#nothing bsd related for once I'm sorry
daz4i · 1 year
T U B R & Z :) for the Ask Question :)
hi hi hi sorry for the late reply, and thank you for the ask!!! ^o^
answered t here!
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
bsd: gonna shock everyone i know..... nikolai :) his vibes are just impeccable. i love his whole view of life and what he does in hopes to achieve his impossible goal. i love that he's crazy cuuhraaaayyzeeee asylum but also is he. keeping us on our toes. and most importantly he is FUN every time he's around you can't help but have a good time even tho he's like, gruesomely murdering someone (i mean for me it's also part of the fun but eh)
fire emblem: ferdinand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he is just. ough. he is so dear to me. he fills my heart with joy and warmth i can't explain it. he has such a good and lovely arc and despite suffering and losing so much he remains positive through it all and tries his best to help others. and he's also just! very fun! like with nikolai every time he's on screen is just enjoyable, usually p funny, or very touching :')
persona: akechi. he makes me insane. esp in royal he's a very well written and interesting character imo, his motivations are illogical in a logical way (as in. they're illogical but you can perfectly understand why), he is so so tragic. and once again like the last 2, he is just so so fun, esp in third sem where he lets loose and becomes more violent and vulgar and sassy :)
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
tbh i wasn't sold on fyolai at first (which is probably shocking to those who haven't followed me when i first got into bsd lol) but creantzy's art convinced me of it ngl :P also the anthology art bc i mean. yeah
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
dazai and atsushi........ hits me very deep in my soul........... it's so dear to me it means so much to me............ i can't even put it in words bc it simply makes me overflow with too much emotion at once
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go!
ig when it comes to fandoms. one big pet peeve i have is the amount of negativity ppl have around the source material?
criticism is valid and understandable and no media is free of it, but some people really spend almost all their time in a certain fandom doing nothing but hating it and its creator (biggest example is the bnha fandom is 2017ish. i swear most posts i saw abt it were hate posts from people who were still following the manga religiously)
not to mention the version of this that's like ignoring canon completely and making up new personalities for the characters in an attempt to make them non-problematic and such. pls just make ocs
like at some point i can't help but wonder why they're still reading it?? please move on to different things? if not for your own well being then for other fans bc i don't wanna see your negativity when i'm trying to be excited over smth i like 😭
(also true abt ppl who hate a character/ship and spend more time talking abt how much they hate it than talking abt the ones they do like, or worse, leaving mean comments on posts/fics made by ppl who do like it. yes that includes "problematic" ships or characters. complaining here and there is chill ofc but you gotta move on at some pointtttttt just block the tags or ppl who post a lot of it come on)
but fr it's mostly for you. esp if you're someone who doesn't have a lot of free time, why are you spending so much of it on something you're not even enjoying? i just don't get it 😔 you shouldn't take sunk cost fallacy into account when it comes to your joy i think
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Looking back into the Death Note fandom in 2022 after not really looking into it since 2017/2018 where I was completley fixated is so fucking wild because so much changed.
Not everyone is basically worshipping L like the most used to do back then and a lot people now love Misa Misa even tho everyone hated her back then, people are literally defending her ( Yeah I felt sorry for her at the end but it was her very own fault and a lot have to accept this), people realized that everyone in the series is morally grey and L isn't pure, L doesn't get babied as much as back then anymore for which I am thankful and suddenly there is a poly ship between Mello, Matt and Near which kind of soothed the small fight between the fans who ship Matt/Mello and those who ship Near/Mello.
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xenia-cenia · 3 years
Hii actually i already request this somewhere but i really want to read a different version of everyone about this idea but if it's uncomfortable with u than it's okay☺ soo may i request a fic about a reader who got isekaied into BSD? and the reader loves Dazai so much and wants to be there for him through everything, the reader knows that they can't change Dazai but still wants to be there with him as moral support and eventhough dazai push the reader away, they still smile kindly at Dazai and still be there with him until the end (with kinda romantic feeling blossom😳), actually i'm still hurting with what happened to Dazai in BSD beast and wants nothing but to hug him😭 i don't mind if u want to write about ADA Dazai or Beast Dazai🤧 if it's possible i hope u can make it😭 Thank you so muchh im sorry it's too long😭
A/N-i may of had too much fun with this
Breaking this up into 2 parts because I have a lot of ideas for this! Sorry that this part isn’t exactly what you wanted, but I promise it’ll end happily.
Trigger/Content Warnings: Derealization (I think?), spoilers, suicide mentions/jokes (its dazai), swearing
Part two
Word Count: 1,230
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You flipped through the near-memorized pages of your favorite manga, sighing at a familiar face. Dazai Osamu - you weren't quite sure why you liked him so much. Maybe it was sympathy. Maybe it was his pretty face.
Once again, he was idly talking about the 'ideal suicide' while Atsushi listened uncomfortably.
"I wish I could help you..." you mumbled absent-mindedly, "like how you helped me." As you spoke, you laid your finger on his picture and shut your eyes.
When you opened your eyes, you noticed instantly something was wrong. Wind was blowing on your face, and you could hear cars roaring nearby. You sat up - had your head been pounding earlier? - and tried to figure out what just happened.
"Am I dead?" You wondered out loud.
"A beauty like you, dying alone? No, I could never let it happen!" A voice cried out from nearby. Your head snapped in the direction of the voice, and your eyes widened.
"Da... zai?"
"Oh my," he took his hands out of his pockets and shook his head, and walking up to you, "Have we met before?"
"No! I mean..." you choked on your spit. "Yes?"
He stopped walking and eyed you. "Are you lost?"
'Lost' was an understatement. You weren't quite certain you weren't hallucinating.
After an awkward silence, you smiled thoughtfully at Dazai, "Yes, actually. Do you happen to know where a nearby private investigator's office might be?"
Atsushi popped up from behind Dazai, "Oh! We work at one - we can take you there if you'd like!"
"Perfect." You looked at Atsushi and felt a pang of sadness. He didn't deserve the hurt he went through, either. You wished you could help all of them overcome their trauma and become happier. But you knew that would be far too hard for just one person, so you decided to set your sights on Dazai instead.
I'll help you, you thought to yourself, I'll show you there are things to hold on to. Just like you did for me.
Atsushi helped you up and the three of you walked down the streets of Yokohama. It was strange to walk down the streets you'd seen so often in Bungo Stray Dogs. It was even stranger to meet the characters.
Kunikida was the first person you saw in the office. He was furiously typing, undoubtedly making precise and intricately detailed reports.
"Ku~ ni~ ki~ da~" Dazai sang as he danced into the office, "Look what we found!"
"A clue we need to solve our current job?" Kunikida didn't even look up, you could barely see his fingers moving.
"No, but-"
"Then I don't care."
"Agh! You're so cruel. Atsushi, tell him what we found!"
Atsushi jumped, "A-Ah, me? Oh, okay! Dazai and I were searching and we didn't find anything... b-but we found a person!"
"A person who has a vital clue?"
"P-Probably not..."
"An escaped hostage from the people we're tracking?"
"I... ah... I don't think so."
"ANYTHING related to this case?"
"I'm not." You finally spoke up. "But, if you tell me what case you're working on, I can tell you everything you need to know."
Kunikida slowly relaxed into his chair and spun towards you, "And how can we trust you?"
Oh shit. I did not think this far ahead.
"Well- I- ah... I have an ability! I can solve any case and tell you everything you need to know about it!"
"Everything? Anything?" Dazai piped up.
You turned to face him and smiled, "Everything." You repeated kindly.
"E-Even Dazais previous job!?" Atsushi pushed past Dazai and grabbed your shoulders.
You laughed softly, "You really want that reward, huh?"
"How do you know about that?" Kunikida stood up and grabbed his notebook.
"W-Wait!" You raised your hands in the air, "I-It's just my ability! Remember?"
"And what's your ability called?" Kunikida scrutinized.
You looked between Dazai and Atsushi and responded with the first thing that popped into your head, "Stray Dogs."
Dazai stiffened before looking at you with amusement in his eyes. "What a peculiar name." 
With a soft smile, you turned back to Kunikida and cleared your throat, “Is... Is Ranpo here?’
“Hm?” Kunikida turned away from you and checked an itinerary on his desk, “Ranpo will be back in... five minutes.”
You sighed in relief. “Oh, thank goodness. I need to talk to him about... something...”
“My, my.” Dazai laughed in a friendly tone, “I’m almost jealous. Has our boy detective finally landed a partner?” When you turned to him, however, you noticed sinister intent in his eyes. 
He knows. 
"It’s nothing like that, Mr. Detective.” You tried to put on your most convincing smile, “It’s just a silly issue, really.” 
“Ah, please. Call me Dazai. Or,” he lightly grabbed your hand and kneeled in front of you, “join the call of death with me.” His innocent voice juxtaposed his morbid words. 
You squeezed his hand and looked into his eyes, “If you had asked me that not so long ago, I would’ve said yes.”
“Oh!” He exclaimed, dramatically falling to the ground as if he were wounded, “Another lovely potential double-suicide partner taken from me!”
“Get off the ground, idiot.” Kunikida muttered while typing away at his computer. 
“The Great Detective has returned!” An all too comforting voice filled the room. You turned on your heels and saw exactly the person you were waiting for. 
“Detective.” You stepped over Dazai and crossed the room so you were face-to-face with him, “Would you mind assisting me on a case?”
“Assisting?” He scoffed. “I don’t ‘assist’.”
“Then help me. Please.” 
He cracked open his eyes and looked you up and down. “Huh.” Without any warning, he grabbed you by the arm and dragged you towards the elevator while yelling excuses to the confused members of the Agency.
The two of you walked for a few minutes before he sat down on a park bench and patted the spot next to him. You nervously sat down, hoping his intellect would save you the explanation. 
“You can’t do it.” His voice was soft.
“We’ve all tried to save him. It’s impossible. Save your time.”
“But- I- I came from a different dimension! If that’s possible, surely so is-”
Ranpo sighed and leaned into the bench, his head resting over the back. “You can’t rewrite The Book.”
“The- how do you know about that?” You looked at him in shock. 
He lazily turned his head and looked at you, “Super Genius Detective, duh.” Ranpo tapped his temple to punctuate his point. 
“Ah... I guess that’s fair. But still. Why can’t I save Dazai? Who wrote that into The Book?”
Ranpo laughed dryly, “Don’t be stupid. Who could have written it in The Book? Who hates Dazai enough to ensure he’ll suffer forever?”
“Chuuya, maybe?” You spoke, deep in thought. “Maybe one of the Hunting Dogs! You... haven’t met them, I don’t think. What case are you working on?”
“The ADA is solving the mystery behind the Azure Bomber.” Ranpo blew a piece of hair out of his face, “But that doesn’t matter to you. C’mon, (Y/N), think about it. Is there anybody in the world who thinks Dazai needs to suffer forever, other than Dazai himself?”
Your blood ran cold. How did he even- no, that doesn’t matter. “It’s useless.” You spoke in a breathy whisper. “It’s all useless.”
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cosmic-waves7 · 3 years
hii! i was wondering if you could write for bsd Akutagawa (x female reader), i saw your Megumi rainy day request. i was wondering if you could do that for Aku i really simp for Aku so yeyadgusf maybe make his cold self more lovely to the (s/o)
Note: I'm so sorry this took so long to post but that's a really cute idea and I lovvve akutagawa, here u go, I hope you like it
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The second that first raindrop falls, you can kiss the outside world goodbye.
He's not letting you of the house.
Hell no.
You're not getting a cold on his watch.
Protective bb. (◡ ω ◡)
But it's fine, you both have your own very large and very much private luxurious quarters in the port mafia.
I see Akutagawa having a good taste in interior design, it'll have a bit of a modernized dark academia feel, set with a fireplace and bookshelves galore.
Fur carpets and dark leather couches, it'll be comfortable with a dark and almost empowering feel to it.
Mori had given everyone in the port mafia a day off because of the aweful weather.
It wasn't because of the weather, he just wanted to use an excuse to waste the day uninterruptedly babying and coddling at Elise.
So no missions, no assassinations, no combat. Nothing.
And for once Akutagawa was grateful for the peace and quite he was about to spend with you.
He would love nothing more to blow off some steam during missions and stab a few people with rashomon but you're a much better alternative to spend his time on.
The day will begin with him working through simple paperwork while seated on the couch, he's a responsible person and tries hard at whatever he's assigned so he'll be ruffling through any minor missed emails and things to sign.
It's best to leave him to it and don't interrupt because he should be finished in a short while if he's focused.
I headcannon that he has reading glasses that he hides.
You'll both spend the day reading or on your phones side by side, or he'll begrudgingly let you settle into his lap.
Both of you have a strong emotional connection with one another, akutagawa is the kind to settle for someone who who can truly understand and relate so you tend to shift and move as one when it comes to daily life.
So both of you will think of activities to distract one another.
Brewing rich flavoured tea, whispering to you about little sibling stories and small moments of tranquility lost in the past that he remembers.
Pull out Card games and Board games to play, betting on petty things and teasing him for being a sore loser.
Both of you at the end of every game:
(-_-) \(・◡・)/
He won't initiate a lot of things though, you're going to have to nudge him a lot in the right direction and the more you engage and suggest the more he'll return the favour.
Whatever you give, he'll reciprocate with twice as much but it'll be extremely subtle.
Push him to watch a movie with you and pick the silliest of things to watch, he won't say no to you although he'll complain.
"Let's what's princess and the frog."
"What is that." ರ_ರ
I don't think he watched a whole lot of TV as a child.
乁| ・ 〰 ・ |ㄏ
He'll also leaves snacks to you for the movie while picking out soft blankets he's stowed away.
Blankets that you nagged him to buy.
I don't think he's eaten a lot of sweet things in his life as well, so bustle him in the kitchen, slip on an apron each and maybe teach him to bake something simple.
Cinnamon cookies, apple pie, snickerdoodles, sweet melting brownies topped with chillingly cold vanilla ice cream, warm buttery bread, anything that'll come out of the oven or fridge for both of you to enjoy while the cold rain continues to hammer down outside.
Listen: Both of you jokingly swiping small bits of carrot cake off of each others plates as petty revenge while chuckling, then eventually him spoon feeding you after losing a game of rock paper scissors.
Although he might sit you down at the kitchen island if you're no good at culinary to do all the work himself.
Wouldn't want his precious to burn their delicate finger tips.
Okay but imagine Akutagawa with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows while he kneads dough, fingers working into the mixture while his veins protrude.
Might even let you lick off the spoon after he's done mixing chocolate.
I am a holy child 。◕‿◕。
He'll find peace in the domesticity of it all and it might become your new little secret whenever it's a cold day.
Again, he's not really a fan of desserts and sugar but you have to make him try out hot chocolate.
Add extra marshmallows to his mug too 😡
I'm sure he drinks bitter black coffee to keep him up for work and nothing else so he'll be surprised with the taste.
It's not an 'unpleasant' drink is what he'll tell you.
It is so hard to please this man ✋😔
Secretly, he'll definitely be trying it again
He's very tsundere, I know.
You'll get around it eventually.
If you want to actually leave to go outside in the rain you're going to have one hell of a stubborn argument with this Grinch.
But really.
Can he actually every day no to you?
After wrapping you in a cozy waistcoat that suspiciously matches his, even throwing in a hat just for good measure.
You'll lock arms with him and step out from the port mafia gates into the downpour.
It kind of looks like one of those black and white movies of couples under an umbrella in the rain
You're face is spilt into a huge grin while he grumbles quite a bit.
He's going to be all grumpy about it but he's still got one umbrella for the both of you.
Just so you two can share like he sees in the romance manga that I headcannon he reads.
He'll wrap an arm around your lower waste and pull you into his chest while your fingers splay across his sternum and you both watch the show nature has put on but left unappreciated by many.
It's tragically beautiful in a sense, the earth washing away it's sorrows with such artistry or a fresh start.
When he sees you run out there from under the safety of the umbrella and his arms he's about to chase after you.
That is until he sees your cheeks are glowing and your eyes are bright with joy while you let out happy sounds of laughter and twirl into the falling raindrops.
And even if he'll never admit it, he's never seen a better view of you so serene and full of life.
He can't bring himself to pull you back inside ruin a content and carefree moment like that.
He's a simp, I swear on that. (⌐■-■)
You drag him into the mess of water and freezing cold, humming a tune of a distant memory while pulling him into an awkward rythm and pressing him flush to you while you giggle and kiss at his cheeks in thanks. For this moment.
You look like he just gave you the world in your hands, with so much unbridled cheer that confuses and even overwhelms him, but he couldn't ask for more.
His eyes will go so wide before registering what's happening, then sliding his fingers to the back of your head for a solemn, shamelessly heartfelt kiss.
( ꈍᴗꈍ)
His sister is definitely near by with pictures of it.
You guys are her comfort ship. 😌
It's also for blackmail.
But prepare for the mother hen extraordinaire that akutagawa is going to become if you catch a cold.
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