#not you Ana of course you're doing amazing thank you for informing me of this heinous tragedy and checking in on me in this harrowing time
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crescentcampbell · 11 months
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Alina Starkov
"Did you apply to this for me?" Alina held up the scholarship letter she'd gotten that afternoon. He was tall, with blue eyes, with a kind of affable charm that made everyone like him from girls, to grandmas, to crotchety uncles. The two of them had grown up at Ana Kuya's orphanage together, before eventually being shipped off to a boarding school thanks to some orphan's fund in Ravka.
They were graduating in a month. Mal had decided to enlist, even though Alina had begged and pleaded with him not to. He thought it was the only way he could get into college. Since then, he'd been bugging her about her future. Alina had no grand plans for herself beyond being able to own her own flat, and put food on the table.
It was hard to think of dreams when you were only trying to survive.
"Dear Miss Starkov,
We're pleased to inform you that you've been accepted to Royal Ravka University…" Mal paused, and let out a whoop before hugging her tightly. "Lina, that's amazing! No, I didn't. Maybe one of your teachers?"
Alina shook her head then took the letter back from him. "No, I haven't said anything about college to anyone. It's odd…it's something to do about studying mythology. Apparently, they saw my art portfolio and liked it."
Mal raised an eyebrow. "You're sketches of those old, Ravkaan myths? The sea whip and the firebird and what was the other one?"
"The Stag," Alina replied. "It's weird. It says I've got a full-ride scholarship to study them, and…it's from The Morozova Foundation. That's why I thought maybe you had something to do with it."
Mal stiffened. Mal had come to the orphanage when he was five, delivered by his mother. She had had the same brown hair and blue eyes as him. The same kind of good looks that made everyone fall in love instantly. Or, maybe she would have, once upon a time. But when Alina saw her bring Mal to the orphanage, she had been sickly, and had had a haunted look in her eyes.
Alina had remembered watching her in the hallway through the crack in the door of Ana Kuya's office. "…I can't escape his father as long as I've got him, and he won't escape being with his father…he's….he's powerful…" she had said.
"Can I ask…"
"I can't say. But…I was a secretary at The Morozova Foundation. I'm sure you've heard the stories."
Ana Kuya flinched. "Yes. I've heard the stories. Of course, we'll take him."
Mal's mother had kissed him on the head, then left the orphanage as if she thought she were being chased by creatures from the shadowlands the Ravkaan Saint of Death took people to. Since then, it had been Alina, and Mal. But there were noticeable differences.
Mal was allowed to go into the city for trips once a year. He had birthdays. His clothes were the finest of everything. Although whenever he got packages, for something like Winter Solstice, or he tossed them into the trash without a word. Alina knew, in her bones, it had something to do with the Morozova's.
They were a powerful family. She saw their pictures often online, or in the magazines at the check stand, or The Ravkaan Times. The resemblance was uncanny between Mal and the Morozova men. Particularly to the Morozova heir, Aleksander. The same sharp features. The same, charming smile.
But the blue eyes were his mothers. All of the Morozova men had eyes the color of grey smoke. The smoke that came with the shadow creatures that took you to your death. Alina remembered seeing them as a child. They'd come for her mother, and her father, and that was how she wound up at the orphanage. They'd lived on the border of Ravka, near the Shu Han. They'd both been stationed there, soldiers.
It had been an easy post. It meant they didn't have to move anywhere. But the shadow creatures…the Volcra…legend had it that was where the entrance to the Saints world was. That they guarded it. So, they were strongest there. Alina vowed she'd never see a Volcra again. They only came, after all, if you had blood on your hands. Any soldier would see them.
So, Alina would never be a soldier.
"You know I don't talk to my family," Mal said, "and I don't ask anything from them, either. Not after what they did to my mother…they left her to die."
"Okay. But I thought I needed to show you. I didn't feel comfortable just taking it, because I don't know why it's been given to me."
Mal sighed. "Honestly, if you were enlisting with me, I'd tell you to say fuck them. But I don't want you ending up on the street. Even if it means taking their hush money."
Alina laughed. "Hush money? What am I hushing about?"
"Me, I suspect," Mal said with a cheeky grin, "you know too much, Starkova. Look, if you want to take it, I won't stop you. Just, be careful. Once you take money from a Morozova, it's like them taking your soul."
Alina laughed. "I think I lost that a long time ago somewhere in between my parents dying and the whole being a poor orphan thing."
"Oh please," he said, "the world could be at it's worst, Lina, and you'd still radiate pure sunshine."
Alina beamed. "I suppose there are worse things to be known for."
"So, you're going to take it?"
She stared at the letter. "I don't know. I mean, I applied for a few other art scholarships and I'm on the waiting lists. I never really saw myself studying mythology. I feel like I'm taking it from someone that might actually want it."
Mal snorted. "Trust me, you aren't. The mythology department is kept alive by the foundation. My great, great, uncle or something started it. He thought all of those myths were the key to a better future for Ravka."
"You don't believe in them?" Alina said. "Why's that so far-fetched? We've got a Saint living in the palace as an advisor to the King, Volcra that steal people away when they die, and we visited the Grisha palace every year at school. You know, those people with magical powers that died out because our government used them as soldiers."
"Trust me, Alina, they didn't die out. They just got smarter at hiding."
She tilted her head to the side. "But you draw the line at magical creatures?"
Mal laughed. "There's got to be a line somewhere, right? I draw the line at giant birds and mystical stags. There's enough weirdness in this world."
"I delight in the weird."
"Of course, you do." He nudged her. "You know, we were supposed to be studying for our finals. If you don't graduate, you can kiss that blood money scholarship goodbye."
"Right." Alina tucked the scholarship letter into her backpack. "Very serious now." They went back to studying.
Alina tried, very hard, not to think of the real reason that she might have gotten that scholarship. Because if Mal knew the truth, she didn't think he'd be so keen on the idea of her going there and then…then she'd be back at square one. Without a plan. Or future.
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Ana Amari x reader
You were a member of Overwatch, and you had always admired Ana Amari. She was a legend, a hero, and a role model. You had heard stories about her bravery, her skill, and her compassion. You had watched videos of her in action, and you had read her memoirs. You had always dreamed of meeting her, but you never thought it would actually happen.
One day, you were on a mission with Ana. You were both trying to recover some stolen technology from a group of Talon agents. You were nervous, but you were also excited. You were finally going to meet the woman you had idolized for so long.
The mission was difficult, but you and Ana worked together seamlessly. You covered each other's backs, you shared information, and you fought side by side. You were amazed by Ana's skill. She was even more impressive in person than you had imagined.
After the mission was over, you and Ana sat down to rest. You were both exhausted, but you were also exhilarated. You had succeeded in your mission, and you had done it together.
Ana turned to you and smiled. "You did well," she said. "I'm impressed."
You blushed. "Thank you," you said. "I couldn't have done it without you."
Ana chuckled. "Don't be modest," she said. "You're a talented fighter. I can see why Overwatch recruited you."
You felt a thrill of pride. Coming from Ana, that was high praise indeed.
As you and Ana talked, you realized that you had a lot in common. You both loved adventure, you both had a sense of humor, and you both had a deep commitment to justice and freedom. You felt a connection with Ana that you had never felt with anyone else.
As the days went by, you and Ana grew closer. You trained together, you went on missions together, and you spent time together whenever you could. You found that you couldn't stop thinking about her, and you wondered if she felt the same way.
One day, you decided to take a chance. You told Ana how you felt about her, and you asked her if she felt the same way. She looked at you for a long moment, and then she smiled.
"I do," she said. "I've been feeling the same way for a long time. I just didn't know how to tell you."
You grinned. "Well, now we know," you said.
From that day on, you and Ana were inseparable. You spent every moment you could together, whether you were on missions or just spending time at Overwatch headquarters. You learned everything you could about each other, and you discovered that you were perfect for each other in every way.
One day, Ana surprised you by taking you on a picnic in the countryside. She had packed a basket full of delicious food, and she had found a secluded spot by a river. You sat together on a blanket, watching the water flow by, and talking about your hopes and dreams.
As the sun began to set, Ana took your hand and looked into your eyes. "There's something I want to ask you," she said.
You felt your heart skip a beat. "What is it?" you asked.
Ana took a deep breath. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you," she said. "Will you marry me?"
You felt tears come to your eyes. "Yes," you said. "Of course I will."
Ana pulled a ring out of her pocket and slipped it onto your finger. It was a simple gold band, but it was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen.
You threw your arms around Ana and hugged her tightly. "I love you," you said.
"I love you too," she said.
From that day on, you and Ana were partners in every sense of the word. You fought side by side, you laughed together, and you loved each other with all your hearts. You knew that you had found your soulmate, and you were grateful every day that you had met her. You were a team, and nothing could ever come between you.
Please look at my pinned post concerning credits for these fanfics.
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letisnotonfire · 3 years
Hii Ana! Who are your favorite artists in art? It can be of any kind: painters, sculptors... Don't limit yourself :) I really like your blog and all the artistic universe there is on it, it's very inspiring! And you know i love soo much your drawings! Have a wonderful day filled with love and positivity🌼✨
PAAAAM OMG stwywhe you're a sweetheart, thank you sm for asking??? Okay, let's go, I'll make a list for the famous ones and then a list for the instagram artists ✨ ( sorry it took me a while, I love lists so I wanted to make a good one when I had time)
Jean-Michel Basquiat : If I had told my 12-year-old self that one day I'd like this type of art she wouldn't have believed me gsjwjw but oh well look at me now. I do find his work aesthetically pleasing but the main thing for me is how raw and expressive it looks, I feel like his works reflect the free nature of art and it's nice to be reminded of that from time to time. His art feels...honest? true to his heart? This sounds cheesy but it's what it makes me feel
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Beat Bop album cover, 1983 // Bird on money, 1981 // Black Tar and Feathers, 1982
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Undiscovered Genius of the Mississippi Delta, 1983
Keith Haring : some may judge his style for being "too simple" but I really don't care gagwgwg I vibe with his art and I also really like the democratized nature of his subway works
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Untitled, 1985 // Untitled, 1981
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Keith Haring creating street art in the New York City Subway, 1983. Photo by Tseng Kwong Chi
Vincent van Gogh : Look, if liking him makes me basic then I'm a proud basic bitch 😌✨ Love the guy, love his art and admire his life story
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Café Terrace at Night, 1888 // The Red Vineyard, 1888 // Giant Peacock Moth, 1889
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec : but you already knew he would be here sshgdhshs
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In bed the kiss, 1892 // In bed, 1893 // Portrait of Vincent van Gogh, 1887
Jules Chéret : I'm obsessed with his posters ever since I first laid eyes on them, they're SO FUCKING STUNNING DAMN
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Folies-Bergère: Loïe Fuller, 1897 // Exposition Universelle 1889 Le Pays des Feés, 1889 // Musée Grévin, 1911
Leonardo da Vinci : okay HEAR ME OUT, I know this is the most basic answer anyone could give but I had to include him for emotional reasons wtsgegw. Even though I admire his paintings, his art style is not necessarily my favorite, but I really value his passion for different areas. Like, I remember reading a little book about him when I was 10 (or something like that) and being amazed by how smart he was and how he studied so many different things. Extra information now but I remember a day when I was having a little crisis over how my art was inconsistent and how I had a lot of different interests and that it was all a mess so my dad simply told me something along the lines of "would you tell da vinci to focus on only one thing?" and I feel silly being compared to da vinci but it was so sweet and made sense to me so I always think about it
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armoured car, 1487 // drawing of the torso and the arms, 1500 (ps: really random but hey this was the year Brazil was discovered agsywhw crazy to think about, but anyways) // The Vitruvian Man, 1490(?)
Of course there are more like Klimt, Matisse, Manet, Monet, Joan Miró, Frida, etc that I sympathize with but I think the ones on the list are my main ones.
(sorry but I won't include pictures bc in this house we don't support reposting without permission 🤚✨)
and so👏 many👏 more 👏 stsggwyw but I'll stop now, I really don't expect you to check all of them dw but thank you so so much for asking , I hope you have a lovely day <3
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jacobseedvaas35 · 5 years
A Love Like No Other
Jacob Seed X OC Ana Pearce
Warnings: Violence, Smut, Mention of abuse
Word Count: 1708
Chapter Two
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Going back home was a bloody nightmare. Tim and Kelly went off their heads when Ana walked through the front door, not knowing that Blake was right behind her. They yelled in her face and Kelly had grabbed Ana's arm so tightly that she was sure there was a bruise already. The moment Blake walked in and yelled back at his parents, Tim and Kelly backed off, letting Ana get past.
"From this day forward, Hannah, Haley and Ana are allowed to leave this house whenever they want" Blake put his foot down to his parents. "They are old enough to look after themselves and do whatever. It's time you two, grew the fuck up".
"I've had enough of your tone Mr. We are your parents, you do not raise your voice or order us on what to do" Tim raised his voice.
"Listen here old man" Blake walked up to his father's face. "Lay a single finger on one of my sisters and I'll break that finger. You understand? If you wanted respect from your children, then you should have never abused them".
Hannah and Haley followed their siblings into Blake's bedroom, curious to know where they had gone.
"So? What does Hope County have for us?" Hannah asked as she sat down next to her brother.
"Other than forests, mountains and lakes. We've got a small town called Falls End. It has a bar and some clothing stores" Ana started explaining. "Oh and a lot of farms".
"And not to mention, a church for a religious cult" Blake smirked.
"Now we're talking" Hannah said. "Keep going".
"Yeah we met the leader. His people call him The Father but he said his name was Joseph Seed" Blake continued to explain. "He has two brothers Jacob and John and a sister, Faith Seed".
"Are they good looking?" Haley asked.
"Yes. The brothers were hot and Faith..."
"She was beautiful" Blake interrupted Ana, as he remembered Faith and her beautiful features.
"Wow. Someone's in love" Hannah joked.
"Joseph said he'd like to meet you two as well. Maybe our awesome brother here, can take all of us next week Sunday to another sermon" Ana informed her sisters.
Blake looked up at Ana and smiled, "my dear sister. Joseph said we can visit him anytime we wanted". He looked at his other two sisters and informed them that he was going to take them to Joseph's church tomorrow and get them to meet the Seed family for themselves.
That evening, with the help of her brother, Ana was able to leave the house to go and explore the forests that Holland Valley had. She walked through the forest, looking up at the trees and listening to the birds chirping away. The sun shone through the trees, helping her walk without having to worry about falling. As she continued to walk, she started hearing the sound of the lake's water flowing, as if it was a river instead.
"This is beautiful" she said to herself and started to turn in circles.
"You shouldn't be out here, all alone" a voice from behind her came. Ana jumped with fear and turned around to see the familiar man from the church, stand behind her and leaning against a tree.
"Hope County forest's might be beautiful to explore but the wildlife can be extremely dangerous" the man kept saying. "If you want to explore, you have to bring a weapon with you".
Ana looked down and saw the man holding what looked like, a red rifle in his hand. "Umm" was all she could say, still startled by this giant man.
"You're that girl from the church. Right?" He asked and started approaching Ana slowly.
"Yes" Ana replied back and swallowed hard.
"No need to be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you" he said and stopped right in front of Ana.
He was really tall compared to her. She had to look up a fair bit to get a better look at him. He was even more handsome up close and she was able to make out the colour of his eyes. Light Blue. They were perfect. Ana was finally able to smile at him after realising that he wasn't dangerous or scary.
"So which one are you? John or Jacob" Ana crossed her arms and examined his features. "Wait! Don't answer that. Let me guess... Jacob".
"Correct" Jacob smiled. "I'm Jacob. Oldest brother of the Seed's".
"Nice to meet you Jacob. I'm..."
"Ana. I remember from the church. I might be old but I've got a brain like an elephant" Jacob chuckled a little and started walking past Ana.
"Old? Pfft" Ana giggled.
Jacob stopped in his spot and turned to look at Ana. "47 isn't really young".
"47? Jesus Christ. You look like you're in the 30s" Ana sounded shock. "You're really handsome for a 47 year old Mr Seed".
"Jacob!" He reminded her of his name.
"Sorry. Jacob" Ana smiled.
"So you live in Holland Valley?" Jacob asked, wanting to question her about her family.
"Yep. I wanted to live in Whitetail Mountains but my parents chose this place instead" Ana explained.
"Is that so?" Jacob got close to her again.
"Yeah. On the pamphlet it said Whitetail Mountains had more forests and even mountains" Ana said.
"You like Mountains?" He continued to ask her questions.
Ana nodded with a big smile on her face.
"Interesting. Would you like to go to Whitetail Mountains one day?" Jacob asked.
"Oh I would for sure" Ana was quick to reply. "Could you take me?". She was embarrassed to ask but felt a lot better getting it out off her system.
"You want me to take you to Whitetail Mountain?" Jacob was surprised. No one in this County would have asked him for something like this or for that matter, anything at all.
"Please. I really want to see the mountains" Ana begged. "Plus, it would be a great way to get to know each other. Being new and all to this County, I'd like to make friends. I barely had any in New York".
"I'll give you my number. You let me know when you wanna go and I'll pick you up" Jacob accepted.
Ana jumped with joy, then took her phone out and put Jacob's number in. "Thank you so much Jacob".
"You're welcome but I think I should take you home" Jacob suggested. "It's getting dark and like I said, wildlife in this County, is incredibly dangerous".
"Sounds good" Ana accepted and the both of them walked out off the forest and to Jacob's truck.
Jacob had all his windows to his truck opened wide. Ana had rested her arms on the car door and enjoyed the breeze hit her face. It felt amazing and smelt like fresh air. Her long black hair flew around crazily but she didn't care. Jacob couldn't help but glance at her at times. 'She's beautiful' he thought to himself and smiled as he glanced over at her one last time.
"Jacob?" Ana called out to him, then sat back in the passenger seat. "Could you drop me off around here. I don't want my parents to see me in a car with a guy. They'll kill me and I don't think Blake can save me".
Jacob pulled his truck over and looked at Ana. "Your parents sound like bad people. Do they hurt you Ana?".
"Umm. No of course not. They are just trying to be good parents" Ana lied.
"That's not what your brother said at the church. Abusive parents are the worst" Jacob looked out the window. "My brothers copped it from our abusive parents. They've got the marks to prove it but it made them stronger".
"They don't abuse me Jacob but thank you for your concern" Ana said and placed her hand on Jacob's scarred arm. "I'll call you when I want to go to the Mountains. Thank you again Jacob". With that being said, Ana jumped out of the truck and walked the remaining distance, home.
She walked in and was greeted by her brother. The two of them spent the evening speaking about what they did when the four siblings split up. Hannah and Haley had gone to Falls End to shop around while Blake had gone to the bar for a few drinks. Ana explained to her brother about Jacob's generous offer to take her to Whitetail Mountain's to see the mountains and forest it had to offer. Blake thought it would be a good way for his sister to make some friends, since she barely had any friends back in New York. Again, that came down their parents but he was going to make sure his sister made friends here in Hope County.
"I think these Seed's are going to be great people to hang with" Blake said and sat back on the couch. "What do you think?"
"I agree. Jacob looks like a very intimidating person but I like him" Ana said. "He'd be nice to be friends with".
"When are you going to meet up with him again?" Blake asked.
"Maybe Tuesday. He gave me his number and told me to give him a call whenever I wanted to go" Ana replied back. "I'm going to get some sleep. Goodnight".
"Night" Blake responded back and decided to go to bed himself. "What a fucking awesome day".
Laying in bed, Ana couldn't stop thinking about Jacob Seed. In the morning, seeing him for the first time was awkward and uncomfortable. He continually stared at her the whole time but after seeing up closer and talking to him, Ana could help but feel a tingly while thinking about him. He seemed like a really nice guy and he was extremely handsome but the only problem she had with him, was the age. He was almost 50 years old, so hanging out with a much older man, may seem a little disturbing for others.
Ana bit on her lip and smiled, wiping out that memory and thinking about the good things about Jacob. She couldn't wait to hang out and get to know him a lot more. He seemed like a guy full of mysteries and stories.
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