#not the main point Point Is im sorry that mine's the most handsome man to ever be generated and im sorry i know that fact
todayisafridaynight · 2 years
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hijikata caps ft todo from the end of chapter 6 because im trying so hard to be normal and im failing miserably
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he grew on me, im not sorry aboot it. why do i feel like this got hella long?
|remember to leave feedback and i love all you heathens|
‘Stargazer’ Ridge Holland (Luke) x fem!reader
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^after his call up to the main roster, pete introduces reader to his new allies^
- sheamus (stephen) - shot in the dark but im guessing his eyes are somewhere between green and hazel. im going with hazel for the sake of my sanity - im an perpetually anxious person so reader is too, just bare with me - time is an illusion  - a happy place of mine is the great state of vermont so imma use it. im not from there but i got people i love there. *FAKE PARK NAME* - “donna, how the fuck did you manage to put a size thing in a fluff fic?” shhhhhhhhhh
Through working in the wardrobe department for WWE and by association, NXT, I met my best friend, Pete. At this point in our friendship, he was more like my brother. When he told me he was going to the main roster for SmackDown and wanted me to do his gear, I was over the moon. He had worked so hard and is getting the run he deserves. He had pulled some strings so I could be there for his debut.
I waited with him in the gorilla as he wanted me to meet his stable-mates. I was always anxious when meeting new people but I knew they would be good people if they were aligned with Pete. I fixed my black skirt and retucked the ‘Bruiserweight’ shirt into it. When I turned around to say something to Pete, I walked into a hard chest “Oh my God. I am so sorry.” I frantically apologized. I looked up to see a tall man with the most beautiful hazel eyes, a cute scruffy beard, dressed in grey slacks, dress shoes, a blazer, and a cap covering his head. The last thing I noticed was my hands on his bare chest. Pulling them away, “Sorry I should have been paying attention-” “Don’t worry love. You must be Y/N.” Way to go on a first impression. “Y/N? Hey you’re the one that made my Royal Rumble gear, aren’t ya?” Another man spoke up; this one I knew. “Yeah, that’s me. Great to see you Stephen.” The handsome wall I walked into had yet to tell me his name. I looked over at him and he was staring at me, leading Stephen to elbow him. “I’m Luke.” he took my hand, kissing the back of it making my face heat up, “What a gentleman you are. Sorry about before. Again.” “Well if you wanted to make it up to me, how about a date after the show?” he said smoothly with a wink. “Y-yes. I would love to!” Stephen laughed, “Don’t make her nervous, Ridgie.” Then Pete came over to the three of us, “I see you’ve met Y/N, lads?” “Someone is already putting the moves on her.” Pete looked at Luke then me. “You know she is like my sister, right? Treat her right, or you’ll never wrestle again.” “Pete!” I scolded. Luke just nodded. They were told it was time to go out so I hugged Pete and told Stephen and Luke good luck. Not without a wink and “See you for our date, love.” from Luke; there was something about him calling me ‘love’ that made my butterflies erupt in my tummy and my heart beat faster. Kayla brought me back to reality, “You and Ridge Holland? I like it.” 
I was talking to Kayla as I waited for the three men to return from their locker room. I noticed her look over my shoulder and smirk then I felt a tap on my shoulder, “You still up for that date?” I nodded and bit my lip as I twirled my hair around my finger. This time he wasn’t shirtless: he was dressed in jeans, basic t-shirt with a leather jacket and sneakers. He somehow looks more handsome. I hugged Kayla goodbye and Luke led me to his rental. He opened the car door for me and even waited until I was buckled to close it. Never had that happen before, I thought. When he got in the driver's seat I had to ask, “Where are we going?” “Well, I actually had asked Pete and he said you were a stargazer. He also told me this is your home state. ‘Louise Creek’ sound familiar?” I couldn’t even articulate how happy I was; my only reaction was reaching over to hug him. “That park means, everything to me. I can’t thank you enough.” “You don’t have to thank me.” 
Having been to this park my whole life, I knew exactly where to go so you could see the moon and the stars perfectly. He opened the door for me to get out and he laid a blanket over the hood of the car. Being much shorter than him, he lifted me by my hips to sit on the blanket, soon taking a seat next to me; us both laying back with his arms wrapped around me. “When I was younger, my friends and I would ride our bikes down here. We’d skip rocks, tightrope walk over fallen trees, even catch frogs in that river down there. I brought one home one day, her name was Wally. Oh you should have seen the look on my mom’s face! I guess begging worked because she let me keep her for a while.” I reminisced. He chuckled, “How’d you know it was a girl? And why Wally?” “I was into science and animals. I was like nine; it seemed like a cool name.” I shrugged. 
We stayed there just looking at the night sky and talking, learning about each other, until I sat up and pointed at something. “Look! A shooting star, make a wish.” Please kiss me. “What did you wish for?” I nudged him, “I can’t tell you or it won’t come true.” “Who made that rule?” I looked up at him “Because this was my wish~” he lifted my chin gently and kissed me softly. My hand went to his cheek in response. When we pulled away, “Well I guess we wished for the same thing.” I whispered. “Cheeky girl.” I couldn’t tell if it was the adrenaline from what just happened or the growing chill in the air but I couldn’t help but shiver. He seemed to notice and wrapped me in his leather jacket that we had our heads on previously. “You look so pretty in my jacket, love.” 
It was time for us to go so as he put the blanket back in the car, I leaned over the bar that separated the parking area from a small hill; thanking all my lucky stars for this night. I felt Luke’s hands on my hips and he planted a kiss to the top of my head. “How would you say our first date went?” I turned my head to look at him, “I’m glad you said ‘first’. I had an amazing time Luke. Thank you.” He turned me to face him as his hands went under the jacket to find their place on my lower back, “Y/N, you don’t have to keep thanking me. Plus, the other part of my wish came true.” I tilted my head confused “What’s that?” “Getting to see the most beautiful woman in my favorite leather.” I hummed, “Maybe another star will fall and we can wish for me to get tossed into a storyline? I can wear it while I watch you kick ass in the ring.” He smiled “You are way too cute to be the bad guy, my love.” I blushed, “Now I’m your love?” “Only if you want to.” My answer was in the form of a kiss with nothing but passion behind it. When we pulled away, his hazel eyes seemed to sparkle in the moonlight. “The answer is yes, Luke.” 
~The Next Morning~ 
When I got up the next morning I saw all the notifications from Instagram. Luke had tagged me in a post? I opened it to see a gorgeously taken picture of me when I was leaning over the bars. 
ridgewwe Found something more beautiful than the moon 🐸
His nod to Wally made me smile even more. I checked my text messages to see one from him:
My Gentleman: Hope you slept well princess. I’m sorry we couldn’t stay the night together. Pete and Stephen would never leave us alone. If you don’t have plans, dinner at 7?
Y/N: they are quite nosey. i’d love to! don’t be late!
My Gentleman: Wouldn’t dream of it my love
lovely taglist babes (dm or comment to be added) @josiewrites​ @rubyred1980 @chrisdickinson @night-of-the-living-shred @xkennyxomegax
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dizzydancingdreamer · 4 years
I’m really thirsting for a sneak peek of that 10k fic rn like I NEED IT, I swear im not obsessed but like I’m definitely in too deep
You ask, I deliver. I swear I can’t say no to you! Here are 1500 of my favourite words, it’s all you get you fiend.
When seven o’clock rolls around you’re standing outside the biggest mansion you’ve ever laid your eyes on. Its white pillars taunt you, each one large enough to hide your body. Twice. You’re alone, spare the people around you milling in and out of the large doors. Your mother had dropped you in front while her and your father went to park the car. Never before in your life has a house made you feel this small. This alone. You pull your shawl, a sheer black number, around your shoulders and shrink slightly.
A hand lands on your shoulder and you jump, spinning around quickly only to be greeted with Lily, whose face is twisted from the laughter pouring out of her. She clutches her stomach from the force, wrinkling the red satin dress she’s wearing. You take a moment to admire how much it suits her. It’s a little bold for your tastes but she wears it like no one else could. Her hair is twisted on the top of her head, a few curls falling to frame her face. She looks amazing, not that you had any doubts.
You lightly smack her shoulder, finally letting a few giggles loose, “you scared me you idiot!” You turn your eyes back to the mansion, swallowing the lump of nerves growing in your throat, “take a look at this place, will you. It’s huge! Have you ever seen a house this big? What could someone possibly need a house this big for?”
“Yeah it’s something alright,” her eyes drag down the hulking facade before meeting yours once more, a naughty smirk now on her red lips, “and I’m sure the inside is even nicer! Let’s go!”
She grabs your hand, all but dragging you over the threshold. Light pours over you, catching the sequins on your dress and making it sparkle delicately, something that would usually make you squeal however your attention is currently elsewhere. That elsewhere is the dual grand staircase in the center of the room. It’s encased in pillars, the feature leaking in from the exterior of the mansion. It’s bronze railings are strung up with thousands of twinkling lights. The staircase is easily the focal point of the foyer. 
But not because of the lights. 
Lily digs her nails into your hand, pulling you to a screeching halt, “are you seeing what I’m seeing right now?”
Her eyes are glued to the same place that yours are, dragging up and down the staircase with little care to whoever might be watching her little show. You choose a less outright form of gawking, opting to look all around the room while still making little glances at your main focus.
“Yeah, Lil, I think I am,” you gulp, your eyes training on three sinfully gorgeous men, “mama said they were handsome but this,” you let the end of your sentence drop, not having nearly the vocabulary to explain the Mikaelsons.
In total, there are five people on the staircase. Four men and a woman. Each one is gorgeous in their own right. You mull over the woman first. If you thought that you looked nice before you left, that’s pretty much gone now. She’s absolutely stunning. Her blonde hair lays in a sheet over her shoulders, winding almost to her base of her spine. She wears an emerald gown, one fitted to every dip and curve of her body like it was spun by Aphrodite herself. You have to look away, she’s the kind of pretty that makes you feel like you’re not worthy of seeing it.
Your eyes travel to the man next to her and your mouth goes dry. He’s tall. That’s the first thing you notice. If you were next to him he would easily tower over you. Not just because of his height, though. You shift your focus to his arms and the way the sleeves of his tux hug them tightly. You have no doubts this man could rip you in two if he wanted to. He stands at ease, his eyes wandering the faces of those closest to him as he lifts a hand to smooth over his brown hair. At least he doesn’t look to be in the killing mood.
Behind him is a man with blonde hair. Even from across the room it looks softer than silk and your palms itch to run through it. He leans against the railing, a glass of champagne loose in his fingers. His eyes are on the others but he has the appearance of a man who is a thousand miles away. Your heart hurts at the thought but you brush past it. You don’t know him and you’re most likely wrong. Still you give him another brush over, wishing slightly that he would crack even a hint of a smile.
You shake your head, moving to the man at the top of the stairs. He’s alive with something fiery, speaking to the others with animated hands and laughing hard. You can’t hear him over the crowd around you but, gods, you wish you could. It’s probably nothing important but, by the looks of him, he could make anything sound special. He throws his head back laughing, his brown hair flopping wildly. You can’t look at him for long either but not for the same reason you couldn’t look at the woman. No, you can’t look at him because you’re afraid if you look any longer than you’ll be sucked in forever.
When you look at the last man you shiver. It’s not the kind of shiver that makes you feel exhilarated though, it’s the opposite. Your blood runs cold when you look at him and, when his eyes meet yours, you look away instantly. You can feel his eyes burning into your back for a few moments after and you hate it. Unlike the rest of them, this man makes you feel ice cold.
You tug on your best friend’s hand, desperate to get away from the man, “come on, Lil, let’s go find the champagne.” 
Lily’s eyes light up at the thought, instantly taking the lead on this new expedition, “girl you read my mind!” 
You take one last glance towards the staircase as she pulls you into another you, momentarily catching three pairs of brown eyes before scampering around the corner. Your cheeks are hot when you’re finally out of their vicinity. You hadn’t realized how heavy the air around them had been. Now that you can’t see them your bones feel marginally lighter. Something nags at you though, a loss of sorts. You rub a hand over your chest, massaging the ache away.
Lily pushes a cool glass into your hand, lifting her own to her lips. You follow suit, breathing in the sugary scent before letting the sweet bubbles flow down your throat. It soothes your flaming chest.
“Shit,” Lily breathes, “everything about this screams money. The invitations, the house, this damn champagne. What’s next? A pool of synchronised swimmers?” Her eyes wander the room, her fingers tight around the glass, “I’m not used to this Great Gatsby level of wealth. It’s making my head spin a little. This is my parent’s scene, not mine.”
You nod lightly, her words everything you’ve been dying to say. It’s magnificent but you’ve never felt more out of place. Not even the founders day balls are like this. At least Mrs. Lockwood has the good sense to cater to the modesty of the town. Before you can answer, however, a voice joins your conversation.
“My apologies, my brothers like to go overboard when throwing parties. It’s not quite my taste either, a little too stuffy if you ask me.” 
You spin around to the sight of the woman from the stairs and your heart pounds hard in your chest. She’s even more beautiful up close, like a Van Gogh masterpiece. Her voice is accented and smooth, impossibly so. You feel like a peasant in her presence but her smile is light and it helps soothe your nerves a touch. When you look at Lily, though, her cheeks are beet red and her eyes are wide. 
“Oh my, I am so sorry! I didn’t think anyone would hear me besides,” she nudges you lightly, the smile she’s plastered on her face sheepish, “this one here. It really is gorgeous. Perhaps university has lowered my standards.”
You watch Lily fumble her words and you don’t blame her. This girl seems like she was made to insite insecurity and you mean that in the very best of ways. Despite her slight enthusiasm, though, Lily’s eyes flow over the woman slowly. You can tell she’s interested. By the way her stares are being reciprocated, you would say she isn’t the only one. You smile at that, 
The woman laughs, her eyes filled with mirth, “your standards aren’t low, this party is just a nightmare. I’m Rebekah, one of the many Mikaelsons you will surely encounter tonight,” she looks over her shoulder, her eyebrows furrowing slightly, “and it looks as though you’re going to get the immersive experience.”
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clareisa · 5 years
The Gem - Pirate!AU Captain!Im Changkyun (Monsta X)
Request (anon request): You are the captive of the captain Changkyun. More the night was spend more you start loving him.
A/N: Hai, my friend. I hope I got it and I hope you'll like this!❤
Genre: angst, romance, smutty
Words: 2,273
- gifs are not mine, credits to rightful owners
- English is not my first language, so please let me kindly know if I did a mistake
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The element of water and air combined their anger in one big thunderstorm that was making the ship sliding the waves wildly. The salty cold breeze that was hanging above the ocean at this stormy night was coming right throught the wooden walls of the ship to your nose. Waves were throwing the boat to every direction possible which was constantly remaining you in what position you were currently in. In the lowest level of the pirate ship, wrists cuffed to the grilles surrounding you, your white dress stained in your and other’s people blood and a scratch going from your eyebrow through eyelid and down to the hold of your cheek. The scratch still hurting and you knew it would result in a scar soon. 
You didn’t remember how you get there, you only knew there was a fire, screaming, blood and pair of ebony brown eyes that were flashing in front of your eyes at that moment when you felt something sharp wounding your face. The smell of old wood, stiff whiskey, the fire from candles around were almost suffocating you in the small space you were captured in. You couldn’t get the piercing deep eyes out of your mind. They were still there, ripping right throught your soul, making you feel weak. 
When the storm stopped and the boat was stable once again sound of a squeaking wood and footsteps made you woke up from your daydream. You looked up and saw a dark silhouette walking to your direction, stopping right in front of the cage. The weak light from a candle couldn’t reach his face. You gulped and quickly looked down in fear praying that the man didn’t come to kill you. You heard an amused chuckle coming from him. But ... you couldn’t raise your hand, you were too afraid. Yes, you wanted to scream the nastiest things into his face but to be honest.. this was much better than your life in your old house. You supposed to be the one of the noble family but they hated you for some reason and treated you like a servant. 
A cold breeze passed throught your spine as you heard him unlocking the cage and entering inside. You could only see his leather boots A pleasant smell of cocoa beans and surprising honey scent filled your nose. The man squatted down in front of you and the scent became even more intense. You could feel him watching you with interest but you still kept your head down stubbornly. 
“You’ll stay like this the whole time?” a deep voice echoed in your ears making you shiver. But you just swallowed and didn’t do anything, didn’t move an inch. You couldn’t see him but he leaned his head to the side and narrowed his eyes. “Then we will do an exchange. I’ll give you food and you’ll show me your eyes... deal, beautiful?” he asked you. It was true that you were starving and it doesn’t seem so bad. You nodded. “Good girl.” he said and you slowly looked up. 
Your eyes widened. Your voice stopped in your throat and your body started shaking like a leaf in a rainstorm. Those eyes... when you heard the screams again. You quickly backed as backwards as possible your soul filling up with fear, confusion and then rage. It was him! It was him who took you and threw you here! It was he who wounded your face! “Hey, hey... you don’t have to worry now. But I guess you remembered, right?” he chuckled. You nodded looking at him. He didn’t look like pirates you saw before. He wasn’t old, drunk or looking like a disgusting pig. His face looked more like the face of a prince than a pirate’s. 
“Like what you are seeing, beautiful?” he lifted right eyebrow cockily. You suddenly felt rage. How dare he to talk to you like that?! “It was you! You did this to my face! You destroyed everything! You fucking-!” he stopped you by covering your mouth. “Fierce are we? I’ll uncover your face now and you’ll be calm. Or I’ll extend that wound even further, all the way down to your neck. Am I clear?” he asked in a darker voice. You had tears in your eyes but nodded and he did as he said.  
“Now...” he started. His beautiful form leaned closer to you. Your faces almost touching and you could feel your cheeks heating up. His eyes were dangerous but something in them was making you froze but heat up at the same time. He placed his hot palm on your thigh and your breathing became uneven. It was like he knew what effect he has. When his face was close, lips almost brushing yours, you only heard the sound of opening a lock and you felt your arms being released out of the chains. He just winked at you and stood up. As he walked out of the cage he held the doors opened for you and signalized for you to come out. You stood up and carefully walked out. Running didn’t even cross your mind since you knew you are in the middle of an ocean. 
He looked at you up and down and pointed at tens of barrels standing there, “There is a water. I brought you soap and dress. Wash and come up. I’ll give you the food as we agreed for letting me see your eyes.” he said in a soft tone and walked up the stairs to the higher level of a boat.
You didn’t know what was happening but you did as he said. You were glad that you could wash away the blood and your sweat. You even washed your hair and slicked them back making your face perfectly on display. You dressed into the long cotton white dress he gave you. It fit perfectly and were extremely soft and comfortable. Without knowing you smiled to yourself thanking him in your head. That was the moment when your hungry stomach made its entry and you remembered what the handsome pirate has told you. You didn’t know if you could trust him but what else you should do? You were already in the middle of nowhere, at the end of the Earth.  
You started walking up the stairs and you walked up two levels until you saw the sky above you. As you walked to the main deck of a ship you were surprised how the air changed and how cold thunderstorm transformed into a warm summer night with a light breeze. You heard steps and you turned to the direction with fear. But only a handsome young man was looking at the ocean calmly. “E-excuse me?” you asked with a small voice. The man looked at you and gave you a heartwarming smile. “You look better. I’m glad you are okay. You didn’t look very well when we get you here.” he said and walked closer to you. He was tall. He bowed, “I’m Hyungwon, nice to meet you Y/N.” he smiled. 
“How you know my name?” you wondered. He chuckled. “We all know a lot more than your name.” he said. You felt uneasy. How he knew your name? Who he meant by ‘we all’? It was weirder every moment. Suddenly you heard heels clicking on the wooden floor and in a second a beautiful woman with long legs, almost as tall as Hyungwon in her high heels, appeared next to him and took his hand to hers. “Don’t scare her, Hyungwon.” she said and turned to you with a smile. You quickly noticed almost identical scar as you had but it didn’t made her less beautiful. “Excuse him, please, He sometimes acts strange. I’m Clare.” she said. 
“Y/N... But how you know my name?” you asked the two people. Judging by how the woman was clinging to the tall male you guessed they were a couple. “Thanks to him.” Clare chuckled and pointed behind you. You turned to the direction and saw that man from before with those sharp ebony brown eyes. “I guess we should go away.” she chuckled when the man started walking to you. “Go away and don’t scare her. Both of you.” he said firmly but with a hint of playfulness in his voice. “Yes, captain!” the couple saluted and with giggles ran away to the lower level of the boat. You smiled, they looked so cute. 
“So this is the smile I was waiting for. Such a shame it wasn’t for me.” he said with a grin. As soon as he said it you stopped making him chuckle and shook his head. When you didn’t want to look at him he sighed and walked even closer. He gently took your hands in his and lifted your chin to look into your eyes. “Where is my food?” you asked in a cold tone. “Patience, beautiful. Before our dinner, I would like to invite you for a walk around the deck. Will you give me that honour?” he asked and stretched out his hand for you to take it. 
You were angry but... something in him was pulling you to him. You took his hand and his face brightened up with the most beautiful smile you ever saw. Your heart melted in a second and you suddenly were ready to give him all the time you have in this world. 
He bowed, tightened his grip and started walking straight with you by his side. “The stars are so beautiful tonight.” he said. You looked up and must agree with him. They were shining like big diamonds. “But there is one thing more beautiful than the stars tonight.” he said and stopped. You two were standing in the front of the main deck and the warm breeze was messing with your hair and tickling your skin. 
“First of all, I’m sorry about this.” he gently caressed your face wound with his finger. “But there wasn’t another way for them to know that you belong to me.” he breathed out. How dare he? How could he say that you are his property? “I’m not anyone’s.” you said firmly. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean it like that, beautiful. I did it to protect you. With this... no one will ever try to hurt you because they’ll know I would kill them and their whole family.” he said it calmly as if it was the most simple thing 
“Why am I here?” you wondered. “Because you deserved a better life, beautiful. Maybe this will sound crazy but I fell in love as soon as I saw you on the market some days before. I saw how your own family treated you. I didn’t feel such a rage in many years.” he sighed and looked straight to your eyes. “And when I found out it was the family we wanted to have some ‘fun’ with I needed to act fastly. Save you and hold you in my arms... You are the gem that is worth of worshipping.” he sighed. He let go of your hands walked back a little and covered his eyes, “I’m so sorry. I must sound crazy.” he said, his voice obviously shaking. 
Your heart was melting. No one ever told you such beautiful words. No one ever actually cared about you. He was your captor but he was so nice, so warmhearted, so soft with you... he couldn’t be bad. “You do sound a little crazy but it’s pleasant to listen.” you smiled a little.
When he saw you smiling his gorgeous smile came back. He was again close to you, “I should introduce myself, right? I’m Changkyun.” he said taking your hand putting it on his cheek. He was ready for you to flinch and take your hand back but you stayed like that and his heart sank. 
“Everything is better than living with that family. And you ... Changkyun.” you smiled when you said his name. It was such a pretty name. “Was nice to me. Except for that cage.” you lifted your eyebrow.  “Well that.” he chuckled awkwardly. “I did it for your own good. You weren’t conscious at all. It looked like you were drugged or something. You were ready to jump to the ocean. I couldn’t let that happen.” he gave you a sad smile. 
Your eyes widened. You started thinking about what could cause that and your memory slowly started opening. Your sisters holding you and making you swallow some pills that your mother gave them. Them ripping your clothes so most of your skin was showing. They did the exact thing to your maid when they sold her like a slave. They didn’t want to sell you... right?
A tear slipped on accident. Yes, you hated them but they still were your family. Suddenly you felt touch and when you looked at Changkyun he was as close to your face as in the cage before, but now he was drying your tears away. “T-thank you..” you whispered. 
“I would do that again countless times, beautiful.” he said. Changkyun slowly leaned his head to the side and connected your lips. The connection light as a feather, his lips so bashful against yours. You smiled. He wasn’t what you expected from a pirate captain. He was maybe strong in battles but you felt that when it came to you he would always be like a cute little peaceful puppy. 
“Let’s see where the night will take us...” he whispered. 
“Well, the night can take me to a dinner table. I really hungry now.” you both chuckled at the same time as he connected your foreheads. 
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wind0wg0blin · 5 years
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[Raffle prize for Wthtorke. Request of their OC Damien X My Oc Frost] 
Damien was never really the type of person to venture out for public events. The crowded venues and ensuing chaos of those who over indulged themselves in the wine was enough to give anyone a headache. Though when it was announced that this event was going to be a gala it certainly piqued his interest. At work that afternoon Damien asked around with some of his more sociable co-workers and found out that the gala was being held in honor of the stations 20th anniversary. While he wasn’t quite sure how those two thing held any correlation he was interested none the less.
Damien wasn’t about to lie and say that it didn’t sound like fun. Being a professional dancer, you would think he would want his free time to consist of anything but the sport yet he was entirely too excited for this event. Especially now when he caught word that his brother Soulell would be attending, meaning he wouldn’t be dancing alone for most of the night. Or at least he hoped that wouldn’t be the case.
As soon as the bell chimed for his shift to be over Damien practically ran home from the studio to prepare for the gala. He had even picked up a new vest for the event wanting to look his absolute best. Soulell was waiting at his door when he arrived at his home looking utterly unconvinced about the approaching night. Damien could only smile as he let them both in quickly getting to work at making them both look presentable.
Things had run a little over time due to Soulell’s constant stream of complainants. Damien refusing to be late all but ran to the top deck where the gala was being held. The massive arching glass doors of the Garden Center where the event was taking place soon came into view as Damien all but dragged Soulell along behind him. The two guards at the door smiled understandingly at them as they ushered them inside finding the place already a whirl of activity and dancing figures as vaguely familiar songs played in the background.
“Wow.” Damien muttered aloud as he took it all in. Massive crystal chandeliers hung from the glass ceiling that looked out at the endless expanse of space. The sweet scent of the blooming fruit trees in the surrounding greenhouses filled the room only increasing the excitement. Damien was practically buzzing as he took a deep breath letting everything settle within him as he looked about at the many faces around him. All lost in their own little worlds, genuinely enjoying themselves.
Soulell had quickly disappeared from his side and was swept away into the sea of people leaving Damien to his own accord. Despite his former fears Damien didn’t see this as much of a problem as Damien felt himself being instinctively drawn to the dance floor where he quickly fell into rhythm with the people around him.
Damien chuckled happily as he let his long hair bounce around as he jumped along to the bass of the song bobbing along with a girl beside him who was laughing happily. So, caught up in his own little fantasy Damien didn’t notice the eyes on his till he glanced up and felt his face flush seeing a large intimidating figure watching him from across the dance floor. They were very clearly a Yautja from their mandibles to the dreads and those talon-like nails that tapped steadily on the side of a champagne glass. Damien had just barely glanced at the man before they disappeared in a sudden wave of dancers flooding the area in front of the band.
Damien shook it off as just a coincidence refusing to let some weirdo ruin his night. Finding the girl from before they hit it off and dance together for a time letting themselves simply enjoy their time as they jumped to the heavy bass of the song. Damien was truly enjoying himself as he partied along side this new friend of his. Though that was until a slow song came on and the girl politely excused herself to dance with her boyfriend who had just arrived.
Damien smiled at her and excused himself as well about to make his way off of the dance floor considering to call the night in early seeing as he had no one else to talk to. Stepping to turn Damien let out a quick gasp of surprise as he bumped right into the chest of a large man who hadn’t notice walk up behind him.
“Oh! Im’ so sorry-“Damien said quickly as he glanced up and felt his tongue become caught in his mouth. It was the same yautja from before though now much closer and much larger. Though any worry Damien may have had vanished as he looked up into the large playful eyes that stared back down at him. Damien laughed softly to himself as a rumbling laugh sounded out from the yautja.
“No need to apologize it was just as much my fault.” They spoke inclining their head slightly in apology. Damien could only smile and nod suddenly flushed by their demeanor. He couldn’t point it out but something bout this yautja made his heart speed up and his face flush. Maybe it was those eyes that seemed to just look right through him as they scanned over him. Damien felt his blush only deepen as those around the two looked at them impatiently as it was clear they were waiting for them to start the next song. Damien was just about to rush off when the yautja stepped towards him chuckling softly.  
“It seems that fate would have it that we share this dance.” The Yautja teased as his mandibles flared into what Damien could only assume was their equivalence of a smile.
“May I have this dance?” They asked holding out their hand as they bowed slightly playfully imitating something a prince from a movie would do. Damien could only laugh as he took his hand.
“You might as well, everyone else got taken.” Damien teased and was happy that it was received well as the yautja laughed boisterously pulling him closer as they began to sway gently to the tune.
A few moments were spent simply watching the other dancers and listening to the chime of the music. Damien quickly found himself entranced to the small world they were creating between themselves. His heart fluttered when he felt the yautja’s beating just as heavily under the palm of his hand which now rested carefully on the alien’s large chest. The aliens two toned eyes watching his every move with such piercing intensity it made him feel a way he had never felt before.
“My name’s Frost by the way.” The yautja explained leaning down in an attempt to talk privately seeing as the dance floor was now crowded with many curious people watching the two dance. Before he could manage a reply Damien felt himself be ever so carefully dipped to the lull in the song. This yautja clearly knew a bit about dancing which was a definite plus in Damien’s book but judging by the way he was constantly stepping backwards he wasn’t very practiced at it.
“I’m Damien. Its nice to meet you.” Damien finally introduced himself as he was swept in close to the larger male momentarily resting his head on the yautja’s chest.  Damien smiled sweetly up at frost earning him a toothy grin just before he was spun suddenly to the side being lifted clearly off his feet. Damiens eyes widened as frost lurched slightly as a large man crashed into him before dropping to the floor clearly intoxicated.
“Sorry about that didn’t want you taking a spill from that guy.” Frost explained ushering them aside as a group of on lookers rushed over to check on the drunk who was now struggling to stand.
“Maybe we should move this conversation to somewhere less crowded.” Damien offered as the band stopped completely seeing as the dance floor was now flooded with worried by standers all flocking the drunken fool crawling about.
“Lead the way.” Frost motioned towards a remotely clear pathway leading off the dance floor. Damien took hold of the cuff of the yautja’s jacket and took the lead. He was able to find a clear path that lead them out of the main room into the actual gardens which were scare of any people thankfully. Well, shy of a few workers that were going about and spraying down the many hanging baskets.
Damien released Frost as they wandered further into the garden, Damien craning his neck to look out the massive arching windows. The stars outside twinkled brightly as the two came to sit down together on a clean bench near a small collection of apple trees that were heavy with fruit. The smell was delightfully sweet and mixing with the heavier musk of the yautja beside him it doing wonders for Damien’s senses.
“How come we’ve never met before; it seems like it would be hard to miss someone as handsome as yourself passing by.” Frost offered smiling softly as his hand brushed against Damien’s. Shyly Damien rested his fingers over the yautja’s much larger ones not brave enough to hold hands.
“I don’t go out often, never see much interest in the little parties that are thrown.” Damien admitted looking away a bit embarrassed by the fact he just indirectly admitted he’s a shut in. Frost just laughed happily as he scooted closer butting his shoulder into Damien’s.
“No worries I’m the same way. Only here to support a friend of mine. Though had I known I would’ve met you tonight I would’ve dressed my best.” Damien’s felt his brow raise instinctively as he glanced at Frost’s attire. If this was him not trying what’s his best look like? Damien pondered before both Frost and himself were screaming in surprise.
The two shot up in surprise as they were sprayed with a stream of ice water. The worker who hadn’t over heard their conversation due to their overly loud headpohones, apologized profusely as the hurried over offering a small hand towel in condolence.
           The two were literally dripping from their unprecedented showers and making small puddles beneath themselves. Despite this very apparent wrench in any plans they might have had frost still managed to laugh at the absolutely crazy situation they were in.
           “Well it looks like we best go our ways for the time being. Though if you’re up to it we can continue this conversation another time.” Frost offered as he wrung out a large amount of water from his jacket as he pealed it off revealing a lot as his white button up clung to his chest and sides.
           “Yeah, I can give you my number and you can just text me if you want.” Damien chuckled nervously as he made his move, genuinely wanting to know more about this alien.
The two quickly exchange numbers before frost excused himself leaving a trail of water behind him. Damien, despite this night turning out unlike anything he had predicted, was quite happy with the outcome.
Smiling to himself Damien made his was home uncaring of the puddles he left in his wake or the mess he was bound to leave in his house as he made his way into the bathroom stripping off the now cold and soggy suit for some nice warm and fluffy pjs. Curled up snuggly in bed happy to retire for an early night Damien noticed his phone dimly glowing on his nightstand. His smile only brightened as he read the words scrolling across his screen.
           ‘Date this Saturday? I promise no one will get wet this time.’
[This is a gift for @wthtorke and its also their prize for the raffle I did some time ago. I of course had to add more to it as I wanted to find a way to repay them for being such an understanding a great friend. I only wish I could do more cause even though i spent idk how long on these things I still feel its not enough to properly repay them for being them.]
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sunshineekid-blog1 · 5 years
The Time From Before Pt.1
A/N: hehe so like. I spent my day writing this and I actually finished it but tumblr wont let me upload the 3.7k story so I guess I'll do it in parts
Summary thingy: So you're a college student annnnd Chan's a single dad who is also a college student. See what happens when you meet his toddler daughter ヽ(^o^)丿
Pairing: Bang Chan x Reader
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"Hey Minho, can you take my afternoon shift?"
You worked at a café with your friends Jisung, Hyunjin, Minho, & Changbin. You were all broke college students so what better way to earn money than work together right?
"Sorry (y/n)," the voice didn't belong to Minho but Hyunjin instead, "Minho is mine after work, we have a project together due in dance next week and we haven't even started"
You groaned in frustration as Minho walked in and flashed a small smile at you because he knew why you probably wanted to leave.
Of course he was right too.
"Let me guess (y/n), another date?" Minho said chuckling
"I'll have you know that he seemed real sweet but," you sigh, "I guess I'll have to cancel because I'm gonna be here all night."
"Why don't you ask Changbin or Jisung?" Hyunjin cut in
"I can't ask them because they took today off & told us not to bug them because they have a show tonight. It's fine I'll cancel, but if I die single I'll remember that you four are the cause of it."
Your laughter with your friends was cut off by the sudden cries of a small toddler. You looked over and saw a small child that had walked into the café by herself. Reacting almost instantly you walked over to the small child to calm her down while also looking for her parents.
"Hi there, I'm (y/n), where are your parents?" You felt awkward as your two friends laughed quietly as they watched you helplessly try to talk to the toddler.
Suddenly she looked up at you sniffed & shyly hid behind her tiny hands.
Wait why's a toddler in a café that's on a college campus? You thought to yourself as you crouched down to meet the little girls eyes.
"Excuse me honey, I'm here to help you, can you tell me your name?" You tried again while looked at your friends still laughing silently behind the counter.
The little girl sniffled once more but answered.
"I'm Sumi Bang," the little girl was almost inaudible but you were close enough to hear her. You stood up and stuck your hand out to the little girl but she looked at you and stuck her arms up. She wanted to be carried.
"Can you please carry me, daddy told me not to leave his side but I saw a doggy and wandered off, he's gonna be angry if he finds out" the little girl confessed suddenly and started to cry again which took you by surprise so you obliged and lifted her up.
"Minho, Hyunjin, call the main office and tell them a little girl named Sumi Bang wandered into the café." The two boys nodded and called right before leaving you alone with the random child.
"Sumi would you like anything to eat or drink?" Sumi then asked for a cup of strawberry milk and some cake happily. You couldn't help but smile at the little girl become she was just so cute. Looking at the clock, it was almost closing time.
"Hey Sumi honey, do you know where your daddy was heading before you lost him?" The little girl looked up at you and shook her head.
"Daddy had a place to be with his friends so he left me with a babysitter."
"Do you know what this babysitter looked like? Maybe his name?" You wanted to go home but you couldn't just leave the little girl alone so you tried maybe getting her back to where she was supposed to be.
The little girl giggled before she answered, "He left me with uncle Felix."
"Let's go walk around and see if we can find your uncle sweetie."
The little girl laughed again. "Felix isn't my actual uncle, he just helps my daddy raise me since mommy isn't here."
Kids really don't know what personal things are huh?
Closing up the shop, you lifted up the little girl and started to look for "Felix."
Your phone buzzed as a text message had arrived from Hyunjin.
"Hey (y/n), did you ever find that girls parents?"
"No luck yet. She said she ran away from her babysitter. If he was taking care of my kid, he'd never be hired again."
"Minho says that Jisung and Changbin just finished up with their show and would be willing to help you out, meet them at the café."
You sigh in frustration because you just left the café. You looked at Sumi to see she had fallen asleep. Turning around, you started walking back to the café.
After about 10 minutes you arrived back at the café only to be greeted with not only Changbin and Jisung, but also an angry looking man and a worried man.
"So uh who are your friends here?" You asked looking are your friends.
"Right sorry, Chan this is (y/n), (y/n) that's Chan, Felix this is (y/n), (y/n) that's Felix."
Pointing your finger at Felix you immediately said "So YOU'RE the shitty babysitter! Which makes you," changing your fingers direction to Chan, "Sumi's father?" You smiled sweetly at Chan & stuck your hand out to shake his hand while Sumi snuggled up to your chest.
"Can I have my kid back?" Chan asked a little rudely but you can't blame him, his kid was lost.
"No she's mine now sorry," you said jokingly while also unlatching the little girl from your body.
"Thank you for taking care of her (y/n), I don't know what I would do if I lost her." Chan looked at you after taking his daughter back and smiled nicely at you causing you to blush a little.
"Yeah n-no problem.. I'm sure most people would have done the same.. If you ever need a new babysitter, and I'm sure after today you might, I'd love to take care of her."
Jisung and Changbin stared at you in slight disbelief as you smiled at Chan.
You, (y/n) just told a total stranger, that you would take care of his kid and give up your free time for him.
"Yeah," Chan chuckled at the comment about Felix which surprised the other three boys, "I think I might need a new babysitter soon."
The two of you exchanged numbers and said your goodbyes.
"Hey Jisung," you were still waving and smiling at the cute boy and his daughter as they walked away, "How come your friend has a kid at such a young age?"
"Ah well that's not so much my place to tell but I'll tell you this, he was young and in love."
"What do you mean was young, he looks like he's my age? Are you saying Im old?"
"Anyway, I'm surprised you said that."
"Said what?" The two boys looked at you in confusion.
"(y/n). You told Chan you'd take care of Sumi when he can't." Jisung reminded you.
"I'm more surprised that he agreed to it Jisung, you know how he is when it comes to girls." Changbin said.
"Wait what does that mean?" You looked at the two boys with confusion.
"It's not your business (y/n). He just has a hard time letting go." Jisung looked a little sad while he said that last part.
He just has a hard time letting go.
What did that even mean.
The next day at work would have been boring since it was Saturday and you could be out doing something but Chan walked in.
"Good morning Chan" you welcomed him with a bright smile. You could tell you caught him by surprise but he greeted you back with a warm smile.
"Good morning (y/n)."
"Where's little Sumi?" You noticed his daughter wasn't around him and felt a little sad because you grew a little fond of the toddler.
"Oh she's at home sleeping, I would have brought her but Changbin was over hanging out with Felix and I trust Changbin."
"Makes sense," You said laughing a little "Now, what can I do for you?"
"Chan I work here. Yknow. The café you just walked into."
"O-Oh right," he was obviously embarrassed as his pale cheeks became a rosy pink color. "I'll take a cappuccino and a chocolate chip cookie."
"Coming right up Mr. Bang" you smiled at him.
He's cute. Maybe he's the reason why none of my dates are ever successful.
"Here you go Chan," handing him his order you couldn't help but fall slowly in love with him. Everything about him seemed perfect.
After Chan left, Jisung came running out of the kitchen where he had watched the whole scene happen.
"What was what?"
"(Y/n) Chan talked to you."
"I mean he kinda had to."
"(Y/n) he knows I'm working, usually he asks for me or Changbin."
"Maybe he likes me?"
“So what if it is.”
After meeting Chan you two constantly texted each other and would hang out. You weren't sure if this was dating or just friendly but you loved it because you liked Chan a lot. You found out almost everything about him like how he's from Australia and how his name his actually Chris. He found out how you studied in America and knew English. You laughed together and did a lot together. You two seemed to be the missing puzzle pieces if your lives, or at least that's what you thought.
A few weeks later, you got a text from Chan finally.
"Hey (y/n) I hope this isn't too last minute but do you think you could take care of Sumi tonight? Something suddenly came up."
"Of course Chan! What time should I be there?"
"Thanks, I'm leaving around 6, Felix will be there but I really don't trust him alone anymore."
"hehehe ok I'll be there." You were visibly smiling at your phone and your 4 friends all noticed it and looked at each other then back at you.
"(Y/n) got another date tonight?" Minho teased
"I wish"
"So why are you smiley (y/n)" Hyunjin asked
"Oh, Chan texted me-"
"Now he's texting you? Changbin I'm telling you he's gonna regret this."
"First of all, let me finish Han Jisung, Second regret what?"
"It's nothing (y/n). Continue." Changbin gave Jisung an almost unnoticeable glare.
"Anyway, he asked me to take care of Sumi with Felix tonight."
"Sure." Jisung rolled his eyes and went back to cleaning the table he had been previously cleaning.
Later that night you nervously walked over to where Chan lived.
Before you could knock on the door, you were met face to face with Bang Chan.
"O-Oh H-Hi Chan." You shyly looked away. He looks so god damn handsome.
"Thank you so much (y/n), Felix will let you know about anything about Sumi, I've gotta go, Thank you again.
“Yeah no problem.”
You walked into the house to find Felix having a tea party with Sumi. You giggled at this sight before saying hello.
“Hi Felix, we met a few weeks ago, I'm (y/n)
“Oh (y/n) Hi!” Felix seemed to be a very bright person from his getting. He scooted over and patted the floor signaling that you could sit down and join them.
“Hi there Sumi,” you said smiling at her.
“Hi (y/n)!!!” She seemed very happy to see you. The three hung out until it was past Sumi's bed time.
“Cmon Sumi, your father will kill me if he finds out I let you stay up this late” Felix was desperately trying to get the 3 year old to go to her room and sleep but she refused. But she finally confessed why she wouldn't listen to Felix.
“I want (y/n) to tuck me in!”
“O-Oh alright if that's what you want.” Walking into her room you saw it was very cute and girly.
“Sumi you have a very pretty room I'm so jealous”
“Thank you (y/n)” Sumi yawned and fell asleep quickly
You decided to keep Felix some company until Chan got back even though Felix kept telling you to go home.
“Hey Felix, if you can, can you tell me what happened with Sumi's mom? Chan and I hang out a lot but he's still keeping that from me and I haven't asked him yet because I'm scared to.”
Felix inhaled deeply and looked at you then at the tv.
“If I tell you, it didn't come from me and you also have to pretend that you don't know any of this.”
Part 2
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rookiewriterkpop · 7 years
TAXI pt 2 ~ IM JAEBUM | angst+smut+mafia au
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(GIFs NOT MINE - credit to the owner)
(Here’s the second part, I’m sorry that you had to wait this long for part II but my life had been currently down and school was a drag and I didn’t want to post something that was finish or had linguistic errors 😑 anyways hope you enjoy it lol and please comment on how it was or if anything I should improve on) THANK YOUU 🖤
REWIND : 8 months ago
You and Jaebum were special. He fell for you before you even knew he existed, he was a leader, and although he didn’t like showing his face during the broad daylight, he would order a double chocolate frappe atleast 2 times a week, just to meet you at that vintage coffee shop around the corner. He eventually started little convos with you and that lead to longer conversations about your interests. As for Jaebum, he was a quiet and observing person, but once he has made his mind up about wanting something, then trust me he will get it. Eventually, as for you he wasn’t the type you would go for at all. He had that aura that was intimidating and reek dominant and heavily bad handsome. However, with every conversation and every meeting you couldn’t help yourself but fall for him. Truthfully you didn’t know how, but you just felt safe whenever you were with him. He would make you feel like you were his main priority and mainly you were surprised by how cocky but cute he acted,when he was with you on little dates or just having moments where he would even forget that he had most of the city under control. Furthermore, You and Jaebum began dating and he even managed to open up to you about some things. For example, for the fact that he was the leader of the most feared and respected mafia within South Korea. (But hey! That’s not that bad right?)only that nobody ever knew who the leader was or what he looked like in the outside world, which was an advantage. His face was only shown in the underground world, the world of dirty deals, guns, corruption and death. Although it was hard for you to process all this, and were frankly scared for your life. Jaebum gave you a promise to protect you until the end, hoping to put your mind at ease. So in your relationship things have been going smoothly for those 4 months. Until 8 months ago.
This is where your relationship was at the peak of the edge. Simply put, you and Jaebum would barely see each other, and when you actually did manage to see him, he would visit late nights either tired or covered in someone else’s blood. You let it slide in the beginning but eventually you knew that even he should know by now what’s better. He would send you ‘goodnight’ or ‘i love you’ texts. However you hung onto those texts to keep your relationship going and have a hope that he still loves you like he did in the beginning. You came to the conclusion that maybe you were a burden to him or maybe the feelings he had for you faded.. but because you loved Jaebum and got attached to him, it was hard for you to think otherwise.
One evening after work, you were walking down the street. To people that area seemed dangerous, because of all those little gangs, or drug selling was common there too, or the night life, but to you it was just an area where you lived and nothing ever happened to you. Although you were always cautious, you’re used to it so what’s the worst thing that could happen right? As you continued walking down the street you turned the corner and was about to begin walking through the long alley way that was a shortcut to your house. When suddenly you stopped in your tracks…
Your stomach twitched and you had a really weird feeling. Your palms suddenly got sweaty and your breathing became hitched, to the point where your legs didnt allow you to take a single step. As you starred there quietly on the corner hoping no one would notice, you managed to recognize the tall and broaded figure in the alley way. Both hands on the side of the wall, trapping the woman as close to him as possibly. The woman wore a tight dark dress with heels and didn’t look scared at all. In fact she looked daring. As the man moved, with his back facing you, you immediately uttered in shock. The huge logo with a skull and arrow going through it, the logo that screamed through you. His leather jacket. The leather jacket that you wore when you were cold at nights, the jacket that you held onto when you linked arms. And the jacket that was known to those who feared and respected. And the owners name that this jacket who belonged to was IM JAEBUM.
From there on you didn’t need any explanation to anything…
(Guys shall I continue with pt 3 ?? Do you want me to continue with the story?)🤔😬
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morgiegirl12 · 8 years
Best Shamchat ever. Also if you are the Levi...message me...plz
This is a conversation between Levi Ackerman and yourself, Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman. Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: Levi? Levi Ackerman : *he turns around* ye-.. m-mom? Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: I found you...my baby boy. Levi Ackerman : H-how...I thought I lost you.. Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: What do you mean? Levi Ackerman : I thought you had died..what happened to you? Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: After Kenny took you. This man showed up. I woke up after that. Levi Ackerman : *he nodded and looked down, pulling her into a hug* Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: *she hugged back* I have been spending years looking for you. Levi Ackerman : Ive been up here for a while now..Im a captain. Humanities strongest... Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: I know. That is how I found you. Someone tossed a newspaper into the Underground. I saw your picture. Levi Ackerman : *he nodded a little* Im glad you found me, I can get you a nice house up here if you want, come visit you when I can. Im sure Erwin would be glad to help Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: That would be nice. I spent all my money getting to you. Look at you. You turned into a handsome man. Levi Ackerman : Im not handsome mother, just average looking... You still look so young, Im sure if you wanted you could find someone for you Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: I am far too old for that. You make me so proud. I bet whoever your father is, if he knew...he would be proud too. Levi Ackerman : Youre not old, if you find someone you love you should go for it..be happy. And I dont care about the man who is my 'father' As long as your proud Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: Levi, I am nearing 50. *She smiled and kissed his forehead* Just remember, I will always be proud of you Levi. Levi Ackerman : *he smiled softly and nodded, looking down* Im glad you will..and so what? You aren't like most of the 50 year Olds. You look at least 40. Your hair isn't even getting that Grey yet Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: *she giggled* You are flattering me. I guess I could try to find someone. Someone who makes me happy and someone you can stand. Levi Ackerman : As long as your happy and he isn't a douche bag ill be able to stand him. But if whoever he is hurts you, I will go over to you ans beat him up myself Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: I know you will. You are like my knight Levi. I can always count on you. Levi Ackerman : *he gave a small smile and nodded* I missed you so much.. Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: I have missed you as well. So...who is this Erwin? Levi Ackerman : Hes kind of like my boss. Hes not a complete jerk and is probably one of the people closest to me. Him and Hanji Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: Well, that is nice you have some friends. Have you found a special someone? Levi Ackerman : *he shook his head* not yet...Ive liked a few people but Ive just been to busy to act on my feelings Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: Can you tell me about them please? I want to hear about these people. Levi Ackerman : Well for a short while there was this woman. Petra. She loved me and I was never completely sure about my feelings with her..sadly on an expedition she was killed by the female titan. The others I dont know how to describe..I admire them and have a great amount of respect for them but I dont know.. Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: She sounded like a nice woman. I just want you to find someone who loves you, respects you and makes you happy. Levi Ackerman : I know you do. And I would like to find someone one day but I fear that i would loose them. Ive seen it happen before with couples in this line of work Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: Yes. You miss them but you focus on the good times and that they can't hurt them anymorrm Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: *anymore. Levi Ackerman : *he nodded* alright..would you like to meet Erwin and Hanji? Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: I would love that Levi. Levi Ackerman : *he gently took her hand and pulled her along like a child would in a toy store* Erwin should be in his office Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: *she giggled a bit* Oh. An office. Let me guess...he is the Commander. Levi Ackerman : *he nodded* yea, hes the main v Levi Ackerman : Bis Levi Ackerman : Boss* here, me and hanji following after Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: Well...that is nice. I am so happy you are such an infulential person here. Levi Ackerman : Most of the cadets dislike me because in strict and make them clean so im not sure if that's influential Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: Before you learn anything you learn to either clean or make tea. You know both. Levi Ackerman : *he chuckled and nodded* there is only a few brats who know how to properly make tea but they seem to be either the biggest trouble makers or problem causers, although they seem to be reliable Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: I hear you were a trouble maker at one point my son. Almost outran the Survey Corps. Levi Ackerman : Hmm..I admit I was. Me and two others were when we still lived underground Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: See? Now...describe to me this Erwin. Levi Ackerman : Hes a giant. Well compared to me at least..hes blonde, blue eyes, big eyebrows. Hes a calm guy most of the time ans I guess hes nice. Although his niceness irritates me sometimes hes still a decent guy Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: He sounds very nice. I can't wait to see him. Levi Ackerman : *they got to erwins kffi Levi Ackerman : Office and he didn't bother to knock* Hey Erwin. I would like you to meet someone Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: *she looked at Erwin and blushed a bit thinking he looked very handsome* Levi Ackerman : *Erwin stood up* whose this? Levi Ackerman : This is my mom, mother, meet Erwin *lever said* Levi Ackerman : Levi** Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: *She held her hand out* Kuchel Ackerman. It is nice to meet you Levi Ackerman : *Erwin gently took her hand and smiled, planting a small kiss on it as Levi rolled his eyes a bit* Erwin Smith nice to meet you too Kuchel Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: *Kuchek blushed and giggled* Such a gentleman. *her heart started to beat faster as well* Levi Ackerman : *Levi raised his brow and smirked at the two* I can leave so you two can get acquainted if you'd like. Ill just wait in my office *Levi said* Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: Only if you want to Levi. *She looked at him then at Erwin* What do you think Erwin? Levi Ackerman : Im fine with it mother *Levi said and Erwin smiled* Id love to get to know you more if that's alright Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: Okay then. I will have Erwin bring me to your office after we are done. *She kissed Levi's cheek* Levi Ackerman : *Levi smiled and nodded, giving her a small hug* please don't give me a sibling. And if you two become a thing, I am not calling you father Erwin Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: *Kuchel blushed brightly* L-Levi! W-why did you have to say that. Levi Ackerman : What? You two seem to already be hitting it off so im just saying. *he smirked* use protection! *he said as he walked out of erwins office* Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: *her blush got brighter and she looked at Erwin* I am so sorry about that. He spent some time with my brother and he was like that. Levi Ackerman : *Erwin shook his head and smiled* its alright, I know how he can be. Him ans hanji have this nickname they call me Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: *She smiled at him* I can't believe he would say something like that. I never expected it. Levi Ackerman : Despite the things he says, hes a good man. *he hummed and smiled* oh, feel free to take a seat Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: Oh of course. *she went and took a seat in front of his deak* You seem like a nice man. Levi Ackerman : Thank you, you seem like a nice woman. Tell me about yourself *he folded his hands and smiled* Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: Well...you already know my name. I raised Levi by myself at the age of 19. I lived in the Underground until recently. I believe my brother Kenny is an MP officer. Feel free to ask questions. Levi Ackerman : *he nodded* Hmm..this may seem straightforward but is there any love interest in your life? Just wondering of course Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: I have my eye on someone but...I am single. *she smiled at him happily* Levi Ackerman : *he smiled softly and nodded again* that's good to know, may I know who that someone is or is that too personal? Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: Well...can I know if you have your eye on someone Erwin? *she placed her hand on the deck* Levi Ackerman : Hmm, I might..she is a very beautiful woman so its hard not to *he said, attempting to flirt a bit* Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: Mine is a handsome man with the brightest blue eyes. *she looked into his eyes flirting as well* Levi Ackerman : *he smiled and tilted his head slightly* mine is a woman with the most gorgeous smile Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: Perfectly neat hair, just the right of blond. Levi Ackerman : Long slick black hair with beautiful eyes Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: I think I know who this person is. Levi Ackerman : Do you? Because I think I know who yours is too Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: Then say your guess then I will say mine. Levi Ackerman : Sorry if I sound conceded but would happen to have your eye on me? Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: You are correct. My guess for you is...me? Levi Ackerman : *he smiled and nodded* mhmm, you're right Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: *she smiled back and went to him* That is very good. Levi Ackerman : *he turned in his seat and looked at her with a smile* it is, isn't it Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: Yes...*she sat on his lap* Well...what should we do with this information? Levi Ackerman : *he blushed softly and raised his brow a bit* Hmm..well, we could do this *he leaned in a little and softly kissed her before slowly pulling away* but, that's just a thought Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: I like that idea Erwin. *she leaned in for another kiss happily. She felt at ease. Finally, she had someone who loved her* Levi Ackerman : *he smiled softly into the kiss ans gently wrapped his arms around her, humming happily, wondering how Levi would think of it* Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: *She wrapped her arms around his neck, she wondered how her son would feel with her being with his boss* Levi Ackerman : *he deepened the kiss a little bit before Levi walked in* hey I forgot my- woah ok..um...you two go ahead..and uh, remember what I said. Use protection if you get at it *he then quickly left the room, heading to hanjis office to tell her the news Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: *Kuchel pulled away and looked at Erwin with a smile* I think we scarred him a bit. *Hanji in her office drinking coffee, she had been up gir two days going over the results of the tests on Eren* Levi Ackerman : *Erwin chuckled and shrugged a little before leaning in to kiss her again. Levi barged into hanjis office and shut the door behind him* I just caught my mom who I just found out is alive making out with Erwin Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: *Kuchel happily accepted the kiss. Hanji busted up laughing* That is hilarious! You walked in on them! Levi Ackerman : *Levi took a deep breath and looked at her* I mean, im fine with them being together but does this mean that Erwin might become my step dad?! I mean, hes my boss Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: That is very possible. They might get married making your mother Mrs. SMITH! *she kept laughing a bit* I am sorry...it is just funny. Levi Ackerman : *he groaned a little bit and walked over to her couch, laying down on his stomach* ughhhh hanji this isn't funny. My boss Id going to be my step dad Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: It is. Plus Erwin is a good guy. If he is like this with her...he truely loves her. Levi Ackerman : *he nodded a little* yea I know. And im glad she found someone but im just having a hard time comprehending this Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: Yeah...he is a good friend of yours and now he is dating your mom... Levi Ackerman : Mhmm...how would you react in this situation? *he asked, turning his head to look at her* Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: I would talk to him...maybe set some boundaries for them. Then slowly lift them as time goes on. Levi Ackerman : I already told them I don't want a sibling...I kinda told them to use protection if they have sex.. Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: Levi...you know since Erwin doesn't really have sex his condoms would be expired or he wouldn't have any...right? Levi Ackerman : *he groaned a little* Hmm..maybe as a congratulations gift I can get him some condoms...that sounds like a good gift right? Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: It would be wierd. Getting your boss and potential step dad condoms. Plus...they could be in his room now! Levi Ackerman : Dammit your right! Your coming with me hanji! If they are doing it, your going to get scarred too! *he quickly got up and grabbed her wrist before she could protest, dragging her through the halls* Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: Gah! Levi! Why are you dragging me into this? It is not like it is my mom. *she closed her eyes* I don't want to see it Levi. Levi Ackerman : Neither do i! *he stopped at erwins door and looked at hanji* just stay behind Mr with your eyes shut. Ill need someone to catch me in case I pass out Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: You got it Levi. My eyes are already closed. I will be ready to catch you. *she gulped and held onto the back of his jacket* Levi Ackerman : *he took a deep breath and quickly opened the door, ready for the worst* Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: *she waited for Levi to either faint of say something* Levi Ackerman : *He sighed and leaned back against hanji* oh thank god they aren't having sex *he murmured as Erwin looked at him, tilting his head seeing as they were just cuddling* Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: *Hanji sighed and opened her eyes* Uh...Commander...Why are you shirtless? Also...sorry for the interruption. Levi Ackerman : *Erwin looked at the two of them, Levi with his eyes closed still leaning against hanji in relief* well we were getting a little intimate but decided it would be best to wait for a little while so we stopped and cuddled... Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: *Hanji smiled at Levi* I guess...I should get you to bed Levi. We kinda thought you two were...ya know and we got worried as well. Levi Ackerman : *Levi murmured something incoherent and Erwin chuckled* don't worry guys, we wont take it too far yet *Erwin said with a small smile* Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: No we were worried about a no condom problem. That was the worrying thing. So...is Levi's mom sleeping? Levi Ackerman : *Erwin nodded in understanding* oh and yes, she seemed pretty tired so I told her she could gett some sleep Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: Levi...I am about to fall over. Now...we will leave you two be. Come on Captain. Levi Ackerman : *Erwin nodded and Levi stood up* sorry about that four eyes.. Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: Okay...Night Erwin. *she closed the door and looked at Levi* I guess we worried over nothing. Levi Ackerman : ((Levi was the one I meant to make say that lol) *Levi nodded a little* I guess we did. I really need to get them condoms Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: ((She was talking to Levi then to Erwin)) Come on. I will make you some tea and then we need to get to bed. Levi Ackerman : ((Ok)) alright lets get going *he hummed and started to walk down the hallway* Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: *She followed him* So...why wouldn't you want a sibling? Levi Ackerman : Hmm...I don't know..I guess I'm scared that he or she might end up like me and I don't want that for them Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: Levi...you were in the underground with only your mother. This kid would be on the surface with both parents and an awesome big brother. Levi Ackerman : *he smiled softly and shrugged* yea I guess...but if I do get a little brother or sister, there is no way in hell I am gonna let them risk their lives by joining the scouts. Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: They might get lucky and not join or if they are skilled, the MPs Levi Ackerman : Hopefully..I just want them to have a good life, either way Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: Maybe by then...we could be Titan free. Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: Imagine a Titan free life. Your mom with a house near the ocean. Never Died! Kuchel Ackerman: (Hello?)
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