#now that its over im fr freaking out i could have actually died
sqirtle · 2 months
top three scariest life experiences .
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ashe-delta · 1 year
I am now reading this green tea bitch manhwa because it looked cute, last lesbian romance manhwa I read was Ring My Bell and I loved that shit.
This is like a half live reaction half thought out post so forgive how messy this post will be. I figured I’d try something different. It will also be long. The number in front shows what chapter the thought is on. TL;DR: It’s good and very sweet and cute. Ends a bit too early
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[3] this girl is a FREAK I love her so much
[4] Oh yikes that backstory is rough I don’t know about that one chief
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[5] god it’s so refreshing to just see people say “gay” after all the weird beating around the bush manga does half the time.
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[6] this is an EXCELLENT reaction image I’m gonna have to use this all the time
[6] why do I have a feeling half of this is just me going “they like me fr” over and over again
[6.X] the author’s non canon bonus panels are really cute to be honest I love that they aren’t even trying to act like they won’t get together
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[8] TRUE
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[9] hey swinging a bit too close to home there that one hurt. yowch [9] oh they’re lesbians they’re gay oh my poor heart
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[10] jesus FUCK she’s gay. Holy fuck you’re such a lesbian oh my god girl
[11] I think I just have a thing for stories about a seemingly straight person figuring out they’re gay because like Ring My Bell I find this turbo sweet
[12] Oh god. I am not immune to lesbians. holy shit. oh my god
[13] oh she’s absolutely not straight she’s fruity as fuck actually. my heart
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[14] Token gay best friends in straight media are out. Gay best friends in gay mediums are my new friend
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[15] I love her so much holy shit lol
[16] I’m going to be a puddle on the floor when this is over it’s literally over for me I can’t handle romance it’s so fucking cute
[17] oh wow she went straight to her mom that’s pretty brave. Although I guess not out of character for her. And she seems pretty cool about it too that’s fun good to see there to be no drama there.
[19] Hopeless supportive mom honestly goes so hard as an archetype
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[20] oh my god. Oh my gfucking god. Hoyj god fuck shit
[22] im not okay im not okay im not okay
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[23] oh my god I can’t it’s so cute
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[24] this is devolving into me just squealing like a school girl every chapter over how cute it is
[25] I could just read about them being mushy for 200 chapters and I still wouldn’t get bored
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[27] love that she starts as the straight person and ends up gayer than the protag
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[28] I’ve had a permanent grin on my face for a while now this is so fucking cute
[29] Wait the grin is gone why does she have to have such bad parents
[30] I don’t like her mom very much
[31] I unironically hope her mom dies of a mysterious illness I can’t believe she caught the homophobia bug fuck you mom
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[32] Supportive moms rule man
[34] That has got to be the most depressing time skip I’ve seen come on man
[37] The ending is kinda brutal how they had to not see each other for a whole year but I’m glad they get to finally live together in college it’s so sweet holy shit
This was very sweet and worth reading if you watch fluffy romance, I just wish the ending was a bit better because it was kinda out of tone compared to the rest of the manga (I honestly expected her to move in with her girlfriend since they seem financially well enough for it, it would make sense for the tone of the series). Regardless I fucking love lesbian romance
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4 am Giuliano  juliano hxh Post izugiuli
Help I just read chapter 400 and unofficial translation ofc  but Guys its GIULIANO (wham smack pow dies) 
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Some Mild spoiler up ahead + pprobably long Post LOL!  help Idk why my stomach hurts im probably hungry 
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he looks alive and well and actually well he may have More Time before all hell breaks loose in room 1006. Because as much as I want to believe and kind of hope for there beginning to be a positive outcome I am Doubting it
Izunavi seems to actually be considering some things giuliano said about the book of Tyson or Taithon and yay now were getting more exposition for Tyson as well
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Hes Got a good idea for a less... bloody outcome of the war and you can conclude from that hes beginning to hear Tyson out from his tohughts on it but Izu Do you even know the extent of the beast?? No!!! Nobody does PLEASE WAIT 
And also im just thinking shouldnt Giuli and Izu be teaching the other people nen because none of them went to kurapikas class . What will Tyson do with Nen 
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Tyson reminds me of Akhenaten and I think she’s the reason why I was so entranced by Our book “Akhenaten: Dweller in Truth” or wtv in english last year.
If you dont know, He was a Pharaoh who had been so odd and shunned by everyone and pushed his beliefs of monotheism but he was Very very peaceful and forgiving and insisted that the power of love would prevail. He would say these exact words (in the second speech bubble):
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I cant make this up!!!!!
Idk how historically accurate that book was, but gosh I loved comparing Akhenaten to Tyson so much in that book. 
Also like. unrelated but At least in this unofficial translation whats up with tysons pronounce Like I think what this now implies is that Tysons siblings use He and everybody else uses she bc of 1 time where Tserriednich used He and also this guy
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Yea idek Im #siked to get more focus from room 1006 for ovbious reasons
Im glad to see that giuli retains his personality even though his brain chemistry has been altered slightly to be more Tyson oriented. But god I am still kind of convinced he’s doomed bc of whatever the hail that “taboo” is.
I think that the taboo is like actively harming the other princes in any way and the way that the room 1006 plot seems to be heading Giuliano and Izunavi since they are hunter bodyguards and are more knowledgeable about Nen and its huge significance in the war and stuff could maybe plot something against other Princes...
Uh oh! So since Giuliano has read the book over and over again probably he will definitely get the worst of whatever consequences there are in store for him, and also Izu is p much protected since as far as we know he hasn't even read past “Chapter One: Love Will Always Prevail” 
Oh boy wel whatever...... 
Giuliano New chapter now 
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They are roleplaying and he accidentally breaks the immersion. 
I cant believe that they just straight up used the term “Roleplay” hes just like me fr but anyways Tyson shoves him into the rp like a little doorstop and he steals somebodys role
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He Looks so FREAKING CUTE IM CYRING H uerrer  jjj 
So Yea I just wanted to talk about Giuliano on Giuliano Fan Account :thumbs_up:
Here is my art. That I have recently mae of Giuliano Also He officially now appears in 11 pages so I changed the name ahahaha....
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I like these characters ,ther scrunkly and  you are too. or are you mippy. uuhh Well I dont know its almost 5 am now heart emoji I should go ok bye 
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skeletonwoman · 6 years
9. Cinema At Its Finest
honeslty, christmas movies are wyld and they literally all have the same casts and it’s just so impressive. also. this one is abt THEO RAEKEN AND EXCuse the horrific text talk but as that old text post says “its hard to make the words go [etc etc] so text speak easier or something” idk i can’t quote it perfectly whatever
You grimace as the delightful song starts filtering through your speakers. The credits are rolling, the girl got the guy, everyone is happy and the world is right.
And now you’re here, alone.
Snatching your phone from beside you, you open a text window.
Me: I mean
Me: Fr
Me: like I want a boyfriend so f*kn bad my guy
Me: But like I don’t
Me: I am strong and f*kn know that guys are bullshit
Me: but also pls love me
Me: y’know?
Me: like I f*kn hate movies but like
Me: ugh
Theo: u know I died and don’t have emotions anymore, right
Me: suck a dick
Theo: bby love me
Theo: why u text me anyway? Ur friends w girls
Theo: do u want me???
Me: ……………….ya lol take me now theodore raken
Theo: I came out to have a good time and I’m honestly feeling so attacked right now
Snorting, you beam at your phone before sighing and sitting up. Maybe you should’ve texted Lydia or Malia but they wouldn’t get it. A stupid notion, of course, everyone gets those feelings after movies but…
You grimace at the title before shoving to your feet and leaving the random holiday themed movie and your laptop behind.
“I’m here, I’m here, you can all relax,” you call, coming to a stop in the center of the room and Scott sighs.
“Finally!” Liam cheers, jumping to his feet and you turn to him with a smile, only to frown as he runs past you. “Pizzas here, guys!”
Scowling, you slump into his seat and sigh. Beside you, Theo grins at you before flopping back against your chest. You grunt at the sudden pressure but allow him to pull your arm over his front anyway.  You'd press a kiss to his forehead or something equally romantic and adorable if he wasn't wearing a Santa hat. As it is, you're having a tough time blowing the pompom away from your nose.
“That’s my seat,” Liam whines and you smirk at him.
“You wanna take my place?” You ask, nodding at Theo and he hesitates.
“I’d like to take Theos place,” he mutters under his breath and Theo growls, his clawed hand settling on your thigh possessively.
“Don’t talk to me or my undead son ever again,” you counter and Liam harrumphs but takes a seat across the room. “As your penance, you will get me a slice.”
“What? What’d I do?” Theo whines, already climbing from the circle of your arms to grab the pizza.
“You had a little peeing contest on me. It was gross.”
He hums, peeking at you over his shoulder and grinning. “Must be why you’re so stinky.”
“Honestly, I’m so freaking over you,” you growl, opening your arms as he lays back against you and taking the slice from his hand. “You’re a nightmare and a pain in the ass.”
“Hey,” he says with a scowl and you glare. “I won’t respond to your boyfriend texts next time.”
“Is that a threat?”
Beaming through your misty eyes, you set your laptop aside and snatch up your phone.
Me: wjy r all the movies abt boys
Me: like I love elle sm
Me: but im totally that other girl who snaked her in the beginning
Theo: wtf
Me: Legally Blonde
Theo: wtf x 2
Me: I want a bf n not a christmas themed one :/
Theo: just ask me out already jeez
Me: smd hoe I also want a dog and maybe a law degree
Me: def a dog and a law degree
Me: a bf could probs wait
Theo: ur killing my vibe
Me: What vibe? R u out w/out me????
Theo: I was napping
Me: sounds abt right. Come over 2mororow?
Theo: ok, feed me snakcs
Muttering to yourself, you stare at the elevator doors and wait. Clunky, industrial and orangey brown, they creak open and you step inside.
“Wait!” A voice calls and you hold the doors open, spotting Theo coming through the lobby doors. “Ah, my sweet, sweet were-pig.”
“I’m a were-tiger if I’m anything, mutt,” you hiss and he laughs, stepping in beside you. “Sucks about our plans.”
“We were probably just going to end up napping,” he says reasonably and you hum an agreement. “This is something to do.”
“I’d rather be at home napping.”
“Yep, me too.” He sighs and you grin. For a moment, you’re caught in his blue gaze and the doors slide open.
“Oh- hey! Come on in, guys,” Stiles calls from the doorway and you blink, frowning at the decided lack of holiday decorations in the interior of the apartment.
“Come on,” Theo whispers, his arm settling over your shoulders and tucking you into his side. As a pair, you waltz past Stiles and into Dereks lair. Definitely a lair considering the lack of holiday joy.
“You guys took long enough,” Malia complains and you sink down onto the couch beside her, Theo still glued to your side.
“I was doing stuff and didn’t see the message,” you mumble and Theo smiles lazily instead of responding.
“Anyway,” Scott says, clearing his throat and blushing, “we have a lot to talk about.”
Theo: girl
Theo: girl
Theo: girl
Me: I have a f*kn name
Theo: ok girl
Me: what u want, snake
Theo: mood.
Theo: y’know that mood. When post movie that’s cute or someshit
Me: omfg
Theo: my emotions aren’t as dead as my body
Me: ur boddy is very alive so
Theo: ikr fml
Me: aw boo
Laughing, you tuck the phone under your pillow and snuggle down among the blankets. This winter weather is just delightful, perfect for naps.
Stretching, you lean into the warm blankets and sigh. When they sigh back, you can’t help gasping and flailing. Kicking something, you hear a recognisable grunt and groan.
“You didn’t text me back,” he whines and you roll over and cringe. A pillow crease has left a red line down his cheek and you watch it disappear, fading like a scar over time- though in hyper speed. Why is he here?
“So you broke into my house and climbed into my bed while I was asleep?” He makes a softly protesting noise but doesn’t voice a denial. Instead, he gives you a sad look and cuddles just that little bit closer.
“I wanted to hang out,” he says softly and you grunt noncommittally. Who cares about hanging out- you were napping.
“Liam exists.”
“Liam doesn’t like me.”
“You know,” he starts, voice getting serious and you push your leg between his calves. “The pack only tolerates me cause you like me. None of them actually like me, they actively dislike me.”
“That’s crazy of them-”
“Thank you.”
“Thinking I like you. Why would I like you?” You tease and he growls. The sound draws a smile from your lips, only for a laugh to escape your belly when he turns his fingers into claw shapes and digs them into your sides. “Ah! Werewolf hands!”
Your bluff works but only for a moment when he pauses, pulling his hands back and inch to check. Proven wrong, he digs his entirely human fingers and nails into your sides once more.
“N- not fair!” You gasp out, shrieking another laugh. His grin is savagely delighted and you’re about to shove him off you when a knock on your door has the both of you freezing.
“I’m alive! All good! I saw- uh, a really good vine. Patrick Charlton…” You answer awkwardly, silence following your words as Theo fights to contain a laugh. Smacking a palm over his mouth, you clutch him to your chest and wait.
“Okay, don’t wake the neighbours.”
“Will do!” You agree quickly and heave a sigh of relief as footsteps sound down the hallway. Theo snickers against your hand and you bare your teeth at him.
“You absolute rat,” you snarl, still holding him tight to your chest and you feel him grin under your hand.
“You’re the one who couldn’t keep quiet,” he muffles and you have to let him go or you’ll break his neck.
“So you two aren’t dating?” Lydia stares, a crease between her eyebrows and an uncomprehending look in her eyes. All around the room stare similar expressions.
“No! What? I would never.” You scoff, looking down when you feel Theo twist around and look up at you. Your arms hang over his shoulders and down his chest, his back against your stomach and his head pillowed on your chest. Or it was, moments ago. No Santa hat this time though- because he'd stuck it on your head instead.
“Rude!” He gapes, glaring at you. “What do you mean never?”
“What do you mean what do you mean never?”
“I thought my question was pretty clear.”
“And I thought I was too. Why? Do you want to date me or something?”
“What the f*ck? Gross, no.”
“Okay, what the f*ck do you mean by gross?”
“So you guys aren’t dating?” Malia puts in but you can’t even look away at this point. Theo. Theo just called you gross.
“You can’t get angry, you said you wouldn’t date me,” he argues and you blink at him, looking him up and down- sort of.
“I didn’t- I would but like…”
“What does “but like” mean?”
“It means what it means, jeez, back off,” you snap, pushing him off you but you can’t get him to budge too far. He’s too invested in this awfully embarrassing and public conversation. In fact, he rolls over completely so his chest is pressed to your belly and his arms are around your waist.
“So… Definitely not dating?” Scott asks and you spare him half a glare.
“Well we are now,” you grumble, glaring at your spectators, spectators who happen to be very interested in the various pulls of thread on their clothes.
“What do you mean “we are now”?”
“It means exactly what I said, honestly, I know dying can kill parts of your brain but I didn’t think this was a symptom.” You scowl at him and he glares, begrudgingly rising to his hands and knees and pressing a soft kiss to your cheek.
“You’re such a bitch. All the f*cking time.” His words are a whisper, sweet and gentle to the ear and you shoot him a dark look. Stilling, you’re caught like a cobra in a song. The unadulterated affection on his face, written in his eyes, has you transfixed.
as i schedule this fic, i am late to posting one from like 4 days previous woops
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bwicblog · 7 years
TC: h=owdy fr=om several h=ours in the future
MD: What are you doing se:veral hours in the future?
MD: This is Cyrrus, by the way. I'm uh MD: Tallow's friend. MD: My palmhusk came in.
SA: im dead and I'm back at my hotel. starving.
AH: what, really, Prisma?
AH: did you not buy food?
VV: ♚ ~ Room service, Honeycomb. Room service...It'd be rather upsetting if you simply wasted away, yes?
AH: lmao I don't think he's _that_ stupid.
AH: Only someone who deserves to be culled anyway just sits there and lets themselves die.
VV: ♚ ~ Oh my! Such a strong opinion. But I guess one so well suited for this world like a blueblood would have the most reasonable views on the matter anyway. Survival of the fittest and all that!
TT: hah The fu(\/)king nerd forgoT To eaT
AH: He was a little fucking busy.
AH: Also where the fuck have you been, it's been forever.
VV: ♚ ~ So many royal hues tonight oh my. hehe I'd say it's an honor but I think we all know where the honors lie. With all of us. Naturally.
TT: iTs been a few days (\/)hill The fu(\/)k Tf ouT TT: why did you miss me so mu(\/)h
TT: lol whaT
VV: ♚ ~ hm?
VV: ♚ ~ I know you're wonderfully educated. I feel reiterating myself would simply be offensive.....What is your name? I don't particularly enjoy just typing 'TT' to someone of such standing.
TT: whaT is even ^ wiTh you like wiTh The (\/)rown and The royalTy Talk like whaT TT: i donT parTi(\/)ularly enjoy jusT Typing To you eiTher so i mean
VV: ♚ ~ It's called an aesthetic and image which I'm shocked you don't care about.
AH: what, really? I must've missed you then. And I didn't but I wondered if your dumb ass crawled off and died or something.
VV: ♚ ~ Ohoho
AH: why are you het up about the poncy rust, TT
AH: this chatroom has way worse dickbags
VV: ♚ ~ Perdia Averic's my name. I appreciate the observation but my name is much more delightful I think.
AH: Read that as Purrdia for five seconds. You're a meowbeast in my head now.
VV: ♚ ~ oh how cute I'm rather okay with this :3c A lovely one I hope, one of those long haired cuties.
AH: uhhh I was just thinking like, a generic cat, I'm not that great with animals.
AH: what kind are you talking about. because I don't know fuck shit about cats, honestly. They eat squeakbeasts and roll around in catnip. That's it.
VV: ♚ ~ A long haired, cutey one it is. I got one for my dearest, Dolora recently here they look like this.
_VV has sent meowmeow .jpg_
SA: cats are much more precious than that.
RS: | Dolora has a Meowbeast | ? | How Charming |
SA: No, Sipara's comment about emerel and pheres banging and Hadean's kink 101 lessons quite did me in.
AH: Oh that's kinda cute.
VV: ♚ ~ Ah! I'm glad the darling honeycomb didn't expire.
SA: I don't want to eat anymore.
SA: ever, actually.
AH: ...their WHAT now
RS: | I didn't Think He wa the Ty
AH: never mind
RS: | What |
AH: I don't wanna know
VV: ♚ ~ And yes my dearest Dolora has a meow-beast. A lovely troll named Steamy said I should get it for him. So he is less lonely when I can't be around.
AH: lol, STEAMY?
VV: ♚ ~ Also....Prisma excuse me but what
AH: What kind of name is that.
RS: | Yes | I think | I am Going to Ignore That as Well |
RS: | Because I also Do Nott WAnt to Know | Frankly |
RS: | Tell Us about Your Cat | =:B | ! |
AH: also lmao at Hadean. I bet he's a total virgin.
AH: It'd explain his bad mood.
VV: ♚ ~ I think the blue blood here is much more interested in intimate details of others than a purrbeast. 0:
VV: ♚ ~ I haven't a clue as to what sort of name that is for a Madam but it was the one I was given so Steamy it is. Is your name any better for that matter though? I'd truly love to know it, as it's only polite seeing as I've given my own~
AH: what, mine?
VV: ♚ ~ I'd say no the other AH initial having blue blood, but I really do admire your boldness! So yes you deary.
AH: Idk, maybe you were talking to Pheres, I don't know your life.
AH: I'm Gliese.
WC: ~(Hello hello ^_^)
AH: well somebody's cheerful.
WC: ~(Wait did someone say my name?)
AH: cull an enemy or something?
WC: ~(I still regret giving you the idea for that poor cat) WC: ~(Is it at least getting fed?)
WC: ~(Haha, no. I'm just like this, I guess!)
AH: oh my god
VV: ♚ ~ Please to meet you Gliese-- VV: ♚ ~ No no it's a great cat!! It's being extremely well taken care of. I LOVE Prince Player Slayer.
AH: Your lusus actually named you _Steamy._
AH: ahahaha oh my god
VV: ♚ ~ And I'm sure Dolora does as well
WC: ~(Prince what)
AH: You named it fucking _Player Slayer_.
AH: That's the stupidest thing ever, I'm laughing my face off.
VV: ♚ ~ PRINCESS Player Slayer.
WC: ~(Well isn't that a bowl and a half of sugargrubs)
AH: bowl and a half of idiot crazy, lmao.
SA: what does being a "total virgin" have to do with someone's ... mood..
SA: I too am a "total virgin" and it doesn't change the fact i've been lobotomized.
WC: ~(Oh, it's just a silly insult!) WC: ~(There's really no problem with being the not pailing type!)
SA: I ordered sushi.
AH: I was joking, Prisma
SA: again.
AH: jeez
SA: I don't believe you.
VV: ♚ ~ Yes, Prisma, has the right idea. Being judgmental of my darling Princess is not a thing to do.
VV: ♚ ~ Who apparently has many things also going on . Enlightening.
AH: oh come on I _know_ Hadean's grumpiness just comes from his inherent trash fire of a personality, not a lack of being laid
SA: He isn't a trash fire. I rather like him.
AH: Oh I think he's great
SA: You on the other hand are another story.
AH: but he's a total trash fire
SA: My little princess, I'm sorry I kept disappearing on you,
WC: ~(Who's Hadean again?)
SA: I'm happy to have finally seen you.
SA: You are very cute.
VV: ♚ ~ Oh~? A trash...fire...sounds interesting.
WC: ~(I can barely keep up with all these names!)
AH: he's ID on here, redblood dude, professional food moocher and picker of stupid fights.
VV: ♚ ~ Thank you ❤ I thought so as well. You're just as handsome as your picture was. A pleasant surprise with how many simply lie.
VV: ♚ ~ Define a stupid fight. I want to know more now!
SA: a fight not unlike the one I was in with...
SA: I've forgotten their name 😦
WC: ~(ID? What?)
WC: ~(Wait that's right)
WC: ~(Different ID)
Sa: and of course. I have nothing to gain by lying to you about my looks 😃
SA: did you have fun at the fair?
AH: What, didn't you hear? He fought a jadeblood dude. a.k.a MN. a.k.a Emerel
AH: They both fucked each other up.
WC: ~(Oh my god) WC: ~(Are they okay?)
AH: Idk, haven't seen Em yet, but Hadean's fine...ish.
AH: ...I want to see Em, but I don't think they'd want me around.
AH: Which fair I guess.
RS: | That is About Right |
SA: Emerel is signifiantly less fucked up, but they still look like trash.
RS: | You had Plenty of Opportunity to Visit After the Fight |
SA: but I only saw them briefly
RS: | But He is Recuperating |
RS: | So | No | No Visitors | =:) |
VV: ♚ ~ A jade blood, oh my.
VV: ♚ ~ Sorry Honeycomb, I did have loads of fun but I'm rather intrigued by this supposed blood lust that has happened oh my!
AH: Oh please, Pheres, like you weren't freaking the hell out. And you wouldn't have let me in anyway. You don't have to pretend.
AH: I get it.
SA: it was exciting until it turned into a fight to the death.
SA: then it was less exciting.
RS: | Am I Pretending | ? | I thought I Said Outright | You are Not Wanted as a Visitor | =:? |
WC: ~(How awful) WC: ~(I certainly hope he recovers soon!)
AH: You said I could have visited after the fight, but I know full well that wouldn't have gone well.
AH: But it's fine. I'll see him later.
AH: I'm just glad he's recovering.
VV: ♚ ~If It was as deadly as is being told I truly wonder if a speedy recovery is possible?
RS: | Oh | Please | RS: | We have No Idea How that Would've Gone | Given You were Busy Fussing over Hadean |
SA: :3c
AH: Uh, yeah, considering he was in trouble.
RS: | But | Let's not Drag Out a Fight Into Public Like This |
WC: ~(Is this really what you want to fight about?)
RS: | It's Unbecoming |
VV: ♚ ~ No, no. It gives some good unbiased opinions on the matter!
VV: ♚ ~ There's two sides to every story and all that of course
WC: ~(Perdia. I don't feel like unbiased is the word you're looking for)
VV: ♚ ~ Oh but it is I promise!
RS: | Hahaha | Do You Constitute as Unbiased | ? | =:P |
WC: ~(Somehow I don't feel like unbiased is in your vocabulary)
AH: Sure there is, but your eagerness makes me kinda uncomfortable.
VV: ♚ ~ I have no idea who anyone or anything is. I have no bias. Negative.
VV: ♚ ~ Pure minded as they come!
WC: ~(Uh uh)
AH: So whatever, I guess.
WC: ~(Speaking of, why ARE you fake dating your matesprit?)
AH: wow.
WC: ~(What do you get out of that in terms of benefits?)
RS: | Perhaps I will Give You the Details in Private | Then |
RS: | In the Name of Gaining Relevant Second-ha | RS: | Hahaha | Heavens |
AH: one door closes another opens I guess.
VV: ♚ ~ I must admit the eagerness is in partial that I haven't had a particularly interesting--- VV:♚ ~ Excuse me
VV: ♚ ~ He is NOT fake
RS: | Who is Your Matesprit | Again | ? |
VV: ♚ ~ You can ask Dolora himself of our status!
SA: but little princess, that just means we can sabotage all of it.
WC: ~(You weren't exactly...good at hiding the fact that you don't care much about him)
RS: | Oh | ! | Dolora | ! |
AH: hahah wow
RS: | How Charming |
AH: who the heck is Dolora
VV: ♚ ~ I purchased him a meowbeast, to make up for my absence. I care a LOT about him
SA: Oh, perdia you have a matesprit?
RS: | She Does | ! | Evidently |
VV: ♚ ~ I do.
WC: ~(No, you got it to torture him)
WC: ~(I was there, remember?)
VV: ♚ ~ I did nothing of the sort.
WC: ~(Uh huh)
SA: Oh, that's exicitng news.
SA: I didn't know that.
WC: ~(If you say so >-> )
SA: 😢 now you will never truly be my little princess 💎
VV: ♚ ~ It's incredibly exciting and romantic and pleasurable. Being accused of anything less of my dedication to him it's rather upsetting--
SA: I'm teasing.
WC: ~(If you say so, dear.)
VV: ♚ ~ Ah! You almost had me Honeycomb
SA: If she says it';s romantic and pleasurable and exciting and she says she's faithful
SA: then she's faithful.
SA: why antagonize her furhter.
RS: | Oh | Don't Worry | Prisma |
RS: | Teasing or Not |
SA: Why so, Pheres?
RS: | Young Love is Rarely a Lasting Thing | =:B | Give It Five Sweeps |
RS: | I am Sure She will be There | To be Swept Off of Her Feet |
VV: ♚ ~ Hmph
SA: then what's your current relationship?
RS: | | I am Teasing | By the Way |
AH: lmao I side with Pheres on this one.
TT: i swear To fu(\/)king god if anoTher shiTTy ass supporT main ruins anoTher one of my games i am going To piss on everyThing everyone loves and break someone's fooT.
AH: young quads are - LOL HI
TT: also whaT did i miss
AH: not much
AH: sounds like you've been having a hell of a time though lmao
VV: ♚ ~ Is there a plan to be sweeping me off my feet? VV: ♚ ~ Ah, the crabby one has returned
WC: ~(Why don't you tell us how you really feel)
RS: | Hahaha | Unlikely to Last Past Ascension | Given Our Castes | RS: | But You Know That | So It's a rather Unkind Thing to Bring Up | Prisma |
VV: ♚ ~ You sound the sort to piss on anything regardless of being angered enough to do so
RS: | Did I Upset You | ? | =:( |
SA: It was unkind of you to bring it up to perdia as a joke or not.
SA: feelings are very real, no matter how short they are.
SA: or how idealistic and naive.
TT: all i feel is anger and vinager running Through my veins
AH: you are not the dude I expected a defense of young love from, Prisma, so I admit this kinda throws me
WC: ~(Would you like a chocolate bar)
AH: what're you gonna do
AH: beam it to them through the internet?
SA: i find feelings to be very important, seeing as I cannot feel them myself
TT: my lusus Tells me To never Take (\/)andy from sTrangers when he was alive
TT: buT The biT(\/)h is dead so whaT flavor
RS: | Heavens | I did Upset You | RS: | My Apologies | ! | It was a Joke | One that She Herself did Not Appear to Take Remiss |
WC: ~(That wasn't literal, Gliese)
AH: Then how can you find them important if you don't feel anything.
SA: It's fine.
WC: ~(I don't even have any chocolate anyway!)
SA: I am calm.
VV: ♚ ~ I'm not, dearest Honeycomb. HAHA!
SA: like always 😒
TT: i haTe This (\/)haT everyone lies
WC: ~(I'm sorry you had a bad day) WC: ~(I hope it gets better!)
SA: You're not what--
RS: | Calm | ? |
VV: ♚ ~ Calm. but I also kid. I'm fine. It's fine.
SA: oh. Good.
VV: ♚ ~ Everyone's just so incredibly colorful here.
SA: this is good.
VV: ♚ ~ what isn't there to be calm about.
SA: I'm always calm Pheres, that was the joke.
SA: Hah. I have gotten you.
SA: like you have gotten me.
RS: | | | | Haha | =:? |
WC: ~(Sorry! >=<)
VV: ♚ ~ Chocolate, rage and vinegar. You're going to keel over and have a pusher attack at this rate my god.
WC: ~(My matesprit brought me some earlier but I kind of....ate it...all of it.......)
TT: i am like eighT i (\/)anT die so TT: anyway ThaT is unforTunaTe if They really loved you They wouldve given you more (\/)ho(\/)olaTe
SA: food is the ultimate display of love.
AH: booooring
WC: ~(I think he was also being chased by angry bluebloods or something at the time) WC: ~(So I didn't see him for long)
AH: why not having cool adventures together as the ultimate display of love.
WC: ~(Oh, we do!)
AH: That wasn't at you but okay cool.
WC: ~(Whoops, sorry)
AH: good to know you're not totally boring
SA: Pheres, you called emerel habibi
SA: are you from that area?
SA: I speak that language.
RS: | Oh | ! |
RS: | Haha | Ah | Yes |
TT: The only boring one here is The one Talking abouT languages To be Tbqh
SA: and I don't care what you think since you're pissing on things that make you angry like a spoiled grub 😃
AH: Languages aren't bad.
WC: ~(I wish I had a crunchy chocolate bar to offer you)
SA: I didn't spend very long there, but I remember the ocean.
AH: Man, get the stick out of your bum, it's not even funny anymore.
SA: I wish I could go back.
RS: | Well | Why don't You | ? | It's hardly Moved | Haha |
TT: you wish you goT The sTi(\/)k in your bum ba(\/)k????
WC: ~(Scandalous!)
SA: i feel like if I did it would ruin the illusion. You know, like rosetinted classes.
SA: perhaps I'm only fond of it because I don't completely grasp it.
WC: ~((. ◕ o ◕.))
SA: Do you visit it, very often?
RS: | The Ocean is Nice | Ah | My Hivestem was Farther In-land than That | But | RS: | I Saw It as an Adolescent | It | - | RS: | Hahaha | Glasses | =:B |
SA: Oh.
SA: yes, glasses.
MD: Hello.
SA: 😊
RS: | Mm | ! | Meukit Lives in Hanhai | Which | is One of the Northern Regions | of the Southern Hemisphere | RS: | So I Visit It Frequently |
RS: | I Suspect Yours may be Farther South | We've only Got a Touch of Coast |
MD: Coast where?
RS: | ? |
RS: | Oh | Ocean Coast | !|
MD: What does that look like?
VV: ♚ ~ Ah, nice, travel talk. I come back to more pleasant things. I'm so delighted~ VV: ♚ ~ Yes, do describe it in great detail. Make a slide show even, a full presentation.
SA: Meukit?
SA: Oh, it most likely was... I just remember a very large, gleaming city. It was like marble.
DD: A busy ᵰight full of oceaᵰ talk. Color ᵯe surprised.
SA: that was it, though. That and the ocean.
MD: Hello, Servitor.
VV: ♚ ~ Sounds incredibly lovely~ VV: ♚ ~ Servitor....?
RS: | Meukit | ! | cerebral Cottontail | He is on Here | Sometimes | He's got a Lovely Fashion Blog | RS: | And | Oh | That sounds Lovely | Yes | It was not Hanhai | Then | Haha | RS: | Our Cities are | Mm | | | Sooty | or Else | They're Temasek | =:B |
SA: Oh, is he perhaps the blue one?
AH: Frickin' clown-filled Temasek.
RS: | You should Visit Us | Then | RS: | It can Hardly Destroy Your Nostalgia |
DD: Ah. Hello agaiᵰ.
SA: perhaps I will. I want to travel.
RS: | But | Perhaps You will Find It Charming |
RS: | Mm | He is the Blue One |
SA: I've met him, briefly. I think...
SA: they were interesting to talk to.
MD: How is your lusus?
VV: ♚ ~ Allow me to join you if you do Prisma! I'm rather interested myself...and am in need of some proverbial leg stretching. Dense cities get to be too much often.
SA: Do you live in Provenence, Perdia?
SA: Pheres, do the cities there have the early markets? I've heard about them while reading about other cities.
DD: Sated for the ᵰight. Aᵰd how are you? Have you beeᵰ reflectiᵰg oᵰ what I told you before?
MD: Yes sir. MD: I think I':ve been doing well.
RS: | Yes | ! | We Do | Haha |
MD: Thank you for teaching me, sir.
RS: | All of the Cities Do |
DD: Well it's the least I caᵰ do. Are you acquaiᵰtaᵰces with the other trolls iᵰ this chatrooᵯ?
MD: I know Pheres.
MD: Hi Pheres.
RS: | | But | Oh | Hold On | RS: | I'm Sorry to Cut This Short | But | RS: | There is Something I Need to Deal Wit | ? | ? |
SA: do they? That's amazing... I need to acquire fresh dates. We had dates, I think. Perdia, we could go to the market and get dates.
SA: Oh, yes.
SA: take care, Pheres.
MD: Oh MD: Bye.
RS: | Hello | ! | RS: | Ah | Forgive Me | I'm not Placing a Name to Your Handle |
MD: It's Cyrrus.
RS: | Oh | ! |
RS: | Cyrrus | ! |
RS: | Hello | =:B | How are You | ? |
MD: Pretty good! Tallow isn't hurt today.
DD: Ah. The ᵯarooᵰ is Pheres. I see.
MD: So it's a good day.
DD: Well. Oᵰe of the ᵯarooᵰs.
RS: | | Wait | No | RS: | Ahh | Let Me Message You Later Tonight | ! | And We will Talk | I Promise | RS: | I need to Check on Emerel | =:( | My Sincere Apologies |
MD: What happened to Emerel?
MD: Is he okay?
VV: ♚ ~ I do not reside there but further inland actually Prisma!! VV: ♚ ~ Oh more guests~
RS: | Later | ! | I will Tell You Later | Haha |
MD: Okay
MD: See ya
VV: ♚ ~ Tah,tah~
SA: Further inland... That would be easy for me to reach. We could tour provenance if you would like.
DD: I hope I didᵰ't frighteᵰ hiᵯ off. ᵯarooᵰs caᵰ be so delicate.
MD: No MD: Emerel is his matesprit.
SA: I think Pheres is stronger than that.
MD: Did something happen? Does anyone know?
VV: ♚ ~ !! I'd adore that. Ballet is having some off time anyway, I should take hold of the opportunity. VV:♚ ~ I'm rather unsure actually if anything happened....Citrus was it?
MD: Cyrrus.
DD: Aᵰd Eᵯerel is...?
MD: His..matesprit. He's green.
MD: I don't know much else.
MD: He mostly talks to my friend more than he does me.
VV: ♚ ~ Oh that makes much more sense then. I'd have thought you wouldn't match such a fruit name after all.
DD: Ah. Hᵯ. Well good for the ᵯarooᵰ. Pheres. I'ᵯ sure greeᵰ is a good step for hiᵯ.
DD: Is the other ᵯarooᵰ botheriᵰg you ᵯD? Or. Cyrrus I suppose.
MD: I'm not : very fruity, no. MD: Whoops.
MD: Ah MD: It's okay. I don't mind.
VV: ♚ ~ Other maroon...
DD: Hᵯ. Well, if you say so. Yes, you. You're the other ᵯarooᵰ.
VV: ♚ ~ Excuse me, my higher hued companions, but I'd truly appreciate my name. Here! Let's start this over with proper introductions. VV: ♚ ~ Perdia Averic, pleased to make your acquaintance~
VV: ♚ ~ There~ Now I'm not just 'another maroon' I'm _a particular maroon_.
MD: Uh MD: Nice to meet you.
DD: Hᵯ. You ᵯay call ᵯe Servitor. Particular ᵯarooᵰ Perdia.
VV: ♚ ~ Charmed I'm sure, Cyrrus and Serpintine.
VV: ♚ ~ Oop! I meant Servitor.
MD: Now you're just doing this on purpose.
VV: ♚ ~ Had my nails done today it makes typing tricky at times haha
VV: ♚ ~ I truly apologize from the bottom of my pusher.
DD: Lowblood two-facedᵰess is ᵰot welcoᵯe. Try to keep your ᵯaᵰᵰers.
VV: ♚ ~ Not two faced at all I assure you! A singular face truly trying their best at the moment dearest seadweller. VV: ♚ ~ I take great pride in my appearance so really, I do mean that my nails can make it...rather difficult to type. VV: ♚ ~ You'd be astonished just how untrustworthy talk-to-text programs can be.
MD: That's how you actually talk???
DD: ᵯᵯᵯ. I suppose you ᵯust treasure your looks while they reᵯaiᵰ.
VV: ♚ ~ Do you mean my speaking pattern or something else darling?
VV: ♚ ~ If it's the speaking then why shouldn't I put on my best voice for such high company?
MD: You uh MD: Uh.... MD: Not to be rude, but you sound like the overmade villianess in a story.
DD: Cyrrus. Have you ᵰot experieᵰced a lowblood tryiᵰg to please?
D: I ᵯust adᵯit. Soᵯe do a lot better thaᵰ others. But the poor thiᵰg is tryiᵰg.
MD: Of course I ha:ve.
VV: ♚ ~ My apologies if it comes across as such! -- I am no poor thing however I assure you.
MD: I just ha:ven't run into anyone this bad at it.
VV: ♚ ~ Mmmm I do have eyes I can read just as well as you can.
DD: Of course you areᵰ't, Predie.
MD: Perdia, this isn't a good place for you. MD: You should lea:ve.
VV: ♚ ~ I'll admit you both may be a tad correct however in it not being the right approach! It's enough for cooler hues but not ones of such a cooled hue such as yourselves. VV: ♚ ~ I'm staying.
AH: oh my god
AH: fucking fishfaces
AH: lol yeah fight the power
D: ᵰow Cyrrus, doᵰ't be rude.
VV: ♚ ~ Perdia. Perdia. Not Predie, however close to pretty that name is.
VV: ♚ ~ I know for a fact you can read and write, despite what you're showing me right now.
AH: idk Perdia maybe they're just really good at faking
MD: Sorry sir. MD: Sorry Perdia.
VV: ♚ ~ I've seen better faking from a wriggler pretending to rest.
AH: lmao wow
VV: ♚ ~ Am i wrong in my statement?
AH: probably not lol
DD: Ah. The little ᵯarooᵰ has teeth wheᵰ it coᵯes to a keyboard. How quaiᵰt.
VV: ♚ ~ Perdia.
AH: you do know you sound like a huge tool right.
MD: I...don't actually know why you keep talking about your reading abilities? MD: You just said you were on chat to text!
AH: Not saying her name doesn't make you look powerful or cool, pinky.
AH: You just look like a dick.
DD: I suppose that ᵯakes you. Brave by calliᵰg ᵯe Piᵰky theᵰ?
AH: If you get off on intentionally being an ass because society lets you then you're just pathetic lmao.
AH: It's not brave if I'm just calling it like I see it lol.
MD: Can we stop fighting please?
AH: what, haven't got the stomach for it
VV: ♚ ~ I am on chat to text but I DO read the screen. It's a program where i push ONE button instead of the many on my keyboard then SPEAK so it may type for me.
VV: ♚ ~ Fighting looks much worse dearest I assure you. A little harmless disagreement is all that seems to be. Any of this really.
AH: lmao yeah
DD: Really Cyrrus, this isᵰ't a fight. You're a tiᵯid thiᵰg, areᵰ't you?
MD: No sir. MD: It just seems like a wasted effort to argue in a public chat.
VV: ♚ ~ I think we're bonding!
DD: Yes. Boᵰdiᵰg.
AH: lmao, Cyrrus, the point of the internet is for public arguing
AH: duh
DD: Pretty ᵯuch. Though it's a bit less fuᵰ wheᵰ you just drag it out aᵰd shiᵰe a spotlight oᵰ it.
VV: ♚ ~ See! All normal. Nothing to fluff your gills over. Or what have you that seadwellers do!
MD: I don't fluff my gills.
MD: They don't even ha:ve fluff.
VV: ♚ ~ Fluff doesn't pertain only to fur or actual fluff, honey.
MD: Tell me about seadweller gills, please, Perdia.
VV: ♚ ~ Simply to create volume etcetera
AH: lol I guess if fish know anything they probably know their own shit
DD: Soᵯe seadwellers have filaᵯeᵰts that are rather flashy.
VV: ♚ ~ Do you actually want me to talk about seadweller gills? I'd feel like a professor of some sort if I lecture.
MD: I didn't get that one. Just normal gills.
VV: ♚ ~ I know they're a weak spot for some and an EXCITING spot for others.
DD: Geᵰerally the surface seadwellers ᵯoreso thaᵰ the deeper oᵰes.
VV: ♚ ~ And that's my knowledge on that.
MD: Gross
VV: ♚ ~ I won't correct you on that.
AH: oh my god wow
AH: boy am I being _educated_ tonight
VV: ♚ ~ That was my exact reaction learning such a thing too!
AH: Lmao
AH: I'm sure it was
DD: I would chaᵰge it to a weak spot for all really though.
VV: ♚ ~ Not even from hearsay at that! You try having a nice meal with a seadweller and learning such a thing.
VV: ♚ ~ How can gills be a weakspot for all if we lower hues don't even have gills.
DD: All those with gills, ᵰaturally.
VV: ♚ ~ If you attack hard enough anything and anywhere can be a weakspot I'm sure. Which is easy for anyone brutish enough!
MD: How about we just make it a nothing spot and lea:ve it at that
DD: I'ᵯ sure you could teach us all about brutishᵰess Perdia.
VV: ♚ ~ A primeballerina wouldn't know anything of the sort beyond brutal practices.
AH: lmao yeah pull the other leg
AH: dancing can be deadly as hell
AH: comballet never stopped being a thing
DD: Hᵯ. You are the secoᵰd lowblood I have spokeᵰ to iᵰ here that practices ballet.
VV: ♚ ~ Oh don't go and give all the secrets away shhh~ ❤
SA: i apologize I fell asleep.
SA: what have i missed.
VV: ♚ ~ I'm being bullied by seadwellers. It was truly awful.
AH: yeah they were dicks
AH: well mostly the fuchsia
AH: violet here seems more confused than anything
MD: Hey
MD: What did I e:ven do to you?
SA: Oh.
AH: nothing that's why you get 'confused' instead of 'douchebag'
SA: 🤺 i will fight.
DD: Bullied ᵰow. Hᵯᵯ. Truly I aᵯ sure you are cryiᵰg your eyes out.
VV: ♚~ Fight for my honor, my honeycomb prince :"(
AH: lmao
DD: ...What's wroᵰg with this yellowblood?
AH: Prisma? He's a little weird, otherwise nothing
VV: ♚ ~ I am. But at least my makeup is all waterproof so nothing is ruined from it I simply look amazing as usual.
SA: What would you think is wrong with me?
SA: It's the least I could do, dear little princess.
AH: lmao he's a fish probably thinks we're all wrong for not kissing his feet
VV: ♚ ~ ✨
SA: I still have plenty leftover from my last duel for your honor.
DD: ...AH. Is this... Roleplayiᵰg...?
AH: no, we'd have to have
AH: what's his face
SA: No, we are simply being silly.
AH: Tallow?
AH: We'd have to have him in here, that's when roleplay hour happens
DD: I see.
VV: ♚ ~ I'm never silly, simply....mmm...less than genuine for the sake of fun. There that makes it sound classier.
MD: He's sleeping.
SA: I don't kiss anyone's feet, also.
SA: Hyperbolic?
AH: lol yeah
VV: ♚ ~ Yes!
AH: who would _actually_ kiss someone's feet
AH: that's totally stupid
VV: ♚ ~ Oh you'd be surprised.
DD: I would rather you didᵰ't. Seeiᵰg as how I aᵯ at least 500 feet uᵰderwater. I thiᵰk it would be hard for you.
AH: oh god don't fucking tell me if people do
AH: I don't want to know
AH: god you're worse than Prisma, at least he has a sense of humor
VV: ♚ ~ I'll not tell you then!
AH: I've been saved
AH: praise be to mother grub
SA: in Hadean's world that may be part of Kink 101
SA: I will not let this go, I am so very upset.
DD: ...I... Hᵯ.
VV: ♚ ~ Kink 101...
AH: I'm gonna get him just for saying that. I'll buy him a hamburger and then _throw it away in front of him_
SA: cover your ears, princess.
AH: just to get revenge
VV: ♚ ~ I'm well ahead of you I'd truly rather not know oh my
DD: I do ᵰot. Thiᵰk I waᵰt to kᵰow about laᵰddweller kiᵰks.
AH: why are seadweller ones better
AH: and don't you dare fucking answer
AH: because I've never wanted to know anything less in my life
AH: but since you seem allergic to jokes
AH: I figure I'd better fucking clarify
MD: Why are we talking about peoples' kinks?!
D: Well. Siᵰce you said ᵰot to.
MD: How is that not pri:vate?!
AH: oh my god, what are you, 6?
DD: I could reveal soᵯe of the ᵯysteries.
AH: _No_
MD: Does it matter?!
DD: (c:)
AH: lmao you're being a weenie so yes but no seriously I am so gone if pinky starts revealing his true nature as a pervert
MD: Why are you obesessed with public kinks? MD: Are YOU going to go and trigger peoples' kinks?!
AH: oh my GOD I was KIDDING
VV: ♚ ~ Aw a 6 sweep old!! Hello darling aren't you precious. Oh I simply must turn the other cheek here, adorable. Really. Grubby I'm sure but adorable.
MD: No, I'm not 6.
DD: I aᵯ ᵰot goiᵰg to reveal aᵰythiᵰg. But it is fuᵰ. Kiddiᵰg.
SA: 😂
MD: I didn't e:ven say I was.
VV: ♚ ~ Oh boo. So you're just childish? Ahhh how utterly dissapointing.
SA: i love being facetious it went over 50% of the heads in this chat.
SA: i can rest well tonight.
DD: I'ᵯ coᵰcerᵰed there's soᵯethiᵰg wroᵰg with that yellowblood.
SA: I'm concerned that you find me concerning. I'm quite well, thank you.
VV: ♚ ~ I'm gravely concerned there's much more wrong with you and your friend .
SA: I do not need your concern nor do I want it.
SA: I agree with Perdia.
DD: Well we ᵯust agree to disagree oᵰ which side is coᵰcerᵰiᵰg I suppose.
AH: spoilers it's you
D: Agree to disagree. (c:)
VV: ♚ ~Being stubborn isn't very royal like you know~
TC: evenin all
MD: Hi.
TC: h=owdy
SA: i still wish to know what you find so concerning about me.
DD: ...Stubborᵰᵰess keeps throᵰes, soᵯe would say.
SA: most people think I'm a fucking delight.
DD: You appear to fall asleep at. Raᵰdoᵯ? Aᵰd scrolliᵰg up I saw ᵯeᵰtioᵰ of a lobotoᵯy?
VV: ♚ ~ Evening~
SA: Oh.
SA: Hah.
SA: I get tired very easily.
MD: Um, please excuse the concerned chat. MD: It's :very...concerning.
SA: Hadean isn't here to stop me from dumping my life story.
AH: yeah he just passes out but he's fine
SA: So I will exercise caution.
SA: and do it myself.
SA: 😃
VV: ♚ ~ Oh jolly, story time~
AH: lmao
DD: As far as I'ᵯ aware, ᵯost lowbloods do ᵰot get parts of their thiᵰkpaᵰs reᵯoved is all.
AH: it better be good, Prisma
AH: yeah well as far as I'm aware most fish don't start with thinkpans to begin with because they think money works instead
MD: !!!
MD: Why would you take out part of someone's thinkpan?!
AH: so what are we gonna do here
MD: I get it in a comic book but real life???
VV: ♚ ~ AH what was your name again? I need to take note not to forget. I really do enjoy your quips~
DD: I ᵯeaᵰ I would thiᵰk ᵯy fists work better thaᵰ ᵯy ᵯoᵰey. But I suppose you kᵰow best AH.
VV: ♚ ~ Kudos
AH: Gliese
AH: lmao that was weak but whatever
VV: ♚ ~ Maybe they lost their money....
SA: Oh, no.
MD: I'd rather talk it out.
VV: ♚ ~ And they only have fists to survive on...tragic.
SA: I'm not saying anything.
SA: for once.
SA; If you want to see it you can read the lowblood chat or scroll up.
SA; It's been there three or four times now.
VV: ♚ ~ I'm weeping once again from how depressing that thought is.
SA: I'm getting wiser.
DD: Oh. ᵰo. I have pleᵰty of wealth?
AH: lol, maybe I'll just ask Hadean
SA: Hadean better not tell you.
SA: or my little heart will be broken 😦
VV: ♚ ~ Are you never going to stop getting wiser, Prisma~?
AH: he'll probably tell me to fuck off
AH: let's be real
SA: I can be rather wise sometimes but usually I am rather mediocre.
SA: I am sorry, little princess.
SA: Maybe when I'm not very tired I will share.
SA: again..
AH: but then I can tell _him_ to fuck off and we can continue our beautiful bonding
TC: chats real busy this evenin
AH: lmao yeah thanks for the news captain obvious
TC: n=ot sure iffin i can keep up with all this chatter
VV: ♚ ~ No need to apologize my prince we can chat about lives and the like while traveling~
VV: ♚ ~ Do your best or just peruse, both are equally entertaining I assure you
MD: How are you tonight?
TC: if tha lowblood chat tweren't so empty all tha time I'd just linger there
TC: im d=oin just fine
SA: but then how would we get these lovely seadwellers here.
TC:fergetin my =own quirk is all
VV: ♚ ~ You seem unique enough with out it. Don't worry
MD: I'd talk to you in the lowblood chat if I could but MD: Well I could log into Tallow's account MD: He's not :very good at passwords
TC: i just pulled in ta the faire actually TC: im a bit late
MD: We were there earlier! MD: In fact, we're not far away still. MD: We ha:ven't made it home yet.
MD: It was really fun, though.
VV: ♚ ~ Oh look at you! You do have a friendly bone in that gelatinous body of yours! I'm absolutely stunned and delighted. VV: ♚ ~ Is it a one a day sort of use or were you simply grumpy?
VV: ♚ ~ It obviously had nothing to do with my own hue.
MD: Please lea:ve me alone, Perdia.
AH: lol wait
AH: you're at the ren fair?
AH: are you doing anything cool
AH: or are you just some lame kitschy souvenir merchant
VV: ♚ ~ I shant because you were rude to me earlier. I deserve and will take my revenge.
MD: And this is me hitting the block button that I just disco:vered.
VV: ♚ ~ Hmmm
VV: ♚ ~ I truly do despise when one is so hypocratic.
TC: i came ta d=o my usual TC: play a pleasant tune =or tw=o an maybe sell s=ome=one a quality hand made musical instrument
MD: Maybe we'll come back to hear you since we aren't far. MD: I'd ha:ve to wake up Tallow, though. He gorged himself on macarons and went to sleep.
TC: =ooh macar=ons
TC: well i'd be mighty flatterd if yall came back just ta hear me TC: id have ta play ya s=omethin real special
AH: lolwot, you're here too?
AH: figures
SA: I am...
SA: most likely going back to Provenence soon.
AH: what, not even gonna stay for Hadean?
AH: cold, Prisma
AH ...I'm kidding
VV: ♚ ~ Ohoho
SA: I would stay for Hadean and Sipara, or even Perdia, but I am also very tired and
AH: but at least say goodbye to the dude before you go
SA: I do not wish to be here if something else happens between Emerel and Hadean.
SA: I don't want to intervene.
ID: woowwwww what.
MD: Can someone please tell me what happened to Emerel?
VV: ♚ ~ Oh I'm no longer there, a costume is tedious to upkeep when it's so long .
SA: Of course I will tell Hadean goodbye. He is my friend.
AH: I'm not gonna let anything else happen between those two.
AH: God fucking help them if they try.
MD: Pheres didn't say he was okay and he normally would if he was, so what happened?
MD: Is he alright?
ID: damn right i'm the fucking devil.
ID: you chatty lil bitches. D:<=
AH: looooool
VV: ♚ ~ Ohohoooo
SA: 🎊
AH: yeah okay, this from the guy who runs his mouth 24/7 and has enough opinions to fill an entire gossip rag
SA: Emerel
SA: beat the shit out of Hadean.
SA: It was very bad.
ID: first things first- Emerel is fucking fine-ish. Because he's a fucking cheater.
AH: they kind of beat the shit out of each _other_ but yeah that's true
SA: But it is okay, because Hadean bea thte shit out of him too.
SA: and it was good.
ID: two, wow what the fuck prisma I beat the shit out of him too!
MD: Oh.... MD: Is Pheres okay?
AH: lmao he's fine
ID: it was very good.
SA: I just said that Hadean beat the shit out of him!
AH: prickly as ever
AH: so he's fine
AH: I know, I know, chill
MD: I'm glad. Pheres is our friend.
ID: damn right i did.
AH: It was just funny because I got there before you
VV: ♚ ~ Sounds like an eventful time has been had. Oho
SA: that was my single exclaimation point for the entire day now I have to wait to grow another.
ID: i shanked the fuck out of him. accidentally.
AH: oh _shit_
SA: you are ruining my fuck farm, Gliese.
AH: you used up your only one
AH: well damn, I guess I have to pay reparations now
ID: wait who taught prisma to swear.
AH: woe is me
ID: who is taking my darling boy's precious firsts from me.
VV: ♚ ~ Yes I'm wondering that too ID.
AH: probably the highbloods he grew up with we all have foul mouths
SA: ...
SA: What.
SA: Oh I've always known how to swear it is just usually polite to avoid it
AD: oO this chat is moving fast tonight~! Oo
SA: Why do you have unique swears to teach me, Hadean/
AD: oO that's new! Oo
SA: I am all ears, professor,
SA: Language 105.
AD: oO who's arguing tonight OuO Oo
ID: later pris.
VV: ♚ ~ You actually want to LEARN such a thing Prisma?
SA: No, I am being silly.
VV: ♚ ~ Ah, pity. There's some interestingly written on walls otherwise I could've shown you.
ID: uh. third. gliese i saw you being a shady twit and hauling my carcass off does not absolve you of that!
ID: so fite me you nubby bunny. =:P
SA: Perhaps next time, Perdia.
ID: ...also fourth what are you doing with the crown wench.
ID: pris is she taking advantage of you.
SA: who?
SA: Oh.
SA: little princess?
ID: yeah her.
SA: how so...
SA: She has been very polite and accomodating.
ID: has she asked you for anything?
SA: she even called me honeycomb prince because I didn't like mustard.
SA: ...I don't believe so?
VV: ♚ ~ Oh I hadn't realized you'd meant me I'm not a wench. Perdia. I prefer Perdia.
VV: ♚ ~ And I like it I think that's enough reasoning.
ID: hm. perdia i got my eye on you. don't mess with pris.
VV: ♚ ~ mess? How mess?
VV: ♚ ~ Me? Never.
ID: you know what i mean. so don't do it.
VV: ♚ ~ I adore him and his charms. I could never.
VV: ♚ ~ Would having your own crown make you happier?
ID: i don't need a crown to be a king.
VV: ♚ ~ I like that attitude.
SA: An entire royal court.
AD: oO crowns are so fun though! Oo
VV: ♚ ~ A good thought, unfortunatley I like the decorum of having one.
AH: lol come fight me at the banjo player's spot, Hadean, I'm listening to SICK TUNES.
AD: oO especially when they sparkle~ Oo
AH: oh hey Canela
AD: oO GLIESE!!! <333333 Oo
AH: what's up
ID: crowns are gaudy and only weaklings who need the power that an object can bring wear them.
SA: what about a tiara, Hadean.
AD: oO i just got done watching the joust thing! Oo AD: oO the one where people poke each other with pointy sticks! Oo AD: oO it was so fun! Oo
SA: much more secure and minimal.
VV: ♚ ~ Only Gaudy if you pick the wrong one!
ID: tiaras are just flimsier crowns.
SA: I'm buying one at the faire.
AD: oO tiaras are marks of pride Oo
SA: I will be pretty.
SA: since laedy refuses to acknowledge me as handsome.
VV: ♚ ~ Prisma get one yes! Let's match.
SA: I will pick the next best thing.
ID: ...pris you called lal ugly first i'm pretty sure.
AD: oO and even better, you can wear a tiara like a headband Oo
SA: Oh you're entirely right.
AD: oO which makes them infinitely better than crowns Oo
AH: you mean gouging chunks out of each other with lances, Canela?
AH: lmao
SA: Maybe I will get him a tiara too.
AD: oO yep! that one! Oo
AH: did anyone fall off their hoofbeast?
SA: do you think that will make him happy?
AD: oO i wanna try jousting someone! Oo
AD: oO sure did ~uO lots of people did! Oo
SA: I want it to have rubies on it.
ID: i think you buying him anything and telling him he's not ugly will make him happy.
AD: oO some guy got stabbed right through the shield too Oo
SA: Oh.
AH: Canela do you even know how to ride a hoofbeast
SA; that's much simpler.
AH: that's kind of important
ID: though i am firm in my belief that tiaras suck.
AD: oO i can learn! Oo
AH: okay fair
AD: oO you don't hatch knowing how! Oo
AH: do you have _time_ to learn though
AD: oO well.... Oo
VV: ♚ ~ So between tiaras and crowns which is better hm?
AD: oO probably not i guess...... Oo
AD: oO oh well Oo AD: oO maybe some other time Oo
AH: fuck 'em both, wear a flower crown
ID: neither. flower crowns are fine if you want to be palebait gliese.
AD: oO i saw some nice flower crowns at a stall back there Oo
VV: ♚ ~ It is getting warmer isn't it? A flower crown does sound rather fitting.
AH: fuck you flower crowns can be fucking intense
ID: intensely palebait-y.
VV: ♚ ~ Give me an example Gliese I want an intense one.
AD: oO gliese we should get flower crowns! Oo
AH: oh my god are you ever going to shut up about that
AD: oO and match! Oo
ID: yeah gliese. get a matching flower crown.
SA: Hadean is mad because I did not make him a flowercrown with the buoquet I got him.
SA: ...
AH: okay well if you have a crown with thorny roses, belladona, nightshade, and stinging nettles, _obviously_ that is a badass crown
AD: oO and she will look very intense in it Oo
AH: it could fucking kill someone
SA: ... What did I do with the buoquet did I leave it on the patio?!
ID: like the person wearing it.
AD: oO maybe someone made a flower crown out of it Oo
AH: he wishes he was as stylish as me - lmao yeah
SA: no it was for Hadean!
SA: and i just left it there on Pheres's doorstep...
VV: ♚ ~ I shall get myself a belladonna flower crown for the season then it's settled. VV: ♚ ~ And oh my Prisma....
ID: i'm sure pheres won't fuck with it pris.
AH: yeah he probably just took it inside or whatever
AH: it's you, he doesn't have anything against you I think
SA: please don't poison yourself Perdia...
ID: yeah. he saw that you brought it. it'll be fine.
SA: I feel very silly... I never forget things.
SA: I'll come and get it tomorrow.
SA: where are you staying, Hadean?
ID: uhh a hotel. i don't remember the name.
VV: ♚ ~ Oh I won't. Others may have to worry but I'll be fine enough. But really that's all that matters I think! I'm fine.
VV: ♚ ~ A name of your place of staying is rather important.
AD: oO who's still at the faire? Oo
AD: oO i don't really want to leave until i have to myself Oo AD: oO it's so fun! Oo
ID: it's beneath me to remember.
ID: uh i'm at the fair.
SA: professor Hadean has much better things to do than remember his own address.
VV: ♚ ~ Is that so?
AD: oO what are you doing there? is it fun? Oo
SA: I will be at the faire for one more day, but that's it.
ID: i foguth a jadeblood and it ended in a tie i think.
SA: I am unsure who you are, AD.
VV: ♚ ~ I left but do hope the rest of you have a decent time.
ID: which was kinda fun if you like ties.
VV: ♚ ~ Do you like ties?
ID: fuck no am i a fucking wriggler ties are for two losers.
ID: but it is what it fucking is.
SA: If it helps any you still have honor 😦
AH: I'm still here lol
ID: honor and a whole lot of fucking pain. =:I it's no longer the floating too-much pain, it's the fucking everything hurts and i'm angry pain.
AD: oO oh i'm canela Oo AD: oO hi sa~ Oo
SA: do you need medicine?
SA: hello, Canela. I am prisma.
VV: ♚ ~ Let the anger fuel and heal you? I believe I've heard someone say that at sometime or another. Ah well you seem the strong type.
AD: oO hehe good to meet you~ Oo
ID: pris, drugs do nothing for me, remember?
SA: Oh. Yes.
AD: oO was that the fight where gliese's friend got hurt D: Oo
SA: I have some of my drugs if you would like to try those.
VV: ♚ ~ Are you TOO strong?
AD: oO both of her friends, actually! Oo
ID: if by too strong you mean too fucked up, yes.
ID: and yeah that was me.
ID: i was the rustblood if you didn't figure it out.
VV: ♚ ~ I didn't mean that but that answered that I suppose!
AD: oO ouch Oo AD: oO you stabbed the other guy too! i saw it! Oo
AD: oO that was kind of a scary fight Oo
ID: yeah. and i bashed him in the face with a brick. =>:D
VV: ♚ ~ A dirty fighter with resourcefulness.
VV: ♚ ~ That's interesting.
SA: 🏆
AH: I was gonna answer but I found Emerel's signmate and Hadean got there before me
SA: I still take offense to your tent threats.
AD: oO is emerel doing well now Oo
SA: emerel is fine. as disappointing as that is.
AH: He's recovering I'm told - hey
AH: Em is my friend
ID: oh yeah, emerel is doing fucking cheery.
AH: Badmouth him somewhere else
ID: nu-uh gliese, he pulled some shit tonight, he gets some nastiness.
AH: ugh whatever
AH: you're both dorks, I'm talking to Canela instead
AH: Canela, what else have you been doing
VV: ♚ ~ Hmmm. Sweet Honeycomb, Gliese,....Canela I believe and....well I think that's all. It's been grand but I've business to attend to. Have a delightful night all ❤
SA: sleep well, little princess.
ID: woowwwww fuck you too.
AH: lol was that to me or Perdia
VV: ♚ ~ ❤ hehe
AH: because honestly could be both
ID: ms. artificial sweetener.
ID: but also maybe both.
AH: oh shit, the suspense will keep me awake at day
AH: how will I live.
ID: y'know. fake sweet that'll probably give you tumours.
ID: that's vv.
AH: I mean, I've met worse
AH: but lmao not gonna fight you there
SA: the likes of splenda and aspertame.
ID: damn right you ain't.
ID: yeah. your buddy there is like splenda pris.
SA: What makes you think so?
ID: because we're both maroons.
ID: she's using one of the maroon tricks.
AD: oO hey don't make fun of gliese's friends Oo AD: oO SO not cool!!! Oo
ID: gliese was splenda your friend.
ID: because if so, i'm gonna be hella disappointed.
AD: oO mostly i've just been walking around the cute little shops everywhere! Oo AD: oO i even got some new clothes out of it hehe~ Oo
AH: lmao, let me put it this way
AH: I'd take her over the fish
AH: and she wasn't that bad I guess
ID: ...the fish is. ad?
AH: but she's not like
AD: oO oh Oo
AD: oO okay Oo
AH: okay wait no
AH: not you Canela
AH: there was this fuchsia dickhead in here earlier
AD: oO i thought i did something wrong there! Oo
ID: oh. okay. so this fish is okay?
AH: and they were being a total prick - nah sorry
AH: Canela's cool
AH: like, the only cool violet I know
AD: oO <3333 Oo
ID: /oh/.
ID: well. good on you for aiming high there gliese.
SA: oh, you mean the one that kept saying I was concerning and strange?
AH: yeah that asshole
AD: oO you seem quite lovely to me! Oo
PR: Hey everyone
SA: do maroons usually try to trick people into giving them things?
ID: well don't worry pris, you're strange but we're all pretty fucking strange here.
SA: oh, thank you both.
SA: it warms my heart.
ID: maroons that are flatscans will try and latch on to a sparker for protection, yeah.
ID: oldest trick in the book, get someone to fight your battles for you.
SA: does she know my psionics though or just that I have them. I do not remember.
SA: has someone done it to you, Hadean?
SA: hello, PR
ID: i mean, they've tried before. but when you know what to look out for, it's pretty easy to avoid.
PR: If someone's 𝞃rying 𝞃o use you for psi, jus𝞃 give em a li𝞃𝞃le zap PR: Or wha𝞃ever you can do
ID: i'm backreading and you're going to travel with her pris?
AH: lmao, seriously?
AH: that's fucking sad, I know a flatscan rust but she never did that
ID: pris doesn't do much zapping. uh. pr.
AH: because even though she's a total ass she's not a weakling like that
SA: I may, I don't know. I would like to travel, but not alone.
SA: I do much more throwing. But it makes me tired and hurt
ID: hey, some rusts can only get by off of mooching off those with power. that or they get taken advantage of.
SA: what did you do when you found out?
PR: 𝞃ha𝞃's why I added "or wha𝞃ever"
ID: uhhh let's not talk about the past too much pris.
SA: oh. Alright
AD: oO ahhhh this dress is adorabubble~ Oo AD: oO i think i love the faire clothes! Oo
ID: but yeah. some maroons act meek and mild. roll over and hope they're not worth bothering to cull. and some just try to round up some poor suckers to take punches in their place.
ID: the bottom is a sucky cut-throat place sometimes.
SA: 😦 I wish I could protect more people
ID: ...pris that was not the lesson to take away from this.
SA: was the actual lesson to be wary and concerned about the people I meet who are overtly nice to me for seemingly no reason?
ID: /yes/.
PR: Oh 𝞃ha𝞃's a good lesson 𝞃o learn!
SA: what if I do both. Could I protect you and Sipara and Perdia?
SA: and be worried about taken advantage of by everyone else
SA: it is a formidable lesson
ID: me and sip take care of ourselves.
ID: perdia is one of the ones who you need to be wary of!
SA: but I want to believe she is genuine.
SA: I almost used a fruit emoji
SA: I am not used to knowing people who readily turn down my helping.
ID: i mean of course you do, you're like a freshly pupated wriggler in your hopes of everyone being wonderful and having your best interests at heart, but...
ID: buddy. most people suck.
PR: Aww
ID: and most of them will stab you in the back if it means they get something out of it.
SA: I can take them
PR: 𝞃ruuuueeeeeee
SA: but I will be more careful
SA: 😄
AH: I _guess_ but mooching off another lowblood seems dickish.
AH: mooching off highbloods, fine, we can handle it
AH: but trying to mooch off another rust just because they have powers seems assy unless you're also contributing somehow
ID: =:/ some of them make you want to stab yourself in the back just to make them smile too pris. and you're a good target for that.
SA: ...
SA: but you wouldn't do that, right
SA: 😖
ID: what. /no/.
AH: Hadean is not that particular kind of dick
ID: if i was gonna stab you i would've done it while you were napping.
AH: also sup Dahlia LMAO
SA: I would have woken up please do not that take as an invitation strangers in the chat.
AH: see?? he's good. in that department
PR: No𝞃 much, was dying of boredom!!!
SA: and irnwoild ahve veeb vad
ID: sorry to break your pumper btw gliese, but scamming highbloods isn't always an option.
AH: lol, you have nothing to fear from me, I don't care. hell I'd probably shiv someone who _did_ disturb you, Hadean would skewer me if I let you die
ID: like look at fucking. port port.
ID: damn right i would gliese, you both have to get along.
AH: and then I'd have to put up with his bitching
AH: which is horrible
AH: see???
SA: hello gliese.
AH: sup
SA: port port?
AH: Port Mina
AH: my ass end of nowhere desert town
ID: where gliese is like. one of three highbloods.
SA: I am glad you wouldn't take advantage of me, Hadean. 😃 I am also glad gliese would not attempt to kill me in my sleep
AH: yyyyup
ID: tons of lowbloods screwing over lowbloods there.
AH: four if you count the banker
AH: but who cares about the banker
SA: Eugh
AH: though even Lapyen's questionable, she's my friend and all but she works here way less now
ID: i'm here to make sure no one takes advantage of you pris. it's a tough job, but someone has to do it.
SA: perhaps one day if we all believe very hard I will be able to detect it myself
SA: actually that is a lie
SA: my clairvoyance allows me to detect immediate intention.
SA: but it does not work unless the person is actively trying to lie to me
SA: thank you, Hadean.
ID: i mean, anytime. and if the fake sugar bitch hurts you, i'll light her hive on fire.
AH: huh
SA: port Mina sounds like it may require help of some kind, Gliese.
AH: that's a weird kind of psi
AH: does sound handy in some cases though
AH: lmao Port Mina needs more help than anyone can give
PR: Wai𝞃, how far is por𝞃 por𝞃 from wai𝞃 shi𝞃
SA: please do not light her on fire. I think a slap on the wrist will be fine.
AH: don't waste your time worrying
PR: I can'𝞃 remember 𝞃he righ𝞃 name
ID: i'm lighting her hive on fire, not her.
ID: not my fault if she stays in the hive.
AH: _lmao_
SA: that isn't my only psionic, Gliese. I would have been a catastrophic failure if it were.
AH: ...why
AH: oh wait
SA: we'll ensure she's out of it please
AH: you don't wanna talk about it
SA: I am tired of talking about it. Yes.
AH: sure whatever
SA: but if I must I will
AH: nah I don't care
ID: man look at you go pris, not talking about- well.
AH: not like I enjoy _my_ psi
AH: do whatever lmao
SA: even better then.
ID: i will sit on my throne of best psi ever and throw beetles to you poor peasants. it's fine.
PR: La𝞃e, bu𝞃 I remembered how 𝞃o spell i𝞃
AH: Dahlia has best psi here
AH: plants forever
PR: How far is por𝞃 por𝞃 from Derevnya?
SA: when you are better. We should have a psionics fight.
SA: I bet I will win 💗
ID: uh pris i saw you need a nap after throwing some knives.
SA: but if Sipara gets worms maybe I will be better
ID: ...man pris don't talk about the worms.
AH: why, the worms are just worms
SA: oh. Okay
AH: what are you a weenie
ID: hush up gliese. it's just not info he needs to be talking about.
PR: Well aaaanyways, you guys know any good places for cake?
PR: Or like, swee𝞃breads
SA: I think someone in this chat is a baker
ID: there's a place in the greenblood circle that had good sweetrolls.
PR: Omg
AH: hope it's not the greenblood I just ran into because he looks sad as _fuck_
AH: and also just like Emerel
SA: clones?
PR: Well I live in 𝞃he middle of nowhere so i𝞃'd 𝞃ake a minu𝞃e 𝞃o go anywhere
ID: oh. yeah.
PR: Bu𝞃 a girl needs a swee𝞃bread, you feel me?
SA: I don't know what the prevalence of surviving identical twins is on alternia. I imagine it is low
AH: no lmao Prisma don't you know what signmates are?
SA: sweets are amazing ❤️
invertedDissident has sent glieselikemyshirt.png!
SA: no, my sign only exists for me.
ID: magic.
SA: 😂
ID: carefully.
ID: sips got it for me.
SA: he believed very hard
AH: lmao of course she did
ID: pheres owed me a shirt.
AH: fuckin Sipara
ID: but he had to fucking emerel wrangle.
AH: I guess that's true
ID: so sips grabbed what would fit.
AH: LMAO yeah none of Pheres's shit would fit you he's no taller than I am
ID: and it's too much fucking effort to take it off so i'm wearing it until it rots off me or my wounds heal. whichever comes first.
PR: Bru𝞃al!
ID: i mean we cut it up to get it on me so i doubt he'll want it back.
SA: why did you say that, now I have to get you clean shirts or at least something you can slip on
ID: i left my old shirt as payment.
AH: _lmao_ I'm sure he has more
AH: I bet he'll love it
SA: I'm sure 🙄
ID: i mean i think it got plenty of his blood and mine on it.
SA: he was loving it on the patio.
SA: I am swiftly becoming. Unpersonable. I will rest
ID: yeah well i hope you ate your sushi first.
SA: Hadean, I will bring you your flowers and shirts tomorrow.
SA: oh, yes.
SA: it was Jurassic park roll.
ID: alright- i have no idea what that means but okay.
SA: and salmon sashimi
ID: i will see you tomorrow, explain it then.
SA: I'll bring some
PR: Damn, you're ge𝞃𝞃ing spoiled!
ID: sure, i'll try anything once.
SA: goodnight, friend. Goodnight, Gliese
SA: goodnight PR
PR: Nigh𝞃!
ID: night pris.
ID: so pr, got a name.
PR: Dahlia
AH: Dahlia's cool
PR: 0;
AH: her psiionics are rad
ID: gliese your definition of cool is sometimes questionable.
ID: just saying.
ID: but nice to chat at you dahlia.
PR: Cool mee𝞃ing you 𝞃oo PR: Wha𝞃's your name, ID
ID: hadean.
PR: I'll remember i𝞃
PR: Bu𝞃 also my psi IS rad
ID: something to do with plants i think i saw earlier?
AH: my definition of cool is perfect fuck you
PR: Yep! PR: S𝞃andard florikinesis and more
AH: I know EXACTLY what is cool at all times
ID: uh-huuuuh gliese.
ID: huh. neat.
ID: i never remember the fancy word for my psi.
PR: Wha𝞃 can you do?
AH: Supreme Dork Powers
AH: that's its name
ID: Ergo...kinesis...?
PR: No clue lmao
ID: fuck off gliese, i'm the coolest.
ID: i make constructs out of energy.
AH: LOL yeah whatever helps you sleep at day
PR: Oh 𝞃ha𝞃's freakin swee𝞃
AH: look, it's better than my psi, but a rusty nail to the foot is better than MY psi
AH: yeah but he collapses like a wriggler afterwards
ID: let me get out the tiny violin.
AH: fuck you, I will steal your tiny violin and sell it
ID: fuck off.
AH: truth is pain
ID: let's see what you do when you overextend your psi.
ID: get to it. hop hop.
AH: oh my god
AH: was that a hopbeast joke
ID: probably turn in to a vegetable if you did though.
AH: Hadean that's uncreative as fuck
ID: i mean it wasn't.
AH: good
ID: but now it is.
AH: I hate you
PR: Burnou𝞃 could happen
ID: =:P
AH: are you _actually_ sticking your tongue out
AH: I wanna see that happen
AH: just to see how dumb you'd look
AH: if you looked dumber than usual I'd fucking clap
AH: what an achievement
ID: ....girl you wear the ugliest poncho known to trollkind.
ID: you cannot judge dumbness.
AH: I'm actually gonna ditch that I think.
AH: not because it's ugly, fuck you
ID: praise be to whatever wretched god is listening.
AH: but because it has my old quad colors on it
AH: Kiiind of outdated - oh my god eat a bulge
ID: \o/
ID: that's me praising right there.
ID: i'd fight with the strength of a thousand seadwellers to escape that fate.
AH: except you don't _have_ that dumbass
AH: you have the strength of one half-starved lunatic
ID: your poncho will inspire it in me.
AH: oh my god
ID: dahlia, back me up. it's an ugly poncho right?
AH: I will shove it down your throat - dahlia's never even seen me
ID: well trust me dahlia, gliese is a dork with an ugly poncho.
AH: trust me Dahlia Hadean is an idiot with dumb tattoos
ID: my tats are the coolest, your poncho looks like twelve generations of fleas live in it.
AH: your tats look like SHITTY CLOWN PAINT you fucking loser
AH: my poncho has never been anything but fucking pristine
AH: except for sand but I can't avoid that in the fucking desert now can I
ID: pristine garbage.
AH: is that your internet forum name
ID: left to rot in the desert for a perigee.
AH: you goddamn thin skinned pansy
ID: then pressed in to the form of a poncho.
AH: oh my GOD it's just A FUCKING PONCHO
ID: says the pansy defending her shitty poncho.
ID: worse fashion sense than pheres i'd almost say.
AH: you did NOT just say that
AH: this means WAR
ID: 0=:)
ID: when i win the war can i burn the poncho.
AH: when you lose the war I will shove the poncho up your ass
ID: man you're just obsessed with shoving.
AH: you infected me because you shove so much shit into the world
ID: first down my throat, then up my ass.
AH: from both ends
ID: don't blame your depravity on me gliese.
ID: it's alllll you.
AH: I will blame _all_ depravity on you Hadean
AH: you are the source of it
ID: ms. 'hadean hasn't gotten laid'.
AH: oh my god it was a joke
ID: nope. i'm now pure as the fucking freshly fallen snow.
ID: you're a depraved monster.
SA: kink 101
ID: kink 101 was not putting things in a chute that didn't belong.
ID: like a poncho.
AH: _wow_ rhfvolkmjnfhgvuio
AH: god I hate everything right now
SA: 👌
AH: mostly you
AH: but also everything
ID: mostly yourself you mean.
ID: i'm innocent.
AH: fuck you, I'm not a goddamn angsty shithead
AH: that's for losers and wrigglers
AH: LMAO you're as innocent as a full grown subjug
ID: /wow/.
ID: stop bringing clowns in to this.
ID: i'm sorry i'm not indigo enough for you. =:(
ID: further depravity, gliese has a clown kink.
AH: oh my GOD NO
SA: 😩😴 what kink class is that
AH: god no I hate purples.
ID: uh-huh.
AH: they all fucking suck.
SA: at least a 300 course
AH: I don't even KNOW any purples.
ID: I saw the clown horn gliese.
AH: _Prisma_
AH: Prisma why
SA: I work for a number of them sometimes...
AH: lmao you have my sympathy
SA: because I just now put on my jammies and laid back down.
SA: and thus I am barely awake still to antagonize you
SA: they pay eell
ID: gliese is the head professor of clown kink university.
SA: my handler was an indigo. As well
Sa: but I dislike clowns
AH: I have never read a worse sentence in my life
AH: and I don't think I ever will
AH: wow
SA: clown kink university
SA: alma Mater
ID: she got her phD in juggalonomics.
AH: too busy dying to squash this garbage like it deserves.
AH: why
ID: secretly has a 'down with the clowns' tramp stamp.
SA: a minor in face paint interpretation. She secretly knows exactly what your tattoos mean and it's her favorite
SA: does it have a squeaky horn under the text
ID: of course. pointing down.
SA: 😳
SA: 😴
ID: ...did we break her.
SA: gliese come back
SA: we love you
ID: speak for yourself there pris.
SA: do you islike plaronic loce--
AH: I need to drink to forget
ID: drinking is how you got the tramp stamp to begin with gliese.
SA: whiskeyyy
AH: _god I hate you so much_
AH: you know what Prisma.
AH: that's a great fucking idea.
SA: tequila is what you drink to make mistakes
ID: man she's gonna wake up covered in face paint and smelling of faygo again.
SA: sticky with a cheap red wig
SA: 🎉🎉🎉
ID: ....y'know what, that's the perfect ending to this chat to make everyone curious enough to scroll up and read. gj pris.
SA: ❤️
SA: I can't keep my eyes open
SA: feel better Hadean
SA: 😴
ID: getting there. thanks pris.
ID: go sleep.
OA: :o)
0 notes