#not tagging this but hopefully the dbh s
four-white-trees · 3 months
that post i reblogged like hours ago about racism allegories in fiction has me thinking about Detroit Become Human
A LPer I watched played it for the first time and i think this is the first time I've revisited it since before 2020. Not that it was great before that; quite the opposite. But hoo boy it has not aged well at all.
And I think I've hit on what was bothering me about it during the CyberLife store break-out section.
The idea of a civil rights movement for androids is fine on its own. Plenty of scifi has explored how nonorganic life can express and how the definitions of "living" and "personhood" can be expanded in the face of nonorganic life. But the fact that the movement in DBH is so derivative of the Black Civil Rights Movement in America is where we run into massive issues.
It's just a bit rich to watch lily-white North talking about "her people" being "enslaved" by the humans, you know? Especially for the context of nonorganic life in the game.
Androids were not sapient at all until rA9 was introduced into the program. Meaning everyone who had androids bought machines. Large, human-shaped computers. No one (besides Kamski and CyberLife themselves) knew androids were even capable of attaining sapience. That's not enslavement. That's just buying and using a product. androids, crucially, were not people being entered into servitude.
Enslaved Black people WERE. Anti-Black racism is the mechanic by which Black people were turned into a commodity. Cultures were destroyed, languages lost, and an entire race of people was forced into another continent. It was AND STILL IS an intentional and insidious piece of capitalism. DBH ripping out pieces of the Civil Rights Movement for its story about machines trying to define their lives is insulting and maddening.
(ESPECIALLY when there is so much outright carnage of Black NPCs in this game)
DBH has some great moments and I think if it leaned into the hyperconsumerism of American society, they could have created a great basis for android rights that doesn't lean so heavily on a real movement while ignoring the history and context of that movement. This theme is really present in the early game, especially in the scene where Markus emerges from the android dump, and i wish they'd gone in that direction. But what can you expect from a bigoted Frenchman i guess
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cclkestis · 5 years
{about me, tag game}
i was tagged in this a while back by @raelwriting and only just catching up, but hey! better late than never right? :’)) thank you friend!!
Name/Alias: lauren
Birthday: august 17th
Zodiac: leo
Height: 5′8″
Hobbies: thinking about writing, archery, ballroom & latin dance, reading, baking, playing games (both video and tabletop), watching movies
Favourite colour: at the moment, pale blue
Favourite book: bold of you to assume i can pick just one :’))
Last song I heard: ghostbusters theme (epic version) -  l'orchestra cinématique
Last movie I watched: the emperor’s new groove
Inspiration for muse(s): a bit of everything and anything to be honest, although not often music! my sideblog is a chaotic mis-mash of character inspo sksksks
Dream job: i’d love to work in the gaming industry (despite how shitty it can be depending where you end up), so hopefully i’ll get there some day!
Meaning behind URL: at the time i created it i wanted something vaguely dbh related, plus i can ramble on forever which you’ll know if you’ve ever talked to me snsnsns i kind of want to change it but i’m too indecisive and can’t come up with a good idea of what i want to change it to!
tagging: @the-darklings @muse-of-nightmares @possiblypeachy @arasaka-s @rk900 @jackgrzer @pandemoniumambassador @purple-hearted-mallow @a-shakespearean-in-paris and anyone else who sees and wants to do this!
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fancymuffinparty · 6 years
Get to Know the Writer
Thanks @earlysignsofineptitude for the tag! :) I’m excited for this one!
1. Pen or pencil?
Pen. Pencils are actually pretty darn messy and I hate having to consistently sharpen them. They’re more of a hassle than they’re worth!
2. Have you ever drawn your OCs?
I have! (But I can’t draw to save my life so I have my brother do most of the artsy stuff!) I don’t share my OCs on my blog, but brief summary: I have OCs from the Fallout series (Lone Wanderer, Courier, and Sole Survivor) and OCs from original works that I’ve been plotting since I was a kiddo. 
3. Does your writing ever make you cry?
Cry? No. Cringe? YES! :D  
4. If your Muse was a person, what would they look like?
I think it varies? :’D Like, my muse takes on different forms depending on the mood. My muse isn’t always ‘human’ per se. Sometimes my muse is a fluffy hamster, sometimes they’re an anthropomorphic evergreen tree. I guess my muse is a shapeshifter! :O 
But for the sake of answering the question, I’m gonna say they look like Keanu Reeves because I love him !
5. Which of your pieces would you choose to be remembered for?
Uhhhhh I suppose it depends on the fandom lol. For SnK, I’m probably most proud of the Summer Fling Series and Silhouettes to be quite honest! 
For BnHA, I’d have to go with Subtlety. I really oughtta write more todomomo!
I wrote a one-shot for Alien: Covenant a year ago, Devotion, and it’s one of my most well-received fics! :D
I have plans to write for Tekken, Detroit: Become Human, Until Dawn, and more BnHA of course! So hopefully I can add them to my masterlist someday :’)
(I used to write for Fallout, but have long since deleted those works... Ughhh! My muse has inspired me to get back into it tho! Maybe Fallout 76 will motivate me again!!)
6. How much have you written or worked on your WIP so far today?
Oh wow! This segues from the previous question quite smoothly! lol! 
My current WIP is that darned BakuCamie fic I’ve been writing since August!!! I’m halfway through the last chapter!!! Finally! I can see the finish line! :O Today, I’ve only written 200 words soooooooooooooooo yeahhhhhh! :D 
Slow progress is still progress!!!!
7. Have you ever based a piece (or a portion of a piece) on a dream?
Oooof! Yes! :O One of my first RivaMika fics, Prelude, was inspired by an interesting dream I had.
8. Do you prefer silence, a little noise (music, ambient noise, fan etc) or a lot of noise when you are writing?
Ambient noise is a must! Music is helpful, too! Silence drives me nuts!
Coffee shops are great in that regard! :)
9. Do you have any routines before you sit down to write?
In the mornings, I have coffee and something sweet (muffin, le fancy croissant, etc) and open up the Ao3 tab. I start by reading fics I have bookmarked while I enjoy my breakfast :) (Just finished an amazing DBH fic! Now I’m moving on to @earlysignsofineptitude ‘s fic The Curious Art of Timing. Also currently reading Fight Like a Girl from the wonderful Rinky)
Once I’m done with my coffee and reading whichever chapter I left off, I get to work! 
10. Have you ever participated in a NaNoWriMo or a Camp?
I have not :/ But I would like to ~~~~~~~~ 
I’m feeling kinda shy right now but I’ll tag @lunarcrystal @pickalilywrites @erurink @areallyyellowmango @arcanelucario @wildwasteland @reonhatoo @gguksae @candy--pop @thecolossustitan @davenpitts @reikukaja @queenofidealism
Feel free to skip! And sorry if you’ve already been tagged :’D
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Tag Game!
I was tagged by @deviantramblings what a nerd am i r i g h t ??? <3
Drink: Starbucks mocha frappe, the bottled kind!
Phone Call: It was my mother, a couple of days ago when I was on vacation! I don’t talk on the phone often at all xD
Text: Toooo my mother, “Thank you >:D” (she brought me that coffee!)
Song: SIAMÉS - "The Wolf"
Time You Cried: Uuuhhhh a couple of days ago, while I was on vacation (IT WAS DEFINITELY A RELAXING VACATION, ABSOLUTELY!!)
Dated someone twice: Noooo, I don’t make the same mistake twice. X’DD
Kissed someone and regretted it: Nah!
Been cheated on: Nope!
Lost someone special: I grandfather when I was very young, my great grandmother fairly recently.
Been depressed: Yes, of course.
Gotten drunk and thrown up: Nope! I drink very little, and when I do, I don’t drink a lot at a time.
Favorite colors: Orange, aqua blue, yellow, green!!! <3
In the last year you have
Made new friends: OH YES!!! <3 
Fallen out of love: I don’t.... think so?
Laughed until you cried: A lot!
Found out someone was talking about: ... Found out someone was talking about what???? This question is the confusion.
Met someone who changed you: Definitely, my friends that I’ve made definitely have!
Found out who your friends are: I guess so?? I don’t know, it’s not been quite nearly that dramatic. XD
Kissed someone on your Facebook friends list: On the cheek?? Yes, my mother and my father! XD
How many of your Facebook friends do you know irl: Pretty much all of them, I do have lots of internet friends on there, a couple of whom I’ve met in real life!
Do you have any pets: I have three cats! Milo, Miwa, and Mischa! 
Do you want to change your name: Nah, I’m chill with my name. 
What did you do for your last birthday: It was my 22nd birthday, I think I had a lunch at Chile’s and then had cake at my house, then had dinner later at my grandmother’s house with my father! And theeeen.... visited my other grandparents for a sec and relaxed the rest of the night. c:
What were you doing at midnight last night: I was watching youtube and working on my reply for @deviantramblings and I’s rp, and looking at our discord longingly. X’DDD
What is something you can’t wait for: Um.... Well my birthday is the 20th and I’ve asked for DBH (because I’m a pleb who only watched people play it) and I’m also gonna get some posters... And cake will be tasty.. And I look forward to my next roleplay reply... I’m looking forward to sleeping tonight. I’m tired. XD
What are you listening to right now: One of ChilledChaos’ videos, it’s on in the background as I type this~
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: I had a great uncle named Tom but I only talked to him once.
Something that gets on your nerves: Mmmmm pretty normal stuff, people who chew with their mouths open, people who are J E R K S, people who are constantly throwing themselves a pity party and always have to one up you when you have something wrong with you..
Most visited website: MMMM.... I visit a lot of sites about the same amount, but I’d say... YouTube probably. X’D
Hair color: Auburn
Long or short hair: LOOONG, it’s past my booty! 
Do you have a crush on someone: Well, I think so?? XD
What do you like about yourself: Ugh... hmm.. I can draw sometimes, I’m alright at writing, my hair is pretty neat, I like my hazel eyes (did you know hazel eyes are called central-hetrochromia???) I can get a long with most anyone as long as they aren’t total assholes, I’m easy to please... IDK??? 
Want any piercings: Nah I don’t wanna willingly impale myself. xD
Blood type: My mother says I’m AB+ but I don’t know if she even remembers, so.. I don’t know?? MAYBE AB+? XD
Nicknames: HMMM... Leesi, Lee, Smiley, Sissy, Feather, Chicka-Dee (my grandma)... That’s about it really!
Relationship status: Taken
Zodiac: Virgo!
Pronouns: She/her!
Favorite tv shows: Stranger Things, Doctor Who, The Originals, Game of Thrones, ... um... shoot I haven’t watched too many tv shows lately.. hmm..
Tattoos: Two
right or left handed: Right!
Ever had surgery: Nope! Piercings or ear piercings: None!
Sport: You mean like... going outside... and doing t h i n g s ? No thanks~
Vacation: L O T S, my family and I went to Florida a LOT, but I’ve been all over the US!
More general
Eating: Ramen right now!
Drinking: Coffffeeee... because I’m going to go to sleep soon and I like to torture myself.
About to watch: Still watching ChilledChaos on Youtube!
Waiting for: Everything XD
Want: Mmm... I could go for these hazelnut wafer wrap things I get sometimes, they’re so tasty but they’re always out of stock! D:
Get Married: Well, yeah, hopefully--- maybe?
Career: Artist??? I guess?
Which is better
Hugs or kisses
Lips or eyes
Shorter or taller (I’m 5`0 everyone is taller than me)
Older or younger
Nice arms or stomach (?? I don’t care about this so idk)
Hookup or relationship
Troublemaker or hesitant
Have you ever
Kiss a stranger: No!
Drunk hard liquor: Nope!
Lost glasses: I’m pretty sure I did nothing but lose my glasses when I wore them XD
Turned someone down: Yes
Sex on first date: No!
Broken someone’s heart: I hope not! D:
Had your heart broken: Mmmm... nah, I wouldn’t say that. felt disappointed, yes, but not had a broken heart.
Been arrested: No XD Cried when someone died: Well yes, of course.
Fallen for a friend: Yeeaaaah. It worked out tho!
Do you believe in
Yourself: Sometimes.
Miracles: Eh..
Love at first sight: Mmm, nah I don’t think so? Love takes time. 
Santa Clause: When I was younger of course!
Kiss on the first date: Maybe!! 
Angels: Mmmm... naaaah.
Best friend’s name: Maite, Lauren ( @deviantramblings ) Nikki, Michelle
Eye color: Hazel!
Favorite movie: S O MANY UMM.. Lord of the Rings/Hobbit, Home, Inside Out, TMNT: Out of the Shadows... sooo many more..
Favorite actors: Bryan Dechart, Jesse Williams, Valorie Curry (I L O V E THEM ALL), Chris Pratt, Emilia Clarke, Sophie Turner, I really enjoy Johnny Depp (even if he’s an asshole), Orlando Bloom... basically anyone from my fandoms really they’re all my favs <3
Tagging: Uhhh.... uh.... I don’t... have many people to tag... This is awkward. Listen just.. Do this if you want to and tag me like I tagged you, deal???
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ao3feed-connor · 5 years
Battle Scars
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2PKj44K
by JadeDarrow90
(This is my first time writing for DBH so I'll accept anything that will help me move to the right path on how characters are. I do read a lot and I've been reading a lot of already created works of DBH so hopefully, that's helping.)
Maeve Gibson, with her partner, became new recruits at Detriot Police Department while holding the rank of detective. Teaming up with the lieutenant and his partner, they take on a case that suddenly become personal and one them becomes close to a certain android partner.
Words: 976, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Original Android Character(s) (Detroit: Become Human), Original Character(s) - Character, Hank Anderson, Gavin Reed, Upgraded Connor | RK900
Relationships: Connor/Original Female Character(s), Hank Anderson & Connor, Hank Anderson & Original Male Character(s), Hank Anderson & Original Female Character(s), Connor & Original Female Character(s), Connor & Original Male Character(s), Gavin Reed & Original Female Character(s), Gavin Reed & Original Male Character(s), Upgraded Connor | RK900/Original Male Character(s), Upgraded Connor | RK900 & Original Female Character(s), Connor & Upgraded Connor | RK900, Hank Anderson & Upgraded Connor | RK900, Gavin Reed & Upgraded Connor | RK900, Original Female Character(s) & Original Male Character(s)
Additional Tags: first time writing dbh, Eventual Romance, Possible smut, Fluff, Violence, there's a transgender, honestly not sure who one character will get with, gayness as well, Someone is gay, tags are weird, And hard, Implied Sexual Content, Teasing, non sexual teasing
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2PKj44K
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ukenceto · 6 years
@xiilnek reblogged your photo:so I’ve been reading the Dark Tower books again...
#the dark tower#detroit become human#TALK ABOUT FANDOMS I NEVER EXPECTED TO COLLIDE#let's be real connor would 100% be in roland's narrative role though#the guy so focused on The Mission that he'll do ANYTHING to complete it even when that anything destroys everything worth living for?#y e a h#i wonder how you'd work the other dbh characters into it#where is the place for a revolutionary leader in this world#you'd have to change a lot about dark tower plot to do it but i think markus would be a more legit john farson?#working against the oppressive rule that connor/roland is at the very top of?#yeah#the plot would take a hell of a lot of reworking but this would be rad#god what is this crossover even how did some talented artist decide to mix my two favorite fandoms#this is fucking beautiful and atmospheric as hell i love the color scheme#this feels like a detail i should already know but what's that tattoo on hank's arm?
Hello! Thank you for the kind tags on my art ♥ I tried sending you an ask, but tumblr keeps thinking what I’m writing is a link and doesn’t send it lmao. Deviancy! lol
A few things you asked about - I didn't imagine this AU as 101 what happens in DT, but with a lot of similarities still, mostly because of the characters. Also the age of technology in DBH as some distant past somewhere on the beam in the DT world. Hank walking through a city full of powered down androids, the man in black putting Connor in his path and what follows... is Ka. The ink is something I came up with on the spot, its latin meaning fits Hank well I think - “Aequitas (genitive aequitatis) is the Latin concept of justice, equality, conformity, symmetry, or fairness. It is the origin of the English word "equity".[1] In ancient Rome, it could refer to either the legal concept of equity, or fairness between individuals.[2] “
As for their roles, I believe everyone can see it as they like, however for me at least Hank possess the maturity and ‘heart’ that Rolland has, even if he isn’t always correct at first, along with his struggle when it comes to past losses. And of course there’s the teaching/companion moment after he and Connor take on the path towards the tower together. Connor’s newlyfound or at least recently rebooted capacity for emotion has that sense of innocence which Jake had, however he’s still powerful and would not hesitate to fight against evil.
Perhaps this verse is something further down in a spiral of realities through which Hank has walked through the Tower and reset his journey, each time different, hopefully for the better, towards the one moment in which the events and choices he makes align to allow for way out of the loop. Though this particular part is very much like Connor/“the player”’s experience in DBH itself .
This lengthy explanation aside, I drew this AU pretty quickly today after just having come up with it. It’s not really detailed when it comes to aligning the other characters/situations to those in the books.
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