#not that i dont have things that length in my wardrobe but like. it doesnt really work w this one. bc the front is longer than it
pikslasrce · 6 months
oh frankenskirt that i keep working on while watching movies at midnight we are really in it now
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emiel-surreal · 5 months
today was a lot so im remembering as a way to decompress lol!! elaborating on the hair post. here’s some evolution of my hair.
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18, the day of my flight to DR. 4 august? got my hair cut (trimmed) like a week before this knowing i intended to grow it out while i was there. simple low maintenance.
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6 october. in DR. hair has grown out. also my hair gets wayy healthier when i’m there. i eat so good i think the weather helps too. humidity? the longest it had been in a while. i wanted to cut it, i wasnt used to it being so long. i didnt know how good of a thing i had. yeah im wearing elf ears, i think theyre super cute.
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probably from november or december after i returned to the states. i got the undercut and blonde in mid october. dont have many pictures of that apparently. i think it was the worst thing i ever did. ruined my hair texture lol but also didnt really feel me nor was it easy to keep up with? anyway fast forward like 18 months or whatever because in the meantime i just grew this out and gradually cut off the blonde without literally shaving my head (again).
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and i have this bangin mullet thing i like it so much. i think it looks really good in the hat. on that topic i wanna buy another hat. a gambler hat this time. i loaned this hat to my mom and she forgot to bring it back last time she visited :( oh well.
before the mullet i had like, simple layers, at one point i had a mod cut before deciding it looked too fem on me. converted the mod into an almost mullet and let the back grow out.
i like cutting my hair a lot. i think about hair a lot and also about what style i want to emulate next. for now i think i will keep the mullet for a while. its quite easy to maintain in everyday styling but also in trimming every 2-4 weeks. i used to take issue with the length of it on my neck but i found a good middle ground where it doesnt bother me while still being recognizable as a mullet for the most part. i do want to experiment with shaving the sides closer (for now i only use shears, staying on the safe side) and potentially shortening the fringe.
just noticed im wearing the same 2 shirts in most of these pictures. i promise i own a proper wardrobe. shit i gotta take my laundry out the dryer actually!!
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authorofemotion · 3 years
OK BESTIE IM HERE WITH A THEORY!!!! this is gonna be really long!! sorry! so! to give you a short summary of The Narnia Code (the book i keep bugging you to read), the author (Michael Ward) describes how each of the Chronicles of Narnia correspond to one of the seven pre-Copernican planets!! in case you dont know, the pre-Copernican planets are Jupiter, Mars, the Sun (or Sol), the Moon (or Luna), Mercury, Venus, and Saturn and they are what people believed were the planets when they believed that the universe was Geocentric (planets revolve around Earth). This reasoning, contrary to popular belief, was NOT due to people being selfish and self-absorbed (although that still definitely probably existed). they actually believed so because they believed that outer space was the "seven spheres of Heaven". each planet had its own sphere and outside the last sphere was where people believed that God dwelt. so Earth, being at the center, was actually believed to be there (in part) because it was physically and metaphorically the farthest from God (this concept is also in Lewis' Space Trilogy, so it'll make more sense if/when you read those!). anyways! Ward brings up a particular poem by Lewis called "The Planets" (i have a pdf and can send if you want to read it!). he says how he figured it out was when he was reading it and one of the lines about Jupiter was "Winter passed, and guilt forgiven" (sorry if thats a little off; im saying this all from memory) and Ward was immediately like "wait. ive read about that before in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe?!" SO THEN he goes through each book and how each one correlates to a planet (he also talks about the silent music through the stories, which Lewis touches on a bit in his essay "On Stories" which i just read last night!!) so Jupiter correlates to Lion, Witch, Wardrobe/Mars +Caspian/Sol + Dawn Treader/Luna + Silver Chair/Mercury + Horse and His Boy/Venus + Magician's Nephew/Saturn + Last Battle (at this point i'm very, very glad that tumblr doesnt have a limit to ask length anymore)!! the one that convinced me the most is Luna, so ill summarize that one as best as possible: Luna was associated with madness (that's where we get the word Lunatic) because it was changing constantly. It was also associated with water (for a reason i cant remember right now). if you've read The Silver Chair, you know there's a lot of emphasis put on madness, like when Jill, Eustace, and Puddleglum are put under a spell in a way so that they dont remember that the Sun exists. also the Lady of the Green Kirtle is just kinda crazy. Michael Ward also has a longer book thats the more in-depth version of the Narnia Code (called Planet Narnia) and my teacher said that in that book, he lists every single reference to water/being wet in the Silver Chair and it takes him like two or three pages. theres more stuff that i cant remember atm but ITS CRAZY.
ANYWAYS my theory comes in when Ward was talking about the Seven Heavens and how "the heavens declare the glory of God" (psalm 19 is Lewis' favorite, btw!) and i thought "well the planets aren't the only things in the Heavens. what about stars?" and then i thought of the seven churches in Revelation that correlate to the seven stars that Christ is holding in Revelation and i started going through the letters to each church,,, AND THEY ACTUALLY EACH HAVE PARTS THAT RELATE TO THE BOOKS TOO?!!! so say the Lion, Witch, Wardrobe with Ephesus!! "toil and patient endurance" (Revelation 2:2) is similar to what the inhabitants of Narnia had to go through when waiting for Aslan. to cross-reference, Paul tells the church in Ephesus in Acts 20:29-31 that "fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock" and this correlates to Lion, Witch, Wardrobe both figuratively and literally, as actual wolves are sent after the Pevensies, Peter kills a wolf in his first battle, AND mr. Tumnus is taken away by the Police (which happens to also be wolves)! so a great importance is placed on the evil of Wolves in the book. in the letter to Ephesus, the church is condemned for "abandoning the love you had at first" (Rev. 2:4) and is told to "repent, and do the works you did at first" (Rev. 2:5). both of these correlate to Edmund's development and flaws (i have quotes to support this, i just dont wanna type them out rn). Christ also tells Ephesus "yet this you have: you hate the works of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate". so i researched a bit on the Nicolaitans and the word means literally "to conquer the people" which is what the White Witch and her followers were doing. i also found a quote somewhere that says that the Nicolaitans claimed "not that they were destroying Christianity, but that they were presenting an improved and modernized version of it" which is what the Witch was doing when she paraded herself as the Queen of Narnia in place of Aslan's rightful place as the King.
anyways im gonna write about this for my thesis in my tolkien/lewis class next semester and IM SO EXCITED WISH ME LUCK
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bitchiha · 4 years
S/O walking in on kakashi, iruka, and yamato (separate ofc) masturbating? 👉👈
✎ (NSFW) S/o walking in on them masturbating 
This guy is horny 24/7 so when you’re not around he’s kinda like... shit, now what? Like you’re not there to help him out and he’s hard as a rock.. So he just goes at it LMFAO
He probably jacks off a lot when you’re away on missions, just because - as I ruthlessly state in every possible kakashi headcanon I write - he’s horny!!!!!!!!
Honestly like he’s always horny, sometimes he can’t help himself
So yeah, he does it all the time, you just haven’t happened to catch him in the act. Until now lol.
You had left a few days ago on a mission leaving your shared apartment to himself. It’s about 10 pm and he’s reading Icha Icha in bed and there is an especially steamy scene going down and he can’t stop thinking about doing the contents in the book to you..
Having you ontop of him right now with your hands on his chest for support as you ride him, tits bouncing with every movement..Then he thinks of your face, with your jaw slightly open from the way his dick is making you feel..
Annnnd.. now he’s got a boner
Doesn’t even panic because he's used to it, hes just like “oh well, guess I’ll have to do something about this myself.” He was half expecting himself to have to do this at some point in your absence.
He was in a t-shirt and sweats, so he just sits up quickly and takes the shirt off, tossing it on the foot of the bed as he stands up, grabbing one of your panties from your wardrobe. He took the white lacy ones (they’re his favourite) and lays back down on the bed against the pillows.
Pulls his dick out slowly, shoving his briefs and sweatpants down a little bit, too eager to actually rid himself of all his clothes.
Then he reaches for his lotion and lets be real, he has lotion on the bedside table. So, he reaches over and puts some on his hands, wrapping your panties up around his cock and gets down to business.
Starts slowly and squeezes his eyes shut, he doesn’t even have to try hard to picture you ontop of him because he literally thinks about it all the time when he’s in these moods. I told you he’s literally always horny.
As he picks up the pace he becomes a real groaning mess. Afterall he needs some sounds to make it seem real.
He starts dirty talking out loud and acting like he’s talking to you.
“Fuck, y/n.” “You take my dick so well.”
His head is thrown back and he’s getting really close.
He’s so caught up in pleasuring himself that he doesn’t hear the door to your apartment open or the sound of you calling his name (if he did, he probably just thought it was his imagination.)
Then you call out again and your voice is getting closer, it seems real this time, so he opens his eyes and as he does he sees the doorknob to the bedroom turning and his hands are still pumping his cock, so he just kind of freezes.
“Kakashi? im home! The mission finished early-“
You open the door to see a sweat soaked Kakashi with his head thrown back on the pillows and his bare chest tightening as his stroking stopped hastily. Not to mention his favourite pair of your panties around his cock being used as stimulation.
He just ares at you, lifting his head and panting slightly. He doesn’t bother to try and cover up what he was doing because there was no way you didn’t hear him just say, “your such a fucking whore for me” before you opened the door.
Honestly, your blushing face just turns him on even more and so he recovers from the shock pretty quickly lol, he says something like, “oh thats good, I’ve got something I need you to take care of.”
Then it just leads to classic horny Kakashi sex
Okay Uhm hes also really fucking horny.
You two are on a mission together and you’re setting up camp for the rest of the night in one of his woodstyle jutsu houses. 
It was a really hot day and so you told him that you needed to go wash up in the lake.
Man this guy has been crushing on you since you two first met when he was assigned to Team 7 by Tsunade, but he gets so nervous whenever he tries to ask you out. 
You just fluster him all the time and it doesnt help that he is usually horny as fuck. So as he lays back on one of his wood style chairs and starts thinking...
The thought of you stripping down, unclasping your bra and slowly pulling your panties down before slipping into the lake and washing yourself only made his unbearable desire even worse.
Plus he has a thing for tits so he’s imagining little water droplets slowly sliding down your hardened nipples, courtesy of the cold water.
Before he knows what he’s doing he’s reaching for the waistband of his pants and yanking them down.
He’s jerked off loads of times before so he knows what he’s doing lolololololol
Doesn’t have lotion though so he just resorts to his pre cum and spitting on his hands.
Starts off a little faster than he usually does because he’s kinda rushing since you may be back anytime soon. That low-key turns him on even more though.
Definitely thinking about fucking you in the lake
Can’t help the moans, I mentioned this before and I’ll say it again, hes pretty loud when he’s getting down to business
Mumbles some dirty shit under his breath and it’s actually 10000% hotter than you would imagine
Like it’s all breathy and his head is tilted back with eyes eyes squeezed shut and omfgggg you can see his Adam’s Apple moving slowly and hdhdhsjsjsjsjshsh ugh wow
“Ngh, y/n... you like that?” “Such.. such a good girl for me.”
Can’t hear anything over the sound of him moaning and the pumping of his cock
So he doesn’t even realize you’ve walked into the house because you forgot your towel and are standing right outside the bedroom door where he is jacking off and thinking about fucking you senseless in the lake
You have to walk right up to him and stand directly in front of him, he senses someones presence so he opens his eyes and his jaw drops at the sight of you and his movements freeze.
“I- Y/n..”
He’s so embarrassed omg, tries to cover up, but you stop him because let’s be real.. now you’re horny as fuck too
And then he actually does fuck you in the lake <3
Okay so basically Iruka is a closet horney. Like let’s be real hes also touch starved as hell.. The only difference between Yamato, Kakashi and him is that Iruka can’t communicate his horniness.. poor guy
So when you’re out for the afternoon helping Naruto buy groceries for actually decent prices and forcing him to buy vegetables, hes alone by himself.
It’s the weekend and he’s already caught up on marking work for the academy, so he lets his mind wander and starts thinking about what a great mom you were gonna be for their kids.. then he starts thinking about the act of having kids..
Now he’s all worked up lol
He doesn’t want to do it
He really doesn’t want to, but he can’t stop thinking about you kissing up the column of his throat or straddling his waist and grinding down on him while he groans underneath you and well.. he gets uncomfortably hard.
Decides to lay there and maybe it will go away
It doesn’t
He decides to take a shower, maybe that will help him calm down
Big mistake 
Because now, as he’s showering he’s thinking about YOU showering and gosh he feels like such a pervert but he can’t help himself and he keeps thinking about all the things he wants you to do to him in the shower
Gives in and grabs his length frustratedly and just starts at a very fast needy pace, wanting to get it over with, which is kinda painful at first but he doesn’t care he just needs to get rid of this feeling.
As he starts getting close he can’t help the volume of the panting and groans leaving his mouth
Which alarms you as you enter your apartment. Dropping your grocery bags and locking the door to the house behind you.
“Iruka?” You call concernedly as you make your way to the washroom, the door left ajar in his haze to rid himself of his flustered state
That’s when you see him, water pouring down his body as he desperately pumps at his dick. His heads bent downward as the water falls into his hair and onto his neck, trailing down his back.
My gosh girl... like wow whatta sight
And his cheeks are red because he’s blushing about all the things he’s thinking of, literally wowowow
He still doesn’t know you’re there because you’re hiding behind the door and your practically drooling at the shit he’s muttering
“Dont s-stop.” “Y/n... ngh... please, let me cum in you.”
Then you swing the door open because you can’t handle it anymore
His head snaps up immediately and his hands fall away from his dick and attempts to cover it as if that was gonna prove he wasn’t just moaning your name and jacking off in the shower.
Honestly he just stays frozen like that staring at you wide eyed and he most definitely was about to cum just before you swung the door open so his cock is twitching
He apologizes profusely but you shake your head and start ridding yourself of your clothes too because you’re just as horny as he is now
I mean who wouldn’t be lol
“How about I give you the real thing right now, Iruka?”
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troddensodden · 3 years
Physical Features OC Ask Game !! 👁 What is your OC’s eye color? Do they have any eye-related habits, like winking or rubbing their eyes? Do other people tend to notice their eyes? 💇 What is your OC’s hairstyle? How do they maintain their hair? Do they wash it and/or cut it regularly? Have they ever dyed their hair? 👖 What type of clothing does your OC generally wear? Why? Do they have any “signature” accessories?
since its the only ask i have so far, im gonna answer each of these for all three of my current ocs :D hope thats okay!
cedric: fallout 4 || alistair: fallout 4 || emil: fallout new vegas
-cedric: blue-green eyes! however he actually only has one, in a sense, because a bomb once blew up close enough to his face that it burned the skin, and damaged his left eye enough that he went blind in it. he tried to take care of the injury, but the commonwealth doesnt exactly have many medicine or skincare products. it ended up getting a pretty gnarly infection, which only made it worse after scarring. so now, he wears an eyepatch over it! he regularly wears a gas mask out in the wasteland, mostly for radiation protection but partially because he is somewhat insecure about his eye, and the look of the skin around it. when he isnt wearing one though, people do definitely notice his eyes for that reason, more than anything else. he doesnt have any particular habits, other than consistently wearing an eye covering.
-alistair: his eyes arent anything particularly special, really. just a plain dark brown, dark enough to look black from a distance. he doesnt have any specific habits, per se, as he is a synth and thats not necessarily in his program. however, if hes close enough with someone, he will make a fair amount of (bad) jokes or comments and accentuate them with a wink or an eyebrow raise. also, when hes frustrated he sometimes will rub his eyes with his palms, or do long drawn out blinks and eyerolls. his eyes arent all that notable though, so people dont take much notice of them often, outside of their expressiveness.
-emil: a sort of grey, green, hazel, blue, combination? really, they dont seem to have much of a set eye-color. its hard to determine. so on the occasion that someone asks, theyll give a different answer every time, sometimes answering with a color that is definitely not even close to the actual color. furthermore, theyre quite the mischievous and flirtatious type in some cases, so winking is something they do quite often, and are able to do with either eye. other times, theyll look someone up and down when facing them, but with an absent expression that makes it hard to tell whether theyre checking the person out or sizing them up. their eyes dont get noticed often because again, they arent anything particularly special, but when in a relationship, they do find that partners seem to take a particular interest toward the confusing matter of their eyes, specifically the color.
c: pre-war, he kept his hair relatively well-managed, a tidy crop with maybe a bit more length than the "average" mens cut. post-war, however, he frankly sees getting his hair done as too much effort, only occasionally stopping for a trim and otherwise letting it grow out, and tying it up if it gets in the way. his boyfriends quite fancy this, liking to play with it when they spend time together. maccready, on occasion, will even braid it if hes stressed or in a bad mood, as a way of calming himself down. (when he does this, cedric tries to keep the braid in as long as possible.) washing hair isnt necessarily easy, in a world where even just clean water itself is in short supply, let alone soap. however, he does try his best to clean it when he can, because he doesnt like the feeling of dirty hair. he also has never dyed his hair, because hes always been content with his natural brown color, even if its a bit "plain."
a: he keeps his hair close to a stubble, consistently. his hair doesnt grow very rapidly, but still, he will likely be seen getting his hair cut every couple weeks to keep it from growing out. he likes looking put together, and will rarely ever be caught genuinely dirty. any chance he gets to clean himself, he will, and any time he needs a haircut, you can bet he'll be on his way to the nearest place that offers it. he refuses to dye his hair, saying that it creates a look of unprofessionalism, (and hair dye doesnt go well over black usually.) nobody really understands why hes so insistent on looking put-together and professional all the time, but they accept it, even if he sometimes takes more time to get ready in the mornings than anyone else.
e: shaved on one side, long on the other. its also naturally got a bit of curl, which adds volume so it doesnt get too flat and stringy when it goes unwashed. they dont wash their hair as obsessively as alistair, though they will do a quick clean if they get the time. they dont particularly like the idea of using irradiated water to clean off, but its that or use purified water which is in relatively short supply. however, foraging is a bit of a strong point for them, so they will use natural supplies for cleaning off if possible, from plants and such. keeping hair maintained is hard in a relatively desolate area like the mojave, but whenever they find scissors and some free time theyll do a trim. scissors arent exactly a match for a nice set of clippers, but you learn to make do. they have dyed their hair with some temporary colors before, but never anything permanent—they actually quite like their natural gingery-blond color.
c: whatever will protect him while also being comfortable enough that he can tolerate him with his sensory issues. however, in situations where he needs to looks somewhat "official," he will wear his minutemen-issued jacket over a decent shirt and pants set. however, he will rarely ever be seen without some sort of mask, unless the situation happens to be one where a gasmask or something similar would be improper. even then, the eyepatch stays on. so id say the eyepatch is somewhat a "staple" of his wardrobe, though its less of a fashion choice and more of what he deems a necessity.
a: if possible, he would regularly wear a button-down and pants that match. however, in an irradiated post-war wasteland, with hostiles around every corner, thats not a particularly feasible option; thus, he wears whatever is available that is in good condition but also effective. effectiveness is his priority, of course, but it does frustrate him if his clothing doesnt at least look decent. people see him as a bit of a pansy for it, but when he was in the institute, he was used to wearing a uniform that was focused on looking clean rather than being highly functional. so after escaping, that stuck with him a bit. he does, however, have an accessory he refuses to be without, and thats his and noras wedding ring. even after forming new relationships and finding a new purpose in the world, its impossible to move on from someone who was his whole world, what feels like only a few months ago.
e: emil most definitely prioritizes function over fashion. appearance is important, sure, but they recognize that it definitely is not the most important, when youre traveling across a hot desert full of giant scorpions and gang members. however, one thing that they always have, whether theyre wearing it or just has it in their pack, is this one puffy jacket, with a fur-lined hood. they found it in the dresser of a destroyed house they were scavenging through, and it somehow was in near-mint condition. the reason it was so special to them, though, is because it had a note in the pocket, from a girl to her older sibling. the girl being emils sister, who moved away with their father after their parents got divorced. the letter was addressed from her to them, but was never sent. and sure, while they knew that this almost definitely confirmed she had died, they were just happy enough having something from her. so they never go without the jacket, even though its warm (and a bit heavy.) impractical, but sentimental.
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violentviolette · 5 years
Fashion Questions: What your absolute favourite Fashion Things this year? Do you have any items you like from the 1990s and 2000ns, is there any Fashion no go for you?
okay so first of all thank you! for this question because i actually fucking love fashion and its one of my big passions but i dont really talk about it as much anymore. so apologies to mobile users if this is long but rly yall should expect this of me by now
so honestly i havent been following trends too closely in the recent years mostly because ive been trying to cultivate a more alternative and classic look. im really into capsule wardrobes rn and so have been focusing on trying to cultivate a good “base” of classics/staples. but! from a quick glance it looks like the 70s and 00s are really in this year and so my favorites would probably be hotpants (my legs are really short so i love short shorts because they make it look like i have legs lol) and then im always a sucker for neons in spring. not as big a fan of big collars and bermuda shorts tho. those things can die in a fire. why would u wanna look like a 50yr old white mom on a cruise?? that being said calf length pants? glorious i would like to own 100
honestly i love so much from the 90s and 00s fashion. like 00s street wear is where its fucking *at* my friends i love it so much. the bra top and cargo shorts look is back again and i would like to thank god and also jesus lol the intersection of goth and street wear is where i live my whole life tbh. baggy pants with drop crotches and long shirts layered like skirts and cutoffs sleeves all worn with fkn sneakers and hoods? yes pls. id like to look like the protagonist in a dystopian vampire movie at all times.
as for fashions i hate theres honestly... so many lol style is such a personal things and so theres a lot of stuff that i dont like cause it doesnt vibe with my brand or because its not flattering for my bodytype. a big one thats always in for spring is macrame/crochet and like, its cute on some ppl but def not me. i would rather not look like some grandmas couch tyvm lol also really big billowy tops. ive got a really large chest and so i try and minimize that as much as possible by not having too much going on up top
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