#not to mention the time he told me to 'let him (our teacher) talk jesus christ' when our teacher actively encourages feedback during lesson
acidhued · 4 months
ugh. whyyyy does this one transphobic asshole in my CTE class always have to criticize me
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nsharks · 2 years
Dad Ghost resisting the urge to beat up a 7 year old after finding out they’re mean to his kid
ghost resists the urge to beat up anyone who picks on his kids
It’s late. Your eyes are fluttered shut already, but you’re laying your head on his chest and mumbling sleepy, random updates to him. Pieces of information you might’ve forgotten to share over the phone. He’s only been back for a day, but with two kids and an unplanned third on the way, there are so many little things to fill him in on.
“Did she tell you about that boy at school?”
A muscled chest stiffens beneath you. His fingers pause in your hair and he groans.
“Jesus, no. What boy now?”
Your daughter is only five, yet she is quite the talker, constantly sharing with you two details about all her friends and school activities. Simon always did his damned best not to say anything… wrong whenever she mentioned the boys at school. He understood it was normal for her development, her curiosity (yeah, yeah.) That didn’t mean he didn’t hate the growing idea of it, and that he didn’t let a few things slip just to you.
But this time, you sigh and prop your chin on his chest. “Well, he’s this new boy,” you murmur. “And he’s two years older than her-“
“He’s… what?”
“Listen, Simon. This isn’t one she fancies.” You sigh and touch the side of his inked arm gently. “He was… picking on her a bit this week. In the school yard-“
“Picking on her?” Simon repeats, words slipping out slow through tightening teeth. You see a scowl furrow. “How?”
“Well, she told me that he was teasing her about her hair on Monday. But then it turned into him calling her some names-“
“What the fuck?” You feel him shift underneath you, carefully lifting you off his chest only so he can sit up straight. Roughly now, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I’m telling you now, aren’t I?” you mutter softly. Slipping a hand in his cropped hair. “And I already had a word with her teacher about it.”
“She says she’ll keep an eye on it.”
“Keep an eye on it? Bloody hell.” His hand clenches. “What’s the kid’s name, huh?”
“Maybe I’ll keep a goddamn eye on it-“
“Don’t be ridiculous.”
“Calling our girl names? Christ, m’gonna fuck him up.”
“You will do no such thing,” you whisper firmly, fitting a hand over his arm. “Let’s just see if it gets better. If not, you can talk to her teacher.”
“M’gonna talk to her damn teacher tomorrow, anyway.”
Your hands gently guide him back to laying down, but his scowl doesn’t soften.
“Gonna talk to this kid, too.”
“Don’t do that.”
“Why not?”
“You were just talking about hurting him.”
Through flared nostrils, he sighs. Loops his arms back around you and softens a bit.
“I won’t, I won’t,” he mumbles, pressing a firm kiss to your hair. “Just gonna talk to him, yeah?”
“How about you just talk to your daughter instead?” You lay your head back to his chest, hearing the steady pounding of his heart. “Talk to her about standing up for herself, okay?”
And he does. Simon has a long talk with his little girl the next day before school, perhaps not in the way you meant for him to. Right here, dove, he murmurs to her quietly so you can’t hear, grabbing her little hand and guiding it gently to his nose. Go for him here if he bothers you again, alright?
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saras-devotionals · 7 months
Hi, I need some advice from a sister-in-Christ please.
It's a boy. Yeah, I know, all bad stories start like that but hear me out. I'm pretty good mates with this boy, he's an amazing person, so kind, really thoughtful, his heart is on fire for Jesus, he's funny, just a great bloke.
I was at a worship thing with him, and I just started sobbing on the floor (good times), and he prayed for me. Anyway, while he was praying, I just "heard" this voice, and it just said "This man is your future husband".
I've prayed about it a lot since, and I always get that same response, yes, you are going to marry this man. And that's all good and well, Your will be done Lord, but like, it's not going to be happening anytime soon... because like, I'm a young teenager, he's a few years older than me, his mum is my teacher, and I just don't want to ruin our friendship. I'm sure that God has a plan, so I'm not going to rush anything, His timing is perfect, but I just would like some advice for like waiting - because I might be waiting 10 years, I might be waiting 30 years, you know?
first off I wanted to thank you for being comfortable enough to reach out to me and thank you for trying to seek advice. now, I don’t personally know you so my first suggestion would be to continually ask for advice from other women in your life who are strong in their faith and able to offer sound advice.
I did notice you mention you’re a young teenager and this guy is older, I don’t know the specifics of course but please try to be careful in situations like these, especially at that age, a few years can make a huge difference then compared to later on in life.
as for the waiting, I can completely relate to you! I have a situation of my own with a guy I like. There’s a lot that I’ve applied to my life that I can pass on to you. The first is to let him lead, don’t try to make any of the first moves yourself:
'Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you by the gazelles and by the does of the field: Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires.' Song of Songs 2:7
This has always been a helpful scripture for me because it reiterates that it is not on my timing and, therefore, I shouldn't try to take charge of it.
Also, even with him leading, it must come from God. If his actions towards you seem in any way impure, talk to someone you trust about it and seek advice. A scripture that I always keep in mind when it comes to the guy I like is this one:
Jesus said to his disciples: "Things that cause people to stumble are bound to come, but woe to anyone through whom they come. It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble. So watch yourselves." Luke 17:1-3a
This has such strong imagery, especially coming from Jesus! It makes me super aware of my actions and those around me and how we must always strive for the purity of not just ourselves but everyone who sees us too.
More on the waiting: I know it can be hard—so hard! I struggle a bit with it myself, and it’s good that you’re reminding yourself that God’s timing is greater than ours! What I’d suggest is taking the time to be content with yourself and with God. You have to love and seek God with all your heart first and foremost above everything else (if you want, I can tell you some more about seeking God). Something that's been told to me before that stuck is: how can we love someone who's imperfect (aka other people or partners) if we can't completely love the one who is perfect (God)!
Here's some scripture about seeking God and I would also highly recommend reading the rest of Psalm 119!
'Blessed are those whose ways are blameless, who walk according to the law of the Lord . Blessed are those who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart—' Psalms 119:1-2
Also, strengthen your relationships with other sisters too! Don’t focus so much on spending time with the guy and I’d also advise against spending time alone with him. Remember, our purity matters, and we are also influential to other people as I mentioned earlier. Here's another scripture to help with that!
'“I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but not everything is constructive. No one should seek their own good, but the good of others. ' 1 Corinthians 10:23-24
I’d also advise against building up expectations or a fantasy of him, especially since you are set on believing he’s your future husband. This goes along with seeking God first because you don’t want to get to a point where you begin to idolize this guy and constantly think about him or a potential future relationship (you don't want to spend more time on him than your relationship with God). Live in the here and now! The future will come just as God has promised <3 (and just one last scripture to reaffirm the idolatry point):
'Therefore, my dear friends, flee from idolatry. ' 1 Corinthians 10:14
There’s so much more that I can discuss, and please feel free to reach out to me again if you need clarification on anything or wish for me to elaborate. I wish the absolute best for you, and I’ll be praying for your situation!
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cara-mel5 · 1 month
The Unforgivable Sin
(feels weird putting that in pink but like what to do)
so basically we're gonna be talking about the unforgivable sin and what it actually means, because way too many people (including myself) were/are scared of committing it and tbh we really don't need that stress
there will be a rough colour coding system I use to pretend there's structure in this. Red is Bible verses/quotes, green is names/people/proper nouns, blue is questions, pink is title. might be workshopped as we go along but that's it for now.
*disclaimer: i am not a Bible scholar. i am just someone with a Bible. don't @ me. if something is wrong or there's something i should've added, please tell me (but be nice or i'll cry)*
now that that's out of the way, let's start <3
If you don't have your Bible, get it out now please <3
First, what does the Bible say about salvation?
It says a lot of things, but here are a few examples (all Bible verses in this post are taken from the NIV Bible)
Jeremiah 31:34: 'For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.'
1 John 1:9: 'If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all righteousness'
Psalm 103:12: 'As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us'
All of this points to God being forgiving, right? And He is. He’s described to be a merciful, forgiving God in numerous instances. So how is there an unforgivable sin?
This infamous sin is mentioned six times in the entire Bible, but I will use Mark 3:28-29: ‘Truly I tell you, people can be forgiven all their sins and every slander they utter, but whoever blasphemes the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; they are guilty of an eternal sin’
So now we know what the unforgivable sin is – blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Okay…but what is that? Is it just saying “I hate you Holy Spirit!!!”?
Well, no. Let’s look at the verse straight after that – ‘He said this because they [the Pharisees] were saying, “He has an impure spirit.”’
What exactly were the Pharisees doing? Well, let’s go a little back. Mark 3:22 says, ‘And the teachers of the law who came down from Jerusalem [referring to the Pharisees] said, “He is possessed by Beelzebul! By the prince of demons He is driving out demons.” Yep. Let that settle in. The Pharisees were saying that Jesus, Lamb of God, Light of the world, the very embodiment of good, was possessed by a demon.
Jesus then goes on to call them out on their stupidity via parables, saying that a kingdom or house cannot stand if divided against itself, and nor can Satan, before going on to say the unforgivable sin in Mark 3:28.
Cool. So the unforgivable sin is just saying that Jesus’ power comes from demons?
Close, but…not really. Because there’s one important piece of information left. The Pharisees knew.
This is the real kicker. If we go to the beginning of the chapter, in verse 5, when he was about to heal on the Sabbath (which was considered work back then, and working on the Sabbath was a big no-no), it reads ‘[…], said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” He stretched it out, and his hand was completely restored.’ What happens in verse 6? ‘Then the Pharisees went out and began to plot with the Herodians how they might kill Jesus.’
The Pharisees knew he was the Son of God! They had outright, undeniable proof placed right in front of them. Here was this man claiming to be the Messiah and performing healing miracles (as was prophesied, Isaiah 35:5-6), therefore making him the true Messiah, and not only did they reject Jesus, they told other people he was demon-possessed. This is the unforgivable sin. Having inalienable proof that Jesus is real, and still choosing not to follow him anyway (Hebrews 6:4-6 and 10:26-31 corroborate this, which I would put here but this post is getting way too long as is).
This is why none of us can commit the unforgivable sin, or at least, it’s very difficult. Jesus isn’t here on Earth (yet). There are unexplainable events and miracles that still happen, yes, but if you don’t know/believe in Jesus, those can just be freak accidents. (The only way I could see someone in this day and age committing it is having a vision and knowing in your heart that it is 1000% Jesus? But even then that’s not a guarantee, people have weird dreams all the time? It wouldn’t be in the Bible if it wasn’t relevant to us, but I fail to see how it’s actually relevant. Help?)
Jesus isn’t performing miracles in person for the world to see, none of us can see the full truth and therefore, none of us can commit the unforgivable sin. So don’t worry! Hell is not guaranteed for any of us, praise the Lord. All we need is faith in Him, to surrender ourselves fully, and we will be saved 😊
These are some other questions I hear regarding the unforgivable sin, and my answers to them. Slight disclaimer in the sense that while these will be backed by Scripture, I may have let my own opinions infiltrate, so take what I say with a pinch of salt and always look at other views for confirmation!
Can you repent from the unforgivable sin? Well, no. The very nature of the unforgivable sin makes it unrepentable (not a word but idc). Look at Hebrews 6:4-6. If the truth of Jesus does not make you repent from your sins, nothing will.
If you unwillingly commit the unforgivable sin, can you repent? Might be slightly more controversial, but…no. If you truly know that Jesus is God, that’s still a choice you’re making. You’re putting more stock in the life you have now over the eternal life that Jesus offers. That’s a choice you’ve made and you should have to live with it. If you don’t know Jesus is real, then you haven’t committed the unforgivable sin, you can still repent.
Okay that’s enough yapping for now. Thank you for sticking around to the end, it really means a lot. This is my first extended post, so if you have any tips, please let me know!! Jesus loves you and have a great day ❤
(Also, you’ve got your Bible out. Might as well read it. A chapter or two couldn’t hurt. Stay blessed 😉)
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Romans 16, Paul's Final Instructions
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And now I make one more appeal, my dear brothers and sisters. Watch out for people who cause divisions and upset people's faith by teaching things contrary to what you have been taught. Stay away from them. Romans 16:17 In Romans 16, the Apostle Paul greeted twenty-eight individuals he had contact with in one way or another. Those greetings started with a couple who became very special to him. - Give my greetings to Priscilla and Aquila, my co-workers in the ministry of Christ Jesus. - They once risked their lives for me. - I am thankful to them, and so are all the Gentile churches. - Also give my greetings to the church that meets in their home. Romans 16:3-5 But before he went into his greetings, he mentioned a person we had never heard of before. He commended this lady deacon, Phoebe, who led the church in Cenchrea. Welcome her in the Lord as one who is worthy of honor among God's people. Help her in whatever she needs, for she has been helpful to many, and especially to me. Romans 16:1
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The Theme of the Book of Romans
For fifteen chapters, Paul wrote the most comprehensive theological study in the New Testament. In fact, in the first chapter, he told us the theme of this wonderful manuscript in two verses. For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes—the Jew first and also the Gentile. This Good News tells us how God makes us right in his sight. This is accomplished from start to finish by faith. As the Scriptures say, "It is through faith that a righteous person has life." Romans 1:16-17 In Romans 16, he brought this great work to a close. But right in the middle of his greetings and salutations, the Holy Spirit prompted him once again. He said, "I have one more appeal." This appeal must have come on the heels of Paul's theme for this book. He wasn't ashamed of the gospel, but others might want his readers to become ashamed. So, he said, watch out for those who try to cause division among you. They try to upset the things I've taught you. He admonished them not to be ashamed of the gospel but to look out for them. Such people are not serving Christ our Lord; they are serving their own personal interests. By smooth talk and glowing words they deceive innocent people. Romans 16:18 Paul's teaching throughout this book included God's grace for our salvation. Justification comes by faith, and God's family includes all who call upon the name of Jesus. However, he also wrote about the type of people he warned about in this final appeal in chapter one. But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness. Romans 1:18
One More Reminder in Romans 16
This must have weighed heavily upon the apostle's heart. His thinking may have gone to, let me remind you one more time of these people. They know the truth about God because he has made it obvious to them. Romans 1:19 Paul's warnings to the Roman church about false teachers only came in the beginning and ending chapters. But he had much more to say about them in some of the other letters he wrote. These people are false apostles. They are deceitful workers who disguise themselves as apostles of Christ. But I am not surprised! Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. 2 Corinthians 11:13-14 Paul wrote these warnings in his letter to the Romans not because he didn't have confidence in this church. No, he trusted them immensely, but it didn't hurt to include this final warning. But everyone knows that you are obedient to the Lord. This makes me very happy. I want you to be wise in doing right and to stay innocent of any wrong. Romans 16:19 Paul's warnings issued in chapter 16 dealt with the damage false teachers can do to the church. Throughout the book, he offers ways for individuals to stay on the right track. - Do not let sin control the way you live; do not give in to sinful desires. Romans 6:12 - Do not let any part of your body become an instrument of evil to serve sin. - Instead, give yourselves completely to God. Romans 6:13 - Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Romans 12:2 - Don't let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good. Romans 12:21
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An Encouragement in Romans 16
At the conclusion of his final warning, the apostle made a very encouraging statement. It included the fate of Satan and our standing with God. The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. May the grace of our Lord Jesus be with you. Romans 16:20 Verse 20 and the concluding three verses should serve as a benediction for all who read them. Therefore, you and I can and should receive those encouraging words personally. Now all glory to God, who is able to make you strong, just as my Good News says. This message about Jesus Christ has revealed his plan for you Gentiles, a plan kept secret from the beginning of time. Romans 16:25 God opened the gospel for all of us, and through it, we will receive strength. But now as the prophets foretold and as the eternal God has commanded, this message is made known to all Gentiles everywhere, so that they too might believe and obey him. All glory to the only wise God, through Jesus Christ, forever. Amen. Romans 16:26-27 Lord, we, too, say amen because you have revealed your plan to us Gentiles. Through Jesus, we give you all the glory! Check out these related posts on God and His Grace - How To Continually Rely On The Grace Of God - The Grace Of God, The Most Amazing Gift Ever - God Gives Grace To The Humble - Rely On The God Of Grace Read the full article
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write-orflight · 3 years
Golden: Chapter 1
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**Gif Not Mine**
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Pairings: SpencerXReader (Friends to lovers)
Rating: M
Words: 2. 1K
Warnings: mention of past drug abuse, sex talk, language
Summary: One misheard conversation turns Y/N and Spencer’s perfect friendship upside down. Now, she needs him to play pretend for her parents wedding. Will their friendship last this one little hiccup? Or will it change how they see each other forever?
A.N I’m back on my criminal minds BS so I thought i’d update this. reply/inbox/message for taglist. much love Cia.
      Chapter 1: Hold it, focus, hoping 
You knocked on Spencer’s door before just using your key to get in, knowing that he sometimes got caught up reading and didn’t answer the door. When you walked into the apartment you saw just that, Spencer curled up into his favorite reading chair with a book in his hand. You walked over and took the book, excitedly. 
“Hey! I was reading that.” Spencer says, pouting. 
“I know and you’ve read it before so you’re not missing much.” 
“You know it's very common to miss some details on the first read that you catch on the second.” He counters. 
“Yea but not on the third.” You laugh. “Plus, your best friend is here so you should hang out with them. And I know exactly what we’re going to do.” You say the last part in a sing-song tone. A tone Spencer had grown accustomed to when you were going to ask him to do something he’d hate. 
“Please, don’t tell me it’s a pa--” 
“Chi Omega is having their Official End of Summer Party and we’re going.” You say, dancing around while Spencer laughed at your antics. 
“Please, no frat is going to let me in.” 
“Well, that was before Pauly was president and you know he’s still obsessed with me after we hooked up that one time so I’m willing to take one for the team if it means you’ll come have fun at a party with me.” You said. 
“I don’t want to make you hook up with Pauly to get me into a party, I’ll just stay home. You go have fun.” 
“I’m not going to hook up with Pauly, Scout's honor.” You say before contemplating for a second. “Ok, maybe some hand action but that’s all. Come on Spencer, You said I’d get 2 parties if I watched Star Trek so I’m cashing in on one.” 
Spencer tilted his head back and groaned, he did agree to that. “Fine, I’ll go.” 
You jump up and down in excitement. “Great! Now do you own anything that doesn’t make you look like a substitute teacher?” You say, smiling widely at the man before grabbing his arm and pulling him to his closet to find something for the night. 
Spencer ignores the fluttering feeling he gets in his heart when you smile. Just like he always does. 
After a very distracted lunch with Spencer, you call your sister, Rachel, to see if she could hopefully talk you off the edge. 
“Hi, Y/n/n!” She says, as she answers the phone. “Why didn’t you tell me that you and Spencer are dating? I thought we told each other everything!” 
“We’re not, Rach.” You hiss into the phone. 
“We’re not dating. Me and Spencer are not dating and how do you already know?!” 
“Well, mom is telling everyone in the family and really anyone within a 10 mile radius that you and Spencer finally figured it out and that he’s coming to the anniversary party.” 
“Jesus, it’s been a fucking hour! Does she not have anything better to do?” 
“Well, she is retired now so no, nothing better to do but backseat drive our lives.” Rachel laughs. 
“Please, I’m in my 30s and still single. At least, now that you’re married you don’t get it as bad as me.” You roll your eyes. 
“Maybe not as bad as you but she’s still overbearing. You know, she’s started slipping baby books in my car when we visit even though we told her that we’re not having kids anytime soon?” Rachel says. “So, you and Spencer are not dating?” 
“Why did you say you were?” 
“I didn’t! I-I just told her I was dating someone and Spencer had walked into my office and I guess she thought I said that Spencer was the one I’m dating. God, this whole thing is a mess!” 
“Well, just tell her she misheard and bring the person you’re actually dating.”  
“About that…” 
“Oh my god, you’re not actually dating someone?” 
“I didn’t know what else to do. She was going to try to set me up with Richard!” 
“The foot doctor?” 
“Yeah and I’m 95% sure he has a fetish.” 
“Well, I mean there’s one thing you could do…” Rachel trails off. 
“You could…. Ask Spence to cover for you.” 
“What do you mean, Rach?” 
“Ask Spencer to play your boyfriend for the weekend. Then you at least have a couple of months of mom off your back.” 
“You want me to ask Spencer Reid to not only lie but pretend to be my boyfriend for a weekend with our family?” 
“Why not? He already knows everyone and you guys kind of already act like a couple so there’d barely be a difference. You could even phrase it like a vacation to him.”  
“What do you mean we act like a couple?” 
“Listen, I’ve gotta go back to work so we don’t have time to unpack all of it.” Rachel says, you raise an eyebrow at that. “I’m just saying ask him, I doubt he’ll say no. I doubt Spencer could even say no to you if he tried. Talk soon, bye!” With that she hangs up leaving you more confused than before. 
You find yourself outside of Spencer’s apartment days later, indian food and pride in hand. You steel yourself as you walk to the door, reminding yourself that the worst he could do is say no and you’re entertaining Dr. Foot-Fetish for a weekend. You knock twice and Spencer swings the door open. The first thing you notice is that he’s not wearing a shirt and his plaid pajama bottoms low on his hips. You forgot sometimes that Spencer was actually not as lanky as he was when you met. Now, he was kind of built and lean. You don’t notice you’re staring until Spencer clears his throat. 
“Did you want to come in or..?” 
You shake your head, clearing it of whatever thought that was becoming. “Uh-yea.” You say, pushing past him into the kitchen. “Did you eat? I brought indian.” You say, unpacking the food which Spencer takes, graciously. 
“Not to sound ungrateful but what’re you doing here?” 
“Maybe I wanted to spend time with my friend?” You say, defensively. “What? Did you have plans, Casanova?” 
Spencer shakes his head. “Other than reading, no.” 
“Well, if you still want to read, you can. But I was thinking we could watch Doctor Who or, how about that 5 hour one you like.”
Spencer’s eyes narrow. “What’s up with you?” 
“What do you mean?” You ask. 
“You bring me Indian food, you hate indian. Now, you’re willingly offering to watch Solaris when the last time we watched it you said and I quote ‘if you ever make me watch that again I’m murdering you’--” 
“Hey! I don’t think that’s what I said.” 
“Y/N, I remember everything you ever said to me, that’s exactly what you said. So, what’s up? Why are you being so nice?” Spencer says before a gasp leaves him. “Did someone die?” 
“God, no one died, Spencer.” You roll your eyes. “You know sometimes a friend can just be nice.” 
“But that’s not what you’re doing right now, is it?” Spencer says looking you in the eyes. You look at him guiltily and shake your head. 
“I need a favor…” You say, Spencer raises an eyebrow at you. “You know my parents' party is coming up?” 
“And I was talking to my mom on Monday because she wanted to know if I was bringing anyone and I told her I was dating someone.” 
“Which you’re not.” 
“Which I’m not… and I may have accidentally told her it was you…” You trail off. Spencer’s eyebrows go sky high at your wincing expression. 
“How…? How did you accidentally tell your mom we are dating?” 
“You know, it’s actually kind of funny basically you walked into my office at the same time she asked me who I was dating. So when I was saying hi to you she thought I was saying it was you that I was dating.” You laugh, awkwardly before looking somewhat serious. “And she got so excited, Spence. I-I can’t tell her that I’m not.” 
“So you want me to pretend to be your boyfriend for your parents' anniversary party?” He says, confused like he couldn’t believe that you were actually asking that. 
“Umm… yes?” You say, awkwardly at the confused expression on his face. “You know what? This was stupid, let’s just watch the movie and forget I aske--” 
“I’ll do it.” 
“If you need it Y/N, I’ll do it.” Spencer shrugs. “Plus it’s just your family, we’ve dealt with worse.” 
“Well, you’ve only dealt with my mom for a couple hours, not days yet so hold your tongue.” 
“If you want to do this though, we'd have to do it right.” Spencer says, a contemplating look on his face. “Your mom’s not a profiler but she could’ve been one. Remember when she immediately knew I was an only child and my mother was sick within minutes of meeting me?” 
You groan. Spencer was right, your mother could get a good read on just about anyone. “Yea, she’s going to find us out before we can even do anything, what was I thinking?” 
“Not if we… you know, work on it a little?”  
You give Spencer a look. “Work on what exactly, Casanova?” 
“I mean, I don’t know how you are with your significant others but you’re not exactly a touchy person.” Spencer laughs. “Hell, do you even know the last time you hugged me?” 
You give him a weird look. “We hug all the time, Spencer. I don’t really know.” 
“We do not hug all the time.” Spencer says. “Last time you hugged me was when you dropped me off at rehab.” 
You nod, remembering the sad day. You knew something was wrong with Spencer when he came back from his kidnapping. You had not been on the team yet but you and Spencer still had dinners when you could. It was the 3rd dinner when you realized something was up. That he was looking more tired, more antsy, barely paying attention or eating. You would’ve thought it was anything but drugs. But it was and your friend was hurting. So one morning you asked to grab coffee and you drove Spencer directly to the rehab facility. Told him that you already called his boss and told him Spencer had a family emergency with his mom and that he’d be gone. Spencer yelled and yelled at you for what seemed hours but at the end of the shrillness, there was an almost silent sob. So you reached over and held him as he sobbed in your parked car. 
“Okay, so I’m not a huggy person. What? Did you want a hug?” 
Spencer holds his hands up in mock surrender. “I’m just saying it’s going to be hard to believe I’m your boyfriend if you won’t even touch me.” He laughed. 
“Maybe we’re just not big on PDA.” You say, thinking it might be a solution. 
“If you think it’ll fly past your mother, sure.” 
You groan, you knew that would never work with your mother, she was way too nosy and would probably think you were fighting. “Ugh, fine. What do you suggest, boy wonder?” 
“Well, someone said we could watch Solaris so I figured I’d put that on and we could, I don’t know, cuddle?” 
“Cuddle?!” You said, incredulously. “God, I don’t even cuddle with hookups. Fine, let’s move this to the couch, I guess.” 
You went to sit on Spencer’s small 2 seater couch as Spencer sat next to you to cue up the movie. He looked at you, to make sure you were okay, only putting his arm around you when you nodded. 
“You know, if you’re uncomfortable you can say something. I don’t want to push you too much.” 
“Spencer, it’s fine. It’s you, I’m sure I’ll be fine.” You say, leaning in a little to lay your head on his chest. 
It was almost comforting in a sense. Spencer smelled like his cologne and old books and with the boring Russian on the screen, it wasn’t long until your eyes were drifting closer and closer to shut. For some reason, you found yourself snuggling closer into Spencer's chest as you blew your last sigh before rest. 
And if you asked Spencer if he watched while you drifted off warm in his arms, he’d lie. 
Perm Taglist: @moonshinerbynight @crimeshowtrash @richardrosejpeg @itsametaphorbriansblog @urguardiandevil @no-honey-no @this-is-why-imma-die-alone @scarletred79 @idroppedmygourd @luwheezy @avis-exe @newvialuna​ @onlyhereforcriminalmindsthings @ceeellewrites​ @eevee0722​ @crying-on-the-floor​  @thereaderlexa​
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dreamwritesimagines · 3 years
Y'all be switching up so fast now that Alex's face claim is Andrew Garfield....and so am I. Alex4Eva
Let him be happy with the girl he so obviously pines for .
Also I HC that when they first met, probably at some parent teacher conference or the principal's office because Emma refuses to take a punch, Alex sees this stunning girl wearing a short floral dress and the most exasperated expression and thinks: "holy shit, MILF". And not only did he do a double take but he also checked her hand for any ring and when he found none he was amped up but also really cute and all stuttering while Peaches was really confused bc she's like 60% sure Emma's cute teacher thought she was Emma's mom.
Could we have a HC of their first meeting and Alex being dumbfounded?
Oh my God this is hilarious 😂😂 Yesss we're all switching to Alex nowadays and it's so much fun for me 😂
The fact that Alex thought THAT when he saw Peaches😂
So I'd like to apologize because I started this out as a HC but somewhere along the way it kind of turned into a drabble? Uuuuh so, tadaa, I hope you enjoy it😂
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You hadn't realized this before, but being called to principal's office was worse when you were a grown up.
“As I’ve mentioned before ma’am,” the principal said, “We don’t really condone any violent behavior between children, and while it may seem like it’s just kids being kids, we believe that it may have more serious consequences in the long run.”
You nodded fervently. “I- I apologize for Emma’s behavior Mr. Williams. I have no idea what brought this on.”
“And when it comes to our scholarship students…”
“I totally get it,” you said and sat up straighter. “It won’t happen again, I assure you.”
“Very well then,” he said, “Thank you for coming.”
“Thank you, have a nice evening,” you stood up from the seat and shook his hand, then stepped out of the office and approached Emma to put her jacket on.
“It wasn’t my fault!” Emma pouted, and you took a shaky breath.
“It really wasn’t, Tim laughed at me-“
“That doesn’t give you the right to push people,” you pointed at her. “You’re grounded.”
“What? No!”
“Yeah. We’re not going to the aquarium this weekend.”
“That’s not fair!” she shouted and bolted from your side as a classroom door opened.
“Whoa, where’s the fire Emma?” someone called out and you turned your gaze to the man, then raised your brows.
Oh wow, he was cute.
“It’s not fair!” Emma stomped on her foot and you snapped out of it.
“Straight to the car, Summer is already there.” You said, and Emma groaned, then made her way downstairs. You turned your head when you felt the guy’s gaze on you and he blinked a couple of times, then approached you.
“Hello,” you said with a smile. “Sorry about the um-temper tantrum.”
“Oh that’s something I’m not used to at all,” he joked and offered his hand. “Alex.”
 Right. Emma had missed the part that her teacher was apparently pretty cute.
“Oh my God you’re Alex? As in her teacher Alex?” you asked and shook his hand before introducing yourself.
“Y/N. Emma does not stop talking about you.”
“She’s a great kid.”
You tilted your head and pointed back with your thumb. “Mmm, the principle doesn’t seem to think so.”
“Is this about the pushing incident today?”
“Jesus,” he shook his head. “No it really was nothing, I told him that too.”
You pushed your hair back, his gaze going to your hand for a moment before snapping back to your eyes.
“One pushing incident doesn’t change anything, Emma is one of our best students.”
“God, you have no idea how good it is to hear that because on the way here I questioned my every decision and ended up with the conclusion that the bedtime stories I read to her were too violent,” you said, making him chuckle. “I mean honestly, Grimm Brothers? What on earth was I thinking?”
“We actually have a book suggestions list,” he said. “We’re going to share it on the next PTA. I’d be happy to share it with you or….or uh, the father?”
You waved a hand in the air. “Nah my dad doesn’t come to these things, but I’d like to check it out.”
“Oh I meant—“
“You meant her father yeah, but Em and I happen to have the same father.”
Alex stared at you for a moment, then snapped his fingers.
“Oh she’s-she’s your sister!” he said, “Sorry, I thought…”
“That I was her mom?” you asked with a smile. “No, her mom’s gone.”
“I’m sorry for your loss.”
“Ah no she’s not dead, she’s just a terrible person.” You corrected yourself. “So you’ll just be seeing me on the PTA meetings.”
“That’s great,” he said and then cleared his throat. “I mean—I didn’t…uh, I just meant that it was really nice to meet you.”
“You too,” you said. “I’ll see you around I guess?”
“Yeah!” he said breathlessly. “I’ll see you around.”
You nodded at him, still smiling and walked past him to walk down the hallway, then stepped to the yard. You made your way to the car Summer was leaning back to, and she tilted her head.
“Em is pouting inside-why are you grinning?”
You licked your lips, then shrugged your shoulders.
“Uh…no reason,” you said. “Let’s go.”
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queenshelby · 3 years
Featuring: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Smut, Divorce, Broken Relationship, Mention of Abuse
Words: 3,567
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***New to Dublin***
It has been several weeks since you moved from the UK to Dublin to start a new life with your son Lucas who recently turned 16.
You left an abusive relationship and finally filed for divorce. Nonetheless, Lucas blamed you for everything even for the fact that his father wasn’t allowed to see him until the court orders have been finalised due to his addictions and history of violence.
Lucas hated the fact that he was now attending a new school and, just after two days, he was getting himself into trouble for smoking weed on school premises.
Despite this, you enjoyed your new job as a drama teacher and had recently suggested to the director of the school that it would be fantastic for the children who enrolled into your extra curriculum arts program to participate in an actual play in front of their families and the teachers of the school.
‘What do you think about it Adam?’ you asked. Adam was the school principal and your friend since high school. He always had a crush on you, but never admitted it. It wasn’t until recently that he finally asked you for a date, an offer which you declined since you were working with him on a daily basis.
‘Sure, if you think the students are willing and able to put in this kind of effort, why not?’ Adam said, allowing you to take charge of the extra curriculum drama activities as you see fit. He was just glad to have you on board after the last drama and literature teacher employed by the school was a disaster.
‘I have about six students in two of my classes who seem to be very talented and I think it would be beneficial for them to build up the confidence they need if they want to pursue a career in acting’ you explained before giving Adam the names of the six students.
‘Perhaps you can suggest it to their parents?’ you then went on to say and Adam agreed.
Three weeks later, you got notice from Adam advising you that five out of the six students wish to participate in the program but, in order to be signed off by the board, you would need to find five more students and a volunteer parent to assist you with any work that is to be conducted outside school premises due to regulations imposed by the board.
‘You’ve got anyone in mind?’ you asked.
‘Actually, one of the parents has offered and I think he would be a good fit as he is a well-known actor and has had several stage performances himself’ Adam explained.
‘I assume you are talking about Hendrix and Charlie’s dad?’ you asked, remembering having met him a few times already at pick up on Wednesdays and every second Friday.
‘Yes, Cillian Murphy’ Adam said before continuing on ‘Cillian mentioned that he’s got no engagements for the next three months, so I suggest you talk to him’ Adam suggested.
‘Alright. So, do you know each other since you are on first name basis?’ you asked surprised.
‘Yes, for a matter of fact, I do. His brother is married to my sister. We occasionally have a few drinks. He is easy going. You will get along just fine’ Adam said.
‘Alright, I will talk to him then. Thanks Adam’ you said before quickly leaving Adam’s office.
Adam had recently made yet another attempt to ask for a date which you pushed back on, which meant that you tried to engage in as little small talk as possible.
***Interested in Someone Else***
The following Wednesday, when Cillian picked up his boys from school, you approached him. You felt somewhat uncomfortable about it, knowing that he was probably overqualified for this task. But, he had offered and there was no one else who you thought could do a better job with the students than someone like him, someone with experience.
‘Uhm, Mr Murphy, do you have a minute?’ you asked as he was trying to get his sons to pack up their bags while they were too busy fighting with each other once again. They both were very creative, but also very messy and constantly argued.
‘Oh no…what did they do?’ he chuckled as he pulled Hendrix’s bag apart looking for the rest of the mandarin peel which Charlie had stuffed in there just seconds ago to get under Hendrix’s skin.
‘Jesus Hendrix’ he huffed as he found three empty chocolate wrappers instead and put them into the bin.
‘Sorry Miss L/N, you have my attention now…you were saying?’ he chuckled
‘The boys are great, really well behaved’ you said as you noticed that Cillian looked at you with concern, thinking his sons were in trouble.
‘Really? I find that hard to believe’ he laughed before telling them off again for fighting with each other.
‘I have spoken to our principal, Mr Walsh, and he mentioned that you would be willing to get involved in the drama project as a volunteer. In order to get it approved by our board, I would need one parent to volunteer’ you explained shyly.
‘That’s right, so long as it is within the next three months. After that I will be in the US for a few months for work’ Cillian explained just before the boys interrupted him.
‘I assume that’s what the beard is for?’ you grinned, having noticed that it has slowly been growing longer and longer over the past few weeks.
‘Unfortunately’ he laughed, running one of his hands over his stubble just as Charlie came over and interrupted him.
‘Seriously Dad? Do you know how embarrassing this will be for us if you are working with Miss L/N?’ Charlie huffed.
‘Yes, Charlie wants to impress Nadine Seymour and you are really going to ruin it’ Hendrix teased, causing Charlie to nudge him
‘No fighting and no girlfriends! Understood?’ Cillian chuckled before inviting you for a coffee on Friday after school so that you can discuss the drama program.
You gladly accepted Cillian’s invitation, much to his sons’ disappointment.
‘Are you having a date with our teacher? That’s so disgusting’ you then heard Hendrix say as Cillian was walking off with them.
***Two Weeks Later***
Two weeks later, your drama project was in full swing and you had decided to allow the students to practise their play at a real theatre in Dublin once per week when Cillian was available.
You and Cillian got along well and his boys continuously teased him about hanging out with their teacher. But there was nothing awkward between you until, one day, you engaged into some deeper conversation while none of the children were around.
Cillian had found out about your son’s problems at school. His boys had told him about Lucas’s reputation and, over a few hours and a few beers following theatre practise, you opened up to him about your divorce and your relationship with Lucas’s father.
You didn’t know why you told him, but you enjoyed his company. He was a good listener and he was quite reserved and private which made you trust him.
But, over the following week, you started to enjoy his company a little too much. He certainly was an attractive man and, by what you could tell, a fantastic father. He seemed perfect and you knew you shouldn’t fantasise about him the way you did over that past week.
This was easier said than done. He had everything your ex lacked. He was patient, kind and empathetic. You enjoyed working with him and your son soon noticed, giving you a hard time about it soon enough.
To your surprise, after about three weeks of working together and following the last practise, Cillian took matters a little further than you had expected and, after all the kids had left and his boys had been picked up by their mother, Cillian asked you whether you wanted to have dinner with him some time.
You politely declined his offer, explaining to him that you weren’t ready to start dating and that sure felt like a date to you.
That same night, you regretted your decision after talking to your sister about it. You trusted your sister with everything and you encouraged you to give him a chance.
You were afraid to develop feeling, to let anyone to your life, but you were of the view that you must learn how to trust before you can love again.
‘Does your dinner offer still stand?’ you texted Cillian that night, hoping that he would reply quickly to your message.
‘It sure does’ Cillian texted back within seconds.
‘Pick me up at 6 o’clock tomorrow? Lucas is having a sleep over at a friend’s place’ you responded.
‘6 o’clock it is’ Cillian texted back.  
***Date Night***
The following evening, Cillian picked you up at 6 o’clock as promised and, after complimenting your outfit, which was a black buttoned dress, you both got into his car and drove into Dublin’s city centre.
‘So where are you taking me?’ you asked somewhat shyly and Cillian was quick to hand you a pamphlet.
‘A theatre?’ you asked surprised.
‘Sort of. It is a restaurant in the arts district where you can watch pop up shows during the drama festival. It’s contemporary, but you might spot some real good talent there’ Cillian explained and your excitement was growing.
His idea was very thoughtful and you appreciated the fact that this wasn’t going to be your average Italian restaurant date.
Over dinner you and Cillian talked a lot about your lives, your relationships and your children while watching the most interesting people perform the most interesting short plays. Some of them were real pieces of art and the performers put an immense effort into their performance and costumes.
After about two hours, Cillian offered to drive you home and you gladly accepted his offer.
‘Uhm would you like to come up for a drink?’ you asked as you arrived at your apartment building.
‘Sure, yes, why not’ Cillian said before turning off his car and following you to your apartment.
But the drink never eventuated and, as soon as you opened the door to your apartment, Cillian’s lips were on yours.
‘Fuck I am sorry Y/N’ Cillian said, pulling back quite quickly as he realised that things were probably moving too fast for you after what you had told him a few days ago.
‘No, don’t. I want this’ you reassured him, your voice quiet and your eyes fierce before pressing your lips back onto his.
‘For once, I want to feel like a real woman. I want to be desired... loved, I want to know what this feels like’ you said as you could see the fire in his eyes as you slowly dragged him into your bedroom.
He stepped forward then, tilting your chin up with his finger, brushing his lips over yours, and allowing his tongue to caress your lower lip. Your body shook softly as you melted into his embrace, your lips parting, granting access to Cillian's tongue, which immediately snaked into your mouth and embarked on a search for yours.
You sighed softly, draping your arms around his neck and pressing your body against Cillian's torso. The kiss was deep, passionate and almost immediately took your breath away. It was unlike anything you had ever experienced, stoking the fire already burning deep within your body. When Cillian finally released you from his embrace you were left panting and wanting more.
‘You are beautiful, you know that?’ Cillian whispered as he started unbuttoning the black dress that draped so alluringly across your breasts and waist.
‘If you say so’ you giggled before looking straight into his eyes. You proceeded to shrug the dress from your shoulders, blushing as Cillian's eyes consumed you.
He kissed you again, his hands sliding down to cup your ass as he pressed his fully hard cock against you.
‘I want you, Cillian’ you gasped softly as you felt him rubbing against you.
He walked you slowly back to the bed, laying you down gently and stripping his clothes from his body. You looked up at him, biting your lip, as he first pulled his t-shirt over his head, exposing his perfectly shaped chest and torso. Your heart began to pound as he kicked off his shoes and undid his pants, dropping them to his ankles. In no time at all his cock was free and pointing proudly to the ceiling.
You stared at it from your place on the bed, mesmerized by the way it bobbed and weaved as he gazed lustily at your nearly naked body.
You gasped when Cillian got to his knees, spreading your legs and placing soft butterfly kisses on your thighs. You blushed, knowing what Cillian intended, an act that your ex-husband had never, in all your years of marriage, performed.
‘Cillian’ you said quietly, attempting to close your legs.
Cillian held them apart gently as he looked up at your quizzically.
‘I've never...I've never had anyone do that to me’ you said, refusing to meet his eyes.
‘Really?’ he asked surprised and you answered by shaking your head almost shyly.
‘Well, there is a first time for everything Y/N. Just relax. I will stop whenever you tell me to, alright?’ he said, attempting to soothe and calm you and you nodded, biting your lip in anticipation.
And with that he reached up and grasped the waist of your panties, tugging at them gently. You submitted, lifting your hips and closing your eyes as Cillian slid the panties down your thighs. You kept your legs clamped tightly together however as he dropped them to the floor.
Your ex husband had been the first and only men you’ve been with and you were beyond nervous.
‘Cillian’ you murmured as he pressed gently on the insides of your knees in a silent request.
Your legs parted in response and you blushed a deep red at the thought of your most intimate spot exposed to Cillian's gaze. Leaning forward, he kissed the inside of each of your thighs before, a moment later, his tongue was buried in your soft folds, tasting your sweetness. Your body bucked wildly as he drew his tongue through your sweet flesh, your hips rising from the bed from the jolts of pure pleasure that shot through your body when he discovered the little bud that was your clit.
‘Oh God, Cillian!’ you moaned, covering your eyes with the back of your hand.
He opened your legs a little more, twisting his head and running the tip of his tongue the full length of your glistening pussy, savoring the sweet taste of your juice. Reaching up, he found one of your stiff nipples and tugged at it softly as he continued exploring you with his mouth.
You moaned, squirming on the bed from the pleasure building within you as he relentlessly worked at your pussy.
‘Don't stop please, fuck’ you hissed, grasping at the sheet and closing your thighs around his head.
Cillian had no intention of stopping as his tongue lapped at you, his mouth moving in circles as he sought ways to enhance your pleasure. Your body arched upwards when his lips closed around your clit, sucking it into his mouth and flicking at it gently with the very tip of his tongue. Your breathing was ragged, your moans increasing in volume as his mouth worked relentlessly at your sex. It took no more than a few minutes for your pleasure to build to an overwhelming level.
‘Oh my God! Cillian! Oh my God!’ you screamed as a searing orgasm claimed you.
Your entire body shuddered and shook as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through you. Cillian simply gripped your thighs and continued to lick your clit as your body convulsed on the bed. The orgasm seemed to go on forever and it was at least a minute before your mind was once again in control, Finally, your eyes flickered open and you looked at Cillian shyly, his head still positioned between your thighs.
‘Cillian, that was...oh my God, it was amazing. I never imagined...’ you said exhausted.
Cillian raised his head, grinning.
‘There's a lot more to come, Y/N’ he replied, raising himself to your knees.
He could see the trepidation on your face as you eyed his hard, swollen cock which pointed eagerly towards the ceiling.
‘It's okay, I will go slowly’ he said softly, caressing your thigh with his fingers. ‘Do you have…?’ he then went on to ask and, before he could finish his sentence, you shook your head.
‘I’ve just had my implant replaced’ you assured him and this was all he needed to hear.
Reaching down and grasping his member he dragged his head through your folds, causing you to moan once again. The heat from his cock was palpable, the touch of it electric, as he moved it through your puffy lips.
‘Cillian, please... I need you’ you moaned.
‘Not yet, Y/N’ he teased, sliding the head of his cock up and down your slick slit, spreading your soft lips but refusing to penetrate your just yet.
‘God, Cillian... please’ you begged.
He relented then, groaning as he pushed the head of his cock into you, your tight walls gripping him as he pushed deeper, filling you.
‘Oh god yes’ you hissed, your eyes glued to his as he began stroking the full length of his cock into you.
He kissed you, taking your mouth with his as you moaned in pleasure. Drawing his hips back, Cillian's cock slid easily from your sex, eliciting a delicious whimper from your throat. Immediately he thrust back into you in one smooth movement and then repeated the action, giving you deep hard strokes as he built to a steady rhythm.
You moaned and squirmed beneath him; your body rising from the bed to meet each thrust of his almost perfect manhood.
‘Cillian, fuck’ you gasped as he worked himself in and out of you. Your body was on fire, every nerve alight as Cillian fucked you in a way you had never before experienced. Usually, your ex-husband would mount you and simply jackhammer into you for a couple of minutes before gasping in your ear as he came. Cillian, however, was intent on ensuring your pleasure, varying the pace and depth of his thrusts, gyrating his hips against yours, and changing the angle now and then to ensure that he ground against your clit.
Fuck, Y/N... you are so tight. It feels so good’ Cillian moaned.
Cillian, no...’ you whimpered as he pulled his cock from you.
‘Don’t worry, I am not finished with you yet. Turn over’ he chuckled.
You scrambled to your hands and knees quickly, the need to have Cillian's cock inside you driving your movements. Cillian, for his part, felt the same and he wasted no time in entering you again.
He thrust deep into you, driving the breath from your body as he pounded his cock into your sweet, tight pussy over and over. You were in heaven; Cillian was taking you in exactly the way you had imagined so many times over the past few weeks when you dreamt about him. His desire for you palpable in every thrust of his rock-hard member.
As Cillian continued to thrust into you, you buried your face in the pillow, moaning continuously as Cillian took you, the friction of his shaft against your tight walls sending waves of pleasure to the sensory centers of your brain. Instinctively, you pushed back against him, attempting to get every inch of him into you. You were rewarded with a long, guttural moan.
‘Y/N, I'm close’ he warned you.
‘Good, so am I’ you gasped in response. ‘Take me, Cillian’ you moaned.
He picked up the pace, his thrusting becoming almost desperate as he fought to make you finish before he did. He held you in place tightly, his solid shaft slamming into you again and again.
Suddenly you were there, crying out loudly as an intense, almost nuclear, burst of pleasure erupted from deep within and spread through your body.
‘Oh god yes, Cillian fuck’ you screamed, your pussy convulsing around Cillian's shaft.
The sight and sound of your orgasm was too much for Cillian and after just a few more thrusts, he too erupted, forcing spurts of warm cum into you. His eyes glazed and he lost all sense of time and place as he surrendered to the intense pleasure swamping his body.
‘Fuck, that's so good!’ he panted as the two of you, shuddering and shaking in unison, reveled in the fruits of your labor.
Finally, it was over. Gently, you uncoupled your panting bodies and, rolling onto his back, Cillian gasped again, eliciting a wide smile from you.
You snuggled against his warm chest, your thigh cast carelessly over his legs. You were content, basking in the warm glow of perfect sex.
But, your sense of lust and desire was soon to come to an end as you heard Lucas shouting.
‘Mum, are you home?’ he yelled out, causing both Cillian’s and your eyes to widen.
   Tag List (Cillian):
@lilymurphy03  @deefigs @theflamecrystal   @desperate-and-broken  @weepingstudentfishhorse   @livinginfantaxy  @rosey1981  @atomicsoulcollecto  @peakyboyslover  @nerdy4itall  @elenavampire21  @hanster1998  @mariapaiva13  @fairypitou  @harry-is-my-sunflower  @zozeebo  @lauren-raines-x @kasaikawa  @littlewierdalien  @sad-huffle-nerd  @theflamecrystal   @peakymalfoyscullymulder  @themissthang  @0ghostwriter0  @stylescanbeatmyback  @1-800-peakyblinders @datewithgianni  @momoneymolife  @ntmynouis @lilymurphy03  @mcntsee@cloudofdisney @missymurphy1985 @peakymalfoyscullymulder  @otterly-fey @janelongxox  @uchihacumdump @basiclassy  @being-worthy  @chaotic-bean-of-smolness  @margoo0 @chocolatehalo​  @vhscillian​  @ysmmsy​  
Cannot Tag (please check your settings):
@l0tsofpennies @trolleydolly @avonlady1985 @chrisevanshoeee  @daydreamingnymph  @fookingshelby
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marvelsmylife · 3 years
Take a chance on me
pairing: Natasha Romanoff x reader
request: Hi! Can I request a Nat x fem reader? R is a teacher, & meets Nat when she visits her classroom. They flirt, but the reader turns Nat down. She has a 10 year old son (single mom) R likes Nat but is afraid to get their hopes up. Nat doesn’t give up, runs into them both getting ice cream. She joins them, Nat and her son hit it off, they head back to reader’s appt and Nat learns the truth. Nat says she wants them both in her life, she spends the night and they sleep together. Fluffy end please! 🙏 A/n this is another smutty Natasha fic that I can’t believe I actually wrote. I apologize in advance for the smut and if you are under the age of 18 please don’t read. I’ve had people in the past anonymously message me saying either their younger sibling or child was reading these types of stories and they are not ok with it.
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When Natasha agreed to visit a fourth-grade class with the rest of the Avengers she didn’t expect to be attracted to the teacher. Natasha was surprised she was attracted to you because she typically went for a butch woman but thought you looked adorable in your floral dress and white cardigan. She hoped she’d be able to talk to you for a bit after their appearance but didn’t get her hopes up because they had a hectic schedule. Fortunately for her, Steve agreed to stay half an hour after their appearance with the class because you told the Avengers that your students planned a little party for them as a thank you. Natasha took this as her chance to steal you away for a few minutes before she had to leave. Unfortunately, when she was about to go up to you Wanda walked up to and started talking about what was like to teach so many children every day. Natasha glared at Wanda and was mentally cursing her out because she got to you before her. Since Wanda could read minds she looked over at Natasha gave her a nod so she walked up and asked: “I’m sorry Wanda but can I steal y/n for a few minutes?” Wanda nodded her head before you walked her over to the library corner of your classroom. You were happy that the other Avengers were in the classroom so they could distract the kids while you talked to Natasha. Throughout the entire party, you and Natasha talked about everything and anything. It’s been awhile since Natasha clicked with someone so when she noticed there were a few minutes left before she had to leave she decided to ask you out “Since I’m leaving soon what do you say we continue our conversation later tonight? Maybe over dinner and see where the night takes us?” Taken off guard by Natasha’s question you blinked several times before you responded “I’m sorry Natasha but can’t” you apologized. It’s not that you didn’t want to go out with her, god you really did but you were a single mother of a ten-year-old boy and he was your main priority. Sure you’ve had relationships after your sons' father walked out but they didn’t last once they found out you were a mom. “Can I ask why?” Natasha asked while she gave you a confused look because she thought you guys were hitting it off. “I just can’t ok” you snapped. Natasha flinched at your answer before she watched you walk away and started thanking the other Avengers for stopping by. Natasha spent the rest of the day thinking about your interaction in your classroom. She wanted to know why you rejected her because she knew there was a spark between the two of you.
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The following afternoon Natasha went out for a walk to distract herself from thinking about you but just as she was passing an ice cream shop and spotted you hugging a young boy. Wanting to know who the little boy was, Natasha entered the shop and walked up to you “hey y/n” Natasha smiled when you looked over your shoulder and spotted her. “Natasha what are you doing here?” you asked and wrapped your arm around your son. Natasha elected to ignore your question and looked down at the young boy next to you “Who’s your friend?” Natasha asked. “I’m her son Alexander” the little boy held out his hand and introduced himself. “I love you and all of the Avengers.” Natasha shook his hand and smiled at him “Thank you. You know what, let me pay for your ice cream?” Natasha pulled out her wallet before you had the chance to answer “I don’t know how much their ice cream was but you can keep the change” the teenage employee looked like he was about to have a stoke when he noticed Natasha gave him a $100 dollar bill. “Would it be ok if I joined you guys?” Without a second thought, Alexander nods his head excitedly “can she join us, mom?” Alexander looks up at you and gives you his signature puppy dog eyes. Not wanting to disappoint your son you agreed “of course she can” you kissed Alexanders head and start to head towards the exit so you could eat it outside. Natasha was grateful that you agreed to let her hang out with you guys because she got to know you and Alexander in a deeper level. You were surprised that Alexander was so open with Natasha because he was usually very shy when he’s around someone he’s never met before. He when he wanted to ask someone a question he would usually whisper in your ear so you could ask. With Natasha though he was smiling from ear to ear as he asked Natasha about what was it like to be an avenger and if he could be one when he grew up. Before you knew it you and Alexander had been talking to Natasha for three hours. You could have spent another three hours talking but Alexander started tugging on your sweater and mumbled “Mom we have to go! Tommy’s sleepover is in a few hours and I haven’t packed my stuff yet.” Not wanting to leave Natasha just yet Alexander asked “do you want to come to our house? I can show you my avengers' collection while I pack my stuff for the sleepover.” “Only if your mommy lets me come over. I don’t want to go if I’m not welcomed by everyone” Natasha looked up at you and smiled. “Of course you can come over” you responded, “we better get going before Tommy’s parents stop by to pick you up”. You guys all got up and made your way to your car so you could head back home.
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Half an hour later you guys arrived helped Alexander pack for his slumber party. It took you guys an hour to get him packed because Alexander kept showing Natasha all of his toys and continued to ask questions about the Avengers. Once Alexander left there was an awkward silence between you and Natasha before you decided to speak “so what do we do now?” “We can sit and talk about why you rejected me yesterday,” Natasha suggested and caused you to tense up. Patting the seat next to her on the couch you reluctantly walked over and sat next to her “Was it because of Alexander?” “Yes,” you answered honestly “99% of the people I’ve dated in the past left when I mention I have a son” you admitted while you looked into Natasha’s eyes. “I thought you were going to be one of the 99% so I said no so I could save myself from another heartache.” Natasha felt her heartbreak at your answer. You were such a sweetheart and the thought that people stopped seeing you because you had a son made her upset. “I promise I’ll never leave” Natasha whispered as she grabbed your hand kissed them. You wanted to believe Natasha but you heard that same speech before. “Do you really mean it? I don’t want you to get my hopes up.” “Yes, I mean it. I um can’t have kids so if you give me a chance I’ll treat Alexander as if he was my own son.” Natasha bit her lower lip when she realized she just revealed a secret, not even the Avengers knew. A wave of guilt washed over you at Natasha’s words “I’m so sorry” you apologized even though you didn’t have to. “It’s ok” Natasha let go of your hands and rested on of her hands on your jaw “just give me a chance and I promise I’ll make you and Alexander my priority.” Licking your lips you looked back and forth between Natasha’s eyes and lips “please don’t make me regret this” you replied before you leaned in and kissed her. It had been a while since you kissed someone so you didn’t hold back and took control. “I thought I was going to take control” Natasha laughed when you broke the kiss and started kissing your way down Natasha’s neck. “Sorry but I love being in control” you pulled away and took off your top. “You know what, let’s take this to my room. I have a very comfortable bed and my own toys I want to show you” you bit Natashas lower lip before you got up and dragged Natasha towards your bedroom. Your hands were all over Natasha as you guys entered your bedroom. Natasha in the meantime was undoing your jeans “I’ve been thinking about this pussy all last night and this morning. I want a taste before we do anything.” Natasha pushed you onto your bed and yanked off your jeans and panties. “But I want to be in control” you whimpered. Natasha just smiled and watched as you got comfortable on your bed “you’re going to pay for this.” “I’m sure I will” Natasha removed her top and bra before she settled herself between your legs. “Ohh god you smell so good.” Natasha rubbed her nose against your clit and teased your entrance. Without warning, Natasha inserted two fingers inside you and started flicking your clit with her tongue. “Fuuuck” you hissed and pulled on her fiery red hair. Looking down at her Natasha sent you a wink as she wrapped her lips around your clit and started sucking on. “You’re so wet baby” Natasha made a scissoring motion with her fingers. Abandoning your clit Natasha starting leaving hickeys on the inside of your thighs as if she was marking her territory. “Mmm, let's see what you taste like” removing her fingers Natasha licked her fingers clean and proceeded you eat you out. “Jesus fucking Christ” you screamed when you felt Natasha fucking you with her tongue. Natasha growled, “You taste so good baby, I’m not sure I’m going to leave this spot for a long while.” Natasha bit your thigh before she continued to go down on you. Natasha alternate between fucking you with her tongue and fingers. The sensation was too much for you and soon you felt yourself cumming “oh my god NATASHA ! ! !” you arched your back as you came all over Natasha’s face. “That’s right sweetheart, cum for me. You look so hot when you cum” Natasha praised you while licked up your cum. As soon as Natasha was done she kissed her way up your body. But just as she was about to kiss your lips you rolled you guys over so you were on top “smooth” Natasha laughed. “I know. Now hold the bars and close your eye” you instructed Natasha while you rubbed her clit slowly with your thumb. Doing as she was told Natasha held onto the bars on your bed frame and closed her eyes. Acting fast you got up and began to rummage through your nightstand until you found your handcuffs and the keys that when along with. “Y/n hurry up” Natasha whined but soon regretted saying those words when she felt the handcuffs around her wrist “Y/n, what the fuck” Natasha tried to get out of the handcuffs. All you could do was laugh at Natasha’s frustrated state “You might be used to being in charge when it comes to saving the world but right now, in my house, I’m in charge.” you leaned in and kissed her before you got up and walked over to your closet. “I have four different sizes of strap-ons and since I’m feeling nice I’ll let you choose-” “Fuck me with your thickest one” Natasha licked her lips and groaned she noticed I was holding a thick tan strap-on. “Moby it is” you waved the strap-on before putting it on. You watched Natasha biting her lip as she saw you lather the strap-on with lube and made your way over to her. “You’re going to love Moby. He’s my favorite because he makes the toughest chicks like you cry” you added on when you finally joined her and got between her legs. You started to tease her pussy with the tip you felt a sense of pride as you watched squirm at your action. “We’re alone right now so make as much noise as you want sweetheart” you bit Natasha’s lip before you thrusted inside her. “SHIIIIT” Natasha yelled. “Fuck me, hard baby. I love it fucking love it hard” She begged so you gave her what she wanted. Placing her left leg on your shoulder you found yourself getting turned on even more as you watched her breast jiggle every time you thrusted inside her. “as you wish little red” you fucked her as fast as you could. “YESSS” Natasha cried while she pulled on the handcuffs. The sound of your bed squeaking filled the room as you fucked Natasha faster and faster. You couldn't help but smile when you heard Natasha crying that it felt good. "Don't pull too hard or you'll hurt your wrist" you warned Natasha in between thrusts when you noticed she was pulling on them. "Please uncuff me" Natasha begged while she continued to pull on the handcuffs "please". “If you try anything I will spank you, got it?” Natasha enthusiastically shook her head so you pulled out and got the keys to remove the handcuffs. “Get on your hands and knees” you instructed and Natasha obeyed immediately. You waited until Natasha was comfortable before grabbed her hips and thrusted inside her again “shit ! !” Natasha cried. With Natasha’s cries and pleads for you to give her more as you fucked in different positions. You were surprised Natasha lasted so long because whenever you used Moby the person begged you to stop because it was painful. Not Natasha. She took him like a champ even though she was exhausted from cumming so many times. “I can’t anymore” Natasha whimpered as she slowly rode Moby. “One more time sweetheart, just one more time” you hugged Natasha’s sweaty body and placed a kiss on her lips. Hearing those words, Natasha looked into your eyes and started riding Moby as fast as she could until she felt herself cumming. “Oh god yesss” Natasha sobbed as she came hard. “You’re ok” you soothed her while you picked her up and laid her on your bed “I’ll be right back” you pulled out and Natasha let out a sigh of relief before you disappeared into your bathroom and came back with a towel. “Let me clean you up.” “You’re such a peach” Natasha sighed as you cleaned her up. “I know” you laughed softly and tossed the towel to the side and wrapped your arms around a tired Natasha. “We should really go to sleep, Alexander will be home in a few hours. Too tired to respond Natasha nodded yes before you fell asleep in each other’s arms.
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rosiehrs · 4 years
hourglass | jisoo
group ; blackpink 
genre ; slight fluff, angst
au ; highschool! au, soulmates! au
pairing ; student!jisoo / fem!reader
summary ; jisoo's soulmate turned out to be the last person she wanted and she had to face the consequences.
warnings ; death, slight mention of incest, swearing
a/n ; originally posted on my wp! one of my fav works hehe, also just something to feed you guys while i complete the requests!! hope u like it as much as i do, not proofread x
word count ; 5.4k
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hourglass. we all get an hourglass when we reach 18,, the hour glass doesn't just last for an hour, it ends when you meet your soulmate. we all have a mark, a birthmark, if you will ; whenever your hourglass runs out, your birthmark stings and slightly glows.
my 18th birthday was just one week away. that's all i thought about during the first 20 minutes of me waking up.
"bae y/n! hurry the fuck up and get out of bed before i drag you by your teeth." my sister, bae joohyun or irene, said from the living room. "ugh, fine!" i replied, getting out of the covers. i brushed my hair and quickly got changed into my uniform. i then ran downstairs to see my older sister in the living room. "your breakfast is in the kitchen, now hurry up before we're both late." she said, watching tv. i nodded and walked into the kitchen, seeing a plate full of pancakes. i punched the air in happiness and started digging in.
irene and i walked into school together, talking about our upcoming exams. she looked up and saw her friend group, "ayt, kiddo. i'm gonna leave you now, don't get into trouble or i'll rip your hair out." she said in a sweet tone, kissing the side of my head. she then walked away, leaving me dumbfounded. i blinked a few times before going to find my friends, "how the actual hell is she my sister.." i mumbled to myself.
"hey hoes!" you greeted your friends, jumping on lisa's lap. "hey, y/n~" they replied. "what's going on today? anything spicy?"
"fuck yeah, chanyeol and seungwan's hourglass ran out and their marks glowed. then seungwan full on slapped his hourglass out of his hand. the shit broke and now,, no soulmates for them! man, i wonder which one of them dies.." namjoon said, gesturing. my eyes widened, "wait– what? what do you mean?" they all laughed at me, "awh, y/n's still a baby. when your hourglass gets broken on purpose by your own soulmate, then poof, you won't have a soulmate." jaehyun explained. "oh! and one of them dies. most likely," chaeyeon continued, excitedly.
"i- diES??" i asked. "yes, y/n, dies." lisa said, holding your waist. "hoLD THE FUCK UP, SINCE WHEN? AND HOW ARE YA'LL SO CHILL ABOUT THIS??" i asked, freaking out. they shrugged, "meh, i mean, we all die some day?" yoongi replied, chewing on his food. "bRUH, one of them is about to fuCKING DIE! they're like my best friends too, you know!"
"welp, go and.. spend time with them then, i don't know–" the bell rang and they all scattered to class. lisa and i sat there, me still trying to process everything. "y/n/n, you good?"
"lisa, i'm so gonna die." i said, blankly, making her laugh. "oh shut up, i bet you and your soulmate will live happily every after, now come on." she stood up and held her hand out for me, i grabbed it and we walked to science class. lisa and i were babbling on about the other things about soulmates until someone bumped into me.
"dude, watch where the fuck you're go– y/n, y/n, y/n. what a surprise, being a clumsy ass all the time." jisoo smiled, making me roll my eyes. "for your information, you were the one who bumped into me?" i replied, making her scoff. "talking back? kinda new from the bae y/n, what made you–"
"jisoo, stop. she doesn't have time to deal with your bullshit." lisa said, cutting her off. "come on, lisa. we're just having some fun, right, y/n?" she replied, shoving me. "ayt, that's it–" i was about to jump her until lisa pulled me back and our discipline teacher, ms choi came around the corner. "miss bae, miss kim. are you two really doing this again?"
"i- miss choi, i was just messing around with y/n, but she was being a sensitive brat and started to jump at me–" miss choi, sighed. "can you two stay away from each other for a while? it's only monday and i really don't have the energy to deal with you two right now."
the three of us bowed as she walked away. "that's it, bae. it's simple, stay away from me and we both get out of trouble." jisoo smiled. "i hate you so much, kim." i replied, making her giggle. "trust me, y/n. if i told you i hated you with everything in me, that would still be an understatement." she walked into class while i stood there, pissed. "brUH, WHY THE FUCK DOES SHE EXIST–" lisa shushed you, "be quiet and calm down, okay?"
"how the actual fuck am i supposed to calm down? she's so fucking annoying and ugh!" i complained. "y/n, hush. you can be just as annoying" i scoffed at her, "hOW? ME? AS ANNOYING AS KIM JISOO? pFFT YOU'RE FUNNY" she rolled her eyes at me as we walked in the classroom.
jisoo and i had quite a lot of history with each other. our parents were good friends, which resulted in both of our families spending a lot of time with each other. having dinners, having to sleepover at jisoo's house, her having to sleepover at my house, and just everything. but jisoo and i never got along, we would always quarrel and yell at each other. i tried my best to be friendly with her as our parents really wanted the two of us to get along. but the older girl made it so hard for me. she'd tease me, hurt me, make fun of me and would just be a whole brat.
unfortunately, the devil herself was seated behind me, so we spent the whole lesson bickering and dissing each other. "bruh~ can you like shut up for like 5 minutes?" i asked, making her flick the back of my head. "i should be saying the same to you, asshole."
—— no one's pov
"when are you gonna stop lying to yourself, unnie?" jennie asked jisoo as she was eating her lunch. "lying? about what?" she replied, her mouth full of food. "you. you like y/n," jennie continued, making jisoo choke on her food. "okay, i'm sorry, wHAT- aRE YOU STUPID? I'D NEVER LIKE THAT RAT, SHE'S DISGUSTING, BROKE, UNHYGIENIC, UG-"
"you're being too defensive, it's obvious now. you have feelings for bae y/n." seokjin teased, wiping his mouth. "i don't know how i'm friends with you idiots, i do not like bae y/n. in fact, i despise her. hate her, even. she's such a brat and if you think i'd have feelings for someone like her, you're stupid. my standards are not that low, got it?"
they all rolled their eyes, shaking their head. "what ever you say, noona, whatever you say." johnny replies.
"we were born the same year, why are you calling me noona-"
the bell rang and they all scattered off to class. "unnie, do you have your hourglass yet?" rosé asked, making jisoo nod. "i'm a year older than you, i'm already 19, kiddo." chaeyoung squinted her eyes, "so you've been waiting to meet your soulmate for over a year? yikes," jisoo smacked her head, "oh be quiet, i'm sure i'll meet them soon."
"who do you think it's gonna be?" chaeng asked. "do you think i know? there's over 7 billion people on this earth, how am i supposed to take a hunch and guess who it is?" jisoo replies, making rosé hold her hands up. "okay, okay, jeez, calm down~"
"see you after class, weirdo" the younger girl said, walking into her classroom. jisoo continued walking and saw you. she decided it was a good idea to fuck around with you a little, so she walked behind you and pinched your waist. you jumped in pain and turned around, "dude, what the fuck?"
jisoo smiled, bitterly before walking into the classroom. you groaned and did the same thing. you were walking to your seat until jaehyun stopped you and grabbed your wrist, "y/n/n, you turn 18 in 2 days, correct?" he asked, making you nod. "yes? why~?"
"hourglass." he simply replied and winked, before letting your wrist go. you looked at him weirdly and laughed. you got to your seat and glared at jisoo. you sat down and immediately got bothered by her. "jesus, when will you stop?!"
⌨︎︎ one day after
the day went by and the both of you hated each other even more.
thooouughhhhh, you do have a soft spot for the so-called brat. as much as you wanted to deny it, she was gorgeous and at times could be nice.
the day of school ended and you and your friends went over to your house to celebrate your 18th birthday. "y/n's gonna get her hourglass in exactly 7 hours, holy shit." jaehyun said, being dramatic. "oh, shut up." all 6 of you went over to your house, with their stuff to sleepover. "ayt, 6 hours and 35 minutes." jaehyun said, looking at his watch. "jUNG JAEHYUN, SHUT UP. I GET IT" you said pretending to cry. the others laughed, patting your back.
in the house with you, were
lisa, jaehyun, namjoon, chaeyeon and yoongi.
"okay we're gonna go downstairs, stay here for everlasting life." lisa, chaeyeon and yoongi ran downstairs leaving you with joon and jaeyuk.
"i have a feeling y/n's soulmate's gonna be a gORL" jaehyun said out of nowhere. "i- why so suddenly?" you asked, pretending to cry again. "i don't know, man. you kinda gay." he continued.
"okay, it's official. i'm disowning jaehyun." you said, sitting away from him. namjoon stood up and sat back down next to you, "i'm with you on that"
"i'm- come on, dudes! y/n is kinda gay."
"no you"
chaeyeon, lisa and yoongi were attempting to bake a cake for y/n. notice how i said attempting.
"uhh.. 5 1/4 cups of flour." lisa said, staring at her phone and pouring the flour in the bowl.
"you mean 2?" yoongi asked.
"2 1/4 cups of flour." he replied.
"oh.. well shit."
"ladies, ladies! let's settle this in an orderly manner, alright?" chaeyeon said, holding them both back. "did you just call me a lady-"
"SIR, YES, SIR!" they all shouted in unison, saluting. "that's better, now get to work!" namjoon ran back upstairs, going into your room. "back~ they just needed some adjustments."
"what are they doing anyways?" you asked. "honestly, i have no clue. but you'll find out later."
"wow, okay-"
"hm, yeah, definitely gay."
"jaehyun, if you call me gay one more time, i will slap the remaining brain cells out of your brain."
"the birthday girl is being so aggressive, sheesh." jaehyun said, shaking his head. "you two are kids, my god"
"5 MINUTES! 5 FUCKING MINUTES!" jaehyun yelled, making all of you laugh. you spent the last few hours bickering and playing games with your friends. lisa, yoongi and chaeyeon ran back downstairs as the clock was about to turn 12.
they came back with a cake, surprising you. "5, 4, 3, 2, 1, haPPY BIRTHDAY, Y/N!" they yelled, making you smile widely. "bLOW, mAKE A WISH." you closed your eyes and made a wish.
'i wish to be able to live a happy life with my soulmate.'
"tHATS HER HOURGLASS" jaehyun screamed. "gET DOWN THERE."
you ran downstairs and opened your front door. you were immediately greeted by a small box with your initials on it. you picked it up and ran back upstairs. "OOH, OOH OPEN IT!"
you opened the box and pulled your sacred hourglass out. "AWH, IM SORRY, Y/N. WE AREN'T SOULMATES" lisa apologised, making you laugh. "welp, i guess we gotta wait." all of you decided to call it a night – after eating the cake. obviously.
⌨︎︎ the day after y/n's pov
the six of us reached school together, bickering on the way. "oh, y/n/n, did you bring your hourglass today?" yoongi asked, making me shake my head. "no– should i have?"
"who knows? you might meet your soulmate at school. your mark only glows when you have your hourglass, mate. your soulmate might meet you and their mark glows, but then their hourglass is still going cuz you don't have yours. selfish rat." jaehyun replied, smacking my head.
"i'm- why the fuck am i only learning about this?"
"because you're uncultured, now let's get to class."
i was walking with lisa and jaehyun to our english class when someone pulled me back. "well if it isn't the birthday girl, happy birthday, sweetheart" jisoo smiled at me, making me roll my eyes. "thanks? but did you just-"
"i'm kidding, bae. i couldn't care less about your birthday and you are definitely not a sweetheart. i'm just excited for you to meet your soulmate and die."
"what the fuck is wrong with y-"
"fuck-" "ouch-"
jisoo and i yelled in pain at the same time. i looked down to my wrist and saw my mark glowing a bright white through my shirt, while jisoo looked at her waist, the same thing happening to her.
we then looked at each other in horror,
"wait, what the fuck"
jisoo rummaged through her bag finding her hourglass, "it's still running. why is my mark glowing"
i suddenly remembered what my friends had told me,
'you might meet your soulmate at school. your mark only glows when you have your hourglass, mate. your soulmate might meet you and their mark glows, but then their hourglass is still going cuz you don't have yours. selfish rat.'
'nonono, there's no fucking way that jisoo is my soulmate' i thought, panicking.
"where's your hourglass." jisoo asked, strictly. "a-at home." i replied. jisoo looked around to see if anyone else's marks were glowing. to her luck, there were two other people, looking just as shocked and confused as we were.
my sister joohyun and seokjin. "wait-"
"nah, look man. there's no way we're soulmates, i'm gay as fuck"
"w-wait, my hourglass is still going. and come on, lady, look at me. i'm gorgeous, hot, sexy. you're lucky if you had me as a soulmate." jin replied, pointing at himself.
"bae! kim! over here!" jisoo yelled, making them look at the both of us. seeing that we were in the same situation, they ran over. "okay, so there might be a small, itty bitty possibility that we have our soulmates mixed up right?" jisoo asked, making irene nod. "i mean, i guess, but the possibilities are that you're soulmates with y/n/n, jin or me. and the possibilities with jin are the same. y/n and i only have two possibilities because we're siblings"
"unless the world wants us to make incest a thing" i replied, smirking at her. she smacked my head, making me yelp. "ah! jeez, i was kidding, you rat"
"if it's jin and me, why haven't our hourglasses run out yet?" jisoo asked.
"but if it's me and irene, why haven't ours run out yet?"
"uh- you see.. my sister and i have a thing for leaving things at home – even when we're supposed to bring them.." she replied.
i shook your head, still processing everything.
"jesus, typical baes. bring your hourglasses tomorrow and we'll meet at the bleachers at exactly 8:40 am, you got it?" jisoo demanded, shocking all of you. "wow, ms bossy pants"
"shut the fuck up, y/n. my life is already ruined knowing that there's a slight chance that you're my soulmate." she hissed before walking away to class.
i did the same thing, walked to class with jaehyun and lisa babbling about what just happened. "yo, what the fuck do i do?" i asked panicking. "nothing, you're just gonna hope that your soulmate is jin or joohyun-"
"yeah whatever."
after school ended, my sister and iwent back home babbling about our possible soulmates and kinda just fell asleep.
the next thing i knew, it was the next day and i had to get ready and bring our hourglasses.
"ayt, bleachers, bleachers, bleachers. FOUND THEM." we walked over to the bleachers with jisoo glaring at the both of us. "you're two minutes late."
"both of you better shut up before i make you. it's so early in the morning, please don't argue now." right on cue, all our marks started glowing, making the four of us yelp in pain. in a hurry, i took your hourglass out, seeing it had just finished. i looked at all three of them seeing that the same happened to them. "ugh, how the fuck do we figure this out now?" jin asked.
"uh, okay. jin, go to the other side of the field with y/n and i go with irene. if our marks stop glowing, then we aren't with our soulmates, okay?" jisoo demanded, making us nod. seokjin grabbed my hand, running to the other side. i blushed slightly, kind of hoping that my soulmate was him. we reached the other side of the football field, panting. jin still hadn't let go of my hand. we both looked at our marks, the light slowly fading away. jin and i sighed at the same time, "listen, y/n. we might not be soulmates, but i kind of wished that were. whoever has you as his or her soulmate is lucky – i kinda wanna be jisoo right now" he laughed. i giggled, squeezing his hand, "i'm thinking the same thing, jinnie. but fuck, i'm gonna have to live with jisoo? my god" the both of us laughed at each other running back to the others. "well.. uhm.. i guess y/n and i are gonna do the same.." jisoo said, avoiding eye-contact. i nodded, awkwardly as irene and jin started to run away. jisoo and i walked to the other side, quietly. i grabbed her wrist before she could walk any further, "what do you wan-"
"why do you hate me so much? what did i ever do to you? all i've ever done was try to be your friend, why is that so bad?" i asked, angrily. she looked at me, shocked. i've never actually yelled at her before, so this might've been a shock to her. "i-i'm.. just shut up." she grabbed my hand and dragged me to the other side of the field. "jisoo, i mean it. we might be soulmates, you're gonna have to stop being an asshole to me sometime soon."
she ignored me and just kept walking, i sighed and let her drag me. at this point, we were on the other side, and our glows continued glowing. we looked at our hourglasses, seeing it was still the same state, it finished running. we looked at each other in fear,
"w-we're.. we're soulmates, jisoo." i whispered. she stood there, staring at your marks and hourglasses. "nono.. t-this.. it can't be. y/n, i can't fucking do this–"
"jisoo, you have no choice–"
"but i do" she said, confusing me. "j-jisoo?"
"FUCK, Y/N. THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!" she screeched, slapping my hourglass onto the floor. in almost slow motion, i watched it shatter, all the sand spilling everywhere. "JISOO-" before i could do anything, my mark started glowing a bright red, it felt like someone was burning me while sticking a knife into my stomach. i fell onto the floor, shocking jisoo. "oh my god, y/n!" she shouted, rushing to your side. "fuck, fuck, fuck. are you okay?" she asked, making me scoff. "r-really? you're gonna ask me if i'm okay? you literally just killed me. you fucking killed me, i'm gonna die because of your childishness and your stupid hatred towards me!" i yelled, the pain on my stomach eating me up. irene and seokjin started running towards us, "what the fuck?! what the fuck just happened?!" joohyun asked, obviously worrying about me. she looked down at the shattered glass and then looked back up at jisoo, "you did this, didn't you? huh?! you broke my sister's hourglass?! do you fucking know what's going to happen to her?! what the fuck is wrong with you!" she screamed, pushing jisoo harshly. jin pulled her back, trying to calm her down, "i-i'm–"
the bell then rang, making jisoo run off. irene and jin helped me stand up, i looked down at my hourglass sadly. "how long do i have left?" i asked, weakly. "u-usually around a week.." jin replied, sadly. "no, NO! there must be a way to fix it! y/n, you can't fucking die" irene said, tearing up slightly. i chuckled, "it's fine, unnie. i still have a week." she smacked my head, "don't joke around! you're gonna- no, you're not. i swear i'm gonna kill h-"
"no, no, you aren't. she doesn't want me as her soulmate and i understand that." i replied calmly. "y/n, because of her selfish ass, you're dying. i'm not letting you just– fuck. let's just get to class"
no ones pov
the whole day was spent with your friends crying and getting pissed by jisoo. jisoo avoided you the whole day, not even looking at you. the next day of school was just as sad and pathetic, but jisoo was regretting it. so bad.
"guys, there's gotta be a way to undo it. there fucking has to. i-i can't let her die.." jisoo said, crying in her hands. "unnie, why did you do it in the first place?" jennie asked, kind of angry at her older friend. "i-i.. thought that it would make my feelings go away, make me braver.. but it's just killing me inside. i love her and i don't know what to do."
right at that moment, you walked into the cafeteria weakly, holding onto lisa for support. jisoo immediately stood up and ran to you. "y/n!" she engulfed you into a tight hug, making lisa push her away. "what the fuck do you think you're doing?! do you think you can just do that after what you did to her?!"
"i- look, i need to talk to her"
"jisoo, back off. you've caused enough damage and now we're about to lose our friend." yoongi said, calmly. "guys, it's fine. let us talk.." you replied, quietly. the kim silently thanked you, grabbing your hand and bringing you somewhere private.
"talk." you said, strictly. "y/n, you have no idea how sorry i am. the whole thing was just me trying to show myself that i was strong, but it just made me feel and look like a coward. y/n, i love you. i really do and i'm sorry i wasn't able to let you know. i'm trying to do everything i can to fix it, i'm so so sorry, please forgive me"
"jisoo, i'm.. i have 4 days left. we've looked everything up and there's no way to fix it as of now. i- i'm not gonna say i forgive you, but.. i kind of do? i don't know. it's all good–"
"y/n, you're dying. it's not fucking okay! and it's all my fault, i'm- i won't- i can't live without you." you chuckled, making her look up at you. "jisoo, hush. i'm the one who can't live without you,, literally. till then.. let's uhm, have 4 days together?"
"not just 4 days, y/n-"
"jisoo, you need to understand that that's all i have left. there's not possible way to.. un-kill me.. lmao i'm funny." you giggled, making her smack your arm. "y/n! stop joking around! i-i'm gonna find a way, i-i promise."
"as i said a second ago–"
"ayt, talk's over. talk.. later or something, we're going to class." lisa said, dragging you. "b-but we have the same classes–" you started, but lisa ignored you and continued to drag you. "lisa–"
"bye jisoo~" she said, not looking back. the day was spent by lisa dragging you away from jisoo, which kind of irritated you, but you just brushed it off.
the few days after, you were just being your usual and cheerful self, also being able to talk to jisoo. our friend groups kinda merged into one after the two of you kept spending time with each other. "ayt, imma head home." you said, making everyone groan. "no~ just stay for a bit longer." mingi whined. you laughed at him and stood up, "i'll see you guys tomorrow." you said, smiling at them weakly.
'there is no tomorrow' you thought.
"yeah, okay. see you tomorrow, y/n/n! we all love you~ especially jisoo–" johnny said, making jisoo hit his arm. "oh wait, it is true, i don't know why i hit y-"
you kissed the too of jisoo's head, quietly telling her to stop babbling. you hugged and kissed ( cheeks shush ) all of them "bye losers"
you turned around, grabbing your stuff and rushing off. tears started forming in your eyes knowing that it's your last time seeing them.
during the past few days, you've been trying to be as positive, funny and cheerful as possible. you hoped and wanted it to make your friends forget about your misfortune and short life. tomorrow is your last day, last day of breathing, last day of seeing, last day of hearing, last day of feeling. once tomorrow comes, you will just fade away as if you never existed. your parents and sister knew about it and how you didn't want any of your friends to remember, they respected your wish and kept their lips shut about it.
you arrived at home, your family members immediately bringing you into a tight embrace. "let's get you dressed, sweetie."
you took a shower and got dressed in your favourite hoodie and shorts. your parents and sister teared up whenever they looked at you smiling and laughing, their hearts ached knowing that after tomorrow, they wouldn't be able to hear your adorable and happiness-giving laugh and your beautiful smile that could bring light to universes. once night arrived, they covered you in kisses and showered you with love.
"goodnight, my beautiful star." you father said, caressing your hair as he used to do when you were younger. you smiled at him and held his hand. "goodnight, angel. we'll– we'll see you tomorrow, love." your mother whispered softly, kissing your forehead. "goodnight everyone,, i love you all. so so much" your parents left the room, but your older sister stayed by your side, crying her eyes out. "y/n,"
"unnie, i know. shhh, you'll be fine–" you started, holding her hand. but she cut you off, "no! i won't be okay! y/n, you've been there for me ever since you were born and you complete me. you're my best friend, my baby, my sister. and tomorrow.. i'm gonna lose you forever. do you think i'm gonna be okay after that?!"
tears started building up in your eyes, making you look away. "unnie.. i- i know. i'm so sorry.. i- i don't want to go, you know that. but i'll always be with you. you know that, right?"
"b-but, y/n/n-"
you brought her into a hug, shutting her up. "it's okay.. besides i still have the morning with you–" she slapped your arm, "stop joking around!" you giggled, "yeah okay, now shush and get to sleep."
"goodnight, y/n"
"night, unnie."
you woke up, feeling groggy as ever. you slowly got up, making sure not to hurt yourself even more. "morning, loser" your sister greeted, making you flinch in shock. "iM- SINCE WHEN WERE YOU HERE"
"i was waiting for you to get up,, i don't wanna leave without seeing you awake" irene said, sadly. you took her hand and made her look at you, "you've been the greatest sister and best friend i could ever ask for. i love you and i'm always gonna be here with you, now go before you're late for school." she kissed your forehead, caressing your hair. "i love you so much, you loser. take care of me and yourself up there, ayt?"
you nodded, holding your tears back. irene pulled away, walking out of your room. you sighed and went over to spend some time with your parents.
the second irene stepped into school, she ran where your friends wouldn't be able to find her. she spent the whole day avoiding them, until the end of the day.
joohyun was sneaking out of school, until your friends finally found her. they crowded her, asking where you were. she started panicking and was having a hard time thinking of an excuse, "uhh.. she's.. just sick. don't worry about it." she replied, making jisoo's brain start working. "FUCK" she pushed everyone out of the way, getting into her car. "fuckfuckfuck, y/n, fuck!"
[  that sounds wrong :(  ]
she punched her steering wheel, before speeding off to your house. ,,,
she ran to your door, knocking aggressively. your mother opened the door, her eyes swollen, not knowing who it was, "may i help y-"
she observed her godmother, confused as ever, but she let it slide as she needed to see you. "miss bae, please let me see y/n, i-i found a way!" she pleaded, making your mum look at her sadly. "l-look, jisoo–"
"hyeri, let the girl in." your father spoke, making the mentioned lady look back. she nodded and opened the door wider. "thank you so much!" jisoo replied. she ran to your room, opening the door. "y/n, i found a w–"
her heart dropped and stopped when she saw you laying on the bed, pale as ever. "y/n, hey." she said, running to your side and holding your cold hand. your eyes opened slowly, smiling as you saw the girl next to you. "j-jisoo, hey"
"y/n.." she started, tears beginning to form and fall from her eyes. "i-i.. i love you." you whispered, making jisoo shake her head. "nonono, y/n, stop! i-i found a way, i just need some time–" you laughed at her, weakly. "that's one thing i don't have, chu. time. i only have a little bit until–"
"y/n, no! please, i-i swear. i'm gonna–"
"you know one thing i love about us?" you asked, "n-no.." she replied. "how we always cut each other off. it's kinda cute"
she giggled, making you smile. "jisoo, i don't want you to do anything. just.. stay here with me, okay?" she looked at you with such intent, everything she wanted, she needed, she loved, was right in front of her eyes, and she was about to witness her wither away. "o-okay.."
the two sat in silence for two minutes before y/n spoke up. "i love you, jisoo. i forgive you, you know that, right?"
the mentioned girl then broke down, shocking you. "h-hey, i'm sorry, i didn't–" the older girl placed her lips onto yours, spilling at the sadness and pain into the kiss. you kissed back, you smiled slightly, glad that you were able to share your last moments with your soulmate. you pulled away when you felt your mark stinging, "j-jisoo, i-i love y-you–" you squeezed her hand, smiling.
"no, y/n, no.. please no, y/n" she pleaded, holding your hand. your grip started loosening, making her onto you tighter. "baby, no. y/n, h-hey. stay with me. hey"
your eyes started to feel heavy and everything was fading away. "i love you" you whispered, before you took your last breath and your time had come. your hand let go of jisoo's, making her panic. "no, baby, please no," she cried,
your parents heard her sobs, making them barge into the room. their hearts dropped and your father immediately brought your mum into his arms as she sobbed, "my angel, my beautiful angel"
"y/n, please. come back.." she sobbed.
"i love you too"
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kaypeace21 · 3 years
Rebel Robin podcast (ep 3 &4 analysis)
For those who haven’t read them yet. Here’s the analysis for podcast ep 1&2. Analysis of Rebel Robin book-here. And eastereggs from rebel robin novel- here.
So the main things I noticed in ep 3 was how Robin spying was shown as a huge NEGATIVE-and Mr Hauser got upset over her doing so. Robin listens to mr. Hauser’s phone call (like Karen with Mike in s3/ us gov spying on calls in s1) & on a different occasion Robin also eavesdrops on a private convo he is having with someone else in his classroom ( like El spying on Mike talking to Lucas in s3). And when he finds out about this he tells her how wrong it was to spy on other people like that. In the past, I also talked about how the theme of spying is shown for many other st characters ( in the show) and how it  isn’t romanticized like people think it is- here .
Anyways , Ep 3 ends with a call from a h*mophobic teen( Dash) telling Robin to “stay away” from Mr. Hauser cause he’s “dangerous”. Why he thinks he’s dangerous is solely for the fact he’s gay.I think this theme may come into play in s4 Hawkins (in relation to the satanic panic). In ep 4 Robin jokes to (gay) Mr. Hauser  : “ So what are you into... satanism?” (Sadly most queer people have been told over and over we’re going to hell for being gay/lgbt+. it’s sadly an almost universal experience.) For those unaware- the ‘satanic panic’ was a right wing christian movement in the 80′s that WRONGLY associated certain things with supposed satanism.  Just some of the many things they demonized : rock music , stephen king , wearing black,  horror/fantasy media, and of course queer people and d&d (hellfire club - the name is a a xmen ref but in the show it’s probably an inside joke about the satanic panic and people being scared of d&d). We see foreshadowing of the satanic panic hinted in s3 (in relation to d&d)- on tv the narrator asks if “satanism” (pans to d&d set) is to blame for the odd occurrances in Hawkins. And given how the s4 el-trailer had the clock say 3:00am for the “witching hour” also called “the devil’s hour” since it’s supposed to be a subversion of jesus dy*ing at 3:00 pm. And the possibility s4 may take place around Easter.  I think we’ll see that religious (Christian) extre*sm  causes many people in Hawkins to interpret the supernatural as ‘satanic’. And no , I’m obviously not talking poorly about all religious/christian people).
After this Mr. Hauser jokes how Hawkins is like “lord of the flies” and how he “worries” what would happen if teens were left to their own devices-like in the book. The themes in the book mostly focus on the dangers of ‘mob mentality’ and how human beings can become v*olent and turn on each other- if the safety of civilization disappears...
This I believe is foreshadowing - i mentioned in a post a while back (here). How movies on the s4 list had the theme of :  a supernatural event indirectly causing towns people to act irrationally and turn on eachother v*olently. Despite literal monsters attacking them from outside (they chose to turn on eachother instead). In the end some townspeople become the real monsters via mob mentality/v*oence/false witch hunts (the mist, the birds, etc). In ‘the birds’ (while people are hidding in a store)- they wrongly  blame certain characters for the supernatural chaos. Similarly, in ‘the mist’ (crowd of townspeople are trapped in a store) and some  start interpreting the monsters as being sent as punishment by god- some town’s people start quoting the bible and saying the only way to stop the punishment is to start “sacrificing the s*nners and nonbelievers”. BIG YIKES.ST references mapple street (where the wheelers and sinclairs live). It’s based on the twilight zone ep of the same name “The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street” .The ‘monsters’ of that episode -were the townspeople turning on eachother because they incorrectly think their own neighbors are part of an invading supernatural army. The enemy was actually the paranoia/mob mentality-not the supernatural force they feared.  And yes i do think this concept is linked with 80s satanic panic and will cause some town division/obstacles for our heroes to deal with . **I also think the s4 bts of the Hawkins blood clinic-may be used to show h*mophobia (linked to satanic panic) in the town. Like in one s4 movie “paradise lost”the punk rock boys who were into black clothes, rock music , horror/stephen king books- were accused by the town’s people of being gay AND have demonic powers that are k*lling fellow town’s people.
Mr Hauser says he thinks steve Harrington is Ralph from lord of the flies. And Robin disagrees saying he’s Jack. Personally- since this was when Robin didn’t know/hated Steve. I think Mr hauser is right that Steve is Ralph (one of the oldest boys) who’s “commitment to civilization and morality is strong”. But Jack  (perhaps the popular s4 kid Jake?) and his savage crew take control of the group and start trying to attack Ralph and his friends (steve’s crew- over satanic panic?). How this begins is -
 Jack, torments Ralph and others. And some kids begin to develop savage personalities, after someone claims to have seen a Beast (demongorgan?) in the woods. This creates fear among the boys, which allows Jack to access more power.Ralph gets into an argument with Jack, who splits from the tribe. Many of the other boys follow Jack, who uses fear to manipulate the boys into leaving Ralph. And Jack’s crew begin attacking Ralph and his friends.
Ok, next topic of ep 4- the sentimental part of my brain got emotional when hearing how upset Robin was. And than Mr Hauser-telling her she’s wrong and she’s not “broken” or “rotten” and “nothing about her needs to be fixed’” (got me right in the feels) . As a queer person- I feel like every lgbt+ kid/teen needs to hear what Mr. Hauser said to Robin. 
However,  the analytical part of my brain -did notice some easterggs/ series parallels.
The convo starts with them talking about music Mr hauser likes (such as Bowie). And transitions to Mr Haauser asking about things she likes, whether she’s being bullied, and he later tells her “ DON’T let other people’s small mindedness make you fell bad about yourself. you don’t need to change yourself-no matter what anyone else says” . And Mr Hauser than says him calling her the “weirdest girl in Hawkins” was a compliment (not an insult-like she initially assumed). 
This is remarkably similar to certain scenes in s1/2. In s1, Jonathan mentions musicians he likes such as Bowie, asks Will about what he likes,  and tells Will “don't like things cause people tell you you’re supposed to-especially not him (their dad who called him h*mophobic names)” . In s2, Jonathan tries to cheer Will up after asking if he's being being bullied. And calls Will  “a freak” (and says it’s a good thing) and he should be content with being a “freak “ and compares Will to Bowie ( who was openly queer since the 70s) . 
In ep 4, Robin also mentions how sad she is that her parents won’t let her ride her bike anymore cause their paranoid about her safety  (like what happened to Will in s2).
Robin (before Mr. Hauser comforts her) says she feels like she has a “rot” inside her  . This is a s2 eastergg that could be linked to either Will or El. Will says his now-memories are “growing”, spreading”, and killing.” Later Kali says the emotional pain caused by her father  caused a “wound” to “spread”. Later allusion-Brenner tells El she has a “terrible wound “ (“a rot”) that Will “grow, spread, and kill.”
The reason Robin rants about feeling like she has a “rot” inside her is because she’s being bullied, and  lost all her Hawkins friends and says  “maybe I’m broken maybe there is just something about me that drives people away? I’m the only common denominator-there’s something wrong with me! There’s something inside of me that’s just rotten and there’s nothing i can do to fix it”. Which 1)-poor Robin. 2) I feel like could easily be How Will feels in s4(who will be the same age as Robin is here in the podcast)- his dad abandoned him, all his hawkins friends are gone , the st s4 movies have h*mophobic bullying in them (and he was bullied in the past). In a interview Noah said Will in s4 “doesn’t really get along with people-it’s just him and Mike.”  I think it fits more so with Will than El . But they may feel similar:  it’s implied in s4 audition tapes she’ll be bullied too,  she moved away from her friends,  and her father (Hopper) fake “passed away.” It could easily be how both Will and El feel in s4- that there is  something “broken”/ “rotten” about them . In fact, in the rebel Robin novel there is even a character named Sheena. Sheena reminds me a bit of a mix between Will and el . She is very quiet, queercoded, and is often bullied. And she finds mean notes and other things stuffed  in her locker- placed there by bullies. A bit like how Will found the zombie-boy note in his locker. A teacher doesn’t stop her bullying just blames her and says “ This wouldn’t happen if you made it just a smidgen easier for PEOPLE to understand you.”(sort of reminding me of that Noah quote about s4 Will not getting along with most people/Jonathan saying not to change himself cause “people” say to). But sheena can be another name for Jane (there was also a 80s show character named Sheena who was psychic) so ...maybe foreshadowing of el/jane being bullied in highschool? Along with Will?
*It’s not a eastergg/parallel...just speculation. Unlike the rebel robin book... in the podcast (in multiple episodes) almost every time she opens up to Mr Hauser about her problems she says it’s ok for him to do the same and she’ll be supportive and listen. However, Mr Hauser (so far) always rejects her offer-much to her hurt/frustration. In ep 4, she asks if he has someone his “own age” he can talk to about his problems-which he says he does. Now... since in ep 4 Mr hauser is paralleled to Jonathan maybe Jonathan will have someone his own age to talk to about his problems (maybe his new friend Argyle?) We see similar to Mr Hauser giving advice/pep talks to (gay) Robin. Jonathan is always giving advice/peptalks to our (gay-coded) Will. But so far- Jonathan has no one he really emotionally leaned on in the same way (Will does with Jonathan). I also wonder if Will in s4 starts gets tired of how he always confides in Jonathan (but Jonathan never does the same with Will  in return)? Like Robin with Mr. Hauser?
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 289: Looks Like the Gang’s All Here
Previously on BnHA: Horikoshi was all “you guys don’t really need to know what’s gonna happen to Deku and Shouto right now” and cut away to Toga and Ochako before anyone could get a word in. Skeptic utilized the power of Freak Shounen Coincidence to magically zero in on Ochako and Tsuyu amongst the fleeing crowd. Toga was all “IS THAT OCHAKO” and immediately leaped down to fight them, ignoring Spinner’s heartfelt speeches about Villain Found Family because fight now, hug later!! Down in the streets of some unidentified crumbling city, Ochako was approached by a sweet old lady and was all “I better help this sweet old lady who is definitely not leading me into a trap”, which unfortunately turned out to be poor decision-making on her part. Anyway so now she and Toga are going to throw down. AND ALSO, P.S., BEST JEANIST IS STILL ALIVE, and that doesn’t really have anything to do with anything right now, but BY GOLLY I JUST HAD TO SHOUT IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS.
Today on BnHA: Iida and Hadou are all “is it our turn yet”, and Horikoshi is all “yes”, and so the two of them finally burst onto the scene and are all “hello Shouto, Gigantomachia is on his way, btw do you need help” and so they all get ready to fight Tomura together. Meanwhile in Unnamed Ochako And Toga Fight Town, Toga is all “what’s up Ochako, oh is this the All Might doll Deku gave you, I guess you must like Deku as well, just like me, we truly are the same, btw I can use other people’s quirks now” before she vanishes in a flurry of knives and ambiguity, as mysteriously as she came. So that’s a thing that happened. The chapter ends with Gigantomachia and the League STOMPIN’ ONTO THE SCENE, JUST IN TIME FOR ENDEAVOR TO WAKE UP AND BE ALL “OHHHHH SHIT.” YOU’RE DAMN RIGHT, “OH SHIT.” Finally the pieces are in place for Dabi to reveal his true identity to Hadou and Iida, JUST LIKE WE ALL EXPECTED.
before I start, thank you so much to everyone who sent birthday messages on Wednesday!! I had a good day; my quarantine impulse purchase guitar that I ordered months ago but had been backordered finally arrived, and so now I can do something productive with my time as I continue to while away these months in isolation! not to say that capslocking over fictional characters and their shounen escapades doesn’t also count as being productive lmao. anyways, my fingers hurt so typing is kind of a bitch right now, but I’m having fun still. IF KAMINARI CAN DO IT THEN SO CAN I
anyway so let’s see what mishaps my various catastrophe-prone children are getting up to this week
okay there are several things happening in this panel which I want to comment on
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“some time after” jesus fucking christ though, how long have Deku and the rest actually been fighting?? like it’s absolutely absurd to imagine that they’ve been managing to hold off Tomura for more than a few minutes, and yet everything we’ve seen these last couple of chapters suggests that this is indeed the case. which is just pure insanity tbh. excuse me sir, but I have an emotionally maturing son, a homewrecking grandpa, and a sleep-deprived one-legged platonic husband who are all in DIRE NEED of medical attention just FYI
lastly, I direct your attention to these two cool cats in the background who are both riding on hover surfboards. living it up like it’s Back to the Future. why are there two of them. do they both just happen to have the exact same quirk. what are the odds. ARE THEY TWINS. I want to know everything about them dammit
anyway so Hadou is asking Iida why he’s tagging along, because unlike the others, he can’t fly and is thus vulnerable to Tomura’s attacks and such
well Hadou I’ll have you know that it his DUTY AS THE CLASS PRESIDENT to tag along and THAT’S WHY
oh shit you guys IIDA SAID “FUCK THE LAW”
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“plus Bakugou-kun, whom I am not particularly close to, but nonetheless hold nothing personal against!” well uh, kind of a weird distinction to make there bro, but okay. listen everyone, it’s a tense situation; if Iida feels the need to clarify the ins and outs of his interpersonal relationships with each of the people he’s rescuing then please just respect that okay
anyways though have I mentioned how much I fucking love Iida Tenya though you guys. feels like I haven’t mentioned that enough. I LOVE HIM. there
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is it bad that my immediate reaction to this page was A LOT OF LAUGHING, though. fkldlksh this entire situation is SO ABJECTLY TERRIBLE that if I were Shouto I would almost be fighting the urge to look around for a hidden camera at this point. ASHTON KUTCHER WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING HERE. OH THANK GOD, IT WAS ALL JUST A PRANK
anyway so uh. heh. how screwed are we at this point, exactly. oh and also, whose speech bubbles are these. who the fuck would look at this situation and these bleeding children and say “HA!” what kind of monster. just ignore that paragraph right before this one please
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pretty please. we kind of have a situation here. not that I wouldn’t love to see what this icy flamey boi could do if push came to shove, but I also have had just about enough of watching children get maimed for today though
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lmaoooo a wild Lida has been spotted what the fuck is this translation though
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I don’t know which is better, the “Lida” (DO YOU EVEN READ THE SERIES BRO), or the “CHRIST” gkfhkg. CLASSIC LIDA
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sobbing at Manual cradling the still-warm corpse of Gran Torino like a tiny baby khlk;h. BUT ANYWAYS HADOU SAW HER TEACHER ALL BLOODIED UP AND IS READY TO THROW DOWN, YESSSSS, THE MY LADIES ACADEMIA ARC CONTINUES
(ETA: listen you guys, there were many things at the end of this chapter that brought me joy, but perhaps none more than the inclusion of Hadou in the final two page spread looking all serious alongside the Todorokis, as if she has any fucking clue at all wtf is going on slfkhlkhgghsl. what I wouldn’t give to see her and Deku and Iida all making frantic bewildered eye contact at each other throughout the next chapter lmao.)
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“true, I already watched him murder my dad, my boyfriend, my other boyfriend, my teacher, and dozens of other people, but gosh darn it, I just feel like the fifteenth time’s the charm you guys.” shit, I ain’t even mad. who’s up for yet another episode of Todoroki Shouto Attempts to Murder a Bitch
-- “TIME TO CUT AWAY!!” laughs Horikoshi as he gleefully dodges out of reach before I can punch him, that SON OF A --
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goddammit. you’re just lucky that I’m invested in the girl power fight too
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damn, looks like she managed to touch Toga’s shirt but not Toga herself. both of them are so fast
now Toga is monologuing from the shadows
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we’ve all been there, Toga. sometimes you see someone you really like and it’s just like, ahhhhhh gotta kill them am I right
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lol I love Toga so much you guys, but I’m also kind of wincing in anticipation of whatever essays are gonna materialize out of the fandom this week explaining how hero society has failed her utterly and she is just a victim here. CAN YOU NOT SEE HOW SHE JUST WANTED FREEDOM TO BE HERSELF AND MURDER A BUNCH OF PEOPLE flhkklhl
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and it was fucking awesome and scary as shit, Ochako. like damn, still sends a chill up my spine just thinking about it
anyway so now Toga is continuing to explain that she can use the quirks of whoever she transforms into
and Ochako is kind of freaking out, which I don’t blame her for, since it’s probably really upsetting to hear that your stolen blood and quirk were used to murder a bunch of people. shit
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??? was this somehow the wrong answer?
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for fuck’s sake. Toga you literally came down here to ask her if she would be willing to kill you, and here she is telling you “I would never be happy about killing someone, that’s fucked up”, and you’re all “......”
like come on though, what else do you want her to say?? and why does Ochako look so shocked now
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THEIR FACES DKSLHFKG. TOGA NO THAT IS MEAN. and jesus christ Ochako it’s just a toy. I know it has Sentimental Value and shit but is this really the thing to be getting distracted about right now
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this entire confrontation makes absolutely zero sense to me you guys. just. Horikoshi was all, “this is the kind of stuff girls talk about when they’re battling to the death, right?” just, are you okay my dude
anyway so Toga has somehow deduced that Ochako got the doll from Deku, which means that she and Ochako are exactly alike in every way, and this is somehow an important plot point, and now they’re finally getting back to the fight lulz
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so now Toga’s all excited and she’s all “THERE’S SOMETHING I OUGHT TO TELL YOU, I’M NOT LEFT HANDED EITHER” oh snap
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fuck, it almost feels like she’s trying to warn her. Ochako idk maybe you should run shit I do not like this ( ゚д゚)
but of course she is not running, and she’s all “I’ll have you take responsibility for your actions”
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fuck, she was crying??
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kusagrasskusa · 3 years
Light X Reader Part 2 - Betrayal
Part 1, Part 2
READ THIS PARAGRAPH IF YOU'VE RESD PART 2 BEFORE- So this paragraph used to talk about how I kept on remembering to save my drafts, and evidence of which isbthat when this was posted, it wasn't finished. I completed the whole story, and it was pretty long, but it all went to shit. So if you read this story before, feel free to check out the real ending.
@comradedani you brought me deep into the Death Note fandomm- And again, sorry for the low quality writing. I'm writing this at school lol
"Y/N, Y/N help! I messed up!" B/N yelled as he busted in Y/N's room and opened his schoolbag. He pulled out a piece of paper and turned it towards his older sister so she can see. Y/N sounds around in her chair, facing her brother.
"Jesus, you scared me!" Y/N huffed, reading the paper B/N had. Turns out he had a report card in his hand; one with 3 Fs, 2 Ds, and 3 Bs. "And those grades scare me more, what the hell," Y/N stated, a sly smile appearing on her face. "Dad's gonna be pissed when he reads that, haha," Y/N laughed, leaning back in her chair.
"It's not funny! You know dad's all about good grades and ever since his detective work increased, he's been more stressed about grades! I don't want to get grounded," B/N retorted, making a pouty face. He put his report card back into his bag and picked up his bag. "And dad usually comes home at this time. You know he's gonna be curious."
"Well, just don't tell him you have your report card," Y/N said casually, returning to her homework in front of her. She leaned on the desk, writing down answers as if they nothing.
"Oh, why didn't I think of that," B/N rolled his eyes sarcastically. "Mom gets emails from my school, Y/N. She's gonna find out about and tell dad, y'know." B/N sighed, fumbling with his hoodie strings. He opened the door and spoke, "dad's gonna be home soon, so bye I guy." He then left.
Y/N sighed, trying continuing to work on her assignments as if nothing happened. Although her focus was never fully on her assignments anyway, and our reader should know why. It's hard to concentrate when your mind keeps on going to the man you love who you felt betrayed you. Though to be fair, Light and her were never dating to begin with however Light was completely aware of Y/N's feelings towards him yet he choose to put her in that situation: where she had to be calm even though she was hurting inside.
Y/N took a deep breath before leaning back in her chair and shutting her eyes tightly. Don't let the tears fall, you're too strong for this, she told herself. For the past week, she's been feeling nonstop regret and of course, sorrow. Not to mention pure jealousy of Misa Misa; a pretty, popular model/actor. She refused to question how Light got to meet a women like that, since afterall Light was popular as well.
"You know what? I overreacting," Y/N said to herself, standing up sharply in her chair. She stretched her arms before taking a deep breath and putting on a smile. "There's more important things to worry about; like that damb Kira case. All I need to do is just call him and ask to meet up, right? He's forgiving..." She told herself, taking a deep breath again to ease her anxiety.
For the past week, Y/N had been thinking nonstop about her yelling at Light. She hadn't seen him sense, and there's been no communication between them. From a certain perspective, it almost seems like they really are overdramatic and acting very edgy, which is definitely true to an extent. However two friends arguing over something that's pretty serious for the first time is bound to cause some trouble. And when one friend feels almost betrayed, it gets worse.
Anyway let's go to B/N after about 15 minutes.
"Good afternoon, B/N," the tall, H/C haired man with grey ends due to stress, spoke. He held a nice smile on his face as he took his jacket and put on the coat hanger then took off his shoes. B/N smiled nervously, chuckling unsteadily as he waved.
"Hi, dad! Uh...how was your day?" B/N asked, holding his report card to his chest. His dad raised a brow and snickered.
"Strange. You never care to talk to me when I get home. Only when you're hungry or your mom says no to something," he teased, making B/N huff and cross his arms. His dad chuckled, "I'm joking. Anyway, what's that you're holding?"
B/N smirked nervously holding out the paper for his dad to grab, which he did. "I got my report card today, haha." His dad scanned over it for a few moments, frowning and his eye brows furrowed together.
"Are you skipping school son? I've never seen grades this bad and you've had rough years," he mumbled as he walked towards the living room. He say on the couch and sighed loudly, making a shiver crawl down B/N's spine.
"Nuh-no... It's just that the teachers have been putting a lot of pressure on us since we're about to go into highschool, heh."
"I don't understand. Are you just not understanding the material or are they putting too much work out?" The dad looked his son right into his eyes, making the atmosphere a bit more tense. B/N felt weak under his eyes; it's not because he was scared of his dad, it's because his dad has really high expectations and he's scared of failing them.
"Both. It's both," he mumbled, fumbling with his hoodie strings and tapping them together, making that quiet metallic clinking sound. "And I've always struggled with math, too, y'know. I don't understand how they expect me to know the Pythagoras Theorem after simply giving me 5 assignments daily about it."
The dad stood up from the couch. There was a moment of silence before he spoke: "I have to make a phone call. If you go to the trunk of the car, I got you something in a plastic bag. Don't tell your mom," he smiled to his son as he walked away, leaving B/N both confused and curious.
A few hours later and Y/N hummed to herself, watching a movie featuring her favorite actor on the couch besides her dad. He was on his laptop typing away on the keyboard while occasionally glancing at the TV. B/N was in the corner of the living room, playing a new game his dad just bought him on his Nintendo. It was quiet aside from the TV playing, at least until their dad spoke up.
"So, son, I forgot to mention who I called earlier. I asked if a coworker of mine would mind tutoring you for a bit."
"You...what?" B/N asked, pausing his game and turning back to see his dad. "Why?" Y/N gasped quietly, covering her mouth to stop herself from laughing. Her little brother glared at her and their dad, his nose scrunching up from annoyance.
"Well, you don't understand the material, right? That's why?" He explained, staying the obvious. Y/N giggled at his tone.
"Who is it, dad?" Y/N asked, rubbing her tired eyes.
"Oh, I won't say. But you two have met before," he replied, smirking playfully at his daughter as if he was planning something. "That's all the hints you get.~"
"Okay, now I'm so curious," Y/N mumbled, yawning. Who do I know who he works with? I know he works with the Kira investigation and I never met anyone there, I don't think. She shrugged it off as she kinda didn't care too much about whatever would happen in her brother's life since why should she? "Whatever. I'm tired," she mumbled as she rubbed her tired eyes. Her father looked over at her and smiled.
"Heh heh, alright darling. Get your sleep; you have a long day of school tomorrow." Her dad pat her head as she giggled and stood up. She hugged him before mumbling a goodnight. She then headed up the stairs, though she overheard her dad speak as she was walking. "Your tutor lives in the same neighborhood so he will come over shortly after you come home."
Y/N hummed as their conversation went quiet due to her being too far up the stairs to hear. She found her way into her room and closed the door behind her whenever she got in. Huff. Her hair was lifted from her shoulders as she put her hair in a ponytail in order to keep it from being too messy when she wakes up.
Layjng in bed, she furrowed her eyebrows together and sighed. Four entire weeks since she's talked to Light all because he found a girlfriend. Y/N felt more embarrassed of it then upset; well, she's still jealous but she knew she didn't have to avoid her friend of years because of something so stupid. What happened to the Y/N who would tell herself that even if he found a girlfriend, she would be better? Those were good times. And she would tell herself that she would call up Light and ask to meet up as friends but she gets so anxious about it and that anxiety turns into embarrassment.
It was kinda hardt to fall asleep with thoughts circulating her mind all night. But eventually, sleep came, and she sokn found herself waking up a couple hours later, going to school, and then coming back home.
Y/N waved goodbye to her friends as they dropped her off at her house. "Bye! Haha," she giggled as one of them stuck their whole body out the car window to yell out goodbye and wave her hands.
"Bye-bye, girl!" She yelled playfully as the car drove away to drop off her other friends. Y/N giggled again as she watched them pass and playfully rolled her eyes before spinning around. She took her time walking to the front door and pulling out her keys, as the door isn't unlocked ever and her parents are at work. Yet as she stuck her key into the house, the front door cracked open.
"....What the fuck," she mumbled as she took her key out of the door and pushed herself inside. It was so quiet which was weird considering B/N was loud as hell on the couch when he got home. He got home like 15 minutes before she did too. "B/N!" Her voice called out as she shut the front door and locked it.
"I'm in the kitchen!" Thank God he isn't dead. Well, sorta thank God. Y/N smirked as she set down her bookbag, took off her shoes, and took out her phone. She checked her notifications as she walked into the kitchen/dining room.
"You forgot to lock the front door," she said as she giggled, looking up from her phone. Bam! The phone hit the floor as Y/N's eyes stayed on Light's, almost like a staring contest was happening between them. Well, it sorta actually was because the brunette who was assisting B/N on the dining table spoke up once Y/N blinked.
"You blinked; I win, heh heh," he smirked. "Hey, Y/N! Long time, no see, huh?" He leaned back in his chair, waving his hand towards the stunned girl.
"I, uh...I wanted to call and meet up with you but I thought you were mad," Y/N said shyly as she picked up her phone. Blush dusted her cheeks as she examined her phone to check if it were broken.
"Same here, actually. I'm happy it's not like that."
"Muh-Me too, heh..."
Y/N but her bottom lip nervously as the room went into an awkward silence. B/N sighed before breaking the painful silence, much to Y/N's relief. "I think I understand this now," he said. "To find A, it's C^2 - B^2 = A^2. To find C, it's A^2 + B^2 = C^2."
"Very good!" Light smiled warmly as he pulled B/N practice assignment from him and examined it. He had a red pen in his hand and with it he marked a few things. "You did very well on these, apart from 3, 7, 8, and 12. But then again, those questions were hard for me to solve when I was in 8th grade."
"Really? But you're so smart! And I'm actually in 7th grade, advanced math," B/N said proudly with a cheerful look on his face.
"It really shows how smart you are, heh heh," Light chuckled as he handed back his assignment to B/N. "Can you try these again? I circled the part of the equation you messed up with so hopefully it helps."
Y/N was across the room in the pantry to grab chips. Once she grabbed her favorite kind, she headed out of the kitchen and towards her room. Light looked over at her leaving and sighed. Suddenly, he heard Ryuk talk. "You do realize that this is a good thing, right? You can spend more time with the Death Note and watching the police this way." Light couldn't reply of course, but in his mind he disagreed. After all, he knows she's bad at remembering time and he would have an alias every time he's with her, so he could lie to get out.
For example, let's say he was accused of somehow killing 5 people one day between 5-6pm. But at 3-5pm, he was with Y/N. Because she can't remember time very good at all, he could easily say he was with her while the killings were happening, and with her agreeing because she doesn't know any better. Y/N can also easily be turned into an abused puppy in his eyes; a loyal punching bag who he can manipulate for certain circumstances.
"While your doing that, I'm going to use the restroom," Light excused himself as he stood up from the table and walked away. He walked over and up the stairs, down the hall and to a certain person's room. Once he got to the door, he softly knocked on it. "May I come it?"
Y/N on the other side jumped from the sudden arrival. "Just a second!" She called out as she took her hair out of the bun and fixed it, because let's face the fact that a lot of us are very insecure about our looks. She quickly fixed her shirt because calling out, "come in!" A mere moment later and her door was open to reveal a tall brunette.
"You look lovely today," he complimented as he stepped inside her room and shut the door behind him. Y/N blushed a little bit.
"Thanks, heh. Um...you look nice too," she replied nervously.
"Don't be nervous with me please. You know I'm not mad at you. Actually, I came in here to formally apologize," he spoke as he walked up closer and bowed in respect. "The least I could have done was call you about her earlier that day, or told you I was seeing someone way ahead of that. It was foolish of me not to and led to both of our hears being hurt. I'm sorry." Y/N frowned as she comprehended what he just said then sighed. She walked up to him and grabbed the sides of his face and pulled him up.
"You're face is so squishy, sir," she said as Light stood up all the way, however Y/N didn't go of him. "It's weird someone so very collected and serious became friends with someone as dimbas a bag of rocks. I mean, have a told you about how my IQ test came back negative? Because it did."
Light chuckled as her comment, playing with a strand of her hair. "Did this really happen? You're so weird sometimes, haha." Y/N giggled softly before frowning.
"Hey, y'know, I really wasn't mad. The first week we stopped talking was so painful but I knew I had to make it up to you somehow. Yet even though I really wanted to just call you and have a drink of coffee with a long conversation full of pleasant topics and laughs, I was so scared. It's embarrassing," she confessed, keeping her head low.
Pushed a lock of hair behind her ear, Light smiled down at her. "Then I hope today takes all that weight off your shoulders."
"It did, heh heh," Y/N smiled as she looked him in the eyes. With how close they are, the eye contact, and the smiles, they seem almost suggestive towards one another. Or at least in the eyes of none other than-
"Ew!" Yelled B/N from the doorway. He must have opened the door while they were distracted. Y/N furrowed her eyebrows together and glared at her brother whereas Light just smiled. "All I wanted was help, not this teenage romance scene. I finished all my problems by the way, ugh," B/N spoke, sounding dead.
"I'll be down there in a moment," Light responded as B/N walked away. He turned towards Y/N again; "well, it was nice seeing you. Your dad is paying me for this so I should probably get back to work." Y/N nodded as she hugged him softly.
"Alright. Make sure you let me know when your done or free," she responded before she pulled away from the hug.
"Will do," Light replied as he pat her head. "I'll see you later." Light waved goodbye as he walked out of her room and shut the door behind him.
Y/N took a deep breath to ease her nerves. That's it, she thought. This man is about to be my husband-
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Our First Meeting
Paring: Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes
Warnings: Swear words, Period Homophobia (nothing major, but Bucky does have some homophobic thoughts towards himself)
A/N: First chapter of Ancient History! This is a series that I wrote for @the-marvel-horniest-book-club and its sister blogs Week of Love Challenge. The way I wrote it is when Bucky and Steve are telling Peter their story, we see it from their POV. Like The Princess Bride, or How I Met Your Mother. I had such a fun time writing this and I hope that y’all will like it!
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“And so, as ‘The Valkyrie’ made its fast descent into the Arctic Ocean, Captain Steve Rogers lowered the plane into the ocean, saving humanity from the treacherous plans of the Red Skull. Captain Rogers’ sacrifice cost him everything, choosing to leave behind the love of his life, his fiancée Peggy Carter, and their unborn baby. Sadly, losing the love of her life caused Agent Carter to miss carriage, losing the last surviving piece of Captain Rogers. But, as you know, the story doesn’t end there,” the school bell rings, cutting off Ms. Lund, Peter Parker’s American history teacher. Filing out of the over cramped room, Peter is left speechless. He couldn’t mention anything in class, but he thought he knew his Uncle Steve. Losing a child would affect him, right? Steve would have said something. Walking home, Peter decided to make a quick pit stop at the Avenger’s compound, where Steve and Bucky were enjoying their retirement. Sending a quick text to Aunt May letting her know he wouldn’t be home for dinner, Peter quickly slung his way over.
Peter found Steve and Bucky in the living room, Steve playing Mario Karts (he picked up a love for the game in his retirement, don’t blame the man, okay?) while Bucky read some weird book in Russian.
“You!” Peter points at Steve, “you have a lot of explaining to do! I thought we were family! But I had to find out from my freaking history teacher that you and Peggy were engaged and you were having a baby together?” Flopping down on the couch, Peter stares Steve down, his eyes showing how truly hurt the kid was.
“I… What?” Pausing his game, Steve looks up from his game confused. And Peter, crossing his arms, shakes his head. “Don’t lie to me! I thought we were close!” And sure, Peter knows he’s probably acting like a baby, but Peter’s pain is genuine. Steve was the first one to know about his crush on MJ, even helped him plan their first date. After Tony died, Steve became his father figure, someone he looked up to and tried to emulate.
“No, you just caught me off guard Petey. God, is that what they are teaching these days? No, I’m… Peggy and I…” Bucky cuts Steve’s floundering.
“He’s gay Peter, not bi or pan, gay. He likes dick, more specifically mine.” Steve blushes as he reprimands Bucky.
“Jesus, Buck, language! He’s still a kid! But he’s right Peter. I’m gay, I’ve always have been, and I always knew it too. Peggy and I were just really good friends. God, they’re saying I had a kid with Pegs, can you believe it, Buck?”
“Yeah, I can, actually. The government loves to erase me from your, our story.” The bitterness and hurt in Bucky’s voice don't go unnoticed by Steve or Peter. “For fuck’s sake, they’re still pushing this bullshit Americana nuclear family. We’re not in the ’30s! Instead of giving the kids hope, that their sexuality can’t limit their dreams, no keep on pushing this shit!” A heavy silence blankets the room. Bucky’s anger is still fuming in him. And in traditional Peter fashion, he butts in.
“Well, I’d like to know your story! We have to give a presentation on you, Steve, and well I know it’s just one classroom in Queens, but I’d like to tell your story. And I’d love to see my teacher try to correct me. I’ll just show her my Works Cited page. Two resources, Steven Grant Rogers and James Buchanan Barnes.” Steve, smiling at Peter, takes Bucky’s hand in his, rubbing over the vibranium band.
“What’d you say Bucky, do you want our story to be told?”
Putting the book down, Bucky cuddles up next to Steve as he turns to Peter.
“Buckle up, spidey. Our story is a long one.”
----- The last thing that Bucky wanted to do after moving halfway across the country at the start of the Great Depression was to go to mass. Hell, his family wasn’t even Catholic, but the way his Ma saw it was they could take any additional help they could get. And if that meant listening to some Catholic priest ramble on about the virtues of Saint Peter, then so be it. Even if Bucky complained the entire walk to the small chapel.
See Bucky wasn’t that religious. He believed that there had to be some sort of God, a purpose as to why we were all here. But he never once thought about becoming a catholic. So while the Father was rambling on about the lessons we could learn from Mary Magdalene, all Bucky wanted to do was go home and have some lunch. Bored, Bucky decides he’s going to play some people watching. Looking around, he sees the usual church suspects. Stuffy old ladies in godawful hats. Even his people-watching is getting boring. That is until he sees him. A boy, probably close to his age, 15 or 16 max, but small for his age. He had the most beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes. Bucky’s heart is racing, as he tries to push the thoughts in his head away. Recently he’s been having inappropriate thoughts about some of the boys at school. As his friends would go on and on about the gals they fancied, Bucky’s heart was set on the wrong gender. Or at least that is what he was taught to learn.
“Now brothers and sisters, the sister of the covenant prepared a light luncheon that’ll be served outside!” Father O’Malley’s booming voice broke Bucky out of his thinking. Getting up, he turns to his ma.
“I saw a boy that’s my age. Can I go talk to him?” Winnie simply nods as she frets over Becca’s dress. That girl could ruin any dress. Bucky wades through the crowd of people and finally makes it out to the church patio where he sees the blondie, alone on a bench, drawing.
Mustering up all the courage he has, Bucky steps up in front of the boy. “Hi, I’m Bucky. Family just moved here.” Blondie, as Bucky dubbed the boy in his mind, looks up. And god, those blue eyes were so much brighter up close.
“I’m Steve,” smiling at Bucky he motions to the empty space next to him. “Care to sit? My ma went to get some food. I don’t have many friends, as you could probably tell.” Bucky chuckles softly.
“I don’t either. Guess we can be each other’s friends.”
Something there clicked inside of Bucky. He finally understood what the other boys felt when they talked about their crush. Heart pounding and sweaty palms, as he tried to make sure he made a good first impression. He imagined going on dates with Steve, giving him the world. But Bucky knew he couldn’t have those things. He couldn’t take Steve out dancing, or on a date. He had to be his friend, and Bucky was willing to make that compromise. He just hoped his heart wouldn’t break in the process.
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Okay coming out of a week of not having access to a functional computer and still dealing with the move from hell (turns out my main pieces of furniture got water damage in the storage unit! I'm not happy!!), I'm back with a snippet of Cucumberplane friendship for the next chapter! Hopefully I'll have the entire thing posted by the end of the weekend.
He was en route to Jing Xue Peak to learn more about array mechanics when he got a message from Shang Qinghua. He looked around the clear, open sky, and thought it was safe enough to open it.
SQH: hey bro you okay?
SQQ: ?? yeah why?
SQH: heard you weren’t feeling well?
Shen Qingqiu gaped at the screen only he could see.
SQQ: What? How?!
SQH: well I’m a spy, right? I generally know what happens in the sect but my disciples started observing you closer after LBH came to get me like a week ago and we’ve been hanging out
SQQ: your disciples are spying on the sect for you?
SQH: not *spying* spying. Just like keeping me informed on things for logistic purposes
SQQ: they’re spying
SQH: …
SQH: Anyway! What’s going on? I’m here if you want to talk!
Shen Qingqiu sighed and gave it real thought. While he didn’t quite feel comfortable divulging everything to Shang Qinghua despite their declared friendship, who else did he have to talk to about this besides Binghe? And what would happen if he kept relying on Binghe alone?
(What would happen when Binghe left?)
SQQ: okay. Thanks, I guess
SQQ: …It’s about Binghe. He kissed me last night.
SQH: !! Congratulations…?
SQQ: No! No congratulations!!
SQQ: He’s my student! My 16-year-old student!!! The only people he should be kissing are people his own age who are not his teacher!
SQH: Yeah, but would either of you be happy if he did that?
The sentence was like a punch to the gut. He was nearly at Jing Xue but he descended to nearby cliff to perch on solid ground, the open air around him suddenly feeling none too safe.
Because no, he would not be happy if Luo Binghe started kissing other people at all. But it also wasn’t his place to stop him.
SQQ: …no
SQH: Okay then just let him know that wasn’t okay because of the age difference/teacher thing and you’re good, right?
SQH: When did he even have the chance to kiss you? I mean this is the best possible way, but you’re not the most approachable person.
SQQ: …we often spend the evening together. He cooks our dinner and seems happy to spend time with me until I go to sleep. He was brushing my hair for the night as I explained what I said to MQF. I thought he didn’t react well when I mentioned I had feelings for him but he kissed me as I was telling him that I didn’t expect anything from him.
SQH: …
SQQ: what?
SQH: there is so much to unpack there I don’t even know where to begin
SQH: how much time to do you have?
SQQ: not much, I’m heading to Jing Xue to start research before our meeting with MBJ tomorrow
SQQ: we still good for that?
SQH: yes, my king will be there, don’t distract me though
SQH: let me get this straight. You, the person who single-handedly ended his hell of living with SJ as his master and continues to welcome him into your inner sanctum, told my protagonist with major abandonment issues that you’re in love with him but don’t expect him to feel the same?
SQQ: …more or less?
SQH: bro
SQH: bro you’re lucky the only thing he did was kiss you
SQQ: No! No talk of Binghe doing… anything else! Binghe is baby, the cutest bun!
SQH: …if I’m recalling correctly you were fine with him doing a lot more than kissing at 17
SQQ: I was 16 at the time! Of course I was more okay with it!
SQQ: Also it didn't *involve* me!!
SQH: Wait wait whoa back the fuck up
SQH: 16! What were you doing reading my web novel at 16?!
SQH: Wait, how old are you now??
SQQ: Age checks on websites are a joke, Airplane. And I was there for the monsters and Binghe, not that mess that came later.
SQQ: I died at 19, so I’m about 21 now. Hard to say with the shifting dates between death and rebirth.
SQH: Jesus I’m talking to a baby
SQQ: Hey! I’m an adult!!
SQH: A Child.
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kindness-bliss · 3 years
New Beginnings Ch. 12
Timothy Thatcher x OC
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
One year later   Tim looked at apartments with his fiance as they walked around, Emily was everything he could dream of. She had a good heart, educated, loved her job, was actually his age and extremely kind. It had started just days after that night at the club where she approached him at a coffee shop over the book he was reading, he was impressed that someone else could enjoy a George Orwell novel like him. From that day on it was non stop texting and late night phone calls which eventually turned into dates and then sleeping over at each others places and one day he just said fuck it and got a ring at a shop and proposed. It was nothing special truly, he didn’t even get down on one knee which he kind of regretted but not really. He liked her, he liked her a lot but part of him knew he didn’t love her.    “Sweetheart, are you alright ?” Emily asked petting his cheek “you look out of it”   Tim shook his head “Oh I’m fine, just thinking about what would be best is all. We looked at all the ones on our list and you seem to be keen on this area, this the one then ?”
 Emily grinned and nodded “It’s perfect, it’s near both our jobs and it’s a 2 bedroom just in case after the wedding you know….”   He sighed as he stepped back “Em, we’ve talked about this dozens of times already. I said I don’t want kids, I’m past that stage. Us together is enough for me and you said it was enough for you as well, remember ?”  
 “I did” she nodded “It’s just a maybe, like a what if situation kind of thing is all. I know where you stand on children and I totally respect plus we’re both 38, that’s a long shot honey”
Tim chuckled lightly, giving a nod “very true, but just maybe let’s leave it at that ?”. Nothing about moving in with her felt natural, nothing. He liked her a lot but he knew he had rushed things. Everyone had told him it was too soon and that he was only doing it to get over Maya but even they couldn’t stop him from proposing. The second he put the ring on her finger he knew it was a mistake.   
“I just think it’s good to talk about it because though you know I wouldn’t ever create an oopsie situation, it can still be a what if” Emily explained “Plus you told me at the beginning of us that you wouldn’t mind one, just one”   
“I said that almost a year ago, things and people change. Right now what matters to me is my career and your career and doing our own thing” he explains
“Wrestling won’t last forever Tim” she says softly “I know you plan on doing it for as long as you can which is great but we both know realistically it’s a good 5 years left before you have to call it quits for good. You should think about life beyond the ring, when it’s all done for good and you don’t have to put your body at risk every single day taking all those hits. I mean, do you ever think about that ?” “Clearly I do if we’re moving in together Emily '' he let out a little more dry than he had intended. It was one thing get on him about stupid shit like him leaving a plate out on the counter or leaving a damp towel on the sink but his job ? No way in hell he’d ever let anyone try to tell him what to do about his career.   
Emily sighed “Tim, I didn’t mean it like that at all okay ? I just meant it in the sense that there’s life after wrestling, a chance-”   
“I’ve heard enough” Tim said shortly “I um I gotta go, I’m late for some stuff down at the performance center. I’ll see you tonight”  he leaned over and kissed her forehead leaving   
He put his bag down in the locker room as he got ready and nodded at Oney “You look all sunburnt, were you at the beach ?”   
“Maya’s” he answered, lacing up his shoes “She had a small get together yesterday on a boat to celebrate her 26th birthday. The sun got the best of us” Oney chuckled   
“It was her birthday yesterday ?” Tim asked changing his tone
“Not yesterday exactly” Oney shook his head “It’s this Saturday but we celebrated it early since we’ve got that pay per view to get ready for , it was why I couldn’t go to dinner with you and Emily. I went to Marcel’s because he was surprising her with that and you know she’s grown to be like a sister to me, I couldn’t miss it”  Tim simply nodded, how was it that already a year had passed by ? How was it that he didn’t even know her birthday ? “How is she ?” he finally asked
“She’s good, doing really well” Oney nodded “You know her and Marcel are just still boyfriend and girlfriend, not engaged or moved in like you and Emily. But I mean in a way you two are alike, you both just had your one year come up”
“She and Marcel aren’t like Emily and I” he shook his head. “That's comparing apples to oranges man, two totally different things. Why even bring that up ?
“Because it’s clear you still like her, do you ?”
“Yes.” Tim answered
Oney sighed, shaking his head “Then why are you engaged and moving in with this woman ? Why did you fuck up so badly ?” “I don’t know and I’ll never know” he shrugged as he left the room and stretched in the ring. All great questions he had no answers for. ******  Maya sat as she rubbed her forehead and sipped her water on the couch “Baby do you mind getting me some tylenol ?”   
“Let me guess, once again didn’t eat anything but an iced coffee all day ?” he chuckled handing her two pills and sitting next to her  
 “Haha very funny” she rolled her eyes, taking them “Just feel tired, I’ve been working back to back and it’s getting to me is all”   
Marcel shook his head and sighed “You’ve been so out of it lately, we went to dinner last week and you fell asleep on the ride there, I’m getting concerned Maya”
She held his hand and scooted onto his lap kissing him “I”m fine, just work is a lot lately. I just gotta get it together is all, schedule things out better. Plus, I still have energy for plenty of things you know. Loads of them actually…”   
“I like that” he caressed her cheek leaning to kiss her and groaning as he heard the doorbell “That would be Johnny and Candice who you invited for a swim”  “I know” she giggled as she got up “deal with your blue balls somewhere else while I show them around”. Maya got up and shook off the slight dizziness she had going to the door “Hey guys” she smiled “Come on in”  
 “Jesus you said house not mini mansion” Johnny said as he barged in and put the cupcakes on the table “Damn Maya, is this what taking off your clothes pays for, because I might just change careers”  
 Candice shook her head as she gave her a hug “You know how he is, thanks for having us over before the week gets a bit chaotic. I feel like I rarely get to see you because of how busy you are, how are things ?”   
Maya grinned and took her to her backyard and sat with her “Things have been great truly, work is great and well as you can see things with Marcel are also still amazing. He’s here a lot but we don’t live together or anything like that” she admits taking a sip of her water “I see in your face you’ve got this look, like you wanna tell me something but you’re holding back”  
 She looked up and grinned as Johnny sat in the middle of them taking a piece of cheese from the charcuterie board and chewed “So did you hear Tim’s engaged to that one Emily chick ? I mean she’s pretty but she’s not as pretty as you and she has a boring job not cool like modeling. She’s a high school teacher ,math teacher or something dumb like that, and I heard from Eli that she’s his age so you know old and apparently they moved in-”
“Johnny !” Candice exclaimed with wide eyes as she moved her eyes in her direction
“Wh-what ?” Maya said softly “I-I had no idea, I haven’t seen him since um that night at EVE but it’s been a year, come on guys. There’s no need to tiptoe around things, that’s in the past and good for him. He deserves happiness as we all do, really Candice it’s not a big deal”   Lies all fucking lies she thought to herself, nothing but lies. Yes it was a big fucking deal, how the hell wouldn’t it be ?. What in the absolute fuck did she miss out on in a whole year ? She was having success, her relationship with Marcel was perfect yet her heart still fluttered hearing Tim’s name. Not only was he dating someone but he was engaged, engaged.   “Sorry” Johnny apologized as he put his drink down “I thought you knew since you seem to know everyone, I thought Oney had mentioned it or Alli”    “It’s fine Johnny” she grinned weakly “Really it is, there’s nothing you need to say sorry for at all truly. People are allowed to move on, I mean we never even dated. It’s nothing at all, look Marcel’s on his way out let’s get in before the sun goes down”  “I got you a little surprise” Marcel grinned, oblivious to what had just occurred. He smiled and put down the box in his arms “I know you said no gifts but I thought this one would be great for you” With a confused look Maya stood up and  grinned , walking towards the box and opening it slowly, smiling wide as she pulled out a golden doodle puppy “OH MY GOD YOU REMEMBERED !” She quickly kissed the pup and jumped in his arms. For the last 6 months, she had been going on and on about how she was ready for a dog and wanted one so badly yet Marcel seemed off to the idea and kept saying how they were way too much work and not even all that cute. Now she understood why, and her heart swelled in size.   “I searched and searched the entire state of Florida for this little guy” Marcel smiled. “He's about 8 weeks old, and when I saw him I knew he was perfect for you...for us. But he needs a name, any ideas ?”    “Biggie” Maya smiled “As in Biggie Smalls ?” he laughed   “Exactly that.” Marcel smiled as he put his arm around her and pulled her in for a side hug “You, me and Biggie”. He kissed her head as he pet their pup’s head and smiled, though far off and not entirely true it felt as if they were family already. Just them and their puppy, together and happy.   
The rest of the night was enjoyable as she sat and listened to them talk about the big pay per view that was coming up, everyone going on and on about certain feuds and matches. She turned and looked at Marcel who was in mid conversation with Fabian, sending him a wink as she got up and headed inside using the excuse she needed to answer an important phone call. Like clockwork she heard the screen door lock shut and laughed “It’s that easy huh ?”   
“You’re the one who gave me a wink” he answered with a crimson face “I-I assumed, I...I didn’t mean to”   “You assumed right” she grabbed his shirt and pulled him to her as she took them into the guest bathroom “we have 10 minutes max before someone realizes we’re missing so make it last”  
 Without losing any time Marcel lifted her onto the sink and slid off her shorts, rubbing at her core as he licked his lips “fuck you feel so wet already” he whispered getting a moan in response from her
“You talk entirely too much” she kissed him ,leaning her head back against the cabinet mirror gripping the back of his neck with her hands as she bit her lip to keep quiet   
“Fuck Maya” he mumbled as he began thrust in and out “you always feel so fucking good”
She whimpered in response “Baby….Baby please”
“You like that, I know you do” Marcel pumped into her with force, nuzzling his face in her neck as he did his best to keep his moans low, tightening his grip on her hips   
“I...wow” Maya panted as they finished, him still inside of her as she looked into his eyes “You do things to me you know, lots of things”
“And I always will” Marcel grinned as he wiped his forehead and kissed her lips softly “as long as you let me” “You’re so corny, you go out first so no one assumes” she chuckled as she closed the door and fixed her makeup. She opened a drawer to look for a brush, sighing as she picked up her birth control packet that had fallen.“Every time” Maya muttered as she put it away, feeling it slightly heavier than usual and opening the pack. With a shaky breath she slipped the packet out of the sleeve and widened her eyes when she saw 7 days of pills still in their spot, she had missed a whole week of birth control in the last month ***** “Would you just tell me what’s going on ?” Tim asked as he sat on the couch with Emily “it’s been a week and you’ve been quiet, you even missed a day of work which you never do. What on earth can be going on that has you like this ?”   
“Tim…” Emily spoke, her voice small and meek “Please don’t be mad at me, please. I...I went to the doctor for those headaches and fatigue and she-she had me to a blood and urine test and told me....she told me I’m pregnant. I told her it had to be a mistake, I have a patch and we use condoms, but she said it’s only 90% effective and there’s always a possibility especially since my ovaries release eggs during ovulation and well...I’m 9 weeks pregnant” she cried
 His eyes widened as he leaned back into the couch, feeling the air leave his lungs as he tried his absolute hardest to stop from dry heaving. He sat, rubbing his palms on his thighs and nodded over and again trying to convince himself things would be okay.   
“Then you’re pregnant and that’s that, accidents happen” he said softly as he scooted closer to her and held her hand in his sweaty one “Was this what we wanted ? No. But it’s what we’re dealing with and no matter what I’m here for you Em. I...I….I love you”   
“I love you so so much” Emily hugged him as she sniffled “I never ever meant for this to happen Tim, I swear to you. I’m so scared” she sobbed into his shoulder   Tim rubbed her back and sighed “It’s gonna be okay. We’re both adults here and this is something like the doctor said could always happen. I’m with you all this way, no matter what, but I must ask” he sits up and looks at her as he peels away from their hug “D-do you wanna keep this baby ?”
“I do” she whispered “I do, and you don’t need to stay with me. You don’t even need to help I can do this all on my own”   
He gulped taking her words in as he looked in her eyes, begging for her to just push him away and say she wants him out of her life but she didn’t. She wanted to keep this child and no matter what he was gonna stick by her whether he loved her or not. *****
  Maya looked up at Marcel as they waited at the doctors office, nerves eating up at her as she squeezed his hand in her lap. Immediately after everyone had left that day she sat him down and told him she had forgotten to take her birth control for a week and had reminded him they never used condoms. Just like she had assumed he was calm and collected and assured her he’d be with her no matter what and that he loved her. She broke down in tears that night on his lap crying until she passed out from exhaustion, when she woke up she found herself in bed with him. Now here they were one week later waiting to do some tests to get official answers, they had both agreed it’d be best to get answers from a doctor rather than a test at the pharmacy.  
 She stood up as her name was called and walked in with him, doing the usual routine with blood pressure and weight and finally getting her blood drawn and completing a urine test for them. The minutes seemed like hours as she sat in Marcel’s lap for comfort leaning her head over his.
  “I’m scared” Maya whispered looking in his eyes ``What if I am and it ends like…like how it did when I was 20 ?” she finally says
 “It’s different times” Marcel assured “6 years ago you were a kid with lots of stress that caused that to happen, now it’s different. And if you are, nothing bad is gonna happen. And if you aren’t, then we can go from there” he kissed her forehead. More than anything he wanted her to be okay, for them to be okay and just put that past life behind them completely.  
 Maya nodded and pressed her forehead to his, jumping up when she heard the door open and doctor come in
  “A-am I pregnant ?” she whispered quickly
“No” the doctor said softly “You are not, your tests all came back negative, what you do have to look out for is your severe dehydration levels. Other than that you’re in great health, and to be safe I’d stay off sexual activity until you can start a new month of birth control, and please use protection” she grinned
  “Oh my gosh” Maya let out a sigh of relief as she watched his face go back to its normal color “Thank you so so much”
 “It’s your life and your choices miss” she grinned “No matter what, I’m here to guide advice for whatever you need health related.”   
Maya let out a nervous laugh as she held hands with Marcel and walked out of the office, giggling when he spun her around in his arms
  “I love kids and can’t wait to have the, but this just wasn’t the right time” Marcel said softly as he kissed her “But our time will come soon, really soon”
“Sooner than later” she smiled as he set her down and walked down the hall with him, pressing the elevator button. She hummed happily as it dinged, gulping as it opened revealing Tim hand in hand with who she supposed was Emily with a barely there baby bump. She was sure she was gonna pass out had it not been for Marcel’s hand on her back.
  “Hi” Maya said softly, being the first to speak out of the 4 “Long time to no see”   
Tim stood speechless as he stared at her, unintentionally slipping his hand out of Emily’s and putting it in his pants pocket. He could’ve sworn he saw stars at one point from how dazed he felt seeing her in person for the first time in over a year.
“Hey” he finally said in response “um hey, this-this is...this is-”
“Emily” she spoke up quietly
“Emily yes, yes” Tim nodded “Um this is Emily my fiance, Emily this Maya and Marcel my...my…”
“Friends” Marcel grinned “So nice to meet you” he shook her hand gently “and um congratulations of course, what a beautiful thing”
 “Oh thank you” Emily smiled “Just here for our 14 week appointment, making sure all is well. You guys...are you guys expecting too ? Gosh that’s extremely invasive of me, I’m sorry I just assumed since this is the OBGYN side of the hospital and you two are together” she said softly turning red with embarrassment
“Nah you’re good” Maya shook her head “Just had a scare because I forgot to take my pill for a week and apparently the idea of condoms never came to my dumb ass brain that was too busy thinking about getting laid, but no babies in this uterus thank god” she tried to joke much to Tim and Emily’s wide eyes, Marcel being the only one laughing with her 
 “Alright tough crowd” she muttered to herself as she went through the middle of them into the elevator “But I wish you well, babies are super cute and stuff”
Emily grinned at her “You’re the sweetest, thank you ! Maya right ? Were you in a spread in Cosmo last month ? With the neon bikini in the pool for the safe sex while on vacation side ?
  Maya chuckled darkly.  She knew it was a dig, a sad attempt at one at least. “That’s me, that’s definitely me ! Got 20k for that spread, put a downpayment on a home with that shoot. I also did Maxim and got on the cover of that, I’m in Zara as well on a 10 foot poster right as you enter their store, and I just did a Victoria Secret ad that’s gonna be in every single mall in the states and that alone is probably gonna pay off my entire mortgage. You know, I did it once before in college and it paid off all my student loans too” she smiled “Now what is it that you do...M’am ?”
 Tim’s eyes widened as he watched the verbal drag go on, part of him knew he should’ve stepped in but he was too in shock to do a thing. “She’s a teacher” he answered sternly “A high school math teacher”
  “Still have those loans, but I love what I do” Emily nodded “It’s done for the love, not for the money” she hit back
“Aww” Maya put her hands to her heart “I remember when I used to say that too, I wanted to be a teacher so bad when I was teensy” she grinned “Then I realized how all teachers grew up to be nothing but bitter divorcees who thrive on making children’s lives miserable all whilst teaching pointless things like the Pythagorean theorem. Oh wait , that’s you ! My bad, my bad”
Marcel chuckled quietly as he bit the inside of his lip and moved his arm around her waist “We must go now, um congratulations on your child once again. Health and happiness for you both”. He smirked as he closed the elevator door and shook his head
  “Too far ?” Maya asked
“Just enough to piss her off” he answered back with a grin   Maya chuckled and looked down at her heels, trying to hide the disappointed in her face.
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