evignonita · 8 months
Doodles in traditional that I have made during the last months part two yippee
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VITA ALTO FOR MY SHAWTY @shitysimp 😩🙌🙌🙌‼️‼️‼️💖
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ko0lit · 6 months
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saaaam's new outfit is lovely umm but i love his mom more </3 (let me romance jodi I'll make it worth your while)
someone say something about the pizza patch I love the pizza patch it's so cute I gave him a pizza patch
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catbirthdays · 6 months
this is legitimately THE busiest month of my entire life and every single person in my house is ridiculously sick, and none of them care about isolating themselves either. im quarantining MYSELF for gods sake.
i have a 120 page script i need to finish by the 24th (of which i only have 40 pages written LOL), and on the 26th i have a 20 minute presentation i have to give to the entire film department!!!! and i swear to god if i get sick.... the world will know new horrors....
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clingyduoapologist · 1 year
wait you can put polls in rbs now???
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pissywiser · 11 months
literally returned to base priamitive instict shit. wtf im stt=iiting here squeaking and squwaking like a fucking madmnaAHH!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [im just f]amkning onoises/111!!!! ititlele noises/1!!!!!1 HWEJEAJHSJHJSFHJSFHSF. WHYYY ... ...... ....... UGH!!!!!!!!!!11 LLIETERARLLLY WHAT THE FUCK THOUGH LIKE .. okay but hey woud l htey mkae us go throught htta why are they so realistic i dc m[lssllslsssssssssssss whywa whyw ao dhtye have to eb flawed and realsitic poeple i hate it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just fucjk again nooooo
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ash1mari · 1 year
literally every pokeblogging rp account watching as i creep into their notifs and like their posts to oblivion
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yumeyleo · 8 months
"family? weren't they only pets?" we should kill her
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aricastmblr · 2 years
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itstonyowo · 2 years
that new royal pathfinder knight skin....
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shittyjakeenglish · 5 months
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Day 204
oki 💕💖 sent her to get tortured for eternity in the pain world ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
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meandmybigmouth · 2 months
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puddlestheduck1 · 7 months
I just realised since nimona is one YouTube I can screenshot it for references + edits now1!!!!!1
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luandti · 2 years
you guys, I am completely overwhelmed by your kind words and enthusiasm for my crack fic :D also i am sorry about all the (spelling) errors I made in part 1. I typed that at 6am before work
So, here is part 2 (you can find part 1 here)
Sgt. Grey: apparently Smitty put a Bradford name tag on Chens uniform today.
Sgt. Grey: When confronted he told me he was an ordained minister
Aaron: what?
Wesley: he knows that he can’t marry people without their consent, right?
Inmate 6782 joined using this group’s invite link
Inmate 6782: Hey guys, so nice to see you all hard at work! this inappropriate meddling in your co-workers relationship will make it safer out there for all of us. thank you
Sgt. Grey: who is this?
Nolan: Oscar? is that you?
Genny: who is oscar?
Sgt. Grey: Mr. Hutchinson! Are you serious? calling the prison right now!!
Inmate 6782: Ugh Sergeant, don’t be such a kill joy (pun intended) :D
Inmate 6782: Let me in on all the fun! Oscar loves love
Nyla: how did you get in here?
Inmate 6782: I am friends with Smitty on facebook
Sgt. Grey: of course you are
Angela Lopez removed Inmate 6782
Patrice Evers: Dear all, but why is Mr. Hutchinson in prison? Is there hope for him? Yours sincerely, Patrice
Wesley: MOTHER I swear to god!!
Inmate 6782 joined using this group’s invite link
Inmate 6782: Guys, wait. I can help!
Angela Lopez: how?
Nolan: @Angela Lopez you can’t be serious
Inmate 6782: I am a psychopath, right? I could help you using more drastic measures. first suggestion: i kidnap Ofc. Chen and we see what happens?
Celina: I think my psychic warned me about this situation
Bailey: Yeah, I think we should go with the other plan and pretend to set Lucy up with somebody from my work
Angela Lopez removed Inmate 6782
Nyla: anyways.... are there any news about that fake date? @Bailey
Bailey: not yet. this is harder than I thought!
Bailey: apparently even half the fire department knows about Tim and Lucy
Bailey: yesterday, when I asked Sam if he would go on a fake date with lucy, he said to me (and I quote)
Bailey: “do I look like I have a death wish? you know Sgt. Bradford is armed, right?”
Nolan: this is crazy
Celina: they have such a powerful bond. i am not suprised so many people notice.
Aaron: I made a list of all the “secret” looks they gave each other yesterday...
Angela Lopez: everytime Tim calls her chen instead of lucy i die a little inside!
Celina: btw: I know “erotic fanfiction” is banned but I wrote some cute domestic fanfiction last night when I couldn’t sleep... anyone interested?
Wesley: do you guys ever think that maybe we should leave them alone? and that maybe this whole group chat is morally wrong?
Nyla: did you ask yourself that when you asked elijah for help? that it might be “morally wrong”?
Patrice Evers: Dear Son, what is Nyla talking about? Love, your mother
Wesley: Regretting A LOT of decisions right about now1!
Wesley left the group
Angela added Wesley to the group
Angela Lopez: @Wesley stop beeing such a drama queen babe
Nyla: @Angela Lopez you should divorce him tbh
Tamara: guys, focus! we need a new plan
Nyla: we could try the undercover thing again
Nyla: worked the first time?
Nolan: @Sgt. Grey
Sgt. Grey: Just to be clear: you want me, your boss, to send two of my police officers into a fake uc op?
Nyla: pretty much! would be great if it happend sometime within the next 10 days
Tamara: is that when you placed your bet?
Nyla: @Tamara no comment
Genny: we should call it “operation lovebirds” and it is just my idiot brother and lucy wearing fancy clothes and going on dates <3
Nolan: @Genny we don’t really name our operations but the rest sounds actually good
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birchythesunnn · 2 months
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Had these and had not posted them.. THERE HERE NOW1!1!1
@grmbrnfoggy 🥰
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i recently found out about the francis lore, you and other people seeing clef as a system makes so much sense to me now1??1?1… i jusy aghhh scp lore can be a lot lol
anyways i literally wanna cry bro, i feel so bad for francis :,( /hj
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congratulations on your introduction to the a major system! I love Francis a lot, to me he's just a strange sleepy bitch
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monny78 · 21 days
This carpet is for all the puzzle fans 🧩 ✅ Shope Now1: 👉 https://amzn.to/3z7QoOn ✅ Shope Now2: 👉 https://amzn.to/3TdPF4W
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