want dork? Come here to fight again?" Eddy opened his mouth before remembering the reason why he was there. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "No I just want to talk..."
Both teenage boys sat in Kevin's sofa, soft to the touch and comfortable. Eddy sat awkwardly as Kevin stared him down. "Why are you even here you ruined me and y/n relationship. You have three seconds to tell me what you wanna say before I give you a punch in the face."
"I'm here to make amends and...apologize." It felt as though Eddy swallowed a whole mouthful of his pride right then and there. Kevin raised a brow intrigued. "Y/n isn't someone I can control and I can't control who she likes. She was definitely happier with you and I don't want to take that away from her." Kevin sighed before sitting down on the couch as well.
"look man, y/n hated keeping the secret from you knowing how you were going to react. We were going to tell you but of course that didn't happen did it?" Eddy gritted his teeth together "yea catching you guys in the act isn't all I want to see!" "Whatever man. It's y/n's life not yours." Even though Eddy hated it, Kevin was right.
"I am not happy with the guy she chose but if she's happy then that makes me happy too, she's my sister and of course I'll always be protective of her. I'll respect your guys relationship and privacy." Kevin hid his smile before leaning back against the couch "thanks man..."
Knowing Eddy though, he always had to have the last word. "But if you ever break her heart I'll shove your motorcycle up your ass." Kevin chuckled slightly gritting his teeth. "Don't count on it, and if you ever touch my baby I'm killing you..." They both looked at each other before shaking hands. Now Kevin only had one problem, making it right with you.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
You laid miserably in your bed. Thought this all happened in the span of a weekend thankful you didn't have to go to school, your heart hurts and you couldn't stop the tears from pouring from your eyes. Kevin hasn't called you in the span of the weekend and you haven't spoken to your brother either. The only person you've talked to was Nazz. She visited earlier to have you cry it out on your shoulder.
But of course she had to go. And here you are alone again staring at the dresser near your bedside. A Polaroid picture secretly taped there from outside eyes. You and Kevin hugging each other as he smirked and you kissing his cheek. The tears blurred your vision before sniffling in your pillow. That was until you hear your window get tapped on.
You got up immediately turning over and recognizing the figure standing there. You walked over quickly opening it. "Uhh...hey doll?" Kevin said unsure of what to say. He gave you space but from the looks of it you definitely needed his support. His chest tightening seeing your red eyes and nose.
You scowled at him but walked away to your bed laying down on it, turning away from him. 'thats a start isn't it?' Kevin thought as he climbed in. He sat near your feet, trying to remember what he was going to say before coming here. "I'm so sorry y/n. I shouldn't have left and not have called you. I thought I was giving you space. You never left my mind though...I was always thinking bout you." He heard you shuffle and he looked up to see you facing him and sit up.
"I still don't forgive you." You said as your cheeks puffed out of anger. Kevin couldn't help but smile slightly, your too cute for your own good. "I know, I'll work to make you forgive me." You rolled your eyes going to hug him before stopping yourself. "And don't ever call my brother a dork. He might be an annoying, loud ass. But he's my brother and if you want to be with me. Your going to have to accept that."
Kevin nodded, already facing the fact that you'll always have your brother and he was going to have to deal with it. "I know. Cmere..." He said before grabbing your arm and dragging you towards your bed. You couldn't help the slight smile that creeped up on your face.
He rubbed you arms and you finally could relax, knowing even though it was going to be difficult you guys will get through it together, always. He kissed your cheek and you blushed slightly vefore shoving his shoulder. A faux hurt expression spread through his face. You rolled your eyes before mumbling something and kissing him like you have never kissed him before in your lifetime...
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
You saw your brother sat on the couch, not really watching what's going on in the t.v more spaced out than ever. "Hey.." "wassup?" Eddy replied looking towards you. "I know what you did and I wanted to thank you, your the best annoying ass brother in the entire world and I would never trade you for anything." He rolled his eyes embarrassingly before he was forced into a hug from you.
"Yea yea whatever. Just don't let me catch you guys kissing again I'm still having nightmares of shovel face perverting against my little sister." You looked at him with a blank stare "you know I'm 3 minutes older than you right?" "Whatever.." you both smiled softly before finally sitting down and watching the game show together that was playing on TV. Finally at ease.
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tiens-letters · 4 years
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upon autumns day, where you and I met. upon autumns day where I remember all of what we were before youve passed. and upon autumns day would I have ever so slowly let go of that pain of the past
zhongli (angst)
@albeidoof its somewhere here hehehe
Time was a luxury. A treasure each and everything holds.
Yet time is a curse as well. It covets, devours and leaves. which humanity neglects to cherish until the heart ceases its steady rythmn, only then do they regret of the wasted minutes, hours and seconds.
Beneath the flow of the rushing waves of things that have come and gone. Only on this particular day would he sit beneath a certain tree. The rough bark brushing up against his back as leaves fell effortlessly to the ground, as if it were ready to let go of from the branches that gave birth to it, only to return once again to the waiting soil.
It was a sunny afternoon, clear of any clouds and only clear unblemished blue, a good time to enjoy a warm cup of tea yet there was no energy in his bones to even move from where he was.
He felt exhausted. Desultory even.
Gone were the halcyon days of the past, and now the present time of the vivid reality he had to face.
Morax, rex lapis, the geo archon. Names that weighted more than one could carry, memories that shackled his soul that lived for a thousand years on end, all but a stain that could never be washed away.
The breeze slowly danced in, playing with his hair softly, kissing his skin and welcoming him. It carried a hint of aromatic essence only he would know belongs to.
He tried to desperately recount the days after youve left the face of the earth and yet he could not remember or did his mind not allow him to as if he did, it would bring him terrible and heavy consequences for an answer, one sane mind would never want to know.
Sighing, he sat back and recalled back the memories of you instead. When you were alive, warm and breathing in his arms. He remembers the way your eyes would shine brightly whenever he would be around, or the small sound of delight you would make when you have finished another one of the many interesting blends of tea youve done over the course of a week of mixing different flowers and tea leaves. Youve made up quite the fortune with this as your little hobby bloomed into a fully run business known across teyvat.
"Zhongli." he froze, youve never called him by his name ever since youve started getting close, it made him feal uneasy as he turned to look at you who stood by the doorway, a neutral look on your face.
"y-yes?" nervousness clawed at him as he racked his brain to what he couldve done for you to call his name like that, he couldnt think of any.
"I came back from the market and I heard youve made quite the generous payment. Why is that, I wonder?" he's done it again, that spending habit of his
"The price was reasonable for such a fine ceramic tea set, I dont seem to find why it shouldnt reflect its quality?" you sighed as you pointed towards the glass cupboard behind him
"You bought the same exact set a week ago, Zhongli. Thats why." having to realize his mistake after looking over the two identical set that on the shelf, he turned to apologize but only to see you missing from the doorway. Footsteps can be heard from the floorboards above him. You were upset.
After minutes of pacing in the living room, he finally mustered the courage to climb the stairs and enter your shared bedroom. A figure already under the sheets as the warm glow of the lamp illuminated your delicate features. The mattress sunk as he sat beside you, fingers brushing away the stray hair that fell on your face.
"Im still mad at you Zhongli." his hand flinched slightly at the way you called him
"I apologize. I seem to not have learned my lesson again. I would gladly return the set tomorrow."
"Its no use, they dont accept refunds." you replied without sparing a glance at him
"What can I do for you to forgive me then?"
"Just go to sleep, Zhongli." groaning you reached for the switch to shut the lamp off but a gentle grip stopped you, forcing you to look at his gloomy expression. Perhaps you went too far this time.
"Please stop calling me in that way. I dont like it." he whispers, drawing your palm to his lips, leaving small kisses upon it. He sure does know his way around your heart, no wonder why you could not stay mad at him.
"Just be mindful next time." you cursed yourself for being weak to his charms.
"I will." yet something was missing "Then can you call me as you did before?"
"Zhongli?" you could see the slight grimace in his face as you teased him
"Stop it." he kissed you without warning "Call me as you did before."
However, his lips didnt stop as they began to travel. From your cheeks to you forehead and then to your neck. Oh dear, he wasnt having any of your teasing.
"A-li." you giggled beneath him as he finally stopped and met your gaze
"Thats better."
He still remembers the faint smile that graced your lips whenever he would wake up next to you tangled in the same sheets. The softness of your skin on his calloused touch. Your lips melting his and your voice lulling his raging mind to peace.
Then everything changed when you drew blood that spilled from those lips he's kissed for a thousand times, painting a morbid image on the sheets. Anger and despair boiled inside of him once he learned of the secret youve kept. Zhongli was a calm and collected man all of the time except when he was with you.
Having to witness him at such a point felt as if his own spear was being driven right through his very chest. He held you in an arms width away, the panic and pain in his eyes increasing over the minute as he begged for you to explain why youve decided to lie about the flowers that bloomed in your lungs, the sickness youve inherited from your deceased mother, whose fate you soon would follow. You didnt want him to find out, not in this way.
He couldve done anything if he knew from the start but alas, you wanted to be cruel, thinking it was for the best. Until your symptoms persisted, a heavy reminder of the remaining distance of the string you have to walk on to reach the end. The heavy feeling in your chest started to worsen as cherry sweet liquid poured from your mouth.
Soon the once pristine sheets were stained in haunting crimson shades as you heaved and he watched in agony. If only he had the ability of what he once had back then, if only he could plant the seeds of the flowers from yours to his then he would, if only he hadnt met you one autumn evening
" please dont look at me like that. " you told him, cold hands caressing his cheeks, catching the streams of salty warm beads that fell freely from your darling's amber eyes.
"Im sorry. Im so sorry..." the last thing you wanted to see was this man to cry. The last thing you wanted to see was to see him relive the past tragic memories you promised to bring him out of
" my disease has nothing to do with you. In the end it was mine alone to handle. oh, you are far from that so please dont you ever blame yourself."
"How can I not? If I havent fallen so deep then you would experienced so much more in life, you couldve been happier if you met someone else. Yet you chose me and I couldnt give you anything, I--. " the words knotted up as he began to shake, hands holding yours as knuckles turned to white
You slapped him.
With all the strength youve gathered in that fading body of yours. The sound cutting the grieving sounds that spilled from him, soul and flesh alike.
"A-li, look at me. Do I look like someone whose unsatisfied with what youve given me? Did my smile ever fade when Im with you? Did your affections ever lack? Answer me." his watery gaze met yours, a torrent of emotions swimming in them
"No. Never." a soft smile was carved unto your lips
"My dear, youve given me all Ive ever wanted in this life and I regret nothing of it."
To him, you were the flower that bloomed at the highest peak of the mountain he's never reached and yet its petals voluntarily detached and fell down, making him the happiest as one thing he's admired was untouchable and now, lay softly in the palm of his hands. To cherish and to protect.
But of course, all things are evanescent.
The familiar feeling of soreness that wasnt supposed to be there rose, ebbed and flowed through his throat. He knew it all too well, it was after he woke from his week long slumber did he feel it along with what his ancient beating heart felt.
"You collapsed." the worried words of the qixing echoed in his head. He frantically got up but as soon as his feet touched the floor did his legs give out underneath him, what use was he in this sorry state. He was helped up and sat back on the edge of the bed.
He wanted to ask many things yet was unable to.
Ningguang spoke as if you were still breathing and was visiting her minutes ago with another one of your tea blends. "Dont worry and rest first, go to jueyun karst after. They will be waiting."
To where the adepti resides, who as well, favored you, that one soul among thousands of others. One to which they shared a few good memories with was allowed to slumber there in peace.
Zhongli found himself waking up to the sun setting in the horizon. Just like how youve gone and resurfaced back into his memories. It was time.
He stood up from where he sat, gloved hands brushing any dirt that clung to him as he made his way to where you slept.
The red bean that was planted by himself still remained, a token of his love for you. Picking one bead and placing it inside the hollow dice he brought along, completing another one of the similar handicraft he's made every visit.
The sun finally died and the moon began its reign. The small wisps of light gathered around before him, forming a blurry image.
It was then he felt at ease, he saw you smiling at him with all there is in the world. Your light seemed to dim a little, hinting the blessing the adepti gave was slowly diminishing. Soon your visits would cease and you were sure that by the end of the power spent, he wouldve let go of the torment that plagued him.
"A-li. Have you been well?" he knew what you meant
"Im letting go slowly my dear. Perhaps in time, I would learn breathe easily once again."
Longest yet lol. Hope yall liked it ehehe
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