#nothing to see here just two soggy noodles being damp together
lynxindisguise · 1 year
wip poll game: remus's cursed adventures
predictably, you all voted for cursed sentences, so cursed sentences I shall deliver:
Remus was a man of many curses. There was the obvious, of course, the large, furry, howling one. And there were all sorts of micro-curses—his knack for killing houseplants, for stepping outside the moment it started to rain, for pushing all pull-doors and pulling all push-doors. And then there was his horrendous taste in men. But this was different. This was boring. “Hello. I’m here for...” he checked his clipboard, “a doxy infestation?” “Remus? R-remus Lupin?” Granted, it started out like a porno, but it was otherwise as about as ordinary and uneventful as a relationship could be. “Er...” He studied the young man’s generically English face, jogging absolutely no memories. “Yes?” “M-my, you l-look...” Remus prepared to explain away the fresh scars on his face, or his premature aging, or his general state of dishevelment, but the man’s bashful smile caught him off guard. “It’s me, Quirinus, f-from school.” “Oh...” Quirinus... Quirinus Quirrell. “Right.” Ravenclaw, a few years below him, used to attend his study group. “Hello.” “What have you been up to?” “Erm...” Scrounging for money, smoking, crying, clawing himself to bits, quitting smoking, not thinking about his dead friends or convicted murderer boyfriend, being awkward in public, smoking again. “I teach Muggle Studies now, at Hogwarts,” Quirinus supplied. “Ah, that’s brilliant.” He forced a smile. “So the doxies...” “Yes, yes, right this way.” It was simple, easy, mind-numbing. They didn’t see much of each other throughout the school year, and when they did, it was nothing but afternoon tea and reading by the fire and sex so unimaginative it felt practically straight. When he finally told Quirinus about his condition, he cried about how terribly brave he was, and Remus ended up comforting him. This must be adulthood, Remus decided: eating vegetables and dating kind, gentle men, and finally silencing the part of himself that craved chaos. And then Quirinus announced that he was planning to take a sabbatical.
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shaydeoffical · 4 years
Anything To See You Smile : Momo Yaoyorozu x Reader
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Summary: Momo has been working hard to provide materials for the local hospitals.But that doesn't mean she's forgotten about her partner. Or that her partner had forgotten about Momo. 
Contains: Fluff, Mentions of Longing for the Past, Eating
Author Notes: This is a Collab with the Crack Head Sanctuary. Check out the reast here/ https://myherowritings.tumblr.com/post/617572396118999040/with-the-lockdown-requiring-people-to-stay
Anything to See You Smile:
   It was hard to remember what day it was or how long I'd been inside.  There were a million things on my mind, and nothing at the same time. The weight of the world resting on a six-foot bubble, struggling to breathe. To breath. Momo was working dusk till dawn, making respirators, face masks, and other medical parts for the hospital. While crime rates had plumped and most heroes were safe at home, she was saving lives in ways she never thought she'd have too.  
   That's why I had dinner ready and in the microwave to stay warm. Her favorite candles lit. Why I had Epsom salt prepared for her bath. She was stretched so thin, she was barely able to move after she hit the bed. If there was anything I could do to make her life easier, than I would do it.
     There was a shuffling outside of the house, and my heart began to flutter. The sounds of boots hitting the floor and Lysol being sprayed. She was home early today. As much as I wanted to rush to the door, I remained sitting on the foot of the steps and waited. Momo was always so cautious when coming home. She had begged me to move in with my sister till this was over, but there was no way I could abandon her in the middle of this pandemic.
   "I'm home," Momo was in a robe, mask still adorning her face. Her eyes sunk into her head, halfway open.
   "Welcome home," I stepped away from the stairs. "if I knew you'd been home so early, I would have run your bath."
   "I'm going to shower tonight. If I sit down, I'll pass out." She laughed, though short and tired, it was music to my ears. "And I want to spend a little time with you, babe."
   "Really? Opp, I mean, if you have the energy, I'd love that." Bouncing on my heels, I went to the kitchen to set out her dinner, a pep in my step.  
It was selfish to want her attention, and impossible to have her affection, but if just for tonight, I wanted to have dinner with her.
   Sitting at the far end of the table, I waited for her. While idling had become part of my routine, I was itching to see her without a mask. To watch her lips curl into a smile and her nose wrinkle. I checked my reflection in the back of a spoon and noticed my hair was a mess.
   I pulled my hair out of the bun and smoothed it back upright. When I went to put the band around, it snapped in two. "Shit." I cursed, tossing the elastic into the trash. Still holding my hair in one hand, I went to the junk drawer, hoping I had a spare. I had been on my last hairbow for over a week, so it wasn't looking good.
   "Need something, baby?" Momo was leaning against the archway, towel wrapped around her damp hair.
   "Do you have any more hairbands?" I sighed, letting my matted hair fall around my face. While I had been waiting on Momo hand and foot, I had forgotten to care for myself. Sitting in front of the door all day and watching over her while she slept, I was running out of steam.
   "What color do you want?" she pushed the sleeve up on her shirt.
   "No, you're already used your quirk all day. You should take it easy, I can find a string somewhere."
   "Shh, I haven't been able to spoil you like I want too." Her gaze fell to the floor. "I want to take care of you too. Sure, I'm able to do a lot of good with my quirk, but you are important too."
   "Red, so I match your hero uniform." I conceded, hating the dejected glint her eye. That's part of why she loved me, I gave in quickly. There was no reason to go back and forth and tire her out more. "You are working so hard to make a difference, but I do miss you."
   "I miss you." She pulled my hair into a ponytail, than did it up. "This meal looks exquisite. Let's break the rules just this once and eat side by side. Does that sound nice?" Her arms wrapped around my middle, resting her head on my shoulder. We swayed back and forth in the kitchen, a light hum in my ear.  
   "It sounds amazing." We took our seats and pushed them together. Enjoying our meal with stories of older times.
   "Remember when you did a nose dive into the pond, chasing our ball." Momo sipped on her water, than working on her noodles. Before all the chaos, she would slowly savor every bite, but now she couldn't eat fast enough.
   "Yea, I had a soggy leaf on my face, and I thought it was a snake and panicked. Those were better times." I pushed my food around, taking a few bites. It went quiet after that. Our utensils scraping along the bowls. Water cups growing less full.
   At that moment, I just wanted it to last forever. To be close to her, to smell her shampoo, and know she was safe with me. I couldn't control a thing in the outside world, but here I could make a difference.
   "I'm doing my best." Momo slurped down her last noodle and rested her hand on the back of my neck. "I'll do my best to make you smile again."
   "What I've been smiling. I'm so happy you're home, and you made me this hairband, even though you're exhausted. You work so hard, reminding me I'm loved, plus you're saving a life. You don't have to try to make me happy."
   "No (Y/n), I want you to smile when I'm not here." She began to cry, wiping away the tears. "I don't think the world will ever be to same, but I will make it so we can be together again without all this fear. You've been right behind me this entire time, and I just want to give you your life back. I promised you the world all those years ago, and I meant it." She embraced me, letting out all the emotions she'd been building up.
   "Momo," I ran my finger's through her hair, humming her favorite tune, "you are my world." I pulled her back and smiled, "as long as you come home to me every day, it'll be okay."
   "(Y/n)," her lips turned up weakly, her hand gripping the back of my shirt, "how did I end up with such a caring partner?"
   "I'd say it was all the study sessions, but it really was how thoughtful you were, not to mention how easy you are on the eyes. Now that's enough crying, let's get you to bed and turn on the white noise machine, hm? You've had a long day, love." I tugged her up, her body swaying with how tuckered out she was.
   "I love you." She looped her arm around my shoulder and let me lead her upstairs. Whispers of how much she loved me falling from her lips.
   "I love you more." I tucked her into the sheets and sat by her phone like all the nights before. "It's going to be okay." I nodded to myself, slumping against the chair, Momo already long gone. Reaching up to my hair, I felt to plush red scrunchie, and a blanket of warmth fell over me. Things would be alright, but until then, I would do my best to keep Momo going, keep her happy, and make her smile.  
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