#notes from anna
ingravinoveritas · 6 months
It never ceases to amaze me that despite everything Michael and David have been doing for the last five years and Neil himself saying they are in love, people are still assuming (or just not wanting to believe) that two middle-aged men might possibly love each other in a non-platonic way...
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starlightseraph · 8 months
i saw a post claiming that being uncomfortable with some of the wild rpf blogs is homophobia (or rather, that we’re only so uncomfortable with the rabid david/michael shipping because they’re both men, and not by georgia/anna stuff because they’re women), and i find that very funny.
firstly, most of us are queer to begin with, and while being queer doesn’t mean you can’t be discriminatory to other queer people, it’s important to mention.
secondly, the reason no one’s weirded out over georgia and anna is because no one is actually shipping them. it is very clearly all a joke. the whole making out thing (which i’ve now seen brought up as evidence that we’re not as uncomfortable with f/f rpf) is literally in response to neil gaiman’s tumblr joke about dottie and sadie, who are fake characters that he uses to deflect from people wanting spoilers. the fandom has imagined them as being played by georgia and anna. they won’t be, because dottie and sadie aren’t actual characters in any fictional work. no one’s saying that georgia and anna, the real people, should make out, we’re making a joke about a fake storyline that only exists in several posts on tumblr.
we’re not grossed out because the the david/michael shipping is m/m. we’re grossed out because these are real people that are being treated like puppets to serve some fantasy. not hypothetical characters created for the purpose of a gag that will never be in any official form of media. not characters in a show who don’t actually exist. actual fucking humans.
rpf stands for real person fiction. fiction. i’m not even sure this qualifies as rpf anymore; no one’s treating it as a fun, made-up story, they’re presenting it as an “investigation” into the real lives of real people. people who are strangers, people who we know almost nothing about.
rpf very often morphs into this, and i really think it’s in a class of its own.
it’s one thing to write silly little stories on ao3 using the names and personalities and likenesses of real people, it’s a completely different thing to dissect every single thing you see about someone and to come to a conclusion that just so happens to perfectly fit your ideal of their lives.
i find even the purely fictional rpf to be a bit strange and uncomfortable, but i don’t have any real moral objections to it. when it bleeds into reality, though, and the wishful thinking of fans presents as a vast, complex conspiracy, that’s straight up creepy. like i won’t even go into why it’s creepy, it should be obvious. celebrities are genuinely afraid of people like this. they’re afraid of the rumours, they’re afraid of stalkers, they feel like they can’t even have innocent fun without it being “proof” that their marriage is just for show. they hate it. i hope all these blogs know that david and michael would all but certainly be very unamused by all of this. they’d probably be a bit terrified, and also embarrassed that anything they did could possibly be interpreted in these ways. no celebrity ever signs up for this, the extent of the obsession some people have is impossible to comprehend until it’s in front of you. even if they’re used to it by now, why, in the name of god, would you pile on?
please, touch grass. smell the roses. leave the parasocial echo chamber. do something to reacquaint yourselves with the real world and how real people function. if you’re really fans, leave them and their loved ones alone.
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any thoughts on why the last few disney princesses aren’t actually princesses (asha, the madrigals, etc)
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I assume it’s to adapt to shifting cultural attitudes. Nowadays, the idea of being wealthy and powerful is something harshly criticized by the generation(s) currently old enough to spend money on Disney products. Think about how often you see brands and big individual content creators being cancelled or called out for abusing their money/power/social status to do something scummy.
There is also something to be said about the power of "relatability", which is seen in the rise of Disney princesses with quirky "adorkable" personalities (Rapunzel, Anna, Moana, Mirabel, Asha, etc.). Modern audiences must prefer a "not like other girls" girl if Disney keeps churning them out as they have been.
Ultimately, Disney’s “princess” brand identity is less about the actual status of being royalty and more about the personality traits which make someone a “princess” or a noble person. It’s basically been their marketing strategy in more recent times. I think the new messaging of character over social status is definitely more inclusive and welcoming to the general population.
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a-roguish-gambit · 2 months
Do have any headcannons about rosemary being in the turn of the century au?
I do!
So these will just be for early life stuff.
Rosemary would be a Greatest generation kid, born early 1920s.
I would not be surprised if she was a result of a last call drinking binge between Gambit and rogue (rogue has gotten control of her powers at this point) before prohibition went into effect. Either that or a result of them taste testing some strong yet safe still whiskey.
Gambit fell back into his their ways and got into bootlegging a little bit, but stops when he finds out rogue is pregnant. Spite, money, and alcohol isn't worth potentially putting another stain on his future child’s life.
Rogue is excited to be pregnant but is ducking suffering. She cannot stand how pregnant people are treated at this time. If another man makes a comment about her being visibly pregnant without her husband around she will be breaking noses. And she does.
With greater control of her powers she's gone full flapper. Very vamp aethstetic. She will make custom fitting dresses if she has to so she can keep up her aesthetic. The loose short dresses are just very freeing.
She's enjoying the dance crazes of the time and so the other x men are having to give her a gentle Inthervention that fast dancing probably isn't the best to do later on in the pregnancy. This only goes so well but after a talk from Gambit she caves.
Magneto has caused mutants to be outed to the world at this time some time around 1917. Trask debuted his metal man powered sentinels in New York built from Great war scrap he imported from all sides and they were caught on film fighting it The world is not super accepting. Logan managed to pull some strings and got an endorsement of the x men and mutants from former president Teddy Roosevelt (they had been friends via a few hunting trips. Probably one of the few men who could keep up with Logan) so thankfully mutants are not public enemy number one, but the discrimination is there and not great. So Gambit and rogue are worried about how their kid will be treated.
They consider homeschooling her but she really really wants to be in public school with other kids. Gambit and rogue are not about to challenge her moxie.
Despite a lot of hardships at first, she manages to put down bullies and make friends. It's not perfect but she's carving out her own niche in her own way. Her parents couldn't be prouder of her.
She does also have a support network through the x men too which helps A LOT. And despite being not the best moms, Irene and mystique are more than happy to help keep their grandaughter safe.
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harmonysanreads · 15 days
The opening line of Anna Karenina is... wow.
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kikigeh · 10 months
Want to know how I know Frozen 3 will most definitely not be great? The announcement of a Frozen 4.
The problem with Frozen 2 was that it had many, many ideas and they attempted, and utterly failed, to condense them into one singular linear story; the problem with Frozen 3 is that they "have so many ideas" that they realized they can't realistically condense them into one singular movie so their solution to "not repeat a frozen 2" is to instead push for ALL ideas to move forward which in turn has given them an overly lengthy cut.
Watching Frozen 1 in cinemas for the first time in a long while really reminded me how Frozen worked because it was very very simple and most of its heart was in the two "main" characters and how they navigated through life after a horrendous situation they were put through.
The heart of Frozen is not all the mystical and mythical elements that they can't get enough of attempting to push, hell, the most compelling part of Elsa as a character was just how raw and human she felt DESPITE having otherworldly powers.
I truly don't know which road they're taking the franchise through, but if the podcast and the books that have come out are anything to go by, it's straying way too far from what made the first movie compelling and enjoyable: its freaking simplicity.
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harlequinalis · 1 year
Fuck it it's bird time again
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Quahaug Concept Art
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Quahaug's concept/reference art! Translation notes and image id under the cut.
Translation notes:
"OP sort of powerset" was literally translated as something like "cheat-like." I feel like OP is the more common English term for that sort of thing, so that's what I used, but some of the meaning was probably lost there.
"Older-tween-ish" was specifically a reference to a particular middle school year for children who are about 12-13 years old. Since grades and names of grades vary a lot from country to country, I just went with "older tween."
[Image id: Several images displaying different parts of 2 pages of the Triangle Strategy artbook, with both the original Japanese as well as versions with English translations. There are several disclaimers noting that the translator doesn't speak Japanese, and that there are likely many mistakes.
On one page, there is a large colored version of Quahaug's canon portrait, along with a smaller, uncolored version. There is an illustrator's note at the bottom that translates to read, "'Manipulating time' is an OP sort of powerset, so though he looks like a child, I aimed to create a look for him that conveyed a sense of unknowable power. (Tatsuaki Urushibara)".
On the second page, there are many drawings of Quahaug, including a closer bust-up portrait in which he's compared to Lyla, with an arrow and label reading, "Mother." There's also several notes that explain the construction of his costume. The costume is labeled as a Greek "phelonion" (a priest's outfit with no real sleeves, just draping fabric). There is a small drawing of this version, with an arrow leading to another drawing that does have sleeves, with the note, "If you can't display this in pixels, use this one." There are several notes that explain how this draping cloth should be considered his everyday clothes, while the ceremonial decoration that goes around his neck is placed over it. There is a close up of the ceremonial dressing's fastenings underneath the metal decoration. Some more notes highlight details on his staff, emphasizing the hourglass on top and the small wheel to the side that can be turned to flip the hourglass. A larger piece of text underneath one fullbody drawing reads, "Character Who Manipulates Time."
On the second half of the second page, there are drawings of some beta designs for Quahaug. He looks much more punk-ish. On one bust-up portrait, there are the captions, "The burden of the time demon caused some of his hair to go gray…." and "All-natural highlighted tips." On the same portrait, he is snapping his fingers, and there's a note that reads, "Manipulating time is as easy as snapping your fingers. You just have to want it or whatever." A speech bubble near his head reads, "I don't think of Anna as a mother." A caption pointing to some green markings on his arm reads, "Demonic time seal on body." In a fullbody drawing of his beta design (which is made up mostly of chains that barely cover him as well as a long roughed-up cloak, there is the note, "Almost naked cloak."
At the bottom of the second page, there is another note that reads, "Initially when we hadn't quite figured out the setting, we had an idea for a more older-tween-ish character as displayed here, but after discussing it with the producers and Mr. Ikushima, we went with his current form. As a boy who manipulates time, I placed an hourglass at the tip of his staff, and his face resembles that of his mother, Lyla. (Tatsuaki Irushibara)". /end id]
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awhitewomansinstagram · 5 months
Getting on antidepressants and realizing I probably shouldn’t relate that much to Russian literature has to be the funniest consequence of my meds
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unhingedlesbear · 1 year
Anna Bennet >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.Gordon Bennet
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sovamurka · 1 year
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You know, I spent enough time in Demonslayer/Бесобой fandom to know people's preferred fancast for Yana. It's Anna Chipovskaya, and specifically her character Kristi in Вычислитель (2014). And... I mean, IT'S VERY ON POINT-
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not-equippedforthis · 2 months
hi :) i went to the beach today & saw an incredible amount of jellyfish!! it was so cool!! reminded me of you (bc jellyfish are your favourite animals), so here i am saying hi :)
have a lovely day <33
hiiiii!!!! <333 sorry ive gone AWOL ilysm im just. ouurhhhh
thats so cool 😭😭 actually crying thank you for thinking of me skgbsng. on a somewhat unrelated note, i have a vague understanding of what you look like based on picrew challenges but i still see that specific image of DANC holmes and go omg...anna....
going to a beach and seeing jellyfish would cure me, i think (maybe i need to move to belgium...tho im pretty sure we have some biolum beaches heree??). i hope you had a good day!! i saw your tags a while back and i feel you with sometimes feeling better going and exploring by yourself rather than w family (iirc? bad memory gang sorry). idk what ur situation is like but sometimes its just so much more fun/relaxing. i think going to a bioluminescent beach is on my bucket list - ive done my epq project on biolum, i adore it, i adore jellyfish. i need to go to one sooo fucking badly shaking you i need to shake my hand in the water and watch it glow back
i also saw your bio energy level and i hope you feel better <33 have a nice week :]
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potatoesandsunshine · 2 months
writing about taryn is very 'hm how would this fairly regular person who despises vulnerability deal with all The Horrors' but writing about elsie is like 'oh that would be kinda fucked up! yeah toss that in. good for her'
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One of the issues with disney movies lately is some of the disney female protagonists is the adorkable personality. Which worked with Rapunzel and Anna but as time passed on, it seem to be the norm which the problem came once Wish revealed. Although despite that issues, all but Asha have reasons the way they are.
Rapunzel and Anna have been isolated from everyone with Rapunzel in the tower with only a chameleon as her friend and it didn't help that Mother Gothel is abusive to her while Anna stays in the castle with her sister being distant to her. I am not sure she is close with any of the servants since they are servants. Of course, they are socially awkward but they improve with Rapunzel having to experience social interaction in her TV series while Anna no longer has this in the sequel.
Moana is mostly serious and adventurous, which overshadows her quirkiness as only shown during her time in the ocean compared to the island as she fulfilled her duty as future chief. She has some laughable moments, but it doesn't stop her to continue her goal to saved the world and she is usually the serious of the two which the other is Maui.
Mirabel's quirkiness is the way she is because of how she isolated by her family and her village didn't pay much attention to her due to her being giftless which is why she tries her best to fit in. Her main personality is being empathetic as she helps her family with Antonio being brave enough with her favorite cousin by her side, Luisa talking about pressure that Mirabel listened, and Mirabel helping Isabel to let go of perfectionist. She can also be seen sassy like how she talks about Isabel.
Whereas Asha has no reason for the need to be quirky and awkward, she seems to be accepted by her friends, family, and the kingdom before the events of the story. She could have been an introverted, graceful woman who admired the king that she wanted to fulfilled his footsteps before realizing the truth.
Raya, Judy, Elsa, and Merida are the four disney female protagonist (not counting Pixar, I only included Merida since she is a princess) to not have that personality which is why are likable. The only issues they have is the movie itself especially Raya's movie theme being the trust message that is dangerous to followed, Zootopia's twist villain, the way Elsa is handle in the movies, and the bear curse parts.
Disney TV shows also have this issues with female protagonists, but not gonna say much since I am not sure if you know or not.
I haven’t seen like 3 of the movies listed here (Moana, Raya and the Last Dragon, and Brave) 😂 but I’ll trust that you know what you’re talking about, since I’ve seen Asha being compared to previous “adorkable” female leads like Rapunzel, Anna, Moana, and Mirabel in other Wish reviews.
The other 4 can have their quirkiness justified by being extremely sheltered and/or an outlier in their respective communities. However, this is not true of Asha, who is not only well known but also loved in Rosas—by her family, her friends, and heck, even the QUEEN.
It definitely feels like Disney got too comfortable with its formula, and in trying to please both modern audiences and older fans, they ended up pleasing no one. They’re so focused on making sequels and live action remakes now (which I guess is… easier??) 😅 I don’t know why Disney doesn’t make characters that are unique yet strong in their own ways. They’re capable of innovative characters (even if the execution of the overall stories aren’t great), as we see in Frozen and Zootopia (movies I have seen).
I did hear there was a lot of executive meddling in Wish’s production, so I wonder if this is why Asha had an unexplained quirkiness to her rather than a character that makes more sense for what she is and where she comes from. With her dad being a philosopher, I could see Asha working better as a quiet and introspective type who learns to be brave and to speak up for her own dreams and the dreams of those she loves rather than being a passive stander-by. This would actually give her a stronger character arc and growth rather than remaining static as she does in the actual movie we got 😔
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medicallymercury · 9 months
Inside Soap did an interview with Anna Chell, here’s the pages (don’t make your app screenshot-able unless you want this to happen):
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Inevitable Mercury Commentary on the bottom right hand corner, it’s weird how vague they are in spoilers sometimes when we already have a pretty good idea of what is going to happen.
Reasonable Mercury: Yeah, Jodie’s mum is another way that she and Teddy both have grief in common. Getting together cause you’re both sad feels very Casualty. Honestly, this isn’t that surprising of a writing choice, especially for a show like this.
Unreasonable Mercury: that doesn’t mean i have to like it >:(
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angel-princess-anna · 4 months
Have you seen the most recent news reports about the new film? There's at least one which call into question the paternity of Baby Bates no.2 🤦‍♀️
Oh lol I did see that The Sun (aka The Scum) decided to make up something about there being 'a twist", and a few other places are running a version of the story without that nonsense at least. But it does kinda crack me up that the tabloids and the TV mags are reporting on it but they cannot post the pic, as it’s a fan pic and not a paparazzi snap. So it’s just a "rumor" despite the fact there’s legit evidence...
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