feralurges-blog · 10 years
My favorite thing about them
He's so fucking eager. I don't think I've met anyone that loves getting laid as much as this kid.
My least favorite thing about them
That he's Tim Wayne's kid. Tim keeps acting like I'm doing something terrible.
Do I find them attractive?
Hell yeah.
Are we friends?
Would I date them?
Oh yeah, probably. We have a friends with benefits thing going for a while.
Would I marry them? 
Nah, I'm not a marriage guy.
Would I have children with them?
Heh, no way.
Would I die for them? 
Dunno about that.
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[text] I think your dad is a little bigger.
[text] P.S. get that mole checked out
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thatsbullyoudozer · 11 years
"Hey, hotdog?" The hotdog stand he's standing beside was clearly half sunken into the ground.
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gloryofgotham · 11 years
"You know, I'm gonna need to meet this cute boyfriend of yours one day to actually believe he exists."
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fxlineforgotten · 11 years
[appears in inbox]
{ Despite her words, she leans in to leave a kiss on his forehead. }
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morethanalostcause · 11 years
You’re bleeding…
       ”Yeah…” His fingers hovered over the wound on his head. “I think it hurts worse than it looks. —But I’ll be fine.”
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     The overhang makes perfect cover for scouting, cloaking the dark figure perched on it in shadow. Nightwing is huddled down against the side of the building, pressing his gloved hands to his frostbitten ears--his suit is thermal and insulated, but his face and head have to bear the elements. A sound over his shoulder makes him jump, and he turns quickly, trying to catch a glimpse of whoever was up here with him.
                --"Don't be shy," he murmurs, reaching hesitantly toward the batarangs on his belt.
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feralurges-blog · 10 years
Moan the darer’s name
Oliver grinned and leaned in close, "Daaaamn, Alex," he moaned, just like that one time he was on top of the other man.
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Have you ever had a threesome?
"Not really but I've thought about it a time or two" unless you count Cam and Tommy
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thefastestgirlalive · 11 years
Send me a ♥ to find out how my muse feels towards yours.
"Well I just met you, but apparently you know me, so that’s kinda weird, but you seem nice and you’re Kid Flash so I guess we’re friends or related or something."
0 notes
ceceditlegatus replied to your post: {{The awkward moment when...
[ ooc; asdlfkjasdlfj— go do the thing and be social, grace! ]
tamaranean-starbolt replied to your post: {{The awkward moment when...
do it
notimpulsiveenough replied to your post: {{The awkward moment when...
//go for it. some of my best interactions with my favourite roleplayers started with meme responses.
{{I did and now I feel shy
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feralurges-blog · 11 years
[Text]: what did you do?
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testytattooedteen · 11 years
"And now I turn around and leave."
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♥ //Not even sorry
Cassie raised a brow before she shoved the kid right out of her bed, pulling her blanket up over her shoulder. Who was this kid? "Merrr go away... I'm sleeping."
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fxlineforgotten · 11 years
'I want you.'
"Depending on the context, I could either be horrified or very moved. But it’s nice to know you don’t want to push me away."
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