#now he might be able to cook some potatoes and broccoli to save his life
giganticism · 2 years
The NHL Network’s broadcast team have the worst idea ever by suggesting Nico Hischier let Jack Hughes cook Thanksgiving dinner for them since they live in the same building.
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seeds-and-sins · 4 years
That One Woman
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Pairing: Pagan Min / Reader
Rating: T (Strong language, violence, sexual undertones)
Description: Pagan Min saves you from the resistance, and you end up becoming his assistant, among other things...
    Day one was like a roller coaster for you. You distinctly remember sipping from a cup of coffee, calmly meditating to yourself, thankful to be alive; when Pagan barged into the dining room and started making demands. The first demands had almost everything to do with what you were wearing...
"Oh Darling, you need to get out of those rags immediately. I don't need my assistant looking like trash. Have you ever heard of perfume? Yes? You need it." He insisted you soak in the bath for a bit, get your hair done, nails painted, you had never felt so feminine before in your life. Of course he arranged everything, had his best designer working on your wardrobe in the meantime. Your king's kindness had no limits it seemed. All the while, he paraded you around and lectured you on taking better care of yourself, "treating yourself" as he worded it. While before you never really had the money to do so, he made every effort to ensure that you knew that whatever you wanted was given to you immediately. After the work was done and you had left your quarters feeling ever so nourished and tender, he put you to work immediately. 
"I need you to schedule a meeting with Paul for three this afternoon..." You followed closely behind him in stride, scribbling his words onto a tiny notepad he had procured for you earlier. "Make sure the kitchen cooks his favorite; steak and mushrooms, grilled onions, that special sauce-I don't fucking know what-with a side of mashed potatoes, broccoli, and biscuits..." You were already out of breath, he was a fast walker. As he spoke it was almost like he had taken you around the entirety of the mansion that was his home, before finally entering his bedroom, where his designer waited patiently for his daily fitting. "Oh, and try everything before it leaves, last time they overcooked the broccoli, and I was not pleased." You gulped, never having ever tasted for someone before, never having ever done anything like this before. In fact, you probably were the most under qualified person for this job and yet he picked you. Why?
"Yes, Sir." He made a noise of acknowledgement as his designer tugged on the sleeves of a bright yellow suit jacket over Pagan's outstretched arms.
"Also, I almost forgot, do check in with Yuma about the security issue we've been having in the west. She promised me a direct report by noon and its already ten, I do not see what's taking her so long."
"Yes, Sir." You waited another moment as he critiqued his appearance in the long sided mirror, posing, cocking his head from side to side, testing the look. You were wondering if he was going to say anything else, and when he didn't, you took that as your sign to leave and complete the tasks he had assigned to you.
"Oh, and dear?" You glanced over your shoulder curiously, he snorted. "Could you also find me a new designer..." His eyes then focused harshly down onto the poor man who had created the suit jacket. Pagan angrily started to rip the thing off, the mustard fabric floating down to the ground as the stitches were yanked out. "I am trying to look like a king, not a fucking banana!"
"Y-Yes, Sir." You stuttered out, exiting the room as swiftly as you could to avoid Pagan's wrath. 
You wondered if the same wrath would ever be afforded to you. However, as time went on, as you soon became accustomed to his temper, his demands, the routines of his nation, he never quite yelled at you. Ever. One time you had made a mistake, the whole time wondering if he would at least make your death quick. At the very most, he sent you off with a light tap on the wrist and a warning, knowing you wouldn't be stupid enough to make the same mistake twice. Granted the mistake had everything to do with something as simple as how he liked his coffee, but he had killed people for far less. 
   In fact, what was once a stressful job at first, became plain fun. In the beginning, you didn't really have much of a choice but to become Pagan's assistant, but now you sat across from him, handling all of his important agenda, of your own free will. Not to mention, the gifts, he would surprise you with them almost every other day. You were practically spoiled under his supervision, sometimes even being allowed to sleep in if you had done your job well enough the day before. You didn't know why people hated your king, he was perfect in every way, you would worship the ground he walked upon if he allowed you to. Perhaps you were biased in the sense that if it hadn't been for him, your rags to riches fantasy never would have come true. 
   You had your own room, all brand new clothes, new shoes, all the food you could ever ask for, an entire library that he had dedicated to your hobby of reading, and an office that was the same size as your old shanty. Of course, with all the pearl earrings, luxurious bed spreads, the wonderful view, room service, security at every corner, why would you ever want to bite the hand that fed you? Of course, you would die for Pagan Min, because surely he had given you such a great life in comparison to your previous one, you'd gladly give your life for him. 
   And sometimes you wondered, if that was your only purpose, to make sure his affairs were in order and to make sure his food wasn't poisoned. It made sense, your undying loyalty didn't come cheap it seemed and you hadn't even realized it. These thoughts, these wonders, stemmed from the confusion that began this whole mess. Why did he pick you? A young nobody, he could have easily let you die that day. You were always too afraid to ask him the question though. You didn't want to sound ungrateful in your curiosity. You would sit across the expanse of mahogany wood as he shuffled through important papers and made signatures. Every so often sliding them across the table so you could organize them into the appropriate file.
  It was hard no to stare at him, admire everything that was Min. That fluffy blonde patch of hair that sat on his head, how the strands flickered out in front of his reading glasses. The curve of the collar on his button up, how it lead down to reveal those few undone buttons at the top of his long sleeved shirt. His sleeves rolled up, taut to the crease of his arm, slender fingers sliding between slabs of thin white paper. Every now and again, those fingers would reach up to catch the tip of his tongue, and she would find herself licking her lips with desire, imagining that tongue on her own fingers. 
"Yes, Sir?"
"Do you have that paperwork on that shipment from Rook Islands by any chance?" You steadily weeded through the files, carefully removing the proper papers. You stood to step around the table and carry them to him. He didn't lift his head as he held his hand out, accepting the papers in his grasp. You moved to go back to your seat before he stopped you with the continuation of his words. "Volker sent me a letter again, the annoying twat, something about a mistake with the merchandise. You know anything about this?" He finally met your gaze, those glasses sliding down to the tip of his nose as he considered you. You searched your mind for an answer, truly wondering if you had made a mistake, or perhaps you had missed one of Volker's mistakes. You shook your head, twiddling with your thumbs out in front of you. 
"Not that I know of, Sir." 
"Hmmm," He crowned his fingers against his lips, sitting back in his seat, elbows on the armrest. "Well, you might as well have a look for yourself, might jog your memory."
"Of course, Sir." He gestured for you to come to him, sliding his chair back to give you room. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he waved for you keep going.
"You can take a seat, if you will." You felt your breath hitch as you lowered your bottom down onto Pagan's lap. Your whole body engulfed in his warmth as he scooted forward and his arms snaked around your waist to bring forth the paper work again. His chin rested on your shoulder, the embrace extremely close, his strong cologne floating into your nostrils. His finger pointed at the discussed shipment receipts and the letter from Volker. You tried to focus on the words as you skimmed over them in your mind, but Pagan's close proximity to you and the very noticeable lump pressing against your backside was all the more distracting. 
"U-Um..." You cleared your throat, finding yourself leaning back into his chest. He shifted his legs further apart and you couldn't hide the gasp as the hard lump was a lot more accentuated against the curve of your ass in this suddenly all too short pencil skirt.
"Yes, darling?" He whispered huskily into your ear, your entire body feeling overwhelmed by everything Pagan.
"I think everything is in order, Sir." You finally were able to form a coherent sentence surprised at yourself for being capable of doing so. 
"I agree..." You inhaled sharply, his lips barely grazed the spot below your ear drum, along your throat. "I believe you deserve a reward for your hard work, right, my dear?" Yes, a reward, please. You wanted to beg on your knees, beg him for it all. The one thing he never gave you, never gifted you, praised you with. He chuckled, hands suddenly came to your waist and he scooted the chair back again. He forced you to stand with him and then he was gently turning you to face him. "I am sure you must be confused..." And you were, being Pagan's assistant meant that you knew almost everything about his life. One of those things was his overactive sexual exploits, people, men and women alike, were constantly going in and out of his room. "I swing for both teams, Darling, and I have been swinging for you for quite some time." While one hand resided on your waist still, caressing up and down over the fabric of your clothes, the other was now propped on the edge of the table and he came closer. "You must understand, this doesn't have to define our relationship if we don't want it to, but the tension is suffocating. I would like to just finally have my cake and eat it too..." His eyes centered expectantly on you, for a response, when he added. "All of it."
"B-But, S-Sir, I just don't understand." 
"Ask your questions, but my patience is thinning, and..." He almost growled the words that followed, eyes scanning you from head to toe as he pressed his crotch to yours and you gasped. "I might not be able to contain myself much longer."
"Why, me?" You didn't think you could do it, but you did. And this whole journey with Pagan has been a game of figuring out what you could do. Your confidence had surpassed the highest summit in the world, you felt like you could jump into a volcano and still come to tell the tale, like you could fly into space and catch the nearest star. It was all because of Pagan, you owed so much to the man, and all he ever did was give to you.
"You must be joking?" He giggled deeply, like there was some inside joke that you couldn't ever know, but he was going to tell you the joke anyways. "Darling, few know there was only ever one woman for me..." He cupped your cheek, and the other came to sink into the strands of your hair. "Until I met you that is."
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hiyaluronic · 3 years
Unnamed Sentinel/Guide Au (partial draft)
Nile eyed Nicky’s plate with envy, her nose twitching at the pleasant aroma of garlic and the slightly nutty, pungent smell of cumin and turmeric; the spicy aromatics filling the small dining room and causing her stomach to grumble excitedly. She turned from Nicky’s plate to stare down at her own in dismay. The grilled chicken breast, steamed broccoli, and rich buttery baked potato were doing nothing to satiate her cranky stomach.
“Why does Nicky get the good stuff?” She hadn’t meant to sound childish but Joe’s home cooked chicken curry looked a thousand times more appetizing than the standard restaurant-style meal situated on her plate.
Joe grinned and winked at Nicky who in turn rolled his eyes in response, “Because he’s being punished.” 
Nile sighed and poked halfheartedly at her chicken, “Then can I be punished too?”
Andy snorted into her wine glass, pulling the stemmed glass away and clearing her throat against the burn of alcohol. “Trust me, you don’t.”
“If you say so.” Nile murmured and reluctantly cut into her chicken. She took a few bites, her gaze lingering on Nicky’s plate which sat untouched, wondering how exactly homemade food was a punishment. 
“C’mon, Nicolò,” Joe prodded, forgetting his own meal and using his fork to spear a piece of sauce drenched chicken from Nicky’s plate. “I promise it will not be as bad as Baton Rouge.”
Nile perked up, curious. “What happened in Baton Rouge?” 
Andy smiled deviously and leaned over to Nile. “Booker’s attempt at cerole cooking. His Jambalaya is still pending a patent as a lethal weapon. Joe and I ended up with food poisoning, Nicky on the other hand....”
Nicky swallowed, eyeing the innocent piece of poultry dangling from Joe’s fork with trepidation, eyes following the curry sauce as it slowly dripped onto the tablecloth. “I ended up zoning because the idiota, mixed up chile peppers with bhut jolokia.”
Nile scrunched her face. “Bahht Zo-lu-key-ya?” 
“Ghost peppers.” Andy simplified, leaning back into the kitchen chair and crossing her arms, watching Joe shake the chicken enticingly in front of Nicky with mild amusement.
Nile cringed and swallowed, her mouth watering at the imagined heat of said pepper. “Shit.” 
“Indeed.” Nicky replied with a sigh before leaning forward and letting his mouth wrap enticingly around Joe’s fork - the pink of his lips covering the silver of the utensil suggestively - before ever so slowly pulling back, smirking when he noticed Joe’s eyes narrow at his actions. Nicky closed his eyes and let the juices from the chicken settle on his tongue; the sweetness of clove and cinnamon dancing across his tongue and running as a current under the powerful flavor of turmeric, bay leaves, and cumin. He sucked the sauce and juice from the chicken, tilting his head back and moaning in pleasure when the slight underlying warmth of garlic and mustard seed tickled his taste buds.
He mentally smirked when he felt Joe kick his shin under the table, a quiet behave drifting from his husband's lips, the heady scent of musk saturating the air between them and sending a jolt of excitement through Nicky. He could hear Nile coughing awkwardly across the table; a deep bass to the quiet trill of Andy’s accompanying  laughter. Why should he be the only one to be punished? 
He felt the air shift and change before he heard Joe sigh. “Come on, Nico. You know how this goes, what’s the secret ingredient?”
Nicky frowned at the question and chewed the chicken, unsure. He could taste something off. Taste something out of place underneath the normal spices, something sharp and bitter  - almost medicinal.
“I’m assuming it’s not love?” Nile said to Andy, who snickered.
Nicky swallowed and blinked open his eyes, turning to Joe, “Clove, cinnamon, turmeric, bay leaf, cumin. Just a hint of garlic and mustard... and...”
Joe ticked off the ingredients with his finger, “And…?”
Nicky licked his lips and tried to focus on the odd taste, he knew it, he just couldn’t place the where and what, and most notably the name. He hated having to sort through Joe’s cooking because there were so many different flavors in the world and it was sometimes very hard to distinguish between herbs and spices; and, while he loved his husband, Joe liked to make it as hard as possible. The reasoning? Because it eased his husband's mind knowing that he could detect even the subtlest of flavors - which he would agree. Being able to detect the minute differences in flavors between herbs and poisons had saved them many unneeded deaths over the various decades.
But, still…
“It tastes like soap.”
“Seriously, Joe!” Nile admonished, eyes wide in concern. “You put soap in his food?”
“It’s not soap!” Joe was quick to reply, just a little offended at the accusation. “I would never do such a thing!”
“Uggh.” Nicky shivered in disgust when it finally clicked what the offending flavor was, “Cilantro!”
“Very good, Nico!” Joe leaned forward and kissed his husband happily. “And now what sense shall we work on next, hmmm?”
Nicky laughed softly with a shake of his head, “Joe, it was only one zone with a great many number of years between my last one. I promise I do not need-”
“It is not about what you need, you have become lax in these last few decades, hayati, you’re starting to rely too heavily on the technology of today. And it worries me.” Joe explained, running a hand through his beard and scratching at the skin underneath. “You were very lucky that Nile had been there to keep an eye on you until Andy and I arrived but what would have happened if Nile had been indisposed of? You would have been left vulnerable and that’s just not acceptable.”
“Cuore Mio.” Nicky murmured, his hand reaching over to grasp Joe’s tightly in his absently running his thumb over Joe’s knuckles.. He didn’t need heightened senses to know that his love was feeling anxious but the sulfuric reek permeating the air around Joe just confirmed it. 
Andy nodded, seeming to agree with the idea. “Joe’s right, Nicky. We have to be able to trust that on a mission you won’t conk out on us. A refresher might do some good and it’ll help Nile know what to do when Joe is unavailable to pull you back.”
Nile held her hand up and cleared her throat, drawing the attention of the small group. “Speaking of. I was promised an explanation?”
“That you were, Nile.” Nicky agreed, squeezing Joe’s hand with a gentle smile. “There is sadly not much to tell.”
“Oh, hell no. You don’t get to reveal Nicky is a superhero-” Not a superhero, Nile “and then not tell me how that happened.”
Joe and Nicky shared a look, Joe raised his shoulder slightly in question to which Nicky tilted his head, his gaze flicking towards Nile before returning to Joe with a small nod.
Joe sighed and pulled his hand free from Nicky’s, settling back against his chair, and focusing his sight on the darkened splotches of curry staining the tablecloth. “It was many, many months after we had grown tired of constant death and had laid down our arms against one another. At the time we thought our situation was part of our immortality, it wasn’t until we met Andromache and Quynh that we understood otherwise.” 
Nicky smiled fondly, remembering the circumstances that had surrounded their meeting of their sisters in arms. It had been a sweltering summer, the air so thick that even the simple act of breathing would leave a person exhausted and uncomfortably drenched. Time had worn away at a lot of his memories but the vibrant scent of the briny waters lapping at the sands along the coast, the salty air pushed inland by the balmy waves of the Mediterannean that ate away at wood and stone alike and the overbearing smell of seagrasses that would drift upward when low tide would hit and carrying the faint tinge of dead sea life along with it were still vivid in his memory.
But what he remembered the most about that first meeting - what still haunted him and fueled his nightmares almost a millennium later - was the utter terror of not being able to hear Joe’s heartbeat between one moment and the next. His breath still faltered when he thought back to the utter panic that had grabbed hold and burrowed deep into his chest at the mere thought of losing the one person who could make him feel human.
“Andromache and Quynh absconded with Joe before we had the chance to be formally introduced.”
Nile balked at Nicky’s words but at the minute twitch to the corners of his mouth and the way she noticed his eyes darken just a tad, not quite in anger but in an almost accusatory way, had her turning to Andy flabbergasted, “You what!?
“In all fairness,” Andy started, her hands raised in supplication, “it was just to test a theory. We’d trailed the two of them for days, trying to get a read on what kind of buffoons they were outside of the dreams.”
“We were not buffoons.” Joe huffed, affronted, eyes ticking to Nicky looking for agreement.
Andy quirked an eyebrow, “You literally killed each other dozens of times over the span of 6 months. Quynh and I had even started making bets on it. So, hence, bah-foons.”
“We were-” Joe trailed off, looking to Nicky for the right way to answer without confirming Andy’s rather accurate description.
Nicky turned from Joe’s gaze to Andy’s with a frown, “-working through some things.” 
“Sure, language barrier, sectarianism, genocide…” Andy said, ticking each item off with the raise of one of her fingers.
“Getting off topic here, guys. I’m assuming there’s more to the story then Andy and Quynh running off with Joe in tow?” 
With a sigh, Andy looked towards Nile. “There were… are stories. Legends really, about persons with the capability to  perceive the world around them on a level unseen by us mere humans.”
“Sounds amazing.” Nile said.
“One would think until you realize nothing can be such without its own hindrances.” Nicky explained with a wince, “What Andy and Quynh were testing was to see if Joe and I had bonded as guide and sentinel.”
“A sentinel’s abilities are latent, most that have this ability will never know because a sentinel is born through harsh conditions and need.” Andy explained at Nile’s question. “But if there is no guide, no way for a sentinel to maintain a baseline, the world becomes an enemy to them and they either zone or turn feral.”
“Feral? Like...turn rabid?” 
Nicky nodded at Nile, “An abhorred definition but yes. We have only ever seen a feral sentinel once and it ended with him falling to my blade.” 
“Okay.” Nile pursed her lips trying to gather her thoughts, “Okay so Andy and Quynh took Joe to make sure you were bonded and not feral?”
“You have to understand Nile, we saw them kill each other for months. With so much senseless violence Quynh and I had to make sure that the world hadn’t bred a broken and untamed immortal.”
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nothingeverlost · 5 years
Fic: Nature and Nurture (3/?)
Summary: When Emma put her son up for adoption it was to give him his best chance at a family. When Henry comes looking for her ten years later it might be that he’s giving Emma her best chance at family too.
From the prompt: Emma had done precisely two good things: she’d given birth to a beautiful amazing son and she’d given him of before she could ruin him.  Or the one where Belle adopts Henry and we get adoptive mom/bio mom love story that’s healthy.
She’d never seen a library with its own apartment, but she’d bever seen a place like Storybrooke either.  The town, when she saw it in daylight, looked like a tv set from one of those family shows were everything bad was always resolved in forty-five minutes.  The apartment was above the library, the living room/kitchen looking out over Main Street and the bedroom looking over the street behind.  Apparently the pawn shop she could see from the window was Belle’s too, but she’d hired a manager after her husband had died.  Henry had pointed it out when he’d given her a tour of the apartment.  It was more private than the B&B room, which she appreciated.
It was a pretty busy place, though.  The first time she’d come down the stairs Henry had been waiting for her.  The second time it was the sheriff.
“You’re still here.”  
“Just for a couple of days.  Figured as long as I drove all the way up here I might as well check out the place.”  She didn’t need to mention that Henry had asked her to stay.  “I’m not here to cause any trouble.”
“Didn’t figure you were.”  Graham nodded his head farther down the street.  “I was heading back to the station, any interest in fairly decent coffee and slightly stale donuts?”
“How can I turn down an offer like that?  Sounds like a good breakfast.”  She was meeting Henry at two; she’d promised him time while his mom was in the parent-teacher conference so she could see his ‘castle’ but she didn’t have any plans earlier than that.  It was early enough that Belle hadn’t opened the library yet.  She followed him down the block and helped herself to an apple fritter.  “Is this where you warn me not to get too mixed up in Henry’s life?”
“Why would I do that?”  Graham seemed honestly confused.  “Belle and Henry want you here, clearly.  Belle’s never offered the apartment to anybody else, so that’s saying something.  The only thing I’m guilty of is giving you day-old donuts.”
“I just figured you might worry.”  Emma shrugged.  “Birth parents causing problems, you know.”
“Didn’t even cross my mind.  Besides, I can’t imagine anyone coming between those two.”  Graham poured two cups of coffee, pointing out the sugar and little cups of creamer.  “It’s pretty cool to watch them together; reminds you that there are really good parents in the world.”
“You probably see some pretty crappy ones in your line of work.”  She was glad her job only dealt with adults; she’d seen enough bad parents in her lifetime..
“Occasionally.”  His expression was hard to read; Emma had to wonder if it was the job or his own life he was thinking about.
“What about Henry’s dad?”  She’d seen him in a couple of photos but didn’t even know his name.
“I didn’t know him that well; he wasn’t a very social person.  He doted on his wife and kid, though.  If Gold was laughing you knew that one or both of them were with him.  People were pretty shocked when the librarian married the pawnbroker until they saw them together.”  Graham looked down at his cup.  “I don’t know how Belle would have handled the loss if she didn’t have Henry.  It gave her something to focus on besides grieving.”
“I can’t imagine what that’s like.”  She’d never loved someone so much that their loss would cripple her.  She didn’t allow herself to get that close, not even to Neal.  People didn’t stay around.  She took a bite of her donut.  “You know these aren’t half bad.”
“That was delicious.”  When Belle had asked her over for dinner on Saturday she hadn’t been able to find a reason to say no, and was glad.  The fried chicken was amazing, way better than KFC.  Even better than the chicken was the homemade cake.  The food at the diner hadn’t been bad, but it wasn’t anything like Belle’s home cooking.
“Thanks.  I owe it all to my dad.”
“Learned it from him?”  Belle had shown Henry how to mash the potatoes earlier, and then let him do the rest himself.  She’d never thought much before about parents teaching their kids.  Her own cooking skills were pretty well limited to the microwave and maybe scrambling eggs or cooking a steak.
“He burned just about everything, even if you think it’s not possible to burn it, like soup.  I learned from cookbooks I checked out from the library.  It was self-defense, but I found that I liked cooking.”  
“Mom’s the best cook ever.  She could have her own cooking show.”  Henry’s plate was completely cleared, even the broccoli.  Emma had been under the impression that kids didn’t usually eat green vegetables.
“Well since you cooked will you let me at least do the dishes?” Emma offered.
“You’re our guest.  Henry and I can do the cleaning up.”  Belle stood up, but a moment later was back in her chair, landing awkwardly and clutching the arm with both of her hands.  Her eyes were closed.
“Mom!”  Henry’s own chair came precariously close to falling when he stood up as fast as Belle had sat down.  
“I just moved too fast.”  Belle took a few deep breaths before opening her eyes and looking at her son. 
“How about you and I do the dishes tonight, kid?  You can start clearing the table.”  Emma tried to act as casually as she could.  Henry frowned and looked at his mom again before finally nodding.
“Okay.”  He took his plate and cup into the kitchen first.
“Is this the ‘nothing’ you were talking about?  The reason for those tests?”  It wasn’t her place to pry; she’d only known the woman for a couple of days.  Emma certainly wouldn’t have appreciated anyone questioning her on her health even if they were a hell of a lot closer.  Belle was lying, though, and their weird bond of Henry made her more pushy than usual.
“I don’t want Henry to worry.”  She took a sip of her water when Henry came in to collect Emma’s dishes.
“Are you worried?”  She watched as Belle released her hold on the chair slowly, as if testing out her ability to support herself.  It seemed like an answer.
“I’m frustrated.  Sometimes I get out of breath when I climb the stairs.  Sometimes I get dizzy when I stand up fast or stand for too long.  It’s an annoyance more than anything.  Hopefully after the tests on Monday they’ll have a pill or something and I can just move on.”  Belle made sure to sit up straighter when Henry came for her own dishes, taking a last sip of her water before handing it to him.  “Thank you, sweetheart.”
“Are you okay now?” he asked, eyebrows drawing together.
“I am.  I’m going to start a fire in the library, and after you and Emma wash the dishes we’ll have some hot chocolate before Emma has to go, alright?”  A piece of Henry’s hair was sticking up and Belle smoothed it down with her hand.  
“I’ll get out the cinnamon.”  Henry carried the last of the dishes to the kitchen.  Emma lingered in the doorway until Belle stood up and walked out of the dining room without stumbling.  When she entered the kitchen she found that Henry had already filled the sink with water and probably more soap than was strictly necessary, judging by the bubbles.  He was standing in front of the sink without moving.
“Waiting to see if they’ll wash themselves?” she asked.  To her surprise Henry pivoted and threw his arms around her, burying his face in her chest.  He was holding on hard, a grip that might have made her uncomfortable if he was an adult.  She was uncomfortable, but more because she had no idea what to do.  Awkwardly she patted his back with one hand and let her other hand rest on his shoulder.  “It’s okay, kid.”
“What if something’s really wrong?  What if she dies too?”  She could barely hear him, his voice muffled.  She wished she could pretend she didn’t hear at all; she had no answers for him.
“Maybe nothing’s wrong, or it’s something easy to fix.”  It was what Belle believed, or at least what she said.  Emma was usually pretty good at knowing when people were lying, but she couldn’t tell if Belle believed what she said or not.  “Your mom will know more after her tests.”
“I don’t want her to be sick.”  Henry dropped his arms, taking half a step back.
“Pretty sure your mom doesn’t want that either,” Emma tried to tease, but it fell flat.  “Let’s get these dishes done, okay?  We don’t want your mom to think we’re slacking.”
“Yeah, okay.”  He was quiet while she handed him clean dishes to dry and put away until they were down to the last few.  “My mom’s mom died when she was little.”
“That must have been hard for her.”  Emma saved the pots for last.  The one the gravy had been in took the most scrubbing.
“Do you still have your mom?”  Emma winced at the question, and wondered if she should have expected it sooner.  She was glad that she was leaning over the sink and he couldn’t see her.
“I don’t know if she’s alive or not.”  She’d thought about looking, once, especially when she first started working at finding people.  She’d never tried, though.  She wasn’t sure she wanted the answers to the questions she had for the woman that had abandoned her.  “I never met her.”
“Never?”  She felt Henry’s weight shifting and assumed he was looking at her, but she didn’t look.
“She left me in a parking lot.”  Maybe she hadn’t done much better, but she’d asked for him to be with a family and she’d signed the papers to make sure people would be able to adopt him.  
“Just me in a box with a blanket.”  The blanket and her name were all she had; she didn’t even know for sure that it was her mother that had abandoned her.  It could have been her father or her mother’s parents.  She’d gone through a phase when she was ten where she’d been convinced that someone had kidnapped her from her parents and had abandoned her.  “Sorry, kid, but if you’re asking about grandparents you don’t have any from me.”
“I just wanted to know about you.”  
Emma spent more time on the pot than was necessary, and didn’t look at Henry until Belle came into the kitchen to make the cocoa.
She had to be at the hospital at nine-thirty on Monday morning.  Ariel would be free to spend a good part of the day with her, but she had classes until eleven.  When Belle suggested she drive herself Emma pointed out that she wasn’t going to drive herself home, so that meant leaving her car overnight.  It made more sense if Emma took her.  Belle had to admit that it made more sense. 
“You don’t have to come in,” Belle said when Emma started circling the parking lot looking for a space.  She hadn’t expected more than a drop-off.
“I don’t have anything else to do until this afternoon.”  She’d agreed to pick Henry up from school and watch him until evening.  By then Belle would have a better idea when she’d get home; if it was too late Ariel could spend the night with Henry, like she’d originally planned.  She couldn’t keep asking Emma to do things; she was already being overly generous with her time.  “Unless you don’t want me to come in.”
“I wouldn’t mind the company, actually.  Hospitals aren’t my favorite places.”  When Emma found a place they both got out of the car.  Belle looked at the building looming over them ant steeled herself to walk inside.
“Does anyone actually like hospitals?”  
“This is where Finn died.”  Five years ago she’d gotten the call that he was here.  He’d lived long enough to say goodbye, but she’d left the hospital alone.  It was the first time she’d had to return, something that she hadn’t thought of before.  It made it that much harder to make herself go inside.
“Damn.  I’m sorry.”  Emma slouched a little more than usual. Looking down at the ground.
“I am too.”  They’d had eight years together.  It wasn’t enough.  Belle looked at the building before her and took a deep breath.  She didn’t have a choice, she needed to go in.  She squared her shoulders and pressed her lips together.  “Let’s go.”
It was after six when Ariel drove her home.  She was exhausted, though other than a stress test she hadn’t done much physical.  She felt like a pin cushion too.
“You’ll call me if you need anything, right?” Ariel asked as she pulled up in front of the house.  It looked as if every light on the first floor and a good many of the ones on the second floor were on; Henry had a habit of forgetting to turn off lights when leaving rooms.
“I appreciate you being there today.  It was certainly a lot more entertaining than it would have been by myself.”  Ariel’s cheerful patter had distracted her during and between tests, except for the few times she hadn’t been allowed in the room. 
“You know I’m always a phone call away, sweetie.  Plus that doctor of yours is cute and who better to catch a Whale than a swimming coach?”  Ariel flirted and teased almost as much as Belle’s doctor; she had no way of guessing if her friend was serious or not, but it made her laugh.  Belle suspected that was the point.
“Goodnight, Captain Ahab.”  Belle climbed the stairs to the front porch, pausing to wave to Ariel once the door was open.
“Mom.”  Henry came out of the kitchen moments after she closed the door behind her.  She was lucky that he was still fond of hugs, and wrapped his arms around her.  She rested her chin on his head for a moment and wished she could hit a pause button for just a little while.  
“Hey sweetheart.  How was your day?”  
“I showed Emma the arcade and dad’s shop and the ice cream parlor and the library but she said she’d been there already.  We picked up some pizza on our way home.  We were just eating.”  
“I’m sure that’s not your usual but cooking isn’t exactly a talent of mine.  It was that or burgers.  There’s plenty still.”  Emma leaned in the kitchen doorway.  She didn’t ask how the day went but Belle could see the question clearly in her eyes. 
“It sounds like a good afternoon.  I hope you remembered to say thank you, Henry.”  He was a sweet boy, but like all kids sometimes needed a reminder about manners.  
“Uh huh.”  Henry leaned his head against her shoulder.  “I can microwave some pizza.”
“Thank you, sweetheart, but I think I’ll just have some tea right now.  I had something at the hospital.”  The something had been a very unsatisfying sandwich a couple of hours ago but her stomach rolled at the idea of pizza.  “It’s a school night and you need to take a shower before bed.  Say goodnight to Emma, okay?”  
“I have to head back to Boston tomorrow.  I have a job.”  Emma looked down the same way Henry did when he didn’t want to say something.  “I could do breakfast at the diner first, though.”
“We’d like that, wouldn’t we Henry?”  She knew he wanted to argue, to find some way to convince Emma to stay longer.  It was her fault for not talking to him about the fact that Emma had only promised Monday, but she’d been so preoccupied with her appointment at the hospital.  It was over now, though, and other than waiting impatiently for the results she could focus completely on what was most important.
“What if…” 
“Shower, kiddo.”  Belle gently nudged him towards the stairs.  “You can say goodbye properly tomorrow.”
“I should have told you before I told him, shouldn’t I?”  Emma asked once they heard the bathroom door slam upstairs.
“I don’t think it would have gone over well no matter who told him.  He likes you, and he tends to latch on hard to people he likes.”  There had been a point when she’d worried she might have to have him repeat kindergarten because he was having a really hard time leaving Mrs. Goose behind.  He still stopped by to see her sometimes.  When he’d been seven it had been his swimming teacher Ariel; at the end of summer they’d invited her for dinner and had been friends ever since. Belle figured it was part of losing his dad so young, though his connection to Emma was of course something a little different.   “I know this was all dumped on you suddenly this week but if you’re open to it I know Henry would like to stay in contact with you.  It doesn’t have to be much, maybe e-mails once in a while, unless you want more.  And you don’t have to make a decision now if you want to think about it.  I know it wasn’t part of the deal originally.”
“I’ll think about it.”  Emma’s answer sounded more like a no than a yes; Belle hoped she was really going to think about it, as much for herself as for Henry.  She seemed lonely.
“Thank you for everything you did for is this week.  I’m glad we got to meet you.”  She’d wondered before, about the woman that had given birth to her son.  It was good to have a few answers.
“It helps, you know.  Seeing you two together, I know I did the right thing.  This is what I wanted for him.”  Emma’s hands were in the pockets of her jacket.  It seemed almost defensive armor, the jacket protecting her from more than just the cold.
“I love him more than anything in the world.”   She glanced but the stairs where she could hear water running. After Henry got out of the show she’d read him a story and soothe his sadness as well as she could.  She’d watch him sleep a little because it made her feel better.  “Thank you.”
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itbeajen · 7 years
Just be You | Ike (Fire Emblem) | Modern!AU
This is a continuation of this post here. You can probably expect more, because... well.. I’m in an Ike phase. A forbidden door was opened and this was birthed. I have like all these wips for other characters cries. soon my children, soon.
"So neither of you are working today?" "Yup," Mist nodded as she ate her cereal, "[F/N]'s giving the whole office a two day break." "Can you guys afford to do that?" "Well, we're not the only vets around, so yes," Mist grumbled and mumbled, "I wonder what [F/N]'s doing." Ike shrugged, about to comment when there was the sudden noise of barking coming from your house. The siblings make eye contact and Mist laughed, "Maybe you should go check that out."
The older of the two takes a glance out of the window, but the barking has yet to cease, and there was no sign of you either. Of course, Ike's gotten used to the occasional rampant ball of fluff or feathers, and occasionally scales, running about the front lawn of yours or his yard. But he was not expecting to be mowed down by not one, but two dogs. "Wha-" All that's heard is a thud, and Mist gets up from her chair in surprise upon hearing the laughter from her brother. "H-Hey, s-stop that. It tickles. Hey!" Ike struggled as he tried pushing moving the massive and small fluffy dogs, but they all were relentless. They licked, they barked, and they cuddled up against the rather muscular male. But they only stopped when they heard your voice, "C'mere boys!" Their heads perked up, glancing here and there for your voice. Once they spotted you, they immediately dashed over to you, where you were attempting to dangle a bag of treats above you. But curse your shorter stature as the bigger dog began to attempt to stand on their hind legs to reach the treats. But before you're completely toppled over by the dogs, a hand is placed on your shoulder and another takes the bag of treats out of your hands and lifts it higher. "Hey, calm down, you'll all get your treats," Ike's voice was close, much closer than you expected. And of course, the best way to find out was through physical contact, so when the large white Akita dog placed both of its fore paws onto you, the additional weight of the dog caused you to stumble slightly backward right into Ike. "Woah, you okay?" he glances down at you and you give him a slow nod, only to flinch slightly when the dog barks directly into your face. You look forward, a sly grin settles on your lips as gently place your hands around the dog's face. Carefully squishing its cheeks you cooed, "Okay, you troublemaker, calm down, and sit." With that last command, the dog is back on all four, its fluffy tail wagging back and forth as the other circled around you and Ike before settling down patiently staring above your head. You glanced up and you laughed, "Thanks for the save." "Well, not the first time I've seen someone struggle with animals," he chuckled and then softly placed the treats on your head, "Here you go." "You wanna do it?" you asked, you give the dogs a quick glance and you sighed, "I think I might get mobbed again if I try." "Sure," he hands you the bag anyways though. You hold onto it as he opens the bag. He waves the treat with his arm, clearly amused by the way the dogs follow his hand intently. You laughed, "You can probably have them do tricks, they're trained." "Really?" There was child-like amazement in his eyes and you nodded, "It's mostly simple stuff like sit and roll over, I think that Pomeranian knows hand and play dead though." Ike didn't seem to know where to start and you closed the bag of treats with one hand and with the other dragged Ike away from the dogs and you turned back to them, "Stay!" They all twitched slightly before staying and Ike murmured, "That's cool." "Right?" you laughed and then you took one treat out and you laughed, "Okay, let's see what they can do!"
Mist yawned as she glanced up at the clock. You and Ike have been playing with the dogs for hours now. She glanced out the window, and called out, "Hey, you two dog lovers, don't you think you guys should take a break?" Both you and Ike turn around from where you're sitting on the lawn side by side, after exchanging a glance, you laughed, "Why, Mist? You hungry?" She laughed, "Maybe." "I can make you guys dinner," you offered. Ike got up first, offering a hand to help you up, which you gratefully accepted. The two fluffy dogs trotted over to you before nuzzling your leg and you chuckled, "These two goofballs probably need food too." "We can't impose on you anymore then we already have though," Ike responded. You laugh it off and wave away his comment, "Oh come on, you helped me take care of these two dogs the whole day, it's the least I can do." "I'll take you up on your offer of dinner if my brother doesn't!" Mist eagerly responded. There's a bright smile on her face and Ike sighed, "Are you sure?" "Ike, please, I would not have been able to take care of these two, let alone catch them before they ran off, if it weren't for your save." "Well," Ike paused and Mist ran up to you two hooking her arms around both of you, "I say we go!"
"It smells so good," Mist sighed in contentment. Ike nodded in agreement and he asked, "Are you sure you don't need help?" "I'm sure," you laughed as you finished making the simple tomato-based pasta for the sirloin steak dinner. Mist pops another piece of fried shrimp into her mouth and smiled, "You have to teach me." "Please do," Ike agreed. There was a playful smirk on his face, but he's distracted by the bark of the dogs that were circling the dinner table and he reaches down, petting one of them while scratching behind its ears just lightly. "I'm surprised you took the two dogs home though, [F/N]," Mist commented as the pomeranian pawed at her leg to be placed onto her lap. She lifted it onto her lap, where it curled up into a ball and you smiled, "Their owners are coming by later today, so I'm watching over them until they come over." "Ooh," Mist was petting the small pup and she asked, "Would you ever want a pet of your own?" You hum in consideration and said, "Maybe a cat or a bunny." "Not a dog?" "Ah well," you laughed, "I like all animals, I just want all of them. They're so cute, you know?" Ike nods, but doesn't respond as he's amusing himself by teasing the large Akita by dangling a piece of shrimp in the air. You glanced over and said, "Ike, don't." "I won't," he responds as he eats the fried shrimp for himself. The large Akita barks in protest, immediately jumping at Ike, pushing his chair back slightly. The male chuckles and you sighed, "I said don't." But there's a fond smile on your lips as you noticed the two siblings playing with the dogs and you shook your head before announcing, "Dinner's ready!" Immediately, the Akita and the Pomeranian make their way towards you even though the food you made was clearly not for them. You neatly plated the steak with some potato wedges, the pasta, and broccoli, and you smiled, "Here you two go." You clap your hands and called, "Okay you two, come here." You grabbed the bag of dog food that was seated on your counter, shaking it to catch their attention. The two scampered over to you, barking and whining the entire time while waiting for you to pour the food in. "Okay, okay, don't fight. Sit," you waited, and you smiled, "Good boys." Once you finished pouring the food and you took a step back, you laughed, "Go ahead." You washed up before sitting down, only to be surprised that neither of the two have touched their food yet. "We waited," Mist smiled and you chuckled, "Here I was thinking you didn't like my cooking." "No way! Your cooking is the best!" "Well then, go ahead and dig in you two." And dig in they did. You watched as both of them ate with unrestrained contentment sparkling in their eyes. You giggled at just how happy they were before you started eating, and you laughed, "Glad to know you guys like it." Ike looks up from the food, glances over to Mist before to you and he praised, "I can see why Mist always says your cooking is great." "It's amazing," Mist corrects him. And you laughed, "Thanks." Ike notices the way you're not really eating and he asked, "What's wrong?" "Hm?" "You're not eating." "Oh," you laughed, and then leaned back in your chair, "Whenever I see people enjoy the food I make, I just get really happy." Ike pauses and glances around the house. For a single family unit home, living alone must have felt lonely at some point in time. But he doesn't say anything, not when he sees just how content and pleased you are with feeding the two siblings. A small smile is seen on his lips, and Mist barely catches a glimpse of it before he resumed eating his dinner. Her gaze goes back to you, and you're finally eating now. She glances around, and then to you. "Hey [F/N]," the way she called your name softly automatically made you look at her. She gives you a really bright smile, "If you ever want, you can always feed my brother and I." Ike almost chokes, and looks at Mist as though she's gone insane. Your eyes widened at the idea and then laughter tumbles out, causing you to tear up from the implication. "Mist," Ike sighed, but the fond smile on your lips dissuades his worries that you may be offended. You wipe away at the tears that gathered at the corners of your eyes. "The idea's not bad," you admitted, and then looked between the two siblings, "After meeting you two, I have to admit my life isn't so dull anymore." Mist exchanges a glance with Ike, and both of them hesitate. But Ike breaks it and there's a smile on his face when he says it, "Guess we gotta thank Ranulf's cat." "You're right," you laughed and then sighed, "I'm really glad I got to meet you." There was a pause, and Mist pouted, "Hey, meet who? Me? Or Ike?" "Oh, uhm." "[F/N]?!" she whined, and you quickly stuttered, "N-No, I'm really glad I met you too, Mist. It's just, you know!" You looked away, and mumbled, "I was assuming we were talking about, well, the more... recent events." Mist watched with amusement as your normally confident and energetic composure slightly broke into nerves and dare she say, embarrassment. A sly grin grows on Mist's face, one that Ike quickly catches and he sighed, "Mist." She stops, a pout quickly taking over the smile, and you weakly laughed, "I enjoy both of your companies." "But mostly Ike's?" "Mist, I work with you," you deadpanned. Ike snorted in laughter and Mist immediately slaps his arm, "Hey!" "But, you know, I love your energy, Mist. You always bring a smile to my face." "Glad to know she's not causing disasters." "Excuse you, I'm perfectly capable of working hard and doing well!" Mist countered. Giggles spill from your lips and Ike said, "Glad I got to meet you too, neighbor." "Yup, and as you said, with Mist around, I'd definitely see you around more," you laughed. Ike smiled and Mist pouted, "Okay, but it's not a bad thing, now is it?" "No, not at all," you smiled and got up, taking their empty plates, but immediately Ike gets up, taking them from you. He gives you a small smile, "It's okay." "But-" "Yeah! You cooked, we'll wash-" "No, not you, Mist," Ike chuckled, "I don't want you breaking her plates." "Hey!" You laughed, and you gently steer the girl towards the dogs, "You can keep those two occupied, I'll go help clean." Mist pouted, and she sighed, "Fine."
Mist went out to walk the dogs in the backyard while you and Ike shared the small kitchen sink to clean all the plates and utensils. You shook your head fondly as you looked out the kitchen window, watching her play with the dogs. "Does she normally play with them at the office?" Ike asked. You glanced up and shook your head, "No, she'll pet them at most, since I always have her running around the office." Ike glances down at you, and then you asked, "Why?" "Oh, uhm," Ike's gaze shifts towards the plates, as though he's making sure he's rinsing them off properly, "Was just curious. Both of us are so busy, haven't really had the opportunity to spend time with her." "Mm, you two live on your own out here huh?" "Ah, well... parents passed away." There was silence, but you gently nudged him with your shoulder. He glances down, his bright blue hues filled with confusion when he meets your gentle gaze, "I'm sorry." He chuckled, "Don't worry about it. You didn't know. I'm glad she's doing well at her workplace though." His voice drifted into a murmur and he mumbled, "It was nice seeing you take care of her." "She's like a younger sister I always wanted," you admitted. Ike shook his head, "She's a handful." The laughter that tumbles out of your lips has him stunned, and you looked up at him, "What?" "No, I-" he paused, and he admitted, "Was never good at talking to people." There was a moment of silence, and Ike internally sighs. Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned that. But when he looks over to see your reaction, your shoulders are trembling and his eyes widened, "[F/N]? Are you-" "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't be laughing at you," you burst into laughter and leaned forward, resting your forehead on your forearm that was supporting your weight over the counter. "I'm so sorry, Ike. It's just-" You paused, taking in a deep breath before standing up straight. With a gentle bump with your smaller figure, you laughed, "You're fine, Ike. "I don't need you to be able to hold a conversation with me the entire time. I'm already comfortable with you the way you are, silly. Mist warned me about it, but I really don't think it's anything bad," you reassured him. After washing the last dish and relieving yourself from the gloves and gently patting his back, "Just be yourself, just like how Mist is herself." You glanced out the window, and laughed, "And speaking of your sister, maybe I should go save her from getting trampled by the dogs." Ike watched as you walked out, and he mumbled, "'Just be yourself,' huh?" A smile grows on his lips and he chuckled. The longer he knew you, the more interesting you became.
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petsupplyandmore · 6 years
What to Feed a Canine With Most cancers
Many individuals have gotten carb aware in an effort to drop extra pounds and really feel more healthy. However earlier than you toss that pizza crust or just a few french fries to your begging canine, rethink. Individuals and canine aren’t the one ones who crave carbohydrates. It seems so do most cancers cells. “Most cancers loves carbs and thrives on them,” says Jean Hofve, DVM, holistic veterinarian, best-selling creator and founding father of the Little Huge Cat web site. “Whereas early analysis was solely on lymphoma, it may possibly now be stated that each one cancers are fed by carbs. By severely limiting carbs, the canine’s system will study to perform with ketones — even the mind.” Questioning what to feed a canine with most cancers then? Let’s have a look.
Can meals actually combat most cancers in canine?
Can you actually fight canine most cancers via meals? Images ©miki-tiger | Getty Photos.
Earlier than we take a look at what to feed a canine with most cancers — does what a canine with most cancers eats actually have an effect on the illness? We’re what we eat. And that additionally applies to our canine. However are there verifiable cancer-combating meals for canine? For now, the reply needs to be perhaps.
“There aren’t any confirmed basic methods to nutritionally enhance outcomes in canine with most cancers,” says Sean Delaney, DVM, DACVN, a board-certified veterinary nutritionist who operates the location Stability It, which gives food-grade merchandise, menus and food-cooking movies. “Nonetheless, supporting identified dietary wants needs to be helpful. Not consuming sufficient energy to take care of a perfect physique situation can be a priority in a canine with most cancers. With that stated, the simplest and confirmed remedy for canine with most cancers is drug remedy and never dietary or dietary remedy.”
Nonetheless, making wholesome selections about what meals and what dietary supplements to offer your canine coping with most cancers can’t harm. It will probably solely assist.
“With most cancers, the largest concern is lack of muscle mass,” says Ernie Ward, DVM, America’s Pet Advocate and founding father of the Affiliation for Pet Weight problems Prevention. “You are attempting to feed to save lots of or protect muscle mass. “Lymphoma loves carbohydrates, so you must work along with your veterinarian to attempt to cut back the carbohydrates in your canine’s food plan and increase his food plan with extra fat and proteins.”
So, what to feed a canine with most cancers? Let’s have a look.
Images ©Getty Photos.
“I’m a fan of feeding human meals which might be loved and never poisonous to the canine with most cancers,” Dr. Delaney says. “One can search for meals that has an natural seal per the USDA Nationwide Natural Program. One would possibly choose a lean piece of meat or poultry to extend dietary protein or arginine consumption.” Dr. Hofve singles out these wholesome selections: darkish meat hen; salmon; eggs; inexperienced, leafy greens like spinach, in addition to broccoli, cucumber and cauliflower. She provides that the greens needs to be cooked to be simply digested, and the proteins needs to be contemporary and non-farmed.
What to not feed a canine with most cancers
Meals to keep away from embrace carbohydrate-loaded ones, corresponding to high-carb kibbles (there are low-carb kibbles available on the market), in addition to any folks treats excessive in carbs, corresponding to potato chips, french fries, bread and corn chips. Corn, peas and bananas needs to be skipped. Additionally keep away from giving your canine any processed proteins, corresponding to sizzling canine, ham or pig’s ears.
What dietary supplements are greatest for canine with most cancers?
When asking what to feed a canine with most cancers, you would possibly wish to take into account giving your canine some dietary supplements, too. petsupplyandmore requested our specialists to advocate dietary supplements or nutritional vitamins to offer to canine coping with most cancers.
Topping their lists:
Omega-Three fatty acids (EPA and DHA): Possessing anti-inflammatory properties, omega- 3s are important to the well being of cell membranes. Dr. Hofve recommends fish oil merchandise from non-farmed fisheries, cod liver oil and green-lipped mussels. Provides Dr. Delaney: “Contemplate marine fish oil, however the dose have to be rigorously custom-made to the dietary consumption of n-6 fatty acids within the food plan.” Adaptogens: Astragalus and Rehmannia supply many helpful pluses for the entire physique and assist to scale back stress. Provides Dr. Hofve: “They will broadly enhance immune perform and for canine on chemotherapy, they could improve white blood cell counts.” Medicinal mushrooms: They’re touted to have anti-cancer results by enhancing the immune system. Reishi mushrooms are potent and in style selections. Provides Dr. Ward: “I like to recommend mushroom extracts. There aren’t any actual research to help, however in most of my canine most cancers sufferers, it’s a identified immune stimulant to enhance the physique to combat off or decelerate cancers.” Stability It Carnivore Mix: This complement provides important minerals and nutritional vitamins.
Pattern recipe for a canine most cancers food plan
Dr. Jean Hofve is aware of firsthand the jarring affect of discovering your canine has most cancers.
When her Australian Shepherd combine, Willy, was 12 years previous, he developed a malignant hemangiopericytoma on his elbow that was surgically eliminated. It was a really aggressive tumor, however Dr. Hofve fed Willy a home made food plan and gave him a homeopathy remedy known as Ojibwa Tea (Essiac), and Willy lived cancer-free for one more two years. “Willy was particular — that’s for certain,” she says. “Even my dog-averse mom adored him.” Dr. Hofve shares this primary recipe on your canine coping with most cancers. Earlier than feeding, talk about along with your veterinarian the right way to customise this recipe on your canine’s particular wants.
75 p.c cooked fatty meat, corresponding to darkish poultry, non-farmed salmon or floor lamb (eggs can be used as a protein supply) 25 p.c non-starchy greens which might be cooked or pureed to make them straightforward on your canine to get pleasure from and completely digest. Prime picks: broccoli, cauliflower, cucumbers, mushrooms and inexperienced leafy greens. Add further fats within the type of olive oil, flaxseed oil, hempseed oil or avocado oil Present a vitamin-mineral complement authorized for canine Add a calcium complement and antioxidant mix complement
To study extra about what to feed a canine with most cancers:
Discover out extra data on canine diet and cancers at these web sites. And at all times work along side your veterinarian.
BalanceIt.com – balanceit.com Little Huge Cat – littlebigcat.com Dr. Ernie Ward – America’s Pet Advocate – drernieward.com Dr. Harvey’s Paradigm – drharveys.com Keto Pet Sanctuary – ketopetsanctuary.com  Canine Most cancers – caninecancer.com
What else are you able to do in case your canine is recognized with most cancers?
In case your canine is recognized with a type of most cancers, it’s undoubtedly time to spice up your relationship along with your veterinarian, who can advocate veterinarians board-certified in holistic medication, diet and oncology. And thoroughly critique all meals and deal with labels.
“Canine with most cancers have already got a compromised immune system — much more so if they’re on chemotherapy, so I don’t advocate uncooked meat for them,” Dr. Hofve provides. “Dietary supplements and oils needs to be typically added after cooking as a consequence of warmth’s potential to hurt them.”
Thumbnail: Images ©elenaleonova | Getty Photos.
Concerning the creator
Arden Moore, the Pet Well being and Security Coach, is a pet habits guide, grasp licensed pet first-aid teacher, creator and host of the Oh, Behave Present on Pet Life Radio. Study extra at ardenmoore.com.
Editor’s word: This text appeared in petsupplyandmore journal. Have you ever seen the brand new petsupplyandmore print journal in shops? Or within the ready room of your vet’s workplace? Subscribe now to get petsupplyandmore journal delivered straight to you! 
Learn extra about canine most cancers on petsupplyandmore.com:
from Pet Supply and More http://petsupplyandmore.com/index.php/2019/02/27/what-to-feed-a-canine-with-most-cancers/
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Four Explanation why Dropping Weight With Vegetable Weight loss plan
Four The reason why Dropping Weight With Vegetable Food plan
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Sherbet, non-fats yogurt, fruit ice, and angel food cake are all the time a very good place to start. Writer: henney That is the suitable place for you to buy any Ed Hardy commodity. Eat nuts and seeds inside a few weeks of buy and only purchase from outlets the place there is a excessive turnover of stock so. It has a really high stage return on investment, it is extremely affordable and that i can simply track who finds me by way of the phone book. Executed nicely, target advertising and marketing could be a worthwhile and price-effective technique. The pure assumption is that it’s the centrepiece in a cynical advertising and marketing campaign, an outsized instance of inflating token stewardship gestures into heroically scaled self-congratulation exercises — the odious observe called greenwashing. It’s going to be a taste-driven model,” he said. Complete Foods might have as soon as revolutionized the organic-food business, however it’s now not the only recreation in town. If the one appliances in your kitchen are an previous toaster and a hand-me-down set of dishes, it really is time to strengthen your kitchen sport.
King Soopers and City Market Recalls Deli Broccoli Salads and Coleslaw Because of Possible Health Risk https://www.fda.gov:80/FDAgov/Safety/Recalls/ucm581856.htmfda.gov/FDAgov/Safety/ …
— FoodSafetyChef, Inc. (@FoodSafetyChef) October 26, 2017
Usually, the expense is to great they usually usually tend to promote the debt on the open market to a different collector who will once more try to collect. For shoppers who prefer extra selection, Aldi has it at better prices. It is known to be some of the nutrient dense meals on earth. I didn't have so as to add any additional water or spritz the seeds after this preliminary watering. The ones which can be unique to your pond should have a food regimen that enables them grow and stay healthy. Other substances to keep away from are salt, spices, seasonings, fatty foods, sugary foods, processed foods, and something that goes unhealthy. However, that's not the case in each situation, and never all dangerous selections have affected corporations drastically. Cooking dinner for your loved ones does not should be so demanding although as long as you've got prepared a technique ahead of time of some straightforward ideas to have dinner prepared very quickly. Print article Report Add New Remark Household Relationships: How much faux and the way a lot real?
The products you purchase will usually have a much longer shelf life. Follow a half-cup serving of those or have a medium potato or yam. As an illustration, when you have got the selection among bacon and Canadian bacon, all the time choose Canadian bacon. Have you ever seen my e book? The good factor in regards to the stain removing sticks are that they're small and might match right into a purse or pocket. Sage started as a supplier of accounting methods for the smaller businesses, but via a variety of bolt on acquisitions can now offer programs for businesses of many differing types and sizes. With a £250m revenue overstatement to deal with and eight senior execs suspended on the final rely, the commentariat has not been slow to supply advice on how Tesco’s board would possibly respond. My eyes were drawn to an consideration grabbing signal as I walked into the store.
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