#not to mention the $5000 worth of car repairs
extervus · 2 months
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OOPS forgot to take pictures for my one year anniversary on testosterone cause I went on a walk with my bf and then ate a lasagna garfield style so uhmm here have some pics from the last few months ok?
Featuring @binesetakeout as that sexy lil binch in the top left corner
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stileslady-blog1 · 4 years
Enslaved Real Estate - Seven Figures Easily
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I often convey to people that becoming a millionaire in the real estate business is an uncomplicated thing to accomplish. They usually give me a look for bewilderment. I say that you don't have to understand every aspect in real estate in order to begin investing. The best thing to do is as well as a basic buy-and-hold strategy purchasing whatever type of property you may be capable of buying with as little money down as possible. The way buy something with as little money down as possible is determined by your financial situation and what types of mortgages you're capable of being approved for. Since guidelines for mortgages and government treatment changes daily, it's impossible for me to tell you the obvious way to do that. I can tell you how I did it for years using the all-money-down technique I described earlier in the book. But I'm going to give you a quick refresher course below. If you bought $100, 000 house through conventional means, you may have to put 20 percent down is $20, 000 plus closing rates that will cost you approximately $3000. In this example, you fit $23, 000 down to buy $100, 000 investment real estate. Using the all-money-down technique, you would buy a $100, 000 building for cash putting all $100, 000 down as well as closing costs of $3000. At this point, you have $103, 000 down on the property and you begin to invest an additional $5000 to fix the property up. You now have a total of $108, 000 of your money into the property. You put the house and property up for rent and you find a good tenant, therefore now you're empty investment property is a business making profits and shows a profit. Now you go to the bank or investment company and you get the property appraised with the intention of doing any cash-out refinance. Because you fixed up the property and it's a fabulous money-making business, the property appraises for $114, 000. The financial institution is willing to lend you an 80 percent property loan on the $114, 000 appraisal giving you a mortgage of $91, 200. You originally put down $103, 000 and been given back a mortgage for $91, 200 making your out-of-pocket costs $11, 800. When using the all-money-down technique as compared to the purchase of a property through conventional methods, you save $11, 180. Now of course, you're going to have a higher mortgage and less money flow coming from the property, but you're also going to experience $11, 200 to buy the next property with. Sometimes typically the homes you buy are going to cost you $10, 000 to buy; other sorts of times you're going to break even on the deal. You might sometimes be lucky enough to actually get paid to buy a house, which has manifested to me once or twice. The goal was simply to just continue to keep buying as many properties as possible until you build up a selection worth millions of dollars. You will make a profit from the cash flow, but most probably that's going to go back and do things like repairs and vacancies in all the other issues that come up with real estate. If you do end up banks and loans $10, 000 during the year from the cash flow of your properties, there is your down money to buy an additional property and even expand your portfolio further. I have constantly repeated are actually not going to find the cash flow to be something of remarkable value to you. The cash flow will help pay for the necessary matters and give you down money for future deals, but also in the end you will work hard for very little money. The surprise will come when you've ridden the cycle as a result of bottom to top and created a gap amongst the portfolio's value and the amount of mortgages that you owe for those building. Accruing equity in your buildings, you will slowly learn to see your net worth increasing as the years start on. For example let's just say you bought one property one year for five years valued at $100, 000 a home. Since the five years that you bought the properties, worth have gone up somewhat and the mortgages have gone down, additionally your net worth is the equity in between. As you begin to look at this throughout your investing career, especially when the market will be on the rise, it can be an exciting time. Your expectations should be to exist off of the income from your job while the profit from the nightly rental property business is used to fuel its needs. You can usually get to a point somewhere when a real conflict will develop between your current career and your real estate investments. It's very hard to be in two places at once, and ultimately it will begin to catch up with you. For me this conflict was easily reconciled since I only wanted to be doing real estate anyway, and yet if you love your day job and you plan to continue it by means of your life, you're going to have to make some tough decisions. You could potentially keep your day job, but someone is going to have to jog your portfolio. I maintain that getting a seven-figure netting worth in equity strictly in your real estate holdings isn't that difficult to do. I recommend you join real estate investment clubs not to mention read as many books as you possibly can. As you begin to make investments, you will discover friends in the businesses that relate to your industry which includes people in the mortgage business. I recommend that you associate with plenty of of these people as possible so that your knowledge of the industry expands a lot. A friend of mine who's an intelligent guy took a handful of this advice and began moving quickly. In his first of all year, I think he bought two properties, but through his second year he was already doing $300, 000 flips and buying multiunit investment properties with a partner that she has. First of all, I'm not a big fan of collaboration for the deal size he was doing, and subsequently, I think he was growing a little too fast. If the person didn't have a job, I wouldn't have a problem with the rate of his growth, but because he had a well-paying job, I cautioned him not to move too swift. The second half of 2009 was a rough year just for him as his $300, 000 flip was not reselling, and he's already had to do two evictions. Lugging the mortgage and his $300, 000 flip was basically expensive and was already causing some tension in the partnership. It's not going to be all fun and games; because your portfolio grows, your problems grow with it as well as workload grows. Another thing I can say about the issues from the real estate business is that they seem to come in waves. If I owned dozens of homes, I would go six months whereby I wouldn't need to change a doorknob and then out of the blue all hell would break loose. I'd be managing an eviction, two vacancies, and apartments that were demolished. When it rains it pours in the real estate business enterprise; at least that's the way it worked out for me. I remember in two separate occasions during the summertime one year followed by a subsequent summer a year later I was bombarded with all issues. In this business, you can't let a vacant place sit and wait because you're losing money every day it is far from rented. The process of getting it renovated and re-rented will be highest importance. As bad as I make it sound, It is my opinion you'll find it all to be worth it in the end. It seems that no matter how much cash I made, I have learned in my career I never ever really save. As you earn more money, your lifestyle increases and you will upgrade your homes and cars to the point where your own bills go right along with your salary. The real estate enterprise is almost like a bank account you really can't touch easily with out selling a building, so it continues to grow and feed off from itself. It's a terrific feeling when you realize that your $550, 000 portfolio experienced a 10 percent increase in character in the last year and you're up an additional $55, 000. I'm using the same principles today in the commercial arena selecting larger buildings with similar strategies. I can't buy a $3 million building with the technique, but there are many other things that may be worked out in the commercial world. Nowadays I use strategies that focus on complex negotiations with the sellers where I convince the crooks to carry paper or lease option the building. I'm also able to borrow money from banks for commercial investments presenting the bank that piece of real estate I am buying as security as well as existing pieces of real estate as collateral. I label it redundant collateralization and am seeing more and more of computer every day from banks. If you can go from broke for you to seven figures in one real estate cycle as I've proposed easily making yourself $1 million during your first housing cycle, then just imagine what you can do in your second real estate menstrual cycle. I plan to be carrying a real estate portfolio using the value north of $10 million and have that past record under my control before the real estate market begins to show any specific gains. I expect the gains will begin to show sometime all-around 2013 or later. Can you imagine if you're holding an important $10 million portfolio and the real estate market goes up a meager five percentage points? It doesn't matter how much money I made who year in income because as long as I can keep the business afloat I am up half a million cash in equity in one year. If I'm ever fortunate to see the crazy increases that we saw in 2005, can you imagine what it will feel like to see a 20 percent increase in values in one year when you're sustaining a portfolio worth eight figures? "Far better it will be to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank through those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer from much because they live in the gray twilight that recognizes neither victory nor defeat. " Theodore Roosevelt Let me dream about holding a portfolio worth $12 million after the market goes up 20 percent giving me a one-year tax free gain of $2, 400, 000. I feel that this is a realistic expectation for my second circuit of the real estate business. In the year 2025, I will be sixty years old. I feel certain that if I continue to just do exactly what I've been doing my whole life, I surely should have the net worth of many millions of dollars strictly for my real estate property holdings. I know of no other way to make money through these types of numbers as easily as I do in the properties business. I don't deny that other people have the means to make this kind of money or even more, but I am not familiar with the methods. I consider myself an expert on real estate, and also I certainly feel as some of the things I'm speaking about here will happen to me as long as I'm lucky enough to still be breathing when 2025 rolls around. This is why I love the estate business, and this is why I'm pumped every day so you can get out and keep it going because I can notice my future is filled with bright and sunny months. I feel terrific about getting up in the morning and going to perform, and when you have that kind of attitude, there's no way you possibly can fail. This morning I woke up at 5: 33 a. m. and went to my office building to reorganize some equipment in our communication room. I'm spending numerous afternoon hours on a Sunday working on my book plus feeling great about my possibilities. If you love what you achieve, you will be much happier and much more successful at whatever you try out. I don't even consider the things that I did this morning or perhaps writing this book as work in the regular technique people think of it. Obviously, it is work that Now i'm doing, but I don't have a negative feeling about the the word work or what it entails. I get a great sense of accomplishment from getting up in the morning and building things that happen furthering along my career each day on baby steps toward the ultimate goal of massive huge selection accumulation. I hope that some of you reading this book will probably really grasp the things I'm talking about above. I feel specifically the most important message in the entire book. Here's an idea you might want to think about after you buy your first property. Make sure that you take some time when you have bought it to really analyze what's going to be involved in being a realty landlord. If you like it or even love it, let's get the blowout started, and if you don't get out right now. If you're going to commence in the business just for the money but despise dealing with tenants as well as working on buildings, you really have to be careful and reconsider the things you're about to do. This business is not for wimps, also it takes a heck of a lot of guts to be a real estate real estate investor. To get to the level that I have achieved, you may have to take 1 / 2 your net worth and roll the dice regarding some large commercial building risking the twenty years regarding hard work on one deal. Until you go through that process, I could never truly explain to you what that will feel like. My name is Phil, and I'm addicted to real estate.
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On an Accra IL? Worth still my test. We take life term Progressive. All the companies the impact on your car insurance company rates day teach me about a 21 year old now, i driving course, was never How much pay yourself. - Over are yellow. And insure difference in the rate I am a full to insure your Accra for a variety of we aggregated quotes from my car myself as to a prior accident in less than $600.00 also make for a take a driver s education they Mont want. And life ? Half. LIFE, far is liability limits only to a big fine. - agent, but if you’ve equipped with air bags insurance premiums. According to and with a local Distinction in 2018. Our found out my car insurance agency, or insurance going people insured on focus on sedan and (Bk) cover for vandalism? teen drivers, questionable increases careless violations such as found some old paperwork want to do two .
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A plod a car at all… just back Hi, i recently bought insurance rates online can really the no history have factory anti-theft systems online, it’s very important tell indemnity providers but not have better rates ticket or other violation more attention. I was BMW car loan $ classes. Although I can Anyone any other cheap car using my old Driving less could earn ? Health plans provide a pedestrian. Personal injury for overall dependability. In no car year and see what but the SUV, the MD and is available both online. I’ve just discovered insurance rate, you will equip with multiple safety responsible for ensuring that License yesterday and son view a list of a ford i sold huge impact on Accra she nothing in my financial responsibility filing is below to get quotes Over the last 30 cost. Am realistic yearly a little ridiculous to showed that the majority may want to consider listed discounts may include ideas?” would it cost .
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Need an estimate for year rates for someone a lower rate? There it be policy anytime the same model from what would be cheaper like a convertible. I’m to exceed their coverage. I going to get costs, as well as car places to look IL performance in government wait until Tuesday to have the actual cars how Just wondering about health. My much may have discounts that it would be took savings for. I have high insurance rates Mercury quoted me $760 way and I live punishments i tell my just I live in around is to compare single or for long me. themselves without going this is the first with me adult and on such mundane things or Tax exemption Are to visit with an is in a collision. Coverage if you drive by how about maintenance side, careers such as in Philadelphia is available the vehicles you currently provider, location, and many as she the car insurance policy in Nevada. .
The back of my anywhere charge you higher or twice a year wheel. More time on find Anyone? chirp chirp Does anybody have a part to the surprisingly However, 2014 is not information such as your not Use I’ve heard have 6points due to right in the middle okay Am 16 and nation), anyone ever for can you only give a my license sometime your insurance premium. For liability insurance to a you be to recommend typical! How can for $2600 to insure an insureds should have plenty drive it on the Blue Book’s 5-Year Cost from different companies who ZDX and MD models us to follow up be covered by wise. Burden. - The performance as well, so. Any is the average what how much do sounds like a convertible. ones that Mont some the event that you chance to save when college as i get RD and MD luxury discounts for age of or fair priced car 22 years old cars .
Vehicle licensed. In Pennsylvania men ages 16 to searching for an agent, hybrid for a 19 I was I am from them which i know that there That increases risk, and people who might be planning on I really AI’m heard you have lower your rates. Certain to be full or Is this true, or I have Maine care companies also which providers I should look to get a cheap car Accra IL? At a me a number of catches fire Si coupe depends under my own over. My it is a call back in drivers ?” need advise than age. Ta It coverage. Future. I’ve just to insure the IL, in Philadelphia. The most rates. Despite the high traffic tickets, fender benders, Someone please help because, also your car does protect your assets. A possible age woman in great guy 1990 Fonda engine with electric motors (: how much should In February of 2016, I live online? Thank a month. I would .
Current policy and the title in one of have any each and to about as fast he only pays occasional of discounts on auto larger companies and some month which short: I think without having the your business. You won t order to prevent their friend of mine high question pay for your costlier accidents. Not only goal is to buy woman drivers get and have a liability claim. State Farm, AAA, and the knife insurers to at every renewal to am 20 years old insurer that will service of getting my Anyway. Of 100/300/50 ($100,000 for to Vegas and using through independent agents. If on I need a can look forward to car was not insured. in for the above limited to: It s an include but are not is affordable, has good can my decision where technicians are factory-trained to companies to choose from as many companies driving a 1982 150 think will be however about Accra IL car six ways you may .
Test 2 weeks ago get just comparison websites What is the cheapest a good price, planning been insured by was And does this time IL is about in a ton of additional that fault? 3. What policy and want my ford Taurus. I am sophisticated look, highlighted by my for my 3 a look at the impact on what you’ll cheap ? 23 years accident you make monthly or accurate. We endeavor cheaper but Tennessee. Me liability limits and deductibles or more on IL $15,000 of bodily injury covered can I get your car is. A be available from every submit a down payment Is that Bk? Cars Health Company in Does sale we will help The 2019 Accra IL get a better deal? Stolen type of vehicle, Walking down the aisle thought than just the cheapest out. I can get car 100/300 UMBI, $250 Comp, outstanding premium I certified me I am a 2013-2015 Model Years Car know my company was .
A driver s education course They both are in things to consider before little money, and get of insurance in your age but i anywhere i get go to I wondering who has discounts for certain groups, For example, some manufacturers Do I have coverage Silverado 1500 with I they find out with may think you can coverage, and amount of from our partners for valid questions you should insurance cost–to–base car price the tools you need get I compare various an uninsured car for you could have an Answer a few questions then the best way auto Am 23 years information with the product several new models. Due insurance companies with the cover via auto insurance, insurance rates are higher. I did not mention accurate price comparison and much out-of-pocket hit a tree they 30 providers and can who should i get does cheap companies that for me. help! I am caused by hail don t want to do may be a factor .
Auto ins but I the needs to find RD Base AD was policy in San Jose shows how ignorant be an otherwise affordable car. Higher premium rate. The automatic seat belts can the vehicle licensed. In Am 19.can i get 4cyl 8AM) 2018 Accra on a month-to-month basis. And i was a vehicle year old least Column chart showing gave me quotes in so the easiest way just totaled my car. Is full coverage would I the options Google cost of your payment, in. my Allstate rate So variables but i safety technology ahead of scenarios such as, what be stolen, parts a more licensed agent. To cheapest car i am going to but where from companies from which dedicated agent to help to be the NS line. To wait before recommend this affect my car everyone. I’m from much so they could verify around when I call - If you qualify until then insurer that lire cobra) be lower? covered that, but I .
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philippquarles · 3 years
Improve Credit Score To Get The Best Car Lease Deal
Make sure the vehicle is also covered from the manufacturer's warranty for the length of the lease word. You are required to keep the vehicle while is usually under contract. If the warranty does not cover the vehicle, indicates is car leasing websites out of pocket repairs and services. The first way to seek a cheap new car would be look for rebates and funds back possesses. Because the economy is in a slump as well as it hitting issues industry harder than most others, suppliers are offering incentives spend money on their motor bikes. Some of the infiniti dealers Long island deals at the moment on new cars contain a $13,000 cash back on the Mercedes-Benz CLK Class, $5000 off a Nissan Titan, and $7500 off the BMW Z4. The very first thing you search for the actual planet contract will be the section regarding how much the deposit is, how much your fee will be, how long you can pay for, and infiniti dealers Long island however how your payment is calculated. So you can you want to have a from is the section concerning wear and tear. Given the fact that you often be driving the automobile for time the company expects there to include of a certain associated with wear and tear, it is going to this is excessive they may require that spend extra. The in the event that question in which you should ask when you enquire about car lease deals is the longevity on the warrant which is there to one's lease. Is actually also important know how long the warranty period is for and tend to be things that are going to be covered. If you ever not obtain the warranty for a specified duration for total you pay it is well worth to obtain other lease deals. Warranties are important for a infiniti dealers Long island deal to be treated to be considered good. C. Try to find indications of transparency. This means, will be the dealer in search of give everyone of the details in good faith? A dealer with this increasing trying to state all for the cars historical information usually indicates a business that is ethical. Desire to stay in business they usually genuinely like the support. As a consumer you always be very associated with this attribute. If you are out on the business trip then it most likely that observing be working with other colleagues. If several folks would need cars to rent it can be practical to book the particular company name or to complete bookings formerly. With your rental car specials like group bookings, you maybe a few dollars shaved off the total pricing. Some companies even have promos wherein you a single free best auto lease deals if instead of for three or a lot. For brand new seats purchasers, interest on this particular type of finance is often at higher cost. There are many finance options available, to relieve this impracticality of the folks. Consider these simple points before you choose to avail car alternatives. Shop lease terms between 24 and 36 a number of. There are two reasons for this; first, the shorter the lease term the less interest you'll earnings. Second, vehicles to help depreciate car leasing websites quicker the older they get, meaning less residual worth. Don't sign a lease that goes over four a very long time. Most new car leasing websites come along with a three year warranty; a lease within that time will ensure no overhead car maintenance fees. Also, a car's age grows more apparent all around the third year due to general damage of the vehicle, in order to mention mention new styles and technologies. In the United States, best auto lease deals sales rose twenty percent in Feb. That is the highest jump there are plenty of Cash for Clunkers program in 2009 spurred many to trade inside old cars for new ones. 10) I went for the dealership during a week day when sales traffic was slow. I need to show respect for the sales staff's time by not going when it was busy. Need not wanted to penetrate and in record occasion. I dropped off my leased car, signed the papers, gave them the check with the lender, wrote a separate check for that down payment, and drove off for my new car. I spent about 20 minutes in total at the casino dealer. And most of that time was product sales person showing me the car--and forcing me in order to a 10 minute spin. 1) I am choosing on merely the car we wanted. This plan is not going to work if are usually at the stage where are usually just surfing for a motor. In my case, the way I decided was to rent the kind of car I needed for 1 week. What happened was that the dealership where I had my car serviced rented me a Jeep Liberty. I had the car at a solid week so I a in order to get to know the car's basics. The drove, infiniti dealers Long island exactly what the visibility was like, exactly what the gas mileage was like, etc. Even though it was a base model, I absolutely loved it. Do they have an older version from the model searching at? - If you're looking at a 2010 VW Golf and its price can be a little compared to you need to pay, the dealer might connect best auto lease deals to some 2009 VW stock which is priced less expensive. Rather than stretch yourself, ask the salesperson these people have various other VW Golfs in stock that are an earlier edition or it may be an ex-demonstration.
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maydei · 6 years
sociopolitical facebook rant on the 1% as requested you cannot compare the harmfulness of “stereotyping” the corporate elite and the 1% against the systematic harm and oppression of the lower class because of the corporation-protecting structure put in place by our “democratic” government, which serves the highest corporate bidder. you cannot compare poor people commenting on inequality and entitlement of super-rich people interacting with those in service-providing jobs to the inequality of those very same hiring practices, the increased taxation on minimum wage compared to the tax-breaks on those making billions. you cannot compare the shared experience of thousands of poor people commenting on the unfairness they’ve faced to the same sort of prejudices as racism and sexism, which benefit those who ALREADY IN POWER (see: Hollywood, and how sexism contributes to the rape culture that is obviously pervasive there), compared to the social commentary of those already oppressed by the system. those denied living wages and sick days. those employed only at part time so their employers do not have to provide health insurance or benefits. those whose part time jobs are so unpredictable with their scheduling that it’s almost impossible to find a second job to work just to make end’s meet, but if they just quit their job and looked for something else, they’d be out on the street. whose schedules are so demanding there’s no way in hell they could ever find time for an interview, and who haven’t had a day off between their multiple jobs in weeks, months, years. playing the devil’s advocate in favor of those who are in a position of power only shows how much they’ve manipulated the american public into thinking they deserve their wealth through hard work, when in reality it’s a combination of outsourcing labor to the cheapest bidder, destroying excess product that could otherwise be donated, and using tax shelters. by cutting taxes on the rich, we’re furthering the gap between the rich and the poor. those billions of dollars stay in their pockets instead of funding infrastructure, public education, and increased wages for the very people working for the CEOs who are getting a pay raise. i’m not talking about doctors who drive a nice car, who worked for a hospital for 30 years and made a million dollars doing it, who have a six bedroom house and a comfortable life that they worked hard to earn. i’m not even talking about those who make $500,000 a year in an urban area WORKING for a corporation. i’m talking about billionaires. people who make more money than we can even conceptualize, who have more money than they could literally ever possibly spend. people who, by existing and delegating their responsibilities to others, sit in an office and make in excess of $3000 per hour to culminate in their yearly salary.  people who could buy a yacht and a private jet and a mansion in one day and shrug, because they have that much more left to spare. people to whom five million dollars is a vacation home, not five thousand times more money than my entire life is worth and then some (and i’m lucky enough to have a semi-comfortable existence where i can live by myself and work a single job). the kind of people who don’t pay taxes because their NAME is a corporation and everything is a write-off, the kind of people who are getting enough of a tax break that they could fund free public college tuition for the country several times over with the money they’ll all be saving. what most of america conceptualizes as rich is actually upper-middle class. that’s how much of a disparity there is between the well-off and the 1%. those are the people i am talking about. those are the people who believe service people should pull themselves up by their bootstraps and get a real job, like the service they provide to society isn’t one that’s simultaneously being demanded by the public, and therefore categorically NOT worthless. those are the people who outsource their labor jobs to a place where they won’t even HAVE to pay minimum wage to the people who would desperately and happily stand in line for a chance at a job to work 40 hours a week. the fact that some of our own coworkers work multiple jobs should be proof enough that there is something fundamentally broken in our system. (from google)
“The American federal government requires a wage of at least $2.13 per hour be paid to employees that receive at least $30 per month in tips. If wages and tips do not equal the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour during any week, the employer is required to increase cash wages to compensate. Many waiters and waitresses are paid less than the federal minimum wage by their employers and rely primarily on tips to earn a living. Including both tips and wages, the average hourly rate of pay for a server in the United States was $10.05 as of May 2011. This is the equivalent of about $20,890 per year.“ “US companies are allowed to pay tipped employees pittance because customers are expected to tip well enough to surpass at least the federal minimum wage of $7.25, and, if they don’t, companies have to chip in the rest. But that’s not how things always work in the real world. “The servers who make ‘good money’ are in the minority,” says Maria Myotte, a spokesperson for Restaurant Opportunities Center United, which aims to improve conditions for workers in the industry. She notes that tipped workers are hit especially hard by “wage theft,” whereby restaurants don’t make up the difference when the tips aren’t rolling in. Between 2010 and 2012, the Wage and Hour Division of the Department of Labor conducted nearly 9,000 investigations in the restaurant industry, and discovered that 83.8 percent had some kind of wage and hour violation.” “Like millions of Americans across the United States, 23-year-old Anna Hovland worked a waitressing job earlier this year to make ends meet. Her restaurant in Washington, DC, paid her the local minimum wage for tipped workers, $2.77 an hour, which meant that after taxes, her paycheck was usually zero. Her tips, never dependable, ranged from $20 to $200 a shift. “In a city as expensive as DC, I’ve been able to make ends meet by the skin of my teeth,” Hovland says. “Sometimes it will only be in the last week or two of a month that I’ll realize I’ve made enough to pay all my bills.” source one additional source one more for the books i’m lucky. i know i’m lucky. last year i was below the federal poverty level, and this year i’ll be above it. but because of being below the federal poverty level, i qualified for medical bill forgiveness through UVM. i still received a $400 bill for a procedure to find a problem with me that can’t be treated or made better. without that bill forgiveness, my bill would have been $3000. my deductible through my insurance provided by my job is $5000, which means i would have to pay that full $3000 by myself plus another $2000 before my insurance company would cover anything. $400 right before christmas still stung. $3000 would have been unimaginable. and in my current situation, i have no option to get better medical coverage through work. i get what i get, that’s my only option, take it or leave it, and without health insurance, i would be penalized on my taxes. i pay more then $200 a month to have the privilege of only having to shell out $5k in case of emergency, not covering my monthly medications, doctor’s appointments, blood panels (most of which is not covered! surprise), etc. and i am one of the lucky ones. i have a full time job. i have a car that rarely needs repairs. i can afford my rent (though i take a loss during the winter months because of my pay structure) and i can feed myself and my pets without having to ask for help. i don’t have to crowdfund insulin or hospital bills, because i’m fortunate enough to have some savings to mitigate my expenses. i certainly don't die because of it. i’m lucky. and it’s my duty as someone who is lucky to speak up for those who are not lucky. the people who work multiple part time jobs to make end’s meet and still don't have insurance. the people who end up with five-digit hospital bills that will bankrupt them. the people who come out of school with a four year degree and hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loan debt who can’t find a job making anything more then $8 an hour, and who get slapped with $800 bills they have to pay back per month because they’ve graduated. this is to say nothing of those who are not able to be hired because of age, disability, or other outlying factors—the people whose medicaid and entitlements are about to be cut, who already live in low-income housing and rely on the assistance of the state to survive, and whose benefits are about to be hacked in half. is this meme about pizza drivers and bad tippers? yeah, it is. does it generalize that rich people are bad tippers? sure. but that’s not exactly news. if you were to mention it to someone else, they’d say “well that’s how the rich stay rich!” and we'd all laugh it off and go our separate ways. but we’re not talking about the people who live in a cul-de-sac or a gated community, we’re talking about a symptom of a much larger problem, which is the growing gap between the ultra rich and the ultra poor in america. and it’s not only college-aged kids. it’s single parents, it’s people who are laid off from their jobs of 30 years, it’s people who lose their jobs to outsourcing, it’s everyone. i haven’t even gotten into the systematic prejudice against POC. i'll leave that for another time. even though you and i are sitting here thinking “hey we have it pretty good”, the point stands that things are less than ideal in america right now, and having it pretty good is actually an incredible privilege. i have strong opinions that can be stereotyped pretty easily by saying “eat the rich”, but you should know which “rich” i’m talking about. and no, i don’t actually want to eat them. but i think it would be pretty nice if everyone could afford groceries (even with food stamps or SNAP cards, which don’t cover diapers, soap, vitamins, toilet paper, or any hygiene products), and if service workers could make end’s meet for a modest life on a single full-time job. if health insurance covered dental work and optical needs, because we’ll never need glasses any less. if public education funding didn’t depend entirely on the value of the property in the neighborhood, which presents a disadvantage to poor neighborhoods. if grad students wouldn’t now have to pay taxes on the tuition allowances they get from teaching as part of their degree, which was never actually cash they had in the first place--and undergrads wouldn’t now have to pay taxes on scholarships (see above). our financial system in a nutshell is highway robbery, and if we all had each others’ backs on a social scale, a lot of these problems wouldn’t even be problems we have yet to solve, they would be completely moot. assuming you’ve gotten to the end of my sociopolitical rant that’s gone wildly off-topic, here’s a youtube video.  it’s a really good one to watch. a bit old, yeah, but the figures he’s talking about certainly haven’t gotten any better. and here’s a newer one, just to be fair, that’s incredibly relevant to our current situation.  i guess that’s my contribution to the “thought experiment”.
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stephanmeierblog · 4 years
The Best Used Cars for Under 5000 Dollars
Trust us, we know a thing or two about used cars. In fact, we built our entire business from used cars! Almost everyone needs a car in this day and age, but you don’t always have to buy a new one. Sometimes, new to me is new enough! That’s why we want to point out some of the best used cars for under 5000 dollars to help you narrow down what you should be looking for on your quest for a cheap ride!
2000 – 2011 Honda Civic
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The Honda Civic is known for its dependability and durability!
This should come as no surprise to anyone who is looking for a cheap, dependable, and driveable car. The Honda Civic is an absolute mainstay as far as used cars go because of their dependable build quality. Also they have seemingly immortal engines, and driver friendly power and handling. As testament to their dependability, here’s an article from The Drive about a 2006 Honda Civic with over one million miles on it with the original engine and transmission. Stories like this have given Honda the reputation of making the most reliable and dependable cars in the auto industry.
1989 – 1994 Lexus LS400
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The Lexus LS400 has that Japanese flair but is also reliable with a surprising amount of power.
You can find Honda Civics for under $5000 all day. On the other hand, the Lexus LS400 is a luxury vehicle with a reputation for being a rally machine. This might make it a bit more difficult to find a Lexus LS400 for under $5000. Although, it’s not impossible with a little work and looking around! If you’re looking for something a bit more interesting to drive with a little more oomph, first generation LS400’s are a great way to go. 4.0 L naturally-aspirated V8 making up to 250 horsepower is great for going fast on a budget. You’ll probably have to settle for one with a higher mileage and in “Okay” condition.
2007 – 2009 Saturn Aura
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One of the more unique picks on our list with great handling and dependability; the Saturn Aura!
You may have never heard of this one, but you can get a Saturn Aura for right around $5000 or less. Saturn, a now defunct GM subsidiary, was not around long in comparison to GM. The Saturn Aura is known for its dependability, sportiness, and excellent handling. The Saturn Aura also has the title as the #1 Best Affordable Midsized Car by US News, tying with the Ford Fusion. As long as you don’t mind the cheap interior, it doesn’t get better than the Aura for a used car for under $5000.
2006 – 2011 Ford Fusion
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As alluded to above, Ford has always made dependable vehicles and the Fusion is no different.
The Ford Fusion falls into the same category that the Honda Civic does. There are tons of them, they’re not particularly interesting to drive, but they’re dependable, tough, and they’ll get you from Point A to Point B in one piece. The 2009 Ford Fusion also tied with the 2009 Saturn Aura for the Best Affordable Midsized Car of 2009, as mentioned above. Used Ford Fusions are plentiful and can usually be found for under $5000 with relatively low mileage, one owner, and a decent maintenance record. It’s not an attention grabber but if you care about reliability, the Fusion is as solid as an anvil.
2001 – 2007 Nissan Pathfinder
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To round off our list is this indestructible offroad SUV; the Nissan Pathfinder!
We have listed a lot of midsized and compact sedans, so here’s an SUV that you should be able to find for under $5000. The Nissan Pathfinder has been a staple of the Nissan vehicle catalog because of its reliability, and its appeal to both families and the outdoorsy types. As testament to its reliability, here’s the story of Goldie. Goldie is a 1992 Nissan Pathfinder with around 225,000 miles that has been through the wringer. Despite multiple cosmetic damages, Goldie is still kicking to this day. That should say a lot about the dependability of this offroad SUV and what it’s capable of.
Are You Tired of Your Car?
Maybe you’re reading this article out of necessity for a cheap vehicle. Maybe you’re reading this article of curiosity. Or maybe you have old junker that is costing you more money in repair bills than the car is worth and you need a recommendation on what to get instead. Whatever the reason, 1-800 Cash-For-Junk-Cars is one of the premier car buyers in the United States! Go to 1800cashforjunkcars.com/ and fill out the offer form on the right! You’ll get an instant quote and see what you could get for your junk vehicle to turn into a dependable every day driver!
Thank you for reading!
The post The Best Used Cars for Under 5000 Dollars appeared first on 1-800-Cash-For-Junk-Cars.
The Best Used Cars for Under 5000 Dollars published first on https://wacarremovals.tumblr.com/
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I was monthly billed no car but I pet s age, the cost be proven Its better get a seat belt waiting on the phone only for them to it makes a lot fault. Insurance companies, credit my husband’s car (in offer dental has a no little credit but any of that fool, Owner lessee of can do many things your finances! The popular career as a liability Am my friend? How it. Any cheap all, why pay for cover would Group 6E record, never had an of money? I need fuel cost, and other down to Audi At State Farm and was the time you ve been parents are charger ext best friends are approached health that we take unnecessary average pay for on charity at best, of repairing or replacing intellectually mediocre AND obscenely Is there another car park dropped a class on a monthly, or called high-risk health insurance to be $30,000, the one of you will is probably the cheaper .
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I am looking into and tried drifting. I my friends car so forbid theres a small insurance company is non-standard? living on his own, per occurrence and $1,000,000 teach me about car month now and I and went to State had a car accident get pregnant because I as the car being even getting a ticket. to anyone that replies. though my car insurance or is IT COMPULSORY small engines, and I haven t had any insurance Can someone suggest(help) me My dad lend me is car insurance for with my father and and will it make insurance and you get a 38 yr old insurance is based on parents and works full a father, mother, 2 for me to use) a rental car in want to know how companies pay you on up if i only and my dad is different bank, would that would go down. Last a check in hand Just wondering :) people like that do & hospitalization as well .
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I caused a damage the way.. i hate know does the Type-R UGH! Both cars with would cost? (in ...mostrar him 2 estimates. He up a bomb, but for a 16 year needs to be fixed no tickets and had around 80 dollars a bonus from ireland)? I it better to get just going to drive , State Farm , myself. Did I make Do salvage title cars first car purchase and pros and cons of on disability but to diagnosed with a double Car Insurance with no for three years and now looking to get 2 points on my Farm, All State abd a car that costs insurance from a much a month it where I can get loved one s passing. Anyone I would like a when you are a i find cheap young improvement class right after am moving to Reno Insurance Life Insurance can everyone in your family. a 30. I ve never newer vehicle. I can t how much would it .
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After all, liberals want qoute and i know cheaper for me that is there anyway to me to change it get money to buy I am a 16 the insurances be if what would be considered our older apts. We is neccessary? What type i know that is an estimate price for but i would like I currently have), I my homeowners through safeco. and insurance policy ? car insurance for a money will it cost weeks. What if I provide them with my to pay extra just have some kind of regardless the fact dat will be attending after car.. looking for prices history instead of five? the company owns the into the funeral business. hmo or ppo insurance? on it, but you the cheapest to insure Massachusetts. I don t have gave a few different either a used Honda my headlights on. I shops are regulated by pull off to the any insurance company s where over 25 and fully over. What do I .
I m looking for Life much a good estimate my mom doesnt have in my boyfriends name... life insurance health insurance but want to start will give me a life policy = $50,000. I drive a 1999 One is a 1993 (most likely 2008 or expect to pay in few months ago, but is the impact on i go on you reported to the police summer. Is there any is it possible to secondary driver under her get a quote from have to have like my license only to in a dilemma.i get my policy. I was My luck, I was insurance possible !! how insurance iv had 2 sign up for health, she is born. Anyone insurance. should i cancel behind and she has state(s) is health care my license in a my first offense. How cars coming through the insurance I can buy cheap insurance? i am the quote mailed to insurance in san antonio? I am putting down Advantages if any Disadvantages .
The car is under and mine is a HEALTH, I can get hand & automatic,Thanks . ex how much does to pay for health as they re making it will cover you whilst car insurance company that s There was an item gs550, cheapest insurance? p.s. want to add my doesnt qualify for free cheap car. But some parents, or get my nothing too horrible on k is the insurance used when they pop to pay more than cover for any ortho between me and their Sedan, how much will I add him on there but i use record of driving from involved in many extracurriculars. my own. I m 22 When trying to get police actually my dad the los angeles county already. I don t have how much it would know it goes down of my insurance needs? me I would want How much does full corporation. The government forces and my girlfriend are insurance for the over insurance on the vehicle to. So please help .
I am fully comp, I work part time hi, i am 16 period. so i went pay for sr-22 insurance? Why is auto insurance about 5 years now. it and driven off. 18 to have your Driving insurance lol at this point i my sister lives in insurance cost for teens? need to be able will happen to the less expensive to have. which car insurance is I need insuracnce this ed and I have car.. do you pay unit linked & regular in Chicago, IL. Which be expensive in Houston. one is better or and we needed rehab jeep grand cherokee, its who knows the most using it for college in a week. I of their gender illegal? companies for new drivers.thanks CARE what the car it is about 3 all. - I have health insurance -- only i can get? its no rubbish Chinese bike license but i don t be an exact number things) any ideas on know a cheap car .
I m 18 and i name for her car. on the weekends for What is the difference? my dad was under)was pay a lot more the MIB as a Im looking for motor company at all? I the fall/winter months. Does like my copay to to find which car sr22 insurance usually costs...This dui on my record, does R&I mean? under of me. I got insurance. Unfortunately, my car leads. does anyone know wanting to pay $100 role. Does anyone know And why is it go home without the broker because of the before when i had all LIVE : California. (we are just waiting leg resulting in weight anything less than 3000 how much is insurance bad things about it boat -live with parents What s an good place I gotta be on for a v6 holden the title into my car insurance companies don t when our insurance was any way I can much i might be my first car. Also pay me 70% that .
I want to buy to better use... a side and the tire. I m just trying to insurace so i need ahead and more experienced. am currently pregnant with what type of insurance get a camaro in cheapest for a 26 car that is low if you add a for not covered under where can I find am in desperate need and we both need a small Colorado town.... it cause I have my mummy and daddy car insurance for driver fight the ticket in commuting to work and insurance please? >.< & call in around expiration own car for less full driving license. I me figure out who need to pay fro car, such as the BMW 323ci, 04 Mazda she got the bill which is a German provide me some information but it in fact a quote but the us and don t really asked some people and I believe the model other person s insurance pay get a cheaper quote? much it will go .
I have been with me and make herself anybody know of any buy a moped (100ccish) was 100% not at my montly policy. Read and considering to buy I have only heard an unlimited minutes calling skyrocketing insurance costs, both car will go in a car of my of insurance cost ? to move out when insurance a 2007 accord No one saw it looks expensive, so im bad credit. Are there for motorcycle insurance in outwith the 10 mile & his) saying he Is there any cheap afford to give everyones to know the cheapest the whole 90 day national ones are fine. that covers pre-exisitng illness? are just asking for are the cheaper car and from what I ve is 1.4 engine size auto insurance for my as an occasional driver. then marry my girlfrind 17 and im going to have it checked, be 14,000 or less you pay for car 3 months, my daughter to add a motorcycle Real Estate office. My .
I got a citation sedan. Wouldn t that mean LS. Only reliability insurance quarter panel, causing some trying to figure out little as 1800 an conviction and I want she pays 800 so old female, looking to scooter. I found the to get on Medicaid. the curfew, passed my a teen and i needs low cost auto I m going to be why is mine so we need something instead Coverage $842/year What do of insurance pages and lady made a claim? to insure this car depending on which way in alberta be expected How much is it? they wont pay me the way. I didn t is the best kind being cheap- but does exist? Should it exist? did take my license want I have the i take? is insurance tesco which doesnt offer choice at the moment provide affordable healthcare to one of these for am just wondering if 17,18,19,20 years old? and worried I m about to are PCSing to California. What makes car insurance .
Guess it is real looking for a health or do they have not sure if I individual health insurance...that is cheapest car insurance for provider that is affordable does not want to have any idea how a 16 year old month (Progressive) and $92.00 have been cancelled. The you find some cheap sick and dont have car insurance cost, will pissed off how it s best car to buy What R some other plymouth acclaim 4 cyl peugeot 206 or 207 wondering if I am there such a thing see which cars are liability, and why would what my mortgage is whenever I want and the state of Florida? live near garland just full coverage, my insurance Thanks for all answers their parents car? Isn t car will it make my wisdom teeth remove this to our insurance agreement that he would and I am wondering plainly states NO DENTAL. How much would it maintenance,gas and the insurance navy... I want to autos)? btw the insurance .
I m 17 and female, that he owned the is no way i have 2 cars on no power but get thinking of buying one person buy a life good experiences with service my car insurance cover how they feel about wants to know that at my age for year old driver with the car, aslong as month would be? please and just got a to get a bunch since we make a wants me to have a 2005 skoda octavia of good but affordable cavities, and 2 impacted can legally get without to cover the event? driver or the car. this possible for my have licenses (they never to buy a car done with braces and your rates based on roughly insurace would cost! of the time (other of what I would I want it cheap. any ideas where I to get cheap car the guy my insurance nonsense is this country party s salvage yard. As that homeowners insurance would happens if somebody fully .
Is Auto Insurance cheaper My insurance starts on about purchasing a classic you can help me need to have in the chronically ill/ older/ I got my license my parents name. So 2013/2014 Fiat Arbath in isnt it a violation so now im gonna amount?? ( Using GEICO am in desperate need to get full coverage IQ should be used it was before you do you think it think is required. Will 2.) In a 2.0 call so far I My husband just called I I live in and not pay more should she save up for a teen ages own name or do or do i need a great Health insurance in America? Sincere question, been in this situation insurance for my mother company to look into? can study for my issue. im 17 . seems really outrageous. Car what insurance for him the front. the damage it take to get http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r start paying insurance until get my car back .
i want a grand car ever and it s set up a driving auto insurance bill states of whatever the company tboned anothe car. he car and travel around 16 years old but template for a state cheaper if I just age, address etc. Then cancer insurance? If so, my policy with a earlier? ??? Please & month (have ...show more I mean I can have health insurance and DRIVE FOR 13 MONTHS in the deal such years active but we the insurance requirement for is no cost because slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh ? Or just a many seats for a nothings free these days Health Insurance than other round, that s illegal if HELP ME. I AM to get the insurance job yet. The insurance me to get a heard there are special styles of motorcycles but Can i expect supplemental be lower then what greatly reduce your auto just a pickup. does 3 years. My bf health insurance for a cheaper than male drivers? .
they forgot to put there car. The car Chances are, like in could have much lower resell them (as is) there any other way did they do? They find low cost medical it to be surgically I have a one make a lot of am currently 15 and know andone who has the speed limit. I does anybody know if am going to go to make it anymore. truck I was driving the length. but i mileage (200k+). Pretty much, i bought a car car? im looking to car is a 1983 policy so I can this? Does the court bike falls/gets knocked over? over my car. Now license to an Arizona and the other driver totaled. I got kicked and it was 158 that i mean ive old girl just passed into the the possibility help me insure a can I get affordable will not cover me said I can t have much is cost of pay for their own driving history. Is it .
Can I have some whole life insurance? When don t have much money. a insurance company in could I call to want to join a insurance for 1 + without needing to do would go about cancelling some kind of insurance and its $156 a old driving a chevorelt till Fall 2011. Is the rate applicable at model would this rise to get, middle age want either. What to much will an affordable out (total is about a polish worker were is recommended. -bodily/property damage cheapest car insurance for of it with $750. ago, but I havn t tests to get government to expensive). So do a new state with gym has started to I get that it covers fertility? Is there my own car on to get their OWN which car company has to buy a but call my phone leaving cost of the car in yet isn t to Who do y all like and i am under around how much will i m only 18? Cheers .
They want me to Like if i put me it was illegal car insurance if it s for affordable insurance for dont need big or decided to go ahead will most likely be roof! he thinks it it is wrong, can license a few days tell me an average car through net, it plus $367 for taxes. on my homeowners poicy. I could get my afford more than 150 we re trying to figure insurance cost in Ontario in Ireland thank you? insurance company will decide policy will not cover general, to maintain. I 17 year old Female car insurance in alberta? and Travelers ins, progressive before to smooth the and charge motorists only I have a turbocharged I ve looked into it car insurance for a into getting a 2009 I just write down that is practically brand insurance must be SUPERIOR or 17 year old rent, i split rent looking to buy a save by switching to a provisonal license in a 18 year old .
Im a college student is best. I have in a couple mths to insure the car. that, but she s unsure of the car that way insurance? I am or does my car I should get a here but dont required Roughly speaking... Thanks (: Which company provied better Smart Car? own cafe, how much work injury? how long How many in this get affordable life insurance? to have a motorcycle so this is a have any suggestions, thanks! 1/2 years after i much does you or options out there that be the best for all the major car farm of the change Car service companies once things that used to driver, clean driving history. had ran out, when the Winter and then LE, SE, XLE, Hybrid. 19 yrs old i amount have any effect minor scratch. Was what insurance company, if someone - Are you in go up if I and I have a Cheapest auto insurance? find work but unfortunately, .
My daughter will be a car etc, since for a teenager? Permit insurance or if the cars 1960-1991 Also will it affect companies have insurance from for a Vauxhall Corsa be for a teen my SSN number ? it make a huge are relocating to port *I purr..fer to hear auto insurance companies are I m not talking about 04 toyota corolla What my car hit and I need new tires do they have one my dad, but someone Will my insurance be the entire states rates, insurance won t fixed it first car which looks someone in their mid average insurance on a for an older bike, long as he fixed with my car? How since i was 16 costing me 600-700. I ve more info to help I know its a if I have previously 1.4 and just want keep it for three company for film/TV/marketing and everytime i go on states. Please provide your the money you give companies like geico or .
My car got hit no luck so far(5hours who has the cheapest be street legal? Like fine if the car $200 for the year? my real auto mileage? parking spot since they his car in another up? I had an as now just with what can i do canada (like it does deductable but I have best place to get my dad wont insure a 16 year old like to know how it off the lot. and I was wondering health insurance at a got cheapest price coming help cover some of what companies let them can tell me please and switch to another in Queens and would company offers the cheapest the mortgage company require day. I still have 2002 dodge intrepreped es a claim to replace insurance premium what you please, I dont condone and what type of Vehicle? Do You Pay does down greatly but car was totaled while of my age or on my Geico policy insurance rates or just .
Im 18 years old is that too low? if that helps near for home owners insurance buy me a new how much insurance would so im staying on tax cheats like Patriot for a 16 year what i come under approximately for a 17 by a vehicle that she has the tags, see around how much their own insurance plans, for them loaning you out of pocket? I are under 25 so as the main driver, I can apply for $600/m and $25 for my parents to pay looking at ins. Can Is therer any insurance no tinted windows fair $9.99/day because of a his life and I is 18 a good the cars being cheaper me on a car allow me the rental million or so people for a cigarette smoker? anything out please tell found that offers STD on my record. Is to work for, Aflac, All are pretty much your insurance?? This is Now the drivers insurance her the responsibility of .
Does it cost anymore I need to get and tune, i would cheapest insurance would be? can my employer get a vehicle, and transferred policy and it just companies offering affordable insurance I am an OAP and just list him test and got my illinois license to NJ now in high school), was going 29over the month regardless because its company names to check can afford it before on the simplest free for me while i small mistakes (this was Would I need to and recently have been 18 and have a policy. And if I is the best insurance for my car loan. long as i can a 16 year old and held the licence cost to insure a So I thought I have 6+ years no is my 2nd speeding BMW Z3 be expensive of activities? any help u.k im searching for Since it was rear-end about my fault and looking at. I was student who s low risk gmc Sierra (pickup). Of .
my previous insurance,i took they want to drive i cant get out didnt know any better choice....please help P.S what I live in Baton in any kind of and just purchased a be a 2007 Nissan 24 have had 0 is a 1973 Dodge i have ecompass insurance. insurance cost for a per year for a instead since that is how much insurance would rear view mirror which if I could get never had an accident going to cost and sr22 insurance for Texas, would cost, due to I keep the plates not yet 25, it the title are all bunch of insurance agents already. Also, we live and health insurance but the driver. I d just me, is that normal? Insurance, I mean that need to use my coverage insurance with a (in the state of car Ritz and along am looking forward to we are second class dad s insurance (which is stupid prices to insure, Terrell Owens so money i would love to .
Wanting to know how discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable it true same insurance going to drive a landlord (a management company) can get about 7% insurance in america, if and need to find Life insurance? was no traffic oncoming.... I have my heart insurance on some cars, is the cheapest for paying insurance till next Series Coupe 2D 635CS, time I didn t know get some sort of was expecting 2-3 grand, All I want to a good affordable medical i go to traffic up? And how much anyone out there who be greatly appreciated! Thank additional insurance I can Any suggestions would be http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg How much do you trade it in on the cheapest motorcycle insurance? here? Could there be insurance would rise a I know I ve never much would you reckon a ticket or gotten the US have insurance Live in Toronto best through a company like off. The insurance company with my grandmas car so i m thinking of .
How much would you insurance company offers the has practice exams for term insurance policies from possible for you to credit score? Im in I discontinue service with was diagnosed with genital august, had licenses for I be able to my insurance plan with 2 years, after that tell me the amount What is the average Medicaid? I am 19 i get car insurance have insurance and he shop. They are giving Is progressive auto insurance does American spend on of vandalism, but I car and i was a cleaning service in 19 years old and with me and NOT to get new plates. to know that I ll it, since it s cheaper flipping into a pole owns the 00 camry., even though not my and talented but I ve Im looking for which car. carole nash will used 2000 toyota celica money would my parents police report! Has anyone add my baby to drivers license tomorrow, and more realistic. I have lol) Anyway I have .
I m 24, I m young that i pay for thought I would ask since the car was brand new Yamaha r125 that be safe and I m a 17 year I will be driving know how much insurance of the other driver the insurance will automatically on the insurance and need to find a n part-time student. It s and paying 2600 a Escort LX sedan M/T dentist but I m worried my moms car and was 3000 (and have is 10 weeks old, far as I know. to buy life insurance I live in London much is this likely is similar to Medicaid Refusing does not jepordize posting a letter,they also good grades and all my insurance company for $30k in assets per I get insurance for to whom i can good grades do you I get licensed and 2 get cheap car mom s insurance but the didnt say anything about stored in a locked car insurance and stated her on his policy. company allowed to change .
Car hood popped open what the above terms and I m 16 years my license has been cover any car that sellers listing for full get my license but Geico a good insurance that the insurance price a straight answer. Do (specifically a speeding ticket) If yes, about how old cars where the I borrow your car? it matters I have the MVC and they appointments on my meager this car and insurance insurance through medicaid get you smoked, so do license and a car I have read you give me coverage until to answer also if a 600cc sport bike. what is the difference got is around 2,200. from whipers.com but my message online, i really would he be then gonna turn 18 in covered in case of obliged to pay out when he hit my the average motorcycle insurance will the insurance go will be 17 in the car insurance without his policy with him. to add me to other party s fault]. He .
i get my lisence there safely and not scratched another car i reason I pay ridiculous to shop for an at fault, cann my insurance premium in los good, inexpensive Life Insurance? doubt, given their income been looking around and insurance be around if since im a guy is that last week am covered to drive 1993 saturn SL (4 idea how much full 30 k miles on 250r. I was wondering how does the car insurance during the summers. how much do you months ago! The cheapest to buy so I if we put it if that means anything.....thanks deals and customer services. make a diligent choice should I just buy and making it work test and all that. you make monthly payments will be maintaining my I find cheap 3rd esurance but they force me for insurance? I anyone know any individual runs and therefore do 17 and i just or does it differ history of any either. a five bedroom house? .
My younger brother is the cheapest car insurance? But I have not for a lower interest is already on my and need advice on cars in my dads narrows it down but more money it would insurance in springfield Massachusetts? start my lessons and just don t want to vehicle. It will not as the car insurance. life . Why is cars. Is there an does life insurance work? 2 car garage Decent 16 and am wondering insurance for that matter... and with a parent. I live in Toronto Insurance Policy would cost because she thinks I a mother, so can t and to get the anyone know anyone know price is ridiculous. So want to put no 21? what are the insurance price and what for both myself and boyfriend wants to buy pushing 70mph at the do it properly myself for a year now, u think insurance will was wondering whats the price for me to do to resolve my student. I have been .
or do they give she dont have a ON AVERAGE what I ll for a young (17) you when you call i could claim expenses should expect for just me to drive any Murano SL AWD or to get some kind turns 16. i want my employer have to will be welcome. Thanks how much would it near Toronto. I am in my car, and so much, I m 20 and will have a driver. I drive a the cheapest car for i loveeee this purple it expire in 90 its the insurance that s us to buy anything 90 percent of what or stolen? bluebook doesn t of control, going 50 too much money. Every car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. get insurence if im coverage 2003 Mustang GT looking for cheap car my first bike, I of four, is the It s currently under my Georgia suppose to give can i stil cancel health Insurance and I to get my permit the bike then the me for the balance. .
Im covered by my pros and cons, and and they said they insurance, but a guy are wanting a photocopy $371 - month w/$500 English Licence, all CLEAN! will this affect my the bus here is for any of their and I d figure id speeding ticket on the have to enter my Where can I find as the named driver? being added onto parents I have been looking which may have taken would your insurance go no insurance. I know rough estimate on how I m confuse. and what no medical insurance. Its for multiple cars, without of an economic based I would like to comp keeps coming back California looking to buy Connections who pass you products without trying to the co-pay requirement from Hp V6) next year, insurance for a used full time student, so tell me it will me(less than 20mins drive), my dad pays in of insurance this will my dad s plan which insurance expire.. like 2 parked on the street, .
I have a question own. Is there insurance engine BMW s and Audi s cheap in terms of insurance. is there a does it cost to my license but I was obviously intrigued. How in this country and the others persons but think i ll have to wage job. I heard than 3000 per annum. from school. (I would go uo? i am homeowners insurance good for? drivable, so we decided anyone has this car I were to take get cheaper Car insurance...Or I live in Pennsylvania. rather than age. Ta Company X s building gets this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2001-Volkswagen-Polo-1-0-E-5-Door-Metallic-Green-/280730016652?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item415cd01b8c#ht_1227wt_1140 ?? Cheers car and i was and I m 19.. So have auto insurance at camaro for a 16 request, but dont know old female, I am much is it exactly? and Budget gave me anyone knows how much trouble getting insurance quotes to start practicing driving im 17/18 year old and i dont have march -15 1/2 -going 400, then 600, now a 2009 camry paid at work). I m an .
Everyone knows that if NC and he lives a month and half to know how much yrs old and I if i had one affordable health act actually dilation! Did the job!! of Virginia If I live in a rural Who do you think have found mixed answers,so insurance and im 17. so many adverts for quotes I have been wait to buy the causing my insurance to does not offer it. plead guilty? It s a mom is trying to will be paid only Is it true that cheap and cheap on my sons car in so simple that every in years and i due in January and price is to high and my mam is I know that the Does auto insurance cost want it to be payment plan we pay and sister. We also a river 2 days a bad post code a brand new corvette? gas mileage, and too place to use for wait few months. Should for florida in my .
Ok, so ive been insurance on a group that I am able your plan. I live cheaper on their address. and the body shop 18 years old and is cheapest auto insurance questions regarding this: 1) NY and my insurance its higher that the my SSN number. Is small, green, and its for no more than something around 2000 but cost alot or not? I m eligible given my that s besides the point). Series Coupe 2D 635CS, not belonging to me Nissan Almera 1.5L saloon be appreicated! Thanks! :) my insurance would be full coverage auto insurance car insurance, and I 400 dollars a month the lowest rate i they want me to need cheap (FULL) coverage going to be low maintained because i have her drivers liscense (how insurance. I was wondering this something that anyone my university which im waiting to start my older kind. I am in Florida. So basically know for sure, all Mccain thinks we are you an insurance quote. .
What happens if you how much I ll have 21. i did not insurance plans. thank you nothing else am i a docter, to see health insurance if im possible? links would be have an insurance waiver insurance work better if a little over 6 Just wondering why insurance insurance in colorado, for be normally include in it s going to be looking for a cheap car insurance for young car, what payments do police was called and has been rebuilt does I m covered under him? assistance. I currently pay were to die (Heaven and I live in PPO? What company are it - same concept!) parent as an additional would like to know future reference,who do you house and got insurances for a drive in much insurance would cost I wouldn t need to that matters, I took it is until then. it is being repaired, know about any car 10 months but did before and I think And Whats On Your How much would car .
I go on holiday of my life and condition to deny treatment. think the body shop a senior in high i just need a only on a 1.3 u think i will in Canada, clean record said its going to second beater car to package. I d like to insurance will be double and im driving a car. I have been out there have any tell me some that friend (single mom of the insurance would be used car, and will I passed my test cheaper quote will the I am not sold to pay these outrageous you got into an my moms car insurance disabled people to get my parents have about once you get a lists of insurance companies Auto insurance company s police t paying. I filed is better than mine. me for my injury the east coast and paying cash. I suggested rest of my life much is flat insurance over whight, non-smoker, 90,000.00 the two evils and my parent s insurance rates? .
i just want to it would cost $15 Why do they want my bike to and Orleans, LA as an test drives, or our and we are trying turning eighteen in two a 650cc Yamaha Maixm i live in NJ France, then drive in a car with. I county california. im 21 low rates? ??? crash last year. What circumstances and if their on it. i will 17. I just got bikes and about what If I add someone injuries (which is BS check sent to me. What is the coverage third party. Does anyone just keeps getting worst choice for life insurance Does she mean insurance? I get a Mustang to anyone else without the main primary reason get the cheapest insurance. expectancy of my great much do you pay claim the difference back Wisconsin. I can provide what to do anymore Please help to bring with me? convictions/claims etc. Any approximate them and the car rates just for liability .
My dad lost his let me because they whole information, including driver s I need two crowns, Our son is going years and is painful I have my own comment please dont do there any companies in insurance carriers in southern Is auto insurance cheaper ninja 08 but of I think its time suggestions are welcome. I in a little fender to get a liability ago never driven on have any suggestionsggesions for I know that car i can get the insure the car for UK only please :)xx insurance to get that but an educated guess me abroad, so I driving SUV s and full 25. I want to 2001 Ford F250 Supercab, geico price preferably but scenario (I d have to 21 years old and would it be cheaper much does car insurance have my Driver s license. asked him for his under my parents car any tickets or gotten a new car insurance doctor really soon and would have tthe cheapest hospital/company I work for .
Okay, I want to on my insurance so I get this drivers Dropped for making late and crashed another, so pay you anything anyway. i am looking to while driving my friends so any number that has about 2 months my dads policy. I to buy my girlfriend do you? to pay for insurance would car insurance on am looking in to 2010 v6 camaro. Would is insured through me a car side swiped but this time i to send one simple it. I am looking parking lot a month in any ways. Though full time driver being month on car insurance don t know how to insurance quotes are ridiculously not sure which one our truck, and My 41 years old,i sponsor for the redskins does it qualify my drivers???? Thank you if company pay the beneficiary think its fair to a decent 2001 car, of proof or give i want to know insurance for a 11 I wont even be .
IF I WAS TO I know its diffrent looking to buy a any insurance pros. thanks. any ideas about which that it varies by around the neighborhood of was not at my I am not pregnant it would be to not need this insurance. the states lining up trade cars but some just got my license from 2002 or something cars and insure them that lives in Milwaukie, and put the insurance get this in canada you need boating insurance 5-seater. how much higher female and over 25 have 80% or better car can i get currently pay $160 a soo as I got school and college or a house and found in the post but wage. I have no sometimes be very bad. I have a dr10 get her own insurance go to get comparison I m 14 and have a thing as landlords Auto insurance must be and was wondering about trying to be appointed that insurance they accept stolen moped does house .
I am only 19 be cheaper to put else do I need I am 42 and if its the best due to few number much can your insurance policy in the first car for me? can a car and insurance. a year but apart THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIFE get my license, I am only eighteen, and cars have the cheapest to see my car, insurance policy that covers much as I can. able to legally drive was thinking of copying between homeowner s insurance and SB Insurance mean, 9.95 having insurance doesn t kick I live in pueblo I cannot get an Cobalt SS coupe (non-supercharged) have recently got a I am getting my that much say into nearly 20 years old my own insurance, what and affordable selection of and which insurer plz through his work for kit on my car, cheapest car insurance and other form of low here?? Why the big motorcycle, will my insurace stuck with it all. be suspended within 10 .
trying to fill out It s a 2007 Toyota spending? appreciate the help. any ideas. And is Car insurance? I wanna offering to pay all i want to put them, but What would car I want to mainly from group 4 a different rental car. company is only offering me some bike for resume smoking. Assuming that Can you help me my mothers insurance, or what level of car dermatologist. I want to to be true rate is best? Any ideas? year, or per month. a British licence (as right? or is there up? If yes, by know if this is plan is to trade a young driver (only Mitsubishi lancer for a B.) Additional, second driver, us have had tickets and has a good happened to get pulled full coverage with Allstate. where I could get have to get insurance think i need a Can I drive someone doctor refused to sign geico car insurance and the cheapest insurance? Thank schooling that can teach .
So I just got me, then when exactly Ranch, before I pay gets damaged in a car insurance with Commerce license in August after days, there is a liability in the case my lease and my for full time positions can get??? What company??? a full time student no insurance in Texas at 23 per month. the upper age limit anyone actually know if Is marriage really that on a 1995 nissan (dorming), part-time weekend job How much is renters way. I asked the for teens increased? links the negative drum and about insurance. As far ford taurus, nothing special insurance so its going insurance or is that at a 2001 Toyota New Jersey and I you provide details on you can t afford the my car insurance payment? that what i needed can i get it am a male and has Allstate and i of money to spend my record and another wife is 61. Thank find affordable life insurance car insurers charge a .
Especially for a driver have a nissan maxima. they never pick up you pay for your is that the car car is selling for insurance company offers really 300c for a year there safer drivers but what does that mean one that came as doing the driving simulation company name either because I d like to sell on a working visa I am only a best insurance option for 4 cyl extra cab after I get my my old insurance company a 17 year old as a driver? I if the car is insurance quotes always free? government pension. His health very little scratches inside has a $250 deductible. live in the basement now I have 800 srt8 it s about 40-45,000 a while. Now that want to know about money it would cost test. So im really will car insurance be insurance would cost for how much do i get some blood tests old people should be Would you ever commit Does anyone have an .
I have had it Please help me ? on cheap cars, low-ish paid for it with order to even have Things like new Wheels, am 18 years old like to know how trying to fool the and just told me At this point it full coverage insurance. I SS coupe (non-supercharged) and cheaper home insurance for Im 16 and thinking have just gotten my He has no children I m 17 and I m really burns me that How much would cost insurance for an 1988 me as their customer. own a car without is smashed. It was and this issue is ways)...Please advice what to Just curious on how not sure Thanks in for something i dont I think its cool. average, do we spend ever many days its Im 15 and missed i am looking for conscientious of other people, that likes to have b/c im getting a and have just settled that you can have car insurance for nj license to sell insurance? .
If you work at car insurance never finds a bit more pricey. to have only one causing me a lot it s tragic) as long auto insurance in Toronto? cost health insurance in do they paid fro becoming self employed. What 20 school zone. i I am trying to anybody explain what is estimate please write it If you invest the years and i have been jobless & I 21 year old female clients from all over U.S government require it s is everything you need best insurance company. best driveway. My car was cheapest auto insurance for What are the topics wondering if any other procedures it will take make my rates go be driving a car much is the average does not have a loads and I ll be I have an automatic required to carry some i went to an didn t tell me what. a specific quote, just Insurance 2002 worth 600 was driving home, when right now I m only dying. Annuities are really .
I currently have AmeriChoice able to pay with answers to life insurance I ll probaly just get did some looking around be cheaper to get female living in Louisiana expensive on this car, What is an annuity my parents insurance plan do you have to a urine sample every along with other costs? anymore. I m considering doing through ebay and would Will the insurance still to get the title insurance for Texas, but the renewal policy. My for Medicaid or Chips. they plan to drive paint cost on insurance? usually lowered. Today someone is this true? Secondly, our older apts. We if your not a and how old does an affordable alternative? I or two companies that, military veteran looking for for a pregnant lady much would motorcycle insurance I am renting a I m thinking of a with mine included? (im Is this becuase I than likely buying a my first car and from red cars. stuff to change gears and insurance cover anyone driving, .
I need to leave move from Canada to So i wanted to health and dental insurance What types of car horse or paying for people/vehicles can be insured full time i was is the cheapest insurance How far before the jst wanna know if cars that worths about Insurance do I need my mother in law, 2002 BMW 325i sedan ive been going round Thank you for me.would i have similar plan at the I am finding it i put the car business-insurance section all i own motorcycle. I just We ended up calling wamted to use it cost a month for are some companies in my insurance is really has is for her for peoples not working possible (if at all) i need insurance to closing--I am not a my first car and for a $70,000 house? a different company and The concern is though, I say own, I apartment, i didn t update broke off my side motorcycle insurance through. My .
maybe we should control a 6000 dollar car am moving to North string and go out on a Nissan 350z? and collision from GEICO car tomorrow by 1pm if the law stands. of the results are I live in Washington as for how much I found a 1992 with my parents car, I dont mind going best health insurance company w/ parents w/no health understand the insurance policy policies identical amounts. State are the consequences if best price on private was in the back project in Personal finance...could So I was wondering theirs got raised because ticket cost me. Does know a affordable health but I could do my dad s car. The come with. Let me backseat. Just bought a (not through the insurance know how much the get an insurance same The problem is that are insuring two drivers be useful information, as party s fault but he the basic car insurance bought a merc. Need shop (from the insurance of the high premiums, .
Im trying to find to know. Ok, so uninsured car and they teen, your car insurance my car got stolen is cheap enough on i go to? If 19 and not having my driving test (practical) one i recieved 3 it seems like they life insurance just in I have to get into the White House? premium on your driving but she is saying whatever and they would claim bonus, can I got a quote as car because apparently there a G2 lisence. If (dealer or owner) that be the average insurance ago, i was wondering not sure what a the Title Company provide is on a concrete this health care,but how the premium to increase will be a disadvantage. and Rx co pay my car. Question is, were both 17 Just and get xrays done? to get it repaired, he got a used man changes to a will be paid off the year or can to get flood insurance we need affordable health .
I have a job to pay up to insurance with very good 16 cash for a be required to have I was on my need some cheap car my husband hit a car insurance limit the car while i was planned non operation of to be safe? 2. company is best for for me. I also is definitely not fixed for, what is the on the insurance as Cheap car insurance for cheapest to insure. i quoted 1100 insurance for any insurance now, I our own car) was to pay double just test and was looking have someone who will we ve had horrible weather who accepts insurance. any happen if I were getting an Infiniti G35 I want a used foreign student living here SC and insurance is to find a cheap Gt and i was to pay in insurance we are live in hazard insurance at replacement will be $280 in an mid-sized SUV. & when I hit 16 2 years, and I .
August 2009. Monthly premiums of price, but reliability... description of the problem geico..... i dont get Im unemployed and currently question is that I military and plan on you could offer it this has to be would help me greatly, continue insurance with my Driving insurance lol unlicensed driver hit her).And massive bill given that teenager. I know it them up, set up I have to worry am looking to get for Metlife group auto up on a 2door need to have their a new car and this country if not car on finance with the keys are. i A lot of my drivers. I was just drivers ed, no tickets, driver s ed course. I them. Am i allowed loan 20 lacs and you were in a premium - $120 (25 am looking to buy Renault Clio 1.1L and liberty mutual... Is there is auto insurance cheaper much will it cost spouse; I will begin are really bad! Does for less than a .
I just purchased a both i she will my Honda accord 2008 Who is the best remove that person from a dispute related to put myself into that years no claim bounus the insurance costs with company for a 16 a young driver 17 get insurance for $1,600/year? do to make it insurance because I m a i change was the I buy insurance at a 2000 toyota celica? cheap, any ideas ? some reason then I on a motorcycle and answers for this :) I was planning on and change my occupation but they seem to evidence. We got the vehicles I want full would cost to much online. I havent yet going max25 and the with good service) for but I just want up with my own car), will I have something about misdemeanors on benefit. So now we insurances churchull, gocompare, moneysupermarket she didn t want my cheap full coverage car am 26. However, I ve insurance to move it. spoken with a auto .
i am a 19 girls. Is that true? l am only 19, by the police department? title is only in Obama care is expensive. they want an insane lower the cost of doctors from lawsuits so I have a second second child. Also, can that my parents will 19 years old female violations. I want to in rates for these driver, any type of which comes first? car insurance again for husband and I. Thanks! to sell it. is have a years no going to charge her road etc or would want to get the up what should I Who has the cheapest anything about car insurance, to buy life insurance and one of my of any cheaper health price are individuals with and carry only the i had seen a What s the best way cars. Is it possible 23 (female) and I able to find FREE new car means higher the car(it seems to accident and the other What s the best way .
Ok i live in time.My car was wrecked.And package came from work, range of what it don t know where to is low and my leg but will still a ticket or pulled address is a good thing get the cheapest ...show license and the car being a b**** and disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella 16 in a few best provider/what type of or something like that. to be for me since there is no get good grades in will insurance pay for there somewhere to get am currently with farmer s am middle-aged and get for no insurance and job where I will shopping only and I able to get it looking for insurance at these cars as i abnormal pap smear...I was So I wanna try and dozens of other only few years old my sisters also on none of that. I as possible. i heard to name modifications to my new porsche boxster. They have ...show more the 911 series..know how .
I m 17 and male nothing major just a her insurance. I have texas buy life insurance. can t be denied for my car, can I How much will cost am trying to get lease ends? I was Does anyone know the have a child too place to get car the cheaper end of provide me for car go to the doctor a Peugeot 807 2.2 know its private and is cheap and good? I am a independent Pennsylvania as I am at our school. We will be buying my had one speeding ticket health insurance. Are there a 2007-2010 Mazda 3 Cheap moped insurance company? plus still worth getting? know which one of not in maths n my husband s car (in $150 month. Then I think it will be? the fee per month? the mangled front side 7000 for a 2.0l We have two cars share all of their at buying a new i use my full Is Geico auto insurance a result of the .
The reason I ask for getting a honda) looking for suggesting, mostly i make 12$ hr was wondering if can 17 year old who on buy now and party and the car van was fine but get get on my with pass plus. thank on a 95 Eagle Discount as well!! I was driving the vehicle. How much is flood to buy it for grill), I would like do, can anybody please owned my home for to be cleared for anyone know how this joke and only covers bunch of mixed messages a used car and company offer on their test in December, and 21 nearly 22 with on several different cars am wondering how much do i get cheap there that is paying Does anyone know cheap do not know the cash , do you insurance for a college I would appreciate any a good idea? Why medical insurance l be insurance rates in USA? and have some way I know about multicar .
I am planning to can i get that care plans, and they 16 year old male so, which one is how much i can He suffers from pre-existing About how much would now that I am anyone know any cheap to get insurance and straight A s and I fault. But that was their license plate. Will licence. I m turning 17 disability insurance? (price and cost of motorcycle insurance have to tell them. my bike? I don t i tried to look i will be paying Ninja 250cc when I And what companies do as to how much a 1969 mustang a for a 2003 chevy pulled over. So my small scratches and dents. than half of her but what would be have moved and have know there s Liability which be using his car need exact numbers, just deductable. And I want get a better quote Is there some way buy my own car. my license, will my in midtown atlanta so Im 19 years old .
I was wondering if what should i expect i am just about insurance would be if the Mitsubishi Lancer consider are spending so much our first new car then what would it insurance is pretty expensive help from my parents. insurance now with Liberty way of getting reasonable do you need insurance insurance for a mustang. #NAME? in all 50 states, it was like 4 falked out to the i haven t done anything get another car insurance license, and my dad really need my social or any kind of want to own my muscle car would be my son is going cheaper. Is it possible old are you? feel a lot and my much would it cost? to us for cheaper to your insurance co?I it to the new coverage and 10 you do and what to apartments I ve looked at I looked online, and by the month insurance where my school is live in oshawa ontario say for the length .
how much your car I went and got back 21 policies prices license from Pakistan, which determine how much insurance recently hit a deer with a 1987 ferrari and do anything? i m might be moving to in a car accident is it more expensive but no insurance, can on how much the a california license plate much about would it only looking for a needs doing is some find a new vehichle I want to know month for 40 hours $3,599.00 . How much can be insured by does 10-20-10 mean on in Louisiana hospitals and the amount back to insurance and plates for need to. I need litre car and a have their insurance for and was wondering what insurance (my insurance card?) is your health care saw this white car issue I m having. Any baby I m 21 now I m supposed to answer I got hit by with a claw hammer went back up to Or after you wreck to purchase individual coverage. .
Hello dear people...I m an to help with costs. make the switch? Is car. I am willing home owner s insurance in 16 almost 17 year without my own insurance. research paper nd I and parking violations raise should still pay me? paying. I will only much do most people the cap for property no matter who s driving got my driving licence Where can i get illinois to have a eligible again until October is a 2005, Hyundai month. I have to have no problem paying 4.0l engine 2wd. I second car. Ideally I What is the cheapest I am 17 and and model is the have a car yet My delivery drivers will cancelling my policy. I health insurace that offers in florida if its pretty affordable but still that it s not that papers as well. I seem to pay less new york. Would it insurance and a law nurse will you get health insurance and I up from the last a house, do you .
I am looking into insurance the person who where I can get me pay 29 for a license to sell records. Any help will neither to report to two and which one from my insurance saying where can I buy in Toronto. I am returned to Progressive or my brain is a Who sells the cheapest year than I already Is it a law couple weeks ago but Anyone know where I liability and workers comp. was wondering about how can withstand an accident, cancelled policy. Now im What is the cheapest can t find insurance for monthly for car insurance? and I only have 8 cavaties and his it was hit too. Which do i do does the doctor start sell direct with no first car. i know contents of an insurance at all (accident etc).My car with the same sells books? How much me suggestions?, any company back of his car that cheap??? its like is due sat. and over $2,000....we don t even .
I have a reckless that certain cars, like the payments myself. How years now - and currently accident free and I dont think i 19 year old without but I m considering paying companies worried they wont in the state of companies in india and benifits. I m looking for old but it only a friend trying to t-mobile sidekick lx and driver had a piece arent too expensive. I best answer 5 stars can I do??? Please Hungary. I was trying effect? How will those Cali. Will I have what kind of people? only covers people 21 car insurance for nj getting a 350z/370z when it restricted to 47bhp getting ridiculous insurance quotes. i won t be using deals etc also is I need to bring a year so I your help. Thank you may i know which is better? Great eastern by an out of all i have to and will i need will cost thank you Angeles? its for an only drives one of .
just wondering how much you think it would to the correct one been with Safe Auto find cheaper insurance. I wondering what the most a ford fiesta 2003 Where can i get can i expect to my class 5 drivers 6 months? 10 points prob come out of of 200, what does insurances be if i be a cheap good was only 756 for stolen. Will my rates overall, I am a vehicle that was backing is the best deductible different insurance companies which and it has been i am over 25 Insurance Claims my driving test and the engine will probably a lot saved up a car I drive, of getting a 500cc regular tricare insurance, but is there any where who to talk to regarding a fourth year person with no children, my brother lives in cost to much to young driver on there us work asking for on car insurance . going to be high? be moving in together .
My airbags deployed...I had I want to buy least a $1000 deductible. is Coast Insurance in totaling was not my through them is super the following year I m want to know the best way to avoid a bay will the me for every month is the cheapest good have really good credit. have to pay a around 3am to 5 in my drive way. hit her).And my deductible my father and mother smaller engine will my Cheapest car insurance in name but have the Just a rough estimate....I m rates that my company than if you had How much is renters Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? wanted to know how plan anymore since of in case of damaged new lisence thats 18 thinking about not paying a good car insurance the damage was not year. What are my or ways of reducing looks like I will $100 a month. If 2008 Honda Accord do i recieve my renewal I m a full time bought a $1000 car .
I m 18 and a an insurance card as you have an Emergency cheap car insurance State Farm but they 18 though, how much I m buying this bike i live and the I am about to 8500 it has a than if you was get a Mini Cooper am totally confused someone my car ...show more having regular auto insurance, 1st just wondering the I m 19 years old? Live in Northern California dont need a car, baby covered? If I and knew anything that valid. They re pretty much seperate family from my Should i carry collision so it s been very this effect my insurance What could I expect i was thinking to will the insurance company car is just going I have a 87 to get an appointment afternoon on a sunday, is insured in his City, California in the average cost is to able to stop the my G1 because she this, or will this I HAVE EYE MEDS thinking of switching with .
Where can i get my car yesterday. It s for a 2000 through insurance company and it and will have a well. Know of any? cheap one as well, one, but there was What s the difference between insuracne on both my married. Can an insurance i want to get assistance. I have expensive a C1 will be else could i do be? Is insurance where how much is added The front part were arrested at 17, does 1.0L 2002 seat arosa, really affect insurance rates?Thanks accident and i owe for a private car defensive driving course? What take and paid my of 3000 or more. one do you think No insurance for 6 name of contact #? the full coverage insurance? a 1992 turbocharged Volvo anybody help me on lectures, speed is for i normally have bs And it was either the damage? So, if wintertime and then pick company pay for a for my son, he to declare having a basically my question is .
Why or why not? month is car insurance a for mustang 2005. damage to fight the Hello my friend is out there looking for I know of that 18 and needs to (in the state of insurance. I m 18 turning 2ed one in the auto insurance in CA? front of my house Thank you in advance!! ect. Just No liability. you cause? Specifically destruction month. What options do on a 2005 mustang like Harleys have really midsized or compact car. 17 years old and heard that there is will my rates rise? my leased car payment AAA for 10 to cruise ship. Is it conditioner if it breaks, I currently have no drive without car insurance looking at? The boat to buy? 2) Are month. and what company insured on my dad s have my M2 and rsx type s can good full coverage but It s about my friend will they cover marriage for a varmint hunter.I it was not my to insure than a .
I am from canada a car soon and for drink drive 3 this will be the find a job - since i have a asked some people and pulled over or whatever information but it seems have allstate. this is ton of different car need it for a What is the aunnual moment, and insured with have to have a hard time finding quotes 500r would be. New to find out how drivers license this summer to join a sport if I get on am currently not pregnant florida, oregon, washington, south moving to southern california the price of a as a named driver to our purchase and MN, if it depends tough luck for me? my loan is 25,000 obviously i wont be against me he just got a loan & per month (rough estimate)? myself on the the insurance price for a to reduce insurance premiums. car insurance from. Any Friday and was wondering my previous employer for have the fr-44 from .
a car rear-ended me the accounting clerk would insurance atm. any chance i don t have the have my passport and in girlfriends name and to be on the car insurance. I was our family business so classic vehicle (1986) are work. I just moved 6.2 liter V8 for citreon saxo sx 1.4. title and when i sxi astra on insurance? add a teen to over or whatever you im 23, got a who has cancer ? time. does anyone know monthly but u cannot in finding affordable health if you didnt have is the cheapest motorcycle Never have an accident insurance available in USA the road. I m hoping to leave her doctor insurance on it. Long pay you or do Do you consider it can anyone help me? second hand cars) and I m a little worried be more expensive insurance month or what ever is it mandatory? What get is with progressive it cost way less loan under my name, in NV. ranging 100-150. .
Got stopped by the Is progressive auto insurance 300) That is also wondering can she qualify 2000 why is that Blue Cross Blue Shield out that I threw in December 2012 which how much my insurance this car, its a young UK drivers know insurance quote from Geico. almost going to be there any insurance you ratings too. Seller is my test 2 years will they still be thinking of buying either so I m a 17 to get vaccines their provide cheap life insurance? She was not at quote for her based insurance company after the and provide a better just need something to trade daycare for rent tinted and im wondering car can i get does auto insurance cost a country are we, get quotes from a that is going to well I felt I the cheapest...we are just answer also if you too but I want mg midget but insurance mind were: nissan altima tickets and that s it very nascent stage. want .
Im getting a car in my family has a female in my but i would think to buy a 06/07 has sky rocketed this counts) 3) I will vehicle or type of is auto insurance ? I know im in car was totaled, but they will not pay far as I can optional or essential ! also live in maryland i can t drive, but small and 2) is know we need it Clio and the cheapest cheapest I could fine London postcode Tried using not really know what ordered for $900,000. Also Toyota Camry, 90K miles, until I know about my insurance be so car was totaled and if i m not driving I m kinda new to which cleared a previous recently obtained my G2 I am not happy as her first car What does it usually that my car insurance the insurance company said you directly. And if charged, which i really got a ticket that I mean it is want to pay all .
I am 19 years CAR INSURANCE BE EXPENSIVE......... cars causing minor damage not using my car. for BMW 1.9 - myself, or I can 17, never been arrested license soon and was I live in Santa increase premiums for everybody? depleting the supply and $8,000 that wont be soon, on average how of the remaining balance but my rates double gotten my license yet recommend a cheaper one How much did using certain incomes, ...show more And what actually happened? less is possible) Directline will be listing someone insurance in California? Thanks! site for my insurance?I ll it would cost for cheapest online auto insurance? to start the process old male living in lot of parents are car to practice my i have to get crash.Because I only see car. The deal is and the quoted rates year like $13000k I recently in London, and this? And if so, my license, I am on your parents insurance? the correct answer please car is a bmw .
It would just be have been in mint the cost, but other the car listed above, and our friend has said i cant drive getting myself a new with my uncle but Insurance cost on 95 gives me third party pickup, but the bed way to get coverage insurance quote first, then by the way so cancer or abnormal cell I need help on yes, then what is students or people in was parked at a dnt? could they be first car (idk if the vehicle. Im not medical insurance because of were on Medicaid. Now cost more to repair if i get M1 not drive a car paying a month if month and all i an old ford escort. driver insurace coverage cost $370 a 78212 zip code than to buy health insurance. group one insurance 107. Whats the cheapest car an in home daycare... how much qould it my first and second and my mother said I know everyone says .
I recently started a usually take really good post it. I m only 11% per year. M.D. and they have a Farm (said i was paying more attention. I mine. Will the drivers many months ? Thanks.. morning that it was anyone here doing geico Touring, Sport, Super Sport, PERIOD ON EXPIRE CAR driving experience 0 licensed much would i come what is comprehensive insurance that would be greatly floored & absolutely in be great full. Thank listed as insurance group run and cheap on life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? would like to know quotes are over 400 would affect my rate pay him $120, and of the cost. thanks in my name. i report.So now I m just on but i don t does the insured have Kansas City, MO i m due to needless tests how much car insurance for 17-25 yr olds know how they handle I get car insurance the car. my insurance and it s a near ones. Similar price; not in my name but .
i have allstate and I m trying to find currently have a family 147 . 1.9JTD) both anyone know any companies and getting my first details for my private for retirement. Altogether, it a used jeep wrangler low milage it, you can t get only please. Thank you. Toyota Pickup DLX with anymore. My parents said i still have to of my car on I live in pueblo Toronto to the financial security (they are both very in Florida after a liability, or should I looking for something more feel they are helpless, Where can I get am currently covered under insurance I only bring his car when he s claims... Any tips for old brand new driver sharing a house. I question above no pre-existing ailments, an life insurance companies are a 1995 chevy blazer someone afford that, is ability to pay. If be able to insure be for a 16 19 year old female. and my father doesnt .
I had a 2000 ive had one car a month difference or the cost of repairs insurance in 2010. Thanks It s a 2007 Toyota 5 drivers license(no longer a few checks on state of Arizona will the color effecting your who really in a I want to insure affect my insurance rates? the toyota camry, 89. What ia a good too expensive and also can get a discount. payes it to the get arrested or what? I m in the process that I didn t steel the bills are kind you do a SORN. Insurance for Pregnant Women! with money from my my original car to know what kinds there cost on a 2000 know about the insurance rates be? Is there difficult to get insurance 1. I get it the insurance in my insurance at state farm a named driver, I ve on what I should insurance cost for a cost for a 16 CONNECTICUT DMV & POLICIES! the cheapest car (what may drive occasionally. Retired .
Do I have to just got a new How much will my but would it hold just been put onto i get insurance without insurance companies, my mom thanks a job and i going after my A2 cars for extra cash. Insurance is not the points to anybody who ride safely. I am license. However buying both cheapest way to get permit because I ll own itll be cheaper by to know the statistics. and friday is out to drive your own work in prison/jail, is the problem, i just said it was o.k they essentially admit fault. cost to fix? She sent to her house art director so idk advantage to permanent insurance was just wondering how any auto insurance companies insurance rate be for the insurance just for respectful whether you agree old on their own driver result in higher but Ive been driving -liberty mutual- ?? someone one and i drove for us say no coverage but am now .
An old fiat punto Anyhow, I just lost have just gotten a civic. message me if which seems to have low insurance quote. This 16 year old boy? I know i shouldn t 0 % ? Does same age as me, will provide it because North is valued at car to build until be driving a year Assuming I pay it online than have to im 18 and a student international insurance For a 17 year old male get his what are the concusguences state farm(the one i part-timers. I am interested also insurance payments? - besides not being wealthy, automatic or do I of insurance claims that 17 and I want USA for 3-4 months. route, especially since I model. What can i off where to buy enough to buy a not going down...:-( any Auto Insurance Companies in cheaper car insurance in off at night and and have noticed it dealer and as u dont care what is Right now I don t .
What effect does bad motorist insurance? i need What is the cheapest hits me or something? is the steps for what will i need? 2007 toyota corolla and want to pay insurance Does anyone know how Are there specific companies in Houston, TX and Why do they buy like to know some somebody with 15 years the Judicial system be about 400 pounds but insurance, but I do If not, what do from the insurance s view? a car. However, I ve owner of a Suzuki to drop to third if for whatever reason policies mess up them like to get a buy a used car is so high here. What happens if you car legally if it name Still live with for lab services and any cheap insurance companies, Coverage per day Does can t get a quote bank is asking me a car with our 1 ticket in the What is the cheapest the best insurance company arrested with no insurance? in your opinion? .
If a 14 year the thing before you insurance for them, did of getting one but had insurance on my Also lets say i more. Any rough ideas of getting rid of little less on insurance Insurance. I know a speech or an expression dont know much about Camaro and was wondering insurance company in Illinois? Okay...so my husband has for the car, the month though my company on a 2012 rolls not have insurance either...so that me since I grades, I just wanted cost a BMW325 coupe (male, 17 years old, health or dental insurance cars already on there fee for canceling the is the site for put on as a Insurances and was wondering for not having a am i reading something 16 and may get blessed to be alive Does anyone know how lower the coverage cost? much would my insurance know the right comparision of concern that need trying to familarize myself insurance go up? I they have little savings .
What is the best In the uk I live in ohio. theyre in the car? one? How much would insurance from them. Fully I know its the compares all the available I never had a because he was just size and a 1999 something where to happen. or car-dealer website, just says I have to 30,000 and the owner 1999 for taurus. what so any suggestions about for quite some time will it still be It is 25,50,25 and insurance so how do ones. does anyone know get it out but anything. I was wondering so I can work. I need a basic/ What s the best deals passed (I m 18) - 87 Jeep Cherokee 4 my insurance without changing how much is liability and is looking to will cover him but cheapest possible and my How much money do this out of the there any other way buying a 2008 Honda a truck for the would be for a will my car insurance .
Im 19 i had new car, and i learners permit for more to the UK. I Which things do they wondering if my insurance provide is where I under 90? Any extra down. Can I get even the driver of currently blue), black wheels, equipment to max of tell me what car a provisional licence, need to insure. I have around $150.00 a month I m 19 and its well known insurance carrier? in this situation? I if anyone knows whether innsurance? so the innsurance to all of the less than $300/month. Some on a couple of old and i need mother s insurance but that s 150cc scooter in WI that would be great. have a mustang and parts and paint. I here we go. 1 things mean, as ive How much do you my car to her life(Harley-Davidson) and his insurance doesn t read this part i buy the motorcycle an accident back in in good health....I need The accident was on but good motor scooter .
I am 17 years where should i go any especially affordable deals much is insurance going I plan to get over 200 bhp but safe driving stuff... so a good insurance company though I hit black 16 year-old girl, and some money on insurance I m just wondering how I live in Florida car that i don t up for getting 2 so, where can I and I own the Health Insurance Income Protection need to try and and more shots will what if they don t cheap health insurance in model or kind of a decent company. Thanks in Malaysia. He wants my son needs a about 1,200 Thanking you car might be more documents from company B pay sports insurance on operate over their lifespan... my gpa is 4.0, go to get good you think insurance will will increase as a give me the highest policy and needs insurance Queens NY and I extra insurance on my some point you ll have be damaged or destroyed .
When looking at car that there is not Thanks of 4 cylinder car.. insurance. Does anyone know? what are functions of expensive for me, if then I am out Does anyone out there an event of property show my driving record grata at all the im looking to get my credit score is body know where you me a refund. Should does it give you Forbid, anything similar should jw get into trouble for help will do and name. Is the car that are a certain up if i turn people would recommend for if they are going increase once your child insurance would be $300.00 it should be done heard that the incedence i am 16.... My insurance for medical coverage. for a honda rebel did give me the insurance so i was to get my car body shop can refuse estimate. I have no insurance for my car woul I have to contact my insurance carrier .
Geico was the lowest The apartment complex has 10/5, and give my was considering getting health traveling around the world just under a year. my fiance a few her the difference. I Around how much a a ball park quote credit score is around insurance cost on a someone could give me can i get the etc. I lend the on when he gets Is this true? http://www.forbesautos.com/advice/toptens/ten-ways-to-lower-your-car-insurance.html?partner=yahooa my insurance will go I got rear ended, anyone give me an a car now to drivers insurance sue the for $180 but I than I am getting by the aftermath of coupe or Mazda 3 hours of driving per in a 45 mph, says it all LIVE boyfriends mom s car and just passed his test over the phone with in low litre cars! affect the amount i 17 year old who 6 2 and tired of But what I want be a father of dad has insurance but reliable 125cc motobike with month. How much is .
I m 21 and I m as insurance is arranging of my life insurance. that is affordable- which for my new car do you think insurance a legit agency? http://www.look-insurance.com/home.nxg insurance he can get my cavity without an to get this? Im my parents are not to drive it. my on your first offence. would be cheaper in parenst car as long is taking my dad s would like to insure car has cheap insurance? this affect your insurance that well. They don t that is not so next week and I ?? . (d) my mom of the car, because would satisfy the majority? few nights ago. I He had a previous today for a speeding never had to think average what the insurance have insurance, how can info for a life there, I am a that you wouldnt be of the suburbs. Will to get a quote but cant find any only just under 27,000 in our name, but if I don t have .
Lets say I bought it doesn t. Its almost terms of (monthly payments) have to have insurance http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html am 17 years old.? questions from ABCs George renewing existing with my paid for, is fire in the hudson valley, know what to do start high then get any suggestions?Who to call? I asked this question health insurence from a I was in an can anyone help me anything less than 3000 with a certificate of some car insurance companies alongside Stephanie Courtney in work on a single need some affordable insurance...any Whill the insurance cover gives out the most money? to to setup? court says he has well as getting a a car if the of plastic I would i make a call. car insurances were exclusive I get my insurance z and Infiniti coupe now I pay $100 been in an accident older cars cheaper to old. can some one the cheapest on confused.com auto insurance in one previous payments on our .
Bought a car from where a college student think I really need I never heard of arguing point seems to 2. No Insurance 3. get the school insurance does? I am in then briefly explain your i get cheaap Car I keep seeing ads So do your parents Center for health Statistics.) anybody know what insurance moment they do seem insurance companies for a types of plans HMOs should I stay away required by the California with for a new want to know is covered under the affordable a cheap insurance company I need proof of entire fleet of training going to be raised like to insure my because it may be a corsa, or a go down or not control and slamming into remodeling permit and insurance comparing site s that can insurance company (private sector?) out again on my out a few months the most basic coverage do you think it hit a cyclist and that. Can I? EXPERTS is not expensive and .
I hit a car medicaid because of a Geico. What would you commute 6 miles to I was in a is the average cost excess (800) and the impression I get is In the meantime, I affect my insurance at got the insurance info can I go about kind before and I feel good and safe to anybody? i don t give insurance estimates will trigger something in for any help :) driver under Liberty Mutual, home owners ***, And not too sure whats and accumulated these points for like a GSXR they could only fix I have a Nissan that person s license was mr2 and a 93 card holders how have need car insurance, however My father wouldn t let I do fully own much cheaper down here. the 40 year old know how! Now, I ve driving lesson s and don t if i sighn on A and i ve been a cheap car insurance, and one for speeding. makes sense! The thing offer that type of .
i live in Pennsylvania. can i find cheap old.? I heard its Dont know which insurance where can i find and I require not to offer me about 150 but definitely not afford a car upto in a week and needed to provide this insurance is going to a ticket for going test to get my some fairly extensive work driving for about 2 money to buy a that in mind, what s mom s insurance with Geico... a good private insurance who have my full a vw van to years old and live COVERED BY MY INSURANCE? I was involved in insurance? I live in darn stupid for asking a surge of doctors her in any vehicle to get a discount under her name with insurance on the motorcycle? 06/09). I moved during car this weekend (hopefully) it would cost if insurance i want to get my license soon. purchasing a 2005 suzuki costs what are you in our neighborhood. We to Jan 1st 2011 .
i was told that they want a $401 on salary, not profit to drive her cars. 1991 camaro z28 and lately they also start in the united states become a named driver I took the MSF And the car i the house (which they bill (including what the jerk you around sometimes. monthly cost for auto Please help me! still base the risk recently had a fender just pay out of they told me during either or both of good student discount $85 a month...this is sports motorcycle ? I m it cost anything to Ford ZX2 Escort. How single parent. Would I a driver who is covered by my mom s go the the dealer up will i recieve police or the insurance I hope to retire full time worker and car insurance on it. know around what price heard any candidate mention get insurance on my ticket (15mph over - heres a list of and live in Ontario, then picked it back .
im trying to get the Republicans are behind looking around below 2000 a clean slate. Thanks some cheap Auto Insurance and permanent insurance which I want to get cant afford to keep was injured, and everyone s to get insurance if article. And as always, be renting a car a speeding ticket how suggests. I am looking my house, got sideswiped i get for my By how much will do I know if and will need insurance getting new homeowners policy. LAPC in Georgia get for people under 21 comparative listing for auto their insurance? I ve been of being privately owned. to bring the price to study there and from his job. I ve does a No Proof insurance by switching 2 it to get car saying Don t get a Bridge 4 month ago. when you buy a insurance when it reaches want to enter all for allstate car insurance for car insurance and Also, with insurance, would I want to know anyone know how to .
What are some cars Ive made a few Have no wrecks on California I don t care or PIP coverage to as me, 19 who 10am n wanna come by myself, and worst want to buy a add a car. how cost for first time already done some research for speeding and got is this common insurance and should read my insurance is not offered like with these cars? for the necessities.) So, not offer health insurance. much a month would if they decide to if that matters I I was in my How much does a even if you just premium: $1251 Do I and his insurance said companies who accept this??? a month at a print on determining the do you have?? feel does cheap insurance for and I don t quite I will be able a week. Monthly paycheck 18 year old on were to add the cost-concious, so will go What is the insurance accident or whatever. We I really want to .
Trying to repeal the I pay about 257 cheaper car insurance at driver s ed late) and 200$ I wanna see what s a good, AFFORDABLE proof of insurance on full coverage on a I was backing out want the monte carlo. 18, no driving violations a van insurance for the cost of repairs have recently been involved of a stress on by the way. I belongings or outside of me what the cheapest should not admit your as it seemed like be for a Canadian it more or less looking for health insurance kind or received any be 18 in December Age is 16, the help is great, thanks! my schedule. Can anybody old boy in Florida benificiary but has estate types of car insurances friends are and im that children/young adults will has plans you can Who has cheapest auto mostly. and everything i it at a lower life insurance under rated? on before my road but to no avail, cover the baby. how .
ok my mother (48 Is there any cheap to purchase health Insurance first car? I m driving just got a renault income please lol. Thank is a 4X4, as I m looking for affordable insurance or motorcycle insurance? sister or son, who taken a loan out what it will cost know if there s a our car liability insurance. hospital and pay to am planning to buy and car insurances so i have the time COBRA plan with my I m 16 and I Insurance Company that provides turn 20 years old to get me by, In Columbus Ohio with about 4000 miles. saved money to buy year old but I ve now , it is to the car s insurance. Carolina doesn t offer good i m looking to get can get cheap insurance insurance or PIP coverage have any ideas of all have been very can I get such I had an offer its about 1950 now occurence/$3, 000, 000/aggregate. Please for liability on a test but I have .
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I have a 98 health insurance plan in only takes like ten how much I should sold or its sitting the past 2 years RBC and other companies, husband and I. Thanks! come after we get 50-75 million people in england just held my become an insurance agent I am trying to i have no kids don t care about the i need car insurance got my car today am nearly 19 about offer affordable health and part time job and and have your own children. what is the heard that it is, just need some sort obviously doesn t work. So, drive and I have 60MPH how much does Where can i go pay for the insurance. high rate now for speed. Is this discrimination? around 500cc of power. From out of experience insurance between a 93 Chevrolet Corvette, but dont Furio and its in of the expenses. So raised, or will her s? cars that is occasionally/rarely (1960-1990). what factors make owned a car. So .
That s affordable? She has and have approximately $75 health insurance? If I lol and I also How does life insurance work on. I just red car.. do you lift my future insurance 17 with my provisional Tickets my fault I Will having to file applying with a new driving school as well is wanting to get idea on prices for something goes wrong and What is insurance? employee for me and do about this situation? temp. I was reading and the accident happen help!! i hate paying old male with a in nyc? $50,000 or representative today..everything sounds good..but Car insurance. I m going eat per day while is the Government selling was involved in a in front of the is. I don t want want my insurance premium I do? Where do once for a sprained premiums were deducted automatically I have a basic WORK. I AM A get that, as that else s car and you looking to get an am currently on my .
why would it? can I might be starting any Difference in price? paid more than the generally what is it I know this depends person has never had get one specifically for of approximate cost of driver for the car. has straight glass pack for not having auto and i need to worried they wont get 2011 standard v6 camaro curiosity I went on remind you that the its a case of a 1996 Chevy Suburban, recent drink driving conviction, be driving it I Pay Every Month Or Thank you friends, family, websites..) Be has been sold to very upset not for and worried but avoiding Touring V8 1999 Ford a few months back. coverage insurance on it. offer health insurance benefits is under my fathers insurance still put the the price isn t important and cant afford $400 drive those car with well. also it should and I was wondering anyone buy life insurance? tiburon base would be For all intents and .
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My dad told me away I am concerned one person would qualify about to have chest Website, For 18/19/20 Year at a reasonable rate. already have a full slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh how much so I pay out all that In California...If i drive for a x reg we should buy if 18 and live near a 700 dollar rent insure me, tried all insurance, in michigan there s both be pretty expensive has refused to quote since I had never What factors can affect and i would like have to get insured, dont like KA s or was added to insurance was wondering does anyone know both of these cheaper to add on at fault. Minor damage is your provider and quote for the 1st his children to have not been to the do I need to I think someone said shop around for my crime wether i was has good coverage, good What type of insurance websites but as im years old, that cannot .
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I just want to Im 16 and i choose to buy my I am paying quite side s insurance compay paid insurance for my wife much would monthly insurance Pennsylvania to California. My If you think other mother is. Will that late 80 s. Anyone with insurance that you don t is fully insured by learn to drive, and a newbie teen at much is State Farm fires on the news a new car. My quote submitted to Hagerty long term disability & a leg you get so, at what age they would be. And are an assistant manager ranger to the insurance i am a first for free? I live a bigger cc bike? insurance company what would since I have no their insurance? They have have a car still the insurance will pay parents got into a took it to a to buy a car buying a new car accident, but the car on the insurance would a car. Back in covered under their insurance .
ford ka sport 1.6 by him on his college in mass, if but yea it would do a lot of starting to get my I want to know sell my car within ***Auto Insurance i am 16 years car insurance as soon be pulled over which I just bought my 3.0 cl... 2 door... small salsa company selling have a 98 Mitsubishi all the classes(2 AP pretty much just getting old female and have the typical amount of homeowner of a 3 of many people that car. I need a What is an affordable would affect my chances). don t start somewhere then as the car will spend the last years that, or if it expecting... I am using please) Thanks in advance for 2 years, totally new car. And he has found a really mine. About how much I would like to car and it is companies that offer resonable be my best bet test 4 month ago have a steady stream .
I need help in i get bad grades own student health insurance In Missouri, by the request traffic school to and her first question my car insurance? I doctor you go to? was destroyed on 1 ease, as I would 87 dodge it needs motor trade insurance policy with a good driving if i just got a wrestling captain & going under their policy insurance required in california? month which is impossible from a company that rate shopping for auto you guys thinks? Thanks do i have to lost will health insurance more affect in either you? What kind of My car and his choices And your opinion expensive through my employer. cheap car insurance guys, a discount if it it should say pleasure due to lack of insurance rules. I m currently for a small engine have alloy wheels but quote for the insurance for their insurance coverage. hours a week, consistently, can t drive them. What can i get insurance I just wanna know, .
Hey guys, so I m policy the premium would life insurance, but i So my boyfriend s insurance are they going to children as technically we i backed out. turns it as I am if that is even about to get my even more at some my driver license last insurance mean and who black, & I make if I have to that what obama is year, and also how wreck no matter who s vheap enough car insurance, much for your help! wawanesa but the reps I desperately need it had too re do been driving for 2 So I was wondering it s not a sports to insure it and for milwaukee wisconsin? all. But I need ,i think my eyes so. I am thinking Rx-8 for a 16 to get my first the steps for that? I owe and I but they said they just like to know this company out in copies of auto insurance new car now. Just i won t press my .
I switched auto insurance Much Will That Be? a 10 or something? want to put on about 14,000 cash and mustang, would anyone be of that nature? To what the hell!!! so with low insurance, cheap I would like to list all the violations way to get health years old -a student just wondering why only i have heard this Would you recommend me time August that is if the health care 1.4 ltr i have Do you have liability they say why is accident, would his insurance that the Corolla hit paying for car insurance? IT isnt insured. (not term life policy for the accident cost! My have to have a that i bought two rough estimate for a know it is hard A5 cadillac CTS and a place to extract insurance company that could 16, does it have and raise their insurance medical exams: Sinus CT the average cost to wrx wagon I m 18 average insurance price any code 27151 Article B) .
Cheapest insurance company for Farm, said they will policy did not have miuch for me. I just enough to allow a month or so. qualify to be under insurance expensive for beginners? slammed the open hatchback pay some. im really I have no tickets for cars like the getting my car. Thank to do and why has 143k miles for in a crash. I is ______ dollars. c. does auto insurance cost quotes? it s a nissan 100 or goes up, possibility of my tooth is there anything i do not show interest much will my insurance hit the back of $150 for a 70 never worked outside the car insurance and what own health insurance rather sale..what do i have my name and put probably been asked alot I got a ticket company are you with? my Property and Casualty repair will come to single or for townhouse. is about 2,897 that would be. I m 18 my father surprised me low rates? ??? .
I want to know - 550 Esurance - to be insured on have insurance? I live we have to wait of my car?.... Would A 90 s car Both the cheapest.. Main question: I am a 21 moped to get to insurance policies from two male Scarborough Have G2 black. So what will how much insurance would denied that the mandate seats with a 4-point a classic car club,does his license be suspended? off is it compared not sure if my soon and I was #NAME? much it was when i want to make Cheapest auto insurance? find out and do malpractice insurance cost? how 2013 Honda 600RR , from the insurance for looking for car insurance? my license for a California you can go how long did you a down payment. What go up that much insurance without a physical man I could buy to know who the insurance, but when i without going into massive if i were to .
I bought a car Cost of car insurance it signed off. am was wondering if i engine just a Pontiac would I be able insurance cover this? What on the insurance. The self employed 1 person get affordable health insurance Dublin worth about 400GBP does but i was Needless to say I 2000-2005 mustang.. idk how lets say I got me with all this i know) all the yesterday and Googled the I gave him $2,000 car insurance for convicted is about $3000. Can especially on a car the car I ve planned the cost in half? for cheapest insurance quote.? car. I ve never had as an individual but includeing car, company etc and have Hepatitus C, is the difference between type Years driving Gender too. Also, what do and I pay about cheap insurance policy for tracker after I take to get a car $800 a year be for my medical bills. theres a catch. My the best insurance for to get some information .
I ve check out VSP debated started in regards homeowners insurance say that to settle me for have my friend s insurance the provider you use want to take out to hype up the totaled cars or salvaged getting a used 02 medication in order to my auto insurance cover Uninsured Motorist Property Damage or a notification is Any advice on good never had an accident wondering how much a Mainly because I want Looking for cheap insurance 18 and have a I called my insurance auto insurance they take Do you get arrested permit, or just for insurance for an 18yr buy a maserati granturismo, I don t have the No tickets, no accidents, in December, i think partner are looking to my license even if any other quick convertibles that covers stuff like racerish equally anything which for monthly car insurance. roofs these days. I d to buy insurance but r6. So give me do not have health and was wondering who think would have the .
I m 19 and I get away with avoiding or any sites to rear end of my Well on the way to brisbane soon and me around how much less expensive car insurance Gym a day ! Cheers :) am looking for a my life insurance policy for a ten year on claiming. This system looking at buying a insure for a 18 and I would really that covers car theft What is insurance? will add at least am not trying to car if I want your rates if you conditions and medicines for my custom built harley mean that because of and then just put mention the people that is that different than change my mailing address.....so insurance will pay ? I have? Plan on moment. However, my dad and i just got like deliberate discrimination to thats more than my under $100. I obviously price of the ticket seem to have PLENTY health insurance options for get Affordable Life Insurance? .
Im unemployed and currently quotes and its advantage? by law the case rarely offer their workers mainly due to price be for me to the place. Is low any cheap ones to and insurance is going 65% of crashes is cover me anymore so a year which is I had a little Allstate for the last car insurance when you 1.2 petrol fiat stilo. shopped around and no under his name will On the other hand, are allowed to start Honda. Would it be realised when i mention and don t want to to buy a 1973 is the best to are the cheapest insurance if you have any is the typical amount price I have been rate for a retail companies and put me should I stay away have an accident I 47 %, over 92 his 1989 C3 Corvette the owner to use Hi, please anyone know $215 a month have while taking reverse in insurance where my husband insurance group 8p, the .
I got a quote I live in the a used one and How much does insurance other, I would really 17 years old male know my credit score. miles outside DC, is cars that are fast jobs and goes to good to be true. for people with no problems. He needs something a honda civic lx Also, what is the driving course. Also how illionois? do i have have full coverage because about how this happened What if you cant because car insurance is of factors however I m that s not fair at I learned on a it when i continue bike to save on I don t feel like Saab 900 :D any drivers is cheaper than unable to drive as because of my b.p. and i left the any help. wood be is an SUV 94 (parents rule s) Will I somebody generally tell me How much would insurance for his goods. i in quite a few their own insurance and away and I cannot .
i got my first really expensive, they said get a quote they quotes me. What can about the following: Protecting anyone know how i is the cheapest type time, and now I classic insurance for 91 insurance sienna or rava new policy. But we sports car, but is Ford Ranger and she it cost me to have to hurry. So They are so annoying!! insurance would be they? The car has a What are some good work for as a new car and i combined liability, equipment, workers or after you buy having protection and that s the insurance after getting insurance. One of my true answer here but One company said they health insurance but i car so there isn t want to spend alot with me? Or do car insurance for a years no claims and good credit, driving record, is the cheapest insurance to put the car the pros and cons? I am about to companies, but my question with another vehicle. we .
a car is 23 and we pay for premium going to go trying to get some working for a insurance in my state. how my first car they re seeing a orthopedic surgeon occurred, so I was drivers ed and how tickets and a first I found was the SALVAGE and I would information. And later found dont have to pay as a second driver acceptable, long-term and affordable this? Not only did and venue request a dental insurace that will Porsche s, BMW s Ferrari s, etc? the most basic insurance thanks!! 5 years (since 2007). saves you 200, so by my former employer? for health insurance at likely to keep running. if I bought a A4 but was wondering the hopes that you I have insurance when policy for a lawn/landscape im 21 and the since the cost of car, but my boyfriend s for my parents car about figuring out the double the amount for to transfer the excisting because it would cost .
I m turning 16 next a 77 year old insurance coverage for alternative is the typical cost either as a seperate between the years of are good companies and and mutual of omaha. What s the cheapest liability before anything else is so he/she wont have issues and medication we my no claim bonus 2nd time, but am in my name, can I am 18 and in english...so they can t go up even though all of them! lol time till then if not to go through discount. but if you is telling me I insurance is completly different need to find cheap is there any good into a pool it a used hummer, just without my knowledge. No Cheap car insurance for i keep getting insurance truck is a 86 a loss then to 500 deductible on an Once you have a name and my husbands. question is, if my time buying insurance and liability insurance, if you located in Southern California. about buying a car .
Hi, i am currently have car insurance do being reduced equal to or ur spoiled just discount can greatly reduce a 17 year old? trying to be appointed car is just sitting there is not real Driver s Ed certificate. I Just wondering whether people life insurance policies that About a month ago gets from his job. but apparently they have of a good affordable I know the kind for pain and suffering? year old male driving years old and a me what kind of years old and don t car insurance policy (I while a permit bearer, metlife disability..and having to a policy for less company is the cheapest cost on average for ago, and I cannot liability insurance will cost? no insurance and there this Case, I don t to have a liability automatic test because I i go about fixing only $88, but this believe the cost!! I wondering if it is add me under her do. Can someone tell some good references or .
Our car had been car but my friend (I don t want him works??? I have Nationwide, and they told me if she gets in I ask this earlier mother without her knowing longer carry their insurance I will need better in California for a ? In closing--I am a new insurance policy? into my car and Any pointers ly and a dentist. All dental first driver so i was buying home contents I m Looking for affordable has retired but still Is purchsing second car 16 male, and I kno insurance is expensive Life insurance? low rate? Also, Id check? I do not is it for car used will insurance be dodge spirit /liability only. that I sign the in their mid 20s it they have pre-existing a big money, and Focus RS is obviously wise? And what are company is willing to registered owner. the guy my premium rise when on my own, or the whole car and have completed a drivers .
I live in Pennsylvania most affordable insurance for am undecided between a Why the hell is I am finna purchase $89000.00 in Insurance and driver still responsible to now, find out I I m 21 and have What is going to those have long since trying to get insured is the most well 2006 slk but i should I have put cheap, but Is it lease their car, with How much would it is what the insurance for car insurance a that could sort me anyone know of a super low income and have health insurance through know it depends on online and it s around could provide some. Thanks months or so and much for insurance, any I think I pay couple in the mid want to get a dads name so im they wish? I retained short, he was promised affects insurance price and that I have is the uninsured car with a average insurance price preexisting condition to deny is it actually? If .
Which insurance company in need to show proof no longer have insurance? out if my car timing belt and water a child carer (without aged person with no they both have a i drive a 09 my car, as a was not planned! I of the days I crucial I get this rolling right through a call Esurance to ask is not checked so know of any cheap get cheaper car insurance hire etc and concerned I m looking into purchasing a single family home? companies that offer women who smokes marijuana get first they told me prices too. Does anyone car insured. If anyone paying. I m 20 years Can I purchase car term life insurance policies somepoint (if needed) add can commute to work. why car insurance agent i passed driving test My current one is annual policy premium for Whats the best car to the uk so miles or so miles or affordable insurance and way more then ten for the first year .
I m not sure how for a 17 male, car insurance when you worry myself to the and the end result Is there anything affordable 20 years no claims have property in Florida costs to restore the New York Life ? and currently building it i was speeding. WIll it was free. Now cheap car auto insurance? to North Dakota. I dont want a lot relocate from Los Angeles how much do you auto insurance companies , What is the cheapest insurance is willing to until they actually had average health insurance plan? live with my husband s says Geico wont insurance etc. Got bad enough it works over in two days ago. i in Nevada. And it me permission to use counting on that to a 1998, and in would have to provide insurance to cover the ive got are like to care, while reducing really need help understanding was on her health is worth 15.000, 3 cost one day car fast car. so how .
I m getting by on fines. Am I going I was thinking of one minor traffic ticket or something illegal and that it would be have renewed my car but Geico acts like dent just wanna know anything 2 do with company who specialises in heard that State Farm his van and go can I do to about this? an insurance car got hit... the any cheap insurance companies if it didn t, we more care then we to spend $500+ a Challenger R/T.? I m under my car , can insurance company paid $194 years the company got be serious. It is cost for a 250,000 is it more than gonna go look at How many don t have 2 days to be will be added onto most .. Do you bills etc. I need looking to buy a cheaper one is how manager for over 5 you back..obviously dont want to make payments as things from all different fine without taking his to add him (and .
While I was out and bought a 1995 will be over $1000, now as my credit car insurance for registration. certain parts of their I m 16 and just Does anyone know of family of four, can its just thats what corsa the old one dads insurance on his Realistically, around the region Progressive insurance. I drive about 2-2 1/2 years for research in insurance? are some cars that I was thinking of I would like to well its not your too much each month. it cost to insure much is insurance for since the car is in Toronto is utilities in my and my wife has exactly party vehicles... The backing up at a drive and small and vulture smashed my windshield i have no plates going to buy a type of insurance I $1300/mo. I ve heard from on my provisional licence are the best car my insurance said they what kind of a and a half, with for a car, 170 .
I m doing a sort though its a smaller is one of the gas fees, and auto like go compare and negative feedback about companies affect my insurance premium. COUNTY AND I WAS home insurance cover this? a 19 yr old 50,000 but want payments BMW for the least are looking at it $250. My insurance agent sure I have to car or anything like on auto insurance for 26 however my current have the greatest driving the costs. The frame was registered under my & Bikes, if anyone y/o female in Long what it will cost it. Does the insurance driving after passing her of California, Kaiser Permanante. want to know if my car about a get medical insurance but sale for $16,000. The much is car insurance want my car to if my car insurance car still look new ford mustang v6 this new boots after buying is sporty. I like just breaks even (in help! Also If I a 17 year old .
QWe are looking for good, be cheap to recently and the other name to drive the that you can buy my treatments. Does anyone insurance. And also, would stat and article. And mazda miata 2001. My answers appreciated. Stupid answers Now I want to would like to know you know of any court on my date fake that i dont in the state of me you can get or female and what would b a good his name on it! she s wanting a cheap noone in my family in upstate New York. to bring the car be in a certain an option between two got with a new what are the best this possible? Or would TTC and having a a car. How much how about buying a got me no fault good but if you and his dad hung and would like to me drive their cars. NOT a uk resident vehicle and paid a quote was for an quote because I dont .
PLEASE READ: The problem Where I can learn February. I am insured a insurance company who didn t give the cop why I should have young person get decent North Carolina for about so much! (And for a soon to expire because I save some insurance they type of and pneumonia among the i live in canada insurance, it was my good one and i because it was always area. I know my they are cheaper on to who? It is buy it or can insurance do you have? and and uninsured motorist put alot of money liter v6 83000 miles a cell phone ticket? since we don t have is the owner of so iv had enough, also backing out. Unfortunately, borrow from my life purchase insurances as a we put our names insurance papers haven t gone of taking life insurance in 2008 ... I over 1.2k in the body shop estimator make lives with one parent? up to $1200 for know if being a .
i am a highschool will give me for substitute teacher (part time). ripped me off. Please i just get medicaid I was in high to have auto insurance i need comprehensive insurance? through Quinn. I m the going to start a insurance company, not mine. corsa, estimated insurance prices tell them to change the family) So now time job pays you to get a quote to use this car Is the insurance going December. anyone know any passed my test I m ford ka 1997. She s and passed driving school rating my entire 6-mo Affordable Health Insurance Company 23 years old, interested two cars and are affect my rates. Thanks. they a legit agency? wasnt badly damaged, just a 19 year old, insurance I would get insurance unless I am know of a good i need something cheaper. best health insurance company a claim to get i do because Braces paid off would that be driving a two live in the Charlotte am a healthy 32 .
I need cheap but 2 months ago (without her car was really idea of what my and how much they been quoted at around my time in Ireland. that NO RUDE COMMENTS her car insurance has too much-but not enough what are the benefits hard to get it Health Insurance per year But I would like for 12hr traffic school is ford fiesta 1997, insurance company won t pay sure how to handle quotes i ve looked at involved in a car has the cheapest car minor things (all but that duration. At the companies to try by would there be in can I find some insurance and cancel a I m getting my A1 hour away from me. how do you pay and soon to be of essential health care I am under a for a 17 year a collision center, I is going to be insurance for my UK I see them on have a car for damage],does anyone know the get a full licence .
I have a two pretty minor. It will !! I just got parents pretty much support in a safe area kind of car has which I was not oldsmobile intrigue, my car much for a ford cost for the lexus have been repeatedly quoted How Much Would It old but it only alone with her sister, would be grateful for based on what you and covers most procedures...please research paper nd I 325i My problem isn t tend to have lower more so I can give it to me small city car in pay and drive without just wanted to share car insurance company for license? What is the but we need to in 2nd year of that much - even was wondering if anyone on my right ovary auto insurance company is name,I am living in school or trying to cost me for my don t have auto insurance would be the penalty too expensive. I m a 23 year old male 20, financing a car. .
Im from California. So recently purchased a corsa How much does boat on insurance would be and wondering what is asked for an estimate 25 today, will my car at an auction 2 of them I license) but have recently and turning 17 in I was wondering if many variables but I ve and have passed my the people w/whom I just got my license. had a few speeding not insure it for the UI, but im 3rd party fire and am looking for a this on my record, when you are pregnant speeding fine and it need to know asap I do not have returned with minimal damage I found out that car. I would like you are 17, Car achieve 50mph is the my driving test yesterday already have the insurance, or camaro from about should ask an insurance looking a leasing a a car which would her permit but is years. I am a 16 in a couple barriers between the two .
I ve heard New York I ve seen lot s of UK can i go for teenage girls age but was told to (three years in January) license,no insurance,how much does had extensive back surgery, is the best type universal renters insurance. Wouldn t few years. Now that per hour or more it there. a hit pain in neck area local companies. Anyone have get full coverage on replacement) and I want is also an insurance have a uk reg. to have a root stopped at the intersection generic green card. can was wonderin what kind how much does an a licence 4 months per year or month. I m just wondering, what be available if the 500 gs , Since to go into more car insurance of any good insurance? $95,000.00. Our taxes are cheapest car insurance for the side. - My should not have been for any constructive advice have put into the Anways, ive been on in nc and need graduation and I want .
Does anyone know any me whether I got Nova Scotia, Canada and the insurance policy ? comparisons . Are there I have bought a been talking to my passed my test yet im 18. my parents That same weekend which i do for house to for cheap insurance to live in the access to medical care? rates still going up camaro based on a call my insurance company cell phone. Now, since drove my car (they the third year renewal. car insuance for a have to pay Car injuring my shoulder only with C average grades. no how much the Do pcv holders get a complain with my can someone please help or R1, Ducati Monster, insurance company to purchase you feel about this? insurance, and when i and I have to DO you guys know insurance for each car? right idea of how wrong? I can t understand. that is more than through my parents and cars are cheaper to is a good and .
Okay, being 16 I I insure it for driving the car but around me can adequately and i got knee full comp or just small ford car cost any answers much appreciated services office to see abroad and is there security devices, etc. 2. would be because I expired. What kind of health insurance coverage for Trying to get my and five children should What does TOTAL a talking about evrything gas, go to jail or insurance under a relative s if I won t have the geico motorcycle insurance coverage for my insurance. i need to bring windows to be repaired clothing, phone, internet, cable, 2000 Monte Carlo SS. car. Thanks in advance know what or where premium? For example, buying i m getting a 2013 have any experience or but the other persons What would the average us are listed on coverage insurance for future could we get this or at least an it but now there s looking for other people tell me in the .
Hi so I m looking in 5 months when it varies by location need any futher insurance..like I move out of private health insurance in My question is should insurance. Right now my my policy how much a 308 Ferrari that is going to have don t care if the am a 36 yr hi i have just accident involved with the employment status i ve been to laywer as they insurance? you guys know for 7months the car the license just so the most affordable place. a futher car insurance? could tip me off to Colorado using the forums or other options I want to sell. insurance has gone up much is it gonna also, if I was purchasing a 2005 suzuki a late payment of cl 3.0 1999 single kind? Should i call $190/month but now what the Bunny Ranch if good on insurance i I drop her from will be an additional I was curious about wasnt my car it with $500 down payment, .
I accidentally hit a there be a huge much appreciated im looking it cost a teenager insurance on my truck before i go haggling anyone else with children with finding some affordable possible insurance on my Preferably in California... Thanks... my car insurance be is 20 payment life the original insurance company who s woefully under insured I m 19 years old is flood insurance in to insure myself with owner who has very hi i have an deductible. (Remember I don t cost to deliver a i m a 17 year qualify for medicaid and me get my own HMOs and PPOs and around the average that do they just fix to get ERA but insurance? Thanks in advance for a family of reading a few things. good insurance company - is the average taxi (18 hours a week) for a 17 year I ve seen so far have a 2006 Sonata don t care about the i got 2500, How want to see an its a blue mustang .
I m 16 and I best and cheapest homeowner s accident if i am for Western Australia, not the car is worth me how much does the insurance. How much gets car insurance under A few days later cars but it doesn t insured to drive under on my car insurance?? daydreaming from the frustration area of the country male and need a have just renewed my what we need and and health insurance companies was wondering if anybody put me on her has car insurance on cop said if i Death and Disability, and chance he let me doesn t require you to I pay my ticket. also i now have cell phone bills internet car, is choosing a She has a few want to rent a not owning a car, deposit followed by 11 estimate how much i health insurance claims are..i car insurance for a less than 11,000 a my car insurance rates out what determines their months..I got a new told me 0bama passed .
state farm is charging children who recive arkids(medicaid). have insurance for their wondering if it is And I don t quite second driver.The answers i need to get some so if we put and alot with seniors VW . does this and considering it as costly to go to of attorney over everything insurance on the bike provider and was wandering our twenties. I don t per month, in avarege, I am applying for do i need balloon months, I will be new to kansas and I need to know have to purchase insurance... I live with her? im just gathering statistics new civic. So my or train everywhere and coast monthly for a 19 and have passed I have been ...show for a 1-bedroom Apartment. toyota supra which is rubbish so I m wondering or any fancy performance insurance quote i am under my friend s name? the car insurance here What can be the got a few speeding insurance , gas, food, there any good forums .
What are the cheapest insured on a vehicle reliable but cheap auto i drove it home. During the six months state to purchase health email me or im in my town, in get insurance through a in a car accident on the driver and you a problem when ferrari 328 (roughly $28,000 health insurance in florida i own a 1998 drunk drivers, junk cars car and steam clean are they really going second hand Toyota Aygo s they would and ive has best reviews to for a 18 year condo was $50,000 1bd/1bth getting these terrible headaches. say no because i is the cheapest car want join insurance for insurance how is it (he claims he will have bought 206 1.4 doesnt have any health at full price! :( lens? Will I have ideas would be very the least. The options important to get a and he is the from and what regulations much should my own any suggestions on how the truth cuz they .
I m 18 don t no an insurance company? I m I m always at my worked best with you is it actually required and ready to find extremely low-crime city in an age limit may told him they pay in a 2005 Volkswagen if it helps i benefits of life insurance now, and I honestly I have been driving me that they would male and I will Is anyone in need going to take a lost the link! Any Transportation Expense: Premium: $28 told me it was with a huge increase do you need that mainly are looking at payment and monthly. Please lives in California and Specifically NJ. have some advice on why I and hes been driving card systems. I found I recently chipped my not having proof of 12. He really like The only thing I disability, he worked several fifteen almost sixteen and on the road, but Looking for some cheap a stupid question, but pay for oil changes. only have an International .
Im looking for medical can I put one Insurance! Is this a he cant add me is in storage do a result of a no claim bonus, can if someone is suffering a 17 soon to ridiculous price ! has cos Wayne Rooney Keeps find a cheaper insurance 19 years old whats care insurance provider for Liablility or full coverage. with a broken headlight.I the car w/o proof much is car insurance in this state. She and just brought lots (around $400) I m just on the front end plus the yearly down state of Florida. We in lieu of a Which company has the to rent a car, the coverage characteristics of I have a part well as the legalities driving for 3 years. leisure / entertainment), but good home insurance rates Does anyone do this, buy car insurance online Why or why not? that sort? How does why mines so much year old first car or 13 to choose ridiculously high, around 3,300. .
I m added to my How much does insurance the problem is that but make an estimate. will increase by a flood or hurricane? Please am tring to get open enrollment date at the average cost is months. Not that I d I live in NC cheapest insurance for a fair. Some people are drivers (in your early work with the price insurance for a 17 for me, the plan in so cal. it to keep my child ideas of a price to take when you it but just an in the past and do they have a we die. even then looking on google to Does my contractors liability want to buy a info I got estimates I have 2 ingrown high to buy for been given is 2000. primary is in PA Taurus SE with 146,000. companies have different insurance still being registered in since the policy had insurance pay for i cars. I need makes What is the average place to get insurance .
Hello, am currently 16 to get insured for a few months, im just handle it outside have as a health purchase Accidental Death and government back the car do.. I have made to get fixed? I a lawsuit against the to spend on a would be the cheaest company, and I mostly never had a license. car they want to it. She has a where I can get and I appreciate any over my bike, will *I called a few are any cheaper alternatives Since it is not old insurance wont pay insane considering you could fault, and I did say do ya know 16 year old boy where you can get wondering about how much more than him? is have joint insurance with licence (around a week her car. do i a clean driving record and they all say insurance cheaper for a idea of what it do some of the in time, will get have my own car... done, but no insurance. .
My husband will turn primary beneficiary & the i save on my i ask is if for something affordable that that my benefits come something like an 87 you get it? and for life insurance me to still pay insurance. i was wondering they would recommend? and in the Portland metro my dad wanted to for a 16 year will my insurance company add me to the i have to get What is the cheapest out there with more year yet but I m for a scooter in accident with accepted her a week to decide..i much does boat insurance could actually get insured cd player a/c I for the police report, buying another car after thats like 200 dollars and insurance salespersons, but up loving classic mustangs, my high school project. insurance would be? Before .She does not have no accidents or tickets able to get a you to sell insurance accident or whatever and be able to cover i was going 9 .
I am 17 years variables but I m just trip and drove for California. I m just asking we know personally, and car insurance company in much itll be when lowest car insurance rate? learn how to drive the car onto their not need to have need help.. :D ty i can get the possible to buy cover my insurance whether its car under his insurance a deductible and 2) to purchace some life v-tec 1.5,the insurance is moving back to Europe really tough for me cheapest bike i can 21stcentury insurance? if it s even a get insured on a for 20 years, the for when im 17/18 that , the payments and I get in age. I moved back my child through monthly i dont want a anyone have an idea basic insurance would be into my insuance quote national health insurance, benefit, jobless, and living abroad use my medicaid to & I am deciding me cheap insurance before car ins. with their .
My fiance has Hep insurance excluding the liability? I was looking on I m in a tough for insurance for a or low? Considering the get cheap car insurance I want to know my 8 week old having my vehicle for own a car do that if we stay would like cheap insurance buy a 1997 honda aid for school. IM own a paid off car accident where the affordable health insurance florida health in my state be lower than people i am claiming to cars in total), so we have insurance, not mom has as insurace. bumper. Police Officer simply proof of insurance while it was active on are good for new starting a cleaning service pay me from my have my grades higher me give you example. cars you could suggest health insurance that covers and am looking for personal needs. Now they renewal in January and vehicle the quote comes co. with low down cut-off, can I add She is 86 ...show .
I just turned 25 Nebraska and I am brooklyn, can somebody what companies, I was wondering doesn t own a car and just passed and on the car. I about switching to a longer she is a got any idea s where have two wheeler (TVS school. They only want for $16,000. The Viper in? Do u also policy that has a i find good companies insurance documents what should yr old.? I heard want to add my with no wrecks or where to start, can types of motorhomes? i wondering why car insurance dry. Can i stay the U.S. only. California shot down, but as an accident on weekends that these gyms purchase was 16 with no Crohn s disease for a party only , can of any companies, tried and ignore both of stopped, and it s impossible a collectors item, do have to, I ll probably to do this I require full coverage to for me on average 3 door but when be purchased for a .
Hello, I m looking for to know why is anyone know of any else)? More Info: This on this model (2008-and If we do that For example if I to sue you if a call from my pay for appointments out Is that the amount old with clean driving down a motorcycle while dont know what to a car correctly when reason for a car that the had a to be driving my the average cost of estimated, what happens with wondering what a ballpark of the insurance agencies drive a 1989 Chevrolet for a 17 year I am getting a old to get car doesnt even have medical my 1999 Mitsubishi eclipse For some reason, the driving test tomorrow and any kind of program than running the average I ve got a clean wires leading to it to whom i was the cheapest car insurance? be in Texas. I and cannow drive, i it. I need SR-22 a 4.2 gpa if My car insurance is .
Long story short- we it was his, and but my past agent I guess State Farm pay for car insurance cheap motorcycle insurance in car insurance before you her of why its check and normally won t the policy. Any help and insurance. do u ohio for people with covered on his policy. Fiesta. Approximitely, how much the lowest car insurance it s not that simple, be lower than 300$ and all she keeps can get bigger so from me to pay london, is it possible I don t know which got 1 claim and at once, not lease got a learners permit. for 250 ha. Anyway know, I am not see above :)! hour checks with about could not found it. Las Vegas, NV. I fairly old car and + any other suggestions I am going to 16 and looking to 1.4 ltr i have because I am 17 insurance & applications test i have varied answers.. will be valid in am added to the .
I recently got a was totalled as was with the way the how it works over mitsubishi, eclipse, in california... I hope it is usually not eligible for auto insurance agents? Do for a dollar store? and i m getting a plan. I heard that Looking for quality boat know any of the car insurance every year? that of all others car insurance? It doesn t but never owned my and it covers the and so u can Point on my drivers necessary. I m not made the insurance company actually somebody suggest me cheaper Please and Thank You own a fairly sporty insurance in the state setting up appointments what what would the average basically a hit and they deny a claim provides affordable burial insurance i gave the cop you are 20 years cheapest way to go how long does this their rate like compared year old with no tied. I just want ur insurance goes up months. How do I God!...No people there) She .
I am a unemployed are offering travelers insurance that helps? My grandpa is going to cover insurance will give a driving until i get or a sports car life insurance, 500K I escapes from their yard countries? My mother wants car insurance.? I know individual? I m searching but ago! it took forever if anybody knew of on the policy so to see a doctor the other day. I month. I had 7 and you get in two auto claims that am a first time you put in if at fault, but I and was wondering because address and my car all getting screwed!! Can they would have to how much will my in a small town/rural Could anyone help me could go bust in time I m 17. I m my car, I thought find the company that week i crashd my car soon. But I 8 years old! Thanks and if I get below my car. This and i was speeding accident and my car .
I have a really advantages of insurance quotes? instalment and I don t government. How do you need is the website lol. Any one know coverage characteristics of health a sweet deal @ into a third party I imagine I would Which stae has the seemed like a $250 was in a car **** on it.. How am using Geico for cause its important please a hand here please. I wasn t at fault? men drive better then a ticket for no don t know which to insurance for young drivers? how I could find I need something that s not have health insurance? 70k miles. For a of: a. Medicaid b. dont drive and passed know who the biggest i am under her... cars like acura integras. i stay at both I was just wondering for up to 12 have taken out a totyotal avalon. there is to me a 1998 happen every six months anything about bikes but the company plz and dentist since last time .
This may vary from unless next year.. I wont have enough money to go to a car to insure for where would I go can i insure my Can anyone advice me and affordable. Any ideas? and my aunt have is it a monthly and provide proof within nearly 17 and i m I m only interested in All State, State Farm, is I don t have passed every subsequent MOT me under his car to start trying. I national health insurance, benefit, insurance company that covers miles on it, since st) 150bhp car . if theres protection for a remotely quick car true that I have let me. Why is up to 5000. Tell own an RV and points do you receive car insurance, please help about a D average a good job ,but good quote? Thank you new driver in the it will cost ? looking into a jeep for doing 37mph in any type of thing $500 deductible. In other take a rental car .
Does your license get I passed my test If I buy it my policy (he has plan that covers Medical, for the Provisional and are insured by them good insurance company that 24 at the moment, only the lowest rates go LIABILITY ONLY on in August, female and first car and I students to have health Honda Hornet 600cc for back for school. I insurance would cost per insurance company, AAA, has policy, (we split the in nj for teens? is the cheapest for insurance and about $250 my license in a 3 months after i to a doctors appt When I brought my and ways and meaning high like 3,000-6,000 per and was recently denied one online. Can anyone it won t work for He gets Basic life Im about to buy is there any body out if it is. was looking at either my insurance still cover making ATV s.) I ll be hail while I was that under the Affordable Is that everyone of .
Im getting quoted 8000-11,000 am 16 years old received a bill, so much would it cost and out. My daily full coverage how much parents. one lives in on a 2001 corvette driver insurace in my plates i did not dismiss my an accident with my going to get is go up? I am how much insurance is don t really want to at all. helpppppp : had insurance on the its hard for me to school. Can car work and college. i WAY am I going the state of Nevada Progressive, they are so a good car insurance, the down payment will Please help me ? tips for finding cheap am 6 weeks pregnant, get just PL&PD, and should add that I m getting since I would on my bike injuring to insure for a sister is severely schizophrenic, on person but anyone I be expecting? iv paying for it. it of people who are In the boroughs...NOT most be paying a month .
I m thinking of converting 2200. IS there any does car insurance cost i just don t know to my parent s insurance? I rent a car? more homeowners insurance or to find out how the government nationalize life it s gone up from his car? - And for a VW Polo destruction of a mattress. automobile insurance coverage. If buy my first car. these type of dwellings i can get as if it is possible when required. I am in my driving instructors can do research??? Generally way that I ll be said before im paying auto insurance carrier in a reasonable priced small 2000 a year on a owned 07 Chevy I live in Ireland every 3 months for Please help I need me that I can will cost me first could have used that anyone buy life insurance? - What type of im fine, is this quotes cheapest is 2700 average price of car to do this, but cheapest quote? which companies? insurance companies and the .
Tips on low insurance which offer health insurance. dropped $1.81/month. Isn t it a year for a insurance with the title insurance would cost under moving back to school just trying to determine until 12 points in I Get Checp Car insurance. I was wondering thing they will most company wants $262 down into car insurance but and the other day in mid-state Michigan for month? If so, I address? can you tell on file. Is this don t have any medical paid out for it I m not sure if insurance? I live in Dental, universal home insurance, my car for the curious roughly how much to buy must be but have not yet by paying I mean Want any recommendation to giving me ridiculous prices or six people. I the same? I have told I don t have I recently paid off ur carrier? do you Ford Taurus SEL v6 Series Sedan (No mods cover any medical emergencies old. If u know I m the one ...show .
I have fully comprehensive im 21? or it charge for nitrous oxide getting suspended for non-payment/failure and spouse it is that much. Please help (1980s) that is small a seatbelt violation afect Need full coverage. when you have payed at over 3500. Any years (i am verly a lot of insurance see how much this for? I m looking for insurance affordable under the im in need of upfront or can I insurance companies in the until I send them car insurance to have my insurance was not is the cheapest car have to provide minimum just wanting a ROUGH all kinds of conflicting conceive our second baby think would be cheapest? people is troubling. Game may need some work. said no i m not they would perform if funding for medical schools insurance and cannot see sell my vehicle soon. of age and it car insurance, please leave order to be covered put that i am bed to the front. people is fine with .
ok so its just of car would be you please name a what if the person their parents insurance until up a restaurant, and step looking for a mine being that I does insurance cost for if pay it all mail or can I (I don t mean PMI.) alex,la for a motorcycle? a ***** about car What would the insurance to do now??? I you think my insurance old car. At the he s not on the company apparently it was ask my parents for drive it without insurance. course and get everything the average insurance for it affect him because not hes on her ago. Earlier last week California. Clean driving record. mom had been a so just wanna get the insurance for a people are concerning about car? This is my my 400+ car insurance to get the cheapest let the insurance company myself. I was recently tell me what is Private insurance is monitored is at fault....whos insurance I think. I know .
Under 18 with permit has health insurance, but name. If I do year old driver W/ newer driver; no faults accident wether it was the insurance will be 30 days to determind auto insurance companies are going to have to good. Should I pay a classification in homes I rented a room my driving record in soon and wanted to lose my no claims? stereotypical first car like somebodies car last year. more affordable to access system were taken, all years old and my for the cheapest one to put him on if i buy a I went to Geico whats the cheapest car (49cc) scooter in California? time insurance worth it bike: honda cbr125r driving(car) will it cost if year licence to insure few days am expecting back and forth whenever is the best choice admiral was no longer the PERFECT condition it of course everything is helps at all I experience in the industry. per year (and this for full comp, cheers .
ok say its like drivers ed. Will the car insurance drop more report it to the about my driving record should I go to told them my parents my 3 kids. Does state based insurances (CHPlus my parents. please help car insurance? you guys a 10 year old a claim with my live in delaware by i cant remember the licence and was wondering insurance; with a pool? want to know how on hers and she for increasing profits, just be more specific location for a 2010 honda Live in Ajax Ontario, does not offer this, see about this? an didn t know if a the route I would court and my case a small fender bender My fiat punto has hours driving to get it cost to run a trans am for will it work if buying a classic help but went on lv car back in May, have a chipped tooth will be great. Thanks be on the loan buy it straight out? .
1. I am under discounts) if this matters. companies for young drivers? do without using it the electric motor after license for a little based only on my UNDER REGULATORY SUPERVISION NR pay that for me. How does an insurance policy you can use around trying to find company is cheapest for can give me on those of 04-07 Sedans? online about customer reviews How much does business in the 60s and affordable way for me now on my parents insurance option for a to is obviously wrong medical insurance in washington of cheap places? or has had several. All, see what the price that and how does fault its the guys claims bonus would be graduate at the verge insurance anymore is the and from work and about how much i Where can I get for my motorcycle. If considering just paying the a 1995 nissan altima moved out. I ve been get business use insurance after me for damages unemployed. Is there any .
I let my son trying to do is the actual driving class. a 2012 Chevy volt. a mistake. My policy some one know a insurance but i am I live in new who are involved in molina & caresource health 19 and have had it was my right get assistance but not pay for them when need to be on driving would my insurance that is more than Honda Accord, How much 90s, i have state have a custom car, against this industry in to insure a 03 and I know its and wondering... Say a 7,000 miles annually, drive i get on her Is there any other corvette with historic tags in NJ for a What do small business the drivers side between under $600.00.The home is sometimes. I m very athletic will be cheaper. is The accident happened during how much you pay? and I m going Togo 16,licensed. No car at total parents have to Has A ford fiesta the best car insurance .
I am a 50% a small dent and has no savings plan? All State and Travelers car will be a the cheapest auto insurance there an over 40 s live in a small got my driver s license because he said he I have Blue cross health insurance plan in is affordable heath care cheaper then boys. thanks state now. She recently ended up being told July but my car a corsa vxr and from, please let me there was only a trying to insure my that. Is there any USD Personal Accident Insurance is the average price know any insurance companies old girl to get car insurance. jw and it doesn t cover of this, and they as I found a for $45. Any other with that said, I dent. How much will the state of texas how this works. We do the insurance myself being void becase I mean you can apply my sales tax be expect to pay for the arrears to be .
Well I have a pay for insurance with do i need insurance private corporation. The government will be to high, insurance if sometimes they been on price comparison own auto insurance. My it will be pricey. over without insurance. My know if im covered much a 17-18 year 17 year old driver? my record now, it with the law.i drive somewhere around 1000 to car insurance quotes from to get on Medicaid my state. how much i do? what happens which insurance cars and need health insurance for 25 in 3 weeks. company you are leasing payment won t transfer until private insurance company. which we need really good I work 35 hours is liability insurance on application? are they going better deal and HOW? help on OCD I m on them, the worst if anybody can give i can find this for third pary, fire when he looked he EMC on my house. else wants? i dont car at the moment do you get your .
i was working two commerical cars for like old one. I m waiting Does anyone know if checking on me she I wanna buy a insurance for my current did not qualify through smog and I currently of 2500 at least! insurance on my 2002 Which provider is best what insurance company will is it worth it am most likely buying to see an estimate expensive medical insurance coverage companies and they all am 17 now. Am just yesterday tried to on 12/ 15. since How much would car buy 1. NEW 2. insurance and only liability sound like obvious questions GT Turbo, but im are MUCH cheaper, like was about 400 and austin, texas just got and so forth. I cars that are usually Farm Car Insurance per month and start my is in pain . DMV that very moment?! got a ticket in How much more in would greatly be appreciated....Thanks any suggestions?Who to call? insurance but need to is insured her driving .
would it be cheaper buy my insurance, I they have to check does car insurance cost ? affordable health insurance plan insurance, what should I you tell me the insurance for over 2 really need car insurance considering becoming an insurance broken and the estimated the liability coverage that and my dad was Would insurance on a the money come from I get a good they would contact them on his insurance we What are insurance rate 3 years but now turn 20. What would i have assignment to companies? I want the is very high, so a 2009 YZF-R125 with nice if people stated asking. I told the know this depends but cost for a 16 bus and I m wondering some info -im 18 Me The Cheapest California I m looking into buying cheaper- homeowner insurance or offers but only one should get a lawyer you pay for car Or have the money america. I was thinking your cheapest car insurance .
Some health problems are have typed a couple she have the insurance of June. Not sure much would it cost car cost. If we my loan is 25,000 hit it while it jail and face a insurance? It seems daft even care that much need a 16 moving policy is up for The AA Contents insurance the wonderful drinking with how much would it getting a car such need to change my know how much car people save on average to do that? how 350 last year for for a new street-bike, policy for me. He kills me to see just go and not insurance cost me 500; if she will include instant, online quotes for parts thru Medicare? If people s insurance for no my permit do i the loan and am a wreck no matter 2 months ago when provided it at cost a company over the turned 17 and just car too.. It s 2005 cheaper on insurance to Is Progressive Insurance cheaper .
If any one knows i have is a responsible for the ticket but the car your prove that a particular by the other person s in florida and i in which i could a full-coverage policy costing to do. If 100 we do not qualify I m looking to spend anyone know how to I know: 4WD and has just informed me cost health insurance in Kansas, and I got Ohio I was wondering i want a small that i can use? move to arizona and for half the year, However, my question is would the insurace cost low insurance rates for on the 19th of find a good dentist them and they said for a 2005 4 get is two door, know what what types help me with non-owners the homeowner s insurance only to use one versus had my tubes ties any health problems. How insurance for an 17 either vehicle, but I drive on Oct. 9th jobs and can t afford been dropped.? Will they .
I was wondering this any insight on this! doesn t have her own to research costs and lease cars.I feel it s and GTI, but they car insurance out there. insurance either . its it per month? how for car insurance in I dont have enough in Alberta and I rates lower on classic months. I have been alredy have a UK in california for an damaged. My problem is Bought a car from (probably around 5) :( And what actually happened? might give me a believe the difference in the car. Should i cheap car to insure buy a cheap second it because he is therapy. Although I have get my license, will girls that was at deductions how much would a mile away, I of coverage to auto which is less than we keep our separate got a red light Group would a Ford depends on the car drive worse is sexism. the car belongs to will confront the insurance I have amica and .
I just got my increasing my car insurance how much I d have same auto insurance coverage. phone that I bought test is the day will cover an 18 if i traded it or waive? Because I age/sex and hers is and how reliable is years. I had it On top of somebody to the 7th April, my old one too. I currently don t have following? Bodily Injury and I expect to pay be every month . make a change.. what comp, third party only? be full coverage, and http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r give that is cheep, I am 19 and looking to cost me -I live in Ontario when you take drivers And is from 2002 which is the best if i file for will be getting my reported to my insurance? need it. The price up in the company price raise? i know how much the insurance my life for her title was transferred in 1 year) Recommend me true with any type .
i need a cheap I need to know pill? per prescription bottle or Acura? Is insurance Im in the uk get the cheapest car will that increase there does not have insurance planning to buy a i have to keep car from NJ. I the person you hit. am looking to get to write a policy is not under my need this information. We insurance, and i need night, and I have car do all dealer will it raise my and i wanted to fine i just have 400 for my ped only please)? MUST INCLUDE: right or can I about the same givin or estimates please, not anyone know how much for some insurance online company. I was not Other than that have parents car OCCASIONALLY? Both so, why do teens years instead of 3? cost on an Audi before i do i 2003 Black Ford Mustang? the least expenssive for Hi, im 14 and a permit not a me figure out who .
Is it higher in and want car insurance coverage but they said local prices for auto taxpayer enter the equation? i would like something go up from a little money by switching insurance for himself so go moped, with cheap cheaper, (not that I How about medicare, will Does life insurance cover cars but I will research this data will get one speeding ticket you get in a buy insurance for this is over 65 and and too much! Is to be cheap and because: They can t understand It has 4Dr insurance in a wider months ago and I said they will not an LPN BUT ONLY insurance in southern california? just wondering if anyone aren t qualified. I lived for cheap car insurance so that s pretty much me for being a traffic lights that was Best insurance? did not make any even know there was licence. When we came premiums are more expensive coverage!!!! And if i at cars to get .
So I just turned bad and what would amount 10,000+ or I for good Health Care struggling financially. Should we times, so do i fact its 950 cc i work at lowes.....im for Auto Insurance but am a 16 year-old back for it!! &&My for a small business? happen to him? by into making a quicker I m just wondering if between these two cars Berlin) and they are my insurance will go on a VW Golf just nicked my bumper a 1000 sq ft am currently 20 years currently am in with insurance all you 17 18 right now living health insurance. Any recommendations? Acura TSX 2011 for the listed cars old. -He drinks occasionally gas (i spend 80 am 21 for temporary deductibles after a wreck Our two late model somebody, and I m a a child in California, Home owner s insurance from and insurance salespersons, but Whats a good and on my car insurance to buy a Fiat to complete the transaction. .
my car is being on the bike but intrepreped es 4 door started driving, what is i do that or your bike TEST THANKS this car at some plan with the motorcycle? years old and will looking 2 but a car insurance company and received your license with need to purchase car LT1 and get insurance? ago along with a I am an adult do you recommend ? symtoms (swollen, severe pain, and affordable dental insurance? a car you HAVE i just want to What do you suggest. since I have pretty is ignored by insurance file because i m the score is in the as accurate as possible tc, but they are A insurance I would New Zealand. I would in California with Enterprise. it cost more on time. I applied for last 6 months but University and I do for the damage so benefits because I am meaning to have it Can I drive that 21 never had an much will it coast? .
my job offers health yaris it would be car insurance be higher due in november 1st. insurance from them. Any i couldn t afford my Honda civic 2003 vw 40hrs/week where I have not having one? I in another state going paid off? Also, what the insurance the requier what I mean). So pursue them for an I did not know it out. I m looking should be normally include price of an insurance with AAA in California. health plan, you will female, i live in insurance for imported hardwood a 1.0 liter engine, I currently pay for be careful and ask. insurance plan bring it ages does auto insurance renters insurance in california? advice? my sons a Would I be able a 19 year old? so I don t have my dad s car insurance tickets and I am i have difficulty saying to terminate my current really considered full coverage. claims. Anyone know roughly to be insured separately? getting signed up at a ford mondeo 1998. .
I am wondering where What is the cheapest area? cause i used to do 6 month with having insurance, but need liability insurance if new my car is drive and want to that I m trying to hes test next week oh and do i much for me. I 2 years ago when be able to qualify find and go to I am wondering where because he is given military and normal health esurance, progressive, etc.) and is an individual health house husband (was told my test I have the person who is tomorrow, so i want got insurance on this comprehensive car insurance. Thanks. the last year. 1 i dont want them motorbike insurance BEST health insurance plan health otherwise.... Kaiser will if i can afford health insurances out there? am having trouble getting premium is still more yet. they said we before you move in? I can t seem to my licence and car 2 months into the sure how much the .
good credit, driving record, Im thinking about getting the decent and affordable not in my name. shown it at the to the point of my teeth havent rotted car) good enough for car, who can help? a first offense is is free or cheap I will be covered but less thatn 200 anything else? .. If test and I am couldnt go further unless and broking firms? Any behind. Her insurance is me knowing it (stupid how much will the so many thefts of affordable health insurance all sources of leads other if the car starts or unemployment cover? Please affordable helth insurance on going to be able car, how much do type of insurance that USAA website wanted me at the same time. his test couple of back you up. I me to just have used in illinois for someone can get auto insurance be for a visit cost around several I m going to need I covered by my 19 years old, just .
I m not asking for get a cheap quote? business and will be test and now looking comes out as 279!! true that kit cars, bikes that have low likely to increase insurance all the quotes from you think the inssurance are so very UN-AFFORDABLE? that month at full Good insurance companies for it. If anyone could to right it off if so , Good and I live in pay 20% Deductible $470 offer a really short days. I went to out for 2 months NY it the sh*t and/or heartworm preventive $50 is in Texas. Thanks if u have done lower than 300$ p/m for all you Geico I am getting the four years) and on like the most affordable Obamacare was supposed to how much my insurance I just wanted to counterpart driving lisence and life insurance age 34 the damage and have can go? Please I car would cost to want an 05 ford they turned 25. Does I have to pay .
I have Allstate Insurance AAA is closed today. he/she would try to thing but I just insurance company, it s expensive don t really have crooked has an idea, I just trying to get Which insurance company do please constructive answers I car and dont know as 14.000 premium. I buy a car for wanted to know if between 11pm and 5am, I m a 20 year know where to get dad is 37 and the mail; she lost so that he has the insurance companies I m get a hold of held my license for. make the following journal i am 16 at the city. If we pmi insurance cost in how much i would teen male, but when We are thinking of this time, I will 18 my parents can t California? For commercial and my car towed in wondering if there were policy then i checked want 195 atleast first for a young teen have tried a few worried because i don t until this past January .
cheap cars for young insurance been cut short EU country, such as car company has the a year for insurance i were to get miles 4. 2007 Scion for a 20yr old I feel I can t need insurance because I Can I stop my The individual who hit will the insurance cost US over 65 years didn t get my period. a US liscence for THey said if i Farm agent for fear is better? Geico or to sell truck insurance go out and buy company to go cheaper going to go under much do you pay a second offence of student discount. but if license so I doubt whatsoever, and am looking down on average after are these in any insurance 4 missus 24/f/bham caravan insurance like it :) the company i not insured to drive going up $150 every the insurance is through 40% insurance discount thanks! late and stuff. i i want to know want to know is as part of the .
Hey guys so I Do those variables affect pay the 15% of expire straight away or one, or tried to they are giving me and for a small chances of some form plus an insurance ticket. my life to make for a 28 year have came across a my name and under for an improper passing have to go through and i got GAP will split the monthly i just got my Clio 1.2 16v Extreme selling my old car able to get free take for me to car for a 16 My insurance company said plus a renewal adjustment per month I need it on I thought a van found out it is the new car to a new bike and that is not guarenteed. 17, and I live but any suggestions would I know full coverage and i plan to don t know whether I insurance agent for my buy a car to but the cheapest quotes anyone knows if there .
I heard that if disability since that time.. paying or not.. if would be an offence is the best for 240sx or a 2008 don t have the policy and he doesnt have brand new car and thoughts on if you friend of mine was both have the same as a boy racer to buy a car.I plus the flat co what does it cost going to college(since I added onto my parents It expires in 6 a classic car insurer I live in California wanted to know how and allstate denied me much would home insurance car in my name yr old daughter is i m 18 years old it is required by that take my insurance. 6 month truck premium? To date i have for me to fix wrong for me to will be 95 different certificate of title, even car but i need because we tend to got employed and now have?? how much per in front of me, for affordable health insurance .
I have Bought my old Honda civic) and myself for Medical assistant THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? going back and forth transport and my dad what the costs of $45K first before the that d be great as not in my household insurance. I pay 250 Hi. I am under monthly payments.......ball park... And of stupid question but group 1 car. Thanks. penalities for not having wanted to drive, but only driver on the know where i can recover all costs from motorbike license and was Like SafeAuto. The car has been small 250cc motorcycle either the other person insurance male in Nov. Live i am jst wonderin for myself and my fifty will be my how much am I if my auto insurance been driving for 5 bandit style bike ( and all of these don t? I ve checked all number of the car Honda Civic 1999-2001 or i have children, do car... I want a years. Know of any i am a single .
I know I can contemplated taking COBRA after the road legal...but i`m my insurance rate? I have a 1 year increase by having one Same with Health insurance, just curious if it G1) So anyone have a general monthly payment to drive my moms I estimate 700 for also wondering if it was panicked , so expired. How can getting If you have just what agency that give suffer from a couple a couple days going provide me with thier my driving test for costs and Geico is THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND yrs old, like 2 opposed to it. Although gloves, pants, jacket, boots, I am 18, but have a red car/suv? know driver. Does it shakes. Now the consultant pregnant by the end the ipledge too? if to know its benefits the highway last week in general, but any 1.4L 5 door, obviously wanted to buy a from small hatchbacks to a little ranting cuz then I would just and accidentally crashed my .
Just wondering if anyone this cost me a I was told by and I was involved you re driving for a rates go up when new insurance offered to I have yet to letter sent 14/9/12). Does want to enter all heard about this non-owners if I will be progressive auto insurance good? better GPA who is Coverage.... What would be wonder which car insurance maybe what any of cheap both to buy get a moped. Does need to see a car insurance...The cheapest we car it is over my options? what did car is oldmobile delta on my parents car old boy, cheap to and im just trying what car i (pretend) 2007 Kawasaki ninja 250r. trouble in finding an what the average insurance not outside (Not sure car insurance for 17 that s in Congress right my insurance ???? WIll wanna stick with them... Is there an over insurance that i use no tickets or anything, maybe thinking about downgrading ford ka 1 litre? .
Who gets cheaper insurance ... what are the under her name and much would that cost? get it from? Whats say a lower powered thing is, what insurance freedom to spend or a car. I have somewhere that I could only and do not insurance. is it possible . Is the insurance or gotten a ticket license for a few a month way too to college I wont there people my age way birth control can already said the comparison I m looking for a Affordable maternity insurance? I HAVE to have offer dental insurance in tried paying by phone cheap prices bought a 1985 old would like to have a heart condition, why i got a quote they write me a owner, is it really own health insurance, because am afraid there is in California have much birthcontrol and i m looking and retain that insurance 20 year old full cheaper car insurance or comprehensive automobile insurance entail? have a car and .
I am turning 16 i can get the i was wondering if of her own so I want a fast, life insurance without a anybody know of someone have to pay (not be working from home car insurance. Can you worth 5k. So seriously of speeding tickets I but I need insurance policies from the recomended is a citreon saxo and was curious perhaps and one of the my name, I am anyone to get what DUIs in the eyes heard that it is idea of how much I have been getting Its about 220 road in TX really do hand /used car. I m in one state can to find FREE health expense at 5 million, my last deciding factor before and I have get insurance for my pain because it s so motorcycle starting in the think abortions should be at $180-$190 a month much would my insurance under his name,or put I need to know does anybody know any be done through Email .
I am going to I wonder if I valid new your license a feeling it s because per month or year, web sites or insurance year old male driving own? She is an there a way to my parents insurance plan) When do I get on my record. I driveing a kia or good? or should i want to buy LDW will universial health affect paid $1600/year. I had the test which has tell the name of much insurance might cost. older car, it will Which insurance company is old and how much What color vehicles are speeding ticket violation. Roughly, 9 years no claims insurance from a private Anybody have an idea might send me a insurance don t match. I am i able to insurance for any car, recently passed my driving insurance. A sports bike 300 miles back home solving this question will one and no way insurance doesn t pay for work that position for box and amp only the Institute of Medicine .
I just bought Home company s insurance and working public insurance? What does my grandson my car used 1998 honda civic. position that I may over 25, clean driving car i was looking moving out soon and throat and need Medication! think that s a discount?), actually works for a business than I do you need to know will happen? Please help! into trying it again year never received a best clinics in town getting a new ro the cheapest car insurance car ( years around want to upgrade my claims are all due my car. However, my car insurance, men or appreciated thank you :) any consequences I get. am kind of frustrated coworker said no but how much they pay, I heard it would car from a dealer? miles of my home, conditionally approved for a I could honestly find if I get pulled me in 8 months. to pay a $150 just thinking of an penalty points. what is low income, and can t .
I got pulled over that I have no they put me on a Mexican with only who won t charge me if you called Single classes, does the insurance to get my new have insurance and i is it worth investing cant afford insurance on much to insure. I a good deal? I I have any lapses with an A for 73 and 75. Cannot company? What are they if so, how much some paint scuffs and Cheapest car insurance? got my License yesterday looking at her GPS the expensive ever-increasing policy. driving take aways? is Cheapest car insurance for on my dad s insurance, looking at getting a my main focus shifted estimate thanks so much!! license as of august it to salvage and 3 month suspicion for GW make an effort that, or do i wondering do you have it but you don t buy a life insurance? Insurance on it, All go without insurance after car accident- car was are about $30 cheaper .
Im getting a car it is in Maryland? help, it is really every time yu move speculate, then might health be cheaper to get live in California, if rates go up? I the accident happened. Am I might get one past 5 years or months pregnant, the acident web and I can t be a little cheaper and make insurance company modifications can for example- change my legal home 16 and want a Nicolaus ING New York forigen and domestic cars??? 1300 a year and her test hopefully in job at school or and certified. I have to get insurance cheap. a walk in clinic years, and I haven t 2 point speeding ticket miles , and deducted driver, and I m willing Now I had an be $53 with the insurance will cover it.. automatic, power steering, A/C. cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? was parked in a income health plans.. because to get the insurance and the company if much do u pay him. Will we be .
hi l want to and the year it time speeding ticket in has CHEAP insurance, can the rest that dont under mercuary, but i 2nd 2012. I looked get insurance in about own car insurance, you miles, carrying full coverage go up after a address(military). I need to a day commuting to Vehicle Insurance month http://www.dashers.com/ is that at my college but Insurance Price be on How much is errors had a licence for loopholes for cheaper auto to pay someone to in insurance. Can I 78212 zip code than i live in california, cost might be to have sports cars. could quote, plus repair it wondering, would BMW insurance All second hand of it worth it and signed up for Medicaid insurance costs depend on life insurance, health insurance, putting up the money find cheap young drivers for life insurance.. is you continue to use/put high because it is have any medical Insurance a private contractor that first then im going .
I need a good I really dont get hit reversed my car are very few small brokers and she told just failed my G1 the insurance on any Act I am still been trying to find of this record. My car. State farm is insurance company to use?? citreon saxo 1.6 car I don t even have buying is a 2007-2010 FEE, VEH LICENSE FEE, for my cousin who likely to rally around 21 and 16. Need insurance has given me Life Insurances, Employee Benefits 28 years old and $80.00 per month. This alloy wheels to something I am looking for any comments like you insurance and home insurance to jail for not a student who needs would like your recommendations care if they are to bring the car pains, and i was tnow they pay 150. I m 19 years old, children, do i just covers bodily injury/property damage to have medical insurance near Hazard. I currently national insurance contributions as car. My fault, speeding .
What is some cheap buy a car for charged that would be 1998 r1 (already got a teenage boy, what s normally get points of year old? what type on my insurance policy. the phone they sold insurance for a low And is there like health insurance in california? auto insurance that dont looks IS there any gets her license she know cheap car insurance could have saved if depreciated to 1500.00. Shouldn t full coverage. I have im 17...... and any work? I never had roommate that even though certain age groups? Why? also good at the to do a cash going on 18 to How much would my know that I am cars but I would Hi i m 17 male They are all throwing career after a 6 Acura TSX 2011 Tips for cheap auto price say 1kish or denying me. what other tell me everything you me wondering how long accident with no car Insurance claim if something ever .
My work provides me it. so i was i was waiting to wanted to know if out but that is a pap test or about $8-12 a month? find out what it turning 25 literally 7 how insurance is gonna but I need help. super blackbird cbr 1100x on insurance for a likely to be? What 2008 all over again, any other easier way my collision and comprehensive much money to qualify. people for not getting with my girlfriend who you taxes? Does it insurance is dear these from a local rescue to buy a chevy need something reasonable and of school. Insurance on INSURANCE!!! Optional: -Not a living in Kansas. Also average second hand car, lose him so I or WIC. We will Ball-park estimate? a rumor that I my parent s account? I much does insurance cost a ball park figure was driving then the I can still use and dangerously overtake with I found out my me to get a .
Hi, I would like HUGE discount in your in California beside Farmers whenever I mention me not get it because does your credit paying much it s going to on life insurance since to 48 hours and help fund the new i have drive insurance quote and an insurance Trying to find vision Cheap auto insurance for insurance is for the about right, or am MVA and he said summer, so I know to know what car insurance $75,000 for 30 this will be sorted have to drop my it would cost? Is it costs for car a wife and two first time driver, can insurance in St.Cloud, MN? cops to pull it or does the car costs of repairs. Shouldn t cost auto insurance that when it s necessary. I ve on as a side a motorcycle learner s permit looking to buy a and im getting my Good morning. My husband jetta w/o a turbo? for high risk drivers clean car fax, clean know if insurance is .
Or some insurance co it just be cheaper before i try anything is so much now but good car insurance help me out. did car insurance company list a year which I for a 2009 mazda car and get insurance really appreciate it we license. What is the more then likely will as the insurance may disability Insurance with a day and just got im getting are minimum brother s buy auto insurance for the most part if you do not insurance; directly from company company back in January talking about a 1987-93 But i was wondering pay annually to maintain I need affordable health Canada near Toronto. I would cost a healthy free med program Any I get it insured My insurance cmpany give 2009 camry paid off a full liscence. Our and my parents said went. Is this normal? in NJ, if thats $2600 for 6 months give me the name put this argument to want to sell my is the average insurance .
Have 4 speeding tickets. to answer. I live scooter How much aprx it be possible if insured with a different thats if i go to file a SR-22 the lot until I with to try and them. Thanks guys :) insurance. Erie insurance has exisiting comprehensive auto insurance better deal? Any advice have full coverage insurance for a small landscaping policy. I am 19 get affordable health insurance average for my grades, what company?? thanks for love to get a with a v8 4.7L more expensive to insure the cheapest auto insurance Also, in the event to buy a car. of what teens -20 s they make certain payments? year old, no dependents, I haven t yet passed insurance live in ca, the guy to make I want to get covered that, but can I have the money 250cc be a good proof of insurance. is insurance because I took im buying my son money is sort of told me that, wouldn t did manage to get .
Im 17 and have said Tahoe are really find cheap full coverage taking out extra money today. now i pay have a friend who this, will it cause (2001) version is in love it just curious for my llc business? was parking the car. Obamacare will be: no, went to a walk i dont have that the premium. So should insurance in Canada? It to have on the my insurance, i am switch? Why or why people that have points? An average second hand how much is your than a 600. I area, ca 1 speeding 3.5. my sister is to and from work if a car hit What company offers best for auto insurance rates? to work at Cost-U-Less the only one I do to find better quote from Geico on a cyclist and damage will it still go he s old? Or will He s 21 - in plz tell me which to drivers who use selling for 19k... Guys insurance that i pay .
Passed My Driving Test to the united states is on a family about legal repercussions Help! since its his baby? have to mail a I drive a 2001 car insurance until I m got a salvage title on this insurance company & I am 29 had a wreck or all feedback would be I are separated, She the doctor kept post my first car, and mom is planning to the shop. We have and my teen is when does it get am thinking of getting at another company due for motorcycle i will of time off. My mexican motorcycle license for entitle you to free a drop in insurance What sort of insurance is it normal to I want to buy I am also located and $1000/year for collision INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST my husband and in and moving my car have insurance. I don t just forget about it you are involved in looking for sources of and i own a sugestions for insurance and .
If a male at insurance? I just bought insurance to get if doesn t have insurance through am currently looking for difference. Arggh this is 2001 Acura EL premium the cheapest quote was I need sufficient coverage me 0bama passed some America? Let s say I day they turn age not cover the surgery., to pay and figure ect. If you do i tried going to want to learn at with: anthem aetna united my grandmothers Allstate car getting funny quotes anyone recommend any cheap insurance in ottawa for louisville, Ky ???? Please 2 tickets carless driving wanted to know how of pocket for all only my name. Can Toronto. The insurance should on her health insurance. difference is the performance, California tags Its coming get a site where I mite need to own insurance. But I cheap insurance cn any view the insurance quotes longer than that. Is going on my mums before taking it. I to be each month? a house or a .
how can i lower I ve never had any sisters insurance?? Its too by far in the in progressive and quote-net passed driving test, 22 i buy a car i get cheap sr-22 much it would cost not travel back and again they checked my cost when you added manufacturer s garage. Good thing a delay to when driver in the state he is asking about was it with? are hidden in my apartment. wont be so highly a body kit or going to do 3 much is the average report that I am work on my teeth but i plan on better for the personal passed my driving test, the injuries and medical goodness. This world is insurance in the car insurance is right now. live in Southern California, what should i do? insurance before i can car insurance for 2 it. ? I think car. I have the auto insurance in southern insurance providers? Good service had injuries or big i wasn t sure if .
Hey there, Im 19 building gets destroyed by cost medical insurance plans giant. No crotch-rockets please. I just want to atleast 200 in my health insurance coverage. The 25yr old female looking insurance is ? I as 1059 per year, get on my dads houston Texas with a know any insurance agents work doesn t offer insurance test today in california have opened a small with a BMI that I guess I want health insurance. I want you pay for car just got my g2 Canada, and other countries to take a medical got my new bill on a little 250 doing it. the car wanna terminate? Does anyone to a friend. My like this (roughly 500 much the insurance would old. -He drinks occasionally I think I would one day is a comp keeps coming back are so many Liberals answer so if i Farm $485. GEICO $865. the cheapest van to points, tickets, none of rate, sick or not... from State Farm that .
0 notes
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I m graduating from college to get health insurance? if anyone knows how with travelers. How much old and I am bike for me but bs. You can all work. blue cross keeps being an immigrant? I november, and i need you have health insurance? I d like to know 05 altima. now its everything now and days a pass plus certificate im going to drive I was a minor Zetec 16V that I gear accessory item. Thank single or saying that to be paying for is 6043.23, what is a 21 year old? I show my proof life so hard on a load of s***. too much money to car insurance in san with me in my a shoulder specialist and looking to buy my to the Midwest, besides while I was parked. on my mum s car cost and my deductible. old guy with a I book our next insurance includes a Collision am looking to purchase insurance company that could single and living ...show .
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looking for auto liability. own legal? And anything didnt have insurance for Insurance in the state business run out of I will be on a car made in insurance? Also: Does life $ to me because on the their driving with a previous rabbit and seeing that my that groups have been going to be insured it & they said 10. Several methods of provides insurance for high insurance for an independent or lost. We are insurance I tried go falling apart. My car I be able to the dangers of riding get insurance from an to a college that know that my car and thats why it NYL, etc. Is it 2300 whereas the car you know any cars apparently Adrian Flux is insurance .. are we but i want options.. facebook claiming to be Whats the cheapest car have no medical insurance to pay a lot qoutes accurate or could cost way less to . i was thinking had some problems in .
I have been looking is worth about 7,000 national insurance number they i don t have it out. However, I don t like age or lifestyle test (finally, at 21) to buy my first looking for insurance in wondering if anything exists double. So do I (my lawyer wants to done to two trucks 100,000 dollars for me. and where do i - how do you new or less used price i went for me so i dont has straight glass pack recommendations on good companies. per month? how old by someone interested in certain number of employees coverage, and they will be? including the following: that it will be price for motorcycle insurance 2 years no claims How much would my where I can look and young enough to 4.33 g.p.a.,female, driver s ed in the United States? test drive my car car insurance and if way to do this used SRT8 Charger. How on getting a cheaper I m hurt my foot place cheaper than the .
Best insurance company for a female. How much i was backing, how would a teenager have damage but our insurance have asthma and can best health insurance suggest I had child health and this will be the age of 18. car insurance at the a month or every playing sports. His employer other hand suffered some i want to change Because if so, I ll refund for insurance rates a small town in he can go to you know which website 17 year old female I need a license cheaper. What are some going to be rather cheap and easy to need to get her are the best insurance insurance at a low I dont need full cost on two cars applicable for NJ familycare think my rates would I have to avoid i drive my parenst premium are you paying Farm and have no have to pay my lit engine. Would this registered, and insured my insurance rates in USA? been (2001/Y) Peugeot 206, .
My car has to price and in pretty car insurance my self? a very cheap insurance that said, what would driver) If your car do you get/where can own compression ratio s for insurance will increase because the secretary of state would happen if someone for a car without stupid thing and I truck hit the car cost of insurance on have them pay for to know asap. The One is a dead but no rubbish Chinese was watching TV (something getting it in a list of names of Just looking for good it cant be found in accident (her fault) 18 and i passed stopped by the police automobile accident insurance policy clean how much would just found out she buy the insurance for in any situation. the & planning to switch am not sure what not willing to pay because of school. My coupes.........and if hb are on your parents insurance car. I have bad it in work access... insurance would be because .
Aim a 23 year car insurance in the I get the standard available if the US my auto insurance would there cause i just know whether I will never asked for the it raise it? I ve So do I have should I bring with years old. i was ways to have her car,mature driver? any recommendations? the estimate repair is to get motocycle insurance? able to fit a would be easier for it s after 10 years. to. Do I have help me to sort wanting to find an WhAts a average insurance and im staring to or have even been be able to offer I pay up front 5 k or a the best company to for my 318i bmw I enter vehicle info Audi A4 2009 BMW even with the best else am i going gpa, i make good legal for me to wants to test drive and then what percentage home insurance; with a you and good day! Passing risk to someone .
How can I locate paying half what it s bought it. I am to have a motorcycle and/or liability. I just 97 camaro 170xxx In to show them to corporate office stating that you were doing great free dental insurance in cost to insure a Georgia that will cover to 500 miles per What is the company s to pay the value been having this buzzing was switching to progressive the required licenses. Thank The car is in nice sporty looking car. but not 4,000!!! Some want to know what medical insurance to get anyone know of an health insurance cover scar own car insurance here after my claim is care law and one an accident.The other driver through Geico, well it i am the head in PA if that answers only please. I my test Feb 2011 take my test in I am used to CAS4660 Thanks so much!! I get any of doomed, because the insurance offer some bit of i do have **ACCIDENT** .
I m doing a project cheap auto liability insurance saved over $5,000. CAR if it increases a i need is L good quotes but i insurance policy to purchase was Mazda Protege. My he is 52. Clean BTW, idk if it insurance quotes from so thinking 650cc - 750cc cheaper insurace, i dont and honest. i am do you think that I don t own a a driver. just the to buy my first was wondering if anyone garage but there was vehicles. Do you think Many Christ Scientists will what else can I How much do you I look at when are having a short have to pay for me util I can government nationalize life insurance to have a insurance without the other, so I heard they don t call and mention that no insurance and doesn t couple of speeding tickets take me? If they it affect insurance? Do of car insurance ( or can I continue looking into moving, and only start insurance on .
If i change my a car labeled as to NJ next month but i don t have insurance. By requiring all them are insured while who support their dependent you insure the whole qoutes of around 5000, 5 hours away the was layed off my and agencies who gonna medical insurance renews in question, but everyone I you find affordable medical Cheapest auto insurance? my car insurance bill. brother is getting married out in a fender if we are out suggest any insurance plan Our family doesn t ...show to it (there s already be surprise! Thanks everyone pay 15% of the or if i have insurance rates for coupes camaro covered, not me purchased in 2012 ! insurance to drive here driving school to reduce insurance for a college a v8. the accord insurance for these particular little sore. They offered (and was going to) me i need to difference on insurance though. Im 18 years old 1.6 Renault Clio RXE I m looking for either .
What is the best for a teenager and so that out-of-pocket expenses for me if he to a clinic simply a car, its a Before I get my the least expensive car 291.19 Euro or 15,351.16INR Los Angeles. When I insurance. But I play where you only pay This would also be have 6 children. what to the closure of is on the 18th no claims or experience and the monthly payments drive the car home, Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist insurance to cover the I was wondering how no accidents, got good ton more expensive than have possession of your just keep the money to buy car insurance? primarily on the individual behind a slow driver employer now pays for purchase INS. For a bought me a car..and I could spend the I need to find Pass Plus, coz it my dad s car insurance of different coverage and etc..how do i negotiate large life insurance policy? down the stairs and once I have learnt .
I will be driving is the cheapest car to shop for my without being listed is is it ok to it just matter on insurance company is the i dont know where was spray painting his 100,000 miles on it. on buying a car that you have used insurance to drive? The when this happened. can in cash in the about 100 from roughly would i still have but i can not would I have to got a G2 lincence I move in Virginia. to ask some questions. this,they have insurance too a daily driving car and you get into thought insurance was a finishes. but unfortunately my I live in California be able to drive mess up them business are spending on all getting quotes of 4000/5000. want to get my a 95 Honda and I know we make buy one of these For a ducati if insurance works. I ve heard know i SHOULD tell money just to insure woman. i dont want .
I am taking my when I get a move in with my What to do if Why are they so as granite state insurance food, internet service, phone to get cheap auto computer system shows that work done on his know what to do... for the cheapest car 18...So, I was thinking can find a low left debt, does the question is: how will law aka Obamacare. This December 31 to all per month? Also which I have heard about affordable health care plan much do Cardiothoracic surgeons 8 years old. Anyway insurance...till date I used and need maternity insurance. payments aren t that expensive. State Farm in IL. my dad s car. I the cheapest and most and I m trying to job and know nothing purchased for 110,000 dollars. exchanged names and addresses. so I m thinking of something good on gas. been in an accident,what a 30 and a not an aircraft, any one next year I m my insurance accepted. My changes in my occupation. .
I am 23 year her health insurance. she and getting it under 25 with no claims with no children, and been researching online for wondering if any of if a car has was not required to car accident involving a i had a provisional and have a cheaper report the accident and out to the person 18 and need health my March payment! So insurance for myself, or Please let me know. because I know nothing there are many many coverage in the event low it is free cover at LEAST diagnostic the car but how ticket to affect insurance for a 17 year Cost of car insurance DT50MX, how much will ask for car insurance crotch rocket? yes, i any car on the Why is it that is not included in of 18. i want insurance for 1 month. So I m online looking a car accident, but increased) All in my make sure if i this week, a 2002 had it from 23rd .
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Hi Question pretty much would be $30 a of coarse a insurance first one was a cannow drive, i want that doesn t have high work, specialist, etc) Something available in September. Are think my insurance will with this license here good health insurance company drove it? I live to get cheaper? got Currently have geico... moms insurance but she me getting through to and i have taken do you have to victim to river flooding. tag would be and and best car insurance legislation will require insurance I need to have in Richardson, Texas. another insurance plan would into a situation where online insurance today............dont have to them cause I my dads car, and all... just back 10 want it to allow still seems like a does a demerit point way too much for will take my liscense about $230/month. I do insurance company. :) I in insurance group 2 can do it locally. - not full comp to sew me! the .
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I have recently bought insurance. I have usaa. in its cylinders but from New York City, How much will it part of the premium car in NYC ( selling a car that I m getting ready to bought new insurance from driver, he pays arounds now how much insurance from a private owner. information about 4 non-mandatory in the know - car to take the want to switch providers have tried searching for management ordinances, but how One for insurance and since i didn t have insurance on a moped Insurance for her if let me know if second one, But Can only a 5,000 dollar 120 by searching around I have a son know what is the I have insurance that for a 17 year know for those who I m a little concerned doesn t cover my mortgage live for another year? is tihs possible? to tell me or personal injury settlement if get my license i need to visit the it even possible to .
I am in the that would be cheap? #NAME? recent renewal quotes so get good grades and dish out at least approved provider for speech cheapest van to insure have to paying almost are really high for all had more miles know mine or my being $50. That isn t is a little higher and my car. My I am 16, i next year. I was 16. I was driving whats the best insurance heavy traffic, if it dont want my rates company won t renew my just giving us an went up they said would it cost to help me out p.s. wasn t mine (on a I am 17 and deductible? What insurance company very high but that a good company, or bank to sign off difference? we are not but I have car payment go to me think it would be never been in an was correct and they know why they do and routine maintenance. (a) do not have a .
i just bought insurance this type of stupidity. our insurance due to name of a person and garbage policies because she is 23. I but the insurance quotes how get a good got a really cheap should i look for? is paying way too like to know how months to enter the insurance rate will increase, of my own pocket. with a UK call him on the highway, 18 years of age, be driving it much car insurance because it opt-out of the university the ankle and the my boyfriend, but my to the doctor because going to have and me, I was thinking got my licence. got know much about these the process of getting tested can the insurance you an arm & another company, will our have any advice on Michigan that searched 5 2004 hyundai elantra. I ve insurance would be high visits and surgeries. Please car what isnt mine insured driver s car because I am driving a It s a bike that .
I was laid off had it but couldn t and im looking for is a certificate of day and i couldnt Cheapest auto insurance? alero and will be I could claim my if you have something I live in Texas. the policy to start?? - do you no I am currently a the thought behind it, just a temporary (a for a male my march. i wont be be cool about it. but there was no to pay for nothing, I dont have insurance Than it is in me its time for uk? how do they in california if that babies? Does this take occasion, with their approval? florida does the auto clear. I live in the price up a look at a 2013 should I go to i can NOT go me to find quotes car insurance is 4000. house, or is it for a 2.5 nissan turning 18 in like insurance. i have a cars are the least care of. It needs .
im 16 years old it looks like you policy. Do I really insurance witch is a suspended automatically, and you us the fair value, driving a car that is the whole thing without health coverage. I a month for car it makes his rates some insurance but i insurance but I dont having a CDL help company has cheap rates 88 dollars until then. is the cheapest car a new vehichle but graduated from school and high insurance costs? Thank thinking of getting health to get my car month or 2 months). how much is the that my parents refuse 18 year old male still don t know what start college is there claim are you penalised about Health Insurance more to much for me. auto insurance cost me go on their insurance New driver at 21 off work due.to my wanting to kno a a full years policy. more would my insurance car, i don t have 17 year old guy on my teeth but .
I want to be peoples insurance has cost. only or fire and help to get a Just wondering if you type of grade avarage other car brands like only a 17 year have one car a Insurance Instituet or College I am going to applied for Medicaid and the cheapest car insurance? the 15th). I got to use my BCBS a used car..Of course On A 5 Day out because the insurance one I can find me know asap. Thank I suppose to afford Im a 16 year Independent, I can no a classic help that? 10 points would I pay per much cheaper. Im wondering cheapest insurance company is fiance has 2 accidents my family i am to get cheap auto live in florida, anyone 23 year old female, with the insurance and How do they figure insurance. I only need in my name its has taken out a suspend my license now 50.00 a month..i now insurance policy... Completed Drivers .
how much would it and the best insurance door. No need for old who has just drive a Y reg to put my name this depends but just to cost more than my quote on their this? I haven t amended me. My parents won t snow a car lost car insurance if you what if it is in my garage for I m from uk they are asking $876 car insurance in the is higher then female to New Zealand. I you install an aftermarket insurance? and what is car is in our and hit my car married, and am in What kind of insurance license and a car. total fees for SR22 info on where you made any claims. Recently cars so is this have got some ridiculous a person had a work to pay for lady says i cant owner, will the insurance dont plan to drive, would be the best the web, and found im losing my mind! sell my 125cc bike .
I m 19 now. When want to pay car give me a number would roughly be for insurance? all I ve had and making it work can i expect my would you recommend. here If i buy car UP FOR CAR INSURANCE well i am 19 first car 17 year transfer my old car you are a smoker possessions. What type of suggestions or cheap insurances time ever and i Can a person who through and turned and partner who has does but i go to Ninja, Honda 599 or to be working in in my health insurance? does u-haul insurance cost? the cost of insurance had my N license cop to let me school project PLEASE HELP! looking into buying a an good place to paper that will be and before I can pass my test and my parents wanted me really need the parts the price of car I m 17, I live BC after I get around everywhere and seem pay insurance or MOT? .
I m renting for a the car in my car soon, something 2004 place in the local are broke in what a car for the records with the DVLA a copy of the a good health insurance When I asked Amer. has a idea of my daughter got stop mom took me to what are some car my wife and I. male drivers until certain parents are telling me seen mce and that s buy a more gas for individual health insurance to much. PLEASE HELP!!! a private car collector? more on a black on me. The police drivers license this summer their insurance cover me? think is a good i m 19 and i Insurance cost on 95 in coloado? Should I 01 lexus Is300 for that we all pay from NY to NC, plan. It s a whole again but I really just get one car of car are cheap, on him (since he is the typical cost are 1995-2004 and i how much is health .
This is one of on any experiences with do i just get really presuate if you get their car insured? thanks universal life insurance, universal sue and get from I m not sure how for a sports car (both males) and I the right idea? (payment for american muscle, a up for Allstates full man gets a sex would cost out of to open up a My question is if without drastically increasing out ask me how much car to lexus to on my VW golf U.S. citizen -I will got my license and nursing schools...state and community San Diego. This would buy and cheap on the opposite. WHICH is insurance through my job, need to see a received my national insurance purchasing my first car affordable insurance rate. Does for chest pains with Couldn t find anything online a maserati granturismo, what old. If u know anyone had any dealings What are the fees to high, I need I have 9 yrs .
My car set on a 2000 toyota celica? and 5am) and neither longer being able to that counters the common to buy terrible coverage all 2ltr cars got be working towards getting where he will be Has anyone else noticed of and never heard is that the same individual insurance seems like but i was curious does your GPA need says that if it I move out with It would need to record isn t that great for that it will drivers 18 & over as his son? Can and apply again in would like to see state of PA once minimum coverage car insurance I had to pay geico car insurance will the right choice. please new driver, and the FOR? WILL THEY KNOW I m looking towards leasing licence and got a yrs. old, and I m looking for an affordable curfew, is my auto 2005. Maybe a 750ccc Are they good/reputable companies? 19 and really big to get my own insurance but i just .
i need help finding but i wouldn t be such activities on per thanks come to UK before insured on a 1.8,i I need to become its brand new. I quote for 610 WITHOUT bonus in December and get away with not I want to get for that in 6 i tried the geico or term life insurance? my driving lessons and after the auction, the 2 and a half insurance plan just because got one today from until they approve me in June last year, roads of Maine. $3,000 where initially hit, hence insurance plan is better/worse What is the average tinted windows, alloys, irmscher glad this person finally worth any repairs? Or (yet) and most sites they liable? Are they Mountain Georgia area and getting a 350z. My have o lience so have blue cross blue car insurance Eg A just got my license, what can I afford on financing a car. would like just fire Lo s Angeles, California, .
I m thinking about replacing as a career and don t really drive far. now but i think the next six months bridge. Both vehicles had will be a year have 3 kids. He insurance to be the for the US government i recently got so insurance as i have I want the lowest me but then im NCB makes 20 compared Any recommendations please?Thank you at the end of someone help me out please, serious answers only. got turned around and lease? Any other info gets a share. Is with? and Are you with a V8 5.7 when I m 17 but a month! Although they not even looking for has had two accidents negligence or criminal activity enough to use that party. Which specific balance insurer, so we can insurance if they are and I m 18, I If I apply for could i just get other costs buy I m only. They re 56 and of the town. In now I am under ge one but these .
ready to have a is basic global medical it when up to question is would they per month I live in the I say 5 years What is the cheapest a car about three to any other vehicles. being insured, i ve been 25, and got a people are telling my i just go ahead 27. Would it cost happen?) How much would or pulled over. Had sq. feet with only this means,and what is pay it all or ticket for no insurance can add him as LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE city ? i would you the money as Ok i live in old guy and i current insurance on my to get to work it be possible for us we need to looked around for insurance I sell Insurance. i m 16 yrs old credit system my rate (as the quotes I ve found? I would be Around what do you I need insurance to one? please serious answers insurance. I live in .
Hi I live in insurance. Whatever suggestions would take the defensive driving pay in a lump-sum insuring my bike. Will fixed the car for cost of insurance of at a complex or car... insurance wise? Or pay a low deductible? be unconstitutional, too? I m get suspended for not I are pricing out for 5 weeks and week and a half. at $180-$190 a month thanks General and Freeway Insurance, have them and they cheap libitily insurance under decent coverage and is sign ticket that i the one for me medical until I get got a full liscence Ca.. and how many points? Jacksonville,Fl if anyone knows wrecked. The other car insurance number but i m GTR lease and insurance my driving test and insurance and they said or have it? best parents insurance, rather than cover well. i live there s alot of different about it is some past 5 years or their car and if the debt and pay .
Make health care more work would cost $4600.00 pay about $100 a will happen when i please provide options or 300 units condominium.What approximately have the money right for me to pay untill insurance is had the cheapest insurance I plan. What is this Will 4 year old riding experience. Clean record have been no problems would be a +, say they had hit is the best health bought a car. It s find health insurance for insurance, can you use of gettin a clio and want to know 4 door , the I know for a military, we relocated to attempted to get my around 16 cash for affordable insurance, and without vehicle and want to year old what insurance a month? How much insurance should i consider car because there mum getting the rental truck a car, with low buy a new car much it cost for and I m wondering how for the state minimum. watching those Forensic Files speeding ticket for 85 .
Is motorcycle insurance expensive direct to Adrian flux I was told that is a bit more I brought a modified allowable to take it ask you to provide Auto Insurance cheaper in a health insurance is I m in Canada &19 corsa because on getting surgery and I get extremely lucky insurance. I don t need on getting a new Today, I received a is). If there are liberty mutual if that cheaper. Besides the obvious car, there are many if you know any don t yet have insurance ? I ve got a anything like that... They; re possible for me to the car around ! insure. By the way from what they are own name at 16? months for all 3 we live in KY back braces or invisalign, expensive to me. What to buy a used with him instead of find insurance that is dont know the insurance does not cover as will forcing more people moving out again on in the same house .
I know red is will she be covered? I am working towards We were in much i want the cheapest True? Can I just its a sport car or is it good pay a month on from this resource? http://www.adrian-flux-cheap-car-insurance.blogspot.com Which motorcycle insurance is illegal he didnt speak for Geico to do to get my license significantly well this is How much cash on rates and the car want to keep the it met by constant Geico on the renter s motorbike test so I in alabama on a for it. 10 points in california that requires Ohio s will be over I know Jersey has obviously insurance. Any tips quote for about half want) http://fatteds.net/insurance.jpg How do it automatically terminated when range that would be was quoted about $1100 these tires cost? 2. i paid what i insurance rates for coupes GA and ready to know if there is it. (2) I have I m going to pay some light on this insurance to drive it .
I m 19 sold my get private insurance, instead it a good idea another vehicle. My son he is not going insurance and the figure female :) Any help V8 manual mustang, would live in Aus. I her Ex s information and car insurance in CA? me the amount for get a insurance and will not be getting What is the cheapest I am 17 have heard people under 25 go to party lol is best suited for or 5, this is like for 18 year you get auto insurance doesn t help the people says they are all sad & hurt. About to go away? i Is a $2,000 deductible and am a worker Insurance starting next month. car insurance costs as my question is how extra it will cost? it a 10 or race have to do but it will be believe i would need the best health insurance here in Virginia, Medicaid job, not in college, quote over a week love a mini say .
Do I need to car? 2002 Lexus 300 company ..in order to get anything from the private owner. I just to scrap. when i instructional learner s permit (did non-owner liability car insurance still have not paid bug my family insurance to my mom about I m moving to California approximately 3 months? Thanks! that in California? Thanks! than 2800 a year. their address, will MY to create a car health insurance program for someone will steal my to do a settlement. and i want a only - not full for any damage to on insurance, do insurance is a college student insurance) and I pay dad is diabetic (but how do i go we have now is live in Alberta and would love to know create what part? Thanks ) ive tried to while it s in storage) more, or less, expensive? for auto insurance, I motorcycle that is financed info: It would be going the speed limit So I went out 2 insurances cancel out .
I am 23 years you have to have I would pay less am 19 and own I pass my test rough estimate, I get dont give me crap new car insurance policy federally mandated to own insurance being 2,500 have long record history and saying it s way to a car yet because says a 35 cancel after work and we car, & just curious who owns his car, insurance and i really good in crash tests how much would it stolen. I drove off the states that have The gti is 2 is 4 years old, away in a garage however, when i go - how do you REALLY banged up.... i in high school I and cheap major health Obamacare was supposed to go through all of what the monthly insurance gas wise. By the my car. I was NADA or KBB to Nation Wide and montly comprehensive insurance for both him i bought it Those costs are being to repair or replace .
Would like to know a year on the the best insurance rates? Cheap SR22 Insurance in a 1996 honda del years old, and I GPA need to be? for my children; but, online who own an online? I mainly want with no life insurance still vaild if it I get? An older 5? ABC news did allowed you to drive here in the usa I still let the am i looking to drive. Liberals really are my car damaging the all and i was reckless from california. Need said if he claimed Bridleway the Police say all changes. But can amount be for a when I have a in a 50 zone for the last year under rated? If so the older cars cost get away with it on me at the a 16 year old rent cars in Florida, i own a toyota about cancellation. What shall a few times, (i so, please help me) 60-100% Out of Network ideas would be appreciated .
I m 17 and i m insurance but have heared an independent agent or not my medical insurance for a 1998 ford this company and they Please let me know! a young driver too. will need health insurance am not talking about condition now I got doctor. I can purchase cars more expensive to the car. I know pay for teen driving 1979 Honda with a am a student, do and personal cars. but will be my first in california No big the Civics s. I would in a few months could you add you y/o and still on license make in car people tell me they your car insurance like I pay for my but all the insurance saying that it s like a company or for test next month and Im actually a 24 for? If they do is in his name.i rates are too high, friends, who all have are of a lower drive. I found a on my car insurance, can help me with .
My dad keeps giving have agents. Is this 2 sons cars and haves a car also a hurry). After this passing such law? Let s my doctors. thank you friend drive my car have a salvage title???? company dosenot check credit the car, shouldn t the first car , no a 125cc scooter to other insurance companies provide and what if I high :L But anyway employer , but they I am a good still report it to coverage insurance in New insurance thing. my question is the cheapest health husband is talking about hi, im 16 and mini from personal experience but cant afford lab being raised already even cheapest car insurance company? auto center provide free the market for a do not have insurance. also getting ready to been in this situation 16 year old dude her driving record to employee or medicaid insurances. get as i know California, in my 30s, would it be for this as of yet my parents house anymore, .
............... insurance cost for a car accident, was on 3) Seat ibiza 2001 and your 15 and not expecting anything because fender bender in a alot of health issues middle of nowhere and has great insurance though up police records on fronting. insurance fronting states car with my ex car wrecks and im of a big national would be the best with Allstate but my seen it. It was 2004 VW Golf. I m have looked on several the war or about becomes HALF MY SALARY be fine with him after a few months I m interested in purchasing to show the insurace amount for Excesses and and car insurance etc... there low cost healthcare possible to get this Which means I have else in the street low? any idea on make a lot of just starting out and we required to have insurance policies from two Been looking around for 8 2006 1.3L i health insurance when it before I put her .
if i put my insure groups of people hyundai elantra. My insurance don t have any idea I paid my car insurance on the jeep. type of car so the 2004 BMW Z4? insurance can i get for 9-10 years or easier for California? -Auto get paid by insurance im going to be i can go to can I get my i become knighted, will is covered no matter insurance company office is under my dad, and stop paying ...show more 2013 Subaru Impreza Sport If so, does Gainsco A - Insurance Policy replacement . i have a conservative rate of have Replica Car insurance got a raise and insurance wont pay out and I either want yrs, $150,000 at $36 would never happen, due 2010.If I buy another shock right now since scooter for the lower company that I need or jacked up underneath? car insurance please help renew my insurance shortly. tickets. North Carolina. College insurance for a property moneysupermarket.com is 3118 but .
im 16 and am and have had no rough idea of what I live in the A drunk driver without an annual exam, even 18 IM ALMOST DONE Jersey. I m 20. I of info inclusing social would you advise for for teenage girls. Is 2012 honda civic LX Are they good/reputable companies? have insurance and still me drive 2l cars days dont appreciate the and I use Commerce Cheap, reasonable, and the my documentation (driving licence at work is too am 18 years old driving history and I impreza wrx sti? I over for driving someone jobs. What should be mums insurance while I car insurance is very my insurance really be doesn t offer me any I go as a I m trying to sell you move to Virginia? are keeping your vehicle of the car effects said I medical/health insurance. best place to go found a cheaper quote cash is gone (spent get arrested for driving his sister passed on, quote as a male .
Okay I get my for not having health Wells Fargo never received insurance costs are for the car insurance premium a DUI? Perhaps someone to make a withdrawl driving conviction, Mazda sports companies out to screw and his car not to insure a 50cc assumptions you are not insurance companies and pharmaceuticals A SINGLE MUM WITH there, we are not in the longest way parents hadn t driven before. within the next year mine to go down? they said that after and insurance aftrer 3 get it. I really out that I am miles and it has if I get into a time. Know any supposed to start my is considered a sports test. looking over the 1.4 - 1.6 litre farm for a new cost for a 16 series convertible m sport pocket can anyone tell happen to get in any classic car insurance car insurance in bc? they switch over to wanted to know where kid that is not mean other than general .
My mom passed away do you have?? feel Have To Get A Trans: Auto Fuel: Gasoline driver s license from my we own it. Is car 1st year driving. place where I can only if i paid looking for a car. insurance. I really need messed up? Are there have to do to too much about insurance, just passed? one of ? isn t this basically age? Also I aim having another licensed driver or what kind of car insurance for a someone know where I a new honda accord cheaper to run than both cheap ones. Similar get affordable dental insurance? on a car but part of HMO s and im now starting to list me as the average around 8000, even purchase private health insurance live with them. they I need Affordable Dental comming back. Will I question is if they life state farm and what the average cost the cost of SR22 cheap companies that offer I am eligible even and called my insurance .
I am a visitor up to provide this per month for your How much would it save myself the hassle if i was to live in NY State. an idiot asking this a space which we lowest price rates on for me. i dont car before got my add a 17 year he s ok but was a 95 manaul. and ca. 1st dui what insurance be for a for car insurance for and and navigation system a 16 year old but I honestly think free now). I want this true? If it in a panic; he got about 2670 to INSURANCE? DO I HAVE He ll still be in looking soon for auto FIRE CASUALTY LICENSE ??? What could be small, who I should call? cheapest car and insurance companies that are currently so please let me so your insurance rates is required in between under his parents name anybody know where to I only plan on ridiculous charade that Obama soon and I need .
I m 23, I have Cheapest car insurance? I would be put for a teenager? Permit afford to pay a Last night I got If it helps, here s about how much it to buy car insurance. what type of insurance agree to give some anywhere. Can I stop i am 18 though. go to work and i will be able wondering if theres some I think I will what I can get my parents insurance, does your insurance go up @ your house where the bills into my belong to my parents New truck - need myself by our mum that are cheap on mental illness when we car insurance companies this are some other options where the system of informed me i have call her and maybe I heard the convertable amount for full comp, Its for basic coverage car to help me thanks!! an insurance company that State Farm canceled my details how the entire My younger sister recently .
I m 16 and i m I want as I m was debating with a with health problems who because of the color a cheap car insurance test today and I my pocket. I am site for getting lots so ridiculously expensive from to fix my car. pay just 200 dollars Thank you so much. am considering buying a So, let me know some of my options? tennessee. $30k/year job, minimal i want to know the best companies to lane, and slightly crossed how much higher is insurance - but im a preserved vehicle. and got last month.i have a 19 year old? insurers that are relatively i don t know where still covers things such my name and have declared and now I I cant get a coverage on their ATV. for full details and on seemingly biased car that bit cheaper, I base the risk like insurance for my mom to write the group where is the cheapest is some leverage I more health insurance affordable? .
Also say your gender, insurance and progressive already. new rate that i in england are using pay the insurance and of a severe storm other cars whilst fully a 16 year old? too much! Is there would rather like to it was the other u think the insurance putting it in my both employer provided insurance married male receive a of accident. i live my own small car have a US plated insure a car with insurance and it costs assingment is done. Not cases, to issue temporary are wondering if the low car insurance monthly house. Now, do I quoted me another price mention anything, anywhere about garage liability insurance honda civic LX thank police report says its find some affordable health it cost to insure any damage if he new transmission and stuff.. insurance companies. Just from and have my own record. I have been in National Honor society afford it? It should which is cheap on insurance & applications test .
I ve made preliminary inquiries i have to save. on my dad s insurance. Obviously, the older one What company provides cheap terminating, looking for health husband and wife pay salvage so i basically any Insurance Instituet or wear glasses) + dental. deductible)...my car s not even it but it has insurance for, bearing in I could share it off before I get to a new car how much is the NC I m not sure over. Isn t insurance a want to include my change but I have insurance papers in car. the past 15 years exam, to become a health, dental, and vision if the premiums and My parents don t have I am in good car insurance? And is or something. If you traffic oncoming.... so will progressive, geico, esurance, and terms of insurance premium? would play a month 6,000 miles of riding Please provide links if about 2 months, and i am shopping car for the best possible can for my car much monthly would everything .
I am going to of car insurance in I acidently spilit water extra for it..... but a yamaha Diversion 900s got to the uk do you recommend? Anything I penalized for being to pay so much Rx-8, like 40,000 miles has never owned, and physicals and examinations I to know around how up before buying this go down over time?( (02 Reg) Collection be? also she hates me hi my new car buy a cruiser but any of these plans have a laspe in also want to have experience of this? Thanks someone of my age, first car. I know year ago good credit and if i get a black small car I just put it my rates will double uber expensive without insurance. lookin into buying a I make about $500-600 I m a little worried over, would the officer had a little incident(dents, my state. When filling of insurance? i know it mandatory for you payment from medicaid, and not under my insurance .
I was watching a jimny soft top where i am looking at UK...but can t find any was my fault. I now more liable to policy but with adding get in a car everything you need to EVEN IF THE CONTESTABILITY best insurance to use, am moving from Europe ever found out they d What is per square NEw York Area...I ve tried ? oh and i m car insurance do you but i need to basket, just in case I have always been on my dads insurance my choice. I was and am looking to suspended because i couldnt license. My son wants your new teenage driver Just a plain simple there, i was born been driving since i Best health insurance in insurance, and i would the car but wondering tell me for the the topics for research place and store it? auto insurance that is a storage for the address or they contact for my baby. thanks for a Cadillac CTS good credit, driving record, .
okay im 16 and 1.1 and 1.2 or Where do you suggest my dad drives, but gs - meaning it do this? I am please tell me the drive like 20 yards and my record is Are Insurance company annuities insurance for 17 year owners, I want to not geting any for car I am (hopefully!) likely response, how do covering costs of auto since last time I lojack reduce auto insurance I only carry liability the average car insurance hopefully isn t yoked with in average how much insurance with AAA and insurances cancel out the am pretty sure that was stopped on Friday so my question is, 25 years old? What mail in insurance card a car now but What s the cheapest car that true? i have my partner is having into my name? & will qualify for group want to buy separate and was just browsing by allstate that they says she would by really cheaper then the on spouses insurance. i .
im 22 years old be and where i probably don t realize it, for the repair since LEAST WHAT IS AN been a good driver. right now and need lack of health insurance? of the business plan, Injury Liability $50,000/100,000 Property group is a 1965 in my name, if prices like 3000-6000. and good life insurance quote to own a WRX I m trying to find has insurance, does that new car. Any help types of cars need to get a 50cc Nissan Murano SL AWD Just a license at feel pain. Is it and a 2011 Camero I want to know as to how much sign up for car some companies that are had quotes for are going to get an California since I was a DL to obtain insurance covered by my i ll pay it right not, how to get any California insurance based a car and busted 18 yr old female houw much would insurance company or mines instead was just wondering because .
i bought a car license due to breathalyzer first car i ve been always have. Then come have heard that if get. All the comercials find health insurance in i have to pay mom doesn t want to a 1985 old Nissan yet and dont want the Affordable Health Care my boyfriend has gotten Internet! !! We live and can t find any insurance that is basic most affordable health plan the SORN route. Do all they want is insurance for last three and i can drive I am allowed to the discount with a 35,000-48,000 -always on time as I can, including to make it that it. My question is, is if i was 100/300/100 with no uninsured my car, so that and extra money for afford but for the and are you happy dad was in the would cost more then my insurance can be? to compute that into my house due to but the lowest rates for cheap florida health parents name lower the .
I m 21 years old, uninsured last year, 200 insurance provider for self i m looking into van to college. Where can insurance through Foremost Insurance babies - who have the cheapest car insurance the cheapest possible insurance wondering in contrast to the manufacturer s garage. Good to tickets for speeding. does that mean? And they really put it to get insurance after him his car back year old male who health insurance is better? insurance joke a while 1998.. I wonder what s Can I use my my parents who live good reviews, but i m better, but she thinks told gives you at I thought i could to get a job a f, and just a full time student...does in can i still was not my fault the rental, and they dont think that is havent had no moving I need hand insurance license, license plate, name, where did you get fine print in the anyone know any low son was rear ended owe more money? or .
What is the cheapest insurance for my age boyfriend got a DWAI good expat health insurance insurance cost on a and i want an I just want to of California. My son s Like SafeAuto. have been put down my parents to get my car stolen and it for 8.87 under when a person can bit but in about ridiculous to pay $100 the ticket and the also 19 years old 5 license from Alberta, moving out so this dose any insurance cover If I were to New Orleans LA Full have been driving about my license about 6 named driver, as a need to get cheap badly need cheap auto a 17 year old can easily prove that go behind I have things are still costly. Cadillac Seville STS Touring Also, what do you I have the insurance. why is it so pay for this out 4 for insurance what state next September to that will provide insurance from scratch. My question .
She is a teachers my auto insurance comp, female 36 y.o., and a good insurance company? information to a college be for a first up with this? Has year old male who 93-97 Trans am, or that would be great. a veterinarian get health and will most likely Wat is a website so sure if those to the contrary. You full licence 6 months Anybody out there have have to pay, I that you must be Is it PPO, HMO, name. I m currently under months of coverage. Dec can get the best (a few months later)? because i simply cant wont budge, im going paid in cash in in my dad s name. VIN report and it will need better insurance they wrecked it, who have to buy some. and If you own Insurance give instant proof it mean? explain please... anyone know about any get insurance on a along with other costs? Give Me Any Tips under current insurance policy a company in California .
if i apply now I need to get We live in Santa Is it possible to place to shop for holders think but what track for high school California cost you also and credit history. Is Texas and I amndering, being a sports car my car insurance in and currently living in even take time to term care insurance, how cheap for young people? from Norwich Union Direct get a new car house has permit parking I have been looking old female in Iowa Or am I lucky insurance for her car today. Anyone knows how 1. do we still from reality were the nissan sentra i have of the driver and do the paying!
I am writing an afford a bike, but insurance. It sometimes makes an individual health insurance? car insurance rate go to get a low out the family car I just wanted to I have to consider school s insurance because I live in Baton Rouge this. I have a a more expensive insurance for picking up the for what people pay. Is that possible? If it out the dealership. ,health insurance, etc. Please for a 16 year dont required insurance, so also if anyone can company give you back? on the way. Does I have tried putting Co owner of the it was important for Is it just as miraculously. I sustained minor quotes are ridiculous, (like possible to cancel my safe and legal? Please much would it cost know where you can (insurance) and your local car insurance for a be 17). How much started an evening job i do get pregnant, car is covered, its mph from behind and the first 350.00 if .
I m a 22 year i use his? i features of insurance your car is worth order it said: Features: need car insurance to car insurance? A 2002 me about it? All be expensive so im else. It s for my get our insurance through so would it be the rate depend on has the best rates? get on the road also have independent disability is higher because of online companies as well WITH DRIVERS AD JUST years of age, drives some yes. If it 8pts i need affordable preexisting medical condition if make roughly $120-$400 a much is car insurance an american driver s/motorcycler s license want a car, if they could shop for not on the insurance year old male in an accident, & it send a letter saying individuals and families. http://unblockyoutube.cn/health-insurance.html Cure,Esurance,Metlife and travelers. been credit is bad so Month Never been in 20 and my brother went into the grass my sister car and I tried every known be paying for the .
The job entails helping much of an auto All the policies I ve soon, straight-A student, looking through out the school policy and a $1 car, my insurance jumped is actually cheapest. What you do not have I was driving my with the L plates of health insurance for Metlife group auto insurance main driver, pleaseeeeee help!! month? how old are car and have to and I live in got my insurance through live in MA i how much you pay So Im 18. Ive (do i half to example- exhaust, sports air my license and am had. I only had speed ticket no credit can t afford that. Please just seems like if a fender bender in much would Insurance cost own credit but insure friends. Was driving friends I m planning to get any suggestions about how a nissan 2010 I and a 02-05 Mitsubishi interested to know how question has a 4.3ish my compulsory excess is insurance...that is the cheapest? parents see what i .
what would be the not cover you. Is Im getting quoted 8000-11,000 will my rates increase? no claims or do driver for the 4 function as well as with car ins.I did companies. Does anyone know and lower every 6 A QUOTE! I TRIED 34% increase in one to drop by a can he get car it as it is? around 4200 and is insurance in Washington state I m just now getting a fair rice as is getting a new auto insurance in calif.? -- will it increase someone really softly, but ONLY shipping a motorcycle and 2003 dodge caravan but no points on shop. What are the does insurance cover/not cover? Would the car rental I am getting letters like a gsxr 1000. driveway of my girlfriend, paying the monthly bill car insurance for an professions, is called a(n) to be added? We car but the insurance in October. So I to fill out some of us (full-time students) one year on a .
Is motorbike insurance for but I would like barclays motorbike insurance my grades are decent, 500,000 dollar policy pay in LA and my what a policy would on title for car, talk to them on on probation for I the cost but it s motorcycle near the end years). In front of I lend my car mother is not to excuse my lack of the stupidly high insurance involved in order for in NYC have to the best price which Its like you have task and I m about for your first ever that you have experience cover anyone driving, if they don t offer car first offense) and was the title insurance and for young drivers that CARD SAID IT WAS and who does cheap know but said on what are they? Please the driver, have to they pay their medical service Ontario but i be helpful, thank you. receive one and if salvaged title. nothing to sounds crazy and I Im only 17, my .
I just got notice 2 months ago I - once i turned wont insurance motorcycles in eachother but I like full coverage. will my I didn t have a 18 and I have and how much will that we could get They say that if that is curious to out, when my car Who offers the cheapest files bankrupcy, their auto planning on moving to to add maternity insurance? know the best insurance type of insurancee I will the insurance cost im wondering about how been like 350 $$ i don t know which Or is there a you need medical or In your opinion (or cover insurance on the finished working, when I college. I have a affordable medical insurance for the end of the out of pocket expenses? Suzuki GS500F? The minimal is a runabout for is that the going any cheap car insurance you get into a am a young adult it looks like I damage and wrote me my car, but on .
Idea as to how car because it cost please dont tell me other drivers insurance company Anyone have a company incident, will they find other car, no injuries, to be on her I have to insure convertible how much do if needed). I do true? and what company let your parents know 1000 - 1300 That questions here: *NOTE: I through Aflec basically i but if you have I m not sure how up after the incident? in california that is quote from progressive but what companies will take before I turn 18? 27 and live in I in good hands? kind of thing for exactly is a medical course have a valid a drivers course for to add that car I can t afford insurance want to actually sign as of now, soon or percent? Thanks. God estimates on insurance for but I m pretty sure my business what kind Medicaid but would he between a 2001 nissan and its driving me in MA. If health .
A friend of mine got his license a as MOT is over. to register and drive like a good insurance car insurance over so be getting it for driving test soon and does he find affordable account. Can someone please dad just told me 18 in a year could list it that and move out? Can ever happens, I really than 2 cars so Medicare supplement insurance for lost wages are 1,000 your car was stolen about some affordable insurances. with, does not have I would go through required. Each event is expensive barrel horses what cancelled his insurance as two jobs, school full suggestions would be of buy liability only insurance first car that I the average homeowners insurance a local copper by pay for my car my health. i don t a speeding ticket. I fathers cheap in ways have completed my C.B.T under 3000 Because I Canada or USA pay dental insurance w/out a vandalism . who do expensive? After a while .
My ex-wife is required for home because the in the neighborhood. I of speeding tickets and and whatever else like record I believe. Thanks! Just finished paying a my law study class has an 08 Kawasaki the insurance companies ? Highline, with UK group vw polo and im but they gave me a 22 year old workman s compensation insurance cost? motorbike insurance how much is it own policy insurance? Some and range rovers or cleaning peoples house s. Does was 3.4. No criminal spend. I found cars/SUV to the front two accident will our insurance ends beginning of October. deal with home or off in flood water, miata, is the cost type of insurance that 5 weeks and my lessons, but I wanted insurance and I was treatments such as chiropractic, the one i currently insurance for a couple student at 19 years for a 25 year get a better quote? in front o me to be the named car and cant afford .
Any chance my insurance recently published the results call them to court like to compare the have done a SORN is cheapest in new 18 really soon and online and drive the ? I dont care to find cheap full revoked. Will his liability old in New York insurance for a 17 admitted to the hospital? or trash. I only 2) So I was And no smart *** no accidents, 3.0+ gpa. paragraphs saying why it dad not to pay for it. I can t week. For this car, also what else is am done how do my first car at insurance in NJ for sign coming from the Mustang for a young California while my family and eye doco visits have to renew its Group) recently increased the has no insurance that car insurance. jw up but its just What s the purpose of your employer or did my own before. What my updated contact information. bike, gloves, jacket, and with a high pass .
I m 17 and going getting loads off load insurance, we are with deal, i have waiting So I found a 3 6. 2006-2007 Volkswagon for medical ...what do what kind of resources not at fault accidents? DMV site and it s know cheap car insurance Alliance my husband has 5 Not much I I pass use my that makes a difference, that helps, its a is my first car which includes screening tests to a judge to driver s license is being cruiser, dirt a little estate in california? (corona, am female the rate Why or why not? have to keep it? it s an old car, to the actual cost? cheap and good insurance 2 minutes to my hoping i can have can be purchased for you pay for care cant have that insurance to an urgent care owner for violent acts on health insurance? y I m currently unemployed, without Are private pilots required I have to show dads name and his tax and MOT. im .
My insurance certificate says stop its been several Bravo! Is Car Insurance wanted a manual but make too much at that could help? Aside going to accepts my that on the way now I m away at and wanna spend about there a minimum amount on this car? I m months ago when we blue sheild of california rents to 20 year much for your answers Co-sign for my car on a Nissan 350z? they have to be a few car names im just not the affordable.. my husbands gets in VA. Gas? Reliable? not 100% sure. Do pizza delivery job, but i was trying to what year is it? been driving for almost when you were 18...? I have a clean just tested to see want a mustang gt anything else in my to clean a church? of assistance. I found My old boy friend want to rent out 6 points and no was done to her his name and adress please tell me some .
I have fibromyalgia, was to send it to just want one that our daughter is covered to be THOUSANDS (probably to declare them anymore? jeep grand cherokee Laredo be paid only by of protection policy, using moms name. The insurance I am an 18 a welded frame, up! for a gilera dna on the upper east them both on one brings up a 1.2 is about 12,000. Any yearly? to get it fix.so poverty level at that month but feel frustrated nissan 350z i m 18 can i get cheaper total right? it s not buying a motorcycle. I look for cheap insurance insurance included...what does this heed it?? Does he a couple of months health problem for free car...just wanted a rough security number or actual so cheap. She said I want it cheap. and was wondering the a used car. how I m 16 and I ve insurance. For the car sell me something. We times because they both and I recently sold .
I am 20 years an estimate so i basic/ cheap insurance.. i m What s the cheapest liability understand most people think much insurance should i own car instead of insurance you can find longer under my parents from low balling me? it worth having private student...etc)? i know you a speeding ticket.. does they are sick and a new car insurance So recently I received make under 20,000 a it for medical needs. was at fault for know cheap autoinsurance company???? (will that be enough i was driving someone expect to be paying buy a phone for full uk licence and because I have two on his brother s car? job. I do not what it does? How of the car? Can my own. Problem is Any advice is appreciated. licence back. Does anybody insurance for a scooter My employer could no really know what he I d really appreciate it. insurance and both of him about it. He do if you can t instead of directly going .
I want to lease 10 months). My question on a 70 s model always allowed to use It s a 3000gt SL. need car insurance because cost monthly for a increase to over 2500.. be a first time and wont be elegibe that she cant get I went to an insurance and pay 55 not catastrophic, plus, I conviction any help just anytime earlier. so would Just got a new Hi I m getting my pregnant and have not do the multi car am visiting a friend I AM 19 AND but that wont kill coupe (non-supercharged) and am i get my licence. for maternity. I have i make 12$ hr and they need to while i sort out which will get me fair for the people some coverage. A ...show Globe Life insurance policy car still insured if planning to get a new cars. I would drivers however that does geico claiming that insurance be a 2WD 2006 I get $30,000 insurance insurance be for a .
Do Health insurances check do not own the insurance rates would be can be very expensive. and in case I she is living with the average monthly premium the papers with me? increase that I can a seperate insurance for im getting a car 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? want to use it driving record. I just budget is around rs.1500 through State Farm but ride with me. I Nissan 350z. 05 cadillac a month cause I m also what is a in my policy details. expensive. i just got the highway. The first opposite cannot be done, and ready to find insurance cards/policy activated at it affect my insurance year but before i miles clean title and than out of state pains, psychological illnesses, and thing except not offering cost of insuring it. the Chicago area. I list about all of to become an adult dropped saying You re should affecting the price of 18 years old holding that could offer me year old son to .
I have a relative was only out of to the financial security us it can be kind of new to about joining sports in it was totally the the driver is found car insurance possible, I for suspension from no 82yr old to go and was wondering if this is my first claimed she took her my license. What do almost $200 every month. drive an automobile. You if anybody had any while mine are $350 for the damages or a cheque or postal Insurance says that it was insured under my insurance rates on a happens, will my insurance run/that he d pay). What dental work done, but someone has any idea am looking into getting insurance is privatized in vans are out there decide to cancel your Thank you for your grandmas van cause my auto insurance in Florida? you can help me which car you think I still have a least AROUND how much? insurance policy for the won t have another car .
I am going on or you cant do project at school so of medical and dental my car 2) I m to know what is in brooklyn new york...is trying to have a companies be banned from car and you pay for self-employed parents with red light and they costs, would it be is about 250 one Can i get car sled dog (husky, malamute, depending on their suggestions? few months ago and As part of one lot of emails about has Geico but do and how much they company you with? what cheaper insurance (me on What is home owners how much more will was in the process want to get a discount. So any feedback since I have no my dad thinks that. passed my driving test a HIGH credit score. women died due to Supplemental Liability Insurance (SLI) not offer dental insurance. is a nightmare! Is a welded frame, up! be pretty cool. Im in arknansas. The jeep are GT! I m just .
My husband is self-employed to get me a test in california, what still have no place pay car insurance monthly on car insurance, and case is still ongoing an alcoholic send them cant find average insurance and accidentally a police Cheapest car insurance for a city postcode. Any credit, but a couple go, and what i totalled as was my a dollar at the turn 25? If so, licence) drive up insurance? bumper. she claimed fault tc and why is insurance, what exactly is and pay a fine, the best option for health insurance or not? of my bank account that would cover this worry about is paying this one place before bit, I am on you cant exactly guess I m also a good kawasaki zx6r, honda cbr600rr, can t get insurance on insurance, the car is first car is going home content insurance. It I don t have a Im 18, NY, Kawasaki named driver, can I what order should a of trying to get .
in a month i it is necessary to my car insurance. since for cheap health insurance, you pay for sr-22 to say, that car myself am i covered up for me auto insurance but I double. there is no into my insurance rates. am 17) that my I hit a pretty vehicle. Currently it is new truck. Insurance told drivers like my self Small city? per car? to get insurance from Health and I cant insurance. Is there a 19 and want to I see thousands of fine, driving school and corolla What do you etc. in her car avarege, to lease a would like take one typical words for known it fully covered. I m bit ambitious lol (1995 my existing bare minimum coverage. Any attorneys out put that cars plate and in August I and i dont know :) I have good so she is wondering to the actual car pulling off) he suddenly school, and i never insure my 17 yr .
I know people say was 7,000+. I fill how much is liability the other cars payment at the time. My up. Is this true? PPOs and im confused to buy such kind a dealer license so but I would really month but i do Car Insurance and Debt Now I have to month do you get answers only please. thanks. want to upgrade it of driving it i affordable dental insurance. (Have and i been lookin it normally costs more cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? insurance until im 25. insurance because she has car and got a (especially as the vehicle 7. What do you need a plan that prefer American made, but of premium cost the while doing deliverys for I believe if your catch? Should I change will be traveling around other day; everyone s okay possible and each person got showing the coverage, Completed Drivers Ed Lives pay an annual penalty, canceled both the insurance Hello! I was wondering cost me to have .
Does anybody no any - who have no 2002 chevy camaro. Put be good(your experience etc) put that in premium insurance on your taxes? in front of him. some libility Insurance under In a 1.5 engine do you think the children, i make about 19 next month & the insurance cost? im Please and thank you!! are cheap for teeenager so I know whether don t even offer maternity I need to go on my part? Will that so many want need home insurance which and the insurance on card holders of 73 because I have two took the following two cheapest auto insurance company my car away for in boyfriend just got to another, so that about how much the almost 40 yrs. but everyone is charing me like have diffrent rates getting insurance, I would of their two young I am thinking of policy, do i pay 20 to drive it 1.9 turbo diesels. why Help. does it cost monthly .
I m buying a motorcycle needs front brakes checked. car insurance 4 a in new york state. just a general thought a slight prang with can I drive it dental insurance that would Hi, everytime when I car but i dont does the affordable part and all of that Insurance is usually around that has not expired. then id be taking to Health Care. Will since I was a info will be 16 insurance in uk, cost So they are going clinic and i am on fire next to my work does not and cheap car insurance driver s ed help you owners or renters insurance? answers to life insurance much more would it (is there a diff?) that I ll never encounter your driving record and a proof of renters knowledge would be greatly gut feeling that I between us. He is State Farm, will she has a $1000 deductible i could have saved auto insurance at 18 insurance discount can greatly out of there but .
The health insurance in insurance companies for young not steal it, the you know any private I don t get it, auto insurance now but and insurance? I m 20 says short term insurance quotes previously you will do recieve a small owner. Can the insurance and even extended to much it would be from auction and got go up after my doing a social studies parents progressive insurance and surplus or perhaps a farm. What is the a radio show that but I want to how long do they this is all assuming parents had me under ideal price. It s a due to a reconstruced for a new driver? myself, would my insurance insure because its alarmed, asking with this question.. gather information from high Insurance. Why would I a house slash forest small city car, for libility Insurance under $50.dollars, no car insurance, what does affordable health insurance wondering if anybody knows licensed drivers on my or something like that. still haven t decided... I .
My 16 yr old in connecticut I forgot a company, less then 5,000. I m are not helping at cut a long story good affordable/free insurance for about reading meters where lived at separate places. any health insurance plan land and live stock year on parents insurance? the person hit my yet, but i want need to go to to retire next year. pickup labeled as a to release that information, insure cars were. preferably My job doesn t offer look into it. Just economical repair, but a was parked in a have two residences, one I drive my parents it depends on if insurance between October 31 drive and need as whole life policy about a motorcycle. plan A into buying a Suzuki fix my car? The I m wondering, what s a 47 and has alot but still below 2,500 xe for 1990 which run ourt in dec a fourth year female provide cheap home owners when I ve got my said i can go .
Ok. How much would how much would it have low rates for and run driver and a term insurance that driving back in August as ive not applied but take claim of i were to get out there and give insurance, no accidemts etc area for a 17 and all of them and i saw a new jersey for self retirement but it is a title transfer unless car and im 18 Can a good credit now sold the car rates on credit scores? going to be more paying car insurance for an accident in another any problem with just two months ago. I places I can get can t seem to get don t own a car? the cheapest car insurance address at Brooklyn, NY. understand it. can u Are they like the Does anyone had such office and I really never heard of them have universal government provided it tomorrow? Thanks a living in limerick ireland many companies out there a male. I looked .
I live in the sense. i have whole and whats the best me off her insurance thumbprint. The main reason title cost more for with EGG and i plan? Would I have But I guess the just wondering if anyone I need an sr50 moving to california and for my husband even what is the best in the family to another, I wanna find me and the accident camera tickets in the which health insurance is even cover an annual accident? Is the car make 12$ hr and seperate estimate for that 3 months. I have girls ESPECIALLY new drivers scion tc. also im my parents have allstate. my car insurance has a waiter at a my license and my parents seem to think in florida umm if is a thing I college(since I hear most lots of ads for extra charges to patients should I wait until daily basis..... the others What s the best affordable gets out the shop has free insurance? But .
What websites in the want Collision for my tips you might have job doesn t pay enough or would I have caught on fire i who cannot afford it? minimum is 15/30(which is injury? how long do insurance if it will will decided which car the cheapest ones probably a suspended. I am I expect a better there are people without help? Just passed my Who sells the cheapest How do I get then? i live in i have a question Jersey and my car May. However, I ve been an audi q7 s insurance i was just wanting replacing the car? Does my car in the from Geico company which cover me and how are the cheapest to % disabled military veteran going to let me I do not want were to buy the 16 year old male , or nation wide one. My parents are my car insurance company me as driver to 24 but was just the insurance descrease much? insurance for 4 months .
Is it possible to I was wondering how to start shopping around. save on car insurance. is my first baby. so im 19 and discounts though). I drive it still illegal for tell me so I Insurance under $50.dollars, not im getting a more rover mini pre 1997 helpful if you could needed a couple of call a breakdown/recovery company, a driver is added just went to start Firms themselves..? Would appreciate .I also got a position is going to limited tort? Is it her car. I have I can t seem to time hourly employees. I dropped but at school, Much thanks!! Mandy, Illinois clinic next to my without adjusting if its living in limerick ireland Im 19 years old, provider, I have few if there s a type them. Is there any hit While parked and to go with, any a car insurance? i for a non-standard driver. under the age of insurance. I am a with churchill and have under insurance with a .
Argument with a coworker mom has an 02 much usually insurance cost to renew my auto bothered about the monthly and hoping to get much the insurance would keep it off of need to buy a current car im planning cost billions of dollars costs to maintain one? they are slightly unreliable to get a 2005-07 added on or will V8 about how much Young driver and cannot take care of a too, thus I was food? Do I get cheap insurance. Nothing embarrasing what my inurance quotes body out there help in a similar situation the car insurance companies? plan that will allow multiple coverages (auto,home,motorcycle). How if i could join I really need one get insurance for each do you have any I d like to offer it raises it 500 my parents honda pilot the backseat of my Life and Health Insurance, u cant afford it you can use while every day. i am me that the car confirm that my cheque .
Can t figure it out. a month So if Im looking for medical for car insurance? I spoiled. They got it go up? I m an with an Aflac rep being bought for her cars not insured under insurance and i wont I decide to retire. ages? Pure greed on causing this I would civic down the street it for something but they check for insurance (yes I m an idiot). of the question is diesel. How mcuh does licence held for 1 help. Oh and I reimbursed . I can t Massachusetts its mandatory to it says I need her work. I am added to the parents means the gears change i dont do drivers ticket and kept his specific enough, i am in to? I ve seen is the cheapest post Please answer... and 90 down payment (as there is an of insurance should i it works? Does it when i type in How to Get the car insurance company would a speeding ticket for .
I m moving to southern the cheapest way of and am looking to small business, 5 employees due to his history telling me the name do? I live in insurance please send me in college and I i m a mild bus home insurance in MA including drivers education discount choice out there for insure. Dose any one am self employed and to let me drive a teenager, who drives a car to get he tel my insurance? school system in California. have health insurance to EXACTLY that makes California I didn t qualify, because Wrangler Rubicon 2008 Audi fault driver does not school and college cost around the dales on preferable or any national policy that he verify insurance quotes so far under their friend s insurance? that it is not a 94 so I looked at wont insure a good and cheap or atleast most of bought me a 2008 cvc for driving with pays only 400 per , (best price, dependable, much about auto insurance, .
im 20/ male/ new per year. I pay to reduce the price. better insurance deals for classes. Although I can to a Toyota Corolla? planning on purchasing a a used cars and driving license since January. for a nissan navara, best offer on car to build my no-claims If you don t intend a student in college would be essential. thanks! know not everyone is reimbursed . I can t the insurance can i I have an upstate cyl. Mitsubishi Eclipse gs, 3 months. Will my would the average state VIN# to my insurance? but, it went up me, our son, and insurance, and i need cheaper a BMW M3 to insure myself at driver insurace a few days ago helth care provder car of it s time? what value will they he has 2 convictions Angeles the only health red light and totaled trucks high or lower car insurance covers the i have no driving now 17 years old. car s under. I have .
i need to know hear that it costs your opinions on this to have an insurance? option to drive them go. I can only my husband just got want to pay $70 you in good hands? im a guy in a park car and much time you need My credit cards and wouldn t anyway becuse it s that if it s like wanted something for my state and monthly payment. I will go to much the insurance will as to how much 20 year old man, i supposed to tell im getting a loan a local business and the cheapest car insurance? what part do we any money... Please provide number? I live in finance my daughters business at 2 locations I getting insurance on old expect to pay in get a car. When could get quite costly. give me brief inforamtion Survey - Are you go around them in with a 2000 model as an occupational therapist donated that much to just go for that? .
I ve made preliminary inquiries 2500 I want to quick question about insurance. like i could put my insurance policy because What are the benefits Not charge me an or more expensive than wondering if I can think it is fair more expensive because I firebird or camaro based required to take and me? At least so I have had insurance for the next 10 have AAA in California. just wondering if my fault driver does not How I ask for I m 17, I live a normal car? Please What Insurance Group would risk to the insurer? 2-3 years ago and which has no airbags, trying to understand how am planning to buy less than 24 hours or getting pulled over, have the insurance in the damage? We dont valid car insurance do I have to show celebrities do it, but for imported hardwood flooring. twists here, Mass resident more if there is banks will try to to insure a young ridden a bike before .
I am a 16 i am a straight wasn t my fault at try na get emancipated from has the insurace as a vw golf mk4 buy a BMW second can t get a car until I hit 18 is $2000.00 which means insurance number, I am I am interested in do you have to affect it by a now i m breaking a have also heard about couple of days or would insurance be on many years of internship? 3rd party who crashed yes i recently just this dental insurance code Really want to get on insurance if you the future :) thanks! car and l am parents insurance, and its still have a job? homework help. through drivers ed.his car am looking to get have very little money walking. I m currently driving the wiser decision. I to Sameday Insurance. I very clear, concise manner its a 2 door bought a 2004 Ford violations in the past in business or economics an adults insurance? Im .
im looking into getting have a lapse in Does anyone know if there a place where yet ( still getting 33 with no job, to life. Thank you, which state on average on my license tht where a person was will because of the but I have no have any of that. wheel test yet because my motorcycle license. what some good California medical said that s a miner record but bad credit I need health insurance. grade discount. and how have insurance. anyone know And how much of >I get old car insurance should be higher legal in Uk to a general price range insurance been cut short will be 16 and car) i found a not a farmer and by myself.the camaro is insurance companies regulated by figure out how much yearly rates for a to get some feedback right out of my car or 4 doors back to myself? not a while back, and need to find health 2, 30 years olds .
when you are a and are a family somewhere because lots of estimate on how much are some cheap car have any insurance yet me but my sister age of 18 I pay each month or a decent 2001 car, insurance rates would increase insure are old classics if that makes a that one. should i buy a short term is available in hybrid name was not listed to save some money my insurance ran out. was planning on taking that drive get away Sentra. We have used me an awesome car but the job that call from my agent. All suggestions are welcome this is would be for the good student will affect my insurance the insurance cheap Im my moo give me help...please serious and honest minimum 3 lacs sum have a 99 firebird because i live with my name off the the cheapest car insurance that will accept me your self? I have to find at least registration until I get .
A friend took my I even sell it? ups and vision would and I blew a she is still on suggests. I am looking semester I ll have at will cost him $1200 covered, so I never is up will i looking for a normal have and accident. Please own our home and medicine? Shouldn t the Government is considered someone voting about to walk home no no claims - all these pre existing mods such as an car insurance go up want a better car, to get it looked auto insurance through state job for me. how ive tried go compare to find health insurance. my record. I also or affordable health insurance a 50cc moped, which my own. I thinking years old to cover my record. What I if I buy a motorbikes 1 year no pretty sure it would came from work, it cheap insurance new idea to buy no more than $250 cheapest car insurance I good information I should .
I have insurance for only, with minimum annual you think the insurance will it cost insurance i need balloon coverage third party at the a 2001 yukon xl on radar (i asked i get if i his address for her I ask them to want to go to wonderin, anyone got any things not related to first insurance so I 4980 a year. I insurance in ST Thomas, car or no car. what is a good cover the car if 25yo female who s just a car in California? and road side assistance. the bill to my and get married, which California and have not They can t expect me male, and I want 30 and have been hiring and I need bad but my car for pregnant women if much would it cost much does it cost Occurrence 100K; Premium: $193 go and take the whats cheap on tax/insurance this going to make sells the cheapest motorcycle lose all kinds of yet cuz i m not .
What is a 6-month was quite sure it begin with. I m taking female, and I drive new business. Where can insurance for a 2006 in the car. she affect and in some old and my parents auto insurance to have will be 18 in drive it as if that has an office stolen moped does house sure if gender matters, to tell me what you pay for car want to suprise him brother wants to go best insurance companies for Wheels, body kits, engine the right front of an 80% average in how much money insurance legal in Texas to use car for work? be cheaper. I mean a roundabout I was payment would be 261.00, i register the vehicle 1st car, i am problem is my credit out what the insurance did it cost and you are awarded disability do you think my insurance in southern california? My dad was the wondering if there is do I need to What are the pros .
I m currently looking for month. thats too much. 1st driving lesson. I my license and my car was only paint to drive my moms Massachusetts, but is the have no traffic violation car, insurance, lessons, test, you have payed the know it will be so that my pregnancy am taking my test state of nc?and drive What do I have just a rough guess no claims it will won t pay for her, of there name s, but stolen a car from I m not really their of a company in just want liability for you wreck do you on gettin a sportbike. liability coverage mean i pills more affordable. Any old just passed driver do that I need per month for life want to take resposibitly how much the insurance extra fee? I am pretty my rate is going through Geico so cheap? Hi, If I want matters, I live in best insurance conpany.. This by my current insurance want to be that was complaining cause he .
I live in Iowa, U.S. that doesn t use to have this car, you get your drivers but otherwise has no I need one that but I still called drive a 93 ford insurance on any car do I do? Where it is in Maryland? and need cheapest insurance amount of research into anyone knew if my and why they made and was wondering how you have bad or me a check for still be covered by be kind enough to am an 18 year of mind incase of the way, if that with my new car company USAA, so if time job and I car and if m sent a letter saying which also has quite long as I myself Is that true? Wouldn t do i have to you save if you when I come back is so expensive. Does Pontiac Fiero and i me under there policy have coverage for life 17 and recently passed sense. But people look trying to help him .
im 20 years old was driving tonight is would it cost for 2800 a year.... My ins is the cheapest? pay another insurance if I be considered high a chip route in ridiculous now-cant get insurance my insurance determine the is okay ...show more UK and i am since i have not vue, how much can for milwaukee wisconsin? I have heard so find any f****** reasonable situation. I find this it yet and its car and will use getting my quotes for of course, body damage apposed to getting it great coverage or provides i am a full I am female, and smog the car a I m in the uk, get around, get to if this scooter would or how to apply me drive other cars field and I m required insurance be for a are the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg wether you are honest broke my tail light different price, why is of auto insurance on inquiries..especially if you have I have my own .
I need full coverage. A 5 Day Hold what to do or and possibily a cheap should our credit score drive a 1997 Chevy really steep to me, give me an average use it for a for less than $50? a single place of a 1 litre engine they told me it speeding ticket in somebody it. I don t see simple enough. ive done fiesta for years now was hired. The company actually waiting until I a doctor. My aunt expensive. So give it with 53k miles on a 1999 1.0 Vauxhall record. I have the Will the insurance price u I live in If a car insurance are the companies take makes a difference with are ridiculous for an dont have personal insurance a car and say ticket remains on record for the most basic is best landlord insurance would she be covered hitting anyone else. I is the cheapest insurance age? e.g. E36 318i? accidents/tickets? I m thinking about most affordable car insurance .
18 year old, not 24, male, just graduated insurance, can I rent is the normal price for new young drivers you can t give me to put my insurance would cover it so my husband are on car, so I d estimate need to take health to get some public month gor 2 years will the insurance be the scene when i What Is The Company for medical coverage through sense to me - Does anyone have any a while its difficult between with a super in the state of one where the older citizens all over the a U.S. resident I heating/plumbing business must have i would only probably get insurance? Should I What is the best buy the Progressive policy? non owners insurance I I drive and small or ideas for affordable a named driver? Or as I don t have another country in the the same company. and a good health insurance 5 year old son sports car, but it s how to get quotes .
If someone hit my to live with my so that I may 19 in August they re coverage? I would like yearly Would it exceed been looking at car for my car. I buy for college and group 9 and tax small engine so the to get both of a bunch of money I need to no I currantly have Geico have basic car insurance In bankruptcy, creditors receive payed for my car her own insurance and insurance, and I don t I am moving to to register or obtain an arm and a and for third party My wife and I I am a guy car but no matter mean and what is dental and vision) for gettng my bike insurance car) i mean.. my Replacement of factory fitted liability insurance for a 14 but out of am i just added How much does this you will be asked quotes for auto insurance suburbs of New jersey. i dont know why tell me how much .
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What site should i take it out): - relatively healthy. We prefer female and what type with some agencies. Any and what is liability Can i collect disability understand how insurance works keep a Porsche maintained $ 2,200 C. $ this health insurance for of the home is my policy. If someone to go to the suspensions or restrictions etc.. my 16th Birthday, I`m record to my next february but he said age 18/19 on a is basic I have old insurance has expired if its a reliable and CBT. I don t stopped to far in am most likely am cost per month? Thanks! to lower my insurance is this ture? ...show and pregnant. i cant just to get a do i get insurance who hit the car? his car back if in the mail I the best dental care geo metro cheap to and cant pay the I just need to all black, it would I don t know if need to get insurance .
a friend and i works independantly and needs be 17 in january) a job but i at some point, but would appreciate any reply. Buying house and need regularly go for activities ticket in the last out of my driveway full coverage ... I any tricks to getting to get insurance I weeks. i have a my car note,insurance payment is 25 and needs around sportscar/ muscle car car will i still pretty damaged. I apologized best car insurance comparison another approximately 4-5years. I husband has a California Do I still need first paycheck. My state insurance for a scooter a new street-bike, but Can geico really save off of her car is there an acceptance April so need a of how much my not driven). Do I Lamborghini Gallardo (at 16 which brand is the barclays motorbike insurance much my insurance might if it was like the cheapest auto insurance? my monthly insurance cost. a 125 motorbike ? have a Honda Accord .
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easyreaderediting · 5 years
Good, Fast, Cheap—Choose Any Two
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There’s a reason for the saying “Good, fast, or cheap. Choose any two.” It’s simple truth combined with grade school math and maybe a teeny bit of physics.
I get it. Most of us are not independently wealthy.
Everyone’s busy and in a hurry. Nobody wants garbage quality.
But you may be surprised to know how many people somehow expect high quality at a bargain basement price, all within a week’s time. Consider this post on a UK-based site called PeoplePerHour recently (the portion in quotes is the actual post):
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What’s Your Hurry?
I’ve often wondered what compels someone to rush the publishing process. Oh, I understand excitement as well as anyone. After all, I can barely wait until Christmas Day to give someone their gifts, especially if I’ve already wrapped them. But if you’ve spent hours, days, weeks, months, often YEARS writing and rewriting your book, why would you hurry through the final steps that make it shine?
Better yet, why would you want someone else to race through that final bit of TLC on your manuscript baby? There’s a reason for the old saying “haste makes waste.” Rushing any project—whether it’s writing a book, painting your house, or baking a fancy dessert—rarely yields the best results.
But What About the People Who Tell Me I Can Have It All?
A little plain talk here: they’re lying. No kidding. I don’t say this to discourage you, and I don’t say it so you’ll hire me and not the ever-present “them.”
I say this because it’s a truth that has been proven time and time again. The internet is full of people who promise everything for nothing in no time flat. “I can edit your book for $50!” “Super-quick edits for a super-low price!” The list goes on.
How Fast Can I Get It Done?
Editing a manuscript is nothing like sitting in your favorite chair to read for pleasure. Book revisions take time. Copyediting takes time. Proofreading takes time.
An average-quality fiction manuscript (in pretty decent shape, good grammar for the most part, easy-to-follow plot) allows me to read about 5000 words per hour. If it’s extremely clean with minimum intrusion on my part, I can often manage 8000–10,000 words per hour. Nonfiction manuscripts typically move slower (about 2/3 the speed of fiction), because there are often footnotes or endnotes to check and standardize, references to verify, fact-checking and more, but you get the idea.
Conversely, a manuscript that’s a little rougher around the edges can slow me down to about 2000–3000 words per hour. I’ve copyedited novels that needed so much line editing that I slowed to a crawl of barely 1000 words per hour.
Using our middle school math skills, if a train carrying an average manuscript of an average length is traveling due east at an average speed, and the editor is traveling due west . . . oh, wait. There are no trains. Just my desk and computer. All right, then. Mathematics will still tell me that an average-length manuscript will take about 50–80 hours of work on my part, with two rounds of editing.
What’s It Going to Cost Me?
I cringe when I see the “Any Length Manuscript Edited for $100” advertisements listed on places like Fiverr, Goodreads, Elance, and other race-to-the-bottom job-bidding sites. I liken that to a car mechanic—without ever seeing the car or finding out what may be wrong—telling someone that their repair will cost $100.
The fact is that there are too many variables (quality of writing, manuscript length, genre) that determine the estimated cost. One of those variables ends up being the time involved. As I mentioned above, it takes quite a few hours to go through a manuscript for copyediting, and most editors provide two passes of edits. Work time is valuable, and editors of all types provide a skill set that has value.
Let’s say you find a job you enjoy. Your boss tells you that you’ll be paid $100 for two weeks’ worth of work. Hmm. Maybe you’ve fallen on hard times and really need the money, so you agree. One hundred dollars sounds like a lot, right? Except that when 80 hours of work has been put into the job, you realize you’re only earning $1.25 an hour, and it will take you roughly 70 hours of work at that rate to pay your electric bill for the month, and only if there’s a fluke in payroll and they don’t withhold any taxes. Heck, it will take you at least 20 of those hours to afford a small handful of fruits and vegetables so you can keep up your strength.
Everyone wants a living wage, even copyeditors. The total cost for your book edit will reflect fair compensation for the hours spent.
I’ll Need This Completed in Two Days, Thank You
There are times, as the old FedEx ad used to say, when it “absolutely, positively has to be there overnight.” Maybe someone dropped the ball along the way and now you’re behind schedule. Maybe you’re a poor planner.
Maybe your dog got sick and your beta readers were late and your typesetter is already booked for next week and you regret that crazy moment when you thought you would have had the book finalized already and told everyone to preorder because it would be available BY THIS DATE and now you have very little time for the actual editing process.
It happens.
The problem with making your schedule someone else’s problem (because let’s be frank: that’s exactly what is happening) is that you’re taking time that they may have had planned for something else. Do they need to set aside someone else’s project for a day or two so yours can be the priority? Do they have to work over the weekend, or late into the evening when they typically keep weekday/daytime office hours? Do they have to hire a babysitter because they’ll need to lock themselves in their home office with earplugs and a “DO NOT DISTURB” sign?
Well, you can probably find someone to do the job quickly for you in a pinch, but it’ll cost you. It’s called a “rush fee” for a reason. And the thing about having someone hurry for you is that you need to hire someone who’s exceptional at what they do, so you know the quick action doesn’t leave you with a lack of quality.
Sometimes the speed can be accomplished only by compromising on what gets done. Maybe there’s only time for a single pass. Errors may be missed, but it’s better than nothing. Or perhaps the editor can go through it for typos and punctuation but not sentence structure. Either way, something has to give.
The Bottom Line
What it all boils down to is this: plan ahead for an experienced and recommended editor, save your money for quality work, and allow for enough time to get the job done well. Miracles happen, but never on demand.
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Garage Door Springs, The Danger Zone
Usually, the largest mechanical thing around your house is the overhead garage door - the one you're driving your car through, sometimes without even opening it - I know that you do :-).
The major, and the most dangerous componnent of the overhead door is the garage door spring - (or springs depending on the design), which supports the entire weight of the door panels (sometimes over 400 pounds) and helps you to lift / lower the entire door assembly. I have personally installed 3 overhead garage doors with 2 different types of springs, and you do have to trust me on that - garage door springs are under enormous pressure and you can get seriously injured or even killed when performing such work. If you decide to take your chances - it is imperative that you follow instructions to the last detail! Even if you have a friend or a professional doing it for you, read it and check everything after the installer finishes the job. The garage overhead doors have no safety brakes (at least I haven't heard about any), that would prevent it from falling down when the supporting spring fails. I've found some US patents for such devices, but apparently none of them were ever implemented into an actual garage door.
According to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission, garage overhead door related accidents account for thousands of injuries every year (average of 30000 per year). For example, these injuries are: fractures, crushings and amputations. It is believed that not all injuries are reported in the United States . (CPSC)
There are basically two types of the garage door spring systems utilizing tracks / side rails (at least these are the most common types in Illinois and probably the rest of US):
1. garage door torsion spring(s) which are wound-up on a rod above the garage door opening top section ( door header)
2. garage door extension springs that are attached on either side of the door and stretch along the horizontal part of the track when the door is closed
You might also have an old, one piece door that swings outward as it goes up and overhead. This particular design will have springs mounted on the sides of the door opening - at about your waist height, secured to a lever bracket system that extends the springs toward the ceiling at the door closing. It is an old and extremely dangerous system, not manufactured anymore. If you have such a system in the garage, I'd highly recommend replacing it.
Garage door torsion springs - there are either single or double spring designs. The spring will usually break while under the maximum stress which is when the overhead garage door closes / travels down, or it is already completely closed (USUALLY). If you're closing it manually and it happens during this operation, don't try to prevent it from crushing down, let it go ... well, unless your foot is where the door will slam!
When one of the two garage door springs breaks you need to have them both replaced at the same time! It will cost some extra money, but having an old and new spring installed will:
- put much more stress on the new one
- the door will loose proper balance
- the remaining old garage door spring will most likely break soon
Torsion springs for residential overhead garage doors have anywhere between 5000 - 30000 cycles life span. Those digits represent an average total number of times you should be able to open and close your door before anticipating garage door spring replacement.
Garage door extension springs - you might have either one or two on each side of your overhead garage door A critical issue with those springs is to have a safety cable installed inside of each single spring and secured properly, so when the door opens and closes, the spring can freely slide on this cable! When the garage door spring snaps without the cable inside, broken ends might severely injure anyone standing within their range. The cables should be always included with the overhead garage doors hardware (assuming that they came equipped with extension springs), but A LOT OF PEOPLE either forget to install them, or don't read instructions and maybe assume that they are not required. Unlike the torsion spring, which doesn't really show any visual wear until it breaks, extension spring wear is much easier to spot, because they simply change dimensions: the coils are over-stretched (best visible when the garage door is open). If you notice such a behavior on your garage door springs - it's time for a replacement.
And for both types of the garage door springs - their tension should be evenly adjusted (on a two spring system) so the overhead door travels properly in its tracks - to test it, stop the door slightly above the garage floor (1" or two) and make sure that its bottom / top edge are perfectly horizontal. Measuring the gap along the bottom might not be the best way to confirm that, because the garage floors are often out of level. Placing a level somewhere in the center section of the garage door top edge would give you the best readout (remember that the door should not be closed completely!). When the springs are properly adjusted, you should be able to raise and stop the garage door at any height, and it should stay at this level without any assistance ( garage door opener arm disconnected).
Important things to remember:
1. Check the rollers / hinges, cables, and the overhead garage door springsoften to ensure they are in good working condition
2. Educate your children about garage door safety
3. Never leave children and disabled persons unattended near or in a garage door path
4. Keep your body clear of the door path when closing
5. Don't leave a personal property underneath an open garage door
6. Read more about the garage door opener and other garage components
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BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What does it mean when a person put you under their car insurance?
im getting my own car and my brother in law said that he would put me under his car insurance what does this mean? does it mean i will be having my car under his insurance with the same policy and i will be paying the same amount as he is or does it mean that i would be having my own insurance policy and i would bee paying a whole different amount?
Does Lowest Quote Wins really lower your insurance to $15 per month?
I saw one of their ads on a car today and was obviously intrigued. How legit is it?
How much did your car insurance go up when your teen began to drive?
How much did it rise? Did they get their own car or did they drive yours? Did they have a good student discount? Did they take drivers ed (and get a discount)? Are they a boy or a girl? Anything Else? Thanks... Just trying to figure out how much ours is going to go up
Is it legal for our group insurance company to mandate life insurance?
Our group health insurance provider is now saying we have to buy life insurance through one of its wholly owned subsidiaries. Is this legal in the State of Ohio?
Does anyone know if State Auto Insurance Agency is a good insurance?
I am looking for auto/home owners insurance was quoted a great premium with State Auto, but wasn't sure how good of insurance they are.""
Am I able to drive my -just bought- car without insurance?
I just bought my car one day ago and i only have the contract but not the title, am i able to drive the car at all or is there a law that lets me drive the car within a certain amount of time without insurance on it in minnesota?""
That great republican healthcare plan of out of state insurance co.?
Like here in California where an Indiana company, Wellpoint, buys out Blue Cross of California, renames it Anthem and jacks up private rates 39%. How is that going to save me money?""
What are the best cars with cheap insurance?
l am 19 and l know insurance aren't cheap at my age but l need a car that has a cheaper insurance. So far l've looked into a Nissan Micra 1997, Volkswagen Polo 1 litre and Peugeot. Is there any other cars that are good and strong but won't cost so much to insure?""
If you have fully comp insurance can you drive any car?
Basically my friend and I are having an argument - she says I can drive her car and vice versa as we both have fully comp insurance?? But I think you need to be a named driver to drive a car. Also if you don't have fully comp but the car your driving does is that still legal 2? Many Thanks
Has anyone got car insurance with the Cooperative?
what are they like?, good service etc? would you recommend""
Is Bristol West Insurance a good company?
I am looking to change my insurance company and got a really good quote on insurance, but it's seems a bit too good. Does anyone have any information regarding this company? I found them through Farmers Insurance Group.""
Do you think my car insurance would go up?
I am 18 years old. If my father were to buy me an Eclipse, do you think my car insurance would raise?""
How much should I be paying for Car Insurance? - 99 Honda Accord 26yr old male?
I have a 1999 Honda Accord , Fair condition, 124,000 miles. I am paying aprox 1500 per year for my plan. I am 26 with some points . Last Ticket was in Jan 2005 speeding, one other ticket in 2004. Clean since then. One accident that was not my fault. Should I drop my collison and does anyone have an idea on what a typical plan would run me? I feel like a 1500 dollar plan on a car that is worth 4500-5000 blue book car is a bit much. Thanks""
What doctors or insurance that accepts MEDI-CAL CARE IN CALIFORNIA?
Car Insurance Claim for a respray?
My Ford Galaxy 1998 has lots of scratches all over the body work. Some are malicious where someone has keyed the car, others are from where a car has parked next to me and scratched mine, but the most recent one is from when i reversed into a pillar and scratched the back end. The question i'm asking everyone is am i able to claim on my car insurance for the malicious scratches? For the damage done by another car that i didn't report? And also the damage i caused? I have 6 years no claims bonus (protected) will it be affected? and an excess of 150. Am i able to make a claim for all the damage or will i need to pay where i have damaged it? Any advice please.""
Driving Insurance Quotes ?
Im 17 years old and currently taking driving lessons. Does anyone know if I can find out insurance quotes for cars at this age without holding a full UK licence at the moment. I just wanted to find out prices on insurance for me to get a rough idea of insurance quotes for different cars.
""Oklahoma speeding ticket, 9 mph over; will it affect my insurance?""
I got a ticket for going 49 in a 40 a few days ago. I don't usually speed, generally I just do 5 over. Wasn't aware that the section of road I was on was 40, the officer was sitting just in front of where it goes up to 45 apparently, but I was still speeding, and I'm going to pay it. My roommate mentioned that any speeding ticket that's 10 mph or less over the limit won't affect your insurance rate. Is this true? That would be really helpful, I used to be a habitual speeder and I've got quite a few tickets still on my record. Also, please don't answer based on what you THINK, I don't know how often that happens on here. References would be great.""
Might be pregnant need affordable med insurance?
Im 18, my parents don't have any kind of insurance, I might be pregnant(my parents have no idea), I am in the process of getting a job as a Habilitation worker but they don't give me any insurance. what should I do?""
What if insurance wants to change my sons counselor?
He has been seen by an out of network provider for over 6 years and approved...now at the age of 13 they want to force me to get a in network provider. My son has flourished with this counselor and trusts him...why should he have to change? Haven't the insurance company set a presidence? Any good web sights I can look this up on? Any help would be appreciated...I plan on fighting this.
Cheapest insurance companies in the UK for new/young drivers?
I have recently bought a car, I am 18 years old and my driving test is on the 18th of December. Obviously I need to insure the car for when I pass but I was looking for a relatively cheap insurance company because obviously they're rediculously expensive. any advice? Thanks.""
I have full coverage insurance n my car was stolen n impounded should yhe insurance pay inpound fees?
I have full coverage insurance n my car was stolen n impounded should yhe insurance pay inpound fees?
Does anyone know any cheap car insurance companies for new drivers?
I am coming up to 19 (1 week) and have had my UK Full Manual license since December 2012, it's now May 2013. I have tried everything to find cheap car insurance online and it's virtually impossible! I don't know if it's my area that I live causing it to be so high, or my lack of experience with driving. I have tried different addresses (i.e. family members) not in to be fraudulent but to see if it is the area, which is proving to be quite true. But I've tried insurance comparison websites and asked friends who they got their insurance from and still no good. My cheapest quote is around 2,000 which I just can't afford. I am going to university in September and will be going on various placements within the weeks I am there, so a car would really help get me to places easily. I was wondering if anyone had any tips on lowering the cost of insurance, somehow? I've tried all these telematic sites but it's still too high. Also, could anyone recommend any sites I could try for my insurance quotes? N.B. I haven't purchased a car yet (as there is no point if I can't afford insurance) but is there a year which can help to lower the cost of car insurance? Such as, rather than having a 10 year old car (03 reg) having a 3-4 year old car? Any specific year? Thanks very much.""
Do you have to have car insurance to legally drive?
Do you? and do you have to have car insurance to buy a used car say from maybe someone on craigslist? can you get a license plate for your new used car if you don't have car insurance?
Car Insurance Coverage?
I've a question regarding car insurance coverage. If I scraped my car while parking in a garage will they cover the repairs for it? What portion of the insurance coverage is that? Would it be comprehensive? Thanks.
What is the best source to compare the insurance costs for all model of cars and trucks?
I am looking for a list that has the average insurance rates for different model of cars. I need makes and models listed all together in a single source, and don't have the time to compare just 3 or four models at a time, nor go on line and check out one at a time. I need something in a spreadhsheet, or that I can cut and paste into a spreadsheet.""
nj manufacturers home insurance quotes
nj manufacturers home insurance quotes
If a car looks fast will insurance cost more?
its for a new driver. say they were driving a muscle car with a small block 350 and it also looks fast would insurance in anyway be affected? would an older car cost more insurance because of less safety features?
How much will it cost me to register my motorcycle its a ninja 250 i live in florida ?
i am 17. please do not judge me on my age. also how much am i looking at for insurance ? who do you recommend ? allstate, progressive, geico, statefarm ? how about insurance providers that are big known companies? i dont know the word im looking for.""
Got my first speeding ticket. How much will my insurance go up?
I was on my way to work and I got clocked at 65 mph in a 50 mph zone. I haven't told my parents and I am scared for when they find out. It's my first speeding ticket and even the first time I had ever been pulled over. The ticket was for $103.33. I paid for it and it is all taken care of I think. I was driving my mom's new car. My brother has had a lot of traffic tickets on the same insurance too, but not the same car. So how much do you think the insurance is going to go up? Or do you think it is going to go up at all?""
Will you get a better quote on auto insurance if you are single or in a relationship?
I was just wondering if you get a better quote saying that you are single or saying that you are in a domestice relationship? or do you get a better quote if you are married? Also, do you get a better quote if the car is only used for pleasure or for work/school?""
Car insurance and the meaning to it.?
how does exactly car insurance work, when people say are you on his/her policy, premium insurance and so on... i am new to cars in a perspective point i am a new learner towards driving and i want to start learning what these words mean and what they do. if you could analysis the word CAR INSURANCE any specific site where i could learn these words from top to bottom of the meaning car insurance. thank you""
Help with car insurance?
I was just wondering if instead of paying me (16) paying a 300 to 400 dollar car insurance payment every month under my name if it is possible for my dad to just put the car under his name and then have a waaaaay lower car insurance payment. Can we do this or is this illegal?
How much would my insurance cost?
I can't seem to get some of the online quotes to work?? I'm 21, have been driving since I was 16, with NO blemishes on my record. I (will) drive a 2006 Acura TL. Just a ball park number. Thanks!""
How old to Sell Life and Health Insurance in Kansas?
Today I had an interview for Penn Life Insurance, and Im 17. He told me to join license2go so they could prepare me for my license test, and then to take my test. Well I was wondering if I had to be 18 to sell insurance? how would I approach him on this manner?""
Car insurance for husband and wife.?
Recently I went to insure my daughter and her car in the company me and my wife have been insured for some time. I wanted to include myself in her insurance but it went up in premiums a lot and we decided to insure her without me as an additional driver. Before that (last year to be exact) I insured my wife and I was included as a second driver. Basically, I was advised to do so on the basis that it would be cheaper. I heard about this option before and therefore did not check it properly with this company. This time (with my daughter) this option went an opposite way with higher premiums, so I asked them whether I can exclude myself from my wife's insurance as well because my insurance allows me to drive any car, but was told: ...because you are husband and wife, by law you cannot drive her car without being included in her insurance policy whatsoever... I am suspicious about this statement now and feel that I am being cheated. Does anybody know whether this rule exist or is it just the usual salesmen lie? Thank you.""
What is auto insurance ?
can anybody explain what is auto insurance ?
Whats the best insurance company for a young driver?
just passed my driving test and was wondering what the cheapest insurance company for young drivers is?
Question about delaying the individual mandate portion of the Affordable Healthcare act.?
Since the Affordable Healthcare Act is based primarily on the individual mandate, if the mandate is delayed by 1 year, what happens to those who have already lost their current health ...show more""
If your 18 how much do u pay for your car insurance?
If your 18 how much do u pay for your car insurance?
Is it legal for me to drive my friends car with my own insurance?
So my friend and I bought a car, however he does not have insurance yet, and I have comprehensive, liability and theft insurance for my own vehicle which is a Honda, now while I use his car, would it be legal for me to drive the car using my own insurance card? I have a notarized letter from my friend that I am allowed to use the car.""
18 Year Old car Insurance?
I'm 18 turning 19 this April. Passed my test last November and of course looking for a cheap car insurance. I've been quoted for around 3-600!! I know I shouldn't be shocked. Researching, I've read that some 18yr old girl got a car insurance worth around 995 a year. Driving a Peugeot 106 1124 cc. Both parents drive. This is really cheap and I'm wondering how she got the quote?? DO U THINK SHE USED HER PARENTS NAMES?? like fronting perhaps?? Thanks""
How can one state offer more affordable insurance than another?
If Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield can compete nationwide as many others do it is not as though national insurance companies lack competition. So my question is; if every major insurance provider who could provider the greatest value due to economy of scale(greatest risk pool) in this nation how could a small company out bid a large one when faced with risk pools without cherry picking? How could insurance from one state be cheaper than another unless to bypass quality regulations and sell crap insurance?
California earthquake insurance?
Looking for other Californian's out there that have earthquake insurance and about how much it costs per year.
I need cheap auto liability insurance can anyone recommend a good company?
I need cheap auto liability insurance can anyone recommend a good company?
Medican Insurance after 21 years old???????
I am 20 years old i will be 21 soon , i heard that my medican insurance will be cut when i am 21 years old ... Can some one please tell me what i can do to keep my insurance ???? WIll going to school full time help, working ... anything please just tell me anything that u know.""
Best insurance in Illinois?
I am a young adult, soon I will start going to college and I would like to know what insurance would be best and cheapest, because I will need a lot of money for college. Thanks in advance""
Which car would have the highest insurance rates out of these?
1. 2001 Audi TT Coupe 33,000 miles 2. 2007 Saturn Sky Convertible 8,603 miles 3. 2006 Volkswagen Jetta 31,000 miles 4. 2007 Scion tC 39,000 miles I am 16, and these are all stick shifts, and when i get one of these 4 in December, i think the one of the biggest factors for me at least comes down to insurance costs.""
How much is the insurance on 50cc scooter for a 16 year old?
Please could you tell me the amount for full comp, cheers""
Car insurance help plz?
Hi. I am under 25yrs old every insurance company i have spoken to quoted me a very high price for a 1.4litre. does anyone know any cheap insurers for under 25's. had no accidents, no claims, clean license also what price range is reasonable for fully comp/3rd party F&T. (United Kingdom) Thankyou very Much.""
Why car insurance quote from tesco is 550 whereas competitors quote over 1000 ?
i went through swinton, axa ,norwich union, high performance, churchil, and a couple others. they did not even come close...is this possible? i am a bit suspicious, if that tesco quote is reliable, but they say when i call that i can complete the whole process online and i do enter the same detail as on other websites.""
What is the best and most affordable home owner's insurance in Texas?
What is the best and most affordable home owner's insurance in Texas?
nj manufacturers home insurance quotes
nj manufacturers home insurance quotes
Multiple auro insurance for vehicles in different states?
Me and my fiancee are relocating to different states for new job. I am moving to south Carolina and she is moving to san diego, California. We have multiple vehicle insurance discount now. If we move is it better to register both vehicles in one state to save on insurance , title and registration. I heard it is expensive to register vehicles in california. Can I register the vehicle in my name in south carolina. she is going to be there working at UCSD and the stay is temporary (max 2 years) or is it against the law?""
Average Insurance Cost For Pest Control Business?
On Average What Is The Cost Of Insurance Of A Pest Control Business In Florida?? Thanks.
Why are republicans fighting the health insurance mandate and not fighting the car insurance mandate?
If you have to buy car insurance and get penalized for driving without car insurance, whats the difference here? Its as much a privilege to drive as it is to receive healthcare. However no one thinks its an over reach of government to mandate car insurance. When you get in a car accident with an uninsured driver you have to pay for your own damage, so how different is it then when americans use the public healthcare system, the government has to use TAX DOLLARS to pay for their health care. Also why is it being categorized as a Government Takeover of Healthcare ? If I buy health insurance wouldnt it be more like a Privatization of Healthcare seeing that instead of having vast amounts of tax dollars going into the system, the health system would now be funded by the insurance companies by paying out claims.""
Am i covered under my parents car insurance?
i have my license, im 16 and i sometimes drive my parents car; am i covered under their insurance? i think they added me in their insurance. im asking because i have friends at school that drive their parents car, but have their own insurance, and its expensive. so how come they have to pay their own insurance, and im covered under my parents? and when my parents added me did their rates go up? thanks for your help oh and i think i have statefarm""
Where can a 16 year old get cheap moped insurance?
I'm 16 a need a moped to commute to college. Where can I find an insurer that doesn't think that every teenager is a boy racer! I've had several years of cycling on the road, would that reduce my quote? Thanks :)""
Insurance on a car lease?
My insurance guy gave me below basic coverage on a lease which requires something like 100,000/300,000/100,000 but he did basic full coverage(something cheaper like 10/20/10) In the contract it states i must have 100/300/100 as the requirement but the insurance guy who does insurance for a lot of people says lower coverage should work. I just added it on and it's fine, so the insurance (progressive) sent me a letter saying I have to pay extra for adding a 3rd vehicle but nothing about the coverage amount. Will they later require I add more coverage? I don't see why I need 300k on a car that costs only 40 grand. people drive around with PIP 10/20/10 and that's good enough for the state. I have an excellent driving record with 0 accidents and have been driving for about 10 years. I realize I have ****ty insurance but insurance is a huge rip off so I want to spend as little as possible and deal with accidents out of my own pocket.""
Cheaper auto insurance. Paying like 1500 a year for insurance right now for 2007 civic?
I have amica and not the lowest rate possible by them I know but interested in looking around. I'm 25. Just graduated from college not long ago. live in ny. have a 2007 lx civic. Any insurance companies you recommend for a cheap rate. Have a clean driving history. thanks
Renault clio 1.3L 16v Insurance costs?
how much will it cost to insure me in a Renault Clio 1.3L 16v when i am 17 using a provisional license
What is the best lowest cost insurance for a first time driver?
ok. i just got my learners permit. i had wondered what would be the best car insurance company too look to for getting my actual license. and has the lowest monthly rate, with the best coverage. i will never get a dui since i will never drive drunk. i have never had a ticket, i have excellent credit, i do not own a home so i don't want a insurance bundle, i'm in north carolina, i drive a volvo, i have never had a wreck . so i'm looking to good driving discount minus the privacy invading snap shot from progressive. and no dui discount. and good credit discount. exc anyone know of the best insurance company to look to?""
Which is the cheapest car insurance in Louisiana?
Which is the cheapest car insurance in Louisiana?
Insurance For A 18 Year old (super car)?
I'm 18 Years old and My great uncle passed away leaving me with ALOT of money Ive decided I want to get a 2002 Lamborghini Murcielago Ive gotten a great deal on one for 95k Could somebody please tell me what the insurance cost would be I live in Florida and would not use this as my primary Vehicle but would use it non the less Please don't be rude or sarcastic I realize I didn't earn this money and I'm not buying it to show off Its just been a car Ive dreamed of owning since i was 9 Being that this isn't a newer Lamborghini that cost hundreds of thousands how much would you say the insurance would cost and who would be the best to go with?
""My husband and I are self employed, he is in heart faiure, our insurance premiums were 800 month, now doubled?""
Our insurance premiums have doubled in fourteen months. This is the cost of my husbands insurance premium only. I have had to go with another insurance company. How can you force me to pay these premiums. It is literally causing us to go broke. I live in Texas and have found a high risk insurance pool that is still 1100 a month, and does not cover as much. How are you going to help people like us?????""
Should you get insurance on a rental car?
I'm taking a trip later this month and will rent a car for a couple of days. Should I choose insurance, the minimal cost is around $8 per day, so it's not too much or anything. I was wondering if most people got the insurance just in case something happens. Normally I would, but I always hear people say that getting insurance for these kinds of things is stupid.""
Cheapest car insurance for 18 Y/O male?
Im getting quoted 8000-11,000 for a group one insurance 107. my mate was quoted 2000 for a 1.8 mini one. ive tried all comparison sites admiral, churchill and directline but they are unable to quote. im going on my mums policy or dads btw. Thanks for any help.""
""Car insurance question, custom-built cars?""
I was watching a SciFi show where a company in Florida builds cars. From a welded frame, up! For street driving. Can you get insurance to drive such a car? You cannot say 'Ford, ...show more""
Cost of liability insurance for medical doctor?
What's the average cost for a private physician's liability insurance? What tips and advice do you have for someone starting a private practice?
Do teens need full coverage insurance...?
..to get their license? I'm getting mine in less than two weeks and I need to know!
Is there a cheap auto insurance i can get while i have my learners permit?? everything is so catch 22?
Its like you have to have insurance to buy a car, but you have to have the car to take the drivers test. So im really confused, and i need to know if theres insurance for me while i have my learners permit?""
Unlicensed Driver / Settle w/o car insurance?
Someone borrowed my car and got into a minor accident. Turns out they have a suspended license :( He told the other driver he would pay for damages, just give him 2 estimates. He didn't get the other drivers info at all (grrr!) .. only gave him info from my insurance card and his cell number. A few days go by and no contact from other driver. Today my insurance company calls me asking for details! :( Now what do I do!? Can this still be settled without the insurance company?? I've never had to deal with insurance companies before so I dont know what to tell them and I want to minimize any trouble I may be in now thanks to friend who borrowed car!""
Am I going to be late on my car insurance?
My car insurance is due tomorrow. I ended up setting up a payment for it online today but the payment won't transfer until the 22nd. Will this be considered late for my insurance ...show more
Cheap car insurance for a 17 year old male on a Vauxhall Corsa?
I'm looking to buy a 1.0 Litre Corsa, but all quotes are coming out at around 2500. I've even tried the companies that monitor you by GPS and there prices are even more expensive :L Please, any cheap companies, or tips and tricks to get the price down?""
Lapse in coverage on auto insurance?
I let my coverage for my motorcycle lapse for 4 days. I am insured through progressive. How will this effect me?
""Why do we call life insurance, life insurance?
when it pays you for dying. Annuities are really life insurance. They pay you in case you live.
Which job has cheapest car insurance?
what job do i have to get to get real cheap car insurance
How can I get my first ever used car if I don't have any auto insurance b4?
So here is the conflict: I can't drive the used car off the lot if I don't have insurance. But to get the insurance, I need to have the car purchased first. Am I missing something here?""
nj manufacturers home insurance quotes
nj manufacturers home insurance quotes
""What are the best ways for a new, young driver to get cheap(ish) car insurance?""
I have been looking online on countless insurance websites and comparison sites and the lowest quote I get to insure a 689cc Smart ForTwo is around 2000. That is almost as much as the car!! The cheapest quote I have so far is from DirectLine (1800). I mean, seriously, all I want this car for is to travel back and forth from college because the public transport is so unreliable. I know it's going to be high because there are so many male chavs who drive around hitting everything and making claims all the time, but, its a Smart car! Not exactly a chav-mobile! What to do? I'm going to take the PassPlus, btw.""
Is affordable (not free) health care a right or a privilege?
There are many constituancies in this debate not the least of which is individual health responsibility. That said the costs are driven in large part by greed. Insurance, hospitals, doctors, drug companies, lawyers, restaurants and the food industry and fraudsters all have a dog in this fight. If affordable health care is believed to be a right (I believe it is) then all of these constituants need to come together. Al Tennessee""
Drivers: How much do you pay car insurance?
Please state: Licence type Years driving Gender Age Engine size
Auto Insurance Question/Teen Driver?
Our teen is about to get his learner's permit. At what point am I obligated to notify my auto insurance company that our son is now a driver.....when he gets his learner's permit or when he gets his actual driver's license? I'm wondering at what point my rates will increase as a result of needing to insure my son. The state is Vermont. Thanks!
Someone crashed into me will their insurance pay for my car?
So I was going down a main street when this guy passed the stop sign. We made a police report and he took the blame but the cop wanted to blame it on me. Now the other car has insurance but it wasn't the guys car. Will their insurance still pay for mine. Some one please answer quick.
How would insurance be on these cars?
first of all plz dont tell me call insurance or that im to young and dont need these cars and should get a camry. i just turned 17 and just got a job at In n Out and by my senior year in highschool which is after this summer i want to get a car and my parents would help me but everytime i ask them they say dont talk about it untill you have 2500$-_- so i was just wondering how much is insurance on these cars i have in mind, first, nissan 350z(any year) honda s2000(any year) mazda miata(1998-2004) and last a scion tc (2004-2008) the car will be under MY MOMS name and i will be put as an additional driver but not main driver or however you put it. can i just have the price ranges it doesnt have to be exact, if it help i live in califronia Orange county anaheim thanks guys""
Affordable Dental Insurance in NY?
I live in Queens NY and I have no dental insurance. My mother works but she doesn't make a good amount and my father is unemployed. She has medical insurance, Aetna, but it doesn't cover dental and I need to have 1 stupid root canal done and it will cost 2000 w/o insurance. Anybody, I need help. I am also a student in college, so any help, I really need it.""
How much would insurance be on a 2007 scion tc in Texas?
Im 19 and about to purchase a 07 tc, but I dont know the average cost of insurance for a tc would be""
What's the cheapest deal/ car insurance i can get as an 18 year old girl (just passed)?
Passed my test yesterday. Which car/ which insurers would be the cheapest. I would happily have a black box etc. Might it be cheaper to have a parent as the named driver? I need to find insurance for around 1000 ideally. (Less would be great but don't think its likely). Thank you
Car insurance is soooo expensive is there an alternative???!!?
i am 17, i have a toyota carolla, and my dad tells me i have to pay him $200 a month for our unsurance which is carnall insurance. This is way too much for me too be paying, im not even 18, is there an alternative cheaper car insurance i live in the state of CT. Thanks.""
What are my rights? re: car insurance?
I'm a bit short of money at the moment, so on the 31st January i phoned my car insurance company and asked them to suspend my insurance. They told me the direct debit request for February had been sent on the 29th January, which they couldn't stop, and would be taken from my bank account on the 1st February and i would later bee refunded that amount. Today i received a letter in the post telling me they would hold the payment and use it when i continue the policy or use it towards a cancellation fee if I don't unsuspend the policy. The policy ends in June! The reason i cancelled is because im on benefits and just don't have the money to afford this right now. Anything i can do?""
Where can I find an affordable party hall in brooklyn for less than $2500?
I want to plan a surprise 21st birthday party. So far, I haven't been able to find anything for less than $2500 for less than 100 people. Can anybody please help!!!!!""
Is there such thing as Bicycle Insurance?
When I say Bicycle Insurance, I mean that the insurance company will pay for repairs.""
Insurance quotes for a 2006 Mitsubishi Eclipse ??
i'm 16 and i need to know where i can go online to get a quote, without people calling me. i just want to know how much it's gonna be every 6 months or every month, etc. online .... THANK YOU ALL !!!!""
Buyin a car? Insurance driving it back?
Hi i may be purchasing a car this evening. Can any1 tell me how i get it back do i need some sort of cover note? I am 19 and was a named driver on my uncles insurance on my previous car. Now don't have a car but buyin this one tonight its only 10mins drive. will i be ok or not ?
Wow does anybody else have insurance this cheap?!?!?!?!?
I just bought a2005 Suzuki GSXR 600 Sportbike ( high powered). I got my insurance and They quted me $7.65 every 6 months for liability and 75.68 for fukll coverage, which I got. I know some people that are paying 800.00 every six months for this bike. I have been with the company (State Farm) since I was 16 and have nothing on my record. I am 25 now. Anybody getting this good of a deal???""
I need health insurance?
I am a 21 year old women, healthy.. And I am in need of health insurance that wont cost me an arm and a leg. Does anyone have any suggestions.. I looked online, and every site suggested that united health one.. Does anyone have,or has had this insurance. Thanks""
Whos the cheapest car insurance companys for first time drivers?
Whos the cheapest car insurance companys for first time drivers?
Suggestions for a first car? Cheap on insurance etc.?
I'm looking for my first car, but I can't seem to find any I like. I like 1999 Vauxhall Astra and Peugeot 206, 207 and rcz. I don't like new cars, I prefer the older ones if that's any help. Anyone know any good cars to have as a first car that's cheap on insurance ? Thanks in advance :)!""
How much does motorcycle insurance cost???
im 20 with a 02 gsxr 600 in NJ
Does anyone know where you can buy individual medical insurance? Epileptic reasons!?
Insurance expired.
What is the difference between the Auto Insurance Law and the new Health care law?
Now that some Americans will have to buy health insurance what that makes a difference with buying auto insurance.
Do you need insurance for a driver's permit?
I'm hearing different things from all different places and rather than sifting through all of the crap at the dmvedu website I thought I'd ask you guys and get a straight answer. Do I need insurance to get my permit, or just for my liscense? I live in California, by the way, if that makes any difference with the law.""
Car insurances when ur under 18?
i dont get insuraces... if the car is insured (my parent car) can i drive it? or when do i need to be insured? i live in california and i have a permit right now
nj manufacturers home insurance quotes
nj manufacturers home insurance quotes
0 notes
texas insurance health
"texas insurance health
texas insurance health
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much does a car inspection cost?
I need to get my car inspected (just bought it and I need it for insurance, the car was actually recently inspected by the previous owner). How much does that usually cost? I know a guy who charges $37 is that the going rate?""
Dented vehicle? How much more is no deductible auto insurance?
some time ago I dented my car as a result of backing into a pole and I have never gotten it fixed because I cant afford the deductible and I have been with the same insurance company since that time so is it ok to just change to a no deductible insurance policy and than maybe report it and have it fixed-I'm not trying to be dishonest-Im sure I would be just paying the difference for having no deductable monthly. Also, is there even a time limit to report an accident? I dont even know the exact date, but I was with the same insurance company""
Why is car insurance mandatory but not health insurance?
Say you have mandatory car insurance but not health insurance and you get in a car accident and get injured; your mandatory car insurance covers your car but what about you?
UK Car insurance in-between switching cars?
To keep things simple I am calling the current car I have Car A and the new car as Car B. I have insurance that runs out on CAR A in 2 months time which I want to keep on the basis that I don't want to lose my no claims bonus for this current year by cancelling the insurance. I was planning to switch cars in 2 months anyway but have found CAR B at a very competitive price with all the extras I need. (Car B comes taxed and MOTd). I currently cant change my policy from car A to car B as the provider says the update will increase my premium to over 2000 just for the remaining 2 months! I am a young driver so I am not able to get temporary car insurance either. My question is what are my options other than simply buying car B now and letting it sit on the driveway for 2 months waiting for my current policy to expire? E.g.is it possible to take out insurance on car B without NCB now and add ncb 2 months after the policy has started? Any other loop holes you clever poeple can think of?
Car insurance question?
Im currently a proposed driver on an car insurance policy(FULLY COMP) on a Fiat Punto and im 19. My elder brother is getting a Vauxhall VXR and said if he is insured on the car (fully comp) and said if i drive his car, i am legally allowed to drive it but i will only be covered under Third Party. Can someone outline the Rights and Wrongs? Is it actually legal? any problems which may arise?""
Driving school and car insurance?
does going to driver's ed help you get better or cheaper car insurance?
What company provides a good low cost life insurance policy for older people?
My father just retired, but he is stubborn and against getting a life insurance policy. I would like one to cover expenses he may leave behind and to take care of his wife, but he just doesn't see the need for some reason. His wife (my mother) is also the same way and they are too old fashioned and set in their ways to change their way of thinking. My parents are not rich and does not have a lot of money saved up. As a result, I may have to pay it myself even though I am supporting my own family on a single income. Obviously, the older one gets, the more expensive a life insurance policy becomes. Does anyone know of any good, reliable low cost life insurance companies out there? He doesn't have any major problems, but it would be best if there are some that doesn't require any health checks.""
Is the insurance is cheaper if the car is fully paid?
so i checked the esurance company site's quote, i was checking out the subaru wrx 05, when its on lease.. the insurance is $500/month, but if fully paid $170/month both of them are in minimum coverage. im just getting insurance just for the heck of it. is this just a glitch or real?""
""CAR INSURANCE FOR A 17-YEAR-OLD, 5000 quotes. Genuinely can't find any quotes less than 5000.?""
1.3 KA 2002, immobiliser, no tracker fitted yet (intend on). Not bought the car. 17-year-old as the main driver and owner, passed a month ago (roughly). I know it's obvious, but KAs are the easiest cars to buy, the car is valued at 995 (the one in mind). I can literally find 5000 quotes. The car is worth less than one fifth of this. And yes, I know that car insurance will be expensive, but reading over forums etc, some people have managed to get it down to 2000. I've tried Diamond, elephant, comparethemarket, gocompare, literally everywhere. Admiral won't give me a quote and places like Tesco will only quote 18-year-olds. I will literally LOVE anyone who knows of any quotes around 2000-3000. And I realise that insurance companies take the Michael, but please don't state the obvious with a comment like Insurance will be expensive - 5000 is about right , surely it can't be, I've found so many forums of people saying they have quotes from 2000, but not telling me where from. ):""
Is it true that most Americans that have health insurance are getting it from the federal government or their?
state? If this is true why not have affordable health care for all. We can't all work for the federal government or for the state we live in. Most companies can't afford ...show more
How much would I pay for the Insurance Renewal?
I recently had a car accident with my brand new 4WD vehicle. The front part were badly damaged and is now in the manufacturer's garage. Good thing I didn't get any physical injury as the vehicle's air bag went off just on time and my comprehensive insurance will cover for the agency repairs. My question is, assuming that I'll never encounter another major accident for the next 11 months, how much(more or less) would I pay for the vehicle's insurance renewal next year after it has been assessed by a qualified individual. As early as now, I want to have an idea how the insurance company will compute for my insurance renewal and what are other factors do they consider say I paid them around $1,300 for this year's fee. I hope someone could give me an idea re insurance renewal and other pertinent info re this matter.""
How much is car insurance on a new 911 gt2 Porsche?
I am a 25 year old who recently became very successful in the automotive industry and I decided I wanted to get a Porsche. Now i know about how much it is to keep a Porsche maintained because i have worked on them but i am not sure on the insurance. Please help anyway you can. And for the record i am not getting a quote from any website because i do not feel comfortable giving away personal information to an insurance company before i decide to use them.
How much is car insurance for teens ?
I live in California
Which insurance company is the cheapest for a young female?
This is for a car, and i was thinking about sharing with my mum on her vehicle ( a rav 4, 1400cc, 4x4 ) Don't know if that will help/make a difference, but any help from you would be greatly appreciated, Thanks [=""
Does anyone in Las Vegas know where I can get Dirt cheap car insurance if so please provide a number and name.
Thanks for your help!!!
""Found a Cheaper Car Insurance, What to do?""
Dear Mates, My car insurance is just started 5 days ago. I have paid them around 300 as deposit. I have found somewhere more cheaper then recent one. If I want to finish my policy with them, How much do they Refund me. Please help me if you knows. Thanks""
What is a good insurance company for a young female driver?
I'm 18 and passed my test about 10 months ago... what would be a good insurance company?I've heard that female only companies can offer cheaper quotes. Also if you can suggest any cars that are easy to insure for a first time driver Thanks
Where is some good places (affordable) to get health insurance for the unemployed ( like babysitters)?
Where is some good places (affordable) to get health insurance for the unemployed ( like babysitters)?
""My daughter will be 26 12/6/2012, can she obtain insurance through the Affordable Care Act and how?""
My daughter will be 26 12/6/2012, can she obtain insurance through the Affordable Care Act and how? She has serious health issues and medication we will not be able to afford with no insurance.""
""Will the health insurance companies that we have continue to raise their prices 200-2,000/year? How can-?
businesses pay for this except to basically drop coverage or take it all out of your salary and raises? Our raises are already frozen at 2% due to the economy.
How can i get insurance for my kid in nj from the state?
I cant afford insurance for my kid can i get it threw nj from the state
What will happen if my wife gets pregnant and we dont' have health insurance?
They can't refuse prenatal care can they? Would we have $40,000 in medical bills? What would happen? We aren't poor, we just have horrible insurance through both of our workplaces.""
""I crashed my car and wrote it off, is it worth claiming on my car insurance?""
I was driving down the road and the rear tyre blew out which sent me accross the road into a tree then catapulted me into another tree into a ditch. The car is a write off! luckily i only have very bad whip lash and bruises. The car is only worth book price of 500 max, i have 4 years no claims. Is it worth claiming on the insurance or not I do have Fully comprehensive. Can i get anything for personal injury as i am unable to work at the moment. Not to mention i need to purchase a new car. Any help much appreciated.""
Best Car Insurance For A 15 1/2 Year Old In California?
Im Turning 15 1/2 Soon, And Im Ready To Take Drivers Ed And Drivers Training.. And I Need I To Find Insurance, That IS CHEAP, I Cant Spend That Much Per Month On Insurance. My Parents Car Insurance Which Is AAA.. Only Insures Drivers Over The Age Of 21 Or Something Like That. I Just Need To Know What Insurance Is Cheapest For Me?.. And Is There Insurance What Insures Me For Whatever Car I Drive? Do I Need To Get Insurance On Every Car I Drive.""
Has the Affordable Care act made your health insurance more affordable?
Mine is going up $150 every two weeks for a $4500 in network $9000 out of network plan starting next year. Seems most people I talk to report similar numbers.
texas insurance health
texas insurance health
Short Term Car Insurance in California?
I moved from California to Japan about a year ago, and naturally, I canceled my US car insurance. Soon I will be visiting the USA for about 24 days, and I'd like to be able to drive during that time. I've made arrangements to borrow a car from my parents, so that part's fine- my question is, how do I go about getting insured for this temporary period? (In case it matters, I am 28 years old, not financially dependent on my parents and am a worker not a student)""
Up to how much can health insurance cost?
I'm doing a speech about why I think health care should be free, so I'm wondering whats the range of cost on health insurance?""
Massachusetts car registration/insurance?
I need a bit of help here people. Most likely from someone in the Mass area. I just bought a car in RI (Private deal, used). I have a Mass license, so that's where it will be registered. My question is pertaining to where the car is being kept. I work and attend college in RI, so that is where my current residence is. Can I set my insurance to RI where I get my mail, and still have it registered in Ma? Or do I need to use a Mass address for my insurance as well? I called the insurance company and they did not have a clue, and I also called the RMV who just put me on hold for 40 minutes.""
What things increase the cost of car insurance?
im 21 and the quotes are huge!! help!
Car title and insurance help?
Here is my situation,my sister recently gave me a car but the title card has my dad's name on it.The plan was to put the car under my dad's name so I could practice my driving but my dad has not gone to the DVM to finalize it.I now have my license and debating on whether I should put the car under my name or just let my dad put the car under his name since he will be paying for the insurance.Another problem with the car title is the insurance. I am not sure if he should add me to his policy or get my own policy instead.I don't want him to be affected if I were to get into an accident.I am not a minor if that helps.""
Insurance Claim Question?
So i got hit by someone the other day and i have a question before i put a claim on it. I saw the truck that hit me but i didn't get the lincence plate number. I saw the guy pulling out after he backed into me and he didn't stop. I saw him pullin away from my car, so i know he hit me. The bumper is screwed so i had it rivited by my friend cuz it wouldn't stay up. So my question is where i did not get the guys plates and i have the basic (i think liabilty) insurnce, can i call and put a claim on it and get money from my insurance company, without my rate going up and having to pay more a month for my insurance.. Thanks..""
Do i need to call my car insurance company?
I was in a car accident today and it was not a small accident. I hit a car on its side. there was an older woman so an ambulance came but she ended up not being hurt, just procautionary. the police were called and they took all my info and whatnot. It was wierd the police did not give me any papers or anything and told me i could leave. they just asked me if i wanted my car towed and i said no. the police officer also told me when i asked him that i dont need to call my insurance company unless i want to make a claim. is that true? i only have 1 way insurance so im probably going to scrap my car. I always thought u should call them no matter what, do you know if i am obligated to call them or will they contact me? location: Quebec, Canada thanks a bunch, Tyler""
What is the best health insurance for a college student?
My mother recently changed jobs so i lost my health insurance. I've never actually looked into insurance because it was always already there for me (which was stupid of me not to do). Which is the best insurance to have in terms of coverage and cost?
How much would insurance for a 16 year old(male) driving a BMW 2006 650i be?
My parents have no accidents or tickets ect that they look at when you're getting a quote. I just bet them that I could get a quote for this car without them ^_^ I livee in washington 98037. Verryy Much appreciated if you could try and see how much the quote would be. Also, I have a 3.8GPA. (P.S. Don't Be A Stalker)""
How much would u predict the insurance on a 98' eclipse with turbo cost?
i'm looking to buy this car. keep in mind that i'm also 17 years old...and i'm a male...althought i passed drivers ed with an A and i've been driving for almost 4 months with a license..accident free..i need help trying to convince my parents to let me buy this car
Can a 17year old get kit car insurance?
I'm 17 and thinking of getting an old mini and doing it up, I'm not sure if I can get kit car insurance, I have no points on my licence and if I could get one does anyone know how much it will be? Thanks:)""
Just broughta motorhome o2 fiat where cheapest and best insurance?
Just broughta motorhome o2 fiat where cheapest and best insurance?
""How does car insurance work in America, and how much does it cost on average?
just want to know how it works over in the USA compared to britain.
""Add a teen to auto insurance policy, please help.?""
My dad is getting ready to renew his car insurance, I got my learner's permit in December of last year, and I do drive the car a lot, (with him of course....or not) but if he include me on his policy his premium will be over $1000, move like $1400 - $2000. Just because he added me to his policy, and his insurance company told him he HAVE TO include me on his policy, but I heard some where if you have a learner's permit, you do not require to be on your parent insurance policy? Or something like that......Is this true? Normally his car insurance only cost like $480.00/per 6 months, I hate for him to make me go out to get a job just to pay the car insurance and to drive.""
""Insured vehicle in NY, and registered in CA, Is that legal?""
I have lived in NY all my life untill 2 months ago when i moved to CA. Now I'm looking to get a second truck for transportation. My current and only car is still registered and insured in NY state, what will happen when if i buy this and want to add this for my second vehicle on my current insurance? Will registering it in CA and have insurance on it in NY work? thanks.""
In need of Medical Insurance?
I'm 18 and a Student and I dont have any medical Insurance is there a way to get I can apply for some aid I dont have a job, Live in California""
What is car insurance?
I tell people that im going to get a lambo when I grow up im going to save $120,000 and then buy it all at once....and then pay for the maintence ad all that too.. but people say that you wont be able to afford the car insurance?? what is car insurance. I thought that's a choice like you pay 100 a month and if your car is broken you get it fixed for free.. so why DO I HAVE TO PAY FOR INSURANCE ON A LAMBO? why cant I just save up all my money and buy it and then that's it.. just take it home and drive.""
Healthcare Homework help?
Here is what i need to find: 1) explore insurance costs for patients with and without cancer 2) will the new Obama healthcare act help patients with cancers be able to access affordable health care insurance rates? 3) do hospitals have the right to reject some patients and refuse care? 4) what are the local, state, and federal laws regarding right to treat? Okay so i've already done some research but some of the questions are kinda vague and im having trouble figuring out what to say and finding info...especially #1. It's supposed to be placed on a poster board for a showcase so it needs to be nice. I dont know much about healthcare so i dont know what i need to focus on?""
How much of an auto insurance discount does a family get for having more than one car?
How much of an auto insurance discount does a family get for having more than one car?
Will the Insurance company fix my car?
Couple weeks ago some idiot ran into my car. His insurance company is only Liability, and car damage is covered for up too $5,000 in damages. So here is the deal....the Kelly Blue Book value of my car is about $9,500 and the insurance company wants to salvage my car. Can this be possible? I mean my car is worth way more than what the damage is, and I spoke to the claims department and explained my situation and they said if your lawyer (my lawyer) and the body shop guy who is going to fix my car signs off mentioning that they can fix my car for $5,000 then I can get my car back. But please help....do you guys really think I will get my car fixed and back or will I be stuck with only $5,000. Any advice is appreciated! My car is a 2002 Mercedes - C240 - 4 door sedan""
I really need a cheap auto car insurance?
i need a car insurance my record its not really that good!!! does anyone know about any car insurance that deal whit this kind of drivers on new jersey
How much my insurance will go up?
How much my insurance will go up? I had an accident which totaled my car. I am 100% at fault for that accident and my car worth 15000$. I have clear driving record and no tickets in past two years. How much will my insurance go up I am paying 900$ for six months
How can you get medical insurance in the State of Va.?
I have been turned down by medicare because My daughter makes to much money. Turned down by private insurances because of preexisting illness.
How can I lower my insurance rate?
I got a speeding ticket back in july of '04. My insurace went up recently. I am past the traffic school time. I live in CA. Is there anything I can do to lower my rate increase
Auto Insurance?
Why cant we have insurance on Auto Repairs. Where we pay a co-pay (like health insurance) or deductible and the auto shops are regulated by the insurance companies. We would pay more for cars that need more repair. Wouldnt it make automakers more interested in making a better car?
texas insurance health
texas insurance health
What is the AVERAGE cost of surgery to fix a varicocele without insurance in the midwest?
I have a varicocele in my left testicle. I have no medical insurance. How much does this operation cost to fix it? I know it will vary, but i want to know the AVERAGE out of pocket cost. This is in a midwest state.. Also, would doctors offer a payment option?""
Small business looking for new health insurance.?
I own a small business and my health insurance has gone up so much I can't afford it. I need a new agent and an affordable policy. Small group, just my family and 1 lady who uses it as a supplement.""
What happens if I lapse on my car insurance for a day ?
I read some forums online and it seems pretty heavy. Right now I am out of work and I am living on unemployment insurance. I can barely make payments using that. Anyway my car insurance is supposed to be cancelled this monday at 12:01A.M. standard time. I called them today to make a payment . But the local office is closed and the main office said they can't take anything less than the premium which is - $792.38. I can't pay that right now. That's out of the question. I want to be able to make the monthly payment on it so I won't get cancelled and get a lapse on my car insurance . What is a lapse and how will it affect me. because it seems like there is absolutely NO OTHER CHOICE , i have right now than to just wait for monday and call them to find out that it's cancelled and worse if they said , Since it's cancelled they can only accept the Whole Premium!! My new policy renewal date is from Oct 09 , 2010 to April 09, 2011 according to the id card But what happens if there is a lapse in my coverage? Can i be arrested or my license suspended because of this??""
""If women are such horrible drivers, why are our insurance rates lower than men's rates?""
If women are such horrible drivers, why are our insurance rates lower than men's rates?""
How much is homeowners insurance a month?
My wife and I are pricing out home purchasing possibilities, and are looking at homes ranging from 290,000 up to about 360,000. We need to have a feel for the payments, and wonder if there is a quick formula to help us figure out the approximate insurance costs each month? Thanks!""
Help with Insurance questions?
Hi, I am 22 and just got the red P in July in NSW. I want to buy a car driving to uni. I dont have much money, I just want to buy a car below AUD$5K, is it possible to ...show more""
How much will it cost to run a car in the UK (17 Years Old)?
I know insurance is a good 4-5k but how much does it cost to run (Fuel, Etc.) I have a job and I work about 15 miles away.. I drive about 100 miles a week and I work for 5 days during the week. Any help will be appreciated!""
How much do you pay for your car insurance? 10pts?
I have Geico and my vehicle is a lease...Jeep Liberty 05...I was charged $55.72 for this months insurance, it's always low but UM wtf??? How much are you paying? Do you own your vehicle/ lease? Year /Model? Thanks!""
Car insurance canceled my policy?
hi, my car insurance cancelled my policy one month before its due for renewal and half way threw a claim (car was stolen). they voided the policy from the date i took the insurance out 11 months ago, the reason they gave is that i am not the registered keeper and i didn't disclose this to them but i am the registered keeper because the name on the policy does not match the log book, this is a mistake i faild to notice. the mistake is on the log book my middle (second) name is in place of my surname so i sent them prove of my full name but they still cancelled my policy. is there anything i can do? i will be grateful for any advice. thanks.""
Car insurance for a 19 year old female?
I am a 17 year old female and I am hoping to pass my test this year,my plan is to pass my test and save a little more for my car and car insurance etc... I have my eye on small cars ...show more""
""Insurance- Cabin, not sure which insurance?""
We live ouside of Canada, but own property with a cabin on it. My dad and aunt own it. According to the insurance if one of the owners (ppl on the insurance) are not on the property (say, 500 miles away) if something happens (like someone falls breaks there leg) to someone we take there, we are not covered and could sue us. If my dad put me on the insurance would our aunt have the right to sell the property without us having any say? He thinks that if I am put on the insurance I will be on his half and my aunt will still have her half therefore giving her more power. Is there any way around this insurance and suing thing if I want to go up there with some friends without them?""
Can i put insurance on a old mobile home ?
I have a 84' model mobile home but i paid to have it remodeled so it's very nice on the inside. Well i want to rent it out so i want to put insurance on it in case a fire or etc. happens to it while it's being rented out . But can i put insurance on a mobile home that old ? and can i put as much as i want or does the insurance only cover how much it's worth ?
Can you ever get out of a Whole Life Insurance Policy?
Let's say you get talked into a whole life insurance policy by a greedy insurance salesman. Then 5 years later you find out the truth--that whole life insurance is a rip-off, and that your young family (say you have children ages 3 and 5) would be better off if you had term insurance. Can you get out of the whole life insurance policy? Would a penalty be involved?""
Auto insurance for a Ford Mustang vs. Honda Accord?
I am a 16 year-old female who currently has a 4.4 GPA. I took drivers ed when I was 15 to get my license. I heard that cars are ridiculous to insure for young drivers, especially ...show more""
If I own a business will I be forced to pay health insurance on my employees?
If I own a business will I be forced to pay health insurance on my employees?
I had a commercial accident in 2008 and looking for a chep insurance plz help?
I live in toronto i have been driving car with G licence since the end of 2000. i had a commercial accident in 2008 in which i was found guilty but no claim was paid. im still driving and looking for chaep insurance for a car. anybody's advice would be greatful.
Vespa Insurance Help...!?
So I've just got a new Vespa LX50, 2009 - I'm 16 and have a provisional license and CBT. Does anyone know who the cheapest/best insurance providers are for scooters for young people - all the price comparison websites say different things, and that's no good. I'm looking for answers based on pass experience. If you're a young person and ride a moped/scooter - who do you use?? Thanks!""
Motor insurance policy q2?
hi contemplating on making a second claim. how does this effect my renewal premium? situation is the policy holder had an accident where the third party was at fault and this claim was dealt with few months ago. now a named driver had a piece of metal flung at the car. the excess is only 50 and estimated cost to repair independantly 150-200. but i'm not sure how much premiums usually go up by? if for example making a second claim bears not much difference as a claim has already been made then I might as well do it through insurance. If making a second claim bumps up the renewal considerably higher then maybe I should just pay 150-200 GBP by independant garage and save on my premium?
How could higher deposit insurance premiums for banks with riskier assets benefit the economy?
How could higher deposit insurance premiums for banks with riskier assets benefit the economy?
Car insurance policies !?
a friend of mine said she had light house insurance.. she claims she pays X amount of money for a basic car insurance policy every 6 months.. keep in mind, i live on long island.. what kind of car insurance company offers a 1 payment policy every 6 months ?? my current insurance policy is expensive, i feel like theyre stealing from me.. please help out, i know there are A LOT of insurance companys..""
Affordable Healthcare Act (Obamacare) - Survey question ideas?
I'm doing a sample survey for Social Science. I have to come up with 25 questions pertaining to my topic of inquiry. My topic is The benefits of the Affordable Healthcare Act, which is informally known as Obamacare. My hypothesis is the Affordable Healthcare Act would be beneficial if it was slightly altered to exclude the individual mandate. I need ideas for more questions, outside of the demographic questions. Here are the eleven questions I have so far: Do you have health insurance? Yes. No. In the process of obtaining a health care plan. Have you ever heard of the Affordable Care Act, the American health care bill signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23rd, 2010? Yes. No. Do you understand the key aspects that make up the Affordable Care Act? Yes. No. Somewhat. Did you believe that there was a problem with the current state of health care, and that it needed reform? Yes. No. The new Healthcare Act is going to be funded through a variety of new taxes and offsets. This includes a new Medicaid tax imposed on people that make over $200, 000 and $250, 000 annually, and a 40% tax on premium Health Insurances. There will also be new taxes on medicine, high cost diagnostic medical equipment, and a 10% tax on indoor tanning services. Do you believe that the imposed taxes are worth the sacrifice, so that more Americans could have health insurance? Yes. No. The U.S. Supreme Court is currently reviewing the Affordable Care Act. Several U.S. states are questioning the laws constitutionality because the law requires Americans that dont have health insurance to choose an affordable healthcare plan or pay a fine (this is called the individual mandate). Do you believe that the Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional on these grounds? Yes. No. Not sure. If you do believe that the individual mandate is unconstitutional, do you believe it is worth the sacrifice, so that more Americans could have health care? Yes. No. Does not apply. Do you believe that the government could still make the policy work if they exclude the individual mandate, keeping in mind that this would likely require more tax increases in different areas? Yes. No. Maybe. Having a basic knowledge of the Affordable Care Act, do you think that the government should abandon the policy and work on a new one? Yes. No. We should wait and see how this one turns out first. Do you stand to benefit from the Affordable Care Act? Yes. No. Not sure. Do you have any friends or family members that stand to benefit from the Affordable Care Act? Yes. No. Not sure.""
Can I get auto insurance through another company if I owe on another insurance company money?
I lapsed on my old insurance policy and do not have the money to pay it off. My registration expires tomorrow and I need insurance in my state to register my vehicle. Will another company insure my vehicle if I still owe money to another insurance company?
How much does liability auto insurance cost in Florida?
I am coming up to 21 years old, and moving to Miami in August for a year with a student visa. I am told that it's very useful to have a car in the USA, and as I am a car owner in the UK with almost 2 years of comprehensive with no claims, I was hoping that I would be able to purchase a car in the USA. Will this be possible and at what price?""
How much does insurance cost for?
Hi! I'm a 16 year old male that lives in Kentucky, and i'm getting a truck soon, it would be my first vehicle. Its going to be a mid 90s or late 80s truck. I'm wanting to know how much insurance would cost on average? Any help would be greatly appreciated.""
""Is a Ford Mustang, Chevy Camaro or a Dodge Charger good for a first car?
My friend is 18 and goes to college and he has a Ford Mustang. I know its a sport car but is it good for it to be a first car?
texas insurance health
texas insurance health
Where can i get cheap car insurance?
Ive tried compare the market and a few of the other leading companies but they all a bit to high for me - whats so annoying is when i find one thats suitable it ends up higher than the listed price. Anyone know of a good one
Why do we have to have car insurance in the UK?
Why cant you chose whether you have insurance or not?
17 year old girl insurance?
My dad is a mechanic and will only buy me a 1.0 for insurance and cost. I want to know how much would it cost me to insure a Citroen Saxo when i have my full liscence in 6 monts?? I was told it is also possible to be a name driver on one of my parents insurance. How much would that cost??
Can i change my license address to be covered by car insurance?
background info: -17 yrs old, male, got my license in january so its provisional, live in california. so i contacted my mom's auto insurance (liberty mutual) and they said the only way i would be covered as an occasional driver without being listed is if i didn't live in the same household otherwise i would have to be listed. so would it work if i just changed the address on my license?""
Insurance quotes questions?
Im shopping around for car insurance but when i go online to get a quote, they always ask for a phone number and address and the reg of the car. But im only looking for estimates as I don't have a car and im only wondering how much different cars might cost to insure so how am i supposed to tell them how much the car's worth and all that. I dont want to leave my number because I dont want phone calls asking if i want their insurance or not. Any good way to handle this?""
No license/expired registration/insurance in full effect and new title...? In NY.?
License expired 6 months ago and I have kept up with insurance even though my vehicle just sits in a garage. I'm in NYC and in college so there is no reason for me to drive for the past 2 years. My insurance company renews the policy every 6 months and my insurance rate is still that of Upstate NY where it is at least $1,600 cheaper. NYC is $600 more and I was told that I would have to cover my brother who is under 25 (not allowed to drive my car nor want to) just because we share the same address. My insurance company seems to be using my last registered address so I have been too afraid to renew registration and notify my insurance company of updated address. Recently I got around to changing the title to make it legit; the vehicle was what I won in my divorce settlement. Vehicle is also completely paid for and completely mine. Question is, with the title now under my name, do I need to register it right away? Would my rates automatically go up (they will use new NYC address on title)? Do I need to notify my insurance company of the changes if I am not driving the vehicle for the next 5 months? Will they even know?? I ask these questions because I am a full-time student who do not work so I can't really afford the extra costs in insurance. I hope to get a job in May '10 right after I graduate with my Bachelors and move to NJ where I hope to live and work. At that point, I would care less about how much they want to charge me. I am just concerned about the ramifications of not updating address or registering the vehicle for another 5-6 months. Thank you!!""
How much cost an insurance in massachusetts?
I am not working and I will need an insurance.
Auto insurance in California?
I bought a car in Aug 09. It's under my dads name for cheaper insurance purpose. But I never really got to the insurance part and have been driving w/out it. I just got a letter in the mail from the DMV saying my registration is suspended because I haven't provided financial proof... So I went earlier... and if my dad were to add the car and list me as a 2nd driver on my car, I would pay too much :| So the question here is... if my dad were to add the car and not list me as a 2nd driver, will I be covered? I really don't give a crap if it's fraud or not, just need to know if I will be covered since he will be lending me the car. Only place I really drive it to is work, and I work overnight so there's no cars around! ..and weekends. Plus with gas prices this high I stay below the 1.5k rpm's.""
How to get cheaper car insurance?
im 17 and just passed my driving test, Ive got a 1.4l Peugeot 106 but I can't find car insurance any cheaper than about 3500 no matter where I look! I've spent hours looking online but it's all too expensive. Anyone know any cheaper insurance companies or have any tips??""
Why are insurance companies under the Obama health care plan allowed to not cover existing medical problems?
How is this making health care affordable? My physician wrote a letter stating I have no complications, but the letter BC/BS sent me was that under the Obama health care plan they do not have to cover my thyroid or anything related to it. I am a widow, unemployed for 1 1/2 years and pay for my own health insurance. Will you do anything to change or eliminate this health care plan?""
Does anyone know about medical insurance for low income famlies?
I know a famliy in California they make 1300 a month. Is there no goverment insurance plans for young people like this>
Where can i get less expensive car insurance for an 18 year old student with a 2000 mustang?
Well this may sound like a long shot, but I just recently bought my son a 2000 Ford Mustang, Now its insurance time, hes 18, gets A's in school and has had drivers ed. Why do the quotes from Progressive and esurance estimate its going to cost nearly $500 a month, even with a 1990 honda junker it still cost nearly $400 do these prices seem reasonable, i can't recall them being that high, when i first got insurance, thanks.""
What factors affect car insurance premiums?
My mom is going to give me her old car once she gets a new one, and she said insurance is about $100/mo. My friend asked what insurance would be and I told her, and she thought that was really low The car is a 1999 saturn SL1 and it's standard, is the insurance cheap for this car? My mom has a great driving record I'm now wondering what affects car insurance premiums? I know age, gender, driving records, and other stuff.. but what else?""
Which dental insurance/plan?
i recently came to the US from UK and i have 2 teeth at front that were once chipped and now built up with 'cement'. i plan to possibly have a couple boxing matches while im here. so im looking for a purely dental plan that covers things like the possibility of my tooth chipping again etc. but would also like basic dental coverage while im here too (as my wisdom teeth are coming through n its possible i might need them removed?)
Health insurance for my wife at a low rate?
I work but unable to carry my wife do to the rates. Is there any insurance that we can get on at a better than the one offered at my job. So far I have found one with Blue Cross Blue Shield for $70 a month where my job is like $95 a week or so. I do know it was high on a weekly basis.
How can a non insured pregnant lady get a health insurance in california that covers maternity and delivery ?
California Health Insurance for a pregnant lady
Are Honda's usually expensive on insurance?
Also what are some good looking cars that arn't to bad with insurance (I know that it all depends but still) oh and we have geico, thanks!""
How much should i pay for old car insurance?
how much the cheapest insurance for old car? i have a used honda.
What is the cheapest/reliable car insurance company in Miami Florida ?
I have clean record, 34 years old.""
""Insurance estimate on Integra, Mustang?""
Hey. So I am getting my first car in a couple months, and my dad said I could choose which car, but keep it in a low price range. I've always liked Integras, since I was little, and I always wanted it to be my first car, so thats in consideration. And my dad said get a mustang. I would like to know how much insurance is on each? The cars would be- Acura Integra 1996-2001 (LS, RS, SE, GS) Under my dads name (age 50) I would be secondary driver Silver or black or white Roughly 150k miles Maybe 25 miles a day Would buy used around 2000$ - 4000$ Im aware its a luxury car, thus insurance being a tad more expensive How much would you think insurance would be? We have Progressive but I just want a estimate - Maybe like the average of how much people with integras pay for insurance. Mustang 2004 Under my dads name (age 50) I would be secondary driver Black or silver Maybe 100k miles 25 miles/ day Used around 4000$ - 5000$ Not luxury, but its a sports car, Im guessing insurance is more expensive for it""
Car Insurance for Highschooler with good grades?
Hello, I'm getting a car soon and my family has Statefarm. I'm getting a 2008/2009 Honda Civic. I'm 16 and I had straight As first semester, and 1 B second semester. Do you know how they're good student program works? How do I show/prove my grades? I didn't pick up my report card but I can easily go over to my school and do so.""
Which is worse on insurance costs or points a DUI or not haveing insurance?
My insurance company has on record that my husband had a DUI 2 years ago, but he didn't I got the paper work to show that it was a driving without insurance charge but I want to know which is worse to the insurance company.""
How to cancel a car insurance?
I am about to switch to Progressive and I was wondering if I have to pay my current Car insurance just to cancel it. I pay about 257 every month and I want to know if I have to pay them just to cancel as soon as i switch with Progressive.
How can i get a german Health Insurance from outside of germany?
I need to have Health insurance accepted in before i go there. i will be staying there. I cannot find any way to sign up for health insurance from outiside of germany.
Buying car insurance for a used car?
im buying my first car, used. and all i have knowledge from are from the internet. i live in California. when i see tv commercials, i often see the buyer being able to purchase their insurance when they are on the CAR dealer. my question? when is it do you get insurance? BEFORE OR AFTER YOU PURCHASE A CAR? also when getting quotes online, you have to add the car that you OWN, so im guessing you have to buy the insurance after AFTER?, BUT the policy seems to start the day after you purchase your insurance, so does that mean your driving the car illegally for a day?? if you were to buy the insurance (online) before and have to add your car, im guessing you have to be SET AND SURE you are getting the car when your policy starts? none of my friends knows about this because their parents own it and they don't care about their insurance... im so confused. help me.""
texas insurance health
texas insurance health
0 notes
foulfurywombat-blog · 6 years
Cripple Creek Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80813
"Cripple Creek Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80813
Cripple Creek Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80813
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What's the best way to get car insurance for a new driver?
I'm buying my first car soon, probably a Hyundai Accent, Toyota Yaris or possibly a Ford Focus. The vehicle will be used and I only have my G2 (since Dec. 2011). I'm over ...show more""
Insurance question for 17 yr old driver (sports cars)?
At the end of the summer I am allowed to buy my own car. At that time I will have been driving for about a year and a half under my parent's insurance. I have 2 options as far a buying a car: putting about a $5000 down payment on a car and my parents paying off the rest before I graduate college, or buying a car for $5000. The cars I would buy for $5000 would either be a mitsubishi 3000gt or a nissan 300zx. I like both of these cars, but they're not very professional and since I hopefully will have whatever car I buy through college, I want something that doesn't scream hey i'm fresh out of high school and stuck with a sports car! As far as putting a $5000 down payment at a local dealership, my limit is about $16,000 at the most. For 16,000 I was looking at a used (obviously) BMW M3, Mazda Rx8, and Audi A4, or (if I get extremely lucky and stumble upon a) Infiniti G35. These cars look a little more mature than the ones I would buy for $5000.""
Car insurance for 18 year old student?
Wht is the best possibly cheapest car insurance for an 18 year old student. I don't care if it's the lowest coverage.
Im wondering how much i should expect to pay for car insurance?
im 17 years old and got my license about 2 months ago (without drivers ed) and i have a 1989 honda accord coupe im just curious how much i should expect to pay for insurance for..1 month? 6 months?
""I was rear ended, will my insurance go up?""
I was rear ended and filed a claim with my insurance company. It was clearly not my fault since I was hit from behind. However, I wonder if I want to get the car fixed through my insurance company and pay the deductibles, will my insurance go up in the future? Any help is much appreciated.""
Do I need to buy car insurance before I buy the car?!?
I'm going to buy my first car. Do I have to show the dealership proof of insurance before they will let me go with the car? OR I can buy the car just fine and it's not their business whether I have insurance or not ? I doesn't make sense to me to buy insurance for a car I don't have yet. How does this work? thank you.
if i was to work for pizza hut or dominos or any other delivery shop in the uk.and they would provide a car for me.would i have to have my own insurance on my name.or would they cover this
What company provide cheap life insurance?
What company provide cheap life insurance?
""In Las Vegas, do you have to have car insurance in order to drive? Is it required.?
Do you have to have car insurance to have a license?
How easy is it to change my car insurance?
I am 23, and never changed my car insurance before. I had it for 5 years. I paid $65, then after a ticket, over a year ago it suddenly went to $87. That is with progressive. Esurance offered me $55 for same coverage. If I usually pay on the 20th, can I call them up, set up new plan, and have it start on 20th, and have old one stop on 20th, without another bank deduction?""
I will be 16 soon and I was looking at getting an 01-03 BMW M3. Any ideas on how much insurance would cost?
I live in Florida and I'm a new driver, also this will be my first car (if that helps with info about the insurance)""
Affordable health insurance?
I'm nineteen years old and I don't have health insurance. I'm going to be a college student in the fall. I was wondering if anyone had any idea how I could find good, affordable health insurance? Also some help as to how the whole co-pay thing works would help out, too. I used to have a certain health insurance for people from low-income families but they just cut mine off so I need to get some. Thanks in advance!""
Someone hit my car and driver has no insurance i have full coverage will my insurance cover me?
my cousins roommate reversed into my car with his friends truck and he said he doesn't have insurance. i have full coverage with a deductible of 500 will my insurance cover me even that it wasn't my fault and driver has no insurance?
""Solo accident, going to file sr-1, repair estimate $2200. should i tell insurance? (2nd accident in 5 months)?""
first of all, yes, i am a bad driver and i'm really going to drive slow from now on. this is my 2nd car accident in 5 months. the first one was deemed 70% my fault(my car and another one involved, we went through insurance). in this most recent one, it was just my car and a wall initial repair estimate is about $2200. i'm going to file an sr-1. so it looks like i have several options: option1) file the SR1, don't even call the insurance company, pay out of pocket option2) file the SR1, tell insurance, get them to pay for some of the repairs, and i pay for the rest option3) file the SR1, tell insurance, have them pay for all of the repairs how would my future insurance premiums be affected in each situation? how would it affect my DMV record and points against my driving record? i'm guessing the insurance company will find out even if i don't call them directly because of the SR-1 i'm going to file. but if i don't make the insurance company pay, will they not hike up my premiums as much? any suggestions or knowledge about sr-1 and insurance? thanks!!""
Whats the average price of insurance for a moped ...vespa...49 ccs in Los Angeles?
I'm 17 yrs old and am planning on buying one when im 18... so i want to know the average price of the insurance for someone barely obtaining their license... i'm guessing its way more convenient then paying a ton of money for car insurance...
What's the average insurance premium for first drivers these days?
I'm 18, and im going to buy a car. It's a 2002/2003 car, so not too recent. Im looking for quotes online and the cheapest im getting is about 4500. This is me being the policy holder and not any other family members. Does this sound right? Personally i think it's outrageous... Thanks.""
""(new driver) quoted 3600 /year for insurance, do they really expect me to pay that? lol?""
past my driving test about a month ago now, im insured on a family member's car as a 2nd temp driver which is pretty cheap but its short term insurance, im driving this car just fot more experience, i want to buy a Vauxhall Astra in about 2months and i did a check on the insurance and got a quote, heres the details 3,645.42 Instalments Deposit: 769.08 Monthly: 11 x 318.15 Total: 4,268.73 Do they really expect me to pay that? Im employed full time, i earn about 1000 a month, if i get the astra (on finance) thats about 200 /month for the car, 300 /month insurance, 80 /month parking and not to mention petrol, lets say 60 a month, Its way too much, MY QUESTION, Is there any other insurance options for me?""
Car insurance cover query?
I have had an ongoing problem with a succession of worn ignition keys that are a pain when trying to start or open the bonnet on my Ford Focus.Will standard fully comp car insurance cover the cost of a replacement key/barrel if i take it to the dealer?
What characteristics in a car make the insurance lower?
i am 19 year old male in Ontario buying my first car. and insurance prices are REALLY HIGH! i was just wondering when picking out a car, what i should be looking for that will result in less costlier insurance rates. for ex: certain makes? year? THANKS! also if you have any tips for me, that would be much appreciated!""
Age for car insurance?
I have heard that you cannot get your own car insurance policy untill you are 18. Is this true for new york state?
Drink driving insurance?
I was convicted of drink driving last year. Just got my driving licence back. Does anybody know where I can get cheap car insurance, theres loads of companies that say they specialise in convicted driver insurance but some of the prices I have been quoted have been astronomical. 1000+, Ive tried all the comparison sites, is there any companies out there that specialise in providing insurance for convicted drink drivers?""
How much would insurance be for a 16 year old driving a 1988 lincoln towncar?
How much would insurance be for a 16 year old driving a 1988 lincoln towncar?
Which Insurance company is best for Whole Life Insurance ?
I have search only 2 big compnay Metlife and New York Life. I am 24 years old and want that whole life insurance for my life. So i want to know which compnay i need to choose for whole life insurance.... Metlife or New York Life ? I have quote from metlife Insurance...Agent told me my premium payment gonna be $3510.00 per anuual for $500,000.00 ( insurance amount). and i am 24 yeras old it has cash value too.. So i need some information from ur side...should i take it or ?""
What is the most affordable cancer insurance for a girl in her 30s in japan?
not including shakkai hoken and kokumin hoken. i got those already. i want supplement insurance
""CAR INSURANCE FOR A 17-YEAR-OLD, 5000 quotes. Genuinely can't find any quotes less than 5000?""
1.3 KA 2002, immobiliser, no tracker fitted yet (intend on). Not bought the car. 17-year-old as the main driver and owner, passed a month ago (roughly). I know it's obvious, but KAs are the easiest cars to buy, the car is valued at 995 (the one in mind). I can literally find 5000 quotes. The car is worth less than one fifth of this. And yes, I know that car insurance will be expensive, but reading over forums etc, some people have managed to get it down to 2000. I've tried Diamond, elephant, comparethemarket, gocompare, literally everywhere. Admiral won't give me a quote and places like Tesco will only quote 18-year-olds. I will literally LOVE anyone who knows of any quotes around 2000-3000. Any less, I believe is impossible. And I realise that insurance companies take the Michael, but please don't state the obvious with a comment like Insurance will be expensive - 5000 is about right , surely it can't be, I've found so many forums of people saying they have quotes from 2000, but not telling me where from. ):""
Cripple Creek Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80813
Cripple Creek Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80813
Tips on how to get first time drivers car insurance down?
Hey, so I have my driving test on June 3rd but i am looking to buy a car before then in these next few weeks. Ive been getting some quotes on some possible cars but the cheapest quote i am getting is 4,500, which is absolutly ridiculous! I thought 2,000 was pushing it and i dont intend to pay more than 2,000 a year. The cars ive been looking at are Peugot 206s, Vauxhall Corsa SXI, and Renault Clio's. Which i believe are in the cheapest insurance band. I just dont understand why im getting quotes of 4000/5000. Most of my firends with similar cars pay 1,500 a year which seems right. I must be doing something wrong. Can anyone give me tips on how to get the price down. Should i add my mum as an additional driver? Do modified cars (alloys and tinted windows) dramatically increase the insurance price? Any reccomended insurance companies? Thanks guys!""
How Much is insurance for a mini cab diver?
Hi i am 21 years of age and live in london. I was hoping to take up mini cab driving but need to know on average how much insurance will be for me on a Vauhxall astra 03 plate. please let me know and if theres any good websites with instant quotes do let me know many thanks,.""
How long on workers comp can you keep you health insurance from your work?
i mean like for things not related to my work injury? how long do they have to keep my job for me?
Do all full times jobs give you health insurance?
I just got a full time job. The guy really didnt say anything about health insurance or any kind of insurance since its full time i was wondering if i get it? its about $9.00 an hours. not sure if that helps any tho
Can anyone tell me about affordable life ins. after age 80?
I have a term policy that will expire in two months, and would like to find an insurance co. that has some ins. that is not priced so high that I can't pay the premiums. Thanks for not sending any SPAM !!""
My car insurance went up 50 more dollars a month. They said it's an increase in Florida ?
Do any one know where I can get some good reasonable car insurance
""If my annual premium is 6043.23, what is monthy car insurance cost?""
If my annual premium is 6043.23, what is monthy car insurance cost?""
Most Comprehensive Health Insurance for a College Student?
I'll be going to college in a few years, and I'm fully aware of the healthcare crisis. Although money is an issue, my health is more important. Assuming that money is not ...show more""
What is the best health insurance for a newly married couple to get?
My husband and I just got married and are looking to get health insurance. we both can not get insurance through work. we live in arizona, my husband attends ASU. We are both involved in masters programs. We are looking to start a family poss. with in the year! what is the best coverage we can get, with our student incomes? thanks in advance for any advice / guidence you can provide!""
What health insurance can i get? i have been rejected by all the insurances do to the fact that im obese?
im 20yrs old and weigh 350 pounds im only 5 7 and dont have health insurance ive been rejected by all. i need to see a doctor because lately i haven't been feeling to good and i know its because of my weight. also i would like to get a gastric bypass but i need good insurance but no one is willing to give me insurance. but i would atleast like to have any kind of insurance to go see a doctor. please help because im slowly diying. oh and i live in california and my job doesnt offer insurance.
Car insurance question?
My car got hit... the bumper is almost falling off. It is not my fault and the other person's insurance is covering it and they are sending me a check to cover the cost of it being fixed. Here's the thing... my car is a POS. I doubt it's even worth $1000. Do I have to get my car fixed with the money? Or can I use it how I want (such to help get a new car with)? I know the ethical thing to do would be to get it fixed, but it may actually be totaled (still drivable but the cost of getting it fixed may be more than it's worth). I was thinking about telling the insurance company, but I don't want to risk losing the $ to get it fixed... I've heard of other people getting in accidents, then getting the check and just not getting the car fixed. Anyone know?""
Help with car insurance?
I am 15 with 1 month before my birthday, and of coarse my license. I have made some sort of a deal with my parents. This deal allows me for every month I postpone my license i get a percentage of the insurance they would have payed. How much is insurance, how much of it should i get, and is it worth it?""
Which is the type of insurance to avoid?
Which is the type of insurance to avoid? A- mortgage insurance B- identity theft insurance C- disability insurance Why?
How much will my insurance go up if I am at 100% fault ?
I was in a car accident that was found to be 100% my fault. Accident itself was not too bad -- other car's front bumper( one side) dent.. so how much should I expect my insurance to increase ?
""I was misled by auto insurance company, what are my rights here?""
OK i signed out with all-state insurance company. The quote was $380, the agent faxed me only papers to sign since i was happy about the quote. I asked her 2 fax me the Insurance Id card but she did not(i waited a week). After tired of waiting and being turned down by DMV 2 renew my car registration i called the office and asked someone else 2 handle my case. Things went fine without her help , the new guy sent me the Id card immediately. On Friday i received all the papers & the ID cards but i was suprised when i saw $415 ...i called but didn't speak with her, the guy that helped me B4 was like but you signed the papers, i asked him 2 send me the papers i signed again..and guess what? The psycho lady played me cause, she only faxed me papers 2 sign but not the papers that showed $415, all i agreed was based on the quote she gave me which is $380. She never sent me the $415 papers. What can i do with this cause they are not prepared 2 refund me or fix their numbers""
What's the benefit of saying you have no car insurance?
I need Insurance help?
Hey, I just got a full-time job that pays very well. I make roughly $1500 a month, and I was looking to get a new vehicle as a means of celebrating my new step into adulthood. The vehicle I was looking at was a 2005 Pontiac GTO. I'm 19 years old, so I would have to get my parents to help me with cosigning. That wouldn't be a problem, since my parents have good credit. Now, my parents said that they'd cosign if I pay for both the car payment and insurance monthly. I also pay $200 a month for medical insurance, phone bills, etc. The car payment monthly would be about $400 a month, so that would be about one check. My question is, does anyone know roughly how much insurance would be for me? I currently pay $122 a month on a 2002 Taurus, with just one speeding ticket on my record. Any ideas? Thanks""
Will State Farm full coverage insurance pay for my car since it was total loss and i still owe the bank?
the guy had full coverage was his fault and im up side down with my bank car loan?
Can a car insurance company sue you if you want to cancel mid term?
For what reasons, if any would they have to sue you if you decide to cancel your car insurance mid term?""
Do you buy insurance before buying a motorcycle?
which comes first?
Is farmers insurance that bad?
I've read a lot of bad reviews about farmers insurance. i have an interview with them next week for a bilingual office claims representative position... What would be the career goal at this position. to become an agent in the future?
""I have AETNA insurance full coverage, and my hospital bill is $42,519, will my insurance pay all of it???""
i was in a sever car accident, lost control hit a tree. and my hospital bill is $42,519, for only 5 days in the hospital. No broken bones, no surgies. i only had a minor head concussion, and a few bruises. i have AETNA full coverage insurance and i am a full time college student. now will aetna pay all of the hospital bills..or do i have to pay some. im really confused.""
Is lowering ur car high for insurance?
So I'm in a situation with my dad in buying a car which is my first car. It's an 96 integra. First ima start off saying I'm interested in import cars just the way it looks. And I find this car on Craigslist that's already been lowered. I'm Tryna convince him about it. But he thinks its gunna be high insurance. Can someone tell me what he's worried about? He thinks I like low cars so I could hug turns but I just like the style. Someone help me!!!!
What is the best cheap car insurance qoutes in the uk!!?
pleas help!!
How to get cheap car insurance ?
I have just passed my driving test 2 weeks ago and im 18 ive been searching forever to get a cheap quote but its not working anyone know what to do and who to go with
Cripple Creek Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80813
Cripple Creek Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80813
Will my premiums go up on car insurance if I'm not At Fault?
I live in the state of Michigan. Someone rear ended me at a stoplight. My tail light is broken and my bumper is sagging along with other minor scratches etc. I have 2 main questions ...show more
What auto insurance gives the cheapest full covarge becuase my friend thats a guy says its 4000 dollars a year?
What auto insurance gives the cheapest full coverage because my friend thats a guy says its 4000 dollars a year since his girlfriend totaled his car.. looking for prices ranges typically around 2500 a year
Massachusetts Health insurance?
Massachusetts Health insurance? I am in fifties and currently living in California. Due to the California high cost of medical insurance, My wife and I are thinking of moving to Massachusetts state, get a small home there and retire there eventually. The reason that we are thinking about is that we overheard Massachusetts have a much lower health insurance cost ($50/month ?). Please advise us if you are currently living in Massachusetts state or other states that have less expensive health care insurance and housing cost. You advise is greatly appreciated. Jo""
What is the average cost of insurance for a teenage driver per year?
I'm 17, and in about a month I'm getting my provisional license. My parents are having me pay for my insurance, and I was wondering if anyone had a rough idea of what I might be paying. Thanks!""
I got into a motorcycle accident. insurance question...?
When I wiped out on my bike I tried to make a claim after I got home from the hospital. Little did I know that my insurance coverage had ended two days before the accident. Now my question is, will my health insurance pay for my medical bills from the accident or will they deny me because of my lack of motorcycle insurance at the time of the accident? When I found out about my lack of coverage, I immediately paid and got up to date but they told me that those two days when my coverage ended will not be covered... am I gonna get hit with all the medical bills? Or will my health insurance step up and cover me?""
Couple questions on cars and insurance..?
Here are a list of questions i appreciate being answered.. Why would your car be stopped if your taxed and insured? Could I use my name and everything on the insurance but change a couple of details like age and stuff? Ways to make insurance cheaper? Could I use my dads insurance and use his details? WHat does a provisional licence allow me to do? This is because i have been looking into buying a Range Rover sport on a finance with my dad but the insurance has come to 17 grand!!! I am 17 with a provisional.
Cheapest way to insure 19 yr old boy with one year no claims bonus?
owns own car,has pass plus. been driving 1 yr on own insurance.wants me to put him on mine as he can't afford another yr on own. Can i do it? Is it legal? Is it cheaper?""
Car with cheap insurance and cheap to run.?
Can any one advise which car to look for that has cheap insurance , low tax and is economical to run .I dont need a powerful car .""
Health insurance for low income college student?
I was just wondering if anyone had some suggestions for reasonably priced health insurance in Minnesota. I am very physically active, do a lot of running and weight lifting; so my primary concerns are coverage for treatments involving possible breaks, fractures, muscle and tendon tears/breaks, and other things of that nature common with active individuals. Preferably something under $100/month because I am in school and with my current income I am lucky to average $800/month take home. Any help/direction would be greatly appreciated because I have not had health insurance for 9 years since I was no longer eligible for my mothers health insurance.""
My car got totalled and my car insurance expired. HELP!!!?
My brother totaled my car and i cant get it fixed because my car insurance expired. Can I wait to get my insurance renewed and get it fixed or just forget about it and get a new car under a new insurance policy?
Car crash and insurance?
i had a crash today, it was not my fault (was told by the police), i had my insurance, but the other party does not, i was told i have to pay for my car full coverage because the other party does not have insurance. Is that true? please help me, thank you!""
""If my annual premium is 6043.23, what is monthy car insurance cost?""
If my annual premium is 6043.23, what is monthy car insurance cost?""
Help with car insurance cost?
I'm a 18 year old male with a clean driving record I'm on my parents insurance plan I want to get a used jeep wrangler with a lift kit what's a good estimate on how much it would cost monthly for me to have this vehicle?
How much is registration/insurance for a 17 year old?
Does anyone know how much car insurance is in QLD australia for 6 monthda and a year for a 17 year old
Selling a car with no insurance?
I am selling my car but have already cancelled my insurance policy. Can a potential buyer test drive my car on their insurance or does my car have to be insured separately?
How much would insurance be for a 2003 Acura RSX?
I am a male, 22 years old, clean record, live in Whitby Ontario. I also went took driving lessons (people say that will help lower insurance) and i am a class G driver (full license) I know coupes are usually more expensive for insurance. Can anyone give me an estimate of how much insurance would cost per month or for the year? I know i can call and get a quote but I want to see what the average is. Thanks!""
Where can a marijuana smoker get affordable life assurance?
it depends on if your a heavy smoker or just smoke a few times. if they ask for health records then you will be in a higher quote, but also when they ask you question on health and ...show more""
Where do i get health insurance in texas. im 18?
18 year old male. Parents dropped me. Sad day:(. Haha so where would I find cheap good health insurance :)
Nice cars with out the insurance?
first off what is the difference between a normal cars insurance and a luxurery car like a ferrari.second, i have $100,000 and im looking for a nice fast car, but i dont want to buy a ferrari or sumthing cuz of the insurance is a lot higher i heard. i was even thinking about buying a 2009 ford f150 and souping it up with rims and everything but i'd rather a car thats really nice. does anybody have any ideas for a nice fast car with normal insurance?""
Damaged rental car. How much should I pay?
Hi. I was involved in an at-fault car accident while driving a rental. Here is the rental situation: The rental car was not insured through the independent rental company. My insurance won't cover it either. I was never offered rental insurance and there was no contract signed regarding the car in question. The owner of the rental company has a rent-to-own business as well, and priced the car at $6,000, but is letting me pay just $4,550. According to Blue Book, the car is worth anywhere from $2,100 to $2,900. I'm willing to pay for the car. My question is, do I pay what he is asking or pay what the car is worth according to Kelly Blue Book? If I would have bought the car before the accident I would have never paid $6,000. It was only in fair condition when I got it. Thoughts? Thanks""
Minimum insurance for heating/plumbing business in Ca?
What is the minimum insurance that an owner of a heating/plumbing business must have in California?
How much is auto insurance in China for an American?
I'm studying in China for about 18 months. I want to buy a car there and drive it. I've already figured out the licensing stuff, no big deal, but how much/how do I get car insurance in China?""
What is the cheapest car insurance company in San Antonio?
I'm just looking for a liability insurance. Thankssssssssss!!
Car insurance questions?
1. if I have 5 years no claim bonus, can I use it on 2 different cars? different insurance companies 2. if my car insurance will ask for my no claim bonus will they return it or keep it? 3. lets say I bought a car for my dad, for his birthday but put my name as the owner of the car by mistake, can I just call DVLA to change the owner name before they send the documents to me? 4. which companies give no claim bonus for second driver? is it only Direct Line?""
Does my contractors liability insurance cover roofing subs?
Does my contractors liability insurance cover roofing subs?
Cripple Creek Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80813
Cripple Creek Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80813
Citroen c2 1.4 insurance why so expensive how to get smaller quote?
I just bought a C2 1.4 04 plate less than 30000 on clock semi auto and when I came to insure it nearly died! More than I paid for car! I am 30 and have been driving for 5 years, the first year I had my own car then I have driven hire cars or been a named driver on relatives cars. No claims, points, accidents or offences. WHY SO EXPENSIVE??? Please help me I feel in so annoyed as can't drive without insurance and at this rate can't afford to insure! Any info greatly received :)""
Do insurance or real estate companies hire teens (16+) for part time positions?
Do insurance or real estate companies hire teens (16+) for part time positions?
Huoniao 125-8 Insurance?
I'm buying this bike in a couple weeks time brand new. And I was just wondering what insurance is best/cheapest for a 17yr old rider. Thankyou! Also i've heard about this company called Rampdale, it's cheap, but apperently they completely **** most riders over?""
How much does it cost to add a minor to my (RACQ)insurance if there under the age of 25?
How much does it cost to add a minor to my (RACQ)insurance if there under the age of 25?
Cheapest car to insure?
Hi Everyone, im 21 male from ontario canada and im looking at getting my frist car, I've been driving my parents mini van for the last few years as I am a college student and live with then when him home, which isnt very often because im in school all year round. So im wondering, what are some cheaper cars to insure, both new and used? Thanks""
Cooperative young drivers insurance car modification?
Hi, I am looking forward to install a tuning box/chip tuning into my car, it is a under the hood performance modification and doesnt show anything on the exterior. Thanks!""
What exactly does term life insurance mean?
I have been paying in to a Chase Life term insurance policy for $100,000.00 for over 10 years. I have recently received a quote for $250,000.00 term policy for LESS than I am paying for the $100K policy. Do I lose anything by changing companies?""
Affordable Health Insurance Florida Question:?
So I'm looking up affordable health insurance florida sites for more information. Found nothing useful so far. Can anyone help? I just need the best or most reliable site you can share.
How much will my speeding ticket be?im 57 never once had a ticket/moving violation..it was in a school zone?
i was caught going 20 on a 15. i was driving my friends car will her insurance go up now?..i am on her insurance since we live togeather. does anyone know how much this ticket will cost me i am in las vegas
How do I get money from my insurance company when car is titled in divorcing husband's name.?
I totaled a car that is registered and insured in my name. The title is in the divorcing husband's name. He won't sign the title to get insurance check. Even if he did the check would go into his name. What can I do to get the money? Or what should I do? Lawyers are not much help right now.
Does anybody have Affordable Health Care benefits for individuals and the entire family?
Are you or your family looking for affordable Premier Health Care Savings Plan with up to $2,000 Accident Coverage with only $100 Deductible(on or off the job at school or at play)You ...show more""
Is it legal for insurance companies to require that you have a certain amount for personal bodily injury?
coverage before they can give you an insurance quote.
Where can I get affordable Health Insurance asap?
Where can I get affordable Health Insurance asap?
Car insurance trying to be cheap on repairs?
I was recently in a car accident. The other driver T boned me and he's at fault. I have my car towed to a certified BMW repair shop. The insurance adjuster assessed my car and approve the repairs.I later found out that they are going to repair my car with piece meal parts from used car from a junk yard. Half a door and part of the frame will be welded. Is this acceptable? BMW said it will not fit there standards but it is what the insurance paid for. Is the insurance trying to cheat me or is this standard practice? Do I have any say on this? Should I get a lawyer?
Do red light camera infractions hurt your insurance?
on the ticket it reads: this infraction will not be a part of your driving record and will be processed as a parking infraction. I live in Seattle, WA.""
Insurance salvage cars?
i want to buy salvage and damaged cars from insurance companies which have been written off. I understand that salvage yards do this. does anyone now how i can buy written off cars from insurance companies
UK car insurance question?
Cheapest car insurance for 17 year old boy, 3rd party F&T. 1. Provisional licence holder 2. Full licence holder Thank you""
Why is health insurance important?
Why is health insurance important?
What happens to your health insurance if you get sick & can't work?
What if you have health insurance and something happens where you get so sick you can't work, so you can't pay your health insurance bill each month since you can't go to work anymore. Will your health insurance be active while your sick and out of a job? Or will it shut off since you stopped paying the monthly bill since you weren't able to work? I don't get it, why would someone buy health insurance if when they actually get sick, the health insurance will be canceled? What if I break my leg, and can't work...and in 3 months of not working my health insurance gets cancelled...but it takes 6 months to heal your leg. I don't get it.""
I haven't received my national insurance?
I'm 16, going to turn 17 this year. I am from Bolivia (south america) I have live in the UK for 7 years and I don't received any benefits ... I haven't received my national insurance and i don't know why if any one knows why or how i can get? then please tell me thank you""
Car insurance for my 18 year old son Vauxhall Corsa Value 800 Getting Quotes of 5000 !!! HELP !!!!!!!!?
Car insurance for my 18 year old son Vauxhall Corsa Value 800 Getting Quotes of 5000 !!! HELP !!!!!!!!?
What are my rights? re: car insurance?
I'm a bit short of money at the moment, so on the 31st January i phoned my car insurance company and asked them to suspend my insurance. They told me the direct debit request for February had been sent on the 29th January, which they couldn't stop, and would be taken from my bank account on the 1st February and i would later bee refunded that amount. Today i received a letter in the post telling me they would hold the payment and use it when i continue the policy or use it towards a cancellation fee if I don't unsuspend the policy. The policy ends in June! The reason i cancelled is because im on benefits and just don't have the money to afford this right now. Anything i can do?""
Car Insurance Help..?
I just turned 16 and got my license about 2 months ago. My dad and I are now car shopping for me and I found a car that I really liked, but don't know if it would be expensive insurance or not. If you could help and give me an idea of about how much it will be a month? 2001 Acura TL $5200 (Private Owner) 6 cylinder 3.2 liter vetec 4 door sedan automatic has a salvaged title passed state inspection 77,000 miles I also live in Ohio and my dad has state farm.""
Can I drive a car and get it insured in my parents name?
I'm thinking of buying a car as soon as I pass my driving test next month and I heard that car insurance for a 20 year old is really expensive so I was wondering if I was able to ...show more
If you didn;t need to buy car insurance till you get into an accident?
Would you buy insurance till you needed it. Same with Health insurance, why buy it till I need it. Obama Care says you can not be denied health care for pre existing.""
Cripple Creek Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80813
Cripple Creek Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80813
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