#notte e giorno faticar per chi nulla sa gradire
janiedean · 7 years
Dude you need to stop. OP hadn't even been aggressive, they just made a random statement on their own blog. It's a personal space. Why do you all have to feel personally offended when 1) it was ONE POST on someone's personal blog, and 2) you're the first whining about how everyone is always offended at nothing! How insensitive. Maybe they were being dramatic, but then what? Show a little compassion, if it bothers you so much just fucking ignore it and move on, jesus. Are you 12?
Also seriously, you're constantly whining about how fed up you are about wank and "Discourse™" in your fandoms, but then you're also continuously participating in said wank by upping it up and up. Ever heard it takes two to tango? Kettle, meet pot?
my dearest darling anon, wow, you really got irked over a post that has..... 50k notes and it’s not such a personal thing anymore at that point. I mean. 50k notes. it’s not just PERSONAL. but however, let’s go over this.
a) it’s my blog. I reblog what I want. If anything, assholes on tumblr who keep disguising their fairly immature rants as *venting* should stop, not me. also, that post has 50k notes and out of the reblogs on the version I reblogged, I didn’t even say the worst thing. did you send this message also to the previous three people in my reblog? :’)
b) one post? that reblog was already two, and if you go on that person’s blog there’s another three reblogs of that same OP with additions which are all OMG STRAIGHT PEOPLE SUCK SO MUCH. lol. venting. with fifty thousand notes. it’s not venting anymore when a post is that viral and they posted it on a public website most likely fully knowing that it would go viral since tumblr dot com is basically ‘straight is an insult but it’s okay to say it because who cares straight people can just take it *SHRUG*’. 
I’m now going to take OP and reword it with my favorite subject when it comes to show you how this line of thinking is hypocritical af. and at least it’s something I am and I can relate to so y’all can’t accuse me of appropriating someone’s struggles.
good? good!
now let’s imagine this was the op:
Being in a room with religious people talking about religious things is so exhausting.
at that, someone asks me:
What the hell are ‘religious things’?
and I reply:
sunday school and reciting prayers and going to mass and confession talk and discussing about how saudi arabia is actually a very pro-feminist country (spoilers: I heard that irl myself) without being made to feel like you are making people uncomfortable and hearing catholic people talk about how horrible it is for them to talk to atheists and christians in western countries talk about how they are such victims and their lives are shit when what this really means is they are never told that they don’t have morals because of course they believe in a deity and so they are and homophobic and racist crap that drives me crazy like how the only true family is man and woman  and how great religion (ps: this was in the OP so thanks for assuming that all straight assholes in the world are also religious but okay) is and how the world is so lovely and kind and great because people have god watching out for them and he will always be with them and how religious people are like “this person is so lovely” when you know they think you’ll go to hell for being anything other than their religion or listening to religious people say atheists are the worst or talk about people who don’t want to attend religious ceremonies (ie. people who don’t want to go to masses held for dead people) as being weird or rude because WHY WOULDN’T YOU GO, or asking “but have you ever read the bible?” judgmentally as if the moment you read that you suddenly hear jesus speaking to you or getting annoyed at you when you tell them about how not nice it is to be asked all the damned time if you’re gonna kill someone one day just because you’re atheist is because it’s easy for them cause they are religious and wouldn’t know the first thing about it or having to tell people you ‘really don’t practice’ to people all the time cause they just assume you’re catholic and you’ll be getting weird looks if you don’t like, and ‘wait but really??? HOW???’ or “but you look so nice it’d be a pity if you went to hell just because you refuse to believe in god” or “well as long as you keep it for yourself but DON’T TELL YOUR GRANDMOTHER!!!” or having to hear religious people talk about how great christmas is or about the amazing shit they read in church or about how all holy books are ABSOLUTELY NOT WRITTEN BY MEN AND THEREFORE NOT FALLIBLE and about all the amazing movies about jesus or just watching people live super conventional lives and do really sexist old fashioned things just because no one is brave enough to question or think about anything… and worst of all knowing that if you were to say or talk about anything atheist everyone would get uncomfortable and not join in on the conversation and wish you had said nothing… and then people will be like “you hardly said anything”, “you’re so quiet”, “you don’t talk much”, “are you shy”, “you’re boring”.
No bitch I’m atheist and I don’t relate to nor am I really interested in any of the shit that you have been yelling to my face for the last hour.
also, since atheists are all assholes, I’d just confirm their ideas that all atheists are assholes who think they’re so much better than anyone else.
does that post look so harmless, put like this? would it look harmless, if the category mocked was anything but straight people? let me tell you: it wouldn’t. not on here, anyway. and now we get to the best part of this frankly ridiculous ask that you of course sent on anon because like hell you’d say that to my face, hm?
Show a little compassion, if it bothers you so much just fucking ignore it and move on, jesus. Are you 12?
no, I’m 29. and OP of that post, who definitely fucking sounds like he’s twelve, because I could have written the above post about how religion sucks when I was in my dawkins phase and I was THIRTEEN and like two years later I already learned to be a little less dramatic, is twenty-seven. out of someone who’s almost thirty, I’d expect some maturity.
but never mind that. the point is: actually, I did it. I ignored a fucking shitload of posts like this since the year of the lord 2013 when they started becoming a thing on tumblr. I ignored posts saying that ‘the only good use straight allies have is getting thrown off a cliff’, I ignored posts about how horrid cishets are, I ignored posts about cishets ‘are like omg they want a cookie for being nice to us that should be the basics’ as if in some places just being pro-lgbt can’t get you fired or put you against your family or get yourself in a hospital, but of course hey, we’re straight, we’re the majority, we inherently oppress anyone who’s not, who cares, amrite? I had to watch this website spiral into a mentality where straight is an insult, basically, and so hey we have a post laughing about straight girls’s tastes, straight girls being into ***ugly boys***, straight girls being brainwashed by the patriarchy because they actually like men when they could be lesbians and be so much better off in tumblr’s amazing pastel unicorns and rainbows lesbian aesthetic where no one feels sexual attraction and everything is platonic and we don’t talk about bills because how fucking boring. I ignored all of that shit for years because y’all were VENTING and you could only do it online so hey what’s the harm in it, and guess what, I’m done. It bothers me so much because it normalizes a mentality where it’s okay to insult people for things they can’t change about themselves rather than aim at, like, HOMOPHOBES. WHO ARE THE ROOT OF THE PROBLEM. but nah, hey, I just have to scroll by the umpteenth post insulting straight people because they talk about things also lgbt people talk about APPARENTLY, because is2g I can assure you that in my fandom group of friends where *I* am camp straight 90% of the time and everyone else is not we actually fucking talk about mortgages and bills and how much renovating a house sucks and how it costs and how it doesn’t and about taxes and about how poor we’re going to be when we retire.
but apparently to OP all this kinda shit is just STRAIGHT TALKING. yeah, lol. anyway, this is kindergarten level attitude and people should have been told to can it years ago, and honestly given that ‘scroll by and ignore’ is an attitude I had for years to avoid conflict and it only caused me trouble, excuse me if I’m done helping feeding a mentality that’s completely fucking useless, because this line of thinking just alienates people. also wow now that I read this post I should feel bad for talking to my non-hetero friends about pretty much anything according to OP? some straight kid younger than me and more impressionable who might actually buy into this website’s bullshit reads this and what will they think? that every time they discuss anything with a gay friend nearby that person is seething inside and hating all of them? could happen. anyway, point is: that post is ridiculous, it has 50k notes and I’m 99% sure most of them actually agree with OP and I wasn’t taught to keep my mouth shut if I hear people saying dumbass things and everyone agrees. that’s not how you do activism. enabling this way of thinking is not helping anyone, least of all OP.
other than that: 
you're constantly whining about how fed up you are about wank and "Discourse™" in your fandoms, but then you're also continuously participating in said wank by upping it up and up
so excuse me, telling people who are actually fucking wrong and spew and enable actually dangerous concepts like idk the fact that people up until eighteen years old have the same decisional capacity as five year olds, that you cannot consent to sex if you aren’t eighteen and one hour old, that you can’t date someone older or younger than you even if you’re both of age because PEDOPHILIA and that consuming problematic fiction is wrong is UPPING THE WANK?
ANON, WHAT THE FUCK. so now if donald trump does ridiculous things and says dumb shit people who disagree should just shut up and let him work and ignore it when the things he does are dangerous? anti thinking is dangerous and keeping your mouth shut and going like ‘they’ll grow out of it’ is not going to work, it’s going to make the situation worse and it’s going to get people hurt.
telling people to FUCKING CAN IT and explaining them a few basic concepts about the difference between fiction and real life is not upping the fucking wank, and calling people out on fucking dumb opinions is not the same as enabling toxic ways of thinking. good lord, if someone irl tells me that interracial marriages are wrong and disgusting what should I do, shrug and let them think I agree or MAYBE EXPLAIN THEM THAT IT’S REALLY RETROGRADE TO THINK SUCH A THING?
I mean, do you need a power point to get the difference?
kettle meet pot like hell. I never started any wank, I never posted one thing purposefully offending an entire category of people just to VENT, none of my posts ever got more than 3k notes - honest I think I had ONE that got that much and it was convention pictures of SPN actors so sure as hell I’m not getting seen by 50k people so OP actually has more leverage than me in this discourse - and assuming I’m actually doing the same thing as OP when everything I’m doing is pointing out that it’s not a healthy way of thinking and that this fucking website is turning into a worse dumpster with every passing moment since at this point the fact that I was born being fine with my sexual characteristic and liking dick is apparently enough to decide that I inherently oppress minorities just by existing and it’s not a line of thinking that activists anywhere should support, is intellectually dishonest and frankly fucking laughable especially coming from someone who doesn’t even put their face to what they ask.
and anyway, OP is a grown ass man and can take care of themselves and of a few disagreeing opinions if he wants to be on a public website where his posts go viral.
and I have absolutely no obligation to keep my mouth shut about things that are imo very fucking dangerous slip-slopes.
there. and now, since I am not going to keep my mouth shut just to make you or OP feel better, you can click the unfollow button if you dislike my opinions that much or you can stick around and learn that sometimes being an adult is a thing that should happen, especially if you frame shit as activism.
anyway, I don’t even know who you are so it’s not like I’ll miss you personally. :’)
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francesca-fra-70 · 4 years
Notte e giorno faticar
per chi nulla sa gradir;
piova e vento sopportar,
mangiar male e mal dormir…
Don Giovanni ...Atto I, scena I
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debedehaberdos · 3 years
Ópera para los amantes de la literatura
Ópera para los amantes de la literatura
¿Es el libreto de ópera nada menos que un género literario? Hasta hace poco la letra de las óperas era infravalorada respecto a la música y la puesta en escena, e incluso la escenografía gozaba de mayor consideración. Reiteradamente olvidados, los libretistas podían –como Leporello al comienzo de Don Giovanni— entonar aquello de «Notte e giorno faticar/per chi nulla sa gradir». Las cosas parecen…
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jouissanccs · 4 years
“We all knew him. I can’t say I knew him well, but at night, in the caffè, after a few glasses, he’d always begin singing with that voice of his.” “What voice?” “Lovely voice. Always the same aria, though, from Don Giovanni. He didn’t know any other. You know the one, Notte e giorno faticar per chi nulla sa gradir; … mangiar male e mal dormir …
— André Aciman, Enigma Variations
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janiedean · 5 years
lol jaime and cersei might not end up together, he might kill her, they might part ways for good, im ok with that. your an insecure judgy little bitch but i actually dont mind if jc's story doesnt end with them together. you are delusional if you think jaime is getting a happy fairytale ending with brienne though. theyre never getting married or whatever domestic silliness you made up. theyre friends and theyre probably not gonna survive the books anyway.
..... you’re making all of that yourselves guys XD like I have a theory that’s baed on actual textual analysis and the fact that differently from y’all I did read 90% of everything else grrm wrote/has written in which fairytale endings are more common than you think, but like.... even if I was wrong, why do you care? why can’t you let me entertain my most likely wrong notion? like I’m 100% sure that cersei is getting dethroned by team young griff, do you see me going to jc blogs/cersei stan blogs leaving ‘jon connington will send his regards’ in their asks? spoilers: no, because I can’t give a fuck about their theories.
so like, if you’re here desperately trying to convince me of the contrary it means the insecure person isn’t me. it’s y’all. ;) ;) ;) 
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janiedean · 7 years
e vabbè giovincelle mie
visto che ve divertite a fa i post nella lingua vostra senza sapere che capisco sia francese che tedesco e che conosco gente che sa croato e varie altre, a sto punto bella pe voi vi lascio anche io una missiva visto che vi piace tanto insultare la gente in lingue che secondo voi non capisce:
complimenti, siete una manica di stronzette senza sostanza che manco alle cazzo di scuole elementari, avete la maturità di un’ameba per quanto sinceramente me sembra che sto a insultà le amebe SCUSATEMI AMEBE NON VI MERITATE STO PARAGONE, siete brave a dire balle che pinocchio in confronto era un cazzo di principiante e siete le persone più schifide che ho mai beccato su sta merda di sito blu compresi gli pseudofasci che venivano a romperemi il cazzo durante la brexit. mi spiace solo di non poter mandare le receipts ai vostri cazzo di genitori perché mi piacerebbe vedere la loro faccia nel sapere che siete delle cretine abusive che manco sanno fare trolling perché nessuno viene ad accusare la gente di pedofilia SUL SUO BLOG SENZA MANCO ANDARE IN ANON cioè volete farvi bloccare? bella proprio ma siete proprio patetiche.
ps: metà della vostra fandom non ve può vedere e ne ho avute abbastanza conferme
pps: li mortacci vostri <3
ppps: provatece a usa google translate pe tradurre sto post e vedete se c’ha cazzi di darvi una traduzione comprensibile
pppps: se avete l’amica italiana che ve lo traduce pe piacere fatemece parlare così le dico tutto in maniera extracolorita, che a forza di insultarvi solo dicendo di andarvene affanculo poi mi annoio.
tornatevene al cazzo di asilo va, conosco ragazzini de cinque anni più maturi di voi.
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janiedean · 7 years
There are people in the Theon tag saying we need to stop using the "I should have died with him" quote because it only holds Theon back and then others are reblogging it and tagging it with "Get over this line" and then someone made a gifset with that line and the same person was complaining in the notes about it saying that line has no place in the episode 4 scene with Theon and Jon. and yes these are the same people who hate the books and love the show. They've taken over the Theon tag.
hmmm. OKAY. SO. I cannot sadly reblog that post because I’m blocked by both parties in this story and whatever (NOT the person who made the gifset we all know who we’re talking about trololol *sigh*) but like, I read that post and fuck this noise, as someone who has basically started going into throbb hell thanks to that line and a lot of other shit I honestly have no fucks left to give on this matter so please let me say a few things.
first thing, saying that theon ‘can’t get over that line’ is already not understanding what the fuck that line is there for. thing is: he’s been feeling guilty SINCE A CLASH OF KINGS. the moment he realizes that robb was the person who was his home is the moment he accepts that he did wrong things and he lets it fucking go. or at least he lets it go enough to save jeyne’s hide and do one of the two heroic things people did in these books along with jaime saving brienne. that’s not about him being ridden by guilt, is theon admitting to himself what he had been denying since book two therefore making peace with the part of him who had betrayed robb which is what had been haunting him since acok among the rest but that he hadn’t quite been able to put into words.
like. he realizes he should have died with him. he realizes he’s lost the one person who liked him/cared about him for how he was. that’s the exact moment where every other thread in his story comes to a turning point and where he has to decide who the hell he is and what he wants to do with this life.
turns out he wants to be theon (not theon greyjoy or reek or whatever, theon, aka the person robb knew and who robb thought was an a+ person enough to stay friends with him for years but NEVER MIND THAT) and that what he wants to do is saying fuck you to ramsay, saving jeyne and jumping out of the castle. says something about how realizing that is not a bad thing for him that he put two and two together.
he wasn’t with robb but he wanted to be, and if he had died with robb he wouldn’t have gone through torture and shit which is honestly a good appeal, but the point is that he wanted to be with robb because robb was the one person who valued him and he’d have suffered a lot less but whatever. obv I’m glad he’s not dead. I also wish robb was not dead. but idk last time I wrote fanfic where they did die at the RW all the comments were ‘still less sad than canon’, everyone draw their conclusions.
I also want theon to move on and live a happy life, and the reason he can do it is that he realized he should have been with robb who was the one person who thought the world of him and he’s actually being that person right now without having to hide it because he can’t give two fucks. if he hadn’t come to that realization he could not live a happy life. because he’d be still torn by it. now that he realized it and he made peace with it, he can move on. he couldn’t move on if he hadn’t reached that stage and now that he’s lived up to what robb thought of him he can move the hell on.
he’s not beating himself on the head. he’s working through his guilt and succeeding at it, which the show is doing two seasons too late but never mind, and I hope he gets that defining moment in here too because he didn’t (yet, idk, I haven’t watch the last episode) and THAT WAS HIM REALIZING HE HAD TO MOVE ON. IT’S NOT UNHEALTHY GDI and tbh from two people who love the show best to say that when theon’s been carrying a lot more guilt on the show than in the book is like… what the fuck? then complain to d&d. book!theon’s been done with guilt the moment he jumped out of the walls with jeyne, or at least he’s been done with it enough that he can move on. show!theon hasn’t done that yet.
and he’s looked ahead THE MOMENT HE SAVED JEYNE RATHER THAN LETTING THE BOTH OF THEM DIE AND GO BACK TO RAMSAY like good lord how you don’t read that that way idk but it’s plenty obvious.
if they don’t like that quote, fine. but they really didn’t understand what the hell it’s about and if they didn’t realize that throughout all of adwd theon thought of robb when he wanted to think about when he was happy and not when he was feeling guilty idk what they were paying attention to. too bad because that’s exactly what happened but I guess it requires actually…… paying attention to the book which they already said to hell and back that they don’t like, which is okay. but can they let us people who like the book fucking live?
I’ve been throbb trash since I read that quote. I’ve been throbb trash about that quote for six years. I am never going to get over that damned line. a lot of other people will not either. They can go and make peace with it because the theon tag is full of people who like his and robb’s relationship and seeing it reduced to that and being told that we should get over it when theon’s relationship with robb is what saved his hide because if he didn’t have it he wouldn’t have had a point of reference for good memories/a support system is frankly ridiculous and I have no time for this. No, I’m not getting over it. Yes, it’s a fundamental line for theon’s char development. Feel free to dislike it but then stick to the show and don’t tell anyone to get over that fucking line. And given that basically that line is 90% of the reason why I’m this fandom, this sub-fandom and this ship and I certainly want theon to move on and be happy and so would robb, I find it honestly ridiculous to be told I should get over it. If there’s a reason so many people like it, ask yourself why and for the love of god stop trying to convince us all that the show version is better or that there’s nothing special about the book version.
(Now, this is not on the line but you mentioned the gifset so since I’m here: nice totally unwarranted trashing of poor kit’s acting huh? because obviously he can’t act and he has ‘his usual blank look’? listen, this is a post about theon and I love alfie’s acting and we all know that and I really goddamned do but I’ve seen just that frame and went like FUCKING HELL KIT WHY DO YOU HURT ME SO and like…. wow, nice putting them against each other when kit’s actually fairly good, has gotten really better from S4 onwards, is basically dragging half of this show on his shoulders and is not a bad actor at all all the contrary? christ, wow, amazing, apparently every single intention behind alfie’s acting is crystal clear and they know better than all of us but kit’s acting is ‘blank’ because he always has the same face? yeah no he doesn’t and it’d take watching any scene he was on in the last three years to see that he doesn’t and that it was really low. like. amazing. I knew someone was gonna put it on the acting side. I’ve known that since I knew jon and theon were meeting again. I’M NOT SURPRISED.)
tldr: no I’m not getting over this line, no a lot of other people are not getting over this line, and they should make damned peace with it because there’s a reason it’s a lot of people’s favorite line.
in conclusion:
Theon led the way up the stairs. I have climbed these steps a thousand times before. As a boy he would run up; descending, he would take the steps three at a time, leaping. Once he leapt right into Old Nan and knocked her to the floor. That earned him the worst thrashing he ever had at Winterfell, though it was almost tender compared to the beatings his brothers used to give him back on Pyke. He and Robb had fought many a heroic battle on these steps, slashing at one another with wooden swords. Good training, that; it brought home how hard it was to fight your way up a spiral stair against determined opposition. Ser Rodrik liked to say that one good man could hold a hundred, fighting down.That was long ago, though. They were all dead now. Jory, old Ser Rodrik, Lord Eddard, Harwin and Hullen, Cayn and Desmond and Fat Tom, Alyn with his dreams of knighthood, Mikken who had given him his first real sword. Even Old Nan, like as not.
And Robb. Robb who had been more a brother to Theon than any son born of Balon Greyjoy’s loins. Murdered at the Red Wedding, butchered by the Freys. I should have been with him. Where was I? I should have died with him.
thanks for the attention, I realize I’m coming off like an asshole, I honestly can’t with this thing where important lines from the books get demoted to ‘but they’re not important’ anymore and I’m not required playing nice at this point.
and given that jon’s had survivor’s guilt since he learned that robb died (but they wouldn’t know since from what I gathered they only read theon’s chapters so they obviously hadn’t read jon’s) it’s absolutely plausible that jon’s thinking the exact same thing. let that damned gifset live and let us book fans live.
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janiedean · 7 years
You don't have to post this but here's some links to the Theon stuff selkiewife(.)tumblr(.)com/post/163908091005/robb-who-had-been-more-a-brother-to-theon-than-any (look in the notes) sing-for-theongreyjoy(.)tumblr(.)com/post/163908319201/a-thought-on-theon-quote-1 and that re-x person is going around attacking people for even making jokes. Like someone made a joke saying Theon was thinking "oh shit" when he saw Jon and they replied to it being like "this is ridiculously out of character (1/2)
you idiot" like they actually called them an idiot. then someone else said something they didn’t like and they spoiled the rest of the season for that person out of spite. then someone else posted an analysis of the Theon and scene and they were like “rewatch please. this is inaccurate” like it’s gotten to the point where people can’t post in the tag without getting a snarky comment from that re-x person. they hate anyone talking about the books and they hate anyone having a diff opinion (2/2)
okay, I’m going to reply in a moment to the other question but this arrived later and at this point I might just get it out of the way.
I could not have published this, true, and I was tempted to for a moment, but since both users have actually, er, blocked me, I imagine after that time I said that if someone didn’t like the show but could enjoy alfie’s performance it didn’t make them a BAD FAN (or maybe before? who knows, no idea), and I imagine they’ll see this just if someone links them, I have absolutely zero fucks left to give, so.
a) I find it really immature and honestly ridiculous that anyone would go around and tell people how to feel about the show and on their own gifsets - some of us like the book, some of us like the show, it’s all valid and for the love of god it’s not a personal offense to them if someone likes the book better than the show and it’s not an offense to alfie or anyone involved in this discourse;
b) I didn’t even watch the ep yet (I’m not downloading it from the internet of my hosts and I’ll watch it when I’m at @incblackbird‘s two days from now anyway) but I saw that gif and tbh theon could have thought ‘oh shit’, like, IT’S A JOKE;
c) calling someone an idiot over a joke in a tv show is fucking immature again same as telling people all over that they didn’t understand what they’re watching because tbh more than one person can play this game and we don’t want to go there;
d) ‘rewatch, this is inaccurate’ is hardly a way to interact with people;
e) I’m really fucking glad I’m missing most of this since I can’t see their posts (since I’m blocked);
f) it’s a fucking tv show y’all need to chill
g) theon greyjoy was a character from the books first so anyone can talk about the goddamned books if they please the tag is for all material about the character and not just for the show version
in conclusion: I can’t fucking believe we’re all people past middle school and this is happening.
and now I’m going to address the goddamned other wank post. thanks y’all. ( @lordhellebore says hi btw and agrees with everything I’m relying messages xD
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janiedean · 7 years
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marrecarandgi ha risposto al tuo post
“marrecarandgi ha risposto al tuo post “remember when oscar isaac was...”
What are you arguing here? That Finn doesn't face racism or faces less than Poe? It's simply not true. In this fandom and in all others. If you don't believe me, you have Google at your disposal, I can't fit the countless examples here anyway. So, when POC notice racist and specifically anti black tendencies, that a whitepassing (only "Europeans", who "don't see race" claim that Poe is "white for them, not actual critics) character is treated better than a black coc, you probably should try to listen to them instead of playing the victim of the fandom not being nice enough space. Because, honestly, if I had time or desire, I could've explained to you how each and every one of your point is bs.
... have you even read what I wrote? oh good lord I don’t have the patience any more
let’s go over it again
I’m saying people talk about finn less than ****kylo ren**** because people are generally more interested in the antagonist rather than the good side heroes when it comes to star wars. vader is more popular than just about everyone and the dark side generally gets more attention. idg it because I personally don’t care for the dark side but it’s not **racism** per se, it’s how fandom goes. every time. people care more about loki than thor because loki is the kind of tormented antagonist that interests people and thor is the good guy who doesn’t as much, not because loki has black hair and thor is blonde and no one likes blondes.
I’m also saying that people talk less about poe because he has relatively little screentime in comparison to finn and rey. he was in there for twenty minutes total maybe thirty if we stretch it.
I’m not saying finn doesn’t face racism especially from people who are in fandom but don’t write fanfic or do fanart or whatever and I especially mean those assholes who said you couldn’t have a black lead in SW, I’m saying that when it comes to fandom’s treatment of finn vs kylo or vs poe or vs whoever else a lot of the things that people deem problematic are common to every other fandom in existence and to the type of character finn is. the things I hate most about fanon finn’s characterization are the same things I hate about fanon bucky characterizations, and what do they have in common? they’re two people who come from being employed against their will by the villain side of the story who are actually good people and don’t want to fight for that side and who have gone through types of brainwashing to a different degree (finn because he was brought up to be a stormtrooper without identity and bucky because they literally erased it form him) from people who saw them as weapons and not people. it’s a trope. in a lot of fic where they’re in it, they’re characterized as if they need someone to hold their hand every other moment, which I frankly dislike a lot, and it’s the same for a lot of characters coming from that context. in some cases it can be racism, in others it’s just that finn is that type of character and he’s black, but I’ve been in fandom since 2003 and I saw that way of writing abused characters back then. address that if you think it’s an address-able problem, but it happening to finn has more to do with his background than his skin color. then if you’re talking about other things idk because as stated I stopped engaging other than checking the ao3 finnp0e tag after I read that if you shipped it you were objectifying nonwhite people because I ship people for their relationship, but that was the state of the discourse when I noped out.
‘only "Europeans", who "don't see race" claim that Poe is "white for them, not actual critics’ > er, actually most latin-americans I know would argue that poe is *not* a POC and that they don’t even abide to that definition and that people across latin america come in all shades so making the white/poc distinction makes no sense because they don’t think of themselves as such. but okay.
also: idk if you wanna be edgy by putting “don’t see race” in brackets, but I’m gonna tell you a thing: us europeans who *don’t see race* have studied WWII in school for a long time. I studied WWII since I was nine. now, you know what’s the basics of nazi race theory? that races exist and some races are more worthy than others and that you can count how much of a race you are by tracing back your grandparents, so idk if you have one black grandparent and three white ones you’re still considered *impure* same as if you have a jewish grandparent and so on. the drop of blood rule to us sounds like nazi theory 101 and honestly that’s why to a lot of us Europeans just the fact that here on tumblr ‘race’ is used as an actual thing that exist is skin-crawling worthy. what I learned in school is that the human race is just one and then you have different ethnicities within it but that at the bottom if it we’re the same, because if you admit that then saying you’re inherently better than a black person because you’re *different* or another race entirely isn’t that easy anymore. which doesn’t mean we don’t see ethnicity or culture - I’d never say that a chinese person is the same as a french or a south-african or canadian because I know they have different background and different experiences and different ethnicities, but I would not say they’re a different RACE than I am, because to me it would sound like something out of mein kampf. I can’t conceive the prospect that me and a black person are different RACES. we’re both human. then they’re obviously different ethnicity and culture and I see and recognize it. like, can you all stop twisting it like we think everyone is the same and there’s no difference at all? also, here, the moment someone says black people are an inferior race or a race at all, they get labeled FASCIST RACIST 101 STAY AWAY FROM ME. anyway, I do understand that on tumblr the discourse is american so I just scroll by over the use of the term race, but for me your definition is something I could never use. because cultural relativism. and ‘white passing’ for me is just the proof that poc as a term only works in the US and badly at that because why the fuck you need a term to say that some people who aren’t white look white is beyond me when you could just use their damned ethnicities to call them and be done with it, but never mind.
also idk where you gathered that I said poe was white. I said that according to some people it seems that he’s not when he’s shipped with finn but he is when he’s shipped with rey. and that makes no fucking sense. if oscar is a poc and poe is a poc (according to your definition) then both finnp0e and reyp0e are interracial couples. period. you can’t change the meaning of a word or someone’s ethnicity based on who the fuck you ship him with. and that’s a thing that happens in this fandom. period.
‘you probably should try to listen to them instead of playing the victim of the fandom not being nice enough space’ > man, I don’t think you understood my point. I’m not playing victim. I’m in fandom because I want to have fun and not because I want to run a politics campaign. now, I don’t care for fandom being a nice space, even if like, since it’s escapism, I’d like it if it was about fandom and not US politics cropping up everywhere. the point is that some of us are in fandom for shipping. I like finn and poe together. I wanna write finn and poe together. I want to do it best as I can and admittedly the one time I did it and posted it on tumblr I got more notes than I do for.... four fics for my main fandom combined. I had fun. I wrote them the way I saw them. I made sure to write them as IC as I could. I kinda wanna do it again. but the idea of going into a fandom where there’s discourse at every corner makes me want to shoot myself in the head. if people complain about ky*lux getting more traffic now, it’s because there’s less discourse over there for whichever reason you wanna pinpoint (problematic faves? problematic ship so no one judges others?). are there wankers over there? sure thing, but nowhere near as much as a corner of the fandom where every other day you can’t ship anything because it’s somehow -ist. and some of us want to, like, have fun. and produce content. and we don’t. because it’s not fun. and like, you can make it a welcoming space or not, idc because I’m not in it, but if then your discourse makes people run off to ship kylo and hux then don’t complain that you used to have more traffic when the movie was out and everyone was excited about things and the discourse wasn’t a thing. like. I don’t even engage in fandom exactly because I don’t want discourse, so I’m already doing what you’re telling me to. sometimes I rant about it on my blog.... in...... untagged posts like the one you replied to which I didn’t tag EXACTLY BECAUSE I DIDN’T WANT DISCOURSE, so.
‘Because, honestly, if I had time or desire, I could've explained to you how each and every one of your point is bs.’ > yeah, but you didn’t. (always the same thing I hear. ‘I could tell you why you’re wrong but I won’t’) and honestly, given that I’m not gonna touch this fandom properly with a ten foot pole for the foreseeable future, I also can live without it.
anyway, I was just arguing that tfa fandom is unlivable if you’re not here for the discourse (which is true and it’s one’s prerogative since again fandom is escapism or a hobby unless you’re a youtuber or you made a job out of it), that people can and will ship what they want and they should be able to (and if you think this point is bullshit then we don’t have any more to discuss because the moment you tell me that people shouldn’t ship ANYTHING because it’s not morally fine according to you I’m out), that a person can’t fucking be white and not white at the same time (which is just basic logic) and that accusing people of -isms based just on their shipping preferences is bullshit (because rl and fiction aren’t the same thing and most of us know that, and again if you think this is bs you can spare yourself a reply I’m not even gonna bother because it’s a point I can’t really gloss over and we’d have a basic disagreement). idk what you thought I was saying or when I said poe was white (btw whiteness in europe =/= whiteness in the US) or when I said fandom wasn’t racist towards finn or whatever but feel free to put words into my mouth ad libitum, I’m really done.
(and this is still why I’m not touching this fandom ever)
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francesca-fra-70 · 6 years
Notte e giorno faticar per chi nulla sa gradir; piova e vento sopportar, mangiar male e mal dormir…
Don Giovanni ...Atto I, scena I
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francesca-fra-70 · 7 years
Notte e giorno faticar per chi nulla sa gradir; piova e vento sopportar, mangiar male e mal dormir…
Atto I, scena I del Don Giovanni..
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janiedean · 7 years
Yeah, you gave me so much ideas with you statue-murderer stomping around to kill people. It's going to beso much fun XD. (Also thumbs up for the porco rosso reblog, that movie is great!)
PS: Do you have some immediately recognizable/very famous sentences (in italian) from Don Juan? I can see the castle character declaim them at some point
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH ILU ANON YOU’RE BRIGHTENING MY MORNING anyway nvm that half of my I AM DONE WITH EVERYTHING tags are actually don giovanni lines but xDD sure I’d say
notte e giorno faticar per chi nulla sa gradir (the opening, it’s like, working night and day for who can’t appreciate anything)
madamina il catalogo è questo (my lady, this is the list - when leporello declaims to poor donna elvira the list of women don juan slept with xD)
là ci darem la mano, là mi dirai di sì (we’re gonna hold hands over there, that’s where you’ll say yes to me - juan seducing zerlina)
è aperto a tutti quanti, viva la libertà (it’s open to everyone, long live freedom - juan at his party)
va bene va bene va bene in verità (in truth, in truth it’s all right, used sarcastically, masetto during the party IT’S MY FAVE DON JUAN QUOTE EVER)
di rider finirai pria dell’aurora (you’ll stop laughing before dawn - the statue to juan at the cemetery)
viva le femmine, viva il buon vino, sostegno e gloria d’umanità (long live women, long live good wine, which are glory and substenance for humanity - juan at his last dinner)
don giovanni, a cenar teco m’invitasti e son venuto (juan, you invited me to dinner and I came - the statue to juan)
pentiti! - no, (repent! - no, statue asking juan and juan refusing)
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