#now that ive quit im back to being self analytical in a good not so anxious kindve way. which lets me act on all my feelings in a btter way
yatiso · 7 months
oh man i wish i knew how to help when ppl are feeling sad but the thing is when its myself thats upset i either ruminate and cry and go nonverbal and beat myself up until i make myself tired and want to get better or i ignore my feelings and stay busy
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INFP 4w5 back :) Thanks for answering things! I'm sorry I didn't give enough information to actually have you help me - I will do so now! I am 24. I love reading stories, both for the emotional connection to characters, and then fun of imagining myself in their adventures (I mainly read fiction). I am an artist and a writer - I do so because I enjoy expressing my views, experiences, and insights in beautiful/interesting/creative ways. I also love the act of creating in general - my mind is very
INFP cont: busy, and it helps me either slow that down or connect my brain to my body (I admittedly spend way more time in my head, but working with my hands and brain at the same time helps me feel connected to the outside world). 
So before I go on: this was a very long ask and I will therefore be ‘interrupting’ throughout in bold for my typing logic rather than rephrasing stuff down at the bottom.
Placing yourself in the story: that’s often the goal of stories anyway (and why self-insert is a whole thing) but it is consistent with Fi. Self-expression is something a lot of people like but it is particularly important to 4s. Brain-body connection as described here makes me think more Ne-Si axis but it’s hard for me to quite articulate why so...don’t quote me.
I like hanging out with my family and close friends - I hate being in crowds or in the spotlight. I find them overstimulating but also boring and I don't know what to do with body or what to say.
Pretty consistent for introverts who are intuitive (not just introverts who are intuitive but I’m going into this assuming it’s an INFP vs. INFJ thing unless I see blatant evidence for high Si or Se which so far I don’t.
I love being in nature - this is a new thing though, noticing nature for itself has only started happening since I was 20. I always liked the way it made me feel but didn't pay much attention to it in a sensory way until recent years. Now I love how peaceful and happy it makes me, how physically beautiful it is, but also all the ideas it generates in me - I think everything in nature is a symbol for something and it so fun trying to guess what those things are, or to make art out of things I find in the woods.
Could be either Ne-Si or Ni-Se for what it is; the age of onset is making me think tertiary sensing, plus the guessing the symbol rather than being more decisive makes me think Ne.
I also really love history and fantasy. History because I ideloize old ways of doing things (like gardening, pioneering, etc) ideal and exciting. I try to incorperate those things into my life and would like to be a homesteader or live in a bus one day, because it feels really free, and also I think connects us back to the way humans are meant to live.
Idolization of an idealized past is often weaker Si (nostalgia/sentimentality are often low Si things, contrary to popular belief that it’s higher Si. Seriously, talk to the average ESTJ, they have no nostalgia unless something changed drastically for the less efficient.)
I care a lot about people and social justice, but it tires me out, so I don't actually spend a lot of time engaging. I like listening to my friends and helping them sort out their feelings. I used to be really bad at DOING things for my friends, but I started to realize it was hurting them, so I am trying more and more to not just be a listening ear, but actively engage in their lives. I'm always torn between wanting to help people and make the world a better place, and just being free and doing what I want and find life giving.
At this point I’m already as you can tell leaning towards INFP much more. This also seems more INFP, with your Fi slowly realizing and maturing to a point where you are better able to care for others and meet them on their terms rather than your own.
I think A LOT, and I am very interested in understanding theories, concepets, anazlying people.
All intuitives like concepts, and while I dislike the assertion that introspection is the sole purview of introverts or intuitives, they definitely do it a lot.
Why I'm wondering if I might be an INFJ instead of an INfP? Mainly because two people I respect mentioned they thought I might be.
Yeah...without more than just “caring & empathetic” I wouldn’t put too much weight on it.
I had always thought I was just an INFP (MAYBE an ISFP, but I don't feel like a doer enough or in touch enough with the physical world - other then finding it super beautiful and day dreaming about it).
I’d agree, I’m really not getting much Se from your asks.
But they specifically thought my Fe seems very high - I am emotionally expressive, I care a lot for others, and I'm very sensitive to the emotional feel of people/places/situations.
So, sensitive to the emotional feel and emotional expressiveness are just feeler things. Without rephrasing the whole Fi/Fe post I always refer back to, I find that while high Fi users’ feelings tend to come from a more internalized place sometimes or are less typical in some of their reactions, they still are pretty emotionally expressive especially compared to your average thinker. There are a lot of very reserved IxFJs and very expressive IxFPs and the uneven stereotypes of constantly crying INFPs/IxFJs hiding their emotions for the sake of harmony hammer that point home.
I also tend to get hunches about situations and people, like what might happen or that I should/shouldn't do something, or about why someone is upset/happy, and am right pretty often (is that maybe dom Ni? with some Fe? or is that also Ne?)
Hunches can be anything; intuition is specifically preferring them over physical evidence (sensing is the opposite, so sensors often ignore their hunches if there’s evidence otherwise). Hard to tell because hunches are also related to thin slicing in neuroscience which is just a brain thing. Also this can be Si that you don’t realize is working - like, you’ve seen it before, but don’t consciously realize it.
I also wonder if my constant thinking and trying to figure things out (like obsessively trying to figure out my type) is Ti?
Eh, humans are curious and we all like to think. Ti is a specific approach to logic that for some reason got credit for way more (hint it was David Keirsey)
And I love talking about my feelings and am very comfy with it, which apparently lots of INFPs aren't?
Some aren’t, some are, see stuff above re: emotional expressiveness.
I also avoid conflict in public - I don't avoid it at all with my family, I avoid it moderately with good friends, and won't get into public debates. However, I will speak up in public if I think someone is doing something really wrong.
Could be enneagram 9 which is pretty common in Fi doms; it’s also just part of upbringing, that it’s not polite to start an argument in a lot of social situations, but okay with people you’re close with or if it’s something egregious.
I feel like I have a hard time expressing my opinions well verbally (Im fine writing), and it makes me afraid I won't say what I actually mean, and I also am afraid of the rage I feel in conflict and don't want to hurt others feelings by unleashing that.
W/r/t expression, that sort of conflicts with some of the emotional expressiveness you’d mentioned earlier, but either way tracks more with introversion than anything else. Fear of strong anger makes me wonder if you’ve enneatyped yourself correctly, though obviously I can’t tell if it’s your greatest fear. But I’d take a seriously look at 9 gut fixes.
I also don't like people trampling on my beliefs, so often just won't express them with those I'm not real close to. But I've read that high Fi users don't avoid conflict, and high Fe users do? And I am very willing to consider other people's points of view and MAYBE change my opinion, but thats pretty rare. I'm also a very empathetic listener - I think before speaking, ask good questions, and make noises to assure them im listening, which Ive also read is Fe. is that enough info?
Not liking people trampling on beliefs is pretty universal - even people who behave in an extreme doormat way usually don’t particularly like it deep down. For conflict avoidance see notes on enneagram 9. Openness to other points of view could come from Ne seeing different options, or Fi accepting other’s opinions as being able to coexist with your own usually; it’s also just a healthy adult thing to do regardless of type. Same goes for listening - those are all learned skills and so ask yourself if you did those when you were younger. I did mostly by the time I was 24 but I sure didn’t when I was 17, whereas people with higher feeling, and to some extent higher Fe more than Fi, tend to pick those up a bit more naturally and therefore earlier.
ah one last thing! I take a very long time to make descions - I want to make sure I'm doing/getting the best/right thing. which also seems not very INFP?
Not sure where you got that idea - indecisiveness until you know the optimum response is EXTREMELY INFP. Specifically Ne.
And I get very afraid of not having the idealized visions and dreams of the future I crave - I'm okay with the exact details being flushed out over time, but there are general dreams I will not give up. I've read thats more Ni then Ne?
It is but given the context of everything else, I think this can come from Fi if you see those dreams as identity, and ultimately everyone has goals and dreams.
Oh shit, thought of more things. I SUCK at finishing things - it takes crazy hard work for me to finish a project. I just get... bored and move on. Or procrastinate because other things are more interesting in the moment. But I'm also fairly academic and analytical - can INFP's be that? I find it very stimulating and when Im interested in a topic I want to learn EVERYTHING about it and understand it fully. And I hate when I have a mental problem that I can't solve. I will obsess.
INFPs can be analytical but it’s not your primary way of going about the world (nor is it for INFJs for that matter). Do you like it a lot in specific, lower-pressure contexts (say, academia)? That can be you exploring lower functions. It’s worth considering how you go about being analytical, and whether it seems more Te or Ti. The unsolved problem issue also depends on context, and learning everything can be Ne wanting all the information to fuel a very divergent thought process.
INFP 1,000: And I forgot the thing. I also orgionally started questioning because of my love for sensing things - I love physical beauty in home decor, nature, clothes, etc, and I love being in nature. When I was a teen and very stressed/unwell I overindulged in sensory things like sex/food/drinking/cutting, because it made me feel alive. In the same way now, engaging my senses in healthy ways makes me feel alive. But I do feel pretty crap at it. Which made me wonder if I had inferior Se.
OK so this isn’t directed at you but good lord does inferior Se get almost as much of a mythical out of proportion blow-out as dom Ni. A lot of inferior Se-credited unhealthy behaviors, while definitely present in dom Ni users, are also fairly universal. Namely, all the sensory things you mention will lead to endorphin rushes (hence the feeling alive - it’s brain chemistry) and all are pretty common coping mechanisms for depression, anxiety, or stress to the point that two of them are on the PHQ-9 depression screening. You would be hard pressed to find someone who’d never indulged in at least one under stress, and most people have indulged in several. This has been my PSA that typing based on inferior Se behaviors is a dangerous game for exactly that reason.
Anyway: overall, I see strong evidence for INFP and I’d look at enneagram 9 for some of the more conflict avoidant parts; perhaps more than 4 even though it could just be a strong 9 gut-fix as the second part of your tritype, and maybe a 5 head fix for the analytical stuff. Unless you have more details on the people who typed you INFJ I can’t really refute their arguments,but I see much more INFP for the reasons above.
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SEO AutoPilot Staying Alivethe Battles Of A Service Attempting To Survive.
Thanks to every person that put in the time to respond to my last article. I 'd like to reply to several of the remarks, because, well, just because.
First thing first: my AdWords campaign, as it is configured today, works really, effectively. It generates questions, which we transformed into paying clients. The average inquiry we get using phone as well as email yields regarding $3,450 in income. And also my complete AdWords investing is much less compared to 5 percent of my annual revenue, which I consider to be appropriate. All of the guidance to fiddle with this as well as change that and also look right into the other is fascinating, yet I might or might not change anything. It ain't damaged. I do not should fix it.
Second, some explanation on my account as well as budget. I promote just on the search network, not the content network. I made use of to work on the material network, however we obtained huge numbers of scrap strikes that were associated with searches for sporting activities meetings and also yes, I recognize that I can have cleansed that up with negative key phrases, however that's a nonstop task. I presume that people that intend to purchase seminar tables are doing so for their business, out a whim prompted by their individual browsing. So I've set up my advertising and marketing under the presumption that tables are an one-time, extremely taken into consideration acquisition. Nothing in my experience has made me reassess this. And also I must have claimed this, but we're investing $500 per weekday, and also absolutely nothing on the weekends. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fJR2oLT8nY&list=PLddX_cIorQS_Mw7YX8LHMwenOI7OrKo-K So my overall advertisement spend playings around $9,000 a month, or concerning $108,000 a year. We're on track for $2 million in sales this year, which is where I got the 5 percent of gross number.
On to the comments:
Im curious, have you considered anything year over year in your calculations or anything else apart from just what your standard has been this separated week compared with the previous 40 weeks or so of data that you had put together? Mark Bowers
Its an extremely interesting question however a pitifully tiny sample upon which to also take into consideration composing as well as analysis. Bob
For the last 24 years, I would certainly get a paper schedule at the beginning of the year, as well as use it to tape visits as well as additionally make note of inbound calls. I made a decision at the start of this year that I desired a much far better document of incoming calls, to see whether any type of patterns arised. I set up a spread sheet on Google Docs, with a cell for every day of the year, and also shared it with my salesmen so that we could all videotape every incoming query.
A whole lot of the calls we obtain result in tasks weeks or months later. And also some of the phone calls result in really massive orders I 'd hate to miss out on one of those due to the fact that I was accumulating a statistically significant data set.
For something as aesthetic as your item, I avoid right down to the photo results. I could see numerous companies tables all at as soon as. Only one little picture on web page two, surrounded by numerous photos from your competitors (Franz, hardrox).
This is a very intriguing remark. It never ever struck me that anyone would shop in this manner, however it makes ideal feeling for an aesthetically drivened product. We do code our photo file names to attempt to make them S.E.O. friendly, but there's only a lot you could do with a data name. This type of search doesn't seem to have any type of link to AdWords. I don't know exactly how Google ranks the photos they show up. I simply attempted a search (" custom-made conference tables") which returns my site as both the leading paid as well as cost-free listings. When I struck the photo tab, we have just one photo in the initial 25, as well as 5 in the first 200. Maybe Google is missing out on a possibility right here why not increase AdWords to the picture results? I 'd gladly pay for positioning.
I hardly ever click AdWords results at either the top or side because I recognize Google is going to get paid by what is usually a small business with slim margins ... So if the advertisement appears relevant to my demands Sickness scroll down and also click the complimentary search engine result for the same company, or also by hand type in the companys URL instead of clicking on the adword web link. However Id miss a lot of business without the Adword web link. MK, New York City
So what do you do if there is no totally free web link from the business purchasing AdWords? I'm inferring that you click another person. Not that there's anything wrong with that said, but this drives me insane. I acquired that leading web link to make sure that you would certainly click it if you believed it would profit you to do so. Please don't stress regarding my ad spending plan. I'll fret about it, and also if it appears to be cash badly invested, I'll change my advertising.
My business was one of Googles initial marketers. We were anxious regarding just how Google would react, however our experiment worked.
This commenter highlights among the best/worst features of the cost-free listings: older links have a self-reinforcing benefit over more recent ones. I weep when I consider the leading free listing for "conference room tables" that I thoughtlessly threw out in 2005 (by producing a new Website with a various collection of URLs.) When you get to the top of the complimentary lot, you are probably to stay there, as you will instantly get even more clicks compared to the being successful web links. My concept, and also my experience backs me up on this, is that the most effective way to relocate your free link the checklist is to drive traffic to it with AdWords and also reveal Google that individuals are finding the web link to serve via a good bounce rate, time on website as well as various other metrics that mirror the user experience. Just how does an S.E.O.-optimized website displace a site that additionally has good S.E.O.? AdWords seems to give the additional boost.
One recommendation (as a person that purchases domain for a living) is that you upgrade to CustomConferenceTables.com rather than making use of the domain name with hyphens ... The business that possesses the name w/o hyphens is a large firm and the cost is affordable, especially taking into consideration the items youre marketing as well as your current advertising investment. Eliot Silver
We got the URL with the hyphens because it was available, as well as my Web designer believes that it makes no difference pertaining to the S.E.O. toughness of the name. Just out of inquisitiveness, I got in touch with the proprietor of customconferencetables.com to see how much it would set you back. I was told $1,680. Forget it, I responded, that's horrendous. Would you sell it for $800? Need to check with my supervisor, said the salesman. Thirty secs later on I obtain a phone call back: $800 is O.K. That made me ask yourself what does it cost? reduced they would have gone. I made a decision not to do the bargain I don't really think that having that specific LINK is essential, as customconferencetable.com is owned by a 3rd business, and the majority of the other apparent variations are in different hands. It's a jungle around busy table land. There will be some confusion for individuals who don't look any even more compared to a LINK. Yet that is not just how individuals store. I trust my website's content as well as my sales procedure. We'll make it function.
All are offered. Get them and also forward them to the website. John
I took the $800 I really did not invest on customconferencetables.com as well as purchased these rather. I will be forwarding them to the pertinent pages on our website. Thanks for the suggestion!
Paul, like several people Ive long since switched to Bing. Have you tried your search terms there? lesle.
Thanks for commenting, lesle (or is it Mrs. Gates?). Since Sept. 1 of this year, I received 4,287 organic check outs from Google as well as 3,019 sees from AdWords. Bing sent me 122 natural site visitors. I'm sorry, but it does not look as though I ought to be investing much time bothering with my Bing traffic. Is it feasible that Google subdues Bing causes Google Analytics? That would be quite questionable, yet who is bookkeeping Google Analytics for accuracy? Just in situation, I'll ask: Is any person out there doing well with Bing?
Put your SEM/SEO history right into a Shewhart procedure behavior chart (Excel templates available on the web). This will put possibility control bands around the information as well as supply some analytic insight, consisting of cyclicality effects. It will likewise help different signal from sound in the outcomes. Mak.
I'm not clever sufficient to do this, but anybody that intends to try it is welcome to my raw information.
When it comes to paid ads affecting a business ranking in the natural outcomes, weve constantly felt really highly that there ought to be no link between the two. Google does not use your condition as an advertiser to influence natural rankings. Frederick Vallaeys, Google AdWords Evangelist.
Hence speaketh Google. However till Google informs us exactly exactly what elements go into making natural positions, I'll have my questions regarding their intense line separation between AdWords and natural.
Enough on this subject (at the very least for now). Next message: my falling health insurance policy prices!
Paul Downs established Paul Downs Cabinetmakers in 1986. It is based outside of Philly.
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