#nowadays storm is in an on and off relationship with a goldie girl who is also a bit of a shit person
arolesbianism · 4 months
Oh also I made some new salmonid ocs recently 👍 I was thinking abt how I wanna fit fish sticks into my hcs and then realized my ideas actually have a basis in canon so I'm running with it, time to make the world's most codependent toxic polycule along with the shitty deadbeat gaslighter that bosses them around
#rat rambles#splat posting#oc posting#decided it's been too long since Ive made an oc thats just straight up a bad person and decided to fix that <3#basically the older one (the eye of the storm torn open by the golden haze) is the last remaining member of a fish stick group that all#graduated into different positions except for her#she likely would have graduated alongside them if she had been less shitty to them all as its uncommon for a group to graduate seperated#but due to her trying to be a nock off stinger all the time and making her colleagues do all the heavy lifting she got held back#also she almost murder an ex of hers once but no one found out abt that so unfortunately her ex just has to live with that#her ex is currently a mothershit piolet and has a shit ton of hashtag issues both relating to her trauma from storm and the shame she feels#abt having that trauma due to it leading to a fear of death smth that she feels those around her would despise her for#nowadays storm is in an on and off relationship with a goldie girl who is also a bit of a shit person#meanwhile the teenagers that are dealing with her are all just clinging onto each other for dear life trying not to completly lose it#none of them want to report storm because theyre fucking terrified of her plus some of them still admire her to a degree#Im still deciding what I wanna do with these guys' stories and mostly if/how I want storm to die#I just wanna make some more different flavors of salmonid ocs that arent historical figures or live outside of salmonid society#I have a few already but I want more and I wanna do more interesting stuff with them#I might make one of the teenagers quit the salmon military and go become a tech guy or smth that sounds fun#once I get these guys named I wanna dive into their tribes and fill out their ranks a bit#anyways time to go to bed gn gamers
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Heartbeat: Main Gang
The updated character list
Liza Dorado: Out of everyone considered, Liza has the most reason not to protect the restaurant. She’s the victim of the Bite of ‘05, the victim that lived to see another day. Fortunately, she doesn’t remember the Bite or how it put the scars she hides under her scarf on her head. Unfortunately, it also means she can’t remember any bit of her childhood past ten. Nowadays, she’s the nightguard and manager of Ted Bear’s Pizza.
She has a severe phobia of forgetting anything. She’s a gentle soul, excluding if you hurt any of the gang or she’s forgotten to take her medication. If the latter, she suffers brain bleed-born horrible mood swings, mostly verging on anger and giving her a short temper. She’s Ted’s best friend and has been since she was a child.
Doll Andrews: She’s the child that the Ted Bear brand was created for and the first to wield Goldie’s power (more on that later). She was also the babysitter to Manny Dorado, the Bite of ‘85 victim, as well to the other four children that were murdered, she included. Using the last of Goldie’s power she had, Doll attached herself to Liza when she was Bitten, ensuring her survival.
Doll has a poor memory- her clearest memories of life are babysitting the kids. Although she might not show it, she is consumed with the same toxic rage at her killer as the other children do. She’s good with kids and incredibly protective of Liza, a trait that’s shared with her kid.
The Puppet: Whether or not Rafael Dorado meant to create something so other when he created the clockwork Puppet, he did. The Puppet keeps an eye over the ghosts in the restaurant and the Night Guard. It’s the host of Manny, keeping a close eye on him and the power his strong emotions wield over the building.
It is unknown how much of the Puppet’s personality was actually meant and how much is from the other. It is a generous, kindly spirit to children and has a liking of the oleander flower and Dorado family lullaby of the same name played on a music box for it. (Imagine Oleander by Mother Mother but music box style and Spanish lyrics.) It likes the darkness its box with its purple oleander-patterned paper and the golden bow on top.
Manny: He’s the victim of the Bite of ‘85, the victim that failed to live to see another day. He clings to the Puppet, backing its otherness with his own emotional power. He is the youngest son to Vincent Dorado, Liza’s great uncle, making them first cousins once removed.
He’s a shy, quiet child who enjoys drawing or reading. He has a severe phobia of the dark, which clashes with the Puppet’s liking of the dark. He’s fond of Liza, hanging around her when not with the Puppet. Underneath the shy exterior, he shares the same toxic rage as the other ghosts- this aimed at his brother.
Goldstein “Goldie” Bear: The protector of the restaurant and Manny’s other protector, Goldie is the Puppet’s best friend. Back in the day, he and Doll shared a mind: she served as a pair of eyes and ears and directed him where to shoot. Nowadays, with Liza, he has to get creative.
Or just old-school possessing her. (Have you ever had three minds in a space meant for one? Liza won’t recommend it. Not Fun.) At least’s Liza has the creative ability to figure out how to… adjust things accordingly.
Ted Bear: As the main singer and the brand’s face, Ted is the leader of the gang. On stage, he plays as the polite gentleman Dad friend of the band, serving as the balance between the other three. Offstage, he’s still that, but much more protective.
Ted’s ire is quickly won and he won’t suffer fools. But if you win his loyalty, especially if you’re a certain human, there is nothing he won’t do for you. He’s Liza’s childhood best friend and haunted by so many regrets. Including the one where she knew him once, but now she’s looking up at him and she doesn’t recognize him.
Rex the Dog: Kitty’s twin and the drummer of the band, Rex is Ted’s right-hand man and third in power in the restaurant. (Fourth if you count the Puppet.) On stage, he is a role model for angsty kids. Offstage…he’s much more cheerful if that includes pulling tricks.
He does take his power seriously, especially when there’s a situation and their night guard’s run off to do her job. He and Kitty are the closest members of the group and loyal to their leader and their night guard. (That doesn’t mean he won’t hold back when it comes to jokes.)
Kitty-Cat: Onstage, Kitty is the Darla Dimple of the band. She’s the guitarist and a role model for the kids planning to take over the world. Offstage, she’s as sweet as caramel and serves as the mom friend. She loves to bake and celebrate birthdays.
As Rex’s creation twin, she reels him in. She helps Liza remember important things and helps Ted reel in Liza. But she will spill blood if you even think of any malice towards her kitchen.
Captain Bun: Bun is a salty sea bunny at heart and enjoys telling “stories” about her time on the sea. She prefers to be alone and is the one who recognizes that kids have to leave one day. If Ted’s not around (rare, but it happens) she’ll take over watching Liza duties.
She’s the first one Liza gets along with. She gets along with Ted best and tolerates Rex the least. There’s no room for adult fools on her ship. Liza brings in books for her to read to help her make up new stories. Even if she dislikes adults, she’s the one who’s the closest to an adult. Kids have to leave one day and it’s a shame if they don’t get the chance.
Jordan Meyers: Not introduced until the second book, Jordan and Liza met when he broke into the restaurant to dismantle the Toybox gang. He was a night guard and tech when he was sixteen, and retook the last title instead of going to jail. He quit his job fifteen years ago due to being a witness to the Bite of ‘05.
Jordan is foulmouthed and angry at the world. He seems to have some self hate, willing to egg the animatronics if they’re prepared to kill him (which is several times). Despite their personalities clashing, he and Liza are fond of each other.
Bella Rossi: Not introduced until the second book, Bella is Liza’s ex-girlfriend. She was an Italian girl who moved to the high school due to her father’s job. The two broke up when he had to take a job in Italy, but agreed to keep in touch. Liza sent hundreds of letters and messages, but never got a word back. Bella moved back with her younger sister Catalina in the second book, leading to her ex-boyfriend to storm the restaurant to try and beat up Liza.
Bella is a second grade teacher and due to this, has developed a sweet and maternal nature. However, she is quick to fight. She wants to get back together to Liza. However, she has no good explanation for ghosting her, which allows Catalina to start up a relationship with her ex.
Catalina Rossi: Not introduced until the second book, Catalina is Bella’s younger sister and, of book 3, Liza’s girlfriend. She took a job at Ted’s to help Liza and admitted to having feelings for Liza in 3, after kissing her while driving.
Catalina is bolder than Bella and is quicker to violence. However, she has a real fear of Ted, due to the possessive note in his friendship with Liza. She is determined to help Liza succeed in whatever comes. 
Jeremy Smith: Introduced in the third book, Jeremy is the day guard at Ted’s. He got the job to avoid his mother and stepfather- his mother has issues that she refuses to address and his stepfather ignores him, leading to quite a bit of neglect. In 4, Liza ends up adopting him.
Due to his upbringing, Jeremy is very quiet and skittish. He can be coaxed out of his shell, leading to a boy who enjoys learning about tech and such. He gains a bit more confidence during his time at Ted’s. The Kitpup Twins are his favorite animatronics.
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