#not to b clingy but i missed seeing u on my dash in the past few days
134340am · 2 years
hi yuna, hope you've been well !! may i join your sundress season collab with megumi (jjk) please ? c: you are so, so, so big brained for this, i've been excited ever since you mentioned it !! 💞
screaming because my friend sent me this pic of megumi and we've been gushing about him for the past 15 minutes <3 so ur timing is super on point!!!
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i've added you to the masterlist! please lmk if you don't see your name or if you're not tagged, because the post is a lil glitchy :-(
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tamakisuwu · 5 years
— jealousy. | tamaki amajiki.
Tamaki Amajiki x Jealous F! Reader.
Summary : tamaki starts hanging out a lot more with nejire making y/n feel a little bit jealous.
Warnings : slight angst (?) / fluff
first post with my fav. boy tamaki !! I apologize if the story has a few errors or if it isn’t the best, I wrote this in school and not everyone is good at writing also the big three might be a bit ooc so I apologize again but I hope you enjoy !! (´∀`)♡
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As Tamaki’s lover, you knew you had to be patient with him as the stuttering boy was too shy to even make a move on you when you first started dating and that was okay! you just had to be patient. Though sometimes Tamaki did do some things that made you feel not only weird emotions but also made you a bit impatient and today was one of those days.
While in class, when there was no teacher yet, you decided that you wanted to talk to your lover and ask him if he wanted to go with you to the new takoyaki resturant down town after classes however.. as you were about to stand up, Tamaki stood up and started walking over to Nejire— ‘huh? Nejire?’ you thought, watching them from afar. Usually he would go to Mirio when the teacher wasn’t around though you really didn’t mind that he went to Nejire this time. They were close friends and you didn’t mind that! or so you thought..
As the day passed by, with you trying to talk with Tamaki only to have him go to Nejire to talk about God know’s what, you thought you had done something wrong or something to upset him as it looked like he was ignoring you but you knew that wasn’t the case but just to be sure, you would talk to him when classes ended.
The day ended with you fixing your bag, slinging it over your shoulder and with one last glance of your desk, you turned around and walked outside, waiting for Tamaki. You waited, sitting down on one of the benches before you heard footsteps that were going to your way. You looked behind you only to see your boyfriend walking up to you! you inhaled softly before smiling as he now stood in front of you, his indigo hair slightly flowing to the side cause of the wind.
“H-hey bunny” He said, stuttering in his voice that you fell in love with. “Hey Tama! ready to go home now?” you said smiling widely as he called you the nickname that you grew to love. He blushed seeing you smile at him so happily before looking away making you tilt your head, waiting for his response. “Is something wrong Tama?” You asked in a gentle tone, one that made Tamaki go weak in the knees. “U-um.. I’m s-sorry bunny b-but I agreed to help N-nejire once school w-was over..” Tamaki said, looking at you once again, not noticing your smile go upside down.
Oh. you thought, now knowing that he wasn’t really mad at you or anything but you still couldn’t help that feeling inside your stomach, it wasn’t that pleasant feeling when you’re in love but a rather sick feeling that made your heart ache but you shook it off, smiling at him. “Oh! its okay, I’ll go now but don’t stay out too late!” You said trying to shake off the bitterness in your tone. What was happening? Why are you feeling this way? Nejire’s your friend for goodness sake! So why? Why are you feeling like this?
Tamaki didn’t seem to notice this as he waved, smiling slightly when you waved back with a smile. You turned around, your smile turning into a slight frown but nevertheless you started walking back to the dorms, buying yourself a takoyaki for dinner before going to bed with you being positive about this whole situation, not knowing that this would continue on for days.
A few days have passed and this still continued, you trying to talk to your lover, only to have him walk over to Nejire or Mirio at times but these past few days it was always Nejire and you were starting to get tired of it. You get it, it was wrong to feel this way but, how could you not feel this way? Nejire was better than you, more confident, more attractive, and just amazing. She was everything you were not and you couldn’t help but feel sad and jealous just seeing them together, you wanted to break their conversation but you knew you wouldn’t be a ble to relate anyway.
Your jealousy started growing as you started to doubt yourself more and more. You’d doubt yourself whenever you’d see them together, walking together, just anything they did together, you’d always compare yourself to her and your mood started to get the attention of your lover’s best friend Mirio.
You were about to go home, not even bothering to ask Tamaki to walk with you as you knew, he would decline you again. You knew he would decline you for Nejire and you didn’t wanna feel the big pang in your heart when you hear his rejection. You slung your bag over your shoulder, fixing your desk, humming softly. “y/n!!” You heard a familiar voice shout making you turn around only to be met by your lover’s best friend, Mirio. “Hey Mirio.” you said, smiling slightly as you started walking to the door, Mirio following behind you.
“You okay? I noticed that you and Tamaki barely hang out nor speak as much.” He says as if it wasn’t the most obvious thing in the world making you sigh as you opened the door and started walking outside of the hero school. “Yeah I’m okay.. I guess you could say?” You say or more of– ask, tilting your head slightly while looking at the scenery in front of you. “Hm? What do you mean you guess?” Mirio asks, worry coating his usual cheerful voice making you sigh as you decided to just tell him.
“Well, these past few days, Tamaki’s always hanging out with Nejire and I’m not saying I doubt them or anything. I trust them with all my heart! I just feel.. I don’t know.. sad, confused?” You say, getting your feelings out as you hoped that Mirio wouldn’t get defensive or just outright tell Tamaki or Nejire which you knew you wouldn’t but still, they were all close friends and you never know! “Ah.. so you’re jealous. I see, I see..” Mirio says teasingly, making you sigh then frown making Mirio know that this was serious and not some game.
“You know, you should go up to him y/n! It’ll help you lots!” Mirio says, smiling cheerfully, patting your shoulder in reassurance which made you chuckle slightly. “I would honestly love to Mirio but I’m not confident enough for that and what if he reacts like this or like that or worse what if he actually breaks up with m–” before you could finish that sentence and think for the worse, Mirio cuts you off “Look, I know Tamaki and I know that he would never do that! He loves you way too much for that and I know this cause he talks about you a lot.” Mirio says winking, making you blush slightly.
You thought for a bit, still walking with Mirio to your dorms before you sighed, reaching your dorms. Looking up to your tall and cheerful friend, you smiled at him making him smile back. “I’ll think about it Mirio.” You said while Mirio nodded and smiled, giving you a thumbs up. You laughed and waved before parting ways in the dorms.
The next day flew by and while getting ready, you’ve decided that you’re gonna tell Tamaki all about what you’ve been feeling. You were nervous as hell, yes but you wanted to get these feelings off your chest. You went downstairs, seeing that you were the only one awake and went to school, grabbing a breakfast on the way. You arrived at your classroom and like usual you were the first one to arrive. You walked over to your desk and decided that you should take a nap for a bit, no one was here anyways. You sat down on your desk, closed your eyes and hummed a song before falling asleep slowly.
You awoke to the sound of people whispering, while some were just talking making you groan and open your eyes only to be met with your lover, Tamaki and Nejire talking happily as if you weren’t even there and that thought gave an ache to your heart. You looked away with a teary eye, hoping that no one would see it. “Gooooood morning y/n!!~” Nejire sang, making you sigh, she must’ve seen you open your eyes and now you’re gonna have to face them. Them, the two people that made you feel this weird emotion.
“O-oh.. Good m-morning bunny..” That voice that you loved and missed so much stuttered out to you, you just wanted to hug him and tell him everything but you refrained yourself from doing so, you didn’t want him to think you were clingy or that possessive girlfriend! “Hey guys..” You muttered out, staring at the wall, just wanting to get out of there.
“Heey! Why don’t cha look over here y/n-chan? your boyfriend here wants to see youuu~” Nejire said in a happy, cheerful voice, putting her hand on your shoulder making you tense up slightly. “H-hey! I-I didn’t say that!” Tamaki said, not knowing that this answer just made you feel more worse. Making you stand up, still teary eyed before wiping your eyes with your arm looking at both of them before smiling.. a smile that everyone could tell was fake, pained, doubtful.
“I um.. I’ve gotta go for a bit s-so.. Bye!” You said quickly before dashing to the door, biting your lip to keep your emotions in. Everyone looked at the door in shock while Tamaki sat on his chair still in shock and confused as to why it happened. Why did you run? Why were you crying? Why did you look so sad? Whatever it was Nejire knew it all as she frowned and nudged on Tamaki’s arm. “You better go after her and ask her whats wrong.” She said, still frowning while Tamaki nodded. “T-thats what I w-was gonna do.” Tamaki said before dashing off, following your footsteps while Nejire felt guilty for asking so much time from your boyfriend.
Tamaki ran, questions running around his head, looking everywhere for you before bumping into his childhood friend on accident. “Oh! Hey Ta–” Before Mirio could say anything Tamaki cuts him off, in a quick stuttering sentence. “M-mirio! h-have you s-seen y-y/n?!” Tamaki asks making Mirio tilt his head in a curious manner. “No but why? wha–” Mirio was about to say something but he got cut off with Tamaki running off leaving Mirio confused as ever.
You ran and ran until you were at the side of the school. Panting softly, you sat down, rethinking the whole event that just happened. ‘What if I overreacted? God.. He probably thinks I’m so sensitive now or worse he probably hates me..’ You thought before hearing soft pants coming from your right, you looked at your right only to see your lover walking up to you while panting making you frown and stand up, getting ready to run before you felt a fim but gentle grip on your wrist, you widened your teary eyes as you looked at Tamaki, quickly looking down so he wouldn’t see you in such state.
“L-look at me bunny.” Tamaki said in a soft voice. Refusing to look at him, keeping you head down, you heard him sigh. Thinking he would just walk off, you braced yourself before you felt a hand pull your chin up. Only for your teary eyes to meet his indigo eyes that you loved dearly. “W-whats wrong bunny? D-did I do s-something to make y-you u-upset..?” Tamaki said, his hand on your wrist slowly going to your hand, tracing small patterns on your palm.
You sighed, you did want this to happen but not in this way! but there was no point in hiding it so you decided to man up and tell him about it. “I-I.. you’ve been hanging out with N-nejire a lot a-and.. I really don’t mind that at all! b-but.. you’ve been d-declining me and all your attention is on h-her.. and I get it.. She’s beautiful, sexy, attractive, smart, strong while I’m here being this stupid, ugly, unattract–” before you could say that last word, you felt a pair of soft, slightly trembling lips touch your own, making you gasp.
Tamaki was never one to kiss you first and definitely not in public! however you didn’t care. You just needed him, you missed him, you’ve spent all these past few days lonely, confused, sad and you just needed him at this moment. The kiss lasted for a whole minute but to you, it felt like it lasted just for a second. Tamaki looked at you, redness covering his pale cheeks. He cupped your face making you lean into his touch out of instinct making his red cheeks go more red.
“D-don’t you dare finish that sentence. Y-you’re the m-most beautiful p-person I have e-ever met and ever s-seen. You’re not s-stupid. You’re smart, t-talented and the most amazing p-person I know! D-don’t you ever say that b-bunny, because you m-mean the whole w-world to me.” Tamaki said, hugging you gently and snuggling his face onto your neck making you giggle as you felt his hair tickle your neck. He took this as a cue to continue. He kissed your neck softly making you gasp and blush.
“I only spent t-time with N-nejire c-cause.. O-our anniversary w-was coming u-up soon a-and I-I needed advice on h-how to m-make it the best a-anniversary f-for you and s-since only Nejire was a g-girl, I figured that s-she’d be the b-best persin to t-talk t-to. I’m sorry bunny, I-I didn’t m-mean to make you j-jealous.” Tamaki said, stroking your back softly while you played with his hair, you felt guilty for ruining his suprise but you felt relieved after hearing him say that.
“I’m sorry if I ruined your suprise Tama and its okay, I forgive you, I just didn’t know and overreacted.” You said, sighing softly, still playing with his indigo locks. “N-no. I-its okay bunny, i-if you were like that with M-mirio or something I-I.. I’d feel the same.” Tamaki said, shaking his head. just imagining it makes his heart ache. You hummed as you played with his hair.
The past few days, you felt these weird emotions, getting confused, lost, sad and filled with doubt but you realized that its okay to feel that emotion, that emotion that was so called jealousy, it made your bond with your lover even closer than before
and you were happy with that.
omg, after like 2-3 hours, I’m finally done!! this was my first story here and I hope that ya’ll enjoyed this story and I hope that it wasn’t too cringey– I’m really sorry if it looked like I did Nejire dirty, I really love her tho seriously!! she’s adorable! I just thought she’d be perfect for this one shot cause she’s the only girl that Tamaki is most likely comfortable with. I apologize still if they’re a bit ooc– I’ll do better next time! and leave sum requests, its open (≧∇≦)
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closetweebsmh · 4 years
Ticklish || TBHK - Hanako Headcanon
Note: I copied and pasted this from MY tbhk one-shot book so don’t be alarmed when you find it familiar. It is an original of mine.
• When you tickle him •
- You've always wondered if this cute smol boy is ticklish; for a while now actually! - So to satisfy your aching curiosity, you're just going to harmlessly b r u s h his sides for a split moment FUFUFU - And by "harmlessly brush", I mean to literally attack him with a furious flurry of tickles- - By the time school ended and school bell rung, you immediately dashed to the abandoned girl's bathroom to meet your perverted ghost buddy - "Hanako-Kun, you here?~" "But of course, Y/n!" - He noticed the weird mischievous glint in your eyes as you happily skip over to him- a little too happy for his taste. - Just from the look on your face spelled out trouble! And you say he's the troublemaker- - As he was trying to figure out your strange behavior today, you took the opportunity to tackle him - You straddled him effortlessly with an endearing and frisky grin on your face, making his face burn scarlet. - "Y-Y/n?! W-What are you-" - Cue the aggressive tickle attack - He lets out a loud yet adorable series of laughs making you internally fawn over his laugh and crave for more - "BAHAH- STAAPPHHHHHH!!" "NEVERRRR!" - This lasted for a little over a while and ended up with you being chased down the halls by the vengeful ghost in the evening as your screams full of "terror" echoed throughout the school.
• When he tickles you •
- To be honest, he just wants to get his revenge after that tickle incident- - So he decided to pay you a little visit. - He hastily floated over to your homeroom in the middle of a lesson and went up to your drained figure - Your eyes brightened up at the sight of your favorite ghost
"Hanako-Kun!" You whisper-yelled as you cover the bottom half of your face with your textbook. The boy grinned happily and waved. "What brings you here, Hanako-Kun? I'm in the middle of a lesson at the moment as you can see." You gestured to the teacher in front with your eyes.
"I just miss my dear ol' Y/n, that's all!~" He sang happily and hugged your figure. You laughed quietly at his clingy-ness. You let him hug you and continued to "listen" to your teacher in front with a content look on your face.
- Seeing that you're distracted, he softly glided his hands over your side as he watches your face with anticipation. - Boy was it hard NOT to laugh - You're extremely ticklish and can't even handle a slight brush of your sides - And Hanako knows that extremely well- - You silently glared at him with so much intensity as you bit back your laughter - The apparition only grinned widely and fully pressed your side, sending big waves of shock - And, as expected, you burst out laughing in the dead silent classroom - Which led you getting harshly scolded and getting detention for the day - But at least the ghost boy made it up to you by making your favorite food and spends the night with you stargazing afterwards ♡︎
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