brlngelsahome · 4 years
This is the Elsa I know and love
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This is a random hippie forest lady who walks around barefoot with a lizard and a bunch of rocks. 
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Not our Queen. 
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hereisisa · 5 years
If Disney had 6 years to develop F2, why'd it feel like a rush job? I think the writers really wrote F2 with good intentions at heart, but they've done it in a questionable fashion that made it so unlikeable for some, myself for example. If only they bother to add more explanations, making more senses in their story telling then I'd like F2 more. Pity I used to love Elsa for years. Now, she's like a doll. Pretty, sparkling, human looking but not really human.
Well maybe a bit less.....
They wrote 12 versions of the plot.
And it took them 2.5 years to draw the storyboards of 12 Frozen 2 plots.
Then they selected one, and that’s exactly when Jenn said “Frozen Fever” and “OFA” weren’t canon. When was that? One year ago? Maybe less?
Then in April they did their screenings, people freaked out at Elsa’s death, and Bob Iger told them to change it.
So it’s not 6 years, it’s....maybe 1 year since then they picked the story they wanted and a few months since they changed the ending.
I loved the old Elsa too, the awkward Queen, introvert, way more interesting.
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The fact that there's ONE line in Into the Unknown that kinda ruins the whole experience
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angelshizuka · 5 years
These people going all #NotMyFrozen, #NotMyAnna and #NotMyElsa, lmfao fucking good. Now I don’t have to share this movie and characters with people like you anymore. Good riddance.
This means more Frozen, Anna and Elsa for me!
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joeymarrazzo · 5 years
Jojo Rabbit Review
Jojo Rabbit Review #jojorabbit #movieReview #badNazis #notmyElsa
“Hitler seems like he would’ve been a fun imaginary friend to have.” -Joey Marrazzo (Just now as I typed it) I never thought I would ever say that sentence in my lifetime, but after watching Jojo Rabbit over the weekend, there is some truth behind it. Jojo Rabbit is a film directed by Taika Waititi (Thor Ragnarok, What We Do in the Shadows) which is based off a book titled Caging Skies, which was…
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hereisisa · 5 years
This book:
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hereisisa · 5 years
It's really laughable, all these posts looking desperately for any non-existent hints that Elsa didn't like to be a queen and Anna is talented leader...when all i see are long lists of headcanons.
In canon Elsa was only ever scared of her own magic.
In canon Anna almost destroyed Arendelle and before that she let it in the hands of a villain.
I can’t blame you tho, the end doesn’t make any sense so many are justifying it with headcanons.
Thing is....it just doesn’t make sense cause they wrote 12 versions of it, changed it too many times, desperately wanted to keep Elsa away but dead, so:
Without showing she didn’t like to be Queen,
Without showing she wanted out,
Without saying she was blinded by her magic,
Without committing to a love interest,
Without saying she will never come back,
Without saying she’s not in contact with her family,
....and I like thay they didn’t provide these motivations because they ones listed were wrong for her.
But in the end, she stayed in the forest, for no real reason at all.
I prefer to address the fact that she has no motivations, than to pass some ‘out of characters headcanons’ as a truths the movies never confirmed.
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hereisisa · 5 years
If I didn't see Anna and Elsa together at the end, then that was a separation, there was no excuse. And tbh we didn't see Elsa came back home to Anna onscreen either, so that was indeed a separation. And people still defend this ending by saying 'that isn't a separation, they live close by and send letters regularly' like excuse me, that is INDEED definition of separation their denial level is so over the chart I can't even
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I don’t understand why wasting so much time over a simple concept: does Elsa live in Arendelle? No. Then they’re separated.
The unwanted “but it’s like in real life when.....” anons will be blocked cause I’m tired of this bullshit.
The answer is always the same “you can’t apply real life to this movie otherwise an hobo wouldn’t marry a princess otherwhise a snowman woudn’t talk, and these characters aren’t normal sisters, they’ve been separated all their lives and they’ve been reunited only 3 years ago and unless you’ve experiences the same thing then you can’t compare your fu**ing life with this movie, and ask to every kid if they prefer the sisters apart or together and see what they have to say, etc etc etc..................” I’m tired.
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hereisisa · 5 years
So I just read a statement from a fan claiming the ending is made for children and that the ending is joyful? Huh wtf did I miss something. I call bs
Ok I’ve answered to a similar ask in a short way but I keep getting similar messages so I guess I’ll sit down and write more on the subject.
Let’s say there are 3 ways to see this movie:
- occasional viewers’ way. They take their children to the movies once, they like it or not, they all think there are too many songs, and forget about it right after.
- the stans’ way. The ones who excuse whatever smart or stupid decision the writers and disney wanted, and everything is perfect, everything makes sense, everythins is right for the characters just like they wrote it (and if it’s not they’ll force themselves to accept it, one way or another).
- the critics’ way. Find your inner critic, and run with it.
Guess where am I?
And mind you, I’m not considerind my opinion of the same value as a movies’ critic, cause I’m not an expert, but as a fan I certanly know the characters and that’s why I think my opinion is valid too.
That said....
I’m not gonna waste time on the “occasional viewers”, even if THEY are the majority and their opinions on the movie are frequently surprising and interesting...simply because they’re not here, on tumblr, to discuss the movie.
The Stans. I do not want to offend them, this has to be clear, but the blind acceptance of whatever Jenn+Chris wrote doesn’t sit well with me.
I’ve never shipped canon, I don’t care about what the majority think, I do not feel the need to belong to a big group of people who share the same mindset.Once I’ve found those 2-3 people I agree with, my social media life is complete.
What I do not like about stans is the “If you don’t like it then you didn’t understand the movie or you don’t understand the characters” point of view.
Like acceptance of canon put them on a pedestal of omniscience in everything Frozen-related.
So this attitude generally pisses me off, but I usually ignore it and move on with my fandom life.
Now, let’s go back to your question: the end is good for children and joyful. Oh boy.
Let’s see it first from the STANS’ pov:
Elsa is free, runs free on a free sea, free of her burdens, making magic, talking to natives, and without a care in the world. She smiles. It means she’s happy and as a viewer I have to be happy too.Anna is a Queen, she’s smiling. It surely mean this is what she always wanted it, and she doesn’t care if her sister doesn’t live with her cause she can always write her a letter, right? Plus, she’s engaged omg omg omg omg!!!!!! Who cares about anything else????
There is an happy music, everybody smiles, let’s be happy!
To me, this is the superficial and dumb way to see it. Eating up whatever disney cooked for us, and saying thanks at the end.
It works for some children, the ones who “ok....the movie was sad, but they smile so...I guess it’s ok?” and the stans. Most kids are even smarter than that.
My way to see it:
Elsa smiles: of course, why on earth would Disney make a movie where the lead character is depressed at the end? lol They want me to believe this is an happy ending, they wouldn’t write her troubled or sad. I hope they’re not saying I should be happy cause Elsa is happy....Google the word “retcon” and see how it applies to this movie.
Elsa is free: she was free already in the first movie, after “let it go”, now she simply knows where her magic comes from. Good thing, but it doesn’t make her “more free”, it gives her more knowledge. And of course let’s ignore how this “freedom” comes at other people’s expenses.
Elsa is happy: why? Because her parents died for her?In the end she’s running free, on the free sea exactly where her parents DIED? AHAHAHAH THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL I’M SO HAPPY!!! Elsa smiles so let’s be happy!!!! Because she doesn’t have responsabilities anymore? YAY! She can wake up and talk to squirrels and go for her run! Wow! Who needs a job? (what a good message for kids!)Because she she is free to not care about anything else but herself and her magic?
This is the good message for children?
“Accept and show yourself” RIGHT.
But also:
“Forget your responsabilities”“If your parents died for you it’s ok because hey you were a gift so who cares if they died cause you couldn’t control your gift!”“Follow a voice for all the movie ignoring your sister and don’t pay any permanent consequence!” What an happy life! “Leave your family behind, they’ll be there to pick up the pieces while you’ll be freeeeee”AHAHAHAHA who cares right? Elsa is smiling and she’ so happy so I’m so happy!
Just because the movie ignores the consequences, I don’t have to ignore them too. I have a mind, and I use it. I’m not a parrot.
And for ONE good message the kids may get, there are way more that are problematic, and are ignored.Again, I’m not dumb I have a critic mind and I can’t ignore them.
Anna is Queen: Not once, not even once in her life she mentioned the fact that she wanted this. She didn’t have a choice, she became Queen cause she was the SPARE, and this is her destiny. Not her choice. Congrats!! I’M SO HAPPY!!!
Anna is alone: she’s not! she’s a boyfriend she can’t even comunicate with!! That’s all she need!! Plus it’s not like she needs a family! She has a dick now! It’s all she wanted! We saw her playing with dolls and all Anna wanted was a marriage! She would have married the first person who asked and she almost did!! And now she will!! I’M SO HAPPY!!!!If this movie made one thing clear to me, is that Anna would litterally marry the first one who ask her cause getting married it’s her dream. Period. I’M SO HAPPY FOR HER THIS IS PERFECT!!!
Anna can see her sister: Suuuuure, when she’s done playing with squirrels or being a pillar of a METHAPHORIC BRIDGE she may travel back to Arendelle once in a while, and then go back to live in the glacier where she almost died happily alone, talking to spirits and snow creatures! What an HAPPY LIFE! Anna wants this. Sure. Because Anna would DIE for Elsa and if this is what makes Elsa happy, then Anna would accept it.
Nothing and no one will ever convince me that this is what Anna would choose,  if ONLY SHE COULD HAVE A CHOICE!
I could go on and on for days, but you get the point, anon??????
If we accept the “happiness” these character show on their faces at the end as a dogma, without questioning WHY they are happy with a critic mind, if we ignore the RETCONS, the plot holes, the negative messages, the cut or changed storylines.....well yes they seem to be happy at the end.
But can you?
I can’t.
Accepting this would mean I’ll have to ignore everything I know and I like about these characters from the first movies and the books, and I love them too much to do that.
There are good things in this movie, like the origins of Elsa’s powers, some Elsa+Anna scenes, but the end is not one of them.
It is joyful, if you ignore dozens of things (I’ve listed ONLY A FEW).
It has ONE good message for kids (if you ignore all the negative ones).
But I’m not a stan, and I will not do it.
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hereisisa · 5 years
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I’ve waited a day to say this to see if my opinion would change but...no, so:
I’m the only one who is turned off by how Elsa looks??? (She’s my favorite so I hate to say this)
She looks....dead. Sick. White. Like a ghost.
She really reminds me of the Andersen’s snow queen drawings in my childhood’ books. Cold, distant, scary, barely human.
Definitely a step back from this healthy sexy Queen!
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I don’t like her. At all.
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hereisisa · 5 years
This new video with almost 28.000 likes talks about one thing:
How wrong and crazy is the Elsa/Anna separation at the end of the movie.
I agree.
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hereisisa · 5 years
I was rewatching Josh Gad’s interview form last night and this is exactly what he said talking about her daughters’ reactions to the movie:
"my eldest grabbed my hand during your songs *points at Idina* and chanting this can't be happening.. then your song came up *points at Kristen* and she just started bawling"
He obviously talks about Elsa’s second song, that she sings inside the cave, they she dies, and Anna sings her song.
This is kids’ reaction. And they didn’t even see the end yet. LOL I expect them to be very happy when Elsa comes back, and maybe they really had to make her die in order to bring the people to be happy to see her alive even if far away from her family.
You know? “Be happy she’s alive, you ungrateful brat!” ;)
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hereisisa · 5 years
I don't know what is so bad about being a 'human queen with magical ice power' that they have to upgrade Elsa and make her a literal Snow goddess? Your thought?
They get off on super heroes?
I don’t know because I really hate super heroes and the marvel universe so I do NOT see the appeal at all.
I really think somebody had this fantasy about a super powerful Elsa and wanted to make it real. Because honestly what other explanation is there?!
She’s like a ... teenage boy wet dream and I may be the only one but I SERIOUSLY HAVE AN ISSUE WITH THE FACT THAT SHE’S GETTING WHITER BY THE DAY!!!!!
That’s not growth, that’s problematic.
In my opinion when you remove the concflict you take away what makes interesting the character. Elsa is at peace now, white as a ghost and free as a bird. And...that’s really not interesting.
The shy and introvert Queen? That’s my girl!
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hereisisa · 5 years
I just had a realization based on all the Frozen II spoilers: No matter how positive the explanation is going to be regarding why Elsa was born with powers, it won't change the fact that it has virtually ruined herself and her entire family- she isolated herself because of it, her sister 'died' because of it, her parents died for real trying to find answers about it.
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Hey anon, I had to copy/past the second part of your message.
I think this is my daily anti-Elsa anon, as I’ve just answered to an anti-Anna. Ouch. Let’s stop it please?
But Elsa’s my girl and I feel like I have to defend her, so....:
1) Elsa didn’t ruin lives. Stop it. Just because you prefer Anna doesn’t mean you can bend the canon story to your interpretation. Elsa was a little girl, and she trusted HER PARENTS when they taught her to “conceal, don’t feal”. This is what THEY told her to do, and She didn’t ask them to close her sister in a room, she closed HERSELF in a room to avoid to hurt them.
It’s not her fault she has powers, it’s her parents’ fault and maybe even the Trolls for not helping her to deal with them in the best way. She’s was a little girl! It was NOT her responsability to know how to solve this! She did the only thing she could do: she removed herself from the family life. Isn’t her fault if she was in a royal family where parents don’t raise their kids (but nannies), and it wasn’t her fault if their parents maybe (we don’t know that, headcanons aren’t canon!) weren’t able to mantain a normal life for Anna!
Don’t blame the girl for the parents’ fault!
If your parents couldn’t give you a relatively normal life because too worried for your sister, it’s your PARENTS’ FAULT, not your sister!
I’m damn tired of that nonsense I see around where people want Anna to scream at Elsa cause she had a boring childhood and had to bury their parents alone? She should be THANKFUL Elsa didn’t get out of that damn room or she would be popsicle! She could have killed everybody just stepping out of that room!And you know what? Many want to hate Elsa because they see her as an obstacle for the hetero life of a Disney princess but this is a lost battle, because ELSA is ANNA’S TRUE LOVE in canon, and this will NEVER CHANGE. Hating on a girl who sacrificed herself in the hope this would spare pain and sufference to her sister and family is just REALLY STUPID.
The idiotic interpretation that Anna has to face the realization she’s neglecting herself and her relationship with a secondary character, due to her unhealthy fear-based fixation on her sister is wrong and ridiculous. People say that, and I just laugh cause they misunderstood the whole point of the Frozen Franchising.Do they even listen to the promotion?Yes, the sisters will be separated in the end, but not because Anna realizes “now it’s about me and my hobo!” But because again she has no choice. 
Disney will NEVER make a movie about “unhealthy sisterly relationship” LMAO because it’s crazy even just think that!!! Because it was NEVER a unhealthy relationship!!!! And it will never be.
The message of Frozen 2 is about Elsa and Anna growing up, and learning to take decisions for themselves, such as living in the woods to “fulfill my destiny”, or “destroying a dam that will flood my village”, or “marrying a dude because now I’m not the scared girl who was desperate for love I was 3 years ago”. It’s not about the dude AT ALL. It’s about Anna trusting herself to take decisions. And we should appreciate that, instead of making it about the dude or Elsa!She accepts a proposal not because Elsa is suddently second in her life, cause she’ll ALWAYS COME FIRST, but because She trusts herself and her judgment now, and she did not before this adventure! And saying she does it just cause she “reduced the importance of her relationship with her sister” is crazy, unhealthy, and not really respectful of Anna’s growth.
2) This is not a contest, but Elsa has suffered from this more than anybody else. She was alone (as Anna), she was sad (as Anna), and she was damn scared cause she had no idea about how to solve this.
3) Her parents didn’t die because of her. We’ll see in the movie but it has been already said in a book that Elsa will find peace because she’ll find out she’s not responsible for that.
4) People didn’t die because of her. Anna sacrificed herself for Elsa and came back alive.If you blame Elsa for this...are you gonna blame Anna for destroying the dam when Elsa will risk her life trying to block the wave? I’ll wait for it.
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hereisisa · 5 years
Dude, how can people think it's cool that a proposal happens when Elsa is (presumed)dead? What were they thinking? Do people think this is romantic and stuff? I'm baffled.
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It may be a speculation but you tell me.
This is the timeline.
We know the proposal happens in the forest. The title is “forest is free”, so that’s when it happens, it means the dam is destroyed.
Then you see the reunion. It happens after the proposal. I understand that until now Anna thinks Elsa is dead.
It’s fucked up yeah.
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hereisisa · 5 years
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These are the people who wrote Frozen 2.
The ones who believe Elsa belongs in a glacier, alone.
And then they’re surprised if we reject their canon!!! 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️
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