hameeed · 10 days
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novieight · 2 years
yall i got bored and completely changed my main server's profile on discord what do yall think :3c
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milkcartoncatkid · 1 year
me feeling lonely:
the magolor inside of my brain forcing out happy chemicals:
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novankenn · 3 months
By the Light... (1)
o=}===> Chapters <==={=o
Beacon had fallen, despite the valiant efforts of her defenders. So many lost the chance to see another sunrise. Too many left behind loved ones, who would never know that their last thoughts were of those they were leaving behind. In the cold embrace of death, the terror, the pain, everything just ended. Death stalked the dark and empty halls. Prowled the gardens, and the grounds.
Once a symbol of human and faunus defiance in the face of the threat of the grimm, Beacon now lay cold, infested with the very beasts her students were training to defeat. High above in the two tiny specks of light streaked across the star filled sky. Over the heads of those who twisted and turned in fitful slumber. Past the straining eyes of those tasked with guarding the hastily built bulwarks and palisades, against the encroachment of grimm.
The specks flickered out as they veered away from each other. 
With a flash of light, it appeared high above the green and blue world. A shattered moon meandered around in a lazy orbit, as the ship tumbled through the airless expanse. Inside the metal and poly-ceramic hull, a man sat strapped into the pilot’s chair, slapping switches and pulling on the yolk. His face was hidden beneath the metal helmet encasing his head. All about him, small objects and bits of debris floated.
In an act of utter frustration, he slammed his fist down upon the control console. At the moment of impact, dead gauges suddenly became live. Alarms filled the cockpit with incessant ear-splitting noise, and the switches flickered back to life. Grabbing the yolk with both hands, he haled back as hard as he could.
Outside the tumbling ship, thrusters suddenly engaged. Slowing and eventually stopping the tumbling craft.  Tenderly, he turned the craft, moving it towards the remains of the moon. Its main engines sputtered and gave the odd bursts of thrust, but it was painfully slow-going.
Pyrrha screamed in agony, her entire body alight with burning pain. With her eyes squeezed tightly shut, she panted and screamed. She didn’t understand she was kneeling, that she was drawing breath. She couldn’t see the small polygonal, star like object hovering above her… casting a wide beam of light down upon her. No all she understood at that moment was the mind shattering burning pain that ripped along all the nerves of her body.
May was panting into her helmet, not understanding what she suddenly had one. Not could she fathom how her last memories were of a set of massive jaws biting down upon her throat, only to find herself racing through the ruins of Beacon with a pair of beowulf hot on her tail. She jumped, hopped, flipped, and slid around debris and obstacles.
“You have the power! Fight them!” came a soft but annoying voice over the apparent comm system her helmet was equipped with.
“I can’t!” May screamed, “I’m not armed!”
“You’re a Hunter, you are always armed.” the voice countered. “ Use a trip mine!”
Still with utterly no grasp of what was going on, May snapped out her left hand, and was amazed when a rather futuristic looking cylindrical object attached itself to the wall she raced past. Just as she rounded the corner, a blast erupted from behind. Causing her to stumble and fall to her knees.
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nevalizona · 2 months
John bitching and moaning about the clothes he was assigned to wear under his protective gear because this whole experience is new and frustrating so he's complaining about every little thing possible. He doesn't like the way it feels. Doesn't like the way it fits.
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juicewrlld999 · 2 years
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contrabran · 9 months
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Both when you on my mind
I take my champagne over ice
Dark liquor over light
both when you on my mind
drink only when I drive
I been getting fucked up all my life
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I heard she wanna stay the night
I know she got a past
but I also got a past
I guess she gets a pass tonight
Haven't had real love all my life
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2020knives · 1 year
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attack on @bubblez-is-sour YIPPIE
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dykecassidy · 2 years
who's gonna write the shoot brody king/danhausen piss porn we deserve
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xerxestexastoast · 1 year
another fucking thing stumping me about Halcandran anatomy: dentition! I know for sure they have flatter, more human-like incisors (important for certain phonemes) and slightly blunter fangs (still prominent when the mouth is open). Carnassials and grinding molars are mutually exclusive, since grinding requires the jaw to be able to move side to side and carnassials actively prevent that to ensure the scissorlike function of the jaw.
Halcandrans descend from magically hybridized animals that are mostly feline with goat traits (if they had kept their legs they'd be cat satyrs) and part of that hybridization resulted in omnivory, and I imagine any plant that lives on Halcandra is pretty damn tough. They definitely pierced fruits and succulent leaves with their fangs though. Multipurpose!
Apparently bears re-evolved molars when they went full omnivore? I still kinda want Halcandran molars to have a little bit of carnassial bladed edge on the outer cusp. I worry that lateral jaw movement is essential for humanlike speech, even though I can't think of a single phoneme that requires it. Halcandrans should at least be able to move their jaw forwards and backwards, even just a little. It could let me have the best of both worlds
Cursory research as I write this reveals to me that both goats and cats have 6 incisors. I think humans would find that a little uncanny at first in an "ohhhh this catgoatperson has almost-human teeth" kinda way. Fun thoughts for first contact! They are a little more humanlike with the whole upright stance and flatter faces, so that dramatic space between canines and molars you see in longer-faced mammals would definitely be reduced
good lord I put so much thought into Halcandrans. I keep thinking about how their teeth would work and I haven't even BOTHERED to touch the puffball family. how are you an elastic cartilaginous orb mammal with teeth. how do your teeth work. axilars canonically have BIG ol' fangs and probably a few scary-looking multipoint seal teeth but I don't know what of those the regular batamon and waddle dees would have. they'd probably evolve away from the trident teeth once they move back on land though
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tennis-kittens · 2 years
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Boomin Beaver collection • Novak Djokovic & Juan Del Potro • Miscellaneous
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dorenarox · 1 year
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Zinn, you idiot.
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novieight · 2 years
so i uh
brainrot got the most of me and
yeah just here uh take this
ive only written 4 chapters so far but its not bad for having started it just a little bit ago
its really bad because i havent written something thats not a oneshot in forever anyways
enjoy my trashy writing i guess its late and i feel like shit and i have to sleep but wooo congrats sweet fryers we did it this time
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milkcartoncatkid · 1 year
yea but imagine cg!mags or cg!susie :33
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novankenn · 3 months
By the Light... (2)
o=}===> Chapters <==={=o
As the pain faded, her mind became clouded with confusion. She rose to her feet on shaking legs, and started to look about the ruins in which she found herself. She still didn’t understand what had happened. Pyrrha knew, even through her confusion clouded mind, that she had died. Turning about to get a sense of where she was, her eyes fell upon the frozen for of the grimm wyvern.
With a shout of alarm, she stumbled back, unaware at the moment that the massive creature was petrified. As she attempted to put space between herself and the wide open maw, her heel caught a piece of debris. Tripping backwards, she reached out attempting to use her semblance to g]pull her back to her feet, but it was not there. It did not answer her call.
“Guardian!” Something shouted over the comm system of her helm, as she went over the edge…
Hidden away from the sight of prowling grimm, May finally had a chance to consider the situation she found herself in. She was confused and afraid. Two emotions that she was well aware would draw more of the evil creatures prowling the grounds of Beacon towards her hiding spot.
“What is the fuck is going on?” she muttered to herself, not expecting any response, though she did get one.
“You had died, but I brought you back with the Traveler’s light.” the hand sized polygonal orb replied. “You are a guardian. An individual capable of wielding the light as a weapon against the forces of entropy and darkness.”
“What are you talking about? I was dead! How is this possible?” May wanted to shout, but she kept her voice low, “Who… what are you?”
“I’m a ghost. The Traveler created us to search for those like yourself. Beings capable of wielding the light.” the orb replied, “I’m your ghost, a conduit between you and the Traveler. I am your link to the light.”
The door to the mostly unscathed dorm May had hidden in shook under the impact of something large.
The stricken ship almost made a soft landing upon the surface of the shattered moon. It’s failing thrusters and landing gear sending puffs of ultra fine dust that instantly dropped back to the surface. A moment after the engines finally cut out, a figure materialized upon the moon’s surface next to the damaged ship. He slowly moved about his vessel, his hands gliding along the smooth surface, looking for imperfections, and deformations in the hall.
Above, a polygonal orb emitted a wide beam of light, as if too was searching the ship for damage. After about twenty minutes the pair met up near the nose of the craft.
“I found a few deformations in the hull, nothing that can’t be fixed with the tools I have on board.”
“My scans indicate there is some damage to the internal wiring, which is also easily repairable… however…”
“The NSL drive has failed, and without a proper hanger and technicians it is doubtful we’ll ever be able to achieve any semblance of warp.”
“Fuck. What about thrusters and our main engine?”
“Some damage, but mostly with the electronics, that’s why you found it unresponsive and intermittent.”
“So, what are our options?” 
“Fix what we can, and make for that planet. It maybe technologically advanced enough to enable us to repair the NSL.”
“Then we better get to work.”
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nevalizona · 2 years
The Donovan Family
Michael Donovan: He is a stern and mean man. He can be loving at times. He worked hard to give himself a better life. He takes his career very seriously. He is a businessman that spends plenty of time at work, he comes home and drinks. He loves his wife Marjorie but doesn’t show it. They can have plenty of days where they are a loving, happy couple but that is usually followed up by him being cruel and cold. He comes from a big family and was expected to have a big family as well. When Marjorie got pregnant with their first child, he was happy. He was proud. He knew this is what he wanted, what she wanted, and what their families wanted. He was older when he had John. Which was fine by him, he had more money, and more stability, than his siblings and cousins, did. Waiting made sense. Marjorie’s pregnancy with John was rough. She was often bedridden and sick. Michael didn’t like seeing his wife be so ill, it frightened him. After John was born they decided that one kid would have to be enough. Michael knew that meant that John was going to have to be everything he ever wanted in a son and more. But quickly, it became obvious that John was a sensitive boy. He clung to his mom and didn’t like to be away from her. He didn’t like playing rough and would rather play alone. Michael did not want his son to turn into some weird loner, so, he made sure John was never alone. John grew up around his cousins, aunts, and uncles. He has more than enough. He learned to get along with others and how to play their games. Michael though especially loved when John showed interest in the water. The Donovans are a very water-loving family. Before John was born, Michael and Marjorie often went to any body of water they could where they would swim for hours. John was no different. As soon as he learned how to swim, he never wanted to get out of the water.
     Michael has always felt distant from John. There was just something about him that stood out to Michael. It wasn’t until John was entering his teen years that it became obvious what that ‘thing’ was. There had been whispers amongst the churchgoers that John was... different. Not like the other boys. His soft son was embarrassing the family. An already mean man got meaner. They had never been close, but this was a turning point for John and Michael’s relationship. Michael was constantly trying to toughen his son up. Make a man out of him. But John fought back, he argued. He became rebellious. He’d steal Michael’s booze and drink until he blacked out. Marjorie was horrified, but Michael saw this as John acknowledging his faults. They do not stay close and John goes for extremely long periods where he doesn’t talk to Michael at all. Michael doesn’t regret how he treated his son. If anything, he wishes he could go back and make sure that Marjorie didn’t baby him, maybe he would have turned out differently.
Marjorie Donovan: She is a quiet, God-fearing woman. She grew up in a big family and didn’t mind sinking into the background. She was fine with being forgotten. She tried to not cause any conflict and be a good girl. She spent a lot of time at church and being involved in the community. When she met Michael she was completely enamored by him. He was charming and handsome. He wasn’t the most emotional man in the world, but he treated her alright. They had a fun and casual relationship until he finally asked her to marry him. Quickly she learned that his cold nature was worse than she had thought. He could be so uncaring sometimes. She wanted to start a family not long after they got married, but Michael refused. He said he wanted to make some money so they could comfortably take care of their kids. She understood why he felt that way, but she envied their families for being able to have their own kids and creating units of their own. She daydreamed of the day she would be able to have her own kids. When they finally agreed to start a family, she was ecstatic. Sadly, her pregnancy was much harder than she thought it would have been. She was weak and ill. She could hardly stand to be out of bed. Michael was there by her side often, looking out for her. When he couldn’t be, he made sure that someone from their family was near her. She was glad to have such a loving family, there was no way she could have done this on her own. She also admired her husband’s compassion that came out during this. She was worried that he wouldn’t understand, but it seemed that he was terrified too, he loved her and wanted nothing bad to happen to her. By the time she finally had John, she knew that she didn’t want any more kids. This was a devastating realization. She cried about it for days thinking that this made her a terrible mom. But everyone around her told her, she knows what was best for her. At least she has a son. She decided that she was going to be the best mom she possibly could.
     She took John with her everywhere. Never wanting him to be out of her sight. Her favorite activity was bringing a blanket out to the backyard and reading a book in the sun while he played with toys. It was clear that Michael didn’t like that she was so close to John. He said that it would make him weak. He tried to do everything he could to toughen John up. She hated seeing him be mean to their son. She always tried to step in and stop it, even if that meant Michael’s anger would be turned to her. When she couldn’t step in, she did everything she could to tell John that none of this was his fault. His father’s meanness is his problem and his alone. When rumors started going around the church that John was different than the other boys, she wouldn’t hear it. There was nothing wrong with her son. He wasn’t soft. He wasn’t weak. He wasn’t anything other than whatever he wanted to be. She tried her best to be there for him but was absolutely not equipped to handle something like this. She turned to religion but it only confused and angered her more. By the time John had moved out, they weren’t nearly as close as they used to be. No matter how many times she had to rescue him from the bottle, or convince him to come back home when he ran away to their lake house she couldn’t give him the love and acceptance he so desperately needed. They talk to each other on occasion, on the phone mostly. She wishes he had been a better mother. She wishes she would have taken John and ran off to her sisters’. But there’s nothing she can do about it now. She just hopes that one day he can forgive her.    
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