#now he has daddy issues
lyriumsings · 7 months
the fire lord is such a bitch challenging a his own child for speaking out of turn i’m lighting his beard on fire
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crowsgrudge · 3 months
kayne: what kind of great old one calls himself fucking john
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bakersdaughter21 · 10 months
one thing that i’m always just begging for is one of the OG Dads (granddads) to look at one of the grandkids and just go “Oh you must be Henry’s/Darryl’s/Ron’s/Glenn’s grandkid” OR JUST AS IMPORTANTLY “oh you must be Sparrow/Lark’s/Terry’s/Grant’s/Nick’s kid”. I want the dads to recognize their friends in their descendants. I want them to recognize their friends KIDS in their descendants. I want them to see them still creeping through the next generation. I want them to say it like it’s so obvious, like it’s so easy to recognize parts of their longtime friends in their family
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allyriadayne · 5 months
funniest scene in hotd by a mile is larys doing his little guy performance for the first time in public, giving it his all and finally saying the speech about rare blooms he has been rehearsing for the past week as a way to carefully present the similarities between him and alicent and to flatter her? threaten her? offer himself to her? but alicent is on the inside like why is this guy so fucking weird. and then "lovely weather isn't it?" with this face 🙂
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ephemerasnape · 2 months
The sight that greeted Victor Rookwood as he exited the Hog's Head that fateful evening would be forever ingrained in his memory.
The street was dark and eerily quiet, and the dapper wizard had just taken a few steps outside the seedy pub before he realized something was amiss, causing him to stop abruptly and survey his surroundings.
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Continued below...
At first, Victor was more disoriented than anything - unsure that he could trust what he was seeing with his own eyes. The dark wizard blinked a few times in confusion before, slowly, he began to make sense of the gruesome display before him.
Heaps of... dirty rags? Someone has made rather a mess, it seems. . .
No. That's blood.
Blood and worse.
Before him was a scene of utter carnage the likes of which he'd never seen. A slaughter. The lifeless bodies of several young witches were splayed out in the middle of Spire Alley, a spectacle so macabre that even the dark wizard, well-accustomed to death, felt his stomach lurch at the sight.
A ginger witch lay eviscerated. Another's golden hair fanned around her angelic face like a halo. A brunette was positioned face down in a pool of her own blood. A strange-looking witch with odd-coloured hair... Victor shuddered as he recalled that one. He remembered her as having been particularly annoying.
And yet more still.
Sisters in death. Some he recognized outright, a vague familiarity to the rest. Their faces - doubtless once beautiful, now befouled by their own blood. Twisted limbs at grotesque angles. Internal organs now decidedly external.
And in the center a... survivor? Victor tentatively stepped forward, perhaps even to offer a helping hand, as the pale witch clad in black gazed up at him adoringly.
"Victor.. I did it for you. For us."
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Rookwood watched, horrified comprehension dawning on his face as the witch released a bloodied dagger she'd been holding. He barely registered the sound of the steel clattering to the cobblestone over the pounding of his heart.
"I love you, Victor."
Now a video.
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beanghostprincess · 6 months
With Percy Jackson finally coming out today I feel the need to say that if One Piece had a PJO AU, Luffy would be the son of Poseidon, not to follow the same path as Percy, but because it would be funny af that the son of the God of the Sea couldn't fucking swim.
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dark-elf-writes · 24 days
The amount of glee to seep out of Tsuna the moment he learns Iemitsu isn't his dad, and also the ire he immediately turns on Poseidon.
Tsuna: this is the best day of my life and the worst of two others’
Nana: Worst?
Tsuna: I need a cellphone and a rainbow I have two “fathers” to yell at.
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spicyicymeloncat · 9 months
There is just something about Cole’s section of the six virtues of spinjitzu shorts. His virtue is balance. He learns how to find peace when overwhelmed, after years of running away, disassociating, feeling too exposed, feeling invisible and feeling like he had the weight of his team, his parents, the world on his soldiers.
He finally learnt how to balance that weight.
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snowyh2o · 5 months
Hazbin Hotel Episode 5 Spoilers!
Just jotting some thoughts down on Alastor’s behavior.
Absolute pettiness aside, and the fact that Lucifer was also beefing with Alastor like, 5 seconds into meeting him, Alastor was freaking beefing with Luci before he even showed up LOL.
Everyone in the hotel witnessed Charlie’s somewhat tense phone call with her dad, except for Alastor who was probably eating breakfast at the time. So everyone except Alastor is getting ready for Lucifer to show up when he finally comes down. He seems curious about what all the fuss is about, but the moment he sees the banner welcoming Charlie’s dad, his expression sours and he becomes visibly annoyed.
Alastor is also aware that Charlie has “Daddy Issues” since he says as much in his advertisement, and it seemed like most of the others hadn’t known until Charlie’s phone call. And then Lucifer walks in the door, hugs Charlie, and we get a pan up shot of Alastor with the subtlest eye twitch EVER. Five seconds into Lucifer showing up and he’s already as pissed as he was when dealing with the Egg Bois.
Which then leads into the actual meeting between the two. Here Alastor is very clearly mocking Lucifer, very similarly to how he mocked Vaggie in the pilot, but still keeps things relatively cordial. (The absolute disrespect of shaking someone’s cane and then STILL wiping their hand afterwards). He actually greets Lucifer the same way he did with Charlie in the pilot, but is uh, significantly less genuine about it lol. And Lucifer, sensing the hostility, starts mocking Alastor as well. This all culminates with Hell’s Greatest Dad and Alastor openly mocking and calling out Lucifer’s absence from Charlie’s life as a father (and that she has someone better now LOL).
Won’t speak too much more about the song except for the absolute shit eating grin Alastor has on when he’s singing “Daaaaad!”, and how Lucifer freaking cooks and then decapitates Alastor, TWICE, in his opening song sequence.
Anyways, a lot of the stuff in episode 5 has been said already, but like, the thing my brain’s been getting caught on is Alastor, Husk, and asking Mimzy to leave. Because like. When Mimzy shows up you can see how much more relaxed and happy Alastor is around her. He openly welcomes her into the hotel, tells her to get settled in, even though he probably knows that she’s likely here because of ulterior motives. This is probably one of the few times in seven years since he’s seen and been able to chat with one of his old friends (he sees Rosie during the overlord meeting, but they don’t get the chance to talk on screen). He’s genuinely happy to see her (they hug!!!) and wants her to hang around.
A little while later though, Husk approaches Alastor and says that Mimzy’s up to something, that she’s gonna bring trouble to the hotel. That she has a history of running to Alastor for protection once she gets in over her head with something. And Alastor obviously knows this. This is probably a conversation they’ve had a lot over the years. Alastor’s confident that he’d be able to handle anything she brought their way, it’s not like any old sinner’s gonna be able to beat him, and who exactly would wanna mess with the Radio Demon? And it’s not like the confidence is unfounded. Regardless of his reputation Alastor is STILL considered an overlord, and no sinner would wanna mess with that.
He says as much to Husk, and tells him not to worry about it. Husk then points out that Alastor has been gone for a while, that nobody knows why, and implying that Alastor’s absence means his reputation’s taken a hit. That people would try messing with him now. Alastor gets a little, jumpy? Startled? Angry? At the reminder of the seven years, and then covers it up by mocking Husk and treating him like a pet, tries to get get Husk to drop the topic. And then Husk bites back, reminding Alastor of his own leash. This sets Alastor off like nothing else, and he’s immediately exercising his control over Husk’s soul, going full demon form for a moment, before looming over Husk and directly threatening him with a painful death. He forces Husk to agree to never speak of it again, before jauntily putting his “I am completely unbothered” facade (the music!) back on and leaving to catch up to the tour.
He never makes it to the tour, because the Hotel is attacked by the loan sharks Mimzy was trying to avoid pretty soon after. By this point, Alastor has just spent the morning having a pissing contest with Luficer (that ended with no winners), been told one of his (likely) few friends was gonna bring trouble to everyone else, had his own situation thrown back into his face unexpectedly, and just lost control of his temper even more so than when he was going at it with Lucifer.
He’s fucking stressed, probably has been for a while, and takes the golden opportunity the loan sharks present to vent it all out on them. It’s absolute overkill and a completely over the top beat down, turning into a fucking giant and shouting how he’s gonna “devour each and every one of you!” And just plain old rampaging. By the end he seems considerably less stressed, and he mentions how it’s been a while since he’s done something like that.
Mimzy comes over, and thanks him for the help. She also somewhat insincerely apologizes for the mess, to which Alastor says that she should go. Mimzy very rightfully thinks he’s joking, and then becomes upset once Alastor says he’s serious. For her, it’s the same as it’s always been, Alastor has never minded cleaning up her messes before, why should that change now? He LIKES helping her and taking care of her. And she’s right, Alastor does like taking care of her. He gets to be relied on and show off his ability, and the company’s not bad either.
But now he’s in a situation where he can’t be so careless anymore. It’s not just himself or Mimzy he’s responsible for. He’s now responsible for the hotel and it’s inhabitants too. He’d just been told that Mimzy would bring trouble, and he’d laughed it off because he could handle “trouble”, but it just got thrown in his face that just because he can handle it, doesn’t mean everything will be perfectly fine.
Alastor arrived late, and the hotel was wrecked. What if something worse happens next time? So he tells her to leave, because there’s more at stake now than before. She’s still welcome to stay if she really tries at redemption, but they both know that’s not her style. So Mimzy leaves, pissed, and Alastor watches her go in silence. Husk watches this happen with a smug expression and a bucket of popcorn.
Anyways, all of this to say is that I don’t think Alastor decided to deal with the problem just because he wanted to get some stress relief. I think he also volunteered because those loan sharks being there is inadvertently his fault. They’re only there because Mimzy was there, and Mimzy was only at the hotel because she was seeking Alastor’s protection. And also because Alastor was the one who welcomed her into the hotel, and didn’t ask her to leave despite the danger her presence posed and the warning he got from Husk. He got overconfident, arrogant, believed that his old reputation would be a good enough shield against attacks, and the hotel payed the price.
So him stepping up was in part stress relief, in part taking responsibility for the mess he’d inadvertently caused, and him showing the world once again that he (and the people/place associated with him) are not to be messed with.
Also, his little almost content smile while watching Charlie and Lucifer duet and reconnect and Lucifer finally choosing to support Charlie despite his fears and like, not actually interrupting the moment despite how petty he was being earlier in the day— I wanna see what’s going on in his little head and shake the answer out. Do you care? For Charlie? Did you not want to ruin this for her?? Were you happy because Charlie was able to find support in a family member? Or happy because Lucifer put aside his own issues to help Charlie because he truly dearly loves her? Or were you happy because you just had a light snack and engaged in some much needed stress relief and didn’t want to ruin the after party show? Who knows?!
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Force Ghost Anakin watching Luke sleep with a long line of older (mostly moustached) men: "....yeah this is my fault"
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nik-the-bik · 1 year
the fact that Lanyon confessed his feelings for Jekyll from all those years ago and told Jekyll that he was different and that he loved him and that their breakup "broke" him yet Jekyll still can't bring himself to directly say how he feels has got me deranged
Jekyll unfairly blamed Lanyon's history with former partners for his own distant behavior just like Lanyon unfairly blamed Jekyll's bisexuality for his coldness and just oooooof these two need more therapy than we thought
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glamgoblin · 2 years
In Yai’s defense I’d be grumpy too if my dad’s very new girlfriend moved in while I was in the middle of my sleeping with my enemy crisis
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In the spirit of that reblog, could you tell me more about Luis? He's the primary whumper in lots of your writing and many of the war mages seem to sincerely loathe him, but then Mariano is shown to have a really trusting relationship with him and Luis clearly cares about the war mages at times. I haven't quite strung together the complexity of it all yet~
Ohhhh my god yeah this ask has activated my Cannot Shut The Fuck Up Disease so let's GO.
Luis is absolutely a complex whumper and hard to easily grasp. He has nothing but love and care in his heart for his mages. He's trained literally every single one since they were 18, and you can't not form a bond of some kind with someone in that time--and all of them know that he loves them. They know he would rather die before seriously, legitimately harming them on purpose without reason. They know he gets zero actual enjoyment out of hurting them.
Unfortunately, they're all special ops soldiers. People who, sometimes alone, are put in situations where they face capture and torture and unthinkable suffering. So Luis has to prepare them for these possibilities. He's seen what happens when you aren't prepared, back when he was one of the very first war mages on his own squad.
He's seen people give up and die, people he loved dearly. He's lost mages, Dimitri and Laredo's old squad, because there was an accident and (in his eyes) they didn't have training and clear guidance to fall back on (I will get to that in the stories though, it's something that informs the "you have to save yourself" standing order he has in place). Luis is someone who fears loss, especially loss of bright, young, talented mages. So he tortures them in a safe area with his own two hands, and teaches them how to read a torturer and captor, and how to mentally recover from the immediate aftermath, and how to escape even if it feels impossible.
He trusts his mages to follow his orders, and they trust that if they do what he wants, he'll treat them well. It's a basic sort of thing but it's necessary for their relationships, and generally he's very fair with not punishing them too harshly for silly stuff so he legitimately does build a good rapport with them all. If they get the training room, or are threatened with death, it's because to Luis what they did was just that serious.
Unfortunately, he does still butt heads with them, and he does still threaten their lives if they decide war crimes aren't something they want to do, all on top of punishing using their worst fears. Over time, no matter how much you love someone, that sort of abuse sours all the good feelings. The good feelings don't go away, bc when they're good they're good, but it makes things complicated.
Dimitri trusts Luis to not freeze him to death over simple disobedience, but he's afraid of him, and he hates him, and loves him, and if Luis approached him with an apology and changed behavior after prison? Dimitri would forgive him, because he was forgiven after making changes and working on himself.
All of the war mages feel similarly, really, because Luis' warmth and care isn't an act. They know that like them, he's also receiving orders that he can't just disregard. They may hate him sometimes, and they may disagree with him on fundamental stuff like "hey, perhaps stopping the war crime stuff could improve our lives in the long run", but they're all stuck with each other in a shitty, traumatic situation, so they make it work.
BASICALLY with Luis I'm exploring complex, complicated feelings about someone who has power over you, sincerely loves you, and who hurts you anyway bc I just think it's interesting! :)
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most days I'm so chill with the fact I'm non-contact with my father, it was the best decision, I hate him, my life is so much more peaceful without him
then bam it's a random Tuesday at 8pm and I'm sobbing because I miss having a dad, like, excuse me what is this??
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stsghrs · 9 months
jjk 237 spoilers
"i was an unwanted child"
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okcoolthanks · 2 months
“Sorry I did not know you were trying to talk to this GUY WHO IS SHOOTING YOU”
PD is fucking insane what the fuck do you mean how is this real
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