atvrvxia · 2 years
&. @notaviibe​
continued from the post in the SOURCE LINK ( 1 / 1 )
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                               SHE DIDN’T mind not talking about the project. silas was a very handsome man, which was why aileen was all-too willing to talk about whatever he wanted tonight. sure her end goal was to get casted, but she would be happy to spend more time with the older man. “thank you,” she beamed. she didn’t have connections in the industry, so it was tough. but she will make it happen one way or another. “casual sounds good... sir,” she replied, keeping her smile as she looked at him over the rim of her glass. “so what do you normally do on nights like this? when you want to be casual and not work?” she asked, angling her body so she was facing him. 
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luvcvlts · 2 years
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"why are you covering up? i've already seen everything.” Lorelei teased, letting the makeup artist finish up her lips before tilting her chin toward the door, a signal to let them know they could go and leave her to last night’s fun. as soon as they were alone, she stood from her seat, walking over toward the bed, grabbing the other’s shirt and tossing it over. 
( @notaviibe​ )  
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deepinthedarkworld · 2 years
starter for @notaviibe​
Going on a roadtrip had seemed like a brilliant idea. Just four friends hanging out for weeks. Then two of those friends had gotten together right before they left and the third friend had cancelled. Which meant that Amara had spent hours in a car with a couple who had the honeymoon phase so far up their asses it made her sick. The second their had parked their car in front of their little beach house, Amara had bolted and had ran for the house. 
Hours later she came out of her little hideaway to find the couple all tangled up on the couch. After some persuasion she had managed to talk them into going to a bonfire at the beach. She had seen the flames and people from her room and heard the music so surely there was some party going on. And it didn’t take long from they arrived before they had drinks in their hands and mingling with strangers. Sure, the whole beach wasn’t full but they had ended up in some hideaway sea-side beach town and Amara found herself surprised why how many who had actually showed up.  The brunette spent the first few minutes with her friends, but once the PDA got too much for her, the girl simply slipped away and hid in between the locals.
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midnightsaboteur · 2 years
continued from [x]
The revelation that Olivia wasn’t wearing any panties didn’t surprise Max, though it was welcome nonetheless. The slightest traces of a smirk graced his lips, combining with a darkening, lustful glint in his eyes to indicate just how he liked what she’d done before any words were spoken. Max kept his gaze upon her, initially on her face but then blatantly trailing down to her thighs, his imagination already running wild with vivid thoughts about Olivia’s bare, slick sex. His cock began hardening rapidly in his pants, tenting the dark fabric quite obviously for Olivia’s view, even if they were in a darkened room with just flashing neon lights for illumination. 
“You’re right, dear,” Max began. “I won’t be mean now that you’ve told me that… but you will need to come here and give me what I want.” His words were spoken bluntly, gaze once more locked upon hers, the tone of his voice and darkness in his glare telling her he expected nothing less than for his command to be followed.
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assfcrdays · 2 years
It was quite an odd experience, hanging around at the club out of hours and seeing it like this, empty and quiet. The exact opposite of the atmosphere Quinn usually experienced when working here. He never really grasped how big the venue was, with how crowded the dancefloors usually were, the blonde always shedding his clothes on stage for a hollering crowd or giving some guy a lap dance for tips. Right now though, the place was closed - or rather, not yet open. It was the afternoon, even though of course that was hard to tell in a club like this, where windows couldn’t really be found except in the backrooms and maybe the bathroom. In here, there was no day or night - just the same nightclub lighting, only without the guests. It felt... intimate, in a weirdly different way than usual.
Quinn had instructed Shane to come meet him here, letting the other know the doors were unlocked and he could come right in, as they would have the VIP area - well, technically the whole club - to themselves. Quinn had spotted the other in the crowd one night, noticing not just Shane’s stunning looks but also how he watched the show with what felt different than the usual hungry gawkers. There seemed to be... genuine interest, or so the dancer wanted to believe. Long story short, he’d talked a complete stranger to try out for a job here, and in turn was put in charge of making sure Shane would be equipped with the moves he needed to make the dollar bills come flying. Honestly, he was quite excited for this. Wearing what was somewhere between his usual stripper getup and a more functional dancing outfit, Quinn warmed up by climbing up to one of the little podiums where go-go boys would dance on the pole, moving his body to the music he’d turned on beforehand, rolling his hips and grinning as he grinded against the pole as if it was a man he was trying to turn on, but tease a bit for now.
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filllthecrown · 2 years
closed starter for @notaviibe​
“Avi? You home.” It was a silly question because his bike was in the driveway so duh. But there was also the chance that he could be entertaining someone and after the last time with Crystal, she had learned her lesson and announced herself at the door, every time. Pocketing her copy of his key, she was happy to find him in the living room, a rare moment of him relaxing. “I’m glad I caught you,” she said as she joined him on the couch, tucking one leg beneath her. It wasn’t uncommon to find him on his way out, so she was capitalizing on this rare moment of him sitting still alone. “So something major just happened and I wanted to tell you first because I didn’t want you to hear through some gossip or whatever.” Pausing for dramatic effect, she held up her left hand and the modest ring now sitting on her ring finger. “Zack proposed! And I said yes!” The latter was obvious but she had found she liked saying it. “You’re literally the first person I’ve told. I haven’t even called my mom.” After a moment, she added on, “Please don’t tell her I told you first because then she’ll yell at me and I don’t want anything ruining my high right now.” Smiling, she looked at her finger admiringly. It was cliché but she now knew why all the brides in movies and TV shows did it.
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sweetcstfantasy · 3 years
@notaviibe​ || Catalina & Malcolm
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For all her DAD knew, Catalina was curled up in bed sleeping. Safe and sound in her own home, but in reality? The music pounded above her head, as the dark haired girl made her way through an overly CROWDED club. It wouldn’t be so BAD, except she had snuck out against his wishes, and due to this, she wasn’t SURROUNDED by her USUAL GROUP of body guards. A girl had to have a LITTLE fun after all, and what he didn’t know WOULDN’T hurt him. She’d be back in bed before he ever FOUND out she left. Or at least that was her GOAL if everything went according to her plan. But within MINUTES it seemed the night was already off the rails, as she spotted a FAMILAR face up against the bar. And he wasn’t alone - FUCK. Malcolm. The ex that she could NOT get rid of. Obviously it was by CHANCE they were both here tonight, but that always ended up being the case, didn’t it? This time HOWEVER, some girl was cozied up to him and laughing at some stupid joke he no doubt just said. For a moment all she could do was WATCH, and then her blood boiled over and in a blink of an eye she was standing merely a foot in front of them. What was her plan here? Cat didn’t have one. And so without thinking, she smiled up at him almost LOVINGLY and without hesitation she slipped in between him and the BITCH that had the audacity. ❝Hey MALLY. Haven’t seen YOU in a hot minute. You look GOOD.❞
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falrytales · 3 years
closed starter for @notaviibe​
Finally. The whole apartment to herself. Brooke wasn’t sure if it’s been this quiet since she moved in. Ever since Patrick’s friend had taken over part of the lease, she’d been craving some uninterrupted alone time. Not that he was a bad roommate, Brooke would have just preferred to have some space. Especially after a break-up. The only problem was, she couldn’t afford it. Not with rent prices skyrocketing in the city, especially in apartments close to campus. So she had to suck it up for the time being. Preparing to have a long night of pampering herself, Brooke gathered a handful of things from her bedroom to set up shop in the bathroom. Candles, essential oils, bath bombs, body butters and a cheap bottle of wine surrounded the clawfoot bathtub, setting the mood for a relaxing night in. After stripping out of her clothes, Brooke let out a frustrated sigh. She forgot her fucking bluetooth speaker. Not bothering to redress since she was only going down the hall into her room, Brooke opened the bathroom door and began to retrace her steps. Only a few paces out into the hall and movement from the living room caught her eye, forcing her to stop dead in her tracks, momentarily forgetting that she was completely naked. “Noah!” The blonde shrieked, yanking open the door that was closest and ducking inside. Unfortunately for her, it wasn’t her bedroom that she was taking refuge in. It was Noah’s. Hiding behind the door, only opening it a crack, Brooke peered out into the other room. “Why are you here? You’re not supposed to be here.”
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euphoriaemporiae · 3 years
His mother had always said he had a way with people, but becoming an influencer wasn’t something he expected when Keegan started streaming. Perhaps it was his hand-eye coordination, or his boyish good looks, or both, that netted him thousands of viewers. It snowballed from there, partially courtesy of a his friend daring him to put a thotty photo on Insta which earned him a viral moment as the internet’s gamer heartthrob. With that came sponsorships and product placement and appearances, pushing his followers into the millions.
It was during a stream that he was reminded of his origin story. He was taking a quick break between matches, using the queue time to interact with his viewers, when a notification caught his eyes. The message put a smile to his lips, and Keegan waved to the camera.
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“Shout out to DocComb. Tell your friends they lost the dare - do they even watch my stream? I always set out time to response to my viewers, don’t I guys?” To which the chat seemed to agree wholeheartedly. There was a second part of that DM that piqued his interest, and the display pic was very, very appealing. So much so that he almost missed the start of the next match scrolling down the sender’s Insta. During intermission, he shot back a reply.
[theKingKey] Right back at ya, hot doc. Are you actually a doc? You can give Doctor Mike a run for the money.
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prcttywings · 3 years
@notaviibe sent in ❄️  for the holiday ask meme
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“This is, like, the worst.” Her boyfriend was talking, probably saying something positive to make her feel better, but she wasn’t listening to him. It was day two of his family’s holiday vacation and no one was allowed to leave thanks to the storm raging on outside. Truth be told, Bryn wasn’t too keen on adventuring outside like most of his family. They were upset because their skiing, snowboarding, and other activities were put on hold until the blizzard had let up some. She was sad because everyone else was forced to stay indoors, ruining her plans. Instead of being happy to having her boyfriend all to herself now, she was bummed that there wasn’t another member of his family that she couldn’t be cuddled up to right now. Catching Owen’s eye from across the table, she gave him the smallest sad smile, the corner of her mouth ticking up before her attention was back down on the bacon that she had been moving around the plate for the last fifteen minutes. When her boyfriend’s voice finally registered again, she gave him a brighter smile, nodding to whatever he had been talking about. “Sure, honey,” she said, leaning her head towards him to receive a gentle peck to her temple. “But we can do that later, okay? I think I’m going to lay down.” Once again she looked towards Owen as she headed towards the room that was designated to her and her boyfriend, hoping he got the mental message she shot across the room: Meet me soon. Please.
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rivcrburton · 3 years
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You feel deeply lonely. Not in your physical world necessarily. You may tell yourself you're loved and valued, but in the depths of your despair you feel utterly abandoned. You value your independence, but sometimes you wonder if that's not just an excuse for lacking intimacy. You don't allow yourself to yearn, for fear that you may admit even to yourself how desolate you feel.
tagged by: @coivi
tagging: @fullmoondudes , @indiemcn , @notaviibe
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deepinthedarkworld · 2 years
Name a song for each letter of your username!
Tagged by: @twistxdtales
devil doesn’t bargain - alec benjamin
eastside - benny blanco, halsey & khalid
everywhere - niall horan
peru - ed sheeran & fireboy dml
if you need me - julia michaels
not my job anymore - thomas day 
turning tables - adele
hotel ceiling - rixton
every little word - tim gallagher
don’t ever let it end - nickelback
amnesia - camylio
running low - syml
kiss my (uh oh) - anne marie & little mix
when we were kids - walking on cars
one more day with you - clinton kane 
relapse - carrie underwood
lonely in love - mimi webb
drunk text me - lexi jayde
tagging: @notaviibe , @spiritusmuses
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assfcrdays · 2 years
📸: Michael for Charlie
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filllthecrown · 2 years
closed starter for @notaviibe​
Like a scene from a movie, a group of girls were crowded around a weathered picnic table watching a certain someone very intently. “Do you think that’s him?” Rory asked, letting her sunglasses fall down the bridge of her nose to get a better look. They were supposed to be assisting with all the check-ins but this was much more important. A few weeks ago, all the counselors had received emails that there was a new camp director and were given a name but not a picture. The guy who was currently talking to one of the other leads sure did look like someone who would be in the top position but there were doubts because he was so hot. Popping up, she decided to take matters into her own hands and decided to get her question answered from the source. There were noises from behind her and she moved her hands behind her body to shush them as she walked up to the two guys, moving her glasses to rest on her head. “Hey, Luke,” she said, nodding towards him before turning her attention to the hottie. “Hi. I’m Rory.” She looked down at her shirt, a worn-out camp one she’s had since she was about seventeen. “Camp counselor.” Did she want them both to look at her chest? Maybe. But she was pointing out the obvious. “What’s your name?”
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assfcrdays · 2 years
[ TEXT ] : sender texts intimate content to receiver. (Andrew x Henry)
sexual tension prompts.
Henry groaned to himself when he opened the picture Andrew had sent him, and of course read the text going along with it. He knew exactly what the younger man was doing, but that made it not at all easier to resist. He'd committed to finishing a few art pieces for the upcoming issue of his comic, and as a result had declined to come over to Andrew's for the night, knowing how distracting the other would be with that gorgeous face and the perfect body and the ... Henry shook his head, bringing himself back to reality. If only his body temperature wasn't going up constantly, Andrew's text flashing up in his mind over and over again. Groaning needily, Henry took out his own phone and took a photo of the sketch he was working on - the hero's face and body strongly resembling Andrew's.
[ text ] stop it... give me another hour. see? i'm nearly done with this sketch.
[ text ] keep trying to tempt me to come over and i'll draw his boyfriend punching him in the groin. ... and then having fun all by himself. ;P
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filllthecrown · 2 years
🛒 (Santi & Graciela) Hit me with a drabble!
Send in a symbol for a starter or a drabble featuring our muses doing cute domestic things together
Looking down at her list, Graciela sighs. “Okay, so we still need to get some chips, maybe like three bags? And definitely queso, spicy and not-spicy. Then we need to go back to the produce because I forgot the avocados and—” The feeling of her boyfriend’s hands on her shoulders caused her to stop. The look on his face said it all and she groaned. “I know, Santi, but this is really important to me. I’m introducing you to all my family and I want to make sure we have everything and it’s perfect.” The pair had been dating for six months and she finally felt ready to bring him around to meet everyone, and it had been her great idea that they do a BBQ for such a big thing. Chuckling, she crosses out an item he had just tossed in the basket, a little carelessly for her taste but she resisted the urge to correct its placement. “C’mere.” She wraps her arms around his middle and rests her head on his chest. It’s an intimate moment in the middle of the grocery store, but she doesn’t care. Looking up at him, she says, “I know they’re going to like you as much as I do. Just not more; that’s my job.” Reaching up to place a quick kiss to his lips, she untangles herself and places her hands on the cart’s handle. “Okay, why don’t you get some chips and meet me in the produce. I need avocados, salsa, onions, todo.” Giving his backside a tap — just because she could — she goes on her way, looking over her shoulder at the man. What she really wanted to say was her family was going to love him just like she did, but she didn’t want to scare him with such a heavy word, especially so early. But Graciela knew, could feel it. This one was special and she never wanted to let him go.
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