#noumenia december 2022
reno-matago 2 years
December on my Tumblr: dark branches, owls and snow.
December in reality : Imbolc, 17 掳c.
馃珷 Happy Noumenia! / Christmas! 馃尀
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crazycatsiren 3 years
2023 Hecate's Deipnon, Noumenia, Agathos Daimon Lunar Dates
Olympiad 700.3
December 2022 Hecate's Deipnon: 22 December at sunset Noumenia (1 of Poseideon II): 23 December at sunset Agathos Daimon: 24 December at sunset
January 2023 Hecate's Deipnon: 21 January at sunset Noumenia (1 of Gamelion): 22 January at sunset Agathos Daimon: 23 January at sunset
February Hecate's Deipnon: 20 February at sunset Noumenia (1 of Anthesterion): 21 February at sunset Agathos Daimon: 22 February at sunset
March Hecate's Deipnon: 21 March at sunset Noumenia (1 of Elaphebolion): 22 March at sunset Agathos Daimon: 23 March at sunset
April Hecate's Deipnon: 20 April at sunset Noumenia (1 of Mounichion): 21 April at sunset Agathos Daimon: 22 April at sunset
May Hecate's Deipnon: 19 May at sunset Noumenia (1 of Thargelion): 20 May at sunset Agathos Daimon: 21 May at sunset
June Hecate's Deipnon: 18 June at sunset Noumenia (1 of Skirophorion): 19 June at sunset Agathos Daimon: 20 June at sunset
July Hecate's Deipnon: 17 July at sunset Noumenia (1 of Hekatombaion): 18 July at sunset *Attic New Year Agathos Daimon: 19 July at sunset
August Hecate's Deipnon: 16 August at sunset Noumenia (1 of Metageitnion): 17 August at sunset Agathos Daimon: 18 August at sunset
September Hecate's Deipnon: 14 September at sunset Noumenia (1 of Boedromion): 15 September at sunset Agathos Daimon: 16 September at sunset
October Hecate's Deipnon: 14 October at sunset Noumenia (1 of Pyanopsion): 15 October at sunset Agathos Daimon: 16 October at sunset
November Hecate's Deipnon: 12 November at sunset Noumenia (1 of Maimakterion): 13 November at sunset Agathos Daimon: 14 November at sunset
December Hecate's Deipnon: 12 December at sunset Noumenia (1 of Poseideon): 13 December at sunset Agathos Daimon: 14 December at sunset
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noctivague 3 years
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I doubt this will be of any use to anyone but me but I wanted to make a post about the things I'm going to celebrate in 2022, for future reference (and maybe some of you are just curious idk I know I like reading about other people's practice) so I can go back to it later.
So last year I attempted to start following the Athenian festivals but I got overwhelmed and ended up missing most of them. So my idea was to focus on the deities I'm worshiping and to have a smaller number of them. I settled for 2 per season and I've got a mix of traditional festivals and some inspired by the wheel of the year but they make sense to me and since I'm a follower of Demeter, she's heavily associated with the cycle of the seasons which is why it didn't seem so far off for me.
Side not but I'm currently giving offerings to each of my gods once a week or once every two weeks (these days I slowed down a bit due to motivation) but I wanted to do something more.
Here is a breakdown of each date:
12th Fabruary - Hermes worship anniversary : The only known festival of Hermes is linked to physical activity and games (gymnasium) and is not something I saw myself doing so I decided to make up my own festival and chose this date because according to my old journal, it's when I gave him my first offering. Idk what I will do, probably bake him something and take a look at where I'm currently at in my worship and request a tarot reading from a trusted reader to see where I'm at currently.
20th March - Spring Equinox/Khloia : So back then when I was researching Demeter for my 15 days of devotion, I found mention of a festival celebrating the first sprouts in the early spring. It didn't come with a date and I guess it would fall earlier or later depending on where it is, and also some years it happen earlier than other. So I decided to merge that with Spring Equinox. Also taking that time to celebrate the return of Persephone on the surface. I'm not a follower of her but I honor her at festivals due to her connection to her mother.
6th-7th May - Thargelia: This festival celebrate the birthday of Artemis and Apollo, which I both worship. I have never celebrated it but I really look forward to it. I'm not sure what I'll be doing, I guess I'll do some research and try to have a more recon approach.
21st June - Summer Solstice: This is my favourite time of the year so I really wanted to do something. I though that since it's the longest day of the year, I should incorporate Apollo as a god of the Light. Not sure how I'll do it yet.
2nd July - Aphrodisia: Aphrodite is not a goddess I'm currently worshiping but I really wanted to bring her into my life. So I thought it would be a good idea to include her festival. I might make my introduction to her earlier though.
23rd September - Autumn Equinox : Again, taking that time to honor the cycle of Demeter, giving thanks for the harvest and the blessings I received during the summer, starting the new season with a positive outlook, and honor Persephone as she's about to return to the Underworld.
31st October - Honoring the Dead : I always wanted to do something at this date but I never do. To be fair I'm not sure about this one. I want to take the time to honor my dead even though it's painful to do. Maybe that's why I should do it. I'm contemplating starting to do Noumenia though so it might replace that? Because I think I would rather follow the solar calendar rather than the lunar because it makes more sense to me personally. Either way, I want to include Hekate as well as Chtonic Hermes.
21st December - Winter Solstice : Again the solstice, I would like to focus on Demeter with one of her epithet which is Black and shows one of her more chtonic aspects. This is a time of the year that I really dislike, as a summer child, but it is important and mysterious and I want to honor that.
Shoutout to @ thegrapeandthefig who made a great 2022 Athenian calendar which I used to find the dates :)
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