#nova oleander
i gave ukanova interactions with needle because. um. bored?
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novafloofeatsbirds · 1 year
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Felt silly doodled my Fallout Equestria OC as the Plain doll
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agentsketchbook · 2 years
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Assorted doodles as per usual
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sorginak · 2 years
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As the sun dappled upon her cheek, she turned to smile at his warmth. art by @ivoirelicorne
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blablablabel · 2 months
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My small angry blonde men are complete
We have the trifecta that is Andrew Minyard of AFTG by Nova Sakavic, Laurent of Vere of Captive Prince by C. S. Pacat and Caspien Deveraux of Oleander by Scarlett Blake.
They are my children, I love them dearly.
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saffronstoats · 27 days
gourmand's colony!
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the version under cut is less complete but ouster isnt glowing in that one. somehow i lost the layer. also under cut has rambles on everyone
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less cluttered version feat. i forgot gourmand and their pups
gourmand: if yall want me to explain him more i can. he/they
eel: idk what to put for them sorry :( he/it
nova: ^ ... it/its
the watcher: they/them. they don't have a nickname, but aren't in need of one. many people in the colony think they are an inv clone- they are not. watcher has been revamped since I last mentioned them. they are scarily fast at pinpointing anything in the area, and are able to retell it with incredible accuracy. Unfortunately, they are not good at fighting themself, should a threat ever choose to draw near.
luci [ in need of a campaign name ]: any/all. watcher's scout buddy. While they are less competent in actual scouting, luci can throw spears well in a pinch. If the colony is ever in danger though, she's mostly used as bait. he doesn't really appreciate it.
barry [ the barracuda ]: monk and survivor's sibling. used to be even more nervous than monk was, now has grown up a bit to be quite ambitious, often trying to hunt down entire lizards. he/she/they
harpy [ the harpoon ]: she/they. monk and survivor's mother-ish. doesnt really have eyelashes i dont know why ive been giving her those
ALSO one of the fiercer slugcats of the colony, hence her name. a hunter- outmatched in food collecting skills only by gourmand himself.
haylie [ the halibut ]: they/them. monk and survivor's parent. unlike their partner is quite the scaredy cat- rarely even offers to help fight blue lizards. they're a gatherer and if passages were canon they definitely have saint and monk
nightcat: the biggest one in the colony other than gourmand. a hunter, but not the worst one or the best one. honestly nightcat isnt super importsnt sorry guys. nightcat also babysits they/them
anaconda: the smallest one in the colony, ironically enough. anaconda is probably twice as long as they are wide. not big enough to help with much despite being old enough. related to luci in some way. he/it
firecracker: just a happy little baby /hj. they sometimes help gather blue fruit. average slugpup size. any/all
shrimp: helps hunt batflies, can explosive jump like artificier but only twice. despite having an artificier like trait fae aren't very strong and are generally pretty timid. fae/faer
spinach: kind of grumpy. not an agressive slugpup but probably has a kill count. really good at spotting hiding predators, so spinach is often brought scouting espevially in areas with a suspicious amount of poles or in places where strange things are littered on the ground. no pronouns, just use spinach's name
hyacinth: i wasnt gonna give them an outline originally but it helps them stand out and they're a close color to the background. they/it
cosmo: they'e actually named after the flower type of cosmos! he/specter [ this is indeed a refrence to cosmospectre ]
ALSO grumpy. has an intentional kill count and is probably one of those slugpups that' better at the game than the player
nectar: teenager! nectar takes a lot after gourmand, despite the two not being related. id like to think spearmaster has seen them before and thought they looked like suns but they have probably never met
oleander: younger sibling of wisteria. came from a pretty hard place- both of them are pretty miserable. gourmand is trying to help the two of them the best they can, though. almost a teenager.
wisteria: older sibling of oleander. also a teenager. the spiel olender got but also wisteria is friends with nectar too. wisteria talks more than oleander does
snapdragon: ill be honest i dont know anything about them either
kindle [ campaign name needed ]: nice as well, and is nectar's mentor for food collecting. though she'd never admit it nectar is probably better at collecting food than he is.
solarflare [ ^ ]: kindle's partner. born without part of one of their ears. solarflare is really sweet too but they don't talk too much. not afraid of anything though if it's going to hurt the colony
assume any slugcat without listed pronouns is any/all
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wxllflowers · 8 months
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Ei! Você viu a OLIVIA PRIESTLY por aí? você sabe, aquela aluna da graduação que tem 33 anos e se parece muito com MARGOT ROBBIE. Acho que ela formou com especialização em ESTUDOS DO CINEMA e em 2014 se parecia muito com KRISTINE FROSETH. Dizem que ela era WALLFLOWER e Toda vez que passava pelo dormitório dela, ouvia POMPEII DO BASTILLE tocando pela porta. Todos que a conhecem dizem que ela costuma ser OBSERVADORA, mas também poderia ser DISTANTE. Será que em 2024 ela ainda é assim?
p.o.v — cartas — playlist
nome: olivia marie priestly
apelido: ollie/ivy/liv
data de nascimento: 02/07/1990
signo: câncer
orientação sexual: pansexual
pronome: ela/dela
mbti: intj
alinhamento: chaotic good
altura: 1,70cm
curso: estudos do cinema
esporte: —
extracurricular: teatro, arte e mídia
Olivia era a filha indesejada do casal Priestly. Com o primogênito perfeito, pronto para assumir os negócios da família, a filha mais nova era tratada com indiferença pelo pai, como uma ameaça pela mãe e como saco de pancadas do irmão. O bullying em seu histórico escolar piorava toda sua situação, de modo que Ollie encontrava seu refúgio passando horas no cinema ou assistindo filmes, isso quando não assistia às aulas de teatro escondido dos pais. Foi criada pela avó na maior parte do tempo, vivendo ao lado do único primo que se importava com ela, sempre assistindo à novelas e filmes na casa de Célia, a avó que sempre a tratou com muito carinho, amor e respeito. Durante a universidade, prometeu à si mesma que seria o mais invisível possível, escondendo totalmente suas origens e focando em seus próprios estudos, querendo ter um currículo exemplar, apesar de sempre ser esquecida pelos colegas e até os professores. Viveu no anonimato por todo o período do curso, tentando um papel em alguma produção aqui e ali, enquanto também trabalhava em alguns empregos de meio período — mais pelo prazer de trabalhar, já que tinha todas as suas despesas pagas pelo pai —, sendo o mais comum possível entre os alunos da UCLA.
Seu primeiro grande papel veio após seu diploma, estreiando como Naomi Lapaglia em O Lobo de Wallstreet, papel que conseguiu com muita insistência, demonstrando que poderia atuar como alguém totalmente diferente de quem ela era. Sua atuação foi um sucesso, dando-lhe a oportunidade de sair da casas do pais e se afastar por completo da família. Olivia então adotou o apelido "Ivy" como seu nome artístico, mudou completamente sua personalidade para se encaixar nos padrões de Hollywood e, consequentemente, atingir o estrelato. Desde então seu rosto enche as telas de cinema e seu nome é pintado e sublinhado em vermelho nas manchetes de tabloides ao redor do mundo. Foi considerada uma das artistas mais influentes da atualidade, tanto pelas indicações grandes quanto pelos seus personagens queridos pela cultura pop e por falar abertamente sobre transtornos mentais.
Mas, seu mundo cor-de-rosa escondia manchas muito bem. Ivy recebeu, em um dia, o diagnóstico de burn out e uma carta de seu irmão, informando que a mãe luta contra uma doença terminal e deseja rever a filha. Desde então, Priestly luta consigo mesma, se questionando se trabalhar tanto vale a pena e se sua família merece o seu perdão.
características básicas
+ + observadora, doce, sensitiva, companheira, leal, criativa, acolhedora
- - sentimental, chorona, distante, insegura, pessimista, depressiva, instável
personagens: rachel green — scarlett wright — jess day — oleander fallows
músicas: champagne problems by ts — panic attacks in paradise by ashnikko— nobodys home by al — broken by jb
— alérgica à frutos do mar — em 2014 tem uma coleção com 25 isqueiros — parou de fumar após a faculdade — tem uma gatinha chamada sabrina — nome envolvido em escândalos de romance e traição — diagnosticada com burnout
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crushingcasanova · 6 months
I’ve been thinking of a nickname to do with the other half (‘nova’) of your name ‘Casanova’ since it seems to be left out in a lot of nicknames. I feel quite bad for it. Maybe something like ‘Vi’, ‘Vonnie’, ‘Avon’, ‘Avie’. I want to try and make it cute since I love cute things… this is hard TnT
~ Oleander
Those are such cute nicknames! I like the thought process of using "nova" as the basis for the nicknames. One of them also happens to be a nickname for another name I use on discord, which is ironic, but very fun. I wish you the best of luck on deciding a proper name; all your choices seem so beautiful, I'm honored!
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Love that dandelion print you just reblogged - if that's Jameson, what flowers are your other characters?
Kauri is a violet. He looks pretty and delicate outwardly and keeps to shadowy spaces but is surprisingly stubborn.
Danny would be a daisy. Often underestimated or overlooked, looks easily crushed, but grows in places you wouldn't expect. Loved by more people than he thinks.
Chris would be a sunflower. But like... a really short sunflower. He is always chasing warmth and light, and brightens the day of anyone around him.
Ashley and Abraham are the Linnea borealis, the twinflower. The blooms of the twinflower share a single stalk, then split. They grow in Nordic nations.
Nat is a marigold. Seemingly common, unexceptional, but blooms brilliantly.
Nate would be a peace lily, something hard to kill that prefers to go unnoticed as often as possible. But he didn't start out that way.
Ryan is absolutely a magnolia flower. He is older than anyone can ever understand, in his own way. He is brilliant, eye-catching, impossible to ignore. There is something ancient in every single soft petal.
Allyn would be a rose, a single rose on a long stem with thorns removed. Their petals have gentle waves along the edges. There is a hint of red like blood just barely visible in the depths of pink.
Sarita is a lush peony, surprisingly hardy for all the blooms that seem to burst the moment conditions are right.
Nova I think is oleander. Beautiful and delicate and deeply dangerous.
Antoni is morning glory. He seems harmless in appearance, mild. He blooms under the warmth and light of Jake, Kauri, and Chris. But he is as deeply dangerous as Nova is, people just don't realize it because he seems so normal and pretty.
Jake is daffodils. Just plant him in the right place, don't get in his way, stand back and watch him bloom wildly.
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ahoradameunnombre · 2 years
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Un dibujito de la familia Letal (al menos con los niños que he encontrado)
Fatal es de @fatal-error-blog Lavender es de @naturetale-official Towne es de @fatal-error-blog Oleander es de Seraph es de @ari-cunoo Pessi es de @oatsyterandco Trojans es de @zagida10 Hellebore es de @idkitswhattheycallart Florey es de @nova-blues
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punkiebuttons · 3 months
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Me because I don’t know what to name my island in animal crossing
Ideas: Serenity, velvet, plumeria, revere, euphoria, swan lake, black swan, lilac, oleander, nova, lolita, candy land, moonlight, candy pop, icon, lemonade
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This is the blog that I'm linking my Dr. Nova Oleander ukagaka back to. I'll be posting updates, answering questions, and generally keeping all ukagaka content on this blog!
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novafloofeatsbirds · 2 years
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I did a art of my silly little Fallout Equestria/Ashes Town/MLP OC as a new cover for her playlist. Forcing y'all to look at her </3
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13mirror · 4 months
Lily & Oleanders
Everything, when I think of the Valley of Las Vegas, was all blazed out.
Burning frankincense and myrrh in a car doing 100 on the highway. All its passengers drifting warmly between dreams and realities, lulled from one to another by a cocktail of painkillers, some psychedelic, and delicate lines on the back of a shattered phone.
Stoned, lying on my mother's bedroom deck in the olive tree shade of a 100 degree summer. Jazz, Bossa Nova emanating from some shitty speaker as my virgin self savored drags of American Spirit Yellows- still the finest to this day.
The heat made everything hazy and everyone move slow. It filled the spaces when words were both too much and never enough and closed the gaps between our bodies.
You learn to live in hell in a place like that. Though, when you're atop some purple and red mountain witnessing the city lights pulsate amidst the darkest blue, sometimes black, of the night with warm lazy winds caressing your skin and, when time seems to lose all meaning, it can be easy to mistake the Mojave for Heaven.
In the desolate desert, the restless inhabitants are all searching for something divine- one way or another. Those who find salvation in sedation are mourned by the ones who's faces are painted in stained glass light, crying silver and gold over their cold bodies.
The sins of the city are almost ceremonious, as profound yet predictable as the blistering temperatures. All holiness has been completely evaporated, sucked dry. Left are the remains of a dilapidated Sistine Chapel of Sin.
When the land you're born upon was never suitable for comfortable human life, of course you're going to think you can cheat all things inevitable in Life and Death. The drugs won't take over, the car won't crash. How could it? After all, we drink despite the lack of natural bodies of water.
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o-profeta-diario · 10 months
Os Desafios e Triunfos da Comunidade Bruxa no Desenvolvimento de Poções Sazonais
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Com a chegada da estação fria e a promessa de uma nova safra de ingredientes mágicos, a comunidade bruxa se prepara para enfrentar os desafios e triunfos associados à criação de poções sazonais. Nesta investigação especial, exploraremos o mundo das poções de inverno e os segredos por trás das misturas mágicas que aquecem corações e mentes durante os meses mais gelados do ano.
1. Poções Aquecedoras: O Combate ao Frio Invernal
Enquanto o frio do inverno se intensifica, os bruxos recorrem a poções aquecedoras para afastar o gelo que permeia os ossos. De elixires calorosos a chás encantados, a comunidade bruxa busca fórmulas que não apenas proporcionem calor, mas também envolvam o bebedor em uma sensação reconfortante. Conversamos com especialistas em herbologia mágica que revelaram os ingredientes-chave por trás dessas poções e suas propriedades místicas.
2. Desafios na Colheita: Ingredientes Sazonais e Suas Raridades
A produção de poções sazonais não é isenta de desafios, especialmente quando se trata da colheita de ingredientes específicos desta época do ano. Ingredientes como a Flor de Gelo e a Raiz Calmante são fundamentais para muitas poções invernais, mas sua escassez e a dificuldade em cultivá-los em condições climáticas adversas representam um verdadeiro desafio para os bruxos botânicos. Investigamos os esforços da comunidade em superar essas barreiras, destacando histórias de sucesso e inovação.
3. As Festividades na Poção do Risadas: Celebrando com Bom Humor
Nem todas as poções de inverno têm o objetivo de aquecer o corpo; algumas buscam aquecer os corações com risos contagiantes. A Poção do Risadas, famosa por suas propriedades cômicas, é um destaque nas festividades de fim de ano. Convidamos um especialista em poções festivas para uma entrevista exclusiva, revelando os segredos por trás da criação de uma mistura que transforma qualquer celebração em uma experiência alegre.
4. Desafios na Produção em Massa: Atendendo à Demanda Crescente
Com a chegada das festividades, a demanda por poções sazonais atinge seu auge. No entanto, a produção em massa dessas misturas mágicas apresenta desafios logísticos e mágicos únicos. Desde a escassez de ingredientes até as questões relacionadas à eficiência dos processos mágicos, exploramos como os fabricantes de poções enfrentam esses obstáculos para garantir que cada bruxo tenha acesso às poções que tornam a temporada invernal verdadeiramente encantadora.
Em conclusão, a criação de poções sazonais é um balé mágico de habilidade e criatividade, onde os bruxos enfrentam desafios para produzir misturas que não apenas aqueçam o corpo, mas também celebrem a magia única do inverno. Neste período especial, levantamos nossas taças para os alquimistas mágicos que transformam ingredientes simples em elixires que fazem desta estação uma época verdadeiramente mágica.
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spaceyflowersart · 2 years
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genderfluid x genderfluid bc ive yet to see it done before <3 also one of them is a vampire bc these 2 literally only exist starting from inspo from f(x)'s "dracula" LMAO
both use she/he/they pronouns !!
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