#now to watch magikarp splash 100 more times....
drkineildwicks · 8 months
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More Pokémon
More BH6
It’s back. :O
In the ongoing saga of Obake and Tadashi get Isekai’ed…Obake is finally warming up to his Pokémon but now he’s gotta deal with the fact that yes they do get bigger good night I wasn’t expecting Golbat to be so massive in-game it looks like it could swallow my player whole. :O
In other news, after this batch you probably won’t be seeing more of this until the summer—didn’t realize the last time my computer went to the shop that the Ryujinx emulator stored save data in roaming apps, so when I told the guy yeah you can wipe it I lost my save data.  So now I get to replay the whole thing and get back to where I was…dangit this is why I save everything OFF my computer stupid emulator! :shakefist:
Find it on Eclipse here, as always please be kind and reblog, not repost, thank you! :D
Pokémon © Game Freak; Nintendo
Big Hero 6 © 2014 Disney
Done in Adobe Photoshop.
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medea10 · 4 years
Medea Plays Pokemon Sword (&Shield): Part VII
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Well, it has been a couple of months since the last update. Quite honestly, I did a few little tidbits with my games when I got the opportunity.
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Like give my team the Gigantamax treatment.
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Make more items on the abomination-o-matic
(nice callback to Kurt)
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Get my certificate (only for the first pokedex)
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I made this little bitch cry again.
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I celebrated my birthday!
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Honey, 2020 has been a trip and I hope to God it ends faster than a battle against a Magikarp that only knows Splash.
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Pound my friggin’ head against a wall because this dex entry made me recall an unpleasant Pokemon episode.
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My rage is rising...RISING DAMMIT!
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And watch Honey quickly become best girl of the game.
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Did, um...Did she kick his ass for real?
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Can we please see her in anime form?
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South of Galar is the frozen wasteland known as the Crown Tundra. As soon as you arrive, you’ll get an update in your pokedex and you’ll run into some trouble.
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Is this a stranger danger moment or just some snotty teenager moment?
Either way, you battle this fella so that his daughter can escape his clingy father’s clutches.
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Heads up, this fool has level 70+ steel-type pokemon. Much like a certain other person in this game. But we’ll get to that when we get to that.
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Peony’s daughter leaves and goes to a place called the Max Lair. A place filled to the brim with legendary pokemon.
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You rent pokemon. Go down different paths. After three rounds, then you can go up against a legendary. The automatic players aren’t as useless as normal raid battles. And you can always ask friends and relations on the internet to join you.
Let’s talk to our good mate, Peony.
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No wonder his daughter wants to ditch him. Peony’s a fall-down drunk.
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Wow, he very well could be a fall-down drunk. And then this...
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Good eye. Actually, Peony is in fact Chairman Rose’s brother. Even Oleanna was confused.
Let’s head off to the one town in this frozen tundra.
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Freezington? Oh, Pokemon...
Before I get to the tasks, let’s go skulking around the areas.
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Nobody. Absolutely no-fucking-body missed these blood-sucking, annoying as fuck, blue-balled fucks. Say what you will about this game and the lack of essential pokemon, not seeing Zubat for a straight 11 months in a game was a God-send!
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Lady, that’s not a Fwoofy. That’s a Nebby!
You will receieve Cosmog after you save the town of Freezington.
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Only I could be so fucking thrilled about being followed by two Clefables. To be fair, only one of those is wild. Missy was just following me and ignoring the wild one.
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I got my sixth OG pokemon pal, Lucy the Dratini.
FYI, not every pokemon is in the Crown Tundra pokedex. I still await Ampharos. But the Dratini line-up makes me very happy.
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This giant tree. You can shake it. No fruit comes down. But if you shake it just right...
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Giant, fat squirrely. Gigantamaxed!
Well, onto the missions with Peony.
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In the tundra, there’s a huge tree you can see from a long ways away. That’s where the Galarian Zapdos, Moltres, and Articuno are.
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And I disturbed the harmony of fire, ice, and lightening.
If you don’t get what I just said, fuck off.
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The three birds took off in different directions and start causing havoc throughout the Galar region.
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Moltres will flap around the Isle of Armor
Zapdos will run around in Wild Area
And Articuno will troll you in the coldest area of the Crown Tundra.
It should also be worth mentioning that the Galarian forms are different types. Moltres is part dark, Zapdos is part fighting, and Articuno is part psychic.
Disturb not the harmony of Dark, Psychic, and Fighting.
Next up...
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*singing incoherently* YEAGER!
Sorry, force of habit.
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Throughout the tundra are giant buildings that require you of something in order for it to open. Much like the Ruby/Sapphire games, you go through some tedious tasks just to get the Regi-trio. On top of that, they give us the same OST.
Once you capture Regirock, Registeel, and Regice, you can get one of the new Regis. But you can only pick one. Either the dragon type or electric type.
And finally...
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This one is kind of a lengthy mission. It starts with taking the head of a statue from Peony (who has been using it as a pillow).
Dude. Why would you think the head of a statue is a fucking pillow?
Lay off the Absolut, would ya?!
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Once you return the head onto the statue, a new pokemon would like a word with you.
But wait Medea, pokemon can’t talk.
Taken care of!
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Here’s a human host.
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And this happens time...
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And time...
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And time again!
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Shouldn’t have insulted Calyrex’s head, mate.
It’s been eons since anyone has sighted Calyrex and only some of the elders of Freezington know about it. So after asking village elders, talking to the mayor, buying carrot seeds, and planting carrot seeds, we’re about to meet Calyrex’s noble steed.
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Calyrex does not have that much power, but if he has his noble steed maybe it could happen. Just that Rin Sohma over here is stubborn. And we have to chase it to the highest, coldest part of Crown Tundra. Plus have the mayor and Peony craft an item that’ll attach both pokemon when they’re together.
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God Peony, get it together.
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Once these two are together again, you may battle them and catch them.
Once captured, you can detach both pokemon with the special item you crafted during the mission. FYI, Pokemon HOME will not allow you to put the fused one in the box.
Now that all three missions are finished, Peony’s daughter Peonia will show up.
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And totally ruin the moment with his daughter.
I thought he was trying to propose to her to be honest. After Peonia runs off in disgust and Peony chases after her it looks like the adventure isn’t over yet.
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Eh...I’ll take a break from this portion.
Another thing to do in the Crown Tundra...
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Tracking footprints.
And suddenly I remember having to complete that fat-fuck, Zygardre.
Sonia is doing some research and once you get 100% in three areas, it’ll open the doors to some more legendaries.
And finally...
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If you’re from the Trump campaign, I’m reporting you to the police for harassment.
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Oh God, it’s Leon.
Well, the hammy, former-champion wants to flex his muscles by doing yet another tournament. Where you can battle alongside someone.
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Fuck’s sake, this skank is here too?
Yeah, depending on what game you play Klara and Avery return to compete and to tell you that they are now a gym leader (in the minor division).
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Old age?
If Leon is old to Raihan, what does that make someone like Opal?
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It works much like the league rematches, except you’re in doubles with the person of your choice.
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Well, this has been a wild ride filled with legendaries. Lots and lots and LOTS of legendaries.
And no Ampharos!
One can only wonder if there’ll be another game expansion with more DLC’s in the future. I mean, there’s a good chunk of the entire pokedex that’s still prohibited from being in the game. Now, are these expansion packs worth the extra $30 per game? I found joy in these. But I know some people who are disenchanted by how small these side quests are or the lack of their favorite pokemon or some other such bitching.
I honestly don’t think there’ll be any more surprise areas of the Galar region for there to be another side quest. Unless they create an Ireland for us to fly to that has a town full of Wooloos and Mareeps. It should be a thing, but it isn’t. What will the future hold for Sword and Shield? Will we get more in the coming year or will the creators move onto bigger and more exciting projects?
In the meantime, I’m going to fill up these pokedexes.
I’m sure there’s gotta be some more fucked-up entries that rival the ghost types.
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And just like that, I have vivid Cell from DBZ flashbacks.
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incarnateirony · 5 years
Hilarious/Terrifying news times a fandom statement.
You know that fandom mindset that you must convince every obsolete moron of the obvious that has very clearly become the majority view (be it fandom majority or even breaking into major news outlets and reporters despite being a cult show with minimal coverage?), before you’ve won some sort of medal and the common sense obvious take is “real”? I remind you that our current very real universe is a walking Onion article where people legit perform this ridonculous shit.
today in news qanon is tracking a mr peanut/kobe/trump conspiracy and political trolls made people mass-watch shitty porn but fandom still thinks there's a magic point they can convince 100% of people of the obvious fact that a queer angel is queer in a tv show and until every jackass is silenced by some magical threshold that has never worked in any other TV show gay or straight, and until then regardless of Obvious Shit Is Obvious it doesn’t count.
We've reached the point of deep state baby peanuts to rationalize people's garbage, but sure, I'm sure you're all arguing with completely rational people that should have their platform honored for debate while our fandom even has goss as its own qanon. Which, conveniently, is the major organized core of most absurdist viewpoints manifesting into this fandom in a hive that people for whatever reason insist on giving legitimacy and platform for dealing with their bullshit.
But sure, I’m sure deleting and refusing to enjoy content crafted for you, that you used to enjoy when it was way the fuck less than it is now, and when that content barely existed, but it existed to you before you walked into a landscape driven by arguing with fandom qanon and their fringe ilk -- sure. Keep pushin’ the shit heap from gossanon. Hashtag activism.
Because some mythic GA that gossanon bashed your brains into believing in, after you wandered out of the GA yourself but you didn’t count, even while the GA is publicly enjoying that shit, and it’s literally everywhere now, but I’m sure some mister peanut/misha/cw shit adds up in their head to manifest whatever jackcrack dialogue of the week everybody’s chasing after.
Edit: As I say this, an old *actual* qanon trollbot that’s been periodically RTing a tweet from a conversation from a month ago just to annoyingly pop up in my mentions just popped up into my feed, on a conversation they unironically tried to dive into about bi representation as a complete fail lord, and boy, isn’t that an apt fucking summary.
Which actually brings to mind a memory of them posing as an 18 year old autistic kid welcoming and struggling with the idea before, once their ass showed, going complete troll-face, and for whatever godawful reason this is the kind of socky, bullshit, conspiracy theorist, complete lunacy people let steer the direction of “representation” discussion (with help from friends of theirs who have hot takes like “ships going canon isn’t fair because not everyone will like it/it’s not my ship” as their current final stand --yes, that’s been said). Lmao miss me with that kiddos. Wake up.
Here, lemme go to Qanon troll’s feed and show you the troll accounts it’s retweeting that for whatever godawful fucking reason people have been trying to hold actual discourse with for days. (Link begins at woman trying to argue with the trolloffs for easy thread-fold, feel free to scroll up through DAYS OF THIS SATIRE.)  After five days of shit stirring in walking parody, it managed to summon actual homophobes and other loons. This is essentially what fandom chooses to let be done to their conversation on the goddamn daily. No really, I shit you not. Read this post about how your biggest naysayers are trolls that have admitted the opposite of what you fucking choose to argue with. (x) Nothin’ like giving in to jackass sentiments to do damage to your own cause while being misguided to feel righteous.
Our breathing fandom trollbots that whip up the weekly argument carrot to chase are currently so deep in their denialist conspiracy fit that they’re eulogizing and debating with each other and losing faith in J2 as genuine people because they’ll never come out of a PR closet they were never in to begin with, and that makes more sense than admitting they’ve been chasing crack for 15 years. (x) (x) But please. Argue canon with them and whatever asshats they pull into their umbrella for convenience ala political fringers and their standard views just like the above tweet trolling, or opportunists of the “not my ship/not fair” brand that pretend this isn’t attached to ridic bullshit they ignore to find numbers to fall into in some magikarp splash of “all ships are still equal”. I’m sure that’ll have a huge impact on naturalized queer representation.
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omarboulakjar · 7 years
9to5Toys Lunch Break: 9.7″ #iPad Pro LTE $579, 15″ MacBook Pro 512GB $400 off, Amazon Echo $140, more
Keep up with the best gear and deals on the web by signing up for the 9to5Toys Newsletter. Also, be sure to check us out on: #Twitter, RSS Feed, #Facebook, #Google+ and Safari push notifications. TODAY’S CAN’T MISS DEALS: #Apple 9.7-inch #iPad Pro Wi-Fi + LTE 32GB $579 shipped (Reg. $729) #Apple’s 9.7-inch #iPad Pro gets $124 discount, priced from $475 #Apple’s 15-inch MacBook Pro 512GB gets a nearly $400 discount for Memorial Day Amazon’s Echo and Echo Dot now up to $40 off for Prime members Best Buy Memorial Day Sale: $70 off #Apple Watch Series 2, #iPad mini 4 $300, more! Best Memorial Day Sales 2017: #Apple Watch, apparel, home goods, more Best Buy is clearing out official #Apple Watch Sport Bands, starting at $34 (or less) #Apple’s Great Games for $1 Sale: BADLAND, Assassin’s Creed, many more * Assassin’s Creed Identity for #iOS drops to just $1 (Reg. $5) * Multiponk’s local #iOS multiplayer free for first time in years (Reg. $3) * Minimalist #iOS puzzler Klocki goes free for first time in nearly a year * Lumino City’s handcrafted worlds drop to lowest price ever at $1 (Reg. $5) * Mini Metro’s fantastic puzzle action hits lowest price this year at $1 (Reg. $5) * Infinity Blade trilogy now down to just $1 each on #iOS (Reg. up to $7) * The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is now just $1 on the App Store (Reg. $7) * Crazy Taxi’s wild #iOS arcade racing now free for first time in years (Reg. $5) * Cartoon Network’s #iOS RPG Attack the Light hits lowest price in years: $1 (Reg. $3) Review: Logi#Tech’s Z537 Speaker System gives your Mac the audio it deserves [Video] 9to5Rewards: Sphero’s Star Wars BB-8 smartphone-controlled droid [Giveaway] MORE NEW GEAR FROM TODAY: This Brother Wireless Printer w/ AirPrint is an Amazon favorite, now $100 (Reg. $130) Kindle Voyager E-Reader (refurb) $135 + up to 80% off Kindle E-Books nonfiction bestsellers * In-ear Headphones: AmazonBasics w/ Remote $7, Bose QuietComfort 20 $180 * AmazonBasics Explorer Backpack for up to 15-inch MacBooks: $16 (Reg. $30) * Mophie Juice Pack Reserve Battery Case for iPhone 6/s: $30 (Reg. $50) * Epson VS240 LCD Projector with HDMI input: $240 shipped (Reg. $300) * Slayaway Camp and its Minecraft-like horror gets very first price drop: $2 * Today’s Best #iOS & Mac Game/App Deals: Warhammer, Bokeh Lens, more * Today’s Best Game Deals: Prey $40, GTA V $30, Witcher 3 $20, more * Smartphone Accessories: Lamicall iPhone/ Android Dock $6.50, more * Daily Deals: SanDisk Ultra 128GB USB 3.0 Flash Drive $28, more * Nordstrom Rack Clearance Event w/ extra 25% off * L.L. 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omarboulakjar · 7 years
9to5Toys Lunch Break: #Apple Watch Series 2 $70 off, #iPad mini 4 $300, Mophie Juice Pack for iPhone 7/Plus $50, more
Keep up with the best gear and deals on the web by signing up for the 9to5Toys Newsletter. Also, be sure to check us out on: #Twitter, RSS Feed, #Facebook, #Google+ and Safari push notifications. TODAY’S CAN’T MISS DEALS: Best Buy Memorial Day Sale: $70 off #Apple Watch Series 2, #iPad mini 4 $300, more! Mophie Juice Pack Battery for iPhone 7/Plus for $50 shipped (Reg. $99) #Apple’s Great Games for $1 Sale: BADLAND, Assassin’s Creed, many more #Apple’s 9.7-inch #iPad Pro gets $124 discount, priced from $475 Best Buy is clearing out official #Apple Watch Sport Bands, starting at $34 (or less) #Apple 13-inch MacBook Air 256GB gets a $279 discount to $920 shipped Assassin’s Creed Identity for #iOS drops to just $1 (Reg. $5) * Multiponk’s local #iOS multiplayer free for first time in years (Reg. $3) * Minimalist #iOS puzzler Klocki goes free for first time in nearly a year * Lumino City’s handcrafted worlds drop to lowest price ever at $1 (Reg. $5) * Mini Metro’s fantastic puzzle action hits lowest price this year at $1 (Reg. $5) * Infinity Blade trilogy now down to just $1 each on #iOS (Reg. up to $7) * The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is now just $1 on the App Store (Reg. $7) * Crazy Taxi’s wild #iOS arcade racing now free for first time in years (Reg. $5) * Cartoon Network’s #iOS RPG Attack the Light hits lowest price in years: $1 (Reg. $3)   9to5Rewards: Twelve South Action Sleeve for #Apple Watch [Giveaway] MORE NEW GEAR FROM TODAY: Smartphone Accessories: 2-Pack Anker Screen Protectors for iPhone 7/Plus $4, more * Bang & Olufsen’s Beoplay A1 Portable Bluetooth Speaker now $208 * Status Audio HD One over-ear headphones drop to just $28 shipped today * Memorial Day Magazine Sale from under $5/yr: Wired, ESPN, Dwell, GQ, more * Twelve South’s sleek Compass 2 stand for #iPad Pro/Air/mini $30 (25% off) * Today’s Best #iOS & Mac Game/App Deals: Samurai II, 3D Pool, more * Today’s Best Game Deals: XCOM 2 $25, AC Collection from $20, more * Dyson AM08 Bladeless Pedestal Fan for $144 (cert. refurb, Orig. $350) * SanDisk Cruzer Glide 256GB USB 2.0 Flash Drive for $35 (Reg. $55+) * Daily Deals: Brother All-In-One Inkjet Printer w/ AirPrint $40, more * Amazon has this 22-inch Husqvarna Lawn Mower on sale for $288, today only * Twelve South TimePorter for #Apple Watch now $40 (Reg. $50) * Verizon offers a $50 Visa Gift Card w/ purchase of the new #Samsung Gear 360 VR * Star Trek Enterprise: The Complete Series on Blu-ray for $50 (Reg. $75) at Amazon * #Google Home $99 (Reg. $129) for first time Express shoppers * HD Movies to own for $5 at Amazon: Pan, Good Will Hunting, Termintator 2, more * Ninja Nutri Bowl Blender hits Amazon all-time low at $80 shipped (Reg. $100+) * Grab a Moto Z Play for $6/mo, or Droid at $10/mo at Best Buy NEW PRODUCTS & MORE: DEWALT overhauls Bluetooth Connect system w/ new tools, trackers, more Gogoro’s second gen electric scooter has a lower price, same power Pokemon’s Magikarp Jump splashes onto #iOS and Android for worldwide release * Makerball is a DIY Pinball Machine that is completely customizable * IK Multimedia debuts new beast Mac synth w/ Moog, Prophet, Oberheim sampler-instruments * 8Bitdo rolls out free Nintendo Switch support for all its retro-style controllers * Two:35 is a computer building kit for kids that can actually get them certification * DJI’s new $499 Spark drone offers gesture controls, compact design [Gallery] * Sphero unveils #iOS-controlled Lightning McQueen racer for $300 * BIKI is an underwater 4K camera drone that can go wherever you swim * Belkin intros new line of compact Pocket Power banks starting at $20 * Ambi Climate returns with its second generation Alexa-enabled air conditioner controller * Haikara smartwatch focuses on fashion with customizable watch faces and bands * This Vintage Vinyl Bluetooth Speaker is actually made out of reclaimed records * Beyond Zero’s liquor freezer puts your cocktail “in the rocks” * NikeLab releases urban commuter, all-condition ACG.07.KMTR * Monoprice is now making a professional quality 3D Printer at just $159 * Love Hultén’s new vintage-inspired mahogany Astovox Hi-Fi System * Atomos Ninja Inferno: A great way to speed up your Panasonic GH5 workflow [Video] * LEGO’s latest is a massive 2,800-piece Minecraft Mountain Cave set * WATTS is the customizable battery backup system meant to fit any home * Kanex debuts new GoPower Magnetic Charging #Apple Watch Stand, more * BOSON Building Blocks bring LEGOs and other projects to Life! * Amazon upgrades Fire tablet lineup w/ thinner design and new features [Deal] * Nanoleaf ditches the smartphone with its 12-sided Aurora Remote * Moog unveils the new limited edition Subsequent 37 CV synth * The Witcher takes on Game of Thrones with new Netflix series MORE DEALS STILL LIVE: iHome SmartPlug with HomeKit/Alexa hits Amazon all-time low: $42 shipped #Apple’s official Silicone iPhone 7 cases are on sale at Amazon from $24 Pad & Quill offering 20% off leather/linen #iPad & #Apple Watch accessories more… http://j.mp/2qnpqtz
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